Ffteubratedflvirlagul with the Cnpt
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Tub Arizona Gold Minks.—a writer in Later from CiUNA.-The clipper ptilg the 8. F. Herald says : "On rhip Rational I'tmorrai. the 17th of July moonlight arrived at I saw nnd Sun Francisco Tuesday T£LEGr&APi£zc. cfftisrptlnneous. 5Ui’fr(i<rmm(?. conversed with the Hon. Phil. T. +0+ £an anrtsco Herbert, in Li 1 aso, who evening, with dates from Hongkong to June [OVER IHisrcttaneous. Iiieue groat dual of talk in had that day' Ar- THE IST.VTE LINE.] — sporting rived direct 15th. -» from the mines oil the Membrcs W. I*. IV circles at, New York in regard to the ii\ in All the Street light--- CA BiS, looked or Arizonia, where lie had been some j expeditionary forces had l’he Crim. Con, Case* I. S 1 O K S T O R S'. k for fight between weeks engaged in the left for Heennn and Morrissey. mining. He told me these | Aorth. lhe Register says England is San Francisco, Aug. 3d. The latter is to facts: i hut the present mining district is | properly nt war only will, FORWARDING understood be training for conhned IVkin. At the About o’clock to-day, I)r. Kabo ne t Mr 1 to an extent of country not more commore.al porta the the event. The outside betting stands 100 Chinese mandarins and Iluelfiier, of the AND than in British German Democrat, on ~ three miles length by one and a half oniccrs are “hand and glove." At u: to 60 on Ileennn, and some greater odds are in width. 1 hut there were lhe Montgomery street, and the lie fvi; between four and i , British forces are nctuallv nl- passed from CO M: jU ESS ION live ° ‘ ° ;£|5S offered. hundred people there at that time; but C1 ine3 iu >ullin the Doctor with reference to a statement only about one l « the hundred of them were mining i fcbelHoi Dy HuefTnor that he had boon W.VKEHOL'SE, The War wrni China. —England and [ —that w hen a man worked steadily all A refused MRS. day, gang of robbers had murdered two no- admittance to the German WINSI.OW, France have our he would make from four to six Republican Club F 1 R E V II OOP An experienced Nurse and F. male Physician, present,, notified government I dollars. at The BUILDING, - that Twenty dollars | policemen wire On the repetition of the word to the attention of mothers, her they desired to not during the | live had been taken out one ortngucse, and lie, Mr. Iluotf ifWWi war with them West side day, but that was only one instance. Ten and we e fellow-countrvmen ner struck of the l'laza, 1 determined to have the Doctor on the nose, ,.- China, in stilct with thu j revenge. drawing •*3/c% conformity declara- tifieen dollars had sometimes been taken ( l&tui’haijcori serious SOOTHING SYRUP *ft" *Y Vjl« i out, * were the blood pretty freely. The then r on C II 1 li I) 1! , tion of the European at but the could be set i anticipated. Doctor MARY3VLLIE, E N T E E T II I N Q Congress Paris, ! average safely down at Canton Whio'i the WHOLESALE DEALEP.3 IN The water | Cotton Guild | clinched lluelfner, but by the greatly facilitate! proem . r t..thing, (oft- April, 1856, respecting ; four dollars. only in the The: have offered to! interference tnli'lf tin.' pirns, rvitiiclng maritime rights. They vicinity l>et $201)00 that the allied of the all Infl iinatlon—»I'l allay to extend 1 was found in the creek or river Members, forces would be friends affair Avas put to a stop. all pain and spnsniudh- action, and u undertake the declaration the repulsed in assault on mii-a' t.» L1UUORS, that limning through the mining region. It their the Taku Forts The jury in the crim. Goods tti'gii|ni<> ilie llowcln. ot a neutral a second timo. con. case of Briggs Received, Stored and Depend upon it, it give t„ flag power shall cover the enc* afforded ft j Forwarded mnthci*. will list Vonr- East side of the Plaza, Marysville. good supply for working with vs were selvi,. and HKl.UTand III'AI.TH to your s w I In Canton, Launch discharged. Eight were for to INFANTS. 1*0 -joods, ith the exception of contraband rockers, but not a sullicient quantity fur run- the Imperial forces all sections ol "i have put up and .old this article f r F. ha\ o on hnnd a largp I t0 were ro- Idtinel over ten assor'mert of PINE of ning toms or sluices. 