Curriculum Map - English Language Arts - Literature - American - 11th Grade (3rd Ed.)

Biblical Integration Instructional Unit Unit Objectives Unit Topics/Concepts Unit Resources Concepts Strategies Quarter 1 Chapter 1: Students will: Literature of Settlement 1. Student Text pp. 6-53 Evaluate: 1. Have students share Literature of 1. Apply background 1. The Iroquois Confederacy 2. Teacher Text pp. xxxii-53 1. Myth versus the Bible experiences of past Settlement knowledge of early 1. from How the World 3. Chapter 1 PowerPoint 2. Worldview and bias journeys or trips to American literature to Began 4. Chapter 1 Art 3. Divine Providence motivate and connect (updated 5/17/19) understand works from 2. from The Constitution 5. Chapter 1 Video 4. Law and liberty students to the journey precolonial time until of the Five Nations 1. Development of the 5. God's sovereignty through American 1820 (The Iroquois English Language Shape Worldview: literature. 2. Identify contributions of Constitution) 2. Internet - The Secret 1. Contrast of Ancient One's 2. Do a walk-through Puritan writers to early 3. Arthur C. Parker Agent Principle jealousy versus God's through the text prior to American literature 2. John Smith 3. Internet Precautions infallibility and holiness, reading assignments 3. Differentiate plain and 1. from The General 4. Introduction to the thinking biblically about the 3. Post unfamiliar ornate styles History of Virginia, Writing Process original paradise, biblical view vocabulary words within 4. Apply background , and the 5. John 1:1 in Various of earth not as our mother but the classroom knowledge of the Summer Isles Languages as a resource to use 4. Help students synthesize settlement of the 2. from A Description of 6. Weblinks responsibly, viewing the curse information colonies to understand New England 1. Signers of the in light of God's redemptive plan 5. Point out the abundant early American literature 3. William Bradford Constitution 2. God's moral law written in use of metaphor and 5. Apply background 1. from Of Plymouth 2. "Mystery of Roanoke" hearts classical allusion and knowledge of the Plantation 3. "We Finally Have Clues 3. The power of Scripture to heal quotation Iroquois Confederacy to 4. John Winthrop to How America's Lost and soothe griefs and fears, 6. Focus on the three understand Native 1. from Journal Colony Vanished" Bradford's motivation to instructional strands: American literature 2. from A Model of 4. The Hero's Journey persuade the younger Analyze, Read, and 6. Identify characteristics Christian Charity 5. "Hero's Journey" generation to remain faithful to Evaluate of the oral tradition and 5. Mary Rowlandson 6. Archetypes the God of their fathers, 7. Practice oral tradition by of the creation myth 1. from A Narrative of the 7. Iroquois Confederacy contrasting the Pilgrims' and modeling in class genres Captivity and Influences U.S. Puritans' approaches to 8. Use synonyms to aid 7. Analyze a myth for its Restoration of Mrs. Constitution government comprehension of archetypes Mary Rowlandson 8. Benjamin Franklin's 4. Biblical evaluation of husband's vocabulary words 8. Infer Iroquois cultural Letter to James Parker, treatment of his wife 9. Have students underline beliefs and influences 1751 5. Balancing Rowlandson's and circle Greek and throughout both texts 9. 1744 Treaty with Six perspective on Native American Latin roots before reading to deepen Nations at Lancaster attacks with settlers' lack of through the text comprehension 10. "Iroquois and the mercy and charity 10. Enlarge Visuals and have 9. Defend the Scriptures Founding Fathers" 6. Complexity of God's purpose in small groups describe the against the claim that 11. Constitution of the war background image and its they are myth Iroquois Confederacy importance 10. Apply author 12. "Comparing 11. Use compare-contrast background knowledge Constitutions" graphic organizers to understand a text 13. Iroquois Democracy and 12. Create a word wall and 11. Analyze point of view in the U.S. Constitution display in classroom writing to determine 14. Massachusetts Court 13. Display different types of whether first-person or Records maps around the third-person point of 15. Captain John Smith's classroom view is being used Virginia Map 14. Large classroom 12. Determine an author's 16. John Smith Map Analysis discussions tone, purpose, and 17. Captain John Smith Video 15. Small group discussions audience 18. Bradford Biography and 16. Partner work - Think and 13. Analyze persuasive Video Links Discuss Questions appeals in writing 19. Branches of Government 14. Evaluate an author's 20. On Liberty worldview and bias 21. General Court

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15. Identify the Scriptures 22. A Model of Christian as authoritative Charity 16. Identify the 23. "Two Hostages Die in characteristics of Attempted Rescue in Puritan plain style Mindanao" 17. Interpret the theme of a 24. Martin and Grace text Burnham: Missionary 18. Analyze an author's Story writing style 25. Pequot War 19. Analyze an author's use 26. King Philip's War of allusion and classify 27. The History of each allusion as either Redemption Rock biblical or classical 28. Mary Rowlandson 20. Summarize passages of biography text to aid 29. "Introduction to The comprehension Duston Family" 21. Evaluate an author's 30. Hannah Duston: Heroine perspective on the or Villain? theme of divine 31. Captivity Narrative Title providence Page 22. Analyze an author's use 32. Captivity Narrative Title of types and typology Page 2 23. Analyze an author's 7. Think and Discuss Answers writing style and pp. 17-18, 22, 29-30, 37-38, purpose 45, 52 24. Examine the 8. Themes in American Culture argumentative Answer - p. 30 structure of a text, 9. Teaching Helps 1A-1U including claims, 10. Supplemental Texts 1A-1G counterclaims, proofs, 11. Chapter 1 Review Answers - and conclusions pp. R1-R3 25. Evaluate Winthrop's 12. Chapter 1 Test view of liberty and compare it with the modern American definition 26. Identify characteristics of the captivity narrative 27. Analyze the sequence of event in a narrative 28. Determine the theme and didactic purpose of a text 29. Determine the author's tone and analyze its relationship to the author's diction 30. Evaluate an author's language for bias 31. Evaluate an author's personal perspective from a biblical worldview

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Chapter 2: Students will: Literature of Religious 1. Student Text pp. 54-97 Evaluate: 1. Motivate students to Literature of 1. Discern between Experience 2. Teacher Text pp. 54-97 1. View of Native Americans engage in the reading by Religious erroneous and accurate 1. Roger Williams/The Bay 3. Chapter 2 PowerPoint 2. The human dimension making a list of what Experience views of Puritanism Psalm Book 4. Chapter 2 Art 3. Worldview and aesthetics students think when they 2. Identify some of the 1. from A Key into the 5. Chapter 2 Test Key 4. The sinner's plight hear the word Puritan (updated 5/17/19) basic beliefs of Language of America 6. Chapter 2 Video 5. Race and religion 2. Build a background by Puritanism 2. Psalm 23 from The Bay 1. History vs. Literature Shape Worldview: comparing the Church of 3. Apply author Psalm Book 2. Reading from 1. Perpetuating spiritual error England's view of divine background knowledge 2. Anne Bradstreet "Contemplations" 2. Puritans' view of spousal love revelation with the to understand a text 1. The Author to Her Book 3. Reading from "Sinners in patterned upon Christ's love for Puritans' 4. Analyze the meter of a 2. from Contemplations the Hands of an Angry the church, correcting one's 3. Have students pull ideas poem, describing it in 3. Here Follows Some God" own biblical thinking from the biography of terms of its dominant Verses upon the 7. Weblinks 3. Good religious poetry helps Roger Williams that may poetic foot and the Burning of Our House 1. Roger Williams believers grapple with and have been threatening to number of feet per line 4. To My Dear and Loving 2. The Bay Psalm Book resolve internal conflict both the mission and his 5. Define common meter Husband 3. All People That on Earth 4. Necessity of heart knowledge existence and analyze its use in 3. Edward Taylor Do Dwell for genuine belief 4. Compare Roger Williams poetry 1. Meditation 6 (First 4. "Anne Bradstreet: 5. Personal failings affecting to controversial figures 6. Analyze figurative Series) America's First Poet" others' acceptance of the gospel today language in poetry 2. Huswifery 5. "The Search for Anne 5. Apply the Analyze, Read, 7. Interpret a poem's 3. from God's Bradstreet in Essex and Evaluate strategy themes Determinations: The County, MA" 6. Have students practice 8. Evaluate an author's Preface 6. "Anne Bradstreet: A fitting the Psalms to worldview and contrast 4. Upon a Spider Brief Biography" different tunes for meter it with Puritan teaching Catching a Fly 7. "In Reference to Her and rhyme 9. Analyze figurative 4. Jonathan Edwards Children, 23 June, 1659" 7. Read and analyze poems language in poetry, 1. from Sinners in the 8. Bradstreet's Works out loud including metaphor, Hands of an Angry God 9. "Who Bowled The Sun?" 8. Play various recordings of simile, personification, 5. Two Responses to Religion 10. "The Auction" different hymns and apostrophe 1. Samson Occom - A 11. Parts of Spinning Wheel 9. Have students color code 10. Paraphrase lines of Short Narrative of My 12. The First Great the different parts of each poetry to improve Life Awakening poem comprehension 2. Red Jacket - The Great 13. Jonathan Edwards Center 10. Listen to audio of poems 11. Determine a poem's Spirit Has Made Us All 14. Sinners in the Hands of to hear meter theme an Angry God 12. Evaluate a poem's 15. Samson Occom ability to communicate 16. "Revisiting Red Jacket, effectively by alias Cow Killer" comparing it to another 8. Think and Discuss Answers poem pp. 60, 68-69, 75, 13. Evaluate the 85-86, 92-93, 96 stereotypical view of 9. Themes in American Culture Puritans with evidence Answer - pp. 60, 97 of the human dimension 10. Writing Lesson 1: Narrative in Puritan poetry Essay - pp. W1-W2 14. Identify the 11. Teaching Helps 2A-2Q characteristics of 12. Supplemental Texts 2A-2C metaphysical poetry 13. Chapter 2 Review Answers - 15. Analyze metaphysical pp. R4-R6 poetry for its use of 14. Chapter 2 Test conceit, metaphor, and paradox 16. Analyze a poem for its allusions and their relationship to the poem's theme 17. Determine the theme of a metaphysical poem Page 3 of 24 Curriculum Map - English Language Arts - Literature - American - 11th Grade (3rd Ed.)

