Catherine of Sienna Church 33 New Hyde Park Road, Franklin Square, New York 11010-3692

Parish Social Ministry Pastor Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Figliozzi Coordinator Maureen Miedreich Associate Pastors Formation Rev. Allan Arneaud Director Rev. Johnny Mendonca Debbie Hurley In Residence Music Director Rev. Emmanuel Nartey, Ph.D Jennifer Wells Trustees Joseph Benincasa Dennis Canese Frank Gonzalez Marion G. Dreyfus

Parish office: (516) 352-0146 Faith Formation: (516) 354-4554 Parish FAX: (516) 326-7427 Social / Outreach: (516) 775-0840


Sunday Masses Reconciliation (/Penance) Saturday: Every Saturday: 4:00PM —5:00PM Saint Catherine Chapel-Sienna Center 5:00PM Parish Membership Prayer Rm- 8:00PM ALL are welcome to join our parish family; please REGIS- Sunday: TER on First Sunday of the Month at Pastoral Table after Church 7:30AM, 11:30AM Mass or anytime at Parish Office. We invite you to be part Saint Catherine Chapel - Sienna Center of our Parish Ministry through various groups and activi- 9:30AM, 11:00AM, 1:00PM ties.

Weekday Masses Parish Prayer Life Monday through Saturday: 8:00AM Adoration: Every Friday after 8:00AM Mass to 9:00PM Parish Office Welcome Desk Hours and 24 Hour Exposition every First Friday Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays after 8:00AM Mass (990 Holzheimer St.) Monday & Thursday: 9:00AM—8:00PM Parishioners with Special Needs Tuesday & Wednesday: 1:00PM—8:00PM The Church, Saint Catherine Chapel and Sienna Center Friday & Sunday: CLOSED are accessible through doors on right side of the Church Saturday: 9:00AM—4:00PM where buildings meet. The Sienna Center is also accessi- Parish Social Ministry Outreach Hours ble through its front doors and has an elevator at ground (995 Lutz Street) level for upper and lower levels (left side of staircase) al- lowing access to Church as well. Monday through Friday: 11:00AM —1:00PM Wednesday: 4:00PM — 6:00PM Assisted Listening Devices are available for the hear- Additional hours by appointment only. ing impaired. Please ask an usher if you need one.

Anointing of the Sick Special Needs Advocacy: Dr. Priscilla O’Connell may Communal Anointing of the Sick on the Last Saturday of be reached by calling the Parish Social Ministry Office the Month during the 8:00AM Mass. Please notify at 775-0840; contact us if you have other needs to be if family member is sick at home. addressed.

Emergency Sick Calls: Call 352-0146 Mass For Those with Special Needs and Talents is rd Celebrate celebrated on 3 Saturday of the month (Sept. to June) at 3:00PM in Saint Catherine Chapel-Sienna Center. We welcome Children & Adults to Catholicism through Baptism. Call the Parish Office to make arrangements. Professional Therapy & Counseling Children: Baptism Celebrated First & Third Saturdays of Family, marriage, and individual therapies, provided by each month at 12:30PM. New York licensed therapists, are available to our parish. Baptism Preparation Class: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30PM (pre-registration is required).

Adults: Adults to be Baptized (or Confirmed) are invited to call the Parish Office for assistance. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Celebrate Marriage Please make an appointment with a priest or January 29, 2017 before making your social arrangements. D W J 29, 2017 SANCTUARY LAMP will burn In Honor of: John F. Leary Jan. 28 to Feb. 5 With prayers of: Ana Garcia SAT. Jan. 28 - St. Thomas Aquinas BREAD AND WINE Sienna Ctr. will be used at all Masses 5:00 PM Antoni & Stanley Ziarno, Ignazia Ferraro & Mario Venditto, Pietro Scatigno, Mario Meloni, In Memory of: John Itak With Love & Prayers of: The Itak Family Anthony Ciuffo

SUN. Jan. 29 - 4th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OUTREACH Church W W D T H O T W I 7:30 AM For The People of the Parish In Honor of: R.C.I.A. Participants 11:30 AM Joseph Tarricone With prayers of: R.C.I.A. Team Sienna Ctr. 9:30 AM Michael Spano 11:00 AM Santa Armocida Anna, Anthony & Nunzio Intagliata PARISH ‘IN HOME’ PRAYER PROGRAM 1:00 PM Host Family/Individual

