

,• .. --:

.· - ---~('.···-. ·- - ~--·-,--1°"":~ ,.'., 1 OariiI!af~ .~-f~erfyr:- :· ~~ :~·· I ·a1ed box_.wa:~·Tbey aat~; ltt7l1BRUTAl··~' ~Jt)•.• fact ,beyond denial' e olck, and'tbe·exhausted, ali who 11ffLI. ·... . . the. G(!r{ru~m!I J:iav~ ,deliberately and could not w.aik. Were' piled together •. · ., :' ;;'. ; :, • .,' iYatein,a~lca.IJy ·JnuJ;dered mlllloiu of into. truck1 And ·hauled directly to 1 ·JO[:,D-.'''\:18··.:.y· 3·. ~iw.. ·H 0~~~~e:il~~~:i.n~~~e~~r:~:. ~~~~ :~.:n~:ee;~~; ~~o~o;; ~~~1:,!~: _ ;: · campafgn. ol~error and brutallty, of'the men. and .G per cent of the) . '. which Is· up.precedented In ~ll, hli· women· wer•;u~lsn,ed to cella for·1

·s··c .. A· -·· p'E' o· :~CAMP.-.:. S.~i~=~e~jwi:c~a.~~e~t~~. ~o~:~=~ :t~~ t~a::: ::~~e~!hte:r· e~::;.. . . , plan- to subjugate the free peoples mtnatlon. E • · . , . of .the wor~d,. c .: • • ... It. o.tten.happfned/' aald thl1 ac· · ·. · .: ... The .board has evecy reason to count of emPtyln.r the prJ,son t.ralna, -·--- · .•.. ~9Jleve.that.these report's present a '*that·amall c~dren were thrown . " . . true picture· of the frlghU~l hap. into thetru$1alon.1wJth thedead.11 ··1 "Tw M'l}' penlng1 In· these camps," · '. • ·. · . Th1·prl1onlra retained for fabo , Near y 0 • IOD Tho 11•mea o( the.three narral01'8·1W•re·locked 11\ cell boum, ualaneil I , " we·re JJJi\preJsed, Two of.them wQre ·three to a cubJc;Ie decrlbe4 u fltQo Reported Gas' sed described.·~ yo~ng Slovakian' ;narrow tor .•.moo to Uo itretched . . · ." . . • who. escaped l~st· April after two out ·,and· not•hlah enouah for him to yeara · tn the . Nazi co~centra~lon !11t .uptj:aht.": 'Dl1eaae, milnutrlUon, ~·~01ure, , . , , . • , ., , campa · at yBii'kenau and near·bY ancl · brutallty decimated1 ATBOOITY PIOTUBES, . ·~notOrJoua f9r tµelr crem· the ranks dally with me vacan.cJes · · There baVd been niBny report.I d'.tllrlea, _Ttur third la a Polish major, 111\ef:I by ne~ arrivals. Those unable of· Geiman : atroclUes, · tonui · of who also eiic:aped -from . .Aulichwltz. to work were kll~ed by. phenol In·

· whlch have bc!en vel'lfted. At Luh- . . vAiio118 w8>'i Ot. H.J°U1ng.' j~ctlon~r:n:~:l~sl~~~crlbed • .f::; ~.!:°'~i!::t::~~~!~:!· · Their· 1torle1 were. the tlrat ·re· The crematories were described in , realdentll and taka photoP.&Pba.. lea.ed by tho war retuaee board '1etall. The capacity ot four cremat­ ~ of the Lublin plbtui-ea AP- 1lnce-·It ·wa1 created last January by Ing and g!ieslng plants a~ Blrkendu ·~.oil i.se =. No ptcturiia.were Pr~s\4e1)t. flpoS~Vett: to. dlfec~ tile was glven as 6,000 d.ally, The nar· ·re1eued tO eonoborate.the atroo- rescue 1 of Cbm;entriltlon· camp prls- rators ~4.. ~{lj; fin.entering. one ..2!1' ft7 dory .~teUed kKbf b7. the oner1.· ·.'J'h8y t01~ ·~f i:Jtultlple mil~· !~:s~:!:~~1~~~~€~~~~r!~~o~rJ:~:t war ~Of'.boud.,.';~.:< ,;,~(:;.1:,·. df!r~ }:lydellber~te.e~p91ure.and dep. they were going Into a bath hou~e...... ·· ~lyatlof! 1 . h)' . hypo~ennlc, phepol fn. They were massed In an antecham· .. ·.. . """"":". _""8\. 1 ·:, ,Jec'Uons,. by firing ·aquad,. by gas her, made to undress, and handed 1: "Bf, HALi-.~~lJ~~··· \ :chambersi _and·by·Oxpel;'fmential aur· small towels and small Pl,eces of · 1~.~·~~~l. i&ery, 'The de~lla are aa iruesome soap. Then they were jammed into Wp.lh.~~f~~ !J· c;:.,.:ff~v.;~.-The :aa ·world' War ·L· reporta: that .the another ch~mber with &lmulated ~~f~~"~.ll~rd.·~~d:hll~sut~~e: :German~ had bay~ne.ted. babies and do2~~:ns~~::;b~~~mls~ Inside," ··the : ... el·. 'be °tie· '·a:. 1 rende~ed cadavers for edible fats •. account said, u the heavy doorS are :t w~_.!!eBn llY . · The.· brochu.re said ·women and closed, Then there Is a short pause, . • . . ~.i:.~!.'~ <;Iv~1 children.as w~ll as men are among presumably to. allow th_e room tern· l~Jl.b~.. the Ge~• ~.extermlna· the vlcu,nt of atrocities in this war. perature to rise to a certain level, ~p~· ~pa 1n l!louthwe11te~ ~ol~d. The orlaln of \he 1,'16~,ooo· Jewa re· after which ~S men wi~h gas ,masks 1 !···:'the::board,.cop.slSf:l!lg. of ~ecre· Poifed·aa·gassed.1n· dea\h chambers climb on the·.roof, open trap doors, ·~e~·-~ull. ~orgenyiau.-.4Ul~:Stlm· ln' Blritenau.· ti.om' .. AprlI. 1942,. to and shal;ce down. 0: preparation in .s~J!_; i'Y:~uche.d; for, ~a.1,-a~.ui:its •. in· AJ;lrll;)~44. was lJs·~ed· 88· follows: ~ow(le:r. for~ out o_t ~in cans Ja~eled Cludlna -,n:<~._Umater that .1 765,000 p d · • H d. • cyklon, for ~se against verml~. 1 1 900 000 11 100000 Jtt!n .!~~·.a~s~d =~ .. ~lrk~nau,. one G~e:e: .4s,00o;. ·Fnli;icie,~5~1 000; 'Bel: cY:!fd~s mf:f~~;n;; s~~~t s!~~sw~;ch ~:.,the_~pa. · . .: · ·· , - &lQm, ~.OQO; Ger.ma~Y •. 60,000j Yugo- turns Into gas at a certain tempera· : So:r~volµn1.,a~n.d~ dla~ollcal are ala.via,. Italy, and Norway, 50,000; ture. After'thl'ee minutes every one th• ~2':D · a~C:l~e-," the board , .50,000;· Bohemta, Moravia, in the ·chambei' is· dead'.- The'. C~am· QJ~9!' .. ':that. ~9: minds and Austria,· 30,000; Slovakia, 30,000, her ts opened, aired, and a special ~ ~~i;J.peo_plo ~dJt dlf!lc1:11t to and· tram· Various campa for foreign squad cl}rts the bodies Cl1.1 flat truc~s ~- . · ·!-~!ieri:~~J;~~ ~eW•:.tii:J;~l~d, 30~,oOO. ·. · f~:~:~~:~~~~:.~om ~.here the burn· tod:Stil~a.and of o~her countries . · Sefled B~:s: Can. · -" Thr~ ~dult. Bodie11.- ye·eVldeD.ce whlCh ·clearly subBtan· , The Sl.ovaklans aald the dlaboltcal The fu_rn_ace:room was desc~.lbed iM"thO.facta.-~.' · ,. , treatment of·~lvllJ~n prls .a~mg !line furn,a~~s, e.ach. ;.:;;.- ·...... t.. · · , ·~-.:;~ t ·their arrlyal at the camp 1~. wlth-fOiiF""openme:s of a ~- (!J:l)'it'ngg-_'1lt.!.!1ll .~tl:tilruu~ NOV 26 1944

trocity Pi~tu,res7Nmi 'pQlish Ca .,'., . 11•.•.... ~.: ..'i.?

" .~f

- -- ._, __ ;A-cmePh~IOI,)- -~ ... -- ' ~ontainers In which ashea of pr1s'ori.er~: cfematf;ld ~t Lqbli~ wte sol4-for fertili~er~ I~ ba'._ck~roun_d is -~o~. -_of crema~ion ov~n~. TJ:i e _·_._es came fr~~~ources·ot~cr tlian war,refugee:hP_~r~, · ltlurCJer by Injection. The murders by -tniec:;tlon. were mainly at -the camp hospital•. The Pole said ·the ·normal iate in 1942 was 20 to 80 a da)r, hut about- once; a month a German doctor would go, thru the camp and list between 200 an~the weak for the lethal needle. --( ~Tht"llird1cU~.n11/' shld the maJor,nami?I ot- German ·pr1so~11· I w e t only admlnls.tere~h~ might be bro·ugh\ to.trial when· ,weali: i_nd .th~ mbut etsi;> to prlson1the war' ls ended. It also contcLlned 0 t~~~~~m~~l.Rt1Hd!a~6~UoAP~A tr~~\ the. nRm.es ot prlso.ners _·who s'ome_._ thlS on .o.'if.f~Occa. sloit two groups.:tllfleS outdid their keepe~s In bestial· (th~ ·ntatv9t'•o ·tind the second 0 flltY\ while serving ~n capaclt-lea that ~o ·Pii!oittr81- of young and strong\w.·ould be called trusties ln &1\ A.mer-, llyouths bet~een the ages ot 13 and lean penal ·Institute. · · 1 :16 were 'put ta :'dqath on the ground 11 On. Dec, 17, 1942, 2_00 )'o\lng that they" 'T'er,e. orphans an·d, CoutdSlova~ Jews, the' so·called:'speclall not be ··con1lder~d In the camp as squad employed In gaaslnii ·and full· fledged workw1. · . burning thi/ condemned, "rfere . tn ! ·.,Radel considerations played an turn execuie4 at J3lrkeqau,0 one of, lmpQrtant role. An Aryan really had the Slovakians said. ~hey were 1 ljto be nrloualy Ill to b.e ·condemned ex(\cqt.ed for ~avlng planned to m~· fo death tJY. lnjecqon whereas 80 toltlnY and escape. A Jew . betraye 90 pei- 'ce~f of ,the' Je\"{s hospital· their preparations. This frlghtfu lr:ed ·ihere were ellmlriated In this Job had to be taken ov~r by a grou manner. Me.ny of them knew about1of 200 Po1lsh Je_ws who h!1d juat ar;

1 • this method and applied. for admls·' rived at camp, • 1 slOn ab so-calleil ! suicide candidates,•, Brutal tmd Ruthle.1, ' not havlnii• the . courage to· throw II The men belonging ~o thO 'spe­ tl).emsQlY,el :'on·. th& hlal} tension. clal, .squad' lived separately, Tti.ey s.'' were extraordlnarl\y brutal ~nd ,·,.~l,~trUl~d ·Fane.ea. ruthless. It was not unc,ommqn .to ~1 J'.l:IP wa~_surroµnded.~y ~w~ see one of them-klll'another, This ·~ · e~ectrlfled fences . With was considered by the others a sen· g rd1' ~oa~ed · tn towers mounting satlon, a change, _ · ~hlactilne- guns and tloodllghts, The " Once 1 was an eyewltne11 when bodles·bt prhlonera kllled In attempt·· a young. Polish Jew named Jossel Ing to .1e1capp were displayed In the: demon~trated 1 scientific' murder on 11 ~mp wltll a plqcard reading Here 1a Jew in the presence of, an. SS 1 If.ff?..~'!,. ';t')tope f8ptur~d pl~VI:' \Vere' guard, ·He use~ no weapon, merely hE\~K',4 .. ~" vl~W .Ot the ,Pris!·~~~ ~e,n. WAS ~uch ·th!lt. a·.sald the 1'jjutant, a· Jew ·cane1 young ahd robust Jew could be ex· \Mlltler, cer Inly owed his· post ·t p~oted to last not more than t'wo his Qrutal a Ions. He took tun a Weeks.·".•: ·. . , .. 1 ,_. • ., . vantage ot tl!e power con~etre '.The three. escaped prisoner& told up~m hi~ to torment the Jews.".. llttletabout ~ tnYsterlous bfologlcal · 1l8bor8.toiy'whlclt they sa\d ·the'. Ger· lrn~~~~~.~;!J\teu~r1~.~t~.Sterlllt.- ·1ng by X·t&Y t'reatment, artlflolal In:· .ae~inaUp~ ot WC!men, qs wen as ex· ~!:~~n~~~°J~i'eo!J~a;e~~~~o~r'rs:r:. ~rd; , ~specially Jews, served as ·guinea pigs· for-·these experiments, 'j!~1 ~ho~e'::s0fc~~:i~~~ ~s:l~~~~ .fl~Wll ,f~?Ill l~ reached us -only· very'. '.~eld~~· it~~ortit I~~· D1~ . ~ ! . 011e: Qt the Slovakians repoi:t~d that 11 .~ g~e~~ rnanY, died as a result Of thesEr ·experiments." The o.ther Slo­ . ,vakl9.n,• In telliilg ·of the de8.ths of ··1n a Se-pteinber, ·1943, .convoy Polish Jew; famUles, said 11 .twins,. re lert alive, to· be .subjected to lolls pied~c~l tesis...... -===­ ·-·¥ __ h.! 'Q~opl'ture contalnf!:4 ~uµi,~rous

