PUBLISHED BY: THE VOICE OF PROVIDENCE The Pious Union of St. Joseph, Patron of the Suffering and Dying 1 ...... The Joy of Love FR. JOSEPH RINALDO, SDC 953 East Michigan Avenue Grass Lake, Michigan 49240-9210 3 ...... Joseph Most Chaste 517-522-8017 voice 517-522-8387 fax BISHOP KENNETH J. POVISH [email protected] 5 ...... Shrine News FR. SATHEESH ALPHONSE, SDC Editor In Chief: Fr. Joseph Rinaldo SdC 9 ...... From the Inbox and the Mailbox Editing Team: Joe Yekulis, Kelly Flaherty, Fr. Satheesh Alphonse SdC, Sr. Ann Hubler 10 ...... An Intercession from DSMP Blessed Clare Photos: St. Louis Center Archives, Joseph JOSEPH YEKULIS Yekulis, Kelly Flaherty 14 ...... The Assumption of St. Joseph FR. SATHEESH ALPHONSE, SDC O St. Joseph, foster father of 18 ...... God With Us Jesus Christ and true spouse of the FR. JOSEPH RINALDO, SDC Virgin Mary, pray for us and the suffering and dying of today. 20 ...... Queen of Peace: House of Holiness SR. ANN HUBLER Now and at The Hour is a non-profit bi- monthly publication of the Divine Providence 22 ...... St. Michael: For the Protection Province of the , a Catholic of the Police Religious Congregation founded by Saint JOSEPH YEKULIS Louis Guanella, (1842–1915).

24 ...... Where is God in My Suffering? Center Image: An angel is a pure spirit created by God. FR. JOSEPH RINALDO, SDC The English word “angel” comes from the Greek angelos, which means ‘messenger’. When we meet messengers doing 26 ...... Restoring Human Dignity: supernatural things, there is no doubt they are heavenly beings - God’s messengers, working for Him and for the Bringing the Joy of the ultimate benefit of mankind. Gospel in India FR. AMAL RAYAPILLAI, SDC This angel is one of the stained glass windows that are behind the altar on the north wall of the chapel at the Pious Union of St. Joseph. They are a reminder of the miracle that 29 ...... “Can I Receive Christ, happens before our eyes each time we are present during the I Beg You” Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The angels are shown carrying STELLA JOHN the Body and Blood of Christ. They are God’s messengers reminding us of how much God loves us and wants us to be part of His mystical body. They are bringing us the ‘true 32 ...... The Pious Union Library: bread, which came down from heaven.’ Blessed Clare Bosatta Thanks to our generous donors these angels welcome you to the wedding feast of the lamb; to come and receive the Lord 33 ...... Adopt a Seminarian as food for your journey on earth. The Joy of Love


In a landmark document, Pope Francis has called for the to revamp its response to modern family life, striking a delicate balance between a more accepting tone towards homosexual people and the defense of traditional church teachings on issues such as abortion.

In the document entitled The Joy of Love, Pope Francis outlined his vision for the church on family issues, urging priests to respond to their communities without mercilessly enforcing church rules. He wrote, “Each country or region, moreover, can seek solutions better suited to its culture and sensitive to its traditions and local needs”. The apostolic exhortation concludes a two-year consultation that saw bishops gather twice in to debate issues affecting the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics. In comments likely to be welcomed by some organizations, Francis urged the church to “reaffirm that every person, regardless of sexual orientation, ought to be respected in his or her dignity and treated with consideration, while every sign of unjust discrimination is to be carefully avoided, particularly any form of aggression and violence.” But the Pope stopped short of pushing for a change in church doctrine. Same-sex unions, for example, may not simply be equated with marriage. Such families should be given respectful pastoral guidance, so that those who manifest a homosexual orientation can receive the assistance they need to understand and fully carry out God’s will in their lives. Following lengthy debate about the role in the church for remarried divorcees, who are not allowed to take Holy Communion, Francis did not call for the rules to be changed but said such parishioners must be made to feel part of the church.

FROM THE EDITOR | 1 They should not be confined into overly rigid classifications leaving no room for a suitable personal and pastoral discernment. Divorce was described as an evil that priests should help Catholics avoid, while being understanding towards those whose marriages have broken down. This document shows something has changed in the church discourse. Pope Francis speaks about families with a clarity that is not easy to find in the magisterial documents of the church. In an era of global crisis in which families often suffer, the exhortation takes a positive look at the beauty of married love and the family. The broader document saw Pope Francis recognize the Catholic Church’s waning appeal to young people, urging churchmen to present a more appealing view of marriage. I think of St. Valentine’s Day. In some countries, commercial interests are quicker to see the potential of this celebration than the leaders of the church. When I was a kid in Sicily, I used to bring flowers to all the girls of the neighborhood, whether I liked them or not. It was just a sign of respect and admiration The Pope also dedicated two pages to the erotic dimension of love within marriage, promoting a positive vision of sexuality which must be seen as a gift from God that enriches the relationship of the spouses. The Pope voiced the Church’s opposition to abortion in all circumstances. No alleged right to one’s own body can justify a decision to terminate that life. He also showed no opening towards fertility treatment, describing creation as something which must be received as a gift and suggested infertile couples to adopt babies or children who need parents. Much hurt and many problems result when we stop looking at one another, listing a string of common complaints of family members feeling invisible or uncared for. Technology affects relationships, such as when people stay on their mobile phones during meal times. The fast pace of the online world is impacting people’s approach to relationships. They believe, along the lines of social networks, that love can be connected or disconnected at the whim of the consumer, and the relationship quickly blocked. We were loved even before our parents dreamed of us. This love fills us with joy. The joy of being loved by God, family and friends. The joy of belonging to a Church that accompanies us with the Sacraments from birth to death. The joy of one day being called by God and seeing Him face to face as He is and do the same with our beloved who have gone ahead of us or will join us later on. Sometimes joy is mixed with tears: in this way we imitate Christ who suffered, died and rose from the dead to restore our real joy. I pray that we all experience the joy of love while pondering how much we love and how much we are loved whether it is human love or divine love.

