Montana Labor News (Butte, Mont.), 1947-11-06, [P Page Two]

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Montana Labor News (Butte, Mont.), 1947-11-06, [P Page Two] - : Page Two MONTANA LAHOR NEWS November 6, 1947 rr a LOOK for the "BUG”— $2.9 14.000.000. leaving a balance of $ 1,609,- a B THE MONTANA LABOR NEWS a a ASK for the "BUG"— 000,099. This balance is two per cent of the a a INSIST on the "BUG”!! INNER SPRINGS INSTALLED ri'HLISHKD EVERY THURSDAY at 12?: Harrison $200 billion industrial potential of America. «a KXLF PROGRAM SCHEDULE IN OLD MATTRESSES BY THE SILVER BOW TRADES & LAHOR COUNCIL It has nothing like the influence on prices that j aBBaBaBBBBBBBBOBBBaBBBBBBKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB \ I rarlfu rhamplna of Human lllchtH Urword to th<* MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME Chicago Furniture lairrfsli and \ oirlag (he Henmnd« f (he is oxen* ised for instance by the simple fact : Trnde I nlua Movement. WESTERN MILK and Mattress Factory that selling costs on the whole are greater i M Mill 2:15 - Stella Dallas Idle—Voices Do« i. On Win.l - ;3—Lorenzo Jones IIS B. Broadway St. Phone 6267 mu than production costs. N'e s Program - 45—Young Widder Brown AND CREAM are Neither have wages shoved the prices up. 1 '.'.I-'. 1‘aul Rune 3;00—Today's Children — V i " liellBl M :: : 15 Liu hi of ilit* World Pasteurized Phone To anyone who looks at the question with the I loir. News 111 A'i.rilo Boh and Victoria t 1 -Eternal Llpht :: 15 Montana B< slers same scientific thinking he applies to a stalled ; 11 NI a ' Synnil a v t i iiadi< ‘lassifieil Headliner.'. Delicious JOHN VICKERS. Editor car. it should be obvious that so long as the i I RCA Propra u 4 :;o—Aunt Mary SJOCSCtOOCIvK ë K« K,st.»x« .XJt K FRIED CHICKEN U : Internation : Harvester 4:45—Dr. Haul SPAGHETTI SFBSFRIFTK'N $2,On PER ANNUM entire series of wage increases were sought 1 Hennessv's ins .Musk- Room r, : i»"— Flnbergs BANFIELD AUTO Wines - Liquors 1 :;i • 'in- Mau'.v I ■ m i l > 5:15- f the World x file Beers ; The publishers reserve the rluhl t - t or revoke to try to catch up with higher prices, they | Quiz Kids Pioneer Fuel REPAIR SHOP CLUB Open Every Day I nd\ ertising ontracts at any time. Cops of the paper ; 4 5 News i ad\ ert liter Musicam vl ill be sent to tlu could no more have caused the rise in prices Ford Theat • • i:Uu—Aldrich Family Phone 2*1400 3544 Harrison Louis Bartelettl j Communications of Interest to Trades Unionists are 4 uo Catholic H J:3U—Burns A Allen S 30 E. Silver St. Butte, Mont. solicited. They should be briefly \ ritten on one than the boiling kettle could have made the 4:3**- Milwaukee !:* *•! -Kraft Music Hall •fflce not later -Longene S\ mphonette ,K Cylinder Grinding a Specialty side of paper and must reach this < fire burn. It should also Ik* obvious that so 4:45 Km 11 Mara:. than Tuesday morning of each ' The rKhl of 5 :0ü Benn \ s:H0—Bobhau k « revision or rejection of till con umit allons is re- long as real earnings have been going down 30 Phil Harri V 3 U—Fddie Fantor served by the publisher. :U0— Bergen .M *'. rthv Chesterfield Supper Club Address all communications to The Montana Labor instead of up. they could not have been exert­ — U •d Allen 15 Texac Ne us For Better Shaves —Manhattan M«-rr> Bound lu—Whitefish 1‘rogram Neu s. Box 19S9. Butte, Montana. ing any upward push on prices, it is impos­ Schwa rt /. • signed to Items mot published, if so —A meric; : m Familiar Mush Names must h s —Take It or L-.i It 1" :d * Sicks Select Sportlight CHOICE of BOURBON WHISKEY Use reuu Sled « a guarantee of coot! faith. sible. 8:3*»—Big Break 10:45- NBC Orchestra We do not hold ourselves responsible for the views or Prices have gone up for the simple reason -Holly 11 :uu—T\\ Views of the News opinions of correspondents. h* -Studebaker 1 1:3' Ministerial Association JOCKEY RAZOR BLADES Subscril < rs who change their addresses, or fail to get that no one sells anything any cheaper than 15 Neu KH I HA V PACIFIC BAR lo -.1. W. Fncb Famous Jewels" their paper, should immediately notify this office, 7:00—Honeymoon in New York giving both new and old addresses. ho has to. Anyone who did would be called Si hwartz 800 EAST PARK STREET BB3 Sicks Select Sportscast 7;30—Pioneer Fuel a damned fool by his associates. It’s that 1" 4 5—NBC C>rche -’ i « 7:45—Texaco