2005-2006 Visiting Scholar Directory

A Resource for the Occasional Lecturer Program F ulbrig ht V is itin g S cholar P rogram S taff To obtain U.S. contact information fo r a Scholar listed in this directory, please speak swith ta ff member the CIES responsible fo r the Scholar s home country or special program.

A frica (S ub -S aharan ) and W estern H emisphere Europe and E urasia

Debra Egan, Assistant Angola Mali Sone Loh,Senior Program Austria Ireland Director 202.686.6230, Benin Mauritius Coordinator, 202.686.4011, Belgium/ Kazakhstan [email protected] Botswana [email protected] Luxembourg Kyrgyz Republic Burkina FasoNamibia Bulgaria Netherlands Michelle Grant,Senior Program Tanya Janes,Program Cameroon Niger European Union Poland Coordinator 202.686.4029, Associate, 202.686.6259, Chad Nigeria Tajikistan [email protected] [email protected] (EU) Research Cote d’Ivoire Rwanda Program Turkmenistan Julia Beaver, Program Democratic Senegal Germany Uzbekistan Associate 202.686.6254, Republic Sierra Leone Greece [email protected] o f Congo South Eritrea Swaziland Ethiopia Rachel Showalter,Program Georgia Ghana Togo Officer, 202.686.4016, Azerbaijan M oldova Guinea Uganda [email protected] Romania Croatia Kenya Christine Wise,Senior Program Fulbright/Kennan Madagascar Zimbabwe Associate, 202.686.8661, Institute Research [email protected] Ukraine Scholarship Carol Robles,Senior Program Argentina Guatemala Officer, 202.686.6238, Barbados Haiti [email protected] Bolivia Hondouras Rachel Kolb,Senior Program Aegean Initiative Lithuania Brazil Coordinator, 202.686.6248, Czech Republic Malta Michelle Grant,Senior Program Jamaica Canada [email protected] Denmark Spain Coordinator, 202.686.4029, Estonia Turkey [email protected] Chile Nicaragua Amy Shatsoff,Program Iceland United Kingdom Colombia Panama Associate, 202.686.6255, Julia Beaver, Program Latvia Costa Rica Paraguay [email protected] Associate, 202.686.6254, Dominican Peru [email protected] Republic Trinidad/Tobago Ecuador Uruguay Holly Williams,Senior Program *Albania + Portugal El Salvador Venezuela Coordinator, 202.686.6258, * Bosnia and * Republic o f [email protected] Herzegovina Macedonia + Finland * Serbia and A sia and the M iddle East *Christine Wise,Senior Program + Associate, 202.686.8661, Montenegro Taeko Noguchi,Program China Philippines [email protected] + Hungary + Slovak Officer, 202.686.4020, Hong Kong Singapore + ltaly Republic † Program [email protected] Thailand Amy Shatsoff, *Kosovo + Sweden Associate, 202.686.6255, + Norway Jessica Wagner, Program Japan Vietnam Malaysia [email protected] Associate, 202.686.6233, [email protected] Special P rograms Dylan Gipson,Senior Program Australia U.S.-Korea New Century Scholars Program European Union Scholar-in-Residence Coordinator, 202.686.7874,Bangladesh International Alumni Initiatives Awards Program P rogram [email protected] Education Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Korea Administrators Micaela S. Iovine,Senior Emily Vandermade, Program P rogram Morocco Program Program Officer, 202.686.6253, Associate, 202.686.4006, Metropolitan Enrichment Programs New Zealand (KIEA) [email protected] [email protected] Annual Fulbright Visiting Scholar Taiwan Stacey Bustillos,Program Officer, 202.686.6252, Conference Karen Watts, Senior Program Dan Pattarini,Program Algeria Pakistan [email protected] Officer, 202.686.4004, Officer, 202.686.4013, Qatar Hajra Zahid, Senior Program [email protected] [email protected] Saudi Arabia Associate, 202.686.6250, Kanchan Mahara,Program Gaza Sri Lanka [email protected] India Associate, 202.686.4022, Occasional Lecturer Program Tunisia [email protected] Fulbright/APSA Congressional Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program Jordan United Arab Fellowship Program Senior Program Kuwait Emirates Zaneta Bertot, West Bank FulbrightfNYU Center on Associate, 202.686.6235, International Cooperation Fellowship [email protected] Nepal Yemen Oman Susan McPeek,Manager, Program Administration, 202.686.4017, Fulbright Visiting Specialists Program: Cover photography: Fulbright Visiting Specialist Abderrahmane El [email protected] Direct Access to the Muslim World Moudden, Morocco, and colleagues (left top); Fulbright Visiting Scholar Tatiana Eremenko, Russia, and colleague (left middle); Fulbright Visiting Mamiko Hada, Program Scholars at a tree-planting event during the 2005 Visiting Scholar Officer, 202.686.7873, Conference in Washington, DC (left bottom); Badar Alam Iqbal, Fulbright [email protected] Scholar-in-Residence, India (right top) and Fulbright Visiting Scholar Rebecca Anderson, Australia (right bottom). FULBRIGHT VISITING SCHOLAR PROGRAM

2005-2006 Directory of Visiting Scholars


FULBRIGHT SCHOLAR PROGRAM Sponsored by the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

CIES is a division o f the Institute o f International Education. C a m p u s P erspectives

“The actual program that the Fulbright Visiting Scholar followed more than fulfilled the plan outlined in the proposal. Indeed, Haidar Bagir did more than he was asked to do, consulted w ith more faculty members here at the university than I had expected and involved him self with the M uslim students on campus in significant ways. Many of the faculty members, particularly in Intellectual Heritage, which surveys the last several hundred years o f Western intellectual history, have indicated that they now intend to incorporate more about Islamic thought and its impact on the development o f Western philosophy and science. More important, Dr. Bagir’s visit caused a healthy debate on campus about how non-Western thought should be presented to our students.” Robert F. Boughner, Professor o f Classics and Chair o f the Department o f Humanities, University o f the Sciences in

“We gained so much from Dr. Prasanna K. Mohanty’s presence that perhaps we are spoiled. It was important and fascinating to hear about the situation o f higher education in India and to hear how U.S. policies have an impact on that situation. I think this was his most important contribution— never letting us forget that we all exist in a global network of influence. I think we would all find it interesting to continue such connections.” Joan Dagle, Professor, English Department, Rhode Island College

“ Student responses in the course evaluations indicate that they were extremely impressed with Dr. Kenbib and that they learned considerably more than they expected. Several commented at the outset that they had no understanding o f Islamic culture at all. Frankly, it is rare for a visitor o f any kind to have the impact that the Visiting Specialists Program has had.” Stephen Grant Sylvester, Dean o f the Department o f Arts and Sciences, Peru State College

“ The possibility o f daily, multi-national and multi-ethnic interaction has been one o f the main personal motivations for me to pursue an academic career. The Fulbright Scholar Program provides yet another wonderful framework to foster this activity in my lab. In addition, Visiting Scholars bring new expertise to the lab that would otherwise not be available.” Gaudenz Danuser, Faculty Associate, Department o f Cell Biologist, The Scripps Research Institute C o n t e n t s

I ntroduction ...... 5

O c c a s io n a lL e c t u r e r Pr o g r a m ...... 5

O c c a s io n a l L e c t u r e r St o r i e s...... 6

Vis it in g Sc h o l a r St o r i e s...... 7

Vis i t i n g Sc h o l a r s b y Ac a d e m ic F i e l d ...... 11

Ag r ic u l t u r e...... 11

Am e r ic a n H i s t o r y...... 12

Am e r ic a n L i t e r a t u r e...... 12

Am e r ic a n St u d i e s...... 14

Anthropology...... 15

Ar c h a e o l o g y...... 16

Architecture...... 16

Ar t ...... 17

Ar t H is t o r y...... 17

B io l o g ic a l Sc ie n c e s...... 18

B u s in e s sAdministration...... 21

C h e m is t r y...... 24

C ommunications...... 26

C o m p u t e r Sc i e n c e...... 26

C r e a t iv eW r i t i n g ...... 27

d a n c e...... 27

Ec o n o m i c s...... 27

Ed u c a t io n...... 30

En g in e e r in g...... 34

Environmental Sc ie n c e s...... 36

F il m St u d i e s...... 38

G e o g r a p h...... y 38

G e o l o g y...... 39

H is t o r y (n o n -U .S .)...... 39

I n f o r m a t io n Sc ie n c e s...... 43 JOURNALISM...... 43

L a n g u a g e a n d L it e r a t u r e (n o n - U .S .) ...... 43

L a w ...... 45

L i n g u i s t i c s...... 48

3 M a t h e m a t i c s ...... 49

M e d ic a l Sc i e n c e s ...... 50 M u s ic ...... 53

Ph il o s o p h y...... 54

Ph y s ic s a n d A s t r o n o m y ...... 55

Po l it ic a l Sc i e n c e ...... 57

Ps y c h o l o g y...... 61

Pu b l ic A dministration ...... 62

Pu b l ic/G l o b a l H e a l t h...... 62

Re l ig io u s St u d i e s ...... 63

So c ia l W o r k ...... 64

So c i o l o g y...... 64

TEFL/A p p lie d L in g u is t ic s ...... 66

T h e a t e r ...... 67

U r b a n Pl a n n i n g...... 68

Se m in a r Pr o g r a m s ...... 69

N e w C e n t u r y Sc h o l a r s Pr o g r a m ...... 71

V is it in g Sp e c ia l is t s Pr o g r a m ...... 73

A lphabetical I n d e x ...... 77

H o s t St a t e I n d e x ...... 87

H o m e G e o g r a p h ic A r e a I n d e x ...... 101

Sp e c ia l Pr o g r a m s I n d e x ...... 111

2004-2005 Fu l b r ig h t V is it in g Sc h o l a r s...... 113

Geographical listings in this publication are a matter o f administrative convenience and are not intended to im ply a U.S. Government position on the legal status o f the areas listed.


The approximate 800 Fulbright Visiting Scholarsthe Occasional Lecturer Program (OLP), which who come to the United States each yearenables provide Fulbright Visiting Scholars to accept a valuable resource for campuses and guest-lecturing invitations at colleges and communities throughout the United States.universities. A ll of OLP Awards are granted at three the Fulbright Visiting Scholars are availabledifferent to levels depending upon the distance make subsidized, short-term, guest-lecturingtraveled. CIES w ill determine the award amounts. visits to colleges and universities through the The program enables Scholars to Occasional Lecturer Program. The enclosed • share their specific research interests; directory is designed to offer assistance in the identification of individuals who w ill be• able speak to on the history and culture of their share their academic expertise as w ell as insightscountries; • exchange ideas with U.S. students, faculty and into their countries and cultures. community organizations; As a comprehensive resource for the Occasional• become better acquainted with U.S. higher Lecturer Program, this directory provides a education; and cross-indexed listing o f most o f the 2005-2006• create linkages between their home and host Fulbright Visiting Scholars and provides institutions. instructions on how to request a Scholar to visit your campus or community under the OccasionalArranging an Occasional Lecturer Visit. Lecturer Program. If you find a Scholar in the directory whom you would like to invite to your campus, you may The complete list o f Scholars, including those contact the Scholar via the faculty associate and confirmed after this directory’s publication, is department provided. You may also contact CIES available onlinewww.cies.org at . Also on the staff to obtain a contact telephone number or Web site is comprehensive information on the e-mail address. (See the staff listing on the inside Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program. You can o f the front cover.) request a brochure on the program from [email protected] or by calling 202.686.8664.OLP Awards are provided directly to the participating Scholar. To apply for an award, the We urge you to take advantage o f theScholar Fulbright must submit to CIES a formal letter o f Visiting Scholar Program. Contact any o f invitationthe staff from the host institution or organization, listed on the inside front cover o f this directoryalong with dates o f travel, at least one month for additional information. before the visit is to take place. (If possible, Occasional Lecturer ProgramScholars are asked to submit their requests even further in advance.) W ithin one week of receiving The Council for International Exchangethe of application, CIES w ill inform the Scholar Scholars (CIES) provides travel awards throughwhether the award has been approved. The Scholar

5 is responsible for purchasing an airline suggested;ticket or a longer period may be advisable if visits arranging some other means o f transportation,to several such institutions are planned. as a train, bus or rental car. After the visit, the Suggested Activities for Occasional Lecturers. Fulbrighter w ill receive the award. Fulbright Visiting Lecturers have engaged in the M ultiple Occasional Lecturer Visits and followingVisits activities in the past: to Minority-Serving Institutions.Due to • department- or schoolwide lectures to students limited funding, each Scholar is eligible forand/or only faculty, one trip; however, requests to visit more than• give one lectures in classrooms where the Scholar institution on a single trip w ill be considered.can makeAn a contribution to the discipline, exception to the one-trip rule may be made• faculty if the meetings that allow for an exchange of Scholar is invited to guest lecture at ideas, minority-serving colleges and universities.• informal gatherings of students and faculty, Additional monies are available to Scholars• enjoy home hospitality offered by the faculty visiting these institutions. or department host and • address community organizations or religious Responsibilities of Institutions and groups that have a special interest in Organizations Hosting Occasional Lecturers. international relations. Institutions wishing to host a Fulbright Visiting Scholar should develop a comprehensiveOccasional plan o f Lecturer Stories activities and arrangements to share w ith the Scholar well in advance o f the proposedThe visit. follo w in g are examples o f the many ways Host institutions are asked to provide Occasionalcampuses, communities and Fulbright Visiting Lecturers with local transportation, Scholars have benefited from the Occasional accommodations and meals. Lecturer Program:

It is important to inform the Scholar, priorAs to a Fulbright Visiting ScholarE gypt, from arrival, about the support the host institutionRachida or El-Diwani took the opportunity organization w ill provide. Institutions shouldprovided also by the Occasional Lecturer Program to provide the Scholar with a formal letter olecture f at five other institutions, including: Lee invitation as early as possible. The ScholarCollege; w ill University of Houston-Downtown, a need this letter to formally request travelminority-serving funds institution; Howard University from CIES. and Morgan State University, both historically black universities; and San Diego Length of Visit.The length o f the lecturer’s stay at Mesa College. the institution w ill depend upon the particular interests o f the academic community or organizationAs a professor o f comparative literature at and the facilities available. The period, however,Alexandria University in Cairo, El-Diwani should allow an opportunity for the Scholarworked to on her project, “Understanding the become acquainted with the host institutionIslamic or World: Art, Ethnicity, Gender, organization. A program o f two to three daysMythology is and Philosophy,” during her

6 nine-month stay with Chatham College invisit was also o f great benefit to Zaman, who , Pennsylvania. availed herself o f opportunities to make trips to Amherst and Concord to visit the homes of Emily “I want and need the people o f America to Dickinson and Louisa May Alcott as well as to understand that Islam is peace and not violence. It read manuscripts at the Boston Public Library. is my duty as a Muslim to build bridges of Zaman’s Fulbright research project, carried out at understanding and love for all human beings,” University of Maryland— College Park, was on said El-Diwani. the male models and mentors in the lives and During her occasional lecturing visit to Ohioworks o f Margaret Fuller, Dickinson and Alcott. Northern University,Russian Scholar M a rin a Karasseva shared with students her considerableVisiting Scholar Stories knowledge o f music as well as methods o f Occasional Lecturers are drawn from a larger pool approaching ear training. Her host, chair o f the o f Fulbright Visiting Scholars who are in the United university’s music department and a Fulbright States as Fulbright researchers and/or lecturers. alumnus, expressed that Karasseva “motivated These Fulbright Visiting Scholars express routinely our students to strive for higher goals.” In how personally and professionally gratifying their addition to her campus visit, the Scholar gave a Fulbright experiences have been, whether they are well-received presentation at an Music here for only a few months or a full academic year. Educators meeting on ear training methodology Institutions hosting these Scholars are equally taught at Russian conservatories. The associate pleased w ith how much their visitors are able to professor at the Moscow State Conservatory had a share with their students and faculty, from cultural nine-month grant at the University of details about their home countries to technical Maryland-College Park, where she conducted expertise in a variety o f disciplines as diverse as research on her project, “ Psychotechnology as a astrophysics, music and literature. These stories are New Approach at the Crossroads o f Sciences: just a few examples o f successful recent visits. To Cognitive Musicology and Practical Psychology.” read more Scholar stories, visit our Web site at www.cies.org. The women’s studies group at Brandeis University invited Fulbright Visiting Scholar A fr ic a N ia z Zaman, professor and chair o f the English department at the University o f Dhaka in“The Fulbright experience is great for African Bangladesh,to speak to faculty and studentsscholars at because they have access to books, the Massachusetts institution. During herdocuments, visit, films and other sources of Zaman gave a presentation on “ Bondsinformation and not available in their own countries Borders: Women Novelists and the Creationand of can participate in conferences as well,” India and Pakistan.” The Scholar was happyenthused toFatou Diop. On a lecturing/research report that the lecture was w ell attendedgrant and to that the Women’s Studies Research Center o f the audience displayed considerable theinterest University in the of Wisconsin-Madison, Diop political and social conditions in her country.wanted The to learn how to develop a program on

7 gender studies back at her home universityRussia in and had exhausted her resources. This Senegal. motivated her to apply for a Fulbright grant to continue her research in the United States, where Diop’s colleagues in the Women’s Studies she was able to view Fechin’s original works and Research Center were interested in her work on better understand the environment in which he communication and information technologies as worked. Toulouzakova also credits the Fulbright appropriate strategies for women. As such, they Visiting Scholar Program with deepening cultural met and exchanged ideas on their respective relations between the United States and Russia. research and each other’s communities. “ It was a great experience because an AmericanE uuniversity ro p e had the opportunity to learn more about African Jean-Noel Missa traveled from Brussels to New societies, and I think this is very important for York University with his wife, Isabelle, and his mutual understanding in a modem world,” said children, Pierre and Elena. Missa spent the year Diop. conducting research on human consciousness and East Asia and the Pacific took advantage o f many o f the city’s academic resources by attending lectures and seminars and As a Scholar-in-Residence at Denison University conducting research at New York University, in Granville, Ohio,Hsing-lin Tracy Chung Columbia and the New York Academy of taught her students the art o f Jingju theater, Medicine. Having his family with him for the ending the semester with an adaptation o f entire year made it an even more rewarding Shakespeare’sTaming o f the Shrew. Jingju experience. “ It was a mind-opening year that theater is based on aesthetics and the belief that, taught my fam ily the virtues o f peaceful above all, any performance must be beautiful. multiculturalism,” Missa said. “This has allowed Chung has also played an important role in us to return homeB elgium to richer, with the w ill making traditional Jingju comeTaiw alive an. in to share our experiences w ith others and enrich A graduate of the National Fu-hsing Dramatic them with what we have learned here.” Arts Academy, she has appeared in more than 30 Jingju productions. She is currently the deanThe M of iddle East and North Africa academic affairs at the National Taiwan Junior A scholar in the field o f molecular systematics College o f Performing Arts. and chair o f the Faculty o f Health Sciences at the E u ra s ia American University of Technology,M yrna Semaan traveled to the University of Galina Toulouzakova, a senior lecturer in the — Berkeley to keep pace with the latest Department o f Philosophy at State developments and innovations in the field as well Pedagogical University inRussia, Kazan,spent a as conduct research on the population ecology o f semester as a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the certain forests in her home countryLebanon. o f University of New Mexico in Albuquerque studying the American period o f Russian-bornW hile on her grant, Semaan had access to American painter Nicolai Fechin’s creativescientific life. research resources, including a life She had spent nearly ten years on thesciences topic in library and an elaborate herbarium. The

8 highly developed laboratories in the university’smaster’s degree in social work, and my daughter Ecosystem Science Division were also a greatand son, who attended grades twelve and nine. benefit. Certainly, the credit goes to Fulbright for these achievements,” enthused Pant. She found inspiring the combination of academic programs with student fieldwork and theWestern Hemisphere collaboration o f government and educational institutions to promote nature conservation.Groundwater pollution in MexicoMexico City,is Semaan hopes to apply these models toone the o f the most significant problems facing the curricula at her home institution. area, accordingAlethia to Vazquez Morillas. Vazquez M orillas’ research proposes a new way South Asia o f dealing with the problem o f water cleaning “This is the best opportunity I have so farsolvents that refuse to degrade underground. W ith experienced in my life,”Amber said Prasad Pantaccess to top-notch facilities and world-renowned of his Fulbright from Kathmandu,Nepalto environmental engineers at the Hazardous Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.Substance Research Center at the University o f Pant, who conducted postdoctoral researchIowa onduring her Fulbright grant, Vazquez “Transboundary Water Resources Law oMorillas f USA investigated her method for treating the and Nepal: An Overview,” said that the Unitedpolluted water below the surface with tiny States is the land o f advanced technologyparticles and o f iron, which react with and break down opportunity. the chlorine.

“I believe the vision o f the Fulbright Program in Vazquez Morillas’ time in Iowa w ill continue to mutual understanding and cooperation w ill help affect her work. The researcher and educator reduce tensions and disputes by transforming this notes that one o f her collaborators at the vision into action,” Pant said. University of Iowa came to her home university For Pant, the Fulbright grant was an opportunityin Mexico to give a seminar. “Now, there is a to build relationships and good w ill andstrong to link between my university and the exchange knowledge. “The benefit o fUniversity the grant of Iowa, and we all have lots o f plans, also reached my wife, who worked towardincluding a more exchanges.”


V i s i t i n g S c h o l a r s b y A c a d e m ic F i e l d

Agriculture Research: Ancient Cucurbit DNA-Unlocking Domestication Events Ahmed, Ahmed Sayed Ahmed Hassan Auburn University— Main Campus, College of Lecturer, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Agriculture, Department o f Horticulture, Auburn Giza, Egypt University, AL Research: Molecular Basics o f Marek’s Disease c/o Dr. Fenny Dane Resistance in Egyptian Fayoumi Chickens June 2005 - August 2005 Iowa State University, College o f Agriculture, Animal Science Department, Ames, IA Kampourakis, Emmanouil c/o Dr. Susan J. Lamont Researcher, Department o f Ecological Production August 2005 - February 2006 Systems, National Agricultural Research Foundation, Cayuela Garcia, Maria de la Luz Heraklion, Greece Lecturing and Research: An Agroecological Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f Soil and Assessment: Developing Sustainable and Ecological Water Conservation and Organic Waste Systems of Olive Production Management, Spanish Council for Scientific University o f California— Santa Cruz, Department o f Research, Murcia, Spain Environmental Studies, Santa Cruz, CA Research: Applying Olive M ill Waste Compost as a c/o Dr. Stephen R. Gliessman Soilborne Pathogen Suppressor in Organic Farming July 2005 - September 2005 U.S. Department o f Agriculture, Sustainable Agricultural Systems Laboratory, Beltsville, MDMoqbel, Abdullah Nasher Murshed c/o Dr. Patricia Millner Assistant Professor, Department of Plant September 2005 - December 2005 Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Sana’a De La Sota, Rodolfo Luzbel University, Sana’a, Yemen Professor and Researcher, Institute o f Theriogenology,Research: Management o f Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl School of Veterinary Sciences, National UniversityVirus Transmitted by Bernisia Tabaci (Genn.) o f La Plata, La Plata, Argentina Through Nonchemical Methods Research: The Value o f Early Postpartum HealthUniversity of Arizona, College of Agriculture, Monitoring in the Management o f Metritis inDepartment o f Plant Sciences, Tucson, AZ Lactating Dairy Cows c/o Dr. Judith K. Brown University of Florida, College of Veterinary Medicine,October 2005 - June 2006 Department o f Large Animal Clinical Sciences, Moragues Canela, Marcos Gainesville, FL Research Associate, Department o f Field Crops, c/o Dr. Carlos Risco Institute o f Food Science Research and Technology, December 2005 - February 2006 Barcelona, Spain Gwary, Daniel Musa Research: Merging Physiologial, Molecular and GIS Senior Lecturer, Department o f Crop Protection,Technologies for Development of Drought Tolerant Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maiduguri,Wheat Varieties Maiduguri, Nigeria Cornell University, College of Agriculture and Life Research: Detection o f Genetic Variation in Sciences, Department o f Plant Breeding and Populations of Colletotrichum Graminicola onGenetics, Ithaca, NY Sorghum From Nigeria c/o Dr. Mark E. Sorells Purdue University, Department o f Botany andSeptember Plant 2005 - August 2007 Pathology, West Lafayette, IN Mutitu, Eunice Wanjlru c/o Dr. Ralph Nicholson Senior Lecturer, Department o f Crop Protection, October 2005 - July 2006 University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya Gyulai, Gabor Research: Identification and Characterization o f Associate Professor, Department o f Genetics andFusarium Plant Fungal Pathogens Causing Ear Rot o f Breeding, St. Stephanus University, Godollo, HungaryMaize Using Molecular Techniques

11 Agriculture

Pennsylvania State University— University Park, Zolotykh, Vladimir Department o f Plant Pathology, University Park, PADocent, Department o f History, Udmurt State c/o Dr. Gretchen Kuldau University, Izhevsk, Russia February 2006 - June 2006 Research: The Republican Party and Contemporary Social Policy in the United States and Russia: Policy Ologhobo, Anthony Durojaiye Transfer and International Learning Professor, Department o f Animal Science, University George Washington University, The Elliott School o f o f Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria International Affairs, The Institute for European, Research: Biological Activities o f Extracts From Russian, and Eurasian Studies, Washington, DC Traditionally Used Legume Seeds on Common c/o Dr. James Millar Agricultural Insect Pests August 2005 - February 2006 Pennsylvania State University— University Park, College o f Agricultural Sciences, Department o f Entomology, University Park, PA American Literature c/o Dr. Edwin Rajotte October 2005 - July 2006 AlKarzon, Awni K M Assistant Professor, Department o f English, Al-Azhar Yakimenko, Olga University o f Gaza, Gaza Researcher, Department o f Soil Science, Moscow State Research: Connecting Cultures: Improving the Image University, Moscow, Russia o f America by Teaching American Literature Research: Developing Standards for Evaluating Northern University, Department of English, Commercial Humic Fertilizers DeKalb, IL SUNY— University at Albany, Department o f c/o Dr. Keith Gandal Geography and Planning, Albany, NY August 2005 - May 2006 c/o Dr. Andrej Lapenis September 2005 - May 2006 Ara, Konomi Professor, Faculty o f Foreign Studies, Tokyo University o f Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan American History Research: “Negrophilia” in American Theater During Horcicka, Vaclav the Harlem Renaissance and the Analysis o f the Life Assistant Professor, Institute o f World History, Facultyo f Josephine Baker as the American Spirit Personified o f Arts, Charles University, Prague, Czech RepublicHarvard University, W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for Research: U.S. Foreign Policy Toward African and African American Research, Austria-Hungary (1914-1918) Cambridge, MA Boston University, Department o f History, Boston, c/oM A Prof. Henry Louis Gates Jr. c/o Dr. Igor Lukes A pril 2006 - September 2006 September 2005 - February 2006 Chkheidze, P’aat’a Laliotou, Ioanna Head, Department o f and Literature, Lecturer, Department o f History, University o f Gori State University, Gori, Georgia Thessaly, Volos, Greece Research: U.S.-Georgian Literary Relations at the End Research: The Future in History: Cosmopolitical Visionso f the 20th and 21st Centuries o f America in Utopian Thought and ImaginationCatholic University o f America, School o f Philosophy, Columbia University, Department o f Classics, New The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, York, N Y Washington, DC c/o Dr. Karen Van Dyck c/o Dr. George F. McLean January 2006 - March 2006 September 2005 - May 2006 Ren, Donglai Fu, Hao Professor, Hopkins- Center for ChineseResearch and Professor, Department o f English and American Studies, Nanjing University, Nanjing, ChinaAmerican Literature, Institute o f Foreign Literature, Research: Justice o f the U.S. Supreme Court andChinese the Academy o f Social Science, , China Living Constitution Research: Free Verse and Modernity in American Poetry Drake University, Department o f Politics and University of North Carolina— Chapel Hill, International Relations, Des Moines, IA Department o f English, Chapel H ill, NC c/o Dr. David G. Skidmore c/o Prof. W illiam Harmon August 2005 - August 2006 September 2005 - August 2006

12 American Literature

Guo, Jun Miniotaite, Daina Professor, Department o f English, Central ChinaLecturer, Department of English Philology, Vilnius Normal University, , China Pedagogical University, Vilnius, Lithuania Research: A Comparative Study o f Fredric Jameson’sResearch: Contemporary and Postmodern American and Walter Benjamin’s Cultural Theories Literature and Its Presentation to University Students Duke University, Literature Program, Durham, NCMichigan State University, Program in American c/o Prof. Fredric Jameson Studies, East Lansing, M I September 2005 - August 2006 c/o Dr. David W. Stowe September 2005 - January 2006 Jeha, Julio Cesar Associate Professor, School o f Letters, FederalMykhed, Tetyana University o f Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, BrazilChair, Department o f Philology, School o f Foreign Research: Crimes, Sins and Monstrosities: Evil in Languages, “ Borys Hrynchenko” Kyiv Municipal Literature Pedagogical University, Kyiv, Ukraine Brown University, Department of English, Research: Puritan Discourse o f American Romantic Providence, RI Literature c/o Dr. Nancy Armstrong Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, October 2005 - January 2006 Kennan Institute, Washington, DC c/o Ms. Summer Brown Kim, Myung-Joo September 2005 - March 2006 Associate Professor, Department o f English, (Fulbright/Kennan Institute Research Scholarship) Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea Myronenko, Tetyana Research: Religious Ideals in Four American Novels Dean, Department of Foreign Philology, Mykolaiv University o f Notre Dame, Department o f English, State Pedagogical University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine Notre Dame, IN Research: Comparative Literature at the End o f the c/o Dr. Stephen Fredman 20th Century and Approaches to Teaching August 2005 - July 2006 Yale University, Department of Comparative Liu, Junping Literature, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Katerina Clark Professor, Department o f English, School o f Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University,September 2005 - May 2006 Wuhan, China Oziewicz, Marek Cezary Research: Ezra Pound’s Invention o f China: His Poetry Assistant Professor, Department o f English, University Translation and His Orientalism o f Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland Yale University, English Department, New Haven, CT Research: In Search o f the New Mythology o f the c/o Dr. Wai Chee Dimock Unified Earth: The American Mythopoeic Fantasy o f September 2005 - August 2006 Lloyd Alexander, Susan Cooper, Madeleine L ’Engle and Ursula LeGuin Liu, Lihui Asbury College, Department of English, Wilmore, KY Professor, Department o f English, c/o Dr. Devin Brown Normal University, , China August 2005 - December 2005 Research: American Tradition in the Poetry o f T.S. Eliot College o f the Holy Cross, Department o f English,Shan, Te-Hsing Worcester, M A Research Fellow, Institute o f European and American c/o Dr. Lee Oser Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan September 2005 - August 2006 Research: Asian American Literary and Cultural Studies University o f California— Berkeley, Department o f Matmati, Louisa Ethnic Studies, Berkeley, CA Teacher Lecturer, Department o f Foreign Languages,c/o Dr. Sau-ling Wong University o f Annaba, Annaba, Algeria August 2005 - August 2006 Research: W riting the Woman: Identity and Language in Toni Morrison’s and Assia Djebar’s FictionStievermann, Jan Wilhelm University o f Kansas, Department o f English, Assistant Professor, Department o f American Studies, Lawrence, KS University o f Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany c/o Dr. Giselle Anatol Lecturing and Research: The Fantastic in American September 2005 - March 2006 Literature and Its Cultural Functions

13 American Literature

University o f Maryland— College Park, DepartmentRutgers, o f The State University o f New Jersey— New English, College Park, MD Brunswick, Faculty o f Arts and Sciences, Department c/o Prof. Charles Caramello o f American Studies, New Brunswick, NJ August 2005 - June 2006 c/o Dr. Ann Fabian Wang, Chull September 2005 - February 2006 Professor, Department o f English, Chung Buk Nayar, Pramod Kumaran National University, Chonju, Korea Lecturer, Department of English, University of Research: J.M. Coetzee’s Novels in American Contexts Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India University o f Washington, Department o f English, Research: Posthuman Arts: Aesthetics, Subjectivity Seattle, W A and Digital Technology c/o Dr. Richard Dunn Cornell University, Department o f English, Ithaca, N Y August 2005 - August 2006 c/o Dr. Jonathan Culler Wang, Shouren September 2005 - April 2006 Dean, School o f Foreign Studies, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China Ochiai, Akiko Research: American Literature and Society SinceAssociate Professor, Department o f American Studies, the 1970s Graduate School o f International Cultural Studies, University of California— Riverside, Center for IdeasTohoku University, Sendai, Japan and Society, Riverside, CA Research: Development o f African American Studies c/o Prof. Emory Elliott in American College Education: Focusing on September 2005 - August 2006 Historical Scholarship, Public Opinion and Curriculum Development Zhang, Zaixin University of Michigan— Ann Arbor, Center for Professor, English Department, Beijing Foreign Afroamerican and African Studies, Ann Arbor, M I Studies University, Beijing, China c/o Dr. Kevin Gaines Research: Selectivity o f Ideology: Text and Subtext in September 2005 - July 2006 American Literature Cornell University, Department o f English, Ithaca,Oueslati, NY Hajer bent Abdessalem c/o Prof. Jonathan Culler Assistant Professor, Department o f English, Faculty o f September 2005 - August 2006 Letters, University o f Manouba, Manouba, Tunisia Research: Desert Crossings in U.S. Literature and American Studies Visual Arts: A Comparative Reading Indiana University—Bloomington, Department of Ben Haj Rehaiem, Jalel ben Rehaiem Comparative Literature, Bloomington, IN Assistant Professor, Faculty o f Humanities and Socialc/o Dr. Gilbert D. Chaitin Sciences, University o f Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia September 2005 - June 2006 Lecturing: The United States and North Africa: A Reflection o f the Past and a Vision for the FutureProchazka, Martin North Central College, Department o f InternationalProfessor, Department o f English and American Programs, Naperville, IL Studies, School o f Arts, Charles University, Prague, c/o Dr. John Shindler Czech Republic January 2006 - June 2006 Research: Ruins in the New World: The Role o f the (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Past in U.S. Culture University o f California— Berkeley, Department o f Douzet Bataillon, Frederick History, Berkeley, CA Assistant Professor, Department o f American Studies, c/o Dr. Martin Jay Cergy-Pontoise University, Cergy-Pontoise, France Bowling Green State University, Department o f Research: Geopolitics of California English, Bowling Green, OH University of California—Berkeley, Institute of c/o Dr. Ellen Berry Governmental Studies, Berkeley, CA August 2005 - November 2005 c/o Dr. Bruce E. Cain July 2005 - June 2006 Tsehelska, Maryna Medzmariashvili, Elene Chair, Department o f Foreign Languages, Kryvyi Rih Associate Professor, Department o f History, TbilisiState Pedagogical University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine State University, Tbilisi, Georgia Research: Social and Political Aspects o f Language Research: Women in American Politics Change in the United States

14 Anthropology

Hawaii Pacific University, Center for English University o f Wisconsin— Madison, Department o f Language Programs, Honolulu, H I Anthropology, Laboratory for Archaeological c/o Ms. Sally La-Luzerne Oi Chemistry, Madison, W I September 2005 - May 2006 c/o Dr. T. Douglas Price September 2005 - May 2006

Anthropology Laksono, Paschalis Maria Lecturer, Department o f Anthropology, Gadjah Mada Adonyeva, Svetlana University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Docent, Department o f Humanities, St. PetersburgLecturing: Local Cultures in the Construction o f Post State University, St. Petersburg, Russia Colonial Societies in Indonesia and in Other Research: The Socio-Cultural Context and Countries in Asia Communication Strategies o f Age, Status andLafayette Gender College, Department o f Religious Studies, in the Traditional Russian Speech CommunityEaston, PA University of California—Berkeley, Institute for c/o Ms. Robin Rinehart Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies,August 2005 - May 2006 Berkeley, CA (Scholar-in-Residence Program) c/o Dr. Barbara Voytek August 2005 - February 2006 Macha, Premysl Assistant Professor, Department o f Philosophy, Berliner Golle, Ivonne Gabriela Ostrava University, Ostrava, Czech Republic Doctoral Candidate and Consultant, DepartmentResearch: o f Indigenous Nationalism as a New Political Historical Sciences, School o f Philosophy andIdeology: The Dynamics o f Indigenous Nationalism Humanities, University o f Chile, Santiago, Chilein the Americas Research: Oral History Methodology and Praxis:University of New Mexico— Albuquerque, Gender, Native Americans and Migrant WorkersDepartment o f Anthropology, Albuquerque, N M University o f Idaho, Department o f Anthropology,c/o Dr. Carole Nagengast Moscow, ID September 2005 - June 2006 c/o Dr. Rodney Frey August 2005 - November 2005 Pan, Jiao Professor, Department o f Ethnology, Central Elchinova, Magdalena Borisova University for Nationalities, Beijing, China Professor and Chair, Department o f Anthropology,Research: Rights o f Indigenous Peoples in the United New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria States: A History of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Research: American Macedonians: The ConstructionUniversity o f Washington, Department of of a Cultural Identity Anthropology, Seattle, W A University o f Illinois— , College of Liberalc/o Prof. Stevan Harrell Arts and Sciences, Department o f Sociology,September 2005 - September 2006 Chicago, IL c/o Dr. Xiangming Chen Pylypenko, Viktor February 2006 - June 2006 Associate Professor, Department o f Ethnology and Study of Local Lore, Faculty of History, Taras Erman, Fatma Tahire Shevchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine Associate Professor, Department o f Political Science,Research: Urban Anthropology: Theories, Methods Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey and Approaches to Exploring the City Research: Immigrant Communities, Spatial ClusteringIndiana University— Bloomington, Department o f and Stigmatized Collective Identities Anthropology, Bloomington, IN Harvard University, Department o f Anthropology,c/o Dr. Sarah D. Phillips Cambridge, M A September 2005 - February 2006 c/o Dr. Nur Yalman September 2005 - March 2006 Shunnaq, Mohammed Suleiman Ahmad Associate Professor, Department o f Anthropology, Ibrahim, Asma Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology, Yarmouk Assistant Director and Curator, Department o f University, Irbid, Jordan Archaelogy and Museums, Karachi, PakistanResearch: Information Technology and Socio-Cultural Research: Stable Isotope Analysis o f Human RemainsChange: An Anthropological Study o f Irbid City, and Ancient Population M obility in PakistanJordan and Fayetteville, Arkansas

15 Anthropology

University o f Arkansas— Fayetteville, FulbrightArchaeology College o f Arts and Sciences, Department o f Sociology and Criminal Justice, Fayetteville, Waliszewski,AR Tomasz c/o Dr. W illiam A. Schwab Assistant Professor, Department o f Near Eastern August 2005 - May 2006 Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland Research: Agriculture in Transjordan During the Telban, Borut Roman and Byzantine Period: Growth or Decline? Senior Fellow, Institute for Anthropological andBrown Spatial University, Institute for Archaeology and the Studies, Scientific Research Center o f the SloveneAncient World, Providence, RI Academy o f Sciences and Arts, , Sloveniac/o Dr. Katharina Galor Research: Paths and Places in Sepik Poetry March 2006 - August 2006 University o f California— San Diego, Department o f Anthropology, La Jolla, CA Wazny, Tomasz Jacek c/o Dr. Donald Tuzin Associate Professor, Institute for the Study, September 2005 - March 2006 Conservation and Restoration o f Cultural Heritage, Nicholas Copernicus University, Torun, Poland Research: Development o f Dendroprovenancing Tiwari, Badri Narain Methods for the Eastern Mediterranean Lecturer, Govind Ballabh Pant Social ScienceCornell Institute, University, The Wiener Laboratory for Aegean University o f Allahabad, Allahabad, India and Near Eastern Dendrochronology, Ithaca, N Y Research: Past, Identity and Community Participation:c/o Dr. Peter Ian Kuniholm A Comparative Study o f Community History January 2006 - June 2006 Projects in India and the United States University o f Chicago, Department o f South Asian Languages and Civilizations, Chicago, IL Architecture c/o Dr. Clinton B. Seely November 2005 - A pril 2006 Deshmukh, Ravindra Pundalik Professor and Dean, Manipal Institute o f Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Manipal Academy of Higher Wallaert, Helene C. Education, Manipal, India Associate Research Scholar, Department o f SocialLecturing: and Architecture and Disaster Management Cultural Anthropology, Free University o f Brussels,North Dakota State University, Department of Brussels, Belgium Architecture and Landscape, Fargo, ND Lecturing and Research: Building Social Interaction,c/o Dr. Ganapathy Mahalingam Constructing Cultural Ties and DevelopingAugust Style: 2005 - December 2005 Pottery Making and Apprenticeship Strategies in a Group o f New Mexico Pueblos Kiladze, Elena University of New Mexico—Albuquerque, MaxwellAssociate Professor, Department o f Theory and Museum of Anthropology, Albuquerque, NMHistory of Architecture and Art, Institute of c/o Dr. Garth Bawden Architecture, Georgian Technical University, University of Arizona, Department of Anthropology,Tbilisi, Georgia Tucson, AZ Research: Utopia in American, Soviet and Georgian c/o Dr. John W. Olsen Architecture November 2005 - March 2006 Yale University, School of Architecture, New Haven, CT c/o Dr. Keith Krumwiede Zandbergen, Annie Dorothea September 2005 - March 2006 Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Cultural Anthropology, University of Leiden, Leiden,Kiyanenko, Konstantin Netherlands Professor, Department o f Architecture and Urban Research: New Age Idealogies in the Silicon ValleyDesign, Vologda State Technical University, Stanford University, Department o f Cultural andVologda, Russia Social Anthropology, Stanford, CA Research: The Social Component o f the World Picture c/o Dr. Ian Hodder in American Architectural Education: A Cross September 2005 - February 2006 Cultural Russian-American Analysis

16 Art History

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,Princeton University, School o f Architecture, College o f Architecture and Urban Studies, Department o f Architecture, Princeton, NJ Washington-Alexandria Architecture Center,c/o Dr. Stan Allen Blacksburg, VA September 2005 - January 2006 c/o Dr. Jaan Holt September 2005 - February 2006 Kotradyova, Veronika A rt Fellow, Department of Interior, Exhibition andLim, Stage Mikang Design, Institute of Architecture, Slovak TechnicalAssociate Professor, Department o f Industrial Arts, University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea Research: Humanization o f the MicroenvironmentResearch: A Comparative Study o f Ceramic Sculpture University of California— Berkeley, College of Education Between Korea and the United States Environmental Design, Department o f Architecture,University o f the Arts, Department o f Crafts, Berkeley, CA Philadelphia, PA c/o Prof. Galen Cranz c/o Dr. James Makins January 2006 - A pril 2006 August 2005 - August 2006 Rungwattanavong, Ampai Nuwagaba, Taga Francis Deputy Dean, Faculty o f Architecture, Rajamangala Director and Resident Artist, Tagafr ame, Kampala, Uganda University of Technology Thanyaburi, Lecturing: Enhancing Global Awareness Through Art Phathumthani, Thailand Christian Brothers University, School o f Arts, Research: The Impact o f Modernization on Cultural Memphis, TN Heritage c/o Dr. Frank Buscher University of Hawaii—Manoa, Department of August 2005 - May 2006 American Studies, Graduate Certificate Program in (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Historic Preservation, Honolulu, H I c/o Dr. W illiam R. Chapman Sirayi, Henderson Mziwoxolo January 2006 - July 2006 Senior Lecturer and Project Manager, South Satwiko, Prasasto Africa-Flemish Local Cultural Policy Project, University o f South Africa, Pretoria-Tshwane, Associate Professor, School o f Architecture, Atma South Africa Jaya Yogyakarta University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Research: Municipal and Local Cultural Policy in South Research: Effective and Efficient Computer-Based Africa: Comparing the United States and South Architecture Education: How Indonesia Can Learn African Approaches to Urban and Rural Regeneration From America Ohio State University— Columbus, Arts Policy and Carnegie Mellon University, School o f Architecture, Administration Program, Department o f Art Center for Building Performance Diagnostics, Education, Columbus, OH Pittsburgh, PA c/o Dr. Margaret Wyszomirski c/o Dr. Khee Poh Lam March 2006 - July 2006 October 2005 - March 2006 Shuteriqi, Lida Lecturer, Department o f Architecture and UrbanA rt History Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Polytechnic University, Tirana, Albania Galeyeva, Tamara Research: Advanced Building Technology Docent,and Department of Art History and Cultural Intelligent Building Design Studies, Urals State University, Ekaterinburg, Russia University of Michigan—Ann Arbor, TaubmanResearch: Split Identity: The Works o f Russian College o f Architecture and Urban Planning,Emigrant Artists in the United States From Architecture Program, Ann Arbor, M I 1920-1940 (B. Grigoryev, S. Sudeykin and J. Gram) c/o Dr. Jong J. Kim Columbia University, Department of Art History and August 2005 - February 2006 Archaeology, New York, NY c/o Dr. Christina Kiaer Theodorou, Maria September 2005 - February 2006 Head, Architecture Network, M inistry o f Culture, Athens, Greece Ismail, Shaza Gamal Mohamed Research: Cultural Activism: Architecture EventsLecturer, in Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Contemporary Greece Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt

17 A rt History

Research: Expanding Egypt’s Tourism Potential:Biological The Sciences Little Known Coptic Monasteries Abdullah, Fauziah Bind Temple University, Tyler School o f Art, Department of Associate Professor, Institute o f Biological Sciences, Art History, Philadelphia, PA Faculty o f Science, University o f Malaya, Kuala c/o Dr. Elizabeth S. Bolman Lumpur, Malaysia September 2005 - December 2005 Research: Evaluating Responses o f Hylobius Pales, the Kaganov, Grigory Pests o f Christmas Tree Seedlings, Toward Professor, Department o f Art History, EuropeanSemiochemicals University at St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, RussiaVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Research: The West’s Contribution to Russian CollegeCulture o f Agriculture and Life Sciences, From the 1710s to the 1910s: ’sDepartment of Entomology, Blacksburg, VA “ Western Faces” in Comparative Perspective c/o Dr. Scott M. Salom , Department o f Art, MusicJanuary and 2006 - May 2006 Theater, Washington, DC Aizen, Marcelo Adrian c/o Dr. Alison L. Hilton Researcher, Ecotono Laboratory, Bariloche University December 2005 - May 2006 Regional Center, National University o f Comahue, Kalm, Mart San Carlos de Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina Professor and Head, Institute o f Art History, EstonianResearch: Effects o f Habitat Fragmentation on Academy o f Arts, Tallinn, Estonia Pollution and Reproduction: Synthesis Through a Research: The Nation State and National IdentityMeta-Analysis in Approach Architecture University o f California— Santa Barbara, Department Columbia University, Department o f Art History andof Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, National Archaeology, New York, NY Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Santa c/o Dr. Barry Bergdoll Barbara, CA September 2005 - May 2006 c/o Dr. James Reichman March 2006 - June 2006 Lashari, Kaleem Ullah Director, Sindh Archives Complex, Karachi, PakistanAkkaya, Mahinur Research: Banbhore’s Role in Medieval PeriodProfessor, Trade Department o f Chemistry, Natural in the Indian Ocean Sciences Institute, Technical University of Wisconsin—Madison, ArchaeologyUniversity, Ankara, Turkey Section, Department o f Anthropology, Madison,Research: W I Plant Functional Genomics: Transformation c/o Dr. Jonathan Mark Kenoyer and Silencing o f Candidate Genes September 2005 - April 2006 Ohio State University— Columbus, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Department o f Tammita Delgoda, A. SinhaRaja W. Horticulture and Crop Science, Columbus, OH Writer/Researcher, Studio Times Limited, Colombo 5, c/o Prof. John J. Finer Sri Lanka September 2005 - March 2006 Research: The Evolution o f Art and Architecture in Sri Lanka From 500 B.C. to 1815 A.D. Akoachere, Jane Francis Kihla Tatah University o f Michigan— Ann Arbor, Center forLecturer, South Department o f Life Sciences, Faculty o f Asian Studies, Ann Arbor, M I Science, University o f Buea, Buea, Cameroon c/o Dr. Barbara D. Metcalf Research: Modulatory Role o f Ginger and L-Type September 2005 - May 2006 Ca2+ Channel Inhibitors on the Atherogenic Properties o f Chlamydia Pneumoniae Velkov, Pance University of Wisconsin— Milwaukee, Department of Professor, Faculty o f Teacher Training, South East Health Sciences, Milwaukee, W I European University, Tetovo, Macedonia c/o Dr. Anthony Azenabor Lecturing and Research: Conserving the Cultural September 2005 - June 2006 Heritage o f the Republic o f Macedonia University o f Pennsylvania, School o f Design,Ben Jouira, Hatem Graduate Program in Historic Preservation, Maitre-Assistant, Laboratory of Molecular Physiology Philadelphia, PA o f Grapevine, National Institute for Scientific c/o Dr. Frank G. Matero Research and Technology, Hammam, Tunisia September 2005 - June 2006 Research: Proteomic Approach for the Improvement of the Tolerance o f Grapevines to Drought and Salinity

18 Biological Sciences

University o f Nevada— Reno, Department o f Research: The Molecular Basis o f Disease Resistance Biochemistry, Reno, NV in Plants c/o Dr. Grant R. Cramer The Institute for Genomic Research, Rockville, MD September 2005 - June 2006 c/o Dr. Robin Buell Bunchu, Nophawan Cornell University, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department o f Plant Pathology, Ithaca, NY Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Parasitology, c/o Dr. W illiam Earl Fry Faculty o f Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chiang November 2005 - February 2006 Mai, Thailand Research: The Modification o f a Wind Tunnel With a Dual Choice Flight Chamber to Study BehavioralFuentes Garcia, Manuel Responses o f the Blowfly, Chrysomya MegacephalaPostdoctoral Researcher, Department o f Biocatalysis, (F.), to Olfactory Stimuli Institute o f Catalysis, Spanish Council for Scientific Texas A & M University— College Station, CollegeResearch, o f Madrid, Spain Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department ofResearch: Auto-Antibodies and Protein Microarrays Entomology, College Station, TX for Biomarker Discovery in Cancer c/o Dr. Jimmy K. Olson Harvard University, Medical School, Department o f December 2005 - May 2006 Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Boston, M A Cironi Lopez, Pablo Gabriel c/o Dr. Joshua LaBaer Postdoctoral Researcher, Biomedical Research October 2005 - September 2007 Institute, Barcelona Scientific Park, University o f Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Research: Chemical-Genetics Screens BasedGerber, for Doron Identification of Novel Pathways GoverningPostdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biological 14-3-3 Activity Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, Harvard University, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute,Rehovot, Israel Department o f Cancer Biology, Boston, M A Research: Biophysics o f Molecular Machines: A c/o Dr. Pamela A. Silver M icrofluidics Approach to Solving Protein September 2005 - August 2007 Complexes Structures Stanford University, Department o f Bioengineering, De Castro, Rosana Esther Stanford, CA Assistant Professor, Institute o f Biological Sciences,c/o Dr. Stephen Quake National University of Mar Del Plata, Mar DelAugust 2005 - August 2006 Plata, Argentina Research: Molecular Characterization o f an Grau, Roberto Ricardo ATP-Dependent Protease From the Haloalkaliphilic Scientist and Assistant Professor, Department o f Archaeon Natrialba Magadii Microbiology and Institute for Molecular and University of Florida, Department o f Microbiology Cellular Biology, School of Biochemistry, National and Cell Science, Gainesville, FL University o f Rosario, Rosario, Argentina c/o Dr. Julie Maupin-Furlow Research: Regulation o f Sporulation and Toxin September 2005 - December 2005 Production o f the Pathogenic Clostridia: Clostridium El Asli, Abdelghani Perfringens (Gas Gangrene) and Clostridium Assistant Professor, School o f Science and Engineering,D ifficile (Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea) Al-Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco Tufts University, Department of Molecular Biology Research: Production o f Bioethanol From theand Olive Microbiology, Medford, M A O il Industry Solid Waste “ Olive Cake” c/o Dr. Abraham Sonenshein U.S. Department o f Agriculture-ARS-Midwest Area,Oregon State University, Department of Microbiology, National Center for Agricultural Utilization Corvallis, OR Research, Fermentation Biotechnology Researchc/o Dr. Mahfuzur Sarker Unit, Peoria, IL November 2005 - February 2006 c/o Dr. Nancy Nichols June 2005 - August 2005 Gravendeel, Barbara Fakim, Yasmina Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f Biology, Senior Lecturer and Head, Department o f AgricultureUniversity o f Leiden, Leiden, Netherlands and Food Science, Faculty o f Agriculture, UniversityLecturing and Research: Expression Analysis o f o f Mauritius, Reduit, Mauritius MADS Box B and C Gene Lineages in Orchids

