WANT THE TFN COMMUNITY NOTICE DELIVERED STRAIGHT TO YOUR INBOX EVERY THURSDAY? THIS WEEK AT TFN: Email communications@tsawwassenfirstnation.com to join our electronic mailing list sx̌əʔaθəns słëecəss ëʷatəm seʔeʔəłnet syəəwəłnet sθəmənts słixʷs Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 TFN Health Fair Hearing on New Moon Nurse həëəmiə language class 12-3pm RBT2 Practitioner TFN Rec Centre 11-6pm Elders Centre

TFN Rec Centre 10-3pm Nurses Trailer 5-6 pm

SD Shoreline Cleanup 10-2pm Meet @ Wellington Point

TFN Elders Weekly Events səʔaθəns  słëecəss syəəwəłnet sθəmənts słixʷs Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 30 31 3 4 5

Health Fair Drop-in Outreach Day Drop-in Drop-in 9-4pm 10-4pm 10-4pm 10-4pm

Eye Clinic Walmart Staff/Elder Lunch Walking Club NP Trailer 1-3pm 12pm 8:30-10am

Vendors needed for National Indigenous Peoples Day at TFN Save the date: National Indigenous e'FǩșǹȅȅǷǩǿǠǟȅȖΚǓǿǏȅȖșΛǦȅΛƺǿȠȠȅșǓǹǹȠǦǓǩȖƺȖȠΛȅȖǷॹȒȖȅǏȣljȠșॹǟȅȅǏॹȒǹƺǿȠșǠǹƺșșΛƺȖǓȅȖ Peoples Day at TFN’s ȅȠǦǓȖǩȠǓǾșƺȠFƺȠǩȅǿƺǹ2ǿǏǩǠǓǿȅȣșXǓȅȒǹǓșƺΡƺȠȠǦǓe'F^ȒȅȖȠșЙǓǹǏȅǿ'ȖǩǏƺΡॹ=ȣǿǓࢳࢲॹ Sports Field ǟȖȅǾࢲࢳেࢴȒǾঀ Friday, Jun 21, 2019 XǹǓƺșǓljȅǿȠƺljȠEǩljǦǓǹǹǓƺǷǓȖƺȠࢷࢱࢵেࢺࢵࢹেࢶࢳࢴࢸȅȖΚǩƺǓǾƺǩǹǾLjƺে 12-3pm ǷǓȖ૬ȠșƺΛΛƺșșǓǿЙȖșȠǿƺȠǩȅǿঀljȅǾঀ

Announcement NEW THIS ISSUE x IMPORTANT DATES x BC Achievement: Call COBS Bread (front cover) for Nominations TO REMEMBER x Happy Birthday (front cover) x BC Achievement: Call x TFN Community Hearing on TFN RBT2 Hearing……….…..….…..June 1 for Nominations

Roberts Bank Terminal 2 x Softball Camp…………………………….June 8 Surrey Hot Topic x Laura Retirement Photos Dialogue Invitation Advisory Council mtg…………..Jun 10

x RAVCON Update x Open Call for Proposal TFN Grad……………………………...………..June 11

x ONNI Update x Become a Bicycle TFN National Indigenous…….June 21

x TFN Member Staff Mechanic Advisory Council Mtg……….....June 25 FIRST NATION COMMUNITY NOTICE INSIDE THIS ISSUE MAY 30 to June 5, 2019

NEWS & UPDATES OTHER SUBMISSIONS x COBS Bread (front cover) x First Notice of By-Election x Happy Birthday (front cover) x TFN Notice of Nomination x TFN Community Hearing on Roberts Bank x 2019 War Canoe Schedule Terminal 2 x Community Graduation Invitation June 11 x Laura Retirement Photos x Happy Birthday to Lu’kwo’liye (Tia Williams) x RAVCON Update x Softball: Community Sport– Learn to Coach x ONNI Update x Softball Camp June 8 x TFN Member Staff Announcement x South Delta Shoreline Cleanup x BC Achievement: Call for Nominations x BC Achievements: Call for Nominations x Surrey Hot Topic Dialogue Invitation EDUCATION, TRAINING & JOBS x Open Call for Proposal x Current Employment & Training Opportunities x TFN/ACCESS training program – Bicycle HEALH & WELLNESS Mechanic Program x Open Call for Proposals: Wellness Sessions x CBSA Marine Enforcement Clerks