2 | FROM THE EDITOR Joseph Most Chaste


After I introduced a weekly Holy Hour in the parish, a young mother started attending with her son, Tommy, a bright third-grader with an inquiring mind. After he heard the Divine Praises recited several times, she said the following exchange took place after church one evening:

Tom: “Mom, what’s a spouse?” Mom: “A spouse is somebody’s husband or wife. Why do you ask? Tom: “What does ‘most chaste spouse’ mean?” Mom: “Oh. That means that St. Joseph was a good, pure and holy husband.” She said Tommy looked surprised and puzzled at this. So she asked him, “What did you think it meant, Tommy?” Tom seemed reluctant to answer, so she pressed him. “Tell Mommy. What did you think ‘most chaste spouse’ meant?” “Well,” Tom answered, “I thought it meant that all the women were after him, but Mary got him in the end.” The third-grader had confused “chaste” with “chased.” Many modern people are so unfamiliar with the concept of chastity and with being chaste that they would have the same confusion about the 13th of the 14 Divine Praises customarily recited after Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, and with the 9th invocation of the Litany of St. Joseph, “Joseph, most Chaste, pray for us.” Chastity is listed in Gal 5,22-23 as one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit and also comes under the cardinal virtue of Temperance. It means the integration of sexuality within

HONORING ST. JOSEPH | 3 the person and includes, for most people, a life-long effort at self-mastery. We are all called to chastity, having in Baptism “put on Christ,” who is the model of all chastity. In an address in Rome August 21, 1997, St. John Paul II referred to St. Joseph’s chaste love for Mary in trying to explain to a large gathering of pilgrims how Mary’s decision to remain a virgin fit in with her promise of marriage. The promise of marriage includes the intention of having sexual relations. “The type of marriage to which the Holy Spirit led Mary and Joseph is understandable only in the context of God’s plan for salvation and in the atmosphere of high spirituality,” the Holy Father said. He stated that Jesus had to be born of a virgin so that it would be clear that He was the Son of God. But at the same time, He needed an earthly mother and father for normal human growth and development. “The communion of virginal love between Mary and Joseph, while constituting a very special case tied to the concrete realization of the mystery of the Incarnation, was nevertheless a true marriage,” the Saint said. The spousal relationship with Mary required a high degree of chastity, holiness and self-mastery on Joseph’s part. In our society today, teenagers whose personalities are being formed in adolescence, couples who are dating, those engaged to be married, persons struggling with their sexual identity, and all of us exposed to the loose living of celebrities and the immorality of the media have a model to imitate and an intercessor to pray for us in Joseph most Chaste.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Bishop Povish had a deep devotion to St. Joseph which he shared with the faithful through these meditations on each invocation of the Litany of St. Joseph. The meditations were originally published in this magazine, one invocation each issue. They have been collected into a book which is now available through the Pious Union, see page 31 for instructions to request your copy. May his words help to draw you closer to the foster-father of the Son of God.

4 | HONORING ST. JOSEPH SHRINE NEWS HONORING THE PAST BY BUILDING THE FUTURE The Pious Union of St. Joseph is an arch- of prayer dedicated to praying for the suffering and dying through the intercession of St. Joseph, Patron of the Suffering and Dying.

Membership to the Pious Union is not limited to Catholics, St. Louis Guanella, who founded two religious orders as well as the Pious Union, intended the prayer to link everyone who believed in God and in the powerful intercession of St. Joseph. The Pious Union was brought to the United States in the mid-80s by the Servants of Charity and the first director was Fr. Germano Pegoraro. In 1987, the Most Rev. Kenneth Povish, third Bishop of Lansing, MI, gave his official approval to the Pious Union of St. Joseph in his Diocese to be established in Grass Lake, a small rural township in Jackson County Michigan. In 1988 Fr. Germano found a 20 acre plot of land which included a house and dilapidated barn which he purchased to begin the shrine of St. Joseph. After acquiring the property he started to renovate the barn into what is now known as the chapel, the beginning of the Shrine. The barn is historically significant as it reflects the first property given to St. Louis Guanella in Italy for the establishment of his order. In 2000 the transformation of the barn to become the Chapel was completed and the first mass was celebrated on Christmas evening. Since the building of the chapel, there have been several other spiritual improvements to the Shrine which include the grotto of Lourdes, Mount Calvary, and the outdoor Stations of the Cross. Also the Shrine acquired a home adjacent to the initial property which serves as the office for the Pious Union and in 2016 it increased the storage capacity for items supporting the Shrine.

SHRINE NEWS | 5 “CHRIST HAS NO BODY NOW ON EARTH BUT Over the years the shrine has enjoyed YOURS; NO HANDS the development of various ministries BUT YOURS; NO FEET supporting the Catholic community BUT YOURS. as well as those men and women of good will. The Shrine has monthly YOURS ARE THE EYES youth events tailored to the needs of THROUGH WHICH young people and providing them a THE COMPASSION OF healthy environment for social and CHRIST MUST LOOK spiritual engagement. Many home OUT ON THE WORLD. schooling families frequent the liturgical YOURS ARE THE FEET celebrations of the Shrine. There are also WITH WHICH HE IS TO gatherings organized for the building up GO ABOUT of families in the vicinity. There are other DOING GOOD. monthly meetings for women and men. Women have two groups; The Women’s YOURS ARE THE Guild of St. Joseph and the Faith Sharing HANDS WITH WHICH Group. Men also meet once a month HE IS TO BLESS to share their faith and encourage each HIS PEOPLE.” other.

6 | SHRINE NEWS The Shrine plays a critical role in the formation of young people especially the Catholic homeschooling community. Jackson and Washtenaw counties have an active home schooling presence and the Shrine provides a place for worship, Sacraments, and a central place to meet for education and faith formation. The Shrine has hosted retreats for Catholic school students from Jackson and Washtenaw counties, and has also been the focal point for men and women’s retreats and days of recollection such as for the Knights of Columbus. The Shrine, being dedicated to St. Joseph, has a great following in the Church and is a place of pilgrimage during major St. Joseph Feast Days such as March 19th. The Shrine has also been a place of celebration for wedding receptions and less formal Catholic community gatherings. Catholic schools bring their students periodically to the Shrine. The Shrine serves the pilgrims of the community and offers the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation to Catholic pilgrims daily. Providence Hall is as much a faith statement as it is a building. St. Louis Guanella always believed that God would provide. St. Louis once said ‘Give them bread and the Lord’. Providence Hall then is the physical representation of St. Louis’ phrase. The building of Providence Hall will provide the Pious Union the additional indoor space to further pursue its mission of giving people bread and the Lord.