19 Biological Sciences

Harvard University, Department o f Organismic Auburnand University— Main Campus, College o f Evolutionary Biology, Cambridge, M A Veterinary Medicine, Department o f Pathobiology, c/o Dr. Elena M. Kramer Auburn, A L October 2005 - August 2006 c/o Dr. Bernhard Kaltenboeck September 2005 - March 2006 Guil Lopez, Noemi Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f BiodiversityK ertbundit, Sunee and Evolutionary Biology, National MuseumAssistant of Professor, Institute o f Molecular Biology, Natural Sciences, Madrid, Spain Mahidol University— Salaya, Salaya, Thailand Research: Systematic Molecular Analysis o f Research: Molecular Genetic Studies for Fruit Tree Eutardigrada Class Improvement Harvard University, Department o f Organismic Universityand o f Illinois— Urbana-Champaign, Evolutionary Biology, Cambridge, M A Department o f Natural Resources and Environmental c/o Dr. Gonzalo Giribet Sciences, Champaign, IL September 2005 - August 2007 c/o Dr. Schuyler S. Korban Texas A & M University— College Station, Institute o f Gultekin, Fatih Development and Molecular Biology, College Station, TX Associate Professor, Department o f Biochemistry, c/o Dr. Timothy C. Hall School o f Medicine, Suleyman Demirel University, July 2005 - December 2005 Isparta, Turkey Research: Understanding the Possible Role o f Knaryan, Varduhi Melatonin on Learning and Memory Senior Research Scientist, Department o f University o f Texas— Health Science Center at San Neurohormones Biochemistry, H. Buniatian Institute Antonio, Department o f Cellular and Structural of Biochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Biology, San Antonio, TX Armenia, , Armenia c/o Dr. Russell Reiter Research: The Role o f Calpain in Spinal Cord Neuronal November 2005 - May 2006 Death in l-Methyl-4-Phenyl-1,2,3,6-Tetrahydropyridine- Induced Parkinson’s Disease in Mice Gurung, Tek Bahadur Medical University o f South Carolina, Department o f Senior Scientist, Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Neurology, Charleston, SC Kathmandu, Nepal c/o Dr. Naren L. Banik Research: Evaluating Interrelationship o f Detritus and November 2005 - July 2006 Microbial Food Web on Livelihood-Based Fisheries o f Lake Phewa in Pokhara, Nepal Krastanov, Albert Ivanov University of Missouri—Columbia, School of Natural Associate Professor, Department o f Biotechnology, Resources, Department o f Fisheries and W ildlife University o f Food Technologies, Plovdiv, Bulgaria Sciences, Columbia, MO Research: Nondestructive Regioselective Modification c/o Dr. John R. Jones o f Laccase by Linear-Dendritic Copolymers: September 2005 - May 2006 Characterization and Application for Bioremediation and Oxydative Biotransformations Joaquim Justo, Celia da Anuncicao SUNY College o f Environmental Science and Assistant, Department o f Sciences and EnvironmentalForestry, Department o f Chemistry, Syracuse, NY Management, University o f Liege, Liege, Belgiumc/o Dr. Ivan Gitsov Research: Effect o f Putative Endocrine DisruptingSeptember 2005 - January 2006 Substances on the Sexual Reproduction o f Rotifers Georgia Institute o f Technology, School o f Biology,Lewinson, Oded Atlanta, GA Postdoctoral Fellow, Department o f Biological c/o Dr. Terry W. Snell Chemistry, Weizmann Institute o f Science, January 2006 - September 2006 Rehovot, Israel Research: Structural Analysis o f Clinically Important Juma, A rl a Multidrug Transporters Head, Department o f Bacteriology, Institute oCalifornia f Institute of Technology, Division of Veterinary Research Bilal Golemi, Tirana, AlbaniaChemistry and Chemical Engineering, Pasadena, CA Research: Polymerase Chain Reaction Methodc/o for Dr. Douglas Rees Rapid Detection o f Zoonosis September 2005 - September 2006

20 Business Administration

L i, Tamara ul Haq, Ikram Senior Scientist, Department o f Photosynthesis,Professor, Biotechnology Research Centre, Institute o f Plant Physiology, Genetics and Department o f Botany, Government College Bioengineering, Almaty, Kazakhstan University, Lahore, Pakistan Research: Transcript and Metabolic ChangesResearch: in Development o f Aspergillus Niger Strain Carbon and Nitrogen Allocation Pathways infor Cereals Enhanced Citric Acid Production From Under Drought Blackstrap Molasses University of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign, Cornell University, Department of Molecular Biology Department o f Plant Biology, Champaign, IL and Genetics, Ithaca, N Y c/o Dr. Hans J. Bohnert c/o Dr. David B. Wilson October 2005 - July 2006 October 2005 - September 2006

Mushtaq, Shakila Vazquez Gonzalez, Maria Magdalena Associate Professor, Department o f Zoology and Professor and Researcher, Department o f Natural Fisheries, Faculty o f Sciences, University o f Resources, Division o f Sciences and Engineering, Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan University o f Quintana Roo, Chetumal, Quintana Research: The Role o f Spiders in Economizing the Use Roo, Mexico o f Pesticides on Cotton Research: Biodiversity, Biogeography and Evolution University of Central Florida, Department of Biology, o f Opilioacaridae (Acari: Parasitiformes) in America Orlando, FL Ohio State University— Columbus, Museum of c/o Dr. David W. Borst Biological Diversity, Department of Entomology, October 2005 - July 2006 Columbus, OH Silva Bettencourt, Raul c/o Dr. Hans Klompen Postdoctoral Research Associate, DepartmentSeptember o f 2005 - September 2006 Oceanography and Fisheries, Genetics Laboratory, University o f Azores, Horta, Portugal W alker, M ark Joseph Research: An Innate Immunity View on Host-ParasiteHead, School o f Biological Sciences, University o f Interactions in the Hard Clam “ Mercenaria mercenaria”Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia SUNY— Stony Brook University, Marine SciencesResearch: Cell Surface Topology o f Group A Research Center, Stony Brook, N Y Streptococcus: The Flesh-Eating Bacteria c/o Dr. Bassem Allam University o f California-—San Diego, School o f October 2005 - A pril 2006 Medicine, Division o f Infectious Diseases, Department o f Pediatrics, La Jolla, CA Strojsova, Alena c/o Dr. Victor Nizet Doctoral Candidate, Faculty o f Biological Sciences,University o f Tennessee— Memphis, Health Science University o f South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice,Center, Departments o f Surgery and Molecular Czech Republic Sciences, Memphis, TN Research: A Single-Cell Field Diagnostic for Enzymec/o Dr. Malak Kotb Activity in Harmful Algae October 2005 - March 2006 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Department o f Biology, Woods Hole, MA c/o Dr. Sonya Dyhrman Business Administration February 2006 - November 2006

Tsokolov, Serhiy Aoshima, Yaichi Associate Professor, Department o f Philosophy,Associate Professor, Institute o f Innovation Research, Zaporozhje Institute of Economics and InformationHitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan Technology, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine Research: The Relationship Between Technological Research: Interdisciplinary Discourse of Life Sciences:Change and Firm Competitiveness Under Different Investigation of Biocomplexity and Cross-CulturalInstitutional Settings: A Case of the Digital Analysis o f Teaching the Principles of Life SciencesImaging Industry University o f California— Santa Cruz, Baskin SchoolUniversity o f California— San Diego, The Graduate of Engineering, Department o f BiomolecularSchool o f International Relations and Pacific Studies, Engineering, Santa Cruz, CA La Jolla, CA c/o Dr. David Deamer c/o Dr. Roger Bohn September 2005 - June 2006 August 2005 - July 2006

21 Business Administration

Banerjee, Sharmistha Dong, Dahai Lecturer, Department o f Business Management,Professor and Associate Dean, School o f Management, University o f Calcutta, Calcutta, India Dalian University Technology, Dalian, China Lecturing: Small Business Management and Research: A Comparative Research on Factors Entrepreneurship Affecting Consumers’ First Purchase and Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, College Repurchaseof Intentions Business, Department of Management, Bloomsburg,Ohio State PA University— Columbus, Fisher College of c/o Dr. M. Rahul Amin Business, Department o f Marketing and Logistics, August 2005 - December 2005 Columbus, OH c/o Dr. Robert E. Bumkrant Becker, Markus September 2005 - August 2006 Research Scholar, Department o f Applied Economic Theory, National Center for Scientific Research, Ganesan, Kannabiran Louis Pasteur University ( I), Professor, Department o f Management Studies, National Strasbourg, France Institute o f Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India Research: The Role o f Routines in Understanding Lecturing: Emerging Trends in Managing Information Innovation Processes in Organizational Behavior Systems in the E-business Era: A Cross-Cultural Stanford University, Graduate School o f Business, Study o f Organizations in India and the United States Stanford, CA Oklahoma State University— Stillwater, William S. c/o Dr. James G. March Spears School o f Business, Department o f August 2005 - January 2006 Management Science and Information Systems, Carretero Gomez, Jose M aria Stillwater, OK Assistant Professor, Department o f Business c/o Dr. Rick Wilson Administration, University o f the Balearic Islands,September 2005 - January 2006 Palma de Mallorca, Spain Research: Factors Determining the Practical UseIguchi, of Yoko Management Innovations Professor, Faculty o f Business Administration, Kyoto Arizona State University, W.P. Carey School of Sangyo University, Kyoto, Japan Business, Department o f Management, Tempe,Research: AZ Organizational Transformation and Digital c/o Dr. Luis Gomez-Mejia Communication Technology: A Comparative Study October 2005 - September 2006 o f Japanese and American Companies Harvard University, Edwin O. Reischauer Institute o f Chao, Ping-Yi Japanese Studies, Cambridge, M A Professor, Department o f Business Management,c/o Dr. Akira Iriye National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung,October Taiwan 2005 - September 2006 Research: Product Development for Technology Entrepeneurship Kocak, FethuIIah Akin University o f Washington, Business School, Assistant Professor, Department o f Business Department o f Management and Organization, Administration, Faculty o f Political Science, Ankara Seattle, W A University, Ankara, Turkey c/o Dr. John R. Castle Research: The Interface Between Marketing and September 2005 - August 2006 Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial Marketing Derrabi, Mohamed Syracuse University, The Martin J. Whitman School o f Associate Professor, School o f Business Administration,Management, Department o f Entrepreneurship and Al-Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco Emerging Enterprises, Syracuse, N Y Research: Crossing Organizational Boundariesc/o Prof.With Michael H. Morris Information Technology: A Comparative CaseAugust 2005 - February 2006 Study o f Stock Brokerage Firms and the Casablanca Stock Exchange Kozielski, Robert Indiana University-Purdue University— Fort Wayne,Assistant Professor, Department o f Marketing, School o f Business and Management Sciences,University o f Lodz, Lodz, Poland Department o f Management and Marketing,Research: Fort European and American Perspectives o f Wayne, IN Measuring Market Performance: Assessing c/o Dr. Joseph Khamalah Correlation Between Market Orientation, Business June 2005 - August 2005 Performances and Scope o f Using Marketing Metrics

22 Business Administration

Willamette University, Atkinson Graduate SchoolTsao, o f Shou-Min Management, Department o f Marketing, Salem,Associate OR Professor, Department o f Business c/o Prof. Elliot Maltz Administration, National Central University, February 2006 - June 2006 Chung-li, Taiwan Research: Ownership Structure and Management Lin, Tung-Ching Forecast Errors: A Cross-National Comparison Professor, Department o f Information Management,SUNY— University at Buffalo, Department of National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung,Accounting Taiwan and Law, Buffalo, NY Research: The Role o f Social Capital and Organizationalc/o Prof. Susan Hamlen Knowledge in Enhancing Entrepeneurial AugustOpportunities 2005 - July 2006 University o f Rhode Island, College o f Business Administration, Pacific-Basin Capital Markets Wang, Hui-Mei Research Center, Kingston, RI Associate Professor, Department o f International c/o Dr. Shaw K. Chen Trade and Finance, Fu Jen Catholic University, September 2005 - June 2006 Taipei, Taiwan Research: The Role o f Culture in Intrafirm Knowledge Ling, I-Ling Transfers Across Borders Associate Professor, Graduate Institute o f MarketingUniversity o f Washington, Business School, Department o f Management and Organization, and Logistics Management, National Chiayi University, Chiayi, Taiwan Seattle, W A c/o Dr. Greg Bigley Research: Determinants o f the Consumer Advertising August 2005 - August 2006 Message Comprehensive Process University o f California— Berkeley, Haas School o f Wu, Tung-Hsiung Business, Department o f Marketing, Berkeley, CA Associate Professor, Department o f Information c/o Dr. Priya Raghubir Management, Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan September 2005 - June 2006 Research: Internet Users’ Behavior and E-Commerce Strategy: A Comparative Research Series Lu, Jialiu Georgia Institute o f Technology, School o f Industrial Professor, Department o f Finance and Investment, Sun and Systems Engineering, Atlanta, GA Yat-sen University, , China c/o Dr. David Goldsman Research: Limited Arbitrage Equilibrium and September 2005 - January 2006 Asset-Equivalent Pricing Under Behavioral Finance Yale University, School of Management, NewYoo, Jin Haven, CT Assistant Professor, Department o f Business c/o Dr. Zhiwu Chen Administration, Chungnam National University, September 2005 - August 2006 Daejeon, Korea Research: Fostering the Growth o f the Korean Park, Hun Joon Mortgage Market: Lessons From the United States Professor, Department o f Business Administration,New York University, Leonard Stem School o f School o f Business, Yonsei University, , KoreaBusiness, Kaufman Management Center, New Research: A Dynamic Analysis o f Corporate TransparencyYork, N Y University o f Pennsylvania, Wharton School, c/o Prof. Paul Wachtel Department o f Legal Studies, Philadelphia,September PA 2005 - August 2006 c/o Dr. Richard Shell August 2005 - August 2006 Zhao, Wei Assistant Dean, International Business School, Nankai Ryhanen, Tuula Hannele University, , China Lecturer, Department o f Marketing, Helsinki SchoolResearch: of Recreating Top Leadership Dynamics by Business, Haaga Institute Polytechnic, Helsinki, FinlandBetter CEO Succession and Corporate Governance: Lecturing: Internationalization o f Marketing Theories and Cases From the United States Northern Michigan University, Walker L. Cisler University o f Southern California, Marshall School o f College o f Business, Department o f Marketing,Business, Department o f Management and Marquette, M I Organization, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Gary J. Brunswick c/o Prof. Thomas G. Cummings August 2005 - December 2005 September 2005 - September 2006

23 Business Administration

Zilahy, Gyula Chohan, Zahid Hussain Lecturer, Department o f Environmental EconomicsProfessor, Department o f Chemistry, Bahauddin and Technology, Budapest University o f EconomicsZakariya University, Multan, Pakistan and Public Administration, Budapest, HungaryResearch: Synthesis o f Isomeric Diisopropysalicylic Research: The Level o f Pollution Prevention AcidsMeasures and Their Copper Chelates in the Corporate Sector University o f Arkansas— Pine Bluff, Department o f University o f Tennessee— Knoxville, Energy, Chemistry and Physics, Pine Bluff, AR Environment and Resources Center, Knoxville,c/o TN Dr. John R. J. Sorenson c/o Dr. Donald Huisingh September 2005 - May 2006 September 2005 - January 2006 Correa, Nestor Mariano Zoltayne Paprika, Zita Iren Instructor and Senior Researcher, Department o f Associate Professor, Department o f Business Chemistry, National University of Rio Cuarto, Rio Economics, Budapest University o f Economics andCuarto, Cordoba, Argentina Public Administration, Budapest, Hungary Research: Dynamics o f Polar Solvation in Confined Research: Decision-Making Skills in UpgradingEnvironments: Non-Aqueous Polar Solvents in Business Performance Reverse Micelles California State University— Sacramento, CollegeColorado o f State University, Department of Chemistry, Business Administration, Department o f Fort Collins, CO Management, Sacramento, CA c/o Dr. Nancy E. Levinger c/o Dr. Herbert Blake September 2005 - December 2005 September 2005 - January 2006 Daba Bekhit Ibrahim, Ayman Samy Researcher, Department o f Medical Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research Chemistry Institute, Mubarak City for Scientific Research and Akbar, Sher Technology Applications, Alexandria, Egypt Professor, Department o f Chemistry, University ofResearch: Investigating Possible Mechanisms o f Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan Antitumour Effects o f Polysaccharides Isolated From Research: Absorption o f Soil Contaminants FromEdible Mushrooms Aqueous Solution by Clays University o f Wisconsin— La Crosse, Department o f Northwestern University, School o f EngineeringBiology, and La Crosse, WI Applied Science, Department o f Chemical andc/o Dr. Thomas J. Volk Biological Engineering, Evanston, IL September 2005 - March 2006 c/o Dr. Randall Q. Snurr Davies-Coleman, Michael Trevor August 2005 - A p ril 2006 Professor, Department o f Chemistry, Rhodes Al-Rawashdeh, Nathir Ahmad Faisal University, Grahamstown, South Africa Assistant Professor, Department o f Chemistry, JordanResearch: Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery University o f Science and Technology, Irbid,National Jordan Cancer Institute— Frederick, Center for Research: Osmium Diimine Thiolene Complexes: Cancer Research, Molecular Targets Development Synthesis, Characterization and PhotophysicalProgram, Properties Frederick, MD University o f Cincinnati, Department o f Chemistry,c/o Dr. James B. McMahon Cincinnati, OH August 2005 - October 2005 c/o Dr. W illiam Connick G allardo, Susan Manalastas September 2005 - June 2006 Researcher, Department o f Chemical Engineering, De Anaya Berrios, Cecilia la Salle University, Manila, Philippines Professor, Department o f Chemistry and Biology,Research: The Adsorption and Reactivity o f Common School o f Sciences, University o f the Americas, Volatile Organic Compounds on Metal and Metal Cholula, Puebla, Mexico Oxides Supported on Activated Carbon Research: Atropisomeric Ligands in University of California—Riverside, Department of Chemistry, Riverside, CA Enantioselective Synthesis c/o Prof. Francisco Zaera University o f Pennsylvania, P. Roy and Diane T. January 2006 - June 2006 Vagelos Laboratories, Department o f Chemistry, Philadelphia, PA Hansson, Mats Alfred c/o Dr. Patrick Walsh Associate Professor, Department o f Biochemistry, September 2005 - December 2005 , Lund, Sweden

24 Chem istry

Research: Soluble Protein Component o f theMoussa, Cyclase Sherif Omar Hassan Enzyme o f the Chlorophyll Biosynthetic PathwayLecturer, Department o f Chemistry, Ain Shams University o f California— Los Angeles, DepartmentUniversity, o f Cairo, Egypt Chemistry and Biochemistry, Los Angeles, CA Research: Characterization o f Nanofabricated c/o Prof. Sabeeha Merchant Advanced Materials December 2005 - February 2006 Virginia Commonwealth University, College of Humanities and Sciences, Department o f Chemistry, Hod, Oded Richmond, VA Teaching Assistant, Department o f Chemistry, Sacklerc/o Dr. M. Samy El-Shall Faculty o f Exact Sciences, Tel Aviv University, TelSeptember 2005 - March 2006 Aviv, Israel Research: Electron Dynamics in Nanometer-SizedNunthaboot, Systems Nadtanet Rice University, Department of Chemistry, Houston,Doctoral TX Candidate, Department o f Chemistry, c/o Dr. Gustavo Scuseria Faculty o f Science, Chulalongkorn University, October 2005 - October 2006 Bangkok, Thailand Research: Docking and Molecular Dynamics Ilieva, Sonia Varbanova Simulations o f H IV -1 Integrase and Its Inhibitors Associate Professor, Department o f Chemistry, University Sofia o f Houston, Department o f Biology and University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria Biochemistry, Houston, TX Research: How Enzymes Work: A Theoretical Studyc/o Dr. James M. Briggs o f the Peptide Hydrolysis Mechanism by Caspase-1November 2005 - May 2006 University o f Minnesota— Twin Cities, Department of Chemistry, Minneapolis, MN Rabaa, Hassan c/o Prof. Donald G. Truhlar Professor, Chemistry Department, Faculty o f Sciences, September 2005 - January 2006 Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco Lecturing and Research: Theoretical Approach to Macia Martinez, Maria Dolores Electronic Structure and Ionic Conductivity o f Postdoctoral Scholar, Department o f Chemistry, Alkaline Silicophosphate Glasses University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain University o f North Texas— Denton, Department o f Research: Electrochemical Study o f the Orientation o f Chemistry, Denton, T X Immobilized Proteins on Charged Surfaces c/o Prof. Tom Cundari University o f Washington, College o f Engineering, August 2005 - November 2005 Department o f Chemical Engineering, Seattle, W A c/o Dr. Shaoyi Jiang September 2005 - August 2007 Reiter, Maud Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Chemistry, University Michel, Marc Didier o f Oxford, Merton College, Oxford, United Kingdom Postdoctoral Researcher, Charles Sadron Institute,Research: Enantioselective Organocatalytic National Center o f Scientific Research, Louis ConstructionPasteur of Pyrroloindolines: The Total University (Strasbourg I), Strasbourg, France Synthesis o f (R,S)-Desmethylmeso-Chimonanthine Research: Photonic Stimulation o f Neurons Interfacedand Hodgkinsine With Semiconductor Nanoparticles California Institute o f Technology, Department o f University of Michigan—Ann Arbor, DepartmentChemistry of and Chemical Engineering, Pasadena, CA Chemical Engineering, Ann Arbor, M I c/o Dr. David MacMillan c/o Dr. Nicholas Kotov March 2006 - March 2007 November 2005 - November 2006 Sultana, Razia Miskovsky, Pavol Senior Scientific Officer, Applied Chemistry Research Professor, Department o f Biophysics, Safarik Centre, Pakistan Council o f Scientific and Industrial University o f Kosice, Kosice, Slovak Republic Research, Karachi, Pakistan Research: Photodynamic Therapy o f CancerResearch: in the Use o f Natural Product Models to Develop Light o f New Molecular Knowledge Pharmaceutical Drugs Iowa State University, Department o f Chemistry,University o f Mississippi, School o f Pharmacy, Ames, IA Department o f Pharmacognosy, University, MS c/o Dr. Jacob W. Petrich c/o Dr. Mark T. Hamann April 2006 - July 2006 October 2005 - July 2006

25 Communications

Communications Computer Science

Marton, Lidia Borlin, Bernt Ake Niklas European Union Affairs Officer, Department o f Assistant Professor, Department o f Computing International Relations, Hungarian Television Science, University o f Umea, Umea, Sweden Corporation, Budapest, Hungary Research: Validation o f Single-Plane Research: The Public Interest Standard in the Radiostereometric Analysis Fluoroscopy Regulation o f Electronic Media Massachusetts General Hospital, Orthopaedic Michigan State University, Department o f Biomechanics and Biomaterials Laboratory, Telecommunications, Information Studies and Boston, M A Media, East Lansing, M I c/o Dr. Orhun K. Muratoglu c/o Dr. Steve Wildman September 2005 - March 2006 January 2006 - June 2006

Rasporich, Beverly Jean Deville, Damien Guillaume Professor, Faculty o f Communication and Culture,Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Computer University o f Calgary, Calgary, Canada Science, University of Science and Technology Research: Humor as Cultural Expression in Canadaof Lille-Flandres-Artois (Lille I), Villeneuve and the United States d’Ascq, France Portland State University, Office o f InternationalResearch: Trust and Safety in Web Browsers Studies, International Studies Program, Portland,University OR o f Washington, Department o f Computer c/o Dr. Shawn Smallman Science and Engineering, Seattle, W A January 2006 - May 2006 c/o Dr. Henry M. Levy October 2005 - April 2006 Sadaba Garraza, M aria Teresa Associate Professor, Department o f Communication,Jozefowiez, Nicolas University o f Navarra, Pamplona, Spain Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department o f Research: Comparative Study o f the Political LobbyComputer in Science, University o f Science and the United States and the European UnionTechnology of Lille-Flandres-Artois (Lille I), George Washington University, Graduate SchoolVilleneuve of d’Ascq, France Political Management, Washington, DC Research: Cooperative Methods for Multi-Objective c/o Dr. Christopher Arterton Optimization: Application to Routing Problems February 2006 - July 2006 University o f Colorado— Boulder, Leeds School of Business, Systems Division, Boulder, CO c/o Dr. Manuel Laguna Sheng, Xigui September 2005 - July 2006 Professor, School o f Journalism, Renmin University o f China, Beijing, China Kaufman Halman, Tali Research: A Critical Study o f Photographic Images Doctoral Candidate, School o f Computer Science, in Communication Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Lecturing and Research: Randomness in School o f Informatics, New Media Program, Computation With Emphasis on Testing Indianapolis, IN Properties in Graphs and Codes c/o Prof. Edgar Huang Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Computer September 2005 - September 2006 Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, M A Suzuki, Takeshi c/o Dr. Shafi Goldwasser Associate Professor, Department o f English, TsudaSeptember 2005 - August 2006 College, Kodaira City, Japan Research: Cinema Criticism as Media Communication:Majumdar, Kausik Kumar Its History and Method Postdoctoral Fellow, Department o f Theoretical University o f Southern California, AnnenbergComputer School Science, Institute o f Mathematical for Communication, Los Angeles, CA Sciences, Chennai, India c/o Dr. G. Thomas Goodnight Research: Phase Transitions in Neurodynamics: April 2006 - March 2007 Effects o f Stability and Chaos on Learning

26 Economics

University o f Memphis, Department o f MathematicalCreative W riting Sciences, Division o f Computer Science, Memphis, TN c/o Dr. Robert Kozma Smith, Ronald Fenwick May 2005 - January 2006 Publisher and Writer, Lantzville, Canada Research: Writer-in-Residence Obuobi, Daniel Arizona State University, Virginia G. Piper Center for Senior Lecturer and Head, Department o f ComputerCreative Writing, Department o f English, Tempe, AZ Science and Information Technology, Universityc/o Dr. of Jewell Parker Rhodes Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana October 2005 - April 2006 Research: E-Learning and Online Delivery Systems University o f Massachusetts— Amherst, Department of Computer Science, Amherst, M A Dance c/o Dr. Beverly Park W oolf September 2005 - January 2006 Kothari, Sunil Manilal Dance Historian, New Delhi, India Turunen, Pekka Juhani Lecturing: A Comparative Study o f Indian Dance and Research Fellow, Department o f Health Policy andDance-Drama Traditions Management, University of Kuopio, Kuopio,University Finland o f Georgia, Franklin College o f Arts and Research: Methodology and Guidelines o f AssessmentSciences, Department o f Drama and Theatre, and Evaluation o f Health Information SystemsAthens, GA University o f New Hampshire, School o f Health c/oand Dr. Farley Richmond Human Services, Department o f Health ManagementEvergreen State College, Department o f Cultural and Policy, Durham, NH Studies and Dance, Olympia, W A c/o Dr. John W. Seavey c/o Dr. Ratna Roy January 2006 - January 2007 September 2005 - November 2005

Vaculin, Roman Doctoral Candidate, Department o f TheoreticalEconomics Computer Science, Faculty o f Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech RepublicAhmad, A. K. Monaw-War Uddin Research: Architectures for Computational Professor, Department o f Economics, University o f Software Agents Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh Carnegie Mellon University, School o f ComputerResearch: Competition, Regulation, Economic Policies Science, Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh, PA and Industrialization: What Can Bangladesh Learn c/o Dr. Katia Sycara From the United States? September 2005 - May 2006 National University, School o f Business and Management, Department o f Finance, Accounting Wang, Jau-Hwang and Economics, La Jolla, CA Professor, Department o f Information Management,c/o Dr. W ali Mondal Central Police University, Taoyuan, Taiwan September 2005 - February 2006 Research: Developing Techniques to Search for Leads and Discover Evidence for Cyberspace CrimeBjeletic, Sonja University of Arizona, Artificial Intelligence Lab,Professor, Faculty o f Economics, University of Tucson, AZ Montenegro, Podgorica, Serbia and Montenegro c/o Dr. Hsinchun Chen Research: Market Economy and International Economics September 2005 - February 2006 University o f Pittsburgh, University Center for International Studies, Center for Russian and East Zeman, Daniel European Studies, Pittsburgh, PA Professor, Institute of Formal and Applied c/o Dr. Robert Donnorummo Linguistics, Faculty o f Mathematics and Physics,September 2005 - June 2006 Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Research: “ Related Language” TechniquesChorus, for Caspar Gerard Parser Adaptation Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Policy, University o f Maryland—College Park, DepartmentTechnology and Management, Delft University of o f Linguistics, College Park, MD Technology, Delft, Netherlands c/o Dr. Philip Resnik Research: Estimation o f Models on Travel Information January 2006 - July 2006 Acquisition and Its Effect on Travel Choice Behavior

27 Economics

Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, DepartmentGorlyans’ky, of Sergiy Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cambridge,Associate M A Professor, Department o f History, Tavrida c/o Dr. Moshe Ben-Akiva National University, Simferopol, Ukraine September 2005 - December 2005 Research: Comparative Analysis o f Collective Bargaining in the United States and Ukraine de Pooter, Michiel David Cornell University, School o f Industrial and Labor Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Econometrics, Relations, Department o f International and Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands Comparative Labor, Ithaca, N Y Research: Understanding the Movements in the Yield c/o Dr. Lowell Turner Curve by Incorporating Macroeconomic Variables in September 2005 - June 2006 Term Structure Models University o f Chicago, Graduate School o f Business,K im , Dae II Chicago, IL Associate Professor, School o f Economics, Seoul c/o Dr. Monika Piazzesi National University, Seoul, Korea September 2005 - December 2005 Research: Capital Market Opening and Labor Djalilov, Khurshid Market Outcomes Senior Researcher, Department o f Agro-IndustrialCornell University, School o f Industrial and Labor Complex Development, Ministry of Economy, Relations, Department o f Labor Economics, Ithaca, NY Tashkent, Uzbekistan c/o Dr. Gary Fields Research: Developing Macroeconomic ModelingAugust in 2005 - August 2006 Uzbekistan University o f Colorado-—Denver, DepartmentKirvalidze, o f Davit Economics, Denver, CO Lecturer and Researcher, Department o f Soil Science, c/o Dr. Steven Beckman Georgian State Agrarian University, Tbilisi, Georgia September 2005 - June 2006 Research: Structuring and Negotiating Development Assistance to Transition Countries: Searching for Fan, Ying Better Practices Associate Professor and Chair, Department oUniversity f of Maryland—College Park, College of International Economics, China Foreign AffairsAgriculture and Natural Resources, Department o f University, Beijing, China Agricultural and Resource Economics, College Research: An Evaluation o f Economic Effects ofPark, a MD Developing Economy From the North-South c/oFree Dr. James Hanson Trade Agreement: The NAFTA Case September 2005 - May 2006 Duke University, Department o f Sociology, Durham, NC c/o Prof. Gary Gereffi Kwek, Kian Teng September 2005 - August 2006 Associate Professor, Department o f Applied Economics, Fernandez Ruiz, Jorge University o f Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Research: Exchange Rate Management: Finding a Professor, Center for Economic Studies, The College Prescription From Trinity Impossibility (Tradeoffs of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico Among Exchange Rate, Monetary Policies and Research: Sovereign Debt in the Light o f Optimal Capital Mobility) Financial Contracting George Washington University, Department o f University o f California— Santa Cruz, Department o f Economics, Washington, DC Economics, Santa Cruz, CA c/o Dr. Graciela L. Kaminsky c/o Dr. Joshua Aizenman September 2005 - January 2006 September 2005 - August 2006 Frino, Alessandro Lamiraud, Karine Professor and Chair, Faculty o f Economics andPostdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Business, University o f Sydney, Sydney, AustraliaEconomics, School o f Higher Studies in Social Research: The Impact o f Electronic and Off-MarketSciences, , France Trading on the Efficiency o f Futures Markets:Research: An Econometric and Economic Analysis o f Evidence From U.S. Markets Patient Adherence U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Harvard University, Medical School, Department of Washington, DC Health Care Policy, Boston, M A c/o Dr. George Wang c/o Dr. Sharon-Lise Normand July 2005 - October 2005 July 2005 - September 2005

28 Economics

Le, Ninh Khuong Research: A Comparative Analysis o f the Roles of Deputy Head, School of Economics and BusinessArmenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia in the Formation Administration, Can Tho University, Can Thoo f the Caucasus Economic “ Hub” and U.S. City, Vietnam Economic Policy in the Region Research: Sequencing Banking Reforms: WhatJohns Can Hopkins University— School o f Advanced Vietnam Learn From Other Transition Economies?International Studies, The Nitze School, Central Washington State University— Pullman, CollegeAsia-Caucasus o f Institute, Washington, DC Business and Economics, Center for Entrepreneurialc/o Dr. S. Frederick Starr Studies, Pullman, W A September 2005 - May 2006 c/o Dr. Jerman Rose January 2006 - A p ril 2006 Park, Young Bum Le, Phuong Quoc Associate Professor, Department o f Economics, Hansung University, Seoul, Korea Acting Chief, Department of Information and Documentation, National Institute for ScienceResearch: Public Sector Industrial Relations in the United States: Implications for Korea and Technology Policy and Strategy Studies, University o f Hawaii— Manoa, Center for Korean Hanoi, Vietnam Research: Measuring Vietnam’s Comparative AdvantageStudies, Honolulu, HI c/o Prof. Ho-min Sohn University o f Wisconsin— Madison, Department o f September 2005 - February 2006 Agricultural and Applied Economics, Madison, W I c/o Dr. Ian Coxhead September 2005 - May 2006 Phan, Nhiem Thi Professor, Faculty o f Planning and Development, Ma, Hongxia National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam Professor, Department o f World Economy, WuhanResearch: The Effects o f Vietnam’s International University, Wuhan, China Integration on Its Trade Patterns: A Gravity Model Research: The Dollar Exchange Rate and theAnalysis U.S. Trade Balance University of Wisconsin— Madison, Center for Georgia State University, J. Mark Robinson CollegeSoutheast o f Asian Studies, Madison, W I Business, Department o f Finance, Atlanta, GAc/o Dr. Ian Coxhead c/o Prof. Gerald D. Gay September 2005 - May 2006 September 2005 - August 2006 Moon, Woo Sik Plikynas, Darius Associate Professor, Graduate School o f InternationalAssociate Professor, Department o f Informatics, Studies, Seoul National University, Seoul, KoreaVilnius Management Academy, Vilnius, Lithuania Research: Cost and Benefit o f Asian MonetaryResearch: Explaining International Investment Patterns Integration: Northeast Asia Versus the Unitedin States Central and Eastern Europe Georgia Institute o f Technology, Sam Nunn SouthernSchool o f New Hampshire University, School o f International Affairs, Center for InternationalBusiness, Department o f International Business, Strategy, Technology and Policy, Atlanta, GAManchester, NH c/o Dr. John Endicott c/o Dr. Massood Samii August 2005 - January 2006 September 2005 - February 2006 Mynbayev, Kairat Rizzolli, Matteo Associate Professor, Department o f Economics, Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Law and Kazakhstan Institute o f Management, Economics and Economics, Graduate College Santa Chiara, Strategic Research, Almaty, Kazakhstan University o f Siena, Siena, Italy Research: Econometric Models With Dependent Errors Research: Intellectual Property Law Versus Antitrust and Their Applications in the United States and European Union: Framing University o f California— Riverside, Department o f the Dilemma Into a Theory o f Property Rights’ Economics, Riverside, CA Incompleteness c/o Dr. Aman Ullah Yale University, School o f Law, New Haven, CT September 2005 - May 2006 c/o Dr. George Priest Papava, Vladimer Yale University, School o f Law, New Haven, CT Senior Fellow, Georgian Foundation for Strategicc/o Dr. and Alan Schwartz International Studies, Tbilisi, Georgia January 2006 - July 2006

29 Economics

Rubalcava Penafiel, Luis Napoleon Brown University, Department o f Economics, Professor, Department o f Economics, Center forProvidence, RI Research and Teaching Economics (CIDE), Mexicoc/o Dr. Herakles Polemarchakis City, Mexico September 2005 - March 2006 Research: Preferences and Economic Decision Making University of California— Los Angeles, DepartmentWang, of Jun Economics, Los Angeles, CA Deputy Dean, Department o f Economics, Lingnan c/o Dr. V. Joseph Hotz College, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China September 2005 - August 2006 Research: Innovation Mode and Competitiveness in Industrial Clusters Saab, Gretta Habib Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Sloan School Coordinator, Department of Economics, Facultyo of f Management, Cambridge, M A Business and Management, University o f Balamand,c/o Prof. Yasheng Huang Deir El-Balamand, Lebanon September 2005 - August 2006 Research: Free Trade Areas Between Developed and Developing Countries: The U.S.-Lebanon CaseWu, Xueping Yale University, Department of Economics, NewAssociate Professor, Department o f Economics and Haven, CT Finance, City University o f Hong Kong, Hong Kong c/o Dr. Gustav Ranis Research: Rights Offers o f Seasoned New Equity: Around August 2005 - February 2006 the World From Hong Kong to the United States Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Takii, Katsuya Management, Department o f Finance, Evanston, IL Associate Professor, School of International Public c/o Dr. Michael Fishman Policy, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan August 2005 - May 2006 Research: Routine as a Source o f Organization-Specific Capacity: Its Role in Xi, Junyang Investment in New Technology Director, Research Center for Modem Finance, Georgetown University, Department o f Economics, University o f Finance and Economics, Washington, DC Shanghai, China c/o Prof. James Albrecht Research: The Determination o f the Exchange Rate o f September 2005 - A pril 2006 Chinese Yuan Against the U.S. Dollar Brandeis University, International Business School, Teruel Belismelis, Graciela Maria Department of Economics, Waltham, M A Professor, Department of Economics, Ibero-American c/o Dr. Gary H. Jefferson University, Mexico City, Mexico September 2005 - June 2006 Research: Measuring Changes in Welfare University of California— Los Angeles, California Center for Population Research, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Duncan Thomas Education September 2005 - August 2006 Baban, Calin Florin Terui, Nobuhiko Professor, Department of Management, University of Professor, Graduate School o f Economics and Oradea, Oradea, Romania Management, Tohoku University, Sendai, JapanResearch: Building an Intelligent Organization: A Research: Micro-Marketing Modeling Under Knowledge Management Approach in Higher Heterogeneous Consumers: The Bayesian Education Econometric Approach to Simultaneous George Washington University, School o f Engineering Demand-Supply Models for Scan Panel Dataand Applied Science, Institute for Knowledge and Ohio State University—Columbus, College of Innovation, Washington, DC Business, Department o f Marketing and Logistics,c/o Dr. Michael A. Stankosky Columbus, OH October 2005 - March 2006 c/o Dr. Greg M. Allenby Chen, Ching-Shu August 2005 - October 2005 Assistant Professor, Center for Teacher Education, Tirelli, Mario Tainan Women’s College o f Arts and Technology, Associate Professor, Department o f Economics, TerzaTainan, Taiwan University o f Rome, Rome, Italy Research: Spatial Concept Teaching o f Children in Research: The Theory and Policy o f Financial TaiwanFragility and the United States

30 Education

University o f Hawaii— Manoa, Department of Ghazali, Munirah Bind Psychology, Honolulu, HI Associate Professor and Chair, Master o f Education c/o Prof. Catherine Sophian Program, School o f Educational Studies, Science September 2005 - July 2006 University of Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia Research: Number Sense in Malaysian and U.S. Chorobaeva, Narynkul Elementary Mathematics Curricula: A Dean, School o f English, Naryn State University,Comparative Study Naryn City, Kyrgyz Republic Ohio State University— Columbus, College of Research: Methods o f Teaching Writing Education, School of Teaching and Learning, University o f Kansas, The Applied English Center,Columbus, OH Lawrence, KS c/o Dr. Stephen J. Pape c/o Mr. Chuck Seibel November 2005 - May 2006 September 2005 - May 2006 Gynnild, Vidar Associate Professor, Educational Development Fahli, Ahmed Service, Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology, Vice President, Hassan II University, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Mohammadia, Morocco Trondheim, Norway Research: Building Administrative and LeadershipResearch: Promoting Academic Integrity in Higher Capacity at Moroccan Institutes of Higher EducationEducation: Plagarism and Academic Dishonesty in a Indiana State University, International Affairs U.S.Center, Context Terre Haute, IN Duke University, The Center for Academic Integrity, c/o Dr. Gaston Fernandez Durham, NC July 2005 - September 2005 c/o Dr. Timothy M. Dodd James Madison University, Center for Assessment and Fataar, Mogamad Aslam Research Studies, Harrisonburg, VA Associate Professor, Faculty o f Education, Universityc/o Dr. Donna Sundre of the Western Cape, Bellville, South Africa September 2005 - July 2006 Research: The Constitution and Functioning of School Governing Bodies in South Africa Iqbal, Shagufta University o f Illinois— Urbana-Champaign, 377Principal, Government Girls Degree College, Sibi, Education Building, Department o f EducationalPakistan Policy Studies, Champaign, IL Lecturing and Research: Using U.S. Teaching Methods c/o Dr. Fazal Rizvi for Female Education in Pakistan September 2005 - May 2006 University o f Oregon, Institute for Policy Research and Innovation, Eugene, OR Fayzullaeva, Eleonora c/o Dr. Anita M. Weiss Senior Lecturer, Department of English, StateOctober 2005 - May 2006 University o f World Languages, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Kalygulova, Sabyrkul Research: Study o f Gender Curriculum Development Chair, Department of English, Osh State University, and Assessment of Gender Integration Into the Osh, Kyrgyz Republic Humanity Subjects in a U.S. University Research: Distance Foreign Language Training University o f Washington, School of Social Work, University o f North Dakota, Department o f English, Center for Women’s Welfare, Seattle, W A Grand Forks, ND c/o Dr. Diana M. Pearce c/o Dr. Xiaozhao Huang October 2005 - March 2006 University o f North Dakota, Department of English, Grand Forks, ND Garcia Valencia, Rafael Alfonso c/o Dr. David F. Marshall Teacher, Language Department, AlberguesSeptember 2005 - May 2006 School-Papags Tribe, Sonora, Mexico Lecturing: Preservation of the O’odham LanguageKamat, Vasudha Vasant Tohono O ’odham Community College, DepartmentProfessor of and Head, Department of Educational Education, Sells, AZ Technology, Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thackersey c/o Dr. Jesus De La Garza (SNDT) Women’s University, Mumbai, India September 2005 - August 2006 Research: Gender Differences in Online Learning: (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Implications for Instructional Design

31 Education

Florida State University, Department o f EducationalLiu, Rude Psychology and Learning Systems, Tallahassee,Professor, FL School o f Psychology, Beijing Normal c/o D r. J. M ichael Spector University, Beijing, China December 2005 - July 2006 Research: Problem-Based Learning in the U.S. K-12 Education System Kovalcikova, Iveta University o f Missouri— Columbia, School of Senior Lecturer, Department o f Pedagogy and Psychology, Information Science and Learning Technologies, University o f Presov, Presov, Slovak Republic Educational Psychology Program, Columbia, MO Research: Dynamic Assessment o f Skills in Romani c/o Dr. David Jonassen C hildren September 2005 - August 2006 Yale University, Center for Psychology o f Abilities, Competencies and Expertise, New Haven, CTLiu, Yan c/o Dr. Robert J. Sternberg Professor and Director, Early Childhood Education September 2005 - December 2005 Department, School o f Education, Beijing Normal Kumisbayeva, Mansiya University, Beijing, China Head, Department o f Intercultural Communication,Research: Social Guarantees for Disadvantaged Young Kazakhstan State University o f International Children’s Access Rights to Early Education Languages and W orld Economy, Almaty, KazakhstanUniversity o f Maryland— College Park, Institute for Research: Teaching Professionally-Oriented EnglishChild Study, Department o f Human Development, Oklahoma State University— Stillwater, College oCollege f Arts Park, MD and Sciences, Department o f English, Stillwater,c/o OK Dr. Elisa L. Klein c/o Dr. Ravi Sheorey November 2005 - October 2006 September 2005 - May 2006 Malakolunthu, Suseela K S Kuppers, Almut Assistant Professor, Department o f Educational Reader, Department o f Didactics and ForeignManagement, Planning and Policy, Faculty o f Education, Language Acquisition, Institute for English andUniversity o f Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia American Studies, Johann Wolfgang GoetheLecturing and Research: Role o f Leadership in University, Frankfurt/Main, Germany Promoting Multiculturalism in Schools: A Lecturing: The U.S. School and Teacher TrainingComparative System Study o f Malaysia and California The College o f New Jersey, Department o f ModemStanford University, School o f Education, Stanford, CA Languages, Trenton, NJ c/o Dr. Martin Camoy c/o Dr. Dodi-Katrin Schmidt October 2005 - March 2006 August 2005 - February 2006 Kuzovleva, Klavdiya Masyuk, Natalya Vice President o f Financial and Economic Affairs, Associate Professor, Chair o f Organic and Analytical Academy Administration, The Ivanovo State Textile Chemistry, Institute of Applied Biotechnology, Far Academy, Ivanovo, Russia Eastern State Technical Fisheries University, Research: The Availability o f Higher Educational Vladivostok, Russia Services for Different Sections o f the Population Research: Opportunities for Studying Using University o f North Carolina— Greensboro, Computer-Based Educational Tests Department o f Curriculum and Instruction, North Carolina State University, Department o f Math, Greensboro, NC Science and Technology Education, Raleigh, NC c/o Dr. Bert A. Goldman c/o Dr. W.J. Haynie October 2005 - A pril 2006 November 2005 - A pril 2006 Lee, Yong Sook Miniankou, Ryhor Professor, Graduate School o f Education, DuksungDean, Department o f Philosophy, European Women’s University, Seoul, Korea Humanities University, , Belarus Research: An Ethnographic Study o f TeachingResearch: in Distance Learning for Democracy and American Universities: Best Practices and Citizenship Teaching Support Michigan State University, MSU Global Online New York University, Center for Teaching Excellence,Connection, Department o f Program and Business New York, NY Development, East Lansing, M I c/o Prof. Ken Bain c/o Dr. Christine Geith August 2005 - February 2006 August 2005 - December 2005

32 Education

Mohamad Taib, Mohamad Nor Bin Research: Toward Multicultural Education in Botswana Director, Planning and Research Division, University o f Florida, Center for African Studies, Department of Private Education, Ministry ofGainesville, FL Education, Putrajaya, Malaysia c/o Dr. Leonardo Villalon Research: Comparitive Study o f Teachers andJanuary the 2006 - July 2006 Teacher Education Systems in Malaysia and the Rents, Tatiana United States Dean, Department o f History and Philology, Volzhsky Michigan State University, College o f Education, Institute of Humanities, Volgograd State University, Department o f Teacher Education, East Lansing, M I Volzhsky, Russia c/o Dr. Jack Schwille Research: The Organization and Management of December 2005 - March 2006 Educational Processes in Public Institutions of Mukhamedkhan, Dina Higher Learning Professor, Department o f Humanities, Kazakh AcademyUniversity o f Denver, College o f Education, Higher o f Labor and Social Relations, Almaty, KazakhstanEducation Program, Denver, CO Research: Universities as Centers for Sustainablec/o Dr. Mary Ann Danowitz Sagaria Development September 2005 - March 2006 University o f Montana—Missoula, School of Education, Department o f Education, Missoula,Rimsane, MT Inta c/o Dr. Paul Rowland Lecturer, Department o f Foreign Languages, Faculty October 2005 - July 2006 o f Pedagogy, Rezekne University, Rezekne, Latvia Research: Meeting the Needs o f the Global Labor Oganesyants, Natalia Market Through Latvia’s Teacher Training Programs Docent, Department o f English, North OssetianM illersville State University o f Pennsylvania, School of Teacher Training Institute, Vladikavkaz, RussiaHumanities and Social Sciences, Millersville, PA Research: Instructional Design and Educationalc/o Dr. John Short Technology for Teacher Proficiency September 2005 - January 2006 George Mason University, Graduate School of Education, College o f Education and HumanSchildkamp, Kim Development, Fairfax, VA Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Educational c/o Dr. Priscilla Norton Organization and Management, University of September 2005 - March 2006 Twente, Enschede, Netherlands Research: The Utilization and Impact o f a School Oluka, Silas Omoding Performance Feedback System in Louisiana Senior Lecturer and Head, Department o f Science Louisiana State University— Baton Rouge, College of and Technical Education, Makerere University, Education, Department o f Educational Leadership, Kampala, Uganda Research and Counseling, Baton Rouge, LA Research: Information Communication Technology c/o Dr. Charles Teddlie Support in Science Education: Possibilities for Uganda January 2006 - March 2006 University o f Massachusetts— Amherst, Department o f Physics, Amherst, M A Subba Rao, Prema Kandaka c/o Dr. W illiam Gerace Lecturer, A ll India Institute o f Speech and Hearing, September 2005 - January 2006 Mysore, India Omar Fauzee, Mohd Sofian Bin Research: Prevention o f Language-Based Learning Associate Professor, Faculty o f Educational Studies,Disabilities Putra University Malaysia (UPM), Selangor, MalaysiaUniversity o f Virginia, Curry School o f Education, Research: Understanding the Impact o f RegularDepartment o f Curriculum, Instruction and Special Exercise Behavior on Attitudes Towards Sports:Education, Charlottesville, VA Learning From the American Experience c/o Dr. Laura M. Justice West Virginia University, School o f Physical University of Toledo, College of Education, Education, Physical Education and Sports Studies,Department of Early Childhood, Physical and Morgantown, WV Special Education, Toledo, OH c/o Dr. Samuel Joseph Zizzi c/o Dr. Joan N. Kaderavek September 2005 - December 2005 August 2005 - April 2006 Ramahobo, Lydia Motlhankaabasadi Tran, Lieu Thi Bich Associate Professor and Dean, Faculty o f Education,Professor, Faculty o f Education and Psychology, University o f Botswana, Gaborone, BotswanaHanoi University of Education, Hanoi, Vietnam

33 E ducation

Research: Methods for Improving Higher EducationBeros, Ana Quality in the United States and Lessons LearnedAssistant Professor, Faculty o f Metallurgy and From Vietnam Materials Science, University o f Zenica, Zenica, Texas Tech University, College of Education, HigherBosnia and Herzegovina Education Program, Lubbock, TX Research: Effects o f an A ir Gap on Properties of Low c/o Prof. John P. Murray Pressure Die Casting o f Aluminum-Silicon Wheels September 2005 - May 2006 University of Connecticut— Storrs, School of Engineering, Department o f Materials Science and Wintersteiner, Werner Engineering, Storrs, CT Professor, Department o f German Studies, c/o Dr. Harold D. Brody Klagenfurt University of Educational Sciences,September 2005 - June 2006 Klagenfurt, Austria Lecturing and Research: Peace Education CentersBlondel, as Vincent D.E.G. Tools for Peace Education Professor and Chair, Department o f Mathematical Columbia University, Teachers College, Peace Engineering, Catholic University o f Louvain, Education Center, New York, NY Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium c/o Dr. Janet Gerson Lecturing and Research: Joint Spectral Radius for September 2005 - November 2005 Problems in Science and Engineering Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Department o f Young, Metta Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Program Officer, Centre for Appropriate Technology,Cambridge, MA Inc., Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australiac/o Dr. John N. Tsitsiklis Research: Building Innovative and Effective September 2005 - July 2006 Intercultural Partnerships: Transforming How Service Providers W ork W ith Indigenous CommunitiesBoudour, Mohamed University of Arizona, Udall Center for StudiesSenior in Lecturer, Department o f Electrical Engineering, Public Policy, Tucson, AZ Houari Boumediene University o f Science and c/o Prof. Stephen Cornell Technology, Algiers, Algeria September 2005 - January 2006 Research: Large Scale Power System Security Assessment Using Intelligent Programming University of Washington, Department of Electrical Engineering Engineering, Seattle, W A c/o Dr. Mohamed A. El-Sharkawi Al Badi, Abdullah Hamed Suwaid October 2005 - A pril 2006 Assistant Dean for Student Academic Affairs and Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical andCabaraban, Maria Theresa Isla Computer Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University,Chair, Department o f Chemical, C ivil and Industrial Muscat, Oman Engineering, College o f Engineering and Technology, Research: Analyzing and M inim izing ElectromagneticXavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines Interference Caused by Power TransmissionResearch: Lines on Comparing Life Cycle Impacts o f Neighboring Gas Pipelines Conventional Composting Technology and University of Arkansas— Little Rock, Department ofAnaerobic Bioreactor Landfill Systems Engineering, Little Rock, AR Michigan State University, Department o f Civil and c/o Dr. Seshadri Mohan Environmental Engineering, East Lansing, M I June 2005 - August 2005 c/o Prof. Milind V. Khire September 2005 - December 2005 Bardakji, Souheila Associate Professor, Department of AeronauticalEcker, Horst Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,Associate Professor, Department o f Mechanics and University of Aleppo, Aleppo, Syria Mechatronics, Vienna University of Technology, Research: The Changes in Aerodynamic Vienna, Austria Performance o f Wind Rotor Turbine BladesLecturing: in Vehicle Dynamics Dry, Dusty Environments Duke University, School o f Engineering, Department Illinois Institute o f Technology, Mechanical, Materialso f Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, and Aerospace Engineering Department, Chicago,Durham, ILNC c/o Dr. Sudhakar Nair c/o Dr. Kenneth C. Hall October 2005 - June 2006 August 2005 - December 2005

