FU LBR IG H T SCHOLAR PROGRAM 2005-2006 Visiting Scholar Directory A Resource for the Occasional Lecturer Program F ulbrig ht V is itin g S cholar P rogram S taff To obtain U.S. contact information fo r a Scholar listed in this directory, please speak swith ta ff memberthe CIES responsible fo r the Scholar s home country or special program. A frica (S ub -S aharan ) and W estern H emisphere Europe and E urasia Debra Egan, Assistant Angola Mali Sone Loh,Senior Program Austria Ireland Director 202.686.6230, Benin Mauritius Coordinator, 202.686.4011, Belgium/ Kazakhstan [email protected] Botswana Mozambique [email protected] Luxembourg Kyrgyz Republic Burkina FasoNamibia Bulgaria Netherlands Michelle Grant,Senior Program Tanya Janes,Program Cameroon Niger European Union Poland Coordinator 202.686.4029, Associate, 202.686.6259, Chad Nigeria Tajikistan [email protected] [email protected] (EU) Research Cote d’Ivoire Rwanda Program Turkmenistan Julia Beaver, Program Democratic Senegal Germany Uzbekistan Associate 202.686.6254, Republic Sierra Leone Greece [email protected] o f Congo South Africa Eritrea Swaziland Ethiopia Tanzania Rachel Showalter,Program Armenia Georgia Ghana Togo Officer, 202.686.4016, Azerbaijan M oldova Guinea Uganda [email protected] Belarus Romania Croatia Russia Kenya Zambia Christine Wise,Senior Program Fulbright/Kennan Slovenia Madagascar Zimbabwe Associate, 202.686.8661, Institute Research Malawi [email protected] Ukraine Scholarship Carol Robles,Senior Program Argentina Guatemala Officer, 202.686.6238, Barbados Haiti [email protected] Bolivia Hondouras Rachel Kolb,Senior Program Aegean Initiative Lithuania Brazil Coordinator, 202.686.6248, Czech Republic Malta Michelle Grant,Senior Program Jamaica Canada Mexico [email protected] Denmark Spain Coordinator, 202.686.4029, Estonia Turkey [email protected] Chile Nicaragua Amy Shatsoff,Program Iceland United Kingdom Colombia Panama Associate, 202.686.6255, Julia Beaver, Program Latvia Costa Rica Paraguay [email protected] Associate, 202.686.6254, Dominican Peru [email protected] Republic Trinidad/Tobago Ecuador Uruguay Holly Williams,Senior Program *Albania + Portugal El Salvador Venezuela Coordinator, 202.686.6258, * Bosnia and * Republic o f [email protected] Herzegovina Macedonia + Finland * Serbia and A sia and the M iddle East *Christine Wise,Senior Program + France Associate, 202.686.8661, Montenegro Taeko Noguchi,Program China Philippines [email protected] + Hungary + Slovak Officer, 202.686.4020, Hong Kong Singapore + ltaly Republic † Program [email protected] Indonesia Thailand Amy Shatsoff, *Kosovo + Sweden Associate, 202.686.6255, + Norway Jessica Wagner, Program Japan Vietnam Malaysia [email protected] Associate, 202.686.6233, [email protected] Special P rograms Dylan Gipson,Senior Program Australia U.S.-Korea New Century Scholars Program European Union Scholar-in-Residence Coordinator, 202.686.7874,Bangladesh International Alumni Initiatives Awards Program P rogram [email protected] Israel Education Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Korea Administrators Micaela S. Iovine,Senior Emily Vandermade, Program P rogram Morocco Program Program Officer, 202.686.6253, Associate, 202.686.4006, Metropolitan Enrichment Programs New Zealand (KIEA) [email protected] [email protected] Annual Fulbright Visiting Scholar Taiwan Stacey Bustillos,Program Officer, 202.686.6252, Conference Karen Watts, Senior Program Dan Pattarini,Program Algeria Pakistan [email protected] Officer, 202.686.4004, Officer, 202.686.4013, Bahrain Qatar Hajra Zahid, Senior Program [email protected] [email protected] Egypt Saudi Arabia Associate, 202.686.6250, Kanchan Mahara,Program Gaza Sri Lanka [email protected] India Syria Associate, 202.686.4022, Occasional Lecturer Program Iraq Tunisia [email protected] Fulbright/APSA Congressional Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program Jordan United Arab Fellowship Program Senior Program Kuwait Emirates Zaneta Bertot, Lebanon West Bank FulbrightfNYU Center on Associate, 202.686.6235, International Cooperation Fellowship [email protected] Nepal Yemen Oman Susan McPeek,Manager, Program Administration, 202.686.4017, Fulbright Visiting Specialists Program: Cover photography: Fulbright Visiting Specialist Abderrahmane El [email protected] Direct Access to the Muslim World Moudden, Morocco, and colleagues (left top); Fulbright Visiting Scholar Tatiana Eremenko, Russia, and colleague (left middle); Fulbright Visiting Mamiko Hada, Program Scholars at a tree-planting event during the 2005 Visiting Scholar Officer, 202.686.7873, Conference in Washington, DC (left bottom); Badar Alam Iqbal, Fulbright [email protected] Scholar-in-Residence, India (right top) and Fulbright Visiting Scholar Rebecca