Air Headliners SUGAR CONSUMPTION PARALYSIS CASES Three Cheers in One. CAPITAL'S RADIO PROGRAM I WARREN ESTIMATE SEEN LOW WINSLOW. Me.. September 9 Ma Perkins Harvard Yale Brown. " " UMl 2:30 Rancheros Vic and Sade an effort to lower prices for con- Days. " i 2:45 Serenade The Movie Actor Appears in First Evening Programs. sumers. By the Associated Press. Swing O’Neills Rhumba Rhythms ISELINGER’sIclock I I “:00p.m.—WRC, Rudy Vallee: He was asked at a press conference I look lor th* biq 3:00 I rotting Race Lorenzo Jones I News Bulletins Hits and Encores The Public Health Service reported Radio Singing Feature WMAL, Gun Smoke about his recent action increasing the 3:15 Piano Recital Wakeman's Base Ball Game Law. yesterday a total of 612 cases of in- " Sports estimated annual consumption, basis fantile 3:30 Club Matinee Waltz Favorites ":30 Helen paralysis throughout the Na- Role p.m.—WMAL, Trau- of quotas under the sugar legislation. 3:45 Tonight. bel. tion during the week ended September "It looks from the market as __ _ LIGALNOTICES.__ sugar 4. with 622 4:00 Lucille and fc HULL'S 8:00 compared in the previous in* on Admission* and Lanny London Bon BoniWakemnns Base Ball Game first ap- I p.m.—WRC, Show Shat.; we have not con- Committee *’ Sports though estimated " ** week. Grievsnees. District Court of the United 4:15 Stuart pearance in a Oracey Archer Gibson featured sing- WJSV, MaJ. Bowes’ sumption high enough." Wallace said. Stales for the District of Columbia John 4:30 The ing role Figures for the week ended Septem- Paul Earnest, chairman. Tower Building; Singing Lady Don Winslow F. Carlone's Orch. will be a high Amateurs. He that the new explained sugar ber 4, did not include n Ralph Given, secretary. Tower Building.— 4:45 of however, Nevada, EvemngStarFlashes Frances Witte Wakeman's WARRENlight tonight's Show Boat 9:00 p.m.—WRC. Music Notice ia list pub- Sports Hall; hereby given that the quota legislation directed 'officials "to or New York outside of New York program, to be heard over WRC at 8 WJSV, Gibbons. City, lished herewith contains the names of Kog»n s Or. Sundown Revue To Be Announced Del Casino Floyd protect the consumers" and addpd for the bar 5:00jH. o'clock. Hull is to the Illinois reported 106 cases during INCAIHf *Jl eOPlicants admission to Cocktail sing title song 9:30 p.m.—WJSV, The March of that market had ad- of the District Court of the United State* 3:J5| Capers Evening Rhythms prices recently the an increase over from his latest motion picture, "Para- Time. week, of 60 the for the Dlstric of Columbia who wero 5:30 lea Time News—Music vanced. successful in the bar examination held News—Sports dise Isle,” and a previous period. Last week's figures 5:451 Lowell Thomas Blues Polo play scene with 11:15 p.m.—WMAL, Slumber June :.4, 25 and Iff. 1937. The Committee Chasing Johnson Family Prpview for other States included: on Movita, the South Sea Island native Hour. Admissions and Grievances requests 6:00 Aces *hst any information tending to affect the Easy lAmos V Andy Wakeman's Sports Poetic Melodies girl who achieved Massachusetts. 44: California, 38; screen prominence DATE CRISIS AVERTED eligibility of any of said applicants on 6:15 Album Vocal Varieties Arch Texas, moral grounds be furnished the onmmltree Evening j McDonald through her work in on 36; Michigan, 34; Ohio, 31; "Mutiny the on or before September 15. 1037 John 6:30 News Eulletins Orrin Tucker s Or. Lewis Short-Wave 25. Browne Bounty.” Programs. Missouri, Paul Earnest, chairman. Tower Building. jSerenadp" 7:05 that 50 6:45 | Dinnei Hour Moments p.m.