34 Engineering

Fraternali, Fernando Research: Advanced Materials and Technologies for Associate Professor, Department o f Civil Engineering,Communications U niversity o f Salerno, Fisciano (Salerno), Italy U.S. Department o f Commerce, National Institute o f Research: Cohesive Models for Fracture and Standards and Technology, Electromagnetic Segmentation o f Solids and Structures Properties o f Materials Project, Boulder, CO California Institute of Technology, Graduate c/o Dr. James C. Booth Aeronautical Laboratories, Pasadena, CA September 2005 - August 2007 c/o Dr. Michael Ortiz September 2005 - March 2006 Mom, Gijsbertus Petrus Antonius Gomez Herrero, Manuel Professor, Department o f Technology Management, Researcher, Department of Physical Metallurgy, Section of History of Technology, Eindhoven N ational Center for Metallurgical Research, University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands Madrid, Spain Lecturing: Crossing Borders: The Coevolution o f Research: The Development of Zinc-Coated Automobile Tourism and the Family Car DP-800 and DP-1000 Dual-Phase Steels for theUniversity of Michigan— Dearborn, Department of Automotive Industry Social Sciences, Center for the Study o f Automotive University o f Pittsburgh, Basic Metals Processing Heritage, Dearborn, M I Research Institute, Department o f Materials Sciencec/o Dr. Bruce Pietrykowski and Engineering, Pittsburgh, PA September 2005 - December 2005 c/o Dr. Anthony J. DeArdo (European Union Scholar-in-Residence Program) October 2005 - September 2007 Jannadi, Osama Ahmad M. Pozuelo Alba, Marta Faculty Member, Department of Construction Postdoctoral Scholar, Department o f Materials Engineering and Management, King Fahd UniversityTechnology, Max Planck Institute for Iron Research, o f Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Dusseldorf, Germany Research: Factors Affecting the Success o f Value Research: Toughness and Strength o f Inverse Ordered Engineering Studies in Construction Intermetallic Nickel Aluminide University of Hawaii—Manoa, Department of Civil University of California— Los Angeles, Henry Samueli and Environmental Engineering, Honolulu, HISchool o f Engineering and Applied Science, c/o Dr. H. Ronald Riggs Department o f Materials Science and Engineering, September 2005 - December 2005 Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Alan J. Ardell Konsta, Maria October 2005 - September 2007 Assistant Professor, Department o f C ivil Engineering, Democritus University o f Thrace, Xanthi, Greece Turmo Coderque, Jose Research: Relationships Between Rheology and Fresh Assistant Professor, School o f Civil Engineering, and Hardened Properties o f Self-Compacting Concrete University o f Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain Northwestern University, McCormick School of Research: Resonant Effects o f Short-Span High-Speed Engineering and Applied Science, Center for Railway Bridges Advanced Cement-Based Materials, Evanston, IL University o f California— San Diego, School o f c/o Dr. Surendra P. Shah Engineering, Department o f Structural Engineering, July 2005 - September 2005 La Jolla, CA Lee, Wei-li c/o Dr. J. Enrique Luco Engineer, Pingtung Environmental ProtectionSeptember Bureau, 2005 - August 2006 Pingtung City, Taiwan Research: Recycling Electric Arc Furnace Dust o f van Leijen, Frederik Johannes Taiwan’ s Steelmaking Industry Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Earth Observation University o f Delaware, Department o f Civil and and Space Systems, Delft University o f Technology, Environmental Engineering, Newark, DE Delft, Netherlands c/o Dr. Chin-Pao Huang Research: Radar Interferometric Time Series Analysis September 2005 - March 2006 for Monitoring Hazards in Large Rural Areas Mateu Mateu, Jordi University o f Miami, Center for Southeastern Tropical Research Associate, Communications Subsystems Advanced Remote Sensing, Coral Gables, FL Area, Center of Telecommunications Technologyc/o ofDr. Falk C. Amelung Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain January 2006 - A pril 2006

35 Environmental Sciences

Environm ental Sciences Research: The Ecology o f Nutrition as a New System o f Humanistic Knowledge in the Higher Education Acuna Salazar, Vicenc Institutions of Ukraine Assistant Professor, Department o f Ecology, University o f California— Davis, Department o f University o f Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Nutrition, Davis, CA Research: Effects o f Pulse Events at Different Spatial c/o Dr. Carl L. Keen Scales on A rid Land Stream Ecosystems September 2005 - March 2006 University of New Mexico—Albuquerque, Sevilleta Long Term Ecological Research, Albuquerque,Filgueira, NM Roberto Raul c/o Dr. Clifford Dahm Professor and Researcher, School o f Agriculture and October 2005 - September 2007 Forestry, National University o f La Plata, La Armas Kulik, Cristina Plata, Argentina Postdoctoral Research Associate, Arid Zones ResearchResearch: The Fractal Model o f Soil and the Station, Superior Council o f Scientific Investigations,Distribution o f Mass W ithin Aggregates Almeria, Spain Rutgers, The State University o f New Jersey—New Research: Consequences o f Hydraulic RedistributionBrunswick, Department of Environmental Sciences, by Deep Rooted Plants in Semi-Arid EcosystemsNew Brunswick, NJ Duke University, Department of Biology, Durham,c/o NC Dr. Daniel Gimenez c/o Dr. Robert B. Jackson A pril 2006 - July 2006 September 2005 - August 2007 Handayani, Iin Purwati Bogdanov, Marat Professor and Researcher, Department o f Agriculture, Assistant Professor, Department o f Information University o f Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia Science and Educational Technology, BashkirResearch: State Building New Prospective Criteria and Pedagogical Institute, Ufa, Russia Techniques to Quantify Sustainable Land Management Research: Designing a Computer Model o f ForestThrough Mitigating the Greenhouse Effect Ecosystems University o f Kentucky, Department of Agronomy, Mississippi State University, Department o f Forestry,Lexington, KY Mississippi State, MS c/o Dr. Mark Coyne c/o Dr. Richard P. Maiers August 2005 - January 2006 September 2005 - February 2006 Hereu Fina, Bernat Chehbouni, Ahmed Associate Professor, Department o f Biology, Faculty Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty o f Sciences o f Sciences, University o f Nice, Nice, France Semlalia, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech, Morocco Research: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Research: Combining Soil Leaching, Ion Exchange Intertidal Seaweed Communities and Adsorption to Restore Salt Contaminated Soil Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Phycology and Water Quality for Improved Agriculture Laboratory, Moss Landing, CA Oklahoma State University— Stillwater, College of c/o Dr. Michael Graham Engineering, Architecture and Technology, School October 2005 - September 2007 o f Chemical Engineering, Stillwater, OK c/o Dr. Gary Foutch Kirdyanov, Alexander June 2005 - September 2005 Associate Professor, Department o f Delzon, Sylvain Dendroclimatology and Forest History, V.N. Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f Ecology,Sukachev Institute o f Forest, Russian Academy of University o f Bordeaux I, Talence, France Sciences-Siberian Branch, Karsnoyarsk, Russia Research: Size-Related Hydraulic Constraints,Research: Nutrient Climatic Changes and Tree Ring Growth Dynamics and Reproduction in Whitebark PineAlong the Siberian Longitudinal Transect University of Montana—Missoula, Division of University of Arizona, Laboratory of Tree Ring Biological Sciences, Missoula, MT Research, Tucson, AZ c/o Dr. Anna Sala c/o Dr. Malcolm K. Hughes July 2005 - October 2005 November 2005 - April 2006 Dyman, Tetyana Kravets, Oleksandra Head, Department o f Ecotrophology, Bila TserkvaLead Scientist, Department o f Radiobiology, Institute State Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, Kyiv o f Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering, National Region, Ukraine Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

36 Environmental Sciences

Research: Exposure Dose Reconstruction andMoiseenko, Tatiana Prognosis for Inhabitants of Nuclear Cycle IndustryDeputy Director, Department o f Water Quality and Influence Zones Ecology, Water Problems Institute, Russian Georgia Institute of Technology, School of CivilAcademy and o f Sciences— Moscow, Moscow, Russia Enviromental Engineering, Multimedia Research: Ecotoxicological Effects o f Oil Productive Environmental Simulations Laboratory, Atlanta,Platforms GA for the Prevention o f Ecosystems c/o Dr. Mustafa M. Aral Degradation and Preservation o f Sturgeon Species September 2005 - May 2006 Louisiana State University— Baton Rouge, Center for Engineering and Business Administration, Kurganova, Irina Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Senior Researcher, Institute of Physiochemical andBaton Rouge, LA Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Academyc/o Dr. V.P. Singh o f Sciences— Moscow, Moscow Region, RussiaNovember 2005 - A pril 2006 Research: Global Climate Change and N-Cycling: Control of Nitrous Oxide Emission From Soils ofPeddle, Derek Roland Different Environments Associate Professor, Department o f Geography, University of California—Davis, Department of University o f Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Canada Agronomy and Range Science, Davis, CA Research: Terrestrial Remote Sensing o f Climate c/o Dr. Chris Van Kessel Change Impacts and Forest Fire Dynamics in North November 2005 - A pril 2006 American Ecosystems University o f California— Santa Barbara, Donald Bren Layus, Dmitry School o f Environmental Science and Management, Research Fellow, Department o f Ichthyology andSanta Barbara, CA Hydrobiology, St. Petersburg State University, c/oSt. Dr. Frank Davis Petersburg, Russia A p ril 2006 - July 2006 Research: Toward an Historical Ecology o f the North Atlantic: Comparing the Population DynamicsPedlowski, o f Marcos Antonio Atlantic Salmon and Other Commercial Fish SpeciesAssociate Professor, Center o f Human Sciences, Based on Russian and American Historical CatchNorthern Data Fluminense State University, Rio de University of New Hampshire, College of Life Janeiro, Brazil Sciences and Agriculture, Durham, N H Lecturing: Applied Research Design, Global c/o Dr. Andrew Rosenberg Environmental Governance and Land Reform in January 2006 - July 2006 Latin America Fairfield University, College of Arts and Sciences, Martinez de Ghersa, Maria Alejandra Fairfield, CT Assistant Professor and Researcher, Departmentc/o o Dr. f Dina Francheschi Natural Resources and Environment, SchoolAugust o f 2005 - May 2006 Agronomy, University o f Buenos Aires, Buenos(Scholar-in-Residence Program) Aires, Argentina Research: Effects o f Environmental Global ChangesPhung, Phuong Thuy on Weed Populations Professor, Department o f Botany and Ecology, University Oregon State University, Department o f Forest o f Natural Sciences, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Science, Corvallis, OR Research: Public Participation in Water Resource c/o Dr. Steve Radosevich Management: Lessons for Vietnam From December 2005 - March 2006 American Experiences Portland State University, College of Urban and Public Mohd Nordin, Mohd Nawawi Bin Affairs, School o f Government, Portland, OR Associate Professor and Chair, School o f Physics, Sciencec/o Dr. Marcus D. Ingle University o f Malaysia (USM), Penang, MalaysiaSeptember 2005 - May 2006 Research: Resistivity Imaging Technique in Solving Near-Surface Environmental and EngineeringRugescu, Problems Dragos Radu Dan Ohio State University— Columbus, College o f Associate Professor, Department o f Aerospace Mathematical and Physical Sciences, DepartmentSciences, o f University Politehnica o f Bucharest, Geological Sciences, Columbus, OH Bucharest, Romania c/o Dr. Jeffrey J. Daniels Research: Enhanced Environmental Policies and November 2005 - May 2006 Research Through Orbital Surveillance and Interaction

37 Environmental Sciences

Texas A & M University— College Station, DepartmentBerberoglu, Suha o f Aerospace Engineering, College Station,Associate TX Professor, Department o f Landscape c/o Dr. Daniele Mortari Architecture, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey November 2005 - January 2006 Research: Quantifying Ecosystem Productivity in the Seyhan Watershed Under Climate Change and Trisurat, Yongyut Human Disturbances Assistant Professor, Department of Forest Biology,University o f California— Berkeley, Ecosystem Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University, Sciences Division, Department o f Environmental Bangkok, Thailand Science, Policy and Management, Berkeley, CA Research: Thai and Hawaiian Professors Exchangingc/o Dr. Peng Gong Knowledge on Biodiversity Conservation andUniversity o f Maryland— College Park, Department o f Forested Landscape Planning in the TropicsGeography, College Park, M D University o f Hawaii— Manoa, College o f Tropicalc/o Dr. John Townshend Agriculture and Human Resources, DepartmentAugust of 2005 - January 2006 Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Honolulu, HI do O Pinto Alho, Afonso c/o Dr. Samir A El-Swaify Researcher, Department o f Geography and Regional August 2005 - November 2005 Planning, Faculty o f Social and Human Sciences, New University o f Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal Research: Drought Management and Mitigation in the Film Studies Mediterranean Climate California State University— Stanislaus, Department o f Leung, Ping Kwan Anthropology and Geography, Turlock, CA Professor and Chair, Center for Humanities Research,c/o Dr. Michael J. Schmandt Lingnan University, Tuen Mun, NT, Hong KongFebruary 2006 - June 2006 Research: A Comparative Study o f Urban Culture and Dragut, Lucian Daniel Urban Cinema Senior Lecturer, Department o f Geography, West Harvard University, Department o f East Asian University o f Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania Languages and Civilizations, Cambridge, M A Research: A New Method o f Representing Landscape: c/o Dr. David D.W. Wang Segmentation o f Three Dimensional Landscape Units January 2006 - June 2006 for Environmental Applications Novikova, Irina University o f Arkansas— Fayetteville, Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies, Departments o f Associate Professor, Department o f Culture and Anthropology, Geosciences and Environmental Literature, , Riga, Latvia Dynamics, Fayetteville, AR Research: Gender and Genre in Soviet and Post-Soviet c/o Dr. W. Frederick Limp Russian Films: Re-Mapping Interactions October 2005 - March 2006 SUNY— Stony Brook University, Department o f Sociology, Stony Brook, NY Nguyen, Minh Dinh c/o Prof. Michael Kimmel Professor, Faculty o f Geography, Hanoi University o f September 2005 - February 2006 Science, Hanoi, Vietnam Research: U.S. Experiences in Environmental Remote Sensing and Their Applicability in Vietnam Geography West Virginia University, Department o f Geology and Geography, Morgantown, W V Alam, Md. Shamsul c/o Dr. Timothy Warner Professor, Department o f Geography and September 2005 - May 2006 Environmental Studies, University o f Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh Soovali, Helen Research: Study o f the Environmental HazardsLecturer, in the Institute of Geography, , Coastal Areas and Offshore Islands o f BangladeshTartu, Estonia Caused by Tropical Cyclones Research: Landscape Imagery and Identity University o f Wisconsin— La Crosse, DepartmentUniversity o f of California— Los Angeles, Department of Geography and Earth Science, La Crosse, W I Geography, Los Angeles, CA c/o Dr. Rafique Ahmed c/o Dr. Denis Cosgrove September 2005 - March 2006 October 2005 - February 2006

38 History (non-U.S.)

Volkova, Elena Boise State University, Department o f Geosciences, Docent, Department o f Botany, School o f NaturalBoise, ID Sciences, L.N. Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical c/o Dr. Craig White University, Tula, Russia A pril 2006 - July 2006 Research: The Formation, Development and Modem State o f Wetlands Between Forestry and GrassyPopescu Sue, Speranta-Maria Drought-Resistant Vegetation (Steppe andPostdoctoral Prairie) in Scholar, Department of Geology, Russia and the United States University of Claude Bernard (Lyon I), Emporia State University, Department o f Earth Villeurbane, France Science, Emporia, KS Research: Late Cenozoic Environmental Changes in c/o Dr. James S. Aber the Black Sea and Marmara Sea Realm August 2005 - December 2005 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Department o f Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole, M A c/o Dr. Liviu Giosan Geology October 2005 - March 2006 Benaabidate, Lahcen Shaban, Amin Teacher and Researcher, Department o f Geology,Hydrogeologist and Researcher, Remote Sensing Faculty o f Sciences and Technology Fez-Saiss,Center, Sidi National Council for Scientific Research, Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, MoroccoBeirut, Lebanon Research: Hydrochemistry and HydrogeologyResearch: o f Remote Sensing Application in Modeling Thermal Springs the Water Regime of the Litani River Watershed University o f Kentucky, Department o f Geologicalin Lebanon Sciences, Lexington, KY Boston University, Center for Remote Sensing, c/o Dr. Alan Fryar Boston, M A June 2005 - September 2005 c/o Dr. Farouk El-Baz Chadima, Martin July 2005 - September 2006 Research Fellow, Paleomagnetic Laboratory, Institute o f Geology, Czech Academy o f Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic History (non-U.S.) Research: The Geological Evolution o f Czech Abidjanova, Dildora Volcanic Rocks in the Bohemian Massif: A Magnetic Docent, Department o f Political Science and World Anisotropy Study on Lava Flows and Dyke Swarms History, University of World Economy and University o f Hawaii— Manoa, School o f Ocean and Diplomacy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Earth Sciences and Technology, Institute o f Research: Central Asian Historiography: Tendencies Geophysics and Planetology, Honolulu, HI and Perspectives o f Development c/o Prof. Emilio Herrero-Bervera Boston University, College o f Arts and Sciences, January 2006 - July 2006 Department o f Anthropology, Boston, M A Diop, Mouhamadou Bassir c/o Dr. Thomas Barfield Associate Professor, Institute o f Earth Sciences,September 2005 - June 2006 Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal Research: Inventory o f the Senegalese ExtraAngulo Rivas, Luis Alfredo Siliceous Sand for Glass Industry and SiliceousProfessor, Department o f History, School of and Calcaro Siliceous Porous Brick for LodgmentsHumanities and Education, University o f the and Constructions Andes, Merida, Venezuela Pennsylvania State University— University Park, Research: History o f the Relations Among the United Department o f Materials Science and Engineering,States, Latin America and the Caribbean During the University Park, PA 20th Century c/o Dr. Carlo Pantano University o f Texas— Austin, Teresa Lozano Long September 2005 - May 2006 Institute o f Latin American Studies, Austin, TX c/o Dr. Nicolas Shumway Nemeth, Karoly January 2006 - July 2006 Senior Researcher, Department o f Mapping, Hungarian Geological Survey, Budapest, HungaryBandhauer-Schoffmann, Irene Research: Miocene and Pliocene PhreatomagmaticLecturer and Researcher, Department o f Gender Volcanism in Idaho Studies, University o f Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt, Austria

39 History (non-U.S.)

Lecturing and Research: Gendered BusinessIndiana Cultures University—Bloomington, Department of in the United States and Austria and WomenCentral in Eurasian Studies, Bloomington, IN Post-World War II Europe c/o Dr. Devin DeWeese University of Michigan—Ann Arbor, College ofJanuary 2006 - June 2006 Literature, Science and the Arts, Department of History, Ann Arbor, MI Dupont, Guy L.C.C. c/o Dr. Sonya Rose Independent Researcher, Ghent, Belgium University of Michigan—Ann Arbor, College ofResearch: A Comparative Study o f Criminal Justice Literature, Science and the Arts, Department Systemso f in Highly Urbanized European Regions in Women’s Studies, Ann Arbor, M I the Late Middle Ages and the 16th Century: The c/o Dr. Valerie Traub Low Countries and Italy January 2006 - April 2006 University of California— Berkeley, School of Law, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Laurent Mayali Boyadjieva, Nadia Gueorguieva June 2005 - September 2005 Assistant Professor, Department o f Law, University o f Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria Fanso, Verkijika Godfrey Research: Perspectives and Limits to InternationalProfessor, Department o f History, University o f Community Intervention: Ethnic Identities, PoliticalYaounde I, Yaounde, Cameroon Transformations and Challenges to Post C ivilLecturing: War Western Civilizations and African History Reconstruction in Bosnia-Herzegovina andTrident Kosovo Technical College, Department o f History, Harvard University, Davis Center for Russian andHumanities and Political Sciences, Charleston, SC Eurasian Studies, Harvard Project on Cold Warc/o Mr. Donald West Studies, Cambridge, M A August 2005 - December 2005 c/o Prof. Mark Kramer (Scholar-in-Residence Program) September 2005 - January 2006 Gbadamosi, Tajudeen Gbadebo Olusanya Cojocari, Ludmila Professor, Department o f History, University o f Lagos, Associate Professor, Department o f History andLagos, Nigeria International Relations, Free InternationalLecturing: University Afro-Islamic Civilization in the West Africa o f Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova Sub-Region Research: Between Visible and Invisible Borders:LeMoyne-Owen College, Center for African and Studying the Border Societies’ Collective MemoryAfrican American Studies, Memphis, TN and Identity Metamorphoses During the Transitoryc/o Dr. Femi Ajanaku Epochs in the Case o f Moldova August 2005 - May 2006 University o f Pittsburgh, Department o f History,(Scholar-in-Residence Program) Pittsburgh, PA Guilhot, Nicolas Michel Boian c/o Dr. Irina Livezeanu Research Scholar, Center for European Sociology, September 2005 - December 2005 National Center for Scientific Research, Museum o f Man, Paris, France De Dijn, Annelien M. R. Research: Politics o f the Social Sciences: U.S. Cultural Assistant Professor, Department o f History, Catholic Diplomacy and European Scientific Networks, University o f Leuven, Leuven, Belgium 1947-1992 Research: Aristocratic Liberalism in Modem Europe Columbia University, Department of History, New Columbia University, Department o f History, New York, N Y York, N Y c/o Dr. Volker Berghahn c/o Dr. Isser Woloch September 2005 - March 2006 September 2005 - August 2006 Henriot, Christian Robert Dodkhoudoeva, Lola Professor, Institute o f East Asian Studies, University Senior Scientist, Department o f Paleography, oTajik f Lumiere (Lyon II), Lyon, France Academy o f Sciences, Dushanbe, TajikistanResearch: Virtual Shanghai Research: Secular and Spiritual AuthoritiesUniversity in of California—Berkeley, Institute of East Pre-Mongul Central Maverannahr AccordingAsian to Studies, Center for Chinese Studies, the Epigraphic Monuments of SamarqandBerkeley, and CA Written Sources c/o Dr. Jeffrey Riegel

40 History (non-U.S.)

Stanford University, Department of History, Lluch, Andrea Mari Stanford, CA Assistant Professor, Department o f History, Faculty o f c/o Dr. Carolyn Lougee Chappell Humanities, National University of La Pampa, Santa October 2005 - June 2006 Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina Research: Doing Business in Argentina: The Hotam, Yotam Yadin Commercialization and Distribution of American Research Fellow, Minerva Centre for German History, Products During the 1920s and 1930s Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Harvard University, David Rockefeller Center for Research: In Memory o f the Late Modem Thought: Latin American Studies, Cambridge, M A 20th-Century German Intellectuals and Their c/o Dr. John Coatsworth Critique of Modernity September 2005 - December 2005 University o f Wisconsin— Madison, Department of History, Madison, W I Lorenzini, Sara c/o Dr. David Sorkin Research Fellow, Center for the Study o f August 2005 - July 2006 Italian-German History, University of Trento, Iguchi, Haruo Trento, Italy Associate Professor, Division o f Social and HumanResearch: Western Development A id to Africa Environment, School o f Informatics and Sciences,During Detente Nagoya University, Chikusa-Ku, Japan Harvard University, Institute on Cold War Studies, Research: Postwar U.S.-Japan Relations From Cambridge, MA MacArthur to Mansfield c/o Dr. Mark Kramer Harvard University, Harvard-Yenching Institute,September 2005 - February 2006 Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Weiming Tu Luo, Jiaxiang September 2005 - September 2006 Professor, Institute for Historical Studies, Huazhong University o f Science and Technology, Wuhan, China Khalifa, Aisha Bilkhair Abdulla Research: The Methodology and Developing Trend o f Work Experience Coordinator, Career Center, AmericanDubai Historical Studies: Concentrating on Chinese Women’s College, Dubai, Intellectual History Studies in the United States Research: African Identity in the Persian G ulf Harvard University, Department o f Asian Languages Harvard University, Center for Middle Eastern Studies,and Civilizations, Cambridge, MA Cambridge, M A c/o Prof. Peter K. Bol c/o Dr. E. Roger Owen September 2005 - August 2006 September 2005 - May 2006 Kopecek, Michal Mokeev, Anvarbek Associated Professor and Vice Rector, Department o f Researcher, Institute o f Contemporary History, Prague, History, Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, Bishkek, Czech Republic Kyrgyz Republic Lecturing: The Quest for Meaning of the Revolution: Research: Tribes and Clans in Kyrgyzstan and the Marxism and Politics in East Central Europe, Way They Affect Formation of Modem Kyrgyz 1945-1969 Political Elite Endicott College, Department o f Arts and Sciences, University of Wisconsin— Madison, Department of Beverly, M A Languages and Cultures o f Asia, Madison, W I c/o Dr. Michael Kilburn c/o Dr. U li Schamiloglu August 2005 - June 2006 September 2005 - May 2006 (Scholar-in-Residence Program)

Kumar, Deepak Monjib, Maati Professor, Zakir Husain Centre for EducationalAssistant Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Studies, School o f Social Sciences, JawaharlalLiterature Nehru and Human Sciences, Moulay Ismail University, New Delhi, India University, Meknes, Morocco Lecturing: History o f Science, Technology, Lecturing: Islamic-Middle East Studies Environment, Medicine and MulticulturalismRainy River Community College, Department of University o f Wisconsin— Madison, Department Administration,of International Falls, MN Medical History and Bioethics, Madison, WI c/o Mr. Wayne Merrell c/o Dr. Warwick Anderson September 2005 - June 2006 September 2005 - December 2005 (Scholar-in-Residence Program)

41 History (non-U.S.)

Mustafayev, Shahin Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Deputy Director, Institute o f Oriental Studies, NationalKennan Institute, Washington, DC Academy o f Sciences o f Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijanc/o Ms. Summer Brown Research: National Identity in Azerbaijan: March 2006 - August 2006 Historical Background, Contemporary Problems(Fulbright/Kennan Institute Research Scholarship) and Future Challenges Vermeir, Koen J. Indiana University— Bloomington, Department o f Postdoctoral Scholar, Department o f Philosophy, Central Eurasian Studies, Bloomington, IN Catholic University o f Leuven, Leuven, Belgium c/o Dr. Shahyar Daneshgar Research: The Powers o f the Imagination in Early September 2005 - May 2006 Modem Europe: An Interdisciplinary Study o f the Neylan, Susan Lynn Relation Between Different 17th-Century Traditions Associate Professor, Department o f History, W ilfrid o f the Imagination Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada Harvard University, Department of the History of Research: Aboriginal Identities, Spiritual BorderlandsScience, Cambridge, M A and Cultural Exchange Across the Canadian c/o Dr. Katharine Park American Pacific Northwest December 2005 - December 2006 University o f Washington, Jackson School o f Wirsching, Andreas Ernst International Studies, Center for Canadian Studies, Professor, Department o f History, University o f Seattle, W A Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany c/o Dr. Kim England Lecturing: 20th-Century German and Western January 2006 - A p ril 2006 European History Ortuno Molina, Jorge Washington University, Department o f History, St. Postdoctoral Scholar, Department o f History, Louis, MO University o f Murcia, Murcia, Spain c/o Dr. Hillel J. Kieval Research: Frontier Relations During the Union oAugust f the 2005 - May 2006 Crown of Castile and Aragon Under the Catholic Yusuf,Kings Muhsin University o f California— Los Angeles, Department o f Professor, Department o f Archeology and Political History, Los Angeles, CA Science, Birzeit University, Birzeit, West Bank c/o Dr. Teofilo F. Ruiz Lecturing: Israeli and West Bank Perspectives on the October 2005 - September 2007 Middle East Picard, Avraham Earlham College, Department o f Program External Lecturer, Department o f Jewish History, Development, Richmond, IN Ben-Gurion University o f the Negev, Beersheba,c/o Israel Dr. Alice Shrock Research: Ethnic Identity in the Periphery August 2005 - December 2005 New York University, Department of Hebrew and(Scholar-in-Residence Program) Judaic Studies, New York, NY Zhemukhov, Sufian c/o Dr. Ronald Zweig Associate Professor, Department o f Social and September 2005 - August 2006 Humanities Education, Teacher Training Institute, Swan, Philip Kabardian-Balkar State University, Nal’chik, Russia Lecturer, Department of History, Faculty of MediaResearch: The Caucasus in American Historiography and Humanities, University of Lincoln, Lincoln,Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, United Kingdom Kennan Institute, Washington, DC Lecturing and Research: British History: Bomber c/o Ms. Summer Brown Command in Lincolnshire in World War II September 2005 - February 2006 Westminster College, Department of History, (Fulbright/Kennan Institute Research Scholarship) Fulton, MO Ziebinska-Witek, Anna c/o Dr. Richard L. Lael Assistant Professor, Center for Jewish Studies, Maria August 2005 - August 2006 Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland Usmanov, Nail Research: Visualization o f Memory: The Holocaust Dean, Department o f History, Birsk State PedagogicalCommemoration in Museums Institute, Birsk, Russia Princeton University, Ronald O. Perelman Institute, Research: The A ctivity o f the American Relief Program in Jewish Studies, Princeton, NJ Administration in the Southern Urals Region c/o Dr. Froma Zeitlin (1921-1923) September 2005 - January 2006

42 Language and Literature (non-U.S.)

In fo rm a tio n Sciences University o f California— Berkeley, Graduate School o f Journalism, Berkeley, CA Mendez Rodriguez, Eva Maria c/o Dr. Carolyn Wakeman Assistant Professor, Department of Library andSeptember 2005 - August 2006 Inform ation Sciences, Carlos III University o f Madrid, M adrid, Spain Khalfi, Mustapha Research: Information Technologies: MetadataJournalist and Editor-in-Chief, Attajdid Daily Application for Learning Objects to Improve theNewspaper, Rabat, Morocco European Space o f Higher Education andResearch: European The Role o f Congress in Foreign Policy Credit Transfer and Accumulation System Making W ith Specific Reference to Democracy University of North Carolina— Chapel Hill, Promotion in the Muslim W orld Department o f Library and Information Science,Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Democracy Metadata Research Center, Chapel H ill, NC and Rule o f Law Project, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Jane Greenberg c/o Dr. Thomas Carothers October 2005 - March 2006 American Political Science Association, Congressional Fellowship Program, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Jeff Biggs Journalism August 2005 - August 2006 (Fulbright/APSA Congressional Fellowship Program) Abu Libdeh, Samer Mustafa Ali Mannan, Quazi Abdul Director, Interaction Forum, , Jordan Professor, Department o f Mass Communication and Research: The Process o f U.S. and Jordanian OfficialJournalism, University o f Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh State Relations and the Discourse o f DemocracyResearch: U.S. Media and the Growth o f News Promotion in Jordan Analysis in Bangladesh The Washington Institute for Near East Policy,Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Department of Washington, DC Speech and Communication Studies, Edinboro, PA c/o Dr. Patrick Clawson c/o Dr. Terrence Warburton American Political Science Association, CongressionalSeptember 2005 - March 2006 Fellowship Program, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Jeff Biggs Wasserman, Hermanus Jacobus August 2005 - August 2006 Senior Lecturer, Department o f Journalism, University (Fulbright/APSA Congressional Fellowship Program)o f Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa Research: Toward a Critical Normative Framework for Azzouz, Fatma bent Hassen South African Journalism Assistant Professor, Tunisia Press and InformationIndiana University— Bloomington, School of Sciences Institute, Tunis, Tunisia Journalism, Bloomington, IN Lecturing: Women, Media and Democracy in Islamc/o Dr. Maria Grabe Bowling Green State University, School of September 2006 - December 2006 Communication Studies, Department o f Journalism, Bowling Green, OH c/o Dr. Catherine Cassara Language and Literature (non-U.S.) August 2005 - May 2006 Adamo, Sergia (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Lecturer, Department of Italian, Linguistics, Communication and Performing Arts, University of Bergman, M ia Amanda Trieste, Trieste, Italy Assistant Producer, TV4, Stockholm, Sweden Research: Narrating Justice: Literature and Law in Research: Broadcast Journalism Italian Culture University o f Missouri— Columbia, School o f Princeton University, Department o f French and Journalism, Department o f Advertising, Columbia, MO Italian, Princeton, NJ c/o Dr. Fritz Cropp c/o Dr. Pietro Frassica August 2005 - May 2006 September 2005 - March 2006 Kamiya, Setsuko Adamu, Fekade Azeze Staff W riter, Features Department, Japan Times,Associate Professor, Department o f Ethiopian Tokyo, Japan Languages and Literature, Addis Ababa University, Research: The Jury System and the Role o f CivicAddis Ababa, Ethiopia Education in the United States Research: Introduction to Folklore in Amharic

43 Language and Literature (non-U.S.)

Indiana University— Bloomington, Department oResearch: f American and Literature: Folklore and Ethnomusicology, Bloomington,Components IN and Vision c/o Dr. John Johnson Ohio State University— Columbus, Department o f Near September 2005 - May 2006 Eastern Languages and Cultures, Columbus, OH c/o Dr. Mahdi Alosh Avia, Donna Tusiata September 2005 - June 2006 Pacific Artist-in-Residence, Macmillan Brown Centre for Pacific Studies, University o f Canterbury, Han, Jiaming Christchurch, New Zealand Professor, Department of English, Peking University, Lecturing and Research: Pacific Writers Residency Beijing, China University o f Hawaii— Manoa, Center for Pacific Research: Henry Fielding and 18th-Century Studies Islands Studies, Honolulu, HI University of Virginia, Department of English, c/o Dr. David Hanlon Charlottesville, VA August 2005 - November 2005 c/o Prof. J. Paul Hunter Brion, Rofel Gregorio September 2005 - September 2006 Professor, Department o f Interdisciplinary Studies, School o f Humanities, Ateneo de Manila University,Kara, Hayat Manila, Philippines Professor, Department o f Arabic Language, Faculty o f Lecturing: Philippine Literature and Popular CultureLiterature and Human Sciences, Mohamed V University o f San Francisco, Yuchengco PhilippineUniversity, Rabat, Morocco Studies Program, San Francisco, CA Research: Andalusian Sufi Poet A l-M irtu lli al-Zahid: c/o Dr. Joaquin L. Gonzalez III Historical Archetype and Symbolic Figure January 2006 - April 2006 University o f Arkansas— Fayetteville, King Fahd Center for Middle East and Islamic Studies, Davison, Carol Fayetteville, AR Associate Professor, Department o f English, c/o Dr. Vincent Cornell University o f Windsor, Windsor, Canada September 2005 - December 2005 Research: Gothic Scotland and Scottish Gothic: The Politics and Poetics o f a Literary Tradition Luo, Ting-Yao University of Virginia, Albert and Shirley Small Associate Professor, Department o f Foreign Languages Special Collections Library, Charlottesville, V A and Literature, National Sun Yat-sen University, c/o Mrs. Heather Moore Riser Kaohsiung, Taiwan September 2005 - December 2005 Research: The Ethics o f Place and the Ecological De Mel, Fyona Neloufer Sharain Imagination in Derek Walcott’s Poetry Senior Lecturer, Department o f English, UniversityHarvard o fUniversity, Department o f English and Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka American Literature, Cambridge, M A Research: Militarism and Culture: Issues o f c/o Prof. Lawrence Buell Representation, Performance and Security August 2005 - July 2006 Yale University, Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, New Haven, CT Magwaza, Thenjiwe Sindiswa Cheryl c/o Dr. Laura Wexler Director, Gender Studies Program, University o f January 2006 - August 2006 Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa Research: Zulu Female Dress: The Development o f a Dili Palai, Clement South African Identity Lecturer, Department o f French, Faculty o f Arts, Yale University, Department o f Comparative Letters and Social Sciences, University o f Literature, New Haven, CT Ngaoundere, Ngaoundere, Cameroon c/o Dr. Haun Saussy Lecturing: Advanced French and Cultural Studies September 2005 - December 2005 Cheyney University o f Pennsylvania, Department o f Communication and Modem Languages, Cheyney, PA Makeev, Mikhail c/o Ms. Norma George Associate Professor, Department o f Russian Literature, August 2005 - May 2006 School of Philology, Moscow State University, (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Moscow, Russia Faress, Assem Research: Literature and the Book Market in Russia Associate Professor, Department o f English, Facultyand o f the United States in the Second H a lf o f the Arts, University of Aleppo, Aleppo, Syria 19th Century

44 Law

Dartmouth College, Department o f Russian LanguageZeng, Cheng and Literature, Hanover, NH Associate Professor, School o f English and c/o Dr. Lev Loseff International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies September 2005 - March 2006 University, Beijing, China Lecturing: Chinese Society and Culture Marnersdottir, Malan CUNY— Queensborough Community College, Office Professor, Department o f Faroese Language and of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Literature, University o f the Faroe Islands, Torshavn, Bayside, NY Faroe Islands, Denmark c/o Dr. Mark McColloch Lecturing and Research: Faroese Literature and Culture February 2006 - May 2006 University o f Washington, College of Arts and (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Sciences, Department o f Scandinavian Studies, Seattle, W A Zhao, Xifang c/o Prof. Terje I. Leiren Professor, Institute o f Literature, Chinese Academy o f March 2006 - June 2006 Social Science, Beijing, China Research: Post Colonialism and the Chinese Literary Pandurang, Mala Position Head, Dr. B.M .N . College o f Home Science, Harvard University, Harvard-Yenching Institute, Mumbai, India Cambridge, M A Lecturing: The Politics o f Gender in Narratives by c/o Dr. Weiming Tu Migrant Women of Indian Origin September 2005 - August 2006 University o f Texas— Austin, The South Asia Institute, Austin, TX c/o Dr. James Brow Law August 2005 - December 2005 Abueid, Abdallah M.A. Perera, Senath Walter Associate Professor, Institute o f Law, Birzeit Professor, Department o f English, University o f University, Birzeit, West Bank Peradeniya, Kandy, Sri Lanka Lecturing: Contemporary Political Issues in the Research: The Emergence o f the Sri LankanArab Novel W orld of Expatriation Bucknell University, Department of Political Sciences, Cornell University, Department o f Asian Studies,Lewisburg, PA Ithaca, N Y c/o Dr. Tansa Massoud c/o Dr. Anne Blackburn August 2005 - May 2006 October 2005 - June 2006 (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Popova, Diana Dimitrova Alisherov, Abdurashid Assistant Professor, Department o f Humanities,Lawyer, Department of Organizational Control, Bourgas Free University, Bourgas, Bulgaria Namangan Regional Authority, Namangan City, Lecturing: Enhancing Cross-Cultural UnderstandingUzbekistan Through Teaching Bulgarian LanguageResearch: and Culture The U.S. Judicial Authority in Criminal University o f North Carolina—Chapel Hill, CollegeProcedures: of A Comparative Analysis o f American Arts and Sciences, Department o f Slavic LanguagesLegal Proceedings and Judicial Reforms o f Uzbekistan and Literatures, Chapel H ill, NC Indiana University— Bloomington, School of Law, c/o Dr. Beth Holmgren Department o f Graduate Legal Studies, September 2005 - January 2006 Bloomington, IN Vaittinen, Pirjo Helena c/o Prof. Lisa Farnsworth August 2005 - May 2006 Senior Lecturer, Department o f Teacher Education, U nit for Pedagogical Studies in Subject TeacherAliyev, Kamran Education, University o f Tampere, Tampere,Senior Finland Assistant, General Prosecutor’s Office, Baku, Lecturing: Pedagogy o f Teaching Finnish inAzerbaijan the United States and Finnish Studies Research: The Anti-Corruption Law and Its Finlandia University, Suomi College o f Arts andImplementation Sciences, Hancock, M I American University, Transnational Crime and c/o Dr. Jeanne Rellahan Corruption Center, Washington, DC August 2005 - May 2006 c/o Dr. Louise Shelley (Scholar-in-Residence Program) November 2005 - June 2006

45 Law

Anand, Indira Anita Federal Bureau o f Investigation, Joint Terrorist Task Associate Professor, Faculty o f Law, Queen’s Force, New York, N Y University, Kingston, Canada c/o Mr. Charles B. Stem Research: Mandatory Corporate GovernanceApril and 2006 the - August 2006 Effect o f Sarbanes-Oxley on Foreign Firms Yale University, School o f Law, New Flaven, CT Coldrey, Olivia Jane Counsel, Legal Department, Export Finance and c/o Mr. George Priest Insurance Corporation, Sydney, Australia September 2005 - April 2006 Research: Maximizing Opportunities for Australian Barron, Anne Business in U.S. Government Procurement Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, LondonNew School York University, School of Law, Hauser Global o f Economics and Political Science, London,Law School Program, New York, NY United Kingdom c/o Dr. Joseph Weiler Research: Understanding Copyright August 2005 - July 2006 Columbia University, School of Law, New York, Florea,NY Evghenii c/o Prof. Jane Ginsburg Professor, Department o f Law, Moldova State August 2005 - June 2006 University, Chisinau, Moldova Research: Bank Fraud Crimes: History, Causes and Begne de Nieto, Claudia Patricia Prevention Professor, School o f Law, University o f Guanajuato, University of Memphis, Cecil C. Humphreys School Guanajuato, Mexico o f Law, Memphis, TN Lecturing: Women’s Political Empowerment and c/o Dr. W illiam K ratzke Rights and Globalization in Mexico September 2005 - December 2005 Daemen College, Department o f Foreign Languages, Amherst, N Y Fong, Gen-Yu c/o Prof. Denise M ills Professor, College of Law, National Chengchi September 2005 - May 2006 University, Taipei, Taiwan (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Research: Biotechnology Licensing Strategies: Tax and Legal Analysis Bowal, Peter Clarence University o f Washington, School o f Law, Seattle, W A Professor, Haskayne School o f Business, Universityc/o Prof.o f W. H. Knight Calgary, Calgary, Canada August 2005 - January 2006 Research: Comparative Analysis o f the Regulation o f W histleblowing A ctivity in the United StatesHasani, Enver and Canada Professor and Head, Department o f International Law Michigan State University, Canadian Studies Center,and Relations, University o f Pristina, Pristina, Kosovo East Lansing, M I Lecturing and Research: Jus Ad Bello and Jus In c/o Dr. Philip Handrick Bellum in International Law Northwestern University, Center for International and September 2005 - January 2006 Comparative Studies, Evanston, IL Christiansen, Per c/o Dr. Andrew Wachtel Professor, Faculty o f Law, University o f Tromso, September 2005 - January 2006 Tromso, Norway Ibrahim, Asmihan Binti Research: A Legal Comparison o f the UnitedLawyer, States Messrs Zul Rafique and Partners, Kuala and the European Union Lumpur, Malaysia George Washington University, School o f Law,Research: Establishing a Deposit Insurance Washington, DC Corporation in Malaysia: Using the United States c/o Dr. Susan Karamanian and Japan as Examples August 2005 - August 2006 Georgetown University, Law Center, Asian Law and Policy Studies Program, Washington, DC Cochrane, Mark c/o Dr. Viet D. Dinh Detective Inspector, Crime Operations Branch, Police September 2005 - November 2005 Service o f Northern Ireland, Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom Jashari, Jetish Research: Countering Terrorism Through Staff Attorney, American Bar Association Central Intelligence-Led Policing European and Eurasian Law Initiative, Pristina, Kosovo

46 Law

Research: United Nations Field Mission Legal ReformResearch: The Role o f Civil Society in Legislative in Kosovo Discussion, Accountability and Credibility Columbia University, School o f Law, Public InterestGeorgetown University, School o f Foreign Service, Law Initiative, New York, NY Center for Latin American Studies, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Edwin Rekosh c/o Dr. Arturo Valenzuela September 2005 - December 2005 American Political Science Association, Congressional Fellowship Program, Washington, DC Lifshitz, Shahar c/o Dr. Jeff Biggs Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Bar-Ilan University, August 2005 - August 2006 Ramat-Gan, Israel (Fulbright/APSA Congressional Fellowship Program) Lecturing: Civil Theory of Family Law New Y o rk University, School o f Law, Hauser GlobalToepel, Friedrich Erhard Law School Program, New York, N Y Visiting Professor, Institute o f Law, University o f c/o Dr. J.H.H. Weiler Bonn, Bonn, Germany August 2005 - August 2006 Research: The Meaning o f the “ Idem” in a Transnational Principle o f “ Ne Bis in Idem” or Liu, Kaixiang Prohibition of Double Jeopardy Professor, Law School, Peking University, Beijing, China Northwestern University, School of Law, Department Research: Trends o f the Theory and Practice o f Trust of Law Instruction, Chicago, IL Law in the United States and Its Importation to China c/o Dr. Ronald J. Allen Vanderbilt University, Law School, Nashville, TN August 2005 - March 2006 c/o Dr. Jeffrey A. Schoenblum September 2005 - September 2006 Tripathi, Hari Bansh District Judge, Kathmandu District Court, Mosquera Valderrama, Irma Kathmandu, Nepal Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Tax Law, Research: Strengthening Public Interest Litigation and University o f Groningen, Groningen, NetherlandsJudicial Activism in Nepal Research: The Cross-Border Leasing Debate in University of Washington, School of Law, Mediation Taxation: A Contribution in the Light of Legal Clinic, Seattle, W A Culture, Legal System and Principles o f Law c/o Prof. Julia Gold New Y ork University, School o f Law, New York, NYSeptember 2005 - A pril 2006 c/o Dr. John Steines University of Florida, School of Law, Gainesville, FLWang, Xiaoye c/o Dr. Paul R. McDaniel Director and Professor, Economic Law Department, September 2005 - December 2005 Institute o f Law, Chinese Academy o f Social Science, Beijing, China Mysore Krishnaswamy, Ramesh Research: American Antitrust Law and Its Influence Additional Professor, National Law School, India in China University, Bangalore, India Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago-Kent College Research: Legal Musings on Future Prospects foro f Law, Chicago, IL Environmental Advocacy c/o Prof. David J. Gerber Pace University— White Plains, School o f Law, WhiteSeptember 2005 - August 2006 Plains, N Y Yefymenko, Anatoliy c/o Prof. Nicolas Robinson Research Fellow, Department o f Research and October 2005 - May 2006 Development, Institute o f International Relations, Nguyen, Hien Phuc Thuy Taras Shevchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine Professor, Faculty of Commercial Law, Ho Chi MinhResearch: Regulation o f Joint Stock Companies’ City University of Law, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Activities and Securities Circulation: A Comparative Research: Legal Protection o f World Heritage in theLegal Analysis o f Ukrainian and U.S. Legislation Context of Tourism Promotion in Vietnam University o f Delaware, College o f Business and Pace University— White Plains, School o f Law, WhiteEconomics, Department o f Business Administration, Plains, N Y Newark, DE c/o Prof. Nicholas A. Robinson c/o Dr. S.A. Billon September 2005 - May 2006 September 2005 - May 2006 Soto Velasco, Jose Sebastian Zuo, Haicong Researcher, Legislative Program, Freedom and Professor, School of Law, Wuhan University, Development (LYD), Santiago, Chile Wuhan, China

47 Law

Research: U.S. Trade Law and Its Impact on University o f Wisconsin-—Madison, Department o f U.S.-China Trade Relations Communicative Disorders, Madison, WI Georgetown University, Law Center, Washington,c/o DCDr. Marios Fourakis c/o Prof. John H. Jackson October 2005 - March 2006 September 2005 - August 2006 Boudlal, Abdelaziz Zuo, Weimin Professor, Department o f English, Faculty o f Letters, Chouaib Doukkali University, El-Jadida, Morocco Professor, Law School, University, Research: A Web-Based Linguistic Dictionary o f , China Moroccan Arabic Research: Comparative Studies on Appointment o f University o f Massachusetts— Amherst, Department o f Judges in China and the United States: Practices to Linguistics, Amherst, M A Be Learned From the American System c/o Dr. Elizabeth Selkirk Harvard University, Law School, East Asian Legal July 2005 - September 2005 Studies, Cambridge, M A c/o P rof W illiam Alford Cap, Piotr Kazimierz September 2005 - August 2006 Assistant Professor, Department o f English, University o f Lodz, Lodz, Poland Research: Language and the War: A Study in Linguistics Legitimization o f the U.S. Involvement in Iraq From March 2003 and Onward A Razak, Rogayah Binti Boston University, School o f Education, Department o f Associate Professor, Department o f Audiology Developmentaland Studies and Counseling, Boston, M A Speech Sciences, Faculty o f Allied Health Sciences,c/o Prof. Bruce Fraser National University of Malaysia (UKM), KualaSeptember 2005 - January 2006 Lumpur, Malaysia Research: The Development o f a Prototype oDelip f a Malay Singh, Saran Kaur A. Language Preschool Assessment Test Professor, Faculty o f Social Sciences and Humanities, Washington State University— Spokane, DepartmentSchool o f Language Studies and Linguistics, o f Speech and Hearing Sciences, Spokane,National W A University o f Malaysia (UKM), Selangor c/o Dr. Charles L. Madison Darul Ehsan, Malaysia February 2006 - June 2006 Lecturing and Research: The Language Policy o f Managing Ethnic, National and Global Identities: Awasthi, Jai Raj Malaysian and American Experiences and Their Professor, Department o f English Education, Way Forward Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal University o f Pennsylvania, School o f Arts and Research: A Study on the Materials and PedagogySciences, o f Department o f South Asia Regional Nepali and English as Second Languages Studies, Philadelphia, PA Michigan State University, English Language Center,c/o Dr. Harold F. Schiffman East Lansing, M I February 2006 - June 2006 c/o Dr. Susan M. Gass Garagulya, Sergey August 2005 - A p ril 2006 Associate Professor, Department o f Foreign Languages, Belgorod Shukhov State Technological Biris, Roua Gabriela University, Belgorod, Russia Visiting Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Research: Anthroponymic Transformations in the University o f Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia English Language Environment o f the American Research: Linguistic and Cultural Aspects o f English Community as a Lingua Franca in Contemporary Romania Eastern Washington University, Department o f University of California—Davis, Department of English, Cheney, W A French and Italian, Davis, CA c/o Dr. Grant Smith c/o Dr. Maria M. Manoliu November 2005 - April 2006 September 2005 - March 2006 Huitink, Janneke Botinis, Antonios Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Philosophy, Radboud Assistant Professor, Department o f Linguistics, University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Netherlands University o f Athens, Athens, Greece Research: Restrictions on the Distribution o f Modal Research: Contrastive Prosody Operators

48 Mathematics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, DepartmentMberia, of Kithaka Linguistics and Philosophy, Cambridge, MA Chair, Department of Linguistics and African c/o Dr. Kai von Fintel Languages, University o f Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya September 2005 - January 2006 Lecturing: Kiswahili Language and East African Literature Jiang, Yue Virginia State University, Department of Sociology Professor, Foreign Languages School, X i’an Jiaotongand Criminal Justice, Petersburg, V A University, Xian, China c/o Dr. Joyce Mood Edwards October 2005 - May 2006 Research: Fuzziness in Natural Language and Its Implications to Translation (Scholar-in-Residence Program) University o f Pennsylvania, Department o f Linguistics,Nishigauchi, Taisuke Philadelphia, PA Professor, Department o f Linguistic Sciences, Kobe c/o Prof. W illiam Labov Shoin Graduate School, Kobe, Japan September 2005 - August 2006 Research: Form o f Thought as Reflected in the Form Kilarski, Marcin Maria o f Language Assistant Professor, Department o f English, Adam University o f Maryland— College Park, Department o f M ickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland Linguistics, College Park, M D Research: Formal Approaches to Nominal c/o Dr. Norbert Homstein Classification Systems August 2005 - February 2006 University o f New Mexico-—Albuquerque, Ryabova, Marina Department o f Linguistics, Albuquerque, NMHead o f the English Chair, Department o f Romance c/o Dr. Melissa Axelrod and Germanic Philology, Kemerovo State University, August 2005 - January 2006 Kemerovo, Russia Laczko, Tibor Sandor Research: Power Discourse: A Linguistic Description Associate Professor, Department o f English Linguistics,University o f California— Berkeley, Department o f University o f Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary Linguistics, Berkeley, CA Research: A Lexical-Functional Approach to c/o Dr. George Lakoff Inflectional and Word Order Phenomena in October 2005 - April 2006 Hungarian and English Smits, Erik-Jan Stanford University, Department of Linguistics, Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Stanford, CA and Culture, University o f Groningen, Groningen, c/o Dr. Thomas Wasow Netherlands September 2005 - June 2006 Research: The Acquisition o f Quantification Li, Benxian University o f Massachusetts— Amherst, Department o f Professor, School o f English Studies, X i’an Linguistics, Amherst, M A International Studies University, Xian, China c/o Dr. Thomas Roeper Research: Americans’ Renditions o f Classic ChineseSeptember 2005 - January 2006 Novels: A Cross-Cultural Communicative ApproachZhang, Shaojie University o f Rhode Island, Department o f Professor, School o f Foreign Languages, Northeast Communication Studies, Kingston, RI Normal University, , China c/o Dr. Guo-Ming Chen Research: Insincere Speech Acts: A Critique o f September 2005 - September 2006 Searle’s Felicity Conditions Lu, Ching-Ching University of California— Berkeley, Department of Associate Professor, Graduate Institute o f Taiwan Philosophy, Berkeley, CA Languages and Language Education, National c/o Dr. John Searle Hsin-Chu Teachers College, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan October 2005 - August 2006 Research: Tonal Comprehension and Production in Bilingual Aphasia: Dissociations and Their Lesion Correlates Mathematics University o f California—Davis, VA Northern Diez Palomar, Francisco Javier California Health Care System, Martinez Outpatient Researcher, Center o f Research in Theories and Clinic, Center for Aphasia and Related Disorders, Practices to Overcome Inequalities, University o f Davis, CA Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain c/o Dr. Nina Dronkers Research: Overcoming the Difficulties o f Math August 2005 - October 2005 Education for Latino Students

49 Mathematics

University o f Arizona, Center for the MathematicsTigoiu, Sanda Education o f Latinos, Department o f Mathematics,Professor, Faculty o f Mathematics and Informatics, Tucson, AZ University o f Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania c/o Prof. Marta C ivil Research: Inelastic Behavior o f Materials W ith September 2005 - August 2007 Structural Inhomogeneities Such as Dislocations and Twinned Structures Estrada Dominguez, Sergio Texas A & M University— College Station, Department Assistant Professor, Department o f Algebra, of Mechanical Engineering, College Station, TX University o f Granada, Granada, Spain c/o Dr. K.R. Rajagopal Research: Representations o f Quivers: Quasicoherent October 2005 - A pril 2006 Seaves and Relative Homological Algebra University o f Kentucky, Department o f Mathematics, Lexington, KY c/o Prof. Edgar E. Enochs M edical Sciences September 2005 - August 2007 AbuHelu, Rasmi F M Habil, Eissa D.A. Head, Department o f Medical Technology, Faculty o f Professor, Department o f Mathematics, Islamic Health Professions, Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, University o f Gaza, Primal, Gaza West Bank Research: Measures, States and Sequential Research:Products on Auto-Reactive B Cell Replication Triggered Effect Algebras by Apoptotic Sjogren’s Epithelial Cells Louisiana Tech University, College o f EngineeringNorth andShore University Hospital, Institute for M edical Science, Department o f Mathematics, Ruston, LAResearch, Manhasset, N Y c/o Dr. Richard J. Greechie c/o Dr. Nicolas Chiorazzi August 2005 - A pril 2006 September 2005 - June 2006 Krai, Daniel Research Fellow, Institute for Theoretical ComputerArtemi, Ion Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech RepublicAssociate Professor, Department o f Neurology and Research: The Four Color Problem and Its GeneralizationNeurosurgery, School o f Continuing Medical Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Education, Moldova State University o f Medicine and Mathematics, Atlanta, GA Pharmacy Nicolae Testemitsanu, Chisinau, M oldova c/o Dr. Robin Thomas Research: Optimization o f the Educational Process in October 2005 - July 2006 Distance Learning and Curricular Reforms W ith in the Framework of Continuing Medical Education: Rajabov, Nusrat Professional Peculiarities for Neurologists and Head, Department o f Physics, Mathematics, ChemicalFamily Physicians and Geological Sciences, Tajik Academy o f Ohio State University— Columbus, University Sciences, Dushanbe, Tajikistan Hospitals, Columbus, OH Lecturing and Research: The Model and Non-Modelc/o Ms. Sereana Dresbach Two- and Three-Dimensional Volterra TypeOctober 2005 - April 2006 Integral Equation With Fixed Singularity and Super-Singularity and Its Applications Bajpai, Minu University of Delaware, Department o f Mathematical Additional Professor, Department of Pediatric Sciences, Newark, DE Surgery, All-India Institute of Medical Sciences, c/o Dr. Robert P. Gilbert New Delhi, India February 2006 - July 2006 Lecturing: Pediatric Urology Raposa, Blessilda Perez Johns Hopkins University, School o f Medicine, Associate Professor, Mathematics Department, DeDivision la of Pediatric Urology, Baltimore, MD Salle University, Manila, Philippines c/o Dr. John P. Gearhart Research: Developing a Set of Criteria to DetermineOctober 2005 - December 2005 Polynomial Dynamical Systems That Have Steady States: Application to a Coral Biochemical SystemBumah, Violet Vakunseh Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,Assistant Lecturer, Department o f Life Sciences, Faculty Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, Blacksburg, VAo f Science, University o f Buea, Buea, Cameroon c/o Prof. Reinhard Laubenbacher Research: Identification and Characterization o f a December 2005 - May 2006 Recombinant Antigen Vaccine Against Malaria

