FREDERIKSHAVN, DENMARK BACKGROUND INFORMATION PROJECT TITLE Energibyen Frederikshavn (‘Energy City Frederikshavn’) Beneficiary City of Frederikshavn (Kommune Frederikshavn, Rådhus Allé 100, 9900 Frederikshavn, e-mail:
[email protected], tel.: +45 9845 6104) Duration of project 10/2007 – 06/2011 (45 months) Member State Denmark, Nordjylland region Geographic size City of Frederikshavn/target area: 23 295 inhabitants (01/2012) Functional urban area (Frederikshavn municipality): 61 576 inhabitants. As a result of Kommunalreformen (‘The Municipal Reform’ of 2007), Frederikshavn municipality – practically identical with its functional urban area – is the result of a merger between three formerly independent local authorities (city of Frederikshavn, communes of Skagen and Sæby). The new municipality covers a large area of 642 km² and has a population of 61 576 (2011). Funding Total budget: 4 960 000 DKK (approx. €666 730) 50% ERDF and 50% local (national) financing: 2 480 000 DKK (€333 365) each. Operational ‘Innovation and Knowledge’. National Operational Programme for the European Programme Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in Denmark 2007-2013: Regional competitiveness and employment. Operationelt program 'Innovation og viden'. Program inden for rammerne af målet regional konkurrenceevne og beskæftigelse, som samfinansieres af Den Europæiske Fond for Regionaludvikling 2007-2013. CCI no : 2007DK162PO001 Number of decision : C(2007)3360 Final approval date : 2007-07-06 Managing Authority The managing authority for the ERDF is: The Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority Vejlsøvej 29, DK-8600 Silkeborg, Denmark Tel.: +45 35 46 60 00, fax: +45 35 46 64 01, e-mail:
[email protected] The Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority is also the managing authority for the European Social Fund (ESF).