Winter 2017/18
Newsletter - Calibrated for Creative Communications Vol. 15, no. 4, Winter 2017/18 Schneeberg seen from the Wienerwald, Nov. 2017 Vantage Point IT STAR representatives nd-of-year provides an excellent vantage point to assess Eachievements and shortcomings during the exiting year and Austria/OCG-R. Bieber, Bulgaria/BAS- I. Dimov, to look forward into the future. Croatia/CITA-M. Frkovic, Cyprus/CCS-P. Masouras, Czech Rep./CSKI-J. Stuller, Greece/GCS-S. Katsikas, Based on feedback from our readers, we can tick the 2017 per- Hungary/NJSZT-B. Domolki, Italy/AICA-G. Occhini, formance of the Newsletter as successful. Our Honorary Advi- Lithuania/LIKS-E. Telešius, Macedonia/MASIT- sory Board is growing and we are happy to have a stronger fe- P. Indovski, Poland/PIPS-M. Holynski, Romania/ male representation of the informatics profession. ATIC-V. Baltac, Serbia/JISA-D. Dukic, Slovakia/SSCS- I. Privara, Slovenia/SSI-N. Schlamberger In this last 2017 Issue we are pleased to introduce our new mem- bers of the NL Advisory Board, to brief you on the Russian Vir- Contents tual Computer Museum and to provide an update on develop- New members of the Advisory Board ........................... 2 ments related to Big Data and Competences. IT STAR WS and BM in Sofia ...................................... 3 Big Data: The Data Scientist ........................................ 6 Regarding IT STAR, 2017 was rather challenging and efforts were made to build upon successful activities so as to recalibrate Russian Virtual Computer Museum ............................. 9 the Association to the benefit of its members and the larger ICT ITU Information Society Report 2017 ......................... 13 community. MS News ...................................................................
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