The Fore Language of Papua New Guinea
PACIFIC LINGUISTICS Se�ie� B - No. 47 THE FORE LANGUAGE OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA by Graham Scott Department of Linguistics Research School of Pacific Studies THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Scott, G. The Fore language of Papua New Guinea. B-47, xvi + 225 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1978. DOI:10.15144/PL-B47.cover ©1978 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A initiative. r PACIFIC LINGUISTICS is published through the Lingu��tic Ci�cle 06 Canb e��a and consists of four series: SERIES A - OCCASIONA L PAPERS SERIES B - MONOGRAPHS SERIES C - BOOKS SERIES V - SPECIAL PUB LICATIONS EDITOR: S.A. Wurm. ASSOCIATE EDITORS: D.C. Laycock, C.L. Voorhoeve, D.T. Tryon, T.E. Dutton. EDITORIAL ADVISERS: B. Bender, University of Hawaii N.D. Liem, University of Hawaii D. Bradley, Australian National J. Lynch, University of Papua University New Guinea A. Capell, University of Sydney K.A. McElhanon, University of S. Elbert, University of Hawaii Texas K. Franklin, Summer Institute of H. McKaughan, University of Hawaii Linguistics P. MUhlh�usler, Technische W.W. Glover, Summer Institute of Universit�t Berlin Linguis tics G.N. O'Grady, University of G. Grace, University of Hawaii Victoria, B.C. M.A.K. Halliday, University of K. Pike, University of Michigan; Sydney Summer Institute of Linguistics A. Healey, Summer Institute of E.C. Polome, University of Texas Linguistics E. Uhlenbeck, University of Leiden L. Hercus, Australian National J.W.M. Verhaar, University of University Indonesia, Jakarta ALL CORRESPONDENCE concerning PA CIFIC LINGUIS TICS, including orders and subscriptions, should be addressed to: The Secretary, PACIFIC LINGUIS TICS, Department of Linguistics , School of Pacific Studies , The Australian National University , Box 4, P.O., Canberra , A.C.T.
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