FOR ELDERS x TFN Elders Weekly events


x Youth Programming Calendars x Elders Events Calendar x Community Events


Email communications@tsawwassenfirstnation.com Remember to forward your updated contact or phone reception at 604-943-2112 information to Information Management SUBMISSION DEADLINE: WEDNESDAYS @ 12:00PM Late submissions cannot be accommodated. Coordinator Jen Jansen. (Submissions received after 12:00 pm on Wednesday will be published in the following week’s issue.) In Person or by Post: 1926 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, BC V4M 4G2 Phone: 604-948-5232 COMPLIANCE/ENFORCEMENT ISSUE? Toll-free: 1-888-943-2112 ext 232 TUESDAY – FRIDAY, SATURDAY – TUESDAY, 10:00 am-8:00 pm: 8:00 am-6:00 pm: By Fax: 604-943-9226 Call San Uppal Call Abu Ghafoori By Email: enrollinfo@tsawwassenfirstnation.com at 604-803-9527 at 604-785-4107


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Notice is hereby given that the Tsawwassen First Nation Executive Council has called a By-Election in accordance with the Tsawwassen First Nation Election Act (2009) and Regulations for the purpose of electing three (3) Legislators to fill three (3) vacancies in the Legislature for the balance of the current term.

Nomination information is included in this package; other voting information will be mailed out pursuant to legislative requirements. Please keep an eye on your mailbox.

Questions or inquiries regarding the Eligible Voters List or the By- Election should be directed to the Election Officer:

FRED SCHIFFNER, ELECTION OFFICER Phone: 604-943-0522 Cellular: 604-786-2512 Fax: 604-943-0527 Toll Free: 1-800-813-2173 Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 18007, 1215C – 56 Street, Delta, BC V4L 2M4

TSAWWASSEN FIRST NATION Notice of Nomination Meeting for a By-election for the position of three (3) Legislators in accordance with the Tsawwassen First Nation Election Act (2009) and Regulations Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the eligible voters of the Tsawwassen First Nation will be held in the Tsawwassen First Nation Recreation Centre, located at 1929 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, B.C. on the 20th day of June, 2019, beginning at 5:00 o’clock P.M. and lasting for at least two hours, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the position of three (3)Legislators of the said First Nation for the remainder of the term. Three (3) Legislator positions are available. The By-election will be held at the Tsawwassen First Nation Recreation Centre, located at 1929 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, B.C. on August 1, 2019

Please note that any Eligible Voter may nominate candidates by using a mail-in nomination form. Eligible Voters residing both off and on Tsawwassen Lands may nominate or run as candidates for the positions of Legislator. You can either deliver, courier or mail-in completed nomination forms to the election officer before the close of the nomination meeting OR you may nominate candidates orally at the nomination meeting. Nominations not received by the election officer before the close of the nomination meeting are void. All Tsawwassen First Nation Members, 18 years or older on or before August 1, 2019, are eligible to vote in the election. NOTE: A copy of the eligible voters list as of August 1, 2019 (By-Election Day) will be posted and available for inspection at the Tsawwassen First Nation Administration Building, 1926 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, B.C, subject to the Election Act and Regulations. Any inquiries relating to the voters list should be directed to the Election Officer. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATING TO THE NOMINATION PROCESS PLEASE CONTACT THE ELECTION OFFICER. Given under my hand at Delta, B.C. this 16th day of May, 2019.

F.P.Schiffner Election Officer Phone number: 604-943-0522 Email: [email protected] Cell Number: 604-786-2512 Toll Free: 1-800-813-2173 Fax Number: 604-943-0527

Laura Cassidy Retirement Event 2019

XƺșȠƺǿǏljȣȖȖǓǿȠǾǓǾLjǓȖșȅǟȠǦǓeșƺΛΛƺșșǓǿ'ǩȖșȠFƺȠǩȅǿ(ȅΚǓȖǿǾǓǿȠșƺǩǏȠǦǓǩȖȅГljǩƺǹǠȅȅǏLjΡǓșȠȅ@ƺȣȖƺ ƺșșǩǏΡǹƺșȠvǓǏǿǓșǏƺΡশEƺΡࢳࢳষॹƺșșǦǓȖǓȠǩȖǓǏƺǟȠǓȖșǓȖΚǩǿǠǟȅȖǾȅȖǓȠǦƺǿࢳࢱΡǓƺȖșǩǿȠǦǓFƺȠȣȖƺǹ[ǓșȅȣȖljǓș