Anderson, Australia (right bottom). FULBRIGHT VISITING SCHOLAR PROGRAM 2005-2006 Directory of Visiting Scholars FULBRIGH T FULBRIGHT SCHOLAR PROGRAM Sponsored by the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs C IE S is a division o f the Institute o f International Education. C a m p u s P erspectives “The actual program that the Fulbright Visiting Scholar followed more than fulfilled the plan outlined in the proposal. Indeed, Haidar Bagir did more than he was asked to do, consulted w ith more faculty members here at the university than I had expected and involved him self with the M uslim students on campus in significant ways. Many of the faculty members, particularly in Intellectual Heritage, which surveys the last several hundred years o f Western intellectual history, have indicated that they now intend to incorporate more about Islamic thought and its impact on the development o f Western philosophy and science. More important, Dr. Bagir’s visit caused a healthy debate on campus about how non-Western thought should be presented to our students.” Robert F. Boughner, Professor o f Classics and Chair o f the Department o f Humanities, University o f the Sciences in Philadelphia “We gained so much from Dr. Prasanna K. Mohanty’s presence that perhaps we are spoiled. It was important and fascinating to hear about the situation o f higher education in India and to hear how U.S. policies have an impact on that situation. I think this was his most important contribution— never letting us forget that we all exist in a global network of influence. I think we would all find it interesting to continue such connections.” Joan Dagle, Professor, English Department, Rhode Island College “ Student responses in the course evaluations indicate that they were extremely impressed with Dr. Kenbib and that they learned considerably more than they expected. Several commented at the outset that they had no understanding o f Islamic culture at all. Frankly, it is rare for a visitor o f any kind to have the impact that the Visiting Specialists Program has had.” Stephen Grant Sylvester, Dean o f the Department o f Arts and Sciences, Peru State College “ The possibility o f daily, multi-national and multi-ethnic interaction has been one o f the main personal motivations for me to pursue an academic career. The Fulbright Scholar Program provides yet another wonderful framework to foster this activity in my lab. In addition, Visiting Scholars bring new expertise to the lab that would otherwise not be available.” Gaudenz Danuser, Faculty Associate, Department o f Cell Biologist, The Scripps Research Institute C o n t e n t s I ntroduction ............................................................................................................................................5 O c c a s io n a lL e c t u r e r Pr o g r a m .......................................................................................... 5 O c c a s io n a lL e c t u r e r St o r i e s.............................................................................................. 6 Vis it in g Sc h o l a r St o r i e s....................................................................................................... 7 Vis i t i n g Sc h o l a r s b y Ac a d e m ic F i e l d ......................................................................................11 Ag r ic u l t u r e...............................................................................................................................11 Am e r ic a n H i s t o r y......................................................................................................................12 Am e r ic a n L i t e r a t u r e............................................................................................................ 12 Am e r ic a n St u d i e s......................................................................................................................14 Anthropology.......................................................................................................................... 15 Ar c h a e o l o g y................................................................................................................................. 16 Architecture...............................................................................................................................16 Ar t ......................................................................................................................................................17 Ar t H is t o r y................................................................................................................................... 17 B io l o g ic a l Sc ie n
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