50 M edical Sciences

Northwestern University, Feinberg School o f Grzeszczuk, Anna Medicine, Departments o f Pathology and Adjunct Faculty, Department o f Infectious Diseases, Microbiology- Immunology, Evanston, IL School o f Medicine, University o f Bialystok, c/o Dr. Kasturi Haidar Bialystok, Poland September 2005 - May 2006 Research: Functional Studies on Anaplasma Phagocytophilum Polish Strains Ciobanu, Petru Octavian Johns Hopkins University, School o f Medicine, Associate Professor, Department o f Medical Department o f Pathology, Baltimore, MD Bioengineering, University of Medicine and c/o Dr. J. Stephen Dumler Pharmacy “ Gr. T. Popa” , Iasi, Romania October 2005 - March 2006 Research: Creating a Database for Physical Anthropometry University o f Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Hapgood, Janet Patricia Center, Center for Human Stimulation, Aurora, CO Professor, Department o f Biochemistry, University o f c/o Dr. Karl D. Reinig Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa November 2005 - February 2006 Research: The Molecular Mechanism of Varying Duque, Julie M. T. Selectivity and Biological Activity o f Synthetic Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Neurophysiology,Progestins Through Glucocorticoid and Progesterone Catholic University o f Louvain, Brussels, BelgiumSteroid Receptors to Enhance the Design and Research: Neural Substrates o f Bimanual CoordinationEffectiveness o f Progestins for Endocrine Therapy Representation National Institutes o f Health, Laboratory o f Molecular University o f California— Berkeley, Department andof Cellular Biology, Steriod Hormones Section, Psychology, Berkeley, CA Bethesda, MD c/o Dr. Richard Ivry c/o Dr. S. Stoney Simons Jr. January 2006 - December 2006 August 2005 - January 2006 Essop, Mogammad Faadiel Senior Lecturer, Faculty o f Health Sciences, HatterHovda, Knut Erik Institute for Cardiology Research, UniversityFellow, of Department o f Acute Medicine, Ulleval Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa University Hospital, University o f Oslo, Oslo, Norway Research: The Role o f Elevated Fatty Acid UtilizationResearch: Renal Failure in Ethylene Glycol Poisonings in the Development of Cardiovascular DiseaseLouisiana State University Medical University o f Texas— Health Science Center at Center— Shreveport, Department o f Pharmacology Houston, Division o f Cardiology, Departmentand o f Therapeutics, Shreveport, LA Internal Medicine, Houston, TX c/o Dr. Kenneth McMartin c/o Dr. Heinrich Taegtmeyer September 2005 - August 2006 August 2005 - January 2006 Jahrami, Mohamed Merza J. E. Froen, Jahn Frederik Medical Technologist, Salmaniya Medical Complex, Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Epidemiology, Ministry o f Health, Manama, Bahrain Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway Research: Immunopathogenetics o f Type One Diabetes Research: Improving Outcome and Care o f University o f Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Pregnancies With Reduced Fetal Movements Center, Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Department o f Diabetes, Denver, CO Obstetrics and Gynecology, Boston, M A c/o Dr. George Eisenbarth c/o Dr. Robert L. Barbieri September 2005 - May 2006 July 2005 - July 2006 Garcia Barchino, Maria Jose Karnak, Ibrahim Research Associate, Department o f HematologyAssociate and Professor, Department o f Pediatric Oncology, Clinical Hospital, University o f Valencia,Surgery, Faculty o f Medicine, Hacettepe Valencia, Spain University, Ankara, Turkey Research: The Role o f Stat5 Activation in PrimaryResearch: The Effects o f Increased Intra-Abdominal Breast Cancer Progression to Metastic DiseasePressure on the Fetal Urinary System Georgetown University, Lombardi Cancer Center,Cleveland Clinic, Department o f Pediatric Urology, Department o f Oncology, Washington, DC Cleveland, OH c/o Dr. Hallgeir Rui c/o Dr. Robert Kay October 2005 - September 2007 July 2005 - January 2006

51 Medical Sciences

Lokrou, Lohourignon Adrien Research: Reducing the M ortality Rate From Professor, Department o f Endocrinology andCardiovascular Diseases in Turkmenistan by Metabolism, School of Medicine, University ofApplying the Model o f the U.S. Health Care System Cocody— Abidjan, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire Baylor College o f Medicine, Department o f Surgery, Research: Diabetes Mellitus W ith Initial Level oHouston, f TX Blood Glucose and Transient Kidney Failurec/o Dr. Alan Lumsden University o f Colorado at Denver and HealthSeptember Sciences 2005 - May 2006 Center, School o f Medicine, Department o f Novakova, Pavla Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, Aurora, CO Senior House Officer, Department o f Gynecology and c/o Dr. Richard Hamman Obstetrics, 3rd Medical Faculty, Charles University, September 2005 - June 2006 Prague, Czech Republic Losonczy, Gyorgy Research: Prognostic Value o f Flow Cytometric DNA Professor, Department o f Pulmonology, SemmelweisAnalysis in Gynecological Tumors University o f Medicine, Budapest, Hungary University o f Minnesota— Twin Cities, Medical Research: Pregnancy and A llergic A irw ay DiseaseSchool, Department o f Obstetrics, Gynecology and in Mice Women’s Health, Minneapolis, MN National Jewish Medical and Research Center,c/o Dr. Linda Carson Department o f Pediatrics, Denver, CO October 2005 - January 2006 c/o Dr. Erwin Gelfand August 2005 - November 2005 Palkovicova, Lubica Researcher, Department o f Environmental Medicine, Macionis, Valdas Slovak Health University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic Research Assistant, Center for Plastic and Research: Epidemiological Study o f Health Effects o f Reconstructive Surgery, Faculty o f Medicine, Exposure to Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Children , Vilnius, Lithuania University of California— Davis, Department o f Public Research: Experimental Use o f a Supraphysiologic Health Sciences, Davis, CA Temperature for the Accelerated Evaluation o f Skin c/o Dr. Irva Hertz-Picciotto Graft Preservation Media September 2005 - February 2006 Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Division o f Plastic Surgery, Boston, M A Putman, Koen D. c/o Dr. Dennis P. Orgill Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Medical Sociology October 2005 - May 2006 and Health Sciences, Free University o f Brussels, Mahmudova, Lola Brussels, Belgium Research: International Study on the Effectiveness o f Head, Department o f Oncology, Republican Clinical Stroke Rehabilitation Oncological Center, Dushanbe, Tajikistan The National Rehabilitation Hospital, Washington, DC Research: Ethical Issues and Healthcare in Tajikistan c/o Dr. Gerben DeJong University of Pittsburgh, School of Nursing, A p ril 2006 - January 2007 Department o f Health Promotion and Development, Pittsburgh, PA Richards, Anna c/o Dr. Judith A. Erlen Lecturer, Department of Renal Medicine, University of January 2006 - May 2006 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Mduluza, Takafira United Kingdom Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry, UniversityResearch: of Endothelial Cell Interactions in the Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe Pathogenesis o f Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome Research: Role o f Antibodies, Cytokines and WashingtonCytokine University, School o f Medicine, Gene Polymorphisms in Resistance and SusceptibilityDepartment of Internal Medicine, Division of to Plasmodium Falcipamm Malaria Infection Rheumatology, St. Louis, MO Johns Hopkins University, Malaria Research Institute,c/o Dr. John P. Atkinson Department o f Molecular Microbiology andJuly 2005 - May 2006 Immunology, Baltimore, MD Rortveit, Guri c/o Dr. Nirbhay Kumar Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f Public Health September 2005 - May 2006 and Primary Health Care, University o f Bergen, Narlyyev, Karahandjar Bergen, Norway Doctor and Medical Editor, Garant PM, Ashgabat,Research: Urinary Incontinence During Pregnancy and Turkmenistan After Childbirth

52 M usic

University o f California— San Francisco, San University o f California— San Diego, School o f Francisco General Hospital, Department of FamilyMedicine, Department o f Pharmacology, La Jolla, CA and Community Medicine, San Francisco, CA c/o Dr. Michael Karin c/o Dr. David Thom September 2005 - May 2006 August 2005 - July 2006 Waleekhachonloet, On-anong Lecturer, Faculty o f Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Sagoo, Mandeep Singh Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham, Thailand Specialist Registrar, Department o f Ophthalmology, Research: Applying the Theory o f Planned Behavior on University o f London, Moorfields Eye Hospital, Weight Control Management in Rural Communities London, United Kingdom University o f Minnesota— Twin Cities, College o f Research: Ocular Oncology Pharmacy, Department o f Experimental and Clinical Thomas Jefferson University, Wills Eye Hospital, Pharmacology, Minneapolis, MN Oncology Service, Philadelphia, PA c/o Dr. Cynthia R. Gross c/o Dr. Jerry A. Shields March 2006 - August 2006 November 2005 - October 2006 Yang, Bei-Chang Slaba, Ingrid Professor, Department o f Microbiology and Resident, Department o f Anesthesiology, ResuscitationImmunology, College o f Medicine, National Cheng and Intensive Care Medicine, Teaching Hospital,Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Research: Transforming Knowledge Into Action: A Research: Inhibition o f Platelet AggregationHistorical in Sepsis Study on the Evaluation o f the Polio University o f Minnesota—Twin Cities, Medical Vaccine Trial in Michigan in 1955 School, Division o f Hematology, Oncology andUniversity of North Carolina—Chapel Hill, Transplantation, Minneapolis, MN Department of Pharmacology, Chapel Hill, NC c/o Dr. Nigel S. Key c/o Dr. Rudy Juliano September 2005 - February 2006 August 2005 - July 2006 Zemkova, Erika Slaby, J iri Scientist, Department o f Sports Medicine, Institute o f Head, Department o f Clinical Hematology, TeachingSport Sciences, , Bratislava, Hospital, Charles University, Prague, Czech RepublicSlovak Republic Research: Graft-Versus-Host Disease in RecipientsResearch: o f Evaluating Age-Related and Exercise-Induced Different Sources o f Hematopoietic Stem CellsChanges in Postural Stability Properties University of Minnesota— Twin Cities, Medical Boston University, NeuroMuscular Research Center, School, Adult Blood and Marrow TransplantInjury Analysis and Prevention Laboratory, Boston, M A Program, Minneapolis, MN c/o Dr. Lars Oddsson c/o Dr. Daniel Weisdorf October 2005 - March 2006 September 2005 - February 2006

Terefe Woldeyes, Hibreniguss Music Assistant Professor and Head, Department o f Baisakalov, Ainur Pharmaceutical Sciences, College o f Health Senior Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, Ablai Sciences, Asmara University, Asmara, Eritrea Khan Kazakh University o f International Relations Research: Phytochemical Study on Traditional and World Languages, Almaty, Kazakhstan Eritrean Medicinal Plants Claiming to Have Research: African American Blues: An Antidiabetic Activity Anthropological Study o f the Formation o f the University o f California—Berkeley, Department of American Nation Environmental Science, Policy and Management, Indiana University— Bloomington, School of Music, Berkeley, CA Department of Musicology, Bloomington, IN c/o Dr. Isao Kubo c/o Dr. Ayana Smith October 2005 - June 2006 September 2005 - May 2006 Terzic, Janos Lai, Li-Chin Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, UniversityProfessor, of Department o f Music, National Taiwan Split, Split, Croatia Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan Research: The Role o f IK K b in the DevelopmentResearch: o f A Study o f the Solo Piano Works o f Colorectal Cancer Vincent Persichetti

53 M usic

Yale University, Department o f Music, New Haven,El Bouazzati, CT Bennacer c/o Prof. Patrick McCreless Professor, Department o f Philosophy, Faculty o f September 2005 - February 2006 Letters and Human Sciences, Mohamed V University, Rabat, Morocco Perkumaite Viksraitiene, Egle Research: The Formation o f the Scientific Tradition Within Associate Professor, Accompanying Department, Islamic Culture in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries Lithuanian Music Academy, Vilnius, Lithuania Harvard University, Department of the History of Research: American Vocal and Instrumental Music Science, Cambridge, M A and Musical Theater c/o Dr. Allan Brandt University o f Kansas, Department o f Theater and Film, August 2005 - November 2005 Lawrence, KS c/o Prof. John Staniunas Hanzel, Igor September 2005 - January 2006 Associate Professor, Department o f Logic and Philosophy o f Science, Philosophical Faculty, Zhang, Boyu Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic Professor and Dean, Musicology Department, Central Lecturing: Introduction to the Philosophy o f Science Conservatory o f Music, Beijing, China Loras College, Department o f Philosophy, Dubuque, IA Research: Concept and Methods o f World Music c/o Dr. Roman Ciapalo Education August 2005 - May 2006 Wesleyan University, Music Department, Middletown, CT (Scholar-in-Residence Program) c/o Prof. Su Zheng September 2005 - August 2006 Kiryushchenko, Vitaly Docent, Department o f Humanities, State University— Higher School o f Economics, St. Philosophy Petersburg Branch, St. Petersburg, Russia Research: Charles S. Peirce’s System o f Signs and Chaly, Vadim Classical Rationalism: American Pragmatism on the Senior Lecturer, Department o f Philosophy and Logic, Problem of Objective Motivation Kaliningrad State University, Kaliningrad, Russia Indiana University-Purdue University— Indianapolis, Research: Modem Kantian Studies in the United States School of Liberal Arts, Institute for American and Russia: A Comparative Analysis Thought, Indianapolis, IN Columbia University, Department of Philosophy, New c/o Dr. Nathan Houser York, NY September 2005 - March 2006 c/o Dr. Patricia Kitcher October 2005 - A p ril 2006 Kremer, Sandor Associate Professor, Department o f Philosophy, Faculty Cintic, Florin o f Arts, University o f Szeged, Szeged, Hungary Associate Professor, Department o f Political Science, Lecturing: 19th- and 20th-Century German Philosophy Faculty of Philosophy, Alexandra loan Cuza and Continental Moral Philosophy University, Iasi, Romania University of North Carolina— Charlotte, College of Research: Mircea Eliade: Romanian Roots in U.S. Arts and Sciences, Charlotte, NC Archives c/o Mr. Michael Eldridge University of Chicago, Division o f the Social Sciences, August 2005 - May 2006 Committee on Social Thought, Chicago, IL (Scholar-in-Residence Program) c/o Dr. Mark L ilia September 2005 - February 2006 Liu, Qingping Professor, College o f Philosophy and Sociology, Correia Machuca, Manuel Antonio Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China Associate Professor, Faculty o f Philosophy, Institute o f Research: A Comparative Study o f the Confucian Idea Philosophy, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, o f Ren A i and the Christian Idea o f Neighborly Love Santiago, Chile Yale University, Divinity School, New Haven, CT Research: Formality and Formalism in the Origin o f c/o Dr. Gene Outka Logical Thought: Boethius’ Treatises on September 2005 - August 2006 Categorical Syllogisms University o f Texas— Austin, Department o f Pietarinen, Ahti-Veikko Juhani Philosophy, Austin, TX Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f Philosophy, c/o Dr. Jim Hankinson , Helsinki, Finland January 2006 - A pril 2006 Research: Charles S. Peirce’s Logic and Manuscripts

54 Physics and Astronomy

Indiana University-Purdue University— Indianapolis,University o f Illinois— Urbana-Champaign, School o f Institute for American Thought, The Peirce EditionEngineering, Department o f Physics, Champaign, IL Project, Indianapolis, IN c/o Dr. Munir Nayfeh c/o Prof. Nathan Houser October 2005 - June 2006 September 2005 - December 2005 Avalos Hernandez, Edgar Polishchuk, Nina Doctoral Candidate, Department of Physics, Autonomous Research Fellow, Department o f the History o f Metropolitan University, Mexico City, Mexico Ukrainian Philosophy, H. Scovoroda InstituteResearch: o f Impulse Acoustics to Probe Shallow Soil Philosophy, National Academy o f Sciences ofProperties Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine SUNY— University at Buffalo, Department o f Physics, Research: The Historicism of American NeopragmatismBuffalo, NY Stanford University, Department o f Comparativec/o Dr. Surajit Sen Literature, Stanford, CA August 2005 - May 2006 c/o Dr. Richard Rorty November 2005 - July 2006 Chrysalis, Konstantinos Assistant Professor, Department o f Physics, Aristotle Shavit, Ayelet University o f Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece Professor, Department o f Philosophy, Tel Hai Research: Phase Change Materials: A Study o f the Academic College, Upper Galilee, Israel ASbP2Se6 (A=Ag, Cu, Na, K) System Lecturing and Research: Image Framing o f Michigan State University, Department o f Chemistry, “Population” in Biodiversity ExperimentationEast Lansing, M I University o f California— Davis, Department o f c/o Dr. Mercouri G. Kanatzidis Philosophy, Davis, CA July 2005 - October 2005 c/o Dr. James Griesemer September 2005 - September 2006 Giersig, Michael Senior Researcher, Department o f Nanoparticle Tytov, Volodymyr Technology, Center o f Advanced European Studies Chair, Department o f Logic, National Law Academy,and Research, Bonn, Germany Kharkiv, Ukraine Lecturing and Research: Cell Manipulation by Research: Major Trends o f the American PhilosophyPhysical Methods o f Law Boston College, Department o f Physics, Chestnut Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars,H ill, M A Kennan Institute, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Kevin S. Bedell c/o Ms. Summer Brown September 2005 - March 2006 March 2006 - August 2006 (Fulbright/Kennan Institute Research Scholarship)Gigoyan, Suren Millimeter-Microwave Group Leader, Institute o f Wan, Junren Radio Physics and Electronics, National Academy o f Professor, Department o f Philosophy, School oSciences f o f Armenia, Ashtharak, Armenia Humanities and Social Sciences, Tsinghua Research: The Design o f Millimeter-Wave Receivers University, Beijing, China Based on the Dielectric Image Guide Research: An Ethical Perspective Between HumanUniversity o f Tennessee— Knoxville, Department o f Rights and Political Power Electrical and Computer Engineering, Knoxville, TN Harvard University, Harvard-Yenching Institute,c/o Dr. A ly Fathy Cambridge, M A September 2005 - May 2006 c/o Prof. Weiming Tu September 2005 - August 2006 Ishaaya, Amiel Abraham Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Physics and Computer Science, Weizmann Institute o f Science, Physics and Astronomy Rehovot, Israel Research: Light Propagation and Lasing in Photonic Alchihabi, Mouna Crystal Fibers Professor, Department o f Physics, Faculty o f Sciences,Cornell University, Department of Applied and University of Aleppo, Aleppo, Syria Engineering Physics, Ithaca, NY Research: Synthesis and Characterization o f Siliconc/o Dr. Alexander Gaeta Nanoparticles August 2005 - August 2006

55 Physics and Astronomy

Lilov, Stanislav Krastev University of California— Los Angeles, Department of Associate Professor, Department o f Physics, SofiaPhysics and Astronomy, Los Angeles, CA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria c/o Dr. Brad Hansen Research: Growth and Investigation o f MonocrystallineSeptember 2005 - January 2006 Silicon Carbide for Device Applications in High Ronen, Shai Temperatures and Power Electronics Doctoral Candidate, School o f Chemistry, Tel Aviv University o f South Carolina— Columbia, Department University, Tel Aviv, Israel o f Electrical Engineering, Columbia, SC Research: Theoretical Studies o f Bose Einstein c/o Prof. Tangali S. Sudarshan Condensation in Dilute Gases September 2005 - January 2006 University o f Colorado— Boulder, Department o f Merzaa, Mohammed K. Mohammed Z. Physics, Boulder, CO Associate Professor, Department o f Physics, c/o Dr. John Bohn University o f Bahrain, Manama, Bahrain September 2005 - September 2006 Lecturing and Research: Global Warming and Radioactive Contamination Sacha, Krzysztof Franciszek Tulane University, Department o f Physics, New Assistant Professor, Department o f Atomic Optics, Orleans, LA Institute o f Physics, , c/o Dr. Jim McGuire Krakow, Poland August 2005 - May 2006 Research: Superfluidity in Dilute Atomic Gases Los Alamos National Laboratory, Department o f Misicu, Serban Valentin Atomic and Optical Theory, Los Alamos, NM Senior Researcher, Department o f Theoretical Physics, c/o Dr. Eddy Timmermans Horia Hulubei National Institute o f Physics and October 2005 - March 2006 Nuclear Engineering, Bucharcst-Magurele, Romania Research: Theoretical Investigation o f HeavyTabbal, Ion Malek Fusion at the Argonne Tandem Linac AcceleratorAssociate Professor, Department o f Physics, American System Accelerator Facility University o f Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon Argonne National Laboratory, Physics Division,Research: Synthesis o f Semiconductor Quantum Argonne, IL Nanostructures by Laser and Ion Beam Processing c/o Dr. Allan Bernstein Harvard University, Division of Engineering and October 2005 - March 2006 Applied Science, Materials Science Group, Pe’er, Avraham Cambridge, MA c/o Dr. Michael J. Aziz Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Physics o f Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute o f Science,September 2005 - August 2006 Rehovot, Israel Turner, Lincoln David Research: Precision Optical Measurements at thePostdoctoral Fellow, School o f Physics, University o f Quantum Heisenberg Limit Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia University o f Colorado— Boulder, DepartmentResearch: o f Measuring the Abraham Force in a Physics. Boulder, CO Bose-Einstein Condensate c/o Dr. Jun Ye National Institute o f Standards and Technology, August 2005 - August 2006 Atomic Physics Division, Laser Cooling and Piskin, Serghei Trapping Group, Gaithersburg, MD Principal Investigator, Center o f Materials Science,c/o Dr. W illiam D. Phillips Institute o f Applied Physics, Academy o f SciencesAugust o f 2005 - July 2006 Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova Vafi, Doumbia Research: Advanced Light-Emitting Structures Senior Lecturer, Laboratory o f Atmospheric Physics, Clemson University, Center for Optical Materials University o f Cocody—Abidjan, Abidjan, Cote Science and Engineering Technologies, Clemson,d'Ivoire SC c/o Dr. John Ballato Research: Study o f the Equatorial Electrojet September 2005 - December 2005 Magnetic Effects: Ionospheric Correction of Richer, Harvey Brian Satellite Magnetic Measurements Professor, Department o f Physics and Astronomy,National Center for Atmospheric Research, High University of British Columbia, Vancouver, CanadaAltitude Observatory, Boulder, CO Research: Hubble Space Telescope Observationsc/o Dr. o Art f the Richmond Oldest Known Star Cluster in Our Galaxy September 2005 - June 2006

56 Political Science

Zetenyi, Miklos University o f Pittsburgh, Department o f Political Research Associate, Department o f TheoreticalScience, Physics, Pittsburgh, PA Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics,c/o Dr. Alberta Sbragia Hungarian Academy o f Sciences, Budapest,January Hungary 2006 - June 2006 Research: Signatures of Phase Transition in High-Density Chung, Jin Young Nuclear Matter Formed in Heavy-Ion Collisions Associate Professor, School o f International Studies, Michigan State University, National Superconducting Kyung Hee University, Yongin-shi, Kyunggi-do, Korea Cyclotron Laboratory, East Lansing, M I Research: Trade Frictions Between the Republic o f c/o Prof. Pawel Danielewicz Korea and the United States: A Historical and September 2005 - January 2006 Comparative Study University o f Maryland— College Park, Center for P oliticalScience International and Security Studies at Maryland, College Park, MD Andrade Andrade, Pablo Roberto c/o Dr. I.M. Destler Coordinator, Latin American Studies Program,September School 2005 - September 2006 o f Social and Global Studies, Simon BolivarCoakley, Andean John Paul University, Quito, Ecuador Associate Professor, Department o f Politics, Research: (Re)Creating Liberal Democracy in the University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Periphery: Neoliberalism and Institutional Research: Consociation Versus Democracy: A Political Change Dilemma for Ethnic Conflict Management University o f California— Los Angeles, Department o f Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, History, Center for Social Theory and Comparative Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade History, Los Angeles, CA Center, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Robert Brenner c/o Dr. Michael van Dusen January 2006 - April 2006 September 2005 - May 2006 Auers, Daunis Cong, Riyun Lecturer, Department o f Political Science, UniversityProfessor, Institute o f Political Science, China University o f Latvia, Riga, Latvia of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China Research: The Organization o f Political PartiesResearch: in the Origin of the American Idea o f Representative New Europe: Membership, Leadership and Democracy Democratic Consolidation Yale University, Department of Political Science, New University o f California— Berkeley, Institute o f Slavic,Haven, CT East European and Eurasian Studies, Berkeley,c/o Dr. CA Steven Smith c/o Dr. Barbara Voytek September 2005 - August 2006 September 2005 - May 2006 Demchuk, Artur Belanger, Louis Associate Professor, Department o f Philosophy, Associate Professor, Quebec Institute for AdvancedMoscow State University, Moscow, Russia International Studies, Laval University, Quebec,Research: Canada The American Experience o f Environmental Research: Redesigning the North American FreeConflict Trade Resolution: Implications for Russia Agreement: The Future o f Economic GovernanceMassachusetts in Institute o f Technology, Department o f North America Urban Studies and Planning, Cambridge, M A Johns Hopkins University— School o f Advancedc/o Dr. Lawrence E. Susskind International Studies, Center o f CanadianJanuary Studies, 2006 - July 2006 Washington, DC c/o Dr. Charles Doran Deng, Jo-ling January 2006 - June 2006 Section Staff, Department o f Special Affairs, Office o f the President o f the Republic o f China (Taiwan), Chebel, Ariane Taipei, Taiwan Senior Researcher, Center for Political ResearchResearch: Government and News Media in the United (CEVIPOF), Institute o f Political Studies, Paris, FranceStates and Taiwan Lecturing and Research: Immigration, DiscriminationColumbia University, Weatherhead East Asian and Security Issues in Europe and the UnitedInstitute, States New York, NY After September 11: Evaluation o f New Policiesc/o and Dr. Andrew Nathan Perceptions o f Immigrants August 2005 - January 2006

57 Political Science

Galieva, Zairash Texas A & M University— College Station, Department Docent, Department o f History, Kyrgyz State Nationalo f Political Science, College Station, TX University, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic c/o Prof. Cary Nederman Research: Electoral Systems and Their Impact on November 2005 - May 2006 the Party System in World Practice and Central Asian Countries Hiwatari, Nobuhiro Missouri State University, Department o f Political Professor, Institute o f Social Science, University o f Science, Springfield, MO Tokyo, Bunkyo-Ku, Japan c/o Dr. Mehrdad Haghayeghi Research: Economic Interdependence and State September 2005 - May 2006 Rivalry: The Domestic Sources o f U.S. Policy Galligan, Mary Yvonne Towards China’s Economic Rise and the Persistent Cold War State Rivalry in East Asia Reader, School of Politics and International Studies, Harvard University, Weatherhead Center for Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom International Affairs, Program on U.S.-Japan Research: Gender and Governance in Central and Relations, Cambridge, M A Eastern Europe: From “ Thin” to “ Thick” Democracies c/o Dr. Susan Pharr American University, School o f Public Affairs, September 2005 - August 2006 Women and Politics Institute, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Karen O ’Connor Jing, Yuejin September 2005 - June 2006 Vice Chairman, Department o f Political Science, Gevorgyan, Nerses School o f International Studies, Renmin University Advisor to the Minister, Department o f Structural o f China, Beijing, China Reforms and International Relations, M inistry ofResearch: Villagers’ Self-Governance in China: A Education and Science, Yerevan, Armenia Comparative View Lecturing and Research: Developing and ExpandingColumbia on University, Weatherhead East Asian Conflict Analysis and Resolution Studies in ArmeniaInstitute, New York, NY George Mason University, Institute for Conflict c/o Prof. Thomas P. Bernstein Analysis and Resolution, Fairfax, V A September 2005 - September 2006 c/o Dr. Karina Korostelina September 2005 - May 2006 Karaosmanoglu, Fatih Gyidel, Ernest Associate Professor, Institute for Security Sciences, Assistant, Department o f History, Ukrainian Catholic Police Academy, Ankara, Turkey University, L ’viv, Ukraine Research: New Developments on Security, Terrorism Research: Whites and Secessionist Movements andin Human Rights in International Relations South-Russian Post-Imperial Space, 1918-1920:Georgetown University, Department o f Government, A Study of the National, Social and Situational inWashington, DC the Revolution c/o Dr. Eusebio Mujal-Leon Columbia University, Bakhmeteff Archive Rare BookAugust 2005 - February 2006 and Manuscript Library, New York, NY c/o Ms. Tanya Chebotarev Kassymova, Didar September 2005 - May 2006 Senior Lecturer, Department o f Philology, Suleiman Demirel University, Almaty, Kazakhstan Hale, Geoffrey E. Research: Role o f the United States in the Security Associate Professor, Department o f Political Science, System Formation in Central Asia University o f Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Canada University o f Washington, Jackson School of Research: So Near and Yet So Far: Shaping American International Studies, Department o f International Policies Toward Canada Studies, Seattle, W A Duke University, Office of the Vice Provost for c/o Dr. Christopher Jones International Affairs, Durham, NC September 2005 - May 2006 c/o Dr. Gil Merkx January 2006 - May 2006 Kim, Joon Hyung Hassan, Gubara Said Associate Professor, Department o f International Researcher, Department o f Political Science, Studies, Languages and Literature, Handong Global University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland University, Pohang City, Buk-Gu, Korea Research: Radical Islam and the West: Confrontation,Lecturing and Research: Korean Foreign Policies and Accommodation or Dialogue? East Asian International Relations

58 P olitical Science

George Mason University, Department o f PublicMinns, and John Francis International Affairs, Fairfax, VA Lecturer, Faculty o f Arts, School o f Social Sciences, c/o Dr. Robert L. Dudley Australian National University, Canberra, Australia September 2005 - August 2006 Lecturing: Political Economy and Mexican Development Texas A & M University— Kingsville, Department o f Kuzmicheva, Larisa Political Science, Kingsville, TX Lecturer, Department o f Social-Political Sciences,c/o Dr. Nirmal Goswami Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, Russia January 2006 - May 2006 Research: The European Union’s Security and(Scholar-in-Residence Defense Program) Policy (EDSP): U.S. Perceptions, Attitudes and Inclusion (1998-2005) Moolakkattu, John Stephen Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Reader, School o f Gandhian Thought and Development Kennan Institute, Washington, DC Studies, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India c/o Ms. Summer Brown Lecturing: Conflict Resolution: Learning From India March 2006 - August 2006 Eastern Mennonite University, Conflict (Fulbright/Kennan Institute Research Scholarship) Transformation Program, Harrisonburg, VA Lee, Ta-jen c/o Dr. Ruth Zimmerman Assistant Research Fellow, National Security Council,August 2005 - December 2005 Taipei, Taiwan Research: U.S. Security Policy Toward Taiwan Morales Moreno, Isidro George Washington University, Sigur CenterDean, for Asian School o f Social Sciences, University o f the Studies, Washington, DC Americas, Puebla, Mexico c/o Dr. Mike Mochisuzki Research: Is Open Regionalism at Stake in the August 2005 - November 2005 Americas?: The “ Hub and Spoke” Approach in Hemispheric Trade Negotiations and the Challenges McDonald, Andrew John and Risks to U.S. Leadership Constitution Director, Department of ConstitutionalAmerican University, School o f International Service, Affairs, London, United Kingdom Washington, DC Research: The Political and Symbolic Value o f c/o Dr. Robert Pastor Constitutions August 2005 - August 2006 University of California— Berkeley, Institute of Governmental Studies, Berkeley, CA Mudde, Caspar Eric c/o Dr. Bruce E. Cain Research Professor, Department o f Political Science, September 2005 - August 2006 , Antwerp, Belgium Lecturing: Contentious and Extreme Politics in Messiha, Ninette Sami Fahmy Europe Today Lecturer, Department of Public Administration and Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey—New Local Government, Sadat Academy for Management Brunswick, Center for Comparative European Sciences, Cairo, Egypt Studies, New Brunswick, NJ Lecturing: Comparative Politics of the Middle East c/o Prof. Jan Kubik Sewanee: The University o f the South, Department o f January 2006 - June 2006 Political Science, Sewanee, TN (European Union Scholar-in-Residence Program) c/o Prof. Scott Wilson August 2005 - June 2006 (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Nay an, Rajiv Research Officer, USA and Europe Cluster, The Milner, Henry Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Professor, Department o f Political Science, VanierDelhi, India College, St. Laurent, Canada Research: South Asia and the Proliferation Network: Research: Political Knowledge and Political Search for a New Nonproliferation Paradigm Participation o f Young Citizens: The United NewStates York University, Center on International and Canada in Comparative Context Cooperation, New York, N Y SUNY— College at Plattsburgh, Center for the Studyc/o Dr. Christine Wing o f Canada, Plattsburgh, N Y September 2005 - July 2006 c/o Dr. Christopher Kirkey (Fulbright/NYU-CIC Research Fellowships in November 2005 - May 2006 International Public Policy)

59 Political Science

Novaro, Marcos Research: The Origins o f the Vietnam War: U.S. Associate Researcher, Department o f Political Science,Involvement and Interventions in Southeast Asia, Latin American School o f Social Sciences 1954-1965 (FLACSO), Buenos Aires, Argentina George Washington University, Elliott School o f Research: Two Decades o f Claims and Policies on International Affairs, Sigur Center for Asian Studies, Human Rights in Argentina, 1983 - 2003 Washington, DC George Washington University, The Southern c/oCone Dr. Mike Mochizuki Demonstration Project, The National Security September 2005 - July 2006 Archive, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Carlos Osorio Troitskiy, Mikhail Columbia University, Institute of Latin American Assistant Professor, Department o f International Studies, New York, NY Relations and Foreign Policy o f Russia, Moscow State c/o Dr. Albert Fishlow Institute o f International Relations, Moscow, Russia January 2006 - A pril 2006 Research: Exploring Possibilities for a Sustained U.S.-Russian Partnership: Cooperation and Conflict Petrova, Nataliya in the U.S. and Russian Institution-Building Projects Attorney at Law, Kyiv City Bar Association, Kyiv, in the Commonwealth o f Independent States Ukraine Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Research: Familiarization With American Civil Liberties Kennan Institute, Washington, DC Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars,c/o Ms. Summer Brown Kennan Institute, Washington, DC August 2005 - February 2006 c/o Ms. Summer Brown (Fulbright/Kennan Institute Research Scholarship) September 2005 - February 2006 (Fulbright/Kennan Institute Research Scholarship)Vovk, Vira Samsonova, Tatiana Senior Research Associate, Department o f Professor, Department o f Sociology, Moscow StateTransatlantic Studies, Institute o f World Economy University, Moscow, Russia and International Relations, National Academy o f Research: Political Socialization and Civic Education Sciences o f Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine for the 21st Century: Russia and the United StatesResearch: The Problem o f Transatlantic Solidarity and Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars,the Foreign Policy Strategy o f Ukraine Kennan Institute, Washington, DC Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, c/o Ms. Summer Brown Kennan Institute, Washington, DC September 2005 - February 2006 c/o Ms. Summer Brown (Fulbright/Kennan Institute Research Scholarship)October 2005 - A pril 2006 (Fulbright/Kennan Institute Research Scholarship) Sebastian, Leonard Christopher Senior Fellow, Institute o f Defence and StrategicWang, Studies, Bo Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Professor, School o f Politics and Public Management, Research: The Clash Within Islam in Indonesia Wuhan University, Wuhan, China Harvard University, Weatherhead Center for Research: The Idea o f New World Order in U.S. International Affairs, Government Department, Foreign Policy After the Cold War Cambridge, M A Georgetown University, School o f Foreign Service, c/o Dr. Alastair Iain Johnston Asian Studies Program, Washington, DC September 2005 - December 2005 c/o Prof. David Steinberg Seeber, Gilg September 2005 - August 2006 Associate Professor, Department o f Statistics, Zhang, Liping University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria Associate Fellow, Institute o f American Studies, Lecturing and Research: Topics in European Public Chinese Academy o f Social Science, Beijing, China Opinion Research: The Significance o f Political Parties in the University o f Minnesota— Twin Cities, Department o f Legislative Processes o f Rule-Making, Roll-Call, Political Science, Minneapolis, M N Committee Assignment, Legislative Content-Shaping c/o Prof. John L. Sullivan and Strategy Planning September 2005 - December 2005 American University, School of Public Affairs, Center Terachi, Koji for Congressional and Presidential Studies, Associate Professor, Faculty o f International Studies,Washington, DC Kyoritsu Women’s University, Tokyo, Japan c/o Dr. James A. Thurber

60 Psychology

Am erican Political Science Association, CongressionalYale University, Department o f Psychology, New Fellowship Program, Washington, DC Haven, CT c/o Dr. Jeff Biggs c/o Dr. Linda Jarvin August 2005 - August 2006 October 2005 - March 2006 (Fulbright/APSA Congressional Fellowship Program) Thomaes, Sander Clement Emiel Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Developmental Psychology Psychology, Free University o f Amsterdam, Cho, Sung Hee Amsterdam, Netherlands Clinical Psychologist, Department of Forensic Research: Revealing a Picture o f Childhood Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatric Hospital o f Korea,Narcissism and Its Relation to Aggression Chungnam, Korea University of Michigan— Ann Arbor, Institute for Research: Developing a Process Evaluation MeasureSocial Research, Ann Arbor, M I o f Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness o f Drugc/o Dr. Brad J. Bushman Abuse Treatment September 2005 - December 2005 University o f California—Los Angeles, David Geffen School o f Medicine, Integrated SubstanceTien, Abuse Hsiu-Lan Programs, Los Angeles, CA Professor, Department o f Educational Psychology and c/o Dr. Richard Rawson Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University, August 2005 - August 2006 Taipei, Taiwan Research: The Effects o f Dream Interpretation on Kolga, Voldemar Psychological Well-Being: A Comparison of Professor, Department of Psychology, Tallinn Spiritual, Early-Childhood Conflicts and Waking Pedagogical University, Tallinn, Estonia Life Interpretations Lecturing and Research: Cross-Cultural PsychologyUniversity o f Maryland— College Park, Department o f Friends University, Department of Psychology, Psychology, College Park, M D Wichita, KS c/o Prof. Clara H ill c/o Dr. Donna Stuber-McEwen August 2005 - July 2006 August 2005 - June 2006 Litvak Hirsch, Tal Wang, Wen-Chung Lecturer, Department o f Behavioral Science, Ben-GurionProfessor, Department o f Psychology, National Chung University o f the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan Lecturing: Peace Psychology in the Context oResearch: f the Integration, Implication and Applications o f Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Item Response Models Earlham College, Department of Program University o f California— Berkeley, Graduate School Development, Richmond, IN of Education, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Alice Shrock c/o Dr. Mark Wilson August 2005 - December 2005 August 2005 - January 2006 (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Wu, Pei-Li Parnyuk, Natalia Professor, Department o f Educational Psychology and Senior Lecturer, Department o f Foreign Languages, St. Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University, Petersburg University of the Ministry o f the Interior, Taipei, Taiwan M inistry o f Internal Affairs, St. Petersburg, Russia Research: Individual and Family Resilience: Resources Lecturing and Research: Perceptions o f Qualities That for Surviving Trauma in Immigrant Families Make Teachers More Effective San Diego State University, College o f Education, Northern Arizona University— Yuma Campus, Department o f Counseling and School Psychology, Department o f Learning and Pedagogy, Flagstaff, AZ San Diego, CA c/o Dr. Anna-Marie Aldaz c/o Dr. Linda L. Terry-Guyer September 2005 - February 2006 September 2005 - January 2006 Petukhova, Irina Professor and Vice Director, L.S. Vygotsky InstituteYerchak, Mikalai for Psychology, Russian State Humanities Chair, Department of Psychology, Minsk State University, Moscow, Russia Linguistics University, Minsk, Belams Research: The Creative Personality: A Cross-CulturalResearch: Understanding the Short Story: A Psychological Analysis Study o f Foreigners and Native Speakers

61 Psychology

University of California— Berkeley, Institute of Lazar, Dan Tudor Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Berkeley, CA Lecturer, Department o f Public Administration, Faculty c/o Dr. Richard Ivry o f Political Science and Public Administration, October 2005 - February 2006 Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania Research: Tax Reform and Control o f Tax Evasion Florida International University, School of Policy and Public Administration Mangagement, College o f Health and Urban Affairs, Institute for Public Management and Community Cai, Jiming Service, Miami, FL c/o Dr. Allan Rosenbaum Professor, School o f Humanities and Social Sciences, September 2005 - February 2006 Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Research: Agricultural Land Tenure Systems and Leblebici, Dogan Nadi Policies in the United States and China: A Associate Professor, Department o f Public Comparative Study Administration, Faculty of Economical and Harvard University, Kennedy School o f Government, Administrative Sciences, Hacettepe University, The Center for Business and Government, Ankara, Turkey Cambridge, M A Research: An Emerging Public Issue in Turkey: Equal c/o Dr. Anthony Saich Employment Opportunity Strategies September 2005 - September 2006 University o f Massachusetts— Amherst, Isenberg School o f Management, Department o f Management, Chang, Jian Amherst, MA Professor, Zhouenlai School o f Government, Nankai c/o Dr. Jane Giacobbe-Miller University, Tianjin, China August 2005 - February 2006 Research: Human Rights Protection in American Public Administration Li, Che Lan Linda Duke University, Terry Stanford Institute of PublicAssociate Professor, Department o f Public and Social Policy, Center for International Development,Administration, City University of Hong Kong, Durham, NC Hong Kong c/o Dr. Francis Lethem Research: Understanding Institutional Change: Fiscal September 2005 - September 2006 Management in Contemporary Chinese Townships University of California— Berkeley, Department of Diaz Puente, Jose Maria East Asian Languages and Cultures, Center for Researcher, Department o f Projects and Rural Chinese Studies, Berkeley, CA Planning, Polytechnical University of Madrid, c/o Dr. Jeffrey Riegel Madrid, Spain September 2005 - August 2006 Research: Empowerment Evaluation as a Model o f Evaluation and Improvement of Public PoliciesPark, in Dae the Shik European Union Professor, Department o f Public Administration, Stanford University, School of Medicine, Office Chungnamof National University, Daejeon, Korea Medical Education, Stanford, CA Research: Comparative Analysis o f Institutional c/o Dr. David Fetterman Presidencies W ith Special Reference to the United September 2005 - August 2007 States and Korea University of California—Los Angeles, Department of Koichumanov, Talaibek Political Science, Los Angeles, CA Professor, Department of Public and Municipalc/o Prof. Mike Lofchie Administration, Academy of Management UnderAugust 2005 - August 2006 the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic Research: Improving Public Administration Policy:Public/Global Health Developing Reforms in Corruption Control Johns Hopkins University— School of AdvancedBokazhanova, Aliya International Studies, Central Asia-Caucus Institute,Program Officer, Educational Unit, UNESCO, International Studies, Washington, DC Alm aty, Kazakhstan c/o Dr. Frederick Starr Research: H IV/AID S Prevention in Kazakhstan and September 2005 - May 2006 the International Community

62 Religious Studies

University o f California— San Francisco, SchoolNorthwestern o f University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Department o f Epidemiology andMedicine, Buehler Center on Aging, Chicago, IL Biostatistics, San Francisco, CA c/o Dr. Joshua Hauser c/o Dr. Thomas E. Novotny September 2005 - November 2005 September 2005 - May 2006 Tachkuliyeva, Djaneta Boriskin, Yury Senior Researcher, Apitherapy Center, Oguz-Khan, Senior Scientist, Department o f Viral Ecology, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Institute o f Virology, Russian Academy o f Research: Alternative Bee Venom Treatment as a Sciences— Moscow, Moscow, Russia Basis for Private Clinic Development in Research: Hepatitis C: An Optimized In V itro SystemTurkmenistan for Evaluation of Antivirial Drugs Iowa State University, College of Veterinary University of Washington, Viral Hepatitis ResearchMedicine, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Laboratory, Seattle, W A Ames, IA c/o Dr. David R. Gretch c/o Dr. Arthi Kanthasamy October 2005 - A p ril 2006 September 2005 - May 2006 Davidovitch, Nadav Lecturer, Department o f Health Systems Management,Religious Studies Faculty o f Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheba, Israel Ananda, Faisar Research: Health Policies for Migrant Workers:Professor, When Department o f Islamic Economics, State the Local Meets the Global Institute for Islamic Studies o f North Sumatera, Columbia University, Department o f SociomedicalMedan, Indonesia Sciences, New York, N Y Research: The Implementation o f Sharia in Aceh and c/o Dr. Richard Parker Its Implication to Human Rights September 2005 - September 2006 University o f Richmond, Department o f Sociology and Anthropology, Richmond, VA Gauchet, Aurelie Suzanne c/o Dr. Jennifer Nourse Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department o f September 2005 - February 2006 Health Psychology, University o f Metz, Metz, France Research: The Social and Psychological VariablesAssaf, Adnan Mahmoud Sharari That Influence the Compliance o f H IV PatientsAssistant Professor, Department o f Jurisprudence, University of Miami, Department of Psychology, CoralFaculty o f Shariah (Islamic Studies), University o f Gables, FL Jordan, Amman, Jordan c/o Dr. Charles S. Carver Lecturing: History of the Muslim World and Islamic October 2005 - October 2006 Jurisprudence Washington and Lee University, Department o f Gopal, Meena International Education, Lexington, VA Lecturer, Research Center for Women’s Studies, c/o Dr. William Klingelhofer Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thackersey (SNDT) September 2005 - December 2005 Women’s University, Mumbai, India (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Lecturing: International Perspectives on Women, Sexuality and Development Exnerova, Vera Trinity College, Women, Gender and SexualityDoctoral Candidate, Institute o f Near Eastern and Program, Hartford, CT African Studies, Faculty o f Philosophy and Arts, c/o Prof. Janet Bauer Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic January 2006 - June 2006 Research: Islam in Soviet Central Asia: The Impact of (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Soviet Atheistic Policies on Local Muslim Communities Rietjens, Judith Anna Catharina Harvard University, Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Program on Central Asia and the Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Public Health, Caucasus, Cambridge, M A Erasmus Medical Center, Erasmus University c/o Dr. John Schoeberlein Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands September 2005 - February 2006 Research: The Use o f Sedatives Prior to Death in a U.S. Hospital Ryu, Dae Young Northwestern University, Feinberg School o f Associate Professor, Department of Christian Culture Medicine, Buehler Center on Aging, Chicago,and IL Mass Communication, Handong Global c/o Dr. Linda Emanuel University, Pohang, Korea

63 Religious Studies

Research: The World o f American Female Sociology Missionaries in Late Joseon Korea Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJAl Atiyat, Ibtesam Moh’d Abdel Rahman c/o Dr. Iain R. Torrance Program Officer, Jordanian National Commission for August 2005 - August 2006 Women, Amman, Jordan Lecturing: Women, Islam and Politics in the Arab World University o f Wisconsin—Green Bay, Department of Social W ork Social Change and Development, Green Bay, WI c/o Prof. Kim Nielsen August 2005 - May 2006 Aihara, Hiroko (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Journalist and Staff Writer, Fukushima Minyu Newspaper, Fukushima City, Japan Al-Nasr, Jassim Jassim M N Research: The Role and Responsibilities of Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Transplant Coordinators in Organ Transplantation College o f Arts and Sciences, University o f Qatar, in the United States Doha, Qatar University of Miami, School of Medicine, Liver and Lecturing and Research: Modernization Values Gastrointestinal Transplant Program, Coral Gables, FL Among Elite-In-Formation in Qatar c/o Dr. Tomoaki Kato University o f North Carolina— Greensboro, The August 2005 - March 2006 Graduate School, Department o f Sociology, Greensboro, NC Sadiqi, Fatima c/o Dr. James C. Peterson Senior Professor, Department o f English, Sidi September 2005 - August 2006 Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco Research: Women’s Activism in the Public SphereAlsayed, and Abdulrahman Pacha U. Family Law: A Comparison Between the MoroccanAdvisor to the Chairman o f the Board, Saudi Arabian and American Contexts General Investment Authority, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Rutgers, The State University o f New Jersey—NewResearch: Defining a W orldly Vision for Brunswick, Institute for Research on Women, NewAccommodating Science and Technology in Brunswick, NJ Islamic Countries c/o Dr. Nancy Hewitt Princeton University, Center for the Study o f Religion, July 2005 - October 2005 Princeton, NJ c/o Dr. Robert Wuthnow Uzuhashi, Reiko August 2005 - July 2006 Associate Professor, Social Welfare Department, Faculty of Literature, Kobe Women’s University,Antonovskiy, Alexander Kobe, Japan Research Fellow, Department o f Epistemology, Research: Child Care Program Improvement andInstitute Early o f Philosophy, Russian Academy of Year Curriculum Development in the United Sciences—States Moscow, Moscow, Russia University o f North Carolina— Chapel H ill, FrankResearch: Constructive Reception o f Natural Sciences, Porter Graham Child Development Institute, ChapelLogical-Mathematical and System-Theoretical H ill, NC Knowledge in Sociological Theory c/o Dr. Thelma Harms Columbia University, Department o f Sociology, New July 2005 - October 2005 York, NY c/o Dr. Harrison White Voicu, Adela February 2006 - July 2006 Associate Professor, Department o f Research, School o f Law, Spiru Haret University, Constanta, RomaniaBula Escobar, Jorge Ivan Research: Mentoring: A New Hope for ChildrenCoordinator, in Faculty of Economic Sciences, National Need From America’s Promise to Big Brothers andUniversity of Colombia, Bogota, Colombia Big Sisters o f Romania Lecturing: Latin America in a Globalized World Louisiana State University— Baton Rouge, SchoolManchester o f College, Department o f Academic Affairs, Social Work, Office o f Social Service Research andNorth Manchester, IN Development, Baton Rouge, LA c/o Dr. Jo Young Switzer c/o Dr. Cecile Guin August 2005 - May 2006 August 2005 - February 2006 (Scholar-in-Residence Program)

64 Sociology

Chetyrova, Liubov University of California— Berkeley, Department of Docent, Department o f Philosophy, Samara State Sociology, Berkeley, CA U niversity, Samara, Russia c/o Dr. Thomas B. Gold Research: The Ideas o f Work W ithin the AmericanOctober 2005 - September 2006 Kalmyk Community Catholic University of America, School o f Philosophy,Pan, Jintang The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy,Professor, School o f Labor Relations and Human Washington, DC Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China c/o Dr. George F. McLean Research: Human Capital Theory o f Gender and Women September 2005 - March 2006 in the System o f Employment and Social Security Harvard University, Department o f Sociology, Chiappe Hoyos, Clemencia Cambridge, M A Professor, School o f Political Science, Javerian c/o Prof. Mary C. Brinton University, Bogota, Colombia September 2005 - August 2006 Lecturing: Sociology and Communication Lasell College, School o f Arts and Sciences, Polawski, Pawel Department o f Social Sciences, Newton, M A Assistant Professor, Department o f Sociology, c/o Ms. Felice Gordis University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland August 2005 - May 2006 Research: Control and Welfare Services in America: (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Lessons for Poland de Ascensao Rovisco, Maria Luis University o f Maryland— College Park, School o f Research Fellow, Department o f Sociology, HigherPublic Policy, Welfare Reform Academy, College Institute o f Labor and Business Studies (ISCTE),Park, M D Lisbon, Portugal c/o Dr. Douglas J. Besharov Research: Imagining Portugal in the “ New Europe”February 2006 - June 2006 Yale University, Center for Cultural Sociology, New Rezaev, Andrey Haven, CT Professor, Faculty o f Sociology, St. Petersburg State c/o Dr. Jeffrey Alexander University, St. Petersburg, Russia January 2006 - June 2006 Lecturing: University Learning From Different Gurova, Olga Cultural Perspectives Researcher, Department o f Political Science andSouthern Maine Community College, Center for Sociology, European University at St. Petersburg,Global Opportunities, South Portland, ME St. Petersburg, Russia c/o Ms. Debra Andrews Research: The Making o f the Body: Cultural HistoryAugust 2005 - May 2006 o f Underwear in Soviet Russia (1917-1980) (Scholar-in-Residence Program) U niversity o f Illinois— Urbana-Champaign, Russian, East European and Eurasian Center, Champaign,Sabani, IL Alisabri c/o Dr. Donna A. Buchanan Professor, Faculty o f Criminal Sciences, University o f November 2005 - April 2006 Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Kruks, Sergejs Research: Social and Cultural Transformations o f Bosnia and Herzegovina Suburbs in the Postwar Period Lecturer, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of University of Wisconsin— Madison, Department of Latvia, Riga, Latvia Sociology, Madison, W I Research: Discourses on Latvian Identity: Balancing c/o Dr. Myra Marx Ferree Between Ethnocultural Sameness and Post-Modern October 2005 - July 2006 Differentiation Indiana University—Bloomington, Department ofSchachner, Maximilian Folklore and Ethnomusicology, Bloomington, IN Head, Department o f Practical Training and Overseas c/o Dr. Inta Carpenter Programs, IMC University o f Applied Sciences September 2005 - March 2006 Krems, Krems, Austria Miege, Pierre Jean-Baptiste Edouard Lecturing and Research: USA-ASU: “ U ” (You) Search Postdoctoral Researcher, Center for Contemporaryfor America - America Supports Understanding Chinese Studies, School o f Higher Studies Arizonain Social State University, Department of Community Sciences, Paris, France Resources and Development, Tempe, AZ Research: The Fight Against H IV/AID S and Changesc/o Dr. Victor B. Teye in the Social Organization o f Chinese Cities October 2005 - November 2005