—PRAGUE. Moravian Any danger fraternity boys Wisconsin, J4th and K street* n w.; Given, Melody Mystery Other 23; Wyoming. 20; Ne- Ralph features of the program are 25.34 hailing from 25 colleges—from Stan- T°Wer Bulldln*- 14t" »nd < /:i/v unn Songs, OLR4A, braska. 19; Minne- ^moKe uw Kudy Vallee iNews—Music Loncert Hall a Pennsylvania, 19; streets ny w guest appearance by Bert ford on the West Coast to on 7:15 Wheeler, m., 11.84 meg Yale sota. 18; Iowa, 16; Kansas. 14; In- Knerr. Clarence Vespers—Music film comedian, and a Albm. Richard Webster humorous skit 8:30 p.m.—CARACAS. Equator- the East, from Middlebury, Vt., in the diana. 11; New 7:30 Helen Traubel B. Cummin's Orch. ■ntitled Jersey, 10; Connecti- ward Knight. Jesse H *' "Pocahontas and John North to Tech in .... Smith,” ial! Music, YV5RC, 51.7 Georgia the South— cut. 10. A Kopecky. John W. 7:45““ presented the dMv^-iJPeor*® Kronhelm by colored funsters, Ed- m., 6.8 might have to dance in each other's New 8:001 meg. York City had 23 cases. Altman. Isidore Milton a Jr Marimba Orch. Show Boat Joe Sander s Or. Major Bowes iie Green and Hattie McDaniel. 9:00 arms has been D" Krupsaw. David Loeb '' " p.m.—LONDON, Music of tonight dispelled. — • aS.1»Cj5.^Kan’ Milton Mabel composition of the Hungarian when 15 could ia}d,nf*L I. 9: ,5j GSB, 31.5 m., 9.51 meg. only girls be located Get FRFF Ball. Not ley Lee Loss, Louis :omposer, Bologh, during the broad- Ballou. Charles 9:30| Musical Revue March of Time for the young blades' ball at the May- TomahtI Vlliyill of Philco Love. Jameg Vlerg ** ’ast copy nder®on. Jr- Sanders ...... • from the Saratoga Festival— -A 9-43 | flower Hotel. Barron. William Lusby. Ralston >VMAL at 8:30. \ k M ■ 0k m g mystery Tab- Sealed Containers. "But we discovered that Alumnus James Newell 10:00 Dixie Harmonies News—Music Musical Revue Musical Monents WJSV loid and offi- Bab*r-Meld, carl Lyman, Sophie Ezra a law- ▼ 10:15 Board of Trade Dance BEREZOWSKY, young A boon to the of is Brainerd, jr., Washington ▼▼ cial Entry Mabry. Scott Harvey Supper Wrestling Bouts Ben Meroff's Or. ^ICOLAI shipper liquids Bealke. Charles MacDonald. Alex E. " yer, has five daughters, and 10:30 F.d Varzos' Orch. Gordon s Or. composer, conductor and the new with they’ll Blank from MacKnight. Harold Olsen’s Or violinist, 5-gallon pail gasket- „ P.r,an®ts “" George all their friends. Wade Egbert s to take the baton bring Daughter 11 anv 10:45 during tonight’s lined head, which can be sealed for D P hi1c o Bell.l^.BPbert Marianne Frances is a Kappa Gamma in Margoltus Bernard •oncert by the Columbia with Kappa 645 Tube Dealer. Benson, Elizabeth E. Mapes. Robert W 11:00 News Bulletins News— (urker’s Symphony shipping* quick-locking ring. Berman. (Bill Coyle Fio-Rito's Or. , George Washington Ben Marquarrit Roy Karl 0.|Ted “ Orchestra, presented over WJSV at 7 University.” 11:15 S umber Hour Or. Orrin Tucker’s Or. This is being introduced by a barrel Binderman. Jacob Marron. Synl Johnny Hamp’s i clock. The Quentin I 30 program includes Bach's manufacturer. The head can be n 1 Midnight Frolic Film Pt emiere Norvo’s Or. Bishoff. Theodore Marshall, Joseph jNews- Brandenburg Concerto.” Red Norvo's Orch. Grieg's moved completely, allowing easy filling Btssinger. Frederick Pauli 11*45_*_' ; Marshlno. Or* Symphonic Dance in A Minor” d. and with a minimum of spilling. The B *f?wl®_. Mawhinnev.’ 