The Maine Broadcaster Local History Collections
Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons The Maine Broadcaster Local History Collections 10-1947 The Maine Broadcaster : October 1947 (Vol. 3, No. 10) Maine Broadcasting System (WCSH Portland, ME) Follow this and additional works at: TBE BROADCASTING~!·~~ MAINE BROADCASTER: SYSTEM\. AJllliat e PUBLISHED AS AN AID TO BETTER RADIO LISTENING Vol. III , N o. 10 P ortln.ncl, Maine, October, 1947 Price, F ive Cents HOUR-LONG PLAYS ON NBC's FORD THEATRE MeBs To Offer No Crime Or Mystery Programs Howard Lindsay Frill Foothall ;; Before 9.30 P.M. On NBC Coverage Emcee-Narrator The · :iona l~ .Broadcasting Com be broadcast over the NBC network The Maine Broadcasting System and pany convention, meeting in Atlantic before 9:30 p. m .. ." Of New Series ~BC will offer a full schedule of the City, N. )., this past month, unani It is important co reiterate now, The hou.r-long Ford Theater starts nution's top football games this fall mously"'<ndoprcd a propos:il that, ef for the information of the general Sundny, Oct. 5, 011 WSCH, vVRDO with Saturday afternoon play-by-play fective ·1an. 1, 1948, "no series of public, some of the policies of NBC: and \.VLBZ with the noted playwdght broadcasts. The fi.rst important game detective, crime or mystery cype 1. No program will be broadcast prnducer-actor, H oward Lindsay, w; of the season-the Minnesota-Wash programs" will be broadcast over which glorifies or justifies crime, master of ceremonies and narrator. It ington conrest-al.ready has been aired NBC before 9: 30 p.
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