L Today's Radio Programs

L Today's Radio Programs

LTODAY'S RADIO PROGRAMS._____ LONDON-6:20 p. tn.= The Year's Poetry." USE, 31.5 ni., 9,51 meg.; GSD, 25.5 ni.. 11.75 meg.; GSC, 31.3 in,. 9.55 I nieg. Today's Features BERLIN-6:30 p.tn.-Good-by UntilNext Year! DID, 25.4 m., 11.77 meg. ROME-6:35 p. ra.-Opera; Recital for Piano ON W-G-N. and Violin. 2RO, 31.1 in., 9.63 meg, Melodies From the Sky, the W-G-N BERLIN-S:15 p. tn.-Songs and Verses by Stainer Maria Mike,concerthour.popular music show, will be aired DJD, 25.4 in., 11.77 meg. over the Mutual, LONDON-9:45 p. in.-" Round London al network from thei Night," London's entertainments on tap. GSD, 25.5 in.. 11.75 meg.; G3C, mainstudioat 31.3 rn. 9.58 meg.; GSA 31.5 tn., 9:30o'clockto- 0.51 meg. night,The pro- PARIS-1(1:30 p ni.-News in English. TPA4, 25.6 m., 11.72 meg, gram will be di- CHICAGO WAVE LENGTHS. rected by IIarotld W-G-N-720 WENR-870WJJ11-1130 Stokes andw;j11 W1ND-560 WAAF-920 WWAE-1200 feature Edaia WAIAQ-670 NVCFL-970 WSBC-1210 O'Dell, Lon WID3M-770 WM81-1080 1VGES-1360 WLS-870 WSI3D-10S0IV:RIP-14S0 on and Jess Kirk- patrick as8ollo- A. ists, theYiN:rar 7:00-W-G-N-Californla Sunshine. s:4s WBBAI-Musical Clock. Shades of *Blue, 1VLS-JulianBentley. the Campus choir WbfAQ-Suburban hour. 7:30-1V-G-N-The Music Box. and the W-G-N WLS-Morning Devotions. dance orchtestra. WCFL-Wm. bleeder, organist, Selections 'by the 7:t5-WES-Jolly Joe's Pals. 8:00-W-G.N-Good Morning program. soloists: n a WMAQ-Your Neighbor. O'Dell, ")You're WHIP-Community hour. Carlsen. IVLS-Lulu Bello and Scotty. a Sweetheart" 8.:15-W-G.N-" Everyday Words." and "Once In a While"; Saxon, "Ebb IVLS-Julian Bentley. S:20-1V-G-N-tiond Month,. program. Tide" and "Sweet Some One," and S:30-1VMAQ-Whistler and Dog. Kirkpatrick,"IThinkYou'rea WLS-01c1 'Kitchen Bettie. Honey." Kirkpatrick will absa, act as 6:45-WLS-IlitItOPPers. WMAQ-Aunt Jcmina. master of ceremonies. 9:00-W-G-N-Martlia Crane andif e I e 11 The Lone Ranger will be iheard at Joyce. 7:30 p.in.From 10:15 p. trm. until WMAQ-Mrs. Wiggs. \VLS-Mary 1:30 a. m. the W-G-N dance.i varieties 9 :15-WMAQ-john's Other Wife. will be presented, featurini; the or WAAF-King of the Kitchen. WLS-Ma Perkins. chestras of Dick Jurgen's,Bill Carl- W1311M-Myrt and Marge. sen, Guy Lombardo, Iferbi,e.. Kay, Ray 9:30-1V-G.N-Get 'Thin to Music EMBS:l. IVLS-Pcpper -Young's Family. Pearl, Kay Kyser, and Slitqpif Fields. WbIAQ-Just Plain Bill. WCFL-Larry Larson. Other Feature: WISBM-Tony Won's Scrap Book. 9:15-W-G-N-blusieal Mail Box. 7 a. m.California Sunfshine. WCFL-Melodics. WLS-Julian Bentley. 8:30Victor Lindlahr LIMBS/. WbIAQ-Today's Children. WBBM-Man ontheStreet.. 10Don Pedro and pia no. 10:01)-W-G-N-Don reilro and Plano. 12:35 p. m.Midday SerrviceLisgar WBBM-Four Stars. WMAQ-David Harum. Eckhardt, head departmlent of philos- WLS-The ophy, DePauw universilry. 