Energy Renovation of Private Homes Handbook Of

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Energy Renovation of Private Homes Handbook Of Handbook of Energy renovation of private homes Authored by: Energy City Frederikshavn Frederikshavn municipality Raadhus Allé 100 9900 Frederikshavn The Danish Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Islands Brygge 26 2300 Koebenhavn Title: Handbook of Energy renovation of private homes Edition: 1. Edition Published in 2012 Author: Poul Rask Nielsen, Energy City Frederikshavn, Henrik Lilja, The Danish Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Bahram Dehghan, Energy City Frederikshavn, Simone Louise Jensen, Energy City Frederikshavn. Editor: Simone Louise Jensen, Bahram Dehghan Energy City Frederikshavn. Language: English (Originally in Danish) Translated by: Esben Visti Jensen, Bahram Dehghan Layout: graphics by Hanne Lund, Frederikshavn Municipality Pictures: Energy City Frederikshavn, Tom Jensen, Colourbox Publisher: Energy City Frederikshavn and The Danish Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Republication in extracts is allowed, but only with proper references to the source. 2 12-530.hl Grafik: Table of Contents Preface 5 Counseling 51 Introduction 6 Impartial energy advisor 52 Worth knowing about energy renovations in private The energy advisor is visiting 53 residences 9 Husets Web 54 Energy-efficient houses 10 Execution 54 How old is your house, and how big is the consumption of energy? 10 Saeby Strand 54 What is an energy label? 11 A public housing building 54 House prices and consumption of energy 12 Understandable consumption of energy 55 A look into the crystal ball 14 Financial gain 56 Simple payoff time 15 Granly 56 Energy renovation legislation 16 Municipal energy renovation 56 Renovation and rebuilding 17 The oil furnace got fired 57 Energy renovation - and /or installation of energy sources 17 The savings are financing the renovation project 57 Increased competence, cooperation and upgrading Farmstead 58 among artisans 19 Renovation with focus on energy optimization 58 Craftsmen, further education and cooperation 20 A comprehensive building project 59 The role of the craftsman 21 From big consumption to sustainable energy 59 Cooperation 22 Financial gain 59 Further education 25 Master builder’s house 59 “Energiproffer” 26 Energy renovation in the city 59 It started with an idea… 27 Small investment – large gain 59 From competitors to partners 27 New heating source 60 First of all education 28 Solar cells are a hit – also in Aalbaek 60 Looking back at the process 28 It is (also) about attitude 61 Educational institutions 29 The sun as a source of energy 61 Training of “Energiproffer” 29 Electricity in ”the bank” 61 Courses for further education in technique, energy and When the meter is running backwards… 62 environment 30 Investing and finances 62 Capabilities with a future 31 The solar cell distributor performed the municipal contact 62 Barriers and tools for initiation of energy renovations 33 Financing 63 The homeowner is the most important actor 34 The most expensive is the cheapest 64 Challenges 34 Where to save money? 65 Barriers and tools 36 What do you get for the money? 66 Involvement and motivation among the homeowners 39 What kind of financing to choose? 66 Motivation by including target groups 40 Energy loan in the bank 67 Four leads to growth in the building sector 40 Loan to energy improvements in mortgage credit Information 41 institutions 68 Civic meetings 41 Craftsmen deductions 68 An example of reactions after a civic meeting 43 Support for energy improvements 70 Follow-up meetings 44 Sustainable Energy facilities are profitable 71 An example from the town of Gaerum 44 The standard method 71 The Energy Magazine e+ 47 The account method 72 Why an energy magazine? 47 There is still some way to go 73 How do you put together and editorial groups? 48 Bibliography 74 A demonstratorium 48 Energy fair with focus on private homeowners 50 3 4 Preface This handbook displays the result of project cooperation be- In this handbook, Energy City Frederikshavn and The Dan- tween Energy City Frederikshavn and The Danish Federation ish Federation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises have of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. This cooperation re- tried to create an overview displaying the factors that would ceived financial support from the North Denmark Region’s improve craftsmen in their work with energy optimizing in Regional Development. private homes. The handbook gives an insight into the pos- sibilities for further education, courses, partnership, building North Denmark Region made the preparation of this project legislations, the lives of the homeowners and their practical possible by focusing determinedly on sustainable energy and experiences from Frederikshavn and in the environs of Fred- energy renovations in the northern part of Jutland. This ef- fort by North Denmark Region is greatly appreciated. erikshavn. The point of this is handbook is to raise awareness and in- The results of this project have been composed to put focus terest of the enormous energy-saving potential that many on energy renovations regionally. Thus, the