---~-- --,·· . • . . .. ·.-nr.·: c:-~;""I the . .. • ·-· . . .. " . . . ~MilliOP.'•··.·i .-. ,,_I ftgur~·l'/.A~ .. 1 ,?~D,ooo, · :, ..,:-.:. foun~ that In all Important aspecta~ - .I. WO ''. 1 ·.I In Upper ~llesf ..1 , ·. •• • ; ,.-· ·. on.e corroborated ano~sent B~tallty, slarv~Uon ~d~dlsease .. . ·~'1'.' I T~ps·'itrdo~~~- \: .. ~arts back here. with tlie er the accepted thtng t the...... : .':.;., l!lfk"""""eliQli,:Ji) U ·e{1ujcow~~ aµCl'reCo'"10iendation that they ·were am ,thethreemendecl d.For: 11 xecutedlu:t'''~ period covered l~~he ~~~~·~fl~~~ ~·rrect as far as could ·be ascer-'.::.~ {o"~r~n'::":::.IJ!i ~~w ::'1"i E 1 : ·! . .: i ;_.~.::;· ~0~::~1 "~~~~· ••~~m:~nf:t:;t•s and.~ a ;~d ~:sdi!J~·1 ;~:~~ ":heco;:~:~"~a ._:iarrows u_p· an Incline ~rom a p~t:I • c ,:1 . ·,1,:.· ! itre :m~1i.d4(Uon· tO the re Utere Impressed aJso because the storJ~'fhose who slowed up were simply 8ZJ deatbi~ollB bf!Lµpun and, ~th~~r~~ \~er, from· men ·actm:lly conftne~fnucw~: ~~f: ::dl crt~ed dowtn thef N amps '; torlous maSs eXecuUon cent r ·i Jn the crunps, whe1·e escape1 is.rare, er oa s on op o . • . - . ) . -where·;.ln,:German .· . e_~e.se.- Although thel'e was a reluctanc· them. Extremely run-down hospital Gassmg, Crema.tion . !.' coimtii. es.'. .Any . .;,;t.I\'n\'•oc:lP/~~ to P~bllah atrocl!y otorles, In vie~·8pt'tlenl'• chron. lc cases and the half­ Assemhly·Lfoe "" :;over-aU,.tci,l~l would be a pure suesi ff th• propaganda backfire follow ~::J:m~:d":~t~~!~~ b'ere v1~iually · ·· . ,i;On lhEJ oula of available facts.· ng the FJrst World Wsr, the boar . . Y n1 ec~ ons. Methods Told· by"" " ,, '.'11 la•a tao! beyond denial lliat felt It was on firm ground on lbesa Used for E•pe1lmenls , - ~d · the. GermBtns have dellberately and i·eport.![S,· 1. Men and women Were used for War Re f ugee Boar · syatematlcally murdered mlllloha of I~ the docume.1! released last medical experlmenta lrl "biological . lnn0;c~nt c1Vlllans-Jews and Chris- nf~ht the board explained: - · Jaboratorle~" where "even the win- . BY George Connery : · tJana- aJ~e"'."':"all over Europe,!! de· 1 The War Refugee Board Is en- flows were. walled up,"• the nar· 1 In twb years approxlmateiy twO cJar~~.:.t.11@~ 1 \VJilch functJon~ gaged in a despente effort to save rators said, ' A great many died as mllllon perSons-equal t th · und~. . tlVe'.'O~ce .of ·the as ma::¥ as possible of Hitler's Jri .. a result of these experiments," they tire ulatlo 0 ~ en- President. "This camPaJgn Of ter- tend~d victlrils. 'J.'o facilitate its added, P 0 Pt n of.West ,VJrglnla- ror and br,ut_qlity, unprecedented tn Wol'k the br;>ard has representatives The two Slovakian Jews related were ex erminated at two Germ(ln au ~i~tory~.- ~ven now ~olltlnuea ~ti".' Jn key sjJots in Europe.. These rep- that upon the opening of the 1lret concentration camps, ac~c:>rding to abated.". !F ... ' : · resentatives have tested ·contacts crematorium in Birkenau in March, a detalled report.made public yes- Thri;ie',-;~~nf :~ho . escaped '.the throughout ·Europe and keep the 1943, prominent guests from Berlin · terday by the war Refugee Board camps .futnlah~~ the basis fq~ .the board :•illy advised concerning, the were invited to wlt!1ess a "pro­ the first such Jndlctm · t f . h ' report, . . . · , · German campaign at extermination gram 11 consisting of the gassing and J,d , en or W . 0 1e· _ 'Although .ft cannot vouch for' ac~ and torture. · burning of 6000 Crac:ow Jews. "-~ -. c m~tder to be issued un~er au. curacy ·of every .detJlll In the Sen- Rep~rls Pre r · · j The guests· watched· the whole thorJr 1on of this Gover.pme.nt. saUonal ttarrative, 'the War Refu;ge·e "'r . ~a ~d Separ~tel:y · .' proce~~ through "special pee P- SI" grams, sketches and maps Board released it as a reliable sum.. · t 1je 1 ep~i ts wer~ prepared sep-1 ht;>les, they said, and afterward in_ the· 24-page repoi-t, locate in mary, It said: ·.' ·. ' ;· .': ar: e ~ ~ti are i·eproduced ex .. ·, were "lavish" In their praise of the rough outll th · . 11 The board ha8 every reason to ac 1Y n e form they were re- new installation. ; ne e cren:iatorl~ .a~d belleve ·that these reports present ceJ~ed by the Wu: ·Refugee Board, Other tales or 8trocltles told by. - 0 hlter lnstallatlons and Jlluatrate 8 true picture of the frlghtfuI hap- except.for,~ few deletions ~ece~- the three men l9cluded dJppJng a'. t e assembly .. Jine 1 Jlletli~ds -that penlngs .in·. thCse camps. It ls Hry fo1• the Protection: of per~ons rabbi head first int~ a ~atrlJ?.~ a d! 1 9 1 eliminated meµ, women ai:id chU .. making· the) reports public Jn the who may .sUll be alive. l'he figures shooting him bec,use .he was late; dren. . . · firm convJcUon that they would be con_cernlng the. size of the Jewish for a roll c~ll, fore~ tht prla:onenj Contrary to established, poJlcy read ftnd understood by all Amerl-' convoys ·and the numbers of men to sing at 'concert' parties" durinSi lthe board pld not submit ·this re~ cana; . · · and women... admitted to the two which the ·.ss guards were veryi port to the Office of War lnforma 11 · •• camps cannot be taken as maUi~- generous with blows and pbyalcal! tion before making Jt pqbilc, ; .• E?~~ely, Ctedlble'_' __ . rnatically e'!act; and, in. fact, il.re punh1hment, and. c~mmandin1 th_e/ :_ The .executions total ls arrived _ 4 The declara~tons ta1ly With au_ dec!ared by the ~uthors to.be ~omen to un~oxhpaUDns. cises. o_ut of dooi:s. m f_r•.ezlng te_m ... tailed tables glvfog naUOnal'cOTu' reports· hitherto received, apd the They are accepted as such by-t peratu1·es while m ·an unclothed pos1Uo1_1 and estimated size of eaCh dates glv~.!l.. y,rtth r~g~rd tO trans... boar~." . · 1state. - · _ _- . convoy aS it arrived at the cim ports to various camps agree with: ~ne fep.ort fs based on experl- i The three -escapees g~ve exact areas'. Only a .PercentaJle of th~ fllclal records,.· These statem~nts ences of _two young _SlovakJan•and_factual dlscriptions of tbe·ex­ .in. convoys was enrolled at .the su. can;, thpr.~~.~re, be· consldere_d as Jews .who .e.sc~ped in /\prll, 19441 ltermlnati.ng process~s. which_ varied tuU~,·wit.h the bulk. sent directly penmely cr,ed_lble.1~ . _ .. _ · .alter speni:hng two years in the from ordinary but rel.entless bt·utal· , to th gassmg chamber&. I Because! e three stories, ft _was lear ~s at Auschwitz and Blrkenau. Jty. to death bf gas. Bll'kenau, rich cons uttve num. ber.s wer~ tattooe.diW. !;! '.forwarded -t~ ·_the board In~- ~econd ~s by a non._-JeWJsh·.t"_O-J""'_ ·ned Aus.chwltz, ~ad. the _ ost ?D t se not immediately,exeCuted,jWa hlng~n' by one ·of-Its repre-1U!ih major, ·the only_survivoJ;". of e1aborate system. it wa_ possible to r.e.a_ch.~rl-p.. . •e.n aUves_ at tl}.e.Am.erlcan Embassy .one_ group imprisoned at Au.sch-,Fi.rst Burned ID Trenches ~ate to~l for .those ,ex.t,.... in Swltzerlan.d, _Ch~clqng the men witz. . At first bodies- from the gU hill FC?r on~ s~t o~ gl!!f __(!h_aqL... ___ !j ~d ~~J.r .. _narratives closely. he 1 ! at )Jirkenau were bLi.nied in hu&e trenches. ~his CfU

1fiitoaiflbO-end ot b'ebruary, Ill'*"'· ~o--compress -this 9rowd Into when a ,iew_ modern a_asslng plantlthe narrow. space, shots are t.ten .and~ofcrem.a~lnto ftred to induce those alread at o,P~~ 1 the far end to huddle still c ser Two large crematotja and two together. ~When everybody i in· emalleJ." one1 were provided. 'l'he slde, the eavy doors are cl sed, Ja1·ge~ ones were dolCrlbed by one Tlien dte e _Is a short pause, pre· of the Slovakian Jews u follows: sumably o allow the room tern· "Tho• .Conaltt of tllree ~arts, a perature 0 rhe to. a certain level, furnac;e room, large b~I and Su after which ss men with gas masks cham.l!er. A !iu11e cjl~ney rises clhnb on the roof, open. \h.a traps from I.the furnace roo~. around aild shak·e dow'n. a preParaUou in , w~ic.h5 are a:rouped nine furµaces, pQwdet form . ~ut of ~tn cans each paving four opeplnllS, Each labeled: -'Cyklon-for u·se i&wnst . op~nt~g can take three normal vermin,~ Which is niariufad.ured by ~o~~~ha~~ ilinecbod~:~ ~!~cyanide mixture of som~ sort wht~h. 0 ~. ~~ }Yh~ch fs arra~ d. ~o as··t :~~~~- i~~t;;st~~·:e ~f~~~et:.~~=~;: ~.v~/f~e, lmpre~s_l_oQ . ~}he ante one I~ ihe chamber is dead. N~ ~ .;,o~ _a bathing., es.tabllsh one fs known to have surVived this it ::h9ld1!1'.20()0·1 P¢!0ple·. an orde&l, alihough was not uncom­ ap . : U.ere· Is ·a sinillar wait mon to ~lscover ~lgns of life after 1Qg.~?n 011 the flOor b~lpw. the prlm1Uve measures.em_p1q~ed_in .:'.·(_~f&m··~here. ~ do~r &lid a fe ~~i1~1l.1~~r:n>~the_ e.~r~l~r: Birk· stePl!l'~ead down into tbe.,very Ion .0 Tbe 'Chamber Is _then opened, and ll8.rrow gas chamber. Tho wal aired And ·the· •&p'eclal squad' carts ol fhls · chamber ·are · atfto camou the ~odie-" on flat ti::ucks to th~ fur.. fla'g'ed with simulated edtrJes t nace room. where t~e l;:iurning shower' .rooml!I in order to. mislea (thetake• am wee. Iler ·ones>.Crematoria work o~".'"d µearly 4 the victims. TJ!e roof le fitted wit tiie •a .principle, but t lr:ca· 1 three traps which can be her• paclty I only half ~a lar,ae 'l'bua 1meUc8Uy closed from.the outslde·the tota capacity of.the I r .. cre- 1 0 1 . A t~ack leads froill the gas cham::0 ~ :u!1~udn~a~~l~~!ut~~i:~~~~~; .beP toward the furnace room." 8 .; :3'111.•, j• .his description. of how" t)ie.gasslrig takes place: · , · "The uflfortu,1ate. vi~Ums fIC brough\ , into hall B' where they ·are: tol~[ to undress. TO ,Complete the ·.ftCtlo·n thQt they are going to ·bathef eaCh per&0n ·receives a towel 18nd. 8' small pfec~ Of SOllJ, issued,

