**Remember Pearl Harbor Do Your Part for the Red Cross

Average Daily Circulation The Weather For>r the Month o f‘November, IS41 Forecast of U. S. Weatker Bareaa 7,010 Moatly cloudy thie afternoon and tonight, warmer tonight: ndnda np Member of the Audit iianrljFatFr lEtiPutn^ IlFralii to 20 miles per hour. Bnreeii of drcoletione Manchester— A City of Village Charm


Jap Invaders Shoved Back Many Miles;

Nimitz Put in Command of Pacific Fleet

Axis Front Completely Shattered In Eastern Libya Area

Nazi and Fascist Japanese Over Pearl Harbor Dead, Wounded Left Units Retreating On Field of Battle; As Front Broken m i l Relieved Clinching Victory Seems Urges Small To Have Crowned Brit­ One of Highest Officers Manila Has First Air ish and Allied Offen­ Business Be Asks Kelly ^s sive One Month to In Navy’s Top Councils Raid Alarm in Three Given Supreme Com­ Days; Japanese Bomb- Day from Time Second Kept Alive Son Become . -m ers. Preceded by Small Uibya Drive Begun. mand; Army Also Re­ lieves Generals; Em­ A rm y Cadet Number of Fighten, McNutt Predicts Ap- Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 18.— (IF) mons and Tinker Re­ ------Fly Across City, Appar> — The Axis front has been palling Unemployment place Short and Mar­ ently Have Developed completely shattered in east­ Next Year If jQomrn- Roosevelt, in Letter, Re­ ern Libya after five days of tin in Hawaii Posts. quests Whoever Is Respect for U. S. Guns. fierce combat and the once ment Fails to Act. proud Panzer forces of the President in 1956 to Manila, Dec., 18.— (/P)— !, Washington, Dec. 18.— (IF) Germans, with their surviv­ Waehington, Dec. 18.—(/P) Fed-, Japanese invaders have been eral Security Administrator Paul — The United States entrust­ Make Appointment. ing Italian comrades, are in V. McNutt aa^erted today the na­ ed supreme command of its shoved back many miles in full retreat, the British Mid­ tion could not afford "busy assem­ Pacific fleet today to Admiral Washington, Dec. 18.— —In an the Vigan area of northwest­ dle East command announced to­ bly lines In some places and hun­ Chester W. Nimitz, one of the unusual token of appreciation of ern Luzon, the United States day. The British said they were gry bread linea in others." and pre­ a deed of heroism. President In relentlesa pursuit. dicted "appalling unemployment" highest officers in the Navy’s Far Eastern, command an­ Thus, clinching victory seemed next year If the government failed top councils. Nimitz, a force­ Roosevelt has addressed a letter to nounced today. An indefinite the president of the United States to have crowned the British ami to keep small business alive. ful Texan knd proud of It, number of Japanese dead and —whoever he may be—in 1956 re- Allied offensive Into the Italian Small and medium-sized busi- wounded were left on the was ordered to sea from his territory one month to the day post as chief of the Bureau of (Conttooed On Page Twrive) field o f battle, south of Vigan, In from the time when British ar­ (Contlnoed on Pagie Four) Navigation, where he was rated in that action xta Monday afternoon, mored forcea wheeled Into their service circles as second only to it was said. There was no further . second Libyan offensive. Admiral Harold R. Stark, chief of word on what bad happened alnCA Front Broken Everywhere Naval operations. then. "The enemy’s front has every­ Soviet Shock Army to Halt By reputation a man able and Early Foothold Secured where been broken." a communi­ sure in action, Nimitz succeeds Sea-borne Japanese troopa aa- que said. Admiral Husband E. Klmmel, All Voluntary H added that British Infantry Troops Drive commahder-ln-chlef of the Paci­ (Continued On Page TwMva) 4< bad reached the general line of fic fleet, who with two other top- the Tlmirol-Mekili road. ■ An attacking Japanese plane, (arrow) dodging through anti-aircraft bvirsts, moves over the U. 8. ranking officers of the Hawaiian About 20 German tanks and a Joining Soon West Again Naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, during the Sunday mr ning attack by Nipponese forces which area was relieved of command, number of Axis jUrcraft were de­ startev! the war between the two nations. Smoke Is from the burning U. S. battleship Arizona, which pending the outcome of the inves­ stroyed in counter-attacks on Dec. was sunk. 13, 14 and 15, the communique tigation which President Roose­ Flashes ! Widen Gains of 16-Day ______' ______'t------velt ordered on the Pearl Harbor Stimson Tells of Plan added. (Late Bulletiaa of Uw (B) Wba) It Bald British airplanes' attack­ Old Counter-Offensive sneak attack. To Expand to Greatest ed Axis detachmenta moving west­ The Navy and War Depart­ ward along the coastal road from Above and Below Mos­ ments acted simultaneously last Strength Needed; Fa­ Italian Propose! Bebolled Dire Threat on Singapore Road; night In removing the officers Istanbul, Turkey, Dee. 17— (De­ Dema. Bald iM dIng Oroonds cow as Nazis Fall Back. whose responsibility for the lack vors Younger Limit.. layed)—— Secre­ Turkish government luid rehW Bulletin! Japan Admits Five Subs Missing northeast of Bengasi, and damag- with the Bed Army on the dent’s investigating board. tary Stimson announced today the an Italian propoani for a Tutld Moscow Front, Dec. Klmmel was the only Navy man War Department waa planning to Italian treaty of friendet . lar to that signed between ' (OosUsiied On Pnge Twelve) —Now striking St the center affected. The Army relieved Lieut. expand the army to the greatest and Germany. The reports . of the Germans’ Moscow line, Fate of Island State Gen. Walter C. Short of command of the Hawaiian Military Depart­ strength needed and would de­ the Italians were told thst is, west of the capital, Allied Troops pend for the increase entirely on broad understanding the Bed Army reported to­ Of And Port of Penang ment, and Maj. Gen. Frederick L. Air Unit Head Martin of command of the Air the Selective Service system. Ita ly and Turkey wan night to have remptured 200. On All But Sealed as All voluntary enlistments are because ot long-announced |t commnnltlea, with, ita van- Hamiiian Naval^ OCCUPV TilHOr Forces in Hawaii. Lieuts. Gen. Delos C. Emmons to be halted as soon aa “'the pres­ ambitions for completo mat gnard approa^lng Roza, Base at Pearl Harbor. V J British W ithdratc ent rush subsides," Stimson told a of the Mediterranean uuen. Now Missing Jnat northeast o f Mozhaisk. of the Air Combat Force already has reached Honolulu and replaced press confemnee. • • • IMolmtek la 57 miles west o f Tokyo, Dec. 18.— (Official^ To Balk Japs Singapore, Dec. 18..—(/P)— An Immemate increase of more Sentenced to Diwth Moscow. Short. Gen. C. L. Tinker, of the Plane Carrying General Radio Received by A P )— The| Japan’s offensive by land, sea Air Corps, is en route to take over than 150,000 men already has been LezlngtoN. Ky.i Dec. 18 recommended In a bill which Stim­ with the Red>Army on the Mos­ Japanese Naval command ad­ and air, smashing at many the air command. Scar-Fared "Tom Penney, IS, Dargue and Seven Oth­ Importance for Subma­ The appointment of Emmons son said was on President Roose­ last of three men tried in the f 11 cow Front, Dec. 18.—(A5—Whlte- mitted today that five of its points along a vast arc from velt’s desk. robbery-slaying of Golf Star ers Is Being SoughL “special type” submarines, rine Warfare Told in Burma and the Malay penin (CkmUnned On Page Tw elve) Stimson also announced: rion Mlley and her mother, (CoDtlnued On Pnge Tw elve) Examinations Ordered failed to return from the Dec.' Dutch Announcement sula to the jagged coast of convicted of murder nhd aenta[------Washington, Dec. 18—OP)—The All reserve officers not yet 7 attack on the United States Dutch New Guinea, develop­ to death today by a Fayetto elfe^ W ar Department announced today On Portuguese Pact. called to active duty have been or­ edit court Jury. Tw o other I .an Arm y plane carrying MaJ. Gen; Hawaiian Naval base at Pearl ed its direst threat today on Chinese Press dered to take physical examina­ ette Juries h ^ convlctod Discuss Plans tions, but he said this step did Herbert A. Dargue, commander of Harbor. (Apparently the London, Dec. 18—(S5— TTie the road to Singapore. That H. Anderson, 86, former t^e First Air Force, had been crsJt referred to were Japan's 41- threat in northwestern British not mean they n ecew rily would night club owner, And Raymond 1 Netherlands government announc­ be called out Immediately. misaing aince December 12 on a foot, two-man submerslbles, one Malaya seemed to have all but Three Drives (Skeeter) Baxter, 27, To Fight War ed today that Allied troops had After Jan. 1 all graduates of transcontinental fllgbL of which was captured by United occupied the' Portuguese part o f sealed the fate of the Island state er at the' Lrxlngton Country There were seven other passen­ officer candidate schools w ill be States forcea in the attack on the island of Timor, between-Java and port of Penang. o f murder In the slaying e f gers In the plane, five of them of­ ordered to duty Immediately. Pre­ Hawaii w-hile another was destroy­ and Auatralia, strategic station on Penang and another Straits Set­ Actions Intended Prima< two women and aentonoei ficers snd two enlist^ men. AttUee Tells Commons ed. The pocket submarines, elec- viously those so desiring have to death In the electfto ettolK a Japanese air line. tlement state. Province Wellesley Secretary of War Stimson said been awarded certificates of ca- '^Arrangemetits with the i^But Timor’s Importance for Jap- have been ciit from direct connec­ rily to Relieve Jap the ship was Isst reported near (Contlnned On Page Twelve) Bomb Na*J Warwhlpo : Palmdale, Calif., and IF’ Was be Chinese WeU Advanced aneae submarine warfare waa em- tion with the rest of Malaya by a Siege of Hong Kong. '(Continned On Page Twelve) Ueved that It had crashed or been phaaized In the Dutch aifnounce- British withdrawal In Kedah prov­ London* Drc. 11^— fts . ment, which saidi ince. F. bombed the U e m ^ b a t ' (creed down In that vicinity. Chimgking, China, Dec. 18— UP) General Dargue Is a veteran fly Bulletin! "In view of Japanese submsrine This meant that the Japanese Schamhorst and W illSubm it —The Chinese are maintaining daylight today with Ing officer, and usually pilots his London, Dec. 18—(dV-D three counter-drives against the Swiss Assume (Continned On Page Twelve) (Coattaoed On Page Twelve) force of Its heavteat belmfa own plans. cuBslans are nnder why tor JapaneM in Kwangtung province, British announced. An A ir listed Aa l4laalng tstsbUslunent of n snpieme Own Drafts facing British Hong Kong on the try communique said "tito Those Hated as missing with Allied war authority to direct South Cthins coast. The Central Envoy Duties are believed to have beea him were: high etiategy agalnet the News Agency announced tonight. Bombers and their fighter OoL Charles W. Bundy, War De- Axle, the aatherltattve British Industry-Labor Confer­ Texans Organize Guerrilla - The zones of the (jhineae ac­ shot down eight Oemnp _ partment gensral staff, home, Piess Association anld to­ tions, intended primarily to re­ Take Over Diplomatic with a kiaa o f six B. A . F. Waablngtoa. night, and some qnnrters hero ence Recesses After lieve the Japanese siege of. Hong In the attnek, the mtadstiy I (Lieut. Ck>l. George W. Ricker, beUeve that Washington Kong Island, were outlined as fo l­ Representation for U. The shlpe were at the War Department general staff, should be Its headquarters. Hour's Session Today. Band for Home Defense lows: Brest la occupied Fnne% home, Washington. Informed opinion la London S. in Enemy Nations 1. —^Tbe frontier region facing they have frequently * Maj. Hugh F. McCaffery, was avided on the desirabUI- Kowloon peninsula, part of the ed by British plaaee. Mltcbel Field, New Torit. ty of Waahlagton or London Washington, Dec. 18. — UP) — Beaumont, Tex., Dec. 1 4 —UP)— fight." They believe they are the • • • Hong Kong colony which the Ja­ Washington, Dec. 18.—(P>- Capt J. O. Leavitt, March Field, aa the sent of the proopective President Roosevelt’s Industiy-U- This comer of Texas is a far piece first such group to organize for panese have occupied. Swisa envoys' In Axis capitals to- Markets A t A Olanoe Allied grand council. I Oallf., home address . bor conference recessed after an from the famed cow country o f the home defense in the nation. There the Chinese were press­ d&y took over diplomatic represen­ New York, Dee. 15—(#>— F irst Lieut. Homer C. Bums, ■"The five sheriffs sre W. W. Rich­ ing Pokut, Identified aa the first tation of the United States In Stocks—Irregularly Ssweri London, Dec. 18— (JP)—(flement hour’s session today ao that rep­ Panhandle but a lot o f men down I March Field, CaUf., hopte. Spokane, ardson of Jefferson county, Pat station on the Canton-Kowloon Ctormany, lU ly . Japan and the leettve lasues resistant. Wash. R. Attlee, lord' privy sea, told the resentatives of labor, management here know how to handle six-guns. Lowe of Liberty, Miles Jordan of Railway, west o f Shutnehun, a t the 1 satellite naUons which foUowed Bonds—Narrow; Eito Staff Sergt. Stephen Hoffman. House o f OommoBS today that dis- snd government could meet sepa­ For thst reason 300 of them are Hardin, San Scherer of Chambers colony border. They clalm ^ cap­ cussloos now are under way for Adolf HlUer Into’ war. suae a h a n ^ Mghav. I M a i^ Field. CaUf. (native o f Sun, rately to draft recommendations organising a guerrilla band, equip, snd Dick Stanfield of Orange, who ture of Japanese outposts. At the aame Ume Dr. Charles Foreign E itiw n g e —4$to8S$]i Iw . Va.; last home address. Char- "coocertlng Allied war plans" and for carrying out the presldent'a ped for home defense duties If need waa once a Texas Ranger. Dan 2. —^The vicinity of Swatow, big Brvggmann, the Swiss minister erally nnfhnnged. ’ ’ jleroL Pa.) arrangements with the Chlneee request tor a norivstrike~agree,nient arises. |Hlnea o f Orange, another member port city ot easternmost Kwang­ Cottsn—M ixed; pstoa toidBiM high commend "are well advanc­ here, assunied charge o f Oerman^ Private flsmuel J. Van Hamm, for the duration of the war. Old beizds sre taking charge. is a cattleman who formerly rode tung. ,, , Italian, and Bulgarian Interests wrighe hedging.; |Jr.i March Field, Caltf., native of ed." The conferees sgresd to resume Sheriffs of live aoutheast Texas with the Rangers. 3. —North of Canton,' which in In. the United SUtea, and W. Boa- Sugar <>alc6; I Fort Collins, Colo. Last home ad- Speaking in the House in the discussions as a full 26-man board counties and cattlemen who know CWptalus Expert Shots turn is northwest of Hong Kong. Metals— fltaady; Oi IdTMS, Twin Falls, Idaho. absence of Prime Minister Winston the value of fast, straight ahoot- Each sheriff has named five cap­ Japs Ahaitoec Fhr* Diatitots trom, the Swedish minister, took at 2 p. m. Chairman WUUam H. charge o( Hungarian and Ruma­ introl o( ttn. Osneral Dargue. whose head- CSiurchill, A tlee said he could not Davis told reporters that saeb ing-are tha teAdars, banding their, tains, each an expert srith a shoot- Official Chinese dispatches said Iquartsra are at Mltchel Field, Long gc Into details for reasons oi se­ group would, subnilt ita own pro­ men for night patrols and action' tng-lron. tqnight that Japanese forces had nian Interests. llB'aivd, took off from Phoenix, curity. posals at that time. on the G ulf'm ast. The guerrillas say they are ready abandoned five districts In flhansi Don Jusn Francisco de Carde­ nas, the SpaiUsh ambassador, has I Aria., at 6:85 p. m., Fridav, Dec. He said the .Britleh government "You must reach an agreement,” To Be Horse Cavalry Unit to help repel any landing party province, north China, giving up Il% tor Hamilton F l^ Calif. was In constant consultattou with the chief executive' told them yes­ There will be a horse cavalry an the coast. They will help guara territory heh) for three years in »^van over Japanese intorests WaahlnftoBr On brnnaeSian n t h S the prime ministers of tbs Domin­ terday when thay called At the unit, made up o f Texans more a t Industrial areas In their counties. order to bolater their qffenslye on here. ^ position M tba Ts Osutea Asia Mpisaato BUmaon a a ld to e 55-yaar old ions on Allied wah plans. White House qpon his bivitotlon. home in the saddle than In a car. In Spanish guerrilla means "Ut- new Paclflo fronts. ' Igeaeral w as on an inapactlon fligh t There Was no immediatsiliMUca "It will hs a t^rilUng thing if we ■nie' ’‘gu errillas,as they call Ue war.” The southeast Texas The districts, west o ( a tail< The Btote Departmept also re- thsatoelvea,- are rated men Who gueriUas promlaa to-bq ready for tc Oh fl«6 XitoJl: - 40jB| llT 6 l Oh "tm am . hdv to ahooi and ham i to Jwt'that. ■; (( ‘ . (Ceirttoepd « ■ f: . . r MANUMESriSR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18. 1941 MANUHEKTEB e v e n i n g HERALD. MANCHESTfcia, CONN. THURSDAY, DECE.MBER 18, 194T PAGE THBlCltsV " " 'i'9i/*' o Aii*men Raid Signals Me B. Rubinow Parent&^and Teachers man with a rifle, a 37 M.M anti­ 5 SHOPPING DAYS Mitchell’s Son tank gun. or a 1.55 M.M. howitzer Named Interne Wesson Visits' Recreation lie knew the manual of arms when In Command to Christm as To Be Tested As this last Boy Scout column' Troop IS Tells of Prolonged he arrived and 'ihligmgly helped before Christmas goes to press, Earl Snow—-Scribe Hear Stirring Speech Just Private his buddies mii.sler jts mysteries. ! Traditional Also GIVE we find tlie Manchester Boy The meeting opened at 7:18 with Colt Factory Center Items Me now is parl-limi' eliief of one of the howitzer seelions. a job l^mmons and Tin|&er Be­ U.S. D efense Savings Wliistles and Sirens to Scouts preparing.. .yes, preparing the Scout O.ath. Knot baseball was Local Resident to Go day by day m order to be ready to played and a review of knot tying Manchester Green Or­ nor example, by working a ‘J4-liuur Running Sea Fight Today ordlnarity rcsenved foi seiyeanls come Big Chiefs in Be Sounded Tomorrow do their part if and when called was held. To Beth Israel Hospi­ day, a year from now our factories Army Chief Tells Work­ 6-9 Junior boys game room Fulher Kh iiio u s “ Billy" "Wliethcr I make the army a BONDS and will produce lOU.UOO planed a ycari open 1E. .S. and W. 3.» career." he said in reply to a ques­ j upon. Many of the troops are spe- David Klein received a merit ganization Tunis Out I CHRISTMAS Afternoon. tal in Boston. ers Country Is Now Whose l*ropheci(‘s All tion. "depends on a lot of things" Hawaiian Area. STAMPS cializiing, in first aid Instruction, badge for bird study, BUI ^Preston which wUl curry wave after wave Grows of Squadron of shells broke the leading I'ormatlon. 6- 7- Small gym open for box­ and others arc studying up on spe­ fo^ animal Industry. Bob Heff To Hear a Leoluire on o. destruction to aggressive na­ But one of them droned into a dive ing IE. S.i I!aine 'I'nie. But hi.s a.s.sArry (<»in>4*r ■f ed by the Air Raid Precautions plenty of tin.e to think about the ter's Benediction. the Long Island College of Medi­ chief of army ordnance, .Major Palos C. Emmons, commander of glorious holiday which Is only a of the Speakers Bureau of the Winning the wui Is today our By New Attack. skies were full of diving, twisting league ( F. S.) , The qiilcl-spoken, slender private i a native of West Virginia. Committee of the M.anChester Pe- cine. is scheduled to serve his' in- Nazi craft. Once I a Nazi General Charles M. Wesson, paid over there at the 1,5,5-M. howitzer London. Dec. 18 Sir Kran* I the Hawaiian department, and week away, jut seven short day.s Troop 120 State Defense Council, addressed a main Intci^eat. Winning peace, 8:30-9:30— Pioneer Paracliute Brig. Oen. C. L. Tinker, named General Tinker, bom in Elgin. fenso Council. The aiarm will last before .Santa Claus visite us, and Parker Vetrano— Scribe tcrneshlp ^t Beth Israel hospital. however, shfiyljJ be of more Inter­ (L«rry Allen, Aaeoeiated plane winging off In a cloud of a "flying visit’’ to the arm.s divi­ girls basketball period (E. S.) is the son of the late Brig. General ( Ih Darcy ('oopor, 59. chairman of ' I Candleh'ghl Processional Ohlef of the Hawaiian Air Korres. Kas.. once served as a lieutenant live minutes, the "all clear" siuiwil [ tlie boys are pretty .sure he will The weekly meeting of Troop Boston, according to an announeic- large audierce last night at the est. We-win win the war but to Preoa war correspondent with smoke, losing altitude, but he got sion of the electrical department 7- 10 -Bowling alleys open (F. WTTliam "Billy ” Mitchell, the man Ix’vcr Brothers and l ’nilcver, Ltd,! General Emmons, who has been in the Philippine constabulary. At to be given at 2:3.5. The alarm j arrive by airplane this year. . . 128 was spent at a scout supper ment Just made here by Dr. Jean meeting of the Manchester Green win peace and keep it, we must the British Mediterranean out of sight before I could count of Colt's Patent Firearms &lanu- S.) who argued so vociferously that filed tfKlay nt h!» hf)mc in j ,\. Curran, dean of the college. Mr. Parent-Teacher association in the him dowqed. planes could sink battleships. Surrey. training for winged warfare since 54, he Is rated a command pilot •will be a ^ rles of Short Blasts on that is, if tho.se searchllglits don't which was held in the church. Rev. forget Isolationism and talk Intcr- fleet whose vivid descriptions fucturlng Company yesterday 8- 10 ClliirCb league bowling J#17, la a West Point graduate of and combat observer, and until Whistles. ; spot him on his way. Rubinow was graduated from Har­ Green school assembly hall. Ilia nutionalisni, and place American Once some destrpyera, detecting (W. .'I ) - I Like lil.H famed fatlier, who by Gustafson paid the invocation and of numerous sir and Naval and exhorted the workers to re­ I SUNDAY, DEC 21 : ^vigorous appearance, who looks vesterday was chief of the Third As the alarm is prlmart!;,' a 1 Troop 15, St. .lames Boy Scouts everybody .sang afterwards. We vard University. topic was "Winning the War, and troops along with others in an In- Iwtlles In that sea have been B submarine, hustled around it to Friday |the end of the first World Wai | ^ u n g for his 63 years. Rated an Interceptor Command at Tampa, nal test to seo if there are any .announced this week that they next settled down to a hearty According to Dr. Curran, during Preserving ihe Peace" t 'rnallonal police force so that any among the war’s Journalistic drop their lethal depth chai-ges. double their efforts in behalf ot was a brigadier general command He said while we had licen Other of the warships executed their country and their democracy 6- 9—Junior boys game rooming A E. F. aviation, John I. Choir of 30 \'oices — Sunday Evening, 7 :30 axcellent pilot, he has commanded^ Fla. He tran.sferred from the In­ "dead ' areas in town whore the j nave canrelled all troop meetings meal. After dinner. Chief Scoiit the war emergency, all third and nation who dares trunagress the highlights. Is lying In a hospi­ open (E. S. and W. S.) the fighting branch of the Air fantry to the air service in 1920. whistles cannot be heard, Uie au.N- , until the second week in .lanuary fourth year medical students are Uilnklng in terms ot defenac, since rights of others, contrary to the emergency turns to avoid any tor­ Major General Wesson said that Mitchell launched himaelf upon an Executive Nelson Sly of the Char­ the treacherous attack on Decem­ tal in Alexandria. He Is being 7- 8:30 American Lituhanian J. 'I'hurston Noe, .M. \., Orjfani.st and CholrmaMter. Forces since 1939. His experience ami learned to fly at March Field, iliary .servlce.s of the council are so a.s to give the boys an oppor­ ter Council gave the scouts applying for comnilaslons in the international congroas, ran be treated for painful but not pedoes. the country was faced with "most army career the hard way - in thi ber 7 we are now thinking in A little after four in the after­ Cltlzena club game, lE. 8.) ranks. Includes service in Hawaii. He Is Calif. not to assemble but leaders of tunity duiiiig tiiesu troubicsomc an excellent talk on the subject, Reserve Corps of the Army or dealt so aii.ashlng a blow that they critical face and body brulsea dire crisis in our history." Telling 8:30-10 — Manchester Green these services are asked to report times to. give all their attention to "Youth I’ repnred " He stated in Navy, with Uie understanding that terms of victory. Perhaps it is a nor any other country will dare noon. with every wa ship In the the gun makers that the product It is quite possible that Mitchell I good thing Japan struck so hard and the effects of a had 46- (K. S.) by phone to the Report Center. the holiday sca.son. his talk the importance of scouts they mu.st complete at least one loopardlzo the jn-ace of the world nilnute plunge Into oil-filmed squadron scndllng up a veritable of their benches is "vital to na might have used the influence at and so unexpectedly. We can now hell of fire into Uic sky, I saw an­ 7-8-r--Women'* plunge period lE tachod to hi.s father's lanic i and H South Methodist Church Autolsts 5Iiist Stop ciirlstnius Party and their work. He also told tlie year of interneship before being oj resorting to war. water. How he got there Is tinnal defense, " General Wesson ,S. I Troop PS i.s putting this idea in­ qualified for active duty in the fully realize we have met a wily other dive-bomber go wobbling out asked them "in God's name" to he also had R O. T ( ’ training al \kitorlst3, upon hearing the .