SHRINE NEWS | 7 The ministries previously mentioned will continue, however the additional space in Providence Hall will allow the Pious Union to open up the space for the education and faith formation of homeschoolers, expand opportunities for weekday retreats, and provide an indoor location for Pious Union events during inclement weather. Michigan provides a variety of different weather types over the course of 12 months, 5 to 7 months of a year do not allow for events hosted outside, so an indoor venue is needed. Additionally, in the continuation and development of youth programs there is a need to provide an activity space for them. Providence Hall will have such a space. It is possible that the expansion will include ministries that are similar to other ministries of the Servants of Charity and Daughters of St. Mary of Providence such as adult day care. In the plans for the creation of Providence Hall it includes five areas, (see illustration, p. 6). The first area is the largest area which is the central space of the hall (02). It is where programs will be conducted; the second space is the office space (13). It will serve as the new office of the Pious Union of St. Joseph. The old office will be converted into the rectory. The third space is a gift shop (11). The current gift shop is located on the second floor of the Shrine Chapel and requires pilgrims and others to climb steps to get to the gift shop. The fourth major space is a kitchen (03). It will serve as a location for providing food service for events to include the community luncheon. The fifth space is a smaller meeting room which will be used for Shrine small group meetings (10). Of course, there will be space for restrooms, storage and mechanical systems for Providence Hall (06–09). The Pious Union of St. Joseph Patron of the Suffering and Dying is a Roman Catholic Shrine and is visited by both Catholic and non-Catholic pilgrims. Following St. Louis Guanella’s lead we put this plan in the hands of God knowing that God will provide. We also know that God has put workers in the field for the sowing and the harvesting. So, we take great comfort in knowing the providential powers of God. St. Teresa of Avila once wrote: “Christ has no body now on earth but yours; no hands but yours; no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which the compassion of Christ must look out on the world. Yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good. Yours are the hands with which He is to bless His people.”

In faith, we therefore recognize that Providence Hall is in His hands, and also recognize that we play a part. Accordingly, we will use all of the resources available to the Pious Union both temporal and spiritual for the service of the people of God. Everyone of good will can be part of this enterprise to build Providence Hall. We truly believe in the Providence of God.

8 | SHRINE NEWS From the Inbox and the Mailbox… Dear Pious Union of St. Joseph, I wanted to send you this little note to let you all know the marvels St. Joseph obtained for me: I am in prison and I have a wonderful devotion to St. Joseph. He has come to my aid more times that I can count! St. Joseph intervened in a dispute that saved my friend from being killed on the yard. St. Joseph has protected me in moments of impurity. St. Joseph obtained the great favor of providing my friend much good work. St. Joseph defended me from the attacks of a manifested demonic attack. St. Joseph has brought hardened sinners to repentance and conversion. These are the BIG favors and the small favors are too numerous to list. I love St. Joseph so much! I am consecrated to him and his traditional . Everything the saints claim about St. Joseph is true! Let not one soul ever be in doubt. GO TO JOSEPH! Quickly go to Joseph and do not waste time! He will help you and will give you more than you ever dreamed of asking! Go to Joseph and trust in his fatherly care. St. Joseph is AMAZING! He is truly amazing! God Bless St. Joseph and God Bless you all! Thank you. Sincerely, Bro. Pio of the Cross PS. That is so exciting about the new apparitions and messages of St. Joseph! It is true! He will do all that and more!

Servants of Charity, Blessed Clare was asked to heal my leg which was swollen from the knee down to the toes, twice as big as normal, hard and very white. My family was called to pray. In the morning it was normal. The knee had been red and blotched for one week. Praise God and thank Him, I do and to Clare. I rubbed her picture on my leg. Sincerely, Rita


A remarkable incident happened this spring in Ann Arbor, MI that people of faith are calling a miracle. Linda Dyer, a devout Catholic and Guanellian Cooperator from St. Mary Parish in Chelsea, MI, was seriously injured in an accident with her horse on March 28, 2017, and suffered a stroke one week later that nearly caused her death.

During her stay at University of Michigan Hospital between April 4th and her release three weeks later, her husband Tom Dyer received the Prayer for the Intercession of Blessed Clare Bosatta along with the recently published biography, A Gift of Youth: The Life of Blessed Clare Bosatta. What follows, is Linda and Tom’s dramatic story of faith. Linda has a special love of horses, and she and Tom have been raising them for a number of years. On March 28, 2017, Linda suffered an accident with her pony that seriously altered the course of her life. Tom heard Linda’s screams coming from the pasture after she had been kicked to the ground by her pony. According to Tom, “She was in a lot of pain. When I reached her, I couldn’t get her up. She was on the ground, and she told me she had a lot of pain in her right arm. After calling 9-1-1, I decided to take her to the hospital myself because we live in such a rural area, so I called them back and told them I was taking her to Chelsea Hospital. When we got to the

10 | GUANELLIAN FAMILY hospital, they gave her some pain killers, took some x-rays, and found that her right arm was broken at the ball and socket joint. She wound up spending the night there because of her reaction to the medication, and the next day we went home.” One week later, on Tuesday, April 4, 2017, Linda had a stroke at home and had to be rushed to the hospital. Tom shared what happened next, “It wasn’t good. I was outside doing some chores and working around the house, and when I came in I found some flowers that had been delivered. I took them inside thinking ‘these will cheer her up’ because she wasn’t having a very good day, and then I found her lying on the floor. She couldn’t talk, and she couldn’t get up because of her broken arm. I assumed that she had had a stroke, so I called 9-1-1, and Huron Valley Ambulance was right there. We went to Chelsea Hospital, and our pastor, Fr. Bill Turner gave her the Sacrament of the Sick right away. After one hour, they said that she had blood clots in her lungs and one in her brain, and they had to transfer her immediately. So they sent her to University of Michigan Hospital in nearby Ann Arbor. Following a CT scan they realized that this was a life threatening situation, and they had to take care of the lungs first before they could deal with the stroke. They intubated her, put in a feeding tube, and inserted catheters into her legs to deliver anti-clotting medication into her lungs. She was in critical condition, and needed surgery right away.