MON. Jan. 30 8:00 AM Michele Intranuovo PILGRIM STATUE OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA Martha Munio TUES. Jan. 31 - St. John Bosco 8:00 AM Carmela Palumbo CUP OF PRAYER WED. Feb. 1 The Denis Family 8:00 AM James V. Breheny

THURS. Feb. 2 - Presentation of the Lord 8:00 AM Jack Zaccaria PRAY for those serving in our MILITARY: FRI. Feb. 3 - St. Blaise 8:00 AM Anthony Ciuffo U.S.M.C. U.S. ARMY MAJ Thomas Babbitt SAT. SGT Patrick Brady Feb. 4 MAJ Catherine Babbitt Church PFC Erik Jacobsen CPT Shaun R. Cullen A.N.G. 8:00 AM Pilgrim Statue— LCPL Matthew Pomara MSG Peter Jacobsen Sienna Ctr. LCPL Michael P. Kelly LTC Christopher Congalise 5:00 PM Jennie & John Giordano; Maria Ziarno; SGT Thomas R. Kroez, Jr. LTC Andrew Phillips Lucinda Colasurdo; Nicola & Nicoletta SGT Gerald Furnari SGT Benjamin Huff Molignano & Rosa Lionetti; Nino DiTomaso SGT Michael Salemi PFC Thomas Tator U.S. NAVY SUN. Feb. 5 - 5th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SGT Christopher Montes ENS Anthony Patrick Huskisson Church SGT Jonathan R. Nause ET3 Peter J. King 7:30 AM For The People of the Parish U.S.A.F. E3 Thomas Mannle 11:30 AM Marie Bridda A1C Phil Gautiere CPO Douglas McQueen Sienna Ctr. CAPT John DeBonis U.S.C.G. 9:30 AM Joan Spano Chaplain COL Msgr. Rowan SN Sean Daly 11:00 AM Calogera Tesse 1:00 PM Paul Brito

PRAY for DECEASED and their Families: PRAY for SICK: Joseph M. Grech, Frank Schifellite,

Barbara Agosta, Francine Lupo, Joan Guiliano, Anthony Lomonaco, Augustus Dunbar, Alex Mesterhazy, Beatrice Mora Santia Seyfried


SCS PARISH MISSION As members of Saint Catherine of Sienna Parish, we are committed by our Baptism to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ by living our faith in loving service to all people. Inspired by the and through worship and prayer, we use our time, talent and treasure, to nourish the soul, care for the needy, minister to the alienated, nurture the children and WELCOME all people into our community of faith. One BulleƟn for Two CommuniƟes Our combined bullen for the Parishes of Saint Catherine of Sienna and Saint Vincent de Paul Msgr. Figliozzi begins next weekend.

