The Maine Broadcaster Local History Collections

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The Maine Broadcaster Local History Collections Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons The Maine Broadcaster Local History Collections 4-1947 The Maine Broadcaster : April 1947 (Vol. 3, No. 4) Maine Broadcasting System (WCSH Portland, ME) Follow this and additional works at: ~~-~~ BROADCASTING MAINE BROADCASTER. SYSTEM \ A.allak PUBLISHED AS AN AID TO BETTER RADIO LISTENING Vol. III, N o. 4 Portland, Maine, April, 1947 Price, Five Centa 3 NEW ·NBC PROGRAMS ANNOUNCED Fr~ese's Bangor Store Presents Songstress Reveals New Talent Hit Parade, Wife Saver Thrice Wee lcly Bob Ripley WCSH Offers New Hollywood Show On Schedule Her11ltling the advent of the new St'ltson, in rndio as in climatic change, nnd 1111 eur-lo-µ:roun<I o.ttilude for audience rco.ctiou on the port of NBC network plnnncrs, is t•he serie.s of an­ uouncemcuts recently nu1dc conccnung­ ncw programs to be inougurntetl with­ in the next two months. Of the three programs 11lr1•ady nnnounced, one is a former NBC production destined t0c return lo this network after several yeo rs of nbsen<·e, o nd t:\vo are new­ shows. First of this trio to take tl,e air will be The Big Slory - a new series. dramatizing the authentic experienc-es. of newspapermen on their most ·ex­ citinf( feature assignments. It will be heard Wednc.sdnys tit 10.00 p. m,, re­ J>lncing the fl' rank Morg-11n show. E&ch episode of The Dig Story will A llen Prescott relate the true story of a rcportc1· who, through his own efforts, performed a His firsl job wus i11 the movies, gent P•~bl.ic ~cn•icc • such n.s sohring a JJlaying opposite Glori1-1 Swanson, but nmrder Cl.LS<', proving the innocence of he wus tvo young ul the tin1c to rc­ 11 convicted person, uncovering 11 110lit­ nJcn,her much al.lout it now. Thut's Marvin Miller icnl sclwn,c or lircuking up II l'Rcket. t he unusual start of Allen Prescott, Thr )111 int• prt·111iere uf the Guittard Rc,-J names of reporters will be used t he "\Vife Snver" whose program, 'l'lwuter uf l'm,wus Players eurly in in the clran111tiznlionh. Herry Kroe­ sponsored lly F'n·esc's Depurtn,ent Murch OVl'r Portland'~ wcsn - Thurs­ ger will be the narrator. lle fre­ Store of Bangor over WLBZ i~ heard day,:; al 7 ,;3() p. 111. wc1,kly - stR rted quently hus been h-,urd in Mystery Nt<:h Montlay, W cdncsd,1y and Frid~y anorher l ,t~s ,\ l ltchel prutluc•t,on. 'J:'he,1tcr ou ~' BC ,tations- .Friday at )0.00 a. m. Mitcher s otl1l'r weekly output now bc­ nights. Tt w11s years later when Allen was iug henrd iu Maine i~ the Skippy H ol­ The second of till' new vrograms will wurkin~ ori the New York Daily Mir­ lywo" cl 'l'hoater prol,(ram ulso carried lie the return tn N13C of Your Hit ror that he wus requcstt-d to go on the by Wl'Slf • 'J'uesilays at 7.30. 1>11radc, which wilt ,be :ii red Saturdays air with W11ltcr \ VincheJJ, Mark ESSAYS COMEDY- Frances Langford, best known to radio and screen ;\II i tdwl hns served 26 in UJO­ at 9.00 p. m. for II h111f hour, replacing Ht•Uinger and Nick Kenny. Of that for her song interpretations, and Bob Hope's right bower on hi~ t rips overseas tion picture~. un the sta~c a11d in rndio. Roy Rogers' Suturdoy .Night Roundup. cx.pericuce he says that, aside from the to entertain service men during the wa r, is trying her natural talents on comedy. Tl<' stnrted in 19:23 ns the juvenile lead The form11l of the show will remain as fact nervousness macle him talk so fast Sundoy nights on the Don A mche Show ut 10.00 p. m. she portrays Blanche in u ruml cvmpany of N1111ghty Mariet­ alway~, the plnying of the top tunes nobody could understand hini, "it wus Bickerson in the weekly adventure~ of the bickering Bickersons with Arnecbe ta 1111d urrivcd in 1-Jollvwood when of tl,e week and m usical "extras·•. The fine". and Danny Thomas. O f course she still sings, 100. s ilent films Wl'rc in the sla.pstiek come­ 'first Hit Parade series on NBC started Prescott's familar llrand of humor ,iy ph11s,•. He worked us a n iLSsistont in 1936, follfJwing rhe forll)er Lucky was first introduc·ed to listeners when director with Glori11 Swanson, Doug­ WRDO's Radio Reveille Sets Strike Hour wiU1 B. A. Holfe's orches­ he wus sent by his paper to broad. las F11irbunks, Sr., Mtrry