12:00 Watchman Off s Phillip Night Sign Jimmy loy Orch. The Witching* Hour ; Mozart’s “Haffner William Robert J •• •• Symphony.” ring is locked overhead simply by 12:15 Walter May Charles A. throwing a lever. Bo*fr®. Sander’s BASILIUS,” virtually un- Abraham Mayes. William ]2:30 Joe Or. Sign Off '£)OCTOR Bowes. Theodore Ktnasbery Sanders’ Or.-News known work by Alexander Dumas, McCarthy. LeRoy F '2:45_** __ B-iaS11 rill be dramatized in Btadbury. Craig McCloud. Walter D. 1 :00 'Night Watch (1 hr.) Lights Out serial form on HE'S HAPPY NOW! Eames McIntosh. Ellsworth | he Witch’s Tale program, beginning Btalove Bernard LeRoy, Jr Robert McKtlllp. Burlln A M, |TOMORROW’S PROGRAM 1 onight—WOL at 9 o'clock. Bready. Arthur George Jr. BATHED McLaren. i-uesf Anns MEREDITH, With CLOVER'S KENNEL Thomas McNulty, Iona 6:00 Gordon Hittenmark stage star, Brf?.- ^URGESS •ad FLEA SOAP make* Michael Armstrong 6:15 and his wife, Margaret Perry, head gridy. Alfred John Mechlin. Wltmer yoor Dog fed refreshed. Briggs Harold M'glen Joseph " tudy Vallee's guest list, offering an Lee 6:30 Sun Dial —» kill* Brill. Leroy Albert Francis < thoragldy, .. .. •riginal drama—WRC at 7. Other Broderick. Meigs Louise per- FVaa and retie wee Joseph Dtlbr 6:45_" Lice, Patrick Meredith. Triton ormers are Beatrice Lillie, popular it I i Devotions'Gordon itching. Try Only 2S*. Brooks. Carolyn Mtkko. Frederick 7:OOj'Mornmg Hittenmark; Musical Clock Sun Dial , Ronald Brooks. Clay Warren *’ '* omedienne: Graham and Ann Evans 7:15 i Today’s Prelude ADVERTISEMENT. Brook*. Jesse Howard Miller. Benjamin ~ j Jooth, from the cast of the new oper- 7:30 " Brown, Nathan Miller. George News—Art Brown , tta. Manuel Joseph M ** "Virginia.” and another engage- Brown Brown. Russell Miller. Jack J. ^7:451_** _Art j nent by Tommy Riggs and "Betty TAKE Morton Miller. Jay Howard Club News—Hittenmark Art Bro*n News—Sun Dial 1 jOU,” Bulow. William Miller. Melvin Allen 8:00|Breakfa;t " John. Jr Mincosky. Harold 8:l5r Gordon Hittenmark “• Sun Dial Burns. William Joseph *" " FALSE TEETH 8:30 Bkft. Club—News an American sailor was tied Joseph Mitchell, John H. Jack Berch pjow Butz. Mock Henry Byron 8:45 to a post on a German warship Harry Paul Myriad Voices_” _|News—Art Brown Bacheloi’s Children OFF YOUR MIND! Bvrnes. John Joseph Morgan Donald n Honolulu harbor and escaped after Carey. J. Rnbert Joseph 9:00 Mary Marlin Mrs. Sweethearts Now. with only IS second* attention Carlin. Eugene Morley. Stanley Wiggs | Pretty Kitty Kelly j he was set once a ship afire by its crew will day you can make the loosest Austin Malcolm 9:15 M« Perkins John’s Other Wife Choir Loft and hold fast all Myrt Marge ] * told by Floyd Gibbons—WJSV at 9. plates day—even longer. Carlson Eleanor Morris. Willard 9:30 News Bulletins i Marriage Clinic Piano Duo Simply squeese the new discovery Bowie Young STAZE on to your plate, and insert. Carpenter. Homer Mortimer. George H. 9:45 Children News—Police ROBSON and Charles No further Ensemble_Today’s Ruth ar.d Bill Ruggles, bother—no mess— no spill- Sooy Moss. Helen T. yjAY ing Eat and talk with confidence. No Moulton. Charieg 10:00 The O’Neills David Harum Get to of the screen, and Ray Carpenter. Ralph Thia Music Air Magazine Middleton, embarrassment of food getting tinder Thomas Myron 10:15 Personal Column Wife Southern 1 >aritone, are the guests of Bob Burns plates. Get STAZE today at your drug- Backstage Medley gist. 10:30 Vic and Sade To Be -WRC at 9. ; Richard jr. Nathanson. (’.harming Martha and Hal Big Sister Cary. George Davis Maynard A. 10:45 Edward MacHugh Hello Morning Concert Real Life Stories Chaney, Robert Law Nelson. Harold Peggy_ Cherry. James Flf^her 11:00 Dr. L. B. Moss Voices William. Jr. Neville. Gereth M. I Myriad Morning Concert News—Rhythms Newcome. 