-The'n(theybY... t_wo. Di.en.· are .cl,d crowde~.. ·in whit~ .coa.ts._ , igu.... ~.c in· such;number8 'that there ls, of course, a·nly stand~ iJig ):~o~:. \ • . 1 ./~. ~,~,. '.• . J '· .,_ ' . '·'"

i!bt ~btntitg jlat -·· NOV 26 1944 holesale Slaiig-hter by Nazis~~~~~~~1;·1~.bi~:iai.IT~~ ~-:~·~~Ill': . Ing els~ than an assem~ly ~ter ,for death candidates; All pr ners re db y U S Re Iugee Boar d Incapable of work\n~ were ept ~ • • I there. .There was no questl or Hu ll· Stimson Morgenthau Brand lany mediJ:ol attention or care. 1 1 1 i • "At the same time, tllft 80·C#'lled German .Measures as Clear Bestiality ; "selections' weie lntroduci!4. Twice , • ; J ' ~ UV,W@Cfi]4 unp°iecfdetited Qu ::~~Yd!!~:~~~rc~«ler1r~:1~t:mt:!; Br the Auoolp.~d P,re?· · , . d 1 t h and which even now con- 1of pflsoners who were to b.e gassed The War Re!ugee Boar as tlnu~ unaba~d, ls part ot the Ger.. and then burned; These 1&electees• ac:cus,ed· tlte. Germans ot man.,plan to . subjugate the free were loaded Into ttuoka and brought· ,bestial cruelty and murder by the people of th.e world." . to the Birch Forest. Those still! tnllllon tn: Nazl··extermlnatl~n The board, of which John w. alive upon arrival were gassed in a c'ampa and'back~d up th~ charges Pehle Is executive director, lis i·e- big barrack erected near the trench with atartllrig: ~ye-wltnesa . ac- a1>9nslble tor carrying out the pol- used tor burning the bodte.e:, couri.ts~ ; , . ·;~: · .: . , Joy ot the Federal Oovern_J)lel\t tor Typical Descrlptlun;i,; Th b · d 'coniP.osecr ot Secretary rescue of the victims of ei1emY op- Typical of the descrlptloni given 0r:·s~~~~Hull,,~Secretary of th·e p~esslon. . ot the fate of lndlvldilal li~\IPIS are Trea.sury. Morgen~llU,: ·and Seore- Th~~~~:~~~ w~:m~\~~e D~!{~lled th,~~o Fi·enchme~ (Aryans)' Com­ tary o( War St~ms"on,· made. pu~llo 1tory of the two Jews-appeared such mudtSts and other palltfcal'. prison­ • ~5.000-word · detalled · re~rt ln grueaome atatlstlca e.s these: "Con.. ers among them the brother or Which Jt AMerted.: .' . t1enatlve estlmate" that 65,QOO to Th~reZo and· the young brother of 1· "The board·"haa "eVery.:reaaon to 70,000 of 80,000 person.a received at Leon Blum. Th.e la~ter waa ~ro­ beueve that theae'rel)Otta:pr~ent 1. the c,,mp were gassed; "lowest est!- c.lously tortured,. then gass~.d an. d iii.i · · I t · i. ·th · frightful ·hap- mate 30,000 gassed out ot another burned, ~ pcJur~~ .....e.,p.a It ls niak group; one ntonth's gru1slnga, 90,000; "La.l'gefamllyconvoysarrlved om 0 00 0 .lhg ~=·r~por~~P~~c."tn the fl~ ::'~~.cbE:~~: a ~~f:d~ ;!~ 0~~~~ ~~~~u:t ~~~ %:~te~o~tf1e: blr~~ copvlctl.on· that t}ley should· ~e rea~ loaded and bodies burned Jn great wood, The0 special squad ('Sonder­ an~ under&tood·by: an ~erJcans, open pita, komrnando') employed f~r g8.85lng .· '.J'he re·~rt· consl.sted of two eye- . Taken from the repOrts are these and burning worked Jn . day and accounts of life 1n the~azl excerpts ·and paraphrases: night shltt.s." Hundreds of thou;. ea·wli . at Awiohw.ltlr a'nd. Blrk aul ''The mere fact of neglecting to sand.a of Jews were gassed during ~ .~uthwestefn Poland, pr~ red. =~eut~n~~l'!:1~:.?s~ne~~ n~te tow~;::k th,~~r~~ (themselves prlsonera) I in peildently but almost pr cIS 1" of extepdlng help, Is punished by belonging to the 'Special Squad', paraUel · · .· ~ .:¥ death. It the escapee Is caught lived :;eparately. On account of the 1 . EaCh •inciude(l p."n _e~tlmate that,l ~~lvih~ ew~orea°c~e~p\n· ~~: ffre:i~nJ: ~~~~:u~a~mbe~~ liru:a~o~~ct t~l~ mor.e t_han .a·.mUHon and a halt found dead, his body-whetter It them, ~esldes, they were always Jews tr~m V..~rJous .. ·Eur.opea.n coun .. may have been located-ls ought ft.lthy, destJtute, half wild and ex- trfes · werti Ba.s.ae~ and their bo'dies b k t · - - . ==- traordlnarlly brutal and ruthless, cremated at Blrkenau alone b'etw'e~n e~~rancoe casr::fe an: s;at~d t th Killed Each Other. . . AprU, 1942,. and ,Aprll, · 1944. clasped Jn hJs hands r ma f ,oqc "U Was ·not uncommon to ~ee. One· acCQWlt :bY two young Sia- I am'." ' ead ng }_Iere one of them kill another. Thia was 'I lJ Yak.Ian Jew~, :who.tc;ir.. two year.a had Camp buildings are divided into considered by the othe1;a a .. ~ensa- . clerics.l Po.s:ta jn the .caiµp thiough llttle cubicles each occupied by tlon, a change . . which _they ~d.'keep fairly c~e three per~ons: each cubicle "too "At the end of February, 1H3, • track of _e'{ejJ.t8, 'set the ngure ·at nari:ow tor a man to lie .stretched new modern crematoria and gassing il/165,000;· Thft· second· acCou t out and not high enough· tor hlm·Jplant was Inaugurated at Blrkenau. .b;r. & '.~~.D.-.ieWiaJi~ Po~· Jria~r. ~l~ «>.. sit. uprtgh~. . ., . ·~;~~rf:vetl~~ha:ds.sth~~~h~: 1 u!~~ tlir~o. eJJ.c•~· P:oi: µtelr ·prote~tlon;: ,, Death Rate· High. ,as before tor ferttllzer at the farm l,tb.elr,n~e11.'.!ere.hWlfbheld by the" Working conditions were Jncon- ·1abor camp of Her~ense." bo.':l'd Vf_hlcb.Bj.td 1n foll a:ccrurip.anf .. , celvably hard, so. that the majority ·Next to the furnace room was a 0 'i. ~g a~teirlen. ~: · ;'::.: :' .· . . ' ~ us, weakened by starvation and large 11re. ceptlon hal~" ~ranged to 1 .:"It 1s·a'·tact W.Yo:Od.deiltafthat ft e l~d!ble food, could not stand give the Jmpresslon ot the ante-,1 8 tp.~ :a~im~ htiv~ ·deUberAtely and. th t · mortallty was so . high !chamber ·of ~ bathing estabfih-; i:rhirdered ·mu11ona r' h ~ every day. our group of ~m_:t. ·. · · · , .. . . .snteniattcauy 0 30 1 lnho"cent civUta'.~ews tid~ 0 h _! a to 35 dead. Many w : t holds 2.000 .pt?ople· and a.p-j lions aJJJ(':"'oll over Eur:pe ~ Ir •l:tt beate~ to death by the over- 'parently· there Is •.similar wa Un•. '. ~·Tl$ ~~p~l'1i Or U!rro~ abd b~ .. ; ou:~fhe ~~;~~~:oca~g~~:_-~·- ~ - -~ - __ . NOV .2 61944 ~-·on the 11001· bCtOW. There a r Ol' of the gas chamber was Jn door ,and a few steps lead down 1 w Co stant use," · th0 vel'y long and narrow gas : 11 • • ;,t • · h~ber, ·.The walls of th. ls cham· There Is a block i·ecorder ho... be; re··a'l&O camouflaged.with slmu- ke;r.: ~~~k )~~~~e~fg~~~8i res nsf .. la d entries to shower l'OOm..'j to b. lllty and he has to keep his ledgers 1 ml ead the victims. ·, with painful exactitude as the index; · The room ls 1\tted wlth 't~ree cards only indicate the number: tl'.'!-P8 'Y"hlch, ~an be }lermetlca11Y and not the name of the prisoners,. closed; from r.ffie .out.Bide •. ;. A._. track errore: are fatal, · 1 let\ds f·.r.om the gas ch. amb.er throu. gh 11Fo.r instance it the recor.der has\' the furnace room. The gassing noted down a. d~ath by mistake and takefl: place as follows: I that. often occurs with the unw'uaUy · Turned Into "Shower Room," high mortauty-the discrepancy ts • 11 The 'unfortunat.e vlcU.ms ~eimply straightened out. by kl111ng bro.ught. into the hall, where -...,.. he bearer of the corl'espondtng are told to undress, To complete' r:umber, .· I the fiotlcin that they are going to' . The repol't by the Pollsh major ~athe; ea.Ch person receives a towel i .,.asserted that Pl'lsoners Were used for and a· small piece of soap, ~sued by experiments In sterlllztng by X-ray, two mi;n .clad In white coats. Then in artificial insemination _of women, theY , are~ crowded Into the gas. as well as blood transfusions, n}~pr:~-~;lrl. · such. num~e·rs , that I 1 • • • • : , er~,..-.·l:!;·;~t· c~urse, .only-, at~ndln•'. . Hebrew Group Insists . , : ll TO~@hlpreicsIll)''°'." .. ·• thJs'cl'Owq·· into· the ·· i1on Slayers' Pun'shI men.t !iflll'rQW~ apace;· ahots· are of~n fil'ed . The Heb1;t_!w commtttf;e of ~a- ftO t ,d4ce th0&e -atr~ady at the tar , tlonal Liberation Insisted yeste1 ay Qn to h\lddle 11tlll ·.close~~tOgether. i that the slayers of Hebrews be n- l -O.vecyb9(l)i'ia lnsld.e,.tQe heavy ~ lshed by the United Nations as ar ~~.fre, .closed •.. Th1~1'J~fi~w~h~ j~I~::::1sw:;:a!f~~~'h~r:dh~~; ~h~i,- l1~fr.~ a. 'cer.. their citizenship. . : SfJ .. ~en.wlth The committee asked representa­ gu on the roof, open tlon on tile United Nations War tbe traps and shake down a prep· Crimes CommLsslon sitting ln Lon:. aratton In powdei' {orm 04t of don preparing tor the trials of war tin cans ~abeled. 'Cykl~n-:--:-tor use crlmlnals, . aga~C,~:V~mtrl1 '.~"ilfhl~i)..~l:a manufac.. The statement" was Jssued here: tt'tr~d,~y,:a. Hamburg cQDcern. It Is through the chairman Peter H l pfe8Um:M tllat thts· Is a. 'cyanide' .Bergson who crltlolzed what h~· Dllxttij'e of some sort wlilch tu~ns 1 termed ihe "Inexplicable'' tallul'e of' tqt.o 81,LS at a certal_n temperature, :,the· United Nations govemmehts to , "Atter"three minutes, every one.In !take any.measures that would "ef­ ·tli:e',Chilmber ls dead.'' .fe~ttvely interfere with thia slaugh.o· .. ;Th&obodles'are then taken out and .tel'- wlll·-Oe punished." · . ' ·bµrned, t ·He ·said· there ·was a 'wJdespfeRtt, ·' .'.·.Only Jewa Are GaB!ed. but ·erroneous, impressi~h that "the .!'On principle only Jews are War Crimes commission wouf deal ga&Sec\, Aryans very seldom, as _they :With all these wanton cruelties The.

are .us.. u. al.ly given .·speplal ti.·ea.tment' ,truth- is, he -adde.d, t.hat the com- . })y"shOcitlng. r - c mi&sion;-.under the lnterpreta n of.:_ ...'-:'Prominent guest.a from ·Berlin ~ts cha1rn1i_m1 Sir Cecil Hurs "has ··w.ere•pre'sent at. the ·inauguration efu d·:to-take lnl:O collAlde atloh of the fl.rat. crematorium In Mar , . ~ts ci:~I~ted agalJ;4>t -persons ·The •p.'rogtam.· .. cons. lsted of Uilfr ·th,!n ·nationals of the United t ., ga.sslng, and /burning of 8,000 atlons. d acow Jews. . ·The guests, both o cers and' qtvlllam:, weJ113 extremely Usfied ·With · the, resultS and the i·~eclB.l peephole: :fitted. ~o the

G!IJe lt.1Rs~ht9ton tp4'1i:it DEC 3 1944

G'a£l~ll~ Mass Murders· Underestimated The average· Ainh!Cati thinks the ;~~~bc~n::nf!a~f~:·~r~~ :::~e:~ 1f:~et~~~f'1!~~~~~a~09Pin~:!W!:J~: boards have put the 1 figure many I. times higher, a Gallup Poll survey ! Indicates. . A· report Issued only a week ago ·by th'e .. War Refugee Board con~ ! eluded that. between 1,500,000 and ·J,765,000 had been put to d~8th fn!e camp, alone, .Jn Poland, ~d an stlmated.1,500,000 at ~not r, , t, regardless of the num r Inv ved,-.the American people e fut p:rei>ared to beUeve atrOcit s have taken place, Qfe ·survey fndf· cates, '

... '1 'I

. i


ilrl1c Ulns~in,gton l?~st DEC 3 1944 ··

·\~ ~ ....

.-~5~ · . F"-,d. ' . "itually taken place." What·Atil.erl; G · · in S. ~nd It hard to ~e Is tnat ·. - ' · - ··:-f68VI'Ctlms have nuin~n the 0 Most.Believe~\ .!:~:;~ 5~~. wrong . '.4tr·' ·o' Ta""les" .,··' The ln~UtuUon put th!~ qqeatlon .tJ. c:tyai : to all people who think German ,, : 'i.:': - . . ; mass murder stories are true: 1 .;;,_coritr~·, io. widespread 1kepU· .- .'Nobody_ know11 of cc;>urae bOw c~m--of_ atrocity 1torle11 ·~ter the. man~ may have been mt,µ"4feted, l~st 'Wu, today an ~verwhe~n~· but wha_t would . be :1Pur-_ best ritaJc¥tl'.''of_Am~rlca!"s pelleve .~c guess?" · · .-. ~-~ ~-i .. ,::ou~ti. f 'Nazl mass murder, · The range follows, ~r ·l·/! . / The f.:erage American thinks th •oo,ooo o• leM ..• ,.,,,,,, ·~~;~7-~ number.-0f. people put to death, tn, .100,000 to 600,000 , , • , , • ·~·;. ll ! · Natl .concenttatlon campa:haa been::. aoo.ooo to t,Qoo,qoo.,;.,, ); ..nf. l. SOJDelhibg !Ike 100,000, ' . I . 1,000,000 ... , ...... ; ,. ,. '• ·8" FiSureil Higher · . . '2,000,000 \o 8,000,000 , ... :., 8, :, :. Various lnvesUgaUng boards ~~~j ~~ °[ ':~~~'.:l·::::::k: • h'ave .. put ~e ·figure much hlghe 1 1 0 . -r.""'."' A ~eport Issued a week ago . 76% War.' Refuge~ Bqard, Gover The survey found so e differ- aSency, concluded that be et1.ces of opinion by ~ecttons as to 1,000,000 a.n~ 1,765,000 ·had bee the truth of tlte atrocity stories, put to d13at~ in one camp in Pol(lnd, but no important difference Sec· an'llatlmated 1,500,000 at another. Uonal figures:. ' Regardless. of ·the nQ.mber In- · . Not;. No volved, American people are fully True True Opln, prepared tQ belleve atrocltles have N, Eng, ... ~,80% 9% 11% taken place, as wltn~"ed by their ni. AU .... ; ; , 73 · 15 12 vote.on·.th~ question: · E. Cent; ;,.,.75 •~.3 12 "l!~'you bollevo storlo1 thal Gor• W. Cent, .... 73 · Ji 13 inanl'~av.ti·murdered D1any people ·south ••• , , • •'1'1 , 9 14 1n· cDiloentraUon camps are true Far Wesi •••. 84 . 5 11 . 11 or not·truet · • The country Is vJrlU:ally unanl­ Tme.;\,, o,. t.,.,, ,·, .. , •• •. 76% mous In thinking harsh punlB~nt Nqi .Tflle •. ·o,., •• , •• -•••• : 12 should be eted out to Ger ans . o '.Opinion ; , • • • , , •• , , •• U The la est number fa red i· Tlie. War )tefugee oard, In mak.. executlori the gu.llty-ln. po on . ii·t.ui·rEiport last i•k, declared: gas chamb~:. by , elec 0-11 'u ·revoltltig are rman atroc- cutlon or ~~ring squad. It a,. that clvlllzed OJI)•: fi_nd. It . . · : dlfllcult ,tQ. ~ell 0 ve: they _have .ac· · · .~nocide.· _ - 1 · .\·No ~uman .~~a~&, ~an. rea'd th& report . .·of the Wa~ :Refl!gefi'·Board released .last· , ;·.Sµn.d&J,WlthoUt'iJUDS9 of shock and ab~ame. ''," hB say's Jn·a VOiurne, Axis Rule . · '.·'.l'he.rejlort ·presentS eyewitness accounts of In Occupied Europe recently publlshed by vi/At. f; · 0 ll~nts. which occurred at the ·German ex- the Carnegie Endowment for Internallonal .,.{. !""'11!i•tlon camps ,of Ausch:wttz and Birk· Peace, "Is directed against 'the national '··1·-.J·~·. :.·. _1r ·' i, •n,u, ·,"So revoltlng and· diabolical are the group as an entity; and tho actions Involved "flerman atr.ocltles.• " says the WRB, "that are directed against lndlvlduals, not In their !• fho mln.ds of civilized people find ·11 difficult Individual capacity, but as members of the I '2/r :; j t/ •/ . • \l')>elleye that,: they_. have actually taken national group," Thus Jews were gassed at · 'J>lace:; ·But the governments .of the United .Blrkenau and Aryan Poles and Russians and ': ~tales and of .other countries have evidence Slovenes were otherwise butchered, not for

