Tub Arizona Gold Minks.—a writer in Later from CiUNA.-The ptilg the 8. F. Herald says : "On rhip Rational I'tmorrai. the 17th of July moonlight arrived at I saw nnd Sun Francisco Tuesday T£LEGr&APi£zc. cfftisrptlnneous. 5Ui’fr(iullin the Doctor with reference to a statement only about one l « the hundred of them were mining i fcbelHoi Dy HuefTnor that he had boon W.VKEHOL'SE, The War wrni China. —England and [ —that w hen a man worked steadily all A refused MRS. day, gang of robbers had murdered two no- admittance to the German WINSI.OW, France have our he would make from four to six Republican Club F 1 R E V II OOP An experienced Nurse and F. male Physician, present,, notified government I dollars. at The BUILDING, - that Twenty dollars | policemen wire On the repetition of the word to the attention of mothers, her they desired to not during the | live had been taken out one ortngucse, and lie, Mr. Iluotf ifWWi war with them West side day, but that was only one instance. Ten and we e fellow-countrvmen ner struck of the l'laza, 1 determined to have the Doctor on the nose, ,.- China, in stilct with thu j revenge. drawing •*3/c% conformity declara- tifieen dollars had sometimes been taken ( l&tui’haijcori serious SOOTHING SYRUP *ft" *Y Vjl« i out, * were the blood pretty freely. The then r on C II 1 li I) 1! , tion of the European at but the could be set i anticipated. Doctor MARY3VLLIE, E N T E E T II I N Q Congress Paris, ! average safely down at Canton Whio'i the WHOLESALE DEALEP.3 IN The water | Cotton Guild | clinched lluelfner, but by the greatly facilitate! proem . r t..thing, (oft- April, 1856, respecting ; four dollars. only in the The: have offered to! interference tnli'lf tin.' pirns, rvitiiclng maritime rights. They vicinity l>et $201)00 that the allied of the all Infl iinatlon—»I'l allay to extend 1 was found in the creek or river Members, forces would be friends affair Avas put to a stop. all pain and spnsniudh- action, and u undertake the declaration the repulsed in assault on mii-a' t.» L1UUORS, that limning through the mining region. It their the Taku Forts The jury in the crim. Goods tti'gii|ni<> ilie llowcln. ot a neutral a second timo. con. case of Briggs Received, Stored and Depend upon it, it give t„ flag power shall cover the enc* afforded ft j Forwarded mnthci*. will list Vonr- East side of the Plaza, Marysville. good supply for working with vs were selvi,. and HKl.UTand III'AI.TH to your s w I In Canton, Launch discharged. Eight were for to INFANTS. 1*0 -joods, ith the exception of contraband rockers, but not a sullicient quantity fur run- the Imperial forces all sections ol "i have put up and .old this article f r F. ha\ o on hnnd a largp I t0 were ro- Idtinel over ten assor'mert of PINE of ning toms or sluices. 1 be and four for giving some damage to years, and can nty. in conjid.ncu and truth of it, *T HKAMMEh. LONDON I)(,OK POUT and war to all the powers which may be neu- ! the ascendency over the what have ‘•The color can bo obtained J"’^ plaintitf. the country. \ve never been able to say of any other SHERRY. ENGLISH and SCOTCH ALE AND POR- tral in the almost any- niedlriite—Nkvi:r has it failkp, in a singlf ix-i asck TER In BntUtjn; Claret, Bauturne, Hook. Genuine hostilities. T irpi cr - where in the surrounding country, but there On the 28th May a serious l a Curb, when timely used. Never did we 11•-idk >■: ck Champngne,Jamaica Ruin, Old Tom, Bou: conflagration Ir is reported that any On Thursday, is no water to operate with and there is not ! occurred at Amoy. l’residcnt Buchanan l.nawan Instance of dissatisfaction by one who bon Whiskey, Ritters, Peppermint, Annlsette, Cor-! in the San Francisco Court Fifty houses were de- used it. tin the contrary, all arc delighted to be, as an ! has sold his ns with Its op. dials, Ac., Ac. likely it is exceedingly dry and streyed. residence known Wheatland, D E A L E t rations, and speak in terms of highest of Sessions, Francisco Durand Avalos was R I X cotninendati- n m um ;) PKICFS! barren country. At Sharghne the near Lancaster, l’u., and that he has pur- of Its magical elf ctr and medical virtue*. Wa rneak convicted of bigamy. I, native community had I'lo'ir, Grain, In this matter “WIIAT AVI! DO KNOW," after oeen thrown chased, or to and ail kinds oi year-'experience ten To Whom it mav into a dreadful stale of excite- intends purchase, a property in and p’edge our reputation for the ISTKW CIDER, Concern.