Pickford and t r11, It continued untiJ 1937. cast a polo gmne. Never having heci, other curly immortals of the scl'een. Morning Pace For Listeners No 11dditio1H1l details of the musical -exposed to polo before, he used hls im­ Before the movies tonk over ~rom lfs not j ust n figure of speech to established household fixture. lt'6 a persounel of Your llit Parude were llb>inatfon the dismay of the the ll·gitirnat<: s tn~c on a country-wide ~"Y th11J· WU.DO's Radio Rrveille pro­ "good morning" habit, almost like an­ 1tvaili1blc when this issue of The Maine radio station, but to lhc delight of l.msis, Mitchel went buck hd1ind the gram six du.l's n week is the "nlarm other me1uher of the family, nccotding ilroadc11st<:r wcHt to press. the auditmee! Out of this i;pontan. footli~hts for u stretch. · clock of Central Maine". I n hun­ to the WRDO staff whose observations A new flvc.t-imcs-wcckl,y series of cuus experience grew 1,n uudition at ln 1985 he left the stngc for radio dred~ of' homes, it is, in fact. Children 11 re b11sed on what listeners tell them. programs, to be heard over BC sta­ NBC. It clickell, as they sny in radio dirt·cting. Soo11 he wns or go to school, husincssmcn go to their Radio Reveille combhies a variety tions Mourlay through Priclay nt 1.45 and Allen Prescott began his first produci11g- sitch ~hows ns Vic and Sade W(lrk, mothers and ,v-i,•es i;turt their of easy-to-listen-to morning music p. m. comprise~ Vite third atlditioo to co:LSt-to-coast brnadcusts us 'l'he Wife and The lfotnance of Helen Trent, also daily household tasks, employed men with the correct time frequently stated, tl1r network roster. It is Hobert L. Saver. That ,vus in 1932. spent some time in Chicago us pro­ nnrl women catch their buses on time, and interspersed with we1Lthcr reports, fliplcy's Dcli,•"e JI Or Not and will Since then he ha~ writtcu, produced ducticm chief for CBS's centrnl divi_ hy listenin!? to Radio Reveille temperature reudings uncl uews ii.ems. make its bow May 12. The series will or performed in sucl1 network shows siou. This friendly sc111i-music11.l show, All in all, the progrnm offers morning dramatize strnnµ:er-tha11-l1clio11 facts as S,ty It \Vith Words, Tbe Prescott necause of his .~uccesses he was in­ hroaclcast Monrlay through Suturday listeners of WHDO a well rounded A cl ra11u1tic cast will cnttct sev-eral Show, Let's Dance and Gallughcr imd ducNl to return to Hollywootl where, from 1.05 to 7.,M n. m., is not just breakfnst radio menu. And it livcs <"pisorlcs cuch day and Ripley wlll ap­ Shean. 1-1 i~ adeptness at pantornine as nn independent producer, he <lircct­ another record prop;rnm, h11t rather nn up to Jts s logan - ''J3right nnd early!" pc11 r on the program in person one or and "mugging,. has also bl'Ought Al­ cd M,tsque,·aclc, Olll,l'llnized his own more tin,cs each week. len hdor-c the tclev-ision camera many 8tudios 1111rl ~0011 w11s repra.ting his W RDO Adds 5 O'Clock Believe It Or Not ,first 11'as broadc11st times. mdio succ,·sses on II new scnlc. Book Of Books in J !>/30 an<l was the first drnma-typ·e During the late wnr, Prescott was ~In rvin :Mill er, JJictur~d aho"c, is ruuio prou uction consislenlly to use News Summary 0 cv1111ni~t•io11ed a Uc ulcno.nt in the Navy sta rrccl in tlw 'l'hcntcr of Fnmou~ Series Extended Jh~e renwte~' int(~rvit~W.'-! Al.: purt of i ts 1u1d spf'ut many rnonlhs on the bleak Pll1_1'crs and is supportrtl by Juvely 1\ddltion of a fi ve minute news sum­ Po1rnlttr interest in the Dillie study format. Jt wa,~ Ripley who inter­ island vf Atto in the Aleutit1ns. His Sl111,ro11 Dou;tl11s, who ulso is well urnry at 5.QO p. m. Mon<li,y through prog1·,un, Book of Books, heard over view<>cl Wrong- " ' ny Corrigan the scn.~e of hu11101· diu much to keep his known 1;1s the fe111inine attractiou on J?riday at WRDO gives the At1j,l't1sb1 the l\1eBS network Sunday mornings night he landed in Jrelt1nd. rnrn's morale high. the NRC Dennis D,iy show. Miller stntion r1 total of six five.minute news ot 9.00, has encouraged the Moine ln his spare tinw, Pl'escotl mun. ii,; a frtttured pl11ycrs in movies .such summ:trics and 15 news broadcast Couucil of Churchl's to arrange for the ages to fit in housckccpin~ and cook­ us Rl<!od nn thr Sun, ,Tohnny Angle, daily.
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