Last-minute changes in radio pro- grams sometimes reach The Star MONDAY Radio Program too late for correction that day. July 26, 1943 630k-- o'nnT* WK.9«0k. -WOl, 1,260k.-WINX, 1,340k-WWOC. 1,450k_WTOP, 1,500k.- > os? ?«, * News-Stelli Unger Boeke Carter Nows end Music Password, Pleas* Kate Smith Speaks ,5 ^M*® 3h®wu Devotions Bill Hay Reads Bible luncheon Music Dixieland Jamboree Big Sister I L_ !? ,2 T,*rm in- H,om® Matinee Today Ordnance Band News and Music News—Jamboree Helen Trent ) _12]45 Victory Gardening_" _Luncheon Musk Dixieland Jamboree 1:00 Baukhage Talking Mary Mason News—Russ Hodges News-Wakeman Cash—Concert Hour Life Is Beautiful House Russ -> Open Hodges Tony Wakeman Concert Hour, Gardening for Victory Luncheon With News-Wakeman Vic ];30 w __ Lopez News—Concert Hour and Sade Carey Wakeman ,. Longmire_"_Teny Concert Hour The Goldbergs vT? •< ^Light News-Russ Hodges News-Wakeman Cash-Concert Hour Young DrTMaione V -lonely Women Russ Hodges Teny Wakeman Concert Hour Joyce Jordan 2:30 Ladies Be Seated Wor,d News-Russ Hodges News-Wakeman News ,nd Muslt Love and Learn }:*9hthcfJhe Russ _Church Hymns Hodges_Tony Wakeman Dance Mujjc Young’s Family 3:00 Morton Downey hUrlin Browns vs. Red Sex New-Wakeman Ssh-Sweet, Swing* 3:>5 My True ^Ma Perkins Wakeman Wg^- Story " Tony «**.» i„ T 3:3° " " Young’s Family " News-Wakeman ! f News-1450 Huh ieJ.Ju ,Turp Uncle Sam to Happiness Wakeman ILL WE TO! 1 POOR CHAP-HES J:45 Calling_Right Tony Green " 1450-Club° A 0 BEB*N " Valley S'S AND rM I 4:00 Cliff Allen News-Wakeman GEmNQ WORKING TOO HARD--A " r^jj usTTiuh—b Ham. c,... 4:15 C R OUT OF I Accent on Music Stella Dallas Tony Wakeman THIS GOOD REST WILL FIX " " " " ,450 Club pZrJrLi? 4:3° Lorenro Jones News-Wakeman P PLACE BEFORE HIM UP-PUNJAB'S " " NewL.1450 CClub ° Te^e^T Widow Brown " R*9 I A _4:45 Music—Star Flashes Young Tony Wakeman BECOME TRICKS ARE ENOUGH TO ~ " _USOClub H 5:00 Accent on Music News-Wakeman RAWING MAMAO- ^ SHAKE ANYONE- Rand ai nYv— -r:-.-T,m« A ^ 5.15 ,0.2-4 Ranch P«r1i« faces Lile Thinning-Tony Wakeman T#?.Tun* 5-30 Jack 1®^1 Plain Bill Trails K « Armstrong Background For News News Vaudeville News crumn u. Tex Edwards Harkness WiKernm 6ws“r* Prayer—Sport News |®nY. Cash—life Flashes TOP N«w< Tim* A Musicade Franklin News; B’khage Talking Babe Rhodes' Or. j®K Boothby-Mansell Arrh V- John—Music ind Muiit N .4:30 Spurti—M. Agionsfcv Wsw! ind Muli( Jphinnps Stool igri Sullov.n tow.ll H...I _Muiit—Bdll taw *— N •m « B. FH- O0.I »!?£■. MiOk_J. H.ruh Cwn«t.t IWL b* 7:00 s Or. Vvw ha when Is Done Waring Henle —Tiller D« WINX hum Cv Day [re(l Ray clsh Blind Date Flm a Mwt«v- I 7:15 Fashions—Music NswJ of ,h4 World Johnson Tiller De WINX y Family g|jn(j Dj), J. HiH E L... *«5l..,»IW.t Mum KJSw. Si. Waltzes of World VocalJuwnud " m 7:45 JJglWj" Music Richard Eaton 1:00 Porter Cavalcade Roy Cal Tinney News; Places To Go~ Cash—Music Vox Pop 8:15 lum and Abner Leo Cherne Places To Go Dugout Interviews " 8:30 Nero Wolfe Adventures A. Wallenstein's I GUESS IP YOU'D KNOWN A Or. St. Mary's Novena News and Music Nats vs. Indians Nineties Revue EMMA,MY DEARA f " " Gay MY ROOMMATE'S BROTHER YOU HURT ME G. and S. Music M ( -f;. _...._.." _ Nineties—Brown ARRANGED / > " ~ POR US TO GET B / HUHmmm..