Wltlc~ clearly substantiates the facts.'' The 1 any crime or any resistance to Axi.s authority . fAels are really quite simple, although per· I but because the Nazis wished· to exterminate · . haps somewhat dlftl~U1t to grasp: lo Blrkenau, the ethnic groups to which they belonged. · r betw,een AprJI, 1942, and April, 1944, ap. I ·. "Generally speaking,'~ says ProfeS6or LCm· 1 ·> proxim~tely 1,765,000 Jews were put to death r kin, ."genocide does not neees~arlly, niean ' ..,. by gas In Ingeniously constructed th~ Immediate destruction of a nation, except ... C>bambera; their bodies were then ·burned In when accomplished by mass killings of· all ~~clally designed furnaces: their ashes were· members of a patlon. It .Is Intended rather urpos0 which human beings find it difficult . _.'!fould not now be so har_d pu~ to it to deter. '. ~.believe or 1mder~tarfd. Yet. Jt _i_s ~ pufpose -1i min~ the guilt of Nazi o~pr~ssors. Further- Whic~ Hi~ler has _openly avowed. _ , more, ~s Pro~es_sor L!!mkin puts it,. "the ;:·.we have: never even ·had a ~O~d iqr u i adopti~n· _ot the:-P_rincipt~ of univ~r_sat re: ~.1J~tll n~w. But one has been receriTiy _coined 1 pre.sslon ~s adapted to genocide_ by c-ountr~~s . ~ by a noted Poli~h scholar and attorriey. Prof. I which belong_ now to- the group of- nori~ :.~aphael Lemkln, now on the faculty of Duke belllg.erents or neutral~, r(}spectively,_ wpuld ~niv_e. rslty .. He-b. ·.·s devised the term' geno- 1 llkew1se.~lnd.these latter.c.quntrie.s ~o punish .. ~1d~. out of the anc;i.ent _Greek worcl genos the war crimmals engaged in genocide or·to :,_

1 -.-- · vit_al st~ps in _the _punishme~t of War guilt, , ', . . !\ . - we· believe, is' to secur~ internati_onaf agree- 1 ·,.~~" """.'1X<[( ~LJ. /~ !).-/.' mentnow on the outlawing of genocide. If · :-· / ·/ , such a_n agreement U1-rea~be~, neutrals will .-. . 1I :i. /_3 f<( - feel no violation of thefl'·oovereignty in the .,demand t.hat perpetrators· of this crime be ·handed over to JWitlce, 'And ihe execulion · of'JU.uce will be given ,a llrm legal fou~da: tion. · - ~- -·· ,· l~t lUasl}in9ton tJ>.o-st DEC) 8 1944 · .:j;/~[Jtters:Tu;fhe. Edit~.! COn\mP:nfcations Tlmst .. carry ·writer'• name and addTess, thouoli ~en name~ arepennllted at the editor's discrellon. Lc!!ers sl1oulll be h'eld to not more than 200 words. They· are subject to condensatton. ':'<.'.) : , , . . . Ge1iociqe · . , ' Oil December 10, .'11ho w~~hing- political Cl'hnluals. My proposal ot ton' .':Poit publlslred a· letter by 1933 formulated the obl·~atton of 1 1 1 i•Ar~. ·P.tn.~er"' referrln_~ . ~o .my =~ c~ ~;f~~1;ra ~a!!~~;e~~t ~iiie~ !~~ pr~p~,a4la:; o~.: 1933 to ~acognlze apprehended 1 or ·- to 1 .Surrendel' G~noclde)Pestrucllon_ of ,Natlqns) them to another signatory party, llS:' an-. 'international .crime,· .de· 4. If we treat the mass mu~·ders 'sCrlbetl -~ill. your · edltorJaL o~ De· of Blrkenau_ and Oswleclm aS sm1. '·cein.ber:.3; ; . . pie murder, on~y the comparatively ·.·"Army· Officer" states Uu:i.t Cxist· few 'who were -directly tnvolvCcl .in~.tn~efrn_aUona~ a.gL·eements...:..The could be prosecuted, For/ the Haguo:C~mventlon of 1907-define murder of several_ mlllloq PeopJe Pnd ;cover Completely·..the ·'guilt of ,on1y some hundreds of officials anU ~azl .oppi:ess'ors, Unfortunately, subordinates. could be dfrecUy ac· ho f8tls t_o· t!ik~ Jnto,account Jn his cused .. As I have de-!lned Gepo­ \ able ~ discµSslon of the.: problem clde for the purposes of an Jnter­ ~er~fh.;~ssentl~l points. . national. treaty, all persons w~o • ·J,.~ 1 '.J'l;le .Ha·gue' Convention ap. Incited. the populaUon to .~om­ pfiiis.to m·e:treatinent of civlltans mltttng ·and app1·ovlng this crime Under n]lUtarY. occupatton1 - It does an.d who provided the legal bas!~ not cover l•gcnocldal'' practices Jn and machinery for J~s ,commh;­ . pqace and wlthln thti botindarlcs slon shall be co!1sldered acccs,sorlc~ of,,the·ppp'ri;:sslng state.·. A~cordlng 1is th~~~l~e~ss~~rast'e~ 0~ ~el~ a~~ ;to, re~entll-'. .. published. ii:tformatlqn equally responsible .fo1•. Bfrkenau,0 .the. proposal of the American.rep. although they miiy not have gtven rcsentaHve, ,tierbert Pe!l1 to pro, the direct orders to.. klll i· vlde for t~e· pµi:iishment,o! those While we.should epfo~ce the.ex­ r~sponel~le c for-. atrocJ~les . against Jstlng laws wllh all energy, the nat19~al,. religious and .. racial other hand, we should not fall00 to gr~.up~ wJt~ln the borde~s. of ;Axis create a more complete and a ~ore count.rl~s was reject€l:d '. by. the readily tforceable machlrier f01· ll.r~~ted- :Nations . Comm!sslon . for fa. cfng .. o~e-of.·o.ur- greate.st ·t sks, I~veaHA'aJlof\ e;if War Crimes be· the fight against the onsJaUg of ~aµ~e \t~~re '.V.~S· ~o legal "basis f.pr barbprls. · . . . . , .·. . .such. Ptitilshment. · . . " . . · '· · RAPHAEL "1'mlKIN. j;_;.·2~1,?-:h.~. HsglJ~. ·~~nventlo~ could -- c 1 D.qt ~fores.~e · the . v~tjous Jnge.nlous, iu::~·}eeg~1or~~1~.~:s b~u~~~ichn~:~t murd.~~,may·.!Je· mere ea.slly·'.recog. :~µa~l~;~;Put.'-the'. varlo'us ilevlouS -~~:;r~t~~~~~~~Y c·:~a-~~~~:!t~e;t ci_al.~and:-btolo$1cal ·'foundaU9ns ·of a people are·not\so readily distln­ gtifshed- ·under· the, deflnlUOns. of­ fered-•PY.;the Hague co'nventlon, ·.. 3·.· N.e~t ..h. •. ~- the Hague , cQnven.-1 lion n,i:>r the ' Field Manu~I, pub­ •ts~'1ch by" the War Depar;tment, make·~,~spEi'.clftc provislJll · for the t capture_ of ,,war criminals IQ. for., elgh-co~nt.des, Under pres'ent con-l d0!on,;,.neutra1s whO _m!IY be r~-· R.1:J'e(t~ to 5urrender ~uch crJmi· nals ·; may regard thes~ ..f~guests · r1.n,~~n,t :.up~P~, _·.£~e1r;· ·and.m~y:~ke. , _.:ot gr8rtthjg~~~>71Pm .. to_! ·9@lup)\]i'indsi :; :' Maslf Murders. ·... • •.' ;., .. '• . ·\ Uddere'8tUn'tited .._' ' Contrary .to .. wldeopread 1kepU, clam ot 1tMolly 1torlea alter II!• last .war, today ·•ii overwhelmln1 majority ol America:· a believe ac- co~~~ .~~~~i !'~~~1~::.ri~r~kl II!• ~:b:.,rng!nf:.·w~~ ~~~~~ ~:.· 1:ei~1 1Qmethln11 Jib .100,000. Figure1 Hlghel' . .Varlou1 lnveot11atln1 boar ill have put the n11ure muoh hJ11her. A report l114ed a week a110 by the War Relu11ee ·Board, Government •&enoy, oonoluded that between l,600,000 ·arid· l,'1651000 had .be~n put to death In one camp In Poland, an eatlmated 1,800,000 annother. :Re1ardle11 ol the number Jn· volved, Amerloln people are fully prepared to believe atroeltlea have · t4'ktn· pl~ce 1 . •• wUnened b)' their V?t~ .Qn .t.~e ·q~~.'~~o~: : . · · "ii·~· 1oii'bellevo ~torJel \hal' Ger· m'an.a have, mur~ere4 mu, people lu ·~~i>enlraU~n :ti11DJ11' are'. lni• ~t~01l:.~et~.:-,·:_~~\, ~:·,\ ~\. ::::~~~ . ·:~3\' f;.:::;·~:.::·-~:1: .;": ' IT#'t-.w1t1aetiiii•• .iio1rd,.lri:mak; lngJta rei>orU~f week, declared: I ~·so· revolttn1 are·. German 1ttoc­ ltle1"that civilized people llnd It dU!lcult to believe they have ac· · tually taken place.'' What Atnerl· can• ftnd 'It hard to,helleve la that the vlotlma have numbered In the tnllllont. · Gueesee Wrong · :--tno In•tltution put tll!a oiueatJQll to all .people who think German ma111 murder 'atorlea are true: 11Nobody knows, of coitrae· how tt:IAJ'.l)'- may ~aYP. been . murdered, hut. what would . be . your be1t ltueas?" 1 - i, - The range lOUOwS. 100,000 or less ; , . , ~-~, i, o; ~17% 100,00Q to1500,000• 0 ;•,I (f t"'.~~t ·3 ~. , ,500,QOO te.l,000,000 • , ,, • ,, .: 1 ,1,000,000 ..... ; .. ., .. ;, .... ~&' :· :Z;Q00,000 ~ f,9PO,OOO :~·-.-,_.,j, 8, _ •Blooo.ooo o~.il!or•:d.·... ~, 0., • .. ~ ''l.J~w.tllln1"l1tau~1 .'.. ..i.wH :. · :t::.. 1···--·f>:".'C::r.:.l-•. i.,-:·~ " " "" ' "76% :: ·. Thao -iurvey ·.fol.ind· 1ome -·differ­ ences

---~--·~-.~------, :~-~~-

' \ •' .

Fo.rwards ,N6~l)ib~r 27, 1944. Presiclent•s R

The three living witri~sses who ~avi the butc,her~~!i.i;cominitted iri tl!e human slaughter-lwuse in which. the Nazis. slaug~~-erecl?and. exterinirtated by gas 1,765,000 Jews, were two young Jewish persciMi(:~f'.·s].civaltla, v1ho escaped;f)'om Birkanov, and the .third was a ·polish mayor whcf\'escaped. from a slaughter house in Auswitz. · ·

The ·Refugee Board, as· stated in .. the· introduction· to the:book/ ~~Mcates itself to the task of rescuing as many .Tewisll l'.ef\lgees as;i_s:p,i>s.sible; s~e · has her representatives ii) ~he centers or Eu~'oi1~}~Vfh.

