[Radio Program Times Reacti Ine Star Too Late for Correction That Day

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[Radio Program Times Reacti Ine Star Too Late for Correction That Day Last-minute changes in HE HA»NY RETUFNED?T NO- NO? NOT JUST 3H, VES-OF radio programs some- J WHAT? YOU SATURDAY— WE BUT WE MUST START YET -I- YOU -ER- coawsb- [Radio Program times reacti ine star too late for correction that day. SAY MELVIN WAS WENT-ER-JUST LOOKING FOR HIM AT ONCE! CAWNY GUESS so upset! YOtJ ~ -A.M. WM/UL, 630k.-WtC, 910k_WOl, f,260k-WIKI, 1,340k_WWOC 1,450k_WTOP, 1,500k.- I DISAPPEARED ? FOR A WALK THE POLICE— WHEAH CAN | I’LL CALL :00 Breneman's Breakfast Road ot Life News, Billy Repaid News, Symphony Hr. Blessed Eventer Amanda I BUT WHENIN THE WOODS- MV LITTLE I fAND 15 in Hollywood Rosemary Ask Jane Porterfield Symphony Hour Morning Matinee Second Husband I " WHERE?,MOW? IBM* BE f U::30 Ruth Cranti 'The Star Playhouse Milk Wagon News—Matlnoe Horiioa ^ " " Bright :45 Modern Woman" David Harum What's Your Ideal Morning Matinee Aunt Jenny —P-M.-,- :00 News, Evans News; Improvisations William Lang, News News Password, Please Kate Smith 10:15 The Little Shew Look to This Day Morton Downey Holly. News,- Sinatra Cash, Music Big Sister 1£:30 Glamour Manor Matinee Today Texas Rangers Weather; Lyrics News—Hunnicutt Helen Trent _:45_Cliff Arquette Musical Show Luncheon Music_Lunchoon Lyrics_Polly A Mike Hunnicutt Our Gal Sunday :00 Baukhage Talking Nancy Osgood Walter Compton News Roundup All-Sports Parade Life Is Beautiful Berch and Boys Human Interest Luncheon With Lopez Musical Wakeman Ma Perkins " "Bouquets Tony 1:15.-30 Music Box Gene Archer Paula Stone.- P. Brito Parade News, Bern'dine " " All-Sports Flynn _:45_ Bailey Axton Morgan Beatty Top Tunes of the Day Tony Wakeman The Goldbergs Johnson stores :00 Tommy Cedric Foster. News GuldingLight News—Rhythm All-Sporls Parade Joyce Jordan « Today's Children Time Judge Rhythm Wakeman Two en a Clue Melody " " Tony 2:15_t____:30 Bishop Relief Council Women in White Never Too Old Parade Mason " All-Sports Perry Bing etc. Hymns of All Churches Art Baker. M. C. Wakeman Tena and Tim AND YOU'RE \ I DON'T KNOW. I'M _:45 Crosby, _Tony f :00 News NOT HAPPY I MUDDLE-HEADED. I Correspondents Abroad Woman of America Compton—Music Roundup All-Sports PTrade Mary”Marlin [ Showcase Ma Perkins Detective "T for Two" ABOUT IT? NEED TIME TO THINK. Mysteries Tony. Wakeman Janice Grey B J/ 3:15:30 Accent on Music Young's Family The Smoothies 304th A. S. F. Band All-Sports Parade News, Bob Evans Modernize Your MAVBE I MADE A MESS " " --- Hits to Hapoiness Russ Tony Wakeman News tor Women OF ITS _:45_ Popular Right Hodges Home U M | THINGS. MAYBE — DO It NOW. Johns-Manstlle ' I JUST AS WELL THAT I'M :»0 Views of News Backstage Wife Background for News News—Range AH-Sports Parade House Party rooflnf, sidlnf. Insulation. Z Storm windows, screens, heatinf. GOING BACK TO THE Accent on Music Stella Dallas Russ Hodges Rhythm Range Tony Wakeman House Party,- News TERMS. V " " V PACIFIC VES... JUST 4:15:30 News, Evans Lorenzo Jones Jam for Supper All-Sports Parado Sing Along Club " Patterson-Gardiner Cerp. s :45 Hop Widow Brown 3340 M St. N.W. Harngan_Young *_News Conference_Tony Wakeman_" _ :00 and the Pirates When a Girl Marries Chick Carter News—Music Hall Band of Phone Vo.. CH. 3333 Wash.. HO. 63M A ferry Day Stump Us Member Waih. Home Imv. Guild. Dick Tracy Portia Facas Life Superman Music Hall Crosby vs. Sinatra Musical Show W " " 5:15:30 Jack Armstrong Just Plain Bill Small Fry,- Art Brown News—Theater News; City Desk Y :45 Capt. Midnight Front Page Farrell Tom Mix_~ "_Theater ot the Air The Fact