1 be and four for giving some damage to years, and can nty. in conjid.ncu and truth of it, *T HKAMMEh. LONDON I)(,OK POUT and war to all the powers which may be neu- ! the ascendency over the what have ‘•The color can bo obtained J"’^ plaintitf. the country. \ve never been able to say of any other SHERRY. ENGLISH and SCOTCH ALE AND POR- tral in the almost any- niedlriite—Nkvi:r has it failkp, in a singlf ix-i asck TER In BntUtjn; Claret, Bauturne, Hook. Genuine hostilities. T irpi cr - where in the surrounding country, but there On the 28th May a serious l a Curb, when timely used. Never did we 11•-idk >■: ck Champngne,Jamaica Ruin, Old Tom, Bou: conflagration Ir is reported that any On Thursday, is no water to operate with and there is not ! occurred at Amoy. l’residcnt Buchanan l.nawan Instance of dissatisfaction by one who bon Whiskey, Ritters, Peppermint, Annlsette, Cor-! in the San Francisco Court Fifty houses were de- used it. tin the contrary, all arc delighted to be, as an ! has sold his ns with Its op. dials, Ac., Ac. likely it is exceedingly dry and streyed. residence known Wheatland, D E A L E t rations, and speak in terms of highest of Sessions, Francisco Durand Avalos was R I X cotninendati- n m um ;) PKICFS! barren country. At Sharghne the near Lancaster, l’u., and that he has pur- of Its magical elf ctr and medical virtue*. Wa rneak convicted of bigamy. I, native community had I'lo'ir, Grain, In this matter “WIIAT AVI! DO KNOW," after oeen thrown chased, or to and ail kinds oi year-'experience ten To Whom it mav into a dreadful stale of excite- intends purchase, a property in and p’edge our reputation for the ISTKW CIDER, Concern.—We find the of we ok Proscription. ment owing to the tiiltillment iilmt here declare. Ia all lost every Tin: Work —President. ns inroads committed by the the vicinity of Baltimore. Dotnc-ilic Produce, •>00i) gallons in k-gs, casks and at following an advertisement in the X. V. rebds. lhe jylO-my Instance where the Infant is suffering from pain anil barrels, ft 4 l has removed British and French had scuta exhaustion, relief win lie found in liflccn or cents Jiuebannn Win. 11. Carroll, the of : twenty i»cr gulion, guaranteed to be the best article lr, Herald, J uly- 6th Hotly of troops to protect the minutes after thesvrup Is administered. Postmaster at from office, and people. W1M, the Stale. Memphis, ap- Information wanted nf British i: S SC I, t, SUJE1T ES- FIRST DIRECT This valuable preparation is the prescription of one Heinrich Joseph and French gunboats YY’» on York, IMI’OHTATION Ol' "ftb- most KXPKHIKXCKI) SKII.KITI, g ib's Risberry Syrup, per gallon pointed a disunionisl in bis place. had under- Ul.lXtE; New fur steamer of Au- and NlutsKH 500 ; It will ruzinger, a taken an 44 44 44 German from I>iehiiirr Hossu expedition against a horde of Chil- trust 11th, ill Two unit out half per cent, la New Knoland, and has b.ca used with neycr-fuili:n> >lOO 14 Lemon who ptvnimm on Cigars w amounts Ilrwiviia “ be icniembcred that Mr. Carroll was a Darmstadt, was, ean of One thousand dollars or success in « 4 dele- when last heard of, in pirates. They hud captured twenty six over. 200 Gum M ‘ Sacramento, junks REYNOLDS T II O IT S A XDS gate to the National Convention, and that he California, June 11, 1854. Anv mid burned six. BROS. A OF CASES. IOO “ Orgeat “ “ “ A T 12 A €J C O . information to be Ii not only' relieve* the from pain, invigo- seqede, but remained a directed to A. 11. Harbor A l he “Hastings,” Mi,- child but For sale by refused to firm sup Co., 27 ship loaded with guano, stomach and bow- 1-t, corrects acidity, Ferry street, New York. had givt*> an,l ami Douglas to the last. California been abandoned at sea off Fisli river. RSYWOLDS3 BROS- RECEIVED- to,if energy to tl}p whole .system, ’it will JelS*2tn SPARROW B.IOS, porter of papers please copy. Jl’ST relieve almost instantly. On the 2d June the ship “Sir Charles \a- in — The I'a Strainer John L. Step lion*, <>i-i)tii>K the It vvel*. sxnt! Wind Chnllr, T. DAI.Y'S Moss ov them. ship Moonlight pier” at sea and overcome cnnvnlsbms, JOHN which Sentiment in Sacramento foundered oil' the island of Su- 01,000 Ass sorted HAVANA ; which, tf not speedily rein- Count?.—A cor- No. I I CIGAHS dealt). : a Tlilul “ “ die i. ond in AVe ’ nrrived at Sun Francisco, brought 820 matra. The crew were Street, Marysville. IM MITAT ION i believe it the b >.t and sritKSI China- respondent rescued.