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MONDAY, AUOU8T i, If 40 TWELVm Jbmrlirstre Soniftio S m iOI ■ ' f Average Dally Circulation For ttM Month a t J u ly ,194# The Weather Foraman Raymond Oolaman o€ year for earrytng a conoealad wea wrongdoing at first, but after In anything but the length of a rorecMri at O. H. Wamttmt emraaa Onmpany No. 1 Of the Msnchoatar Roy Sentenced pon, aontenee for taking ears with eonstant questioning said he Jail sentence. The sixty day penal About Town ftre department haa called a drill out pennlasion of the owner and might be able to find the rings ty then was Imposed. 6 ,3 6 7 of the company for tonight. Mem other offenses. and tha money". Police, searehlhg Aftor-Invoitory Qearance attarmaam and tonigM; Weffaeoday bers wUl meet at the flrehouae at Stolen From Boom Roy and hia car, then uncovered Monbor of tto Audit ^..VrA BiMtlnr of the Tall Cedars To Sixty Days According to the teatlmony of the money and the Jewelry tmder fair; ooolor. T lMn be held toniiht at 8 o’clock 6:80. There will be no meeting Bmeee a t Clrenlatloas tonight. Prosecutor Herman Tules, the ac a back seat In the auto. L'it tha Ifaaonlc Temple ■ to make cused took the articles from Mc- Manchester— City of Village Charm amnfements for "Joyland.” The accused maintained the The members of Hose Co. No. 3 Pleads Guilty to Stealing Caff ey'e room while - the robbed money was hla. He admitted tak A R. Wilkie of Summer Merchan&e man waa at work. The value of the of the Manchester fire department ing McCaffey’a wallet, but said be 16 Walker 8 t Advorttoiag aa Page I I ) V I t has been announced that the Rings, Watch and Cash stolen articles, besides the money, had thrown It away without look VOL. L IX h n o . 262 MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, AUGUST 6,1940 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS town highway department has and some of the honorary mem- hera held their annual ouUng at At Memorial Hospital. waa placed at about $160. ing to see if any money waa In It. Final Clearance of Our Regular $3.98 \ H n p le te d the oiling; of more than The Jailed man, rwently enlist Roy'a brother asked that the '18 miles of local roads up to this Riverside Park, Springfield, Mass., yesterday. ed In the National Guard, waa sup accused be sUlowed to go to camp Pasteurized Milk month. Raymond A. Roy, alias Ray posed to have been at camp this and pleaded with the court to be Great Britain Strikes Back mond King. 26, of 115 Hilliard week, but instead he skipped this lenient. It was pointed out that Silk Dresses HlHatov^ Orangra la to hold its A gathering of 60 members of street, was sent to Jail for 60 daya the Sons of Italy and the Magllan- duty, traded In a car he owned and when the man's past record be Urge Contractors aatniei outing at Sears' Park, In town court this morning after and Cream Britain Admits Blows secured another Saturday, and came known to the military au Blast Hampton lake, Wednesday ese Society held a picnic at the Sons of Italy club off Keeney he had pleaded guilty to a theft drove off to Rhode Island. Police thorities, he will probably be dis now Auguat 7 at 7 p. m. There will be charge. Judge Raymond R. Bow $2.98 street, yesterday. man Joseph A. Prentice, assigned charged, and that his past record From Seleetcd Farma a «k>g roast, with other refresh ers refused to entertain a plea for to investigate, after much ques made leniency out of the question Light and dark prlnta — not all aizea In thi* g'l’nup. A lim ments, and swimming and games The picnic held at Hills Grove, leniency made by the accused's tioning learned that Roy would re ited number. To Expand Plants are to be enjoyed. All wishing Wspplng, yesterday by the Amer- brother after It had been brought turn here late Saturday, and waa All Salea Final. transportation should call 7852. out that Roy haa a record In To Merchant Marine; ican-Llthuanlan Civic Club was on hand to nab him when he ar largely attended and was success Rhode Island and other parts of Rev. Roy Winters and Mrs. I rived. ' ful In every way. this state. Roy was held Saturday Looat Is Discovered Winters of Braddock. Pa., were afternoon after he had on Friday Regular $7.95 For Defense Jobs Roy steadfastly denied any HALE'S SELF SERVE Silk Dresses visitora in Manchester over the Bernard J. Hart and family of stolen two rings, a watch, and 327 week-end and Rev. Winters ex The Original In New England! Phelps road have returned from a in cash from Francis McCaffey, a Nazi Claims Disputed tended a brief greeting at the week’s vacation. Mr. Hsrt was fellow, employee at the Manchester Congressional Leaders | Ice in Church Furnace morning service at the Kmaniiel Memorial hospital. Roy, employed R.d»c«iT, $ 5 .0 0 at hl.s post as aianager of E. J. Advise Tax Reductions Keeps Congregation Cool LAitberan church, where he serverl Murphy’s Depot Square drug store at the hospital for slightly more as substitute pa.stnr eight .years thsm a week, was stated In court GRAY HAIR AND HEALTH MARKET this morning. All Sales Final. Will Be Allowed for Kansas City, Aug. 6.