News Entered as second class mall matter May 23rd, 11*25, at s;uo—Fred Waring Show »he post Office. Butte. Mont., under the act of 11:15— Mary Ann Meiver simple. As long as all that is offered can be 11:30— Ministerial Association •V30—Uoad of Life March 3. IS79. s;45—Joyce Jordan Candy Cigan sold at the price quoted, there is no reason to MONim 0:0o—Pay’n Save A 0:15—Katie’s Daughter I .a expect prices to come down. 7:'*0—Honeymoon in New York JOHNSON BAR » n. 7:3o—Pioneer Fuel 0:30—Jack Bereit 57 East Park Street CLIFFORD’S Why has not increased production 7:45—Texac New ■ 0:45—Lora Lawton f 11 East Broadway —Fred War Inc Show 10:00—Top of the Day % FINE BEER, WINE, LIQUORS Ÿ brought enough on the market to check the — Hoad of Life 10:15—Main Drug Babe Show* •j* Your Favorite Mixed Drinks 4* Soft Drinks—Novelties—Beer Labor's New 'Political League' 8:45—Joyce Jordan 10:3 Km il Marans rise in prices? For the simple reason that 9:00—Pay’n Save 10:4 Furniture Malt .1 LLOYD HAMILTON Tho San Francisco convention of the 0:15—Katie’s Daughter H:15—Kd Marans Music of the Masters ; we who do the producing have our work 0:30—Jack Berth ll:3o—Oechsli’s Organ Treasures American Federation of Labor made labor assigned to us—and we are assigned to doing 0:4 5—I -ora La w ton 11:45 .1. W. I'tides 10:00—Top of the Day 12:00—Strain Bros. ■------- history recently, in our judgment, when it either more and more useless work, or more l»♦ ; 15—Main Drug Baby Sh 12:1 Women in White After Readies: ThU Dry lease of the Bi:30—Kmll Mann - Fashion Parade 12:30—Holly Sloane STOP AT Montana Labor Newa approved the establishment of a “Labor’s work for the useless people, and less work 10;45- Furniture Mart Tex; News 11:15—Ed Marans Melodic Moods 1:00—Life (’an Be Beautiful « Educational and Political League". How for ourselves. Those who lay out the chores 11:30—Oechsli’s Or -an Treasures I; 15—Ma Perkins THE LOST WEEK INN BOOGS” Englewood Bar strong or effective this League will turn out 11:15—Jayson Fur l.:m—Pepper Young’s Family 735 North Main 10BS Harrlaos Arc. for the working class do not want to see us 1 2.1*0—Strain Bros 1:45—Bight to Happiness to he in the next national electoral campaign get a better deal .... and so the obvious 12:15—Women In White —Backstage Wife AM. POPULAR URANOS OP lo.' a Cool and Rcfreahla* Drink 12:30—Holly Sloane 2:15—Stella Dallas LKRUHS AND REEKS is, at the moment, relatively unimportant. remedy is that labor should organize as a 12:15—Texaco News 2;30—lajrenzo Jones 1:00—Life Can Be Beautiful 2:45—Young Widder Brown The basic fact remains that the formation class and lay out its own chores. 1:15—Ma Perkins 3;uu—Today’s Children 1:30—Pepper Young’s Family 3:15 - Light of the World James Combo Ernest Dazzle of this new AFL agency, which resulted from 3:3" 15oh and Victoria 4* 4* 4* 1:45—Bight to Happiness a recommendation of the federation’s execu­ 2:00—Backstage Wife Montana Boosters BEN JO BAR 2:15— Stella Dallas 4 :1 Badio Classified Headliners MAIN BUFFET tive council, is a drastic departure from form­ 2:30—Lorenzo Jones 4:30—Aunt Mary TO* Utah At*. 39 North Main St. Ball Bearing .Monopo ly Pays 2:45—Young Widder Brown 4:15- Dr. Paul WINES - LIQUORS- -BEER er AFL political policy. 3:00—Today's Children (HI Motion Picture Showcase CHOICE OF LIQUORS 5:15—News Dancinng Every Saturday Night 3:15—Light of the World ■f tlit- World ERNIE HOWE and FINIS MATSON Phone 7708 Butte, Mont. Most definitely, the “Educational and Po­ Small Fine 3:30—Boh and Victoria IU- Jim Spier Spurts Cast M usielans 3:45—Montana 15 ■ st ■I Texuco N. JOE FOGARTY, Propletor V litical League” puts the AFL into national 4:15—Badio Classified Headliners khwartz and state politics. It bears no resemblance Six major American ball bearing com­ 4:30—Aunt Mary *;iI5—Lutte Hoir Quizmaster '•I* 4 45—Dr. Paul 6:3u- Phil Judd Dutdour Life to the time-worn “non-partisan” political panies not caring to contest a government 5:1*0—Motion Picture Showcase K 15—National Fur 5:15—News of the World 7 ; Oil—P 'pit* Art* Funny MINERS DAIRY committees loosely stitched onto AFL bodies suit charging conspiracy to fix prices were 5:30—Jim Spier Sports Cast 7:30—Waltz Time 10% down, Easy payments 5:4 5—1’ e x a c o N e w s vuo—Molle MVHlery MILK the country over in time of campaigns.
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