Scriptural ReflecƟon for the Week Mark Your Calendar! “Consider your own calling, brothers and sisters.” (see Rather than our usual Carnevale celebraon before Lent, this year we will celebrate 1Corinthians 1:26‐31) Saint Paul writes these words to th the new Chrisans of Corinth and through today’s PRIMAVERA on April 29 , the Feast of our liturgy, to us as well. What is he asking of us? He Patroness, Saint Catherine of Sienna. Tickets will wants us to reflect on our lives as Chrisans in the be available in March with the usual good food, good music and good company to enjoy! world around us. He wants us to think about our VOCATION—or calling in life. There is much to ponder Feast of Saint Blaise in these few words. Firstly, to think of the way we live is this Friday, February 3rd. Throats will be out our lives as a RESPONSE to a CALL. This call is from blessed aer the 8:00am Mass. God. It is personal and powerful. We should see the sum total of our lives as being in the service of the One Final Thought Caller—God. And what does God call us to? A life of “You who have received so much love show your holiness in which we realize more and more each day love by protecng the sacredness of life. The our identy as a Chrisan — a mirror of Christ! sacredness of life is one of the greatest gis that Secondly, Paul refers to their relaonship as that of God has given us.” siblings— and sisters. In Christ, we become ‐ Saint Teresa of CalcuƩa one family. True siblings, whether near or far apart, have a real connecon of care and concern for one another. Do we see ourselves as such? Are apathy, indifference, and animosity replaced by self‐sacrificing love for each other? Yes, “Consider your own calling” STEWARDSHIP . . . from God. What have you done with your life before Reflection God and for your brothers and sisters? Blessed are they who are what they are and do Statue of Saint Teresa of CalcuƩa what they do for the sake of the kingdom! The has been placed in front of the Rectory. We thank our Gospel today assures good stewards that their benefactors who purchased the statue and those that suffering and their service on behalf of the made the base for the statue to rest. I know many will Kingdom will be rewarded. be inspired by her image as they pass the front of our Church property. They will especially think of her care Living Stewardship for the most defenseless and vulnerable—all children of God! We are grateful this week for all stewards in Saint Teresa of CalcuƩa, pray for us! our parish who help spread the faith by living the faith. John Barres Our new bishop will be installed at Saint Agnes st Sacrificing for One Another Cathedral on Tuesday, January 31 at 2:00pm. It will be televised by Telecare TV. Let us welcome and pray We demonstrate Living STEWARDSHIP in sharing our blessings through our weekly offertory gift. for him as he prepares to become the fih Bishop of the of Rockville Centre. Jan 22, 2017 W O G C E, F D & C O Catholic Ministries Appeal 2017 Next weekend our CMA volunteers will be at the doors SCS Weekly Offertory Collection: $ 18,348 of the Church and Center to assist parishioners who SCS Avg. Weekly Expenditures: $ 32,500 wish to make their 2017 pledge. Last year’s Appeal SCS Average Weekly Gift: $17.60 realized a rebate of over $52,000 for the Parish. Your Weekly Offertory Collection must offset at least 50% or more cooperaon and sacrifices have helped to make the of parish income; other funding realized then must come from Appeal one of the parish’s most successful fund annual giving (CMA), parish special events, parish program raisers. A pledge of $25 per month for ten months fees, bequests and miscellaneous donations. (less than $1 a day) enables the Diocese and your Parish to reach many, many people with the Joy of the Thank You for your STEWARDSHIP Gospel. Thank you for all your help throughout the Sharing Time, Talents, Sacrificing for One Another year. & Uniting in Prayer for OUR PARISH! lit · ur · gy n. a form of public worship; The Presentation of the Lord a collection of formularies for public worship; By Rev. Johnny R. Mendonca the celebration of the Eucharist The feast celebrates the presentation of Christ in the temple at on the 40th day after His birth. According to Jewish law, the Saint Catherine of Sienna Parish firstborn male child belonged to God, and the parents had to "buy him LITURGICAL CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS back" on the 40th day after his birth, by offering a sacrifice of "a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons" (Luke 2:24) in the temple (thus the January 2017 "presentation" of the child). (Month of the Holy Name) When Christ was presented in the temple, "there was a man in 29 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jerusalem named Simeon, and this man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel" (Luke 2:25) When Mary and Joseph brought February 2017 Christ to the temple, Simeon embraced the Child and prayed the (Month of Holy Family) Canticle of Simeon: "Now thou dost dismiss thy servant, O Lord,

according to thy word in peace; because my eyes have seen thy 3 Feast of Saint Blaise (Blessing of Throats after 8:00AM Mass) , which thou hast prepared before the face of all peoples: a light to the revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people 5 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Israel" (Luke 2:29-32).

Inspired by the words of the Canticle of Simeon ("a light to the

revelation of the Gentiles"), by the 11th century, the custom had

developed in the West of blessing candles on the Feast of the Presen-

tation. The candles were then lit, and a procession took place through the darkened church while the Canticle of Simeon was sung. Because of this, the feast also became known as Candlemas. Scripture Readings for While the procession and blessing of the candles is not often performed the NEXT SUNDAY. . . in the United States today, Candlemas is still an important feast in 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time many European countries. Feb. 5, 2017 The feast of the Presentation of the Lord – thanks to the initiative of Saint John Paul II – is also observed as the World Day of Prayer for . Those who live their Christian baptism through vows Reading I - Isaiah 58: 7-10 of poverty, chastity and obedience as religious sisters, brothers and Reading II - 1 Corinthians 2: 1-5 Gospel - Matthew 5: 13-16 , should see the oblation of the Son of God presented today in the temple as the model for religious life. We pray for them – may For weekday readings visit our diocesan website their perseverance in seeking first the Kingdom of God above all else and go to THE DAILY READINGS inspire all of us to seek to live holy lives in fidelity to the promises of our baptism.