65 Sociology

Segobye, Alinah Kelo Zyuzev, Nikolay Senior Lecturer, Department o f History, FacultyDocent, o f Department o f Philosophy, Sociology and Humanities, University o f Botswana, Gaborone,Political Philosophy, Komi State Pedagogical Botswana Institute, Syktyvkar, Russia Research: Cultural Approaches to H IV/AID S inResearch: Pitirim Sorokin’s Scientific Heritage in Botswana: An Overview o f National Policies andAmerican Historiography Community Responses to the Epidemic Harvard University, Department of Sociology, University of California— Berkeley, Department Cambridge,of M A Sociology, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Neil Gross c/o Prof. Anne Swidler September 2005 - March 2006 September 2005 - January 2006 van Duijn, Maria Aukje Julianne TEFL/Applied Linguistics Assistant Professor, Department o f Sociology, Bouzidi, Hassan University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands Professor, Department o f English Studies, Faculty o f Lecturing and Research: Goodness-of-Fit o f Statistical Letters, Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco Models for Social Network Analysis Research: English for Tourism: Textbook Design University o f Washington, Department o f Statistics, University of South Carolina— Columbia, English Seattle, W A Programs for Internationals, Columbia, SC c/o Dr. Mark S. Handcock c/o Dr. Alexandra Rowe September 2005 - August 2006 October 2005 - December 2005

Vliegenthart, Rens Klioutchnikova, Inna Doctoral Candidate, Department o f Social-CulturalHead, Department o f English Translation, Minsk State Sciences, Free University o f Amsterdam, Linguistics University, Minsk, Belarus Amsterdam, Netherlands Research: Planning Autonomous Learning o f Research: A Comparison o f Media Framing ProcessesLinguistics by Advanced Students o f English and Their Effects on Support o f Social MovementsTufts University, in Center for Cognitive Studies, the Netherlands and the United States Medford, MA University of California— Irvine, Department of c/o Dr. Daniel C. Dennett Sociology, Irvine, CA October 2005 - February 2006 c/o Dr. David A. Snow October 2005 - March 2006 Lee, Won-Key Professor, Department o f English Education, Seoul Walls, Maeve Mary National University o f Education, Seoul, Korea Head, Neighborhood Renewal Group, DepartmentResearch: for Developing a Working Model o f Spoken Social Development o f Northern Ireland, Belfast,English Assessment for Korean Schools United Kingdom University o f Pennsylvania, Graduate School o f Research: Creating Neighborhoods o f ChoiceEducation, and Language in Education Division, Connection in Northern Ireland Using NeighborhoodPhiladelphia, PA Regeneration in the United States c/o Dr. Yuko Butler University o f Pennsylvania, Fels Institute o f September 2005 - August 2006 Government, Philadelphia, PA Liu, Songhao c/o Dr. Donald F. Kettl Associate Professor, International College for Chinese November 2005 - March 2006 Language Studies, Peking University, Beijing, China Research: Instructional Design for Multimedia Zakareya Labib, Hoda Abdel-Monem Language Learning Projects Associate Professor, Department o f Sociology, University o f Illinois— Urbana-Champaign, Division o f Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt English as an International Language, Champaign, IL Lecturing: Sociological Aspects of Islamic Civilization c/o Prof. Randall Sadler and the Role o f Women in Islam September 2005 - August 2006 Alfred University, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Division o f Social Sciences, Alfred, NProsh’yants, Y Natalia c/o Dr. Robert Myers Head, Department o f Foreign Languages, Pacific August 2005 - May 2006 Naval Institute, Vladivostok, Russia (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Research: English for International Sea Cooperation

66 Theater

Monterey Institute o f International Studies, GraduateResearch: Contemporary American Drama for School o f Translation and Interpretation, CenterUkrainian for Theater Translation and Interpretation Studies, Monterey,La Salle University,CA Department o f Foreign Languages c/o Dr. Michael Gillen and Literatures, Philadelphia, PA September 2005 - March 2006 c/o Dr. Bernhardt Blumenthal September 2005 - May 2006 Stenschke, Oliver Assistant Professor, Department of German Philology,Kocur, Miroslaw U niversity o f Goettingen, Goettingen, GermanyAdjunct Faculty, Department o f Historical and Lecturing and Research: Paralinguistic Items inPedagogical Sciences, Institute o f Cultural Studies, Electronic Communication: A Comparative StudyWroclaw, of Poland German and American Web Chats and E-mailsLecturing: Theater in Context: From Ancient Drama to University of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign, Modem Performing Arts Department o f Germanic Languages and Literature,Oglethorpe University, Department of Champaign, IL Theatre/Division I: Philosophy, Communications and c/o Prof. Marianna Kalinke Fine Arts, Atlanta, GA August 2005 - January 2006 c/o Dr. Deborah Merola Tian, Zhongyu August 2005 - January 2006 (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Head, Department o f Economics and Trade, College o f Humanities and Sciences, Northeast Normal Krivosheev, Maxim University, Changchun, China Adjunct Professor, Department o f Performing Arts Lecturing: Teaching Business English and Chinese Management, Russian Academy o f Theatre Arts, Culture and Business Moscow, Russia Heartland Community College, Office o f Instruction, Research: Improving the Management o f Cultural Normal, IL Organizations in Russia Based on the Experience o f c/o M r. Steve Herald the U.S. Market Economy August 2005 - May 2006 University o f Colorado— Boulder, Department o f (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Theatre and Dance, Boulder, CO Wisaijorn, Patareeya c/o Dr. James M. Symons Assistant Professor, Faculty of Liberal Arts, UbonMarch 2006 - June 2006 Rajathanee University, Ubon Rajathanee, Thailand Lai, Ananda Research: A Study o f the University o f Hawaii’s English Professor, Department o f English, Jadavpur as a Second Language Extensive Reading Programs University, Calcutta, India University o f Hawaii—Manoa, Department of Second Research: Contemporary American Performance: Language Studies, Honolulu, HI Theater and Music c/o Dr. Richard R. Day Indiana University— Bloomington, College of Arts and February 2006 - May 2006 Sciences, India Studies Program, Bloomington, IN Yazykova, Natalia c/o Dr. Sumit Ganguly Director, School of Education, Buryat State August 2005 - January 2006 University, Buryatia, Russia Research: Education in the United States: CreatingLazar, Thomaskutty a Lingual and Cultural Thesaurus Senior Lecturer, Department of Malayalam, University University o f Illinois—Urbana-Champaign, of Calicut, Calicut, India Department o f Slavic Language and Literature,Research: Elements o f Folk Arts in Theater Champaign, IL Pomona College, Department o f Theatre and Dance, c/o Dr. Frank Y. Gladney Claremont, CA October 2005 - April 2006 c/o Prof. James P. Taylor September 2005 - A pril 2006

Theater Legasto, Priscelina Patajo Professor, Department o f English and Comparative Irvanets, Oleksandr Literature, College o f Arts and Letters, University o f Research Officer, Ukrainian Center o f Cultural the Philippines— Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines Studies, Ministry o f Culture and Arts of Ukraine,Research: Identity Construction and Nation Formation Kyiv, Ukraine in Contemporary Filipino American Theater

67 Theater

University of California— Los Angeles, Center Universityfor o f Minnesota— Twin Cities, College o f Southeast Asian Studies, Los Angeles, CA Liberal Arts, Department o f Theatre Arts and Dance, c/o Dr. Barbara S. Gaerlan Minneapolis, MN M a-Yi Theatre Company, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Lance Brockman c/o Mr. Ralph Pena Ohio University— Athens, College of Fine Arts, September 2005 - November 2005 School o f Theater, Athens, OH c/o Dr. Ursula Beiden September 2005 - June 2006 Nasuruddin, Mohamed Ghouse Bin Professor, School o f Arts, Science University o f Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia Urban Planning Lecturing: Malaysian Theater, Dance and Traditional Music Murayama, Takehiko SUNY— College at Cortland, Department o f Professor, Division o f Multidisciplinary Studies, Performing Arts, Cortland, NY School o f Science and Engineering, Waseda c/o Dr. Karen B. Zimmerman University, Tokyo, Japan March 2006 - June 2006 Research: The Decision Making Process for Managing Environmental Risk Policy and Planning: A Balance Between Efficiency and Equity Tabacki, Miodrag Rutgers, The State University o f New Jersey— New Professor, Department o f Theatre Directing, FacultyBrunswick, of Department o f Human Ecology and The Dramatic Arts, University of the Arts, Belgrade, Food Policy Institute, New Brunswick, NJ Serbia and Montenegro c/o Dr. William Hallman Lecturing and Research: Theater Design and AugustScenography 2005 - March 2006


Se m i n a r Pr o g r a m s f o r A dministrators

The Fulbright International Education Administrators Program brings administrators from participating countries to the United States for short seminars. During their time here, seminar participants meet w ith government officials and representatives o f higher education associations, speak with colleagues, tour U.S. campuses and attend meetings and cultural events.

U.S.- Korea International Education Administrators Program

Jang, Jin Ha Son, Dae Hyung Coordinator, Office o f International RelationsAssistant and Manager, Center for International Programs, Cultural Affairs, Dankook University, Seoul, KoreaYeungnam University, Gyeongbuk, Korea

Lee, June Son, Dae Joong Coordinator, Office o f International RelationsAssistant and Director, Office o f International Affairs, Kon Education, Dong-A University, Busan, Korea Kuk University, Seoul, Korea


N e w C e n t u r y S c h o l a r s P r o g r a m

The New Century Scholars Program (NCS) is a research initiative within the Fulbright Scholar Program which seeks to expand the outreach and impact o f the traditional Fulbright exchange experience. Each year an international group o f approximately 30 outstanding research scholars and professionals in a variety o f disciplines w ill engage in research and collaborative thinking on a theme o f global significance. For 2005-2006, the New Century Scholars w ill focus on the theme “ Higher Education in the 21st Century: Global Challenge and National Response.”

Agarwal, Pawan Eggins, Heather Visiting Scholar, Indian Council for ResearchVisiting on Professor and Editor, Institute for Access International Education, New Delhi, India Studies, Staffordshire University, Staffordshire, Research: National Policies for Higher EducationUnited and Kingdom International Student Mobility: The IndianResearch: Context An Examination o f the Effectiveness o f and Global Experience Government-Inspired Strategies to Widen University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY Participation in Higher Education July 2006-October 2006 Boston College, Boston, M A A p ril 2006-July 2006 Al-Mottahar, Mohamed Gilani, Zulfiqar Vice-Minister, Higher Education Development Director, Centre for Higher Education Transformation, Projects, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Islamabab, Pakistan Research, Sana’a, Yemen Research: Higher Education Policy in Pakistan: Research: The Arab Higher Education: The Impact o f Academic and Pragmatic Implications for Public and Transition From Elite to Mass Higher Education Private Providers University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, MN Harvard University, Cambridge, MA January 2006-A pril 2006 June 2006-August 2006

Balbachevsky, Elizabeth Gil-Anton, Manuel Associate Professor, Department o f Political Science,Full Professor, Department o f Sociology, Metropolitan University o f Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil Autonomous University, Iztapalapa, Mexico Research: The Future o f Academic Profession:Research: The Future o f the Academic Profession in Challenges for the Developing Countries Developing Countries: A Comparative Perspective W oodrow W ilson Center, Washington, DC Between the Public and Private Sectors June 2006-August 2006 Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California June 2006-September 2006 Clancy, Patrick Goastellec, Gaele Dean, Faculty o f Human Sciences, University College Post-Doctoral Fellow, French Ministry of Foreign Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Affairs, Paris, France Research: International Comparative Perspectives on Research: Equity Revisited by Higher Education Access and Equity Actors o f the Admission Process: Toward a New York University, New York, NY Comparative Analysis Model September 2005-December 2005 New York University, New York, NY October 2005-December 2005 de W it, Hans Senior International Advisor, University o f Amsterdam,Guri-Rosenblit, Sarah Amsterdam, Netherlands Head, Department o f Education and Psychology, The Research: The Impact o f Globalization and Open University o f Israel, Raanana, Israel Regionalization on Graduate Education inResearch: the United Impacts o f Digitial Technologies Shaping States and Europe Higher Education Environments Boston College, Boston, M A University o f Maryland, College Park, MD February 2006-May 2006 September 2005-November 2005

71 New Century Scholars

Holtta, Seppo Northeastern University, Boston, M A Professor, Department o f Management Studies,October 2005, February 2006-March 2006 University o f Tampere, Tampere, Finland Research: Knowledge Based Society: Challenge for Institutional Capacity Building in UniversitiesSehoole, Molatlhegi Michigan State University, Lansing, M I Senior Lecturer, Department o f Education January 2006-April 2006 Management and Policy Studies University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa Research: Cross-Border Provision and the Future of Landoni, Pablo Higher Education in Africa: The Case o f South Africa Director General, Center for Graduate Studies, Catholic University o f Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL University o f Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay March 2006-June 2006 Research: The Changing Public-Private M ix in Uruguay’s Higher Education System: Isomorphic and Diversification Forces Sirozi, Muhammad State University of New York, Albany, NY Director, Department o f Graduate Studies, State January 2006-April 2006 Institute o f Islamic Studies, Palembang, Indonesia Research: Internationalization of Islamic Higher Ma, Wan-hua Education in Southeast Asia: A Comparative Study Associate Professor, The Graduate School o f Between Islam Negeri University and Islam Antar Education, Peking University, Beijing, China Bangsa University Research: Globalization and Educational PolicyUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL Change in China September 2005-November 2005 University of Vermont, Burlington, VT September 2005-December 2005 Smolentseva, Anna Musisi, Nakanyike Research Fellow, Center for Sociological Studies, Director, Institute o f Social Research, Makerere Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia University, Kampala, Uganda Research: Global Challenge and Higher Education in Research: Business Not as Usual: Public-Private MTransition ix Countries: The Perspectives o f the in Uganda’s Higher Education Academic Profession in Russia Mount Holyoke College, South Hardley, M A University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, M I July 2006-September 2006 October 2005-December 2005

Nguyen, Phuong Nga Teixeira, Pedro Director, Center for Education Quality Assurance and Assistant Professor, Department o f Economics, Research Development, Vietnam National University of Porto, Porto, Portugal University, Hanoi, Vietnam Research: Private and Public Higher Education: Research: What and How Vietnam Higher Competition or Complementary? Education Institutions Respond to Society’s State University o f New York, Albany, N Y Increasing Needs for Further Education and the May 2006-July 2006 Development o f Globalization of Higher Education in the 21st Century Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester,Yizengaw, NH Teshome April 2006, July 2006-September 2006 Vice Minister, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Said, Mohsen Research: Massification of Higher Education and Its Executive Director and Chairman of the Board,Implications to Quality, Equity and Projects Management Unit, Ministry o f Higher Re-engineering of the System in Ethiopia: Lessons Education, Cairo, Egypt From Global Experience Research: Higher Education in the 21st Century:University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY Global Challenges and National ResponsesOctober 2005-January 2006


V i s i t i n g S p e c ia l is t s P r o g r a m: D ir e c t A c c e s s

t o t h e M u s l im W o r l d

The V isitin g Specialists Program: Direct Access to the Muslim W orld is designed to enrich understanding o f Islamic peoples and civilizations by individuals in the United States. This is done by providing an opportunity for U.S. higher education institutions that lack resources in these fields to host specialists from predominantly Islamic countries for a short-term intensive lecturing and consulting program. The Visiting Specialists come from the Middle East, North A frica, South Asia and several countries in the Balkans, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. They lecture in classes and in communities, work closely with the U.S. faculty hosts to improve curriculum and develop continuing institutional relationships.

Abdallah, Najah Ali Fayez Agoumy, Taoufik Ahmed Assistant Professor, Mass Communications Department,Professor, Department o f Geography, Faculty o f Notre Dame University, Zouk Mosbeh, LebanonLetters and Humanities, University Mohamed Goucher College, Office o f International Studies,V-Agdal, Rabat, Morocco Baltimore, MD University o f Montana, Department o f Geography, Faculty Associate: Dr. Eric Singer Missoula, MN March 2006 - M ay 2006 Faculty Associate: Dr. Sarah J. Halvorson March 2006 - A pril 2006 Abdullaev, Kamoludin Agomo, Chioma Kanu Professor o f History, Dushanbe, Tajikistan Professor and Head, Department o f Commercial and Allegheny College, International Studies Department, Industrial Law, Faculty of Law, University of Lagos, Meadville, PA Lagos, Nigeria Faculty Associate: Dr. Eric Boynton Washington University, School of Law, St. Louis, MO October 2005 - November 2005 Faculty Associate: Dr. Michele Shoresman January 2006 - February 2006 Abed, Abdelhamid ben Salem Mitre de Conferences, School of Law, UniversityAhmed, of Syed Jamil Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia Professor, Department o f Theater and Music, University o f Oklahoma, International ProgramsUniversity o f Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh Center, Norman, OK City College of San Francisco, College of Arts and Faculty Associate: Ms. Patsy Broadway Sciences, San Francisco, CA August 2005 - September 2005 Faculty Associate: Ms. Jill Andrea Heffron October 2005 - November 2005 Abujarad, Hassan A.M. Akhtar, Safir Associate Professor, Department of English, Al-Azhar Chief Editor, Islamic Research Institute, International University, Gaza Islamic University Islamabad, Islamabad, Pakistan Indiana U niversity Southeast, Office o f Academic James Madison University, Office o f International Affairs, New Albany, IN Programs, Harrisonburg, V A Faculty Associate: Dr. Deborah Finkel Faculty Associate: Ms. Eleanor Elizabeth Merrow September 2005 - October 2005 September 2005 - October 2005

Adesina, Abdur-Razaq Bolaji AI-Mahmoud, Ali Abdulla M. Lecturer 1, Department o f Religious and CulturalProfessor Studies, o f Mass Communication and Consultant, University o f Portharcourt, Portharcourt, NigeriaQatar Radio and TV Corporation, Doha, Qatar Berea College, International Center, Berea,Simpson K Y College, Department o f History, Indianola, IA Faculty Associate: Dr. Richard Cahill Faculty Associate: Dr. Jennifer E. Hedda October 2005 - November 2005 September 2005 - October 2005

73 Visiting Specialists

Anwar, Mohammad Syafi’i University of Missouri— St. Louis, Center for Executive Director, International Center for IslamInternational and Studies, St. Louis, MO Pluralism, Selatan, Indonesia Faculty Associate: Dr. Joel Glassman Kansas City Kansas Community College, SocialSeptember 2005 - October 2005 Sciences Division, Kansas City, KS Faculty Associate: Dr. Henry Martin Louis El Moudden, Abbderrahmane October 2005 - November 2005 Professor and Director, Graduate Studies, Department of History, Faculty of Letters, Mohammed V Arfaoui, Khadija bent Lakhdhar University, Agdal, Rabat, Morocco Assistant Professor Emeritus, Department o f English,North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State Higher Institute o f Languages o f Tunis, Tunis,University, Tunisia Department o f History, Greensboro, NC Lake Forest College, Department o f InternationalFaculty Associate: Dr. Conchita Ndege Kemei Studies, Lake Forest, IL January 2005 - March 2005 Faculty Associate: Dr. George L. Speros August 2005 - October 2005 Genckaya, Omer Faruk Assistant Professor, Department o f Political Science, Atef, Nadia Ezzeldin Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey Social Development Consultant, Cairo, Egypt Roanoke College, Office o f International Education, University of California— Davis, Department of Salem, V A University Outreach and International Programs, Faculty Associate: Dr. Jon G. Crawford Davis, CA September 2005 - October 2005 Faculty Associate: Dr. Nicole Ranganath March 2005 - A p ril 2005 Gilani, Ijaz Shafi Azimova, Nodira Professor and Dean, Facutly o f Social Sciences, Chair and Senior Researcher, Sharh and TavsiyaInternational Islamic University, Islamambad, Pakistan Sociology Center, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Bates College, Department o f Political Science, Eastern Washington University, Department o fLewiston, ME Anthropology, Cheney, W A Faculty Associate: Dr. Matthew J. Nelson Faculty Associate: Dr. Jerry Galm September 2005 - October 2005 October 2005 - November 2005 Ismail, Mohd Nazari bin Cinar, Alev Head, Department o f Business Policy, University o f Assistant Professor, Department o f Political Science,Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey Pfeiffer University, Office of Academic Affairs, Bryn Mawr College, Department o f Political Science,Misenheimer, NC Bryn Mawr, PA Faculty Associate: Dr. Bettie C. Starr Faculty Associate: Dr. Suzanne Spain October 2005 - November 2005 August 2005 - September 2005 Karimov, Elyor Eldiwani, Rachida Mohamed Medhat Ahmed Chief of Department, Institute o f History, Uzbek Professor, French Department, Alexandria University, Academy o f Sciences, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Alexandria, Egypt Northeastern Illinois University, Department of Lake Superior State University, Department of Anthropology, Chicago, IL Philosophy and Humanities, Sault Sainte Marie, M I Faculty Associate: Dr. Russell Gian Zanca Faculty Associate: Dr. Jason Kenneth Swedene February 2005 - March 2005 October 2005 - November 2005 Elhedeny, Amany Massoud Mohamed Kenbib, Mohammed Lecturer, Political Science Department, Cairo Professor, History Department, Mohammed V University, Cairo, Egypt University, Agolal, Rabat, Morocco Winona State University, Department o f GlobalPeru State College, College o f Arts and Sciences, Studies, Winona, M N Peru, NE Faculty Associate: Dr. Linda d’Amico Faculty Associate: Dr. Stephen Grant Sylvester October 2005 - November 2005 March 2005 - A pril 2005 Elkoussi, Alaa-Eldin Ahmed Hussein Mahtab, Nazmunnessa Professor, Department o f Pharmacology, CollegeProfessor o f and Chair, Department o f Women’s Studies, Medicine, University of Assiut, Assuit, Egypt University o f Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh

74 Visiting Specialists

Queensborough Community College, CenterSiddiqui, for Husain Yasin Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Bayside,Professor, NY Department o f Social Work, Jamia M illia Faculty Associate: Dr. Mark McColloch Islamia University, New Delhi, India October 2005 - November 2005 Folsom Lake College, Department of History, Mbunda, Luitfried Xavier Folsom, CA Senior Lecturer, Economic Law Department, UniversityFaculty Associate: Dr. Gordon R. Lam o f Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania September 2005 - October 2005 Midland Lutheran College, Office of the Academic Ragab, Tarek Mohamed Saad Dean, Freemont, NE Associate Professor, Faculty o f Architecture, Beirut Faculty Associate: Dr. Allyson Backstrom Arab University, Tareek El Gadida, Beirut, Lebanon September 2005 - October 2005 St. Louis Community College, Office of International Najam, Najma Education, St. Louis, MO Vice , Fatima Jinnah Women University,Faculty Associate: Ms. Grace Liu Rawalpindi, Pakistan A p ril 2005 - May 2005 Carroll College, Department o f Religion, Waukesha, W I Faculty Associate: Dr. Jim Grimshaw Triki, Abdelfattah October 2005 Senior Lecturer of Marketing and Research Methodology, Higher Institute o f Management, Nordin, Mohammed Zin bin University of Tunis, Le Bardo, Tunisia Dean, School o f Communication, Science University Northcentral Technical College, International o f Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia Education Office, Wasua, W I Ithaca College, Department o f Journalism, Ithaca, N Y Faculty Associate: Ms. Bonnie S. Bissonette Faculty Associate: Dr. John R. Rosenbaum September 2005 - October 2005 January 2006 - February 2006 Rahman, Md. Ataur Zanoon, A.M. Faisal Professor, Department o f Political Science, UniversityAssistant Professor, Sociology Department, An-Najah o f Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh National University, Nablus, West Bank Eckerd College, Department of Rhetoric, St. University of Wisconsin— Oshkosh, Department of Petersburg, FL Religion, Oshkosh, W I Faculty Associate: Dr. George P.E. Meese Faculty Associate: Dr. Jeffrey Kaplan October 2005 - November 2005 A p ril 2006 - May 2006


A lphabetical I n d e x

To fin d out more about a Scholar, turn to the individual’s complete directory entry, which can be found in the section corresponding to the discipline listed after the Scholar's name.

A Alchihabi, Mouna; Physics and Astronomy; Syria Alisherov, Abdurashid; Law; Uzbekistan A Razak, Rogayah Binti; Linguistics; Malaysia Aliyev, Kamran; Law; Azerbaijan Abdelmalek, Fethi ben Abdessamiaa; Engineering; AlKarzon, Awni K M; American Literature; Gaza Tunisia* Alsayed, Abdulrahman Pacha U.; Sociology; Saudi Abdullah, Fauziah Binti; Biological Sciences; Malaysia Arabia Abdullayev, Afgan; Education; Azerbaijan* Anand, Indira Anita; Law; Canada Abidjanova, Dildora; History (non-U.S.); Uzbekistan Ananda, Faisar; Religious Studies; Indonesia Abou Aish, Ehab Mohamed Hassan; Business Anaya Berrios, Cecilia; Chemistry; Mexico Administration; Egypt* Andrade Andrade, Pablo Roberto; Political Science; Abou El-Maaty, Tarek Mohamed Said; Chemistry; Egypt* Ecuador Abu Libdeh, Samer Mustafa A li; Journalism; Jordan Angulo Rivas, Luis Alfredo; History (non-U.S.); Abueid, Abdallah M.A.; Law; West Bank Venezuela AbuHelu, Rasmi F M; Medical Sciences; West Bank Antonovskiy, Alexander; Sociology; Russia Acosta Castellon, Maria Luisa; Law; Nicaragua* Aoshima, Yaichi; Business Administration; Japan Acuna Salazar, Vicenc; Environmental Sciences; Spain Aparicio Martinez, Santiago; Chemistry; Spain* Adamo, Sergia; Language and Literature (non-U.S.); Italy Ara, Konomi; American Literature; Japan Adamu, Fekade Azeze; Language and Literature Armas Kulik, Cristina; Environmental Sciences; Spain (non-U.S.); Ethiopia Artemi, Ion; Medical Sciences; Moldova Adonyeva, Svetlana; Anthropology; Russia Ashraf, Muhammad; Biological Sciences; Pakistan* Ahmad, A. K. Monaw-War Uddin; Economics; Assaf, Adnan Mahmoud Sharari; Religious Studies; Bangladesh Jordan Ahmed, Ahmed Sayed Ahmed Hassan; Agriculture; Auers, Daunis; Political Science; Latvia Egypt Avalos Hernandez, Edgar; Physics and Astronomy; Aihara, Hiroko; Social Work; Japan Mexico Aizen, Marcelo Adrian; Biological Sciences; Avia, Donna Tusiata; Language and Literature Argentina (non-U.S.); New Zealand Akbar, Sher; Chemistry; Pakistan Awasthi, Jai Raj; Linguistics; Nepal Akkaya, Mahinur; Biological Sciences; Turkey Azzouz, Fatma bent Hassen; Journalism; Tunisia Akoachere, Jane Francis Kihla Tatah; Biological Sciences; Cameroon A l Atiyat, Ibtesam M oh’d Abdel Rahman; Sociology; Jordan B A l Badi, Abdullah Hamed Suwaid; Engineering;Baban, Oman Calin Florin; Education; Romania A l Mogel, Tlal Mohammed Farhan; Education;Bahri, Saudi Akissa bent Mohamed Hedi; Agriculture; Tunisia* Arabia* Baisakalov, Ainur; Music; Kazakhstan Al-Gaphari, Ghaleb Hamood Sultan; ComputerBajpai, Minu; Medical Sciences; India Science; Yemen* Balishin, Sergey; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Russia* Al-Hamadi, A li M. Hamad Muhsin; Economics; Jordan*Bandhauer-Schoffmann, Irene; History (non-U.S.); Al-Jaefi, Abdulkarim A li Dahan; Economics; Yemen*Austria Al-Nasr, Jassim Jassim M N; Sociology; Qatar Banerjee, Sharmistha; Business Administration; India Al-Rawashdeh, Nathir Ahmad Faisal; Chemistry;Bardakji, Jordan Souheila; Engineering; Syria Al-Shami, Abdulrahman Mohammed Saeed;Barron, Anne; Law; United Kingdom Communications; Yemen* Becker, Markus; Business Administration; France Alam, Md. Shamsul; Geography; BangladeshBegne de Nieto, Claudia Patricia; Law; Mexico

A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section 77at the end o f the directory. Alphabetical Index

Belanger, Louis; Political Science; Canada Chebel, Ariane; Political Science; France Belay, Abebe Dinku; Engineering; Ethiopia*Chehbouni, Ahmed; Environmental Sciences; Morocco Belhaq, Mohamed; Engineering; Morocco*Chen, Ching-Shu; Education; Taiwan Ben Haj Rehaiem, Jalel ben Rehaiem; AmericanChetyrova, Liubov; Sociology; Russia Studies; Tunisia Chiappe Hoyos, Clemencia; Sociology; Colombia Ben Jouira, Hatem; Biological Sciences; TunisiaChkheidze, P’aat’a; American Literature; Georgia Benaabidate, Lahcen; Geology; Morocco Cho, Sung Hee; Psychology; Korea Beqiri, Arben; Medical Sciences; Albania* Chohan, Zahid Hussain; Chemistry; Pakistan Berberoglu, Suha; Geography; Turkey Chorobaeva, Narynkul; Education; Kyrgyz Republic Bergman, M ia Amanda; Journalism; Sweden Chorus, Caspar Gerard; Economics; Netherlands Berliner Golle, Ivonne Gabriela; Anthropology;Chowdhary, Chile Rekha; Political Science; India* Bernardini, Paolo; Political Science; Italy* Christiansen, Per; Law; Norway Beros, Ana; Engineering; Bosnia and HerzegovinaChroma, Marta; Law; Czech Republic* Biris, Roua Gabriela; Linguistics; Slovenia Chrysafis, Konstantinos; Physics and Astronomy; Greece Bjeletic, Sonja; Economics; Serbia and MontenegroChung, Jin Young; Political Science; Korea Bjelic, Predrag; Economics; Serbia and Montenegro*Cintic, Florin; Philosophy; Romania Blondel, Vincent D.E.G.; Engineering; BelgiumCiobanu, Petru Octavian; Medical Sciences; Romania Bogdanov, Marat; Environmental Sciences; RussiaCironi Lopez, Pablo Gabriel; Biological Sciences; Spain Bokazhanova, Aliya; Public/Global Health; KazakhstanCoakley, John Paul; Political Science; Ireland Boriskin, Yury; Public/Global Health; Russia Cochrane, Mark; Law; United Kingdom Borlin, Bernt Ake Niklas; Computer Science; SwedenCohen Hyams, Tzipi; Engineering; Israel* Bortsov, Konstantin; Business Administration; Cojocari, Ludmila; History (non-U.S.); Moldova Kazakhstan* Coldrey, Olivia Jane; Law; Australia Borubaeva, Anisa; Journalism; Kyrgyz Republic*Cong, Riyun; Political Science; China Botinis, Antonios; Linguistics; Greece Correa, Nestor Mariano; Chemistry; Argentina Boudlal, Abdelaziz; Linguistics; Morocco Correia Machuca, Manuel Antonio; Philosophy; Chile Boudour, Mohamed; Engineering; AlgeriaCortes Nunez, Jorge; Biological Sciences; Costa Rica* Bouzidi, Hassan; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Morocco Bowal, Peter Clarence; Law; Canada Boyadjieva, Nadia Gueorguieva; History (non-U.S.);D Bulgaria Daba Bekhit Ibrahim, Ayman Samy; Chemistry; Egypt Brion, Rofel Gregorio; Language and Literature Dalle, Nathalie Lucetta; Psychology; France* (non-U.S.); Philippines Davidovitch, Nadav; Public/Global Health; Israel Buckley, Judith Anne; Education; Australia* Davies-Coleman, Michael Trevor; Chemistry; South Africa Bula Escobar, Jorge Ivan; Sociology; Colombia Davison, Carol; Language and Literature (non-U.S.); Bulatov, Alexander; Economics; Russia* Canada Bumah, Violet Vakunseh; Medical Sciences; Cameroon De Castro, Rosana Esther; Biological Sciences; Argentina Bunchu, Nophawan; Biological Sciences; Thailand De Dijn, Annelien M. R.; History (non-U.S.); Belgium Bykov, Dmitry; Social Work; Russia* De La Sota, Rodolfo Luzbel; Agriculture; Argentina De Mel, Fyona Neloufer Sharain; Language and Literature (non-U.S.); Sri Lanka c Delip Singh, Saran Kaur A.; Linguistics; Malaysia Cabaraban, Maria Theresa Isla; Engineering;Delzon, Philippines Sylvain; Environmental Sciences; France Cai, Jiming; Public Administration; China Demchuk, Artur; Political Science; Russia Cap, Piotr Kazimierz; Linguistics; Poland Deng, Jo-ling; Political Science; Taiwan Carretero Gomez, Jose Maria; Business Derrabi, Mohamed; Business Administration; Morocco Administration; Spain Deshmukh, Ravindra Pundalik; Architecture; India Casanova Fernandez, Felix; Physics and Astronomy;Deville, Damien Guillaume; Computer Science; France Spain* Diaz Delgado, Raul; Chemistry; Spain* Castellanos Delgado, Salome A.; Law; Honduras*Diaz Puente, Jose Maria; Public Administration; Spain Cayuela Garcia, Maria de la Luz; Agriculture;Dieste Spain Tubio, Oscar; Computer Science; Spain* Chadima, Martin; Geology; Czech Republic Diez Palomar, Francisco Javier; Mathematics; Spain Chaly, Vadim; Philosophy; Russia D ili Palai, Clement; Language and Literature Chang, Jian; Public Administration; China (non-U.S.); Cameroon Chao, Ping-Yi; Business Administration; TaiwanDiop, Mouhamadou Bassir; Geology; Senegal

78 * A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. Alphabetical Index

D jalilov, Khurshid; Economics; Uzbekistan Fraternali, Fernando; Engineering; Italy Djuricin, Biljana; Law; Serbia and Montenegro*Frino, Alessandro; Economics; Australia Dodkhoudoeva, Lola; History (non-U.S.); TajikistanFroen, Jahn Frederik; Medical Sciences; Norway Dong, Dahai; Business Administration; ChinaFu, Hao; American Literature; China Dorra, Ahmed A tef Abdel-Ghani; Film Studies; FuentesEgypt* Garcia, Manuel; Biological Sciences; Spain Douzet Bataillon, Frederick; American Studies; France Dozhdev, Dmitry; Law; Russia* Dragut, Lucian Daniel; Geography; RomaniaG Duignan, Paul Warren; Public Administration; New Galeyeva, Tamara; Art History; Russia Zealand* Galieva, Zairash; Political Science; Kyrgyz Republic Duiseneyeva, Zhanna; Medical Sciences; Kazakhstan* Gallardo, Susan Manalastas; Chemistry; Philippines Dupont, Guy L.C.C.; History (non-U.S.); Belgium Galligan, Mary Yvonne; Political Science; United Duque, Julie M. T.; Medical Sciences; Belgium Kingdom Dyman, Tetyana; Environmental Sciences; Ukraine Ganesan, Kannabiran; Business Administration; India Garagulya, Sergey; Linguistics; Russia Garcia Barchino, Maria Jose; Medical Sciences; Spain E Garcia Valencia, Rafael Alfonso; Education; Mexico Ecker, Horst; Engineering; Austria Gauchet, Aurelie Suzanne; Public/Global Health; France El Amine, Adnan Ibrahim; Education; Lebanon*Gbadamosi, Tajudeen Gbadebo Olusanya; History El Asli, Abdelghani; Biological Sciences; Morocco(non-U.S.); Nigeria El Bouazzati, Bennacer; Philosophy; MoroccoGerber, Doron; Biological Sciences; Israel Elchinova, Magdalena Borisova; Anthropology;Gevorgyan, Bulgaria Nerses; Political Science; Armenia Eljamal, Mazin Salah Abdel-Rahman; MedicalGhazali, Munirah Binti; Education; Malaysia Sciences; Jordan* Giersig, Michael; Physics and Astronomy; Germany Elsherif, Ikram Ahmed Ibrahim; American Gigoyan, Suren; Physics and Astronomy; Armenia Literature; Egypt* Goldthau, Andreas Christian; Political Science; Germany* Erman, Fatma Tahire; Anthropology; Turkey Gomez Aparicio, Lorena; Environmental Sciences; Spain* Escalante, Richard Bruce Martin; InformationGomez Herrero, Manuel; Engineering; Spain Sciences; Trinidad and Tobago* Gonzalez Ruibal, Alfredo; Archaeology; Spain* Essa, Mohamed Ahmed Abdel-Wahab; BiologicalGopal, Meena; Public/Global Health; India Sciences; Egypt* Goreta, Smiljana; Agriculture; Croatia* Essop, Mogammad Faadiel; Medical Sciences;Gorlyans’ky, Sergiy; Economics; Ukraine South Africa Gotlib, Natalia; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Russia* Estrada Dominguez, Sergio; Mathematics; SpainGrau, Roberto Ricardo; Biological Sciences; Argentina Exnerova, Vera; Religious Studies; Czech RepublicGravendeel, Barbara; Biological Sciences; Netherlands Grzeszczuk, Anna; Medical Sciences; Poland Guil Lopez, Noemi; Biological Sciences; Spain F Guilhot, Nicolas Michel Boian; History (non-U.S.); France Gultekin, Fatih; Biological Sciences; Turkey Fahli, Ahmed; Education; Morocco Guo, Jun; American Literature; China Fakim, Yasmina; Biological Sciences; Mauritius Gurova, Olga; Sociology; Russia Fan, Ying; Economics; China Gurung, Tek Bahadur; Biological Sciences; Nepal Fanso, Verkijika Godfrey; History (non-U.S.); Cameroon Gwary, Daniel Musa; Agriculture; Nigeria Faress, Assem; Language and Literature (non-U.S.); Gyidel, Ernest; Political Science; Ukraine Syria Gynnild, Vidar; Education; Norway Fataar, Mogamad Aslam; Education; South Africa Gyulai, Gabor; Agriculture; Hungary Fayzullaeva, Eleonora; Education; Uzbekistan Fernandez Ribas, Andrea; Economics; Austria* Fernandez Ruiz, Jorge; Economics; Mexico Filgueira, Roberto Raul; Environmental Sciences;H Argentina Habil, Eissa D.A.; Mathematics; Gaza Florea, Evghenii; Law; Moldova Hafez, Khaled Yehia; Art; Egypt* Fong, Gen-Yu; Law; Taiwan Hafidi Alaoui, Adil; Engineering; Morocco* Fouad Mohammad, Jehan Farouk; AmericanHale, Geoffrey E.; Political Science; Canada Literature; Egypt* Han, Jiaming; Language and Literature (non-U.S.); China

A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section 79 at the end o f the directory. Alphabetical Index

Handayani, Iin Purwati; Environmental Sciences;K Indonesia Kaganov, Grigory; A rt History; Russia Hansson, Mats Alfred; Chemistry; Sweden Kalm, Mart; Art History; Estonia Hanzel, Igor; Philosophy; Slovak Republic Kalygulova, Sabyrkul; Education; Kyrgyz Republic Hapgood, Janet Patricia; Medical Sciences; SouthKamat, Africa Vasudha Vasant; Education; India Hasani, Enver; Law; Kosovo Kamiya, Setsuko; Journalism; Japan Hassan, Gubara Said; Political Science; FinlandKampourakis, Emmanouil; Agriculture; Greece Hendry, James Ralph; Law; Canada* Kara, Hayat; Language and Literature (non-U.S.); Henriot, Christian Robert; History (non-U.S.); FranceMorocco Hereu Fina, Bernat; Environmental Sciences;Karaosmanoglu, France Fatih; Political Science; Turkey Hiwatari, Nobuhiro; Political Science; Japan Kamak, Ibrahim; Medical Sciences; Turkey Hod, Oded; Chemistry; Israel Kassymova, Didar; Political Science; Kazakhstan Horcicka, Vaclav; American History; Czech RepublicKaufman Halman, Tali; Computer Science; Israel Hotam, Yotam Yadin; History (non-U.S.); Israel Kertbundit, Sunee; Biological Sciences; Thailand Hovda, Knut Erik; Medical Sciences; Norway Khalfi, Mustapha; Journalism; Morocco Hsieh, Ting-ya; Public Administration; Taiwan*Khalifa, Aisha Bilkhair Abdulla; History (non-U.S.); United Arab Emirates Huitink, Janneke; Linguistics; Netherlands Kiladze, Elena; Architecture; Georgia Hysa, Ylber; History (non-U.S.); Kosovo* Kilarski, Marcin Maria; Linguistics; Poland Kim, Dae II; Economics; Korea Kim, Joon Hyung; Political Science; Korea I Kim, Myung-Joo; American Literature; Korea Ibrahim, Asma; Anthropology; Pakistan Kirdyanov, Alexander; Environmental Sciences; Russia Ibrahim, Asmihan Binti; Law; Malaysia Kirvalidze, Davit; Economics; Georgia Iguchi, Haruo; History (non-U.S.); Japan Kiryushchenko, Vitaly; Philosophy; Russia Iguchi, Yoko; Business Administration; JapanKiselev, Igor; Political Science; Russia* Ilieva, Sonia Varbanova; Chemistry; BulgariaKiyanenko, Konstantin; Architecture; Russia Iqbal, Shagufta; Education; Pakistan Klioutchnikova, Inna; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Belarus Knaryan, Varduhi; Biological Sciences; Armenia Irvanets, Oleksandr; Theater; Ukraine Kocak, Fethullah Akin; Business Administration; Turkey Ishaaya, Amiel Abraham; Physics and Astronomy; Israel Kocur, Miroslaw; Theater; Poland Ismail, Shaza Gamal Mohamed; Art History; Egypt Koevski, Goran; Law; Macedonia* Ismayilov, Rovshan; Law; Azerbaijan* Koichumanov, Talaibek; Public Administration; Kyrgyz Republic Kolga, Voldemar; Psychology; Estonia J Konsta, Maria; Engineering; Greece Jahrami, Mohamed Merza J. E.; Medical Sciences;Kopecek, Bahrain Michal; History (non-U.S.); Czech Republic Jang, Jin Ha; U.S.- Korea International EducationKothari, Sunil Manilal; Dance; India Administrators Program; Korea Kotradyova, Veronika; Architecture; Slovak Republic Jannadi, Osama Ahmad M.; Engineering; SaudiKovalcikova, Arabia Iveta; Education; Slovak Republic Jansohn, Christa; Language and LiteratureKozielski, Robert; Business Administration; Poland (non-U.S.); Germany* Kral, Daniel; Mathematics; Czech Republic Jashari, Jetish; Law; Kosovo Krastanov, Albert Ivanov; Biological Sciences; Bulgaria Kratasyuk, Valentina; Education; Russia* Jeha, Julio Cesar; American Literature; Brazil Kravets, Oleksandra; Environmental Sciences; Ukraine Ji, Jinbiao; Economics; China* Kremer, Sandor; Philosophy; Hungary Jiang, Yue; Linguistics; China Krivosheev, Maxim; Theater; Russia Jing, Yuejin; Political Science; China Kruks, Sergejs; Sociology; Latvia Jn Francois, Roosevelt; Public/Global Health; Kuhelj,Haiti* Alenka; Law; Slovenia* Joaquim Justo, Celia da Anuncicao; BiologicalKukemelk, Hasso; Education; Estonia* Sciences; Belgium Kulyk, Volodymyr; Political Science; Ukraine* Jorge Gonzalez, Sonia; Chemistry; Spain* Kumar, Deepak; History (non-U.S.); India Jozefowiez, Nicolas; Computer Science; FranceKumisbayeva, Mansiya; Education; Kazakhstan Juma, A rla; Biological Sciences; Albania Kuntseva-Gabashvili, Nino; Law; Georgia* Juniku, Neki; Psychology; Kosovo* K uppers, Almut; Education; Germany

80 * A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. Alphabetical Index

Kurganova, Irina; Environmental Sciences; RussiaLosonczy, Gyorgy; Medical Sciences; Hungary Kuzmicheva, Larisa; Political Science; Russia Lu, Ching-Ching; Linguistics; Taiwan Kuzovleva, Klavdiya; Education; Russia Lu, Jialiu; Business Administration; China Kventsel, Anna; Language and LiteratureLuboteni, Gazmend; Economics; Kosovo* (non-U.S.); Israel* Luo, Jiaxiang; History (non-U.S.); China Kwek, Kian Teng; Economics; Malaysia Luo, Ting-Yao; Language and Literature (non-U.S.); Taiwan

L Laczko, Tibor Sandor; Linguistics; Hungary M Lai, Li-Chin; Music; Taiwan Ma, Hongxia; Economics; China Laksono, Paschalis Maria; Anthropology; IndonesiaMacha, Premysl; Anthropology; Czech Republic Lal, Ananda; Theater; India Macia Martinez, Maria Dolores; Chemistry; Spain Laliotou, Ioanna; American History; Greece Macionis, Valdas; Medical Sciences; Lithuania Lamiraud, Karine; Economics; France Magwaza, Thenjiwe Sindiswa Cheryl; Language and Lashari, Kaleem Ullah; Art History; Pakistan Literature (non-U.S.); South Africa Layus, D m itry; Environmental Sciences; Russia Mahmudova, Lola; Medical Sciences; Tajikistan Lazar, Dan Tudor; Public Administration; RomaniaMajumdar, Kausik Kumar; Computer Science; India Lazar, Thomaskutty; Theater; India Makeev, Mikhail; Language and Literature Le, Ninh Khuong; Economics; Vietnam (non-U.S.); Russia Le, Phuong Quoc; Economics; Vietnam Malakolunthu, Suseela K S; Education; Malaysia Leblebici, Dogan Nadi; Public Administration;Malikova, Turkey Maria; Language and Literature Lee, June; U.S.- Korea International Education(non-U.S.); Russia* Administrators Program; Korea Mannan, Quazi Abdul; Journalism; Bangladesh Lee, Ta-jen; Political Science; Taiwan Mansour, Ashraf Mansour Habib; Architecture; Egypt* Lee, W ei-li; Engineering; Taiwan Marmolejos Polanco, Victor Arturo; Medical Sciences; Lee, Won-Key; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; KoreaDominican Republic* Lee, Yong Sook; Education; Korea Marnersdottir, Malan; Language and Literature Legasto, Priscelina Patajo; Theater; Philippines(non-U.S.); Denmark Leung, Ping Kwan; Film Studies; Hong KongMartinez de Ghersa, Maria Alejandra; Environmental Levinskaya, Olga; Language and Literature Sciences; Argentina (non-U.S.); Russia* Martini, Ghalia; Agriculture; Syria* Lewinson, Oded; Biological Sciences; Israel Marton, Lidia; Communications; Hungary Li, Benxian; Linguistics; China Masyuk, Natalya; Education; Russia Li, Che Lan Linda; Public Administration; HongMateu Kong Mateu, Jordi; Engineering; Spain Li, Shu-Chu Sarrina; Communications; Taiwan*Matmati, Louisa; American Literature; Algeria Li, Tamara; Biological Sciences; Kazakhstan Mberia, Kithaka; Linguistics; Kenya Lifshitz, Shahar; Law; Israel McDonald, Andrew John; Political Science; United Lilov, Stanislav Krastev; Physics and Astronomy; BulgariaKingdom Lim, Mikang; Art; Korea Mduluza, Takafira; Medical Sciences; Zimbabwe Lin, Tung-Ching; Business Administration; TaiwanMedzmariashvili, Elene; American Studies; Georgia Ling, I-Ling; Business Administration; TaiwanMelikh, Yulia; Philosophy; Russia* Litvak Hirsch, Tal; Psychology; Israel Mendez Rodriguez, Eva Maria; Information Liu, Junping; American Literature; China Sciences; Spain Liu, Kaixiang; Law; China Merzaa, Mohammed K. Mohammed Z.; Physics and Liu, Lihui; American Literature; China Astronomy; Bahrain Liu, Qingping; Philosophy; China Messiha, Ninette Sami Fahmy; Political Science; Egypt Liu, Rude; Education; China Michel, Marc Didier; Chemistry; France Liu, Songhao; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; ChinaMiege, Pierre Jean-Baptiste Edouard; Sociology; France Liu, Yan; Education; China Mikhaylova, Larisa; American Literature; Russia* Lluch, Andrea Mari; History (non-U.S.); ArgentinaMilner, Henry; Political Science; Canada Lokrou, Lohourignon Adrien; Medical Sciences;Ming, Cote Chu-Cheng; Political Science; Taiwan* d’Ivoire Miniankou, Ryhor; Education; Belarus Looi, Jeffrey Chee Leong; Medical Sciences; Australia*Miniotaite, Daina; American Literature; Lithuania Lorenzini, Sara; History (non-U.S.); Italy Minns, John Francis; Political Science; Australia

A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section 81at the end o f the directory. Alphabetical Index

Misicu, Serban Valentin; Physics and Astronomy;o Romania Obuobi, Daniel; Computer Science; Ghana Miskovsky, Pavol; Chemistry; Slovak Republic Ochiai, Akiko; American Studies; Japan M itrovic, Natasa; Music; Serbia and Montenegro* Oganesyants, Natalia; Education; Russia Mohamad Taib, Mohamad Nor Bin; Education; Malaysia Ogbaghebriel, Azieb Desta; Medical Sciences; Eritrea* Mohd Nordin, Mohd Nawawi Bin; Environmental Okwori, Jenkeri Zakari; Theater; Nigeria* Sciences; Malaysia Ologhobo, Anthony Durojaiye; Agriculture; Nigeria Moiseenko, Tatiana; Environmental Sciences; Russia Oluka, Silas Omoding; Education; Uganda Mokeev, Anvarbek; History (non-U.S.); Kyrgyz Republic Omar Fauzee, Mohd Sofian Bin; Education; Malaysia Mom, Gijsbertus Petrus Antonius; Engineering; Ortega Gutierrez, Silvia; Chemistry; Spain* Netherlands Ortuno Molina, Jorge; History (non-U.S.); Spain Moneam Hussein Wassef, Mona Mohamed Wassef Otero, Marietta Reyes; Language and Literature Mohamed Abdel; Music; Egypt* (non-U.S.); Philippines* Monjib, Maati; History (non-U.S.); Morocco Oueslati, Hajer bent Abdessalem; American Moolakkattu, John Stephen; Political Science; India Studies; Tunisia Moon, Woo Sik; Economics; Korea Oziewicz, Marek Cezary; American Literature; Poland Moqbel, Abdullah Nasher Murshed; Agriculture; Yemen Moragues Canela, Marcos; Agriculture; Spain Moraleda Munoz, Aurelio; Biological Sciences;P Spain* Morales Moreno, Isidro; Political Science; Mexico Mosquera Valderrama, Irma; Law; NetherlandsPalkovicova, Lubica; Medical Sciences; Slovak Republic Moussa, Sherif Omar Hassan; Chemistry; Egypt Pan, Jiao; Anthropology; China Mudde, Caspar Eric; Political Science; BelgiumPan, Jintang; Sociology; China Mukhamedkhan, Dina; Education; KazakhstanPandurang, Mala; Language and Literature Muminov, Hikmat; Physics and Astronomy; Tajikistan*(non-U.S.); India Murayama, Takehiko; Urban Planning; JapanPapava, Vladimer; Economics; Georgia Mushtaq, Shakila; Biological Sciences; PakistanParanagama, Priyani Ashoka; Chemistry; Sri Lanka* Mustafayev, Shahin; History (non-U.S.); AzerbaijanPark, Dae Shik; Public Administration; Korea Mutitu, Eunice Wanjiru; Agriculture; Kenya Park, Hun Joon; Business Administration; Korea Mykhed, Tetyana; American Literature; UkrainePark, Young Bum; Economics; Korea Mynbayev, Kairat; Economics; Kazakhstan Pamyuk, Natalia; Psychology; Russia Myronenko, Tetyana; American Literature; UkrainePaunkovic, Dzejn; Business Administration; Serbia Mysore Krishnaswamy, Ramesh; Law; India and Montenegro* Pavlyuk, Lyudmyla; Communications; Ukraine* Pe’er, Avraham; Physics and Astronomy; Israel N Peddle, Derek Roland; Environmental Sciences; Canada Pedlowski, Marcos Antonio; Environmental Narlyyev, Karahandjar; Medical Sciences; TurkmenistanSciences; Brazil Nasuruddin, Mohamed Ghouse Bin; Theater;Perera, Malaysia Senath Walter; Language and Literature Navarro Tejero, Antonia; Language and Literature(non-U.S.); Sri Lanka (non-U.S.); Spain* Perkumaite Viksraitiene, Egle; Music; Lithuania Nayan, Rajiv; Political Science; India Petrova, Nataliya; Political Science; Ukraine Nayar, Pramod Kumaran; American Studies; IndiaPetukhova, Irina; Psychology; Russia Nemeth, Karoly; Geology; Hungary Phan, Nhiem Thi; Economics; Vietnam Neylan, Susan Lynn; History (non-U.S.); CanadaPhung, Phuong Thuy; Environmental Sciences; Vietnam Nguyen, Hien Phuc Thuy; Law; Vietnam Piatrenka, Siarhei; Medical Sciences; Belarus* Nguyen, Minh Dinh; Geography; Vietnam Picard, Avraham; History (non-U.S.); Israel Nicolae, Mariana; Communications; Romania*Pietarinen, Ahti-Veikko Juhani; Philosophy; Finland Nimrod, Galit; Sociology; Israel* Piskin, Serghei; Physics and Astronomy; Moldova Nishigauchi, Taisuke; Linguistics; Japan Plikynas, Darius; Economics; Lithuania Novakova, Pavla; Medical Sciences; Czech RepublicPolawski, Pawel; Sociology; Poland Novaro, Marcos; Political Science; Argentina Polishchuk, Nina; Philosophy; Ukraine Novikova, Irina; Film Studies; Latvia Popescu Sue, Speranta-Maria; Geology; France Nunthaboot, Nadtanet; Chemistry; ThailandPopova, Diana Dimitrova; Language and Literature Nuwagaba, Taga Francis; Art; Uganda (non-U.S.); Bulgaria