ǏǓȒƺȖȠǾǓǿȠঀ  ǦǩǓǟ?ǓǿƺǩȖǏॹƺǹȅǿǠΛǩȠǦKǏȖǩƺǿ(ǩLjșȅǿॹ/ȣǾƺǿ[ǓșȅȣȖljǓșEƺǿƺǠǓȖƺΚǩǏǓșȅȖǾǓƺȣΠॹ@ȅȣǩșǓ ǦǹǾॹtƺǹǓȖǩǓȖȅșșেǹƺljǷǓȠȠॹƺǿǏ@ȅȖǓȠȠƺvǩǹǹǩƺǾșƺǹǹǾƺǏǓșȒǓǓljǦǓșȠǦƺǿǷǩǿǠǦǓȖǟȅȖǦǓȖǾƺǿΡΡǓƺȖșȅǟșǓȖে

ΚǩljǓঀșΛǓǹǹॹǟȅȖǾǓȖǦǩǓǟ?ǩǾƺǩȖǏΛƺșȅǿǦƺǿǏȠȅȖǓǾǩǿǩșljǓƺLjȅȣȠȠǦǓǩȖljȅǹǹƺLjȅȖƺȠǩȅǿȅǿȠǦǓeȖǓƺȠΡঀ   @ƺȣȖƺǾƺΡLjǓǠȅǿǓǟȖȅǾFƺȠȣȖƺǹ[ǓșȅȣȖljǓșॹLjȣȠǦǓȖǩǾȒȅȖȠƺǿȠΛȅȖǷljȅǿȠǩǿȣǓșȅΚǓȖȠǦǓǿǓΠȠȠǦȖǓǓΡǓƺȖșǩǿȠǦǓ @ǓǠǩșǹƺȠȣȖǓƺǿǏƺșƺǾǓǾLjǓȖȅǟΠǓljȣȠǩΚǓȅȣǿljǩǹঀ RAVCON 4481 – 232nd Street, Langley, B.C. V2Z 2S2 Telephone: (604) 530-1402 Facsimile: (604) 534-1900 May 24, 2019

Dear residents,

RAVCON will be be working to complete the asphalt overlays within the Tsawwassen Shores nieghborhood begun earlier in the year.

Beginning Monday, June 3, asphalt overlays (final lift) will be added to Swan Road (south of Mallard), Hawk Lane, and Robin Lane.

Access to driveways and parking in these areas will be impacted June 3 and 4 between 7am and 5pm. Parking will be maintained in select areas on Blue Heron and throughout the rest of the Tsawwassen Shores development for resident only parking during this work. ‘No Parking’ signs will be posted in areas needed to be kept clear for paving, and for the safe movement of trucks and machinery necessary to complete this work.

Please obey all ‘no parking’ signs, traffic signs, and traffic control personnel. We will do our best to minimize impacts to residents and traffic.

In order to conduct the top lift of paving a “tack coat” of an adhesive will be sprayed on the road. Please do not drive on the tack coat or it will get on your car’s paint and can be difficult to remove once dry. Mallard Lane

Please watch for our staff as well as machinery and trucks during construction activities.

Thank you for your ongoing cooperation.

RAVCON Civil Constructors JV Nicci Bergunder Cellular: 604-802.9537

May 24, 2019 RAVCON Page 1 of 2

Robin Lane Robin

Hawk Lane Swan Rod Swan

May 24, 2019 RAVCON Page 2 of 2

Contracting Ltd.

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Mallard Lane

Osprey Road Osprey Robin Lane Lane Robin Swan Road Swan

Hawk Lane


May 28, 2019 Onni Contracting Ltd. Page 1 of 1

TFN Member Staff Announcements

LjǩǠljȅǿǠȖƺȠȣǹƺȠǩȅǿșȠȅȠǦǓǟȅǹǹȅΛǩǿǠe'FEǓǾLjǓȖΛǦȅǩșǾƺǷǩǿǠƺȒȅșǩȠǩΚǓljƺȖǓǓȖǾȅΚǓΛǩȠǦǩǿȠǦǓe'F(ȅΚে ǓȖǿǾǓǿȠǏǾǩǿǩșȠȖƺȠǩȅǿঀ