11:15 To Be Announced Marlin Chmielewskl, Elnyr Mary Your News Parade Mecislaus 8 _.PorlK 11:30 Cadets Quartet Theater Row Helen Trent Christgan. Muriel D O’Connor. Jeremiah 11*45 ^ ^ Clark. Irving Jprom« Better .Business ^e Are Four I Clarke, Kenneth F O Donnell. James. Jr. Clifford. Robert Oehmann. Andrew Sylvan Francis r.ivi. i Clifton, Wayne Law Oexmann. Oskar P. Clulow. Ernest O Leary. John Bernard 12:00 Love and Learn Edward, jr j New*—Mu»ic IMusicalc Betty ar.d Bob Cohen. Samuel Harry Olenidt. Maurice B. 12:13 New* Bulletin* Dan Wife News Music Crocker Cohen. Walter Oliver. Edward Haiding's Betty Collins. Jereraiah A. J°*ePh 12:30 6r Flome Oliver. .Farm Mr. Words and Music Organ Recital Grimm’s Daughter Collins. Mary A. Richard 12:45 Church of the Air In Conroy John M .elt!L |__I j Hollywood Consol. Lester a Olmstead. Ralph Cook. Elizabeth Anne I :00 Farm & Home Hr. Matinee Salon Orchestra A s .V15 Woman Eyes Cooney. Joseph J. OMaliey. Lawrence 1 : '31 Sid Gary Home Counsel Covington. Halstead rvK°*,e,ph„.„. 1:301 Five Hours Shaw O Neill. Harry Back Mary Mason Trading Post Afternoon Rhvthms Craven. Lewi* Ortman Francis " 1:4>j Dance Music Hermon _ Jose£k '*_ _“ Cusick, Henry B. P»c«. Thomi* 2:00 "Mirandolina" Pepper Young W'akemrn's Sports Base Ball Game Davila. Roman _ An"reJf. " Davis, Chester Parker. Charles 2:13 Ma Perkin. Leslie Bernard 2:30 Vic and Sade Base Ball Game Davis. Thomas M. William Deal. Calvin Packer A*KinR 2:45 Dence .Waiter Patterson. Orval “_The O'Neills_“ “_“ Bdward 3:00 Club Matinee Lorenzo Jones iTejcas Jim Lewis Base Ball Game 3:15 Cowboys B. Or. " Carroll H Peters. Horace White Sylvester's Dillon. Joseph V. Peterson. Gerald 3:30 Herman Joan Edwards Ditzler, John Nevln _ jWakemens Sports Pierson. The ** Doane. Vernon William 3:45_** Guiding Lightj Harden Theodore P'mPer. James 4:00; Lucelle 6c Lanny Arthur 1 Marion DOBBS SETS ANOTHER SMART STYLE Doherty. William H. Lang Sports Carle Donahue. Patrick H. Escorts jWakeman'. Pii£!i?blS,_l_,,*Dwight 4:15j and Betty The Heintzes I Piano Recital .Three Treys Donovan. Arthur R. Pln.lon- Dootson. John Todd 4:30 Symphonic Choir Don Winslow jWakemrn s Heatherton p„£!S?ewnn.™.lam " Sports Ray Dougherty. John E. ’* Downey Jerome 4:45;EveningStarFlashesj Jackie Heller j Widen. Unimi and Willow- n !Funny Things Joseph Quinter. Ralph D.. Jr. 5: Education News Sundow Revue W ashboard Blues Daum Dubofsky. Maurice **a\2SrVsTilomaa OCj Margaret Duff. William 5:15 H. s Orch. Me Rp.^n Tp« Kogan Barry Kinley Cocktail Capers Evening Rhythms \ Patrick, jr. Tea Wherever smart people gather, the trend £?:h??i.don 5:301 Time News—Music News—Sports style Re?dC Raymond j * DUGeorg?aym°nd 5:45 Lowell rhomas I Rhythmaires Johnson Family Tennis originated by Dobbs.. .wider brims and wil- Singles Re?fn.*Wt M obvious. This soft DW/amesEdWard gray-green goes Edey. Aubrey A.. Jr. geges. George Byrnes Edwards. Earl Reynolds. Robert IS MOTHER birth to the baby Sunday at the State ; with anything, gray, brown, or even blue, Lester **•* Jt- GIRL, 12, Edwards. Joseph O. Institution for Women where she was j •ay the style experts. KdAinrsdleeMalC°'m Rlchadson WlUiam WATERTOWN, N. Y., September 9 committed last Spring by Judge Harold i W*i.—Twelve-year-old Mrs. Leona E. F. Porter. 