Syllabus 1 HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY TIME: TTh 5:00-6:15 INSTRUCTOR: Stephen D. Dumont CONTACT: Malloy 301 /1-3757/
[email protected] OFFICE HOURS: By appointment. · REQUIRED TEXTS (Note edition) Hyman- Arthur Hyman and James J. Walsh, Philosophy in the Middle Ages 2nd ed. Walsh (Hackett , 1983) Spade Paul V. Spade, Five Texts on Mediaeval Problem of Universals (Hackett, 1994) Wolter Allan B. Wolter, Duns Scotus Philosophical Writings (Hackett, 1987) · RECOMMENDED TEXT McGrade Steven A. McGrade, Cambridge Companion to Medieval Philosophy (Cam- bridge, 2003) · COURSE REQUIREMENTS Undergraduate Graduate 25% = Midterm (Take-home) 50% = Research Term paper (20 pages) 25% = Term Paper (10 pages) 50% = Final (Take-home) 50% = Take Home Final · SYLLABUS: [Note: The following syllabus is ambitious and may be modified as we progress through the course. Many readings will be supplied or on deposit for you to copy.] EARLY MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY · BOETHIUS 1. Universals: Second Commentary on the Isagoge of Porphyry (In Isagogen Porphyrii commenta) [Handout from Richard McKeon, Selections from Medieval Philosophers. (New York, 1930), 1:70-99; cf. Spade, 20-25] 2. Divine Foreknowledge and Future Contingents: Consolation of Philosophy V [Handout from John F Wippel and Allan B. Wolter. Medieval Philosophy: From St. Augustine to Nicholas of Cusa, Readings in the History of Philosophy. (New York: Free Press), 1969, pp. 84-99] · ANSELM 1. Existence of God: Proslogion 1-4; On Behalf of the Fool by Gaunilo; Reply to the Fool. [Hyman-Walsh, 149-62] Syllabus 2 · ABELARD, 1. Universals: Glosses on Porphyry in Logic for Beginners (Logica ingredientibus) [Spade, 26-56; cf.