(Washington, DC). 1942-11-02

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(Washington, DC). 1942-11-02 Last-minute in radio changes pro- MONDAY TARZAN (Poilu 7 ortea'ι tkrilUng tm The Sunday Star,) RlC6 grams sometimes reach The Star —By EdgOf BlIITOUghs Radio Program too late for correction that day. November 2,1942 ~ —WE SECOND NAZI SOU*EE UY I SUD YOU'RC STAYIN'MŒ'SUM — — — -9. M. WNAL, 630k. Wit 980k. WOL, 1,240k. Win, f ,340k. WWK. 1,450k. WJSV, 1,500k.- IN AMBUSH, WAITINi 70 KILL HIM. > SNAPPED. THEN HE DROVE A KNOCK-OUT <2:00 News News and Mule Boake Carter News ind Hvilc Password, Please Kite Smith Speaks BLOW AT THE JAW. I Little Show Nancy Dixon Bill Hiy Just Lm Everett Dixieland Jamboree Big Sister — jA Farm and Horn· Devotions Naval Academy Band Chicken Reel News—Jamboree Helen Trent Mitinee Todiy Footlight Vignettes Esther Van W. Tufty Our Gel Sunday 1:00 H. R. Baukhage News; Matinee Today News—Russ Hodges News—Wakeman Cash—Records Life Is Beiutifnl 1 : IS Edward Touchdown Dub Russ Hodges Tony Wakeman Concert Hour Ma Perkins MacHugh #» It 1:30 New World Religion Hews—Personal News—Concert Hour Vic and Sade 1:45 Tommy Dorsey Music j Morgan Beatty Mr. Moneybags Concert Hour The Goldbergs 2:00 C. Cavallare Music Light of the World Hews—Russ Hodges News—Wikeman Cash—Records Young Or. Malone 2:15 Music Women Russ Hodges Wikemin Sweet and Jordan Kay Kyser Lonely ft Tony Swing Joyce I ρ— 2:30 Johnny Long Music Guiding Light ( News and Music Love and Lean 2:45 Lino ot Service Church Hymns On Stage Young's Family AS "TARZAN MEfcNWMILE, slim tried in won It s time to WE ID KEEP F Bing Crosby Songs Mary Marlin News—Russ Hodges News—Wikeman Cash—Records Elinor Lee FOLLOWED ZEEtA BOM RX10WIN6 Star Parade Ma Perkins Russ Hodges Tony Wikeman C. Thornhill Music Book oecov-· HIM 10 TWZANlS AID. HE FEARED Treasury ι» »» Lady m»m t'w Dinah Shore Songs Young's Family Horse Rue News—1450 Club Columbia Concert Or. SHE MIGHT BE KlU.EDu J, BOWL! Tommy Dorsey Music Bight to Happiness Hayburners Tony Wikemin 1450 Club n n News Wife News—Russ Hodges News—Wakemmt Cash—Records Hews Backstage OAKY DOAKS (Laugh at Ôaky Doaks m Sundays, tajJ R. B. Fuller ·.. and here are the Accent on Music Stella Dallas > Russ Hodges Tony Wikeman 1450 Club Victory Front —By Lorenzo Jones William Tell 'Cap William Tell 'Cap News—1450 Club Kandy Kains ghoes Young Widow Brown Russ Hodges Tony Wakeman 1450 Club n n HEY/ SLOW UP- THI5U TEACH VDU BUT-WT wasn't a fUNWy regulation | « IlL BE MOT "TO SH'NE \OUS I'M ~ When a Girl Marries Musical Ranch Cash—Records Α~Λ«0^ 1 FASTER, ΟυΠΤΙΝ Star Flashes—Music News—Hearing Week Texas Rangers ARMOR (Ν -ΓΉΕ «- IT WAS KIFIJ IF / II II DEAD —puff : ®Λ| ^ PUFF PUFF ■ Accent on Music 'ortia Faces life Background for Hews Fairy Tales 1450 Club EVES OF HONEST JUST you need! LBONDSMAM/ z< RIGHT HEPE/, Jack Armstrong Just Plain Bill Superman