“^coiits what to carry with them at and strong foe. This attack, so A short biisiiK .IS nietllng follow still hidden hy the censorship 6- 7— Small gym open for hand­ S .Main .'street and H artford Road alarm, are to drive to the curb oi to action toniglit, according to all limes. He .stresseil the impor- .service. During the war, deci.slnn .1 ec Rev Lackey's speech. .Mias of the fight into the west. spare no efforts to Increase pro­ f'ornell University) io obtain a uncalled for, so unjust, witliin 60 but the Germans announced At sundown the squadron wa.s ball (E. S.I Brighten Up Your Bathroom, out of the traffic lanes and stop to Seiche William Barclay. The boya . tance of religion, ideals, honesty as to the length of interneship will F.sther Grandstroin, principal of yesterday they had sunk a duction. commission. But he didn t. will me< t for a Chrl.stma.s party at depend upon the number of medi­ seconds welded all .\merlcana into continuing on its course, and for 7- 8 —Small gym open for lioxingLast Oct. 10 Mitchell enh.sled fur ■ clear the streets. The alarm doe.s and other tiling.*. Mr. Sly's speecli oiie unit. Nc longer are we Demo­ I'p Bchool gave a report on air 'British cruiser off Alexandria. "The enemy has dealt us stag (E. S ) • not effect the movements ot pedes­ their regular meeting place, and was followed by the presentation cal officers in the re.-erve pool.and lotd .-i, indicating tliat the chil three hours thereafter nothing gcrlng, very staggering blows,” he three years at Milwaukee 'Be- ; crats, Republicans. Isolationists, The following story may dc- 7- 10—Howling alleys reservedcause I am interested in this sort trians, and they arc not required are planning on a very enjoyable ■ of prizes to the patrol contest the urgency of the hospital's needs dren will be well taken care ol and M-rlbe the action leading up happened. told the workers. "Our foes will Kitchen and Many Kitchen evening In serving its community. capitalists or laborltes—but all Then came a new alarm. for Mr. Peloquin's group i E. S.i of thing, ” swapping a healthy [lay Christmas Sunday to take shelter within buildings. winners. The results were, first. American—unified in a single pur­ parents need not worry. to his Injury.) resort to everything, stop at noth 8- 10 Burr Nurserv group (yowl­ Those who do not hear the .signal , Heading the activity during the Tree and Flying Eagle pa- With the completion of interne The Christmas party for the ing. We must fight them with check as a writer for Warner America’s favorile Troop 126. Chief ! pose to avenge our loss.. ing 8 Given to the inducted al Fort Sheridan. 111. Wt’ll held rr.„r teio'tioA nr tend H «»yt*A*f#, i boya played red rover and pull Kept Alive I No dispatch has come through of Colt's, Harry Stevens, work.** newspapers. Each week finds more I over the Hue. Following the recre­ from Allen to tell what happened manned posts for six hours for a A private In Battery D. 27lh Pleasing Designs Including papers bei.ig collected by these en­ ation period, the boya went to the Christmas Carols practice alert. manager, and George Webb, as­ B»ys at the Armory. Battalion at Ihe field artillery re­ Sermon: “ BELIi» SHALL FOREVER RING” T o Fight Vi ar ergetic scouts as they strive to do after this alarm.) sistant work.s manager, greeted scout room where a talk on first (Continued From Page One) The squadron loosed one of the The civilian population for the placement training center here. their part in national defense. aid waa given. A test period fol­ most part slumbered undisturbed. General Wesson and the other .Manchester people responded Mitchell is at the post for a 13- . A CORDIAL MEI.CO.ME TO ALL! Florals, Naulicals, Cannisler Sets, Etc. Bv Junior Choir heaviest barrages of the Mediter­ officers. (Continued from Page One) And now for the Christmas is­ lowed in which Scout Kenneth ranean war in beating off the com- There was nd blackout. But sail­ with paper, envelopes, stamps and week course sue ot the "News of Our Boy nessea are a basic part of this Tlie ordnance chief flew In His officers say he is working ■ Barrett paased Scout Pace and country’s economic foundation. liined slashes of the Nazi dlve- ors. Coast Guardsmen and solilieis money last night for the members ,1>liaRMACY tlon that an empire war cabinet ; Scouts": Law and Oath. Bill Cavanaugh on the three island forts guarding Hartford from Washington and hard at a tough job. toils on the McNutt told a Senate Committee liombers, torpedo planes, aqd at left after his visit to the plant of the army at the Iwal armory. a\ 8 7 3 MAIN ST. § REV. W. RALPH WARD. JR.. S. T. M., MINISTER. would be formed. j Troop 98 passed one month service and Law The recently organized Junior least one submarine during the the harbor - Wright, Mlchle and rifle range, iviestles with tlie William Barclay—Scribe which la studying small business Choir of the North Methodist heavy artillery, and stands guard ' •X^^\M*NCHEYrE.g..CONN To UisciisB Strategy | and Oath. The meeting was ad­ problems. Since such enterprises day. Terry - and all defense agencies Before 7 o’clock, over .50 had call­ The weekly meeting of Troop 98 journed with the Scout Oath. church will present a program of went through their paces as if it They report ho is a good mark.s- ' It waa believed in Londonthat i "have their ups and downs to­ "They pumped hundreds of shells ed and left iiaper. books of stamps was called to order at 7:30 with Christmas carols at a candlJIlght was all grim reality. or money to buy stamps. Because responsible representatives of the Scout Oath and Law. Mr. Tan­ gether,” they could not be consid­ into a rainy sky agatnst Axis air­ Woman Suffers And so, as we close this Christ­ servlqe Sunday evening at 7:30 at craft which scattered bombs over The reassuring word that the of the guard on duty’ outside they JOHNSON Britain, the United States, Russia ner. assistai.t scout commissioner, mas issue of Boy Scout News in ered separately, he added. the church, under the direction of a line of screening destroyers, unusual activity was a test came were unable to enter the armory and The Netherlands were ar­ spoke a few vmrds to the as­ Manchester, or behalf of Scout Stores Lose Customers Mra. Richard McLagan,. "Christ­ A Broken Back ‘When the workers In small In­ spraying columns of water over from Colonel Russell Y. Moore, so handed the gifts over to the ranging Important descusslon.s of sembled troop, after which a short Leaders of tne Charter Oak Coun­ mas Chimes" by Richards will be defense commander, after the all grand strategy and that these dustrial plants are unemployed," the warships. guard. TTie rush was .such at one patrol comers period was held. cil and The Herald Staff, we ex­ sung by the young choir, com­ clear signal. , time that another man was assign talks were likely to involve high Charles Martin and William Bar­ he declared, "small stores and ser­ The cruiser on which I write this tend our heartiest wishes to all posed of the following boys and seemed to be the principal target New Haven. Dec. 18 '/T. A ed to help. CO. officials. clay resigned their positions In Manchester’s Boy Scouta, for a vice establishments lose customers and lay off help, and this In turn tie exchange, of congreanlonal de­ girls: Virginia Johnson, Barbara of the Nazi air attacks. One dive- woman awakened by a cry ot "fire " Other donations were being The House, disturbed by reports the troop at this meeting. Merry Merry Christmas and a bate and Its divided votea would Melbert, Joan Chaplin, Marilyn :)19 Die. t:t7 Hurl made today and all were taken in from the Far East, votea to cut limits the consumption of the prod­ bomber machine-gunned the cruis suffered serious injuries yesterday 899 Main Street Tel. 6854 Manchester The remaindei of the session Happy New Year. have left the United States still Towne, Jean Smith, Lucille tn leaping from a second floor win­ charge by the top sergeant who its Christmas recess in half and was spent studying signaling and The next Issue of this column ucts of larger businesses. er’s boat deck and another gave HOW TO WIDEN A "Layoffs due to material short­ not fully unified. O’Brien, Audrey Shaw, Arltne me one of my biggest thrills of I I I Formosa Quake dow of her home here. will alot the stamp.s to the men of exacted a proml.se from the gov­ first aid. Tonight a Christmas will go to press on Friday, Decem­ A Long Time Coining the company A writing room will ernment that Commons would be party will be held, the Scouts-ex­ ages are likely to be severe in the Asplnwail, Dorothy Smith, Bar­ the war when it sent four big Mrs. Peter Clrco. alone in her ber 26, and ill s,.nbes are asked to This war has been a long Lime bara O’Brien, Marjorie Brown, apartment at the time, opened a be set up in the lower part of the recalled in case of important de­ changing gifts with one another. report on all holiday activity In near future," McNutt continued. bombs screaming toward the "Recent reports to the public em­ coming, said Mr. Lackey. The Louise Perason, Marilyn Crooks. cruiser. They exploded a few Tokyo. Dec. 18 (Official Ra­ window and Jumped, firemen said. armory. velopments. The troop was dismissed at 9:16 their troops for that issue. How first gun was fired after the first Leslie Kore-Belisha, former war with the Scoutmaster's Benedic­ ployment offices from selected Janet Holmes, Llle Lee, C5olleen yards to starboard. dii Received by A PI—The Mlnls- The blaze destroyed the two-family K about sending In a group of troop World War when, despite the Abom. Arllne Chimmlngi, Jean trr- of Overseas Affairs announced house with an estimated $8,000 secretary, said "the empire la more tion. resolutions, and make the last Is­ plants Indicate they have already Then the planes began coming K laid off 45,000 workers and antici­ pleadings of Woodrow Wilson, the Herring. Janice Whalen, Shirley in waves—three to six at a time, today thkt 319 persons were kill­ loss. closely encompassed by peril than sue of 1941 the best of the year. ID S. failed to Join the League of MAN'S EYES OH DECEMBER 25" R pate l a ^ g off 124,000 or about Clark, Beatrice Clerk, Clifford weaving in and out of the clouds. ed and 437 were injured by the dis­ The warning was shouted after ever before in history and it will Troop 15 NAttona. President Wilson pro- [ When (hildren's coughingM K create a false Impression through­ Joseph Cunningham—Scribe one-fourth of the total force: Johnson, Robert Foss, Leonard Hatches Fight From Bridge astrous earthquake in southern Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bartiico dis­ 0 ^ , - c c-v % "Nearly one-half of the firm* i phesied at that time that within Johnson, Marion Lee. Audrey Shef­ Wearing a metal helmet and Formo.sa vesterday. covered smoke seeping into the Keeps them fussin' out the world if we adjourn for the The weekly meeting of Troop 25 years, if the U. 8. did not do K period suggested by the govern­ 15, Boy Scouts of America opened Christmas Party curtailing employment formerly field, George Cox, William S t anti-flash gear to protect my The roini.stry reported 1 768 kitchen of their flist floor apsrt- I Send to Ihe drug Jto re ^ employed fewer than 250 workers. I so. we would be Involved in an­ John, Marion Holmes. Milton head, face and hands. } watched homes were destroyed. ment from the basement. ment's motion." at 7:15 at St. James's School last other World War which would coat forrWTUSSjN ^ I Thursday evening. Francis Peck- The peak of labor displacement is Doebtner. Dawn Muraskl, Grace the fight from the cruiser’s bridge. Railway, telephone and tele­ St. Raphael's hospital attendiiiu.s ’ # ■ Not Surprising House Dlsturlied Is Held by Grange the lives of a great many Ameri­ The battle began at 10:20 In the graph communications were said said Mrs. Cirro may have suffered Iv tMfh Am H Sir John Wardlaw-Milne, a Con­ enham was the presiding scout­ likely to be felt during the first can boys. America paid no atten­ Brown. master. Some returns were-'made half of 1942.” The pastor. Rev. E. H. Furgeson morning and this rniiser's first to have been completely restored. a broken back. i servative. said it was not surpris­ tion. Tired of war, she adopted the will deliver a special Christmas ing that the House was disturbed on the sale of tickets at the begin­ Over fifty children of Manches­ MUllons To Shift Jobs policy of laoiation. The speaker ning of the period. All scouts who ter Grange members gathered last McNutt estimated that millions message. by the Far Eastern situation, be­ of workers would be shifting Jobs, then outlined step by step the A rehearsal of the Junior choir cause ministers and milltury com­ still have tickets are asked to night in the Masonic Temple for toUlltarlan 'rise to power, namely. make their returns to the Scout­ the annual Christmas party and meanwhile experiencing some pe­ 1. U. S. failure by one congress­ In preoaration for this candle light manders had so often assured the riod of unemployment and "the country that defenses there were master as soon as possible. program, at which the boys and ional vote to guarantee protection service Is called for Sunday after­ A plan was discussed by Scout­ girls entertain the adults, and they Chiu of Insecurity." Areas hardest noon St f.vn ovioek. at the ready to repel any attack. hit by materlaU shortages at the to Frince from German attack Attle.e Indicated ■ a government master Peckenham for the mobil­ in turn are rewarded by gifts from 2. France’s disregard of dlsarny chureh ization of the troop to be used in Santa Claus and good things to present time appear to be the statement would be made after Great Lakes section and the Ohio ament agreement, and Germany's Cairlstmas "If necessary " and re­ an emergency In connection with cal. Many of the youngsters par­ procedure to re arm, secretly ot national defense There will be no ticipated in the entertainment with valley, he said, although layoffs In jected suggestions that the fotrth- meeting thi.s week or until the a wide variety of Now England in­ first, then openly. comlng war debate be held p/iblic- readings, songs and dance, which 3. The economic problem mid the second week of next year. were greeted with hearty applause. dustries have been reported. resulting world-wide depression ly- In addition to the gifts they re­ The Federal security program can cushion the effects of Tabor due to reparations due the U. -S.' Troop 47 ceived candy and pop com balls. after the World War. B u t -B u t if you really want to nee • British Bombers Raid The opening exercises and scout The adults later enjoyed a displacement and unemployment S o m e g if t s may widen a man's O t h e r g if t s may do a bit better- in several ways, the administra­ 4. Hitler and Mussollnl’p rise to oath opened tl^e regular ' Christinas party, which included a power, built on hale for the democ­ eyes a wee bit when he discovers ’em may pop his eyes up to the size of man's eyes go saucer-size with apprecia­ meetiifg of Troop 47, Tuesday eve- tor declared. Public employment Docks at Brest candle ligluing ceremony, Christ racies, generated by blaming ag­ quarters . .. tion, give him a bottle o^ Impekial! London. Dec. 18— (jP) R.A F i ning. Following the patrol corners, mas carols and the exchange ol offices will m'ake plant surveys to —may widen them to the size of a determine whether faclUties can gression on them. MODELS bombers attacked docks at Brest. | most of the session was spent in gifts. RefrcEtimcnU were served by 5. Arming and building arma­ couple of buffalo nickels... German-occupied Naval ba-se in ‘ p.a.ssing various teats. Richard Miss Grace Hatch and her com­ be converted to war production.' SUNDAY - MONDAY - TCES. RAID Federal agenciifs will assist work­ ments by totalitarian powers, ab­ "INTERNAnONAL LADY" France, the Air Ministry reported ' I.uko. Efimurd Brown and .Ufred mittee sorbing the unemployed In those today. I Lame passed their second cla.s.s ers transferring to defense jobs PLUS! “BODY DISAPPEARS” and train them If necesaary, and countries, while the social and Docks at LeHavre also were at- i test, economic problems continued In tacked and planes on offensive 1 A game period preceded the the government will pay unem­ lio»«|)ilui INotes ployment Insurance benwfita. the democratic countries where patrol bombekl airdromes in Ger-' usual closing exercl.ses. The le id- disarmament and peace waa still man-occupied . territory, It added. ! ers are very well satis-Med with the Could Tide Workers Over One bomber was reported miss-j great respon.se of the boys gather­ Unemployment compen s a 1 1 o n the by-ward. TODAY Greet-for two Admitted yesterday: Otto Wlg- Invasion of Manchuria ing. ! InK new.spapers. could tide many workers over a AND iinoske, 101 alreet; Mra. short period of Idleness, McNutt 6. In 1931 Japan Invaded Man­ FRIDAY Mar Stone, 44 Benton street; observed, If contoracts for war pro­ churia Buccessfully. England and CIRCLE' / big reasonsl Raymond LondfoOt, Rockville; duction could be awarded speed­ France refused to join with the U. A OLORIOUS DOI BLC BILL! • Ns mors namttet to Miss Becky Friedman. Rockville. ily and supplies assured to plants ■S. In stopping Japan. 1. Imperial is^flavor-poaked"—for oxtra richr, mortf about .She’ ll Welcome Discharged yesterday: Miss Min­ facing labor displacement. 7. Mussolini followed the same neea! This superb American blend has that nie Smith, 25 Florence street; Mrs. pattern and Invaded Ethiopia the Luff Hit of tbe Yi "If. on the other hand, con­ expensive “imported-whiskey” flavor be­ t L onger life to you r Sensible Gifls Clarence Wogman and Joyce Wog- tract awards or conversions can­ 8. Franko launches Faaclat revo­ “ OUR WIFI;:E ” . roeorde man of 29 Falrvlcw street: Thomas not be made within, three months lution Spain, France. Italy,'Bri­ cause its foundation w h iles are specially tain and Germany agree on a with 5ISI.VYN DOU Kelley, 21 Dreacher road. follo«nng the layoff,-it Is very P.l Til HUSSEY distilled to give them individual qualideo o Roal life to your mutic Like These! Admitted- today: Miss AIwHne likely that a considerable pumber nands-off policy, but Hiller ■ and 1. The Town of Manchester will have a trial of its Air Raid Warning Signal Svsteni on hYidav’ , Dcccmhor. Tobias, Bolton; Kenneth Wild, 99 of. workers will remain unemploy­ Mussolini, secretly first and then 19th at 2:30 P. M. —then blended together to a delicate “fla­ Porter street. ' ed until conv-trslon Is accomplish­ openly, participated in a Fascist .ULSU! vor peak.” X ’pw Automatic Record Chang- Death: today,' Miss Doily Sulli­ ed or may leave the community vlclory. 2. The purposes in liaving the trial is to see ho^ widely the alarm system will be heard. The Alarm 9. Germany, encouraged by this 1 1 ing table model R<^ Vic- van. 82 Walnut street. for Jobs elaewhore," h*«^amed. “ DR. KILDARE’S Signal will be a series of short blasts on the tire Whistles, supplemented by a series of blasts on the 2 . Im pe r ia l is “ve/verecT—for extra amooth- Discharged today: Frank Fullar, success, followed _ by occupying neas! Choice spirits actually made in tha troll! Come in today—see and East Hampton; Albert Kurlowlcz, Saar. Austria, Sudctanland and WEDDING D.\Y” sirens and klaxons of the fire and police departments. Here ,\re \ with I.EW AYRES same atills as the rare base whiskies are hear it. Its great features include ferred Type Tubes . . . Superbet- 8 34 West Center street; Ed^vin Czechoslovakia. 3. Last week we announced a different alarm system which was given ue by the State Defense Council. Feyv Suggestions: Plesclk, 49 Wells street; Ruth Chinese Press Russia Is Ignored LIONEL BARRYMORE then “velveted” by a method similar to the the sensational, new Jewel-Point erodyne Radio . . . Uuilt-in Magic R 10. Failure to Invite Russia ,lo The State has now announce the alfirm system in Paragraph 2 (above) as the uniform warning signal Myers, 401 Center street; Robert softening of spirits used in making fine Pick-up . . . 5 RCA Victor Pre­ Loop Antenna, and many other 8 • Beautiful Table, Floor and Bridge Severance, 90 Phelps Road. Three Drives the Munich conference resulted In throughout the State. This conforms with the warning signal to be used throughout the whole United Scotch. proofs of extra quality. up the dismissal of Utvinoff as for­ States. H . / L A M P S ...... ,...... $4.95 eign commissar, and Russia bought • .MIRRORS...... $5.05 to $12.95 (Continued from Page One) time for the common txmfllct with u ff snee sum SMtsm-dtum When the alarni sounds, each school in town will hold an Air Raid drill. . 7 ...... $2.98 Germany by the Rus.so-German I • SCATTER RUGS ... way running out of Tatung, In treaty at the expense of France The trial is being carried out in the interest of the safety and welfare of the people of the Town and This superb new RCA Victfola if a j| • END TABLES ...... $o,9,j .northernmost Shansi, within the and England. the public is requested to cooperate. The Air Raid Precautions Committee is therefore asking all gift o f enduring pleasure! Visit us 8 • COFFEE T-ABLES ...... $8.95 double course o f the great wall, 11. Polanid. waa attacked, and to ^ F R U U iU iL drivers of motor vehicles to park at the curb so that the streets may be cleared for Police. Fire, Am­ and also south of the Inner course the surprise of Germany, England HARTRIBD today—enjoy a demonstration of K • CARD TABLES ...... $2.95 of the great wall, were said to and France declared war. bulance and Rescue Squad apparatus. As this is primarily a test of alarms and communications, pedes­ ilsremarkal>Ieextra\alucfeatures, J • CONSOLE TABLES ...... , . $1.1.95 have been reoccupled by Chinese The war thus was well launched. ALLON STAGE-IN PERSON trians and occupants of cars are not requested to seek shelter in buildings. including new Automatic Record & forces. The conquei^g of Poland, Den­ • BED SPREADS ...... $3.95 mark, Norway, Netherlands— the 6. Precinct Wardens will immediately report to their posts and check in by telephone to the Control Changer....American and foreign The Japanese left Chinese pup­ • BOUDOIR CHAIRS ...... $‘7.95 pet garrisons In the five areas. overthrow of France—the tragic Center. radio reception . . . 6 RC.A Victor 8 It waa ^ Id , but these forces situation at Dunkirk before the WOODYlLUClllE BUY YOUR GIFTS ON EASY TERMS! powerful (iernian diviaions, are Chiefs of the following services will report to the Control Center: Preferred Type Tubes... 2 built-in S promptly went over to the Free S China aide. matters of recent blstary. (a) Ambulance Unit Antennas (1 for domestic, 1 for i America’s first participation was foreign reception); . . Supprsensi- a the exchange ol 50 destroyers for (b) Demolition and Rescue Squad I tivc 12* Electrodynamic Speaker, j . Chinese Communists military baMS. The cash and carry (c) Communicfitions and Alarms /* clause, then outright funds rapidly and many other advantages.You'll 8 Ready to Give FuU Aid (d) De-contamination Squad "N, followed tn our effort to help Eng­ (e) Medical and First Aid Uhit bo amazed that so much quality R Benson'S Chungking, Dec. 18.—(AV- land. Our gigantic defense pro­ b a n d k t m t i A I is so reasonably priced. 8 Chou En-Lsl, liaison officer be­ gram waa soon under way. I—y unp ru piq tween CWneaw Ck>mmunUU and Started Jap Into War As this is the first trial and is primarily a trial of alarms and communications, it will not be necessary' 8 —S? 7II-7I8 MAIN fTRlIT the Natlaoallat govemnaent and This defenae pre^ram was work­ to assemble apparatus ready for dispatching, such as Ambulance, Rescue Squads, Medical and First one of the three leading Chinese 77k ^PEWER but FINER! 8 ing so succeaa'’uUy that Hitler aaw ONUU (OK! -Aid Services. ’Til Xmas Ckimmunlata. said today bis party be must avert the flow o l goods to -R e ' ^ RCA Victor Is eoeperatiiig to the fall of instnunenU to be mide. Hence, 8 S nCW VUiVM IMkM tn shoum Representatives of the Public Utility Companies will /eport to the Report Center with aationil tU knio priority re- waa ready to throw the entire Britain and Russia immediately. S s n e t wow-jiiMik RCA Victor producte for the home weight o l Its troope and organised The Joker be pulled out of his b ^ qaiiaBMaU-BeosoMofUMee require- will be/ewer. But they will beSner E-ASY guerrillas Into the Padfle war. of tricks was Japan's attack on The “ All Clear” will sound at 2 :85 P. M. The “ All Clear” signal will be a long blast of the whistles, ahorta(;ie asist is oeruin than ever. For, ae a result of de/raso OPEN A party manifeno which he Hawaii, a move engineered with sirens and klaxons. - ^ raw ■atoriala poadsd for r^iot and work, RCA Victor quality ttaadaidt, WEEKLY PAYMENTS handed to eonaapondants urged the military powera of Japan, and pheaeyaph-railloa tad there will he alwaya the higbaat, are aow more 2 4 HOURS that CtalnsM txoopg engage the la all falmsak.lt must be said thqj ‘ Proven Piclure 10. Cooperation from tbe citizens of the Town in reporting failure to hew the (^arm is requested. If the 7 9 c a wniiereel dccreeee la the auinbcr exacting than erer. undoubtedly tbs dlplomstlc Intsfr alarm is not heard by you, please mail a poet card to Mrs. Thomas Martyn, 110 Forest Street, Man­ In' 100 Oalloa Lota..,. enemy on' all (roata and HARTFORD Vi p in t Texaco Crystalito a large scale oounter-offensiTa; tions of the Japanese envoys work chester, Conn., statihg Range (Ml, 7V}0 gallna. that extensive propaganda be car­ honorable. They could not have TONIGHT Fuel OH, 7,2o galloii. ried out among Japanese for ee- known the pact between Hitler and i “Air Raid Alarm not heard.” . tabllahmant o f an antt-Fasdst their own military clique. For lQi45 B. M. Sign Name , 81.49 I government: and that disputae he- Japan tbe. move was kin to na­ A ToU of PINT DIAL 8 5 0 0 and tional auldda. For Hltlar and Uus- Marlbukiik State Address where you were at time of alarm. ' 881 BIAIN STREET jwean CTitnaae Nationalists Krah’s Radio Service the Oommunlata ba solved. aolinl It maaat the iu t plan to dar Aasoag Oar OPEN ETERT NIGHT! ^ MANCHESTER •troy damoeraqr uxl to. avert da- 8 2 a$ ii o UCNTKR fsat. ^ Am RAID PRECAUTIONS COMMITTEE OFTHE ^bia C«r. Flower PhoM 4457 Mletahea by driven account for WUd Youth 4-aCt17AKT AT BROAD n . two out of every three automobile Our production Unas, our ahlp- TOWN OF MANOHESTE^ DEFENSE COUNCIL MORIARTY BROS. a ed d n ts tn the United Statee. y,.rda assure tbstr eventual dsfeafe