16:15-W-G-N-Bachelor's Children. W.MAQ-Backstage Wife. 3:15Lady of Milliows. WM.-Josh Higgins. -iiI3I311-Magazine of the Air. 5Jolly Joe. W.LS--" The Road of Life." 10:30-W-G-N-Painted Dreams. 7:15Victor Arden's. orchestra and WISBM-Big Sister. guest. WJJD-Women's Exchange program. WLS-Vic and Sade. 8:30Comedy Slam of Broadway. 10:15-1V-G-N-Art Kahn, pianist. WMAQ-lletto, Peggy. ON °TITER S TATIONS. IVES-The Gospel Singer. 1:45 p. m.WBBM:Eamon de Va- IVJ,11)-Filzpatrick'sorchestra. WBBM-Iteal Life Stories, lera speaks from Dublin on new Irish 11:00-W-G.N-Worann inthe Store. constitution. WAIAQ-Girt Alone, WIlabl-blary Margaret McBride, 7WBBMCavaleacle of America WRIP-Dr. Copeland Smith the story of Schurnann-Heink. WCFL-Hapipy Jack Turner. WLS-Virginia Lee and Sunbeam. 7WLSRoy Shield Revue with 11:15-W-G-N-blelody Time. WISBM-Edwin C.Hill. Ruth Lyon, Gale i Page and Char/es WCFL-Swingtime. Sears. IVLS-Chuelc, Ray, and Christine. WHIP-Soap Creek Corners. 7:30WBBMITIciclie Cantorpre- WMAQ-The GoMbergs. sents Alice Faye. and Tony Martin. 11:30-W-G-N-Quin Ryan's News COMUICII. tars, 8WMAQTomm Hall tonight with WMAQ-Farm and Home hour. Fred Allen. WLS-Grace Wilson. WM.-Then theYears. 8WBBMLriwrence Tibbett with 1VAAF-Myrna Dee Sergent. WIIBM-Ilelen 'Trent. Andre Kostelan etz's orchestra./Pre- WGES-Sunshine hour. miere]. 1.1:15-1V.G-N-We Are Four. WBB3I-Our Gal Sunday, 9WBBMfllang Busters. IVLS-blarkets. 9WMAQ"Your HollywoodPa- Noon-1V.G.N-Boli Moon on Stale Street. WIIBM-lictly and Bob. rade with Inck Powell, Rosemary NV:Mill-Midday Gospel hour. Lane, EdwarOl G. Robinson and Bob ND-Musica IInterlude, Hope. WGFB-1G t Revue. WA AF-Symphonic hour. 9:30WI37/MHobby Lobby. WLS-Dinner Bell P.11. program. 12 :15-1V-G-N-CarsonRobinsonandHis Buckaroos [MISS]. W1313M -Eleanor Howe. Wit BM-Betty Crocker. WMAtii-Terry and Pirates. WCFL-New Songs. 5:25-1VBBNi:- Voice of Carelessness. WJJD-Russian Gospel. 8:00-1V-0-1 I-Charlie Chao, 12:30-1V-G-N-Markets. WliWiii-Panny Cheshire. WMAQ-Dan llarding's Wife. WINA.) is-Bill. Mack. and Jimmy, WBBM-A mold Grinun's WINIAC.).-Jack Armstrong. IVCFL-Witkler Jones. 5:25-1VP:IN ft-What's the News. 12:35-W-G-X-Mid1l51y service:Llsgar Reic- t-15-1V-G - N-tir Mont Annie. hardt, head. department of WMIALQ-Torn Mix and Straight Shoot- DePauw university. intl 12:45-WMAQ-Donald Novis, WE:Mi.-Don Winslow. WCFL-Voice of Experience. WCP ID-Listen to Yourseir. W8BM-1Iollywoocl inPerson. 8:08-W..1.:-N-Blackstotte Concert trio. WLS-Voice of the Feedlot. IATENR-Easy Aces. 1:00-W.G-5-Psilmer House Concert °reit. W MAQ-11a1 Totten. WMAQ-Personal Health. 11.1ND-Cerman hour. WIID-Id1illdsy Roundup. V / BHM-John Harrington. WU/EU-News Thru a Woman's Eye. 8:10-1 V.0.N-IttSalleCavalliers1[MBSJ. WLS-Seliool Time. i'MAP-Uncle Ezra, WC:FL-Man On the Street. LVENR-Mr, Keen, Lost Persons. "Ve1313M-Ilerbert Foote. 