EƺȖΡƺǿǿǓǏƺǾșǦƺșƺljljǓȒȠǓǏƺࢴেΡǓƺȖljȅǿȠȖƺljȠȒȅșǩȠǩȅǿƺș[ǓljȅȖǏșǹǓȖǷΛǩȠǦȠǦǓ(ȅΚǓȖǿǾǓǿȠ^ǓȖΚǩljǓșȠǓƺǾॹΛǦǩljǦLjǓljƺǾǓ ΚƺljƺǿȠΛǦǓǿ@ȅȣǩșǓǦǹǾΛƺșǓǹǓljȠǓǏȠȅΠǓljȣȠǩΚǓȅȣǿljǩǹঀ^ǦǓΛǩǹǹLjǓȒȖǩǾƺȖǩǹΡljȅȅȖǏǩǿƺȠǩǿǠǾǓǾLjǓȖșǦǩȒƺǿǏǓǿȖȅǹǾǓǿȠǾƺȠে ȠǓȖșǟȅȖe'FƺǿǏƺǹșȅȒȖȅΚǩǏǩǿǠ[ǓljǓȒȠǩȅǿȖǓǹǩǓǟƺǿǏȅГljǓƺǏǾǩǿǩșȠȖƺȠǩȅǿșȣȒȒȅȖȠΛǦǓǿǿǓǓǏǓǏঀ

TFN Member Staff Announcements


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2019 War Canoe Schedule

Month Days Race Location 18-19 River Spirit Canoe Races Chilliwack Landing, BC May Seabird Island 1st Nations Festival Agassiz, BC 25-26 Snuneymuxw Canoe Races Nanaimo, BC 1st - 2nd Cultas Lake Water Sports Cultas Lake, BC Days Tulalip, WA 8th-9th Cowichan Days Cowichan Bay, BC June 15-16 Sasquatch Days Harrison Hot Springs, BC 21-23 Stomish Water Festival , Wa 28-30 Whey-a-wichen Cates Park, BC 6th-7th North Van Canoe Races Ambleside, BC 7th Nin'wu Bday Race (Youth Races) Wjolelp, BC July 13-14 Tsawout Canoe Races East Saanich, BC 20-21 Stz'uminus Chemainus, BC 27-28 Penelekut Canoe Races Penelekut, BC 3rd-4th Geronimo CC Water Festival West Saanich, BC 10th-11th Days Swinnomish, WA August Chief Seattle Days Suquamish, WA 17-18 Nanoose Canoe Races Nanoose Bay, BC 23-25 Days Neah Bay, WA TSAWWASSEN FIRST NATION COMMUNITY GRADUATION CELEBRATION

TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2019 Tsawwassen Springs Ballroom - doors open at 5 pm

Preschool Graduates Anaya, Berlyn, Camila, Jacob, Jason, Leah, Maxwell, Ryan, Teddy, Thomas Grade 7 Graduates Antonio, August, Ava, Destanie, James, Laliannah, Lucas, Michael, Rylan, Sienna, Sophia, Tabatha Grade 12 Graduates Cathryn, Damien, Kiersten, Michael, Nathan, Sadie, Shogun, Tina Post-Secondary Graduates Chelsea, Jenna, Taylor Employment & Training Graduates Brooklyn, Debbie, Fayth, Kaitlin, Kirk, Nicole, Penny, Skylar

Announcement of the Annual Chevron Scholarship Award Winners We hope you join us in sharing the successes of our TFN Students! Please RSVP to Pamela Rowat before 4:30PM on May 27 2018 at 604-948-5304 or [email protected] Happy Birthday Lu’kwo’liye (Tia Williams)

We are all so proud that you have found your passion in life, helping our community and keeping our culture alive. You have become an incredibly kind and successful woman who should be proud of her accomplishments! From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for all your hard work and dedication in helping our people. We all want to wish you the Happiest of Birthdays and a wonderful year ahead!

Baby photos and posting made possible by Mable Williams Other photos from TFN/ Adrian MacNair Free ISPARC FRASER REGION NCCP Coaching Clinic! Softball Community Sport - Initiation Learn to Coach

Saturday, June 8th 2019 9:30am-4:30pm Lunch Provided Tsawwassen Recreation Center 1929 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen, BC

Do you coach at the community level, or are you thinking about coaching? Are you parent whose child is involved in sport, or a volunteer who works with participants of all ages that are new to a sport? The “Community Sport – Initiation Learn to Coach” NCCP course focuses on participants who are being introduced to Softball, such as very young children participating in the sport for the first time. Participants get involved to meet new friends, have fun, and to learn a new activity. The role of the coach is to ensure a fun and safe environment, and to teach the development of some of the “FUNdamental” stage skills and abilities for participants. This course is FREE for members of the Indigenous community (funded by ISPARC and Softball BC).