MAI^UHESTER EVENING HEEALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER J 8 ,1941 ly- returned to Its rack. On such "has wired me through Secretary 40,000 trucks have been reported JoR fU tvr tfAXm FOUB trlpa one depends on canned food. L S. Harris of the Highway Ad­ back, this figure Including com­ Few Supplies "The American and his wife just Ask Truckmen visory CoturolUee, th a t It Is Im­ mercial vehicles of all types, a Daily Radio Programs made the Philippines - more dead perative all returns be on file at number of which are not suitable Present and Former Organists Gives Details Manchester Conn Elected than alive." the central statistical office in for general evacuation needs. This AirMastery Easten Stanard Hme For Blackouts File Reports Philadelphia the latter part of will require considering sifting of i!l^ar

of tbom In tho months And yesrs officer who since 19^9 has been HEALTH AND DIEl to COIDA. !. conmandlnf general of the fight­ Two-Man Sulis Temple Beth Seven Perish B« CAlm—hut b« calm only ing branch df our army air force. W ashington Daybook ADVICE JHfui About Manhattan Reverses in Russia whllo you are placing yourAelf, This, for the first time, brings a twwtwg Strvlft By lack SMnnett By 41eeirge Tneker Sholom News FIRST NATIONAL United States air officer into com­ PunUshed by the MciXiy Built for Raid As Bus Burns and your every resource, on the Benltb EenrtaB P.U mand not only of air forces, but West haunting boogie-viroogle Joints in . Aid in Pacific War altar of this nation's need. (Second of Two Articles) A much mors quickly; and that there New York.—East Side, Hanukab Oelebratton ti w m *ii strMt land forces. It is the thing'which Side . . . all around the town. river towns and wherever Negro w l It Is up to you whether we win I la leas wear on rubber tires. Friday, Dec. 19—Hanukah ser­ llMirtMUr. O .Address oonununlcattons to Hm That waa too bad . abciut Dal musicians maneuvered the wild Vessels Designed to Two Unaccounted for THOMAS r**0tJ80H or lose this war. has frequently happened in the Washington, Dec. 17.—It Ukes The advantage of such a port­ Herald, Attention McCoy vices at 8 p. m. Lecture, "The SUPER-MARKETS Vamon, the magician. . . . He fell and unrecorded two-handed Nazi Setbacks Unques* OuitrAl MA«*f»r German army, and it, rather than webks to build ' an ordinary all- able, rapid-construction airfield Health aarvtea Slide Under Anti*Sub* Meaning of Hanukah." Special Ha- And Driver in Hospital ronndtA OetebT 1, U li Not your neighbor. Not the hardly need explaining. The con­ off a wharf Into the river. . . . On rhythms of the back-to-Bach-vla- State Board any separate air force, is the weather airport, even working tionably Fell by Tokyo nukah Social after the services. FBbllkhbd C*«B«ns tactpi man out in the Philippines. Not ception of an air force operating the way down he hit a tug, and swing movement. He teaches boo­ marine Nets. Entertainment and refreshments. With Critical Burns. large crews night and day. But gie-woogie too. Among his stu­ ■aadar* And HolldiyA Bnt«rAd At the President. proper solution for the problems Army Air Corps officers in Wash­ in all kinds of weather is as new The Treatment of Acne broke both arms. . . This is lia­ Despite Initial Japan* Saturday. Dec. 20—(Thlldren's NUTRITION FACTS ! ! ttiA PoAt OffleA At MAnehAAltr. dents la a Columbia University Closes Ponds created by the modem dominance as this war. That means solid sur­ ble to hold Dal back a spell. . . . Washington, Dec. 18—OP)— services at 10 a. m. Readers: Nor- e YOU SHOULD KNOW * . gonn^ aa dACond CIaaa Ma II MAtttr. You. ington. on the basis of experiments professor. ( Robinson. 111., Dec. 18—(>P)—At they have Just witnessed, in North face landing areas. It is no trou­ The cure of acne depends upon He'a a finger man. . . . He works ese Successes. den Wetstone and Ckinnie Ellis. of the air arm in all warfare. with bis hands . . . card tricks, Chairman Vinson (D., O9.) of the least seven youths perished last FOOD dOBSCRIPTlON RATES Carolina, are talking about build­ ble for a plane to keep up with the elimination of those excess Sunday. Dec. 21.—Hanukah par­ Turkish rings, disappearing coins, As General Custer on {the screen, House Naval Committee said to­ night in the burning wreckage of ABOUT EGGS! What does all this mean, trans­ ing all-weather pdrts In two days, mechanized divisions operating at materials in the blood stream Washington, Dec. 18.—W —The Announces List o f ty of the Junior Congregation at great speed—but until the portable thimbles, cards. . . . The success Errol Flynn dies with his boots on, day that the two-m.m submarine 3 p. m. The play: "The Enemies of a National Youth .\dmlnistratlon Eags are important In every lated' into specific terms for tho $30,000 Beauty that will take everything from a which have produced the disease. but as plain Citizen Flynn. Just mightiest blow yet atruck for vie- ] Places Where Ice gaR:rS'*5n;Tw -::::::::::»:” 65 horse-power grasshopper to a landing field appeared, there was of these tricks depends on nimble- captured from the Japanese in Israel" will bp presented. bus that ran off Illinois Highway one's diet Tiiey are an excel­ people of Manchester? This is strictly for the use of no solution to the problem keeping This is best accomplished by a ness, confidence, and a quick run­ vacationing in New York, he al­ tory in the Pacific, many military ' Tuesday, Dec. 23—Red Ooss lent soui;ceof protein and also IIBMBER OP 5,000 horsepower B-24. most died with them off. Of-cold, Fishing Banned. their raid on Pearl Harbor ap­ 1 and overturned near West Union SAVINGS It means we must not only an­ all-weather airfields close enough short fast on water and fruit ning wit. . . . Dal had these. . . . men here believe, has been driven peared to nave been built express­ from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. at the .Two boys, Henry Walters and furnish some of the valuable THE associated PRESS wives whose husbands need a This is not an accomplished fact He will have to guard those arms I mean. It happened this way. He TbA AAAOelAtAd P r«M lA swer the first call made upon us, vet but it's on its way. In North to the rapidly moving lines to op­ Julc'es, and adopting a diet free home—not in the far-flung battle ' ly for that mission. vpstry of the Temple and from 8 one named Johnson of Marshall, strict come-uppance now and then carefully to get back in shape. went up to Central Park to be in­ Hartford, Dec. 18—(>P,—The vitamins and mineralv Every AntItltd to tho UAo or rooubUoA- but that we must be ready for Carolina, the Army aviation engi­ erate with maximum' effect against from" sweet and greasy foods. The zones of the Far East—but on the ■ Vinson said preliminary exami­ p. m. at the home of Mrs. H. Ross. v.ere unaccounted for early today, r o fm p YOi^ S on of All nowA dtiPAtehoA 'rAO'*” I was glad to see Joe Besser get ducted Into a tribe of Indians, and member of the family should —not for the usual wife whose neers (almost AS young a s our enemy air operations from estab­ Juices which may be used are those State Board of Fisheries and Game nation by Naval,expe.ts indicated 70 Cambridge street. Hebrew for and the bus driver. Ferris Wil.^ to It or not othorwtAo oroditod in many more. a break in the Sons O' Fun re­ in this way the movie hero became bl(X)d-8tained snows of RusHia. ' cat one egg a day, if possible, ^ cmiSTMAs c/ m f SSitA OAOor And a Uo tho locol nrwo husband is always paying her parachute troops in so far aa a lished ports. of orange, grapefruit, tomatoes The surprising Nazi reverses at announced today that the follow­ the Japanese had designed it to adults at 3 p. m. at the Temple. liams, 35, of Casey, was hospital­ It means that we must do not One air observer here says that and pineapple. When fresh fruits views. . . . He's a work horse, one a blood-brother of gooP)—Or­ puU it back on the pavement. now and then, }15 a week is a solemnly their holiday will be town; Hall's pond, Eastford; Hatch can make to the cause of our owm runway and walked off singing its endive, celery and similar foods. the dinner, but her refusal was ex­ ly on the Asiatic mainland, as well attack on Pearl Harbor.) ganization of the Connecticut Dan MeCTure, father of Richard, BREAD VEAL LEGS'^ 2 7 Although the North Carolina spent learning to milk. . . . After Thursday, December II fair wage, and the economic con­ praises. A moderate amount of meat plained this way: "I can't afford as the United States In the Pacific pond, Kent; Holbrook pond, He­ Not New Weapon* .eported 11 youths got out of the freedom. The same engineers that laid demonstration was the first use of Christmas, they'll leave Genesee islands. And a Russia more or less bron; Lily pond, Thompson; Long state Council of the American 1 lb tribution of the average wife to may be taken dally with these the size tip a alx-plat« dinner at bus when it tipped and caught fire FRESH - TO BROIL or FRY Yet we must make no mistake that runway are saying now that the steel mat landing field that Depot and resume their tour with victorious in Europe, could concen­ Meadow pond, Middlcbury; Manl- The Navy, however, did not re­ Federation of State. County and but two of them perished m at­ 4 Ot the average home is J29,640. vegetables in cooked and salad the Stork would demand." Patri­ 1 7 c 2 ^ 3-4 LB AVERAGE LB' in-time they will have one of equal the public has been let in on, it la Bob Sherwood's g r e play, trate formidable strength at Ja­ took lake ((Cranberry pond), Gran­ gard the two-man subs as new Munieipal Employees waa an­ tempts to rescue the others. loaves CHICKENS Wake Up! about the way in which we answer form, and stewed fruit and gela­ cia's a vocalist. weapons. Secretary of the Navy In other words, the average strength and size that will weigh known now that testa are being tin may be used for dessert. Avoid "There Shall Be No Night." • • • pan's Siberian backdoor. by; Mashapaug lake. Union; North nounced today. this first call. The ordinary type • • • Knox declared .Monday that the F N iS H • LEAN Wake up, Manchester! wife is A 130,000 beauty. loss than 400 tons and can be laid made with them in overseas bases. principally those foods which are Fannie Brice can't remember In terms of long-range results, Farms reservoir, Wallingford; Represented in the Council are During the second quarter ot DARK BREADS of drive will not do. If every one on fairly level terrain in two days. Because it is a simple matter Art Hode.s. it may confidently be the Nazi rever.ses represent a vic­ North Spectacle pond, Kent; Old Pearl Harbor attack revealed no Eiceot 20 or SHOULDERS 5 7 LB AVC Wake up, America! This is, as we said, strictly for rich in fats and sugar, such as said, not only works at the Pepper anything about her first stage ap­ new weapofis. "v 11 local unions from all sections 1940, 1.389.641 pounds of soybean lOOJs expects every one else to come Is it any wonder MaJ. Gen. Hen­ to roll and stamp the plates, even doughnuts, cakes, pies, pancakes, tory no less for the defenders of Marsh pond, Bristol-Plymouth; of the state, whose membership oil were imported by the United Wh«jt 10c Last week, for a few hours, you the use of wives who have the with their perforations and inter­ Pot. a Greenwich Village night­ pearance except the name of a Military circles here recalled READY TO forward and do the work, the ry H. Arnold, chief of the Army sausage, rich cheese, fried foods song she sang. It was "You Know Hawaii, the Philippines, Singapore r*,.taganAet lake. East Lyme; Peat consists of state employes in the States. LB, knew this nation was at war. need for a good statistical come­ air force,- finished his inspection locking keys, it w-ould be no prob­ club, he is the Pepper Pot. He and Hong Kong than for the Rus­ V" erks pond, Merlden-Berlin; Pren- that Axis strategy has been to COOKED HAMS SERVE drive will fall. candies and soda fountain prepa­ plays piano. He conducts the or­ You're Not Forgotten by the Girl Highway Department, the various You took the shocking defeat at back now- and then. with the enthusiastic declaration lem to produce them in quantities. rations. sians themselves because, as these Use pond, Putnam; Quaasapaug modify existing equipment to meet state hospitals. Public Works De­ That will mean that Manches­ Since damaged portions can be chestra. He got that way by You Can't Forget." local problems. Various adapta­ ~ BONED AND ROLLED IF DESIRED Pearl Harbor, the fact that half As for husbands, let this be fair that it is "the year's greatest It is a good plan to avoid all experts view the war, every plane, lake. Middlebury-Woodbury; Quon- partment, Wethersfield state pris­ ter foils to play its part in the de­ achievement in aviation." easily and quickly replaced, some -sweet- desserts and rich foods, gun and man lost by the Germans nipaug lake. Guilford; Rogers tions of standard engines of war on, Cheshire reformatory. Welfare LB the world was at last formally warning to what statistic may hit • • • experts are predicting that th«y in Russia is a loss in potential re- li-ke. Old Lyme and Lyme; Rose- were reported in the Bfittle of UMB FORET fense of American freedom. sticking to plain simple meals. exposed. Very often, the results "Ten days ago I slipped and fell France. Department and other state divi­ * RcJze/uf, Valued, ranged against us, and all the ex­ you, next,time you do the bread­ The pilots w-ho took off and might be used inateai ofrconcrete The drinking of several glasses of -serve strength for Japan. land lake, Woodstock; Samp Mor­ sions. BONELESS __ Yet this first war fund drive of on permanent runways. secured from this treatment are and injured my coccyx, which has The extent of Russian successes tal rese'rv'Oir, Fairfield; School- citement of false air raid alarms winner's strut. taniled on the mat had this to say: water dally is advisable and the been very sore and tender. Today Vinson suggested that Navy of­ Ofirtcers Elected the Red Cross Is mereiy the first, that it was less slippery in wet Even General Arnold has posed most gratifying and a fairly rapid remains to oe measured in Its en­ house pond, Thompson; Stanley ficials look into the idea of equip­ SMOKED BUTTS r '"35c ta your stride. You heard your water drinking should be contin­ improvement may be secured in I noticed that a red spot has Elected as officers were: Presi­ and the easiest, of the things .weather than the surfacing used the possibility of their use in com­ ued until the skin condition begins tirety by the magnitude of the Quarter pond. New Britain; St '1- ping "mother-ships" capable of editors, and your leaders, exhort- mercial aviation. But that is .some­ this way. formed on the skin over the site (German retreat. The same is true dent, Joseph A. Capon, Division CORNED BEEF NOTED FOR FUVOR Manchester ought to accomplisn. on permanent airport runways: to clear up. water pond. Torrington; Tanker- carrying and launching squadrons FRUIT CAKES ■ tog you to be calm, lest you give that because of the 2'i-inch per­ thing that will have to w-alt on The skin may be further stim­ of the injury and this is so pain­ of the B.-itish drive against Ger­ i.oosen take. Vernon; Taunton of swift motor torpedo boats, such of Public Assistance, Norwich; This Is merely the token payment Open Forum peace and the passing of priorities. In caring -for the affected skin ful that it feels os sore os a boil. man and Italian forces in Africa. vice president, William Potts, MADE WITH CHOICE FRUITS AND NUTS MIDDLE RIBS ''l9 c comfort to the enemy. forations, the brakes took hold areas, use warm water and soap ulated by bathing the entire body lake, Newtown; Wattles pond as those which have been ordered in the price Manchester must be each day. It is often a good plan Will you tell me what to do?" All Part oi Same War iWinneniaug lake), Watertown; for coast defense. Cheshire reformatory, Cheshire^! AND VERY REASONABLY PRICED. TRY ONE! NAVEL CUT Or CORNED BEEF _ _ Perhaps irou took that last bit at least twice each day. The Answer: I have no way of know- But the point which the military secretary. Arthur J. Crawford, willing and eager to pay for the .Appreciation soap will help to remove the ex­ to use the salt glow by wetting V.sst Hill pond. New Hartford: He acknowledged that such v t advice too well. sary to give a lawyer the benefit strategists make is that the great V.illiams pond. Lebanon; WUUman- Highway Department, Hartford; BRISKET ROUS ''IS c privilege of being Manchester, in cess oil present on the skin sur­ battles of Europe. Africa and Asia small craft cannot accompany the OLD,ENGLISH DARK l,';29c Being calm doesn't mean being To The Editor: of a doubt. It: tlc Reservoir. Bolton: Winchester battle fleet under their own power, treasurer, Alfred Davidson. Pub­ FRESHLY MADE _ _ face and also act aa an antiseptic. are all part of the same war, and lic Works Department. Hartford. cocky, or over-confident, or com­ America, in the years to come. Since 1939 when I became ac­ Getting back to our pedestal shlng with a cold | '* * possibility that lake, Winchester; Wononscopomuc but the deadly little power boats Connecticut At the beginning of the treatment V.U n..y 1..V. whenever tht Axis suffers a set­ The Ebcecutive Board: Henry This is merely the first test of quainted with The Herald, I have of Impartiality, however, we it is often helpful to steam the shower bath. 1-ke, Salisbury; Wood Creek pond, might be used with telling effect HOLIDAY RING l l o r s 5 5 c SAUSAGE MEAT ^'29c placent. become more and more aware of think we pointed out that the back in one area It is weakened Norfolk. Couch, Wethersfield: Robert Alex­ Manchester's willlngnesa to organ­ face in order to soften the black­ all along the line. in Naval engagements at .=ea un­ RECTANGULAR Sending Secretary Knox to the fine examples of Journalistic mainaprlng of the legal profes- Rmirtcte*! Fishing .\Uowe*) der favorable conditions. ander. Cheshire; Charles Mueller, DeLUXE IN SHAPE ize itself for this war. Yankee heads This may be done by ap­ Iself, the beat plan Is for you to This understanding of the broad Middletown; James W. Varley, Honolulu to report our first de­ content to be found within its akni’a tendency to gather unto plying towels wrung out of hot often. In the following lakes restricted M p o iU page.s, especially so I bellev- of its Itself all pon*lble legal func­ strategy of the conflict was said ice fishing is permitted as Indi­ Mansfield; Alva Roys, Manifleld; feat and transferring the Rose By A. H. O. water. After steaming gehtly. iVis important that the patient j f " ‘ o r ! " to be behind administration plans ORANOe We cannot meet this test, or editorial column.'i. tions while also developing avo­ with♦ u acne take irtfrntMMitovigorous TihvfUrrt!phy-sical ' tnf'd. I that It 5^ould D€ cated : Edward Kelly, Waterbury: Joseph leaf PtCXll AND nmUNTO LOAF ls 2k IBowl game from California to using one hot towel after another an excellent idea to have an X-ray for continuing full lend-lease as­ Two Men Held Henry, Bridgeport: George Wins­ any other, with complacent, half­ Let me extend to you in this As was to have been .expected, cations In lay fields was not so pres.s out the blackheads W'ith the culture exercises each day to sistance to the nations fighting the (Columbia lake. Columbia. Fish­ RAISIN BREAD jaUEO CORNED REEF ls 29c North Carolina haven't solved the humble fashion, my appreciation much the development of any u7ngthen thrrmportent abdom- ;-« d e the c ^ J^actoVYd"^"' ing permitted to Jan. 1 only. low, Norwalk: Judson Smith. Dan­ A white raiih loaf made with seedless raisins and hearted, comfortable measures. our comment anent the tendency j fingers, protecting the skin from Axis, regardless where the battle PRODUCTS OF SPERRY & BARNES problems—the gigantic problems for such a line editorial us that of quality like "greed" on the part inalnal muscles.„ . These will be of whether it has been fractured. Shaw lake or Hayward lake. East bury; Ruth P. Sherman. New Ha­ injury by the* nails by using a fronts may be. By Cuban Police ven. fresh oranges finely ground and added to the dough. a—before us. The potential leadership of Man­ the other evening with respect to of the legal profession to secure ] of lawyer* aa It was the result clean towel under the fingertips. value in helping to overcome the First enunciated by President Haddam. Ice'fishing from Jan. 1 to chester, from every walk of life, Franklin D. Roosevelt, "The Man an ever larger preserve for Itself of an economic necessity. An even better way is to purchase tendency to constipation. Many Skin Too Oily Roosevelt soon after the outbreak Jan. 31. inclusive. Limited to three Joseph Light of Mlnsfleld was 3*0^4 SftMoiall in the White Hou.se." It Is good to while also branching out into lay- patients using s combination Question; Katherine K. in­ up-ups per licensee; Waumgum- elected sergeant-at-arms. XMAS STOLLEN , fox sTotrs HAviNs Biaos rrt cases only should mobilize immediately into The fact that there are getting a come-done extractor at a drug of the war Dec. 7, these plans Havana, Cuba. Dec 18 —Po­ MAdt gif :ed fruit». null, D!cnty 0^ cgv9. Milk 1 % # ^ Life AS usual? Business as see .such clear, sane thinking in fields of endeavor—all precipitat­ to be too many lawyers for the treatment such aa I have suggest­ quires: "Could you tell me what is were reaffirmed by Secretary laug lake, Coventry. Fishing on The meeting, attended by Em­ 9 a hard-hitting unit which will store. Follow this treatment by lice hunting down Axis spies and •ndiu-ifr To :>ed with sliced oririi nuts ■ ^ ^ FULL OF FUVOR l* 2 9 c usual? print.. ed by the decision against the legal work available was the cen­ using alcohol on the skin. ed have been able to secure excel­ making my skin too oily? This Stimson yesterday in a statement Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays mett Freeman, national organizer HADDOCK RLLETS only. Well, it's right that the first take the lead in seeing that our With difficult years passed it is Meriden town clerk —has aroused tral theme a t our column on the In especially stubborn cases, the lent results in overcoming acne. tendency has developed lately." saying that replacements for Pearl propagandists today held two of the union, unanimously voted PLAIN. SUGARED or CINNAMON SUGARED RHUIARI CHILDREN LO/E If WC 19c contribution to a victory for free­ well for us to remember, times two storms. town clerk decision. And what­ affected area may be treated You may obtain a copy of Dr. Answer: The most common Harbor had b. ought only a momen­ Special legal length and catch men. one identified as a German that the salaries of state workers •ssentisl Job befort every one ot ahead must be full of stdl more cause of a skin which Is too oily, limits apply on these three lakes in the lower income brackets were doz dom is what it ought to be. One Is a storm of ednlatloD, ever the unselfish character of the effectively by means of local Frank McCoy's article on Acne tary interruption in the flow of Gestapo agent, on accusations of DOUGHNUTS 12c US is to carry on In our assigned trying times but with it all we such as we have aeldoiq re­ whenever you desire it, by writ­ is the consumption of too large a munitions to other nations. and are announced on the posters. plotting to Install ou a Cuban inadequate to meet the rising cost This won't be easily done. ' It lawyers' move against the town | treatment given with the ultra M O TT’* - SWEET APPLE place. But that's only the Infinl have a great man tn the White 1 ceived, coming from the tow-n clerks, no lawyer will deny that violet ray generator or "lamp." ing to the McCoy Health System quantity of greasy or oily foods. American Task Threefold On other lakes not posted to the mountain range military reflectors of living. A campaign by the coun­ means toll and sweat from people Hou.se. A wise, clear thinking lead- I clerk* of the state, who were the ordinary rank and file mem­ in care of this newspaper, enclos­ Change your diet, and use a small In the broad strategic picture, contrary fishing is permitted capable of signalling planes and cil to correct this situation is CIDER ga' jug 45c tesimal beginning of what we all er. May God grant him long life j This type of treatment is particu­ "X 29c LB who found themselves busy enough apparently delighted to have re­ bers of the profession felt there larly helpful when it is desired to ing a large self-addressed envel­ amount of fatty foods. At the the task of the United States thus tnrough Feb 9. The use of more ships at sea. now being planned. MACKEREL 8c must do. and great strength in his task ; same time, cleanse the skin with than 6 Up-ups or similar devices before war came. It means that ceived at last a poeudo-chaip- would be a little more butter on overcome the unnatural condition ope and six cents In stamps.*' is threefold. Police announced the seizure of 0!d Homastead FINAST Thera can be no life as usual ahead. plon. We are, for the momeDt. their bread as a result of the Su­ warm water and pure soap which The Philippines must be held In fishing through the ice is pro- one Relnhold Hahn. 61, whom they Need l o Find Tire Chain PASTRY FAM ILY l O f men and women must give to vic­ To you again, for your editorial I Ilf the skin within a shorter time. hlmlted. No such devices shall be FLOUR Mhll*we are fighting for our very at lewat, their hero, and can preme Court decision against the The object in this treatment is tn Qneottona and Answers will remove the excess oil. In and used for offensive air action identified as the Gestapo agent 5 Ip bag 17c 5 lb bag • ' ' clarity, most sincere appreciation. 1 against the enemy, insofar as pos­ used except between 6:00 a.m. and \Jlfe. tory the same full allegiance they have anything they can five us, town clerks. Thrt-e are lawyers produce a mild peeling of the skin. these cases, the diet is usually at and also as an en.gineer who came Hannibal, Mo,—(>P)—If towns­ ^ f u U U Very truly yours, which, however. Is not likely to fault, and the olllnesa disappears sible; 8 00 p.m. daily and must be per­ to Cuba on a tourist card issued in folk want speeds service from the BROOKSIDE We are fighting for our lives. give to their ordinary Jobs and today who. like many other white As the old skin peels off. the fre.sh (Injured Coccyx) Henry A. Mallctt Inriude the hail we may need II new skin from underneath will be Question: Jeannette C. asks: as soon as the diet la corrected. The U. S. Pacific and A.slatlc sonally attended. A bag limit of 20 Berlin. Fire Depa'-tmeni these wintry BUTTER FRESH CREAMERY roiT 38c pastimes. It means that many 109 Summer street, collar men, including some col­ fish la allowed with not more than ‘This Is no Sunday School picnic. the other storm continues rising. umnists, woifld be better off if fleets mu*t destroy as much of A man booked as Victor Schmere days they’d better find that tire must give what would seem, in Manchester Conn., ■lapan's Navy as can be brought 10 pickerel or walleyed pike. chain. It was lost going to a fire oll-pliMplwf* BROOKSIDE 04ul VufatcJtrU i BlVsry hour, American soldiers, The second storm comes from they had gbne to trade school in­ Rubin. 65. described as a Lithuan­ STRICTLY FRESH doz ordinary times, to be Impossible. the distinguished members of the to battle, and ian who allegedly did field survey last week. "Due to defense pri­ dovbfm-eeiinfi EGGS ■ailors, marines, and civilians are Poem From War Zone stead of <^lleg«, And if new law­ lARSE SIZE Ciade A But it is a question of life or Connecticut bar who have their yers keep coming In the whole America's great industrial plant The grapp aerpagp of California work for the reflector plotters in orities and the size of the truck F fttC . Send for NEW bookie*, con* FLORIDA ■ Size ISO's 176 $ • Vitamins B I. C dying. (The Herald prints today an ex­ must produce a veritable torrent 1* largp In area than thp New Orlente province, was held with wheel we will 09 unable to replace teininz doten* of bright ideev to im- FOR BAKING death for America. cellent testimonial to the mother dandecs up and who are busy pro­ profession will have to scratch grove your beMne. Address: Rumford When they get through dying, claiming that we are strangely of munitions—sufficient to supply England slates combined. Hahn. it." explained worried firemen. BeWng Powder. Box V. Rumford. R. I. PURE LARD «0R f r y in g ORANGES 2 4^c We must answer that question of the men who are in the service harder and wider, and still the they are dead—they don't laugh, blind to their side of the case, and law of diminishing returns will be not only U. S. forces, but also the FLORIDA - Size 200’s216's Vitamins B 1, C of their country, written by Major British, the Russians and all oth­ or sing, or eat, or love, or write here. Peter C. Schroder, Chaplain, U. 3. to the fact that in the town clerk in effect. E U A D l A I I V EVANGELINE to 14-s o: ers who are fighting the Axis. WMMNWWK C v A l * i n i L K Unsweetened - O cans letters any more. No one has anything more Im­ Air Corps, located at Nichols case they w:ere merely seeking to Considering the growing and ORANGES 2 <>» 39c protect the public welfare. enforoed leisure of the profes­ One ne^d for continuing to pour This Is war. portant or essential to do. Field, Rlzal, Luzon, Philllplne I.s- planes and guns into both the MILLBROOK CLUB FLORIDA - Size 54’* - Vitamin C \ lands. The poem was sent to a We have no right, according to sion, which give It time eveii ASSORTED FLAVORS 28 oz We repeat, this Is war: British Isles and North Africa I SODAS btls This is our war. resident of Manchester and offered one of their membere, Atty. for lengthy and dtstlngulahed K Contents Only GRAPEFRUIT 3 '* 19c We can't win It i|vlth anything Every American Is in It up to to Tho Herald for printing.) Cliarlcs M. Lyman of New Haven, letters to the editor, It little be­ was said to arise from the fact FLORIDA - Size 64'* - 70** ■ Vitamin C his throat. Mother who has gone so far aa to put hie hooves mad dog eolunmlsts to that none can tell to what new ad­ * FINAST less than our total effort. venture Hitler may turn, assum­ A FHA Valuations STUFFED It won't be won by transferring The mother on the sidewalk as the protest into a letter to one of wag their tales carelessly In the OLIVES 10( No one else is going to win it our editors, to "Judge an honor­ ing he finally 1s able to estabttBb R GRAPEFRUIT 4 17c a football ^ m e from one coast to troops are marching by ean license, but the lawyers can for us. Is the mother of Old G'ory that is able profession by the few black noon day sun. The town clerks a strong defense line in Russia. FINAST - PITTED 7k oz DI-ANIDU - Size 80’s ■ 90’s • VlUmin C No'one else Is going to do the the other, or by any other mpas- waving in the sky. sheep within it." commit. We shall, therefore, Three Majot PoosIbUitles S DATES GDLDEN HALLOW! 2 pligs ures or attitudes which fall to re­ Men have fought to keep it splen­ Not all such lawyers, says Atty from this time forth, - concen­ Three major possibilities were PEARS 6 23e things that must be done. mentioned: Ca mtl». Old Cold. ' ^ ™ flect the true, grim reality of a did. Lyman, have only "greedy mo­ trate our energies npon the dis­ On Sound Basis Ltuky Strike cartOn I B P CALIFORNIA We, individual Americans, must Men have died to keep it bright. tives." although, "unfortunately 1—A major drive through Tur­ ChMUrAtld and tax hid 1 0 * 1 3 covery of pralse^'orthy facte CIGARETHS olhtrpsjularbrand. ^ shoulder our share of the burden. battle for our v e r y lives. But the Flag waa bom of womifn there are lawyers whose motives about sad nnaelfiak acts by key into the Near East in an at­ BROCCOLI 19c We must, each of us, make it as and her sufferings day and are those which he describes." the togal profession, and when tempt to cut Allied supply lines Good reasons usualy exist tn cases where the Federal night; "The major unfairness in the wa have aeUeved a Ust long through Iran apd Iraq and to R Wf a share as we possibly can— A New Command knock out British armies in North Housing Administration withholds insurance on a inort- Vitamin* H T c c” Tl# her sacrifice has made it. and column," says Atty. Lyman. "Ilea enough fge-a- column, w e. shall R ntST ttMpOMSt APPLES 4 23e' B bigger share than is comfortably once mote we ought to pray 1 Africa. gage. Home buyers should accept the decision to grant e Aweeptng change In our in Ha one-iidedness." do pnbfle penance thierewith. e d r m sgmvteg M/it possible 'rae For the brave and loyal mother of To this charge we plead guilty . 2—A . 'military-political cam- or withhold insurance as a real service rather than an CELERY NATIVE ■ VHaniin* A,' C 2.% 25e. Pacific?aeifli commend Is healthy Indi­ the boy who goes away. J paign extending the war to Spain 19 mtM ¥UM WuitPsouitet • * • We were. In the. Instance of that inconvenience. tFSugny rott , KATIVE HUBBARD cation that Washington Intends particular column,' constituting Gees Whole Way I and Portugal and opening ^chy- The situation is not "well in I ' n e s f i eoFFM t/ SQUASH Vitamin A 3 10c to take no chances In the future. There are days of grief before her; ourselves counsel for the town ] French porta to Nazi naval‘opera- - hand." there are hours that she Hay Springs. Neb. When I tions in the Atlantic. Thla later LATE HOAfES The men who are relieved of their clerks of Connecticut. Being of Failure of the construction or the location o f the prop­ Not anywhere. will, weep; counsel, we- behaved like any law Harvey Benschulter, 23, a ranch I development might create new K Y B O 2 iibbaa* 4 9 c CRANBERRIES Vitamin C 19c command are not finally discredit­ There are nights of anxious wait­ erty to meet-FHA requirements, failure to provide a sufBr We are fighting for our lives in yer with a case, the major dif­ employe, decided his country need­ I problema for the U, S. Navy In JOHNALDEN 2ubb.;.45e FANCY EMPEROR ing when her fears will ban­ ed his help, he went the whole I prosecuting its two-ocean war. dent degree of livabUity, light, and air or failure df the lb* the Philippines. ed; final Judgment on them will ference being in the question of S RICHMOND 2 i ib b>„ 39c GRAPES Vitamins C C 19c ish sleep; fee. We were having a high old way. Hs aold hla car, horse and I 0—A desperate effort to crush R purchase price to be nearly In line with the FHA's valua­ be paased by the Investigating YELLOW RUTABACA We are fighting for our lives on She has heard her country cklllng time with the lawyers, perhaps a other pereonsl proper^ for S500, I Britain by Invasion. i tion are a few of the reasons why the Federal Housing board headed by AssoclaU Justice and has risen to the test. TURNIPS Vitamin* B, C 4 10c Midway, and on Wake, and- on lltUe higher time than we meant Inveeted toe money Xln defense Administration may ddny insurance, FHA officials point Roberts of the Buprema Court. And has placed upon the altar of bonds and then set.-out for Denver Hawaii. the Nation's need, her best. to hwe, for It to difficult for out. It is usually a real service to the home buyer to ' Yet they were In com.roand, on the layman ever to consljler it neces­ to enlist in the cavalry. QUfiU im a l QguuiimA The British are fighting lor And no man shall ever suffer in iPasses Received deny Insurance for any of theae reasons. M AR VO S7c 21c scene, when something happened the turmoil of the fray. SWEETHOME their Uvea, and ours, at Hong- ■> . CHOCOLATES ASSORTMENT tef 25c ; ' -kong, and Singapore, and Libya, that should never have happened. The anguish of the mother of the who went aw-ay. Sole Dividend FESTIVAL CAKf FLOUR 14c I gad on the Mven seas. Leaving tham In command, In many Instances borrowera apply for a larger mort­ CHOCOLATES Ff ncy. AlsGftmtRl 99c gage than la actually needed on the assumption that the WHEAT TOAST **• 19c The alliance that is against us while the Inveatlgatlon takes Ita You may boast men's deeds of Danbury,' Dec. 18.—(;P)—Presi- RIBBON CANDY 33c is toe-greatest alliance of miUtary course, and while the InvestlgA: *lory. Ident G. Mortimer Rundle of the FHA arbitrarily will reduce toe amount of the application. You may tell their courage great. 3 Ib HYDE PARK 1 ^ 2 ^ power that la “ ready," not "poten­ tlon Itself will make'demand on |Danbury Agricultural society, No such policy is 'practiced by FHA. Value la based on q HARD FILLED CANDY ' lar 63c IL But to die ls»ea.sier service than operator of the Danbury fair, told number of established fsetors. These factors, together, EDUCATOR CRAX 2 33c tial," in all the history of the their time and thought, might to -fit atone and wait, i S Ib stockholdera today that they would establish the actual valuation, and when the application -HARD FILLED CANDY C l * BSc world. have been taking a chance. And I hall the little mother, with - is (he oldest nuterlal by minkind |have to regard the $10 worth of VEGETABLE the tear-stained face and for mortgage insurance la for the proper amount there auart In ^ opinion of conservative It might, also, have given the each received tola year as GRAPE JUICE FINA1T bti 2/C 1 4 c SHORTENING grave for wearing apparcL Today, it is con* la no disposition on the part of the FHX to reduce it. eaqwrts, it will take us at least impression that Washington was he sole dividend on their invest- SAUCK 17 w Who has given toe flag a soldier nent because of $40,000 loss occa- CRANBERRY can t o m years, probably five, per­ Itaelf- in an atmosphere of "busi­ She'i the bravest of the brave. aidered to be the ideal garment material OCEAN SPRAY 11c don^ by fire that rased toe ad- PRINCE MATCHABEUrS to • oz CRISCO haps ten years to defeat it. It ness as usual." And the banner we are proud o' liniatratlon building teat faring. When the purchase of a home appears to be an economi­ MINCE MEAT FINAST 3 Dkts 15c the Red, the Blue and Whit- for outdoor wear. It is strong, firm ... Will take an air force bigger than The prompt severity of the act Sefvrde)f Evening Stockholders, each of whom re- cally unaound venture for toe family, the FHA very likely •OROEN’y * ei Is a lasting holy tribute to nr yet pliant and comfortable. It is -un* elved Individual ^ d automobile POTPOURRI MINCE MEAT NONE iUCM 2 aka* ■U our present army. It wiU take is warning that Washington mother's love of right.- will withhold Insurance of toe mortgage. A case In point 21c P Ho d u a U dmtsalon tickeU plus grandstand FANCY 1 lb I •B army of ten nillUonrmen. knows It to In war, where every Msjor Peter C. Schroder, questionably weather-realatant. Loath* wMi the collar' 'igbts free, had complained that would be the family o f modest, means purchasing an ex< MIXED NUTS ASSORIMENI box 29c Chsplmln Air Corps, And. unless we can make this mistake haa fatal possibilities, Uvidends should not be dtocontinu- penaivo home with petoaps more room than to needed. diamond - FANCY BABY STRAINED ^ 4 ) g g Z 4^ Nichols Field. er is windproof.. .yet snppleiwhilg pro* Ah exquisl'te blend o f flowers and spice, WALNUTS LARGE BUDDED 29c Idnd of effort, we can lose. and that it does not intend to to comfortable. since stattotics showed tost toe Or the family whose schedule of fixed charges, obligations Rtsal, Philippine Iiland.-*. viding ventilation. A good leather is II fair broke attendance rec- take toe easy, indecisive way out such as car paymente, etc., do not warrant added financial BELL'S SEASONING Poaltry »*B 7e FOODS w l-f- embodying within its delicate fragrence Thar* to no divine oerUlnty that of any of toe realities of war. Overstoe Onnsss Trooble colorful as well as serviceable; it is imettnati, taeb Mft tar comfort,-la President Rundle, describing the burdens. 2 at ' < BAKER’S VANILLA bt 27c t wtU win. Some of these Bton now under loss aa "terrific," referred to all the chamri o f an old-fashioned bouquet. JU N IO R Oklahoma City— Richard tasteful as well as economical. Ihe number of paaoea given each We win win only If we. ae to- investigation ' may be proved Slinmons appeared at an Army re­ woven on • cwnro to fit Iho shopo of fovr neck, never And, CURRANTS PLUMP * L V 1 0 c '^llTidual Amerlcene, do more tomn blamelees. If so, it wlU become Itockholder with a “ that should Build Your New Homo On A Sound Valuation Baaia FOODS_ cruiting station to enlist. Officers enough dividend." A sumptuous star-studded bottle, gaily FINAST SQUASH 9c ^era ever eacpacted to do. the nation to accept that verdict took one look and went Into a pfvt tfwM exeluiive Ven Hevien ceHor tantvrat, y o u got e real With An F. H.’A. Loan. as readily aa It now accepts the huddle. They wired Eighth Corps packaged in a peppermint striped box; MINCE - - If y«u this to e matter of Area Headquartera at San An­ Capeskin Jackets $6*95 ta $12*95 FINAST PUMPKIN 2 ^ 17c ae U yen think this can poaaiblUty that they were at tonio. Texas officers passed the cueteni-ehlrt pattern wWi (b c k ^ rt and body Ihot tallew natural IlnoE All Von Heuton (oSignsSeen MEAT without the tost ounce of fault. But meanwhile, the nation wire around and held a consulta­ SNOSHEEN CAKE FLOUR 23c an your own p u t , we -win must gat ahead with the reality tion. They wired Washington. $1.00 Washington took toa batter under Suede Jackets $6*95 to $16*95 fobrict ara fiontarteed-ibrvnk end approved by Amerigon IniHtuto* of Uundoring. V i Of Nazi Airmen ONE PIE MINCE MEAT 2 ^ 2Sc DatG, Fig or ) CM of a bitterly-contested war; for advisement, then wired Oklahoma SALADA TEA lKL SL? 40c 21c I j f think the worst to ovor, tost a new alata to advlaable. City: "Okay.” Six-foot, aeven inch With the Red Army on toe Mos- PUDDINOf One of toe replacements at 240-pound Private Simmons was ilie Manchester ?*• ' sw Pront, Dec. IS— During a Hawaii to aymboUe of toe fact in toa Anny today—even If he is MEN'S bree-day tour of . the Moacow Prices Subject To ChsAge Due To Msricet FlortegHBBto. I to one Inch taller than regutotlona agataet that we are laamtog toe d\i«f >aa- hont, Unltec States and Brittob PRICES EFFECTIVE AT THE FOLLOWING STORES ONLY. 8 9 0 P ANDAA1 parmit. hrrespondento hava aeen no signa 0|^.thto war twlfUy.. Oanerat ^ E G A L ' “ |„''p| Trust Company SHOPS I toe Geman Air Fomo, ' 22 EAST CENTER STREET MANCHIP^ ■boct to 'raptocad aa army , com- Tba aaw-toothed grain beetle [Bablnd toa Itoao, Ruastaa ra* ean Uve its antire life on a diet of 907 MAIN STUSET WELDON BUILDING WELDON BUILDING Mmibar FhEfial PapaaH las. Cmrp. 169 NORTH MAIN STREET Ocnaral Bwimona, . 1m 907 MAIN STREET tro«m and suppUaa mosiad 073 MAIN $TREBr rad pepper r rathraya ana highwaya. ((^ROCERIEfL PRUTTB A |ID YISGBTAPI ____ x j


I '/ i I #'rC' ,T'i V L'^t' 'r Hi: tmm Peace Amid War—A Christian Christmas Greeting

■i«*w w Not $ince 1917 has this country actually spent Christmas under the Christmas comes in the m i d s t of war. Its m e s s a g e from the dark shadow of war in our own land. Today this is a reality — a Prince of Peace will remain during the war, in the chaos of post-war serious and sombre reality — the implications of which are so vast reconstruction, among the problems brought forth by man's lack of as to border on the mysterious. One thing, however, is certain. >i , Peace understanding of God and man's unwillingness to meet honestly the War is terrible and terrifying. It destroys and kills. needs of his fellows, and it will remain for the future peaceful pur­ — On Earth Over against the thought and actuality of war is the thought and suits of mankind. JESUS — that is His Name — He is man's ulti­ ideal of peace. Dare we speak of peace amid war? Yes. Chris­ mate hope — it is He who shall save His people from their sins. I D i l l tianity has always done so. Humanity's goal is not war — it is 1^2 peace. 'Christian faith must ever deal with the ultimates of life. Let us come nearer to God this Christmas, because the n e a r e r we Peace is just such an ultimate. come to Him, the closer we come to one another. Yes, the Chris­ I T o w a r d tian believer can have peace from God while empires crumble and Where does peace begin, save in the individual human heart? The steeples fall. And it is that peace universal which shall conquer f flpen I peace of God which passes all human understanding begins at home and outlive war and all its horrible deeds. God is our refuge and in the individual experience. Amid the roar of planes, bombs and strength. May He preserve and use our beloved land in its present cannon, the reality of Christian peace may yet be found. struggle for the attainment of world peace!

