The Maine Broadcaster : June 1948 (Vol. 4, No. 6)

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The Maine Broadcaster : June 1948 (Vol. 4, No. 6) Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons The Maine Broadcaster Local History Collections 6-1948 The Maine Broadcaster : June 1948 (Vol. 4, No. 6) Maine Broadcasting System (WCSH Portland, ME) Follow this and additional works at: TBE MAINE BROADCASTER PUBLISHED AS AN AID TO BETTER RADIO LISTENING Vol. IV, No. 6, Portland, Maine, June, 1948 Price, Five Cents SUMMER PROGRAMS ANNOUNCED BY NBC 1 Former 'Baron Munchausen' To Many Old Timers Be Heard Again I:ri~New Series Will Make Bid Jack Pearl, famed comedy srar of plications which arise from his duties stage and .radio, and his perennial as ~ager of his own business. side-kick Cliff Hall, will rerum to "The Great Gildersleeve" program J'\BC co headline "TI1e Jack Pearl uow heard in time spot leaves For Come-Back Show," beginning \Vednesday, J une the air for the summer with the June A. galaxy of srars and programs 9 (8:30 p. m.,). _ 2. broadcast. w ill be added to the NBC summer Pearl remrns to the air under the Scripts will be written by Paul S. schedule within the next few weeks. sponsorship of the U. Treasury De­ Harrison, Joseph O'Brien and Bernie S. Comedy, drama, variety, music and partment to which NBC has donated Gould. Paul S. Harrison will direct. quiz shows arc among the newcomers this time period. Music will be supplied by the four co commercial and sustaining program The comediao was best known on harmonizing Kelly Sisters, and a 25- spors. XBC - from 1932 to 1937 - as "Baron piece orchestra under direction of RFD America joins the NBC •\ lw1chauseo," whose exaggerated Milton Katims. schedule on Su!lday, Julle 6 (2:00 .p • accounts of his own exploits and ad­ m.). Ed Bottcher, an Alabama farmer, ,·cnrorcs marked him as possibly the will be the quizmastcr. The agricul­ most famous comedy figure in the Colonna Gets Title tural question-and-answer show will annals of the "tail story." Pearl's originate in Chicago, with farmers ··Baron" was based on an actual 18th From Gold Miners selected from a different state each century barou North Germany. of week as contestants. Scraight-ninn Cliff HaJl pl:1yed The Forty-Niners Association has the Carmen Cavallaro and Orchestra pa.ct of "Sharlic'' whose credulity, elected N BC comedian Jerry Colonna wi ll be presenced Tuesdays at 8:30 p. 1 when challenged, repeatedly brought honorary pre&-ident and selected rn., beginning J une 29, as a summer forth from the Baron the words that as the Gold Miner of 1948. Colonna series in the time spot of A Date with were to become a household phrase, attended the Centennial Gold Rush ··Vas you dere, Sharlie?" Celebration last month at Auburn, Judy. The "Amos 'n' Andy" program Jack's former cha.cacterization in California. time (Tuesdays, 9:00 p. will be comic German dialect will be retained The Association collsists of gold m.,) raker, over by the d.camatic series, but he will play the part under his miners, geologists, sourdoughs and Call tbc Police, on June 1. T his new own name. His difuculties will arise historians of California's famous Gold program will move co the 9:30 p. m. not sq much from getting caught up Countr})'. They bestowed the honor LONESOME LADY- Barbera Eiler (above) portrays Mildred Anderson, the spot on June 8 when the Eddie Can­ in his own tall stories ns from com- on Colonna after he had attended a patient, helpful girl friend on NBC's A Day in the Li(e of D ennis Day. H ere tor Show (now Oil Thursdays at 10:30 special sourdough and placer mining she waits- as usual- for the boy friend, who is l at e for an appointment at the patty. p. m.) goes to the 9:00 p. m. Tuesday beach. period. Cantor's summer vacation be­ Ray Noble Booked On gin~ aftcr bis June 15 !,,road cast, md ;..;......-.-:,8,..,ummer Engagement ~j,rn.:. 2i u~ i.i,u,~v, '°'"IB1 l(ay Kyser's Family Plans The New Adventures of the Thin Rar Noble will preside over :m all­ Kiddie Ship Pies Man, a romantic comedy, in the 9:00 musical &1.rn1mer series, beginning Next Month! p. m. spot on Tuesdays. The Tues­ r Thursday, July 15 at 9: 30 p. m. The Father's Day Celebration day schedule wiU be altered farther ~how will replace Jack Carson and the 1m June 15 whe11 Meet Corliss Archer, Sealrest Village Score during the sum­ A complete of the a dramatic program, starts as the sum­ mer mo11ths. ,\ lalne Broadcasting Sy&"tem's Kid­ mer series in the ''Bob Hope Show" Noble, emcee and orchestra leader, rue Relief Ship will be featured time period at 10:00 p. m. will be supported by a 30-piece in ncxr mollth's issue of The At 8:00 p. 111., vVednesdays, be­ orchestra ano singer Ilene \Voods, as Alaine Broadcaster. The French ginning July 7, cheNationalMillstrels, well as guest stars. fishing crawler "Lucien Marie," with an ull-Negrn cast, will take over Charles Herbert will produce the which is carrying the gift-cargo the time of A Day in the Life of Den­ program which will be called Sealtest of food, clothing and roys to the nis Dav for the summer. The 8:30 Presents Ray Tobie with llene \ Voods. children of Calais, France, left p. 111.' spot Wednesdays, usually The Sealcest \Tillage Srore will re­ Portland harbor just after this occupied by The Great Gildersleeve, issue had gone to press. torn co the airwaves Oil Sept. 9. will be assigned to "The Jack Pearl The ship was made possible Show," which will promote Savings through the generosity of radio .Bond sales for the United States listeners, leading merchants, Treasury De.