Finder E :00 News—Optimists News—Leif Eid Walter Compton News Roundup News—Melody Lane Mahoney; Costello Earl Godwin Musicade Frank Young, Piano Sunset Serenade Melody Lane News, Calmer A Eliot R 6:15:30 Martin Agronsky Music,- D. Bergman Johnson Family Harry Jamas Or. Ian Ross MacFarlane 6:30 Show f~yOUNEVER " " \ _:45 Walter Kiernan News, Hugh Gibson Russ Hodges All-Sports Parade World Today,- J Harsch V TASTED SUCH :00 Ethel and Albert Supper Club News. FuHop lewis News Roundup Romantic Rendezvous Jack Kirkwood Raymond Gram Swing News of the World George Paxton Or. Close Harmony Dance Music Music That Satisfies 7:15:30 Wonder Flame Bob Burns with Especially for You Charles Pergler Talking Pictures Mr. Keen, Tracer IT'S YOURS- IF YOU'LL _-45_ Musical Variety Shirley Ross Pop Music World and America Bible Question Bex ot Lost Persons BESIDES, MONEY MEAUS ) ~ TAKE YOUR FLYIKJG- r' :00 Earl Godwin Frank with Frank News—Music Wash. Catholic HouF ) NOTHING to AMOS < Morgan Singiser " " Suspense: MACHINE AUD FLY FLUTTERBV/ HMM-HOW) lum 'n' Abner John Conte Richard Eaton South American Way I Humphrey Bogart > OVER OAKY DOAK5-HE5 J 8:15:30 Town With Dinah Shore's Agatha Christie's Town Opera House News—1450 Club Death Valley Sheriff MUCH IS Meeting " House Poirot Tales 1450 Club RIDIklG ALONG THE HERE? _:45_ Leon Henderson Open Mystery ; Death Valley; News ;00 Louis Fischer Bing Crosby with News, Gabriel Hoatter News—Symphony Hr. Eaton,- 1450 Club Shower oFStars _Lewis J. Scott Trotter Or. News Background Symphony Hour 1450 Club Morton Gould Or. Gannett_j " " 9:15:30 Band: Joan Davis and The Treasure Hour News—1450 Club Corliss Archer: Spotlight " " _:45_ Lionel Hampton_i Jack Haley of Song 1450 Club Comedy Sketch :00 Lift to Living Bud Abbott and Anita Ellis News; Memories 1450 Club The First Line Sings " " 1A:15 Fred Waring Lou Costello Curtain Calls Memories Navy Dramas -*-V:30 March ot Time Rudy Vallee with World’s H*red Music: Moonlight Melodies News—Rhapsody Here's to Romance: _:45_ News Drama_ Monty Woolley Mishel Piastre, dir. The Drifter Mike Hunnicutt Eileen Barton :00 News, Evans News-Music News-Nile Club VIVI*—— NewsTBilly Repaid News—Music jNewsTDaly and Trout | -- -^y I Hour of Dreams Harkness of Wash. U. Nile Club Revue Fulton Lewis Catholic S. 0. McDonald's Moondial I or " " " EASY • delicleus I ;30 Lee New * n:15 Dayton World Music Halls of Montezuma News—Hits of Day | butterscotch pud- ____._....-. I Br/t/Or. Marine of the Conference • mix tho con* __:45_ Song Favorites_Cincinnati_ Program iMusic_Hits Day_Inlw-Amer. I I /ttw/rC ding, | 12:00 News—Nocturne News; Music News—Music INews iMusic All Night News—Music tents of one package of My-T*Flno 1 Butterscotch Dessert with 2 cups | ON THE All TONIGHT. WRC, 8:30—Dinah and Vera Vague learn WMAL, 10:00—Debut ef a new song by i a of milk. Cook ovar low flame, stir* a I until I WTOP, 8:00—Humphrey Bogart in James about butting from Arthur Treacher. Ale* ring constantly pudding Wilder, "Wyoming." ■ thickens. Chill and servo. Try the I Cain's "Love's Lovely Counterfeit." WOL, 8:30—Hercule Poirot solves "Murder • WRC, 10:30—Frank Sinatra a * other easy recipes on tho package. WRC. 8:00—John Conte returns to his old the Sea." pays delayed by visit. post as emcee. WTOP, 9:00—Singer Tommy Dix featured. I -jl WMAL, 8:30—"Can France Regain Her Place WRC. 9:00—Pianist Aide Solito de Solis WRC, 11:30—First performance of "Sacred I I as a World Power!" guests. i Hymnal" by Martin Dumler. I I TOMORROW'S PROGRAM —A.M. WMAL, (30k.-WRC, 910k_WOl, 1.260k-WINX, 1,340k.-WWW, 1,450k_WTOP. 1,500k.