Clarence H. Anderson Johnson Brothers Hugo S. Pearson 647 Main Street—Tel. 8343 or 7930 533 Main Street->Tel. 6227 187 Maple Street—^Tel. 6076 Fire and Automobile Insurance Electrical Contractors Range and Fuel Oils Anderson & Johnson Johnson Paint Company Pentland The Florist 162 Highland Street—Tel. 6884 Johnson Bjock—^Tel. 6854 17 Oak Street—Tel. 6247 Plumbing and Heating, Master Craft Oil Burners , Wallpapers, Picture Christmas Plants, Corsages, Cut Flowers 'Ml; Bottinelli Monumental Co. Keller's Men's Wear Pierce’s Carpet Cleaning Co.' A. Aimetti, Proprietor, Harrison Street Karl Keller—Arthur Hultman 1488 Albany Avenue, Hartford—^Tel. 6-7708 Monuments, Markers, Finished M em orials Gifts That Men Appreciate Selling the Best in Rugs and Carpets Francis E. Bray A. S. Legge W illitp H. Schieldge State Theater Building—~Tel. 5617 11 Asylum Street, Hartford 137 Streetr^^Tel. 3 6 ^ Jewelry-Watches^reeting Cards Jewelry of Distinction A Complete Printing Seirvice i Caiilson & Johnson Maitdiester & Fuel Co. West Side Dairy EMANUEL LUTHERAN Telephone 7664 or 4735 255 Center Street—Tel. 5145 G. Albert Pearson, Organist and Choir Director 52 McKee Street— Tel. 7706 Thonten A. Gustafson, Pastor Church and Streets, Manchester, Connecticut Contractors and Builders Service That Is Service Dairy PTodneU tliat ^cel

jy CHRISTMAS DAY Findell & Swanson Edward J. Noren Handers Oratorio “The Messiah “JULOTTA ” At the Green—TeL 4865 361 Center Street i Tel. 4076 (Christmas Matins) Venetian Blind Manufacturers Quality Food Store Presented hy Emanuel Lutheran Choirs 5:30 A.M. ' Beethoven Glee Qub—Chapel Choir _ English and Swedish Langnages Used. Emanuel Choii>—G Clef Club “Christmas Tunes" — Orihut Rcdtal *—5 A. N. Gustafson's Brownbilt Shoe Store John 1. Olson G. Albert Pearson, Director Sunday, December 28 In, the Johnson Block 12 Jadtaon Stteet-TeL 4370 “ With F a m ily 10:45 A.M.—Memorial Service. Shoes for die Entire Master Painter and Decorator 6:00 P. M.-^unday School Christmas Program. Manchester Civic Orchestra aind Sdoists At the New Yearns Eve Johnson's Atlantic Service 'g:00 P. M>—Social Hour sponsored by Lather League. Olson Motor Sales 11:00 P. M.—Watch Night Vespers. _ East Center and Foster Streets—TeL 3941 Gulf Gas and QU-Repair-Body Work, Painting High School Auditorium Lubrication, Washing, Car Poliahing Chrysler — Plymoudi — International Trucks Sunday Afternoon, December 21, at 4 O’Clock Every Sunday u 9:30 A. M .^unday School — Bible Class. Tickets $1.10 (Tax Included)^ 10:45 A. M.—^The Morning Service. _ a ' 7:00 P. M.—The Bible Hour. This Message Sponsored By The Above Named Members The Emanuel Church joins wifh the churches of Manchester intoelcoming aU,— new and old residents—to the Services and the aciivities of the Christian Church in this community. Your church is a haven of peace, AnaEriends The Emanuel Lutheran Church ’ '■ V. ; . ■ / . ■ ' ■ ' . > »»»>>»^>^ » » » > 2 , MANCHESTER EVENING HEKALU, MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 19^1 FACE ELEVEN M A M t-.H r.argR e v e n i n g HEKALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18,1941 tejT was aware ot the pr^lous cases ei than Admiral Husband E. Kim- Academy and commUalontd u ffdp j • SERIAL STORY Glass Found in which tbe preservative had been Nimitz Is Old mel whom be succeeds as fleet aign In 1907; prooMtad to-'JiMl mistaken for glass, was given the commander. He has a quiet man­ lleuUnant and Utra MBlor two cans for analysis after a MId-i ner and is not easily ruffled, but ant In 1910;'Ueut*naat eommaadfflj In Crabmeat dletown housewive reported tp Tigboat’ Man associates say be is absolutely In 1916; commapdar In 1931; ea^ lecond Army Troops HIS CHRISTMAS CAROL state police she had found "gla.'iH’ without fear. tain tn 1927;' add r««r admiral n ' coevmuHT. laai. in one of them. Navy circles credit him with 1938. _ - ¥ AreDecluctecl BY ADELAIDE HAZELTINE K«A aanvica. inc. rare ability in picking capable sub­ State Police Medical. No Comfort for Japan­ Before becoming chief In 1939 o f - Like Militant Janus ordinates: likewise with great tbe Buraau ot Navigation—tk* Consultant Examinefl M u st U se W o m e n ese in Naiiiing o f New- technical skill. They also say that, ' Navy's peraonnal d*p*itmoBt' IM > Income Tax Experts in The Story: When Andrew Denr- were a contemplative yellow- he said gently, "bow many papers •.hile he 1* slow to commit him­ n u commander of Mttl**hlp die they have aeen such a Bight once flame out with a direct stream of bom dies of heart attack, his sec­ green. Her mouth now wore a did you spoil?" Fleet Heafl. self to a course of action, he la Another Article De­ water It became more active and Ja|>ane.e Pro.lucl. |„ Defense Jobs vision one of the fleet’s MtU* ^Inland Force Ready lo p | | n ( ] S t a r t e d before many years ago. The rain­ Bolton Holds retary Carol refuses to admit to deriolve smile. "Let’s go tn the "Oh, that's all right I can dead sure of himself once he does. force. R o c k v iU e bow, wks perfect and unbroken. It; pieces of the Ignited magnesium .unacrupuloua Mr. Herrick, aaeist- lose 'em.” Cliairman Vinson (D., Ka.l of scribe Exemptions. oxide shot out from tbe burning office and get out of thla unholy Middletown, Dec. 18 'A*'■ The Washington, Doc. 18 '/P If Tbe admiral makea hla boa$* Bolster Power o f Oth­ dissolved after a few moments, re­ ant manager of Dearborn’s Store, noise,” Linda urged. Andy's mouth was firm but his the House "Naval Committee de- I here. He has three daughter* AM Lewla a. Oaiwnaa forming again and again dissolv­ mass. However, when he sprayed slate police's medical consultant the Japanese have been uneasy Defense Meet that she...... know* the temM w of the I f ’o*' Ibe first time Carol realized eyes were warm. "How many?” Hartford, Dec. 18 — (J5— Maj. scribes him ar a man of forceful I a eon. Cheater, Jr., who la a Uau- as For Soldiers By Paul GMMr and John Beekiry 96. Bocirvtila ing. water on it the mass burned more asserted last night that some bits about the scope of American sub­ character, aplendld judgment and ers or Move Expe­ trilL Having typed It, howewr, footatepz of hundreds of cus- he persisted. Herbert J. Schwabacher, occupa­ marine operations, there Is no I tenant In the Navy. New York, Dec. 18.— —Here The sudden death of Mrs. rapidly but with a very even Burn­ she knows that ahe and live other might be ceUed noise. She ot a foreign Substance in two cans plenty of courage. • Nicky eurveyed his armful. of Japanese crabmeat submitted to tion adviser at state Selective Ser­ comfort for them in the appoint­ ditionary Army. Stephen Stanek was reported Sat­ Twelys women attended tbe ing with no shooting sparks. The employe* are to Judge whether or " 'Bout twelve, maybe. But it’s all Nimitz is a wiry Texan—he's are some more bu.slness expenses urday night, at the Windham Com­ Nearly 150 in Allend- speaker said that the spray en­ had thought of them aa music. It him for analysis "without s doubt vice headquarters, told Hartford ment of Admiral fJhoster W’. Nl- Hale, House and Wat­ meeting of the Quarryville Red not playboy *on Andy Deorborn, meant business was good at Dear- right. I guess I ought to have county manufacturers that the quite proud of his native state— which are allowed as deductions munity Memorial Hospital, where courages the magnesium oxide to are glass." miiz as commander of tho U. S. who welgh-s 160 pounds for his 5 Memphis. Tonn., Dec 18— — Scouts to Do Cross Sewing Group held Wednes­ ance at Gathering Held yachting with *leek IJnda Julian, born>. come slower—" time had come for them to employ Pacific fleetv Nimitz Is an old Like A militant Janus, the Second kins Companies Sub­ from your income: she had been taken for treatment liiirn out .more rapidly leaving a run* the store according to hi* The consultant. Dr Joseph feci, 11 ij inches. He plays a very for a heart attack. She was 60 day at the home of Mrs. Ann residue that is harmless and re­ Andy's eyes continued to hold Andy fished some coins from Beauchemln of the Middletown men not qualified for military ser­ "pig-boat" man. Mem Women Over 40 Army has its eyes focused east and Union dues and assessments, ex­ Last Night. father’* policy ol “aervice to the his pocket and pushed them into good game of tennis, and during scribe for a Nucleus. years old. She was born in Czecho­ sembles cigar ashes. Carnl'a as he salil absently to Lin­ State hospital, said all of the ma­ vice or women. His first command, back in 1009. WMt today, with troops standing cept those paid for benefits to Defense Jobs Skinner. The women completed people.” If be fail* the store Is da, "Yes, of course." He turned Nicky’s hand. 'You can count me the season he is a familiar figure in constant readiness either to bol- members; slovakia, the daughter of Mr. and .Speed Essential to be sold for. charity. Carol’s terial "at flrat looked very much Cancellation of Selective Service was a submarine flotilla, and he ( the courts at the Army and Don’t Be Weak, Old eight women's dresses. No meet­ Bolton. Dec. 18 — (Speclaly — and touched the knob of his a regular customer, too, Nicky. deferments in non-defense plants, ■ter the power ot Annies facing The J. W, Hale Company, C. E. Employment agency fees: Mrs. John Kravarik. She leaves ing will be held until after Christ­ The first 45 seconds are the im­ role i* the more difficult because like glass." but added that a lia.s seen considerable service with Nevy club here, where he haa I Fool Poppy, Now, Yoarp Vagpi her husband ar.c four daughters, About 150 attended the defense portant ones after a bomb lands. father’s office, paused. Then, Every day." definite analysis would have to he said In a speech last night, will the "pigboats" since, including I T>k« own.•im. CMUtMcTmuSw itMTsIMMTsI tomim.loaM*. bHm II the enemy or move intact as a com- House and Company,and the Wat­ Entertainment expenses of .sales­ .\11 in Rockville to Meet mas and then this group will meet meet.ing and entertainment spon­ another faithful employe. Bill The boy grinned his thanks p ven sound drubbings to officers I •rwo awdtd *fw «a~br Smm* ImSIi p«Ct, highly mobile expeditionary Mrs. William Hartz of Hebron, After five niiniitos the bomb la quickly, he turned it, opened the await the completion of chemical be followed by curtailment of de­ -several months ol expertonco un­ many years his junior. kins Brothers Company have each men or executives where these every week. sored by the Bolton Volunteer Reefc, 1* in love with her, while door and went in. "Jimlny-gee!" force. ^ Isubscribed as the nucleus of a expenses are essential to their This Evening to Get Mrs. Sanford Coleman of Wash­ throwing flames and hui nlng pieces she has loved Andy since girlhood, testa. ferments In defense industries, and de. actual combat conditions in Service Record took U BfMir. flMUttff CkMiter Red Croea Firemen and held Wednesday eve­ 'And Nicky," Andy added quiet­ that many job* would have to be piM Ogtrvs ToBid TsblMs •______From its unique position, the ington, D. C., and Gladys and Ter­ fifty feet. He stressed the import­ Asys Report* Without B**l* the World War. His service record runs like.this: fMllBff p*ppi«r BPS ypuagtr iklg tm f fund, which it is hoped will be fur­ business; Twenty-five were present at the ning In the Community hall. The remembering a time when his eag- ly aa the boy turned to go, "I'll turned over to those dlsquslifled Second Army more than any of ther enlarged, to be sent to the Automobile expenses when a car Instructions. ry of Hebron, also two grand­ ance of cleaning attics of all rub­ ertie** to oome into the store was It was Linda who closed the Meanwhile, at Wkterbury, Fred Nimitz la 56, three years young- i^raduated from the U. a. Naval ■Bio Bt Btl tMtf ttortt. children. Funeral services were Bolton Center Red Cross Sewing audience was composed of young­ bish and inflammable material and want my paper—In a hurry." J. Delmore. Federal food and drug for military aervice. , the nation's field forces can sen’c Manchester .soldiers now serving at must be owned and operated out Meeting held Wednesday In the put off by hi* father. door behind them. the double purpose of going into held today at 2 p. m. at St-Peter's sters and oldsters who certainly the necessity of having dry sand Carol, busy at her desk, tried (To Continued) administration Inspector, asserted He said that British Industry Camp Blanding, Florida. of your own pocket for business Rockville. Dec. 18—iSpecial) — Bpiacopal church, the , Riev. An­ Fireplace Room of the Community showed their appreciation of the • • • had a ratio of seven women to five battle on its own or standing by purposes other than going to and All Boy and Girl Scouts of the city and a water supply handy at all ••.lust His Scerciary—" not to listen to the rise and fall that all reports of "glass" in Japa­ To each of the two units In the drew Balaska of Stafford Springs Hall. The group completed twelve various speakers with enthusiasm. times. Bombers are capable of re­ of their voices or to speculate nese crabmeat brought to hi* at­ .men* as cpmpared with one to to fortify the might of other Unit- from the office. You may deduct are asked to meet at the social hospital garments and several ied States Armies. The Second South will go J2fi, the use of the officiating. Interment was in St Drill Master John T. O'Loughlin leasing 720 of these bombs at one Chapter III about the silences between. tention In recent day* were with­ twelve in the United Statex. money to be at the option of the gas oil. garage, maintenance and rooms of the Union Congregation­ children's dresses. Eight sewing of the West Hartford Fire Depart­ Gcriiiaii Flier Army is pureiy an iniand bul­ fhe decline in value of the car due al church this evening at 7 :S0 Peter's Cemetery. time and Mr. U'Loughlin jMiinted The -other five on the jury to She must not let Andy’s pres­ out basU. Alarmed housewives men of these units. The Manches­ machines were in operation and a ment was the guest speaker of t' e out the large area they would judge young Andy were not ac­ had mistaken a crystallized pre­ The Hawaiian government has wark. to the year's wear and tear. How­ o'clock to receive Inatructlona In A statement has been received sufficient number of hand sewers ence arouse an her old unhap­ Under the War Department s ter units are the Anti Tank Com­ at the towm clerk's office from evening. Mr. O'Loughlin has re­ cover. tually named. The will simply piness. Now, before ahe had to Escapes Again servative for glass, he said. made stowing away, on ships a pany and Company K of the 169th ever. if you also use your car for regard to distribution of question­ kept tbe machine operators busy. cently completed hia training at current geographical distribution pleasure, you may only deduct that naires. Governor Hurley appointing Dec. Four Fllim Are Shown specified that they would be the carry out the terms of the will, Dr. Beauchemln, who said he jail offense. The Manchester Trust Of troops. the Second Army Regiment, 43rd Division. 14-31 as a Pedestrian Safety Cam­ Several knitted garments were the Chemical Welfare School at The State Defense Council loan­ five who on the day of hlk death portion of these expenses as are These questionnaires have been handed in at the meeting. the Edgewood Arsenal In Maryland she must harden her heart against ireads over the heart of the The sum of $2.'S wrill also be given prepared and will be distributed to paign. All are urged to take espe­ ed four films: London Fire Raid; had longest served the store. him. She must stifle her love. Bowmanville, Ont., Dec. 18—(J5 orth American continent from to the Chamber of Commerce as clearly attributable to business This group will not meet next and spoke on "Incendiary Bombs ' Put Out That Fire; Connecticut - Lieut. Ulrich Steinhllper, 23- 3 use: ascertain the number of Volunteer cial care regarding safety under "These five and Carol Fairfield, When Linda came out she said IJodgtpitj^ Kas to Columbus, O.. the start of a fund which may be his head, including all law en Wednesday. Notice of further Iq- The speaker had a chart showing Answers; and Felix the Cat in whom I trust very much.” Tears vesr-old German flier who was Tools, equipment or supplies Defense workers available in this tirest to this group will be made, the different types of Incendiary to Andy, "Tou won't be long, will SHAVINO MUG • TALC Company calls to your I and from Minneapolis to Birming­ increased by the public and Cl\am- city. The questionnaires will be forcement agencies, and all civic Film Flam Films. These films were came to Carol’s eyes aa she re­ frustrated in a flight by locomotive ham. It has no coa.st to defend ber members so that every Man­ needed in your job which must be, iu this column at a later date. ^ m h s and also pictures of the .shown by a member of the State you, darling? You promised me from the Bowmanville Internment SHAVING LOTION • SOAP furnished out of your own pocket; put out throughout the city on Fri­ and private clubs. It goes without membered the words. It was aa If a drive you know. I love to ride agal>i*l invasion. chester man now in service may be saying that .pedestrians ought al­ RehearsiJa Postponed way these bombs are released from Defense Council. Mr. Dearborn himself stocxl at her camp fSm. 24, -was bunted as a COLOGNE • OeOOORANT Cost of memberships in trade day, and will bt collected on the No further rehearsals of the a tomber. In addition he had a in the snow.’* Under Command of I..ear given a Christmas present. ways to be on the lookout for their P. Corbin Kohn, Field Repre­ side and laid a kindly hand upon fugative agafin today. ami professional societies, ■ ex­ following Monday. December 22 by play "Two Days To Marry" will be scale model of the magnesium in­ She swept past Carol's desk and Ptofli fha c(*an Highlond The First, Third and Fourth the same boys and girls who dis­ owm safety. sentative for the State Defense her shoulder. Steinhllper escaped last night. attention this penses of attending their conven- held until Tuei^ay. Jan. 6. cendiary bomb and samples of the Council, was present and urged the through the doorway to the bal­ frogranc* lo th* sturdy armies cannot be used in the flex­ tributed them. This questionnaire Miss Aceynath Jones spent the She had gone to plead with He was believed to have cut a hole ible way that towering, stern-fac­ tion.s. subscriptions to trade jour week-end with her sister. Miss Party A Success chemicals used in Its majiufacture. people to volunteer for work in de­ cony. Then she pulled up abrupt­ in the nlne-foot-hlgh around litti* jug,"] SEAFOBTH nals necessary to your work. plays an Important part in our lo­ lm. "Name someone else. Mr. ed Lieut. Gen. Ben Lear and his Saving Crude Merle, at Arnold's College of Phy­ The first Christmas Party to be Magnesium Bombs fense. He pointed out the heed for fe ly. She had collided with Nicky. the camp. b*ort th* unmlttokobla cal defense plai. and everyone is given by the Ladies of St. Maurice Speaker O'Loughlin told the learborn. I’m not capable of force can Ix' employed. But wheth­ Coat Of I'nlforma urged to fill them out. sical Education. New Haven. organization throughout each town The impact scattered his papers In his original bid for liberty he mark of o man's eroduct. er the inlaim Army will be used The cost of uniforms is some­ Mrs. John Gallagher of New \.as held Tuesday evening in tbe group that a magnesium bomb is 111 the slate. helping make a decision like over the snow-wet floor beneath burrowed under the wire. It Is also requested that any boy Hi fslsl m n l K#«th«r aa a back-log for the other Armies Rubber Aim times a legitimate deduction, some over 12 years of age who has had York City was _a guest the past Fireplace Room of the Oommunlty composed of four parts: 1. the core. Winners of Drawing that." the feet of the crowd. He then secreted himself aboard Hall. Mrs. Ranto Cocconl was in 2. the body, 3. the firing mechan­ He smiled across hla desk at li rsMlsiictst pf thp or moved Into battle as a whole is times not. To be deductible a uni­ previous affiliation with the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. At the conclusion of the enter­ "You carele.s* boy," Linda a Canadian National rallwoya en- C sssfry •# HI$K« a War Department secret. form must be especially required Reuben Bosley. charge of arrangements. Forty ism. 4. tail or fins. He pointed oat tainment the drawing was helo tor her. "You’re perhaps the moat ca­ scolded. 'Why don't you watch i gine which was switching cars to IMPORTANT scouts come to the meeting tonight that every part of this bomb burns l•s$•ft. Is Because the Second Army is the Government , Prepares in yoUr job, bought out of your and be prepared to renew their An all day Red Cross meeting were present to enjoy games the radio, three turkeys and two pable of them all. Carol. For you. where you're going?” Niagara Falla, N. Y., but did not ch«le« pt pprftppipf msn amaUest of the four field forces, own pocket, and not suitable for was held at St. Peter's Rectory dancing, exchange of presents knd except the tall or fins. These bomb.s chickens given by the Bolton Vol­ more .than anyone else, see the realize when the international Scout oath to assist in this defense weigh 2.2. pounds each and when "I’m sorry, ma'am," he said re- «ii pf*pf thp it would be the logical one to re­ .\Iacbinery for First general wear to the extent that it work. It 18 sKso expected that the Monday, with workers bringing reiresbments. The husbands of the unteer Firemen. The winner of store through my eyes. I would belliously. He ducked between boundary was crossed. He was cap­ ceive new units under the pending replaces any of your regular cloth­ services of the Boy Scouts will be their own lunches, and spending members were guests of the eve­ dropped from a helghth of a mile the radio was Harry Johnson of feel safe with you alone to de­ tured by the engine'a crew after ChiintniftB or more will penetrate a roof and the shoppers to retrieve his wet Army expansion program. But Rationing of Goods. ing. requested later for air raid mea- the day. There Is still considerable ning. the Manchester City Club in Man­ cide it. I expect your Influence papers. Clutching them in hl.s returning to Canadian territory. SUrt At $2.00 auch definite plans are veiled by of the December quota of work to Bolton Briefs probably the attic floor landing in chester. Mrs. Stanley Nichola of to be felt. Naturally." he hesi­ WARNING On the other hand, uniforms of sengers. the second ifloor. The Impact ot small brown hands he came to the War Department. Washington, Dec. 18, -i/T)—The nurses, surgeons, railway conduc­ Party Tonight be completed, and it is expected Mrs. D. K. BIrdsall who has Bolton won the large live turkey. tated and she noticed a dampne.ss Carol’s de.sk (ontatnae *f Continue New Trognun that there, \vijl be a rush of extra been visiting her daughter Mrs. the bomb will start the firing H Vfitch of Rockville and A. in his eyes, "I hope with all my government prepared machinery tors, trainmen and barbers have St. Helen's Society will hold a "Jiminy-gee, Misa Carol! That •a* *t*rrt|r All individuals, partnerships, associations or corporations in (his dis­ While they await orders, the meeting and Christmas parly this work sent in in the near future. Mark of South Bolton mechanism which in turn will ig­ Miilicnc of the Pioneer Parachute heart that Andy will carry on. today for its first wartime .step been di.sallowcd as derluctions nite the .hemicals in the core of dame cornin’ out of your office hit ■t * l»ik nffiiiry f troops of the Second Army con­ into over-the-counter rationing, Men tn the armed forces may evening at seven o'clock [ in the The Rev. H R. Keen announced has returned to her home in Wil­ Company in Manchester won Run the business ss I hsve built trict, engaged in the business of selling certain consumers’ durable goods on tinue their new program of mili- Sund.ay that there will be a mid­ the bomb. me like a truck. Then says." his «**»l*i’ 'C' aimed at conserving crude rubber not deduct the cost of uniforms, church hall. There will be an ex­ ton. Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley Car­ orders for 18 pound turkeys. it. Where the customer is always the instalment plan, or in the business of making instalment loans, or in thp taiTT training—a program designed change of gifts, refreshments any night communion service at St. penter and Misa Allison Lee mo­ Control of The«e Bombs .Mickey Sygar of Norwich and right and the employe always boyish voice mocked her, " 'You by barring sales of automobile but may claim deduction for neces­ careless boy’." to correct shortcomings discovered tires for non-essential use. sary specialized equipment not a social hour. Peters Episcopal Church on tored to Wilton with Mrs. BIrdsall Drill Master O'Loughlin was Flora McKee of Finley street. Man­ happy. If he doesn't"—he looked business of lending on the security of or discounting of purchasing obliga­ Christmas Eve. opening at 11:15. very definite In saying that these Carol slanted a--glance at the in the scries of suntmer and fall Civilian rationing boards in used in civilian life such as an .Stores Open A rehearsal of fhe minstrel chester, were the winners of the away—"Dearborn’s shan’t exist. I tions or claims arising out of such extensions of credit, are required by , war games, to weed out Incom­ officer's pistol bought out of hi.s The stores in Rockville will keep The usual service of carol singing show will be held this evening at bombs can be controlled. He gave two chickens. must make sure of that. Prom­ inner office and saw Andy stand­ every community—developed from the simple rules for everj'one to ing in the doorway. He was bound petent officers and Improve leadcr- state and local defense councils— own pocket. open this evening for the conven-| and the Children's Christmas Tree 8 in the Community Hall. The ise me you’ll stand by the spirit Regulation W to register with the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and lo ahlfi and to add military polish to will decide which individuals are Teachers may deduct the cost of ie.nce of the Christmas shoppers party will be held preceding the minstrel is sponsored by the Com­ follow if they find an incendiary of the will. Carol, between the to bear Nicky’s words. She shook FUEL midnight senice. All kre cordially bomb. 1. Every home should have her head to silence the boy. "She's obtain a license in order to continue to transact such business after January aoldiers who have completed basic entitled to ration cards. The sys­ research work or travel definitely and will be open each evening un munity Helpers. people and my son.” training. tem Is to become effective Jan. <. til December 24th, invited to attend. Mrs. Myron Lee is confined to three pails, one filled with dry She Said, In a small voice, "I a friend of Mr. Dearborn’s, Nic­ 1. 1942. B required by their positions, but Clifford Wright and Ted Kowal FRESH CUT I.ear’s staff la being revitalized Acknowledging the possibility of the cost of technical books mu.st Named Cluilrman her home In South Bolton by til sand, one filled with water and the will. ” She couldn’t say, "I love ky." she said desperately. "She i for action on the batticline by a more rationing in the future. Civil­ Attorney Robert J. Pigeon has ski are home from Fort Bragg, N. nes.s. third one to be used to replenish came from his office." ' j The law provides heavy penalties for failure to comply with the regu­ be deducted bit by bit over their C„ also George and Elton Brooks your son, Mr. Dearborn. Hope­ OIL rapid Influx of young officers re­ ian Supply Director Leon Hender­ been appointed chairman of the Miss Charlotte E. Tobias, sister the water supply in the second pall. Nicky grabbed off his bat. useful life. arc home from Camp Blanding. 2. Approach the bomb in a crouch­ lessly, yes. But love just the lation, including failure to register and obtian a license. Any one who is in placing men past the age where son said tbe rationing boards could Other Deductions special commU'ee of the Rockville of John Tobias of French Road, Qiristmas Trees same. Don’t leave me to pass "Jlmlny-gce!” b* exclaimed. His | they would be sufficiently active Fla. The boys will have a ten-day ing position and place the dry sand mouth gaped. Hla fac* turned { doubt as to yihether the regulation applies to him or hia business should become the framework for control­ Many other deductions bc.side.'i Chapter, American Red Cross to fell an|j broke her wrist 'Wednes Judgment on him." AND under fire. More than two-thlrd.s ling the distribution of other civil­ raise the local quota of $10,000 furlough, day evening on her way to attend over it. 3. Watch the room for fires. an embairased pink. | business expenses arc also allowed A case against the town of He­ 4. Water should be applied to the She couldn’t say anything to without delsA' consult his local bank or write directly to the Federal Resarva of the ranking offlcera, including ian articles. Charitable contributions are de­ for the National Red Cross, to the Volunteer Firemen's entertain­ 35c a n d u p change his mind. The more she "Better be more careful, boy,” the chief of staff and most of the meet the present emergency. bron brought oy Betty Davis of bomb only in a spray form. Bank of Boston. 80 Per Cent Cut Needed ductible up to a limit of 1.1 per ment. The accident happened just tried to say th* firmer he became. Andy's voice was annoyed. ".What RANGE OIL ataff colonels, are new. William F. Partridge who has Hartford has been decided in favor Demonstrates Control are you doing up here anyway? 1 Hondcr.son said warfare in the cent of your net income. If yon of Hebron by the Hartford Coun- outside the Community Hall at •’You’ll do this one last thing for The general personally has been Pacific, cutting off rubber imports, served a.s treasurer of the Red Bolton Center. First Aid was ad The spea'kcr then demonstrated JOHNSON’ S Can’t you sell your papers on the i CALL THE DEAD LINE FOR SUCH REGISTRATION IS DECEMBER 81. deduct a sub.stantial amount for tv Court. Miss Davis sued the the manner in which these bombs me, Carol You’ll do it well." He visiting each post to determine necessitated an 80 per cent reduc­ such contributions, however, it is Cro.sa Chapter for many years will ministered tn Mis.s Tobias by street ?.” | 1941. FILE YOUR REGISTRATION EARLY, Registration forma may how much he can expert of each act as treasurer of the campaign town for 87,.500 for injuries sus- burn. He placed a .small vmoiint ot \TL.\NTIC STATION spoke the word* he had written tion in crude rubber proces.sing and advisable to be ready to support .Sophie John.son. R. N. and a doc­ In the will. "I trust you very Nicky twisted his cap. "I—you j unit and how well fitted each Is curtailment of civilian consump­ Contribution, wi'! be received On-' talncd wnen she was a passenger tor va.s called. magnesium oxide on a metaj see—" he stammered. "It was jls’ j be obtained from the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston or through The your claim with receipt for your ineditaely by the Chapter, and i >n a car which capsized on the Ho- demonstration table and ignited it. Corner East Center and much.” for battle tion from 47.000 tons monthly to donations. bron-Lcbanon road Sept. 9. 1939. Oh., dear heaven, what could —well. Mr. Dearborn al’ays | 7 4 2 4 Manchester Trust Company. Going forward despite the out 10.000 tons. may be sent to Mr, Partridge at It burned with a spitting and ac­ Foster Streets bought a paper from me and he ' 100% METERED SERVICE! Deductible contributions are the Rockville Branch of the Hart­ The driver was not prepared for ehe do now? How could she keep break of war is Second Army'.s Every new passenger car made those made to religious, charit­ tive fire. When he tried to put the wanted It in a hurry. He'd be | ■ educational program designed to ford Connect'cut Trust Company. the sudden change from the im­ her mind Impartial when her heart GASOLINE. 6 Gals. Sl.OO will get four tires, but will have able, literary, educational, scien­ proved Lebanon (Exeter) road to Stafford Springs standln’ there Jls' like you, waitin' teach the men in the ranks the no spare or one made of reclaimed Chairman Kenneth White of the I was biased? tific or humanitarian organiza­ the then rough country road be­ Quickly she ran over the list for m*. Now—well—1 Jls' keep historical backgrounj leading up rubber. Hender.son told a press Rockville chapter states that the cornin'. In a hurry. I Ilka to tions working for the public inter­ city has always exceeded its quota ginning with the Hebron line. He John O. Nrtto of the five who were with her In WILUAPfS to hostiUtles so they can better ap­ conference yesterday. Manufacture est. Among such organizations failed to notice a state sign warn­ UNDER THIS WAR EMERGENCY NEW think----- ' preciate what they are fighting of new pas.senger tires will he and he feels that it will maintain 41‘2. Stafford it. Beasie tn notions, Methllde In OIL SERVICE, INC. are your church, the Red Cross. good reefird in the present ing of the road condition. 'The He­ Carol couldn’t look at Andy* for. The War Department ha.- laid eliminated almost entirely for the Its dresses, John in the stock room. The boy began to back away. BROAD STREET Salvation Army, Community ' emergency. bron road has since that time been I Mr. Majors In the merchandising plans to adopt the idea similarly present chests, hospitals, non-profit col­ put into fine condition and iz part The funeral of'Mrs. .May Abby TIRES ARE GOING TO RE HARD TO GET Andy Btpfipd him. "Here, aon," throughout the Army. Tire sales will be restrieted to I I'liiierul office, Mlaa’fe'anny In hosiery. 'They leges and schools, tlie United Serv- I The funeral of James E. Fahey. of a trunk line. Reynolds. 69, of Sta/fordvUle 'was \ had been longest In the store. A Built along lines of flexibility firms or persons who have been iio organizations, etc. the Second Army has been the granted eertifieates by the ration 72, 29 Grove street was held held yesterday afternoon at. 2:30 strangely assorted group to pass You may not claim dciluction. on Wednesday afternoon from his proving ground for almo.st every board.s Showing that the equip­ however, for contributions to ira- o'clock at the .Staffordvilic Metho­ on the ability pf a Dearborn and military Innovation tried out by ment is esooutial to maintenance ] liome. Dr. Geoege S. Brookes, pas dist church with Rev. Clayton B. Make Your Present Tires I the fate of a business. tcmal organizations Ucvoloil pnn- tor of the Union Congregational ] South Coveulry Small, pastor, officiating. Burial the new American Army —armor­ of industrial efficiency or civilian eipally ter the Interests of member.s. Suddenly the tensed, glanced at hesith, he said, and to military < hiircli officiated. The honorary | was in Staffordvilic cemetery. The la calender. December 18. She ed divisions dive bombers, motor- organizations returning a profit to bearers were David Sykes. Fran- ,, iaed cavalry, mobile anti-tank use. stockholders, of those devoted to CIS S. NetUeton and Lbuis Schlaf. ' ^I'c usual Chnstmas parties .ara bearers were Selectman Milo E. drew a startled breath. Annual forces and many other experi­ Exact definitions of persons propaganda or trying to influence Bradway, Arthur Smith, Pliny Col­ Wear 50% Longer By Hav­ inventory began the Monday after eligible to receive ration cards The active bearers were Walter I burn, Benjamin G. Pbelpa, George New Year's. Seventeen days ments. legislation. Lemieiix. Frank Riser, Paul cliurchea .'tnd other organizations have not been worked out, officials Any interest which you paid on of the town. On Friday evening Belcher and Fred Smith. Mra. I away. said, but they w1U be divided into .Mciige. Lorenzo Genovesi, John Reynolds died St her home Sunday borrowed monc.v is also allowed as Coleman and Fred Leinhos. Burial the Legion and Auxiliary will hold Too short a time. Far too short! three broad groups: Those with deduction. Interest on per.sonal their party in the Legion Rooms night after a long Ulneas. She was ing Us Put The Wheels On iTet there it was. Mr. Dearborn Kharkov Again vchirles used for maintenance of was in Grove Hill cemetery. born in Staffordville, June 13, 1872 loans, bank loans, mortgage.,, cts. Questionnaires Sent Out for children up to and including 12 bad thought Inventory the right public health aud safety, those years of age. 'They are also to send the daughter of the late Mr. and date |o close the store. If close with passenger carriers other than are included. Interest mu.it be ' Parents of children who attend paid Jn actual cash, however, snd gifts to the families of two veter­ Mrs. George T. Flake. For a num­ they must. He surely hadn't ex- In Battle Zone private cars, and s few truck oper­ the Northeast school have received ber of years she was a school not by a new note- which merely questionnairfs from fhe Northeast an inmates of th ■ Newington Sol­ Your Car In Adjustment perted to die within less than ators classed as essential. dier's honie. teacher and taught at the Staf­ three weeks of it! Tire producers will be assigned includes interest bn a former note school Parent Teacher Association I as part of toe principal. regarding their desire to have a On Saturday afternoon at 3 ford street and Staffordville Every day, every mlntde was 'Hea^-y Fighting North quotas monthly by the Office of o’clock the children of the Congre­ schools. During the World War I, Production Management, and sales Finance Charges dental clinic for the children at An unbalanced oondltian hi Iprecious. Tbe six of them were 1. Finance charges on Installment the school. gational Sunday school will have she served as a Red Cross Nurae |flghting against time. Of Donets Basin in quotas will be fixed for each state their tree and party In the church in the South. your car wheels, can cost you snd county on the basis of the purchases are not deductible. They fspeclal Meeting It was too much for her young are considered to be part of the vestry’. Also on Saturday after­ ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schwanda. man.v miles of driving pleasure, Ishouldsn. 8bs dropped down at Progress -IB Hours. number of commercial vehicles in A special -meeting of the execu­ noon the Rev. Chas. M. Kelley will purghase price. tive committee of the Long\1ew of Staffordville, are the parents of beside* molting In excessive |ber dealt, flung her head en the the ares. Price ceilings will be entertain the children of St. a son bom Mondsy .at the Johnson fixed before the effective date. Un­ Many taxes are allowed aa de­ Parent Teacher Association has sad expensive tire-wear, worn iwriter, and through sheer Bern, Switzerland, Dec. 18.— ductions, but only b'y the person beerj called for Monday evening at Mary;s pariah, including South Memorial hospital. 'Die child is a rieroent let the tears come.- •—Havas"reported in a dispatch til then no sales are permitted. Coventry, Eaglevllle and Stoirs. grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Benedict parts, and wastefni gas and oil' Use of rubber in thousands of against whom they are assessed. eight o'clock at the home of Mrs. lat’s why the masculine feet from Bu-harest today that Ger For example, if your house is in William Archacki of . Orchard with a tree, gifta and refreahmenta Schwanda of this towm and Mr. eonsnntptJon. stopped beside her before ehe man withdrawals in the Ukraine non-essential Items—toys, rubber in the church vestry. The Young and Mra. LoulL.Nerl of Talcott- balls and bathing suits among ymir wife's name, you may not street. Ibecame aware of them. They had brought Kharkov, the -"RuS' take a deduction for the real estate Sperial Meeting Tonight Mothers Club have already held vllle. Bian Pittsburgh" in the Donets ha them—probably will be halted en­ their party, meeting in the library IstliT^ impatiently. A pair of taxes, even though you paid them, A special meeting of the Rock­ Mr. knd Mrs. Henry Palardy of Why not let ns balance your ahoee with ridiculously . Bin. again into fhe battle zone. tirely. Tuesday evening, and they held a Gold street have received a cable­ If all Christmai cards were The other pnnclpal import from unless you make out a joiht return. ville branch of the British War Re­ wheels on our new dy-namic ilgh hekls Joined them. Heavy fighting h u been in pro Other deductible taxes include lief Society will be held this eve­ party for their children In the gram from her daughter, Mra. grtMa northward from the Donets the Orie'ht. tin, was subjected to library on Monday afternoon. The balancer and see for yourself Carol ^ k a quick dab at her an OPM "freezing orjler" yester­ the following: ning at its rooms to decide the fu­ Charles C. Bucey that ahe la safe tea, amoothed hpr hair and Casin for 48 hours, the news ag Girl Scouts enterti|ined their in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, where she . how easily you can keep them day. The government took control State income and gasoline taxes; ture of the local organization. mothers at a Clirlatmaa party in >ked up. mailed on the same day.. ency said. { Admission and amusement A telegram has l»en received is living with her husband a Chief rolling efflclestly. You will en­ Gernumy announced the capture o'ver all tin supplies in this coun­ the Center school on Tuesday Pity ths poor postmonl By thg timg ho como try ' and en mute her^, and fpr- taxes., such aa those on movie and from Winthrop W. Aldrich, presi­ Petty Officer in the United States joy greater safety, and you will Dazedly, '4be rote and said, of Kharkov, an industrial city of dent of the National organization afternoon. Navy. Miss Martha ^llah of West 660,000 population about 220 miles bade sale or delivery of the metal theater tickets; Mrs. Albert Martin of Water- save money every mile. |”Oh,-ybu'db c ^ e !" to your house, ho wouldn't have tho strength except upon specific permission of Automobile registration, plates at New York, which ztatez that Main street, meiqber of tbe nurs­ Andy Dearhprn and Linda northwest of the Don river port pf after a conference the Oommlttee frpnt Manor left on Sunday to ing staff at the JokMco Meiporial to ring tho dodrbell. Rostov, on Oct. 2S. Priorities Director Donald Mi and driver's license: spend a abort time with her par­ lullan stood befwe her. Nelson. ' Personal property taxes; hoa reached a conclusion that the hospital also received a radiogram NO g u e s s w o r k : Andy's voice seeded strained. ' '. ‘The Bucharest dispatch said the Brltizh War Relief work should ents In TaftvlUe before joining her Our'' job on Christmas Eve ond Christmas Day Stamp taxes on deeds and on husband In Lansing, Michigan, horn her brother Ferris BaUah, YOU CAN SEE IT FOR YOURSEIT! ^I’m sorry your cule didn’t reach '' Germahi probably would establish continue as part of the general ef­ last reported on duty 'at Pearl a defense line along the west bank stock, and bond transfers; where he has been transferred sooner, Carol. With the funeral is no cineh oKhor! And it is mode oven more diffi*. CAMNC in bed it fun — but it can You'll find a variety of good-lookin| Tax on transportation fares, bus, fort for the common hauae. Harbor. According to the radio­ We want you to aee this marveloua invention. It’s ■$ aur "f* 1 of the'Donets after withdrawing from the Hartford plant of the nd all—you must have had a lot cult by tho present war emergency. ■— <- be dangerous for your eyes if the sci)scientifically ...... designed lamps that will Veterans Club plane, railroad tickets; The question to bo decided to­ Hamilton' Standard Propeller gram, he was returning to the aervloe shop rig^t now Ouarmateeing a Safer and more enjoyable R from the sector between that river night is whether or not the present your hands.” light's not right for safe teeiag. Don't give you e^ugli light ot the right, and the Oskol, one of its eastern State and city sales or use taxes Company. west coast after being in HawaU. ride thkn ever before possible! See it In operation. You’ll be ”We managed. If we’d known giv , _ . ^ where by working of the law they work will be continued; or wheth­ amased at what a difference perfectly haUnced wheels will niake With every available circuit in service and hun*' risk it! The simplest way to make kind. Or perhaps you'd like to have tributaries. er It will be stopped and ,the work­ you could come so' soon—’’ To Bliy Bonds are imposed on the buyer not the A baby whale may weigh In tbe Easier Handling of yonr car, In the greater sense of secur­ ”I left within an hour after I dreds of extra operators'on duty, it is still im*‘ sure you have" good light tor reading one of the clever new pin up type* of seller. Most state laws are ao ers join in the general relief work ity youll have nt hl|^ s p ^ s- which will be headed by the Red much aa 7 tons at b li^ bt your cable.” i possible to give prompt service to everyone at in bed it to visit yonr nearest elec­ lamp that you hang on the wall Just By-Law8 Drafted worded; "They couldn’t And you for two Army an^ Navy Group IkxM on Bills Croaa and othelr organlxations, 4 to 14 Ft. ^ e some time. There ore bound to be tome trical dealer or oUr office. like a picture. Taxes on telephone bills, tele­ Brlirarzal Friday aye.” Her tone was an accusa- For Men’s Club The Rockville Glrla Bugle and BALSAM — SPRUCE Jon. traffic jams, delays, ond disappointments. ^ To Purchase $2,500 to grams and cables; But whatever von do, don't spoil yonr next good mystery story Customs duties on articles Im­ Drum Corpa will hold a meeting PHOTO .8A F A X He notfeed It and stiffened. ”We Help Finance War. ported for your own use; and rehearsal on Friday evening vere cruising. We didn’t hit-a if you ore planning to telephone your greetings 7 $ by reading In dim, or glaring light. See the new kind of Lighting At a largely attended meeting of at eight o’clock at the boy scout ort for a week. I had no idea .my that's available at low cost to everyone. the Men’s Club of St. Bridget’s State unemployment taxes de­ to tome one more than 500 miles away, won't ducted from your wages. qusrters on Vernon' avenue. At Qnriitmat Trees her was 111.” A shadow of pain church, held last avenlng at Uie ’The Army and Navy Club, Inc. his face. »> you moke your coll this Sunday, or AAondoy or went "all out” last night for de­ Certain taxes, however, are this time the drawing will take Fnrlab HaU, the constitution and place on the afghan and all mem­ WHOLESALE — RETAIL Her eyippathy went out to him. Tuesday evening vrhen telephone traffic is light? i . • j by-laws ware read, "rhey were In fense. voting to purchase $2,600 not deductible by the » consumer. These include federal Income bers having bwks are reminded She knew he had loved hU father. MUgb draft and thoroughly dla- in National Defense Bonda aia its to return them before the rshear- House and Lawii Treee^ "Tou must have known ho ex- T h s^ m e low rotes ore in effect—and you'll enjoy part to assist in the prosecutloi^ taxes, manufacturers' and retail­ cuaaed by the .memhanhlp and ers' yexcise taxes, tobacco and sal Friday evening. cted an atyack any time.” faster service. ' wlU be presented laUr, fuUy pre­ of tbe war with the Axis. The vote Parties Tonight 1 1 2 9 .8 2 9 Main Street He looked steadily at her. "No, pared for fonnal adopUon. It taken at the monthly meeting last liquor taxes. Social Security taxes, and federal and state estate, in­ A group of glrla from the White didn’t know. He never men- This Christmas we'll be busier thon ever . . . but. was decided, however, that the night was unanimous Corbin Division of the United 19 Lewis St.' TeL 433 Defenae Bond CInb heritance, legacy, succession and aed It." After a moment be ’ M ular meeting aigtat of the chib gift taxes. SUtea Envelope Company will dded, "You probably knew more we'll be doing our level best] would bo the flrat Friday of each As a'further aid to defense, the hold a Christma* party this eve­ Statle unbolanoa Dy-namIc nnbalance canacs club members voted to organise Deductions also are allosi-ed for wheela to bop up and down, the wheels to vibrate rapidly libout him than I did.” '^awatb. any louses arising fnjhi theft or ning at the Rockville House. Look at the eemplete stock nf "He loved the store. He kept Plan MOUtan a Defense Bond Club within the A similar party wlll.be held by lean in g In exeeaalve ribrn- oideways, produrfag aboar- organisation, each member tq con­ some casualty such as a fire, storm "Xverythlag Phetofraphlc'’ at mal wear on tires, boaringa, boptng you’d be here more." Seuthern Inglend 3 EASY WAYS TO BEHER LIGHT Tbe aiMCutlye eoanaittee with or shipwreck. If the property was a group of ^rla from the Hocka- I 'tloH and liard steering. “Yea, I know.” A one-sided Cempeny _i«a addItlOQal aaeo bere win meet tribute 80 cents a month at the num Mills. t h e FAIXOT STUDIO dk CAM­ kingpins, tie-rod ends, ataer- opUon of tbe member, for the pur­ Insured, you may however, deduct PHILCO ing gear and all connecting lie embellished the meaning of Lwttt the president Friday evening only the amount of loos which was ERA SHOP befor* yen ^^Ihrialnsae ^Is words. "Well, you know bow F this week and diacuae plans for chase of defense bonds and shop* Meewhese. If yen want yenr stamps, ths drawing to bs made net covered by the inauraned set­ R C A RADIOS got along, Carol. ’The time I ’ adntarr wMat This masting tlement. Damage to your automo­ here he was always pushing ' start at 6 o’clock sharp. at the monthly meeting ot ths gttia ta ha right, emm ta PAL- The Cheapest Tire and Accident Insurance bile generally is deductible unless H e b r o n LOI*S whsta aaaiy salssnisn la n ne to settle down—to keep my H. WUUaaM of tba enter club. due to a wilful act or negligence. Y ob Ever Bonght! If y o u hear of mr raid wa'^mngs _____nt eaaamtttm was tastruct- ’Ths Board of Governors will plwtegTHWc nspavt. Riecord lose to the desk—” He stopped. Bad debts may be deducted, but Peopla who wera lucky enough fDf course, you’re not interested m an> of th: to to oi to ariaago a program for the have charge of the purchase of only for the year In which they ac' i t regiAir meeting wbleb wUI the $2,60Q in defense bonds and to see were treated to an unusual CombiiiRtioii that.” tually become worthlesftK spectacle Sunday morning at about A cool voice cut in. "Why should 4 o u n t r y d T o n - a t.» t o r i 11 e s riadd on VMday eeoalag. Janu- Frank Cervint will manage the If you recover a loan which has The AAanche$ter Electric Divuion , Defense Rond Club. 8:30 when a beautiful and perfect Records and Sheet Music he ha. darUngT After all iha was urgr / • ‘ n-’t f pir- : cU * t- tl c been previously deducted as a bad rainbow stretched across the skies Depot Square Garag: ilv hla oteaographsr.” Finsl plans were msda for the debt, you mupt repoH It aa Income. from northeast to northwesUAl^ annual Chrlstmaa party at tlM Carol drew beckr Unda was ing a light rain. It is vary rsiraly fa llof KEMP'S, INC^ . ' Bracat Roy. Pron. Jl with an amaslngly clear akin Hub Saturday aftemooa at tsre Tba ppEj^lattan of Now York that a ' rainbow is seen in tba rum igrim B a n d M iiiio J^lPfaMAINSrl^ TEUMllg b$r cruise tan. Her eyas V7ti irc^eh. and fbr, the annual New BtaU JumM from 12.388,04fl In western skies, but some residents MANCHESTER EVP^STING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1D4S TWEEVS.

