

Peter Gichangi, Sara Mugania, Otieno Beda

Correspondence to: Prof. Peter Gichangi, Department of Human Anatomy University of Nairobi, [email protected]


Elastic fibres play a central role in functioning of the penis. Detailed animal studies have quantified elastic and fibre content in rat and rabbit penis. Though rabbit model is similar to , it is important to determine whether findings in rabbits are reproducible in humans. To determine the distribution and volumetric density of elastic fibres in the corpus cavernosum (CC), corpus spongiosum (CS) and (TA) of the shaft of adult human penis. Male cadaveric specimens from penile mid-shaft were obtained and processed routinely for histological studies using Weigert’s resorsin fuchsin stain. CC TA has an external longitudinal and inner circular layer. Buck’s has principally longitudinal elastic fibres. There are multiple blood vessels in CC, CS and TA. Elastic fibres are abundant in the mid-shaft of human penis. The highest volumetric density of elastic fibres is found in the CS (40%). The elastic fibres in the CS are mainly longitudinal in orientation. There is an elaborate elastic fibre meshwork in the sub-mucosal layer of urethral , surrounding para-urethral glands and blood vessels found in the mid- shaft of human penis. Elastic fibre content in the human CS of the is higher than in CC and TA. Their concentrations around the sub-mucosal zone of the urethra epithelium suggest these fibres may have an important role in the function of urethra both for ejaculation and passage of urine.

Key words: Elastic fibres, Penis, Corpus Cavernosum, Corpus spongiosum.


The penis is considered to have unique because by exerting passive resistance to structural engineering problems because the expansion of erectile tissues, thereby of its function (Hsu et al., 1994). In the creating penile turgidity (Udelson 2007). flaccid state, it must remain supple to Further, elastic fibres provide elastic recoil minimize discomfort and allow urine to when the penis returns to a flaccid flow without resistance. In the erect state, condition during detumescence (Bossart et rigidity sufficient for intromission must be al., 1980). Elastic fibres impart viscoelastic present within the corporal bodies while properties to tissues and are typically maintaining a low-pressure system within found in structures that, upon application the spongiosum to permit ejaculation (Hsu of stretching forces, undergo deformation et al., 1994). and then return to the original shape once these forces are removed. Loss or is normally associated with degradation of elastic fibres can cause intracellular cascade of events that change significant dysfunctions, such as in contractility in penile blood degenerative and inflammatory disorders. vessels and vascular spaces, thereby The penis therefore has a complex design modifying blood flow and initiating which allows it to function as a inflation of the CC (Saenz et al., 2004). reproductive organs as well as for passage Collagen and elastic fibres are considered of urine. important contributors to tumescence

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There are several studies on the penis, penis, CC, a ventrally located CS that which explain the contribution of different surrounds the urethra, and TA enveloping components in the reproductive function these erectile structures (Olabu et al., and disease states (Hsu et al., 1994; 2014; Ozgel et al., 2003). Despite the Sattar et al., 1994; Bastos et al., 2004, suitability of the rabbit model, it is Costa et al., 2006). Specifically, the important to determine whether features distribution and structural features of found in the rabbit are similar in humans. elastic fibres in penile tissues have been Second, the human penis study by Hsu et investigated in humans (Iacono et al., al., 1994 only described the relative 1994; Hsu et al., 1994; Sattar et al., 1994; abundance of elastic fibres without Bastos et al., 2004; Hsu 2006) and in quantification. Andre et al., 2012 animal models (McMurray et al., 2006). quantified elastic fibres in penis Rabbit models have often been used in while rabbit studies have quantification of investigations on penile tissues that are elastic fibres in the shaft and involved in and erectile (Abidu-Figueiredo et al., 2013; Maia et al., dysfunction or that are subjected to 2006). This cadaveric study was done to surgical treatments (Abidu-Figueiredo et quantify elastic fibres content in shaft of al., 2010; Olabu et al., 2014, McMurray et adult human penis. al., 2006). The rabbit has a vascular