Please Fill Out Online Registration Link Before June 5th: https://aboriginalsportbc.wufoo.com/forms/z1oqgdq91s8b348/

Inquiries: Jesse Bierman (604) 948-0694 [email protected] Alana Cook 604-807-5334 [email protected]


Saturday June 8th Tsawwassen First Nation and Softball BC are hosting a youth 2:00PM-4:00PM Ages 5 - 10 Softball Camp!

Tsawwassen First Nation Sports Field Complex 2331 Tsawwassen Dr N, Tsawwassen, BC V4M 4G4

Registration Link: EVENT INQUIRIES: https://aboriginalsportbc.wufoo.com/forms/zw6pm3o1v7ullr/ Jesse Bierman Parks and Recreation Coordinator (604) 948-0694 [email protected]

Interested in hosting a Sport Development Camp, Coaching Certification

Course, and/or Officials Training Session in your community?

Contact I·SPARC Regional Coordinator: Fraser Region Alana Cook ([email protected])

june 10 AM - 2 PM 01 Meet at Wellington Point Park RSVP to Facebook Event Page: 2019 South Delta Shoreline Cleanup 2019

Inquiries [email protected] or call Brad 604.779.6764


The 13th annual Fulmer Award in Art recognizes up to five artists affiliated with BC First Nations, working in traditional or contemporary art. Nominate an emerging or established artist for this award and help elevate their achievements.

Nomination form and guidelines can be found at bcachievement.com

Elevate excellence, share success and inspire change. INVITATION SURREY HOT TOPIC DIALOGUE The Fraser River: Untapped Potential for Economic Growth

Date Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Location Civic Hotel (13475 Central Avenue, Surrey) Time 7:30 a.m. registration; 8:00 – 9:30 a.m. program Admission FREE! Registration Required

The Fraser River is an untapped market for economic growth and business expansion. The Surrey Board of Trade wants to hear from you on how to take advantage of all of the economic opportunities the Fraser River has to offer.

Participate in the Surrey Hot Topic Dialogue to learn more about:

1. How the Fraser River can be diversified 2. What barriers exist to growth 3. Which businesses can thrive in this untapped market 4. The economic benefits that come with diversification

Panelists include:

• Stephen Bruyneel, Director of External Relations & Development at the Fraser River Discovery Centre • Jeff Scott, CEO of Fraser Surrey Docks • Lisa Leblanc, Manager of Transportation at the City of

To register online visit businessinsurrey.com or call 604-581-7130. COMMUNITY SPONSOR MEDIA SPONSORS VENUE SPONSOR

Fax Name: 101-14439 104 Avenue 604.588.7549 Surrey, BC, V3R 1M1 Phone Company: OFFICE 604.581.7130 604.581.7130 TOLL FREE 1.866.848.7130 Telephone: businessinsurrey.com Register online businessinsurrey.com Email:



Tsawwassen First Nation seeks one or more service providers to deliver wellness programming to Tsawwassen First Nation employees, over the course of three separate sessions between September 1, 2019 and March 31, 2020.

Anticipated attendance is expected to be between 12-15 persons each day, but may vary, depending on the nature of the programming delivered. Each session is one full day or two days if enrolment is high enough.

The budget limit for each day is $500.00, with no exceptions. Service providers are expected to furnish all required equipment or supplies. TFN will provide the space for the sessions.

Description of work: The successful individual/s or company will be expected to provide personal wellness services to attendees, in sessions lasting up to 30 minutes each. Services should be designed to help improve physical, mental, emotional or spiritual wellbeing of attendees. Final selection of services and activities are left to the discretion of the provider, but examples of the desired services might include, but are not limited to: • Mild to moderate physical • Reflexology activities/exercise, such as Yoga • Acupuncture or acupressure or Tai Chi • Non-medical treatments, such as • Personal coaching music or art therapy • Stress management • Smoking cessation • Nutritional planning or guidance • Weight management • Massage

While it is acknowledged that some activities are steeped in cultural or religious traditions, it is expected that services will be delivered in a secular fashion.

Qualifications: • Candidate individuals or companies need to demonstrate that they are experienced and fully trained, and if their service is regulated, that they are fully accredited and insured as necessary. • Knowledge of Tsawwassen First Nation, is an asset, but is not required.