a metaphysical poem 18. Examine a poem's stanza form and meter and explain how these support the poem's subject matter and progression of ideas 19. Evaluate the aesthetic worth of a poem 20. Create a poem that uses a conceit 21. Analyze the imagery in a sermon and explain how it communicates the author's message 22. Determine the purpose and theme of a sermon 23. Examine a sermon's structure 24. Evaluate the effectiveness of a sermon's organization and imagery 25. Evaluate an author's ideas from a biblical worldview 26. Define autobiography and identify its features in a text 27. Analyze repetition, parallelism, and rhetorical question in a text 28. Determine an author's purpose in a text 29. Explain how the author's choice of content and structure supports his purpose 30. Compare the oral style of a persuasive speech to the style of a written argument 31. Determine the theme of a text 32. Evaluate an author's worldview and detect any bias in his writing 33. Evaluate the effectiveness of an author's arguments

Chapter 3: Students will: Literature of Revolution 1. Student Text pp. 98-139 Evaluate: 1. Give a pre-unit quiz to Literature of 1. Summarize the basic 1. Benjamin Franklin 2. Teacher Text pp. 98-139 1. Moral example assess student knowledge Revolution tenets of deism 1. from The 3. Chapter 3 PowerPoint 2. Authority versus liberty before reading 2. Apply author Autobiography 4. Chapter 3 Art 3. Discernment in reading 2. During reading have (updated 5/17/19) background knowledge 2. Patrick Henry 5. Chapter 3 Test Key 4. True freedom students find main ideas to understand a text 1. Give Me Liberty, or 6. Chapter 3 Video Shape Worldview: in the paragraphs and Page 4 of 24 Curriculum Map - English Language Arts - Literature - American - 11th Grade (3rd Ed.)

to understand a text 1. Give Me Liberty, or 6. Chapter 3 Video Shape Worldview: in the paragraphs and 3. Analyze Give Me Death! 1. Essay Review: Benjamin 1. Divine wisdom superior to define relationships characterization in a 3. Thomas Paine Franklin and the Shift conventional wisdom, the harm between the paragraphs text 1. from The Crisis, No. 1 from Puritanism of Franklin's immoral example, 3. Ask students to evaluate 4. Connect a text to its 2. from The Age of 2. History vs. Literature biblical evaluation of the different cultural context Reason 7. Weblinks American Dream, biblical quotations' validity 5. Evaluate an author's 4. Thomas Jefferson 1. Benjamin Franklin evaluation and clarification of 4. Display maxims from an worldview and morality 1. from Autobiography 2. 11 Surprising Facts "doing good to man," biblical essay by Franklin entitled from a biblical 5. Phillis Wheatley About Benjamin Franklin evaluation of Franklin's plan for "The Way to Wealth" perspective 1. To the University of 3. The Resolutions of moral perfection, discernment 5. Implement the Analyze, 6. Apply author Cambridge in Jonathan Edwards of Franklin's religious views Read, and Evaluate format background knowledge New-England 4. Benjamin Franklin's 2. Use of name-calling unbiblical 6. Have students define to understand a speech 2. On Being Brought from Virtues 3. Biblical evaluation of the major different measures of 7. Analyze a speech for Africa to America 5. Lesson Plan for premise of the Declaration of success the following rhetorical Franklin's "Project for Independence 7. Read aloud vocabulary figures: parallelism, Moral Perfection" words and their definitions antithesis, rhetorical 6. Benjamin Franklin 8. Relate vocabulary words question, and allusion 7. Benjamin Franklin: In His to familiar words 8. Determine the effects Own Words 9. Emphasize the definition created in the text by 8. Give Me Liberty, or Give of cultural context, and rhetorical figures Me Death! guide and model as you 9. Practice fluent oral 9. Patrick Henry's read through the text reading, giving Resolutions attention to speed, 10. Liberty! The American rhythm, and flexibility Revolution while reading 11. The American Revolution 10. Compare two authors' 12. Thomas Paine views of liberty and 13. Thomas Paine National authority Historical Association 11. Evaluate an author's 14. The National Archives worldview from a Museum biblical perspective 15. Rotunda for the 12. Analyze a text for its Charters of Freedom use of propaganda, 16. The Stylistic Artistry of including name calling, the Declaration of glittering generalities, Independence testimonial, transfer, 17. John Locke Political bandwagon, plain folks, Philosophy and card stacking 18. Locke's Political 13. Determine an author's Philosophy perspective on religion 19. How Does Government and contrast differing Secure Natural Rights? perspectives in two texts 20. John Locke: Natural 14. Distinguish legitimate Rights to Life, Liberty, persuasion from and Property propaganda to cultivate 21. John Locke's Theories discernment in reading Put into Practice 15. Analyze a text for its 22. Review of Phillis use of deduction and Wheatley: Biography of for its syllogistic form a Genius in Bondage 16. Analyze anaphora in a 23. Slaves Waiting for Sale: text Richmond Virginia (1861) 17. Analyze the structure of 24. Eyre Crowe's Image of a text the Slave Trade 18. Compare two versions 25. "Letter to Reverend of text and make Samson Occom" inferences about an 26. "A Funeral Poem on the author's beliefs based Death of C. E. and Infant

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on word choice of Twelve Months" 19. Apply author 27. Focus on Phillis Wheatley background knowledge 28. Jupiter Hammon's Poem to understand poetry to Phillis Wheatley 20. Identify key 29. A Discussion of Slavery characteristics of 30. Is Slavery Christian? neoclassical writing, 8. Think and Discuss Answers including its emphasis pp. 109-111, 115-116, 125, on didacticism, and 133, 138-139 analyze their use in 9. Themes in American Culture poetry Answer - pp. 111, 139 21. Analyze the meter and 10. Teaching Helps 3A-3O rhyme scheme of poetry 11. Supplemental Texts 3A-3E 22. Determine whether a 12. Movie or documentary of poem is written in Revolutionary War heroic couplets or blank 13. Current and dated verse advertisements illustrating 23. Examine an author's propaganda perspective and the 14. Pictures of National diction used to Archives and of its Rotunda communicate the for the Charters of Freedom perspective 15. Chapter 3 Review Answers - 24. Evaluate an author's pp. R7-R9 ideas on slavery and 16. Chapter 3 Test freedom from a biblical worldview

Biblical Integration Instructional Unit Unit Objectives Unit Topics/Concepts Unit Resources Concepts Strategies Quarter 2 Chapter 4: Students will: Minor Romantics 1. Student Text pp. 140-193 Evaluate: 1. Utilize mapping software Minor 1. Explain why scholars 1. Washington Irving 2. Teacher Text pp. 140-193 1. Racial and cultural differences to motivate students Romantics have chosen 1820-65 1. Rip Van Winkle 3. Chapter 4 PowerPoint 2. Nature as teacher before reading as the dates for 2. James Fenimore Cooper 4. Chapter 4 Art 3. The brevity of life 2. Instruct students to (updated 5/17/19) American romanticism 1. from The Deerslayer 5. Chapter 4 Test Key 4. Inner light monitor their 2. List the six major 3. William Cullen Bryant 6. Chapter 4 Video 5. Spiritual self-improvement comprehension by using romantic authors and 1. Thanatopsis 1. A Cutting from "Rip Van Shape Worldview: familiar symbols to explain why each is 2. To a Waterfowl Winkle" 1. Biblical evaluation of romantic indicate their level of significant 4. Henry Wadsworth 2. Essay Review: The New emphases understanding 3. Explain how national Longfellow England School Poets - 2. Christ, the best source of 3. Distribute Teaching Help tensions fueled and 1. A Psalm of Life Were They Biblical? escape from life's pressures; Pages undermined national 2. Mezzo Cammin 3. Essay Review: description of Rip's farm 4. Lead students into group optimism 5. John Greenleaf Whittier Washington Irving's "Rip attesting to truth of Scripture discussion using pointed 4. Define the four main 1. Ichabod Van Winkle" 3. Proper motivations questions romantic emphases and 2. First-Day Thoughts 4. History vs. Literature, undergirding the golden rule 5. Have students distinguish distinguish them from 6. James Russell Lowell Part 1 4. Evaluating the eternal value of the first three romantic the key characteristics 1. from A Fable for Critics 5. History vs. Literature, one's work emphases using a graphic of rationalism and 2. The Courtin' Part 2 organizer Puritanism 7. Oliver Wendell Holmes 6. Mark Twain Criticizes 6. Compare and contrast 5. Identify the 1. Old Ironsides James Fenimore Cooper literary renaissance text contributions made to 2. The Chambered 7. Old Ironsides with biblical text the development of the Nautilus 8. The Courtin' 7. Utilized Visual Analysis short story and novel 7. Weblinks techniques genres 1. "The Book that Changed 8. Enrich the reading 6. Evaluate Unitarianism the World" experiments by having