Male cadavers preserved with histological images were first loaded into formaldehyde, which were used for the Image J software version 1.46 (NIH, teaching gross anatomy to medical Bethesda, Maryland, USA). A scale was set students in the Department of Human up corresponding to one square Anatomy, University of Nairobi were used millimetre. Next, the “Grid class” plugin of in this study. From the mid shaft, 2-cm Image J was used to create grids that transverse specimens were obtained for were digitally superimposed on the histological studies. The samples were captured tissue images. The mesh density then routinely processed for paraffin of the grids was calculated so that a embedding, after which 5-μm thick reference space would be equal to one sections were obtained. Elastic fibres were square millimetre. From each section, only demonstrated by staining these sections four complete grids covered the entire with Weigert’s resorsin fuchsin method tissue at X160. For each of the section, (Drury and Wallington 1967). All tissue two areas were examined resulting in sections were photographed under the eight test areas. Based on the same conditions and at a final stereological principle, in isotropic tissue, magnification of X160 using a digital the area distribution of a given structure, camera (Canon power shot A640, Tokyo, as determined on a two-dimensional Japan) directly coupled to the microscope section of the structure, is proportional to (Zeiss, Axiostar plus, Carl Zeiss, Gottingen, the volume distribution of this structure. Germany). The volume density of elastic fibres was calculated according to the formula Vv = Quantitation of elastic fibres Pp/Pt, where Vv is the volume density, p The relative content of elastic fibres in the is the tissue component to be taken into different parts of the penile tissues was consideration, Pp is the number of test determined as volume density (Vv) using points associated with p, and Pt is the stereological methods. Briefly, the

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number of points of the test system (Maia Descriptive light microscopic findings are et al., 2006). presented. Numerical results for stereological measurements are given as Statistical analysis mean ± standard deviation, and statistical significance was considered when p<0.05. The data was entered in excel and exported to SPSS version 20 for analysis. RESULTS

The penile was composed of vessels are also accompanied by collagen fibres interspersed with elastic fibres (Figure 2). Through this fibres. A distinct layer of elastic fibres was observational study, it was not possible to observed just beneath the superficial distinguish the nutritive vessels, helicine layer, the Buck’s fascia. The Buck’s and the arteriovenous shunts fascia layer has closely packed longitudinal between helicine arteries and the deep elastic fibres with few in transvers dorsal vein. The amount of elastic fibres in orientation. At the location of the inter the CC is much less as compared to corpus cavenosum septum (12 O’clock), erectile tissue of CS. the elastic fibres surrounding blood The corpus spongiosum (CS) was enclosed vessels merge with the outer layer of by a loose layer of Tunica Albuginea (TA) of CC (Figure 1). composed mainly of circular elastic and The TA of CC was bi-layered with an outer collagen fibres with interspersed smooth longitudinal layer and inner circular layer. muscle. The TA of CS is not distinct from The inner circular layer had an undulating the connective tissues of penis dermis. appearance of short pitch (Figure 2). The The TA of CS appears similar to the elastic fibres in the TA of CC were fewer connective tissue of the penis skin dermis. compared to TA of corpus spongiosum This layer also shows a wavy pattern, (CS) and their orientation parallels that of similar to that of the penile skin dermis collagen fibres. From the inner layer, though less pronounced as compared to infrequent thick collagenous septum that of TA of the CC. The TA of CS fibres projecting into the erectile tissue of CC merge with fibres of Buck’s fascia at 9 and was observed. A layer of elastic fibres was 3 O’clock (Figure 4 A&B). There is a sub- observed in close contact with inner layer tunica elastic fibre layer from which elastic of CC from which elastic fibres project into fibres septae form the walls of the CS the walls of the CC erectile tissue. There erectile tissue. Thick collagenous septae are blood vessels observed in the TA of seen in the CC are absent in the CS. The CC (Figure 2, C&D), which were walls of CS erectile tissue are composed surrounded by elastic fibres. There were mainly of fine elastic fibres in longitudinal many blood vessels of different calibre in with few in transverse orientation. the CC (Figure 2). The big calibre lumen

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Figure 1: a Tunica Albuginea (TA) of Corpus Cavernosum (CC) at 12 O’clock. Note the longitudinal connective tissue bundles- * and vessels-v, X7.2. b Higher magnification of A, X160. Note the elastic fibres in a longitudinal direction. c Inner circular layer of CC TA, X160. Note mixed elastic fibres, arrow is circular band and others are longitudinal. d CC TA outer longitudinal layer with elastic fibres in longitudinal orientation.