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Contract Details and Venue: • Contracts will be awarded to one or more successful individuals or companies whose skills, experience and bid are well suited to TFN’s requirements and budget. Events will be held on site at the Tsawwassen First Nation.

The Application Process: Interested individuals or companies are invited to submit their expression of interest, along with up to three references as follows: Mail or hand delivery: Envelopes must be clearly marked as shown below — ATTENTION: Human Resources Manager Tsawwassen First Nation 1926 Tsawwassen Drive Tsawwassen, BC V4M 4G2 Email: email submissions may be sent to: [email protected]

Application Due Date: Friday, June 7, 2019

Notification: Successful applicants will be notified of the final decision by June 12, 2019.

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Current Employment & Training Opportunities for TFN Members Updated May 30, 2019 There are several options for viewing the full job descriptions of opportunities listed below… In print: In the Employment Opportunities binder at the TFN Admin Building reception area x Online: On the Employment Opportunities page of the TFN website, or by subscribing to the weekly Community Notice & Employment Opportunities email. (Contact [email protected] or Adrian MacNair at 604-948-5245 to subscribe.) x Contact Terry Baird, Employment Coordinator: 604-948-5230 or 604-999-7740 - email [email protected]

Tsawwassen First Nation TFN/ACCESSS training programs Office Assistant (Three year Full-Time Contract) Welding Foundation Program x Posted May 30, Open until June 6 Bicycle Mechanic Program

Public Works Worker (Three year Full-Time FNTC/ACCESSS training programs Contract) GIS/GPC Mapping Technician Program (deadline for

x Posted May 30, Open until June 6 application: May 31st) Manager of Policy & Intergovernmental Affairs (Full-Time) Canada Border Services Agency x Posted May 30, Open until June 6 CBSA Marine Enforcement Clerks x Posted May 30, Open until June 3rd Senior Policy and Intergovernmental Affairs Analyst (Full-Time) Musqueam Employment & Training x Posted May 16, Open until filled Intro to Laminate Floor Installation & Interior Fine Finishing

TFN Child Welfare Social Worker (Full-Time) Adecco Job opportunities at Amazon (Part-Time) x Posted May 2, Open until filled x Warehouse help – anticipated start date is June 10th Manager of Government Services (Full-Time) x Please contact Terry Baird for more information

x Posted May 2, Open until filled Tsawwassen Commons - Triovest Manager of Natural Resources (Full-Time) Job Fair – Friday, May 31st , 10:00 am to 3:00 pm x Posted April 18, Open until filled x First half hour reserved exclusively for TFN Members

WWT II Operator (Full-Time) Brenco Industries Press Brake Operator, Trainee (experience not necessary) x Posted April 18, Open until filled x Posted March 14 Archaeology Monitors (TFN Members only) x Please contact Terry Baird for more information4 (Seasonal) Ivanhoe Cambridge - Please contact Terry Baird for more x Posted April 11, Open until filled information Senior Policy Analyst (Full-Time) Guest Services Representative (Tsawwassen Mills) x Posted April 5, Open until filled x Posted March 21, Open until filled Administrative Assistant (Tsawwassen Mills) Employee Safety & Community Emergency x Posted March 21, Open until filled Response Coordinator (Full-Time) x Posted March 21, Open until filled Onni Group (Construction Department) General Labourers (full time)