£artmenr, starting June /I Jaine's school children, 4-H 9. Club members, Boy and Girl Starting June 17, the Kraft Music Scouts, church groups and scores Hall at 9:00 p. m. will feature two of other agencies. To ail who noted vocalists, Nelson Eddy and ga1·e so unselfishly, our sincere Dorothy Kirsten., in place of the vaca­ thanks. tioning Al Jolson. The Cities Service Band of 1.1\.mer­ ica, conducted by Paul LavaUe, will be heard in his Highw11y in Melody Tex And Jinx To period Friday nighrs at 8:00 p. m., Return To NBC beginning June 4. T he Radio City Playhouse, a dra­ matic series, will cake over the Satur­ Tex McCrary and J inx Falkenburg, who replaced the Duffy's Tavern day 10:00 p. m. time of Kay Kyser's CoUege of Musical Knowledge be­ Show last summer, will return this ginning July 3. summer with their. Tex and Jinx show A new iC: 15 p. m. Tuesday, Thurs­ on \1/ednesday, Jone 30, at 9:00 p. m. day and Saturday series, Songs by PAPA'S P ET S-The t hree girls in the family of NBC's Koy Kyser nre all The couple, in private life l\llr. and Morron Downey, will be launched comely and blond. They're Mrs. Kyser (the former Georgia C arroll) and tho Mrs. McCrary, will follow the same Tuesday, June S:- two little Kysers. Two-year old Kimberly Ann poses with Baby Carol. rype program presenced lase season­ an impromptu exchange between them For a man who remained a bachelor cnccs on plans for the big day. Their and their guesrs, a glance at t'he head­ Samuel Choczinoff, manager of until he was 39, the 01' Professor, schedule will include a visit to papa's line news with capsule analysis by ex­ N BC's Music Division, has been ap­ kay Kyser, has become a devoted Saturday night ?-.TBC show, "The Col­ newspapenn:m Tex, and musical in­ pointed by Mayor O'Dwyer to the family man. lege of Musical Knowledge," (10:00 terludes by Guarnieri and his Mayor's Committee for the Golden Father's Day this year takes on spe­ P· m.). t1oimet. Jubilee Celebration of New York. cial significance for Kay. He has two On other occasions, when lvlrs. children - rwo-ycar-old Kimberly Kyser and Kimberly Ano visited the Ann and Baby Carol - to help him show, the studio audience was well celebrate on June 20. aware of the fact, because Kay would Check Your Subscription Date, Please! The three women in the Kyser look at them to catch their reaction For some of our subscribers, this month marks the expiration of their household - the children and Mrs. to the program. subscriptions. An easy w,ay to check is by noting figures ar the right Kysc..c (the former Georgia Carroll) "After all, they arc my family," he of your name and address on Page 8. - have been holding private confer- says, "and I've got to please them." For instance, subscription expiring this month ore. dated 6/ 48 which s tands for Jun•e 1948. Check your figures NOW. This may be your SHE'S CLAUDI A - Beautiful Bar­ bara Fuller plavs the part of Claudia Dwight Weist, announcer on the All of you listeners who wrote ler­ last issue under your present subscription- If so, and you wish to renew, in One Man's Family, the perennial simply clip off top of the page, ;nclud;ng the f)rmted bo:r, your name Aldrich Family, has invented a float­ tcrs to the People Are Funny Raleigh and address and the e:rpfration date al the right.
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    k MACUODIN runic ATION MAY M/RRORMID TELEVISION l-CRET ROMANCE -The Radio Star in ALICE FAYE'S Life F ,s LIFE CAN BE BEAUTIFUL ^a,g IkeLe smoke ol Olower-JJurningOlower-iji LameLCamels gives you EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVOR am LESS NICOTINE than the average of the four other largest-selling cigarettes tested — less than any of them — according to in- dependent scientific tests of the smoke itself. THE SMOKE'S THE THING! A LL that you get from a cigarette — you ./jLget in the smoke itself. And here's what you get when you smoke slower-burn- ing Camels. More mildness where you want mildness. the smoke. More flavor where you want flavor . .in the smoke. More coolness, too! In the same slow smoke of a Camel cig- arette, you get less nicotine. Yes, 28% less nicotine than the average of the four other largest-selling brands tested... less nicotine than from any of them. Dealers feature Camels by the carton. For convenience — for economy — get your Camels by the carton. K. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 'Camels taste like the cigarette they are ... a finer BY BURNING 25% cigarette of real mildness, wonderful flavor!" SLOWER than the average of the 4 other MRS. EDWARD M. McILVAIN, Jr., of New York largest-selling brands • A lover of home life, Mrs. Mcllvain furniture and silver. She also likes tested . slower than enjoys running a household. ..enter- candid photography. movies . .con- any of them . Camels also give you a smoking taining small groups of friends.
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