82 * A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. Alphabetical Index

Pozuelo Alba, Marta; Engineering; Germany Sadiqi, Fatima; Social Work; Morocco Prochazka, M artin; American Studies; Czech RepublicSagoo, Mandeep Singh; Medical Sciences; United Prosh’yants, Natalia; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Russia K ingdom Pujolar Castanyer, Jose Martin; Biological Saif, Farhan; Physics and Astronomy; Pakistan* Sciences; Belgium* Sakr, Samir Hammouda Atwa; Mathematics; Egypt* Punnett, Betty Jane; Business Administration; Barbados*Salama, Showikar Mohamed Ibrahim Ahmed; Putman, Koen D.; Medical Sciences; Belgium Archaeology; Egypt* Pylypenko, Viktor; Anthropology; Ukraine Salguero Navas, Victor Eberto; Agriculture; Guatemala* Samsonova, Tatiana; Political Science; Russia Sannikov, Sergiy; History (non-U.S.); Ukraine* R Santiago, L ilia Quindoza; Language and Literature (non-U.S.); Philippines* Rabaa, Hassan; Chemistry; Morocco Satwiko, Prasasto; Architecture; Indonesia Ragoobirsingh, Dalip; Public/Global Health; Jamaica* Schachner, Maximilian; Sociology; Austria Rajabov, Nusrat; Mathematics; Tajikistan Schildkamp, Kim; Education; Netherlands Ramahobo, Lydia Motlhankaabasadi; Education; Schiller, Daniela; Psychology; Israel* B otsw ana Sebastian, Leonard Christopher; Political Science; Raposa, Blessilda Perez; Mathematics; Philippines Singapore Rasporich, Beverly Jean; Communications; Canada Seeber, G ilg; Political Science; Austria Reiter, Maud; Chemistry; United Kingdom Segobye, Alinah Kelo; Sociology; Botswana Ren, Donglai; American History; China Sevo, Ljiljana; Art History; Bosnia and Herzegovina* Rents, Tatiana; Education; Russia Shaban, Amin; Geology; Lebanon Rezaev, Andrey; Sociology; Russia Shan, Te-Hsing; American Literature; Taiwan Richards, Anna; Medical Sciences; United Kingdom Sharaf-Eldin, Mahmoud A.; Biological Sciences; Egypt* Richer, Harvey Brian; Physics and Astronomy; Canada Shavit, Ayelet; Philosophy; Israel Rietjens, Judith Anna Catharina; Public/Global Health; Sheiner, Eyal; Medical Sciences; Israel* Netherlands Sheng, Xigui; Communications; China Rimsane, Inta; Education; Latvia Shironin, Viacheslav; Economics; Russia* R izzolli, Matteo; Economics; Italy Shon, Zhengyi; Business Administration; Taiwan* Rodriguez, Santiago; American Literature; Spain* Shozimov, Pulat; Political Science; Tajikistan* Romero Chacon, Jorge Arturo; Engineering; Costa Rica* Shpotov, Boris; American History; Russia* Ronen, Shai; Physics and Astronomy; Israel Shunnaq, Mohammed Suleiman Ahmad; Rortveit, Guri; Medical Sciences; Norway Anthropology; Jordan Ross, Nicham; Philosophy; Israel* Shuteriqi, Lida; Architecture; Albania Roure Alcobe, Jose; Computer Science; Spain* Shuvalov, Petr; History (non-U.S.); Russia* Rubalcava Penafiel, Luis Napoleon; Economics; Mexico Silva Bettencourt, Raul; Biological Sciences; Portugal Rugescu, Dragos Radu Dan; Environmental Singerean, Lilia; Chemistry; Moldova* Sciences; Romania Sirayi, Henderson Mziwoxolo; Art; South Africa Rungwattanavong, Ampai; Architecture; Thailand Slaba, Ingrid; Medical Sciences; Czech Republic Ryabova, Marina; Linguistics; Russia Slaby, Jiri; Medical Sciences; Czech Republic Ryhanen, Tuula Hannele; Business Administration; Smith, Ronald Fenwick; Creative W riting; Canada F in la n d Smits, Erik-Jan; Linguistics; Netherlands Ryu, Dae Young; Religious Studies; Korea Soler Botija, Carolina; Biological Sciences; Spain* Soliman, Mounira Gamal Ezz Eldin; American Literature; Egypt* s Son, Dae Hyung; U.S.- Korea International Education Saab, Gretta Habib; Economics; Lebanon Administrators Program; Korea Sabani, Alisabri; Sociology; Bosnia and HerzegovinaSon, Dae Joong; U.S.- Korea International Education Sacayon Manzo, Eduardo Enrique; Anthropology;Administrators Program; Korea G uatem ala* Soovali, Helen; Geography; Estonia Sacha, Krzysztof Franciszek; Physics and Sorochynskyi, Borys; Environmental Sciences; Ukraine* Astronomy; Poland Soto Velasco, Jose Sebastian; Law; Chile Sachidananda, Mohanty; Language and Literature Staszkiewicz, Jaroslaw; Biological Sciences; Poland* (non-U.S.); India* Statyukha, Gennadiy; Environmental Sciences; Ukraine* Sadaba Garraza, Maria Teresa; Communications; Spain Stenschke, Oliver; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Germany

A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the83 end o f the directory. Alphabetical Index

Stievermann, Jan Wilhelm; American Literature;U Germany Strojsova, Alena; Biological Sciences; Czech Republic Strovskiy, Dm itry; Journalism; Russia* Subba Rao, Prema Kandaka; Education; India Suhail, Kausar; Psychology; Pakistan* Sukchuen, Nattakarn; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; T hailand* Usmanov, Nail; History (non-U.S.); Russia Sultana, Razia; Chemistry; Pakistan Uzuhashi, Reiko; Social Work; Japan Suzuki, Takeshi; Communications; Japan Swan, Philip; History (non-U.S.); United Kingdom V Vaculin, Roman; Computer Science; Czech Republic T Vafi, Doumbia; Physics and Astronomy; Cote d’Ivoire Tabacki, Miodrag; Theater; Serbia and MontenegroVaittinen, Pirjo Helena; Language and Literature Tabbal, Malek; Physics and Astronomy; Lebanon(non-U.S.); Finland Tachkuliyeva, Djaneta; Public/Global Health;Vazquez Gonzalez, Maria Magdalena; Biological Turkmenistan Sciences; Mexico Takii, Katsuya; Economics; Japan Velkov, Pance; Art History; Macedonia Tammita Delgoda, A. SinhaRaja W.; A rt History; Sri Vermeir, Koen J.; History (non-U.S.); Belgium Lanka Vintila, Ruxandra; Agriculture; Romania* Taran, Anatolie; Medical Sciences; Moldova* Tamopol’s’kyy, Oleg; TEFL/Applied Linguistics;Vitkus, Gediminas; Political Science; Lithuania* U kraine* Vladisavljevic, Goran; Chemistry; Serbia and Telban, Borut; Anthropology; Slovenia Montenegro* Terachi, K oji; Political Science; Japan Vliegenthart, Rens; Sociology; Netherlands Terefe Woldeyes, Hibreniguss; Medical Sciences;Voicu, Eritrea Adela; Social Work; Romania Teruel Belismelis, Graciela Maria; Economics; MexicoVolkova, Elena; Geography; Russia Terui, Nobuhiko; Economics; Japan Vovk, Vira; Political Science; Ukraine Terzic, Janos; Medical Sciences; Croatia Theodorou, Maria; Architecture; Greece Thomaes, Sander Clement Emiel; Psychology; NetherlandsW Tian, Zhongyu; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; China Waclawiak, Krzysztof Wieslaw; Engineering; Poland* Tien, Hsiu-Lan; Psychology; Taiwan Waleekhachonloet, On-anong; Medical Sciences; Thailand Tigoiu, Sanda; Mathematics; Romania Tirelli, Mario; Economics; Italy Waliszewski, Tomasz; Archaeology; Poland Tiwari, Badri Narain; Anthropology; India Walker, Mark Joseph; Biological Sciences; Australia Toepel, Friedrich Erhard; Law; Germany Wallaert, Helene C.; Anthropology; Belgium Tomas Nash, Fiona; Biological Sciences; Spain*Walls, Maeve Mary; Sociology; United Kingdom Tran, Lieu Thi Bich; Education; Vietnam Wan, Junren; Philosophy; China Tregubova, Tatiana; Social Work; Russia* Wan Abdullah, N ik Rosnah Binti; Public Tribunskiy, Pavel; History (non-U.S.); Russia* Administration; Malaysia* Triki, Rim bent Mohamed Taieb; American Wang, Bo; Political Science; China History; Tunisia* Wang, Chull; American Literature; Korea Trilupaityte, Skaidra; Art History; Lithuania* Wang, Hui-Mei; Business Administration; Taiwan Tripathi, Hari Bansh; Law; Nepal Wang, Jau-Hwang; Computer Science; Taiwan Trisurat, Yongyut; Environmental Sciences; Thailand Wang, Jun; Economics; China Troitskiy, M ikhail; Political Science; Russia Wang, Shouren; American Literature; China Tsao, Shou-Min; Business Administration; Taiwan Wang, Wen-Chung; Psychology; Taiwan Tsehelska, Maryna; American Studies; Ukraine Tsokolov, Serhiy; Biological Sciences; UkraineWang, Xiaoye; Law; China Turmo Coderque, Jose; Engineering; SpainWasserman, Hermanus Jacobus; Journalism; South Africa Turner, Lincoln David; Physics and Astronomy; AustraliaWazny, Tomasz Jacek; Archaeology; Poland Turunen, Pekka Juhani; Computer Science; Wintersteiner,Finland Werner; Education; Austria Tytov, Volodymyr; Philosophy; Ukraine Wirsching, Andreas Ernst; History (non-U.S.); Germany W isaijorn, Patareeya; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Thailand Wu, Pei-Li; Psychology; Taiwan

84 * A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be foundWu, in Tung-Hsiung; the 2004-2005 Visiting Business Scholars Administration; section at the Taiwan end o f the directory. Wu, Xueping; Economics; Hong Kong Alphabetical Index

X Zarzo Castello, Manuel; Mathematics; Spain* Zecevic, Bojan; Business Administration; Serbia X i, Junyang; Economics; China and Montenegro* Zeman, Daniel; Computer Science; Czech Republic Zemkova, Erika; Medical Sciences; Slovak Republic Y Zeng, Cheng; Language and Literature (non-U.S.); China Yakimenko, Olga; Agriculture; Russia Zetenyi, Miklos; Physics and Astronomy; Hungary Yang, Bei-Chang; Medical Sciences; TaiwanZhang, Boyu; Music; China Yarmakhov, Boris; Journalism; Russia* Zhang, Liping; Political Science; China Yazykova, Natalia; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; RussiaZhang, Shaojie; Linguistics; China Yefymenko, Anatoliy; Law; Ukraine Zhang, Zaixin; American Literature; China Yerchak, M ikalai; Psychology; Belarus Zhao, Wei; Business Administration; China Yoo, Jin; Business Administration; Korea Zhao, Xifang; Language and Literature (non-U.S.); China Young, Metta; Education; Australia Zhemukhov, Sufian; History (non-U.S.); Russia Zheng, Chaoyu; Economics; China* Youssef, A li Abobakr Youssef Mohamed A li; Ziebinska-Witek, Anna; History (non-U.S.); Poland Economics; Egypt* Zilahy, Gyula; Business Administration; Hungary Yusuf, Muhsin; History (non-U.S.); West Bank Zolotykh, Vladimir; American History; Russia Zoltayne Paprika, Zita Iren; Business Administration; Hungary z Zuo, Haicong; Law; China Zakareya Labib, Hoda Abdel-Monem; Sociology;Zuo, Weimin;Egypt Law; China Zandbergen, Annie Dorothea; Anthropology;Zyuzev, Netherlands Nikolay; Sociology; Russia

* A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section 85 at the end o f the directory. FULBRIGH T H ost I nstitution by State I ndex

To fin d out more about a Scholar, turn to the individual’s complete directory entry, which can be found in the section corresponding to the discipline listed after the Scholar’s name.

ALABAMA University of Arkansas—Little Rock A l Badi, Abdullah Hamed Suwaid; Engineering; Oman Auburn University—Main Campus University of Arkansas— Pine Bluff Gyulai, Gabor; Agriculture; Hungary Chohan, Zahid Hussain; Chemistry; Pakistan Juma, Aria; Biological Sciences; Albania University of Alabama—Tuscaloosa Singerean, Lilia; Chemistry; Moldova* CALIFORNIA California Institute of Technology ARIZONA Fraternali, Fernando; Engineering; Italy Lewinson, Oded; Biological Sciences; Israel Arizona State University Reiter, Maud; Chemistry; United Kingdom Carretero Gomez, Jose Maria; Business California State University—Sacramento Administration; Spain Zoltayne Paprika, Zita Iren; Business Schachner, Maximilian; Sociology; Austria Administration; Hungary Smith, Ronald Fenwick; Creative W riting; Canada California State University—San Bernardino Northern Arizona University—Yuma Campus Nicolae, Mariana; Communications; Romania* Parnyuk, Natalia; Psychology; Russia California State University—Stanislaus Tohono O’odham Community College do O Pinto Alho, Afonso; Geography; Portugal Garcia Valencia, Rafael Alfonso; Education; Mexico City College of San Francisco University of Arizona Otero, Marietta Reyes; Language and Literature Abdelmalek, Fethi ben Abdessamiaa; Engineering;(non-U.S.); Philippines* Tunisia* Fresno Pacific University Balishin, Sergey; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Russia*Sannikov, Sergiy; History (non-U.S.); Ukraine* Diez Palomar, Francisco Javier; Mathematics; Spain Monterey Institute of International Studies Kirdyanov, Alexander; Environmental Sciences; Russia Prosh’yants, Natalia; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Russia Moneam Hussein Wassef, Mona Mohamed Wassef Mohamed Abdel; Music; Egypt* Moss Landing Marine Laboratories Moqbel, Abdullah Nasher Murshed; Agriculture;Hereu Yemen Fina, Bernat; Environmental Sciences; France Paranagama, Priyani Ashoka; Chemistry; Sri Lanka* National University Saif, Farhan; Physics and Astronomy; Pakistan* Ahmad, A. K. Monaw-War Uddin; Economics; Wallaert, Helene C.; Anthropology; Belgium** Bangladesh Wang, Jau-Hwang; Computer Science; Taiwan Pomona College Young, Metta; Education; Australia Lazar, Thomaskutty; Theater; India Riverside Community College ARKANSAS Ogbaghebriel, Azieb Desta; Medical Sciences; Eritrea* Salk Institute for Biological Studies University of Arkansas—Fayetteville Soler Botija, Carolina; Biological Sciences; Spain* Dragut, Lucian Daniel; Geography; Romania Kara, Hayat; Language and Literature (non-U.S.); San Diego State University Morocco Wu, Pei-Li; Psychology; Taiwan Shunnaq, Mohammed Suleiman Ahmad; Scripps Research Institute Anthropology; Jordan Ortega Gutierrez, Silvia; Chemistry; Spain*

* A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

* * Indicates a Scholar with multiple affiliations. 87 Host State Index

Stanford University Vliegenthart, Rens; Sociology; Netherlands Becker, Markus; Business Administration; France University of California—Los Angeles Diaz Puente, Jose Maria; Public Administration; Spain Andrade Andrade, Pablo Roberto; Political Gerber, Doron; Biological Sciences; Israel Science; Ecuador Gonzalez Ruibal, Alfredo; Archaeology; Spain* Cho, Sung Hee; Psychology; Korea Henriot, Christian Robert; History (non-U.S.); France** Gotlib, Natalia; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Russia* Kulyk, Volodymyr; Political Science; Ukraine* Hansson, Mats Alfred; Chemistry; Sweden Kuntseva-Gabashvili, Nino; Law; Georgia* Legasto, Priscelina Patajo; Theater; Philippines** Laczko, Tibor Sandor; Linguistics; Hungary Looi, Jeffrey Chee Leong; Medical Sciences; Australia* Malakolunthu, Suseela K S; Education; Malaysia Ortuno Molina, Jorge; History (non-U.S.); Spain Malikova, Maria; Language and Literature Park, Dae Shik; Public Administration; Korea (non-U.S.); Russia* Pozuelo Alba, Marta; Engineering; Germany Melikh, Yulia; Philosophy; Russia* R icher, H arvey B rian; Physics and Astronom y; Canada Polishchuk, Nina; Philosophy; Ukraine Rubalcava Penafiel, Luis Napoleon; Economics; Mexico Zandbergen, Annie Dorothea; Anthropology; Netherlands Soovali, Helen; Geography; Estonia University of California—Berkeley Suhail, Kausar; Psychology; Pakistan* Adonyeva, Svetlana; Anthropology; Russia Teruel Belismelis, Graciela Maria; Economics; Mexico Auers, Daunis; Political Science; Latvia Berberoglu, Suha; Geography; Turkey** University of California—Riverside Cohen Hyams, Tzipi; Engineering; Israel* Gallardo, Susan Manalastas; Chemistry; Philippines Diaz Delgado, Raul; Chemistry; Spain* Mynbayev, Kairat; Economics; Kazakhstan Douzet Bataillon, Frederick; American Studies;Wang, France Shouren; American Literature; China Dupont, Guy L.C.C.; History (non-U.S.); Belgium University of California—San Diego Duque, Julie M. T.; Medical Sciences; BelgiumAoshim a, Y a ich i; Business A d m in istra tio n ; Japan Fouad Mohammad, Jehan Farouk; AmericanCasanova Fernandez, Felix; Physics and Literature; Egypt* Astronomy; Spain* Henriot, Christian Robert; History (non-U.S.); France**Essa, Mohamed Ahmed Abdel-Wahab; Biological Kamiya, Setsuko; Journalism; Japan Sciences; Egypt* Kotradyova, Veronika; Architecture; Slovak RepublicTelban, Borut; Anthropology; Slovenia Li, Che Lan Linda; Public Administration; HongTerzic, Kong Janos; Medical Sciences; Croatia Ling, I-Ling; Business Administration; Taiwan Tomas Nash, Fiona; Biological Sciences; Spain* McDonald, Andrew John; Political Science; UnitedTurmo Coderque, Jose; Engineering; Spain K ingdom Walker, Mark Joseph; Biological Sciences; Australia** Miege, Pierre Jean-Baptiste Edouard; Sociology; France Navarro Tejero, Antonia; Language and LiteratureUniversity of California—San Francisco (non-U.S.); Spain* Bokazhanova, Aliya; Public/Global Health; Kazakhstan Prochazka, Martin; American Studies; Czech Republic**Rortveit, Guri; Medical Sciences; Norway Ryabova, Marina; Linguistics; Russia University of California—Santa Barbara Segobye, Alinah Kelo; Sociology; Botswana Aizen, Marcelo Adrian; Biological Sciences; Argentina Shan, Te-Hsing; American Literature; Taiwan Peddle, Derek Roland; Environmental Sciences; Canada Terefe Woldeyes, Hibreniguss; Medical Sciences; Eritrea Wang, Wen-Chung; Psychology; Taiwan University of California—Santa Cruz Yerchak, M ikalai; Psychology; Belarus Fernandez Ruiz, Jorge; Economics; Mexico Zhang, Shaojie; Linguistics; China Kampourakis, Emmanouil; Agriculture; Greece Pujolar Castanyer, Jose M artin; Biological University of California—Davis Sciences; Belgium* Bahri, Akissa bent Mohamed Hedi; Agriculture; Tunisia* Tsokolov, Serhiy; Biological Sciences; Ukraine Biris, Roua Gabriela; Linguistics; Slovenia Dyman, Tetyana; Environmental Sciences; UkraineUniversity of San Francisco Kurganova, Irina; Environmental Sciences; RussiaBrion, Rofel Gregorio; Language and Literature Lu, Ching-Ching; Linguistics; Taiwan (non-U.S.); Philippines Palkovicova, Lubica; Medical Sciences; Slovak Republic University of Southern California Shavit, Ayelet; Philosophy; Israel Dorra, Ahmed A tef Abdel-Ghani; Film Studies; Egypt* University of California—Irvine Suzuki, Takeshi; Communications; Japan Shon, Zhengyi; Business Administration; Taiwan*Zhao, Wei; Business Administration; China

* A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

88 * * Indicates a Scholar with m ultiple affiliations. Host State Index

COLORADO Kventsel, Anna; Language and Literature (non-U.S.); Israel* Colorado School of Mines Lai, Li-Chin; Music; Taiwan Al-Jaefi, Abdulkarim A li Dahan; Economics; Yemen*Liu, Junping; American Literature; China Colorado State University Liu, Qingping; Philosophy; China Correa, Nestor Mariano; Chemistry; ArgentinaLu, Jialiu; Business Administration; China Magwaza, Thenjiwe Sindiswa Cheryl; Language and National Center for Atmospheric Research Literature (non-U.S.); South Africa Vafi, Doumbia; Physics and Astronomy; Cote d’Ivoire Myronenko, Tetyana; American Literature; Ukraine National Jewish Medical and Research CenterPetukhova, Irina; Psychology; Russia Losonczy, Gyorgy; Medical Sciences; HungaryRizzolli, Matteo; Economics; Italy** U.S. Department of Commerce Rizzolli, Matteo; Economics; Italy** Mateu Mateu, Jordi; Engineering; Spain Saab, Gretta Habib; Economics; Lebanon University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center DELAWARE Ciobanu, Petru Octavian; Medical Sciences; Romania Jahrami, Mohamed Merza J. E.; Medical Sciences;University Bahrain of Delaware Lokrou, Lohourignon Adrien; Medical Sciences;Lee, WCote ei-li; Engineering; Taiwan d’Ivoire Rajabov, Nusrat; Mathematics; Tajikistan University of Colorado—Boulder Yefymenko, Anatoliy; Law; Ukraine Jozefowiez, Nicolas; Computer Science; France Krivosheev, Maxim; Theater; Russia Pe’er, Avraham; Physics and Astronomy; Israel DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Rodriguez, Santiago; American Literature; Spain* American Political Science Association Ronen, Shai; Physics and Astronomy; Israel Abu Libdeh, Samer Mustafa A li; Journalism; Jordan** University of Colorado—Colorado SpringsKhalfi, Mustapha; Journalism; Morocco** Dieste Tubio, Oscar; Computer Science; Spain*Soto Velasco, Jose Sebastian; Law; Chile** University of Colorado—Denver Zhang, Liping; Political Science; China** Djalilov, Khurshid; Economics; Uzbekistan American University University of Denver Aliyev, Kamran; Law; Azerbaijan Rents, Tatiana; Education; Russia Castellanos Delgado, Salome A.; Law; Honduras* Galligan, Mary Yvonne; Political Science; United Kingdom CONNECTICUT Morales Moreno, Isidro; Political Science; Mexico Zhang, Liping; Political Science; China** Fairfield University Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Pedlowski, Marcos Antonio; Environmental Khalfi, Mustapha; Journalism; Morocco** Sciences; Brazil Catholic University of America Trinity College Chetyrova, Liubov; Sociology; Russia Gopal, Meena; Public/Global Health; India Chkheidze, P’aat’a; American Literature; Georgia University of Connecticut—Storrs Djuricin, Biljana; Law; Serbia and Montenegro* Beros, Ana; Engineering; Bosnia and HerzegovinaFolger Shakespeare Library Wesleyan University Jansohn, Christa; Language and Literature Zhang, Boyu; Music; China (non-U.S.); Germany* Yale University George Washington University Anand, Indira Anita; Law; Canada Abou Aish, Ehab Mohamed Hassan; Business Cong, Riyun; Political Science; China Administration; Egypt* de Ascensao Rovisco, Maria Luis; Sociology; PortugalBaban, Calin Florin; Education; Romania De M el, Fyona Neloufer Sharain; LanguageChristiansen, and Per; Law; Norway Literature (non-U.S.); Sri Lanka Goldthau, Andreas Christian; Political Science; Germany* Kiladze, Elena; Architecture; Georgia Kwek, Kian Teng; Economics; Malaysia Kovalcikova, Iveta; Education; Slovak RepublicLee, Ta-jen; Political Science; Taiwan

* A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

* * Indicates a Scholar with m ultiple affiliations. 89 Host State Index

Ming, Chu-Cheng; Political Science; Taiwan*Samsonova, Tatiana; Political Science; Russia Novaro, Marcos; Political Science; Argentina**Shironin, Viacheslav; Economics; Russia* Sadaba Garraza, Maria Teresa; Communications;Shpotov, Spain Boris; American History; Russia* Terachi, K oji; Political Science; Japan Troitskiy, Mikhail; Political Science; Russia Zolotykh, Vladimir; American History; Russia Tytov, Volodymyr; Philosophy; Ukraine Georgetown University Usmanov, Nail; History (non-U.S.); Russia Garcia Barchino, Maria Jose; Medical Sciences;Vovk, Spain Vira; Political Science; Ukraine Ibrahim, Asmihan Binti; Law; Malaysia Zhemukhov, Sufian; History (non-U.S.); Russia Kaganov, Grigory; Art History; Russia Karaosmanoglu, Fatih; Political Science; Turkey Soto Velasco, Jose Sebastian; Law; Chile** FLORIDA Takii, Katsuya; Economics; Japan Florida Atlantic University Wang, Bo; Political Science; China Jn Francois, Roosevelt; Public/Global Health; Haiti* Zuo, Haicong; Law; China Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Howard University Services Ji, Jinbiao; Economics; China* Salguero Navas, Victor Eberto; Agriculture; Guatemala* Johns Hopkins University—School of Advanced Florida International University International Studies Abdullayev, Afgan; Education; Azerbaijan* Belanger, Louis; Political Science; Canada Lazar, Dan Tudor; Public Administration; Romania Borubaeva, Anisa; Journalism; Kyrgyz Republic* Chowdhary, Rekha; Political Science; India* Florida State University Koichumanov, Talaibek; Public Administration;Bykov, Dmitry; Social Work; Russia* Kyrgyz Republic Kamat, Vasudha Vasant; Education; India Papava, Vladimer; Economics; Georgia Zheng, Chaoyu; Economics; China* Shozimov, Pulat; Political Science; Tajikistan* University of Central Florida Pan American Health Organization Mushtaq, Shakila; Biological Sciences; Pakistan Ragoobirsingh, Dalip; Public/Global Health;University Jamaica* of Florida Smithsonian Institution De Castro, Rosana Esther; Biological Sciences; Argentina Cortes Nunez, Jorge; Biological Sciences; CostaDe Rica*La Sota, Rodolfo Luzbel; Agriculture; Argentina The Library of Congress Kratasyuk, Valentina; Education; Russia* Mosquera Valderrama, Irma; Law; Netherlands** Shuvalov, Petr; History (non-U.S.); Russia* Ramahobo, Lydia Motlhankaabasadi; Education; The National Rehabilitation Hospital Botswana Putman, Koen D.; Medical Sciences; Belgium University of Miami The Urban Institute Aihara, Hiroko; Social Work; Japan Duignan, Paul Warren; Public Administration;Gauchet, New Aurelie Suzanne; Public/Global Health; France Zealand* van Leijen, Frederik Johannes; Engineering; Netherlands The Washington Institute for Near East Policy Abu Libdeh, Samer Mustafa A li; Journalism; Jordan** U.S. Commodity Futures Trading CommissionGEORGIA Frino, Alessandro; Economics; Australia Emory University United States Institute of Peace Dalle, Nathalie Lucetta; Psychology; France* Hysa, Ylber; History (non-U.S.); Kosovo* Georgia Institute of Technology University of the District of Columbia Fernandez Ribas, Andrea; Economics; Austria* Tregubova, Tatiana; Social Work; Russia* Joaquim Justo, Celia da Anuncicao; Biological Woodrow Wilson International Center forSciences; Scholars Belgium Kral, Daniel; Mathematics; Czech Republic Coakley, John Paul; Political Science; Ireland Kravets, Oleksandra; Environmental Sciences; Ukraine Kiselev, Igor; Political Science; Russia* Moon, Woo Sik; Economics; Korea Kuzmicheva, Larisa; Political Science; Russia Wu, Tung-Hsiung; Business Administration; Taiwan Mykhed, Tetyana; American Literature; Ukraine Pavlyuk, Lyudmyla; Communications; Ukraine*Georgia State University Petrova, Nataliya; Political Science; Ukraine Ma, Hongxia; Economics; China

* A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

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Oglethorpe University Northern Illinois University Kocur, M iroslaw; Theater; Poland AlKarzon, Awni K M; American Literature; Gaza University of Georgia Northwestern University Kothari, Sunil M anilal; Dance; India** Akbar, Sher; Chemistry; Pakistan Moraleda Munoz, Aurelio; Biological Sciences;Bumah, Spain* Violet Vakunseh; Medical Sciences; Cameroon Nimrod, Galit; Sociology; Israel* Hasani, Enver; Law; Kosovo Konsta, Maria; Engineering; Greece Rietjens, Judith Anna Catharina; Public/Global Health; HAWAII Netherlands** Toepel, Friedrich Erhard; Law; Germany Hawaii Pacific University Wu, Xueping; Economics; Hong Kong Tsehelska, Maryna; American Studies; UkraineRush University University of Hawaii—Manoa Sheiner, Eyal; Medical Sciences; Israel* Avia, Donna Tusiata; Language and LiteratureU.S. Department of Agriculture-ARS-Midwest Area (non-U.S.); New Zealand El Asli, Abdelghani; Biological Sciences; Morocco Chadima, M artin; Geology; Czech Republic University of Chicago Chen, Ching-Shu; Education; Taiwan Cintic, Florin; Philosophy; Romania Jannadi, Osama Ahmad M.; Engineering; Saudi Arabia de Pooter, M ichiel David; Economics; Netherlands Park, Young Bum; Economics; Korea Tiwari, Badri Narain; Anthropology; India Paunkovic, Dzejn; Business Administration; Serbia and Montenegro* University of Illinois—Chicago Rungwattanavong, Ampai; Architecture; ThailandElchinova, Magdalena Borisova; Anthropology; Bulgaria Trisurat, Yongyut; Environmental Sciences; ThailandUniversity of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign Wisaijom, Patareeya; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; ThailandAlchihabi, Mouna; Physics and Astronomy; Syria Fataar, Mogamad Aslam; Education; South Africa Gurova, Olga; Sociology; Russia IDAHO Kertbundit, Sunee; Biological Sciences; Thailand** Li, Tamara; Biological Sciences; Kazakhstan Boise State University Liu, Songhao; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; China Nemeth, Karoly; Geology; Hungary Stenschke, Oliver; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Germany Idaho State University Yazykova, Natalia; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Russia Abou El-Maaty, Tarek Mohamed Said; Chemistry; Egypt* University of Idaho Berliner Golle, Ivonne Gabriela; Anthropology;INDIANA Chile Earlham College Litvak Hirsch, Tal; Psychology; Israel ILLINOIS Yusuf, Muhsin; History (non-U.S.); West Bank Argonne National Laboratory Indiana State University Fahli, Ahmed; Education; Morocco Misicu, Serban Valentin; Physics and Astronomy; Romania Indiana University—Bloomington Adamu, Fekade Azeze; Language and Literature Heartland Community College (non-U.S.); Ethiopia Tian, Zhongyu; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; China Alisherov, Abdurashid; Law; Uzbekistan Illinois Institute of Technology Baisakalov, Ainur; Music; Kazakhstan Bardakji, Souheila; Engineering; Syria Dodkhoudoeva, Lola; History (non-U.S.); Tajikistan Wang, Xiaoye; Law; China Ismayilov, Rovshan; Law; Azerbaijan* Kruks, Sergejs; Sociology; Latvia Newberry Library Lal, Ananda; Theater; India Elsherif, Ikram Ahmed Ibrahim; American Mustafayev, Shahin; History (non-U.S.); Azerbaijan Literature; Egypt* Oueslati, Hajer bent Abdessalem; American North Central College Studies; Tunisia Ben Haj Rehaiem, Jalel ben Rehaiem; AmericanPylypenko, Viktor; Anthropology; Ukraine Studies; Tunisia Wasserman, Hermanus Jacobus; Journalism; South Africa

* A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

* * Indicates a Scholar with multiple affiliations. 91 Host State Index

Indiana University-Purdue University—FortLOUISIANA Wayne Derrabi, Mohamed; Business Administration; Morocco Louisiana State University Medical Indiana University-Purdue Center—Shreveport University— Indianapolis Hovda, Knut Erik; Medical Sciences; Norway Kiryushchenko, Vitaly; Philosophy; Russia Pietarinen, Ahti-Veikko Juhani; Philosophy; FinlandLouisiana State University—Baton Rouge Sheng, Xigui; Communications; China Moiseenko, Tatiana; Environmental Sciences; Russia Schildkamp, Kim; Education; Netherlands Manchester College Staszkiewicz, Jaroslaw; Biological Sciences; Poland* Bula Escobar, Jorge Ivan; Sociology; Colombia Voicu, Adela; Social Work; Romania Purdue University Louisiana Tech University Gwary, Daniel Musa; Agriculture; Nigeria Habil, Eissa D.A.; Mathematics; Gaza Zecevic, Bojan; Business Adm inistration; Serbia and Montenegro* Tulane University University of Notre Dame Dozhdev, Dmitry; Law; Russia* Merzaa, Mohammed K. Mohammed Z.; Physics and Kim, Myung-Joo; American Literature; Korea Astronomy; Bahrain

IOWA MAINE Drake University Ren, Donglai; American History; China Southern Maine Community College Rezaev, Andrey; Sociology; Russia Iowa State University Ahmed, Ahmed Sayed Ahmed Hassan; Agriculture;The Egypt Jackson Laboratory Miskovsky, Pavol; Chemistry; Slovak Republic Marmolejos Polanco, Victor Arturo; Medical Sciences; Tachkuliyeva, Djaneta; Public/Global Health; Dominican Republic* Turkmenistan Loras College MARYLAND Hanzel, Igor; Philosophy; Slovak Republic University of Iowa Johns Hopkins University Duiseneyeva, Zhanna; Medical Sciences; Kazakhstan*Bajpai, Minu; Medical Sciences; India Grzeszczuk, Anna; Medical Sciences; Poland Mduluza, Takafira; Medical Sciences; Zimbabwe KANSAS Salama, Showikar Mohamed Ibrahim Ahmed; Archaeology; Egypt* Emporia State University Wan Abdullah, Nik Rosnah Binti; Public Volkova, Elena; Geography; Russia Administration; Malaysia* Friends University National Cancer Institute—Frederick Kolga, Voldemar; Psychology; Estonia Davies-Coleman, Michael Trevor; Chemistry; South Africa University of Kansas National Institute of Standards and Technology Chorobaeva, Narynkul; Education; Kyrgyz RepublicTurner, Lincoln David; Physics and Astronomy; Australia Matmati, Louisa; American Literature; Algeria National Institutes of Health Perkumaite Viksraitiene, Egle; Music; Lithuania Hapgood, Janet Patricia; Medical Sciences; South Africa National Naval Medical Center KENTUCKY Beqiri, Arben; Medical Sciences; Albania* The Institute for Genomic Research Asbury College Fakim, Yasmina; Biological Sciences; M auritius** Oziewicz, Marek Cezary; American Literature; Poland University of Kentucky U.S. Department of Agriculture Cayuela Garcia, Maria de la Luz; Agriculture; Spain Benaabidate, Lahcen; Geology; Morocco Estrada Dominguez, Sergio; Mathematics; SpainUniversity of Maryland—College Park Handayani, Iin Purwati; Environmental Sciences;Belay, Abebe Dinku; Engineering; Ethiopia* Indonesia Berberoglu, Suha; Geography; Turkey**

* A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

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Chung, Jin Young; Political Science; Korea Leung, Ping Kwan; Film Studies; Hong Kong Kirvalidze, Davit; Economics; Georgia Levinskaya, Olga; Language and Literature Liu, Yan; Education; China (non-U.S.); Russia* Nishigauchi, Taisuke; Linguistics; Japan Li, Shu-Chu Sarrina; Communications; Taiwan* Polawski, Pawel; Sociology; Poland Lluch, Andrea Mari; History (non-U.S.); Argentina Stievermann, Jan Wilhelm; American Literature; GermanyLorenzini, Sara; History (non-U.S.); Italy Tien, Hsiu-Lan; Psychology; Taiwan Luo, Jiaxiang; History (non-U.S.); China Zeman, Daniel; Computer Science; Czech RepublicLuo, Ting-Yao; Language and Literature (non-U.S.); Taiwan Pan, Jintang; Sociology; China MASSACHUSETTS Sebastian, Leonard Christopher; Political Science; Singapore Boston College Tabbal, Malek; Physics and Astronomy; Lebanon El Amine, Adnan Ibrahim; Education; Lebanon*Vermeir, Koen J.; History (non-U.S.); Belgium Giersig, Michael; Physics and Astronomy; GermanyWan, Junren; Philosophy; China Boston University Yarmakhov, Boris; Journalism; Russia* Abidjanova, Dildora; History (non-U.S.); UzbekistanZhao, Xifang; Language and Literature (non-U.S.); China Al-Shami, Abdulrahman Mohammed Saeed;Zuo, Weimin; Law; China Communications; Yemen* Zyuzev, Nikolay; Sociology; Russia Cap, Piotr Kazimierz; Linguistics; Poland Laseil College Horcicka, Vaclav; American History; Czech Republic Chiappe Hoyos, Clemencia; Sociology; Colombia Shaban, Am in; Geology; Lebanon Zemkova, Erika; Medical Sciences; Slovak RepublicMassachusetts General Hospital Borlin, Bernt Ake Niklas; Computer Science; Sweden Brandeis University Eljamal, Mazin Salah Abdel-Rahman; Medical Xi, Junyang; Economics; China Sciences; Jordan* Brigham and Women’s Hospital Froen, Jahn Frederik; Medical Sciences; NorwayMassachusetts Institute of Technology Macionis, Valdas; Medical Sciences; LithuaniaBlondel, Vincent D.E.G.; Engineering; Belgium Chorus, Caspar Gerard; Economics; Netherlands College of the Holy Cross Demchuk, Artur; Political Science; Russia Liu, Lihui; American Literature; China Huitink, Janneke; Linguistics; Netherlands Endicott College Kaufman Halman, Tali; Computer Science; Israel Kopecek, Michal; History (non-U.S.); Czech RepublicMuminov, Hikmat; Physics and Astronomy; Tajikistan*,** Harvard University Muminov, Hikmat; Physics and Astronomy; Tajikistan*,** Ara, Konomi; American Literature; Japan Wang, Jun; Economics; China Bjelic, Predrag; Economics; Serbia and Montenegro*,**Smith College Bjelic, Predrag; Economics; Serbia and Montenegro*,**Al-Hamadi, A li M. Hamad Muhsin; Economics; Jordan* Boyadjieva, Nadia Gueorguieva; History Tufts University (non-U.S.); Bulgaria Grau, Roberto Ricardo; Biological Sciences; Argentina** Cai, Jiming; Public Administration; China Klioutchnikova, Inna; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Belarus Cironi Lopez, Pablo Gabriel; Biological Sciences; Spain El Bouazzati, Bennacer; Philosophy; MoroccoUniversity of Massachusetts—Amherst Erman, Fatma Tahire; Anthropology; Turkey Boudlal, Abdelaziz; Linguistics; Morocco Exnerova, Vera; Religious Studies; Czech RepublicLeblebici, Dogan Nadi; Public Administration; Turkey Fuentes Garcia, Manuel; Biological Sciences;Obuobi, Spain Daniel; Computer Science; Ghana Gravendeel, Barbara; Biological Sciences; NetherlandsOluka, Silas Omoding; Education; Uganda Guil Lopez, Noemi; Biological Sciences; SpainSmits, Erik-Jan; Linguistics; Netherlands Hendry, James Ralph; Law; Canada* Vladisavljevic, Goran; Chemistry; Serbia and Hiwatari, Nobuhiro; Political Science; Japan Montenegro* Iguchi, Haruo; History (non-U.S.); Japan Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Iguchi, Yoko; Business Administration; Japan Popescu Suc, Speranta-Maria; Geology; France Khalifa, Aisha Bilkhair Abdulla; History (non-U.S.); Strojsova, Alena; Biological Sciences; Czech Republic United Arab Emirates Kuhelj, Alenka; Law; Slovenia* Worcester Polytechnic Institute Lamiraud, Karine; Economics; France Sharaf-Eldin, Mahmoud A.; Biological Sciences; Egypt*

A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

* * Indicates a Scholar with multiple affiliations. 93 Host State Index

MICHIGAN MISSISSIPPI Finlandia University Mississippi State University Vaittinen, Pirjo Helena; Language and LiteratureBogdanov, Marat; Environmental Sciences; Russia (non-U.S.); Finland University of Mississippi Michigan State University Sultana, Razia; Chemistry; Pakistan Awasthi, Jai Raj; Linguistics; Nepal Bowal, Peter Clarence; Law; Canada Cabaraban, Maria Theresa Isla; Engineering;MISSOURI Philippines Chrysafis, Konstantinos; Physics and Astronomy; Greece Marton, Lidia; Communications; Hungary Missouri State University Miniankou, Ryhor; Education; Belarus Galieva, Zairash; Political Science; Kyrgyz Republic Miniotaite, Daina; American Literature; LithuaniaUniversity of Missouri—Columbia Mohamad Taib, Mohamad Nor Bin; Education; Malaysia Bergman, Mia Amanda; Journalism; Sweden Piatrenka, Siarhei; Medical Sciences; Belarus* Gurung, Tek Bahadur; Biological Sciences; Nepal Sorochynskyi, Borys; Environmental Sciences; Ukraine* Liu, Rude; Education; China Zetenyi, Miklos; Physics and Astronomy; Hungary Washington University Northern Michigan University Richards, Anna; Medical Sciences; United Kingdom Ryhanen, Tuula Hannele; Business Administration; Statyukha, Gennadiy; Environmental Sciences; Finland Ukraine*,** University of Michigan—Ann Arbor Wirsching, Andreas Ernst; History (non-U.S.); Germany Bandhauer-Schoffmann, Irene; History (non-U.S.); Westminster College Austria** Swan, Philip; History (non-U.S.); United Kingdom Bandhauer-Schoffmann, Irene; History (non-U.S.); Austria** Chroma, Marta; Law; Czech Republic* Michel, Marc Didier; Chemistry; France MONTANA Mitrovic, Natasa; Music; Serbia and Montenegro*University of Montana—Missoula Ochiai, Akiko; American Studies; Japan Delzon, Sylvain; Environmental Sciences; France Shuteriqi, Lida; Architecture; Albania Mukhamedkhan, Dina; Education; Kazakhstan Tammita Delgoda, A. SinhaRaja W.; Art History; Sri Lanka Taran, Anatolie; Medical Sciences; Moldova* Thomaes, Sander Clement Emiel; Psychology; NetherlandsNEVADA University of Michigan—Dearborn University of Nevada—Reno Mom, Gijsbertus Petrus Antonius; Engineering;Ben Jouira, Hatem; Biological Sciences; Tunisia Netherlands Wayne State University Punnett, Betty Jane; Business Administration; Barbados*NEW HAMPSHIRE Dartmouth College Makeev, Mikhail; Language and Literature MINNESOTA (non-U.S.); Russia Rainy River Community College Southern New Hampshire University Monjib, Maati; History (non-U.S.); Morocco Plikynas, Darius; Economics; Lithuania University of Minnesota—Twin Cities University of New Hampshire Ilieva, Sonia Varbanova; Chemistry; BulgariaLayus, Dmitry; Environmental Sciences; Russia Novakova, Pavla; Medical Sciences; Czech RepublicTurunen, Pekka Juhani; Computer Science; Finland Seeber, Gilg; Political Science; Austria Slaba, Ingrid; Medical Sciences; Czech Republic Slaby, Jiri; Medical Sciences; Czech Republic NEW JERSEY Tabacki, Miodrag; Theater; Serbia and Montenegro** Vintila, Ruxandra; Agriculture; Romania* Princeton Theological Seminary Waleekhachonloet, On-anong; Medical Sciences;Ryu, DaeThailand Young; Religious Studies; Korea

* A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

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Princeton University Tribunskiy, Pavel; History (non-U.S.); Russia* Adamo, Sergia; Language and Literature Wintersteiner, Werner; Education; Austria (non-U.S.); Italy Cornell University Alsayed, Abdulrahman Pacha U.; Sociology; Saudi Fakim, Yasmina; Biological Sciences; Mauritius** Arabia Gorlyans’ky, Sergiy; Economics; Ukraine Hafidi Alaoui, Adil; Engineering; Morocco* Ishaaya, Amiel Abraham; Physics and Astronomy; Israel Sevo, Ljiljana; Art History; Bosnia and Herzegovina* Kim, Dae II; Economics; Korea Theodorou, Maria; Architecture; Greece Moragues Canela, Marcos; Agriculture; Spain Ziebinska-Witek, Anna; History (non-U.S.); Poland Nayar, Pramod Kumaran; American Studies; India Rutgers, The State University o f New Jersey—New Perera, Senath Walter; Language and Literature Brunswick (non-U.S.); Sri Lanka Filgueira, Roberto Raul; Environmental Sciences;ul Haq, Ikram; Biological Sciences; Pakistan Argentina Wazny, Tomasz Jacek; Archaeology; Poland Medzmariashvili, Elene; American Studies; GeorgiaZhang, Zaixin; American Literature; China Mudde, Caspar Eric; Political Science; Belgium CUNY—Queensborough Community College Murayama, Takehiko; Urban Planning; Japan Zeng, Cheng; Language and Literature (non-U.S.); China Sadiqi, Fatima; Social Work; M orocco Daemen College The College of New Jersey Begne de Nieto, Claudia Patricia; Law; Mexico Kuppers, Almut; Education; Germany Federal Bureau of Investigation Cochrane, Mark; Law; United Kingdom NEW M E X IC O Institute of Ecosystem Studies Gomez Aparicio, Lorena; Environmental Sciences; Spain* Los Alamos National Laboratory Sacha, Krzysztof Franciszek; Physics and International Trauma Studies Program Astronomy; Poland Juniku, Neki; Psychology; Kosovo* University of New Mexico—Albuquerque Ma-Yi Theatre Company Acuna Salazar, Vicenc; Environm ental Sciences; SpainLegasto, Priscelina Patajo; Theater; Philippines** Kilarski, Marcin Maria; Linguistics; Poland New School University Macha, Premysl; Anthropology; Czech Republic Trilupaityte, Skaidra; Art History; Lithuania* Wallaert, Helene C.; Anthropology; Belgium** New York University Bortsov, Konstantin; Business Administration; NEW Y O R K Kazakhstan* Coldrey, Olivia Jane; Law; Australia Alfred University Lee, Yong Sook; Education; Korea Zakareya Labib, Hoda Abdel-Monem; Sociology; EgyptLifshitz, Shahar; Law; Israel Columbia University Mosquera Valderrama, Irma; Law; Netherlands** Antonovskiy, Alexander; Sociology; Russia Nayan, Rajiv; Political Science; India Barron, Anne; Law; United Kingdom Okwori, Jenkeri Zakari; Theater; Nigeria* Bulatov, Alexander; Economics; Russia* Picard, Avraham; History (non-U.S.); Israel Chaly, Vadim; Philosophy; Russia Schiller, Daniela; Psychology; Israel* Davidovitch, Nadav; Public/Global Health; Israel Soliman, Mounira Gamal Ezz Eldin; American De Dijn, Annelien M. R.; History (non-U.S.); BelgiumLiterature; Egypt* Deng, Jo-ling; Political Science; Taiwan Triki, Rim bent Mohamed Taieb; American History; Galeyeva, Tamara; Art History; Russia Tunisia* Guilhot, Nicolas Michel Boian; History (non-U.S.);Yoo, Jin; Business Administration; Korea France North Shore University Hospital Gyidel, Ernest; Political Science; Ukraine AbuHelu, Rasmi F M; Medical Sciences; West Bank Jashari, Jetish; Law; Kosovo Pace University—White Plains Jing, Yuejin; Political Science; China Mysore Krishnaswamy, Ramesh; Law; India Kalm, Mart; Art History; Estonia Nguyen, Hien Phuc Thuy; Law; Vietnam Koevski, Goran; Law; Macedonia* Laliotou, Ioanna; American History; Greece SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry Novaro, Marcos; Political Science; Argentina** Krastanov, Albert Ivanov; Biological Sciences; Bulgaria

* A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

* * Indicates a Scholar with multiple affiliations. 95 Host State Index

SUNY—Buffalo State College University of North Dakota Kukemelk, Hasso; Education; Estonia* Kalygulova, Sabyrkul; Education; Kyrgyz Republic** SUNY—College at Cortland Nasuruddin, Mohamed Ghouse Bin; Theater; Malaysia SUNY—College at Plattsburgh OHIO Milner, Henry; Political Science; Canada Bowling Green State University SUNY—Stony Brook University Azzouz, Fatma bent Hassen; Journalism; Tunisia Jorge Gonzalez, Sonia; Chemistry; Spain* Prochazka, Martin; American Studies; Czech Republic** Novikova, Irina; Film Studies; Latvia Cleveland Clinic Romero Chacon, Jorge Arturo; Engineering; CostaKarnak, Rica* Ibrahim; Medical Sciences; Turkey Silva Bettencourt, Raul; Biological Sciences; Portugal Ohio State University—Columbus SUNY—University at Albany Akkaya, Mahinur; Biological Sciences; Turkey Yakimenko, Olga; Agriculture; Russia Artemi, Ion; Medical Sciences; Moldova SUNY—University at Buffalo Dong, Dahai; Business Administration; China Avalos Hernandez, Edgar; Physics and Astronomy;Faress, Assem; Language and Literature Mexico (non-U.S.); Syria Tsao, Shou-Min; Business Administration; TaiwanGhazali, Munirah Binti; Education; Malaysia Mohd Nordin, Mohd Nawawi Bin; Environmental Syracuse University Sciences; Malaysia Kocak, Fethullah Akin; Business Administration; Turkey Sirayi, Henderson Mziwoxolo; Art; South Africa Terui, Nobuhiko; Economics; Japan Vazquez Gonzalez, Maria Magdalena; Biological NORTH CAROLINA Sciences; Mexico Duke University Ohio University—Athens Armas Kulik, Cristina; Environmental Sciences; Tabacki,Spain Miodrag; Theater; Serbia and Montenegro** Chang, Jian; Public Administration; China Procter and Gamble Miami Valley Innovation Ecker, Horst; Engineering; Austria Center Fan, Ying; Economics; China Zarzo Castello, Manuel; Mathematics; Spain* Guo, Jun; American Literature; China Gynnild, Vidar; Education; Norway** University of Cincinnati Hale, Geoffrey E.; Political Science; Canada Al-Rawashdeh, Nathir Ahmad Faisal; Chemistry; Jordan North Carolina State University University of Toledo Kuzovleva, Klavdiya; Education; Russia Subba Rao, Prema Kandaka; Education; India** University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill Fu, Hao; American Literature; China Mendez Rodriguez, Eva Maria; InformationOKLAHOMA Sciences; Spain Oklahoma State University—Stillwater Popova, Diana Dimitrova; Language and LiteratureChehbouni, Ahmed; Environmental Sciences; Morocco (non-U.S.); Bulgaria Ganesan, Kannabiran; Business Administration; India Strovskiy, Dmitry; Journalism; Russia* Kumisbayeva, Mansiya; Education; Kazakhstan Uzuhashi, Reiko; Social Work; Japan Yang, Bei-Chang; Medical Sciences; Taiwan University of North Carolina—Charlotte OREGON Kremer, Sandor; Philosophy; Hungary Oregon State University University of North Carolina—Greensboro Grau, Roberto Ricardo; Biological Sciences; Argentina** Al-Nasr, Jassim Jassim M N; Sociology; Qatar Martinez de Ghersa, Maria Alejandra; Environmental Masyuk, Natalya; Education; Russia Sciences; Argentina Sukchuen, Nattakarn; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Thailand* NORTH DAKOTA Portland State University North Dakota State University Buckley, Judith Anne; Education; Australia* Deshmukh, Ravindra Pundalik; Architecture; IndiaPhung, Phuong Thuy; Environmental Sciences; Vietnam