x Posted November 30

Become a Bicycle Mechanic

Vancouver has become one of the largest cycling centres in WEEK 3 Canada. The uniqueness of our project is due to the fact that Module 1- Bicycle Assembly and Tuning few formalized bicycle mechanic training courses exist and Theory (reading assignments and quizzes) Practical application of theory (working on their own bike or one that is donated there is a growing demand for mechanics who understand the for training purposes) advances in bicycle technology and who are able to assemble and fix them. WEEK 4 Module 1- Bicycle Assembly and Tuning A trained bicycle mechanic is able to find employment quickly, Theory (reading assignments and quizzes) the tool costs are reasonable and a person will be able to find Practical application of theory (working on their own bike or one that is donated for training purposes) work in any community that has bike shops or people who ride bicycles. WEEK 5 Bicycle Assembly and Tuning Practicum (placement with either one of four Bicycle Mechanic training continues to progress, and as the Ride On Bikes Store or Kickstand Community Bikes) technology advances, so does the need to accredit people WEEK 6 working on this equipment. The basic bicycle has progressed Bicycle Assembly and Tuning Practicum (placement with either one of four from a single gear to configurations offering 27 gears. Bikes are Ride On Bikes Store or Kickstand Community Bikes) now equipped with hydraulic suspensions, disc brakes and now WEEK 7 bikes with electric motor assist (e-bikes). As the tech grows Module 2- Professional Bicycle Repair so do the opportunities, higher wages, trade certifications, and Theory (reading assignments and quizzes) opportunity for people to establish a lifelong career. Practical application of theory (working on their own bike or one that is donated for training purposes) We are seeking participants who are 19 years or older with a WEEK 8 minimum of grade 10. Module 2- Professional Bicycle Repair Theory (reading assignments and quizzes) Participants will be expected to participate in a 12-week program which will Practical application of theory (working on their own bike or one that is donated equip the participants with: for training purposes) • life skills WEEK 9 • employability skills Module 2- Professional Bicycle Repair • classroom theory Theory (reading assignments and quizzes) • practical workshop experience Practical application of theory (working on their own bike or one that is donated for training purposes) Participants will be provided the following: WEEK 10 • training allowance Professional Bicycle Repair (placement with either one of four Ride On Bikes • transportation allowance Store or Kickstand Community Bikes) • lunch (during classroom theory) • bicycle repair manuals WEEK 11 • supplied with tools and equipment Professional Bicycle Repair (placement with either one of four Ride On Bikes • assistance with job search Store or Kickstand Community Bikes)

*Weekly activities bicycle mechanic training program WEEK 12 Make up time for extraordinary student circumstance WEEK 1 Study Week for final certification testing Student orientation Final test Student assessments Set up student practicums WEEK 13 Job search WEEK 2 Job placements Life skills Employability awareness Job search skills DURATION: May 31, 2019 to August 23, 2019 LOCATION: Room 004-1607 E. Hastings Street TYPE OF TRAINING PROGRAM: Certificate

CALL TODAY! Tel. 604-251-7955 www.accessfutures.com CBSA Marine Enforcement Clerks Reference number: BSF19J-020042-000135 Selection process number: 2019-EA-PAC-CR_04-365 Canada Border Services Agency - Metro District Delta (TFN Industrial Lands) CR-04 Acting, Assignment, Deployment, Indeterminate, Secondment, Specified period $47,729 to $51,518 Closing date: 3 June 2019 - 23:59, Pacific Time Who can apply: Open to members of the Tsawwassen First Nation residing in Metro Vancouver. Should an insufficient number of applicants be identified, members of other Indigenous groups residing in Metro Vancouver may be considered. Apply online https://emploisfp-psjobs.cfp-psc.gc.ca/psrs-srfp/applicant/page1800?poster=1307933 EDUCATION: - Successful completion of two years of secondary school or employer-approved alternatives*

*The employer-approved alternatives to two years of secondary school are:

- A satisfactory score on the Public Service Commission test approved as an alternative to two years of secondary school; or

- An acceptable combination of education, training and/or experience. Degree equivalency EXPERIENCE: - Experience in using Microsoft applications such as Word, Excel, outlook, or programs similar to these applications. - Experience providing service to clients by telephone, in person or in writing. ASSET EXPERIENCE: - Experience working with the Systems Applications Products (SAP). - Experience working with the Government of Canada’s various documents and records management systems (GCDOCs). - Experience providing administrative support services to management. - Experience working in an enforcement or security organization. - Experience using an electronic filing system.

If anyone is interested, please contact Terry Baird (604) 999-7740 June 2019 Afterschool Programming Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Outings and 3:30-4 3:30-4 3:30-4 3:30-4 3:30-4

Snack programs are Snack Snack Snack Snack 4-4:30 4-5 4-5 4-5 weather Book Club 4-5 Garden Makers Language Class Outdoor Games permitting “Challenge” Free Play 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 3:30-4 3:30-4 3:30-4 3:30-4 3:30-4

Snack Snack Snack Snack Snack

4-4:30 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 Book Club Boardwalk Language Class Beach Day Free Play 17) 18) 19) 20) 21 3:30-4 3:30-4 3:30-4 3:30-4 CLOSED Snack Snack Snack Snack NATIONAL 4-4:30 4-5 4-5 4-5 INDIGENOUS Book Club Free Play Language Class TFN Park PEOPLES DAY 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 3:30-4 3:30-4 3:30-4 9:00-5:00