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and transcendentalism 2. "Charles Darwin's students research and from a biblical Theory of Evolution and report on one of the perspective and assess the Intellectual Ferment major technological their impact on of the Mid- and advancements of the American culture Late-Victorian Periods" period 7. Describe how 3. "The Influence of Darwin Darwinism and the Civil on Literature" War undermined 4. "Darwinism in Literature" romantic optimism 5. American Romanticism 8. Distinguish the in Art Knickerbockers from 6. Kindred Spirits the New England School 7. The Catskill Mountains and identify the group 8. Catskills to which each author 9. The Hudson River School belongs 10. Thomas Cole National 9. Explain factors Historic Site contributing to 11. Explore Thomas Cole the emergence of a 12. The Clove, Catskills distinctive American 13. Falls of the Kaaterskill literature 14. The Sketch Book 10. Determine whether 15. "The Legend of Sleepy characters in a short Hollow" story are round or flat 16. Sunnyside, Tarrytown, and sympathetic or NY unsympathetic 17. Washington Irving's 11. Trace four emphases of Sunnyside literary romanticism 18. Rip Van Winkle throughout a short story Illustrations 12. Identify some of the 19. Rip Van Winkle distinctly American 20. N. C. Wyeth biography characteristics in a 21. N. C. Wyeth biography short story by National Museum of 13. Evaluate an author's American Illustration characterization from a 22. The Great American biblical worldview West 14. Apply author 23. The American West background knowledge 24. Lewis and Clark: Great to understand a text Journey West 15. Identify key 25. Lewis and Clark characteristics of the Expedition romance novel and of 26. James Fenimore Cooper the romantic hero, and 27. Writings of James analyze their use in a Fenimore Cooper text 28. Fenimore Cooper's 16. Recognize one of the Literary Offenses legendary heroes of 29. William Cullen Bryant American literature 30. Henry Wadsworth 17. Make predictions about Longfellow biography what is going to happen 31. Henry Wadsworth in a story based on Longfellow website evidence from the text 32. Funeral March 18. Evaluate a character's 33. Frederic Chopin's perspective on race Funeral March from a biblical 34. Dona Nobis Pacem: worldview Dirge for Two Veterans 19. Apply author 35. Compromise of 1850: background knowledge Primary Documents to understand a poem 36. Compromise of 1850 Page 7 of 24 Curriculum Map - English Language Arts - Literature - American - 11th Grade (3rd Ed.)

20. Analyze emjambment 37. Speech Costs Senator and caesura in a poem His Seat 21. Determine the meter 38. "When Malindy Sings" and rhyme scheme of a 39. A Modest Proposal poem 40. "The Courtin'" scans 22. Analyze apostrophe and 41. "The Courtin'" audio symbol in a poem recording 23. Discern shifts in tone in 42. What is a heliotype? a poem and determine 43. Winslow Homer how those relate to the 44. A Fable for Critics poem's structure 45. "Praise Song for the 24. Evaluate the romantic Day" video concept of "nature as 46. "Praise Song for the teacher" from a biblical Day" text perspective 47. USS Constitution 25. Evaluate a poem's 48. USS Constitution theme from a biblical Museum perspective 8. Think and Discuss Answers 26. Analyze dirge and pp. 161-162, 170-171, biblical allusion in a 176-177, 180-181, 183-184, poem 188, 192-193 27. Connect an author's 9. Themes in American Culture background to the Answer - pp. 162, 177 purpose and content of 10. Writing Lesson 2 - his writing Persuasive Essay - W3-W4 28. Evaluate the Quaker 11. Teaching Helps 4A-4M doctrine of the inner 12. Supplemental Texts 4A-E light in a poem 13. Writing Rubric 2 29. Define satire and 14. Writing Worksheets 2A-2B differentiate its two 15. Pictures of the Catskill forms: Horatian and Mountains Juvenalian 16. A video clip of the American 30. Analyze a poem's use of western frontier satire to determine its 17. A video clip of Elizabeth purpose or form Alexander reading "Praise 31. Decode dialect in a Song for the Day" poem 18. Chapter 4 Review Answers - 32. Evaluate the pp. R10-R11 effectiveness of humor 19. Chapter 4 Test in a poem 33. Define occasional verse 34. Analyze verbal irony in a poem and explain its purpose 35. Analyze conceit in a poem 36. Analyze and outline a poem's structure and content 37. Infer a poem's tone from its structure and content 38. Evaluate an author's view of human spirituality from a biblical perspective

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Chapter 5: Students will: Major Romantics 1. Student Text pp. 194-281 Evaluate: 1. Have students explain Major 1. Describe the 1. Ralph Waldo Emerson 2. Teacher Text pp. 194-281 1. Transcendentalism how Edgar Allan Poe, Romantics philosophical 1. from Nature 3. Chapter 5 PowerPoint 2. Applications of self-reliance Nathaniel Hawthorne, and background and 2. from Self-Reliance 4. Chapter 5 Art 3. The self as divine Herman Melville criticized (updated 5/17/19) primary tenets of 2. Henry David Thoreau 5. Chapter 5 Test Key 4. Pessimistic view of man's nature the transcendentalistic transcendentalism 1. from Civil Disobedience 6. Chapter 5 Video 5. View of God and man movement 2. Distinguish 2. from Walden 1. Essay Review: The 6. Man's responsibility fo man and 2. Organize writers based transcendental 3. Walt Whitman Narrator in "Bartleby the determinism on the two branches of optimists from 1. from Song of Myself Scrivener" Shape Worldview: transcendentalism transcendental 2. I Hear America Singing 2. Essay Review: Thoreau's 1. Interrogating 3. Compare and contrast pessimists 3. A Noiseless Patient Use of Figurative transcendentalists' German idealism 3. Apply author Spider Language assumptions and responding and Neoplatonism background knowledge 4. O Captain! My Captain! 3. Excerpts from "Bartleby biblically, Scripture's denial of 4. Display the time found on to understand a text 4. Edgar Allan Poe the Scrivener" Emerson's optimistic vision of page 194 of student text 4. Analyze transcendental 1. The Raven 4. History vs. Literature, the future, unbiblical view of 5. Discuss the vocabulary ideas in a text 2. Annabel Lee Part 1 children as exemplars of found on p. 197 5. Explain the 3. The Cask of 5. History vs. Literature, innocence, Emerson's moral 6. Identify Latin prefixes characteristics of an Amontillado Part 2 relativism answered, Emerson's 7. Differentiate instruction author's prose style 5. Nathaniel Hawthorne 6. Reading of "The Raven" argument for the reliability of by assigning different 6. Evaluate 1. The Minister's Black 7. Weblinks intuition challenged texts to outline transcendentalism from Veil: A Parable 1. Transcendentalist 2. The insufficiency of nature 8. Lead a group discussion a biblical perspective 6. Herman Melville Writers alone to convey truth, on the metaphors in 7. Identify essay as a 1. Bartleby, the Scrivener 2. The Roots of contrasting Whitman's Emerson's texts genre and recognize its Preservation: Emerson, expression of equality with the 9. Have students work in common traits Thoreau, and the Bible's pairs on the Think and 8. Analyze an essay for Hudson River School 3. The forfeiture of life for those Discuss questions 5 and 6 figurative language and 3. Ralph Waldo Emerson guilty of premeditated murder 10. Evaluate the work of other stylistic elements, and the 4. The impossibility of hiding sin various authors in such as surprise and Transcendentalists permanently, separation from the romantic style allusion 4. Ralph Waldo Emerson - God as the result of sin, 9. Compare the ideas of an entry about the prudence of preparing for death one text to another to writer and his beliefs even as a young person, improve comprehension 5. Ralph Waldo Emerson - Scripture's condemnation of 10. Evaluate self-reliance short biography envy and an author's 6. Summary and Analysis application of it from a of Nature: Prospects biblical worldview 7. Summary and Analysis 11. Distinguish free verse of Self-Reliance from traditional verse 8. Interactive 12. Analyze rhythm in free Contemporary Map of verse Concord 13. Identify repetition and 9. List of National Historic parallelism in poetry Landmarks in and explain their effects Massachusetts 14. Identify a poetic catalog 10. Simeon Stylites and explain its 11. Saint Simeon Stylites significance to a poem's 12. Howard theme Hughes Biography 15. Analyze symbolism in 13. Howard Hughes poetry 14. Emily Dickinson's 16. Explain the Biography characteristics of a 15. Emily Dickinson: Poet poet's conversational and Recluse and informal style 16. Top 10 Most Reclusive 17. Analyze an author's Celebrities emphasis on equality 17. The Walden Woods and democracy Project 18. Evaluate an author's 18. Not Exactly a Hermit Page 9 of 24 Curriculum Map - English Language Arts - Literature - American - 11th Grade (3rd Ed.)