Figure 2: a: Tunica albuginea (TA) outer longitudinal layer, note the black spots representing elastic fibres, X160; b TA inner circular layer with elastic fibres running parallel to collagen fibres, X160; c in TA X40 and d blood vessel in C X160 showing surrounding elastic fibres in different directions

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Figure 3: X4 &BX7.2 Corpus Cavernosum (CC) showing blood vessel, blue arrows and medium sized -v. C Elastic fibres surrounding CC blood vessels, * wall of blood vessel, X160. D Nerve ganglia in CC, X40

Table 1. Elastic fibre volumetric density per square millimetre

Mean elastic Site of elastic fibre Minimum Maximum fibres volume 95% Confidence count count count density + SD Interval TA of CC at 12 4 25 14.13+8.08 7.37+20.88 O’clock TA of CC outer 4 13 7.13+3.09 4.54+9.71 longitudinal layer TA of CC inner 6 10 7.63+1.85 6.08+9.17 circular layer Inter- CC septum 6 13 9.75+2.32 7.81+11.69 TA of CS 3 26 15.38+7.07 9.46+21.29

CC 5 11 7.13+2.36 5.15+9.10 CS 26 61 39.88+12.15 29.72+50.03 TA Tunica Albuginea, CC Corpus cavernosum, CS Corpus Spongiosum, SD Standard Deviation

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Figure 4: A - CS Corpus spongiosum, TA Tunica Albuginea, note the less dense compact layer of TA; B Junction between CC (**) and TA, note the arrow pointing blood vessel; C TA of CS at 3 O’clock and CS TA, * in the lumen of blood vessels; D Sub-mucosal layer of the Ur-Urethral Epi-epithelium, note the elastic fibres attaching to the basal layer of Ur Epi, arrow.

At the area corresponding to the CC inter- highest density of elastic fibres was seen cavernosal septum, there were many around 12 O’clock which corresponds to blood vessels in the TA of the CS (Figure 4 the location of major penile blood vessels. A & B) and also at 9 and 3 O’clock There were no significant differences in locations, there are neurovascular elastic fibres density between the bundles, Figure 4, C. At the submucosa longitudinal and circular layer of TA of CC, area of the urethra epithelium, there were 7.13% versus 7.63%, p=0.654. The TA of elastic fibres, which seemed to be CS had a higher fibre density than the TA inserting into the basal layer of the of CC longitudinal and circular layers, epithelium (Figure 4 D). There are several 15.38% versus 7.63% and 7.13%, p = blood vessels within CS erectile tissue. In 0.011 and 0.017 respectively. There were close proximity of the urethra are para- no statistically significant differences in urethral glands, Figure 5. fibre density between TA of CS and TA of CC at 12 O’clock of TA of CC where elastic Table 1 shows the sites where elastic fibres covering the blood vessels merge fibres were counted, mean and their 95% with the outer layer of TA of CC, 15.38% Confidence interval. The counts were versus 14.13%, p=0.745. The mid-shaft variable which is reflected in the SDs of of the penis has the highest concentration the mean as well as wide confidence of elastic fibres in the CS. The density of interval of the means. The density of elastic fibres in CS is more than 5-times elastic fibre fibres varies by various location of the penis. In the TA of CC, the

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that found in the CC, 39.88% versus 7.13%, p<0.001.

Figure 5: A showing Tunica Albuginea where A is and * is in the paraurethral gland,X4; B Paraurethral glands with a lot of elastic fibres mostly longitudinal orientation, X5.6; C Higher magnification of B, X40; D Blood vessel in Corpus Spongiosum, X4. DISCUSSION

The penile fibrous skeleton can be divided fibrous covering of the CS. Finding from into two regions based on function: this study are similar to Junqueira and compliant zones (the majority of the Carneiro, 2003 illustration which shows structure) and non-compliant zones [the the CS is covered by connective tissue proximal crus and distal corpora/urethra similar to that of the dermis. Second, within the glans] (Hsu et al., 994). The Netter 2006 illustration refers TA of CC as findings presented are from the shaft of Buck’s fascia. These are minor anatomical the human penis, which corresponds to points but can confuse understanding of the compliant portion of the penile fibrous the histological organisation of the penis. skeleton. The typical organisation of the The TA of CC is a thick dense connective human penis was demonstrated in this tissue structure with outer longitudinal study. However, there are notable and inner circular layer as reported by Hsu observations made in the histological et al., 1994. Other than the elastic fibres organisation of human penis. In the atlas interspersed among the collagenous of human anatomy (Netter, 2006), the bundles, there is an outer circular layer transverse section of the penis shows that extending a short distance around 12 TA of CC is the same as that of CS, while O’clock, which merges with the elastic Young et al., 2006 does not show the fibres surrounding blood vessels. These