On Thursday, April 6, 2017, Linda remained in critical condition at UM Hospital in the intensive care unit, and Tom received a gift of the prayer card and book about the life of Blessed Clare Bosatta. That night according to Tom, “We were alone in the room, and I stood over her and said the prayer of Blessed Clare Bosatta two or three times from the back of the prayer card. I didn’t know anything about her (Sr. Clare) at the time, so I read part of the book that I had been given. I learned that she was connected to St. Louis Guanella. Then I continued to pray that prayer for the next

GUANELLIAN FAMILY | 11 “LINDA WENT ON TO DESCRIBE HER EMOTIONAL SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE DURING THIS EVENT. ‘I FELT BLESSED CLARE WAS three or four days, because she was out THERE WITH ME. AND the whole time. She’d been that way since I FELT HER RUBBING April 4th, and she wasn’t in good shape. MY HEAD, STROKING Her life could have gone either way at MY HAIR, AND SAYING, that point.” ‘TRUST GOD, TRUST Linda went on to describe her emotional GOD.’ AND I HELD spiritual experience during this event. “I HER HAND, AND ST. felt Blessed Clare was there with me. And LOUIS GUANELLA WAS I felt her rubbing my head, stroking my THERE AND HE HELD hair, and saying, “Trust God, Trust God.” MY OTHER HAND.’” And I just kept saying over and over in my mind, “Trust God, Trust God.” And I held her hand, and St. Louis Guanella was there and he held my other hand. She held one hand, he held the other hand, and I felt my Guardian Angel was there too. And he kept saying, “Have no fear, I will never leave you, because the Lord has given me to you.” I couldn’t speak, but I felt that love in my heart permeating my body. It was wonderful.” Tom continued, “She was always at peace. She was never strained, because she was under and strongly sedated the whole time. She was always peaceful and when they took the tube out, she started talking right away. ‘Water’ she said. I was shocked!”

12 | GUANELLIAN FAMILY As her recovery continued, Fr. Joseph Rinaldo provided Tom and Linda with a relic of Blessed Clare Bosatta to pray with. Linda continued, “We took it home and put it on our mantle in the family room. And every single day, many times during the day I would pray before the relic, and every night before we’d go to bed, we would pray and ask for Blessed Clare’s and St. Louis’ intercession. And Tom would take the relic and he would bless my head in different areas where the brain scan showed that the blood had accumulated, and my shoulder. And I would kiss it every night before I went to bed, and tell Blessed Clare, “Thank you. I trust God, and I trust you to intercede for me. And I felt her peace and her presence, and sometimes I felt her warmth. Like a breath on my head.” Linda attributes her miraculous recovery to her faith and the intercession of Blessed Clare, and St. Louis Guanella. “I owe any healing that I have to my faith in God. Trust God, more than anything in the world. I kept saying, ‘I trust you Lord, I trust you Lord.’ And when you love people, you love the L ord .” On October 23, 2011, Linda and Tom were in St. Peter’s Square in Rome during the of St. Louis Guanella. Linda remembered that, “It was such a blessed day. It filled my heart. Both of us believe that we heard him (Fr. Guanella) say, ‘Thank you, thank you.’ Because he loved, he accepted. That’s what we need in this world is love and acceptance.” Because of Linda and Tom’s remarkable faith, perhaps the intercession of Blessed Clare and St. Louis Guanella gave Linda back to us to continue to spread the Lord’s message of love.


ST. JOSEPH BY FR. SATHEESH ALPHONSE, SDC From the time when Christianity became the world religion as Constantine accepted the Faith, our Blessed Mother had been held in high esteem because she is the Mother of God.

As we celebrate the Assumption of our Blessed Mother, it would be appropriate to reflect on what the Church Fathers think about St. Joseph, the Foster-Father of Jesus, being assumed into Heaven body and soul as was the Mother of God. One of the strongest arguments for accepting this concept is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is based on the words of St. Matthew, “Many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep arose; and coming forth out of the tombs after His resurrection, they came into the holy city and appeared to many” (27,52–53). From the time of the Fathers of the Church the predominant opinion has been that these souls were reunited with their bodies, never to die again; and that when Christ ascended

14 | ST. JOSEPH into heaven, they entered heaven with Him, body and soul, for all eternity. Hence, their resurrection would not be a mere return to earthly life, but a revivifying and glorification of their bodies, as will happen on the Last Day to all of the just. If this interpretation is correct, it is logical to assume that St. Joseph was granted the glorification of his body at the moment of Christ’s resurrection. Of all, he would surely deserve the privilege. Pope St. John XXIII made a reference to the assumption of St. Joseph as acceptable in pious belief. His statements were made in a homily which was delivered on the feast of the Ascension, May 26, 1960. The pope’s words indicate his personal acceptance of this honor given to St. Joseph. The belief is that since St. Joseph had a happy and holy passing, he was given the privilege of being assumed into heaven by his Foster Son. Many saints attest to this pious belief. St. Francis de Sales says, “How could we doubt that Our Lord raised glorious St. Joseph up into Heaven, body and soul? For he had the honor and grace of carrying Him so often in his blessed arms, arms in which Our Lord took so much pleasure. St. Joseph is therefore in Heaven body and soul, without a doubt.” St. Bernardino of Sienna says, “In the same way that Mary was assumed into Heaven, it is thought that Jesus deigned to glorify Joseph. In this way, all of the Holy Family —Jesus, Mary and Joseph—who lived together on Earth, would reign together in Heaven.” It brings us to a point which is very important for all of us to consider. And that is our eternal reward depends on the life that we are living on this earth. Looking at the life of St. Joseph, he lived a model life of how to follow the precepts of God without having a clear idea of what was going on. God proportions His graces to the office with which He entrusts a man, and his glory in Heaven will be proportioned to the fidelity with which he has discharged it. If this is true, and it is undoubtedly true, what must be the glory of Joseph! St. Joseph was given a higher responsibility and he was able to accomplish it to the best of his ability by the grace of God. The final prize for such a tremendous feat would be the reward of being with his Foster-Son body and soul in Heaven. This simple pious practice of believing in the Assumption of St. Joseph is connected to the Assumption of Our Lady, which was declared an infallible dogma of the faith by Pope Pius XII in 1950. This makes the see her solemnly honored in this way. Though Mary’s Assumption had been taught and believed for many centuries, doubt was being cast upon it by those inside and outside the Church and her great dignity was being diminished. In line with this theme, it is my desire that the Assumption of St. Joseph will light a fire in our hearts to reflect on this and pray to St. Joseph that one day it could be declared as an infallible dogma of the faith. May St. Joseph continue to assist with his protection and support the Church Militant that we may triumph like him in our struggles.