—We find the of we ok Proscription. ment owing to the tiiltillment iilmt here declare. Ia all lost every Tin: Work —President. ns inroads committed by the the vicinity of Baltimore. Dotnc-ilic Produce, •>00i) gallons in k-gs, casks and at following an advertisement in the X. V. rebds. lhe jylO-my Instance where the Infant is suffering from pain anil barrels, ft 4 l has removed British and French had scuta exhaustion, relief win lie found in liflccn or cents Jiuebannn Win. 11. Carroll, the of : twenty i»cr gulion, guaranteed to be the best article lr, Herald, J uly- 6th Hotly of troops to protect the minutes after thesvrup Is administered. Postmaster at from office, and people. W1M, the Stale. Memphis, ap- Information wanted nf British i: S SC I, t, SUJE1T ES- FIRST DIRECT This valuable preparation is the prescription of one Heinrich Joseph and French gunboats YY’» on York, IMI’OHTATION Ol' "ftb- most KXPKHIKXCKI) SKII.KITI, g ib's Risberry Syrup, per gallon pointed a disunionisl in bis place. had under- Ul.lXtE; New fur steamer of Au- and NlutsKH 500 ; It will ruzinger, a taken an 44 44 44 German from I>iehiiirr Hossu expedition against a horde of Chil- trust 11th, ill Two unit out half per cent, la New Knoland, and has b.ca used with neycr-fuili:n> >lOO 14 Lemon who ptvnimm on Cigars w amounts Ilrwiviia “ be icniembcred that Mr. Carroll was a Darmstadt, was, ean of One thousand dollars or success in « 4 dele- when last heard of, in pirates. They hud captured twenty six over. 200 Gum M ‘ Sacramento, junks REYNOLDS T II O IT S A XDS gate to the National Convention, and that he California, June 11, 1854. Anv mid burned six. BROS. A OF CASES. IOO “ Orgeat “ “ “ A T 12 A €J C O . information to be Ii not only' relieve* the from pain, invigo- seqede, but remained a directed to A. 11. Harbor A l he “Hastings,” Mi,- child but For sale by refused to firm sup Co., 27 ship loaded with guano, stomach and bow- 1-t, corrects acidity, Ferry street, New York. had givt*> an,l ami Douglas to the last. California been abandoned at sea off Fisli river. RSYWOLDS3 BROS- RECEIVED- to,if energy to tl}p whole .system, ’it will JelS*2tn SPARROW B.IOS, porter of papers please copy. Jl’ST relieve almost instantly. On the 2d June the ship “Sir Charles \a- in — The I'a Strainer John L. Step lion*, <>i-i)tii>K the It vvel*. sxnt! Wind Chnllr, T. DAI.Y'S Moss ov them. ship Moonlight pier” at sea and overcome cnnvnlsbms, JOHN which Sentiment in Sacramento foundered oil' the island of Su- 01,000 Ass sorted HAVANA ; which, tf not speedily rein- Count?.—A cor- No. I I CIGAHS dealt). : a Tlilul “ “ die i. ond in AVe ’ nrrived at Sun Francisco, brought 820 matra. The crew were Street, Marysville. IM MITAT ION i believe it the b >.t and sritKSI China- respondent rescued. 109,000 II C of the Union, writing from Cos- iiLMKni I 1 Wolii a, In nil cases ot I)Yfd-:vn It Y a-id 02,0 “0 BRAND'S At Hongkong on the Also Kx Clipper l»I Mtll.i: V IN Ctm.DI'.MN i, men. tinines river, August Oth May the iron SELL EASTERN EXCHANGE Vitula, whether arris,.., fr,,m 2d, thus refers to the chest, ot the Registrar Cusps Assorted brands of Tobacco tei thing, nr from other We would ray to every General was opened, In sums hat; a sutlVring OM)‘ Arrival or the Uncle Sam. —The political sentiment in that and the sum of $2,000 to suit,at favorable r ites. Hid Cases Natural Leaf Tobacco ; mother who child from any of the lore- 1 011\ T. DAV.VM tr DRAK Sacra- section: abstracted. (SOLD 801M Lbs. assorted g"ing complaints; <1 not in your pi t juiIIcom, tl DY is put up in cases of one dozen bottles eac. Near Lit e Oak PUROH ASE DUST & GOLD BARS Smoking Tobacco, (in bags. i mento Dec, of last evening, has the follow- City, down to 11 ranch The cost, of the British and north prcjudlfst.fo