(Washington, DC). 1946-01-10

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(Washington, DC). 1946-01-10 BVBN1NO I VES- ANB IN MY ^ IN BEING ANNIEfcl l THINK I I 8ES1N TD FEEL STAR: ,Sr15 f CbhTSf amn • R Dunr.PAM ,~THB --—-- I SPIRIT STATE I SEE AU., 1 PRtENb, TOO HAVE] ASSURE YOU THAT A STRONG DISTASTE l\Al/lv ■ l\vOI\M/Vl time* reacfc Ttie Star too late for correction that day. I KNOW ALL, BUT AM BONE MUCHI ~ THIS SINFUL PLAN I FORTH® — — J T1DNAB ~; -A.M. WMAL, (30k.- WIC, 9S0k»- ML. 1,240k- Wl«. 1,340k.- WWDC, 1,450k. WTW. 1,504k.— I POWERLESS TO RADIO REPAIRS Efi WILL NOT CHARACTER! :00 Brenemans Breakfast Fred Wiring U. Nations Meet News, Symphony Hr. Messed Evcnter Opening U. Nations ■ A THING TO HELP-- Cumrantaad Strviem TO PASS/ In Hollywood and Hour den on the Street Conference yjf J| INCOME j Company Symphony Free rtck-U» »4 Deiireef n:15:30 Ruth Crane: "The Cameron Here's Ktpeland Prize Show Barry m m fodey’s :45 ! Modern Woman" David Harum Victor H. Lindlahr Aunt Jenny D. C. RADIO M —R.M.- l-10-4i 3205 Mt. Pleasant St. N.W. CO. 3205 :00 News, Evans News; Improvisations William Lang. Hews Nows 'essword, Pleese Kate Smith j 3100 M St. N.W. CO. 1197 ■10:15 Ted Malone Look to This Day Morion Downey Movie Snips; Music Cesh, Musk Big Sister JLm:30 Glamour Manor Matinee Today Richard Maxwell Luncheon Lyrics lews,- Miss. Persons Helen Trent : Arquette Musical Show Round the .el's Sing Our Gal Sunday _ Town_ * 45_Clift :00 Baukhage Talking Nancy Osgood News, Billy Repaid News—Bouquets III Sports Perede Lite Can Be Beautiful Storm Windows Constance Bennett Human Interest Gen. Eisenhower Musical Wekemen Ma Perkins g‘itmi| M #»Bouquets ony -30 Music Box Carolyn Gilbert in Canada Ill-Sports Perede Dr. Malone Install Thtm Now! InM 1:1$ #* m Young ;45 Tratlon Robertson Morgan Beatty John J. Anthony ony Wekomen Road of Lite " Save 30% “«Ml! :00 Cedric News _ Guiding Light Foster, News—Rhythm Ill-Sports Perede- Second Mrs. Burton on fuel costs. Our Interchangeable School Safety Series Today's Children Let's Waltz Spotlight on Rhythm ony Wekemen Perry Mason sash includes bronze screens for sum- mer. Year-round comfort Johni-Man- a HOPE NOT BEING TOO' 2:15:30 Bride and Groom Woman in White Queen tor Day Ill-Sports Perede vilie roofing, and Insulation. THEN OEFSNO TM n i» Rosemary siding w-- SIR. John Nelson Hymns ot All Churches fony Tone and Heating. JO mot. to par. ROUGH, _ SO you WANT THE YOURSELF// _:45_ Wekemen_ Tim_ JDbT^ JUDO/ WELL.. :00 Al Pearce as Woman of America Open House News—Tea Ill-Sports Perede Aunt Pattenon-Caulfield EH, SAWYER? YOU'RE WILL- FI Mary Corp. B you certainly "Elmer Blurt" Mi Perkins Russ Hodges Tea tor Two ony Wekemen Dr. Paul ING TO UNDERGO SOME 3340 M St. N.W. HO. 4120 PASSED THE 3:15:30 Accent on Music Young's Family Frank Blair Perede News, Bob Evans *# Ill-Sports *» m m mm Member Wash. Home Imp. Guild mm U TESTS, EVEN IF THEY'RE v — FIRST TEST, :45 Ladies Be Seated Right to Happiness ony