After Pentecost the liturgical year offers daily readings from the Gospel of St. Matthew. The Gospel of St. Matthew is called the Gospel of “God with us.”

This Gospel opens with the beautiful quotation: “Behold the Virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall name Him Emanuel,” which means “God with us” (Mt 1, 23). The last verse in the Gospel closes with the same words: “I am with you always, until the end the end of the age” (Mt 28, 20). Matthew is a convert to Christianity and writes his Gospel for other Jews who converted as well. With a great love and respect for the Old Testament, Matthew shows that God was with us when He created the world. He was with us when He redeemed us through Jesus and He will be with us until the end of the world with the loving care of the Holy Spirit. Matthew presents Jesus as the promised Messiah and highlights Jesus’ Jewish origins. He also wants Jewish-Christian readers to know that believing in Jesus was not a break from their tradition but a continuation of it. Gradually, the Gospel of Matthew paints a picture of Jesus as the promised son of David who would reign as king for ever. He is the Messiah, the fulfillment of all the Jewish people have been waiting for, the one who will bring their liberation and salvation. This good news should be proclaimed to Jews and non-Jews alike. And so the Gospel ends with the risen Jesus telling His disciples: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” (Mt 28,19). The Gospel of Matthew is loaded with many treasures. Every page is history, prayer and lesson. Jesus comes alive, a master,

18 | VOCATIONS powerful and compassionate at the same time. However there are some special and unique jewels in this Gospel. The first one is the “Our Father”. Jesus says: “When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in synagogues and at street corners so that they may be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward. But whenever you pray go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who sees in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. When you are praying, do not heap up empty phrases as the gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him” (Mt 6,5-8). The second jewel in the Gospel of St. Matthew is the figure of St. Peter. What images does the name St. Peter bring to mind? The simple fisherman named Simon was among the first disciples called by Jesus. The hopeful believer who first recognized Jesus as the Messiah. The fearful friend who denied Jesus three times. The leader of the early church whom we recognize as the first pope. Peter is all these things and more. The Bible paints a picture of a very human leader with sins and weaknesses along with many gifts and great faith. After the Resurrection, Jesus asked him: “Peter, do you love me?” Peter answered without hesitation: “Lord you know everything; you know that I love you.” The third gift of the Gospel of St. Matthew is the sermon on the Mount. “Then Jesus began to speak, and taught them: ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you’” (Mt 5,2-12).

VOCATIONS | 19 QUEEN OF PEACE: House of Holiness


A little piece of heaven Fell from the sky one day And it landed in Lake Zurich Illinois—so far away! And when the angels found it Oh! It looked so sweet and fair They said “why don’t we leave it? It looks so peaceful there” So, they put some bricks around it To protect from rain and snow. It’s the only place you’ll find it No matter where you go. Then they found some holy Sisters Whose active work had ceased And when they had it finished They called it Queen of Peace!

20 | GUANELLIAN CHARISM Lake Zurich is a small Village northwest of Chicago where Queen of Peace is the retirement center for our Sisters, the Daughters of St. Mary of Providence. Queen of Peace opened its doors to our sick and retired Sisters in January 1990 fulfilling a great desire that our Sisters might have a Community of their own in which the daily program would be more relaxed and would have the mission of greater opportunity dedicated to prayer. The Sisters, having spent many years as Teachers, Superiors, Administrators, Housemothers, Cooks, Nurses, etc. are a wealth of history and love having helped pave the way for the rest of us as living examples. Before having lay persons to assist in the care of the children and adult women residents, the Sisters made many, many personal sacrifices and other things too numerous to count but were faithful to their prayers just as they are now. Their special mission at Queen of Peace is to pray for the Sisters in the active ministry who rely so much on this behind-the-scenes support. For this reason, it can be referred to as a House of Holiness, a Powerhouse of Prayer. As Sr. Marcellina Bosatta helped Fr. Guanella in his work, some of these Sisters and others who have gone before, were helpful to the Servants of Charity; especially when they first arrived from Italy, to learn the English language and “American ways”. Fr. Guanella sent the Sisters to the US in 1913, after he had first visited in 1912. The Servants of Charity did not come until almost 50 years later. (“In prayerful expectation?)”



An article in the February–March 2017 issue of Now and at the Hour inspired one of our readers to “take up his cross” and make a positive contribution of faith to his local law enforcement community.