On this feast we are reminded that Jesus the true light has come into the world “yet the world knew him not.” Or, as Simeon would tell Mary, “This child is destined for the fall and rise of many… and to be a sign that will be contradicted and you yourself a sword will pierce so that Prayer Corner thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.” Mary’s life – and our own

Heavenly Father, lives – if we, like her, follow Jesus to the end, will be lived under the sign of the cross. For in a fallen world, in a world that has turned its back

Help me in my daily struggles to on God, we continue looking, in joyful expectation, towards the com- remember that you are always with me ing of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. With no doubt we will inevitably en- Guide me in my choices, that I may counter opposition and resistance. Such was the life of Christ – and always be mindful of the effects these such was the life of his mother who at Calvary shared in his sufferings; choices have on myself and all those such is the life of the Church.

around me Help me to live through your word The candles blessed on this feast are a sign of the divine splendor of and to share your word with others the Christ who comes to expel the dark shadows of evil. May our lives as Catholics and followers of Christ reflect the light of the Lord Jesus to Amen all who meet us; and may that same light guide us, as it guided that righteous and devout man, Simeon, when we go forth from this life to meet Christ. Saint Catherine of Sienna OUTREACH PANTRY “Whatever you did to one of these brothers of Mine, even ITEMS OF THE WEEK: the least of them, you did it to Me” Matt 25:40 canned pasta (spaghettio’s, ravioli, etc) OUTREACH toothpaste / brush MINISTRY Our pantry is always in need of—

A NOTE OF THANKS . . . cereal; oatmeal; milk (powdered / boxed); peanut butter; jelly; tuna fish; canned meats; juice; canned fruit; spaghetti, pasta; prepared spaghetti sauce; potatoes (canned/boxed); canned pasta, red/black/baked beans; canned vegetables; We, here at Outreach, would like to express our rice; side dishes (pasta/rice); thanks to all the parishioners and community members soap; shampoo; toothpaste; toilet tissue who so generously donated to the Christmas “Out”Reach [Regular Size Items are Most Needed] for the Stars program. This year was bigger than ever. We received gifts ranging from $5 to over $5,000. We Please call 775-0840 if you or someone you know is in need. All info is kept strictly confidential; we’re here to help. also received so many gift cards that we have some left to use during the year. We received 75 bags of toys from a generous donor, along with all the toys our Eagle Scout collected which was another 35 bags, and then more from the Republican Club. Our rooms were filled and over- flowing. After preparing the food boxes and bags of toys for our 96 families we were able to share toys with Queen of the Most Holy Parish in Roosevelt and Saint Martha’s Parish in Uniondale. We also provided toys to be distributed to many of the local hospitals. We shared some toys with a Christian Church in Queens and a large bag of toys made their way down to the poor in the Dominican Republic. The remaining toys went to Hour Children, which is a program that provides items to be given to the children whose parents are in prison.

Many of our families wrote notes of thanks to the Outreach Staff. Here is one such note…

At this time I would like to Thank You all for all your help during this difficult time in my life as well as my family. You always make hard times a little easier. God Bless.

We received the note, but the thanks belongs to you! You are the ones who share so generously the food and gifts to give to others, we are just the instruments. So thank you from the bottom of our hearts, for your continued generosity and faithfulness to the .

Installation of Fifth Bishop of Diocese of Rockville Centre

Bishop Designate John O. Barres at Saint Agnes Cathedral, Rockville Centre January 31, 2017

The Diocese of Rockville Centre's Office of Communications will be bringing you the latest information on the installation of our new bishop. Here is how you can plug into this historic time in our Diocese .

Telecare - The television station of the Diocese of Rockville Centre will bring you complete coverage of the entire installation. For the Evening Vespers service on Monday, January 30, 2017, coverage will begin at 6:45pm. For the Mass of Installation on January 31, 2017, coverage will begin at 1:15pm. Telecare can be seen on Optimum 29/137, Verizon FiOS 296, and Charter Spectrum 471. Coverage will also be available at, and Telecare's Facebook page and Twitter pages.

Facebook and Twitter - The Diocese of Rockville Centre is on Facebook and on Twitter @RVC Diocese. We will be posting updates multiple times a day. If you are on social media, check us out and like us!