18. Evaluate an author's 18. Not Exactly a Hermit deification of the self 19. The Thoreau Society from a biblical 20. Statutes Enforced by the perspective Voting Section 19. Analyze verbal and 21. Thoreau Farm dramatic irony in a 22. The Writings of Henry D. short story Thoreau 20. Analyze alliteration and 23. The Thoreau Reader assonance in poetry 24. John Brown's Harpers 21. Determine the mood of Ferry Raid a work 25. A Plea for Captain John 22. Detect persona in a Brown work 26. John Brown - entry from 23. Identify characteristics the in an author's writing 27. Walden Study Text that support his 28. Thoreau Money classification as a 29. Fugitive Slave Act transcendental 30. A Guide to the Mexican pessimist War 24. Evaluate an author's 31. Marion Greenwood Mural pessimistic view of 32. Marion Greenwood, the man's nature from a History of Tennessee biblical perspective 33. Greenwood Mural Picture 25. Analyze symbol, theme, 34. Thomas Hart Benton's and foreshadowing in a America Today mural short story 35. Mural Rediscovered 26. Determine the theme of 36. The Story Behind a short story Benton's Incredible 27. Interpret the symbols in Masterwork a short story and 37. Lincoln's Traveling explain their thematic Funeral significance 38. Walt Whitman: Song of 28. Distinguish between a Myself and Other Poems public and a private 39. The Walt Whitman symbol Archive 29. Examine the following 40. "When Lilacs Last in the characteristics of an Dooryard Bloom'd author's style: allegory, [1865]" ambiguity, and 41. Old Pictures ambivalence 42. "The Heresy of the 30. Interpret the allegorical Didactic" meanings in a short 43. Teaching the Persona story and explain their Poem universal significance 44. "The Raven" 31. Identify an author as a 45. Basil Rathbone Reads romantic pessimist and "The Raven" evaluate the validity of 46. Pictures of Catacombs his worldview 47. Talking Raven 32. Analyze the 48. Nevermore! characterization in a 49. Terror of the Soul: Edgar short story to Allan Poe Biography distinguish between 50. Artist Profile: Edgar Allan major and minor Poe characters 51. The Valley of the Lepers 33. Determine the point of (1959) view of the narrator in a 52. "The Wedding Knell" short story 53. Alymer's Motivation in 34. Analyze the dominant "The Birthmark" Page 10 of 24 Curriculum Map - English Language Arts - Literature - American - 11th Grade (3rd Ed.)

symbol in a short story 54. "Neighbor Rosicky" and explain its 55. "My Last Duchess" significance to the 56. "'Bartleby, the theme Scrivener' by Melville: 35. Identify instances of Absurdity, Divinity, and humor in a story and Humanity" determine its role 57. "'Bartleby, the 36. Discern parallels Scrivener': A[n between Bartleby and interactive, annotated] Christ story of Wall Street" 37. Determine a story's 58. Study Webtext: theme and evaluate it "Bartleby, the Scrivener" from a biblical 8. Think and Discuss Answers worldview pp. 201, 211, 217-218, 38. Evaluate an author's 230-231, 253-254, 379-381 determinism - and 9. Themes in American Culture resulting pessimism - Answer - p. 218 from a biblical 10. Writing Lesson 2 - worldview Persuasive Essay - W3-W4 39. Rewrite portions of a 11. Teaching Helps 5A-5O, 3G story to incorporate a 12. Supplemental Texts 5A-5H redemptive theme 13. Pictures of American murals 14. Simple masks 15. Audio recording of "The Raven" 16. Pictures of catacombs 17. Pictures of people disfigured by leprosy 18. Chapter 5 Review Answers - pp. R12-R14 19. Chapter 5 Test

Chapter 6: Students will: Voices of Conflict 1. Student Text pp. 282-304 Evaluate: 1. Lead students through Voices of 1. Describe how the Civil 1. Abraham Lincoln 2. Teacher Text pp. 282-305 1. Brotherly love and divine the Think and Discuss Conflict War influenced 1. Address at the 3. Chapter 6 PowerPoint providence questions American literature and Dedication of the 4. Chapter 6 Art 2. Pessimism 2. Have students write their (updated 5/17/19) vice versa Gettysburg National 5. Chapter 6 Test Key 3. The humanity of slaves own short stories using 2. Apply author Cemetery 6. Weblinks 4. The Bible and slavery "voices of conflict" and background knowledge 2. Second Inaugural 1. Timeline: The Civil War share to understand a text Address and American Art 3. Build background by 3. Analyze the use of 3. An Occurrence at Owl 2. Don Troiani looking at how the war tricolon in a text Creek Bridge 3. These Maps Reveal How changed American 4. Analyze the structure of 2. Ambrose Bierce Slavery Expanded literature a public address 1. An Occurrence at Owl Across the United States 4. Host a debate 5. Evaluate an author's Creek Bridge 4. Presidential about Abraham Lincoln spiritual analysis of the 3. Frederick Douglass Inaugurations: Abraham 5. Have students memorize Civil War 1. from Narrative of the Lincoln one of Lincoln's speeches 6. Analyze an author's Life of Frederick 5. Letter from Edward and present in class rhetoric on freedom Douglass, an Everett to Lincoln 6. Display vocabulary words 7. Apply author American Slave 6. A Reading of the on board background knowledge 4. Negro Spirituals Gettysburg Address 7. Identify words with to understand a text 1. Go Down, Moses 7. Gettysburg Address common suffixes 8. Analyze from the movie Saving 8. Use the quotation by characterization, Lincoln Julius Caesar in the suspense, 8. The Civil War student text to model foreshadowing, and Documentary: The tricolon situational irony in a text Gettysburg Address 9. Evaluate the ideas of 9. Examine flashback in a 9. The Devil's Dictionary - brotherly love and divine Page 11 of 24 Curriculum Map - English Language Arts - Literature - American - 11th Grade (3rd Ed.)

9. Examine flashback in a 9. The Devil's Dictionary - brotherly love and divine text and evaluate its online version of providence effectiveness Bierce's cynical 10. Have small groups work 10. Evaluate an author's dictionary together for a deeper worldview from a 10. The Devil's Dictionary - a visual Analysis of the: biblical perspective hypertext version by the Fight for Colors 11. Apply author University of Virginia 11. Distribute copies of background knowledge 11. Truss Bridge Teaching Help 6A to understand a text 12. The Ambrose Bierce 12. Have students mark and 12. Analyze irony and Project label the speech's topical antithesis in a text and 13. Bierce and Biography: structure in color determine their effect The Location of Owl 13. Read Lincoln's speech 13. Infer cultural attitudes Creek Bridge and discuss his by drawing on details in 14. An Occurrence at Owl spiritualization of war and a text Creek Bridge how his language 14. Evaluate from a biblical 15. Images of street or reinforces his emphasis perspective the shopping signs treatment of slaves in 16. Fisk Jubilee Singers the antebellum South 17. Sweet Chariot: The Story 15. Apply background of the Spirituals knowledge of Negro 18. God's Trombones: Seven spirituals, folk culture, Negro Sermons in Verse and historical context 19. Spirituals History to understand a text 7. Think and Discuss Answers 16. Analyze a Negro pp. 288, 296-297, 301, spiritual for its 304-305 call-and-response 8. Themes in American Culture structure Answer - p. 288 17. Analyze a Negro 9. Writing Lesson 3 - Short spiritual for its use of Story - W5-W6 refrain and biblical 10. Teaching Helps 6A-6B allusions and determine 11. Writing Rubric 3 their purpose in the text 12. Writing Worksheet 3 18. Evaluate a text's 13. Pictures of railroad truss response to American bridges slavery from a biblical 14. A video of a dramatization of worldview "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" 15. Pictures of signs in a foreign language 16. Audio recordings of spirituals by the Fisk Jubilee singers 17. Chapter 6 Review Answers - pp. R15-R16 18. Chapter 6 Test