— Telephone Hour Gabriel Heatter Hour Co,!,n,ersW " " News—Symphony Romance 0 PEW DAYS, YOU'D S[ t WONDER IF VOU A \ o'15 Mica Pellet Insulation "nf* oaihv uu rikic /I DiP STAY A UTTLE I Fashions in Music Symphony Hour Dr I. Q. Return of " " " 0 B LONGER, WOULD THEY Nick Carter Broadway Bandbox Your House BJ^GIVE ME MY 9:301Spotlight,Bend Keeps MONEYJ ~ N 10:00 G. Cooler in Summer Raymond Swing Contented Program Paul' Sullivan News and Music Screen Guild Plav— T-ulu Henry Jerome's Or. Dance Music •• Warmer in !n ln * Winter M 10:30 Rhythm Road Vacation Serenade Paul Schubert Traffic Court _Three Ring Time U _ ____Diplomatic News Sports Roundup Pay for Iteelf in Fuel Saved I Music Repaid News .■ .1 Billy Roundup Dance Music News L J!:?? I*ifi A,ler jnJ " " Commentary gAndnm Continentals Richard Harkness Ray Henle Uncle Sam Arch A 4-cubic foot bag will 111:30 McDonald L Carlos Molina s Or. Music You Want Radio Newsreel Just Lee Everett News_Hits cover approximately 17 iMolina s Or.—News " " square feet to a I -1U5 \ J^_"_"__ Continental Hits Clair De lune depth 17:00 of 3 Inches. N Orchestras—News_News—Orchestras News; Orchs.; Patrol iMidnight Newsreel Sign Off News—Broadway Show ON THE AIR TODAY. I WMAl, 8:30—Hero Wolfe Adventures: S "Case WOL, 9:30—Mick Carter's Return.- "The TUI* Cnrtpoa of Ghost." Star Flashes: Latest news, WMAL at 8:30 a m. Noisy Heunted Glen." and 4:55 m. WRC, 9:00—Voorhees' Orchestra: Ezio Pinza p WTOP, 10:00—Screen makes his first appearance. • Guild Players: Linda WRC, 8:00—Cavalcade of $ America: Charles WMAL, Darnell. Bay Mllland In "Once Upon a Honey- Coburn in 9:00—Counterspy: Crushes a Nazi j.09 "Diamonds at War.” moon." wolf pack. Bee Delivered WTOP, 8:00—Vo* From a that Pop: plant WTOP, 9:30—Broadway Bandbox: Carole WMAL. 10:35 — Bhythm Boed: Victoria makes Army Arctic huts. Eileen [WKh Lendls, Farrell and Cab Calloway. Cordova returns. Cnepon Expires 8-8* T TOMORROW'S PROM AM H —4.M. — WMAL, 630k. -WRC, 980k. Phene Orders Atlantic 1400 -WOL, 1,260k, -WINX, 1,340k._WWDC 1 450k _WTOR 1 500k — 6;00 News—Preiude [News—Bill E Herson Dewn Petrol News—Jerry Strong News—Serenade Roundup Time 6;15 " " Today s Prelude Bill Herson Jerry Strong Sunrise Serenade fprjdtmStr cmltom-Mtmfer News—Art " S Brown News—Jerry Strong News—Serenade Dale _°'43 L_____Jerry" Strong Crowley Robert lewis P 7:00 News—Brokenshire .News 1 News—Jerry Strong News—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Godfrey 715 Norman Brokenshire Bill Herson I _ Jerry strong Mr. and Mrs. Tfec/UiuperCo^ News-Art Brown R News-Jerry Strong News-Mr. and Mrs. News _7.-45 .Claude Mahoney iBill Herson—News Art Brown Jerry Strong Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Godfrey " Fear InMing Material Stares I 8:00 Norman Brokenshire News Roundup News-Jerry Strong Cash—Hr. and Mrs. News of World ISM t a Sts. H. t. lies Weksls In. S I. T i®'11 H*™4, -Jerry Strong Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Godfrey AWI ••• Ai*. H. W. Faf1| Chortfc. Virginia | 8 30 Star Flashes—Music News—Bill Herson News—Art Brown News—Jerry Strong News—Mr. and Mrs. 8 45 Help Bill Herson—News 'Art Brown Mr. and Mrs. " * Wanted_ " Jerry Strong 9:00 Breakfast Club Everything Goes News—Jerry Strong Cash—Minute Men News—Godfrey Rhyme Time-_ Jerry Strong Minute Men Arthur Godfrey ^ 30 News Homemakers’ Club Mrs. Northcross News and Music A VEAR AGO You LOOK! THERE ARE **!