Stfflkfatdawn PAUL MUNI

Stfflkfatdawn PAUL MUNI

Wkat's A* Jthe The VEfiscon< ite Journal ftwadcast Schedules 26 MADISON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1943 8:00 WGN WCFL 3, 4, and 5) gasoline, and time. Registrars ^ WIBA Tonight 9:00 WENR WIND Sports Reviews Farmers Told to Apply present from Waterloo. Lake Mill*. Rudy Vallee Will Entertain TONIGHT for Additional Gasoline Watertown, Sullivan, Jefferson, 5:00 League of Won)*n Voters S:30 NBC Rudy Vallee FRIDAY 5:15 WIND 0:15 WGN 5:15 America Calling 9:00 NBC Abbott and Costcllo A.M. 4:00 WJJD WIND 5:45 WCFL WTMJ 11:30 WGN Palmyra, and Johnson Creek. 5:30 News Edition 9:30 Treasury Parade. 6:00 WMAQ WIND 4:00 WGN WCFL JEFFERSON—Farmers who lack 5:45 Music for School and Home 9:45 These arc the WAVES Greenstreet on Broadcast 6:30 WTMJ 4:30 WCCO FRIDAY sufficient gasoline may apply to 5:55 News Report 10:00 Night News Edition. 6:45 WLS 4:55 WGN WENR P. M. 5:15 WIND the local gasoline rationing regis- DE FOREST — Mrs. Andrew 6:00 NBC Warinc Victory Tunes 10:15 BLU Raymond Gram Swing, 6:55 WMAQ '" 5:00 WTMJ WBBM 2:15 WIND 5:45 WCFL WTMJ 6:15 Variety Show 10:30 Masterworks of •Music Sidney Greenstreet, whom Mad- Drama "7:00 WCFL WBBM 5:00 WCCO WIND 3:15 WIND 6:15 WGN trar, Jefferson county registrars Lyster has received a letter from 6:30 NBC Arkansas Traveler 11:00 NBC News Report ison remembers as one of the chief 7:00 WIBA WLS 5:15 WMAQ 4:15 WIND were told by Earl Jung, fieldman her son, Sgt. Elmer Lyster, who 7:00 NBC Fanny Brice 11:05 NBC Three Suns Wo actors in Lunt-Fontanne produc- 7:30 p. m.—The Aldrich Family 7:00 WTMJ WIND 5:25 WGN for the gas rationing committee, is stationed in New Guinea, stat- 7:30 NBC The Aldrlcft Family 11:30 NBC Troplcans (WIBA): a music lesson vs. the 7:15 WGN WBBM 5:30 WIBA WHA g:00 NBC Music Hall 11:55 NBC News Report tions, will be guestar of the Rudy 7:25 WBBM 5:45 WBBMWMAC Markets at a meeting in the courthouse ing that he'had been confined to Vallee broadcast at 8:30 tonight honor of the family . Death Val- 7:30 WIBA WTMJ 5:55 WIBA the hospital there for eight day» ley Days (WBBM): "Faith of Our 7:50 WHA 6:00 WIBU WCFL FRIDAY Monday. The new system is ex- Other Stations Tonight .over WIBA. Greenstreet has be- 7:55 WMAQ WTMJ 0:00 WLS WIND A.M. P.M. pected id save farmers' travel, after a sunstroke. | come one of Hollywood's leading Fathers," story of stained-glass 8:00 WGN WBBM 6:15 WIBA 11:00 WIBU 12:00 WIBU 5:00 Prayer: Quizmaster—WIBJJ villains with roles in "The Maltese windows. 