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Chapter 7: Students will: Regionalists 1. Student Text pp. 306-355 Evaluate: 1. Utilize Teaching Helps Regionalists 1. Explain how the Civil 1. Bret Harte 2. Teacher Text pp. 305-337 1. Pleasure in ordinary life 7A-7C War and 1. The Boom in the 3. Chapter 7 PowerPoint 2. Valuing animal life 2. Post images of (updated 5/17/19) industrialization opened Calaveras Clarion 4. Chapter 7 Art 3. Death and immorality street-level and the door to new ways of 2. James Whitcomb Riley 5. Chapter 7 Test Key 4. The Bible and racism panoramic views of small thinking and living in 1. When the Frost Is on 6. Weblinks Shape Worldview: towns and large cities American society the Punkin 1. The Great Chicago Fire 1. Biblical treatment of neighbors, 3. Show videos of the 2. Explain how business 3. Sarah Orne Jewett 2. When Weather Changed regardless of their cultural or reconstruction and rose to new prominence 1. A White Heron History: The Great ethnic identity; biblical discuss how the national in American life, 4. Emily Dickinson Chicago Fire perspective on wealth; biblical scandals weakened bringing greater 1. This is my letter to the 3. George Bellows's New perspective on individual worth America's trust in the prosperity and World York and material wealth; genuine nation's leaders materialism and the 2. The Soul selects her 4. Great Works: New York Christianity versus mere 4. Have students make a list need for reform own Society (1911) by George conformity; scriptural of how much 3. Examine the broad 3. Much Madness is Bellows motivation behind many reform industrialization changed influence of Darwinism divinest Sense 5. George Bellows efforts; benefits of reading America's way of thinking on American 4. Hope is the thing with 6. Ben-Hur: Chariot Race realists and naturalists 5. Have students relate the intellectual and feathers 7. Regionalism and Local 2. The Christian and offensive Christian Worldview to religious thought 5. There is no Frigate Color Fiction language the American worldview 4. Evaluate movements like a Book 8. Bret Harte - entry in 3. Legitimacy of discernment in during this period such as Darwinism, 6. I like to see it lap the American National religion, tempering Dickinson's 6. Differentiate instruction religious liberalism, and Miles Biography Online view of the imagination with 7. Enrich units by the social gospel from a 7. She sweeps with 9. Aspiration, Scripture's view encouraging students to biblical worldview many-colored Brooms Acculturation, and independent reading 5. Explain how realism 8. A narrow Fellow in the Impact: Immigration to of Ben-Hur and naturalism resulted Grass the United States, 8. Work through the Think from a new emphasis 9. The Bustle in a House 1789-1930 and Discuss questions pp. on rationalism, science, 10. Because I could not 10. Bret Harte and His Life 324-25 and Darwinism stop for Death 11. Bret Harte - a short 9. Utilize the Evaluate 6. Describe the traits of 11. I heard a Fly buzz - biography During Reading questions regionalism when I died 12. California Gold Rush through the selections 7. Apply author 5. Kate Chopin 13. Exploring the California 10. Draw attention to the background knowledge 1. Désirée's Baby Gold Rush vocabulary list and point to understand a text 14. Newspapers out prefixes and suffixes 8. Distinguish between 15. 18th and 19th Century realistic and romantic Advances in Printing traits in a story that 16. Oakland Wiki: Bret Harte exhibits both 17. Pictures of sensory 9. Determine whether a images story is more realistic or 18. Audio clips of sensory romantic images 10. Identify elements of 19. A History of American local color in a story Literature Since 1870 11. Analyze sensory images 20. Sarah Orne Jewett in a poem, particularly 21. Great Egret - entry for auditory images, and the Great Egret in the the devices used to Cornell Lab of create them Ornithology 12. Read aloud to deepen 22. Great Egret - entry for understanding of the Great Egret in the auditory imagery and National Audubon dialect in poetry Society's online field 13. Evaluate a poem's guide theme and the 23. Emily Dickinson's Life - legitimacy of using biographical information poetry for such themes by Modern American 14. Explain why the author Poetry is called a regionalist 24. Emily Dickinson - Page 13 of 24 Curriculum Map - English Language Arts - Literature - American - 11th Grade (3rd Ed.)

is called a regionalist 24. Emily Dickinson - 15. Distinguish between biography at internal and external conflict 25. Emily Dickinson Archive 16. Determine the central 26. "On Emily Dickinson and conflict in a story Transcendentalism" 17. Explain the narrative 27. Emily Dickinson Museum technique known as 28. "I Heard a Fly Buzz" authorial intrusion and 29. Bayou determine its effect in a 30. William Henry Buck story 31. William Henry Buck 18. Evaluate an author's Artwork perspective on the 32. What Is the Curse of value of animal life as Cain? seen through 33. Kate Chopin: Selected the story's protagonist Short Stories 7. Think and Discuss Answers pp. 324-325, 327, 336-337 8. Teaching Helps 7A-7O 9. Supplemental Text 3C 10. Images (street-level and panoramic) of small towns and large cities 11. Samples of food mentioned in the poem 12. Audio and visual illustrations of farm life 13. Images of white herons 14. Chapter 7 Review Answers - pp. R17-R18 15. Chapter 7 Test 16. Midterm Review 17. Midterm Exam

Chapter 8: Students will: Realists and Naturalists 1. Student Text pp. 356-433 Evaluate: 1. Monitor comprehension Realists and 1. Identify the master 1. Master Realists 2. Teacher Text pp. 356-433 1. Moral superiority by having students stop Naturalists realists 2. Naturalism 3. Chapter 8 PowerPoint 2. Moral dilemma and summarize their 2. Discern the philosophic 3. Henry James 4. Chapter 8 Art 3. Views on war reading (updated 5/17/19) foundation of naturalism 5. Chapter 8 Test Key 4. Naturalism 2. Scaffold instruction by 3. Identify the major 6. Chapter 8 Videos 5. Man as an animal modeling close reading themes of naturalism 1. A Cutting from "Editha" Shape Worldview: strategies and analyzing 4. Apply author 2. Essay Review: 1. Contrasting secular realistic text background knowledge Contrasting Stephen fiction with Christian realistic 3. Have students work in to understand a text Crane and Fanny Crosby fiction pairs to analyze the text 5. Compare realism to 3. Essay Review: Quotes 2. Reminder that life is not limited and answer questions idealism and Characters to "under the sun" with its 4. Encourage independent 6. Analyze the 4. History vs. Literature, inherent frustrations but reading and writing psychological realism of Part 1 transcends to eternity, God not 5. Activate prior knowledge characters in a text 5. History vs. Literature, indifferent to human plight 6. Have students respond to 7. Infer the significance of Part 2 literature by drawing character names 7. Weblinks illustrations 8. Analyze character 1. Louvre: Visitor Talks 7. Utilize graphic organizers interaction to 2. Louvre: Interactive Floor to compare and contrast determine character Plans Realism and Naturalism motivation 3. Louvre: Online Tours 9. Evaluate an author's 4. Salon Denon Panorama depiction of moral 5. Masterpiece Theatre: superiority from a The American Page 14 of 24 Curriculum Map - English Language Arts - Literature - American - 11th Grade (3rd Ed.)

superiority from a The American biblical perspective 6. LibriVox: The American 10. Interpret colloquial 7. The Fictional 100 dialect in a text 8. Life on the Mississippi 11. Analyze an author's use 9. Spark Notes: The of realism in the style Adventures of and content of his Huckleberry Finn writing 10. The Adventures of 12. Analyze the effects of Huckleberry Finn - PDF character and narrative eBook viewpoint on theme 11. Huckleberry Finn - eBook 13. Examine an author's 12. Spanish-American War use of satire Photographs 14. Evaluate an author's 13. The Civil War Part 1: The moral perspective on Places racism and on 14. The Civil War Part 2: The Christianity People 15. Analyze static and 15. World War I in Photos dynamic, sympathetic 16. World War II: Photos We and unsympathetic Remember characterization in a 17. Behind the Picture: story Liberation of Buchenwald 16. Infer an author's beliefs 18. World War II - various from his work's theme photo collections 17. Evaluate views on war 19. Pictures of World War II from a biblical 20. Tiger Lily perspective 21. About W. D. Howells 18. Analyze a text's 22. Steven Crane figurative language, 23. The Shipwreck, including Discovery, and personification, and its Investigation of the SS symbols to determine Commodore what they communicate 24. SS Commodore Wreck about theme Site 19. Compare a theme 25. Ten Interesting Facts across several works by About the same author 26. Jack London 20. Evaluate a text's theme 27. "The Law of Life" from a biblical 28. Jack London Collection perspective 8. Think and Discuss Answers 21. Discern naturalism in a pp. 375-376, 392-393, text 404-405, 424-425 22. Identify with a 9. Themes in American Culture character in a story to Answer - p. 393 gain a broader 10. Writing Lesson 4: Historical perspective Report - pp. W7-W8 11. Teaching Helps 8A-8I 12. Supplemental Text 8A 13. Writing Rubric 4 14. Writing Worksheet 4 15. Pictures of the Louvre Museum 16. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1993 film) 17. Pictures of battlefields and military functions 18. Picture of a tiger lily 19. Picture of SS Commodore Page 15 of 24 Curriculum Map - English Language Arts - Literature - American - 11th Grade (3rd Ed.)

