Portland Daily Press: March 28,1870
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PRESS. Established June 23,1862. Vol. PORTLAND, MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 28, 1870. Terms $8.00 per annum, in advance. 9._ _ The Portland Daily Press yi I SCELIiANEO US. and an- To authorize _ miscellaneous. To set off part of Plantation No 7, the town of Bowdoiobazn to _ raise Is published every day (Sundays excepted) bj the daily press nex the same to the town ot Gouldsboro. mon-y lor certain pu pngee. th* DAILY PRESS. To provide for tbe formation of manufactur- Providing for the organization of Planta- Portland Publishing Co., ing and olher corporations. tions. business directory. PORTLAND. Authorizing the town «f Stetson to take Additional to the acts which constitute the H co. At 109 Exchange Street, Portland. ARRIMAN HOLYOff slock in tbe Stetson Manufacturing charter of the Port'and anil Oxiord Central HOUSE, to of selectmen or asses- Dollars a Year in advance Relating penalties railroad company. Terms:—Eight We invite and Gothic Block, Maine St., Bangor, Me. the attention of both City Monday Morning, March 28, 1870. sors for malfeasance in office. To change the time of holdmg the f^pril and Iff. F. Insurance To the Dresden Ice co. October terms ot the court of com- Co., Conntry readers to the list of Port- incorporate couniy The Maine State Press OPENED BY following For the incorporation ot public cemeteries. missioners in the county ol Hancock. SALEM, MASS. L. Frobock and others to To authorize land are To authorize A. Frederick Sp-fiord to build a Thursday Morning a BUSINESS HOUSES, which among Is published every Titles of extend a wharf into the tide waters of the Pe- wliarl in tbe tide wafers of on Acts and Bucksport. (2.50 a year; if paid in advance, at (2.00 t J. IIABBIMAN Ac Statement ot the Condition of said Company Resolves, E. GO., the,moat reliable establishments in the City. nobscot Bay in the town of Lincolnville. To procure the enforcement of an act to pre- the 1st of 18T0. Passed ths the Cal- vent year. _ of Additional to an act to the of of the Nichols House.) day January, by Legislature 1870. incorporate throwing slabs and other refuse in- (Late ais railroad co.,and the several acts additional to the Penobscot river. Bates of Advertising.—One inch of Amount of Capital, .... 075,04643 Advertising Agency. To space verv which we have received during the past three has induced us to lease AN ACT thereto and thereof. made valid the of the town of liberal patronage years, ATWELL & 174 Middle Street. amendatory doings in length of column, constitutes a which we have CO., Additional To authorize to navi- square.” THElor a term of years ibe abov. House, thoroughly remodeled and lurnUbed, regardless 01 to an act to incorporate the Richmond L. Williams Temple. per first ■ of a FI K^T-VIjASw Notes and Statute 773,998 99 $1.50 square daily week. 75 cent expense, with all the convenience IIOTf£L. Liabilities, Lewiston approved gate Moose Pond. To amend chapter 60 of the revised statutes, the first and Bleachery Company,” per week after; three or $1.00 ; Large and pleasant rooms upon floor, ample accommodations for all our friends and] the Agricultural Implements & Seeds. March To authorize David ltodick to construct a to insertions, less, attentive 29,1853. relating assignments. who will be met by polite and waiters happy to receive them. CASH ASSETS AS FOLLOWS: SAWYER continuing every other day after first week, 5i travelling public, ..^g & WOODFORD, No. 119 Exchange St. To increase the capital stock of the Bates fish weir in Frenchmen’s Bay in the town of Concerning tbe rate of interest. cents. Meals Served at all Hours, from & A. M. to lO P. M Mortgages.$8,273 83 Manufacturing Company in Lewiston. Eden. Additional to chapter 33 of the publio laws Half square, three or 75 cents To make insertions less, with Hacks ani Coaches in Bank Auctioneer. To amend an act entitlrd “an act valid the doings of the tow n of Dal- of 1858, to the sale of intoxicating one Best ol Stah'inff, Livery Stable connected. always readiness. Stock. 52,473 toineorpo- relating week, $1.00; 50 cents per week after. leave this House lor all of the rate the Eureka ton. £^*Stages daily parts turrounding country. W‘ Street. Milling Company." liquors. Speclai. one Eeal Estate. HOLMES, No. 327 Congress Notices, third additional. 