

Pelvic-support defects: a guide to and

Due to high postoperative failure rates, the traditional treatment for pelvic- with anterior and posterior colporrhaphy—is being replaced by procedures that target specific pelvic defects. Thus, a familiarity with pelvic-support mechanisms is crucial to determining corrective measures.

hildbirth, chronic coughing, heavy lift- that defect.4 Therefore, when site-specific ing, or just inherent connective-tissue examination uncovers a paravaginal defect, for Cweakness and aging—each of these can example, or demonstrates anal cause pathophysiologic changes in the muscu- sphincter disruption, a repair can be planned lar and fascial structures of the , that will include correcting those problems. possibly leading to pelvic-support defects Recently, pelvic reconstructive surgeons and, over time, pelvic-floor dysfunction. have focused on developing procedures that Patients with this condition may experience restore normal anatomy. Unfortunately, this discomfort, urinary or , or goal is not achieved in most reparative . operations. Instead, the most common opera- Traditionally, hysterectomy with anterior tions reduce vaginal volume, create resistance and posterior colporrhaphy has been the stan- to prolapse, or suspend an organ from a stable dard treatment for pelvic-organ prolapse. But anatomic site—thereby repairing the defect by due to this procedure’s high postoperative fail- creating a compensatory defect, rather than by ure rate,1-3 a new approach is beginning to recreating a normal pelvic anatomy. CONTINUED emerge. Lately, clinicians in the field of pelvic- KEY POINTS floor dysfunction have begun advocating spe- ■ The levator complex of muscles and the sur- cialized evaluation techniques—among rounding , vessels, and them, site-specific physical examinations, uro- are often referred to as the pelvic floor. dynamic testing, anal manometry, and anal sphincter ultrasound—to identify and meas- ■ Studies have shown damage to muscle bun- ure anatomic and physiologic pelvic-support dles of the levator and nerves of the pelvic defects. Once the physician has determined floor after , including atrophic and the specific cause of the patient’s dysfunction, degenerative muscle changes and slow - conduction velocities. he or she can then direct treatment toward

■ Dr. Julian is professor and director, division of gynecology, department ■ To maintain urinary continence, there must of OBG, at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics in either be an intrinsic urethral pressure greater Madison, Wis. than the pressure in the bladder or occlusion of the when intra-abdominal pressure

November 2002 • OBG MANAGEMENT 71 increases. Pelvic-support defects: a guide to anatomy and physiology

FIGURE 1 The pelvic musculature


These are transabdominal (A) and lateral (B) views of the pelvic floor demonstrating the pelvic musculature.

Reprinted with permission from American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Precis: Gynecology, Second Edition. Washington, DC, ©ACOG, 2001.

Beyond identifying patients with pelvic- or fascial coverings of the pelvic musculature. floor dysfunction, the clinician’s job is to The anterior connective tissue attachments, ascertain the defects causing the problem5 and inserting along the pubic , consist of the determine appropriate diagnostic and thera- pubo-urethral and endopelvic fas- peutic techniques. A familiarity with the cia. Laterally, the dense connective-tissue cov- anatomy of the is, of course, vital to this ering of the obturator muscle attaches to the process. In this article, I detail the anatomic inferior pubic ramus from behind the sym- and physiologic support mechanisms of the physis along the and, female pelvis, along with various conditions posteriorly, to the ischial spines. Posteriorly, leading to pelvic-organ prolapse. the lateral margins of the serve as the attachment for the cardinal-uterosacral liga- Anatomic support mechanisms ment complex.5 ince malpositioning of the pelvic organs is The muscles of the pelvic floor. The bony Sthe main contributor to uterine or vaginal structures fuse to the pelvic organs through a prolapse, special attention must be paid to the contiguous network of connective tissue that positioning and support of the urethra, blad- surrounds the obturator and levator muscles. der, , , and . These The obturator muscle is in contact with the organs are held in place by an interactive net- lateral pelvic wall. The bowl-shaped levator work of , connective tissues, muscles, muscle is joined to the obturator muscle at the vessels, and adventitial sheaths, all of which arcus tendineus —or “white line”—of create normal pelvic-organ support. the pelvis and consists of 3 parts: iliococ- The bony pelvis. This structure serves as the cygeus, pubococcygeus, and puborectalis. anchoring site for the dense connective tissue Within the levator muscle sit the urethra, CONTINUED