20. Chapter 8 Review Answers - pp. R19-R20 21. Chapter 8 Test

Chapter 9: Students will: Modern Poetry 1. Student Text pp. 434-493 Evaluate: 1. Have students write their Modern Poetry 1. Describe the main Imagism/Harlem Renaissance 2. Teacher Text pp. 435-493 1. Modern themes own poetry based on periods of social 1. Edwin Arlington Robinson 3. Chapter 9 PowerPoint 2. Worldview themes of love and (updated 5/17/19) upheaval in early 1. "Miniver Cheevy" 4. Chapter 9 Art 3. Love and beauty beauty and twentieth-century 2. "Richard Cory" 5. Chapter 9 Test Key 4. Disillusionment or disillusionment or America 2. 6. Chapter 9 Videos transformation transformation 2. Trace the changes in 1. "The Gift Outright" 1. Essay Review: Themes 5. Socialistic view of the common 2. Have students analyze the national mood that 2. " Not Taken" from Frost's Poetry man other classmates' poetry resulted from these 3. "The Death of the 2. History vs. Literature 6. Theme 3. Build background by upheavals Hired Man" 7. Weblinks 7. Responses to social injustice reviewing society shifts 3. Explain the changing 4. "Stopping by Woods 1. A Brief Guide to Imagism Shape Worldview: discussed in Unit 3 view of man offered by on a Snowy Evening" 2. Preface to Some Imagist 1. American attitude toward 4. Utilize Teaching Help new philosophers such 5. "Mending Wall" Poets (1915) wealth in the 1920s pages and topic outlines as Freud and Marx 6. "Birches" 3. Harlem Renaissance 2. Discerning good and evil 5. Coordinate with the 4. Evaluate these 3. Edna St. Vincent Millay 4. The Harlem Renaissance 3. Understanding the heart school's US history philosophies from a 1. "Sonnet CXVI" 5. Edwin 4. Evaluating Marxist theory from teacher to give students biblical worldview Imagists Arlington Robinson - Scripture an overview of this era 5. Trace new 1. Ezra Pound biography at 5. Biblical injunction to avoid 6. Outline the text to developments in 1. "In a Station of the comparison with others organize the timeline modern America's Metro" 6. Edwin Arlington 6. The truth that God directs the 7. Lead a discussion on the religious light 2. William Carlos Williams Robinson - Virtual Tour path of a Christian effects of the Great 6. Explain the defining 1. "The Red of Robinson's Gardiner, 7. The Christian and war Depression and how the characteristics of the Wheelbarrow" 8. Work given to man by God literature of this period modern literacy spirit 3. H. D. 7. Gardiner Maine Vintage represents the internal resulting from these 1. "Heat" Postcards struggles of American changes 4. Archibald MacLeish 8. Tomb of the Medici society and its democracy 7. Define the key 1. "Ars Poetica" 9. The Gift Outright 8. Compare the influence of characteristics of 5. T. S. Eliot 10. Poet Robert Frost at Freud and Marx Imagism and the 1. "Journey of the Magi" President JFK's 9. Have students write Harlem Renaissance 6. Carl Sandburg Inauguration essays on the use of 8. Apply author 1. "Chicago" 11. The Poem Frost Wanted imagism in modern poetry background knowledge 2. "Fog" to Read at JFK's 10. Have students put to understand a text 3. "Grass" Inauguration together a portfolio of one 9. Analyze the use and 7. E. E. Cummings 12. "The Road Not Taken" modern poet effect of traditional 1. "somewhere i have by Robert Frost form in poetry never travelled" 13. Robert Frost Reads "The 10. Determine the theme of 2. "in Just-" Road Not Taken" a poem 3. "r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r" 14. "The Death of the Hired 11. Analyze a poet's use of 8. Theodore Roethke Man" irony 1. "My Papa's Waltz" 15. Edna St. Vincent Millay 12. Analyze the use of 2. "Dolor" Society perspective to enhance Harlem Renaissance Poets 16. Edna St. Vincent Millay irony and theme in 1. Claude McKay 17. "Time does not bring poetry 1. "If We Must Die" relief" (Sonnet II) 13. Evaluate whether a 2. "America" 18. "Love is Not All" (Sonnet poem portrays human 2. Countee Cullen XXX) characters and conflicts 1. "Yet Do I Marvel" 19. Ezra Pound - biography realistically 3. Langston Hughes at 14. Determine a poem's 1. "Harlem" 20. Ezra Pound - includes subject matter 2. "I, Too" biographical details 15. Analyze a poem for its 3. "Dream Variations" 21. Definition of Haiku realistic imagery 22. Haiku: Poetic Form 16. Recognize traditional 23. William Carlos Williams: forms such as blank Reading at Columbia Page 16 of 24 Curriculum Map - English Language Arts - Literature - American - 11th Grade (3rd Ed.)

forms such as blank Reading at Columbia verse (1942) 17. Analyze a poem for 24. William Carlos Williams: paradox "The Red Wheelbarrow" 18. Infer an author's 25. William Carlos Williams implied meaning from 26. Hilda Doolittle textual evidence, such 27. Archibald MacLeish - as symbolism, imagery, biography and several and sound devices poems at 19. Evaluate an author's worldview from a 28. Archibald MacLeish - biblical perspective biography and literary 20. Determine the theme of criticism a poem 29. "My Last Duchess" 21. Analyze the sonnet 30. "Journey of the Magi" form and rhyme 31. The Day Carl Sandburg scheme and how they Died support the poem's 32. "I(a": A Brief Analysis of theme Cummings's Poem 22. Analyze the speaker's 33. An Analysis of Two perspective in a poem Poems by E.E. Cummings 23. Evaluate Millay's 34. "somewhere i have concept of love from a never traveled" biblical perspective 35. E. E. Cummings 24. Analyze a poem's 36. On "r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r" appeal to the five 37. E. E. Cummings: senses to create Selected Poems concrete imagery 38. Theodore Roethke: 25. Evaluate a poem's Essential American Poets effectiveness in 39. "My Papa's Waltz" fulfilling the tenets of 40. The Mama and Papa imagism 41. Harlem Renaissance 26. Define dramatic 42. About Countee Cullen's monologue as a genre Life and Career 27. Analyze a poem's 43. "Ozymandias" symbols and allusions 44. "Harlem" by Langston 28. Identify polysyndeton in Hughes a work 45. Jazz Poetry & Langston 29. Infer characteristics of Hughes the speaker from an 8. Think and Discuss Answers analysis of a dramatic pp. 447, 460-461, 463, 468, monologue 471, 476-477, 482, 485, 30. Evaluate varying 492-493 interpretations of a 9. Themes in American Culture poem and determine its Answer - p. 477 theme 10. Teaching Helps 9A-9N 31. Analyze how the 11. Pictures of Gardiner, Maine, poem's form, style, and during Robinson's lifetime subject matter are 12. Pictures of Camelot distinctly modern 13. Pictures of the Medici 32. Compare the subject Chapel to illustrate their matter and style of a patronage of the arts poem to the poetry of 14. Video of Frost reading at other poets and JFK's inauguration movements to 15. Recording of Frost reading determine their "The Gift Outright" influence on a poet's 16. Recording of Frost reading work "The Death of the Hired Page 17 of 24 Curriculum Map - English Language Arts - Literature - American - 11th Grade (3rd Ed.)