Snack Snack Snack Tera Nova Park LAST DAY OF bus leaves @ 1:00 4-4:30 4-5 4-5 SCHOOL Book Club Outdoor Games Language Class “Challenge”

June 2019 Pre-Teen/Teen Programing Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

3 4 5 6 7 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 4-5 Youth Choice Carving Game Night @ Film Making Manhunt @ Sports Field Diefenbaker 10 11 12 13 14 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 4-5 Youth Choice Grad Night Youth Choice Film Making Cookout TFN @ Tsawwassen Springs Beach 17 18 19 20 21 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 CLOSED NATIONAL Youth Choice Carving Challenge Night Film Making INDIGENOUS PEOPLES DAY 24 25 26 27 28 6-8 6-8 6-8 Closed Closed Youth Choice Carving Youth Choice

eǦǓƺǹǓǿǏƺȖșȣLjǴǓljȠȠȅljǦƺǿǠǓǏȣǓȠȅȒȅȅȖΛǓƺȠǦǓȖঀXǹǓƺșǓǏȖǓșșƺȒȒȖȅȒȖǩƺȠǓǹΡ ǟȅȖΛǓƺȠǦǓȖ 2019 Elders Centre June Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 3 Drop-In 10-4 4 Drop-In 10-4 5 Drop-In 10-4 6 Drop-In 10-4 7 8 Outreach Day Staff/Elder Lunch Walking Club 8:30- Staff/Elder lunch Crafting 12pm 10 12pm

9 10 Drop-In 10-4 11 Drop-In 10-4 12 Drop-In 10-4 13 Drop-In 10-4 14 15 Outreach Day Breakfast outing to Walking Club 8:30- Staff/Elder lunch Elder High Tea 11am IHOP, 10:30am 10 12pm

16 17 Drop-In 10-4 18 Drop-In 10-4 19 Drop-In 10-4 20 21 22 Outreach Day Elder/Preschool Walking Club 8:30- Lunch outing 11-2 National Aboriginal lunch 12pm, Rec Ctr 10 Day – Office closed

23 24 Drop-In 10-4 25 Drop-In 10-4 26 Drop-In 10-4 27 Drop-In 10-4 28 29 Outreach Day Staff/Elder Lunch Walking Club 8:30- Staff/Elder Lunch Walmart 1-3 12pm 10 12pm


Outing Dates Regular Activities New Happenings June 11 – Breakfast at IHOP 10:30am Drop-In: 10-4 (Tue-Fri) June 14 – Elder High Tea 11am in elder June 20 – Lunch Outing 11-2pm Walking Club-8:30-10am on Weds. centre June 18 – Elder/Preschool Lunch 12pm EVENTS June 21 – Office closed June 28 – Walmart 1-3pm

TSAWWASSEN COMMUNITY EVENTS  (June) 2019 Updated May 30 seʔeʔəłnet syəəwəłnet sθəmənts słixʷs sx̌əʔaθəns słëecəss ëʷatəm Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

26 27 28 29 30 31 1

Nurse həëəmiə TFN Health Fair  Hearing on Practitioner language class 12-3pm RBT2 Nurses Trailer Elders Centre TFN Health Fair TFN Rec Centre 5-6 pm 10-3pm 11am-6pm SD Shoreline Cleanup 10-2pm Meet @ Wellington Point

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 New Moon Nurse həëəmiə Practitioner language class Nurses Trailer Elders Centre 11am-6pm 5-6pm

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Advisory Council Nurse Practitioner həëəmiə 5-7pm Nurses Trailer language class Elders Centre 11am-6pm Elders Centre

5-6pm TFN GraduationGrraduaat CeCelebration!elleebrbratatiioon!n! Tsawwassenwwawassssenen SSpringspprrining Doorsorrs openooppenen 55pmpm

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Full Moon Nurse həëəmiə Public Health

Practitioner language class Nurse Nurses Trailer Elders Centre Nurses Trailer TFN Offices 11am-6pm 5-6pm 1-3pm closed

Nat’l Indigenous Day Community Celebration Sports Field 11–3pm

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Advisory Council Nurse həëəmiə 5-7pm Practitioner language class Elders Centre Nurses Trailer Elders Centre 11am-6pm 5-6pm

Healinginng CiCCircleircr EldersElldeerrss CentreCeennttre 5-6pm66pm