- I I :00 News—Prelude News—Herson Swing Your Partners Jerry Strong {News—Bob Ellis Breakfast Table News Today's Prelude Bill Herson " " Bob Ellis Corn Time " " " Squeezin' 6:15:30 Classical Music j News—Art Brown " .News " " ~ _:45 •** _' ”_Art Brown_" *_jCrowley; Devotions 1 ~_ L___ii :00 News—Town Clock lfiews, Banghart Art Brown News—Sunrise News—Bob Ellis Arthur " " Godfrey Town Clod Bill Herson Sunrise Newsreel Bob Ellis " 7:15:30 Bailey Axfon News—Art Brown News Roundup News—Bob Ellis News—Mahoney :45 David Wills Herson—News Art Brown Jerry Strong jBob Ellis Arthur Godfrey =00 Town Clock World Roundup News—Art Brown News—Sunrise 1 News of World M Bailey Axfon Bill Herson Art Brown Sunrise Newsreel " ’’ _Arthur Godfrey 8:15:30 News—Town Clock News-^Art Brown News—Jerry News; Brevities 0 " Strong Art Brevities _:45_Town Clock_ __ Brown_Jerry Strong_Breakfast 0 :00 Breakfast dob ED East and Art Brown News—Music Music Salon News, Polly " " Godfrey N With Don McNeill Fun and Folly Music in the Air With Bob Ellis Home Service " Daily 9:15:30 Jack Owen News, Banghart Listen Ladies "Shoppers' Lane" Air Theater " " M :45 Harry Kogen Or. Broadway Melodies Marshall Adams Women's Program Dramas ;00 My true Story News News Summary News—Music Hall Bing Crosby Valiant Lady U ~4- story—Aunt Jemima Lora Lawton The Ink Spots Music Halt Miss. Person of the World " Neighbor; Light L W;15:30 Sunny Side of Street Nation s Rations Shady Valley folks News—Good Winters * Neighbor Evelyn L =<5 Listening Post Finder's keeper Hillbilly Music "__ Good Neighbor Club Bachelor s Children :00 Breneman's Breakfast Road of Life News, Billy Repaid News—Symphony Blessed Eventer Amanda I in Ask Jane Porterfield Hour — Hollywood Rosemary Symphony Matinee Second Husband CvmtM. 1*4*. tar nmm, Srwimtt Cm tm. " " Morning N U:15:30 Ruth Crane: "The Star Playhouse Take It Easy News—Morn. Mat. Horizon * * Bright ;45 Modern Woman" iDavid Harum What's Your Idea? Morning Matinee 'Aunt Jenny .. *— ■ .. S PJi. ———M. —. % I :00 News.
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    /, /3. j r 2 z ^ WOMEN IN RADIO MAY 1947 WOMEN’S BUREAU—Bulletin 222 United States Department of Labor Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR L. B. Schwellenbach, Secretary Women’s Bureau, Frieda S. Miller, Director Women in Radio illustrated BY BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES May 1947 BULLETIN No. 222 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents United States Government Printing Office Washington, D. C. Price 15 cents Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL United States Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau, Washington, November 26, 1947. Sir: I have the honor of transmitting a brief report on women in radio prepared by Frances W. Kerr of the Women’s Bureau staff. The plan for the report was pre­ pared after consultation with the Association of Women Broadcasters. The mimeo­ graph edition in which the report was originally issued having been exhausted, it is now offered for printing to meet an unanticipated demand. The report is not a technical assessment of the training required, or of the volume of demand for women and the extent of their opportunities in radio, but is rather illustrative of what, as indicated by their biographical sketches, some women have been able to achieve. The report will be of special interest to women preparing for jobs and careers, and it is expected that its greatest usefulness will be to the 150 colleges and to the high schools which conduct radio workshops, to the many other colleges and high schools which offer courses in radio arts and crafts, and to the various radio institutes and professional schools.
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