57.50 510 520 Fallon. Jame« Edward Riley,p,i?trna A rdi.^wJack R Backus is the mother of a daughter. The girl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fawcett. Francis Roth.§2t!!?*’*Sgrwrii*»?!2ivy Howard The girl, married last Marion Lewis January, gave Joseph Roshia, announced the birth. Feddersen. Howard Clinton Roi2wrVaW*llac*Edward Fer^bauer. John lander^' OSS®? Fleael man rn^Ben *W* Finkelstein. Harry H. s.snSu*Wriw.^-A Fitzgerald. William Sar-rl.rl,si ”lncent Goldblatt, Sigmund gimm Goodman. Melba ymond Gordon. William METAL siaulh?A-8 HarrUon .ALL PRICE Spooner, jr. tw* H°Ward 1/ ^Rob^rt Smith. Charlea Green. Oliver George SmUhhSydne» Grimm Karl J.. jr. B„nfrd J°SePh Smith Vernon Gr^M,arriHillard vPnn-.u SALE HaneydfTraWsPh * g™ Sylv* /2 ThonilsaV‘S ^Barren**5"1 H' S' wr°irgdhtW,U1,,m Maher Stafford. Zebuion Hamilton. Edward G Honkinc Handy, Algernon Stanley Berry Wall Lee• It. 54t siiifFpr Tlanea naniey, j. uamri Brooks 93 Hanley. T. Steuart Regular Weight Stewart Emil* t j»* Hanowell. Charles stSwEt. O?orge LOUIS Rom nev Harrison. Stirling M. stickeold Simon Daniel HaJoseph°n' St0^fsonWoodrow SUITS Harvey.^Robiert Jam,* Hawley" Eldon Emerion Suitable for Fall Francis Sutherland. Claudt Hayes. Oswald Gray Counts Swope. Bradford Were $35 to $60 Heathco'Vrank L. llrTr. I Hedges. Robert Taylor. LeRoy fountain Jr. Teitman. Hubert Helsman. Allen Francis FRUHAUF and WESTYLE Wilbert, Terrv. Martin Hemmendinger Noel Thomas. Eugene S Hickey. Edward Thomas James Louis Thompson Owen O. Hickey.niii Thomasn™.. • • Thomson. William ..... Thornton Robert e„;iy Hiltonec!2, Robert J Yennev *Pe«<% Fawsett Tigam, Francis Hines Elizabeth GeorRe [font Damon Tolar John Needham 102 Tropical Worsted Hobbs. Connie Mack Trader. Clarence pi's'll- HofTman. John Preston Tun'"V Saylor Trammell. Charles j Howland. John Monroe, jr Oswald Brod Turner. D Kelly Hnbbell Ernest v»nTTrf.„ Hike Pane/ Hubei. Nelson Bari Thomas SUITS lncKntj'rma*e / Hule, Byron VonKlatt. Karl Stacy. Jr. Prana ,#;dtof Hulcher, Sara Voss. Fred w _®ntro/ Adkins T^onfyjOtaU/uli Were Waldron, $30 and John $40 I Hulse. Herbert Bruce s An handsome 'uoeouA„ Hynes. Edward Redmond tion—all OHt-JTZZ^'&Z Lawrence, 2d. metal—plenty high enough for all sizes l «-«0EUTy <,oubl «»*. of Warman. Frank Lawton of with room to oot,N, Inabinet. Coraon. Jr. clothing spare. Tight-fitting door. ”*f m- Elliott Webb John Co bourn rest,00il Jacobs Lewis A 0^° Weisberger, Hugonu*° sensational value at this Other Fruhauf and Jacobson. Reuben W. exceptionally low 2- Westyle r Edwin Hour • fHlLCO Jankowski. Wells. Joseph Cain Price. FO»e,SJ1UKS Alexander Francis Special Whatley. David II Joseph Todd F a • e ,G,NT0»«NGsys™ Janousek. White Richard 11 W i g h t S u its Now wa™«».o„°* Oliver Miles POSITIVELY NONE SHOWN OR SOLD BEFORE 7 I Jeffers. Thomas Wilkinson, Vernon P.M. C.< jr. 1+e Jekofsky. Milton Williams. Charles ONE-FOURTH LESS Jennings William Judson Funsten Willingham Carl w Johnson^ Hildemar Willis. William Ernest Stanley Johnson. Lyall Wilson George Ersklne Wood. Jr /®m Johnson. Mildred Wilson. Rufus 8 £* Winkle. Justin 14th & Johnston Russel Frederic Sidney West, inc., G Keane. William T. Wiser. Ralph Uoyd Keesee. Sylvester W. Woods. Edwin /•SaS^S-ass- Kenway. Herbert P. Ellnore EUGENE C. Kteferle. George Wrtght. Carl Lee GOTT, President s^J! Raymond Young. Clarenca l Kimball. Maxwell K. Jr Kefker King George Young Evelyn Daniel. Jr Hampel King Robert L. Young Jam** 1 Kirby. John Joseph Anderson. -"?>»Vy«gS&w// Kirby. Lloyd B. I * 1 i \