The article entitled “Pray for an End to Violence against Police,” moved Ron Stack of Leland, NC to purchase a large number of Holy cards for his local police department and county sheriff’s department in Wilmington, NC. Of course, these weren’t just any Holy cards, but were specifically called the Police Officer’s Prayer to St. Michael. And why was Mr. Stack’s expression of prayer and faith so moving? Because during the past 2.5 years, the law enforcement profession has become so much more dangerous for the professionals who maintain the “Thin Blue Line” that protects society from chaos during these troubled times. There were 141 police lives lost in 2015, 145 lost in 2016, and as of June 1, 2017, 55 law enforcement fatalities have been recorded this year, (Source: Officer Down Memorial Website). Many of these deaths have occurred as a result of civil unrest where officers have been targeted for violence by law breakers who set-out to commit a harmful, homicidal act. According to Mr. Stack, “I have a devotion to St. Michael and I wanted to do something positive for our local police departments. I went online and found Holy cards with a picture of St. Michael on the front that read, ‘St. Michael Prayer for Police.’ Then I found a Catholic retailer that [sold them] and contacted the Wilmington, NC Police Chief to see if I could donate them…They made up a sign and placed them where they were accessible to [voluntarily take them]. Then I

22 | EVANGELIZATION presented them to my hometown Leland Police Department and the County Sheriff’s Department…Even if they weren’t Catholic, most officers were glad to have a reminder of St. Michael’s protection for them.” Those of you outside of law enforcement may not be familiar with the fact that St. Michael has long been the of police officers. In fact many faithful Catholics pray the St. Michael prayer at the end of mass that begins, “St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, and be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil…” Certainly this is an appropriate prayer for those who protect us every day, and who can never be completely sure that they will arrive home safely at the end of their shifts. St. Michael the Archangel represents the values of chivalry, courage and justice and is also the patron saint of anyone who works in a dangerous job, including military personnel, firefighters and paramedics. Pope Leo XIII was credited with creating this prayer in 1884 after supposedly collapsing from a disturbing image he reportedly saw after celebrating a mass. It is thought that he may have seen a vision of a confrontation between the devil and God Himself! The Police Officer’s Prayer to St. Michael is different from what is normally found in most prayer books, because it is more specific to the profession, and it reads as follows: St. Michael, heaven’s glorious commissioner of police, who once so neatly and successfully cleared God’s premises of all its undesirables, look with kindly and professional eyes on your earthly force. Give us cool heads, stout hearts, and uncanny flair for investigation and wise judgement. Make us the terror of burglars, the friend of children and law-abiding citizens, kind to strangers, polite to bores, strict with law-breakers and impervious to temptations. You know, St. Michael, from your own experiences with the devil that the police officer’s lot on earth is not always a happy one; but your sense of duty that so pleased God, your hard knocks that so surprised the devil, and your angelic self- control give us inspiration. And when we lay down our night sticks, enroll us in your heavenly force, where we will be as proud to guard the throne of God as we have been to guard the city of all the people. Amen.

These prayer cards can be found online through many retailers by entering the name of the prayer into your search engines. In the meantime, thank you to Ron Stack for inspiring this article, and to all of our faithful readers who move us to continue to provide you with articles of faith and inspiration.



I was ordained on December 21, 1967. The preparations, the emotions and the reality of the priesthood lifted me to another planet. I felt like a jumping robot moving from one event to another, one celebration to another. The Christmas holidays made the days even more crowded.

The New Year brought me back to reality and the consciousness of having been ordained a priest and all the duties and responsibilities connected to it. I was so happy. I felt so blessed and tried to imagine my future life, duties and assignments. My parents and relatives treated me like an extraterrestrial. The celebrations were over and I was prepared to report to my superior. I was still preparing when I got a letter from my superior. Thirty five words told me to report to the Mother House and prepare myself to move to the United States as soon as possible. I could not believe it! What happened to my dreams, my teaching certificates? My degrees, my languages! I did not know a word of English as opposed to Italian, French and Spanish. These are not my fathers, they are my torturers! Why are they punishing me? What happened to charity, compassion, human understanding? These were my feelings: anger, discouragement and a sense of emptiness. And so, incapable of understanding my emptiness, I arrived in the United States. I knew no one. I felt lonely and isolated. And where was God in my suffering? In Philadelphia I had the grace to meet Bishop Sheen. I remember his words: “I am

24 | SUFFERING & DYING glad you are not spiritually comatose. It is normal to question and to doubt when you are hurting and feeling vulnerable. You have to look deeper inside, seek out the place of faith in your heart and re-examine the promises of your ordination and the vows of your religious life. God does not promise you will never suffer; life is joy and sorrow. However God does promise to remain with you in your suffering. Bishop Sheen asked me to reconnect that invisible cord that bonded me to God. I soon found my connection with God. My job was to take care of forty children with intellectual and physical disabilities. They quickly understood that I needed more help than they did. They kindly and gently told me where everything was located. They taught me the English words of items and things. They showed how things were done and what my job was. They became the greatest gift God gave me. I loved them like they were my children. They stopped calling me ‘Father’ but Joe, and I loved it. I learned in this way that God stays with us even when the road gets rocky. When you reach those dark and rough places, doubt can still creep in. God doesn’t abandon us. If we remain open and allow God to enter our pain, we can experience God’s compassionate presence. God touches us through other people. As I sat with Bishop Sheen, crying and distraught, he suddenly got up from his chair, dropped to one knee in front of me, and just put his arms around me. I held on tightly. That comfort, that healing touch of love, was just what I needed. I am so grateful to Bishop Sheen and the special children who continued to show me their love. In time I also learned that their love was God’s love. Fifty years later I am so grateful and happy for giving all my life caring for special children. They were God’s messengers who taught me to love and how to love by understanding that God is love and wants us to exchange this love with Him.

SUFFERING & DYING | 25 Restoring Human Dignity Bringing the Joy of the Gospel in India


THE DREAM OF ST. LOUIS GUANELLA Fr. Guanella attended courses in theology at the seminary in Como from 1862-1866. In those years the fathers of P.I.M.E. (Pontificio Istituto Missioni Estere) of Milan were organizing their first missionary expeditions to India. Fr. Guanella was still a student of theology and he dreamed of going to India. He decided to submit an application to Bishop Calcaterra, who was then vicar of the Episcopal Diocese of Como, to join the first group of PIME Fathers. In fact in his letter of April 24, 1870, Fr. Guanella wrote, “I will readily remember the desire and the instances in which in recent years directed the undersigned to obtain his blessing for Foreign Missions.” Before the realization he returned back to the Lord’s house to inspire us to actualize his dreams for the good of our fellowmen and for the glory of God. In 1986 his followers remembered the desire of their Founder. That year, the Servants of Charity celebrated the centennial anniversary of the Mother House in Como which was the first work founded by Don Luigi Guanella. Waves of dreams from far off Italy finally reached the shore of India to rest and to be rooted to grow into a tree of good fruit. The dreams and desires of that Holy man today has become reality in India. The greatness of his life lies in his self-denial and sacrifices for the little ones. The secret of his holiness and spirituality was his trust in Divine Providence.