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fibres potentially can allow the location of suited to elongation of the urethra during the blood vessels to be maintained during tumescence and their recoil could facilitate tumescence by holding them to the transportation of the semen to urethral underlying tissues. If these fibres were opening at the glans penis. The circular longitudinal in orientation, the overlying elastic fibres inserting at the basal layer of blood vessels may sheer off during coital the urethra epithelium would keep the activity, which in turn would disrupt the urethra patent thus allowing ejaculation. arterio-venous communication between Park et al 1988 study suggested that the deep dorsal vein and the helicine elastic fibres are active in tissue arteries. There is a distinct circular layer of compliance. Elastic fibres are found mainly elastic fibres in close association with the in organs that change their shape under circular layer of TA of CC. From this layer, physiological conditions (Andre et al., there are elastic fibres septae, which 2012; Bastos et al., 2004, Huang et al., project into the erectile tissue of CC. 2007). The elastic fibres in the These elastic fibres may have a similar are characterized by function to those found at 12 O’clock. major extension qualities and elastic Within the walls of the CC erectile tissue, recoil, which make them suitable for the these fibres probably allow recoil of the proposed functions above in the human spaces after tumescence to normal state penis. while at the same time they tether the CC The disposition of collagen fibres and to the TA. elastic fibres in the TA of CC allows for In contrast to the CC, the CS does not penile elongation and return to flaccid seem to be encased in a tight tissue state. The inner layer of TA of the CC can compartment. There are wide spaces allow increase in penile girth by stretching between the connective tissue bands. The out while longitudinal fibres allow TA of CS seems to be similar in elongation of the penis. Since the elastic organisation to the dermis of the penis fibres in this layer parallel the collagen and does not exhibit dense collagenous fibres, they therefore can allow elongation bundles. The TA of CS does however and increase in girth but also assist return contain more elastic fibres than the rest of to un-erected state. During tumescence, penile skin dermis and the TA of CC. From the TA tension as well as the pressure the TA of the CS, there are connective within CC increases dramatically. This tissue septae rich in longitudinal elastic causes mechanical closure of the veins, fibres with few inner transverse fibres. which is also aided by chemicals. If the These elastic fibres surround the pressure is too much, the arteries might numerous blood vessels found in the CS also be occluded. Elastic fibres that would and also the para-urethra glands and keep them patent till critical pressures are extend to the sub-mucosa layer of the reached which would also result in urethra epithelium. These fine and occlusion of the arteries surround the numerous elastic fibres in the CS seem to vessels. Notable was the many elastic have a different function from those found fibres surrounding the vessels in TA of the in the CC. During penile tumescence, CC and the erectile tissue of the CC. there must be a balance between creating These fibres are postulated to be sufficient turgidity to allow penetration as important in maintaining these vessels well as maintaining the patency of the open during tumescence. urethra to allow ejaculation. The The stereology method used to quantify orientation of the elastic fibres in the CS, elastic fibres in the human penile shaft which is mainly longitudinal, seems most

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confirmed the visual appearance of higher collagen fibres in the TA of CC and elastic concentration of elastic fibres in the TA of fibres in the TA of the CS and in the the CS and erectile tissue of the CS. The erectile tissue of CS. The blood vessels are more than 5-fold higher concentration of also well covered by elastic fibres. There is elastic fibres in the CS reflects the fine an extensive elastic fibre meshwork in the control of the functions of the CS in basal layer of the urethra epithelium. The reproduction and passage of urine. Maia disposition of elastic fibres probably et al., 2006 also reported higher density of reflects the complex organisation of the elastic fibres in CS than in CC of rabbit penile shaft for function. Their penis. The above findings show s that the concentration around the sub-endothelial structural features found in the rabbit zone of the urethra suggests these fibres penis are also found in human penis mid- may have an important role in the shaft section. Elastic fibres may be a function of urethra both for ejaculation critical component of the penile connective and passage of urine. Electron microscopic tissue skeleton. Decrease in number and studies to elucidate the relationship of the concentration of elastic fibres has been elastic fibres and urethral epithelium will reported in patients with erectile be important as well as histochemical dysfunction [ED] (Costa et al., 2006; Liu studies to demonstrate the types of et al., 1993; Sattar et al 1994). found in the erectile tissue of the penis. There is also need to revisit the This study was limited by not knowing anatomical terminologies used in whether the individuals included may have illustration of transverse sections of had any form of erectile dysfunction. All human penis. the penile samples included were circumcised African men. The effect of Acknowledgements on penile shaft connective The Chairman, Department of Human tissue skeleton is known. The results of Anatomy for allowing the study to be this study therefore need to be interpreted conducted using Department research with these limitations in mind. materials, Dr Mwachaka for help with In conclusion, this study has shown that Image J and the technicians, Mr. Njogu the penile shaft of sampled Kenyan Kamwaro for photography and Mr. Jacob African men has an elaborate connective Gimongo for specimen harvesting. There tissue skeleton with predominance of is no conflict of interest to declare.


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