—(A5— Sinking of Faces Approaching W in- ago. to have a Rhode Island record In A Baptist congregation Jam 657,674 British Laud The Misses .Sarah and Rose Fal- volving Incarceration In a reform at my age? ^Cost; Knudsen Attends Tons of Merchant ^ ler Food Problem Op Miss Grace .lohnson of Edgerton med two tons of ice Into the cetta and Mls.a Mary Calahrinl of atory, breaking parole. Jail for a church furnace to cool off. street Is .spending the week at TUESDAY SPECIALS Posed Meeting of Shipping During I.,aHt Oak street returned today from a It coat 37 but lowered the lexan rlier timistically Although Bar Harbor. Me week’s vacation spent at Sound Certainly Not— Cotton Dresses Reduced ! Double Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales ^T a X Subcommittee. temperature 11 degrees. Novus Three Weeks of July Teeth Put in Enforce View. stock la limited In slcei and a tyle^ v.^ e are cloaing I Reed, the choirmaster, had the Frank Weir and his athletic I can^t afford it! Tuesday. Reported by German In Dogfight committee will be in charge of the out our remaining Summer stocks at theh».exceptlonaI- Idea. ment of Food'Clonserr- I.ady Roberta l^ g e . Daughters ly low prlcea to make room for new Fall mCTq^ndlae. Washington, Aug. 6.— scavenger hunt to be held by the For A six-foot fan in the Are High Command; Also of St. George, will hold Its regular Hale’s Quality (A P ) — Congressional tax ing Regulations; 20 Luther League of the Emanuel meeting tomorrow evening at 8 chamber blows heat during the Civen Credit hy Royal Lutheran church tomorrow eve o’clock In the Masonic 'Temple. Reg. $1.98 Dresses, N o w ..........$ !i2 9 leaders called on national de winter through two ducts open- Increasing Toll Taken Ships Reported Lost in ning. Members are asked to meet , Ing In the auditorium. All the Every member Is requested to be LoaveH By Mines Lately. Air Force for 'Prob at the church at 6:30 o'clock. present as special husinesa will be Bread 2 T 1C Reg. $2.98 Dresses, N o w ..........$2.2V fense contractors today to go congregation did wan to unload Week Ending July 29* dlsoissed. the lee In the furnace room and able' Destruction of Armour's Reg. $3.98 Dresses, N o w .........$2.98 forward with the defense pro Miss Barbara Hyde, daughter of ■N. start the fan spinning. Berlin, Aug. 6.— (A P ) — Plane Over Channel. London, Aug. 6.— (A P ) — Mr. and Mrs. .John Hyde of 09 Herman Heck of Hollister street Reg. $5.98 Dresses, N o w .........$3.98 gram on the strength of as Pitkin street returned la-st night The German high command Britain faced approaching Is spending the present week st | Pure Lard Lbs. surances that they would be reported today that Nazi, after a vacation of ten days at Narragansett Pier, R. I. 2 15c L/jndon, Aug. 6 i/Tj-Arthur winter food problems optimis Virginia Beach. Va. Miss Hyde miitted to deduct from and air operations sank 657,- Donahue, stocky, 27-year-old and friends from West Hartford Vincent Diana, son of Mr. and Midco Sportswear Reduced thelujaxable income the cost Hull Sees Need 674 tons of “ enemy merchant tically today although she put were guests at the Prince.ss Anne American volunteer flier froi i Mrs. Frank V. Diana of 31 Ash Hlarks — Shorts — Slack Sets — Play Suits of detCTiqe plant expansions. shipping space and space teeth in enforcement of her Hotel. worth street, was voted the moat Laredo, Texas, was given credit Ice Cream Freeze 3 rk,<;. 25c Chalrmam^^ooper (D-Tenn) of u.sable by the enemy” in the by the rtoyal Air Force teday for forxl-conserving reguletiona talented undergraduate at Hlllycr $1.98 Slacks ......... ............. $1.49 the House Tajoiybcommlttee gave For Sacrifices Mrs. James McVeigh, president Junior College. Hartford, In a re W e will furnish you last three weeks of July, ex the "probable" destruction of a and acknowledged new blows out the oral s^tement in the These two views —strongly remindful though they are of those areas - are not from France.