33. Evaluate an author's Man" view of man and society 17. A round fruit, a medallion, a from a biblical flower on a stem perspective 18. Pictures of a subway 34. Analyze a poem's 19. Recording of Williams metaphors, identifying reading "The Red the tenor and vehicle Wheelbarrow" 35. Analyze 20. Recording of Eliot reading synesthesia and "Journey of the Magi" oxymoron in a poem 21. Pictures of the Henry 36. Analyze a poet's use of Varnum Poor mural typography to enhance 22. Pictures of current-day a poem's message battlefields 37. Evaluate the 23. PBS American Masters effectiveness of a poet's episode using nonstandard 24. Whitman's "I Hear America techniques to enhance Singing" and "Song of his message Myself," section 6 38. Examine a poet's use of 25. Video of fog rhythm to enhance a 26. A long-stemmed rose only poems message partially opened 39. Analyze the effect of 27. Recording of Robert Burns's diction on a poem's poem "A Red, Red Rose" in tone and meaning Scottish dialect 40. Compare and contrast 28. Copy of E. E. Cummings's two poems by different poem "I(a" poets written on the 29. Picture of the mythological same subject god Pan 41. Evaluate a poem's 30. Audio recording of Roethke theme reading "My Papa's Waltz" 42. Analyze a poem's 31. Short video introducing the fulfillment of the Harlem Renaissance structural and thematic 32. Copy of Percy Bysshe requirements of the Shelley's "Ozymandias" English sonnet form 33. Chapter 9 Review Answers 43. Examine a poem's use - pp. R21-R23 of blues and jazz poetic 34. Chapter 9 Test form 44. Compare how poems by different poets address the same theme in different ways 45. Evaluate a poet's response to social injustice from a biblical worldview

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Chapter 10: Students will: Modern Prose 1. Student Text pp. 494-577 Evaluate: 1. Have students read and Modern Prose 1. Summarize the origins 1. The Lost Generation/The 2. Teacher Text pp. 494-577 1. Ethnic identity and equality write independently and worldview of Social Idealist/Zora Neale 3. Chapter 10 PowerPoint 2. Humor 2. Utilize different modes of (updated 5/17/19) writers in "the lost Hurston 4. Chapter 10 Art 3. Reminiscence reading - aloud by generation" 1. "How It Feels to Be 5. Chapter 10 Test Key 4. The American Dream teacher, shared, guided 2. Describe the idealistic Colored Me" 6. Chapter 10 Videos 5. Echoes of Ecclesiastes by teacher, cooperative, response of many 2. James Thurber 1. Table Reading for "The 6. Traditional values and independently 1930s writers to 1. "The Catbird Seat" Happy Journey to 7. Heroism 3. Activate prior knowledge the social problems of 3. E. B.White Trenton and Camden" Shape Worldview: by reviewing societal their day 1. "Once More to the (Part 1) 1. Evaluating differing responses shifts discussed in Unit 3 3. Apply author Lake" 2. Table Reading for "The to injustice 4. Discuss what is meant by background knowledge 4. F. Scott Fitzgerald Happy Journey to 2. The wrong of judging from the the term pessimism to understand a text 1. "Winter Dreams" Trenton and Camden" subjective standard of feeling 5. Have students respond to 4. Demonstrate how a 5. Ernest Hemingway (Parts 2 and 3) 3. Scriptural truths and passages literature via the use of a work qualifies as an 1. "In Another Country" 7. Weblinks related to adulthood journal as they read informal essay 6. Thornton Wilder 1. Zora Neal Hurston 4. Showing sensitivity to others 6. Model analyzing the text 5. Determine the thesis of 1. The Happy Journey to Biography to help students learn the an essay Trenton and Camden 2. Thurber's Cartoons process of constructing 6. Evaluate an author's 7. John Steinbeck 3. "The Night the Bed Fell" meaning and learning view on human equality 1. "Flight" 4. "Catbird Seat" Part 1, various structures and from a biblical 8. Eudora Welty Part 2, and Part 3 strategies involved in perspective 1. "A Worn Path" 5. Thurber House discovering meaning in 7. Apply author 6. "Andy" the text background knowledge 7. The Elements of Style 7. Utilize Teaching Helps 9A to understand a text 8. The Elements of Style, and 9B 8. Analyze a story's Fourth Edition 8. Display a timeline of this conflicts and use of 9. The Iron Lady: Feeling era irony vs. Thoughts 9. Compare and contrast 9. Determine whether a 10. The Iron Lady Quotes "pessimistic" authors with character qualifies as 11. The Roaring Twenties pessimistic prophets in an antihero 12. The Great Gatsby: the Bible 10. Determine whether a Teacher's Guide character is 13. The Future of Robotic sympathetic or not Legs 11. Evaluate the moral tone 14. Hemingway Wounded of a work's humor from on Italian Front a biblical perspective 15. Representational vs. 12. Analyze and explain the Presentational Drama general characteristics 16. Our Town 1989 Opening of a personal essay 17. Masterpiece Theatre: 13. Analyze an author's use Our Town of stream of 18. Gabilan Range consciousness narration 19. Gabilan Mountains 14. Analyze the 20. Salinas Valley effectiveness of sensory 21. Rock Formation at images and figurative Pinnacles National park language 22. Large Rock Formations 15. Infer a personal essay's at Pinnacles National theme Park 16. Evaluate an author's 23. The Bear Gulch perspective on the past Reservoir at Pinnacles from a biblical worldview 24. High Peaks Trail at 17. Analyze both indirect Pinnacles and direct 25. John Steinbeck characterization to Biography determine a character's 26. How a Kind Stranger traits and motivations Helped a Paralyzed Teen 18. Infer a story's theme Beat the Odds Page 19 of 24 Curriculum Map - English Language Arts - Literature - American - 11th Grade (3rd Ed.)

18. Infer a story's theme Beat the Odds from details in the text, 27. Natchez Trace National such as Scenic Trail characterization, 28. Study for "A Worn Path" narration, and by Eudora Welty exposition 29. The Sunken Trace 19. Determine an author's 30. A Trail on the Natchez view of the American Trace Dream 31. The Phoenix 20. Evaluate an author's 32. Phoenix Drawing by F. view of the American J. Bertuch Dream biblically 33. Eudora Welty Foundation 21. Analyze an author's 34. Eudora Welty House and style of its journalistic Garden qualities and emotional 8. Think and Discuss Answers depth pp. 499-500, 506-507, 22. Analyze a story's 513-514, 531-533, 538-539, symbols and interpret 552-554, 567-569, 576-577 their significance to its 9. Themes in American Culture theme Answer - pp. 533, 539 23. Compare a story's 10. Teaching Helps 10A-10K theme to that of 11. Writing Lesson 5: Poetry - Ecclesiastes to evaluate pp. W9-W10 its validity in light of 12. A copy of The Thurber biblical truth Carnival or images of 24. Analyze the Thurber cartoons effectiveness of 13. Pictures of teh the presentational style Gabilan Mountains and in a drama Pinnacles National Park 25. Examine a drama's use 14. Pictures of the mythological of archetypes and phoenix symbols to create 15. Images of paths in Natchez meaning Trace 26. Demonstrate 16. Chapter 10 Review Answers knowledge of the - pp. R24-R25 elements and structure 17. Chapter 10 Test of a drama and examine how these contribute meaning 27. Evaluate the values espoused by a drama's normative character in light of biblical truth 28. Analyze imagery throughout a story to determine its meaning 29. Examine a story's plot structure and determine its effect on the story 30. Evaluate varying interpretations of a story and determine its theme 31. Analyze motifs in a story and interpret their significance 32. Draw conclusions about Page 20 of 24 Curriculum Map - English Language Arts - Literature - American - 11th Grade (3rd Ed.)

a story's main character based on analysis of the character's traits and motivations 33. Determine whether a main character qualifies as a hero

Chapter 11: Students will: Contemporary Poetry 1. Student Text pp. 578-609 Evaluate: 1. Post images of 1950s Contemporary 1. Explain the expansion Contemporary American 2. Teacher Text pp. 578-609 1. Response to war advertisements around Poetry of America's Poetry 3. Chapter 11 PowerPoint 2. Worldview the room for reference international role in the 1. Elizabeth Bishop 4. Chapter 11 Art Shape Worldview: 2. Have students dress up (updated 5/17/19) twentieth century 1. "The Fish" 5. Chapter 11 Test Key 1. The Bible's perspective on as Rosie the Riveter 2. Identify important social 2. "One Art" 6. Weblinks material goods 3. Motivate students by changes in 2. Randall Jarrell 1. The Family Fallout 2. Biblical response to practicing a "duck and twentieth-century 1. "The Death of the Ball Shelter postmodernism cover" drill at school to America Turret Gunner" 2. When Home Fallout 3. Biblical attitude toward sin and prepare for a nuclear 3. Trace the changing 3. William Stafford Shelters Were All the sinners attack moral and religious 1. "With Kit, Age 7, at Rage 4. Potential of confessional poems 4. Utilize Teaching Help 11A landscape, especially the Beach" 3. The Family Fallout for believers 5. Read through the Truman the rise of skepticism 2. "Bess" Shelter Doctrine 4. Describe the postwar 4. African American Poets 4. Teaching with 6. Highlight the postwar pendulum swings Laureate Documents, economic boom and have between traditional and 5. Robert Hayden Photographs, and students list the economic nontraditional poetry 1. "Frederick Douglass" Pamphlet About Nuclear consequences styles 6. Fallout 7. Compare the various 5. Recognize formalist, 1. "Life for my child is 5. Duck and Cover social movements New Critic, Beat, simple, and is good" 6. Vintage Household Ads 8. Define cultural skepticism confessional, and 2. "The Explorer" of the 1950s 9. Display Newton's cradle identity-based poetry 7. 7. American Women in and relate Newton's third 6. Analyze a poem's use of 1. "Rosa" World War II law of motion to the villanelle form or free 8. Sylvia Plath 8. Rosie the Riveter reaction of verse 1. "You're" 9. "We Can Do It!" twentieth-century poetry 7. Examine how a poem's 2. "Stillborn" 10. Newton's Cradle structure can convey 9. Billy Collins Demonstration thought progression 1. "Introduction to Poetry" 11. About Elizabeth Bishop 8. Assess whether a poem 10. Li-Young Lee 12. Elizabeth Bishop is realistic or romantic 1. "Eating Alone" 13. Villanelle: Poetic Form in content and style 2. "Eating Together" 14. Aircraft Gunnery Ball 9. Analyze a dramatic Turret monologue's 15. Sperry Retractable Ball development of Turret character 16. "How to Become a Ball 10. Analyze how imagery, Turret Gunner" diction, and sound 17. Operating a Ball Turret devices enhance tone in the Collings B-24J and theme 18. B-17 Ball Turret Gunner 11. Determine the poet's 19. B-17 Flying Fortress Ball tone toward war and Turret evaluate it biblically 20. Randall Jarrell 12. Analyze a poem's lyrical 21. The Poetry of Randall and/or elegiac Jarrell characteristics and its 22. "With Kit, Age 7, at the use of personification to Beach" convey theme 23. William Stafford Archives 13. Interpret the meaning 24. William E. Stafford of a poem by examining 25. "In Flanders Fields" its literary features, 26. "Frederick Douglass" Page 21 of 24 Curriculum Map - English Language Arts - Literature - American - 11th Grade (3rd Ed.)