The Long Island Catholic Magazine - The March edition of The Long Island Catholic Magazine will have complete coverage of the installation and a special commemorative edition thanking Bishop Murphy. Subscribe today! Call 1-800-443-2155 or register online at

Fe Fuerza Vida - The monthly Spanish language publication of the Diocese will have complete coverage of the installation. To receive a copy, please contact Fe Fuerza Vida at 516-678-5800, ext. 270. - The Diocese of Rockville Centre's official website will have the latest infor- mation about our bishop at

K of C Twelve Apostles Council Blood Drive Sunday- February 19, 2017 8:15 am – 2:15 pm Saint Catherine of Sienna—980 Holzheimer Street Lower Level – Sienna Center

Mary Matters Reflection by Saverio Grosso The Beatitudes First Holy Communion and the Mary Parent/Child Retreat

Thursday, February 2, 2017 hile praying the Rosary I found at 7:00pm myself reflecting on the words “Blessed art in the Cafeteria via the Gym thou among women, and blessed is the Fruit This will be a time for us to W of thy Womb” and noticed an immediate reflect on the meaning of Holy connection with the Beatitudes that we hear this week in the Communion. Is Jesus truly present for each . As the source of all blessings, the of us at Communion? Do we Beatitudes find their fullest meaning in Jesus. It is no believe in the Real Presence wonder Elizabeth echoed of Jesus at Communion? her words. But it was not How can we, as parents, only the Fruit of the help our children to realize Womb that was blessed. the sacredness of their First To grow a fruit requires a Holy Communion? We will participate in a tree... and so to become a Last Supper Celebration and have your chil- dren participate in a craft for their Holy man, God needed Mary. Communion Celebration. We hope to bring Which is why Elizabeth to life what it means to be in Communion first directs her words with Jesus. Please call 516-354-4554 ext. 6 towards Mary – “Blessed or email the office to let us know that art thou among women...”. you will be there. If the tree is blessed, so [email protected] too is the fruit...and vice versa. We don’t know if Confirmation Candidates Mary was present when A reminder to work on ALL today’s Gospel takes PAPERWORK (Service place, but we can imagine Forms, Confirmation Name that she could have con- Form, Confirmation Saint nected with those Jesus spoke of because Mary was poor, Report, Sponsor Form) that meek, pure in heart and would know great sorrow, but Mary is mandatory to participate in was also blessed. In fact, she is MOST blessed because she the Sacrament of Confirmation Celebration. is God’s greatest creation – the New Eve, spared from origi- nal sin so that she could give birth to the Lamb of God who First Saturday Devotion takes away the sins of the world. If we want the blessings that Christ spoke of in the Beatitudes, all we need to do is Saturday, February 4, 2017 Mass at 8:30am followed by the humbly ask. God is eager to give of His graces freely to His Rosary during which Confes- children. Another sure way of obtaining them is to ask sions will be heard. After Rosary through Our Lady! It was her consent at the Incarnation that a short reflection led by Saverio brought forth Jesus into our world; and through her interces- Grosso. We end by 9:15am. sion God may also pour out His grace upon us. Let’s connect It takes a Sacrifice… with the Beatitudes and seek opportunities to be meek, to be Let’s make Reparation together to the Im- peacemakers, to be poor in spirit and pure in heart. We can maculate Heart of Mary by being faithful to turn to Our Lady for her example and intercession knowing the First Saturday devotions. Let us help she will always lead us to the blessings of her son, Jesus! Our Lady spread grace, peace and healing throughout the World. Faith Formation Students, please take this page to class! Name______Grade Level______January 29, 2017

Use the clues to find the name of the sermon he gave that Write your ideas below or draw some pictures day.

Lord Jesus, increase my hunger for you and show me the way that leads to everlasting peace and happiness. May I desire you above all else and find perfect joy in doing your will#GodIsLove

Use the guide below to color this picture. Your gift to the Catholic Ministries Appeal helps our Church bring the “light of the Lord” to more than 600,000 people a year through programs that feed the hungry, house the disadvantaged, care for our seniors, support our Priests and Deacons in their formation, continue to educate our children as they grow in their faith and help our parish directly and its good works of ministry.

Funding Goal: $101,600 Participation Goal: 1,000 Donors Average Gift Goal: $250.00

When we make our annual pledge to the Catholic Ministries Appeal, we join together as One Faith, Family and Community and walk hand in hand in the presence of the Lord serving, supporting and helping others. Our overall goal is to surpass last year’s total funding, to increase the number of households and families participating and to realize again more than $52,000 in direct support for our parish.

Envelopes for the 2017 CMA Campaign are available in Church, Sienna Center and at Welcome Desk!