55,500 To insure the capital stock of the Portland Authorizing George L. Snow to extend his To amend section 17 of chapter GO ol the re- Under bead ol J.E.UARBinAHr R. W. CARTER. “Amusements,” $2.00 pei R.R.Bonds and Stocks 28,327 50 Glass Company. whart into the tide waters of Rockland har- vised statutes relating to the distribution of or Feb 28,1870. square per three insertions less $1.50. Bangor, mr231m Agencies for Sewing machines. an bor. week; _ _ To amend act entitled an act to personal estate. the “Maine and other Bonds 12 715 s- incorpo- Advertisements inserted in City W. rate the of Gardiner." To amend “an acts ot and addi- To the name of the association tor circulation EATON. 103 Middle Street. (Weed ) city amendatory change State Press” (which has a large Notes receivable. W. S. To the tional to an act to the of Cal- the relief ol aged indigent women. 29,090 DYER, 158, Middle St, over 11. H. Hay’s. incorphrate Presnmpscot Iron Com- incorporate city in every part oi the State) for $1.00 per square M-j. ais” To amend sect'on chapter 143 of the re- for W. TWOTlliJLY’S Interest HOBS & pany. approved Feb. 26, 1869. 20, for first insertion, and 50 cents per square Sundries, BAKER, 145 Middle St. (over Shaw’s.) to the ol sup- Relating to evidence. To amend an “act to amend an act” entitled vised statutes, relating expeuse each insertion. due G.H. M Middle Street, over iusaoe at Ihe Hospital. subsequent *c. 1 817 42 Walden, To make valid the of William Cald- “an act to incorporate the city of Calais,” ap- porting tbe Address all communications to I-ock, Meserve & doings section 10 of 87 of the re- Co. (Improved Howe.) well as a Justice of the Peace. proved Feb. 18,1868. To amend chapter Cash on hand. 12,772 01 to survival of actions. FOETLAND PUBLISHING CO. To To amend section 3 132 of the re- vised statuies relating authorize the County Commissioners of chapter of Balance in To amend section 9 of chapter 7 the re- FIRE Agents Bakers. Kennebec county to out a scross vised statutes, relating to jurisdiction of Jus- AGENCY. lay highway statutes, relating to the INSURANCE ". tices ot vised changing Kegis- hands. 132 60—201.047 11 COBB, No. 12 Pearl Street. Kennebec river between the towns ol Water- the Peace. BUSINESS CARDS Irv District of Aroostook county. JOHN B vtlle aDd Winslow, and apportion tbe To repeal an act entitled “an act providing Amount at 03 MASTEBTON, 22 Anderson Street. expense March T.» amend section 145 of chapter 6 of tba re- Kish.16,831,799 of a acro-s for reviews in criminal cases,” approved erecting bridge said river upon said vised statutes, relating io land sold for faxes. in to their 3,1869. LIABILITIES. Boots, and towns, proportion respective state of To incorporate the Knickerbocker GEO. C. HOPKINS, Shoes, Rubbers. valuation. To incorporate the Sagadahoc Ice co. Towage NIAGARA FIRE Reinsurance.128,900 83 W. co. INS. BOUCHER & COMFY CO., No. 358 Street. Richmond. Congress To incorporate the Alga) Fertilizer amend at Divdends 1* Compa- To Slate co. To chapter 24 of tbe revised statutes Attorney Law, OF TUE CITY OF due, .882 ny. iuoorpatethe Mayfield NE1V YOKE. Boots and to the extension ot the wharf of relating to paupers. Shoes—Gents Custom Work. To provide in part for the of Relatiug Cor. and Federal Sts., W No Losses unpaid. expenditures Joshua and Benjamin C. Adams in Camden. To amend chapter 230 of the publio laws of Exchange WALTER No. 101 Middle Government. BERRY, Street. the Milling co. 1864 relating to evideuce. PORTI.AND. THOS. H. To ameud chapter 195 of the laws tor To incorporate Bangor INCORPORATED IN I8AO. JOHNSON, Secretary. private To authorize Samuel D. Joshua G To repeal section 2 ot 261 of tbe acts TnTbSaif 1869, entitled “an act to anoex the of Carltou, chapter __ A. President. Booksellers and Stationers. city and P. J. Carlton to exteud a wharf of 1863 entitled a<an act to ameud an STORY, Auburn lo the city of Lewiston. Norwood act to in- into the tide waters of harbor in the corporate the city ol Belfast.” R. K. HOYT, FOGO & BREED, 92 Middle Street. To incorporate the Missionary Society of the Rockport GATLEY, York and Cumberland Christian Conference. town of Camden. To authorize the town of Minot to create a Statement, January JOS. II. WEBSTER, To tbe St. John fund. ORNAMENTAL 19,1870- Book-Binders. To authorize the Ballast and Moosehead Lake incorporate Agricultural sinking PLAIN AND To confirm tbe 0«h all Railroan Company to lease their road, and for Society. organization of certain plan- Capital, paid in,------ $1,000,000 00 Agent, SMALL & SHACKFORD, No. 3S Plum Street. To tbe Aurora Mills. tations in Aroostook * other purposes. incorporate county. PLASTERER, Surplus,. 401,68919 Cor. Middle and Plum Streets,. To, authorize Dyer P. Jordan to extend his To iucorpurate the Damariscotta Village To supply the people ot Angusta with pare Bonnet and Hat Bleachery. wharf in the city of Ellsworth.