8:15 WLS 5:15 WMAQ WTMJ 11:30 WLS 12:10 WIBU 5:15 University Spacial—WIBtf 9:00 TheTlPlrst Ltafr^-WEBM WCCO 8:25 WTMJ 6:30 WGN 11:59 WIBU 12:35 WIBU 9:00 Raymond Clapper—WGN Falcon" and "Across the Pacific" O «•' O 8:30 WCCO WBBM 6:45 WMAQ 12:45 WGN 5:15 Jimmy Allen—WENR 12:50 WIBA WLS 5:30 Jack Armstrong—WENR 9:00 Raymond Gram Swlnff—WENB taking him to movie fame. 8:40 WMAQ 7:00 WLS WIND 5:45 CapL Midnight—WENR 9:15 Sanders & Savage—WGN Discussion 8:45 WIND 7:30 WIND WCFL 1:00 WJJD 6:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr.—WIBU 9:15 Grade'-Fields—WENR Other attractions tonight: 9:00 WIBA 7:55 WBBM KMOX 1:15 WLS 6:00 Amos "n1 Andy—WCCO WBBM 9:30 March of Time—WTMJ WMAQ 7:30 p. "m. — America's Town 9:15 WCFL 9:00 WIND WGN 6:00 Dr. Preston Bradley—WGN 9:30 Public Affairs—WBBM WCCO Meeting (WLS): "How Can We 9:20 WHA 8:15 WGN 6:00 Fred Warinc—WTMJ WLW 9:30 Mold of America—WGN Music Curb Youthful Delinquency?" 9:30 WIBU WIND 8:45 WIND Frequencies 6:15—Lum nnd Abncr—WIBU 9:45 Frozler Hunt—WBBM WCCO 8:30 p. m.—Spotlight Bands 0:50 WHA fl:00 WIBA WENR WIBA 1310 WTMJ . .. 6!SO 5:15 Harry James—WBBM WCCO 10:00 Most Honored Music—WZNR 9:30 p. m. — Public Affairs 10:00 WBBM WIND 9:00 WIND WCFL WHA 9:0 KMOX .. 1120 TODAY! A Furlough of Fun! 6;30 Easy Aces—WBBM KMOX 10:00 Fred Waring—WMAQ (WENR): Gene Krupa. (WBBM) Basil O'Connor opens 10 ;00 WIBA WIBU 9:45 WENR KSTP 1500 WMAQ .. 670 6:30 Texas Hangers—WLS 10:30—Rumpus Room (to 12)—WTMJ 11:15 p. m.—Music of the New 10:30 WIND 10:00 WIBU WIND WBBM 780 WGN . .. 720 «:40 Fivo Minute Mystery—WMAQ J0;30 nob Burns—WMAQ the 1943 anti-infantile paralysis 10:45 WLS 10:00 WTMJ WCFL WCCO 830 WIND . .. 560 6:45 Tho Lion's Hoar—WON 10:45 Salute to Victory—WBBM World (WMAQ): a 1776 hit parade, drive. 11:00 WIND WGN 10:00 .WIBA WBBM WCFL 1000 WLBL .. 930 6:45 Mr. Keen—WBBM KMOX 11:05 Chlco Marx Orch.—WGN 13 p. m.—Music You Want o o <f 11:15 WMAQ 10:15 KMOX WMAQ WIBU 1240 WLS . .. 890 6:45 H. V. Kaltenborn—WMAQ WLW 11:05 Del Courtney Orch.—WBBM 11:30 WIBU WGN 10:30 WENR WIBU WENR 890 WLW ... 700 (WENR): "Gotterdammerung" ex- P.M. 10:30 WGN WBBM 7:00 Sinsin' Sam—WGN 11:15 Music of New World—WMAQ (Programs listed In Th« Stato 7:00 Today's War and You—WBBM 11:15 Lew Diamond Orch.—WENR Variety 12:00 WCFL WGN 10:45 WENR cerpts. 12:00 WIBA WJJD- 11:00 WIBU WCCO Journal are checked to the last poi- T:00 Fanny Bricc—WMAQ WTMJ 11:30 Neil Bondshu Orch.—WBBM slble moment. Changes may b« 7:15 Lum and Abncr—WLS 11:30 Russ Morgan Srch.—WENR 6:30 p. m.—Bob Burns (WIBA): 12:15 WIBU 11:00 WGN WMAQ 12:20 WHA 11:00 WBBM WIND made, however, lit the discretion of 7:30 America's Town Mcctlnjr—WLS 11:30 Fight Night-WGN with Spike Jones and his City itatloni and network*.) 