* A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

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Rasporich, Beverly Jean; Communications; Canada Lee, Won-Key; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Korea Tamopol’s’kyy, Oleg; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Park, Hun Joon; Business Administration; Korea U k ra in e * Ross, Nicham; Philosophy; Israel* University of Oregon Velkov, Pance; Art History; Macedonia Iqbal, Shagufta; Education; Pakistan Walls, Maeve Mary; Sociology; United Kingdom Willamette University University of Pittsburgh Kozielski, Robert; Business Administration; PolandBernardini, Paolo; Political Science; Italy* Bjeletic, Sonja; Economics; Serbia and Montenegro Chebel, Ariane; Political Science; France PENNSYLVANIA Cojocari, Ludmila; History (non-U.S.); Moldova Gomez Herrero, Manuel; Engineering; Spain Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Mahmudova, Lola; Medical Sciences; Tajikistan Banerjee, Sharmistha; Business Administration; India University of the Arts Bucknell University Lim, Mikang; Art; Korea Abueid, Abdallah M .A.; Law; West Bank Carnegie Mellon University Roure Alcobe, Jose; Computer Science; Spain*RHODE ISLAND Satwiko, Prasasto; Architecture; Indonesia Vaculin, Roman; Computer Science; Czech RepublicBrown University Jeha, Julio Cesar; American Literature; Brazil Cheyney University of Pennsylvania Tirelli, Mario; Economics; Italy D ili Palai, Clement; Language and Literature Waliszewski, Tomasz; Archaeology; Poland (non-U.S.); Cameroon Rhode Island College Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Sachidananda, Mohanty; Language and Literature Mannan, Quazi Abdul; Journalism; Bangladesh (non-U.S.); India* La Salle University University of Rhode Island Irvanets, Oleksandr; Theater; Ukraine Li, Benxian; Linguistics; China Lafayette College Lin, Tung-Ching; Business Administration; Taiwan Laksono, Paschalis Maria; Anthropology; Indonesia Millersville University of Pennsylvania Rimsane, Inta; Education; Latvia SOUTH CAROLINA Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Clemson University Hafez, Khaled Yehia; Art; Egypt* Piskin, Serghei; Physics and Astronomy; Moldova Pennsylvania State University—University Park Medical University of South Carolina Al Mogel, Tlal Mohammed Farhan; Education; Knaryan, Varduhi; Biological Sciences; Armenia Saudi Arabia* Diop, Mouhamadou Bassir; Geology; Senegal Trident Technical College Mansour, Ashraf Mansour Habib; Architecture; Egypt*Fanso, Verkijika Godfrey; History (non-U.S.); Cameroon Mutitu, Eunice Wanjiru; Agriculture; Kenya University of South Carolina—Columbia Ologhobo, Anthony Durojaiye; Agriculture; NigeriaBouzidi, Hassan; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; Morocco Temple University Lilov, Stanislav Krastev; Physics and Astronomy; Bulgaria Ismail, Shaza Gamal Mohamed; A rt History; Egypt Thomas Jefferson University Sagoo, Mandeep Singh; Medical Sciences; UnitedTENNESSEE K in g d o m Christian Brothers University University of Pennsylvania Nuwagaba, Taga Francis; A rt; Uganda Al-Gaphari, Ghaleb Hamood Sultan; Computer LeMoyne-Owen College Science; Yemen* Gbadamosi, Tajudeen Gbadebo Olusanya; History Anaya Berrios, Cecilia; Chemistry; Mexico (non-U.S.); Nigeria Delip Singh, Saran Kaur A.; Linguistics; Malaysia Hsieh, Ting-ya; Public Administration; Taiwan* Sewanee: The University of the South Jiang, Yue; Linguistics; China Messiha, Ninette Sami Fahmy; Political Science; Egypt

* A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

* * Indicates a Scholar with multiple affiliations. 97 Host State Index

University of Memphis University of Texas—Health Science Center at San Florea, Evghenii; Law; Moldova Antonio Majumdar, Kausik Kumar; Computer Science; Gultekin,India Fatih; Biological Sciences; Turkey University of Tennessee— Knoxville Gigoyan, Suren; Physics and Astronomy; Armenia Zilahy, Gyula; Business Administration; HungaryUTAH

University of Tennessee—Memphis Brigham Young University Walker, Mark Joseph; Biological Sciences; Australia**Waclawiak, Krzysztof Wieslaw; Engineering; Poland* Vanderbilt University University of Utah Liu, Kaixiang; Law; China Statyukha, Gennadiy; Environmental Sciences; Ukraine*,** TEXAS Baylor College of Medicine VIRGINIA Narlyyev, Karahandjar; Medical Sciences; Turkmenistan Eastern Mennonite University Rice University Moolakkattu, John Stephen; Political Science; India Hod, Oded; Chemistry; Israel George Mason University Texas A &M University Agricultural Research and Gevorgyan, Nerses; Political Science; Armenia Extension Center Kim , Joon Hyung; Political Science; Korea Goreta, Smiljana; Agriculture; Croatia* Oganesyants, Natalia; Education; Russia Texas A &M University—College Station James Madison University Aparicio Martinez, Santiago; Chemistry; Spain* Gynnild, Vidar; Education; Norway** Bunchu, Nophawan; Biological Sciences; Thailand Hassan, Gubara Said; Political Science; FinlandOld Dominion University Kertbundit, Sunee; Biological Sciences; Thailand**Santiago, Lilia Quindoza; Language and Literature Rugescu, Dragos Radu Dan; Environmental (non-U.S.); Philippines* Sciences; Romania University of Richmond Tigoiu, Sanda; Mathematics; Romania Ananda, Faisar; Religious Studies; Indonesia Texas A &M University—Kingsville Minns, John Francis; Political Science; AustraliaUniversity of Virginia Davison, Carol; Language and Literature Texas Tech University (non-U.S.); Canada Tran, Lieu Thi Bich; Education; Vietnam Han, Jiaming; Language and Literature (non-U.S.); China Trinity University Subba Rao, Prema Kandaka; Education; India** Sakr, Samir Hammouda Atwa; Mathematics; Egypt* Virginia Commonwealth University University of Houston Moussa, Sherif Omar Hassan; Chemistry; Egypt Nunthaboot, Nadtanet; Chemistry; ThailandYoussef, A li Abobakr Youssef Mohamed Ali; University of North Texas—Denton Economics; Egypt* Rabaa, Hassan; Chemistry; Morocco Virginia M ilitary Institute University of Texas—Austin Vitkus, Gediminas; Political Science; Lithuania* Angulo Rivas, Luis Alfredo; History (non-U.S.); Venezuela Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Correia Machuca, Manuel Antonio; Philosophy;Abdullah, Chile Fauziah Binti; Biological Sciences; Malaysia Pandurang, Mala; Language and LiteratureBelhaq, (non-U.S.); Mohamed; Engineering; Morocco* India Kiyanenko, Konstantin; Architecture; Russia Sacayon Manzo, Eduardo Enrique; Anthropology;Martini, Ghalia; Agriculture; Syria* Guatemala* Raposa, Blessilda Perez; Mathematics; Philippines University of Texas—Health Science CenterVirginia at State University Houston Mberia, Kithaka; Linguistics; Kenya Essop, Mogammad Faadiel; Medical Sciences;Washington and Lee University South Africa Assaf, Adnan Mahmoud Sharari; Religious Studies; Jordan

* A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

98 ** Indicates a Scholar with multiple affiliations. Host State Index


Eastern Washington University University of Wisconsin—Eau Claire Garagulya, Sergey; Linguistics; Russia Mikhaylova, Larisa; American Literature; Russia* University of Wisconsin—Green Bay Evergreen State College A l Atiyat, Ibtesam M oh’d Abdel Rahman; Kothari, Sunil Manilal; Dance; India** Sociology; Jordan Shoreline Community College University of Wisconsin—La Crosse Acosta Castellon, Maria Luisa; Law; Nicaragua*Alam, Md. Shamsul; Geography; Bangladesh University of Washington Daba Bekhit Ibrahim, Ayman Sarny; Chemistry; Egypt Boriskin, Yury; Public/Global Health; Russia University of Wisconsin—Madison Boudour, Mohamed; Engineering; AlgeriaBotinis, Antonios; Linguistics; Greece Chao, Ping-Yi; Business Administration; TaiwanHotam, Yotam Yadin; History (non-U.S.); Israel Deville, Damien Guillaume; Computer Science;Ibrahim, France Asma; Anthropology; Pakistan Escalante, Richard Bruce Martin; Information Kumar, Deepak; History (non-U.S.); India Sciences; Trinidad and Tobago* Lashari, Kaleem Ullah; A rt History; Pakistan Fayzullaeva, Eleonora; Education; UzbekistanLe, Phuong Quoc; Economics; Vietnam Fong, Gen-Yu; Law; Taiwan Mokeev, Anvarbek; History (non-U.S.); Kyrgyz Republic Kassymova, Didar; Political Science; KazakhstanPhan, Nhiem Thi; Economics; Vietnam Macia Martinez, Maria Dolores; Chemistry; SpainSabani, Alisabri; Sociology; Bosnia and Herzegovina Mamersdottir, Malan; Language and LiteratureUniversity of Wisconsin—Milwaukee (non-U.S.); Denmark Akoachere, Jane Francis Kihla Tatah; Biological Neylan, Susan Lynn; History (non-U.S.); CanadaSciences; Cameroon Pan, Jiao; Anthropology; China Tripathi, Hari Bansh; Law; Nepal van Duijn, Maria Aukje Julianne; Sociology; NetherlandsWYOMING Wang, Chull; American Literature; Korea Wang, Hui-Mei; Business Administration; TaiwanUniversity of Wyoming Luboteni, Gazmend; Economics; Kosovo* Washington State University—Pullman Ashraf, Muhammad; Biological Sciences; Pakistan* Le, Ninh Khuong; Economics; Vietnam Visits to Various Institutions

Washington State University—Spokane Jang, Jin Ha; U.S.- Korea International Education A Razak, Rogayah Binti; Linguistics; Malaysia Administrators Program; Korea Lee, June; U.S.- Korea International Education Administrators Program; Korea WEST VIRGINIA Son, Dae Hyung; U.S.- Korea International Education Administrators Program; Korea West Virginia University Son, Dae Joong; U.S.- Korea International Education Nguyen, Minh Dinh; Geography; Vietnam Administrators Program; Korea Omar Fauzee, Mohd Sofian Bin; Education; Malaysia

* A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory.

* * Indicates a Scholar with multiple affiliations. 99 FULBRIGH T H o m e G e o g r a p h ic A r e a I n d e x

To fin d out more about a Scholar, turn to the individual’s complete directory entry, which can be found in the section corresponding to the discipline listed after the Scholar’s name.

A lbania Azerbaijan Beqiri, Arben; Medical Sciences* Abdullayev, Afgan; Education* Juma, A ria; Biological Sciences Aliyev, Kamran; Law Shuteriqi, Lida; Architecture Ismayilov, Rovshan; Law* Mustafayev, Shahin; History (non-U.S.) A lgeria Boudour, Mohamed; Engineering Bahrain Matmati, Louisa; American Literature Jahrami, Mohamed Merza J. E.; Medical Sciences Merzaa, Mohammed K. Mohammed Z.; Physics and A rgentina Astronomy Aizen, M arcelo Adrian; Biological Sciences Correa, Nestor Mariano; Chemistry Bangladesh De Castro, Rosana Esther; Biological Sciences Ahmad, A. K. Monaw-War Uddin; Economics De La Sota, Rodolfo Luzbel; Agriculture Alam, Md. Shamsul; Geography Filgueira, Roberto Raul; Environmental SciencesMannan, Quazi Abdul; Journalism Grau, Roberto Ricardo; Biological Sciences Lluch, Andrea Mari; History (non-U.S.) Barbados Martinez de Ghersa, Maria Alejandra; Punnett, Betty Jane; Business Administration* Environm ental Sciences Novaro, Marcos; Political Science Belarus A rm enia Klioutchnikova, Inna; TEFL/Applied Linguistics Miniankou, Ryhor; Education Gevorgyan, Nerses; Political Science Piatrenka, Siarhei; Medical Sciences* Gigoyan, Suren; Physics and Astronomy Yerchak, Mikalai; Psychology Knaryan, Varduhi; Biological Sciences A u stra lia Belgium Blondel, Vincent D.E.G.; Engineering Buckley, Judith Anne; Education* De Dijn, Annelien M. R.; History (non-U.S.) Coldrey, Olivia Jane; Law Frino, Alessandro; Economics Dupont, Guy L.C.C.; History (non-U.S.) Looi, Jeffrey Chee Leong; Medical Sciences* Duque, Julie M. T.; Medical Sciences Minns, John Francis; Political Science Joaquim Justo, Celia da Anuncicao; Biological Sciences Turner, Lincoln David; Physics and Astronomy Mudde, Caspar Eric; Political Science Walker, M ark Joseph; Biological Sciences Pujolar Castanyer, Jose Martin; Biological Sciences*† Young, Metta; Education Putman, Koen D.; Medical Sciences Reiter, Maud; Chemistry† A u stria Vermeir, Koen J.; History (non-U.S.) Bandhauer-Schoffmann, Irene; History (non-U.S.)Wallaert, Helene C.; Anthropology Ecker, Horst; Engineering Fernandez Ribas, Andrea; Economics*† Bosnia and Herzegovina Schachner, Maximilian; Sociology Beros, Ana; Engineering Seeber, G ilg; Political Science Sabani, Alisabri; Sociology Wintersteiner, Werner; Education Sevo, Ljiljana; A rt History*

* A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at101 the end o f the directory. fThis Scholar is listed under both the country o f residence and the country through which the Fulbright grant was awarded. Home Geographic Area Index

Botswana Liu, Junping; American Literature Liu, Kaixiang; Law Ramahobo, Lydia Motlhankaabasadi; Education Liu, Lihui; American Literature Segobye, Alinah Kelo; Sociology Liu, Qingping; Philosophy Brazil Liu, Rude; Education Liu, Songhao; TEFL/Applied Linguistics Jeha, Julio Cesar; American Literature Liu, Yan; Education Pedlowski, Marcos Antonio; Environmental SciencesLu, Jialiu; Business Administration Luo, Jiaxiang; History (non-U.S.) Bulgaria Ma, Hongxia; Economics Boyadjieva, Nadia Gueorguieva; History (non-U.S.)Pan, Jiao; Anthropology Elchinova, Magdalena Borisova; AnthropologyPan, Jintang; Sociology Ilieva, Sonia Varbanova; Chemistry Ren, Donglai; American History Krastanov, Albert Ivanov; Biological SciencesSheng, Xigui; Communications Lilov, Stanislav Krastev; Physics and AstronomyTian, Zhongyu; TEFL/Applied Linguistics Popova, Diana Dimitrova; Language and LiteratureWan, Junren; Philosophy (non-U.S.) Wang, Bo; Political Science Wang, Jun; Economics Cameroon Wang, Shouren; American Literature Wang, Xiaoye; Law Akoachere, Jane Francis Kihla Tatah; BiologicalX i, Junyang;Sciences Economics Bumah, Violet Vakunseh; Medical Sciences Zeng, Cheng; Language and Literature (non-U.S.) D ili Palai, Clement; Language and LiteratureZhang, (non-U.S.) Boyu; Music Fanso, Verkijika Godfrey; History (non-U.S.) Zhang, Liping; Political Science Zhang, Shaojie; Linguistics Canada Zhang, Zaixin; American Literature Anand, Indira Anita; Law Zhao, Wei; Business Administration Belanger, Louis; Political Science Zhao, Xifang; Language and Literature (non-U.S.) Bowal, Peter Clarence; Law Zheng, Chaoyu; Economics* Davison, Carol; Language and Literature (non-U.S.)Zuo, Haicong; Law Hale, Geoffrey E.; Political Science Zuo, Weimin; Law Hendry, James Ralph; Law* Milner, Henry; Political Science Colombia Neylan, Susan Lynn; History (non-U.S.) Bula Escobar, Jorge Ivan; Sociology Peddle, Derek Roland; Environmental SciencesChiappe Hoyos, Clemencia; Sociology Rasporich, Beverly Jean; Communications Richer, Harvey Brian; Physics and Astronomy Costa Rica Smith, Ronald Fenwick; Creative W riting Cortes Nunez, Jorge; Biological Sciences* Chile Romero Chacon, Jorge Arturo; Engineering* Berliner Golle, Ivonne Gabriela; AnthropologyCote d’Ivoire Correia Machuca, Manuel Antonio; Philosophy Soto Velasco, Jose Sebastian; Law Lokrou, Lohourignon Adrien; Medical Sciences Vafi, Doumbia; Physics and Astronomy China Croatia Cai, Jiming; Public Administration Chang, Jian; Public Administration Goreta, Smiljana; Agriculture* Cong, Riyun; Political Science Terzic, Janos; Medical Sciences Dong, Dahai; Business Administration Fan, Ying; Economics Czech Republic Fu, Hao; American Literature Chadima, Martin; Geology Guo, Jun; American Literature Chroma, Marta; Law* Han, Jiaming; Language and Literature (non-U.S.)Exnerova, Vera; Religious Studies Ji, Jinbiao; Economics* Horcicka, Vaclav; American History Jiang, Yue; Linguistics Kopecek, Michal; History (non-U.S.) Jing, Yuejin; Political Science Kral , Daniel; Mathematics Li, Benxian; Linguistics Macha, Premysl; Anthropology

102 * A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. Home Geographic Area Index

Novakova, Pavla; Medical Sciences Ethiopia Prochazka, Martin; American Studies Adamu, Fekade Azeze; Language and Literature Slaba, Ingrid; Medical Sciences (non-U.S.) Slaby, Jiri; Medical Sciences Belay, Abebe Dinku; Engineering* Strojsova, Alena; Biological Sciences Vaculin, Roman; Computer Science Finland Zeman, Daniel; Computer Science Hassan, Gubara Said; Political Science Pietarinen, Ahti-Veikko Juhani; Philosophy Denmark Ryhanen, Tuula Hannele; Business Administration Mamersdottir, Malan; Language and LiteratureTurunen, (non-U.S.) Pekka Juhani; Computer Science Vaittinen, Pirjo Helena; Language and Literature Dominican Republic (non-U.S.) Marmolejos Polanco, Victor Arturo; Medical Sciences*France Ecuador Becker, Markus; Business Administration Chebel, Ariane; Political Science Andrade Andrade, Pablo Roberto; Political Dalle,Science Nathalie Lucetta; Psychology* Delzon, Sylvain; Environmental Sciences Egypt Deville, Damien Guillaume; Computer Science Douzet Bataillon, Frederick; American Studies Abou Aish, Ehab Mohamed Hassan; Business Gauchet, Aurelie Suzanne; Public/Global Health Administration* Guilhot, Nicolas Michel Boian; History (non-U.S.) Abou El-Maaty, Tarek Mohamed Said; Chemistry* Henriot, Christian Robert; History (non-U.S.) Ahmed, Ahmed Sayed Ahmed Hassan; Agriculture Hereu Fina, Bernat; Environmental Sciences† Daba Bekhit Ibrahim, Ayman Samy; Chemistry Jozefowiez, Nicolas; Computer Science Dorra, Ahmed A tef Abdel-Ghani; Film Studies*Lamiraud, Karine; Economics Elsherif, Ikram Ahmed Ibrahim; American Literature*Michel, Marc Didier; Chemistry Essa, Mohamed Ahmed Abdel-Wahab; BiologicalMiege, Pierre Jean-Baptiste Edouard; Sociology Sciences* Popescu Suc, Speranta-Maria; Geology Fouad Mohammad, Jehan Farouk; American Literature* Hafez, Khaled Yehia; A rt* Gaza Ismail, Shaza Gamal Mohamed; A rt History AlKarzon, Awni K M; American Literature Mansour, Ashraf Mansour Habib; Architecture*Habil, Eissa D.A.; Mathematics Messiha, Ninette Sami Fahmy; Political Science Moneam Hussein Wassef, Mona Mohamed WassefGeorgia Mohamed Abdel; Music* Chkheidze, P’aat’a; American Literature Moussa, Sherif Omar Hassan; Chemistry Kiladze, Elena; Architecture Sakr, Samir Hammouda Atwa; Mathematics* Kirvalidze, Davit; Economics Salama, Showikar Mohamed Ibrahim Ahmed;Kuntseva-Gabashvili, Nino; Law* Archaeology* Medzmariashvili, Elene; American Studies Sharaf-Eldin, Mahmoud A.; Biological Sciences*Papava, Vladimer; Economics Soliman, Mounira Gamal Ezz Eldin; American Literature* Youssef, A li Abobakr Youssef Mohamed Ali; Economics*Germany Zakareya Labib, Hoda Abdel-Monem; SociologyGiersig, Michael; Physics and Astronomy Goldthau, Andreas Christian; Political Science* Eritrea Jansohn, Christa; Language and Literature (non-U.S.)* Kuppers, Almut; Education Ogbaghebriel, Azieb Desta; Medical Sciences* Pozuelo Alba, Marta; Engineering! Terefe Woldeyes, Hibreniguss; Medical Sciences Stenschke, Oliver; TEFL/Applied Linguistics Stievermann, Jan Wilhelm; American Literature Estonia Toepel, Friedrich Erhard; Law Kalm, Mart; Art History Wirsching, Andreas Ernst; History (non-U.S.) Kolga, Voldemar; Psychology Kukemelk, Hasso; Education* Ghana Soovali, Helen; Geography Obuobi, Daniel; Computer Science

* A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section 103 at the end o f the directory. † This Scholar is listed under both the country o f residence and the country through which the Fulbright grant was awarded. Home Geographic Area Index

Greece Tiwari, Badri Narain; Anthropology Botinis, Antonios; Linguistics Chrysafis, Konstantinos; Physics and AstronomyIndonesia Kampourakis, Emmanouil; Agriculture Ananda, Faisar; Religious Studies Konsta, Maria; Engineering Handayani, Iin Purwati; Environmental Sciences Laliotou, Ioanna; American History Laksono, Paschalis Maria; Anthropology Theodorou, Maria; Architecture Satwiko, Prasasto; Architecture Guatemala Ireland Sacayon Manzo, Eduardo Enrique; Anthropology*Coakley, John Paul; Political Science Salguero Navas, Victor Eberto; Agriculture* Galligan, Mary Yvonne; Political Science H aiti Israel Jn Francois, Roosevelt; Public/Global Health*Cohen Hyams, Tzipi; Engineering* Davidovitch, Nadav; Public/Global Health Honduras Gerber, Doron; Biological Sciences Castellanos Delgado, Salome A.; Law* Hod, Oded; Chemistry Hotam, Yotam Yadin; History (non-U.S.) Hong Kong Ishaaya, Amiel Abraham; Physics and Astronomy Kaufman Halman, Tali; Computer Science Leung, Ping Kwan; Film Studies Kventsel, Anna; Language and Literature (non-U.S.)* Li, Che Lan Linda; Public Administration Lewinson, Oded; Biological Sciences Wu, Xueping; Economics Lifshitz, Shahar; Law Litvak Hirsch, Tal; Psychology Hungary Nimrod, Galit; Sociology* Gyulai, Gabor; Agriculture Pe’er, Avraham; Physics and Astronomy Kremer, Sandor; Philosophy Picard, Avraham; History (non-U.S.) Laczko, Tibor Sandor; Linguistics Ronen, Shai; Physics and Astronomy Losonczy, Gyorgy; Medical Sciences Ross, Nicham; Philosophy* Marton, Lidia; Communications Schiller, Daniela; Psychology* Nemeth, Karoly; Geology Shavit, Ayelet; Philosophy Zetenyi, M iklos; Physics and Astronomy Sheiner, Eyal; Medical Sciences* Zilahy, Gyula; Business Administration Zoltayne Paprika, Zita Iren; Business AdministrationIta ly Adamo, Sergia; Language and Literature (non-U.S.) India Bemardini, Paolo; Political Science* Bajpai, Minu; Medical Sciences Fraternali, Fernando; Engineering Banerjee, Sharmistha; Business AdministrationLorenzini, Sara; History (non-U.S.) Chowdhary, Rekha; Political Science* Rizzolli, Matteo; Economics Deshmukh, Ravindra Pundalik; Architecture Tirelli, Mario; Economics Ganesan, Kannabiran; Business Administration Gopal, Meena; Public/Global Health Jamaica Kamat, Vasudha Vasant; Education Ragoobirsingh, Dalip; Public/Global Health* Kothari, Sunil Manilal; Dance Kumar, Deepak; History (non-U.S.) Lal, Ananda; Theater Japan Lazar, Thomaskutty; Theater Aihara, Hiroko; Social Work Majumdar, Kausik Kumar; Computer Science Aoshima, Yaichi; Business Administration Moolakkattu, John Stephen; Political ScienceAra, Konomi; American Literature Mysore Krishnaswamy, Ramesh; Law Hiwatari, Nobuhiro; Political Science Nayan, Rajiv; Political Science Iguchi, Haruo; History (non-U.S.) Nayar, Pramod Kumaran; American Studies Iguchi, Yoko; Business Administration Pandurang, Mala; Language and LiteratureKamiya, (non-U.S.) Setsuko; Journalism Sachidananda, Mohanty; Language andMurayama, Literature Takehiko; Urban Planning (non-U.S.)* Nishigauchi, Taisuke; Linguistics Subba Rao, Prema Kandaka; Education Ochiai, Akiko; American Studies

104 * A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. This Scholar is listed under both the country o f residence and the country through which the Fulbright grant was awarded. Home Geographic Area Index

Suzuki, Takeshi; Communications Kosovo Takii, Katsuya; Economics Hasani, Enver; Law Terachi, K oji; Political Science Hysa, Ylber; History (non-U.S.)* Terui, Nobuhiko; Economics Jashari, Jetish; Law Uzuhashi, Reiko; Social Work Juniku, Neki; Psychology* Jordan Luboteni, Gazmend; Economics* Abu Libdeh, Samer Mustafa A li; Journalism Kyrgyz Republic A l Atiyat, Ibtesam Moh’d Abdel Rahman; SociologyBorubaeva, Anisa; Journalism* Al-Hamadi, A li M. Hamad Muhsin; Economics* Chorobaeva, Narynkul; Education Al-Rawashdeh, Nathir Ahmad Faisal; ChemistryGalieva, Zairash; Political Science Assaf, Adnan Mahmoud Sharari; Religious StudiesKalygulova, Sabyrkul; Education Eljamal, Mazin Salah Abdel-Rahman; Medical Koichumanov,Sciences* Talaibek; Public Administration Shunnaq, Mohammed Suleiman Ahmad; AnthropologyMokeev, Anvarbek; History (non-U.S.) Kazakhstan Latvia Baisakalov, Ainur; Music Auers, Daunis; Political Science Bokazhanova, Aliya; Public/Global Health Kruks, Sergejs; Sociology Bortsov, Konstantin; Business Administration*Novikova, Irina; Film Studies Duiseneyeva, Zhanna; Medical Sciences* Rimsane, Inta; Education Kassymova, Didar; Political Science Kumisbayeva, Mansiya; Education Lebanon Li, Tamara; Biological Sciences El Amine, Adnan Ibrahim; Education* Mukhamedkhan, Dina; Education Saab, Gretta Habib; Economics Mynbayev, Kairat; Economics Shaban, Amin; Geology Kenya Tabbal, Malek; Physics and Astronomy Mberia, Kithaka; Linguistics Lithuania Mutitu, Eunice W anjiru; Agriculture Macionis, Valdas; Medical Sciences Korea Miniotaite, Daina; American Literature Perkumaite Viksraitiene, Egle; Music Cho, Sung Hee; Psychology Plikynas, Darius; Economics Chung, Jin Young; Political Science Trilupaityte, Skaidra; Art History* Jang, Jin Ha; U.S.- Korea International EducationVitkus, Gediminas; Political Science* Administrators Program Kim, Dae II; Economics Macedonia Kim, Joon Hyung; Political Science Koevski, Goran; Law* Kim, Myung-Joo; American Literature Velkov, Pance; Art History Lee, June; U.S.- Korea International Education Administrators Program Lee, Won-Key; TEFL/Applied Linguistics Malaysia Lee, Yong Sook; Education A Razak, Rogayah Binti; Linguistics Lim, Mikang; Art Abdullah, Fauziah Binti; Biological Sciences Moon, Woo Sik; Economics Delip Singh, Saran Kaur A.; Linguistics Park, Dae Shik; Public Administration Ghazali, Munirah Binti; Education Park, Hun Joon; Business Administration Ibrahim, Asmihan Binti; Law Park, Young Bum; Economics Kwek, Kian Teng; Economics Ryu, Dae Young; Religious Studies Malakolunthu, Suseela K S; Education Son, Dae Hyung; U.S.- Korea International EducationMohamad Taib, Mohamad Nor Bin; Education Administrators Program Mohd Nordin, Mohd Nawawi Bin; Environmental Son, Dae Joong; U.S.- Korea International EducationSciences Administrators Program Nasuruddin, Mohamed Ghouse Bin; Theater Wang, Chull; American Literature Omar Fauzee, Mohd Sofian Bin; Education Yoo, Jin; Business Administration Wan Abdullah, Nik Rosnah Binti; Public Administration*

A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section 105 at the end o f the directory. Home Geographic Area Index

M auritius van Duijn, Maria Aukje Julianne; Sociology Fakim, Yasmina; Biological Sciences van Leijen, Frederik Johannes; Engineering Vliegenthart, Rens; Sociology Mexico Zandbergen, Annie Dorothea; Anthropology Anaya Berrios, Cecilia; Chemistry New Zealand Avalos Flemandez, Edgar; Physics and Astronomy Begne de Nieto, Claudia Patricia; Law Avia, Donna Tusiata; Language and Literature (non-U.S.) Fernandez Ruiz, Jorge; Economics Duignan, Paul Warren; Public Administration* Garcia Valencia, Rafael Alfonso; Education Morales Moreno, Isidro; Political Science Nicaragua Rubalcava Penafiel, Luis Napoleon; Economics Acosta Castellon, Maria Luisa; Law* Teruel Belismelis, Graciela Maria; Economics Vazquez Gonzalez, Maria Magdalena; BiologicalNigeria Sciences Moldova Gbadamosi, Taiudeen Gbadebo Olusanya; History (non-U .S.) Artemi, Ion; Medical Sciences Gwary, Daniel Musa; Agriculture Cojocari, Ludmila; History (non-U.S.) Florea, Evghenii; Law Okwori, Jenkeri Zakari; Theater* Piskin, Serghei; Physics and Astronomy Ologhobo, Anthony Durojaiye; Agriculture Singerean, Lilia; Chemistry* Taran, Anatolie; Medical Sciences* Norway Christiansen, Per; Law Morocco Froen, Jahn Frederik; Medical Sciences Belhaq, Mohamed; Engineering* Gynnild, Vidar; Education Benaabidate, Lahcen; Geology Hovda, Knut Erik; Medical Sciences Boudlal, Abdelaziz; Linguistics Rortveit, Guri; Medical Sciences Bouzidi, Hassan; TEFL/Applied Linguistics Chehbouni, Ahmed; Environmental SciencesOman Derrabi, Mohamed; Business Administration A l Badi, Abdullah Hamed Suwaid; Engineering El Asli, Abdelghani; Biological Sciences El Bouazzati, Bennacer; Philosophy Fahli, Ahmed; Education Pakistan Hafidi Alaoui, A dil; Engineering* Akbar, Sher; Chemistry Kara, Hayat; Language and Literature (non-U.S.)Ashraf, Muhammad; Biological Sciences* Khalfi, Mustapha; Journalism Chohan, Zahid Hussain; Chemistry Monjib, Maati; History (non-U.S.) Ibrahim, Asma; Anthropology Rabaa, Hassan; Chemistry Iqbal, Shagufta; Education Sadiqi, Fatima; Social Work Lashari, Kaleem Ullah; A rt History Nepal Mushtaq, Shakila; Biological Sciences Saif, Farhan; Physics and Astronomy* Awasthi, Jai Raj; Linguistics Suhail, Kausar; Psychology* Gurung, Tek Bahadur; Biological Sciences Sultana, Razia; Chemistry Tripathi, Hari Bansh; Law ul Haq, Ikram; Biological Sciences Netherlands Philippines Chorus, Caspar Gerard; Economics Brion, Rofel Gregorio; Language and Literature (non-U.S.) de Pooter, M ichiel David; Economics Cabaraban, Maria Theresa Isla; Engineering Gravendeel, Barbara; Biological Sciences Huitink, Janneke; Linguistics Gallardo, Susan Manalastas; Chemistry Mom, Gijsbertus Petrus Antonius; EngineeringLegasto, Priscelina Patajo; Theater Mosquera Valderrama, Irma; Law Otero, Marietta Reyes; Language and Literature Rietjens, Judith Anna Catharina; Public/Global(non-U.S.)* Health Schildkamp, Kim ; Education Raposa, Blessilda Perez; Mathematics Smits, Erik-Jan; Linguistics Santiago, L ilia Quindoza; Language and Literature Thomaes, Sander Clement Emiel; Psychology (non-U.S.)*

106 * A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. Home Geographic Area Index

Poland Kiyanenko, Konstantin; Architecture Cap, Piotr Kazimierz; Linguistics Kratasyuk, Valentina; Education* Grzeszczuk, Anna; Medical Sciences Krivosheev, Maxim; Theater Kilarski, Marcin Maria; Linguistics Kurganova, Irina; Environmental Sciences Kocur, Miroslaw; Theater Kuzmicheva, Larisa; Political Science Kozielski, Robert; Business Administration Kuzovleva, Klavdiya; Education Oziewicz, Marek Cezary; American Literature Layus, Dmitry; Environmental Sciences Polawski, Pawel; Sociology Levinskaya, Olga; Language and Literature (non-U.S.)* Sacha, Krzysztof Franciszek; Physics and AstronomyMakeev, M ikhail; Language and Literature (non-U.S.) Staszkiewicz, Jaroslaw; Biological Sciences* Malikova, Maria; Language and Literature (non-U.S.)* Waclawiak, Krzysztof Wieslaw; Engineering* Masyuk, Natalya; Education Waliszewski, Tomasz; Archaeology Melikh, Yulia; Philosophy* Wazny, Tomasz Jacek; Archaeology Mikhaylova, Larisa; American Literature* Ziebinska-Witek, Anna; History (non-U.S.) Moiseenko, Tatiana; Environmental Sciences Oganesyants, Natalia; Education Portugal Parnyuk, Natalia; Psychology de Ascensao Rovisco, Maria Luis; Sociology Petukhova, Irina; Psychology do O Pinto Alho, Afonso; Geography Prosh’yants, Natalia; TEFL/Applied Linguistics Silva Bettencourt, Raul; Biological Sciences Rents, Tatiana; Education Rezaev, Andrey; Sociology Qatar Ryabova, Marina; Linguistics Al-Nasr, Jassim Jassim M N; Sociology Samsonova, Tatiana; Political Science Shironin, Viacheslav; Economics* Romania Shpotov, Boris; American History* Shuvalov, Petr; History (non-U.S.)* Baban, Calin Florin; Education Strovskiy, Dmitry; Journalism* Cintic, Florin; Philosophy Tregubova, Tatiana; Social W ork* Ciobanu, Petru Octavian; Medical Sciences Tribunskiy, Pavel; History (non-U.S.)* Dragut, Lucian Daniel; Geography Troitskiy, M ikhail; Political Science Lazar, Dan Tudor; Public Administration Usmanov, Nail; History (non-U.S.) Misicu, Serban Valentin; Physics and Astronomy Volkova, Elena; Geography Nicolae, Mariana; Communications* Yakimenko, Olga; Agriculture Rugescu, Dragos Radu Dan; Environmental Sciences Yarmakhov, Boris; Journalism* Tigoiu, Sanda; Mathematics Vintila, Ruxandra; Agriculture* Yazykova, Natalia; TEFL/Applied Linguistics Voicu, Adela; Social Work Zhemukhov, Sufian; History (non-U.S.) Zolotykh, Vladimir; American History Russia Zyuzev, Nikolay; Sociology Adonyeva, Svetlana; Anthropology Saudi Arabia Antonovskiy, Alexander; Sociology Balishin, Sergey; TEFL/Applied Linguistics* A l Mogel, Tlal Mohammed Farhan; Education* Bogdanov, Marat; Environmental Sciences Alsayed, Abdulrahman Pacha U.; Sociology Boriskin, Yury; Public/Global Health Jannadi, Osama Ahmad M .; Engineering Bulatov, Alexander; Economics* Bykov, Dmitry; Social Work* Senegal Chaly, Vadim; Philosophy Diop, Mouhamadou Bassir; Geology Chetyrova, Liubov; Sociology Demchuk, Artur; Political Science Serbia and Montenegro Dozhdev, Dmitry; Law* Galeyeva, Tamara; A rt History Bjeletic, Sonja; Economics Garagulya, Sergey; Linguistics Bjelic, Predrag; Economics* Gotlib, Natalia; TEFL/Applied Linguistics* Djuricin, Biljana; Law* Gurova, Olga; Sociology M itrovic, Natasa; Music* Kaganov, Grigory; A rt History Paunkovic, Dzejn; Business Administration* Kirdyanov, Alexander; Environmental SciencesTabacki, Miodrag; Theater Kiryushchenko, Vitaly; Philosophy Vladisavljevic, Goran; Chemistry* Kiselev, Igor; Political Science* Zecevic, Bojan; Business Administration*

* A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section 107 at the end o f the directory. Home Geographic Area Index

Singapore Ortuno Molina, Jorge; History (non-U.S.) Sebastian, Leonard Christopher; Political SciencePozuelo Alba, Marta; Engineering Pujolar Castanyer, Jose M artin; Biological Sciences* Slovak Republic Rodriguez, Santiago; American Literature* Roure Alcobe, Jose; Computer Science* Hanzel, Igor; Philosophy Sadaba Garraza, Maria Teresa; Communications Kotradyova, Veronika; Architecture Soler Botija, Carolina; Biological Sciences* Kovalcikova, Iveta; Education Miskovsky, Pavol; Chemistry Tomas Nash, Fiona; Biological Sciences* Palkovicova, Lubica; Medical Sciences Turmo Coderque, Jose; Engineering Zemkova, Erika; Medical Sciences Zarzo Castello, Manuel; Mathematics* Slovenia Sri Lanka Biris, Roua Gabriela; Linguistics De Mel, Fyona Neloufer Sharain; Language and Kuhelj, Alenka; Law* Literature (non-U.S.) Telban, Borut; Anthropology Paranagama, Priyani Ashoka; Chemistry* Perera, Senath Walter; Language and Literature (non-U.S.) South Africa Tammita Delgoda, A. SinhaRaja W.; Art History Davies-Coleman, Michael Trevor; Chemistry Essop, Mogammad Faadiel; Medical SciencesSweden Fataar, Mogamad Aslam; Education Bergman, Mia Amanda; Journalism Hapgood, Janet Patricia; Medical Sciences Borlin, Bernt Ake Niklas; Computer Science Magwaza, Thenjiwe Sindiswa Cheryl; LanguageHansson, and Mats Alfred; Chemistry Literature (non-U.S.) Sirayi, Henderson Mziwoxolo; Art Syria Wasserman, Hermanus Jacobus; Journalism Alchihabi, Mouna; Physics and Astronomy Spain Bardakji, Souheila; Engineering Faress, Assem; Language and Literature (non-U.S.) Acuna Salazar, Vicenc; Environmental SciencesMartini, Ghalia; Agriculture* Aparicio Martinez, Santiago; Chemistry* Armas Kulik, Cristina; Environmental Sciences Taiwan Carretero Gomez, Jose Maria; Business Administration Casanova Fernandez, Felix; Physics and Astronomy*Chao, Ping-Yi; Business Administration Cayuela Garcia, Maria de la Luz; Agriculture Chen, Ching-Shu; Education Cironi Lopez, Pablo Gabriel; Biological SciencesDeng, Jo-ling; Political Science Diaz Delgado, Raul; Chemistry* Fong, Gen-Yu; Law Diaz Puente, Jose Maria; Public AdministrationHsieh, Ting-ya; Public Administration* Dieste Tubio, Oscar; Computer Science* Lai, Li-Chin; Music Diez Palomar, Francisco Javier; Mathematics Lee, Ta-jen; Political Science Estrada Dominguez, Sergio; Mathematics Lee, W ei-li; Engineering Fernandez Ribas, Andrea; Economics* Li, Shu-Chu Sarrina; Communications* Fuentes Garcia, Manuel; Biological Sciences Lin, Tung-Ching; Business Administration Garcia Barchino, Maria Jose; Medical SciencesLing, I-Ling; Business Administration Gomez Aparicio, Lorena; Environmental Sciences*Lu, Ching-Ching; Linguistics Gomez Herrero, Manuel; Engineering Luo, Ting-Yao; Language and Literature (non-U.S.) Gonzalez Ruibal, Alfredo; Archaeology* Ming, Chu-Cheng; Political Science* Guil Lopez, Noemi; Biological Sciences Shan, Te-Hsing; American Literature Hereu Fina, Bernat; Environmental Sciences Shon, Zhengyi; Business Administration* Jorge Gonzalez, Sonia; Chemistry* Tien, Hsiu-Lan; Psychology Macia Martinez, Maria Dolores; Chemistry Mateu Mateu, Jordi; Engineering Tsao, Shou-Min; Business Administration Mendez Rodriguez, Eva Maria; Information SciencesWang, Hui-Mei; Business Administration Moragues Canela, Marcos; Agriculture Wang, Jau-Hwang; Computer Science Moraleda Munoz, Aurelio; Biological Sciences*Wang, Wen-Chung; Psychology Navarro Tejero, Antonia; Language and LiteratureWu, Pei-Li; Psychology (non-U.S.)* Wu, Tung-Hsiung; Business Administration Ortega Gutierrez, Silvia; Chemistry* Yang, Bei-Chang; Medical Sciences

108 *A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. This Scholar is listed under both the country o f residence and the country through which the Fulbright grant was awarded. Home Geographic Area Index

Tajikistan Mykhed, Tetyana; American Literature Dodkhoudoeva, Lola; History (non-U.S.) Myronenko, Tetyana; American Literature Mahmudova, Lola; Medical Sciences Pavlyuk, Lyudmyla; Communications* Petrova, Nataliya; Political Science Muminov, Hikmat; Physics and Astronomy* Polishchuk, Nina; Philosophy Rajabov, Nusrat; Mathematics Pylypenko, Viktor; Anthropology Shozimov, Pulat; Political Science* Sannikov, Sergiy; History (non-U.S.)* Thailand Sorochynskyi, Borys; Environmental Sciences* Statyukha, Gennadiy; Environmental Sciences* Bunchu, Nophawan; Biological Sciences Tamopol’s’kyy, Oleg; TEFL/Applied Linguistics* Kertbundit, Sunee; Biological Sciences Tsehelska, Maryna; American Studies Nunthaboot, Nadtanet; Chemistry Tsokolov, Serhiy; Biological Sciences Rungwattanavong, Ampai; Architecture Tytov, Volodymyr; Philosophy Sukchuen, Nattakam; TEFL/Applied Linguistics*Vovk, Vira; Political Science Tri surat, Yongyut; Environmental Sciences Yefymenko, Anatoliy; Law Waleekhachonloet, On-anong; Medical Sciences Wisaijom, Patareeya; TEFL/Applied LinguisticsUnited Arab Emirates Trinidad and Tobago Khalifa, Aisha Bilkhair Abdulla; History (non-U.S.) Escalante, Richard Bruce Martin; Information Sciences*United Kingdom Barron, Anne; Law Tunisia Cochrane, Mark; Law Abdelmalek, Fethi ben Abdessamiaa; Engineering*Galligan, Mary Yvonne; Political† Science Azzouz, Fatma bent Hassen; Journalism McDonald, Andrew John; Political Science Bahri, Akissa bent Mohamed Hedi; Agriculture*Reiter, Maud; Chemistry† Ben Haj Rehaiem, Jalel ben Rehaiem; AmericanRichards, Studies Anna; Medical Sciences Ben Jouira, Hatem; Biological Sciences Sagoo, Mandeep Singh; Medical Sciences Oueslati, Hajer bent Abdessalem; American StudiesSwan, Philip; History (non-U.S.) Triki, Rim bent Mohamed Taieb; American History*Walls, Maeve Mary; Sociology Turkey Uzbekistan Akkaya, Mahinur; Biological Sciences Abidjanova, Dildora; History (non-U.S.) Berberoglu, Suha; Geography Alisherov, Abdurashid; Law Erman, Fatma Tahire; Anthropology Djalilov, Khurshid; Economics Gultekin, Fatih; Biological Sciences Fayzullaeva, Eleonora; Education Karaosmanoglu, Fatih; Political Science Kamak, Ibrahim; Medical Sciences Venezuela Kocak, Fethullah Akin; Business AdministrationAngulo Rivas, Luis Alfredo; History (non-U.S.) Leblebici, Dogan Nadi; Public Administration Vietnam Turkmenistan Le, Ninh Khuong; Economics Narlyyev, Karahandjar; Medical Sciences Le, Phuong Quoc; Economics Tachkuliyeva, Djaneta; Public/Global HealthNguyen, Hien Phuc Thuy; Law Nguyen, Minh Dinh; Geography Uganda Phan, Nhiem Thi; Economics Nuwagaba, Taga Francis; Art Phung, Phuong Thuy; Environmental Sciences Oluka, Silas Omoding; Education Tran, Lieu Thi Bich; Education U kraine West Bank Dyman, Tetyana; Environmental Sciences Abueid, Abdallah M.A.; Law Gorlyans’ky, Sergiy; Economics AbuHelu, Rasmi F M; Medical Sciences Gyidel, Ernest; Political Science Yusuf, Muhsin; History (non-U.S.) Irvanets, Oleksandr; Theater Kravets, Oleksandra; Environmental Sciences Yemen Kulyk, Volodymyr; Political Science* Al-Gaphari, Ghaleb Hamood Sultan; Computer Science*

* A complete listing fo r this Scholar can he found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section 109 at the end o f the directory. † This Scholar is listed under both the country o f residence and the country through which the Fulbright grant was awarded. Home Geographic Area Index

Al-Jaefi, Abdulkarim A li Dahan; Economics* Zimbabwe Al-Shami, Abdulrahman Mohammed Saeed;Mduluza, Takafira; Medical Sciences Communications* Moqbel, Abdullah Nasher Murshed; Agriculture

110*A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. FULBRIGHT

S p e c ia l P r o g r a m s I n d e x

To fin d out more about a Scholar, turn to the individual’s complete directory entry, which can be found in the section corresponding to the discipline listed after the Scholar’s name.

European Union Affairs Research Program

The European Union Affairs Research Program offers two- to 12-month research awards to scholars from the member states o f the European Union. The program is sponsored by the Commission for Educational Exchange between the United States, Belgium and Luxembourg, located in Brussels.

Chebel, Ariane; Political Science; France Rizzolli, Matteo; Economics; Italy Mendez Rodriguez, Eva Maria; Information Sciences; Sadaba Garraza, Maria Teresa; Communications; Spain Spain

European Union Scholar-in-Residence Program

The European Union Scholar-in-Residence Program allows U.S. institutions to apply for the opportunity to host an expert in European Union Affairs as a resident Scholar for a semester or academic year. For more information about this program, please visit our Webwww.cies.org/sir/eusir site at .

Mom, Gijsbertus Petrus Antonius; Engineering; Mudde, Caspar Eric; Political Science; Belgium Netherlands

Fulbright/APSA Congressional Fellowship Program

The Fulbright/APSA Congressional Fellowship Program is a unique program within the traditional Fulbright Scholar Program, which provides 12-month awards to give Visiting Fulbright Scholars the opportunity to study the workings o f Congress as a congressional fellow and staff person working full time in a Congressional office. The U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), in partnership with the American Political Science Association (APSA), is sponsoring four grants for the 2005-2006 academic year.

Abu Libdeh, Samer Mustafa A li; Journalism; Jordan Soto Velasco, Jose Sebastian; Law; Chile Khalfi, Mustapha; Journalism; Morocco Zhang, Liping; Political Science; China

Fulbright/Kennan Institute Research Scholarship

The Fulbright/Kennan Institute Research Scholarship program is a joint initiative w ith the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars' Kennan Institute, which seeks to promote mutual understanding by awarding up to 12 fellowships in the fields o f the humanities and social sciences. The scholarships are available to researchers and lecturers from higher educational institutions in Russia and Ukraine. Scholars who receive the prestigious award w ill lecture or conduct research for six months at the Kennan Institute in Washington, DC.

Kiselev, Igor; Political Science; Russia* Shpotov, Boris; American History; Russia* Kuzmicheva, Larisa; Political Science; Russia Troitskiy, M ikhail; Political Science; Russia Mykhed, Tetyana; American Literature; Ukraine Tytov, Volodymyr; Philosophy; Ukraine Pavlyuk, Lyudmyla; Communications; Ukraine* Usmanov, Nail; History (non-U.S.); Russia Petrova, Nataliya; Political Science; Ukraine Samsonova, Tatiana; Political Science; RussiaVovk, Vira; Political Science; Ukraine Shironin, Viacheslav; Economics; Russia* Zhemukhov, Sufian; History (non-U.S.); Russia

A complete listing fo r this Scholar can be found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at111 the end o f the directory. Special Programs Index

Fulbright/NYU-CIC Research Fellowships in International Public Policy

This 10-month research grant at New York University's Center on International Cooperation (CIC) is co-funded by ECA and the Madeline and Kevin R. Brine Charitable Trust. The award is designed to give Visiting Scholars the opportunity to pursue their own project in areas o f m iltilateral cooperation that relate to CIC's policy research agenda. The CIC, established at New York University in 1996, undertakes policy research and international consultations on the political, legal, institutional and financial underpinnings o f effective multilateral cooperation to address a range of transnational and global problems.

Nayan, Rajiv; Political Science; India

Scholar-in-Residence Program

The Worldwide Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program brings Visiting Scholars from abroad to lecture at U.S. colleges and universities for one semester or one academic year. This program is especially appropriate for small liberal arts colleges, minority-serving institutions and community colleges, many o f which do not often have the opportunity to host Visiting Scholars, and preference is given to these institutions. For more information about this program, please visit our Webwww.cies.org/sir site at .