- _ The fact,· that _the,'Government has for the first tinie \lnder ii;_>!}J~#rcial seal issued such a docilmentJ is thy b¢st assurance ~hat Ameri()~'.;yt~p:1back up the plan .of Soviet Russia that the_ Nazi 1Tlurq13rers>)'lill b9)il:iitiJ\ight,_to, .­ justice after the war, and get their deserved Punishment fcir't~~'.-outrages: which they conunitted against the Jews: .and other peopi'e in the._ occupied countJ:.ies. · · · - · · 'Revolting and Diabolical'i .. ...__.~~I!_ ~s experJm~nts on blood ;. ~fusion were canled on,'' The War Refugee Board Is c~­ Posed of secretary ot state c r. INazi 'Death-Factories' Story dell Hull, Secretary of the Ti·e s· ~}'Yw~oi't~~~·~ht~'s·t~~~o~ecret. Y Told· by Wai Refugee Board The board's "careful· esUmate•' of the 1,765,000 Jews gassed to death a~ Blrkcnnu Included eoo . . U. S. Cabinet Group Publishes Report ooo PollBh Jews; 100,000 trora Holland, 45,000 from Greece lQO. Of Millions Massacred ·in Polish, c;:a~ps 000 from France, 50,1100 froz-:i Bei. Blum, 50,000 from Yugoslavla - . · By TED LEWIS . Italy, and Norway, and 300 ooci ~~~11: ria~~~rid~amps tor foreign Hair-raising details of German- mass atrocities w;e 1 made public by the War Refugee Board through the Whi French Issue List House last night, as proof that t e "revolting and diabolital' campaign .or Nazi terror through!. 'To comp!eie the flct!On that Of German Crimes death-factories In subjugated EU· t ey are going to bathe, each PARIS, Nov. 25 cc.T.P.s.>.-A rope Js frightful and brutal be- p rson receives a towel and t>reJJmtnary list of war crimes yond belief of the clvJllzed world, i~:n m~~c~lac:f 1~a~li~i:,ue:Oa~. committed in France by the Oer. The report of the boafd- ·gave ,Then they are crowded·lnto the ~~~~ ~~~~~~~.;~g~~w~~ ~~fir[:~ the first American official stamp gas chamber Jn Buch nwnbers service, which collaborates with of truth to the myriad of eye. that -there ls, of course, only similar bodies Jn other Allied witness stories of the mass mas· stp.ndlng. room, caunt1·Jes Jn tabulating German sacres In Poland, which heretofore 'l'ltree Minutes-Death atrocities during the occupation, 7 have been of Russian origin, ••when everybody 18 inside the crfur:s b~tw~=~at3;~~~r; air~Jgd ; Three l\'.ltnesse.s Quoted he~vy doors ar~ closed. After September 13 this year, in which three minutes everyone in the 8 total of nearly 2,000 civilians of The report was documen~ed by chamber is dead.. The chamber ·both sexes, ranging In age, from 1tearts of two young Slovakian is then opened, ah'ed and the 14 to Bl years, were murdered by bodies are taken on flat trucks to orders of German army officers J s who spent two Years 1 ~ the furnace rooms where the burn· A gi·Im list It Is, with its tabu'la· lrdJy bestial . Nazl camps tt ing takes place." , . tlon of vJUages burned and vie· w r iiScfiWitz and Blrkenau In sou . Eyewitness No. 1 sBld only s(l1· · !1:11t hf savagb reprisals tortured, 1 8 western Poland. • ~~~ 1T:e ·~%t;ni9fi~~~· J~~Y :~! 1bu~i~d· :if;:· ~~~e~l~~i~~1 ~~~ Another report which the board• gassed at Blrkenau where the reprisal wave in the rural dis· said its investigatllim could stamp i crematorium setuP wRs inaugurat- l trlc~h came during_ the summer as completely authentJc· was that ed in March 1043, with "proml· s, when more than 1,700 1 11°n1 of a non.Jewish Polish maJor, sole i.~1~t ~~~ 1frr~I 0::f' ~~~ 11~~~.i~~~et~!; j ~I~ ea;t~rewe~iiifg~~ tdes~~~~~da~~ survivor of one convoy imprisoned· ·said 1the 1rep·ort, was the_ gassing fire. _ · _ - at Auschwitz. · and burning of 8,000 Cracow Jews. , thChief horror item on the list is 2 000 Bodies Dall "The guests, both officers and e razing of. the .little town of ' · Y clvllians, were ~xtremeiy satisfied Oradour·sllr·Olane_ in the depan· The board said at the Birkenau ! with the results, and the special ment of Haute Vienne Rnd the mp alone approximately 1,765,· '.peephole fitted into the door:_9f the slaughter of its _entire population o Jews had been gassed to dej' gas chamber was in constant use," if 792,_including 350 worn.el and the two yeilrs ended April 19 . , the eyewitness repoited. ·children. ·. - !!~_e . -~lo~dy thread of N l: ..,Hire I Am'' - . hi;;!11~t;1r~a~la~~ff~~~ ii~da \;:e~ ebtlous sadlJ?m ran throu~h t e '. - · \ I shot and killed in· the te I n b l 1 reports of the three fugitives fr m • the Auschwitz. segregation unknown assailants g Y the German extermination plan . thel~ P~frm~o~~\e¥!1:r~~edh~~- - · · . Reporter No. 1 ~scl'lbed ~he their \chests. If an .escapee was four cremato1·ia in operation at found dead, ~'his body-wherever Blrkeium, -the larger, designed it may have been lqcated-was 0 wtth a· furnace ~oom with au ~- ~t r~~~~ti.~~ ~:~: :~~:f1~~~ -: JoJnlng large hall an~ an attached tice clasped . in his hands, read· 1aS chanlber. The dally capacity ing, 'Here I am."' was 2,000 bodies. Also -at Auschwitz, eyewitness The "reception hall," the eye. No. 2 related, there. is a close· '9Jitness wrote, "is a1Tanged to give JY guarded biolOgical laboratory the Impression of the· ante-cham- where experiments are performed ~tr~gl~sa 2.~~~h~~~pie~taWr~~mftn; ,~na~~~~~da~ c~i~~~~t -~tr~=-~: door arid a few steP;s lead down experiments," he said. . o the -Very long and nar~ The port of the Pollsh·l\laJo_r Chamber. The walls of t a gave ore' details of this lala-: amber are also ·_ -camouflag d tory He described it as a 'so­ h simulated entries to sho r cal d_hyglenetnstttutewhere r­ mr ms jn order to mislead the c- Ill g by_ X-ray. treatment, ti· -----·-···-----tlms.::- -. .- . . ~fetal ~!l&!mina.~lon_of wome~,_as_._··------'-'--'---~'------'------'-~~--1- ,/ ;, __·_,·,,}:'.;.{\·i· .. · '.". NRW YORK . . • :.; ;! • :· · . · ;. · "· lUtaUri'ti ~&une . •,,, '\'1• • • . • ,.... . NOV C) 61944 ,.I• .t\·,t;~{:r~~'riiJ.1-,/:,,~':.'~/;'°~1:~·:~ ~ • ~ --~ ·t;:,r. -~',.::s ·c~~rg· ~~-N~zisT~rt~red-~v~~~ftt~~;~J~~~~ A~e::~1 •· / ~ ~1 , • · 1Amb8.88ador to Russia, who de~ ~ ~ 1-~Millfuns to Death in Europe ~ar\t~~~~~~:ur:~:t· ~;g:r~!~ 1 • • 1 , atrocltles have not and can not ~e, x ·: " . , :,·:.y· ..... ·.. . . . · · ,!exasgerated." Ambassador Harrl- War Refµgl!e· Board Say~ I; 765;00Q Jews Were 'man Indicated that no lmaglna- • ·· ·\ • · ~·:, · ' : · ·. . , . tton could devise tales of horror Kdled.h·y·i.Q. 11s ii\ 0. n_ e. Cli. mp i\lope·;.W1t11esses' .. .:s •n.amn• and revou1ng .. the . · · T ' · ···· Gi. D 'I f J A 'ti 1 crlm perpetrated by the er- . 1 1 .est1m9~y .. ves. et11~_s_ o t 1e troc1 es · mans, HOBala"'!lli< op ~n • ·'. ~ ; ·' ~ ~ ~ ' • • · · , , . · a vaklan Jews who escaped In was b ed on official Jntorma on '.. \' :· By .G~I"~• f'alk ·' • ~ rll, 1944, after passing. two y rs ~nd p rsonal Investigation, . • .~~~ING~exile, .sec1·et dogs, "It Js clear In the report that all.' history ··and."whlch even now reports from Inside German-domf .. the criminal ti·eatment ot the prls .. . . .· QQJltlnuelf Unabate;ci· and •is pal't ofnated areas and by cross .. examlna.. Onerii was In accordance with 1 Ill•' G.•l'DJ~li. p)~n· t(i:subl':'gate· lhol~ ~~s~~ !~et~~~e:t.:t':~e~td com- offlclal lnstrucUons from Berlin .·r.. fr~Q:Pt!O~les;.Oftl:let"world." ! ,' and that the atrocities were not. . . 'l'he' 25 QQO~worit Indictment of· The report reveals t,llat 1,765,000 committed merely by a few lrre- . q~~~~· Wt\4i MS~inllled by tl\ei~=~:uw:~·~n~a~;~~~ndC.:~~11~~ 1~!~: 6Ponslble prison camp offl~Ials, j ~· J:i,·_B.'.~·.o:ne of th~ agencles)and AprJI, 19•f, including 900,000 The· War .R.efugee Board, un-1 · .und.,.th, executive omce of ~Poles 100 ooo Dutch 45 000 Greek• doubted. ly awaie that m.any _of the I Pre dent. oi· the United S~a .:160,000 French, 50,000 Belgians: atrocltl7' reported during the lsst, ·:Th board· consist., of the th e,60,000 Germans, 50,000 Yugoslavs, war were later proved untrue, has I : ~ , ------· 11tallans· and· Norwegians 50 000 ~een assembling tiles on the tqp1cs big. st lank.Ing cS:binet om I J • Lithuanians 30 000 BohemJ~ns contained Jn ~he report since soon po~dell 1 }f1t111 secretary of ~:a~e; . Moravtans. ~nd Austrians, 30,ooO ~~~!~~!~~e~e1!1r~~ !i:~fe!o~r~ 1 '1enry .Morgenthau jr., . Secretary 1~;ovakla~s end ~OO,OOO brought In ago, Only after exhaustive 1nves-­ . iof tQe Treasury,··and HenrY L. om vailaus _fmeJgn camps, ,tlgatlon was· the report made -.··\BtlmsOn,:se«;'retary·Ot War. John For untold thousands ot non- public.· . _· ,!W. :Pehle 18 the "Oarti'.a executive Jewish ~':1r 0P.eans, the report said, A statement- from· the board ~.";director. . . ~. the Germans had more lenient said Jt had "every reason to he- r . · treatment, T~e non-Jewish prfs .. lieve~' that the l"eJ'.}ort presented . :I, The. .repor~ Js fl~·Jndlctm~nt of oners were shot rather than gassed " _ e picture of the frightful ·1tp.P. entire Qerma~ nation, for ~h~ to dea~h. _ . _ __ _ ·- _ appen1ngs in the.se camps," and · l>pard mak_es-~Jear that th'!! atro_cl- The- board dlsrlosed-·that ·the adde

.. ·\; . I

l':'~~i.~~i~it}iV'\ ;~ .·· . · >r'/~f*' ~tilb._ Qr'iibune

,;µ:;!f.;~,~=· :~ N, o~v~,;2~6~~19~44'-2:;·"· -;::. :-.;;;;;·--· n,: 'e Gbr:manit _ i • • Men Bled by,~ t oi chemlBtry, elec• Much· of· \he work the prl•on- ;' ,;- tr~~lty 11oµd sunnre to klll as ma~ 8 were. forced to do, accorqlnf persons a.a possible with the l ·the. rel;)'ort,. WB.it so", ~trt~uoU.s 1:trort ~nd expense, . · . . . ·at'.' the· men •. , wea}tened. by nea~ ··:··w'heri~Y e~i~elJliCs· ~.truclf. . tfon, died by the dozerui. Starving and· freezing · prisoners, 11The mortality was so high/' one acc01·dtns to the report, the Oer- of the three men who escaped re­ mans ~rought their medical Bklll ported. "that every day our group Into use lmmedlotely~to prevent of 200

ofd.rawl_ng. sheer- uponnervous_ unrealtze4 energy and.r.ese~ve.s the r'· forvictims. bµi-lal. "It '. ·alo.ng. often w.ith-happened,'.. m~r.lle.1 the re.d grhmnest and most exhau.Sttnr de- i·eport declared, "that small chn.:. _-.! termlnatloh. ·This treatment .ci:>n- dren were thrown allve into the · tlnued.for weeks.· and-months until ti-ucka along :with the dead.11 . . . . the prlsi:tnel' ·went lruiane. ~e re·i , When a large group of pr~ners . 6 .~.>~~ _:~:~1~~',_:·:~ :' ,r::: J~~~a!:!l!.r !~iis~~~:t~~ ~~;: ~~~~ trt!~ ~e~:~~i ~e1ee ~~ . ~ <[·,;:)7!' .. i~~= ~~~~l~~::!kr~;~~n~1~: ~~~!j- ~vlat~a::S·~~c~:f:%n o:oJ~ ~: - ·: :-.-~ f.~ :.:;,~ could destroy a mail's sanity. i : ort saic;t ·that .,whole fain.mes · .~- · ·The· rePOrt said that when Were: execµted, _parenta ~gethe~ . ·.I priBonef esca~d and Was run to: !'!1th their children." · ' . · ~ ~rth, a.she was almost invariably,1 ~;;~·~< ,~: ~d;':i:"·~.i!''!ta~ d:: n;. ~n~ . '~ .. ...,_ .. :. .-:":t ance to ·the priBon camp and in ~ 1 1\aJiQs, was Placed a ca~d rea~Ml ' c ~ g: 11lere I·am." , ~;~tii11 ~1.< ' ~=:t . L, .,iii ·~