REALIZING THE FOUNDER’S DREAM Fr. Tito Credaro, Fr. Domenico Saginario, Fr. Piero Lippoli and Fr. Joseph Rinaldo were some of the prominent Guanellian priests in the foundation and expansion of the Guanellian mission in India. The goal of the Guanellian mission in India, as throughout the world, is to rehabilitate and restore persons with developmental disabilities, and to maximize their human potential rather than merely ease their suffering. Although the first Guanellian landed in India in 1986, the first Guanellian community wasn’t established until 1992 in Cuddalore, Tamilnadu; the southern

26 | GUANELLIAN MISSION / INSTITUTIONS part of India which later became the mother house of the Guanellian presence in India. In 25 years the Guanellian mission has spread all over the southern states of India. Cuddalore is known for its many services to people most in need. St. Joseph’s Seminary, Don Guanella Boys Home, Our Lady of Succours Parish, Divine Providence Rehabilitation Center, Guanellian Communication Center, Evening School for the children from poor families, Oratory for children and Open House Ministry for the homeless. St. Joseph Minor Seminary (1992) has produced over 60 priests. More than 350 candidates have come to discern their vocation and 45 candidates are currently in formation for the priesthood. Don Guanella Boys Home (1996) in its 21 years of ministry has given shelter and education to over 400 orphans, irrespective of religious or social background. Many of them have become supporters of the mission. Every evening over 75 children come to our community from the nearby villages, slums and poor families of different religions and social status for evening recreation and free tutoring. This evening school has not only improved their education but also inter- religious dialogue among the children. Oratory on Sundays is meant for the moral and religious education of children from the nearby villages. The Divine Providence Rehabilitation Center serves as a day care facility for people with developmental disabilities, where the Guanellians bring them for various therapies, hygiene and self- care training. The Open House Ministry is a weekend ministry where our confreres and seminarians collect the homeless from downtown; bathing them, shaving them, dressing them, entertaining them with music and stories and feeding them a good lunch. Over 50 people are brought to this ministry every week and many lay and religious from the surrounding area volunteer to help. These are only some of the activities of the Guanellian mission in Cuddalore. In spite of civil indifference and non-cooperation, the Guanellians strive to bring human dignity to the most vulnerable, abandoned and needy brothers and sisters

GUANELLIAN MISSION / INSTITUTIONS | 27 of society irrespective of religion and social status which is very strong in some parts of India. It was the wish of the holy Founder, St. Louis Guanella, to respond to the physical and spiritual needs of the poor brethren. Receiving from the Founder the spirit of a universal home as he said, “The whole world is our homeland” and “give bread and Lord,” the Guanellians spread the charism of our Congregation, perceiving God as Father and all as His children. We respond to the most needy not by receiving the poor in our community, but rather by going house-to-house visiting the poor, sick, needy people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, to show them that God loves them through our humble help, performed with great love. Our charitable activity is for all the poor without distinction of race, nationality or religion. “The mission, in its traditional and new forms, is first and foremost a service to the dignity of the person in a dehumanized society, because the first and most serious poverty of our time is the crush on the rights of the human person especially the differently-abled. These handicapped, even with all their limitations and the difficulties, are first children of God. Our mission in India, like everywhere, flows from the source of love and mercy of God the Father. Through our charitable activities, we announce the Word of life so the poor will feel loved tenderly by God.

28 | GUANELLIAN MISSION / INSTITUTIONS “Can I Receive Christ, I Beg You”


My Testimony: The image of the Good Samaritan is what drew my attention to the Guanellian Family in 2007 and after joining them, I decided to grow deeper in its charism.

I look back on days when I just admired the good work the Fathers, Brothers and Sisters did. I often shied away because I could not get close to a person who looked dirty. The initial years of mine in the Guanellian family were very challenging. I remember an instance with Fr. Visuvasam when we had been doing mission work together, while heading back Father had to pick up a man who was on the road. I refused to go for various reasons and one of them was that I didn’t want to dirty my car. This incident has been lingering in my heart making me feel guilty. The years passed and I gathered courage and decided to start gaining mission experience at Nazareth Illam, Talavadi. One night Fr. Ligori gave me a task where I had to deal with a mentally ill woman who had not bathed and I had to help her to take a shower. Later that evening after the helpers had left we had to change the clothes of an elderly lady who was sick and her clothes were soaked with urine. This was a big challenge but I did my job. Eventually, I overcame those inhibitions which made me really good at what I had chosen for my life. I made my promise as a Guanellian Cooperator in 2015. A few months ago I saw a man who was living in the streets. A few days later I gathered courage to speak with him. I learned that he was thrown out by his family because he was sick and could not earn an income. He cried to me and asked me if I

GUANELLIAN LAY MOVEMENT | 29 could find a place for him. I did all I could to find him a home but to no avail. A week later I found this man dead on the street. I felt really very bad and helpless. On May 1st I had plans to be out with friends and stepped out to shop. I noticed a man named Renny Albert who was very old, smelly and blind. He had a big bag beside him and was sitting under the hot sun. I approached him to see where he was from and what had gone wrong. He had no family and his also gave up on him so he left home to live on the streets. I asked if he would like to have a meal and he requested a shaving kit so that he could help himself. During our conversation I learned he was a Roman Catholic. When I told him that I am also a Catholic, his eyes lit up. I offered to “WHEN I TOLD HIM THAT arrange Holy Communion for him I AM ALSO A CATHOLIC, and this made him very happy. He HIS EYES LIT UP. said, “If I could only receive Christ I I OFFERED TO ARRANGE would be so happy. It was my prayer HOLY COMMUNION FOR last night to Mother Mary to send me help in any form or call me back.” He HIM AND THIS MADE HIM narrated his story with tears rolling VERY HAPPY. HE SAID, “IF down his cheeks and said, “Look, my I COULD ONLY RECEIVE God and Mamma Mary sent you to CHRIST I WOULD BE help me.” SO HAPPY. IT WAS MY PRAYER LAST NIGHT TO I was moved, this man hungers for Christ more than for earthly food. I MOTHER MARY TO SEND called Fr. Adaikalam who asked me ME HELP IN ANY FORM to get this man to our home where OR CALL ME BACK.” HE he could get cleaned up, eat and also NARRATED HIS STORY receive Holy Communion. I picked WITH TEARS ROLLING him up, and got him into my scooter, DOWN HIS CHEEKS.” which was unimaginable years ago.