orders that told he had to dive his MANCHESTEK EVENING HERALD, MANCHESIEK. CONN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1941 Soviet Shock plane Into A Japanese battleship. P A G E T H I K I Cedars Seat Army to Halt, Obituary That vn * young Kelly’s own per­ May Call Out Hflliard Mill Brings sonal 'must.' Troops Drive "And each one of you, and I too, Wartlc'ii Selecletl name, address and other particu­ New Officers All Voluntary we have our personal ‘musts.' " Other Guards Public Health Eager to Help lars. To Become Hard-Boiled Mariborough Helping " ANOTHER HANSEN’S HOLIDAY TREAT 1^33,000 at Sale Today Deaths W est Again By Phone Co. Marlborough, under the direc­ Joseph Lutz Installed asi Joining Soon Capt. McCollum Is Orw Curses Actiye In War Drive tion of Miss Helen Chapman will A BORDEN’S ICE CREAM Dolly Im SulUvaa About Town be canvassed. Miss Chapman will , Head of Nutmeg Forest (Continued From Page One) Dolly. L. Sullivan died this morn­ (Conttnoed FroiM' Page One) (lered to Report for On Drafting Husbands be assisted by the E%-er Ready iFactory I* Purchased,by Japs Admit Five Air raid wardens for its build­ group of that town ing at eight o’clock within twelve Duty This Evening. In Adrlition to Regular Textile L'nion Head Of- YULE LOG ! Bay Slate Man on Spec Missing Last Night. parity and permitted to return to hours after she was rushed to helmeted Russian shock' troops Miantonomoh Tribe No. 58, Im­ ings havevbeen appointed b.v The A vanlshl.ig tea party will bo their former enlisted ranks. the Manchester Memorial hospi­ drove westward from the Moscow proved Order of Red Men, will .Southern .New Engltfn'l Telephone held at the home of Mrs Ernest A. Rich Coffee Bark, Creamy, Full of Fruit Center, hold Its regular meeting In the Military Leaders Make They Are Taking IJp ferw to Ctioperute in Johnston. 58 Jensen street, Man­ ulation; Company Joseph Lutz was Installed Grand Commanders of the four Air tal. She WEIS etricken at her home, defense arc today to widen gain.s (Taptain David McCollum, com* Company as part of evacuation rated with Macaroons and Cherries. of a 16-day-old counter-offensive Sports Center on Wells street Known View Country ^ chester Green on Friday after­ Tall Cedar of Nutmeg Forest, Tall Force Interceptor Commands in 82 Walnut street, last evening. manding Company H, State Additional CoiirfieM. plans for the protection of 5.400 Xkilleetiiig Fiindti. Serves .Six ...... 0 Houses Also Sold. (Continued from Page One) Cedars of Lebanon, last night. For many years she has been a both above and below the capital Monday evening at 8 o'clock. noon. This party will be held for the United States have been Guards, was notified to report at the benefit of the local fund The James O. Baker, district represen­ charged with ordering blackouts, resident of Manchester and dur­ and the fall of German-held Volo- There will be election of officers. Must Have Army Big- j employees working In telephone range of the State Armory, West Hartford One of the busiest groups of Irrank Riley, president of Tex­ party is open to the priblle. I ^ Th» E. E. Hilliard Company mill tative of the Supreme Forest was air raid alarms, all clear signals ing this time was employed at the kalamsk appeared imminent. The local degree team will confer buildings throughout Ihe. slate. tile Union, No. 63 has offered to 200 mHes.) ger Than 4,000,000.' women workers in Manchester ia A H S E N at Hllllardvillf. with five one fami- the installing officer. In addition and silencing radio signals. cravat department at Cheney (The British radio said the Ger­ degrees on a class of candidates. for instructions regarding possi-^ The telcpiione cqnipany warden cooperate in the canvass of the, Next To the Armory The Japanese also admitted the All members are requested to turn ble call to duty in connection with' the mephers of the staff of the During the - I7lh century in] cottages, six two family houses to Mr. Lutz the following officers To Prevent False Alarnn Brothers. mans. had withdrawn from Moz­ designated for Ihe Manchester mills for donations to the war France, peas cost $60 a pint. loss of 20 planes in that attack were*seatcd; J. Walter Wilkinson, haisk, 57 miles from Moscow and in their stubs on or before Mon­ state defense of strategic defense Wazhlngton, Dee. 18. —(/P)—The j Manchester Public Health Nura- chest of the Rod Croas to meet i three family house, a large barn, Stim.son said the purposes were Besides her sister, Mrs. Michael •area Is J. A L>-nch, sendee fore­ and said that a United State.s air­ Senior Grand Tall; Robert Mc- to prevent false alarms and un­ Doherty with whom she made her 40 miles south of Volokolamsk, a day night for the (irawing ^ ten points. government will become hard-boll- j Ing A.isocdatlon, In spite of their Manchester’s quota of $18,000, craft carrier which on Dec. 8 had man. two building lota on Adams street Lotighlin, Junior Grand Tall; necessary interference with pro­ home, she is survived , by two cotton mill town that was a key turkeys to take place on thiu eve­ Company G, State Guards, under ed about drafting huabande whose ^ dally duties in connection with the Chairman Ben Cheney stated this been reported sunk "now is be­ management and supervision of With the assistance of deputies, to the north of the Hilliard home­ Joseph Clanade, Scribe; William duction. Both difficulties, he brothers, Leo of Cornwall, (Jonn., point of Invasion maneuvers.) ning. Command of Captain John U. Jen- morning. stead and four acres o f land to the lieved to have e.scaped to a cer­ ney Is expected to be relieved from wives are self-supporting, th e; the Memorial' hospital clinic and it will be the duty of the wardens Anderson, Treasurer; Clarence E. said, had been in evidence in Cali­ and John of New York City. The President Riley has assured north of Hilliard street were sold tain port " > No Signs of Nazi Stand - guard duty on Saturday in accord­ Senate was told today, az military the daily vlsilatlons in Mnnrhe.i- to see that all employees in their Chambers, Trustee; C. Leroy Nor­ fornia since the war came. The funeral will be held Saturday Four-year-old Roger Cnifford,.son respective buildings have a com­ Chairman Cheney of 100 per cent this morning at auction by the The Naval communique ac­ ris, Preceptor; Charles Kaitsch, The Germans are offering only of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clifford ance with Instructions given out by leaders made know-n their view ter and vicinity, the three nurses cooperation of the union members Samuel T. Freeman 4 Company order became effective Dec. 9. morning at 8:30 o'clock from tlK' rear-guard resistance on the icy, now on duty are taking the regu­ plete understanding of fundamen­ knowledged no lo.ss or damage of Guide; James W. Maher, Chap­ Headquarters of the interceptor of 215 Autumn street suffered only Adjutant General R. B. DeLacour that this country must have an in the current drive. , of Boston. With the sale of the William P. Quish funeral home on .snow packed battlefields—sacri­ today. lation Red Gross First Aid course, tal precautions. 'They will t>e ■surface craft in the "historic en­ lain; Fred Lewie, Sentinel; W il­ commands are; First, Mitchel Main street and from St. James’s -alight bruises on his face and nose army much larger than 4,000,000 Seeking Volunteers GOOD FOOD BO/MOS GOOD C F /F F P / mill property and the dwellings ficing Infantry stnd mortar detach­ yesterday when he was hit by a Company G was mobilized early are attending the Air Raid Ward­ trained In what' to do and how to gagement” with which the hew liam E. Hunniford, (Thief Ranger; Field, Long Island: Second. Fort church at nine o’clock. Burial will men. act, should'bomba drop, explosions Dr. Eugene Davis, chairman of the auctioneers started selling all ments in delaying actions— and car driven by Florien J. Fay of 256 last week but was not called Into en’s classes and are eontinually the residential .(Canvass for the war in the Pacific wa.S launched. Jack Gordon. (Thalrman of Stunt I.,awton, near Seattle, Wash.; be in the family plot at St. "Fou r million men isn’t ah occur or fires start. of the yard goods, about 2,'i,000 there are no signs as yet of an at-, Autumn street at School and active service until la.it Saturday Army totlay," Brig. (Jen. Wado U. seeking to Improve the service Ite- emergency fund, has secured all yards and had completed that part The Japane.se said their "special Committee; Edwin Ogren, Band Third, Drew Field, near Tarhpa, James’s cemetery. Because of the. importanse of type " subma'rine.s "penetrated tempt to make a stand on any defi­ Autumn streets. After, investiga­ noon when the company took over Halsllp, assistant chief of staff Ing rendered here by the associa­ teams, leaders and members of the of the sale at 1 o’clock when the Lender. Fla., and Fourth, at Riverside. Friends may call at the funeral speed in the work of planning and GENUINE HEAVY CORN-FED STEER BEEFI nite line. tion police made no arrest. guard duty in the East Hartford for personnel, declared to the tion staff. repent membership roll call drive sale of stock was taken up. This deeply Into pearl Harbor and .sank The meetings of the Forest by Calif. home after seven o’clock this eve­ area. training auch an. organization to at least one battleship of the Ari­ Here and there the bodies ot Senate Military Committee. The Membeni o f Staff to assist n the war drive. Dr. PORTERHOUSE, N Y SiRlOlN was followed by a recess to in­ a vote taken last night will be The War Department is now in ning. At the present time -the staff work effectively, the wardens ap­ zona clu.ss and in addition inflicted German dead and abandoned The Junior Department of the Army will be expanded as rapidly Davis is still seeking volunteers to spect the machinery, which i.s to held on the fourth Monday In each the process of "completing details consists of Nursing SufiervlBor pointed Tueaday met in New Ha­ CUBE, BOTTOM RCHJNO heavy k>.sses on enemy ships" month After the sea.sion the mem­ of a general and indeterminate in­ weapons jut grotesquely from South Methodist church school will To Go Off Duty as equipment can be obtained, be enlarge the campaign organization STEAKS be sold later today. hold its (Jhristmaa party tocorrow Hartford. Dec. 18.—(/p)----- Tha Miss Gertrude Marie Ke^atlng. Mrs. ven Wednesday far a one-day con­ and thoee wishing to donate part PACE RUMP, PORTERHOUSE. Bought On Speculation In more recent action, three bers enjoyed a hot chicken sand­ crease,” in the Army, the war snowdrifts. said, "w-lthout any set number In Brigadier Qeneral Hershey Nimitz Made Head "Our troops fiercely engaged evening at 6:30, and the Inter­ 1,200 state guardsmen who have Rachel Barnes afid Mrs. Katherine ference in advance of regular time or fulltime to this work are SmOIN, BOTTOM FOUND The mill was sold to Aaron "enemy" submarine.s have been wich supper. secretary said. . view." .Smythe. / sunk in the Pacific while one Jap- "We are proceeding on the basis the enemy. Continued their ad­ mediates will have theirs at eight been guarding strategic defense training. asked to call tel. 8436, giving ROASTS Krock, of Worcester, Mass’; a mill Advocates AUowaaces System TTie staff has subscribed to the ane.se destroyer is reported ml.ss- of the utmost speed consistent I vance and occupied a number of o’clock. points about the state will go off WE GUARANTEE TO SATISFY or REFUND YCXJR MONEY broker and machinery auctioneer. Of Pacific Fleet duty Saturday, their scheduled A system of aliow-ances for tne theory that the entire organiza­ He said that he expected to re­ ing, the Navy section of Imperial with efficiency, ’ he went on. "The populated places,’’ said the Soviet families of married men Inducted Air Raid Drill headquarters reported today. Allied Troops ultimate strength of the land The Polish American basketball three-week tour being cut to two tion must be prepared at all times, sell it to anothei concern, but was Information Bureau, referring to into service was advocated by in normal times and during times It did not give the nationality of forces will be determined in the (Continued From Page One) team, and the Girl’s team will weeks. FANCY MILK-FED not at liberty to state who was to the whole' central front action. Brig. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, di­ of emergency, the reason fqr the the submarine.s or where in the light of the strategic situation as Among the occupied towns list­ practice this evening at Pulaski This unit will be replaced by Seen Success 4 to 5 POUNDS LB be the purchaser or what line of Occupy Timor another contingent of about 1.200 rector of the Selective Service staff’s participation In prepared- FRESH FOWL business would be carried on. Mr. Pacific they were rlnimed sunk, i it develops. marks the second time the Army ed was Alek.rin, 30 miles north­ Hall. Village street, Rockville this "We are trying to set up ma- has given the top command of a for a tour of duty of not more system. He said the attitude ol neas methods. HEAVY CORN-FED Krock is the man who purchased The Navy section in a revision ] west of Tula.' evening at seven o’clock. Players Draft Boards toward dependency of claims of damage done in Ha­ chinerj’ by which the Army can vitally important military depart­ on both teams are requested to be than three weeka For years the value of the "vis­ STEER BEEF LB the mili in East Glastonbury after T o Balk Japs (Even while the Russians pressr and hardship cases must ’’Inevita­ Plans' Completefl for iting nurse" has been knowm to RIB ROAST . the auction saie of the Angus waii asserted that aerial ob.serva- be increased steadily but without ment to an air force man. The first ed westward and maintained neu­ at the clubrooms not later than six This announcement came today '//HOLE OR EITHER tlon showed five U. S battleships . fixing limits which might have to instance was when Lieut. Gen. o’clock sharp. from Adjutant General Reginald bly” become tighter Blacking Out State thousands of residents In times of Parks Company property a year trality in the Pacific war, the However, about 1.000 farm boys extreme crisis. Immediate response HALF-SUNNYFIELD LB ago and has since resold it to new were sunk ami that the U, R. Air ) (Continued from Page One) be changed. Frank M. Andrews was put in B. Delacour. COOKED HAMS Chungking radio said large scale It was reported here that even­ inducted into the Army will be re­ Buildings in Hartford. by the staff to all approved meth­ companies who are now operating Force there had been destroyed. "We are trying to do it with the charge of the (^^aribbean area de­ Red Army maneuvers were under Town Clerk Samuel J. Turking- FANCY FRESH NATI'VE least disturbance to industry and fenses. tually. the State Guard may be turned to the farm this spring, he ods of nursing instruction and ac­ the plant there. The price for the The announcement assertecl the activities off Portuguese Timor it way in Siberia near the Japanese- ton today announced 1942 hunting cepted by the local staff to im­ 2H T O ’3’-$ LBS I the entire economic set up. Secretary of War Stlmson said and fishing licenses now are on relieved by more Federal troops announced, adding that induction BROILERS .25' mill was $33,000 and there were photographs showed these battle- became an unavoidable necessity held border of Manchukuo. It gave Hartforl, fter. IS -^5—The first prove the sendee to resldent.i of Age Limits Important the task of the new Hawfiiian com­ sale at his office and at the F. T. sent into this .state for guard duly, of ■ many farm youths would 'A'ILDMERE- but two bidders The bid started ■shiivt were .sunk: to take steps to safeguard this ,is its source a Soviet broadcast air raid drill by atate employes has Manchester. "In the light of this purfKise the manders was "to expedite the re­ Blish company. There are, 15 dif although notl$ng definite is avail­ threaten iltal agricultural produc­ SMOKED at $10,000, jumped to $1.’5,000, and One of tne California cla.ss, one territory against Japanese ag^jres- from Khabarvosk.) been conducted, and plans have SHOULDERS 1 . 2 5 ' from there on it went up $1,000 of the Maryland cla.ss. one of the sinn and to fore.stall its being used age limits in the new Selective Ser­ organization of the air defenses in ferent types of licenses Including able on this possibility. tion. • At thm bmry Ca Soviet troops complain: been completed for blacking out all fANCT FRESH at a time untii knocked down to Arizona class, one of the Utah as a ba.se from which attacks vice legislation now before Con­ the islands" and he concurred in combination permits for hunting Given at Closed Session g - f f e - »iLviaaao«K la M A Germans Run Too Fast state buildings in this scat of Con­ ROASTING - 4 to 5 LBS LB aailW eatAuiav aoiNTU^ Mr. Krock. and .another of sn unidenti­ could be made on Allied territory gress is Important. That is why the preliminary report of Navy fishing and trapping. The te.stlmony of both officers, CHICKENS The saie carries with it valuable* we . ask that the minimum age Secretary Khox that "the United "W e can't keep up with the Nazi and Fascist given at a closed committee ses­ necticut's government. 500 Persons ALL PORK fied cla.ss. and communications. j Germans, they are running so B f t t a r H Ik krtnt—fd’nec water rights on the Hop Brook Two heavy cruisers and one oil limit be set at 19." States services were not on the Manchester’s December build­ sion, reached the Senate in jirmt- Warned beforehand that a drill LINK LB IxtenI Authorities Object "All war is a young man's fast." would be held bbf, iincertalii of the SAUSAGE and the Hotkanum River and tanker also were listed as sunk. "Accordingly a force of Allied alert" when Japan struck at Peart, ing total went up $19,400, today, Units Retreating sd form today Fresh Eggs tunnyarkkli DOZ 4 i* about 57.4 acres of land. The floor game,” the secretary added. Harbor. White paint blends their trucks with the issuance of four new- Hershey’s proposed system of time until the fire bell clanged tlie Die in Sinking LAMI CHOPS (U. S. Navy Secretary Frank troops have been landed in Portu­ Administration leaders were Into the winter landscape; fro.st alarm, 2,000 workers in the State - ^ t TENDER - SOFT-MEATED FrathEgga SuaavWfAD* DOg 4 I * space is around 100,000 square Knox in his report Monday said guese Timor. The Portuguese Neither the War nor the Navy dwelling permits. allowances would be modeled, he KIDNEY feet and the last mill was built in confidently predicting Senate ap Department undertook to pass forms a natural camouflage on As Front Broken explained, on the World war prac­ Office Building evacuated the up­ only one battleship, the 32.600-ton government having reaffirmed a proval of the legislation making their horses. per four stories yesterday and con­ S-ICED - SUNNYFIEi-D Pira La rri tCPtWtD 2 a 'r j i : 2 i * ld25. .Arizona was sunk in the Japanese de.sire to preserve neutrality, local judgment on the superseded offi­ tice of requiring a selectee w1tli Sleanier Corregidor Hits SUGAR-CURED otto Housra S