^ YOU DON'T f- you SET TWO WEEKS VACATION >4 1 ^ ^ ) i»^*T ' -_i Robert St. John Dance Service HIRED ME TO WORK SATURDAYS AND I_" __ Music_Home Dally Sale M LEAVES AND WITH CHRISTMAS 10:00 Market Lora of Furniture ^0^l'THSils ^T LEAVES|23DA^“I23DAYSJ — Basket Lawton News—Homemakers News—Legion Band Cash—Music Valiant WORK TOR YOU OR SUNDAYS ALL THE HOLIDAYS OFF—WHY Lady Th#r* 1* a ble demand for used fur- U Vf^AVVUuS'^THAT 10:15 Pin Money Open Door Mr. American Band Moneybags Legion Vocal Music kitty Foyle niture. Now is the time AT TWELVE BUCKS TrtM- /COUNTS To TH ATS IOV MORE SHOULD I PAY You' to turn into Helpmate News and Music Traffic Court iNews—Alice Lane Hilt rash that ME MONEY? " Honeymoon which you are not uslnt? T A WEEK AND YOU |R| pAVS lEAVINS DAYS OFF LEAVIN6 Y_°WS of America J°l45 __[Women Boothby-Mansell Alice Lane Bachelor's Children An “Ad" In The Star with full HAVEN'T PAID ME L__ DAYS- descrip- T 2^ ONLY FOUR MVS- 11:00 at s tion and ^- Breakfast^ Sardi Road of Life Stanley Dixon News—Symphony Hour Cash—Brevities Mary Lee Taylor price will sell It. -^ACENT.^ J : Murder Clinic ... Hour Brunchtime Brevities Second i yic " " Symphony Husband Guest Snowinw.,?id® " A :30 by Request Village | News-Brevities Bright Horizon 11:45 Institute iDavid * N iBaby Harum [Music—Your Idea Brunchtime Brevities Aunt Jenny —P.M-— .. .— ■ ■ D !?:?2 ?!'!! AIJ?n News and Music Boake Carter {News and Music Cash—Jamboree :Kate Smith Speaks 12:15 Little Show .Devotions Bill Hay Reads Bible Luncheon Music Dixieland Jamboree Big Sister 2 30 farm and Home U. DON'T J .Matinee Today Marine Band Navy Dance Band News-Jamboree Helen Trent MISS j. " " his E __!___" Dixieland Jamboree Our Gal Sunday refreshing down- 1:00 Baukhage Talking Mary Mason News—Russ Hodges News—Wakeman Cash—Concert Hour Life Is F Beautiful to-earth of com- 1 !« H,°use ®uss Hodges Tony Wakeman Concert Hour Ma Perkins style F ! _Treasury Star Parade Luncheon With Lope; News—Wakeman News—Concert Hour Vic and Sade on the news Carey Longmire mentary — String Ensemble 1_.Tony Wakeman_Concert Hour_The Goldbergs i of the 2:00 News—Russ Hodges I News—Wakeman Cash—Concert Hour Young Dr. Malone day. 2:15 Open House Lonely Women 'Puss Hodges iTony Wakeman Concert Hour Joyce Jordan LISTEN--HAVE. UNDISPUTED EVI 2:30 Ladies Be Seated Light of the World News-Russ Hodges 'News—Wakeman News and Music Love and Learn DENCE CAPTAIN ARLO ENDL) BALK 2:45 ! __iChurch Hymns_Russ Hodges Tony Wakeman Dance Music Young's Family AIR FORCE MASQUERADER.HE IS MA- 3:00 Morton Downey Mary Marlin News—Russ Hodges News—Wakeman Cash—Sweet, Swing Janice Grey JOR VON 6URPOHEIM OF GERMAN vs. Great “6:00 3:15 Dodg's Lakes Ma Perkins Browns vs. Athletics Wakeman Sweet and Joe and Ethel " " Tony Swing Turi 3 30 Young's Family News—Wakeman News—1450 Club News and Music " ~ and _3:45 i__ Right to Happiness Tony Wakeman 1450 Club Green Valley. U. S. A. " 4:00 Cliff Allen Backstage Wife News—Wakeman Cash—1450 Club Home Front " Reporter 4:15 Accent on Music Stella Dallas Tony Wakeman 1450 Club * " Reporter—News 4 30 Dodg s vs. Great Lakes News—Wakeman News—1450 Club Texas Rangers TEX 4:45 ^oung Widow Brown " " Tony Wakeman 1450 Club 5:00 ;When a Girl Marries_News—Wakeman Band of Day Top Tune Time 5.