Wekemen Janice Grey SLIGHTLY X7^T Z \WUNG MAN. :00 UNORTHODOX?) (C-ERTAINLy Jack Berch Show Backstage Wile Erskine Johnson News; Bandwagon Ill-Sports Perede House Parly Accent on Music Stella Dallas Open House Broadway Bandwagon fony Wekemen House Party; News s 4:1530 News, Evans Lorenzo Jones Jam for Supper Ill-Sports Perede Stump Us Club A _;45_ Hop Harrigan Young Widow Brown News Conference fony Wekemen Musical Show_ i»rry ana me rimes nnen a vim names aii me News News—Music Hill »ano or uiy inis Living world W Dick Portii Faces Life Superman Music Hill Kittle of Crooners School of the Air Tracy tt it 5:15:30 Jack Armstrong Just Plain Bill Capt. Midnight News— Theater Desk Y It tt News—City Tennessee Jed Front Page Farrell Tom Mix Theater ot the Air The Fact Finder E _:45_ _ :00 Evans—Agronsky News—Leif Efd News—Music News Melody Lane Mahoney. Costello R Kenny Baker; Sports Musicade So the Story Goes Sunset Serenade Calmer, Eliot 6:15:30 Earl Godwin Music; D. Bergman Johnson Family Bob Wolff, Sports Wakeman Sports 6:30 Show :45 Singing Sam Lowell Inomas Russ Hodges Dinner Date Supper Club The World Today :00 Headlino Edition Supper Club News, Fulton lewis News—Music Romantic Rendezvous Mommie and the Men l Leon Henderson News ol the World Songs of Good Cheer Dance Music Dance Music Jack Smith Show W,HA/ f HERE'S WHERE I GET THAT} 7:15:30 Wonder Flame Bob Burns with News—Serenade Show Time News, Mark Austad Mr. Keen, Tracer 0 I UkJ I CORN'S _:45_ Musical Show_ Shirley Ross Inside Sports Alice Lane ot Lost Persons A SIR OAKY, I Ihorvj/ :00 Lum 'n' Abner Burns and Allen Music of Americas News—Music News—Win Peace Suspense: K WHAT'RE Earl Godwin Bill Goodwin Richard Eaton Musical Magic To Win the Peace Drama YA DOIW' l- 8:15:30 Town Meeting With Dinah Shore's Rogue's Gallery Opera House News-1450 Club The FBI in Peace Y THAT _:45_Sen. Raddilte_ _Open House Dick Powell 1450 Club and War; News_ :00 Sen. Brooks Frank Morgan with News, Gabriel Heatter News—Symphony Hr. Andre Kostelaneli FOR?/. m m LOMMTiWlA Merryle Rukeyser Eddy Duchin Real life Stories [Symphony Hour Musical Show m m D ITIS MORSAMAJ 9:15:30 Delect and Collect Jack Haley With The Treasure Hour Hobby Lobby M H m m 0 :45 Dull Show Eve Arden of Song | Dave Elman lAGfU/^^ :00 Curtain Time Abbott and Costello You Make the News News—Music Island Venture A r* it 1A15 Dance Music Drama K Avl:30 Rabbi Gerslenleld Rudy Vallee Show The Cocktail Session Powder Box Thealei " Symphonette Moonlight News—Super 4 Xavier Cuqat Or Sacred Heart Super Session Evelyn knight I _ S _: 5_ "_ __ :00 News. Evans News—Music Voice of Washington News News, Macfarlano News, Daly, Trout 3or Hour ot Harkness of Wash.