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dm TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, Average Dally drenUitlon 7^ The Weather For the Month of Deoember, IMS eeaat o f D. S. Weather Bu n At the meeting of Emanuel Lu 7,858 theran Brotherhood this evening Local Yontfas Complete InitiaL Training as Naval Cadets Report Hyson Oetder la Interior tonight. A bont Tow n at 8 o’clock, WiUiam Perrett will ‘Jim’ Fitzgerald Hurt Member of the Audit show several reels of colored pic Bureau o( Ofaroolattoaa M VDttnf BMmlMn O t Bmkiniel tures taken during his travels In War Prisoner Manchester^A City of Village Charm l^rthwanraurcli • » requested to the W est All men of the church will be welcome. ‘ ^As U. S. Cruiser Smki n c a m tiM hour of 3:30 p. n., .(Chwalled Advertlalng ou Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1943 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS M tt Smutay. wh«i Former Local Youth VOL. LXII., NO. 88 aMottnc e t ^ ctaurch will take Mr. and M rs.^ llia m Ostrinsky of Blssell street received a tele Captured by Japanese Parents Notified He Is January of last year and was alsd plMSi gram last ntfht Informing them assigned to the Juneau after coml In Philippine Battle. pletlng his training. Hla w ifi H w Brnblem club will meet to- that their/son. Sergt Abraham In Hospital Enroute U. S. Doughboy Covers Burning German Tank Ostrinsky Is ill at the Greenville last received word from him la m is'rpw aftamoon at 3:30 .at the To U. S.; Another November. This was writtea pniM home in Rockville. At six Army ba.se hospital. They left for Sergeant Edward E. Hyson, son Baldwin Nominates Nazis Stiffen Stand about the middle of the month oi e ’eloek ■ pot hick supper will be Greeriville, S. C., early this morn- o ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waldo Hy Local Man Aboard. ing. Just before the battle. Sincj entjojrsfk— son, of Chapel street. South Wlnd- thqt time she has not receivea Captain James Hamilton of S7 Bor, just over the Manchester town Victor James Fitzgerald, son of any word from him nor has hil A daughter was bom yesterday Alcorn for Judge; Garden sti-ect has returned to line, a former student at Man Mr. and Mrs. William L. Fltz- parents. However, the fact that at St. Francis hospital to Mr. aiid they have not been notified thaj Mrs. John McDowell of 10 Fred Camp Claiborne nftqr .spending a chester High school, is a prisoner g;rald, of 156 BtsscII street, and \ In Caucasus Today; furlough at his home. Hi.s son. he ia dead, missing or wounded^ erick Road. Mrs. McDowell is the of war and it is .supposed he is be Donald Madden, son of Mr. and leads them to feel that he wa former Miss Agmes Bober and her Aviation Cadet .lack D. H.iniilton. has also retiuned to duty after a ing held by the Japs. Mrs. Patrick Madden, of 128 Bis- saved from the sinking ship. ,Thf Cox Renominated baby is the first grandchild on both short furlough here. He Is station Enlisted In 1940 sell street and husband of Mrs. ship was in command of Captaii| sides o f the family. ed In California. Another son. Sergeant Hyson attended the Lorraine (Smith) Madden, of 21 Lyman Knute Swenson, of Fhx)vo Robert Gordon Hamilton, of schools of Wapping and was a Knox street, were aboard the Utah, who Ls reported as mls.<ting The Informal reception which al.so Governor Also Sends to Soviets Make Gains the Air Corps, has left Salt Luke student at Manchester High school United States light cruiser, Jun The Juneau, 6,000-ton lighi was to have been held tomorrow 1 Would Train which he left in 1935. He was for eau, which waa .sunk in the battle cruiser, was commissioned in 1944 evening at 7:45 at the South City for duty elsewhere. I./egi8lature Names of a time employed at the East Hart of Guadalcanal in mid-November. and was a sister ship of the Atl Methodist church in honor of Miss The name of the ship was an Group D of Center church wo ford plant of the United Aircraft, lantic, which was also sunk. T hf Judges Brown, Booth, Men to Hold Throw Tanks, Planes Anna M. Wilbur, who recently as men. Miss Gertrude Carrier, lead nounced last night by the Navy Atlantic was commissioned tq sumed the position of parish secre Harold B. .\gard Walther L. Grunder Vincent F. Diana bi at the time o f his enlistment, Yankee Planes Britain Adds er, will meet this evening in the October 1940, he was employed at Department. 