Catholics For Freedom of Religion 2016 Contribution Statements "... all are called to be vigilant, precisely as good citizens, to preserve If you wish to receive a statement of your contribu- and defend (religious) freedom from tions to Saint Catherine’s Parish for the tax year of everything that would threaten or 2016, please email your request to compromise it." Francis, Welcoming Ceremony in Washington, D.C., Sept.25, 2015 [email protected]

Good news for "Good News Clubs": or call our Welcome Desk after 4:00pm A major victory for equal access has been won after a 3-year legal battle against the Cleveland Metropolitan (516) 352-0146 ext. 400 School District (CMSD) that had imposed a facility fee on after-school Christian character-education clubs while We need your envelope number, name and address. providing free after-school access to non-religious groups such as the Boy Scouts. An Ohio federal district court Statements will be mailed after January 31, 2017. found CMSD violated the constitutional rights of these Christian clubs and required the school district to change its facility use policies and pay $150,000 in damages. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED (, 6/29/16) OZANAM HALL OF QUEENS NURSING HOME We the people ... Bayside, Queens "This Constitution is really, in its formation, a government of Served by the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and the people ... No government before introduced among Infirm is requesting Volunteers to assist in a variety of mankind ever contained so many checks and much efficacious restraints to prevent it from degenerating into areas such as Visiting Residents, Activities, Admis- any species of oppression ..." (George Washington) sions, Eucharistic Ministers, Social Work, Transporting within the facility, to and from Physical Therapy, Meals, "May you and your contemporaries ... preserve inviolate the Mass, and other areas. Constitution, which, cherished in all its chastity and purity, will prove in the end a blessing to all the nations of the If you are interested, please contact earth." (Thomas Jefferson) Gail D. O’Donovan at 718-971-2020 / 2021/ 2022 MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Twelve Apostles # 5001

OUR PARISH Give the “Gift of Life” at Annual Blood Drive Feb. 19

Save the Date: Annual St. Patrick/St. Joseph Dinner Dance Mar 18 February 4, 2017

Dues notice for 2017 - $30 for 2017 Columbian Year. Send payment to First Saturday Devotion KofC Twelve Apostles #5001, PO BOX 520, Franklin Square, NY 11010 Mass at 8:00am Contact Joe Armocida for details. followed by Confessions

MEETING NOTICES: while Rosary is prayed; then Feb. 1 - 7:30pm: District Meeting - Lower Level SCS Sienna Center 15 minute Reflection Feb. 6 - 7:30pm: Officers’ Meeting on Mary and the Rosary Feb. 20 - 7:30pm: Council Meeting - Lower Level SCS Sienna Center ends by 9:15am Feb. 22 - 8:00pm: 4th Assembly Mtg. - Powell Council, Uniondale

February 19, 2017 Angels on the Road K of C Twelve Apostles Council BUS TRIP Annual Blood Drive Friday, March 24, 2017 8:15am—2:15pm SCS Sienna Center - Lower Level Pickup: 990 Holzheimer St. Franklin Sq. for more details call Pickup Time: 7:30am Ralph Munno 516 508-6724

Destination — The Brownstone for show - St. Joseph Get ready to clap your hands and stomp your feet to world champion accordionist Mario Tacca as he plays all your favorites, along with funniest Italian of DIOCESE & COMMUNITY them all, Floyd Vivino. February 4, 2017 Includes: Deluxe Motorcoach Transportation Spirituality For Singles Show “Feast of St Joseph” at the Brownstone Monthly Singles Gathering Family Style Luncheon served with: Garden Salad, Ziti Marinara, St. Aidan Parish Con Sarde, Chicken Marsala, Sausage & Peppers, Rosemary Pota- 510 Willis Ave., Williston Park, NY, 11596 toes, Fresh Vegetable Medley, Zeppole, Coffee, Tea, Decaf, Soda, For Singles Ages 35+ $5.00 donation 2 Complimentary Drinks Contact: Ray (516) 561-6994 or Shopping at The Brownstone, Door Prizes and 50-50 Drawings All Taxes and Meal Gratuities [email protected]

Price: $99.00

Make checks payable to AMAZING DESTINATIONS

For More Information Call Maryann (516) 352-0082 or (516) 209-2256 February 10th to 12th, 2017 Don’t Wait - Call Today - This show will sell out fast. Marriage Encounter Weekend of the 440 W Neck Road C C Huntington, NY 11743 DIOCESE OF ROCKVILLE CENTRE For more details Call: 1-877-697-9963 or visit our web site at ’ Franklin Square Senior Center, located at Wesley United Methodist Church, Franklin Square, has a position open for a back-up CDL driver, $15.78 per hour. If interested please call Gena at 516-481-3322. We are an EOE employer.