* Fulton Musical 1 Dreams lewis Roundup Time Out McDonald's Moondial HURRY UP STOP SEATIN' \| SHH/ THERE'S J*l| / n:15:30 Lee Dayton The Story ol Music Moonmist Dance Music king Cole Trio fITH SOME POOR) YER SPOON ON I SOMEONE AT THE J Melodic Favorites "National Dances" Time Out Feature _:45_ _ BESSIE/ I'M A ’ News_ Story_ ^/THE HIGHCHAIR, SACK POOR/ 12:00 News; Town Crier News,- Music Dance Music News—Music Art Or. News—Music FAMISHED/ r MEATBALL/ VA p Mooney -LOST MY CAN OPENS Radcliffe and 9 in et the ON THE ilk T0NI6HT. Brooks, Merryie Stanley Rukeyser WRC, 30—Kay Kyser drops V HUNTING FOR THAI and Philip Reed. Village Store. s—s' -—t DOUGH / I—r- WTOP, 8:00—Philip Terry in "This Wis i WRC, 8:30—Oroucho Mari visits. WTOP, 9:30—Ann Rutherford reveals her * if"- 6 Hero." WTOP, 9:00—Ginny Simms is guest vocalist. hobby. WMAL, 8:30—"Should Congress Approve the WRC. 9:00—Celeste Holm joins Frank Mor WRC, 10:30—Rudy Vallee is host to Virginia Proposed Loin lo Britain?" debited by Semtors gan and Eddy Duchin. Mayo. TOMORROW'S PROGRAM -A.M. WMAl, 630k.- WK, 980k.- WOL, 1,260k -WINX, 1,340k.- WWDC, 1,450k.- WTW, 1,500k.— 00 Hews—Prelude Hews—Herson News—Clock News—Strong News—Hunnicutt I reakfast Table News Today's Prelude Bill Herson Musical Clock Jerry Strong Mike Hunnicutt { orn Squeezin' Time « »« Tonight 6SS Classical Music Weather; Herson News—Clock News—Hunnicutt m ee Bill Herson Harrington Sisters Crowley Devotions _j45_ _ ■ :00 News—Robertson News, Wright News—Fun News Mike Hunnicutt i ews—Godfrey 7=15 Tratton Robertson Bill Herson Musical Clock Jerry Strong I .rthur Godfrey I :30 News—Herson News—Clock News—Hunnicutt I ews—Mahoney And LATER, AT MESSYBESS/E'S _:45_ David Wills Herson—News Musical Clock Mike Hunnicutt t rthur Godfrey .. ; I :00 1 ration Robertson World Voice MAMIE NO-BUT THE ONLY WAY 1 / SO I SEWED THE Roundup of Washington News—Strong , lorning News « 0:15 Bill Herson Rangers Quartet News—Hunnicutt I .rthur WER A | h n Jerry Strong Godfrey M BATONS w II [HOLYSMOKE! ( O.30 News—Robertson Home with the Paiges Mike Hunnicutt \ coupleof inches n »# I | I CAN’T 6lotEofA ou? ^Et^eHER Tratton Robertson Musical Clock ** ## 0 ICE BOX- HER _:45_ [ BUTTON WEI6HT _ VON COAT.^JV 0 :00 Breakfast Club News—Honeymoon News—Music Cleanup Quiz I lews. Godfrey I IMV Q 15 With Don McNeill Honeymoon in N. Y. The Texas Rangers Music in the Air Captain Cash irthur Godfrey Time N COATj J:30 Nancy Marlin News—Melodies Marshall Adams Musical Reveille :45 Broadway Melodies Women's Program j Traffic Court Bing Crosby fome Service Daily M :00 My True Story Robert St. John News, Billy Repaid News—MusicHali Open House faliant ,. ,. Lady U Crotker Lora Lawton Faith in Our Time Music Hall | ight of the World loss Hymns of All Churches Road of Life Musical Comedy Jems! ivelyn Winters L m n " " _:45_ Listening Post Joyce Jordan Tommy Johnson Plays larhelor s Children L :00 Breneman's Breakfast Fred Waring Cecil Brown, News News—Symphony Blessed Eventer Lmanda I In Hollywood and Company Elsa Maxwell Symphony Hour Tutty Topics .etond Husband U;SS Ruth Crane: "The Barry Cameron Take It Easy Today's Prize Show l Woman's Life N :45 Modern Woman" David Harum Victor H.
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