Audiences Se^ A Murder Has Been Committed I To Participate Seniors Give Opinions In East Side League In Final Quarter A Reunion Tea will be held by Sock and Buskin at the Cen­ In H. S. Debate Vikingfi Continue \Yitxy • .4'* On Air Raid Spotting Thrilling Play ter church on December 21, - „ Hockey Lost Well Balanced Quintet 1941, from 2:30 to 5:00, in the Pace Defeating Foes' Betty Newell Ladles’ parlor. The present club - .. “Everyor.e la doing his part for mation rftust be given every time Outplays Silk City win be looking forward to see­ New Debaters Meet Rep­ 29*17; East Siders Sock and Buskin Pre­ ' •> National Defense, and the high • a plane la spotted or heard, Bright Star ing and talking with all old resentatives from Sev­ school boys are helping out just as A few ol the boys who have al- Lose Heart Breaker. Places First Five; Smooth Floor sents 3 Act Play, Using members. Those who have be­ I always knew they would.” This ready exptrienced this job had longed to Sock and Buskin en Other Schools. 1 1 1 Bcrtelli Work (founts Heavily; Two Different Casts. short quotation from Principal Ed- some remarks to make. Frank Reider paced the Vikings to a from '38 on are ln\dted. If by son Bailey expresses the opinions Zimmerman stated, "Following my well canicd victory over the Cen­ In A. P. Poll Savino Stands Out chance the committee slipped Traveling to New Britain on last of everyone directly or indirectly , first duty as an airplane spotter, ter Billards last nigh^ in the first A murder, a dumb woman, a let­ up and anyone did not receive | Friday, four of M. H. S.’s new de­ connected with this school. The I became conscious of hearing gsme of the Intermediate baaket- Famous Notre Dame With Nine Points. a written invitation, you are •K ter from the paat £2,000.000, a long 1 baters participated in the clinic task which a good many of 'the planes.” ball league games at the Bast Side Rrelly Golf Champion lo«t relative, and a ghoat were a hereby invited. senior boyi and male teacher* are Walter Adamy made the rc- Rer. It waa a nip and tuck Strug- ! Grid Player Excelled A well balanced Trade School , ------f which is conducted annually by the ufidertaking is spotting planes at mark, "Doing duly as an air raid few of the weird threads woven glc in the first naif with the ultl- , Piles Up 101 Points five from ’•Vlllimantic set bock Connecticut State Debating Asso­ an observation post In Bolton. spotter keeps mo on the alert.” mate winners leading 9-8. On Ice; Scouts Sought Conch Harry Kitehing’s charges into the pattern of the play ‘A Business managers, Mary Bantly ciation. The seniors take charge of the ”I didn’t think that It could get Silbros Jrs. noae dout a two Springfield Youngster. To Gain Crown; Her at the Thread City yesterday after­ Murder Has Been arranged” by and Marjorie Marte; Technical Di­ The repre.sentatlves of. about observation post every day. except that cold.” was the short state- point victory over the scrappy First Year as Champ. noon 30-20. Two weeks is « long Emlyn Williams which Sock and rector, Clyde Beckwith; Stage eight schools were greeted with Saturdays, from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. ment made by Clifford Friend. East Siders In the second tllf. (jot­ time to layoff this court gome Buskin presentefl to appreciative Manager, Walter Adamy; Pub­ song, as the A Cappella Choir of Two boys during tlft-ee-hour shifts "Beans” was out with Milton ter scored 10 [lolnts from the floor Springfield, Dec. 18.— When without active competition and it audiences on December 11 and 12. licity. Shirley Kimball, Robert Kur­ the New B ritain .Hchool san g sev ­ lake turns scanning the skies for Levitt from 6;0u to 9:00 p. m. on but the work of Hennequtn over­ Angelo Bortoll Bertelll of West By Harold Clagesen showed up in this contest. Ths An inno-vation in the manner ot land, Geraldine Fisher; Pn.>ps, eral numbers. This was followed airplanes of any type. One person that bitterly cold and blustery shadowed the rest of the players Springfield decided to go to college New York. Dec. 18.—(4>i—Betty scoring honors with the winners by speeches of welcome made by Hicks Newell, the 105-pound presentation was the use of two Robert Gordon; Prompters, Doro­ must be out-oT-doors at all times December 11. with a total of 16 points. It was a blow to the hopes of more were about evenly divided in con­ thy Dwyer and Dorothy Dougan John Shahrlglan, president of the despite the Wintry gusts, gales and Albert Cohlon goes somewhat to In the final game of the evening housewife from Long Beach, Calif,, tract with the work of the jocol casts. The "Y” rn.,t on Thursday the other extreme In saying, "The. evening and the "X ’ cast on Fri­ Assistants were Bette Erickson. Rostrum and Gavel Society; Dr. below-freeztng temperatures. the Trojans needed a horse. Ths than ona hockey acout. who came east to win the Nation­ mechanics. Savin.') ran wild in the^'!: job for three hours .isn’t as bad as day. This made it possible for al­ Marian White, Ronald Wadsworth, Photo by Fallot Carlyle C. Ring, Superintendent of The teachers work their shifts eMteors flashed a well balanced The name. In the event you don’t al Golf Title in her first trial. Is final quarter but could not over­ Janet Boyd. Carolyn Daley, Donald New Britain schools; Mr. William likewise but they have the gruell­ people might think it to be.” attack from start to finish and led the woman athlete of the year. come the excellent team play of most double the usual ntimber of The "X” cast which presented the highly successful Sock and Buskin play "A Murder Has Been "It gave me a great experience recogniae it. la the tag of the members to display their talents. McCann, Edward Adamy, William E. Fagerstrom. president of the ing task of attempting to find 20-5 at half Urns. Thompson and Eagles Ready ,TTie 20-year-old ahoUnaker, who the winners. Arranged” December 12 at the High School includes, left to right: Dennis Gibson. Grace Freedman, Conn. State Debating Association, planes in pitch darkness. Every and I really knew that I waa aid­ Perkins swished the net for a to­ young man who waa so much in Crowley Must Improve Line Play already has turned pro and given Miss Oroze. the secretary, was Shearer, George Adamy, Dorothy Shirley Kimball, Harry Straw, Betty Barstow, Lawrence Perry, Vivian Firatn, Douglas Phelps and Only four points separated the Dwyer, and Phyllis Noren. and John H. Lyons of Enfield High Monday night from 9 p. m. ing National Defense,” was the tal of 25 points between them. The the opoUIgbt the paat football sea­ up all chance of retaining the teams at half time but by characterized by Patty Powd of viewpoint given by Wes Keeney. steadily Eleanor Struff, '43. Muriel Smith. School. through midnight until 6 a. m., the scores: son as the pass throwing ace of crown, was placed first by 24 of increasing the tempo through the "Y" cast as a rather sophisti­ Both Joe Tedford and Joe Ur- For Indians the Announcements of debates were wee hours of the morning, these Vikings the Notre Dame eleven. Notre For Big Game on New Yearns Day the 66 sports editors who compet­ last two periods the cated, hard woman; while Vivian banettl . remarked thjit 'they Willimantic Firato’s Interpretation was that of made after which debaters went to hardy souls may be seen watching N am e B F T Dame eleven. Notre Dame went ed In The Associated Frees' annual boys were able to keep their lead. Bristol for the lead In the Cen­ and listening Intently for airplanes thought the task was interesting, P ra tt, rf ...... 0 0 0 poll. the aloof, immobile "Mrs. Danvers" assigned rooms whei-e they argued through the season undefeated, New York, Dec. 18— —How, The heavy duty boys in Crow­ Sunday Night Had the locals been able to make ‘•^'iger Slayers” Calm, Efficiency tral Connecticut League, ouch Legion of Honor the topic, "Resolved: That military of any tyi>e. the formei saying, ”My first ex­ Reider, If .» . . . 1...... 5 2 12 and with only one tie, against It. Her 101 points, compiled by giv­ good two thirds of their free type. Miss Groze as secretary to withitwo wins and no losses. The perience as an an raid spotter was good is this Fordham backfleld? ley’s rrew "are Steve Flllpowicr Sir Charles Jasper was very con­ training promotes good citizen­ After thi-y see one, what do they JaKoiitS, c ...... 3 0 6 The deadlock esme on s wet and Tavern Team ing her three for each first-place throws they had a good chance to standing of the league to date is amazing as well as interesting ” 0 and Jim Blumenatock. Steve vincing In her attempt to prove to Ahead 9 Points ship.” do? They rush madly for the Tedford, rg ...... 1 3 stormy day In New York agaln.st Well. It's ao gooj] that sophomore ballot, two for second and one for come out on top. The score: In Air Raid Drill as follows: phone Immediately inside the build­ The latter stated, ”I don’t see how H augh, Ig ...... 1 1 3 ranks among the better passers in Springfield Meets lUi herself that nothing wierd or un­ Manche.ster’s affirmative team; Army, a day ao bad that It w h s Ben Babuls, one of the most sought the East and Is perhaps the most third, shot her for ahead of an­ Willimantic Trade W I, Pet., composed of .Marjorie Smyth and ing. The Information which they an y th in g so im p o rtan t could ht; Alvord, rg ...... 3 0 8 Impossible to throw passes with Outrolls the other bride. Mrs. Elwood Oioke, P Name B F usual will happen at the party Manchester ...... 2 0 1 IMIO so Interesting.” after prep triple-threats in these accurate of the long tossers. He Arch Hockey Rivals T which was being held on the stage Alice Giammetti debated East arc to give la on a small piece of any degree of accuracy or at whose tennis campaigning brought 1 Mattson, rf ... 2 2-4 8 Manchester High Blew the Tigers ”I was very pleased with the B ristol ...... 2 n l.tion , As a whole, the teachers must .. 13 3 39 parts, could break Into the line-up tag g ed his ta rg e ts w ith 37 of 101 of the deserted St. James theater Haven's negative, and our nega­ paper. The observer dials opera­ T o ta ls ...... great length. For First Time This her 69 points. 0 Degange, rf , . ___0 0-0 0 J of Middletown High last Friday In W est H a rtfo rd ...... 0 1 .000 hsve enjoyed theli midnight shifts Center BUUaids for only about three minutes a pitches for 722 yards. Blumen­ in London. It is the night of Sir efficiency and the calmness shown tive, Joe Falkowski and Evelyn tor and says "Army flash.” While But Bertelll. unless Notre Dame Dairy Squad game. atock. also a gooo flinger, does the The former Sarah Palfrey Fsh- 0 Fontaine, rg . ___ 1 2-3 4 ^ the second CCtL game for The Middletown ...... 0 1 .000 central is connecting him with last Monday night. Vicc-princlpnl N am e B F T Charles’ birthday and if he is alive MBS basketball by the forceful by both students and' teachers,” Fodrove, oppo.sed East Haven’s af goes In for hockey or he esn find Eastern gridiron fans ore will­ Rams' punting and averaged Season on Ice. yan waa ranked the United State# 1 Schiller, rg .. ___ 1 0-1 2 1 M eriden ...... 0 2 .000 Boston, he Is thinking of the in­ Chester Robinson said, "It was lots B. P ag an i, r f ...... I 3 5 No. 1 woman racquet wlelder earl­ 2 Selavka, c . . . ___3 0-2 at 11 p. m., he will inherit £2,000,- ■score of 35-26. Johnnie Kllen- said Principal Edson Bailey In dis­ Hall High Next firm ative. of fun and we were on the job all a place on an amateur team some­ ing to wager that the Rams boast around 40 yards. He’s a plunger, 8 1 cussing Manchester High’s first air Some of the main arguments formation that he is to give. Soon Dancosse, If ...... 6 0 13 ier in the week. 3 Weeks, c ...... ___2 0-0 4 000. If. however, he .should dir be­ sehmldt paved the way for the Captain Art Hill will lead the of tpe time.” 0 where around .South Bend, won’t Polish Americans Dump a larger collection of star back- too. New Haven, Dec. 18—The two raid drill held sixth period of last brought up by the negative were an operator will say "Army go Bruwoski, c ...... 0 0 Mrs. Newell replaces Alice Mar­ 4 RoSen, rg .... ___1 1-3 3 ' fore that time the money will go Manchester powerhouse and eon- Blue and White, of West Hartford Mt. Wigren also must not have 0 0 be able to follow his pet game fielders than any other club in The guy who pulls the whistles deadly rivals In the eastern dlvl- Friday afternoon, December 12. that the army offers no recrea­ ahead, please.” The observer then Dowd, rg ...... 0 ble, professional tennis queen, at 0 Irlandi, rg . . . ___0 0-0 0 ' to Maurice Mullins, a cousin of Sir nected from the floor five limes as they lake the floor in the had such a bad time for he re­ . . 0 0 0 this winter. His pet game Is Parachute Bowlers at the land. Sleepy Jim (Trowley has for these scoring stars la Claude .xlon of ths American Hockey At the sound of the long warn­ tional facilities, the morale is gives his report He is required to E. P ag an i, Ig ...... about a dozen guys who could the head of the list. Miss Marble, 3 Solnick, Ig . . . ___ 1 1-2 5 .] C harles. throughout the game to tally ten fam ous H all High "hatbox " g.vm tell, first, the number of planes, marked, "It wasn't such an un­ hockey, and he plays It better Pleculewicz, a senior who has ab­ League, namely the New Haven ing ring of the bell, all previously poor, living quarters arc not ade­ West Side Rec I.Jtst make many other backfields. And sorbed Crowley’s theory ol strate­ leader in both 1939 and 1940, was Harry Straw, as Sir Charles helpful points. tomorrow. The Hall team will be second, the number of motors pleasant experience.” T o tals ...... 7 3 17 than he plays football, which Is Eagles and the Springfield In­ Manchester High had a real bat­ given instrm'tlons were well car­ quate, and that the officers in the eight of them are modestly label­ gy pretty thoroughly. Inactive much of the time since 14 Totals ...... ___ 12 6-15 30 . i Jasper, was dismayed when he out for,their first league victory which the planes have, third, al­ ”It was cold.” was the short and •Score S t half; 9-8 Vigings. Ref- why the scouts were a bit upset Night; Massaro Stars. dians, come to grips again at the tle against the Middletown team in ried out by the students. Window array don’t get much respect from when he decided to go to college. ed as standouts. Jim Noble, another senior, does Arena on Sunday night with both early spring and she slumped to Msoebester Trade learned that the .person whose body of the season and would like titude of planes, fourth, whether true enough statement made by lerees; Murdock Murphy. fifth place with 38 points. In con­ P Name B F was found in the theater about a the first half and trailed their were slightly opened and .shades othing better than to upset Man- subordinates because many of Mr. V aders He played high school and ama­ TTiis Babula. a 200-pound 6- the slgnal-ealling for the No. 2 teams running neck and neck for T 1 drawn. Pupils in the corner rooms seen or heard, fifth the code, num­ The West Side Tavern and Po­ footer who runs, passes and kicks, trast to the 216 of a year ago. 2 Savino, rf ...... 4 1-3 9 w eek earlier wit.s not m iirdereil opponents by two points at the hester’s hopes as ,they did last these officers have had little or no ber, sixth, direction of plane from Principal Bailey lefMjrtcd that SI lb ms teur hockey around Springfield group. The second four, however, the lead In the eastern half of the start of the third quarter. It was fileil into th e corridors, while lho.se more training than the privates and was the outstanding player lish American Club defeated the was the chief cog in the fine Gar­ la seldom Inserted as a unit. Crow­ loop. ‘ Third and fourth placea went to 0 Galinat rf ...... 0 1-1 1 ^ there, for if the murder had been season in a close gaiVie. L ast year observation post, seventh, number those In charge of this ob.servution B. F. T. a pair of young, beauteous swim­ 4 McVeigh. If ...... 0 .8-5 3 committed In the theater a series here that Johnnie Kllenschmidt be­ in the other rla.ssrooms moved to Manchester had held the Alumni themselves. "Does this,” answered post arc exceedingly pleased with A. P\izzo. If . .. ___4 0 8 In that class nf puck chasing. His West Side Dairy and the Pioneer field, N. J., team two years ago ley usually substitutes individual­ TTie New Haven club took the seats away from the windows. of miles from pbserx-atlon post, and c o lle t coaches, reports say, ly. Joe Osoaki, a little fellow of mers, Nancy Merkl nosing out 1 Reichenback, c ___ 0 0-3 0 ^ of weird events were to follow came tha proverbial ”bee In the to a standstill for throe quarters the negative, "tend to make bet­ and last the direction which the the w ork. P. Haugh, rf .. .. 3 0 4 fame was such that quite a few Parachute Cii 3 to 1 in the West Indians Into camp by a score of Tigers” bonnet. Johnnie tallied This was done with little excite­ ter citizens of our men?" were bumping Into each other 165 pounds who mu.st feel lost Gloria Collen. 46 to 43. 2 Farrell, c ...... 0 0-0 0 ' within ten days of the murder. The and were in top form when they plane is flying. All of this Infor- Sidney Thrall. Cotter, c ...... ___5 0 10 managers sought to slcn him up. 3 to 1 here last month, and with Others In the top nine were Pat­ 0 Steppe, If .... ___4 0 night of his party was the tenth three times in quick succession to ment ami confusion. In retaliation, the affirmative Side Rec league laat night at the bowing and acraping before Ben among the big boys; George Chev- 0-1 0 defeated Middletown in their sec­ Belch, rg ...... 2 1 5 Both Springfield and the Bruins the form the Battle Birds have ty Berg, golfing professional; 2 Pulford, rg ...... 0 day and he wished to see the ar­ push the Red .and White ahead by During the 12 minute duration ond game of the season, then came spoke of Uie work of the U. S. O. were after him. But the lure of West Side Rec. with sales talks about their Insti­ erko, a youngster who has become been showing in recent games, 1-8 1 j of the drill, the students amu.sed ■y. PusEo, rf ... ___3 0 4 tutions. But Big Ben is a second- Helen Olenkovlch, swimming; arid 0 Bart, r g ...... 0 0-1 rival of the dumb woman who, af­ 27-18 at the beginning of the the bolt from the Blue at the West and of the men who .served in the Q. Collins. Ig .. ___0 0 0 college was too much. In spite .)f the fact that Herb a' much better player than the they will be favored to turn the 0 J fourth perioil. The first five re­ themselves by singing popular last war, who are acting as offi­ stringer who played only about 24 coaches expected when they tab- Mrs. Babe Dldrikson-Zaharias and 2 Msretto, Ig . . , ...... 0 0-1 0 i ter she finally speaks, will die a Hartford clash. Manchester jour­ Enjoyable Time Bertelll is only a junior now Stevenson turned In a single of trick again, and pull away from Betty Jameson, golf. 0 ()uagUa, Ig ...... 3 0-0 8 ' horrible death. Her death will mained in the fray in the first part songs and playing simple games. neyed to West Hartford with vic­ cers and leaders in our camps. It and he has two more winters st 133 and a triple of 324 Gustafson, mlntues the entire season. b6d him, and Babula round out the the charges of Eddie Shore. Totals ...... 15 1 31 One sophomore does romp with reserve group. For the first time in recent cause the ghost of the murdered to of the fourth period but after pil­ Those In the corridors were com­ tory urging them along but. lost a \va-s stated that a year or more Briefty This r.ast Sides Notre Dsme. Up to now he hasn't Clarence Frehlet and Co. were too Coach Earl Robinson has the ing up a confirming lead gave up fortably seated on the floor and on At Band Conclave the starting ^ a r te t—Joe An- The line, by most standards, is years Sonja Henie Topping, dar­ 18 T o U ls ...... 7 8-18 20 return and identify the murderer. ery close game to the football Harry Htraw discipline and training in a camp B. r. T. any intention of cutting comers st much for the Dairy team which Birds flying once again, and with ling of the figure skaters and mov­ Score at half: 12-8 Wll. T. C. J. Little docs Sir Charles know that their positions to the "second five.” the stairs. Girls caught in gym tactics of Al Nordmark and his where rich and poor, Negro and By Betty Barstow college. So It will be the winter of has been taking a fall out of the (Irejco. Joe. some say, is a more good but by the F 3 15 of 148 and a triple of 383. blade edge. The voting: Beatrice, the youthful wife of Sir game. Hall has played one league have at least one during every in presentation and preparing ma­ In regard to the boxes for sol­ Dorr, the band leader of the Kilch ___4 0 period of the school day. In the was discuf.sed. Tile first section of years. Since Freshman year, Harry Carney, If ...... 8 West Hide Dairy (I) Chagiiot’s Fire Feature Bouts Week-End Schedule Athlete and Sport F irs ts PU. ship Squad Opens Sea­ Charles, Wa.s taken by Dorothy game to date and loot to Bristol terial for several w-eeks. The.se new diers, many boys said it was really High School band In My.stlc. Conn. Tedford. c ...... 4 0 8 Wolverine Forwartl Puts 93 86 99- 278 liitiire short successive rings will the program, which will be con­ was one of the most valuable mem­ The band consisting «f 110 mem­ T. Martin . .. Thursday, Dec. 18th— Bettv Hicks Newell. Dugan on Thursday night and 25-18. Bristol’s blizzard. P members are Marjorie Smyth, a case of sabotage, including home­ Atkinson, rg ...... 0 0 0 H, Stevenson 91 100 133 —324 be the warning signal and a long cluded next Mondav, was "Why bers of the debating team. His bers was comprised of many dif­ 15 Boskets Through New Haven at Indianapolis Golf ...... 24 101 son at Rec Friday. Shlrlev Kimball on Frldav. Doro­ Ixiwlrki, leads the Monshanmen Joseph Falkowski, Alice Glannettc made candy and cookies made by Perkins, I g ---- ...... 5 0 10 B. M cConkey 106 113 9.5— 311 this season and, has scored 31 l ing the all clear S tudy.” tine voice anrl ability to speak and ferent Instrumenls. They were: Chiefs Cling At Foot Guard Saturday, Dec. 20th— Sarah Palfrey Cooke, thy's portra.val lent a girlish charm Many fine points were /brougllt think at the same time have maile Evelyn Podrove, Marion Burt, Bar­ some of MHS femmes. Tuttle, e ...... 1 1 3 Net Last Night. W. McKinney 113 101 95—309 Hershey at Cleveland Tennis ...... 11 69 The Mencheater Greene will open to the 4.ense situation. Shirley won [Hilnts against league competition Emma Reich. bara Cannon. Shirley Shipman V-V-V-V-V comets, horns—in E flat and F, 95 97 89—281 out. In Senior Homeroom 28, how Harry one of the beat debaters baritones, trombones, saxophones, Low Man . . . New Haven at PItUburgh Nancy Merkl, Swim­ their 1941-43 baaketbaU season the sympathy of the audience with m two games for ah average of lo .Margaret Hurley and Pat Ven- Lieutenant Gate'oel was back in TVitols 20 44 night at 8:30 points per game. In the Bristol homework should be assigned was that MHS has ever had, accordinc clarinets, oboes, basoons, suss* The Wolverines nosed out the To Top Berth Indianapolis at Philadelphia ming ...... 46 Friday against ths her simplicity and friendlinesa and debated. It was decided that it to Coach George Dougherty. drlllo. MHS Tuesday. He had been sta­ Trojans T otal 495 497 508 1603 Weslernberg Faces Providence at Springfield Gloria OUen, Swim­ New B ritain Lutherans at the Blast her coolness in proving the guilt Of Hall gam e Lowlckt scored 15 It is expected that ,the national tioned in North Carolina, and said phones, drums, and a harp. Buccaneers in a 22-31 slxaler last West T avern (8) Side Rec. points, nearly accounting for as would be a good Idea If all the In his freshman year he also The participants stayed, for the Rough Customer in Sunday. Dec. 21st— ming ...»...... 43 Maurice Mullins, the murderer. homework assigned for a week be sang in both the First and Second topic which Is "Resolved: That that the hospitality of the people jPetrowski, I f ...... 1 0 1 night In the West Side Rec Junior Frclhert 113 112 97—322 Hershey st Indlsnapolls Alice Marble, Tennis 38 The Lutherans, a well organised Lawrence Perry, as Mullins, many points as that scored by Sport- Wise every youth should have a full there is grand. three days, at the homes of the 108 111 106 —325 Six Teams Fight Hard assigned on one specified day. Cappella Choirs, be.sides being New Britain girls and boys. Eve(ry IPreaton, r f ...... 1 . 1 3 League while the E>gles turned S. " G ustafsor Roberts in Main Bout. (jlevelsnd at Buffalo Patty Berg, Golf . . . 23 team, consisting of former New' brought suspense to the sto-y. with Hall High. Others who are return year of military training before V-V-V-V-V ■ Henry, c ...... 1 0 3 R. Andersoi. 100 111 89—300 Britain High school players, won ing from Bristol’s world-beaters ot By Frank Zlnimennan permitting the ktudent to plan his elected president of the French one was treated very cordially al I in a vei^ exciting 45 to 38 triumph For First Leg Prize in Springfield at New Haven Helen ^Olenkovlch, his cool arrival at the theater. His reaching the age of 21” will have Not to be outdone with hospital-, INacaowakl, rg ...... 1 0 1 C. Nielson .. 108 07 108— 313 8 32 out of 23 games lost ytor and a year ago are— Holden, Scalla, work conveniently. club. these homes. over the Dextera With Yvon Robert, Marvin Philadelphia at Providence Swimtnlng ----- part was that of the villain who to be changed due to the fact that ity—we were talking to a soldier iKanehl, Ig ...... 1 0 2 V. Kausett . 96 111 102—308 “Y” Bowling Loop; 7 have entered into the Central Con- . Rubinowski, Jabs and Johnson. The Ju n io rs in 18M exam ined In The following year, besides de­ The band began practicing at Westenberg, Joe Cox and BUI PitUburgb at Waahington Babe Dldrlkson, Golf Ingeniously yet calmly poisoned Sir Bo Far Ho Good detail the benefits of study to in­ bating and choir, Harry became ii bill to lower the draft age has from Kentucky the other day, and The Wolverines'jumped the gun Betty Jameson, Golf nectlcut League this season. They C harles. Three wins in a row now be­ he thought Manchester people 9:30 each morning and stopped af­ in the opening period and had the 524 542 502 1568 Layoff Two Weeks. vent new things. The point wa.s one ot the founders of the ».s already been Introduced to Con- ter a two-hour period. . „ ToUIa ...... 