4 .. ,' 1 • J • r • • 1 -. --.· • • feaued by two men 'Cift.d fii. whtt.8 Ii'~·:$·~ 'Q°'4rcl:IJ~re8 ~t,roqifiu,'ll~tails fg: 1;~.T:i,:i;,,\,h."i'<~>· 1 ~r~w~~~~~~ l'Jl..&.L.l. W, . p l ~hC bers that there 111 of cou e, only .1:c1'a-uy' itn.esses·at . 0 is . ainps st~dlng room. ! · · · \ · ., ' ": '' ; ' ' ··. ' · n :o~0~~~8:,a~~~ ~~~~~ ~t~1~d : ~ • · ; . BY'JOHW JJ, 1()RIDEB ; · . , to nduce those already at the tar l , , . . .' . 1 IPIC;l.U to T1t11 uaw' toait 'flNJ.1, , • ~ Whe~ ~~~~~b:J~l ~~osi~s~d!,e°ih;; 1WASHINGTON,. Noy, 20:-In year perlod~at r,'llf5;'000 In the fol- heavy doors are closed, Then there ute flut de~Uecl report b~ f' pntt.. lowing table, but the Pollah of cer hs a short pa.uae, presumably to ed {!t&te1 Government· .Agonoy, ated that about 1,500 00, aUow the room temperature to rise fqtl!l&'' eyewtlnedl pr9Qf ··at· ma.ss ews were kll1ed tn Oswleclm tn to a certain level, after which SS 1 ~trrdervbi'~~ Q6nhan1, t!tQ 1 Wp.r f:ti~!a:~''t~~ f!,e,:ee~~~:drj~~!~U· ~ee~ ihi: fr~~::a:~~ ~~!!1:e t~~~~o~ Rp~,Bo~~. ~~d_e ~~_b)~o .to~ay A careful estimate ot the num· preparatJon th powder torm out ot aqQOµqtls.,.bY,_. iii.rec .person• ot or.. her. ot Jews gassed in '.alrkenau tin caJUJ labeled 'Cyklon/ for use gUfsed;··.at.R>clUes ·at ·Brzeznlca between April, · 1942, and April, agalnist vermlp, which ts manufac· [Blrkena~] ~d O~\eol91·{~Us_O~. !~titn;<~r;:;~~!n!P~~~xr~~f~l~s of tured by a Hamburg cancer~. WfbJl ).n,JJpu~weat.ern rolailct that Poland ltranaported by truck) .S00,000 - ~deal Lu.ta Three l\flnute11 tran~nd: ~e 'ho~rq~ :~o~}'.~1;1bt1n. Poland tranep~rted by traln~.600,000 ' 11 le presumed that this Is a The accpuntj Were vouched fof·by Holland ...... _ ...... 'cya Ide' mixture of -~e sort 1 loo,ooo the Wns,:\. \ ....: '. ... ':' :i · · ~~=~~~ :;:::::::::::::::;:::::::1!8:~ whlc turns Into gas at certain ,WWJ~ ,_~t. Lublin: i~l'JOO,ooo-:per.. g:~~'!n~ ·::::::::::: ::: :: : : : : : : gg:ggg ~~'!1ry::!" 1;:· t:en:~a:;;~: ~ 1 ~0!~~ ao1u1 wero D\d to· h-.vo boon' IC!lled YuE01lavle., Italy and Norway. IS0,000 Nofne Is 1 known to hav survf:ed Jn.•three year.a, 1,6.0o,Ooo t0;~;765,'!' ~~h~ri:,~ M0fft.VJ8.' & '.AU~tria:: gg:=: th! ordeaJ. although It was ot. 00,0. persona w~rt'I murdered· Jn th. e Slovakia ..... : ...... ';[. 30,000 un mmon to disco. ver slgn1· of life' 0 toi:t1,1r~ !~ChfJtlbera of ·~~~I.ca t.~~~l0.r.. ~~~.0!!.;·: ~~"'!.~. ~ ... aoo,ooo aft r the prlmltlve measures m- frhw..AJ>:rJI, 1J,0'2, to .A_ptU_. 9U, . · --r- .ployed Jn the birch wood. 1 l,acc,o : lpg ·-~~. · thue_ 9-~!ern t~J~ Total · · · · ····c · ·· · · · · ·.· · · · · · •765·000 11 The -_chamber fs then 'opened, verl d report!. Many. tho and.a 2,000 Bodies a Day · aired, and the •special squad' carta 1 bt 0 er ·death! .by phf)nQl • njec· In the report the Jewish youths the bodies on tlat · trucks to the ~lbri,. b~u.tal ·:.~l\allng1 1 ' .11~.rVatlon, r;~~~J1~~~ ~e f~ll~~~f and burning furnace rooms, where the burning ~~ootlng,11 eto., also are tecounted. "At present there are four crema- takes place, Crematoria DI and IV . ; 1t·ls a taqt. beyond ~enl"l thS.t torla Jn operation at BJrkenau, two work on neatly the same prfn.. °'e ·oerrp~a have delll;lerately and large one a, I atld II, and two small- cl pie, but their capacity la only systemC'ttca)ly murdered .millions er ones, III and IV. Tho.ea of Type halt as large, Thus the total ca­ of ·tnnoceqt .clvlll{lns-Jewr and I and II consist of three parte,·t.e., pactty ot .the four cremating and.

Cflrlattimi 'allkO-all Over 'Europe"1 (a) the fu~ace room, (b) the large gassing plant• at Btrkenau • • . · • · . , • • halt and (o) the gas chamber. A amounts to about 6,000 dally," Uie' WRB: declared. · · · · 1 _ hug~ chimney rises from the fur· In his independent report the · 1"Th1s C2\fllpalgn. of ·le!r(n.-:1 and na.ce room, around which are Polish ottlcer .described the mass br;tiiatlty, ', 'f.hlch ·la '.U?pre!'9~ented grouped nine furnaces, each hav· ex~ermlnatlon thul!!I: In. all 'hlBtory and .wJ\lch,. eycip· now Ing tour openings, Each opening The first large convoys arrived co~tl.~ue~s u!1~bat~d; 1~.~~-tiof:~e ~~~et!~~:;;~:;.:;~~~~ ~~~p!e~a~: ~~~:1; ~~~n~e:n!i~l~:!~~~t~s;; German plan to !Ubj~'ga~ ~e tree the bodies are completely burned. without chlldren or the ritothers ot pe~pl~i ~~ µie ~C?~ld, ~~ ,adqed~ , . This corresponds to a dally capac· grown-up children-were sent to . So· revolting and dlab_o'l,oat· ip'O tlty ot about 2,000 bodies. the camp ot Bfrkenau. The re- tho German f\.trpctqe4 that the : ' 1Next to this ts a large •recep· mainder, I. e.; old or weak men, njl~· s pf .ctvlllzell . peop. ~·.efind Jt 1 Uon hall,' which is arrani\.hd so as women with small chi~dren and all dlf cult to ~elleve thati ~:pave to glve the impression of e ante- those untlt for labor,· were taken ac all)': 11t~~~- :~1ace,u: ~ ~~~_rd ~he~lbe~t otoJ~s ~2~~~ng e~~~:;1~~1!i ~d ~iue~i~; mV:~~: o:~~3:~~~i~ a ted.' But the Gover ents of apparently there is a sfrn.nar wait- nfo gas. For this purpose special the. United. States and of. other Ing room on the floor bell!_W~_ ~r_~m g'!!!c!Jl!g ._Pa.t!'..J:!,~!!~ __ l!~d_been_built countries- hava-··evidence-wnfoh tnete-tcdoora:na---a-tew steps lead there.. clearly subatantiates the facts " .down into the very long and nar· 11 These consisted of large. haUa 1 1 Atter de!crlblltg ··the . nature ·of ~~i.;J;:r ch::be~l~he ~~~u~fa~~ d ~~!~~h~h~~ ~~~~~de! "'c!~:n:~n~; the report. now m~de pub~i~, the with simulated entries to shower cloaed acco!ding to the need. In· WRB a~d~d: rooms In order to mislead the vie- side they were equipped flO as to "The board haa every reason t time. The roof is fitted with three create the Impression of bathing believe that these repoi-ts presen traps which can be hermetically establishments. This was done to a true picture of the frightful hap- closed from the outside, A track deceive the victims and make them fientnga tn these camps. It ls,~ak· ~~1J~~~!11:o~:. chamber toward ~~~e p1;1~~~a~~~~f~w::he;:;~~~~~ c~~vi~tl 0r;p'Ui1:t p~~; U,:-hthe firm 0 he gassfog takes place aa fol- convoy consisted of some eight to f:~1 ~d unde~~.tood ~Y all ~er ~~ h'fh~r0nf~~!u~:~ (~)~~h:~: ;::.:tr~~~c~~~~~d ;:~1: ~~aa~:~t· Th~ ~Iovak youths estimate they are told to undress. To com- as the whoJe frightful drama took ~~era~te~~~~ ~as~:~ a o- plet~0~~~~~i~~c~~;r~~? ra~e go· p1~,~ ·~~i~!~P c~r~-~~~~ii~·;; · ~ · · -·-· a. towel and a. &mall ple_ce_Qt soap camp do!lto~_ followed each_..t_ruck18 ~b'.e· N.enr f .o:ik. flthn.t1. NOV 2 61944 cOJivOy,~Slnce--Jf WB.a-COnli)ulsory tor him to be preaent at...1.b.W_m_p.sB l e~~· On their ar"fIViT'i["!tzej gassing eatabUahment, Which w~I /surrounded by a double barbed- : wire fence, men,· women and chH- . dren had to completely undress, Each of· them was given a towel/· d~1~f~eJ~t: 6th?' b~~:rikth~tY!0Ji was complet~ly filled up. , . a .. Bombs Hurled In• . . "Ev~rythfng waa hermetically · :qJose units through . After about ten minute• the doors ~:;,~;o~~'!!~c~~?ve~y 8~~c~~\v:qg:~ f~r~le~!r a~aK :1e :~~~es ~n~sft!~: tees.' .. 6 6 "The crematoria had not yet been conatructed, althoug~ there was a small one at A~hwJtz which,· ho\yever, was not e ployed · for burning these bodlea. Mass graves were dug at that ti e·tnto which the corpses were Imply thrown. • "This conUnued Into the au-

-~- dt~t· New f .ark limt1. NOV 2 6 1944 . ------·---~-· ------tumn o~ 194?, By this tl~e exter-i'tlll hh1 taBk to the·eatlatactJon of ·:.ff?re~ermZlilg by X-ray treat. mt~ gas was belng Jnt~po, 110 that he ~it i;>Ur friend men • ltJolal Insemination ot eltie~ and th~re W'1£1 no more t.lmel every ~lme he ·trJed to shift his :i~~de~!r~~:i'~!1 ~~·ef<~s o~ even for such aummary burial. lpoeltlon slightly. on," 19 ' · r 1 e ~ow upon row of bO~lee of murw;i ''After fifteen to twenty minutes The reports :lnentloned several · dared JewB, covered only by a ·thin :the ~an becam. e unconscious, ·but a ~well-known Individuals, Such 88 layer of earth, were widely dis· bucket of wate~· was poured over 1J01dbZatharewJcz; Polish actor, per11ed in, the 1.eurround41g field~,· him and he was again foiced into. r 8Fr!~c~erp~~~~~n Blu~, for-1 cau•ln1r th~ .all to become ,almoot hlo original pooltlon, Aller he had b n executed, ' •• ·~ving marshy thro. ugh .the putrif.lcation slumped ove1•, set;u1el~s. s, ·for a sec- ~omlnen~ gueate from erlln ot the b¢.les. and ·time, his body ·was tjlroym Were present at Ute lnaugu Uo~ ''The . ,· arliell emanating from aside and nobody was anowed to at the first crematorium In M rch; :ea~ 8 f~!~m!ec:1; 94t;t~~r:~~ ¥~1 !~fit~~:t!~~~t1~; ~~ ~~· ~~t:~ 1948,',' the reports said. 0 The 'plo~· remained of tile ·bodies had ·to be to the 'Jntlrmary,' where he died gram coni:ilated of the gassing and exhumed and the bones collected two days later." burning of 8,000 ~racow Je~, The and burned Jn the crematoria (by The use of• the . hypodermic guests, both otficers and cl Jllans, that time four had been com- needle for murder was described were· eXtremely satisfied w h the :~e~!.?·th~e ala~:~tJv~ew~:to~~ .bY,,~~~ ~~~l:h ~~~orcl~~ei~f!~wT~to resuJta and the special peep le flt- tunate vlct1mf Into heap1 pour two groups, 'Aryans' and Jews. ~e~lnto the door of the gas cham­ gaeollne ove'r them, and Jea~e It to, These groups were again subdlvld- ~e was Jn constant use, They the flame.11 to flnlalt the tragedy. ed Into .further groups, ot which 1'f~ e lavish In tl}elr prals. e"of this The Jmmen.11e quantity ot human·/.the first Included the sick, who n~ ly erected installation. aahes thus collected was carted were to remain In hospital, being away 1n every dlr.ectlon to be ecat-1 considered 'curable.' The second ~~~~;:;:-~"}~~~ 1 ge:;~:S1 ~e~~ I!~~~~~~\!? c~ro~f:~~':::!;, ~~do~~ ~· for Sa?1~tfo?: ~:~~~::;v~~gldo~nr;°£~1~~~~c~~ob; It wU noted that the e:Kec.uttpn .. a long stay Jn the hospital. ers cHd not provide the crematoria "This gfoup was practlca11y con .. .. ~~1 ·~r~~f. ~~~~t~o~; ~=~~:i t1~1;i!'e1~ ttti:e~::rt~e~~i~.01 J~~~~i had to. be resorted to. ·.. considerations played an tmpor .. In· addition to ma"a aaphyxJa· tant role, An 'Aryan' really had

