PSRC Funding Application Competition Regional FTA Application Main Competition Status submitted Submitted: March 17th, 2017 11:48 AM Prepopulated with screening form? Yes Project Information 1. Project Title Purchase 11 New High Capacity Transit Buses 2. Transportation 2040 ID Exempt 3. Sponsoring Agency Sound Transit 4. Cosponsors N/A 5. Does the sponsoring agency have "Certification Acceptance" status from WSDOT? N/A 6. If not, which agency will serve as your CA sponsor? N/A 7. Is your agency a designated recipient for FTA funds? Yes 8. Designated recipient concurrence N/A Contact Information 1. Contact name Monica Overby 2. Contact phone 2066894979 3. Contact email
[email protected] Project Description 1. Project Scope This project will purchase eleven High Capacity Transit (HCT) buses needed to provide 15,000 additional ST Express bus hours. The new service is estimated to increase ridership by a range of 1,400 to 2,800 riders per weekday. Sound Transit's ST Express Bus service provides fast, frequent, reliable service connecting major population and employment centers in the Central Puget Sound region. ST Express provides limited stops and serves twenty-five transit centers and over thirty park & rides linking the three-county region. The ST Express system is experiencing challenges meeting its service standards and performance due to buses being overcrowded, delaying schedule and service reliability. These buses will ultimately support the entire network of ST Express bus routes that serve 23 designated regional centers in Snohomish, Pierce and King Counties For this application, Sound Transit is focusing the eleven buses on routes experiencing the most severe overcrowding and schedule reliability issues.