Today's Radio Programs July 1 1948
Thursday Today's Radio Programs July 1 1948 - WMAL 6301 WRC 9801WOL 1 2601WI NX 13401WWDC1 4501WTOP 1500 News,6,7,8:30.1 W R C Almanac.News, 6:01, 6:30,News, 6,6:30.7,MiltonQ. FordBill Jenkins Town Clock, 6:05-9. 5:30.News, 6, 7,7.N ow s,7:15.7:30,8,9. The6-9:15, exceptfor5:30-7. Nowse- David Wills, 7:45. 7:30, 8, 8:30.Bill7:30.Joseph Mc- Terry Strong Show, Newn, 6:30. 7,6, 6:30, 7:3$ - II erso n,6:05-9.Caffrey,8. Hun-6:05-9. 7:30, 8:15.Demo.3odirey's &India!, Weather, 6:30. nicutt, 6.9:30. Hons. 6:45. 7:45-9. M. Evans, 7-7:0 :00 Breakfast Club News; Herson Mike Hunnicutt Strong 'Milton 0. Ford News of America :15 Don McNeill Bill Hereon Mike Hunnicutt !News;Jerry Strong 'Barnyard Godfrey;Factfend. 9:30 lack Owens Nancy Osgood Foodcast 'Curtain Call ' Jamboree Homo Service :45 Sane Cowling Nelson Olmsted Listeners' E:xelt. Curtain Call Man on the Street Nancy Dixon :001My True Story red Waring Hymn Time 'News: Howard 'Tune Inn 'Winner Take AO': 51My True StoStory :red Waring Hymn Time Williams Norman Gladney Winner Take AV lo0:301Betty Crocker Road of Life The Brunch ClubHoward Williams Tune Inn 1.i ,1-30 Record Shop :451Doethy Kilgallen foyce Jordan The Brunch ClubHoward Williams' Norman Gladriey Lingo Record Shop :001Hollywood This Is Nora DrakePassing Parade News; Howard Tune Inn 'Arthur Godfrey :151Breakfast ClubWe Love ei LearnBetty and Bob Williams Norman Gladney'Arthur Godfrey:- 11:30 Ruth Crane Jack Botch ShowHeart's Desire Howard Williams Tuna Inn Grand Shim :45 Ruth Crane Lora Lawton Heart's Desire Howard Williams Glaciney; News Rosemary :00 News, Evans Brinkley Kate Smith News, Bill Gold ITello.Test 'Wendy Warreit.
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