!~J~~1e ~~~~:i°" t~J!~n~~.to 8e:d ~~ ~~:~1b~s1fu)!~f,~~e ~~~~::n:g. brutallty to dlepose of vlotltUs. lo 90 per. cent of the Jews 'hos-: Here 11 one eyewitness account of pltallzed' "there were 'ellmlnated'j .brutality· recorded by the follsh In this manner. Many of them major: ~ • knew about this method and ap­ "OD:e day',f. working cotprade pllEid for admission as so-~aUed'. Idiscovered a ew pieces ot turnip 'suicide candidates,' not having the ~which he carefully hid. He con~ courage to throw the,r;nselves o~ · tlnued h!Js work but, from time. to the high tension wires. · time, took surreptitious bites ott: Sadism Wins Promotion , his treasure. Another· prisoner, Then there was the story ot the having 'squealed' on him, the cB.po who became a 11hero"; arrive~ a few minutes later. 11An ss maµ. by the nam~ of "It must be remembered that the Kier, a shoemakei; by profession, capo Is absoiute master of hlis c"om: gave. the injections. He had taken mando and that everybody trlea to up this poet in the hospital. as a' get Into his good graces. Unfor~ simple SS private but was later tunately, this, ~vor often hai;J to promoted to SS •group leader• al· be attained to the·detrlment·of.the though pr1ct1cally a moron.' He - --~t:i~~j~~:~t~th:~~~~li:::ra~Ven · 0 f· :!1Toif:c:!~e~:su~~::ter:t8tlre~~~~~ ------1 '~e. cap~ proceeded to seal-ch! Cross. There wer~ days wheil this. oµr comrade andr..flndlng the pieces: psychop~th picked out victims at turnip. ·knock~ the weakened'. from the. wards. on his own initta-J man to th. e groupd,·. h. lttliig. hfm '. tive, WithOut-fnatructloi:ia from th.. •1' brutally abou~ the- head and~fac~ German doctor. on whoni to prac- ~:~~ h~i'::~.":1i~p~ ~~~~~t ~t~~H~is~!:~!!"!%~~iete sa~ist, :tor-· stretche~ In tioitt. ot 'him. on th!). turlng his victims with animal-like ground with a weight ot bricks on l>~tality befoz:e putting them to ·each .handj t114' pieces· \lf,, turnip death.". . - . 1 0 1 we~1;1~: !1e! ~~Ju~~n ~~~m- . th;~0~~~o:i~o~fm1!1:t~~;:~s s~~~ bled and informed that th8·untor- 'cial 0hygiene'4n~titute" at Oswie-. tunat~ man was t<:i stay tn this.po. elm, w~ich·.was .~djacent to.Bi~- - sltion for a whole hour. we were kenau, and where ~ysterious ue~­ warned that this·punfshment'would perlments" were conducted on ~~iUa a:llo ~~~1:ftt~~ .!11~ com~ Je'r!:~ ~~s~~~~~ m~Jst!y on ~~:- 'o~fenae.' The condeJlliled man un. whiCh provided th_e o'tf& f' JifiPe~ of ~erwent_ thJs_ ord~al iruarded bf g_ne what _went on in· the "irultltute," of th~: ~~~men, very.' eag~r to fui.. sa!~ '. _ ~ _ .'... lJii;:Js Our En~~y: .. Murderer of the Helpless~ Thorn is nothing new. about Nazi-perpe- this report, Seeret~ry of State Hull, Secre­ trated mass-murder, From the death facto- ·ta1·y of War ·Stimson and. Secretary of the ries of Maidanek to the martyred villages of Treasul'y Morgenthau; .have made it public Lidice and Distomo· we have examples in "in the firm conviction that it should be read plenty of the German mania for wholesale and understood by every· American." execution of innocent and helpless civilians; They al'e right in that conviction. Every' But it has taken the first official U. S. Gov- American should read the report and digest ernment report on German atrcicities, pre- its meaning so as to understand more clearly 1j senting in 25,000 harrowing words eye-wit- the enemy we face in the Germana. There is . "ness. accounts o!' Nazi cruelty in the exter- a disposition in some circles at times to make ruination camps of Auschwitz and Birkenau, a sharp distinCtion between the Germans and to demonstrate the frightful extremes to the Japs, to pictul'e the former as no savages which this madness baa been carried. but as part of our own civilization and cul- To the two camps were brought whole fam- ture and deserving therefor a more aympa- ilies of Jews and· others rooted from their thetic treatment, . · · homes all over occupied Europe and sen- Such pro-German propaganda falls to ' . tenced to death for the crime of being un- pieces in face of the testimony of Birkenau anted in Hitler's New Order. At Birkenau and Auschwitz. These murder camps are ~e one nearly 2,0. 00,00. 0 J.ewil have been gassed finest products of the Naz. i way of life. et o death. , · ua not, when it comes time to talk of pe e ~ The members ·of. the Board who sponsor settlements, forget them, ·

------r Ii ·'

Now \brk Post NOV 21 1944

Qongr~,· · · Caiis·-for-1'ction ol1 Germany's Atroci+~- Washington, Nov. 27 (AP) -rcent European civilians, clcath penalty for thos,c tried and Congress erupted today with de- Jn both Senate and House arose found guilty of them Jn this war, rnands for relentless punishment a measured call 1or peace t:J;!rms Chairman Bloom (D.·N. Y.) of of Germans guilty of what a Cab· severe enough to keep the Nazis the House Foreign Affairs Com· 1, Jn~lttee calls the system· frpm ever again comm It ting mlltee and Sen Johnson (D -Col l atfc .murder ·of millions of Inna·· -crimes of atrocity· and for the ceI~ are d ti mt c' ermanys ~-uId nt" be llowed to keep a sing gun. T said the pence mac tnery 1 sho Id Include the means o met- 1 Jng ut punishment to Nazi re· sponstb1e for war murders. 1 PATERSON (Nli!l'I l":ns1o;y) CALL

.,~ ·G!lrit)an,~P.~ple M~~;-9~ R!!-CivrtT~ecf · ; ' 'A~'~e study the .rep6rt 6f the War Refugee . Board,: iSsued last Saturday, giving a detailed ac" limi1it of.the Jiestial cruelty and murdet· of millions f innocent civilians-Jcws and Christians alike­ n .conce:lifa•~tion camps in Germany and Germari­ c¢n:P.i«)'d:-'tel'l'itol'Y, we must reiterate ·our opinion tpint


@W~ Rr h8§ l\@@l! WAi@il Th• ~omR Wfta@ war. !!MllA i !W In lh@ .. lcUy ~ AAli~IRl@a l!llllc¥ llf @ .ol nUllll!I Ill lhnl G@l'!l\Rllll, Wh@tlll!J: I ~ qw 1'Pr'!'l!lqent ;· fl!"!lf ~ ·ll@fltn l\olir@ pr~~pt•• \VhPP. ~ ~!AP.~!>• ;.t~r !li!~M ln ?!>!RM l'i" l~AUil!l'AI•~. •P4 WIWl!@d W!lh ~atls(aqtJon t~e Fassln~ @ti~ ~qrn- ' WJ of 800Q \l

cio t10, though ~on.slderable numbers ~fie· Slaughter ~on-Jewish prisoners, Politic.al In these grim days the gruesomely i>lfenders against the Nazis, were ·lnoredll>le Is apt to .~al)pen. This· Is disposedIncluded. ofThe Is astound~number ot victims . the traglcaIJy. manifest· by the reveln- Blrkenau !Brzeznlca) camp alone, a tJons ot Nazi mass. atrocities con- "conservative" estimate Is 1,765,000, t~lned In a 25,000-V{ord detailed re- comprising Jews from all. parts ol port Just IBSued by .'the War Refugee German-occupied Europe; llnd It Board, a United States Oovernme!'t should be remembered that the agency .composed ot Becret~ry Of figure set by the RuBSlari report for State Hull, Secretary of the Treasury the Lublin camp Is 1,500,000. Fur­ Morge';'thau and Secretary of War thermore It should be understood Stimson. · that the Birkenau arid The report covers the.' hideous• ( wleclmJ camps being~lluschwltz In that doings at two "exter.mln. atlq.n camps" pa 01 Poland st1i1 un~rGerman built by the Nazi authorities In occu tlon presumably ntlnue to perlOdSouthwestern between Polan'1 llprJI, In!942;aµd the t1Yo-year llprp, totalJtunctl a~d thus raise· tragic 1944. The dreadful iitorlesare related "'l'h~ W'hole J>fOU,. s. , of eold· by Prisoner. (letalned · there. during blooded . emclency wherein011 mass that tltne, who fortunately inanaged slaughter Is reduced to an exact · to escape, ·These accounts, given Jn.. science by huge gas. chambers and dependently of each other, not only multiple crematoria, the resultant tally closely but also are almost per- ashes being used to fertilize nearby feet parallels with the report Issued fields, '1110 board aptly •ays; "So recently by the Soviet government revolting and diabolical are the Ger­ o! a similar ·~termination camp man atrocities that the minds of lound·near Lublin when that part ol civilized people find It dlmcult to Poland was occupied by the Soviet believe that they have actually taken armies, Evidently the Nazis evolved place." The~port Is Issued to make a definite extermtnafl, techn.t que the general ~bllc ~ware of. the. t~ue wh)ch they applied In very specific nature ot t Nazi enemy an¥ts case. The victims wer chiefly Jews, deliberate pl to enslave and ru~ kllled n .Pursuanc of. Hltler.'s tallze the world, ot which ss atm· -. ot _·ann hllatlng. that extermination is an organic pa t. raceavowe~J wrrev_e!. tt was in his power to' 11IOHJ.rOJ.lD tvrncmUA) Til!JES-DISPA'l'OI! Neve. Jr 29, 1044

~ ·aeft:uafiy's' Fiendish Crue~he Germans have employed various ~ · . , ' . · . methods of torturing and kllUng ~ ... tvTHAT fJendS the N!'.lzls are! What hor· Civlllans. TheJr greatest mass execu­ W rO'r and. iihitB'tliY they ~av~ lnflJctfi,!d · tions, however, have evJdently been car­ ':~'Up6'n rnlllions.'Ot:lielpless humah beln~sl rled ou~ by mcilns of gas Chambers Jnto :"'."ft is' he'artleSS .. :·:~·r;~( <\ i.' ·.··'-'\.H'~··V· ',~' crem'atorlum ·.near the gas chamber,'

·. ·, .Accotints,9f·G~~~·b<:St,lal!,ty.,~r~;por1 1• , .This sl.ckeiilng report has raised de·., 0 1 new,• .They l118.'ve: :~een· ~?m~~g ~.,ut, :manda}n Congress tor relenUess punish .. 1Eur0Pe for : years,-. The 1storJes ·have . 1ment, of the Germans rfaponsJb1e for -.·been 8.linost JnCredlble.< Such -W~~i~m .. these acts, ·Members ~f:th.B .senate1and ;'cruelty 19 fttmo11t too much for the minds 1"the;ijous!'. ar~ more JnsJ.Stent. _t~_an ev!?r of clvJllzed people Jo compreh~n~Q'{ ·tt t IOn Jmposlng peace terms severe enough · :Yet these·J;'epOr~'are true; . _t .a 1'to keep.Germ.any from' ever. ~gain com .. there csn be no dc\lbt, ev!qence, .. mltflng such crimes, and on death 1 Th~. I~ t~e :.rtOO pverwhelmlilg1 too well aU'ther~t!c.aled · penalt.t}ar:those Nazis who .are tried .·by eyewltne~ a<;counts, to permit' .0~ any-, and found guilty of atrol\ltles In this war. 'qtn'gerlng1 s~a~o~ o[suspl,~Jon._ that;the)'.·'~ There ·JS no s~nth11ent in Gongress' for : ·a\'e "atrocity .PfPJIBgunde, ; ·. " ·· ; . ~- 1 r~teUetl~n in kind, hdwever,. . :·;--Th~ Amerfoen·PCopl~ now.have ·~on- (~-.w~ believe that Uw··tempeZ. of Con­ ·. 'tfrnfotlon- of German ,terrorl&m '.and ! liress Jn this regard fs that of'ttie AmerJ­ '..,whoJe~ale slatight~r from an °,ffl~lal '"can people in genera], Americans could ~ftge)\cy:ofJh~ UnJte~ States g~yer~_ment j not be\so unclvJIJzed as to want to 40 0 . Its. elt•. fuuggee ! to the G.ermahs wh.at. t.hey. hay,e d.one ··posedofthree~f"tM.Presldents:-T~~·.\Y.!lr:_R_··.ete ;rt a,~d, .J!o~- ;thelr.victh)ls But this country will bt1 , Cabinet, has ma.de public a report Sel· 1 strongly det~mlned upon ·meting ou -ting frtr. th. that _In. two years •approx!- i !stern justice o the Nazi barba~Jans. · ·:.matft". 2,000,000 ·persons were. PU~ to . · .. _.. ,_. , ·,ide'ath ~\at.·_ ~w0 ;.Loerman. concc~tratlon·, .'·catlliis-.:...oritY :"tWO lbf a number,~ of no- . tortous. m&SS eXed~tlon centers operated . •-.Jn. Germariy ·, atjd. ~,. Ger~an·occupled ~

. ·r1v..,,_,1or 1; ~rid: Birkenau 1$ ·Convinced, eitlal ·that the teJy encl. "'sYs- · llions ·of Jnno- . · hristlans all~e ~ . ~report ;~!ates··-.-,~----­ .-~errpr.;·~np,.J:!~~ta.Uty,_~ ,if{~~l!~.iiveft_noit;

j- . i

BROO. ·1YN (N •. :W YOIU() rnAGLhl

~-Record,.. ·o,-W-fioJ~sale Mu'r~ tfldictm·en.t of· Whole German People The record. of. tlie Nazi regime In\· free peopl~s of the world. The lndlct­ ~ar and In peace has ~de the world, ment Is carefully documented. It ls a '.ully aware ot~'ff·e MS pt Its char~·: narrative . ot murder, practiced BYS• ici.er an.d ot t e , w~.lch ·It em- ', ,tem!f.'Lublln; with.· · tli1Hviloliloap ·am :h.lstory ot .cruelt ~;camp, ihat at Blrkenau, ac- and enslaveme , It· would •eein 'as to'the·lntormatlon gathered by nothing' i1tor~ld, be !ldded th o d, 1,765,iloo Jews were killed by mlght deepen further· the lntamy een .April 1942 and April 1944. the German op!e,. This pµrpose ha utlori, chemistry, gunfire, star" been accompU ed, however, by the re- n and the encouragement of vlru- port of the Wa1• Refugep.·Boarq on the i lent disease In prison compounds also German ca~al ot "extermination ' have had· their places In the fiendish and torture. · · . ·Nazi scheme ot . human destruct.ton; Indtctmen a whole people, tra- ·This report does not present the Ger- dltlonally di !cult to ·achieve without ·mans In a new light. It serve.s merely tti.e danger ~oI justice, Is accom- 'I to etch a llttle, more deeply the picture pllshed by th i· Idly tactual docu- · .. otJhe en.emy developed by the recor.d nient, which 1 · more .vividly. to the .. over the ·years .... mind of the worl t!te_'iiertl. in whlcl) ,.\. In addition, however, this 1·eport clvlllzatl syfterlngs e.ndured 'by mil- punishment must tall. The crime ot lions, : . . . . ' these tragic years Is the crime of When one reviews mentally the ca~ German nation, which has debased t!I - reers otthe tyrant& ot history, the men Hielt .to 'such a de.gree that. It has b - whose names anc\ regimes are blackj' come· the wllllng . lnstrq!llent tl,lr.ou with. every concelv.a. ble crime against. ..which sadistic ieaders h. ave vlslted·lul.P<' decency ·Bild honor; the... board's ap- · for upon a continent.. P.r,al,$1, Qt;the.,~tl•~~~ .. ~ra .commands . ,r • thought'ift!,., 'c~llslder.attop as 'the 'tlm - . tor Judgment approaches.· It . 1s described . as a.. "campaign ;(f . tror !!-rid brutality .which is. unpr . nted Jn all hlstocy. 11nd which y n . w.. conttiiues unab11te~'"as a pa o{ a,, German· f)Rmpalgn to ·subjug_.,.....,.=:_,.'___ _ r I