-15_[ Tenth Inning Tony Wakeman Jimmie Allen EDWARDS 5:30 Jack Armstrong j Background for News High Seas Mutiny News—Vaudeville News—Stump Us 5:45 j Accent on Music [Front Page Farrell Superman News Roundup_Victory Vaudeville Home Fires Burning and His 6:00 Jex Edwards News—R. Harkness Prayer—Sport News Tony Wakeman Cash—Life Flashes Top News Time Commen- 6:15 News,- B khage Talking Musicade Charlotte Deeble Jay Franklin Boothby-Mansell Edwin C. Hill 6 30 Sports—M. Agronsky R. St. John—Music News and Music News and Music Johannes Steel John B. Kennedy tary on Hie News” 6:45 ,Lowell Thomas Springtime Music—Ball Scores Dinner Music Talking Stars World Today; J. Harsch Heard Every Night Rubber may be synthetle, but the Plowmen Hold Contest 77»e Cheerful Cherub will to victory must be genuine. Thru ot 6:00 During a plowing contest of the Monday Friday Have you bought any War Savings stamps today? Young Farmers Club on the slopes I U&rn from «.1I my of the Vale of Glamorgan, In Wales, Failure#. 40 Answer to young ploymen demonstrated WMAL l'i.ter *ee Yesterday's Puxxle. In d&ys 1 their while in the Bristol ability THE EVENING STAR STATION Channel below a procession of ships, with their wartime balloons, sailed 630 on Your Dial by.

cMxTtTaTpTi Risings £ H 11 an and on important strategic city [ to resemble a lattice work, or "can- It is Interesting to note that cancelli B[A[smT It the in Province. In celli.” Take Word for Yangtze Hupeh stems in the Latin career, “prison, My both receive n_I IoIwIiiIsIdi By FRANK COLBY. Ichang, syllables efjual A chancel of a church is so called Jail, cell.” from which the word in- stress. Say: ee-chahng. from the fact that it Names in the News. once was in- carcerate ("to put in prison") de- In Hupeh, the "p” has the sound closed with crossbars of latticework. rives. PVT. breGer abroad Lt. Dave YANGTZE KIANG. the principal of "b.” Say: hoo-beh. —By Breger ■ .. ■ — ■ commercial river of China. Among * * * * r. n .... i/lt1 -1 Europeans, the whole river is known It's Hard to Believe. MODERN MAIDENS Don Flowers the —By as the Yangtze, but in China Oklahoma: It seems that I re- the last few term is used for only member reading that there is some hundred miles. The official Chinese connection between the words ‘'can- name for the whole river is Ch'ang cel” and "chancel.” Is this true?— Kiang or Ta Chiang. "the long or J. B. W. great river." Answer: They are closely akin. In Yangtze Kiang, "River of the Both words are from the Latin ean- Yang Kingdom.'' both “as" have the celli, “a lattice, grating, or trellis." "ah" sound. The "-tze” has a sound The verb cancel” “to is so called Ml* . rSI'’*6 .Ml resembling the "t se” of "get set.” from the crisscross marks used in S*A Bay: yahng-tseh k-YAHNG. striking out anything written—the rAO'*M ICHANG (also spelled. I'changi is marks were thought by the Romans

Points for Parents By EDYTH THOMAS WALLACE. fcic&evtd Allowing some time to elapse between a child's octupancy ot his bed and the time he must give it up to another lessens the CROOKS likelihood he u>ill object to giving it up. Sings the tongs that everybody counts among their favorites of Not This today and yesterday. HM3 T*r Mtf y»i»uw» |yMMl>

WALLENSTEIN And the enlarged Firestone Symphonic Orchestra play symphonic arrangements of

Mother—You can help me put Mother—I'm ashamed oi you— Clean sheets on your bed. Then we crying and acting so naughty be- won’t use It, and you can sleep In cause your little cousin is going to the big bed, so your little one will sleep in your bed. Aunt Amy won’t be all ready for little Cousin Jimmie ever want to visit us again if “Come back and aek me you’re again—alter you’ve learned to "He Knows tney re enemy planes, but there’s an inspection by When he comes. so bad. rumba.” the general scheduled today.” I