7:30 Death Valley Days—WBBM 11:45 Troplcana—WMAQ 12:30 WMAQ WLS 11:00 WIBA WENR 7:30 Aldrlch Famlly-WMAQ WTMJ 12:00 Night Watch (to 6)—WIND Slickers. 12:30 WGN WIBA 11:30 WGN S:00 America's Town Meednc—WENK 12:00 Music You Want—WENR 7 p. m.—Fanny Bric« (WIBA): 12:45 WCFL WCCO 11:55 WIBA g:00 Music Hall—WTMJ WMAQ 12:00 Lawrence Welk Orch.—WGN Snooks explores the mysteries of 12:55 WTMJ 11:55 WMAQ WENR Stimmer Conducts 8:00 Gabriel Hcatter—WGN 12:00 Emlle Petti Orch.—WMAQ 1:00 WIND WCFL 12:00 WBBM WIND 8-00 Major Bowes' Amateurs—WBBM 12:05 Val Ernie Orch.—WBBM the calendar. 1:30 WIBU WJJD 12:55 WMAQ WENR Mission in Chicago 1:00 WIND 8:30 Slnfonletta—WGN 12:15 Dick Jurgens Orch.—WGN 8 p. m.—Music Hall (WIBA): 1:45 WGN POTOSI—The Rev. Paul Stim- 8:30 Rudy Vallee—WTMJ WMAQ 12:30 Jerry Wald Orch.—WENR. Bine Crosby, Cass Daley, Janet 1:55 WTMJ 1:30 WGN 8:30 Spotlight Bands—WENH 12:30 Art Kassel Orch.—WGN 2:00 WCFL WIND 2:00 WIND mer is conducting a mission, in 8:30 Stage Door Canteen—WBBM 12:30 Johnny Duffy Orch,—WBBM Blair. 2:45 WLS 3:00 WIND Chicago this week. 8:55 Dale Carnegie—WENR 12:30 Pot Luck—WMAQ 8:30 p. m.—Stage Door Canteen 3:00 WBBM WCCO 4:00 WIND S:00 Lest We Forget—WIBU 1:00 Swing Shift (to 3)—WENR 3:00 WGN WIND 5:00 WIND (WBBM): Bob Hope, Gov. John 3:55 WENR W. Bricker of Ohio, Virginia WIBA Friday Bruce, Yvette. Soldiers from overseas have intro- 9 p. m.—Abbott and Coslello duced "Jitterbug" contests in Australia. TODAY thru SATURDAY Morning 2:30 Linda's First Love. (WIBA): with Claire Trevor. 6:30 Morning Parade. 2:45 The Editor's Daughter. 6:45 The CampboU Sister*. 3:00 Parade of Stars. o o o 7:00 NBC World News. 3:15 NBC Stella Dallas. TOAST FOR REVENGI 7:15 Musical Clock. 3:30 NBC Lorenzo Jones. Miscellaneous -.and fn»x got ill 7:30 Stato Journal News Edition. 3:45 NBC Young Widder Brown, PARKWAY MONDAY 4:00 Campus Jamboree. 9:30 p. m.—March of Time 7-50 Musical Clock. Evening EVENING 8:15 8:30 Betty. 5:00 NBC Chas. Dants Music (WMAQ): Prentiss Brown, nom- 8:00 NBC Robert St. John. BROADWAY'S FUNNIEST SHOW 9:15 NBC The O'Neills. 5:15 America Calling. inee for price administrator; 5:30 News Edition. Maj. Gen. James A. Ulio. CUfFOUD C. FISCHER 9:30 Morning Melody. 5:45 Music for School and Home. (In «iu>d«llon with <>» Mtitn, Shubtrtl 9:45 BLU Gene and Glenn. priuntt 10:00 Mld-Momlng News. 5:55 News Reports. 10:15 Morning Variety. 6:00 NBC Waring -Victory Tunei. News Broadcasts tou . wiuii 10:30 Virginia Graham. 6:15 NBC News of the World.

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