6 1 11 T oU l ...... Hansen featured on one bill, Hart­ Four points: Pauline Betz, ten­ lineup with Hal Brodlon and Rny- Knowing that he has committed comes the boast of the Red and were "just the friendliest ever.” Score at half, 30-S, Mateors.’Ref- Buccaneers 12-9 at the half but the It’s up to Mra- Everett Stone. Aldermonn at the forwards, b o u : F. Deardeii Draws brought out that if It hadn't been rliib. and played in all of the The afternoon rehearsal began With one more week "to go In ford wreatling fans will be treated Tw^ygars ago Mr. Stone scored nis. an almost perfect crime, he is White toweling ba.sketball team as for some enterprising Neanderthal matches. In his sophomore year, Plans for the C. C. I. L. and V-V-V-V-V larees, Murphy, Murdock. Bucs came bock with a surge in P a ra ch u te C'o (1) players pastime In the N. B. In­ they continue on their road trip at 1:30 and continued on for two the first half of the "Y" Bowling to a night filled with excitement on ace oil “thiw 16th hole at the Xhree points; Helen Jacobs, ten­ cynical and sanasllc in his com­ roan, we would still be in the cave­ Harry attained the rank Of first State Debates will be released If you hear someone say, “We’re the final period but failed by one T. Blanchar;' 94 98 72—264 dustrial League, Milt Knowles aty against Hall High tomorrow at hours. At 7 the members were on j League the leaders are still pretty and thrilling action tonight, at Scotta Bluff 'country chib. nis. ments on Beatrice s attempts to Scene from Story man stage. ALSO, the fact that not class scout. He also took second soon. having a soldier for Christmas din­ point In tying the score. W. Naaiatka . 89 83 95—267 Two points: Dorothy KIrtjy. golf: center, and Capt Stu Malcolm and ' West Hartford. So far the Clarke- duty again for a two-hour section­ well bunched. ITie Motor Seles, Footguard hall. One look at the Mrs. Stone duplicated her hus­ prove his guilt. Only when He 1s one meritablc work of art, either prize In W TIC’s annual F rench —Eleanor Struff, '43 ner,” . don’t get Jealous, Just ckll .Give Him E. Brown and Toumard were F. Wilson . .. 106 83 76— 265 Dorothy May Bundy, tennli; Bob Carlson it the guard post' confronted by the ghoat of his vic­ men have tallied 95 points compar­ 4781 and a sk w hoever an sw ers (w.? al rehearsal in charge of the dif­ the Btan In the Wolverine light M. Massaro .. 107 128 1 4 8 -3 8 3 look a 2 to 1 decision from the line-up tells the story—Yvon Rob­ band’s performance. ->>Ji in literature or art, has been pro­ Pronunciation Contest. ferent band leaders from the vari­ Late this season Stone scored Oreteben Fraaer, ikiing; Marjorie tlons. tim does he confe.s.'y to the crim e. ExcepUonal artistic ability was ed with 67 for the opposition. duced in either Germany or Italy know who will but we aren't teIN while Earl McGeown and Art A. Massaro . . 113 101 105—319 Don WlUls Oarage. The Cjhagnots'. ert vs. Marvin Westenberg In the The Greens who won the Co recently reveajed oh Miss Florence Coach Clarke has used the t«-o As a Junior, for the third year ous schools in the state, who took His Fdvorite Flrechlefs nosed out the (Chambers’ star main bout. another ace on the same hole. Gestring, swimming: Prince Neu- Jimmy North, as played by since the start of the dictatorships a row, he was elected to the ingf) If you can have a soldier to Schofield-played beat in defeat. fer, sw&ming; Jean Lone, sprint- Central League last season wl Hopkins’ front blackboard. Room team system' to perfection In all care of the section with which they ] 496 1498 Movers 3 games out of 3 in a hard Sliding BUI Hansen vs. Lee Hen­ Friends expect the same, from Douglas Phelps, provided amuse­ in those two countries; shows Ihati Student Council as an alternate. your house for a good dlnn^. With Ray Zamanek shooting 30 T oU l ...... 509 493 out a defeat will have Red Gavel 15M, where was a chalk sketch un­ three games and both "five’s” Across the were mpst familiar. Xntexfimvxtt 8 fought match; while the Bryant ning in the semi-final special fea­ the misaus. ing, ment with his nonchalance and the Inventive genius of those peo­ In Sock and Buskin’s "Spring Don’t rush girls! pblnta the Eagles dropped the P. C. ( ) and Johnny Greene at the forw^ usually true to perspective, repre­ have shown up well. The second Sortly after Sine the school waa I 102 98 108—308 ana Chapman Five took all 8 ture. Joe (Jox vt. Marty Jones In candid opinions. The naturalness of ple is not being turned toward the Dance,” Harry played the part of v-v-v-v-y ' Dextera in the van in abort o rder M. Brcaowskl posiUona Pete Sta\im at center and his acting in his ealmness and senting an excerpt from “The five has s^-ored two-fifths of the Exchange Df»k Well, you can’t say we haven’t evacuated. Just wherp each] P. DubaNo .. 90 112 108— 319 points from the Moriarty Broa. another top-notch feature and Tig­ rig h t end. Professor Beckett. Later in the band member went to is not cer- g m tk tt but Jack Brennan, Eddie, Mc(?ann Jiir Murray and Jim Horvath as loyalty—to Beatrice during the Horseman In the Sky.” found In Manchester Higli points and has Many homerooms had very cre­ By Howard Major, Jr. plugged the army! and their teoifi-matea battled furi- A. O b la ...... 103 115 110—328 ' Lanky of the Motor Soles took er Tasker vs. Bull Curry in a wild guarda. In reserve the Greens bava Junior Literature books. held the opfiosition to further year he was the submarine cap­ tain but they were given strict! 97 123 107—327 high single honors with 140. Mc- session to open the show. U. S. , cris^ won h,m the admiration of ative discussions, and fit is hoped tain in the play "Submerged.” At y-v-v-v-v in a Colorful ouBly until the final whiatle and M. Savarick . Cy Blanchard, Putt Salmonda, Cait4 the audience. The story was aasigned to the prove the success of the “double- Manchester High seems to have orders to be In at a reasonable! E. K o v la ___ 103 101 82—296 Curry and Tworniie both with a servise men in uniform are admit­ that the spirit will continue next the '41B Clasa Day activities, Hai^ While looking through our ex­ gave the Eagles a fight all the ted to the reserved section st half Yost, Dick Chapman, and Jo* Mrs. Wragg, the elderly cook, 5th period English class as a hom e­ team”. Coach Clarke expressed the week. changes, we see many other chalked up two more successes fof hour. Christmas Qift Box way. nest 8-strlng total of 868 divided Cburwilla. The public Is Invltsd to work lesson; but several persons fact that changing from the ry was awarded the Harvard Book Friday night a dance and so-1 405 540 625 1680 the honors in that department price of tickets. consents to remain in the theater M ary Johnson, '43. Prize, presented by the Hartford 9choola have been producing their Its records. Last Thursdsy ' and Eagles ToUl ...... this game. only after having been persuaded in the class didn’t have a clear A rm ory to thfe Rec floor fo r p ra c ­ Friday Sock and Buskin presfnted clal time was held for guests,! P. T. The acores: tice and home games has been Harvard club to the outstanding dramatic efforts at this time. The B. F. By Hugh FnUertoe. Jr. .^Vosberg of toe Usek and Held tO'Stay by Bealriie, who feels that Idea of the position of the cliffs, reviews of the various thesplan Its annual 3-act play, and for the hosts and Ivbstesses. R. Zamanek, rf .15 0 30 Manchester Motor Boles (3) - w w »forcea------D anda a 9 wwralve'aCtolef Boatswain's BKBFdS Mate Wragg is the only one who can valley, and forests where the Con­ definite Impediment to the Red boy in the Junior Class in scholar­ On Saturday afternoon the re-j Lanky ...... 115 140 107—382 New York, Dec. 18.—(JT—No Emma Reich Wins ship and citizenship. productions show them to have first time used two almost diffe.r- 8. Vesco,' if .., . 3 0 6 Tom McDermott and Flying Cadet Silbros Trounce really be counted upon to be of any federate and Union armies were and White team but such is the been very successful. Having just ent casts. Compliments received by hearsal waa omitted and the ma-l B. Ckmners, c . . 2 1 - 8 Connie Mack Hair ...... 106 108 100—808 Tropical Park matter how serious ths situation Jim Reilly, swimmers. . . . They aid. On Thursday night Barbara concealed. situation and little or nothing can This year In addition to all his both casts are proof that M. H. S. Jority of the band members went! Tanner ...... 101 78—174 looks, you can always count on be done to get the spacious Typing Contest other activities,' Ha’rry Is the returned from Sock and Buskin's 1 W. Waldo, rg . . 0 0 0 toll this one oo, PrlvaU Sylvlo Rockville Squad Murphy played the part of Mrs. In consequence, she asked one of ’A Murder Has Been Arranged,” and the general public thought it to the movies, bowling or walked| H. Fiavell, Ig . . 1 0 1 McCurry ...... 118 111 127—866 sports to provlds s laugh or two. Oouctri of the 112th field artillery, Wragg with a delightful Irish the students, Francis Dearden, to armory back for the home tussles ’World” photographer. For more will done. u*ound the city. Warns Stars twornlU ...... 117 ISO 119—886 Owners Chary 0 . . For iMtancs; With nothing Other schools have . been hit by than six years photography -has this reporter is qertaln none of the Carlson, I g ___ . 1 0 a the ex-jockey. He was riding a brogue. Grace Freedman’s pres­ put ”a few lines and dots” on the Emma Reich, winner of this other schools could have produced V-V-V-V-V Saturday night was the con-1 Bohodlk ...... 99 . 9 9 going on hereabouts except bowl broad-beamed horae pulling a field Silbros trounced the RockVlBe the national emergency and Bris­ been his hobby and many times ■ game preparations, .the football entation on Friday was In a Cock­ board to represent the first acene year’s second typing contest, was a better play. Congratulations to Tuesday night the choirs prc' cert. There were almost 2,000j 22 1 45 piece during the Carolina maneu- Celtics at the Y last night 42-38. ney accent, which woiild have made in the story. Two minutes later, tol High has also been forced to it has been profitable to him. sented their anhual (Christmas con­ [ieople aa-sembled in the large haU.I 586 588 526 1675 season still Is pllve at Kodlae. continue their season in the school awarded a pin for her speed of 45 In the past two years he has Miss Page and the members of DextersA Players Warned That Uncertain Conditions vere when he waa recognized by Led by J. Beilis and Wilson the a London cab driver feel at home. she was surprised to see a clever w or^ per minute at a party held 'Sock and Buskin.’’ cert. (Jholrs and orchestra both It was also the end of a perfectl P. B. F. T. Don W’UUa Oarage (1) Alaska, and In Newfoundland— Dr. J. O. Catlett, Florida State local teatq put on the pressure la Mra, W ragg's haughty distaste for draw-ing take form. gym. Windham plans to play their been very active In the Order of did a marvielous job. Bouquets are week-end and all those who toqkl Cargo ...... 136 111 88—885 wbere Mlnnesotn'S grid plcturea remaining games at the Univer­ by Flying Fingers Club and Short­ DeMolay, rising to the office of Oordy, rf .. . 0 0 0 Holdouts Might Be And Increased Tax^ Raling Commlsaion vet. “Private, the final quarter and the O ltie* the condescension with which peo­ D. SUdham. hand Club in the drama room this Being in correspondence with in order for Ruth 'Turklngton, '43, part are looking forward to an-| Yawgel, If . .. 8- 1 7 Chapman ...... 103 108 102—813 hsve been sent—Detroit hockey that horae la somewhat different could not match the torrid ple loall players had owners of Tropical Pork—all vet- air,” he replied, "ahall I lead him the game single handed, her entrance after the murder, was words per minute; Gertnidc Neal raid drills—more or less, especially 839 506 555 1600 the cooler without waiting for the By H. S. Faculty yet undefeated. Bristol High has kno\v. On hearing the air raid signal, the beet be prepared to “sign up and aran turf men—kept tholr fingers to the saliva box?” score: ■ ably portrayed by Klalne Anderson ey. 38 words per minute; Theresa New York pupils were told to when one interrupts a test. 17 4 88 referee's signal and it wasn’t unUl Ceitlee and Betty Barstow. Elaine’s per­ but one of its stars back in the With world affairs ss they are Some studes say they are plan' Frosh BasketbaU shut up” when next eeasTO'e eon- Movnn (1) creased today while they got ready he found them there tost the offl------person of Paul Lowlckl but Paul Deyorio, 37; Helen Giesecke, 37; at the present, and the situations crawl under their desks, remain­ Beore at half 18-18 Eaglea. Ref­ Pep Paps Off P. H. F. Ti formance on Thursday night was 'Sugar and, spice and every­ and Carolyn Stavnltsky, 36. The ing there until the danger la over. ning to bring pillows—you know, eree, E. Bissell. tracts arrive, Connie Mock pre­ KoUh .. . 99 109 108—811 for the Satur^y opening of the ctsl decided to call the penaltiec. "Now thst the football season la 1 Scheffef, r f ...... a ' 3-3 8 h calmer interpretation than that thing nice.” Is how Miss Mary was second only to Lynch In scor­ In which our country find itself, Chambers . . . Phil Zwlck, the featherweight ing laat season. Lowickl has scored average of speeds attained In this the ones that get stuck in the hall Return§ to School dicted today. . 97 99 117—818 moot unpredictable. Florida racing over and the coaches hsve really 3 Sullivan, rf ...... 0 0-0 0 of Betty, whose hysteria was Burke. English teacher, expressed contest were generally higher than more students like Harry Straw V-V-V-V-V Yankowaki . 92 107 113—811 season since parimutuel betting fighter, drew tome gaspa when he 24 b a sk e ts from th e floor for. should be graduated from our From speaking to educators of Wolverlacs For with the war creating on beguh scouting, the circus folks 0 Milanese, If ..... 2 1-3 .'8 thoroughly chill-inviting. her opinion of the faculty tea given in the previous one. Sunday the 21st Is Sock and FoUnsU ...... 117 113 131—381 became legal 10 years ago. refused to sign- to fight CThslky have put a 24-hour guard on gar- Bristol this season and will be schools. Upon the shoulders of one other Institutions, we find their P. B. F. T. uncertain future for professTonal Wright at Milwaukee New Year's 0 Remky, c ...... 6 0-S 13 Cavendish, the orchestra leader, last Thursday in the Franklin Dtirlng the remainder of the opinions consolidated on one Buskin’s reunion tea at the Center \ D. Warren, rf . . . 3 0 8 Curtin ' ..108 103 101—811 Even without the complications gantua’s cage. They don’t think 3 Jsison, tg ...... 1 1-3 S hired to play for the party was BuUding by the girls In Home the biggest thorn—in the side of who has achieved such honors in Freshmen Intramural Basket-1 sports, the venerable manager of day because of criticism. “Phil guard Bob Brown, who is expected party games and singing were en­ point; that all boys and girls church. AU and any-of Sock and ball has finally got lU start agoii[ 3 J. Tournarid, If .. 3 2 8 the Athletics feels that club own­ brought on by ths war, the 31-day he could pass the entrance exams 1 Kellner, rg ...... portrayed by Robert Brindley of Elconomlca III, in order to receive joyed. There was a grab bag pres­ high school, may certainly rest Buskin’s members are Invited 918 530 554 1597 tropical winter meeting would be does not want to force himself but there’s no use In taking the *'Y” caat and Dennis GlL^n of to get the tough assignment of the grave responsibilities of this planning to attend college should JI1-M.H.S. Ten Frosh Honjerooir sac 1 J. Osborne, e .... . 0 0 0 ers will refuse to gamble with upon the pubUc,” his manager ex­ ™9f*i-Pt*ctlce In serving and table ent for each one attending. Miss from three to five in the parlor. CfiMgnota’ Flreehlefa (3) considered a gamble bccauee. of holding Lowicki down. Coach Mon generation. follow these plans through, if pos­ compete In a league every Thur 1 E. Brown, rg • • f . 4 0 8 player contracts calling for as­ ehancea" 13 4-8. 1 the “X" cast,. spoke from the or­ m anners. Avis Kellogg and Mrs.- Wllmot V-V-V-V-V O r. N. Barton ..117 408 133—847 new factors brought t o bear on plained. Hugh Fullerton. Senior. chestra pit and expresaed convinc- ahan lacks the presence of several sible. R. O. T. C. units In college day and Friday during Actlvltjl S D. Kennedy, Ig . . . . 0 0 0 tronomical solariesv ' rsa Janet Hubbard, Evelyn Reider, outstanding stars, as he had last^ Reed, faculty advisors, each re­ will be established for the young Don’t forget your tickets for 1 Sargent, Ig ...... 0 0 0 Madden . . . 95 .. 105—300 the qport In this state. P. B. r . 1 hla distaste for the whole af- Jeanette MassolinI, M ar^rie'Ted- Magic Show Coming Period at the Recreation Buildtngl But the wise old gentleman Today’s Onest Star season, but has been working on ceived a,gift which hsd been pur­ men, while there will be construc­ Bruce the Magician. HUlnskl .. ...133 113 99—834 “It's in the Ispe o f the gode.” 1 C. Beilis, rf . . 0 0-0 ford and Camille BotUcelU had The finding of a girl’s ring, Mr. Stevens an^ Mr. Recvi tak f whose aenee of fair play kmg ago Philadelphia Use* Wrong Tecknlqoe chased b'v the club members. tive work in regard to national de­ V-V-V-V-V Here's the perfect 8oIm* 10 2 33 (Soodrich ...no 104 88—811 commented Resident Manager Lynn C. Doyle, 0 Wilson, r f . - . 4 0-1 The laat acene literally ' dripa charge of the Invitations. his other players to aid Lowicki which she ha.H just taken off, in a turns in referwing the games. w earned the nation’s accolades ex- In. the scoring knd all his plays fense for the girls. Although a bit previous, we Bneoaneers presoed the opinion that bonus H. Barton ...no 119 95—834 Walter H. Donovan, unable to Blve'nlng. Bulletin: Connie Mack giamsda. CsUf. (B5—N. C. Hoxie 1 Frey, if .... 8 0-8 -T 1th drama brought About by the Adeline Phelps and CamUle Bot­ Carols Hung AgiUn box which was securely wrapped, wish to wish you all a very Merry The powerhouse of the leaguJ tion (e yoMr gift preb* :ed up 41 spring eixhlbitlon are molded around the "hawk-eye' The Army and Navy need chem­ seems to be 21B.whlcb has romped P. B. F. T. clauses could be wrltteu la to Blonchfleld ..... 87 . . — 87 foresee the result of a big Increase rack# spied his cat snooping around the 1 Cole, if ___ . . 1 0-8 1 itrance o( the woman in her red UcelU had charge of dccoraUons. and the linking of chains which Christmas and the best of every' lemf Interwoven Sochfi in the otnte U x on wagering, an games for his A’a starUng la Ana- IWB, the return of the ghoat, and of Iiowicki. hsve no visible openings In them, ists. engineers; in fact any man to three consecutive victoriea. Thd 1 A. Gardner, r f . . . . 0 2 2 provide for additional player com­ Christmas tree. He let fiy with's 4 Stratton, c . . . 1 *•> i A bowl of fruit was the center- Kllenschmidt Lends Hcortng T he custom of singing' Christr with a B. B. degree (Bachelor of thing, and when you see thlB 1 A. Schofield, If .. . 2 1 5 504 530 509 1808 abandonment ot eom^imentary helm, CsUf. They can’t-ecare that 0 Modean, c .. . . 3 0-0 1 a final dramatic confeaaion O t piece, on both sides of which wsre are only part of the wonders to'be most one sided victory waa that ^ of your own $eleetion pensation if club rocelpts hold up. bath towel but—oops—it missed! Johnnie Kllenschmidt stands mas carola is being observed this Science) will be of great value to column next it'll be 1842, so Happy 1 B. Sheridan, c .. . 2 - 0 -•t.4 fNone of US knows what the sea- peMea. a drive agal not unlawful man away from the West Coast— 0 Thomaa, rg . . 3 0-0 J candles with apples as the candle- year only in-Franklin and Barnard revealed by Bruce the Magician In 21B over 21F by a score of 45-8^ in fact, if there waa any scar* in The lighted tree crashed over and stop the Manchester High team in both of our figbtlpg forces. New Year. too. packed In an attractive 2 E. Ve’nnart, rg .. . 0 d 0 son holds in storo,’’ bo went on, Bryant Id OiapaNUi (8) bookmaking, a poaalble closing of burst Into fiamsa from ah o r^ 1 Murray, r g ...... i 1 0-0 uae. o i two casts in this holders. buildings. The carols chosen by hia program of magic to be pre The two other teams pacing thJ ...115 116 114—844 him, th* Yanks would bars shooed play doubled the work scoring for the three games play­ league are 23F and 22B with on{ Chrittnuu Gift Box! 3 K. Mc(3eown, Tg . .’ 3 2 8 “and thara'U have to be a limit to Fish ..... California tracks and an uncertain wiring. Tha cat dashed from the 0 J. Beiuk lig ...... 4 r - t w Marcella Makulls. Marjorie Ted- ed, having tallied 20 points for the BamaM were: 21, "Hark, ’His sented on Monday, December 22 Party To Be HeM Patriotism Shown 1 J. BtDiff, r t ..... • 0 a 2 our financial commitmonto. Burr ...... 133 108 99—830 tourist oanoon. him out of th* American Loagus such s production entails, ford and Mary Nielson acted aa Herald Angels Sing;” 22, “Silent at 2:60. in the high school halt “Knitting for the Red Oosa was victory and no defeats apiece. long ago.“ room, squawUng. The rug and Red and White pause. Al- Zamal- “Bonus contracts might ba one Vlttner ...... 133 M 89—809 Racing circles wer* fearful laat curtfilns went up In smoke. Flrs- S~ i T 4-9 ^ the capahiU^ with which Miaa the hostesaes, while the renfiaining Night”; 23, “We Three Kings”; 24, Anothey breathtaking^, spectacle one way that I thought we might C. Wilson ...... 181 i04 114—349 spring when the Florida leglala- fL Paga directed the play tla Is second In the scoring de­ It was announced at Friday’s Room W L Pet r ~7 ~7 31 way of solving tha prwem. Na­ men asvsd the bouse.. Boor* at half 18-18 BUbro*. ! memfiers of the clasa served. partment with 17 points and Ken “It Came Upon The Midnight he promises, will be the sawing of World meeting that there would help and ahow our patriotic spiT' Score at half, 13*9 Wolverines. turally, ths ptayqr wonts to do os Skoog . '...... 96 118 104—818 ture decided to raise an additional Bervlea Dept. extrenely laudabia. Her ef- E. Carlson. '44. 31B ...... 3 0 l.CO area. (Conran. Chapman la third with IS. Ei^ry CSear”: 25. "Oh, U ttle Tokm Of a woman In half. Bruce the Ma­ be a New Year’s party for the It,” said Miss Helen Smith recent' Referee, E. BIsm U. well for himoelf os he con and he 88,000,000 for old age peqatona by Currant iaau* Ot th* “Amateur w w a rswsrfied by the aacceas Bethlehem"; 26, “Adeste Fidelia’ gician U willing to offer $1,000 to ly. The xirla of Mnme Ekonomtes 23F ...... 0 l.OI) Answers by Iswans member of the first squad hiia High School World members dur­ — 0 shouldn't be made to suffer if It 588 585 530 1841 Increasing the levy o ^ n s t pori- AthlsU,” AAU pubUeaUon, adds a pnductloa and aeknowledg- I M n r j C M Meets scored In at least one game of the 28. “The First Noel.' anyone who con iffove that he ing vacation in the “World" office’. m are d ^ g their share for the 32B ...... 1 1.':; 789 MAIN STREET turns out to bs a good bossboU Matlarty Braiketa (8) mutueU. Now 18 evtto—Instead of list of AAU Dsfi Motnas. la. (A5—Gleaned r • bouQuat ot roaea which three played. Mancjieater High has In Franklin the following' were uses two women in this trick. A Planning Coiftmittee for*4> the Red Cross in their own elssoes by 25B ...... 2 1 X Jonler loagna Sefeefinle jfasr. Newcomb .....105 91 . . —198 from th* answers by applicants • I ln t a praaaatart la behalf 1 * hWhere th« Good Mon’s W ear 10 as fonaorly—will be deducted IntercoUegtat* ehamplons in ssr* A diecusMon of the diffem t scored. 43 field gonls and H fciiils choaen: 12, "We Three Kings”; 13. So don't forget the date. Dee. event consists of: Frank Zimmer­ knitting sweaters and other things 26B ______...... 1 IMe Ito e T m Ii M "On ths other hsnd. It doesn’t Roginka ...... 90 .. 100—190 flpm every dollar bet vice: Prtvsts Frank Darrah. Dick tsU ng an Ihwa ooossrvation. offi­ it aMllkars-oC the caat and fields of library work was held at ns contrasted with I tf baskets and "Oh, UtUe Town Of Bethlehem' U , When you will »ee the “Master man, choitman, Bud Weden, Tom which are needed by that great 28B ...... ___ t . A 1 »»■ Cones From” sssai right that th* club owner Zacbea .r.108 87 . . —186 “We don’t know bow tha aver­ Ganslea, Jim Kehoe, Otto Kotra- cers* sxatatnatlom QuesUoa— tbs MeeUng of the Ubrary club IS foula for tbs opposition. Unek 14 and 23, “It Came Upon The oif Imposaibilitias’’ periSorm. ?. Ferguaon, Georgs WUlioms and organisation. The sewing cIo bm * 22F ...... I 1 • » J- Store Open ChrisioMS ^ve . 8:15—Bomhera vs. Royal Blue should have to tabs all tbs risk. LaChapella . . . 97 .. 98—193 age racagper will react” Donovan Andy Neidalg, and Johnny Nam* thrs* kinds of aquatic last Thursday. Plans were made hss scored mere then any other Gloria fiaplenso, '42 are also making clothes for the 21F ...... 0 2 Mu Midnight Clear”; IS, 21 and 26, Jerry fiaptonxo. 2 UntU 9:00 OTClodt. Jffi- After all. ths player has been pret­ KroU ...... 108 188 108—881 sold. “We do know that big bet­ Quigley, Qwporal' C3iuck Fsnske, rfants oowisacii in Iowa. Answsfr-^ fhr a Chrlstmaa party- to be plpynr sgmlnst, the CUrkemen, “SUeot-Nlght”; 16 and 17. 'The .. During the remaining time, Tom Red Cross under,, the direction of 33B ...... 0 T;00—Shanrock Jra. to. Wild ty well taken cafe of, yoar In sad BYnMar ... . ;. 119.;08—834 tors and hersanwfi don't Uke to see Lieutenants John Lyman, Qsorge May ivy, , polaea oak, nsttlas. held at the dub's next meeting ling the mesh to f twelve First Noel”; 18 and . 33,. “Jingle Ferguson read thf AP hews just Miss Charlotte OUlette, foUowing 34B ...... 0 2 - J o Chta. year out, w herM thero’ye been Custar . . . .. 98 $8->lM that much tskon out. Wo know Varoff and John Woodruff, Flying Question—Nam* thre* Unde of Md Bgtty Pagan! waa made chair- its In tl)e Meriden gsme. Bells”; 24 and 3fi, “Ob, Come AU ss it comes over the bsMirpe to the dirsetioiM .given by the Red A weekly report of the 7:4i$-rFlyiaf Eagles to. Indian pteaty «t clubs In distireaa. sven In there is a law of dinrinishlng te- Ohdots Harry M ard;and Frank owls found .'In ' Xowa. o t M omndttee fer-U^ -Te Falthful.’!_ 11)e Moidbwitai vUlihepei* in tfii ----- ^ Adtn. 3te, - 808 881 489 1883 tarns. Slatsr and jjakUtwilh i Mat* Don Bsm_sM. boot owt wifirsel*. STAXrrTKSTER EVENING FTERALD, MANCFTES?TER, C O m THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18,1 9 « MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18. 1941 A AO® tss^nsf^xoSiv