Prize Party News—Stock Leaders Leigh White-News , knights/ PUFF Capt. Midnight Front Page Farrell Optimist Club News Roundup Ray Carson, sports Riik Rirnii't Or mat MXC/Γ9^ »:ou uon winsiow Nawt—Allies Senni Prayer—Sport News Tony Wakeman Lfljn—xnorus 0. Howe—Sevareid 2·95 ίΜ$ H. R. Baukhege Musicad* Rhythm Ensemble Adrian κοίιιηι s ι no F/eddy Martin Music Wash- I. Cleveland 1:30 Bits o' Hits M. Beatty—Musicide nui» ■"« I'"*'» Hollywood Music News—Stranger Work, Sing, America 11 n 1:45 Lowell Thomas Muslcade Syncopation Welcome Stranger The World Today :00 Major Hoopla Measure Time Fulton Lewis, Jr. News—Money Celling Cash—Records Amos and Andy 15 Hoopie—R. Eaton Hews of the World Johnson Family Money Celling Recorded Variety C. B. S. Program :30 Lone Tliis Small World Hill This is Our Enemy News and Music Blondie Ranger Mystery w w it m :45 Montgomery Charter Richard Eaton 1:00 Watch World Go By Cavalcade of America: Cal Tinney Hews—N.A.A.C.P. Cash—Records Vox Pop : 15 Lum and Abner Madeleine Carroll Barrie Sisters Balalaika Or. Capital Revue I 11-1 w. :30 True or False Wallensteln's Or. St. Novena Traffic Court News—Your Govt. Gay Nineties Revu· Mary's ιι n :45 ft w Leathernecks Parade Nineties—Brown SCORCHY SMITH (There's plenty of adventure in the colored comics.) —By Frank Robbing 1:00 Great Artists— Gabriel Heatter News—Symph'y Hour Foreign Observer Radio Theater- CounterspyII 1:15 II Marian Anderson Barron Elliott's Or. Symphony Hour U. 5. Army Program Brian Aherni 1:30 Band- Dr. I. Q. Better Half Ida Lupino IT IS FOBTUNI*TE THAT AIR RAID! you ABE BEADy ? GOOD.' Spotlight News and Music » Ν M »» $COBCHY HAS MADE I SPEAK JAPANESE.' MY AIE μ.ε,γν'5 in all-over black. 1:45 Vaughn Monroe's Arena Fights ] MAN STATIONS.' ^ IT IS ALMOST TIME / I 60 Sizes 6·12. ):00 Raymond G. Swing Contented Hour Raymond Clapper News—Hollywood Screen Guild Play- HIS BOMBES CEADV SAID FALSE ALABM SHOULDJ -IGHTEQ PLANES Γ NOW TO SEE THAT THE TCUOCS 1:15 Alias John Freedom Our Morale Hollywood Stars Robert Taylor FCC THE RAID ON THE STIB UP THE BATS' NieST/Tf, ACE IN POSITION/ WE WILL WOMEN'S in black with 1:30 Inter-Amer. University Paul Schubert Milt Davis' Music News and Music John Sebastian JAP AIB BASE.,.WHILE HAVE /MANY SURPRISES FOR « « That Endures Abe Music News From London white trim. Sizes 4-8. h45_ Community War Fund Music Lyman Bobby_Tucker Volces_ MIÇ9 QUICK AND HEZ THE LITTLE YELLOW MEN.' :00 News and Music lews and Music Billy Repaid, news News—Sports News Jack Stevens William L. Shirer ÔUEORILLAS HAVE Favorites of these 15 Eddie Oliver's Or. Drama Nat Or. Broeckman Music Tommy Dorsey Music Arch McDonald CAPTUOED bowlers, itory Brandwynne's tt H POUC shoes have chrome-tanned :30 C. Cavallaro's Or. 4usic You Want Radio Newseel Don Allen Music News and Music it n ENEMY POSTS, leather M M » « Glen Music In Dark uppers, tempered ή5 Gray Dancing INCLUDING A SOUND steel shanks, chrome !:00 News—Orchestras 4ews—Orchestras Orchs.