its literary features, 26. "Frederick Douglass" such as image and 27. Robert Hayden characters 28. Gwendolyn Brooks - 14. Evaluate an author's biography view of life and death 29. Gwendolyn Brooks: from a biblical worldview Online Resources 15. Examine a poem's use 30. "Rosa" of repetition and 31. Rita Dove Homepage parallelism to create 32. Rita Dove: Online structure and emphasis Resources 16. Analyze a poem's use of 33. "To My Favorite enjambment and 17-Year-Old High School caesura to create Girl" effective flow and 34. "Workshop" emphasis 35. Poems in Motion: Billy 17. Evaluate whether a Collins at TED2012 poem has effectively 36. A Conversation with Billy balanced a clear and Collins forceful message with 37. Billy Collins artistry of form and 38. Li-Young Lee style 7. Think and Discuss Answers 18. Analyze a poem's use of pp. 586-587, 588-589, 592, the confessional mode 597-598, 601, 605, 609 19. Analyze a poem's 8. Major Themes in American metaphor and its effect Culture Answer - p. 589 on the poem's message 9. Teaching Helps 11A-11H 20. Determine a poem's 10. Recording of the Duck and theme Cover film 21. Analyze a poem's use of 11. Images of 1950s imagery and figurative advertisements language to convey tone 12. Picture of Rosie the Riveter 22. Compare how two 13. A Newton's cradle poems explore the 14. Recording of Stafford same topic using reciting "With Kit, Age 7, at different styles and the Beach" perspectives 15. Copy of the poem "In 23. Evaluate whether a Flanders Fields" poem conveys deep 16. Recording of King's "I Have and lasting themes a Dream" speech artfully 17. Picture of Atlas 24. Analyze a poem for the 18. Picture of an unborn baby in influence of imagism the womb 25. Compare two works by 19. Diagram of a B-17 turret the same author to 20. Video of Collins reading "To determine whether My Favorite 17-Year-Old there is similarity of High School Girl" theme and subject 21. A slide carousel or picture of matter one 26. Examine a poet's work 22. Actual color slides for the influences of his 23. A picture of an ouroboros cultural heritage 24. Chapter 11 Review Answers 27. Evaluate whether a - pp. R26-R28 poem transcends its 25. Chapter 11 Test specific setting to convey universal themes

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Chapter 12: Students will: Contemporary Prose 1. Student Text pp. 610-655 Evaluate 1. Show videos to reinforce Contemporary 1. Recognize the part 1. Contemporary American 2. Teacher Text pp. 610-655 1. The end of the world teaching techniques Prose multiculturalism and Prose 3. Chapter 12 PowerPoint 2. Worldview and aesthetics 2. Compare and contrast person identity play in 2. Ray Bradbury 4. Chapter 12 Art 3. Presentation of divorce the work of Hemingway, (updated 5/17/19) contemporary literature 1. "August 2026" 5. Chapter 12 Test Key 4. View of possessions Steinbeck, and Faulkner 2. Recognize the 3. Flannery O'Connor 6. Chapter 12 Video 5. Actions of characters 3. Have students list the continued influence of 1. From A Prayer Journal 1. History vs. Literature Shape Worldview characteristics of modernists' minimalist 4. John Updike 7. Weblinks 1. The importance of Scripture for minimalism style 1. "Still of Some Use" 1. Original 1962-63 Jetsons wisdom in life 4. Display the themes of 3. Explain the broad 5. Joyce Carol Oates Opening and Closing 2. The importance of the Holy contemporary American thought behind 1. "Murder" 2. "When Science Fiction Spirit for wisdom in life prose experimental literature 6. Alice Walker Becomes Reality" 3. Biblical injunctions against 5. Show a video of the space of the Beats and 1. "My Mother's Blue 3. Ray Bradbury, The Art of gossip and persecution of race and explosion of postmodernists Bowl" Fiction No. 203 others technology in the 1950s 4. Apply author 7. Amy Tan 4. The Shadows of 4. Importance of understanding and 1960s background knowledge 1. "Two Kinds" Hiroshima people who differ from you as 6. Have students read to understand a text 8. Sandra Cisneros 5. Flash Burns and part of the believer's mission science fiction 5. Explain the strengths of 1. "Straw into Gold" Shadows at Hiroshima independently and share science fiction as a 6. Leonard Nimoy reads their summaries in small genre Ray Bradbury's "There groups 6. Understand Will Come Soft Rains" 7. Using their independent the historical context 7. There Will Come Soft texts, have students impelling a work's Rains display context sentences conflict 8. Weird Fantasy: There for the vocabulary words 7. Evaluate a work's vision Will Come Soft Rains in their texts of the future in light of a 9. Science Behind the biblical worldview Atomic Bomb 8. Analyze a character as 10. Nuclear Weapons a Christ figure Timeline 9. Make predictions about 11. Flannery O'Connor - a story's outcome and biographical entry in the determine whether New Georgia those predictions were Encyclopedia accurate 12. Savannah: Flannery 10. Analyze a story for O'Connor foreshadowing 13. Flannery O'Connor - 11. Construct a tentative short biographical video biblical framework for 14. Why Do We Read Good the use of objectionable Books? elements, and evaluate 15. Flannery O'Connor an author's work in this Childhood Home light 16. The Flannery O'Connor 12. Examine a story's use of Repository symbol 17. John Updike Profile 13. Analyze direct and 18. John Updike, The Art of indirect Fiction No. 43 characterization and 19. Symptoms of PTSD draw conclusions about 20. Joyce Carol Oates Profile characters 21. Alice Walker 14. Determine the author's 22. Alice Walker (b. 1944) tone toward his topic 23. Alice Walker Audio 15. Evaluate a work's theme 24. Amy Tan Profile for accuracy to life and 25. "Two Kinds" to biblical worldview 26. Sandra Cisneros Crosses 16. Determine the Borders and Boundaries significance of the title in "A House of My Own" to a story's theme 27. "House on 17. Analyze the effect of Mango Street" Page 23 of 24 Curriculum Map - English Language Arts - Literature - American - 11th Grade (3rd Ed.)

17. Analyze the effect of Mango Street" point of view on a Celebrates 25 Years story's themes and tone 28. Sandra Cisneros: Early 18. Examine an author's Life use of ambiguity to 29. Sandra Cisneros suggest multiple 8. Think and Discuss Answers interpretations of a work pp. 616-617, 626-627, 19. Examine long sentences 631-632, 637, 640-641, carefully to determine 649-650, 655 their meanings 9. Writing Lesson 6: Literary 20. Evaluate how true to Analysis Essay - pp. life a work is in its W11-W12 depiction of the main 10. Teaching Helps 12A-12G topic 11. Writing Rubric 6 21. Examine how an author 12. A copy of Hemingway's effectively adapts "Hills Like White Elephants" personal essay to her 13. Clip of The Jetsons unique literary voice 14. Images of Hiroshima and style shadows 22. Determine the effect of 15. Video clip of peacocks a work's historical 16. Map of Alabama context on its themes 17. List of PTSD symptoms 23. Evaluate the author's 18. A personal keepsake perspective on her 19. Recordings of Schumann's topics from a biblical "Pleading Child" and worldview "Perfectly Contented" 24. Examine the effect of 20. Chapter 12 Review Answers point of view on a - pp. R29-R30 story's characterization 21. Chapter 12 Test 25. Analyze a story's 22. Final Review characters and their 23. Final Exam motivations 26. Analyze an author's use of cultural characteristics in a story 27. Evaluate characters' choices in light of biblical principles 28. Analyze an author's use of allusion, analogy, and metaphor to convey her message 29. Examine a work's collection of anecdotes to find the unifying theme 30. Evaluate whether an author's stories of personal identity succeed in reaching a broader audience

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