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bladder base, vaginal tube, and anorectum. The levator complex of muscles and the sur- rounding connective tissue, vessels, and nerves are often referred to as the pelvic floor (FIGURE 1).2,5 Connective tissue of the pelvis. These organs are surrounded by what has tradition- ally been called endopelvic fascia (FIGURE 2). For more than 50 years, experts have debated whether this tissue is truly fascia.6-8 Histologically, it is largely , , and . More recently, it was suggested this be called fibromuscular connec- tive tissue.5 It serves as a surrounding connec- tive tissue, anchoring the pelvic organs to the muscles, and the muscles to the bony pelvis. Through these tissues traverse the nerves and blood vessels that add support to the tissue and keep it vital.6-8 The urethra, vagina, and open onto the and perineum by passing through a breach in the levator muscle collec- tively called the genital hiatus. A unifying theory of the anatomic vaginal support. According to DeLancey, the normal anatomic of the distal vagina in the standing female is a vertical ascent of 1 to 3 cm.9 From the midvagina to the vaginal apex, the axis of the vagina is more horizontal, forming an approximately 120˚ angle. The connective-tissue attachment of the urethra to the pubic bone and laterally to the levator muscle supports the distal vagina (DeLancey Level III). The midvagina is sup- ported by the connective-tissue sheath that surrounds it and its lateral connective-tissue attachments to the levator muscle (DeLancey Level II). The vaginal apex and (DeLancey Level I) are held by the surround- ing endopelvic connective tissue—mainly the thickened lateral and posterior portions referred to as the cardinal and uterosacral lig- aments (FIGURE 3).9

Physiologic support mechanisms n addition to the anatomic components of Ifemale pelvic-organ support, there are physi- CONTINUED

November 2002 • OBG MANAGEMENT 75 Pelvic-support defects: a guide to anatomy and physiology

FIGURE 2 Pelvic connective-tissue network

Urethral attachments


The heavy black lines in these lateral (A) and coronal (B) views represent the pelvic connective-tissue network known as endopelvic fascia. It demonstrates the continuity of the pelvic connective tissue as it surrounds the pelvic organs and ultimately attaches to the pelvic sidewall.

Reprinted with permission from American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Precis: Gynecology, Second Edition. Washington, DC, ©ACOG, 2001.

ologic mechanisms that help maintain the organs to descend through the natural open- positioning and functioning of pelvic organs. ings in the pelvic floor (genital hiatus). The The muscles, vessels, and nerves of the pelvic resulting descent of the uterus and vagina is floor function interactively as a compression what we refer to as pelvic organ prolapse. The mechanism in a manner similar to a valve, genital hiatus also may be widened secondary maintaining positioning of the viscera. The to the trauma of childbirth.5,9,10 resting tone of the pelvic floor provides a valve- like closure surrounding the urethra, vagina, Causes of pelvic-support defects and . This mechanism helps to close the Childbirth. Damage to the levator muscle genital hiatus, thereby preventing descent of during childbirth has been associated with the the uterus, vagina, and adjacent structures.10 beginning of pelvic-organ dysfunction, either The pelvic axis. The connective-tissue sup- as noticeable descent of the pelvic viscera, or ports of the vagina anchor it to the pelvic bladder or bowel incontinence. Studies have and hold the vagina in the previous- shown damage to the muscle bundles of the ly described semihorizontal axis. When this levator and to nerves of the pelvic floor after axis is maintained, increased abdominal pres- childbirth, including atrophic and degenera- sure pushes the vaginal tube into the hollow tive muscle changes and slowed nerve-con- of the sacrum, maintaining an intra-abdomi- duction velocities.10,11 While there is some evi- nal position (FIGURE 4).5,10 dence of muscle and nerve recovery, these When the connective-tissue supports of postnatal findings of injury have been gener- the vagina and uterus are broken, the pelvic alized to populations at increased risk for organs align in a more vertical axis. Increased pelvic-organ prolapse and fecal and urinary intra-abdominal pressure causes the pelvic incontinence,12,13 especially multigravid

76 OBG MANAGEMENT • November 2002 and by patients with hereditary hyperelastosis FIGURE 3 syndromes.15,16 Anatomic and physiologic and pelvic-floor dysfunction. The support mechanisms theory that estrogen helps maintain the qual- ity of connective tissue stems from the obser- vation that and pelvic- II I organ prolapse seem to begin around the time III of . While estrogen may indeed play a role, no prospective study has shown that estrogen replacement has a significant effect on urinary or fecal incontinence.17-19 Nor have any parallels been found in young women who have experienced surgical , chemotherapy, or premature ovarian failure.