30 | GUANELLIAN LAY MOVEMENT Praise to God, I got him to our home where with great joy Bro. Sachin and Deacon Fernandez gave him a haircut, shave and a bath. He was reborn with a new and dignified look. By then it was late afternoon, all of us were hungry. I asked him, “Shall we eat?” He said, “No, first give me Christ.” We were really moved by his determination. We led him to church. Entering, he gave thanks prostrating. He received communion with great reverence and afterward we ate lunch together. It is a wonderful thing. I recalled our Founder’s saying, “We should make such persons sit with us at table and serve him for he is Christ Himself”. This is something that is practiced at Guanella Preethi Nivas and I always admire it. After we were done I had to take this man back to where I had picked him up. While saying good bye, Renny looked at Fr. Adaikalam and said, “I am going back to the street and all that I need in my last days is Communion, shelter and food. I like this place. Can I sleep outside the gate so that I can get Him often?” Father was moved and checked if he could be accommodated somewhere so that he didn’t have to go back on the streets. Father said, “In times of crisis our Founder gave away his own bed and we will surely find a place for him.” Today Renny lives at Guanella Preethi Nivas and I am so thankful to God for listening to Renny’s prayers and using each one of us as an instrument to bring him back to God’s home. I wish to share this experience first, for the Glory of God and to look back to see how God has helped me overcome inhibitions. I believe this testimony will surely encourage someone. There is certainly inexplicable joy when we do what Jesus did. My sincere thanks to Fathers, Brothers, Sisters and Friends who have helped me to grow in the Guanellian Spirit. I especially want to thank Fr. Visuvasam and Fr. Adaikalam. My Journey will continue as a Guanellian. Do pray for me.

GUANELLIAN LAY MOVEMENT | 31 PIOUS UNION LIBRARY: Blessed Clare Bosatta Clare was a young girl, who at the young age of 29, reached the summit of sanctity. She was proposed as a model for all the Church with her proclaimed in Rome, by the Pope, now St. John Paul II, on April 21, 1991. St. Louis Guanella had a strong influence on Clare’s spirituality. We can understand how his deep relationship with Sr. Clare was decisive for his experience as a Christian, priest, spiritual guide and founder. By publishing this book about her holiness we hope to further her cause for canonization. This biography is composed of three notebooks. The oldest notebook is A Flower of Virtue Transplanted from Earth to Paradise. He believed it was his duty, having encountered a chosen soul and being privileged to be her spiritual director, to be a witness about her exceptional experience of faith. It was presumably started shortly after the death of Sr. Clare (April 21, 1887) and possibly completed the following year. In 1907 he again wrote about his spiritual daughter and this book follows faithfully the events of her life, narrated in a pleasant style and rich in content and details. He wrote this biography mostly for her Sisters, the Daughters of St. Mary of Providence. It reaffirms the exemplary life of this Sister, one of the first members, and restores her memory among them. The last notebook reports the lengthy and detailed testimony that Fr. Guanella gave from August 8-23, 1912, at the Diocesan Tribunal of Como for the process of the beatification of Sr. Clare.

If you would like a copy of these or any of the other books in the library, please send your request and a donation to The Pious Union of St. Joseph, 953 E. Michigan Ave., Grass Lake, MI 49240.

32 | GUANELLIAN PRESS ADOPT A SEMINARIAN Today 500 Servants of Charity priests and brothers serve in 22 countries. There are numerous seminarians in formation at Guanellian seminaries throughout the world.

The formation process combines spiritual growth, academic studies and hands-on training. It can take up to eight years to prepare them to make permanent vows of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience as a priest or brother. Many of them come from poor countries. “Adopting” a seminarian can make a huge impact. For $1 a day (the cost of a cup of coffee or a donut), you can help make a young man’s dreams of religious life come true. Can you make a small sacrifice to make that happen?

SACRED HEART CHURCH DAUGHTERS OF ST. MARY Fr. Silvio De Nard OF PROVIDENCE 118 Taunton Ave. Sr. Beth Ann Dillon East Providence, RI 02914 4200 N. Austin Ave., tel: 401-434-0326 Chicago, IL 60634 [email protected] [email protected]

PIOUS UNION OF ST. JOSEPH Are you being called to serve God’s “special people” Fr. Satheesh Alphonse through Consecrated Life as 953 E. Michigan Ave. a Servant of Charity or Grass Lake, MI 49240 Daughter of St. Mary of tel: 270-556-7789 Providence? [email protected] To become a member of the Pious Union of St. Joseph or to extend membership to prayerful friends and relatives, please send names and addresses to 953 E. Michigan Ave., Grass Lake, MI 49240 or email [email protected] Shrine of St. Joseph Sacraments and Hours of Devotion Mass times: Sun 10:00 a.m. • M, Tu, Th, Fr and Sat 11:30 a.m. Wed 8:30 a.m. followed by Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament Benediction: Wed 4:45 p.m. • Divine Mercy Chaplet: Wed 4:30 p.m. Holy Rosary: Before Mass • Stations of the Cross: Friday at 11:00 a.m. Anointing of the Sick: First Saturday during 11:30 a.m. Mass and when requested Confession: Before and after Mass, upon request

To receive the Monthly Shrine Bulletin and all special event mailings, please contact the office at 517- 522-8017 or send email to [email protected]

Pious Union of St. Joseph 953 East Michigan Ave. NON-PROFIT­ Grass Lake, MI 49240 U.S. POSTAGE Phone: 517-522-8017 Email: [email protected] PAID PERMIT NO. 87 ANN ARBOR, MI