**Remember Pearl Harbor Do Your Part for the Red Cross Average Daily Circulation The Weather For>r the Month o f‘November, IS41 Forecast of U. S. Weatker Bareaa 7,010 Moatly cloudy thie afternoon and tonight, warmer tonight: ndnda np Member of the Audit iianrljFatFr lEtiPutn^ IlFralii to 20 miles per hour. Bnreeii of drcoletione Manchester— A City of Village Charm VOL. LXL, NO. 67 (Claaallled Advertising On Pnge 16) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1941 (EIGH TEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Jap Invaders Shoved Back Many Miles; Nimitz Put in Command of Pacific Fleet Axis Front Completely Shattered In Eastern Libya Area Nazi and Fascist Japanese Plane Over Pearl Harbor Dead, Wounded Left Units Retreating On Field of Battle; As Front Broken m i l Relieved Clinching Victory Seems To Have Crowned Brit­ Urges Small ish and Allied Offen­ One of Highest Officers Manila Has First Air Business Be Asks Kelly ^s sive One Month to In Navy’s Top Councils Raid Alarm in Three Given Supreme Com­ Days; Japanese Bomb- Day from Time Second Kept Alive Son Become . -m ers. Preceded by Small Uibya Drive Begun. mand; Army Also Re­ lieves Generals; Em­ A rm y Cadet Number of Fighten, McNutt Predicts Ap- Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 18.— (IF) mons and Tinker Re­ ------ Fly Across City, Appar> — The Axis front has been palling Unemployment place Short and Mar­ ently Have Developed completely shattered in east­ Next Year If jQomrn- Roosevelt, in Letter, Re­ ern Libya after five days of tin in Hawaii Posts. Respect for U. S. Guns. quests Whoever Is fierce combat and the once ment Fails to Act. proud Panzer forces of the President in 1956 to Manila, Dec., 18.— (/P)— !, Washington, Dec. 18.— (IF) Germans, with their surviv­ Waehington, Dec. 18.—(/P) Fed-, — The United States entrust­ Japanese invaders have been eral Security Administrator Paul Make Appointment. ing Italian comrades, are in V. McNutt aa^erted today the na­ ed supreme command of its shoved back many miles in full retreat, the British Mid­ tion could not afford "busy assem­ Pacific fleet today to Admiral Washington, Dec. 18.— —In an the Vigan area of northwest­ dle East command announced to­ bly lines In some places and hun­ Chester W. Nimitz, one of the unusual token of appreciation of ern Luzon, the United States day. The British said they were gry bread linea in others." and pre­ a deed of heroism. President In relentlesa pursuit. dicted "appalling unemployment" highest officers in the Navy’s Far Eastern, command an­ Thus, clinching victory seemed next year If the government failed top councils. Nimitz, a force­ Roosevelt has addressed a letter to nounced today. An indefinite the president of the United States to have crowned the British ami to keep small business alive. ful Texan knd proud of It, —whoever he may be—in 1956 re- number of Japanese dead and Allied offensive Into the Italian Small and medium-sized busi- was ordered to sea from his wounded were left on the territory one month to the day field o f battle, south of Vigan, In (Contlnoed on Pagie Four) post as chief of the Bureau of (Conttooed On Page Twrive) from the time when British ar­ that action xta Monday Navigation, where he was rated in afternoon, mored forcea wheeled Into their service circles as second only to it was said. There was no further . second Libyan offensive. Admiral Harold R. Stark, chief of word on what bad happened alnCA Front Broken Everywhere Naval operations. Army to Halt then. "The enemy’s front has every­ Soviet Shock Early Foothold Secured By reputation a man able and where been broken." a communi­ sure in action, Nimitz succeeds Sea-borne Japanese troopa aa- que said. Admiral Husband E. Klmmel, All Voluntary H added that British Infantry Troops Drive commahder-ln-chlef of the Paci­ (Continued On Page TwMva) 4< bad reached the general line of fic fleet, who with two other top- the Tlmirol-Mekili road. ■ An attacking Japanese plane, (arrow) dodging through anti-aircraft bvirsts, moves over the U. 8. ranking officers of the Hawaiian About 20 German tanks and a Joining Soon West Again Naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, during the Sunday mr ning attack by Nipponese forces which area was relieved of command, number of Axis jUrcraft were de­ startev! the war between the two nations. Smoke Is from the burning U. S. battleship Arizona, which stroyed in counter-attacks on Dec. pending the outcome of the inves­ was sunk. 13, 14 and 15, the communique tigation which President Roose­ Flashes ! Widen Gains of 16-Day _________________________ ' ________________________________ 't---- ------------------------ velt ordered on the Pearl Harbor Stimson Tells of Plan added. (Late Bulletiaa of Uw (B) Wba) It Bald British