purpose is to in- homeowners have yet to take advantage of. Therefore, it can spire and lift SmartCityDKs project program 2 by displaying be considered as a source of inspiration to the homeowners the gathered experiences. Therefore, different project part- who are the primary actors when it comes to optimization of ners in SmartCityDK have been included in the discussions energy in private homes. around the organizing of the project and the results ob- tained. Our cooperation with Thisted Municipality is a great Energy City Frederikshavn is using several methodologies example of the project partnership. with the purpose of breaking down barriers that inspire homeowners in realising the great energy-saving potential ”a handbook of energy renovation in private homes shows existing in their very own house. The method of breaking down these barriers is primarily by motivating homeowners that cooperation and sharing of knowledge are the founda- through targeted information and impartial counselling, so tions for progress in the construction industry. If the ways of that the decision can be made on an enlightened and com- collaborations that have been used in Energy City Frederik- petent basis. shavn were to be transferred to the rest of the northern part of Jutland, it would strengthen the development of energy In addition to motivated homeowners, a realisation of the efficient buildings and renovations which would benefit citi- enormous energy-saving potential requires a number of zens and industry in the entire northern part of Jutland. The other factors that this handbook will account for. The op- SmartCityDK network is looking forward to the continuation timizing of energy consumption in households will not sort of a constructive cooperation with Energy City Frederikshavn out itself. It requires competent artisans, companies and in the common northern Jutlandic effort in building energy other suppliers, all of whom are equally important factors. efficient buildings.” Jesper F. Carstens, head of the secre- The entire effort is made with the purpose of creating in- tariat SmartCityDK. creased growth and increased employment in the local areas. 5 Introduction Let us start by asking ourselves a question: they need to have access to the appropriate advice and information on energy; that the craft enterprises must - How does one eat an elephant? With a teaspoon – a lot have the skill and know-how to conduct the energy- of teaspoons. saving projects; that the banks must be supportive and willing to finance the necessary investments; that the real This is one way of drawing a picture of the enormous estate agents must accomplish the necessary competence task associated with realizing the immense potential for to inform the sellers and buyers about the financial ef- energy-savings that exist in the Danish households. The fects of a house’s high versus low energy cost, but also extent of this potential can be described and made up in that someone – the obvious choice could be the munici- several ways and this can happen with focus on climatic palities – needs to go on the offense and push the devel- interests, security of supplies and other relevant argu- opment in the right direction. ments. But however it is expressed, the realization of the energy-saving potential depends only on the homeown- According to SBi – the Danish Building Research Insti- ers’ willingness towards investments. tute – two of the greatest barriers in the way of achieving more energy renovation in private residences are: Surprisingly many homeowners claim that they only use as much energy as absolutely necessary! However, count- Lack of knowledge among homeowners less analyses as well as real experiences state that the Lack of the necessary competence among the craftsmen heat consumption of many households can be reduced by 1/3 and that many savings, which are financially at- These are the two barriers that this handbook intends to tractive for homeowners, are available. They talk about a break down. Therefore, the handbook is aimed at the ar- massive amount of up to 200 billion Danish Kroner [ap- tisans and the homeowners and is based on research and proximately 27 billion €] on a national basis. practice-oriented actions, strategies and methods. In order to get the majority of the homeowners with on The handbook is divided into four chapters: it, the job of just one actor is not enough. All actors need to take part and they all need to have their interest in it. 1: Worth knowing about energy renovations in private residences However, it is required that homeowners are granted the 2: Increased competence, cooperation and upgrading necessary overview and proper decision-making founda- among artisans tion in order to make the right decision. It means, that 3: Barriers and tools for initiation of energy renovation 4: Involvement and motivation among homeowners 6 The handbook can be read in chapters or in accordance to what it is relevant for the individual, but also as a whole for the readers, who wish to experience the compiled potential in addition to letting them- selves get inspired by the measures of promote energy-saving in private homes.
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