·~~ Atrocities »¥ r•u'Wlfkler ' rj/.;,,g Tl1e l'eop/~ ,., H~RE 1 S/A 1 BUGQESf10N:fo; Amerlc'an pr~Pa1andllt11. . Comp\18,·,p •.eel.irate ,1.t1d Jm· pr'eulvo file of .Ge:rmm)''1 In· nuni..cra~1~ ·a~rocllle,. ~el 4own nam~., .. d.~te,; placuJ dptall1 .. Deacrlbo whit ·hu happened In lhe. dealt\ ct.mp1 and t~' torture chimb~ra .of lbe.Oulapo, Tell , of the mAallcrea of clvJllan1. Re~\,~ru· without heat or JndJg. i . Jla~~~~i] W~lte Jt •tmply with dr)" 1' 'ac.IOl\ll/JC\precblon._ Print lt Jn rJ>oO}t tonP, t;111 Ughtw~lsht paPer, ' antt drop" coplea byl the. hu'ndre!I thou.tahd In qermany, · I think It wlll 'conlribute tO the dlsorganl· ;~~o~.-. o\.,0e·. ,~e~1m home P'or Jt 1•·•,l•c~ that few Ger­ mlna. ll'~ '11waro o~ '~ abJeci mladeedt ·_.hlch are beln1 coin• milted Jn 1 \he1r n'itne '1n. tho oc· cupled 'coUilt.rteS; ~ lfeillr~I traV• , el en .- coinJpa .ou' !Jf dennany \~•vo~~w.!lft~~.·tb4'-l,1o11L· lie•. caute Gel"tllanJi are ,J.rnorant ot what their. arinle1 ·•nd their po­ lice havo "been dotnr, · tb,y ar• ! not ptaauea by bad con~l,ilce1, The revutlton 111aln1t tbelr · OWn ·leaden \Yhlch many· Ot ·them mlsht tt~t ·:Jt· Ibey oJlli.,~ew what ex~i:'e• .. t}loao, tel_~fil 1 ~re .~roer:• o~1::ia:~~:d~~.mN~;, befr fear 'ot the relrlbuUon mlsh. t. be" e:ica.cted rise to b"tlfhtt thate·.: them.to p-y lo at ·~·· hei!.-:-~ "the hope U~·,·~I 1"pardon-U t~ Ji};: Wwb¥utathattb~:r.'•~ .~e,alearlc~ ~f the·p~ ~~.torceshJye . ,} 0 - ''tt~~ aotho.· ... selve. ~'1'e·_.,ra1d to 1 a~~··.~olfl'!r~ow j .' a~~t ·the a!!_o<"ItJ_es, German ~ of11ce~1::'forbf4 the tr men .. ~·~~~.-''~enn·""· on.'Ieive 1 or~io lrorn their unit.. ' telC'~1lhln1 o.r .Vi hat · theY­ . Vt1 ~een·fA ~U$1led' cciu~trtea. Th~I rienn.An ·rad.IP, 'Piimtns the _1an:1.e Pop~ '!-o~.PJ:o _Q~er aide; regularly. '!~,:cJyt~ not to slve too much CredebCe to·atorles ·whfch. aoldleta b'ai;k ·trom the fronpell,; -The~. Ue_1fwo 1ort11 ~OJ"'-.~"~J...a'r.~no~-f &JlJ.lDl,.IJ; tQ."· ~ve d41e~fnate~ TPe ,ilrat · ~: de8crlPt~ons of de~- - teatt.:.-''~-~:;:aeco~::.f1,-accounfd1 of atrocll!.e~;.' :~; .:\.:.: ,:-:,'.'. ·: " NEW ' 'RK DAILY PM - Novci;iiber 27 '.944

'Who, Me?' · .t1HE. Aii'""rB SUN. ' ~-· J NOV 26 1944

p'·u· out of another group; one month'• ' "The men Ith- . - -· ---· - :iw· ARR·. E' 'GEEsm~·.J' ssings 00,000i total papactly Qf :_ers) bcJonglng ~~setJJe prison· , ~crcmntoria, 6,000 a day, but for ·- 'lived sc t 1 e . 1· ·T period it was overloaded and bo • of t c dreadf~(·r: e y. On accou . .A RO TJES ies ~urn~? In great open pits. them.. people had hr:!rtf1 d1~read by : 1.:·; .' N. • Z"' . ·. ,Jf.\ ., ,t Excerp~s From Reports ~ with them. Besid,ea they w~~~t~~~ ~Fd.'~ .i::v~-~ }· . Taken from the reports are these ; ways fillhy, destitute, half wild and i1;)~~.;y.i._!>.!.···'il.S '4h_l,'l'f"!•l' excerpts and paraphrases: . extraordinarily brutal and ruthless. 11 ,.,.. ~i.' aoara I ye wt~~ i The mere fact of neglecting to , Killed Companions '•s A · /Jli.+',;Of If. . \give information on the where. "It was not un ne.• oop Al.Ir . o_ r~o~p. '· abouts of a. prisoner, not to speak Of them kill anot~.~mThl 8to see one0 .... ·,. ~·:> :. :,-.~4i·i·~·~· 1of extending help, ts punished by sldcrcd bY the othe~s a was t~ n· '1: WAshlitlton~ ~Q~. ·~5':·.'t'iD\ l~··i death.,,, If the escapee is caught a ~.hange., sensa on, I.war aetuiea Board-t~r~J .. ,, !alive, he Is hanged in the presence At.the end of Fcbru 1 4 I 'berf of Preslj:li!rit Roo1~veif.· ~efl, of the whole campj but if he ls a nel:modern crematorlaa~~d 9 a, I ·pet-"sponstn:qc;t t.Qclay a :zaooixa:~eufound dead, his body-wherever it Ing pant wa.s Inaugurated t ~~s· . , detailed report'· of heiua'i ·WOr may have been located-ls brought nau. he large dJtch was flu ~ 1e· , ·and murder by 'th ·· lllf ..• back to camp , .. and seated at ~- _ e n, 'man ext~rmlnat)' ~ m on 1µ Ger· jthe· entrance gate. a small_ notice \I the round levelled and the shii :· Said th / b · r%" ca.mp~, l 'clasped in his hands, reading 'Here 1 use as before for fertilizer a• the 11 :ret.~Y of eSl,_~!_ HuWmJ>:c;e~g S~c· ~l am.' · . fal'm labor camp of Hermense." . the Treas -. M r '€ lary 9f Camp buildings are divided into Next to the furnace room was a retary Qf_1W~·r S~l~~~n~a~ and Sec: :11tt1e cubicles, each. occupied" by l~rge "reception hall" arranged to "TJ .. . · \three persons, each cubicle too gave the impression of the ante· rb H.e H~ ~9-i~jl~ has every reasop to _n!lrr_ow for a man to He stretched 1 chamber of a bat~tng establish· J t e ~ v~ t I', ~.,~se reports present a 1 oµt and nbt high enough for him ment ' i::nin~scJ~~fh~se t~:mf;!~~~fr 1 ~:k:~ to sit uprlgh_t. 1 11 Holds 2,000 people •.. ·Ing the reports public in the11 firm Mortality High _ · It holds 2,000 people and ap· convi~Uon that they should be read 11 Worklhg conditions were lncon· parently there is a .similar waiting and understood bY all AmeriCari.s .. celvably hard, so that the majority : room· on the floor below. From 0 6 ., Eye.~1.t~ess Act:ounts ·." f~eui~~~ib~:f~~d~Yc~~idv~~l~t!~~ ~~~~ in~~ tl1:nv~:Y f:~~g ~!~d ~::. ie report consisted of two Cye. it. The mortality .was so:htgh that row gas chamber. The walls of this :~ ;;s_alc~o~s~~~~z11 !~Jn~~k~~~ ~~ei'/ d~ict.0~{a:{;0~~rg~~~J~a;e:~ ~r~~l~~~l~~:~_1S:s ~t~msoh~~!re~o~~l~ in o.uthwestern Poland, prep8red en to death by the overseers-the to mislead the victims. in ependently,·but almost precisely 'capos'-durlng work, wi~hout the 11 The room is fitted ·with three ~ 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 paE~ ~h in.cl~ded arl esitmat~ that ~ . f ~~=~t ~roy,~i:~ ~b~ Uding" was ~1~~~d "'i~~~ ·tJ:: :Uls1~~~i~~i~ ~~~ more than a million and a half set up, , · · ; leads from the gas chamber Jews from vBrlous European coun~ "Actually .. this bull.ding was lhrough.•the furnace room, ~he' tries wer~ .kl!.~11ed and their b6dies . nothing else.th~n ap· assembly cen· :'gassing takes place as follows: cremated at Blr~enau alone· be- 1· ter for death ·. candidates, AH ; "The unfortunate victims are tween Ap~ll, 1042, and April, 1044. prisoners· incapable of workln~ 1 brought into the hal_l, where they On~. by: lwo young .Slovakia» were sent ·there. There was· no are told to undress. To complete ~~~~~~~a ~o: ~~~~~~~~::hc~~f:~ ~~e;~~~ Of any _medlca~ _atten~l~n ~~~hZ~~~~h ~ear~~~%c:r~~:~i~~w~l they cotJld1 keep fairly, close· track , "At the sam~ tlme, the so-called and a small piece of soap, iss_ued by 1 of events, se.t-tbe figti"re at 1,7115,000, ! 'selections' were. introduced. Twice two men clad-in whll_e coats. Then J!':1:~c~~f~stc~~r:r.wX~1 b(h~~en~~: · rheee~~~P ~~i~7'fndt~~tel~~~s~~~: ~i~ith~~e i~ro~u~hd ~~~bet:Se t~;i caped.. For tl,\1Hr. protection,· their her of' prisoners who were to be there is, of courst;!:, only standing names ip~re.,wJthl,lel(l,.by the bo&rd- gassed and. then burned. These room. 1 0 5 ·l~~:~~e~iJ;~·!dn -.a_n: acc;Omp_ilnyi~C~~~~g~lr:o ~~~eii~~~ ~~~~~t; "To co~~~~~s~~~s ~~o ,~~ into u~e "It is .~·fact' peyond denial that : Those still alive upon arrival were riarrow space, shot~ ~re often fired the Germans tg1.ye.delfberately_and gassed In a big barrack erected to induce thof!!e already at the faf systernallcall,\i ·murde"red mllilons near .the trench used for.-~urning end to huddle still ~loser together. of .. innocent .,civilhms-J~ws .,-~nd ihe bodies.'' __ · · When -everybody is inside, the ______Chflstla~S ftl.IR. e-:-tall over .Etirop. e. Typlca_l_of"t~e de.scriptiO~s gi.ven heavy doors are closed. Then the~e This- c~mp~\gn-of-terrt-:--·~nd-- _oL.th~_fJ!.te of mdiv!dual groups are ts a short ~~e, presumably to l· 1 ~ ~U! 1~fst~;~1~d~~~~br~~ ri~-~t;,~ these. Frenchmen Na·med a t~;rfa~~~ei~iP:ft~~Ul.~f~~r e-t--+---'C..-'--~-"~ll- ntinues unabated, is par ~f the ·~Two thousand ·.Frenchmen en with gas masks chmb on t e j · erman_plan to subhigate he free

----~--.-· ~··-·-· -·- .t1HE .tile& SUN ~NOV 26 1944

out of tin cans labeled 1 Cyklon-~r u~agalnst vermin,' which is·rn · uC ctured by a Hamburg conce , It s presumed thqt this Is a 'c a· Inl c'. mixture of some sol't whi h tu .s into gas a~·a certain tempera. ture. .. , "After 3. mlnutcs1•• everyone in 11 the che.mber is dcad. , 'fhe bodies are. then taken out and burned. "On principle, only Jews are gassedj .Aryans very seldom, as they are. usually given 'special treatment' by shooting. ·~'Guests'' WatCt .. Ga'ssfng 1iPromlnent. gitests froni Berlin were present at the inauguration of ~~~3.fi~~e c~~~~~0:~mco~~1srei:rc~1 the gassing and bUrrilng of 8,000 ~:r8s0~~l ~~~·~;!:~~~ ~~::!~·e~t:~nf~~ satisfied with the. results, and the spec(al peephole fitted wto the door of the gas chambr was in con~ ' 11 stant us.e. · · • There Js a 11 block recorder" who 0 . ke~~fst~~i{\~ ~~~s~l1!~~at respon· · slblllty and he has to keep his ledg(\rs with painCul exactitude as the index cards only indicate the number· and not the name of the prisoners; el'rors arc fatal. .. 1'For instance, tr the recorder has noted down a death by mistake, and that often occurs with the. unusu· ally high mortality-the dlscrep· ancy is simply straightened F,l by killi the bearer of the orre· spon Ing number." T report by the Polish ajor ! that prisoners wcr used ' forasse~d f~periments In sterilizing by I X·ray, in arti.ficial insemination of 1 women, as well' as blood transfu· ' S!~n~:----~···