RED RYDER Hutd Quicker Thin Eye BY FRED HARIUII Sense and Nonsense dONI

s Wants &assined ForVbur Benefit Who Wants to KnowT Teacher—What la capital pun­ If you can’t take It. don't dish When people ask “How are you?' ishment? it out. Its just a salutation. Pupil—Taxes. And common sense should bar Golf Pro— Now us# your brasale. Poultry and Supplies 43 Hoiisca for Sale 72 you from lengthy explanation. Mlaa Vacanteye—But, I don't Lost and Found Lost and Pound Repairing 2.8 Musical Instruikents 53 Even though we can't have all Its not the kind of query request­ we want, we ought to be thankful wear any tbia bot weather! NATIVE TURKEYS for sale. Al­ F ^ SALE—IMMEDIATE occu- LOST— PASS BOOK NO. 4 3 8 0 7 - LOST—BROWN BILL fold, con­ PIANO TUNING and repairing. FOR SALE— USED UPRIGHT ing diagnosis we don't get ail we deserve. bert Bogli, 564 Bush Hill Road, piano, beautiful ca*e. A real buy. ^ncy, new Cape Ood single. Low FBI Official Explains Notice la hereby given that Pass taining sum of money and driv­ Player pianos a specialty. John Of each and every dreary reaction Recession is that period when Mancheater. Kemp's Inc. down payment, balance like rent. Book No. 43801 Issued by The ers' license, in McLellen'a store. Cockerham. 28 Bigelow street and neurosis. you tighten your belt. A deprea- Arthur A. KnoAa, 875 Main St. Son—What's repartee. Dad? Savings Bank of Manchester has Reward if returned. 4 South Dial 4219. It doesn’t mean devising an an­ Dad - Repartee, my boy. Is'what Sion is the period when you have street, Rockville. Tel. Rockville Tel. S440-S938. swer to the question. no belt to tighten. When you been lost or destroyed, and writ­ WANTED T O TUNE, repair and Articles for Sale 45 Clues, Investigation! a man thinks of on the way horns. 1108-2. Rooms Without Board 59 In which you're, itemizing what'a have no pants to hold up, boy. ten application has been made to regulate your piano or player said bank by the Person in whose FOR SALE—FIGURE SKATES, wrong with your digestion. Foibles of custom! Tf under­ that ia a panic. piano. Tel. Manchester 5052. Lots for Sale 73 If operations scar that you don't name such book was Issued, for nevy and used. Satisfaction guar­ 2 BEDROOMS, centrally located, last night after finishing his tal wear looked like beach-wear you Dr. C. R. Beach A»l- analyze and apell 'em. "vS^nt any help, chum ? " , payTheht Of the amount of de­ Announcements anteed. James R. Foley. 6.5 private family. Tel. 5600. FOR SALE!— BUILDING lot, on as he had to be In that city todi could walk down the street In it. posit represented by said book, Business Opportunities 32 Mather street. Tel. 5841. McKee street, with all improve­ dre8(4e8 Police Depart­ on Important business. And when folks ask "How are shouted a paaaerby to a driver , or for the issuance of a duplicate MOTHER WOULD UKE number ments. Apply 29 Cottage street. you?" for heaven's sake don't who waa trying to get a pair of of children to care for In our FOR SALE—MEN'S REBUILT A would-be chicken fancier bad OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. W ILLIAM S book therefor. FOR SALE — ESTABLISHED TWO ROOMS for rent, good loca­ ment’s School oil De­ tell 'em! acme difficulty with her flock and mules through a gate. OUR BOARDING HOUSE WITH MAJOR HUUFLB home. Write Box L. Herald and relasted shoes. Better than Restaurant. Owner must sacrlOcc tion. Inquire 61 Winter street. wrote the Department of Agricul­ “No, I guess not" waa the sad new cheap shoes. See them. Sam tails of Identification. business because of ill health. In­ Leg^al Notices 78 A Though l A smart man ia the one who ture: reply. “But rd like to know OAT WHV AH LAK TER R'DE T H A T OM , IClC’S O .K ..- - ' WANTED—ONE TRAILER for Yulyea, 701 Main. W p a w / you 6P0\L6P0«?TS VOU C A N T THE only TMiNG X' quire Armory Lunch, 316 Main FOR RENT-LARGE comfortable hasn't let a woman pin anything "Something l.s wrong with my bow Noaoh got two of these A MULE DE BEST.' SHE SEE LEA VES HE DIDN'T START cmerKency work. Boy .Scouts Call room, suitable for two. Call AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD WOULD QUESTUDN THE EVER WON WAS A street. at Manchester, within and for the Dr. C. R. Beach of the Washing­ on him since be was a baby. blinkin' bllgbtera Into the Ark!" t? a t c>e e r f u s t ... y o u O i n t ' YOU WITH RIOIN’ MULES TILL BLAM E US FO R' r.T.’iS, 4943. chickens. Every morning when MCTVEE o p 30AN OF ARC (listrirt of Mancheater. on the 18th ton. D. C„ office of the FBI was ! Truly the light is sweet, and I come out I And several lying on G E T A m u l e t e r g o i N T e a HE W A S m e n t a l l y NIPPING WHEN PA(R OF SLEEVE Fuel and Feed 49-A day fif December A. D,. 1041, The plutocratic looking man. In MAGAZINE CHRISTMAS GIFT the speaker at the meeting of the pleasant thing it is for the eyes the ground cold and stiff, their MO QUlCtaCSAKlO BOGS ER d e v e l o p e d .' m o w ■***'c h a r g in g m e With YOU'RE ALINAYS HOLDERS ON A Help Wanted— Female 35 FOR RENT—FURNISHED room, Preaent WlIrLIA-M S. IlYDi:, Ka.|.. Ecclesiastes furllned. bvercoat, and sporting Pedestrian problem, apeed too Wanted ! siibscriptlons accepted to Dec. Judge. Manchester police school yester­ behold the sun Vi feet in the air. Can you tell me OMTO THIN ICE...DEV‘S TWlMKlNG OF PROFITS s e r v in g s o m e ­ suitable for 2. Gentlemen pre­ big cigar, walked his lordly way great for conditlona, and lack of IP HE’D STARTED. PUNCHBOARDFOR '20th. Gift cards sent on all orders WANTED—EXPERIENCED girt FOR SALE—WOOD. Eugene Gag. Kalate of Ralph Cheney, Jr, late day afternoon and last nlg'ht. He what Is the m atter?” GUR.ER-POOTED "iN OE SAY, AT Si'X.WHV, BECAUSE X AM RAFFLING EFFICIENT * ferred. Telephone 6040. of Mancheiytrr In said diatrtci, de­ That out of sight is out of u n s o w n the street. "He," said the better law enforcement are re- t h in g IN A ♦ll.eo APIECE- Phone 6981. 66 Hudson street. to live in. Good home and salary. liardone. Bolton. Tel. 5234. had for bia subject "Laboratory Soon Bhe received the following ROCKS... DEV JES' ceased. — Arthur Clough. local cynic, "is one of the few jJorted to be the major reaaona HE'D s t i l l BE SlX.'y OFF A DOZEN TURHEVS1D PAUSE-BOTTOM Bu t p u s h b a c k STENOGRAPHER Call 5292. FOR RENT—LARGE ROOM for Upon application of the Hartford Alda in Investigation. Questioned letter from the Department: for the 1940 increase in traffic DON’T OVERLOOK BUN GIFTS FOR. TWB FOR SALE— FIREPLACE and 2 gentlemen or couple. 38 Gerard National Hank A; Triiat Compan>', Documents. Blootl Stains. " The men who have got rich from writ­ "Dear Madam. Your chickens GLASS.'^'-^auiT THE TREMOLO ing poetry. Aq() he wrote for deatM aa compared to the first n u f p i n , a with some bookkeeping Automobiles fur Sale 4 WANTED— GIRL FOR house­ stove length wood. Apply Edward street. -Xdnilnlatralor. praying for author!- class last night was not as large­ are dead." five months of 1930. ORPHANS.'-‘ •■SPUT'FTt/: —^1F TRUMPETING, STOP AMO I'LL work, four rooms, one child, J. Holl. Tel. Manchester 5117 or ly to aell certain real estate par­ only alx months.” ticularly described In aald apfilics. ly attended as some of the previous SOO ARE SO LACKING IN AND X'LU Subscribe experience to work at 1936 DODGE SEDAN. 1938 Wlllys school age. Salary $8 to .start. 5118. FOR RENT—SINGLE ROOM in W hat!” said the poet. "How tlon on file. It la classes as there were no represen­ CHRISTMAS SPIRT, RUN AND A COOP^Ib TME(I GAMBLER. 1 sedan. 1939 Pontiac sedan, 1936 Call 7907, private home, breakfast if desir­ OKDKUKD:— That the forcKuing the devil did be do that?" He Office of Manchester Dodge panel, 1937 Desoto sedan. tatives from Wllllmantlc at the HOLD EVERYTHING Hide SOUR QUARTERS IN OP CHANCES.^ IN M E/» f J ed, Gentleman preferred. Tele­ application be heard and determin­ school last night. There was no WTote love Bonnets to a rleh and Chamber of Commerce. 1931 Buick sedan. Cole Motors — INTELLIGENT GIRL for steady Garden— Farm— Dairy phone 8183. ed, at the Proliate Office In Man- ancient widow. b a k in g clieaier tn aald DIatrIct, on the ?3nl reason given for their non-appear­ 4164. part time store work. Apply In Products 50 ilay of Pecemiier A. D.. 1341. at 3 person from 1 to 6 p. m. only. ance. but It is supposed to be due SEE MISS HOLBROOK o'clock In the forenoon, and that to the men having been called to It lan't 80 hard to live on a Thrifty Cleaners, 981 Main street. GREEN MOUNTAIN Potatoes. notice be gl\en to all peraons in­ Boarders Wanted 59-A extra wprk because of the war amall salary if you don't .spend Business Services Offered 13 Firsts *1.25 per bu.. seconds 60 terested In said eatate of the pen­ too much tiylng to keep It a se­ I ______WANTED —WOMAN to make dency of aald application and the Traringf' Guns cents per bu., field run 90c per time and place of hearing tfiereon. cret. , ' h o l i d a y s p e c i a l — Kitchen pies; wanted man or woman to b\i., at the place. Frank V. W il­ ROOMERS AND BOARDERS— Dr. Beach explained the im­ by publialiing a copy of thia order portance of picking up every piece linoleum, washed and waxed for help with cooking. Apply Mvir- liams, 1632 Tolland street. Apply 49 Wadsworth street. in acme newspaper liaving a circu­ of evidence that might be found Most o f the young women use Manchester *1.00. Write New Art Cleaner.., phy's Restaurant. lation in said dialrlct. at leaat five an ungodly amount of make-up; Box W, Herald. FOR RENT—HEATED room, with days before the day of aald iuar- at the place of a crime and ex­ Evening Herald ing, to appear If they »ee enuae at plained how it was possible to 5ut then maybe they know their Household Goods 51 board, suitable for one or two said time and place and be heard Help Wanted— Male 3fi gentlemen, near bus line. Tel. trace the bullet that came from n own faces. Classified Advertisemcnta Florists— Nurseries 15 relative thereto, and make return FURNITURE GIFTS!! 3327. 403 Center street. to thla court. certain pistol. No two pistols, hr Count SIX aveia^e wurda to i line MAN WANTED ON Dairy Farm. W ILM AM s . h y d k said, fire the same kind of a bullet, Mandy—la you de judge ob InittAls numbera and abhravlatlonf CHRISTMAS TREES-Vermont Bridge or Junior Lamps. .. .* 4 95 Apply to \\'. T. Little or 195 WANTED— BOARDERS, short J udK®. there always being different mark­ 'eprobatea ? aach count as a word and compound balsam 4 to 14 ft.: hou.se and Beautiful Cedar Chests .*19.95 lf-:2-M-41. words at two worda Minimum cott Spencer street. distance from Aircraft, newly ings. He said after a murder when Judge—Well, Madam I am the lawn tree.s. Alpo living spruce 4 Occasional Pieces ...... » 7.95 la pric® of thre® lln®a furnished rooms, twin beds, all a bullet had been taken from a ;>robate judge, if that la what you r.tn® THY®a oer dav for rranal®nf to 8 ft. cut to order. Wholesale Decorative Mirrors .... .* 5.95 WANTED-MAN TO chop cord Conveniences, private bath, laun­ body it was possible, if the gun nean. ■ tJn. and retail. Tel. 4334. Stami.s at woo be made on alx time ada atopped ai"y and commission, good earn­ Innersprlng Mattresses *19.95 bullet. DWWECYLY t o tW e after the fifth day. ings. Only those with good educa­ \>)MiW worry about. I MovinK—Trucking- Axminster 9x12 Rugs . .*34.95 nothing Starks WOSWtSW.'. K V t« Y - \-ttvxn oo_ No "till forbids"; display llnaa not tional and character references Hartford, Dec. 18. OPi—Presi­ fW\NC> \*» _ _ _ Storage 20 ALBERT'S—EST. 19U Laundry marks on clothing was sold. need apply. Coca-Cola Bottling fT ? The Herald will not be reaponalbla Waterbury Team to Play dent W. Mark Hickey of the Na­ another method of tracing evi­ for more than one Incorrect inser­ STORAGE Company of Connecticut, 16 mr tional Association of Independent dence and Dr. Beach explained STAMP NEWS ; tion of any advertisement ordered Moving and Packing. The Austin Orchard street. East Hartford. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR 5 that In one case the person had 80HH , • I for mors than one time. Conn. Tire Dealers, terming an OPM I DOHEMIA and Moravia have is- Tha Inadvertent omiaalon of in­ A. Chambers Co. Telephone 6260 1-2 cu. ft. in excellent condition 111 Local Rce torn off a laundry mark, and hail correct publication of advertlaing proposal to ration rubber begin­ torn it into several small pieces sued stamps to commemorate ^ GOOD ROUTE AVAILABLE of and a real bargain. Don't miss w ill be rectified only by cancellation this opportunity. Pearl's Appli­ ning Jan. 4 “a little too severe." and scattered It over several acres I the 150th anniversary of the death i of the charge made .for the aervtoa Repairing 23 800 Rawlelgh consumers. No ex­ of land. It was picked up by men ran4«reil. ance and Furniture Centre. 599 High Sriiool Boys to said today "we can't fight a war I of Wolfgang Amadeus STecart who ' coet tf4t lY tHA WtVICI. IWC T, M. tl® Ul perience needed to start. Large In the United States Army, placed /2 -/5 Alt advertlaementa muat oonforra MOWERS SHARPENED, repair­ sales mean big prottts. Perma­ Main street, in Hotel Sheridan hiring mules and riding around in Idled Dec. S, 1791. Two high val- | In atyle. copy and typograpiy with together much as a puzzle and ed, shear grinding, key htting, nent. Full time. Write Rawleigli's, B ldg. Keep Their Baskrihall biickboards." lu ei will hear a portrait of Mozart \ regulations enforced by the publish- the result was a murder convic­ Iwhile others bear illustrations of | ‘Why should I live In b lent when I own that?" ara and they reserva the right to duplicating, vacuum cleaners etc. Dept. CUL-48 104, Albany, N. Y. VENETIAN BLINDS, window Hickey estimated that if ration­ edit, revise or reject any copy con­ Srhcfliile Now. tion. jthe old Prague City Theater in I overhauled. Bralthwalte, 52 Pearl shades. High quality Venetian ing became effective as planned sidered objectionable. the number of cars now in use There are four types of blood, he Iwhtch Mozart's opera "Don Gio- CIX)SJNG HOURS— Claealfled ada street. blinds from *2.50. Show samples said. One is to be found in 44 per Situations Wanted— Arrangement.s have been made would be cut in half by spring. Ivanni" was produced for the first FUNNY BUSINESS to be published eamd day must bo Weekly payments may be ar­ cent of the people of the world. 40 received by It o*clo^ noon Satur­ SET AND filed, by hand by the faculty of Manchester High He said in an Interview that if |Ume. Female 38 ranged. cip ltoi Window Shade per cent in another group and 10 days 10:30. or machine, cord wood saws gum­ the plantation rubber was not Co.. 46 Capen street. Hartforrl •school for the ii.se of the Ea.st Side per cent In a third, with 4 per med. General grinding. 15 years available the trade would be will­ The Russo-German War will be Telephone Youi Want .Ada Tel. 6-7018. Open evenings. Roc for the 1941-42 basket ball cent making up the remainder. experience. Capitol Grinding Com­ WO.MAN WOULD lik? housework, ing to take a variety containing ■ the subject of a series of “ vie- ' Ads ara accepted over the teio- gamo.s on the High schl .sched­ The last class was known as AB phone at the CHARGE RATE given pany. 531 Lydall street. Phone live In. Inquire 145 Center street. a percentage of reclaimed rubber WASH TUBBS Gjiiped Again BY ROY C R A N B ule. Principal Ed.son M. Bailey re­ typo Tinless there was a difference Itory*’ stamps to be Issued by Ru- above as a conveneince to adver* 795i Plumbing and hicctrical for treading. I mania. One design shows Ru- ' tiaera, but the CASH RATES will be ported today. in the type of the peraons tho Imanian forces crossing theDnies- i 1 TBOUaHT MC WEtae itOKt'JW'J I TMIWK 'N TM« IB THE n t s r MIOHT H7UVE POMHED m ST a ZSSE* accepted ae i*'ULL PAYMENT^ tf D ors— Birds— Pets tl Fixtures 52-A The East .Side Ree has been in­ .May Change I)rl\ing Habits blood testa made of articles found TO THC MOVIES! 1 MEVEAtV«BFECTLV TAKIM ME OUTIM NCEKS* AMP MW paid at the buelneea office on or be­ spected hy the .State Police, the "This grade of rubber will not was of little value, hut It would Iter river into Russia. i 4PEWTS0CH A WPUT B«W 10 “ ----- fore the seventh dey following the FOR SALE- CANARIES AND OlI TDOOR SET of Christinas tree building inspector and two compe­ e • • ' llret insertion of each ad otherwise wear as long and may call for a prove that it was human blood. Make your own ..icl of malvll TIMS IN MV USE! A aooD TiMfr AU y f 2 of a voluntary program of tire Other MaterlaU need Is a few yards of bright fl:| ■their postal affairs will bring a Marriages .. «•••••• <3 tend the home games. conservation by the publie instead Hair, he said, was another Im­ Istronger hemisphere solidarity; Half of Slrmbership nel. velveteen, suede cloth Oaatho •.•.«•.•■••••#•••••! 0 FOR SALE- MALE CANARIES, USED CLETRAC "20" fine condi­ of the OPM proposal. portant item of evidence, but it leather, plaid wool, corduroy The Union will receive three Card of Thanks ...... B guaranteed singers. R. Grimley, tion. Used Farmall 12s on rubber As this number is approximate­ was not, as some believed, possi­ ets of the stamps, one o( which 'i W ', In Mernorlam ...... r ly one-half of the registered SAA even felt a few hours of sew| Lost and Found ...... 1 DO YOU HAVE ADEQUATE 174 street. Tel. 7121. and steel, ForUson parts milking ble to tell the age of a person by time—and the act is yours. vill be- mounted on display sheets Announeamnats t machines, used tractor plows. membership. Principal Bailey said the hair found. It was true that vith annotated texts and will be INSURANCE? that the SAA group will be spilt Pattern No. 8(M4 is designed Paraonals ...... a Dublin Tractor Company, Provi­ Stricter Rules the hair of a person grew finer aa ilzet 11 to 19. Size 13 requirc l available to accredited organiza- *' Aatoasobneo 8 w Live Stock-^Vehicles 42 dence Road. Wllllmantlc Into two groups, A and B. each of age advanced, but there was no Antomobtea for Sata ...... « like number, one-half to attend the yard S4-lnch material for r| jtions for exhibition. Automobiles for Exchange . I McKlNNEV BROTHERS known rule to follow to tell just 1 2-3 yards 36-Inch material, • • • . i n * Auto Aocasaorlea—'Tlraa .. a FOR SALE—GUERNSEY cow. Bristol. East Hartford and Middle- SOS Main S t , Manefaester, Conn. Oil Buildmgs how old the person was that the yard* 36-lnch material required | New Issues: The Dominican Re­ Auto Repalrlng^Palntlng . 1 freshened second week of Janu­ town games and the other group hair came from. It la possible to Auto Schoola ...... l-A ary, also 3 to lining. public special delivery 10-centa­ Telephone 6060 or 7482 4 tons of hay. G. to attend the Windham, West match hair and uae It in this way ALLEY OOP After the Battle Autoa—Ship, by Truek ..... a Schaller. 626 Center street. Read Herald Advs. Hartford and Weaver games. For thia attractive pattern, : vos has been changed from yeF •q. BY V .T .H A B IU N Autoa—For Hlro ...... t for evidence, but the old belief 15c In coin, your name, addr.| Oarages—Sarvlca—Storaga id The general public will not be Despite Warnings Con­ bow green to blue green. . . 'Tur­ that the age of a person could be pattern number and size to ITS A VWONDE.R B U ^ ,4 Uotorcyctea—Bicycles .... 11 permitted to attend and other told was something that the FBI key is expected to release a com- Wanted Autos—Motorcycles tractors Start Work Mancheater Herald Today's 11 YOU s u e v i v c D i . It schoola playing here will not be has not been able to prove. nemorative series in honor of the IVJESWSfTl^e Bnataees aad Profeaatonat ferTtcea tern Service, 106 Seventh Averj agricultural fair at Smyrna. Business Services Offered ...... la permitted to bring spectators Without Permits. The next session c! the school New Tfork, N. Y. 'T^IR.CAMPUi^ Household Services Offered ....la -A No Duitiro HeM will be held Monday afternoon and The Orval Abbey semi-postal A TID A L . B u llding^ C ontractlng ...... 14 AUCTION! AUCTION! Interest^ in patterns for he I WAVE.' Restrictions as' ^to attendance evening of next week instead of eries issued by Belgium last sum- ' WtA,U«V|Cl. FloH.sta^Nuraerles ...... II will also affect teachers, a division The office of the building In­ sewing? Then send for the Fii| Funeral Directors ...... If next Wednesday, and at that time ion Brok. our complete preview I ner has appeared iQ' two large AUTHENTIC ANTIQUES MODERN FURNISHINGS of the faculty to )>e made to ac­ spector is faced with the necessi­ Heating—plumbing—Roofing .. If Dr. Beach will again talk. His sub­ new styles for wrlnter—In all slj ouvenii sheet*. I “Why, Skoots! The idea!" Insurance ...... i ...... - II company each SAA group. No ty of becoming much more strict ject next week will be. “ Collection, MlUtncry-Oressmaklng .v-rt** 1% AT REID'S AUCTIONTORIUM, BOLTON, CONN. from 1 to 52. (DN U. S. ROUTE 6, 8 MILES EAST OF .MANCHESTER) dances will be held after the Preservation and identifleation of Moving—Trucking—Storaga .. tO games, it was announced. than heretofore in the matter of Pattern 15e, Pattern Book Puullo Passenger Service ...... I0>A EJvldence.’* One Pattern and Pattern B| Air raid precautions have been enforcing Regulations regarding 40NEHVII.LE FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX P ainting—^^Paperlng ...... f1 SATURDAY, DEC. 20, 1941 AT 10 A. M. Dr. Beach left for Washington ordered together 25c. Profeeeional Servlcee ...... ft worked out to be applicable if an the making of any excavation or Repairing ...... t l (OVER 800 ITEStS;-SALE WILL LAST UP INTO 'HIE EARLY EVENING) alarm sounds while a ganrw Is in pouring In forma for cellars be­ 1 / Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning .. 14 progress. Those studeh'ta in the "SI Toilet Goode end Service II INSPECTION Friday, Dec. 19, Afternoon 2«5, Evening 7-10 fore permits can be Issued. Wanted— Buetpee'e Service .••• 11 gallery during a game will be GroM Stitch Place Mats W I L B E R T !!" Ednrailonal evacuated to the Rec lobby and In spite of many prior warn­ Courees and Classes ...... If MANY APPROPRIATE XMAS GIFT ITEMS those sitting on the gym floor will ings, builders here have persisted Prl v.%te (nttructionc ...••■•••• tl D.nCiiB ...... tfl-A FURNITURE, RUGS, CHINA, GLASS, BRONZES, BRIC-A-BRAC be evacuated t o ' the Franklin in the practice of making cellars building by way of the tunnel. before the granting of permiU, In 827® Uu.Ic.I—Dramatic ...... !• P.\RTI.\L LIST; Highboy In cherry, 2 VIctorhui Sofas 0>ne with Aae rose carving), Victorian y-vn. Wanted—In.iru*-A ~ Chinese Kimonas and Robes, Few Fur ^eoea. Several Small Oriental Ruga, Wide Assortment o f- there are many cellars In town on FROM LsesBuns Has FAMEIMS IS A* A W O- s i s N 't o u k n a m e T D ° FROM the LMe i VI H.Ip Wanted—Male or 47 Old Glass, China, Bric-a-brac. Silverware, Few Pewter Pieces, Etc. ISO Pieces New Glass (Helsey which neither; permits have been JINNY BaiM.POSINO CATCHINO. BHOT. _ 4 CHITCK/ A t.nu Wanted ...... 47-A VA/YNN? AS th e w R r n m ia> 'K> ME < AUlOeRAPUtNB :.v and Lotus, Salesman's Samples), Hostess Plates, Candlesticks, Compotes, Bowls, Pitchers, Goblets, A false alarm for a grass fire. granted nor have sonlng arrange­ Bltuatloos Wanted—Femsis St Etc. ~ That was the experience of the IMMAT® OF 'HOW/ tONO I HAVE A PR06AAM5 AT ■I Bltuxttons Wanted—Mats • tl ments been approved. In some SWff Employment Asencies ...... WIDE SELECTION OF NEW HAND HOOKED CHINESE RUGS. Some are all wool, assort­ Manchester Fire Department late HAS T in s BCtM STAND- A DANCE.Bur T f'i- ' Isivs Stoek—Pets—Psalti yesterday afternoon. It was just a cases, it is feared, actual viola­ v-x. I S A Y f / GOAO O N ?" 1- X exrosED ed sizes, 2x4, SxS, 4x6, 4x7, 6x9, 9x12. Because of the war conditions, this may be our last ship- tions of t ^ regulations regarding \\V\- IKI/ HIM AKJO HE Vshlelea jiicnt of these Ane rugs. still, in the parlance of the fire­ | - L '/ ■— Ooss^Blrds—Pets ...... men. and when they arrived at location may be found. SUJNKHOMB/7 Live 8tock«>->Vstitcles CHAIRS FOR ALL! HE.AT! LUNCHEON! TRUCKMEN! AMPLE PARKING! The Zoning Board may take up Poultry and Supplies ...... Cambridge street no one seemed, to Wanrsd ~Psts— Poultry—>8toek know just where the grass was certain phases of this reported r«v Sale-^BHsevlfaeeees ROBERT M. REID & SONS, AUCTIONEERS hurtling. A t least no one would making of violations if sonlng Articles For Sals ...... EST. 1907 make any statement or tell the rules teve been Infringed. Per­ ^ s t s and Accessories ...... 201 SIAIN STREET, MANCHESTER, CONN. PHONE glOS Building Ustsrixls ...... firemen. In the terse official lan­ mits to build may be withheld in Dlamosds — Wstciiesr-tJswsliT 8 WOODLAWN STREET. 8PRINGFIELD, MASS. -PHONE 20271 guage of the department, “no {he future until proper adjust­ Electrical Appliances^Radlo.. ments hs've been made. 'A Fuel and Feed ...... i'J’A damage.**. Sardsa—>Farm*—Oslry Products id Uoussbold Goods ...... tl a i t : .Jfaeblnsry end Tools ...... tS Musical instrumsDta- . • • • • • V* • II Otriee and Store Bquipmsnt . . . *4 Specials St tbs Stores ...... M SCORCH Y SMITH Bargain Day BY JOHNC.TBRR1: Wssriog Appsrsl—Furs ...... 17 VKsntsd—To Buy ...... II u»s—Bnsrd—HXsIs Usssrts f i m ’ MAeHNt-9Uh/S Rsstsuraata fceVTliMfiUf'WI N®B> Rooms Wltuooi Bosr4 s • • •A* II tons MAMJ rut M NO n in > «i BtoooiHgp/l Bosrders Wsntsd ...... I l-A m j u t f HfVFTOTItY. Country Bosrd—Ucsorta ...... M IMS C4N BffTTli T M ; Rotsls—Rsstsursnts ...... II •g Mia. Aaae Oabet Hi OIBN'T friend, long life and pa Wsntsd—Rooms—Bosrd ...... It Make your table a truly hospit­ Mm I Bstatc For Rsat health” . Apartments. Flats. Tenemsnta N able meeting place for all the fam­ 'J X ! Bustnsss Loeatlpns'for Rent .. M ily and your guests! These unusual Make a set for yourself, Houses.'For Rant II pliaoa mats are done in simple one for a bride or a good f iii'burbaa For Rant t .;.■ ^ ..... *{ croso-atitch that produces a hand­ The four oUohg table doilies ■ummar Bomss For Boot . . . . . 17 itudce a grand linen shower g WsatoS to Root ...... •* some color effect. Rool Botatr For toU Bach mat is 16 by 12 Inches and ' For transfer patterns for Aooitment BuUdlnB for SjMo . . *J ia done In five colors, red, green, pUce mats (Pattem Na 5276 Busloast Proporti for ^lo ... Jf blue, yellow and black. Of course,' itnictlona on how to uae taat Farms so6 tind tor Bato ..... JJ ilousss for B alo ...... Ji you can altar tkla color acheme color auggeatlona. amounta.xi( Loro fot_ Balo . . ••o*•■•••*•*•** 1* to barmoalaa with your own dining teriala apeclfiod. aend 10 cen f - - " ^ ...... !2 room if yon cbooae. * : Coin. Tour Name and Addreoi I M * ,.0 1.••*♦•••• JJ Tour fueata wiU ba delighted i tha Pattern Number to Anm When th ^ read tha charming and [ bot, The Manchester Evening haopltabie wiah that you have: aid, 106 Seventh Avenue, embealdfred tRwd appetite, my I York City. - iii'i lu V i PAGE EI0HTEEI9 UlmifQrBtrr Snftting HrraUt THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1941

The daughter bom Monday. Dec­ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth La Coaa of Members of Troop 11, Girl About Town ember IS, at the Bridgeport hoapl- Charter Oak street celebrated their Scouts, will not meet at the YMCA tal to Mr. and Mrs. William B. tenth wedding anniversary last Saturday but Instead will meet Glenney, baa been named Pamela night at “ Ye Olde Wishing Wtell." next Tuesday at the same place. The pictures ‘‘Thumps Up” and Jean. Mrs. Glenney wa-a the former Colchester. Mrs. La Coss prior to "Thank You, America” will be Misa Marjorie Wllaon, daughter of her marriage was Irene Lockwood, shown in Orange Hail tomorrow Mr. and Mra. James B. Wilson of daughter of Mr. and Mra. Henry

night under the auspices of L. O. Alton street. The baby is the first Lockwood of Charter Oak street, s iS t L. No; 117. All committee mem­ grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and Mr. LaCoss is the son of the bers are requested to make returns (.nd of Mr. and Mra. Christopher late John LaCoss of Center street. on tickets at that time. Glenney of Coventry, formerly of They have two children, Denise, 3I0UT Manchester. Mrs. Wilson is expect, seven and Kenneth, Jr., four years old. ■ cd home this evening after a visit car with her daughter. CHRISTMAS Members of the Everyman’s Bible Class of the Second Congre­ TALL CEDARS START CALLING USJ TREES gational church who had planned SELECTED BALSAM Btaay f»st«st atartlng c * n In ALL SIZES—S FEET AND I P a visit to the Open Hearth. Hart­ town got that way—through u*! ford, tpmorrow evening, have been I t yow a la onr ot thoae atnbbom obliged to postpone the trip in­ s CHRISTMAS ataitora— we’ll end Starter tmuhlen up definitely. for you— for good! For a charge Tomorrow ^ight TREES ao moderate that you'll wish you 8:15 O 'aock had called us sooner. So-o—why LARGE ASSORTMENT ■ot ‘phone us now? NICK ANGELO ORANGE HALI LOT 47 WEST CENTER ST. Range and NORTON S>xt To I-.PMni»r*s iO Regular Games At< 35c up Aft^r 5 M. At 50 Vine Street ^3.00 a Game for 25c!< Come Early For ELECTRICAL Fuel Oil 2 FREE GAMES! Best Selection! INSTRUMENT CO. 7 SPECIALS! Hilliard St. Phone 4IM50 Read Herald 4dvs. The SWEEPSTAKE! FREE DELIVERY IN TO W N! W. G. Glenney w.OO DOOR PRIZE 1( MONTHLY PRIZE: $25.00 DEFENSE ROND Walter Silkowski TONIGHT, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY! Co. Coal, Lumber, .Masons' Supplies, 110 BROAD STREET I.eo I)e Mers and His Royal Hawaiian Swin^stcrs Paint d i n e ------DANCE SSe No. .Main St. Tel. 4148 AS USUAI^THE BEST OF FOODS! Broilers - Steaks - Roast Beef • Oysters On Half Shell Steamed Clams and Clams On the Half Sh^l WHY Modern, Old Fashion FINE WINES — LIQUORS AND BEER do wo wish on a star? DANCE Reymander's Restaurant M^nthrater 35-37 Oak Street Telephone 3922 Sports Center Every Thursday Ni^ht Admission 44c, Inch Tax. Music by THE BARNSTOR-VERS 5 AT PINEHURST Hank Post. Prompter. SEE OUR DISPLAY OF DE LUXE MODELS • • • O T W FRIDAY N E W SM ART Buy These Dorset Imagine the thrill she’ll get Xmas morning when she opens the beautiful G. E. R efri. gerator— Ihc gift every woman appreciates. All .SUiinless Steel Hardware on our COMBINATION Foods... DcLuxe Modcl.'j. Something you will not gel again in refrigerators for a long lime. The Town House^ BUY ON OUR G. E. BUDGET PLAN. Chicken Dinner... BUY ICHYSSOISE The ancl.nts w.r« firmly convinced Ihol Mw larjfe jar. . .sells for start effwetad humon dsitlny. Is It tfrangOg and $1.05. th«n, that thay ihould opptal to that* k«ov« kctit oil of Colegno •niy bodlat to grant thoir hoort'i dotJrot G. E. WASHER The Delicious B Y M E TER Town House Handsome replica of clistini7uished an­ Vichyssoi.se Soup tique Waterford glass. Either Planta­ Why do thrifty folk insist No Oiling Chicken Dinner 2 cans 49c tion Garden or Woodland Spice on RED trodo morkod ? Sealed G. E. Mcchani.sm Try These Dorset I)oiK|iiet. Presented bv Old South. Bi.sque of Lobster 4 ounces at 51 00. Larger size 51.75. They know by experience that our Aluminum .\ctivator 39c can, 2 cans 75c Famous Reading Anthracite in the cellar means money in the bank. 1-Control G. E. Wringer Tbif fcntttlooal otw klod of OFto Clam Bi.sque Try some. Learn how much extra — baiic with All Our Slock Is Complete 25c can, 2 for 49c heat you can get from a ton of Gcoeral Electric Rangea stali in coal — when it carries those RED (ielkiouaaacural With Speedy F!mptying Pump I.obster a la New- food flavori. trade mark spots. SeaM md cartHlad far accaraqr fJome ia today. Set theie beauti­ burs: with Sherry O of iMw ’*Mctef«d Fuel Oil Deliveri«« 3 Sizes: 6 Lhs., 8 Lhs. and Giant Stfvico'* providet you with • delivery fu l new Wine ...... 75c RangesBE** — "The 10 I.bs. Size. rcceipc that primttd by the meter I.eaaenbinloen Line With (he g^toMMgt detiptrtd. lor 1941.*’I .% Or Dorset Hiia ticket is four guarantee ol full measure* Genuine Deep .Sea Checkerboard GENERAL 0 ELECTRIC GREEN TURTLE SOUP EASY TERMS! k Clear, with Sherry Feed Store TI J.W.HAL< CORE O LD Lars:e can 49c MANCHSSTSn COHH- SOUTH 10 Apel Place Manchester

Small Cans: ■‘Plant.Ttion Lawn Party" scene on Telephone 771L Thick, with Sherry rover. Contents: Guest Decanter Jug SIT 25c can, 2 cans 49c of Cologne, Sachet, Talc and Curst AIJCB COFRAN .Soap. Clioice of either Woodland Spice L. T. W O O D And look over our display of Dorset Cheeses and other (Knuwn A* IJueen Alice) or Plantation Garden bouquet, Jl.OO. BEFORE YOU BUY ANY Auto and Truck gift packages, priced at $1.50, $1.69 and up SPIICITLAI. .MKDIL'.W Seventh Daughter ot a Seventh Son CO. KIND OF INSURANCE REPAIRS 51 BlAxell Street , Born With a Veil. SPECIAL! SHURFINE COFFEE ...... lb. 29c C AI.L 6637 Ex|M-rt .Service At Tel. 4406 Readings Dally 0 A. .51. to B P. M. ROCHELLE ASPARAGUS TIPS ...... 4 cans 95c Or By Apimintment. In the Serv­ BEN.IAM1N CHENEY Uauully 29c! ABEL’S .‘PHARMACY ice of the People for SO Years. ».5 » 5laln SI. Hale Rldg Rear 20 Cooper Street

_ A Q73 MAIN ST. •"“ irsM llirsstsBHs IG9 Church Street, Hartford, Conn. ' ^ ‘^3MANCHESTtg.,CONH. Phone 6-0007 Pinehurst Fish Fresh Oysters. ■ F O O D * STOP/ Opened Chowder Clams. Birds Eye

Smoked of Haddock. Chopped Steak ..... lb. 33c -BINGO- Haddock Fillets . . . .lb. .3.3c THAT O ID Haddock Fillets. o h TONIGHT Flounder Fillets. Peas. Strawberries. : n y JUST FASHIONED Asparagus Spears. ODD FELLOWS HALL Fresh Small Mackerel. W«AT t WANTED; Lima Beans.______CUSTOM OF SPONSORED BY KINO DAVID LODGE, I. O. O. F.

Halibut. Salmon. 30 ------GAMES ------30 F IX IN G THE Cod. Pollock. Tangerines, large.. doz. 29c 15 G am es...... $(.00 Prize Per Game I Special Games ...... $10.00 Prize Per Game Seedless Grapefruit FIRE" Whole Haddock. I Special G am e...... $50.00 Prize | 4 for 2i)C Door Prize $10.00

FRESH GREEN BEANS Chives. $1.00 Admission Includes All of the Above Games. New Green Cabbage. G I V E H I M -Special Cards lOc Each. 2 quarts 25c Avocados. A GOLD SHOE


Ask for Your McCalls Meal Planner — It’s Free!

J o r nas

Here's new idea for a

man’s Christmas: come' by attcauie it i QixK:en/.9nc. • DIAL^ISI 302 MAIN STREET aad get one M oar miniatare

mrn of post office ■ one block from state armor> Jarman gold ahocs, ha a

M u rt gift paekage. Give it

9a him «n Christniaa aaom-

iag—later he eetneeu .ia ear ^ Enjoy tba comfort of oil

store and aeleets tlie Jamum A Letter To Santa heat from a beautiful new Big Doings Tonight * ■ y' M O D ER N A IR E oil heat cir­ irtyle he preferal h ' culator. Burn low price stove AT THE “OLD RELIABLE” oil, No. I distillate or kero-

Mne. Successfully heats up Brings Results to sis rooms. Requires linle Meat Stytta

CAMP BLANDING DEAR SANTA: space. Forced Air. Unit— optionaL No dirt—no wicks

I’m just an average little home.. .and like all aver­ —no odors-no noise.You'U W. SNOIt FOR MIN AUTOMATIC HEA PARTY age homes I sometimes need Christmas presents. I'm always be satisfied with a

WITH FUN — SONG AND DANCING MODERNAIRE .. Come Tike mkHhrn Wny so tired of my fair-weather roofing— please get me some ------PLUS ------all-year-’round roofing. And I really need an extra room in and let us tell you why. with Anthrantf the tucked into my attic for guests and games. S t LwU / Phawe fa rD e ta ll i Gee, Santa, if you’U just bring me those wonderful AMATEUR NIGHT Good For Million Laughs! improvements.. .and maybe insulation for my winter overcoat. . . 1 wouldn’t want anything for YEARS. You Q. Old Oompany’a Anthracite will meet any COME ONE—COME ALU! know how long their materials 4vear. ” heating teat you give It—hecauae it's pre­

CHEF SPECIALS tested at the mines for aiae, cleanness and THE AVERAGE HOME. Delicious Food— Beeelltokey heatoontent. Order now and aee what this'

■Mat U la of Pork Modest Prices! P. S. If youneed financing on my presents, ring &145! meaha to you in the form of more heat, Wines — Liquors — Beer S oM t Boot more comfort—leas cate and leas coat. Voal C M M o

H a U B n U m D a M o w Staaka C am pbell’s O A K GRILL — aw l — "Wfcero Good Fellowa

C O »nl» BWEF Get Together” Service Station

Aim OAiSAOE SO OAK ST. TEL. 3894 Cor. Main St. and Mididic Tpk. GJ . WILLIS & SON, I.I

W e Cater To Banquets 903 Main S t Weldon Bldff. Coal, Lomber, Masoas' SnppUea, P alat . > Phone 6161 S MAIN STREET • TEI.. ,512.$ illA.NCII T