1941. Her captain, Samuel Fowl Wynne and JJuinlan to Into Action in Desper tary at the church, has been post Federation room. Miss Helen Page Harold Benjamin Agard, of 200 Ea.st Center street, Walther Lincoln Grunder, of 542 Hilliard street Three Boys in Seiaice poned to Sunday afternoon at three the Niles, B8ment and Pond com- er Jenkins, of San Diego, Callf.| Civilian Jobs ate Attempt to Cover will provide the entertainment and and Vincent Fr.incis Diana, of 54 Che.'itnw't street, have completed the preliminary stages in their Victor Fitzgerald is one of three is reported safe. Succeetl Themselves o’clock. pi.ny in West Hartford. He enlist Still Pounding To Carriers rcfre.shments will be aerved. training a-s Naval Aviation CadcLs at the Navy Pre- Flight School. They have .been transferred to the ed in the air corps and speclfled brothers serving in the armed Forces Holding Mai r— forces of the United States. When Terms Expire. | “ The annual business meeting of Naval Reserve Aviation Base at Squantum, Ma.ss., for primary flight instruction. that it was for foreign duty at the Members of the ^laas of 1937A The cadct.s were in a group of 283 cadets to be graduated from the Chape*! Hill school on January Lawrence is in the Infantry, and -------- Special Assistant to In Its Navy kop Oil Fields, Black the Covenant Congregational time he enlisted. He was sent to Donald is in the Marines. He is Jap Air Field church will be held tomorrow eve of the Manchester High school are 6 after three month.s of Intensive training designed to prepare the cadets for combat flying to coiper. a fort in New York state. YIUCA Schedule State Capitol, Ifartford, I gpcretary of Navy Fa Sea Coast Farther asked to get in touch with Manuel now located somewhere in the I ning at 7:30 at the church on In addition to the important physical toughening pha.se, the Pre-Flight course includes military tfrill, Was In Philippines Jan. 13. — (i<P) — Governor | Ostrinsky. F’hone 2-1B86 or Tom South Pacific. Victor, better known vors Mustering Out Spruce street. and instruction in Naval custonis and ba.sic ground school subjects. .; He had been made a sergeant as Jim, enlisted in the Navy and Tomorrow Baldwin nominated his exec-! Nipponese Bombs Kill Alexander Says More West; Battle Becoming Freney, 3580, after six in the eve The cadets now face three months of primary flight instruction and then three months of ad and was at a flying field In the 2-4—Baby Clinic. ning. A dinner is being planned for waa assigned to the Juneau which utive secretary, 'Harold W. At CbntroUed Rate. More Violent Now. First Aiders of Precinct No. 2 vanced training, before wanning their wings in the Navy's air service. ^ Philippines when the Japs struclf. is one of the newest of the United 3:30-4:30—Grade School Bas One Man and Wound Now in Service Than will have a meeting tonight .it a cla.ssmatc who is entering the Last May his parents were noti Alcorn, aa a Superior Court armed forces of the United States. States light cruisers. It was built ketball League. At Beginning of War, 7:30 at the Lincoln school. fied that he waa missing and it in 1942. 8:30-7:30—Boys 7-12, Wood! judge today as he sent to the Boston, Jan. 18—(IP)— , Men it Several During Attack Moscow, Jan. 13.— (/P)— was not until the past week that Had Notified Parents work. General Assembly his first the armed services would be re^ Near Henderson Field. Despite Loss of Five. The Germans threw tanks SL Margaret's Circle, Daughters Staff Sgt. Francis Moriarty, son they received word that he had That Victor had been in a battle 7:30-8:30—Boys 7-12, gam^ His 'Tom m y gun” held at ready, an American Infantryman (left) Is closing in on a burning Ger of Isabella, will meet this evening of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Mor Planfe Control batch of major nominations, tained In the services after the and warplanes into a stiffen Horsemen Make U-Turns been located and was a prisoner waa evident from a letter received room. including that of Highway man tank, stopped by anti-tank fire near Medjez-£1-Bab, Tunisia. (Picture by radio from London to at 7:30 in the K. of C. home. Bingo iarty, 48 Hamlin street, is station oi war. They were Informed they from him a short time ago in 6:30-7:30—Intermediate Ba.ske^ war for retraining in civilian pur New York.) Washington, Jan. 13.—UP)— A London, Jan. 13— (A*)—A. V. ing stand in the Caucasus to tvill be played after the business ed at Nashville. Tcnn., with the might write to him, but were told which he informed his parents that ball practise.