Maintaining continence Urinary continence. To maintain conti-

This demonstrates the levels of support nence, there must be either an intrinsic ure- described by DeLancey. Level I shows connec- thral pressure greater than the pressure in the tive-tissue fibers extending both cephalad and bladder or occlusion of the urethra when dorsally toward the sacrum. Level II shows the intra-abdominal pressure increases. lateral attachment to the arcus tendineus fascia CONTINUED of the pelvis. Level III shows the lateral attach- ment and anterior attachment of connective tis- FIGURE 4 sue to the lateral arcus tendineus fascia and pos- Connective-tissue supports terior pubic .

Reprinted with permission from DeLancey JO. Anatomic aspects of vaginal eversion after hysterectomy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1992;166:1717-1728.

Superior patients and patients with disruption of the Strait anal sphincter.

Abdominal Age. Aging also has been shown to decrease Pressure the functioning of the pelvic-floor muscles. The microscopic findings here are similar to those after childbirth, demonstrating both a Strait Uterus Levator Plate loss of muscle substance and degeneration of the nerve supply. In addition, there appears to Genital Hiatus be atrophy of the remaining musculature.14 This figure demonstrates how the uterus is held Collagen in the pelvis. In addition to an over the levator plate. In this position, increases age-related loss of the endopelvic fascia, there in intra-abdominal pressure push the uterus cau- also may be inherited differences in the ratio dally into the levator plate rather than through of collagen types and in the quality of the col- the genital hiatus. lagen ground substance. This is best exempli- Reprinted with permission from the American College of Obstetricians and fied by nulliparous patients who demonstrate Gynecologists ( and Gynecology, 1960, Volume 15, pages 711-726) pelvic-organ prolapse or

November 2002 • OBG MANAGEMENT 77 Pelvic-support defects: a guide to anatomy and physiology

When the anatomy of the pelvis FIGURE 5 is intact, the proximal urethra and Perineal membrane and urethra bladder base are held above the per- ineal membrane (FIGURE 5). Some experts believe that an intra-abdom- inal urethral position at or above the perineal membrane, within the so- called continence zone, maintains Vagina female continence. This is because increases in intra-abdominal pres- sure are equally transmitted to the urethra and bladder, when the prox- imal urethra remains in the conti- Levator plate nence zone; the intrinsically higher urethral pressure maintains closure Perineal membrane without leakage of .20 The hammock theory of urinary When the anatomy of the pelvis is intact, the proximal incontinence, meanwhile, proposes urethra and bladder base are held above the perineal that the midurethra is held closed by membrane. This intra-abdominal position (at or above the suburethral support. Increases in perineal membrane) keeps the urethra within the intra-abdominal pressure push the continence zone. urethra down onto these supporting tissues and functionally obstruct the Reprinted with permission from American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Precis: Gynecology, Second Edition. Washington, DC, ©ACOG, 2001. urethra to maintain continence.21 As long as there is adequate support below the urethra, this theory holds, continence is maintained. Both mecha- continuous involuntary tone. The external nisms—intra-abdominal urethral positioning sphincter is composed of a triple-loop system. and suburethral support—may contribute to The top loop is the puborectalis portion of the urinary continence. muscle. It encircles the rectal , Continence also is maintained neurolog- suspends the forward toward the ically, by learned cortical mechanisms and symphysis pubis at a near right angle, and conditioned reflexes that inhibit bladder emp- maintains continence by closing the rectal tying under social controls, and by neurologic inlet. The intermediate loop of the external coordination of local reflexes that allow the sphincter pulls in the opposite direction. It urethra to relax and the bladder to originates at the as a , encircles contract when we voluntarily void. Similar the middle segment of the anal canal, and mechanisms govern , requiring the inserts on the coccyx. The base loop is same cortical and locally reflexive learned the smallest and lies beneath the anal mucosa, behaviors.22,23 encircling the anus. It is most commonly Rectal continence. The sphincter mecha- referred to as the anal sphincter. nism of the anal canal consists of 2 separate The levator plate is attached to the poste- anatomic structures: the internal and external rior rectum by the hiatal , an exten- sphincters. sion of the endopelvic fascia. The hiatal liga- The internal sphincter is involuntary ment, by contraction or relaxation of the leva- smooth muscle in the rectal wall. It provides tor plate, provides the mechanism by which CONTINUED

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