Abueid, Abdallah M.A.; Law; West Bank Kremer, Sandor; Philosophy; Hungary Acosta Castellon, Maria Luisa; Law; Nicaragua*Laksono, Paschalis Maria; Anthropology; Indonesia A l Atiyat, Ibtesam Moh’d Abdel Rahman; Litvak Hirsch, Tal; Psychology; Israel Sociology; Jordan Mberia, Kithaka; Linguistics; Kenya Assaf, Adnan Mahmoud Sharari; Religious Studies;Messiha, Jordan Ninette Sami Fahmy; Political Science; Egypt Azzouz, Fatma bent Hassen; Journalism; TunisiaMinns, John Francis; Political Science; Australia Begne de Nieto, Claudia Patricia; Law; Mexico Monjib, Maati; History (non-U.S.); Morocco Ben Haj Rehaiem, Jalel ben Rehaiem; American Nuwagaba, Taga Francis; A rt; Uganda Studies; Tunisia Otero, Marietta Reyes; Language and Literature Bula Escobar, Jorge Ivan; Sociology; Colombia (non-U.S.); Philippines* Chiappe Hoyos, Clemencia; Sociology; Colombia Pedlowski, Marcos Antonio; Environmental D ili Palai, Clement; Language and Literature Sciences; Brazil (non-U.S.); Cameroon Rezaev, Andrey; Sociology; Russia Fanso, Verkijika Godfrey; History (non-U.S.); Cameroon Garcia Valencia, Rafael Alfonso; Education; Sannikov,Mexico Sergiy; History (non-U.S.); Ukraine* Gbadamosi, Tajudeen Gbadebo Olusanya;Tian, History Zhongyu; TEFL/Applied Linguistics; China (non-U.S.); Nigeria Vaittinen, Pirjo Helena; Language and Literature Gopal, Meena; Public/Global Health; India (non-U.S.); Finland Hanzel, Igor; Philosophy; Slovak Republic Yusuf, Muhsin; History (non-U.S.); West Bank Kocur, Miroslaw; Theater; Poland Zakareya Labib, Hoda Abdel-Monem; Sociology; Egypt Kopecek, M ichal; History (non-U.S.); Czech RepublicZeng, Cheng; Language and Literature (non-U.S.); China

112* A complete listing fo r this Scholar can he found in the 2004-2005 Visiting Scholars section at the end o f the directory. FULBRIGHT


F u l b r ig h t V is it in g Sc h o l a r s

Agriculture Research: Evaluation o f the U tility o f Hyperspectral Remotely-Sensed Data to Precision Agriculture Bahri, Akissa bent Mohamed Hedi University of Minnesota— Twin Cities, The College Director o f Research, National Research Institute for o f Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, Rural Engineering, Water and Forestry, Ariana, Tunisia Department of Soil, Water and Climate, Research: Use o f Marginal Waters and Sewage Sludge Minneapolis, MN for Crop Production c/o Dr. David Mulla University o f California— Davis, Department of Civil October 2004 - March 2005 and Environmental Engineering, Davis, CA c/o Dr. Takashi Asano January 2005 - June 2005 American History Goreta, Smiljana Head, Central Department, Institute for Adriatic CropsShpotov, Boris and Karst Reclamation, Split, Croatia Leading Fellow, Center for North American Studies, Research: Methods for Improving Water Use Institute o f World History, Russian Academy o f Efficiency in Vegetable Crops: Pepper (CapsicumSciences— Moscow, Moscow, Russia Annum L.) Model Research: American Technical Assistance to the Soviet Texas A & M University Agricultural Research and Union in the 1920s and 1930s Extension Center, Uvalde, TX Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, c/o Dr. Daniel I. Leskovar Kennan Institute, Washington, DC March 2005 - March 2006 c/o Ms. Summer Brown Martini, Ghalia March 2005 - September 2005 Research Assistant, Department o f Forestry and (Fulbright/Kennan Institute Research Scholarship) Ecology, Faculty o f Agricultural Engineering, University o f Aleppo, Aleppo, Syria Triki, Rim bent Mohamed Taieb Research: M onitoring the Effects o f Forest Fire Associateon Professor, Department o f English, Higher Biodiversity Institute o f Human Sciences, Tunis, Tunisia Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,Research: Introduction to American History: The Ideas Department o f Forestry, Blacksburg, V A That Made America c/o Dr. Harold Burkhart New York University, International Center for March 2005 - December 2005 Advanced Studies, New York, N Y c/o Dr. Thomas Bender Salguero Navas, Victor Eberto February 2005 - April 2005 Professor and Coordinator o f Masters Programs, School o f Agriculture and Environment, Rafael Landivar University, Guatemala City, Guatemala American Literature Research: Taxonomic Identification o f Anthropod Pest Species Important in Guatemalan Agriculture Elsherif, Ikram Ahmed Ibrahim Florida Department o f Agriculture and Consumer Lecturer, English Department, Faculty of Arts, South Services, Department o f Plant Industry, Gainesville, FL Valley University, Sohag, Egypt c/o Dr. M ike Thomas Research: Cultural Resistance and Accommodation and July 2005 - December 2005 the Native American Literary (Fictional) Representation Vintila, Ruxandra o f the “ Double” Identity o f Native Americans Senior Researcher, Computing Center, ResearchNewberry Library, Department o f Research and Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry (ICPA),Education, Chicago, IL Academy o f Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, c/o Dr. Sara Austin Bucharest, Romania October 2004 - April 2005

113 2004-2005 Fulbright Visiting Scholars

Fouad Mohammad, Jehan Farouk Archaeology Lecturer, Department of English, Women’s College, Gonzalez Ruibal, Alfredo A in Shams University, Cairo, Egypt Postdoctoral Scholar, Department o f Prehistory, Research: Poetry as Homeland in Arab American Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain Literature Research: Usefulness o f Modem Material Culture University o f California—Berkeley, College of Letters Studies for Archaeology and Science, Department o f English Literature, Stanford University, Archaeology Center, Department Berkeley, CA o f Archaeology, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. Catherine Gallagher c/o Dr. W illiam Rathje March 2005 - June 2005 March 2005 - February 2007

Salama, Showikar Mohamed Ibrahim Ahmed Mikhaylova, Larisa Lecturer, Department o f History and Archaeology, Faculty Senior Researcher, Department o f Journalism, o f Arts, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Research: Boundaries Stelae in Lower Nubia During Research: Science Fiction Characters: From Comic the New Kingdom Books to 21st-Century Cult Figures Johns Hopkins University, Department o f Near Eastern University of Wisconsin— Eau Claire, McIntyre Studies, Baltimore, M D Library, Collection Development, Eau Claire, W I c/o Dr. Betsy M. Bryan c/o Dr. Janice M. Bogstad A p ril 2005 - September 2005 December 2004 - August 2005

Rodriguez, Santiago Architecture Lecturer, Department o f English, University of Mansour, Ashraf Mansour Habib Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain Researcher, Pilot Plant Department, Engineering Research: Scientific Reflections in American Division, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt Literature During Romanticism Research: Optimizing Building Simulation Software University o f Colorado— Boulder, Center for for Energy Efficient Buildings Humanities and the Arts, Boulder, CO Pennsylvania State University— University Park, c/o Dr. Jeffrey N. Cox College of Engineering, Department of Architectural June 2005 - September 2005 Engineering, University Park, PA c/o Dr. Jelena Srebric Soliman, Mounira Gamal Ezz Eldin February 2005 - July 2005 Assistant Professor, Department o f English, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt Research: From a Melting Pot to a Salad Bowl:A r t Metaphors o f Containment Hafez, Khaled Yehia New York University, Tisch School of the Arts, Independent Artist and A rt Writer, Cairo, Egypt Department of Art and Public Policy, New York, NY Research: Contemporary A rt Works Produced by c/o Dr. Ella Shohat Egyptian Artists in Mixed and New Media: Technical February 2005 - August 2005 Developments and New Critical Approaches Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Department o f Sculpture, Philadelphia, PA Anthropology c/o Dr. Robert Roesch March 2005 - September 2005

Sacayon Manzo, Eduardo Enrique Director, Institute o f Interethnic Studies, San CarlosA rt History University, Guatemala City, Guatemala Research: Transnational Migrations, IdentitiesSevo, and L jilja n a University Education Expert Assistant, Republic of Srpska Institute for University of Texas— Austin, Institute of Latin Protection of Cultural and Historical Heritage, Banja American Studies, Austin, TX Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina c/o Dr. Virginia Garrard-Bumett Research: Byzantine W all Painting o f the 18th Century September 2005 - December 2005 in the Balkans

114 2004-2005 Fulbright Visiting Scholars

Princeton University, Department of Art and Pujolar Castanyer, Jose Martin Archaeology, Princeton, NJ Postdoctoral Researcher, Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology, c/o Dr. Slobodan Curcic Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium October 2004 - January 2005 Research: Evolutionary Genetics of Pacific and Trilupaityte, Skaidra Atlantic Sea Urchin Species, Using a Combination of Neutral and Selected Nuclear Gene Sequencing Lecturer, Institute of Philosophy, Art and Culture University of California Santa Cruz, Department of Research, Vilnius Art Academy, Vilnius, Lithuania Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Santa Cruz, CA Research: Cultural Policies in Post-Soviet Society: c/o Dr. Grant Pogson National Art Worlds and Disrupted Identities July 2005 - July 2006 New School University, Department of Sociology, New York, NY Sharaf-Eldin, Mahmoud A. c/o Dr. Jeffrey Goldfarb Researcher, Department of Medicinal and Aromatic January 2005 - April 2005 Plants, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt Research: Scale-Up of Artemisinin Production in Hairy Roots Grown in a Mist Bioreactor Biological Sciences Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Department of Ashraf, Muhammad Biology and Biotechnology, Worcester, MA Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences,c/o Dr. Pamela Weathers Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan May 2005 - January 2006 Research: Introgression of Novel Genetic DiversitySoler for Botija, Carolina Stripe Rust Resistance in Wheat Through GenomePostdoctoral Fellow, Department of Cardiology, Specific Microsatellite Markers Hospital of the Holy Cross and St. Paul, Autonomous Washington State University, College o f Agricultural,, Barcelona, Spain Human and Natural Resource Sciences, DepartmentResearch: Identification of Genes Involved in Stem of Plant Pathology, Pullman, WA Cell Transdifferentiation Into Cardiomyocytes c/o Dr. Xianming Chen Salk Institute for Biological Studies, Gene Expression June 2005 - February 2006 Laboratory, San Diego, CA Cortes Nunez, Jorge c/o Dr. Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte Professor and Researcher, Marine Science and May 2005 - April 2007 Limnology Research Center (CIMAR), UniversityStaszkiewicz, of Jaroslaw Costa Rica, San Pedro, San Jose, Costa Rica Adjunct Faculty, Department of Animal Physiology, Research: Biodiversity of Marine Invertebrates in University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland Costa Rica Research: The Agouti Related Protein in the Mouse Testis Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of NaturalLouisiana State University— Baton Rouge, Pennington History, Department o f Invertebrate Zoology, Biomedical Research Center, Energy Balance Washington, DC Genomics, Baton Rouge, LA c/o Dr. Stephen Cairns c/o Dr. George Argyropoulos May 2005 - July 2005 January 2005 - June 2005 Essa, Mohamed Ahmed Abdel-Wahab Tomas Nash, Fiona Lecturer, Botany Department, Faculty o f Science,Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Ecology, South Valley University, Sohag, Egypt University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Research: Natural Products of Marine Fungi Research: Evaluation of the Role of Herbivory and University o f California— San Diego, Scripps Other Environmental Factors in the Organization of Institution o f Oceanography, La Jolla, CA Marine Benthic Communities c/o Dr. W illiam Fenical University of California— San Diego, Scripps March 2005 - September 2005 Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA Moraleda Munoz, Aurelio c/o Prof. Enric Sala Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f Microbiology,April 2005 - March 2006 University o f Granada, Granada, Spain Research: Lipid Signal in “ Myxococcus xanthus” BiofilmsBusiness Administration University o f Georgia, Department of Microbiology, Athens, GA Abou Aish, Ehab Mohamed Hassan c/o Dr. Lawrence J. Shimkets Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, April 2005 - April 2007 Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

115 2004-2005 Fulbright Visiting Scholars

Research: A Cross-National Investigation of BankZecevic, Bojan Selection and Switching Decisions: Egypt, theAssistant Professor, Department o f Business Economics United Kingdom and the United States and Management, School o f Economics, University of George Washington University, School o f BusinessBelgrade, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro and Public Management, Department o f Marketing,Research: Special Interest Tourism Product Development Washington, DC Purdue University, Department of Hospitality and c/o Dr. Salah S. Hassan Tourism Management, West Lafayette, IN June 2005 - October 2005 c/o Dr. Alastair M. Morrison October 2004 - February 2005 Bortsov, Konstantin Deputy Director, Department o f Information Technologies, JSC Kazzinc, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan Chemistry Research: Mathematic and Information Models in Abou El-Maaty, Tarek Mohamed Said Managerial Accounting and Analysis: Application for Lecturer, Faculty of Specific Education, Mansoura Large Scale Metallurgical Enterprises in Kazakhstan University, Mansoura, Egypt New York University, Stem School o f Business, Research: Regiocontrolled Synthesis o f Department o f Accounting, Taxation and Law, New Alkylsubstituted Pyrazines York, N Y Idaho State University, College o f Arts and Sciences, c/o Dr. Kashi R. Balachandran Department o f Chemistry, Pocatello, ID September 2005 - December 2005 c/o Dr. Lyle W. Castle January 2005 - July 2005 Paunkovic, Dzejn Assistant Professor, Health Management Department,Aparicio Martinez, Santiago Graduate School o f Management, MegatrendAssistant Professor, Department o f Chemistry, University o f Applied Sciences— Zajecar, Zajecar,University o f Burgos, Burgos, Spain Serbia and Montenegro Research: Thermodynamic Properties of Natural Lecturing and Research: Health TechnologiesGas in Mixtures Management o f Health Organizations Texas A & M University— College Station, Department University o f Hawaii— Manoa, College o f Businesso f Chemical Engineering, College Station, TX Administration, Department o f Managementc/o and Prof. Kenneth R. Hall Industrial Relations, Honolulu, HI March 2005 - February 2006 c/o Dr. Robert Doktor January 2005 - May 2005 Diaz Delgado, Raul Superior Technician, Institute o f Microelectronics, Punnett, Betty Jane Autonomous University o f Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Head, Professor and Academic Coordinator,Research: Synthesis, Characterization and Properties Department o f Management Studies, Universityo f Semiconductoro f Nanowires the West Indies— Cave H ill, Cave H ill, BarbadosUniversity of California— Berkeley, Department of Research: Understanding and Accessing NicheChemistry, Berkeley, CA Markets From Small-Island Developing States c/o Dr. Peidong Yang Wayne State University, School o f Business July 2005 - June 2006 Administration, Center for International BusinessJorge Gonzalez, Sonia Studies, Detroit, M I Postdoctoral Scholar, Department o f Chemistry, c/o Dr. A ttila Yaprak Complutense University o f Madrid, Madrid, Spain July 2005 - December 2005 Research: New Theory for the Calculation o f Triplet Correlations Shon, Zhengyi SUNY— Stony Brook University, Department of Professor, Department o f International Business Chemistry, Stony Brook, N Y Management, Tainan Women’s College of Arts and c/o Dr. George Stell Technology, Tainan, Taiwan March 2005 - February 2007 Research: Human Factors in Merged Airlines and Their Impact on Aviation Safety Issues Ortega Gutierrez, Silvia University of California—Irvine, Institute of Researcher, Department o f Organic Chemistry, Transportation Studies, Irvine, CA Complutense University o f Madrid, Madrid, Spain c/o Dr. Amelia Regan Research: Characterization o f Protein Complexes by May 2005 - August 2005 Activity-Based Protein Profiling

116 2004-2005 Fulbright Visiting Scholars

Scripps Research Institute, Skaggs Institute for Harvard University, Fairbank Center for East Asian Chemical Biology, Department o f Cell Biology andResearch, Cambridge, M A Chemistry, La Jolla, CA c/o Dr. Ronald Suleski c/o Prof. Benjamin F. Cravatt January 2005 - July 2005 March 2005 - February 2007 Nicolae, Mariana Paranagama, Priyani Ashoka Vice Dean, School o f International Business and Senior Lecturer, Department o f Chemistry, UniversityEconomics, Academy o f Economic Studies, o f Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka Bucharest, Romania Research: Development o f Environmentally FriendlyLecturing and Research: Leadership Abilities and Insecticides to Control Pests in Stored Rice Styles: The Impact o f American Practices on University o f Arizona, Southwest Center for Natural Romanian Business Communication Products Research and Commercialization, Tucson,California AZ State University— San Bernardino, College c/o Dr. Leslie Gunatilaka o f Business and Public Administration, Marketing February 2005 - January 2006 Department, San Bernardino, CA Singerean, Lilia c/o Dr. Victoria A. Seitz Research Associate, Coordination Chemistry January 2005 - July 2005 Laboratory, Institute o f Chemistry, Academy of Pavlyuk, Lyudmyla Sciences o f Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova Assistant Professor, Department o f Journalism, Ivan Research: Synthesis o f New Higher Nuclearity Franko L ’viv University, L ’viv, Ukraine Compounds: Polymetallic Cages as Magnets Research: Discourses o f Extremes, Public Sphere and University o f Alabama— Tuscaloosa, Department of Formation of Ukrainian Identity Chemistry, Tuscaloosa, AL Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, c/o Dr. John B. Vincent Kennan Institute, Washington, DC March 2005 - July 2005 c/o Mr. Atiq Sarwari Vladisavljevic, Goran March 2005 - August 2005 Associate Professor, Department o f Food Technology(Fulbright/Kennan Institute Research Scholarship) and Biochemistry, Faculty o f Agriculture, University o f Belgrade, Belgrade-Zemun, Serbia and Montenegro Lecturing and Research: Development o f EmulsionComputer Science Delivery Systems for Functional Food Products; Al-Gaphari, Ghaleb Hamood Sultan Membrane Processing in Food Processing Assistant Professor, Department o f Computer Science, University o f Massachusetts— Amherst, College of Sana’a Community College, Sana’a, Yemen Food and Natural Resources, Department o f Food Lecturing and Research: Software Application for Science, Chenoweth Laboratory, Amherst, M A Arabic Text and Speech Recognition c/o Dr. David Julian McClements University o f Pennsylvania, Linguistic Data February 2005 - July 2005 Consortium, Philadelphia, PA c/o Dr. Mohamed Maamouri Communications August 2005 - April 2006 Al-Shami, Abdulrahman Mohammed Saeed Dieste Tubio, Oscar Head, Department o f Radio and Television, FacultyAssistant of Professor, Department o f Computer Science, Fine Arts, Hodeidah University, Hodeidah, YemenComplutense University o f Madrid, Madrid, Spain Research: The Effects o f New Media on the AudienceResearch: Analysis of Requirements Elicitation Techniques and Audience Attitude Toward New Media University o f Colorado— Colorado Springs, College o f Boston University, Department o f Mass Business, Department o f Information Systems, Communication, Communications Research Center,Colorado Springs, CO Boston, M A c/o Prof. Alan Davis c/o Dr. Michael G. Elasmar March 2005 - March 2007 January 2005 - January 2006 Roure Alcobe, Jose Li, Shu-Chu Sarrina Lecturer, Department o f Computer Science, Technical Professor, Institute o f Communication Studies, School o f Mataro, Polytechnical University o f National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan Catalonia, Mataro, Spain Research: Marketing and Strategic Alliances o f MediaResearch: Incremental Learning o f Bayesian Networks Organizations in the Era o f Digital ConvergenceUnder “ Concept D rift”

117 2004-2005 Fulbright Visiting Scholars

Carnegie Mellon University, School o f ComputerResearch: The Impact o f Cooperation and Participation Science, Pittsburgh, PA in Research and Development Programs: An c/o Dr. Andrew W. Moore Empirical Investigation July 2005 - July 2006 Georgia Institute o f Technology, School o f Public Policy, Atlanta, GA c/o Dr. Philip Shapira Economics July 2005 - June 2006 Al-Hamadi, Ali M. Hamad Muhsin Ji, Jinbiao Lecturer, Department o f Financing and Banking, Assistant President, Central University o f Finance and Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Economics, Beijing, China Zaytouna University, Amman, Jordan Research: Environmental Taxation in the United Research: The Bubble Economy and the Future of States: Theory and Practice Public Budget Deficits in Arab Countries Howard University, Department o f Economics, Smith College, Department o f Economics, Washington, DC Northampton, MA c/o Dr. Charles L. Betsey c/o Dr. Karen Pfeifer November 2004 - November 2005 February 2005 - August 2005 Al-Jaefi, Abdulkarim Ali Dahan Luboteni, Gazmend Economist, General Department of Studies andProfessor, Research, Department o f Finance, Faculty of Petroleum Exploration and Production Authority,Economics, University o f Pristina, Pristina, Kosovo Ministry o f Oil and Minerals, Sana’a, Yemen Research: Financial Markets in Kosovo Research: The Cost and Benefit o f SubstitutingUniversity Natural o f Wyoming, College o f Business, Gas for Oil for Domestic Use in Yemen Department o f Economics and Finance, Laramie, WY Colorado School o f Mines, Division o f Economicsc/o andDr. Owen R. Phillips Business, Petroleum Economics and Managment,August 2005 - December 2005 Golden, CO c/o Dr. Carol Dahl Shironin, Viacheslav June 2005 - February 2006 Director o f Research, Institute for Socio-Economic Analysis and Private Sector Development, Bjelic, Predrag Moscow, Russia Assistant Professor, Department of InternationalResearch: Small Business in Russia: Researching the Economic Relations, Faculty o f Economics, UniversityBlank Spots and Correcting the Misconceptions of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia and MontenegroWoodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Research: Integrating Serbia and MontenegroKennan Into the Institute, Washington, DC Globalized Trading Environment c/o Ms. Summer Brown Harvard University, Weatherhead Center for March 2005 - August 2005 International Affairs, Cambridge, M A (Fulbright/Kennan Institute Research Scholarship) c/o Dr. James A. Cooney Harvard University, Department o f Economics, Youssef, Ali Abobakr Youssef Mohamed Ali Cambridge, M A Lecturer, Department o f Economics, Faculty of c/o Dr. Richard N. Cooper Commerce and Business Administration, Helwan July 2005 - November 2005 University, Cairo, Egypt Research: Effects o f Efficiency and Competitiveness Bulatov, Alexander of Banking Systems on Economic Growth in Professor and Head, Department o f World Economy, Developing Countries Moscow State Institute o f International Relations, Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Moscow, Russia Business, Department o f Marketing, Richmond, VA Research: International Capital Movement in the Age c/o Dr. Van R. Wood of Globalization January 2005 - June 2005 Columbia University, Columbia Business School, Department o f Finance and Economics, New Zheng,York, NY Chaoyu c/o Dr. F. Michael Adler Professor and Director, Institute o f Economic March 2005 - August 2005 Research, School o f Economics, Renmin University Fernandez Ribas, Andrea o f China, Beijing, China Researcher, Austrian Institute for Economic Research,Research: American Macroeconomic Policies: Vienna, Austria Philosophy, Principle and Performance

118 2004-2005 Fulbright Visiting Scholars

Florida State University, Department o f Economics,University of Florida, Agricultural and Biological Tallahassee, FL Engineering Department, Gainesville, FL c/o Dr. Jim Cobbe c/o Dr. Ray A. Bucklin November 2004 - September 2005 December 2004 - August 2005 Kukemelk, Hasso E ducation Associate Professor, Department o f General Education, Faculty of Education, University of Tartu, Abdullayev, Afgan Tartu, Estonia Dean, Department o f English, School o f Humanities,Research: Comparison o f Estonian and American Khazar University, Baku, Azerbaijan Managerial Systems and Principles in Education Research: Higher Education Leadership andSUNY— Buffalo State College, Department o f Administrative Transformation Educational Foundations, Buffalo, NY Florida International University, College of Education,c/o Dr. Richard Herdlein Department o f Educational Leadership andNovember Policy 2004 - April 2005 Studies, M iam i, FL c/o Dr. M ichael D. Parsons February 2005 - June 2005 Engineering Abdelmalek, Fethi ben Abdessamiaa AI Mogel, TIal Mohammed Farhan Associate Professor, Department o f Physical Head, Department o f Curriculum and Instruction, King Engineering and Technology, National Institute o f Saud U niversity, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Applied Sciences and Technology, Tunis, Tunisia Research: Methods o f Teaching in U.S. and Saudi Lecturing: Ultrafast and Ultrahigh Capacity for Optical Public Schools Communications and Networking Pennsylvania State University— University Park, University o f Arizona, Optical Sciences Center, College o f Education, Comparative and International Tucson, A Z Education Program, University Park, PA c/o Dr. Nasser Peyghambarian c/o Dr. Ladislaus Semali March 2005 - September 2005 March 2005 - December 2005 Belay, Abebe Dinku Buckley, Judith Anne Dean, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Project Manager, Northern Corridor Education Technology, Addis Ababa University, Addis Precinct, Eagle Farm, Australia Ababa, Ethiopia Research: Enhancing Vocational Educational Training Research: A Study o f High Strength Concrete Production Delivery Through Community Engagement and Using Locally Available Lightweight Aggregates Collaborative Partnerships University of Maryland— College Park, Department of Portland State University, Center for Academic Civil Engineering, College Park, MD Excellence, Community-University Partnerships for c/o Dr. Amde M. Amde Learning, Portland, OR August 2005 - April 2006 c/o Dr. Kevin Kecskes December 2004 - March 2005 Belhaq, Mohamed Professor, Department o f Mechanics, Faculty of El Amine, Adnan Ibrahim Sciences A in Chock, Hassan II University, Professor, Faculty o f Education, Lebanese University,Mohammadia, Morocco Beirut, Lebanon Research: Analytical and Experimental Techniques for Research: Quality Assurance in Higher Education:Controlling The Structural Vibrations American Model and Its Relevance to Arab InstitutionsVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Boston College, Center for International HigherDepartment o f Engineering Science and Mechanics, Education, Chestnut Hill, M A Blacksburg, VA c/o Dr. Philip Altbach c/o Dr. A li H. Nayfeh November 2004 - August 2005 August 2005 - November 2005 Kratasyuk, Valentina Cohen Hyams, Tzipi Head, Biophysical Department, Faculty o f Physics,Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Materials Krasnoyarsk State University, Krasnoyarsk, RussiaEngineering, TECHNION— Israel Institute of Research: A Comparative Analysis o f the SignificanceTechnology, Haifa, Israel of Science as a Basis for Education in InstitutionsResearch: of The Development o f Novel Divalent Higher Learning in the United States and RussiaCathode Materials for High Energy Density Batteries

119 2004-2005 Fulbright Visiting Scholars

University o f California— Berkeley, Department ofMichigan State University, Department o f Forestry, Materials Sciences and Engineering, Berkeley, CAEast Lansing, M I c/o Prof. Thomas M. Devine c/o Dr. Bryan K. Epperson January 2005 - December 2005 January 2005 - May 2005

Hafidi Alaoui, Adil Statyukha, Gennadiy Professor, Faculty o f Science and Technology o fHead, Tangier, Department o f Cybernetics o f Adbelmalek Essaidi University, Tangier, Morocco Chemical-Technical Processes, National Technical Research: Rehabilitation o f the Tangier Medina University of Ukraine “ Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” , Princeton University, School o f Engineering andKyiv, Ukraine Applied Sciences, Department o f C ivil EngineeringLecturing and Research: Policy o f Sustainable and Operations Research, Princeton, NJ Development for the Industrial Enterprises’ Activity c/o Prof. George W. Scherer on the Basis o f Potential Hazard Estimation June 2005 - September 2005 University o f Utah, Department o f Chemical and Fuels Engineering, Salt Lake City, UT Romero Chacon, Jorge Arturo c/o Dr. Mikhail Skliar Professor and Computer Network Administrator, Washington University, School o f Engineering and School o f Electrical Engineering, University o f AppliedCosta Science, Departments o f Chemical and Civil Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica Engineering, St. Louis, MO Research: Fitting a Pole-Zero Filter Model With Real c/o Dr. Pratim Biswas Coefficients to Nonuniformly Spaced FrequencyJanuary 2005 - May 2005 Response Samples SUNY— Stony Brook University, Department o f Electrical and Computer Engineering, Stony Brook,Film NYStudies c/o Dr. Petar Djuric August 2005 - December 2005 Dorra, Ahmed Atef Abdel-Ghani Filmmaker, A l Ahram Hebdo, Cairo, Egypt Waclawiak, Krzysztof Wieslaw Research: Using Digital Cinema for Changing the Professor, Department o f Process Energy, SilesianImage o f Bad Arabs in American Movies and the University, Katowice, Poland Image o f Bad Americans in Egyptian Movies Research: Studies o f Slagging and Fouling DuringUniversity o f Southern California, School o f Combustion o f Pulverized Coal Blended With BiomassCinema-Television, Department of Film and Brigham Young University, Department of ChemicalTelevision Production, Los Angeles, CA Engineering, Provo, UT c/o Dr. Jed Dannenbaum c/o Dr. Larry L. Baxter June 2005 - January 2006 February 2005 - June 2005

History (non-U.S.) Environm ental Sciences Hysa, Ylber Gomez Aparicio, Lorena Executive Director, Kosova Action for Civic Postdoctoral Student, Department o f Animal BiologyInitiatives, Pristina, Kosovo and Ecology, University o f Granada, Granada, SpainResearch: The Pristina-Belgrade Dialogue and the Research: The Ecological Effects of the Invasion ofPossibility o f Reaching Sustainable Peace in Kosovo Temperate Forests by Exotic Tree Species: An United States Institute o f Peace, Peace Operations and Empirical and Theoretical Approach Balkans Initiative, Washington, DC Institute o f Ecosystem Studies, Department o f Forestc/o Mr. Daniel Serwer Ecology, Millbrook, NY November 2004 - February 2005 c/o Dr. Charles Canham Sannikov, Sergiy March 2005 - March 2007 Executive Director, Euro-Asian Accrediting Sorochynskyi, Borys Association, Odessa, Ukraine Head, Department of Biophysics and Lecturing: Slavic Studies Radiobiology, Institute of Cell Biology and Fresno Pacific University, School o f Professional Studies, Genetic Engineering, National Academy of Institute o f Eastern Slavic Studies, Fresno, CA Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine c/o Dr. Wendy Wakeman Research: The Possible Genotoxic Effects on theJanuary 2005 - May 2005 Environment After the Chernobyl Accident (Scholar-in-Residence Program)

120 2004-2005 Fulbright Visiting Scholars

Shuvalov, Petr University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill, School o f Assistant Professor, Department of Classic History,Journalism and Mass Communication, Chapel Hill, NC Faculty o f History, St. Petersburg State University,c/o Dr. Richard Cole St. Petersburg, Russia January 2005 - June 2005 Research: Late Roman M ilitary Doctrine in the Epoch o f Balkan Wars: East European InfluencesYarmakhov, Boris in the Mediterranean Associate Professor, Department o f Theory and The Library o f Congress, The Kluge Center, Practice o f Administration, Nizhny Novgorod Washington, DC Institute for Developing Education, Nizhny c/o Ms. Mary Lou Reker Norgorod, Russia February 2005 - October 2005 Research: The Image o f Russia in the U.S. Press: Cognitive Informational Approach Tribunskiy, Pavel Harvard University, Davis Center for Russian and Lecturer, Municipal Lyceum o f Fine Arts, Ryazan, EurasianRussia Studies, Cambridge, M A Research: P.N. M iliukov and Russian Liberalismc/o of Dr. Lisbeth L. Tarlow the Early 20th Century January 2005 - September 2005 Columbia University, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Butler Library, Bakhmeteff Archive, New York, NY Language and Literature (non-U.S.) c/o Ms. Tanya Chebotarev November 2004 - July 2005 Jansohn, Christa Professor, Center for British Studies, University o f Inform ation Sciences Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany Lecturing and Research: The Shakespeare Apocrypha: An Introduction Escalante, Richard Bruce Martin Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC Lecturer and Information Technology Officer, Institute c/o Dr. Gail Kern Paster of International Relations, Faculty o f Social October 2005 - February 2006 Sciences, University o f the West Indies— St. Augustine, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago Research: Technology and the Legal ProtectionKventsel, of Anna Public Information in Developing CaribbeanLecturer, Societies Department o f English, Hebrew University, University o f Washington, Center for Internet Jerusalem,Studies, Israel Seattle, W A Research: Walter Pater: The Decadent Imagination c/o Dr. Chris Coward Yale University, Department o f English, New Haven, CT September 2005 - December 2005 c/o Dr. Ruth Yeazell May 2005 - March 2006

Journalism Levinskaya, Olga Associate Professor, Department o f Classics, Institute Borubaeva, Anisa for Oriental and Classical Studies, Russian State Professor, Department o f Journalism, Institute oHumanities f University, Moscow, Russia Eastern Languages and Cultures, Kyrgyz StateResearch: Apuleius’ “ Metamorphoses” or “ The Pedagogical University, Bishkek, Kyrgyz RepublicGolden Ass” : The Ancestry o f the Ass Tale Research: Election Tools in Mass Media Harvard University, Faculty o f Arts and Sciences, Johns Hopkins University— School o f AdvancedDepartment of the Classics, Cambridge, M A International Studies, Central Asia-Caucasusc/o Dr. Richard F. Thomas Institute, Washington, DC November 2004 - June 2005 c/o Dr. Fred Starr October 2004 - October 2005 Malikova, Maria Research Fellow, Department o f Comparative Strovskiy, Dm itry Literature, Institute o f Russian Literature, Russian Professor, Department o f Journalism, Urals StateAcademy o f Sciences— St. Petersburg, St. University, Ekaterinburg, Russia Petersburg, Russia Lecturing: The History o f Russian Journalism: Research: The Concept o f the West in the Soviet 1917-2003 Literary Field, 1917-1927

121 2004-2005 Fulbright Visiting Scholars

Stanford University, School o f Humanities andShoreline Community College, Department of Sciences, Department o f Slavic Languages andIntra-American Studies and Social Sciences, Literatures, Stanford, CA Seattle, W A c/o Dr. Lazar Fleishman c/o Mr. Terry Taylor March 2005 - September 2005 March 2005 - July 2005 (Scholar-in-Residence Program) Navarro Tejero, Antonia Castellanos Delgado, Salome A. Associate Professor, Department o f English and Professor, School o f Law, Catholic University of German Philosophy, Faculty o f Philosophy, Honduras— Siguatepeque, Siguatepeque, Honduras University o f Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain Research: A Democracy Threatened by Globalization Research: A Choice o f One’s Own: South Asian and a Burdensome External Debt Women Writers in a Transnational Age American University, School o f International Service, University of California— Berkeley, Department of Washington, DC English, Berkeley, CA c/o Dr. Cathy Schneider c/o Dr. Bharati Mukherjee June 2005 - December 2005 June 2005 - September 2005 Chroma, Marta Otero, Marietta Reyes Head, Department o f Foreign Languages, Law School, Associate Professor, College o f Education, UniversityCharles of University, Prague, Czech Republic the Philippines— Diliman, Quezon City, PhilippinesResearch: Interpretation o f Legal Texts as a Basic Lecturing: Philippine Literature and Culture Precursor to Interlingual Translation: Differences City College o f San Francisco, Department o f Between Legal and Semantic Interpretation Philippines Studies, San Francisco, CA University o f Michigan— Ann Arbor, School of Law, c/o Dr. Leo Paz Center for International and Comparative Law, Ann January 2005 - May 2005 Arbor, M I (Scholar-in-Residence Program) c/o Prof. James Boyd White May 2005 - July 2005 Sachidananda, Mohanty Djuricin, Biljana Professor, Department o f English, University oProfessor, f School o f Law, University o f Montenegro, Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India Podgorica, Serbia and Montenegro Lecturing: D.H. Lawrence and the Canon FormationResearch: o fClinical Legal Education: Externship American Literature Programs and Live Client Clinics Rhode Island College, Department o f English,Catholic University o f America, Columbus School of Providence, RI Law, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Joan Dagle c/o Dr. Leah Wortham January 2005 - May 2005 January 2005 - May 2005

Santiago, Lilia Quindoza Dozhdev, Dmitry Professor, Department o f Filipino and PhilippineResearch Fellow, Department o f Theory and History, Literature, College o f Arts and Letters, UniversityInstitute o f o f State and Law, Russian Academy o f the Philippines— Diliman, Quezon City, PhilippinesSciences— Moscow, Moscow, Russia Lecturing: Philippine Literature and Culture:Research: Seminar Trust in a Continental Legal System: Legal Workshops in Understanding the Diversity oTransplants f Texts From Common Law and Legal Reform and Discourses o f the Filipino Nation in the Russian Federation Old Dominion University, Filipino American Center,Tulane University, School o f Law, Eason-Weinmann Norfolk, VA Center for Comparative Law, New Orleans, LA c/o Dr. Araceli Suzara c/o Dr. A.N. Yiannopoulos A pril 2005 - June 2005 November 2004 - June 2005 Hendry, James Ralph General Counsel, Human Rights Law Section, Law Department o f Justice, Otttawa, Canada Research: The Concept o f Equality as a Constitutional Acosta Castellon, Maria Luisa Right in a Modem Democratic State Consultant, Chinandega, Nicaragua Harvard University, School o f Law, Cambridge, MA Lecturing: Latin American Studies and Public Policyc/o Mr. Richard Fallon for Indigenous People in Nicaragua January 2005 - July 2005

122 2004-2005 Fulbright Visiting Scholars

Ismayilov, Rovshan Procter and Gamble Miami Valley Innovation Center, Assistant Professor, Department o f Constitutional Corporate Modeling and Simulation, Cincinnati, OH Law, Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan c/o Mr. Bruce P. Murch Research: Problems and Prospects o f Solving PoliticalMarch 2005 - February 2007 Rights in a Transition State and in a Failed State Indiana University— Bloomington, School of Law, Bloomington, IN Medical Sciences c/o Dr. Patrick Baude Beqiri, Arben January 2005 - September 2005 Surgeon, Department o f Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Koevski, Goran University o f Tirana, Tirana, Albania Assistant Professor and Vice Dean, School o f Law, Research: SS. Laparoscopic Surgery of the Colon and Rectum Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, MacedoniaNational Naval Medical Center, Office o f Graduate Research: Corporate Governance Principles NecessaryMedical Education, Bethesda, MD to Understand and Support Macedonian Companyc/o Dr. Philip Purdue Law Reform October 2004 - January 2005 Columbia University, School o f Law, New York, NY Duiseneyeva, Zhanna c/o Dr. Katharina Pistor Assistant Professor, Department of January 2005 - September 2005 Pathophysiology, Kazakh National Medical Kuhelj, Alenka University, Almaty, Kazakhstan Assistant Professor, Faculty o f Administration, Research: Changes in Organisms Under the Influence University o f Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia o f Exhaust Fumes and Other Factors o f Air Pollution Research: “ We, the People...” : The Role o f CitizenshipUniversity o f Iowa, Department o f Chemical and in the European Union and the United States Biochemical Engineering, Iowa City, IA Harvard University, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, M A c/o Dr. Gregory R. Carmichael c/o Dr. W illiam P. Alford November 2004 - October 2005 May 2005 - October 2005 Eljamal, Mazin Salah Abdel-Rahman Kuntseva-Gabashvili, Nino Thoracic Surgeon, Department o f Surgery, Thoracic Lecturer, Department o f Civil Law, School o f Law, Surgery Unit, A l Bashir Hospital, Amman, Jordan Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia Research: The Management o f Esophageal Cancer: Research: Legal and Political Aspects o f IntellectualProspective and New Trends Property Commercialization: Technology and FilmMassachusetts General Hospital, General Thoracic Stanford University, U.S.-Asia Technology Surgery Unit, Boston, M A Management Center, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. Douglas Mathisen c/o Dr. Richard Dasher November 2004 - July 2005 January 2005 - January 2006 Looi, Jeffrey Chee Leong Senior Lecturer, Center for Mental Health Research and Medical School, Australian National University, Mathematics Canberra, Australia Sakr, Samir Hammouda Atwa Research: Quantitative Methods for Measurements of Lecturer, Department o f Mathematics, Faculty o f Atrophy in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Neuroimaging Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt o f Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias Research: Qualitative Behavior o f Nonlinear DynamicUniversity o f California— Los Angeles, School o f Equations on Time Scales Medicine, Laboratory of Neuroimaging, Los Trinity University, Department o f Mathematics, San Angeles, CA Antonio, TX c/o Dr. Arthur W. Toga c/o Dr. Saber Elaydi January 2005 - July 2005 March 2005 - August 2005 Marmolejos Polanco, Victor Arturo Zarzo Castello, Manuel Professor, School o f Medicine, East Central University, Associate Professor, Department o f Applied Statistics,San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic Operations Research and Quality, Polytechnical Research: Effects o f Alcohol Intake on PPARgamma University o f Valencia, Valencia, Spain Expression and Its Relationship With IGF-1 Research: Developing Modeling TechniquesThe to Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME Determine the Molecular Basis o f the Perceptionc/o Dr. Clifford Rosen o f Odor October 2005 - January 2006

123 2004-2005 Fulbright Visiting Scholars

Ogbaghebriel, Azieb Desta University o f Michigan— Ann Arbor, School o f Music, Dean and Assistant Professor, Department o f PharmacyDepartment o f Piano, Ann Arbor, M I and Biomedical Sciences, College o f Health Sciences,c/o Dr. Arthur R. Greene University o f Asmara, Asmara, Eritrea September 2004 - February 2005 Research: Developing Teaching Materials and Moneam Hussein Wassef, Mona Mohamed Wassef Laboratory Manuals and Introducing Information Mohamed Abdel Technology to Enhance Undergraduate Biomedical Demonstrator, The Cairo Conservatory, Academy o f Science Education Arts, Cairo, Egypt Riverside Community College, Department o f Health, Research: Playing and Teaching Harp in the United States Human and Public Services, Moreno Valley, CA University o f Arizona, School o f Music and Dance, c/o Dr. Patty Bufalino Department o f Music, Tucson, AZ February 2005 - July 2005 c/o Dr. Carrol McLaughlin Piatrenka, Siarhei March 2005 - December 2005 Leading Scientist, Department o f Medicine and Biology, International Sakharov EnvironmentalPhilosophy University, Minsk, Belarus Research: Comparative Analysis o f the FunctionalMelikh, Yulia Activity o f Y -1 Receptors in Human Breast TumorsLecturer, and Department o f Philosophy and Methodology Chemically Induced Experimental Mammary Cancero f Science, School o f State Administration, Moscow Michigan State University, College o f Human State University, Moscow, Russia Medicine, Department o f Pediatrics and HumanResearch: Symphonic Personalism in Russian Development, East Lansing, M I Philosophy and American Pragmatic Personalism c/o Dr. James E. Trosko Stanford University, Department o f Slavic Languages May 2005 - October 2005 and Literatures, Stanford, CA c/o Dr. Lazar Fleishman Sheiner, Eyal December 2004 - July 2005 Attending Physician, Department o f Obstetrics and Gynecology, Soroka University Medical Center,Ross, Nicham Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva,Lecturer, Israel Department o f Jewish Thought, Ben-Gurion Research: The Safety o f Ultrasound in ObstetricsUniversity o f the Negev, Beersheba, Israel Rush University, Medical Center, Department oResearch: f Neo-Hasidic Literature at the Beginning of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chicago, IL the 20th Century c/o Dr. Howard T. Strassner Jr. University o f Pennsylvania, Center for Advanced April 2005 - A pril 2006 Judaic Studies, Philadelphia, PA c/o Dr. David Ruderman Taran, Anatolie January 2005 - January 2006 Associate Professor, Department of Trauma and Orthopedics, Moldova State University o f Medicine and Pharmacy Nicolae Testemitsanu, Chisinau, Moldova Research: New Methods in the Treatment o fPhysics and Astronomy Extensive Bums Casanova Fernandez, Felix University of Michigan—Ann Arbor, School ofAssociate Research Scientist, Department o f Medicine, Trauma and Bum Critical Care, Fundamental Physics, University o f Barcelona, Department o f Surgery, Ann Arbor, M I Barcelona, Spain c/o Dr. Saman Arbabi Research: Fabrication o f Ordered Magnetic February 2005 - August 2005 Nanostructures With Technological Applications University of California— San Diego, Deparment of Physics, La Jolla, CA Music c/o Prof. Ivan K. Schuller March 2005 - March 2007 Mitrovic, Natasa Assistant, Faculty o f Music, University o f the Arts,Muminov, Hikmat Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro Professor, Department o f Physics, Tajik State National Research: Music Without Borders: Differences andUniversity, Dushanbe, Tajikistan Similarities in Eastern and Western Piano SchoolsResearch: Generalized Spin Coherent States and Their and Approaches Application to the Quantum Information Theory

124 2004-2005 Fulbright Visiting Scholars

Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, DepartmentResearch: of The Framing Effects o f State Image and N uclear Science and Engineering, Cambridge,Foreign MA Policy Decisions During Situations o f Crisis c/o Dr. David Cory Interaction Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, DepartmentWoodrow of Wilson International Center for Scholars, N uclear Science and Engineering, Cambridge,Kennan MA Institute, Washington, DC c/o Dr. Timothy Havel c/o Ms. Summer Brown A pril 2005 - October 2005 March 2005 - August 2005 Saif, Farhan (Fulbright/Kennan Institute Research Scholarship) Assistant Professor, Department o f Electronics, Q uaid-i-A zam University, Islamabad, Pakistan Kulyk, Volodymyr Research: Quantum Coherence in Bose-Einstein Senior Research Fellow, Department of Ethnopolitics, Condensates in the Presence o f External Forces Institute o f Political and Ethnic Studies, National U nive rsity o f Arizona, Department o f Quantum Optics, Academy of Sciences o f Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine Tucson, AZ Research: Language Politics in Multilingual Societies: c/o Dr. Pierre Meystre A Comparative Analysis and Lessons for Ukraine January 2005 - January 2006 Stanford University, Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, Stanford, CA Political Science c/o Dr. David Laitin January 2005 - October 2005 Bernardini, Paolo Professor, Department o f Modem Languages and Literatures, University o f Parma, Parma, Italy Ming, Chu-Cheng Lecturing: Teaching the European Union inProfessor, the United Department o f Political Science, National States and Italy: A Comparative Approach toTaiwan the University, Taipei, Taiwan Different Teaching Methodologies Research: U.S. Policy Toward Beijing and Taipei U niversity o f Pittsburgh, European Union Center,Since 1990: A Structural Realist Approach Pittsburgh, PA George Washington University, Elliott School o f c/o Dr. Stacey Beggs International Affairs, Sigur Center for Asian Studies, February 2005 - May 2005 Washington, DC Chowdhary, Rekha c/o Dr. Mike Mochizuki Professor, Department o f Political Science, UniversityNovember 2004 - January 2005 of Jammu, Jammu, India Lecturing: Internal Dynamics of Society and Identity Politics o f Jammu and Kashmir Shozimov, Pulat Johns Hopkins University— School o f AdvancedDoctorant, Department of Social Philosophy, Institute International Studies, South Asia Studies Program,o f Philosophy and Law, Tajik Academy o f Sciences, Washington, DC Dushanbe, Tajikistan c/o Dr. Sunil Khilnani Lecturing and Research: State and Religion in January 2005 - A p ril 2005 Tajikistan After the Iraq Crisis: Struggle for Identity Johns Hopkins University— School o f Advanced Goldthau, Andreas Christian International Studies, Central Asia-Caucus Institute, Lecturer, Department o f Political and Social Sciences, Washington, DC Institute fo r East European Studies, Free University c/o Dr. Fred Starr o f Berlin, Berlin, Germany January 2005 - August 2005 Research: Global Markets, Domestic Factors and Reform Politics: The Case o f Russia George Washington University, The Elliott School o f Vitkus, Gediminas International Affairs, Department o f Political Science Professor and Chair, Department o f Political Science, and International Affairs, Washington, D.C., DC Lithuanian Military Academy, Vilnius, Lithuania c/o Dr. James Goldgeier Research: The United States as a Decisive Component October 2004 - December 2004 of Baltic Stability Kiselev, Igor Virginia Military Institute, Department of International Associate Professor, Department o f Social and Studies and Political Science, Lexington, VA Political Sciences, Yaroslavl State University, c/o Col. Patrick M. Mayerchak Yaroslavl, Russia January 2005 - May 2005

125 2004-2005 Fulbright Visiting Scholars

Psychology Research: Quality o f Government Procurement in Dalle, Nathalie Lucetta Public Works Contracting: Effectiveness, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department o f Psychology,Anti-Corruption and Veracity University of Blaise Pascal (Clermont-Ferrand II), University o f Pennsylvania, School o f Law, Clermont-Ferrand, France Philadelphia, PA Research: Theories of Embodied Mind to Emotionc/o Dr. Jacques deLisle Concepts April 2005 - August 2005 Emory University, Department o f Psychology, Atlanta, GA Wan Abdullah, Nik Rosnah Bind c/o Dr. Lawrence W. Barsalou Deputy Director, International Institute o f Public November 2004 - August 2005 Policy and Management, University o f Malaya, Juniku, Neki Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Head, Department o f Psychology, University o f Research: Health System Reform in ASEAN Pristina, Pristina, Kosovo Countries: What Can Be Learned From America’s Lecturing and Research: Trauma and Coping in WarExperience? and Peace: The Kosova Experience Johns Hopkins University, Institute for Policy Studies, International Trauma Studies Program, New York, N YBaltimore, MD c/o Dr. Jack Saul c/o Ms. Marsha R.B. Schachtel September 2005 - June 2006 March 2005 - June 2005 Schiller, Daniela Researcher, Department o f Psychology, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel Public/Global Health Research: The Neural Circuitry o f Perseverative and Jn Francois, Roosevelt Switching Behavior in Humans Executive Director, Center for Communication on New York University, Center for Neural Science, New AIDS (CECOSIDA), Port au Prince, Haiti York, N Y Research: Migration and HIV/AIDS in the Haitian c/o Dr. Joseph LeDoux Community in Florida February 2005 - January 2006 Florida Atlantic University, Christine E. Lynn College Suhail, Kausar o f Nursing, Quantum Foundation Center for Professor and Head, Department o f Psychology, Innovation in School and Community Well Being, Government College University, Lahore, PakistanBoca Raton, FL Research: Family Expressed Emotions and Relapse c/oin Dr. Marilyn Parker Pakistani American Schizophrenic Patients May 2005 - December 2005 University of California—Los Angeles, College of Letters and Sciences, Department o f Psychology,Ragoobirsingh, Los Dalip Angeles, CA Senior Lecturer, Department o f Basic Medical c/o Dr. Steve Lopez Sciences, Biochemistry Section, School o f Medical December 2004 - September 2005 Sciences, University o f the West Indies— Mona, Kingston, Jamaica Research: Development and Implementation o f a Diabetes Public Administration Education Program for the People of the Caribbean Duignan, Paul Warren Pan American Health Organization, Department o f Senior Research Fellow, Center for Social Health Disease Prevention and Control, Unit o f Outcomes Research and Evaluation, Massey Noncommunicable Diseases, Washington, DC University, Auckland, New Zealand c/o Dr. Alberto Barcelo Research: Outcomes Systems Theory: Managing forJuly 2005 - December 2005 Outcomes in the U.S. and New Zealand Public Sectors The Urban Institute, Public Management Program, Washington, DC Social Work c/o Dr. Harry P. Hatry Bykov, Dmitry November 2004 - February 2005 Social Pedagogue, Department o f Social Pedagogy, Hsieh, Ting-ya Specialized School for Children With Cerebral Palsy Professor, Institute o f Construction Engineering#4, Chelyabinsk, and Russia Management, National Central University, Research: Creating an Independent System o f Social Chung-li, Taiwan Rehabilitation for Handicapped Children

126 2004-2005 Fulbright Visiting Scholars

Florida State University, School o f Social Work,Research: Teaching English in the Context of Tallahassee, FL American Culture c/o Dr. Wendy P. Crook University o f California— Los Angeles, Department o f October 2004 - June 2005 Applied Linguistics and Teaching English as a Tregubova, Tatiana Second Language, Los Angeles, CA Department Chair, Department o f Internationalc/o Dr. Donna M. Brinton Professional Education, Research Institute Januaryof 2005 - May 2005 Professional Education, Russian Academy of Education, Kazan, Russia Sukchuen, Nattakarn Research: Training and Management o f StudentAssistant Professor, Department o f Foreign Volunteering Movements in the Republic ofLanguages, Faculty o f Humanities, Kasetsart Tartarstan: Adaptation o f One U.S. Model University, Bangkok, Thailand U niversity o f the District o f Columbia, DepartmentResearch: of Cross-Cultural Study o f Thai University Urban Affairs, Social Sciences and Social Work,Students and American University Students: Factors Washington, DC Affecting Learners’ Outcomes and Satisfaction in c/o Dr. Janet Burton Distance Learning January 2005 - May 2005 Oregon State University, English Language Institute, Corvallis, OR c/o Dr. Deborah Healey Sociology November 2004 - May 2005 Nimrod, Galit Postdoctoral Scholar, Department o f Communication Tarnopol’s’kyy, Oleg and Journalism, Flebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Head, Department o f Applied Linguistics and Methods in Research: Patterns o f Continuity and Change in Foreign Language Teaching, Dnipropetrovsk University Leisure A fte r Retirement: A Cross-Cultural Study o f Economics and Law, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine University o f Georgia, Department o f Recreation and Research: English W riting Instruction in Ukraine Leisure Studies, Athens, GA Portland State University, Department o f Applied c/o Dr. John Dattilo Linguistics, Portland, OR January 2005 - December 2005 c/o Dr. Marjorie Terdal January 2005 - May 2005 TEFL/Applied Linguistics Balishin, Sergey Associate Professor, Department o f Foreign Theater Languages, Nizhny Novgorod State University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia Okwori, Jenkeri Zakari Research: Teaching English for Law and LawSenior Lecturer, Department o f English and Drama, Enforcement With Technology Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria University o f Arizona, Center for English as a Research:Second Democratizing Public Decision Making: Language, Tucson, AZ Using Theater for Development and Deliberative c/o Dr. Suzanne Panferov Participatory Governance in Nigeria With Lessons January 2005 - July 2005 From the United States Gotlib, Natalia New York University, Tisch School of the Arts, Assistant Professor, Department o f Foreign LanguagesDepartment o f Drama, New York, NY and Social Sciences, Irkutsk State Linguistics c/o Dr. Awam Amkpa University, Irkutsk, Russia November 2004 - April 2005

127 A dministration a n d F u n d i n g o f t h e F u l b r i g h t S c h o l a r P r o g r a m

The flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. Government, widely known as the Fulbright Program, is designed to increase mutual understanding between the people o f the United States and the people of other countries. With this goal as a starting point, the Fulbright Program has provided more than 265,000 participants— chosen for their leadership potential—-with the opportunity to observe each others’ political, economic and cultural institutions, exchange ideas and embark on joint ventures o f importance to the general welfare o f the world’s inhabitants. Currently, the Program operates in over 150 countries worldwide.

The Fulbright Program was established in 1946 under legislation introduced by former Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas. The Fulbright Program is administered by the Bureau o f Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department o f State.

Since the establishment o f the Program, approximately 45,400 Fulbright Visiting Scholars have conducted research or taught in U.S. universities, and approximately 43,600 Fulbright U.S. Scholars have engaged in similar activities abroad. The Fulbright Program awards approximately 800 grants to Visiting Scholars each year.

The primary source o f funding for the Fulbright Program is an annual appropriation made by the United States Congress to the Department o f State. Participating governments and host institutions in foreign countries and in the United States also contribute financially through cost-sharing and indirect support, such as salary supplements, tuition waivers and university housing. The Congressional appropriation for the Fulbright Program in fiscal year 2005 was $ 144.5 million. Foreign governments, through binational commissions or foundations, contributed an additional $37 million directly to the Fulbright Program.

The J. W illiam Fulbright Foreign Scholarshipcomposed Board (FSB), o f 12 educational and public leaders appointed by the President o f the United States, formulates policy for the administration o f the program, establishes criteria for the selection o f candidates and approves candidates nominated for awards.

The United States Department of State, Bureau of Educationaldevelops and Cultural policies Affairs to assure fulfillment of the purposes o f the Program and administers it with the assistance o f binational commissions and foundations in 51 countries, United States Embassies in 89 other countries and a number o f cooperating agencies in the United States.

Binational commissions and foundationsdraw up the annual program plan for exchanges, in consultation with participating universities and organizations in the host country. They also screen, interview and recommend to the FSB qualified candidates for student and faculty grants. In a country without a commission or foundation, the Public Affairs Section o f the U.S. Embassy develops the program and supervises it locally.

The Council for International Exchange ofunder Scholars a cooperative(CIES), agreement with the Department o f State, administers the Fulbright Scholar Program for faculty and professionals. CIES is a division o f the Institute o f International Education (IIE) and has close working relationships with the major disciplinary bodies in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. During the terms o f their grants in the United States, Fulbright Scholars are assisted by CIES.


DEPARTMENT OF STATE PUBLICATION Bureau o f Educational and Cultural Affairs Released October 2005 United States Department of State Internationalize Your Campus Through the Fulbright Occasional Lecturer Program

The Occasional Lecturer Program (OLP) provides travel awards to Fulbright Visiting Scholars for round-trip transportation, which enables scholars to accept short-term guest lecturing invitations at colleges and universities.

Occasional lecturers

• offer department- or schoolwide lectures to students and/or faculty;

• give lectures in classrooms where the Scholar can make a contribution to the discipline;

• enjoy home hospitality offered by the faculty or department host; and

• address community organizations or religious groups that have a special interest in international relations.

Every Fulbright Visiting Scholar is eligible for one OLP trip. Scholars who visit institutions that serve predominantly minority-student populations are eligible for more trips.

TheFulbright Visiting Scholar Directory lists Visiting Scholars who are in the United States for the current academic year. Use this listing to find and extend invitations to Scholars whose research or lecturing topics are of interest to your institution. The directory is also available online www.cies.org at .

For additional information on the Occasional Lecturer Program, please visit w w w.cies.org/sir/olp.htm. call 202.686.6235 or send an e-m [email protected] message to.

The Fulbright Program is sponsored by the United States Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs FULBRIGHT

Fulbright Scholar Program

Council for International Exchange of Scholars 3007 Tilden Street, NW, Suite 5L Washington. DC 20008-3009

A division o f the Institute o f International Education