—Oawn Patrol Midnight Newsreel Sign Off News—Music After 1i leather sole on left shoe, DETECTOR STATION... SHE Cum rubber sole on right. EVENING STAR FEATURES. WJSV, 9)00—Radio Theater: Ida Lupino meg., 25.6 m.; 6S0, 11.75 meg., 25.5 m. PUTS THBOUÛH and Brian Ahern· in "A Woman's Face," which RIO DE JANEIRO, in A CALL TO THE AIR Star Flashes: Latest news, WMAL, at 5 p.m. 9:00—Program English Mr. DeMille adapted from the movie. PSH, 10.22 meg., 29.3 m. BASE... THE EVENING'S HI6H LIGHTS. WRC, 9J0—Or. I. Q.: Moving in on Pitts- MOSCOW, 9:00—Comments in English: RKE 11.8 25.3 m. ΗΑΗΛ WMAL, 7:30—Lone Ranger: A roving band burgh. meg., WMAL, Band: Mon- VATICAN CITY, 9:30—News and Comment: 1207 F 7th & Κ 14th & G of murderous outlaws get what they truly 9:30—Spotlight Vaughn BO (Bo if fti«l m interesting in Tk* Sunday Star' 'olored comics J —By ΓΓΟΠΚ BfCk N. J. 9.6 31 m. 3212 14th 4483 Conn. Ave. deserve. roe's. from the Navy Supply Depot. Bayonne, HVJ, meg., WRC. 10.-00—-Contented Program: War GAUTEMALA, 9:35—latin-American Music: 3101 Wilson Blvd., Arlington I KNOW VDU DON'T LIKE TO ^ mll muni, JuiNiUK, > WD THE SPJE5 1 tMrl I ^MT DOGS CANT TELL YOU HOW WRC, 8:00—Cavalcade of America: Made- new 9.68 31 m. songs old and tonight. TGWA, meg., HAVE YOUR PATIENTS YOU CAN 60 OVER TO V BREAK ANY OF < HOW JUST REMAIN QUIET ι leine Carroll as Amelia Earhart in "Toward a DISTURBED, v BADLY] FEEL.THEY WJSV, 10:00—Screen Guild Players: Barbara LONDON, 11:00—Radio Newsreel: GSC, 9.58 BUT JUNIOR 15 SICK WITH THE VEt'S AND SEE BO'S RIB) WHEN HE'S BEEN UNTIL COMPLETELY Farther Star." DOC., 1 THEY'RE and Robert in Favorite 31.3 m.; GRG, 11.68 25.6 m.; 1 Stanwyck Taylor "My meg., meg., WORRY ABOUT BO. COULDN'T^ BO, BUT BE VERYj s. THEY KICKED r HURT RECOVERED. THEY HAVE WJSV, 8:00—Vox Pox: To visit the "Mercy Wife." GSD, 11.75 meg., 25.5 m.; GRI, 9.41 meg., HE VISIT HIM FOR A QUIET. YET.. ι MORE SENSE THAN U.." .1 r..l!.l. M. rivn vi vbimjic vgnninj/ re. MINUTE Τj MOST HUMANS. SHOUT-WAVE PROGRAMS. Charlie McCarthy & Edgar WMAL, 8:30—True or False: A group of GUATEMALA, 11:00—first Military Band: THIS WAYA£45£.. Bergen college professors vs. a group of New Jersey London, β:30— me war in ine Air: wi, TGWA, 9.68 meg., 31 m. women. 9.58 31.3 GRG, 11.68 25.6 m. PERU, 11:30—Informative Pe FIBBER McGEE & MOLLY meg., m.; meg., LIMA, Notes; WRC, 9:00—Great Artists: Marian Anderson MOSCOW, 6:48—Broadcast in English: RKE, ruvian Music: 0AX4Z, 6.08 meg., 49.3 m. Ginny Simms is guest for Bizet's "Agnus Dei," "Adieu Foret" 15.1 mig., 19.7 m. LONDON, 12:30 a.m.—Late news: GSC, 9.58 Ray Noble & Orchestra from Tschaikowsky's "Joan of Arc" and two LONDON, 8:00—Working for Victory: 6SC, meg., 31.3 m.; GRG, 11.68 meg., 25.6 m; GSD The Great Gildersleeve spirituals.
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