airplanes' attack­ sneak attack. To Expand to Greatest Old Counter-Offensive ed Axis detachmenta moving west­ The Navy and War Depart­ ward along the coastal road from Above and Below Mos­ ments acted simultaneously last Strength Needed; Fa­ Italian Propose! Bebolled Dire Threat on Singapore Road; night In removing the officers Istanbul, Turkey, Dee. 17— (De­ Dema. Bald iM dIng Oroonds cow as Nazis Fall Back. whose responsibility for the lack vors Younger Limit.. layed)—<A^An unoffleial tapetfii^ from Ankara said today thnS South African bombers raided of alert preparedness will be sub­ Axis landing grounds at Barce, ject to examination by the presi­ Washington. Dec. 18—{/P>— Secre­ Turkish government luid rehW Bulletin! Japan Admits Five Subs Missing northeast of Bengasi, and damag- with the Bed Army on the dent’s investigating board. tary Stimson announced today the an Italian propoani for a Tutld Moscow Front, Dec. Klmmel was the only Navy man War Department waa planning to Italian treaty of friendet . (OosUsiied On Pnge Twelve) lar to that signed between ' —Now striking St the center affected. The Army relieved Lieut. expand the army to the greatest Fate of Island State Gen. Walter C. Short of command and Germany. The reports . of the Germans’ Moscow line, strength needed and would de­ the Italians were told thst is, west of the capital, Allied Troops of the Hawaiian Military Depart­ Of And Port of Penang ment, and Maj. Gen. Frederick L. pend for the increase entirely on broad understanding the Bed Army reported to­ the Selective Service system. Ita ly and Turkey wan Air Unit Head night to have remptured 200. Martin of command of the Air On Hamiiian Naval^ OCCUPV TilHOr All But Sealed as Forces in Hawaii. All voluntary enlistments are because ot long-announced |t commnnltlea, with, ita van- to be halted as soon aa “'the pres­ ambitions for completo mat gnard approa^lng Roza, Base at Pearl Harbor. V J British W ithdratc Lieuts. Gen. Delos C. Emmons Now Missing of the Air Combat Force already ent rush subsides," Stimson told a of the Mediterranean uuen. Jnat northeast o f Mozhaisk. press confemnee. • • • IMolmtek la 57 miles west o f has reached Honolulu and replaced Tokyo, Dec. 18.— (Official^ To Balk Japs Singapore, Dec. 18..—(/P)— Short. Gen. C. L. Tinker, of the An Immemate increase of more Sentenced to Diwth Moscow. than 150,000 men already has been Plane Carrying General Radio Received by A P )— The| Japan’s offensive by land, sea Air Corps, is en route to take over LezlngtoN. Ky.i Dec. 18 recommended In a bill which Stim­ with the Red>Army on the Mos­ Japanese Naval command ad­ and air, smashing at many the air command. Scar-Fared "Tom Penney, IS, Dargue and Seven Oth­ Importance for Subma­ The appointment of Emmons son said was on President Roose­ last of three men tried in the f 11 cow Front, Dec. 18.—(A5—Whlte- mitted today that five of its points along a vast arc from velt’s desk. robbery-slaying of Golf Star ers Is Being SoughL “special type” submarines, rine Warfare Told in Burma and the Malay penin (CkmUnned On Page Tw elve) Stimson also announced: rion Mlley and her mother, (CoDtlnued On Pnge Tw elve) Examinations Ordered failed to return from the Dec.' Dutch Announcement sula to the jagged coast of convicted of murder nhd aenta[----- -- Washington, Dec. 18—OP)—The All reserve officers not yet 7 attack on the United States Dutch New Guinea, develop­ to death today by a Fayetto elfe^ W ar Department announced today On Portuguese Pact. called to active duty have been or­ edit court Jury. Tw o other I .an Arm y plane carrying MaJ. Gen; Hawaiian Naval base at Pearl ed its direst threat today on dered to take physical examina­ Chinese Press ette Juries h ^ convlctod Herbert A. Dargue, commander of Discuss Plans Harbor. (Apparently the the road to Singapore. That tions, but he said this step did H. Anderson, 86, former London, Dec. 18—(S5— TTie not mean they n ecew rily would t^e First Air Force, had been crsJt referred to were Japan's 41- threat in northwestern British night club owner, And Raymond 1 Netherlands government announc­ be called out Immediately. misaing aince December 12 on a foot, two-man submerslbles, one Malaya seemed to have all but Three Drives (Skeeter) Baxter, 27, To Fight War ed today that Allied troops had After Jan. 1 all graduates of transcontinental fllgbL of which was captured by United occupied the' Portuguese part o f sealed the fate of the Island state er at the' Lrxlngton Country There were seven other passen­ officer candidate schools w ill be States forcea in the attack on the island of Timor, between-Java and port of Penang. o f murder In the slaying e f gers In the plane, five of them of­ ordered to duty Immediately.
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