1:113--W4i-K-Wite vs. Secretary. 6:30- '4V.O.N-Pahlter House Concert arch. WIJBM-Kitty Keene, Inc. 1111ISJ. WLS-The old Timers. WCFL-Sunny Sam. 1:30-1V.G-N-Lucky Girl NHS]. 1VHBM-Aecil i an ensemble. WBB111-Norm n Alley, interview. WMAQ-Ltrn and Abner. WMAQ-Fort Pearson. .6:15- -W.G..N-Ilitrold Stokes' melt. WLS-Closing Grain Markets, : WMAQ-Eddie Varzos' orchestra. 1:45-W-G-N-lient riceValera%fb11351. WCFL-Pat Kennedy, WBBM-Eamon deValeraon new WENR-Charlorte Lansing. Irish constitution. NVISHM-Boalce Carter. WbIAQ-Bob Hawks Fun Quiz. 0(1,-W-(1-N-Ithtekstitite Concert Trio. WLS-Feneration of Woman's Clubs. WIND-Valle court, Judge Gutitnecht. 2:00-1V-G-N-Marriage Lipman, Romances. VVMAQ-One Man's Family. WCFL-Continental Varieties, WHIM-Cavalcade of America. WbIAQ-Peimer Young's Family. IVLS-Roy Shield's Revue. WLS-Homemakers' hour. WCF.G-Don Norman, 1VAAF-Don Bolt. r7:05-W.G-N-P8lmer house Concert- °reit. WBBbt-Gossip club. WCYL-Stars of Tomorrow. 2:15-W-G-N-June Baker, home manage-i'll:80-11'.(l-N-The Lone RangerMitSl ment. AVIMAQ- Wayne King's orchestra. WMAQ-Ma Perkins. WHIM-Eddie Cantor. WBBM-Meet the bfissus. wbs-Sidney SkolskY. 2:30-1V-G.N-GoodHealthandTraining, WCFL-Streamlined Melodies. AVLS-De Zurik Sisters. WbIAQ-Vic and Sade. :7:45-1VCFL-Ilerr Louie and the Weasel. 1 WLS-Musical Roundup. WIND-" Talking Drums." WCFL-Variety Show. 8:110-W-G-N-Kay Kyser's orchestra DIBSI 1VBI3M-Jennie Peabody. W1313M-Andre Kostelanetz's orchestra. 2:15-W.G-N-Harold Turner, pianist. IVLS-Foothall review, WMAQ-The O'Reilly. WMAQ-Fred Allen, WIND-114SW Harmonies. 8:15-WCPL-Eveming Serenade. WCFL-Opera Guild. 8:30-W.O.N-Enttio Bolognini and GYM WBBI11-Quarter Hour of Romance/I. Concert orchestra. 3:00-W-G-N-Four Stars 'Tonight. WENR-NBC Minstrels. WMAQ-Lorenzo Jones. WHIM-On to Adventure. ENR-Club Matinee. 805-1V-041-1'omorrow's Tribune. WBBM-Houscboat Hannah. WHIM-Orrin Tucker. WIND-YloorwalIcer. 8:82-1V-G-N-Ifighlights of Sports. 3:15-11'.G-N-Lady of Millions. 9:00-W-G.N-Iferble Kity's orchestra. WCFL-Eddie Hanson. WIND-Man on tha tee. WIND-Fred Beck. WENR-Ilugh Johnson. W1113M-Li0d5's First Love. 1VMAQ-Your Hollywood Parade. WMAQ-The Guiding Light. WBBM-Gang Busters, 3:30-W-G-N-Len Salvo. 8:15-1VEN1t-Nola Day. WMAQ-Mary Marlin. 9:38-W-C.N-Melodies from the Sky WENR-P. T. A. congress. OTOS]. WI3BM-blissus Goes to bfarktil.1 WBBM-Hobby Lobby. 3:15-W-G-N-11Iargery Graham -I Monk-a.10:00-WMAQ-Amos 'n' Andy. Week, 1:111BSi WENR-Globe Trotter, WMAQ-Road of Lite. WCFL-Williatn Seotti's orchestra. WBBM-Dr. Allan Roy DaFket. W1311M-Poctic Melodies. 4:00-W-G-N-Afternoon Serenade., 10:10-1V-H-N-Dick Jurgen's orchestra. WCFL-Danceland. WMAQ-Normati Pearce, %LTD-Cumberland Ridge fHunners. WI3BM-Hugo De Paul's orchestra. WMAQ-Children Speak. WENR-King's Jesters. WENR-blusie Circle.

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