2009-04 Spring Edition of the Diocesan Newsletter
LAonewglogoo for trheediocfesleeof Scaskattoson refRlectsothe tohemte edThe ithnree treCes, ehach rwiithsthrtee lavrgericsentrialobran nches, of a recently-launched diocesan vision: Rooted in Christ. are reminiscent of the Trinity in which each Christian is Designed by diocesan webmaster Cary Molyneux, the baptized – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. logo features three trees, with the trunk of the central figure The triad also represents three levels of our faith reaching down, signifying deep roots in Christ. At the same connection – the universal Catholic Church, the diocese of time, the trees are reaching out with dynamic, flame-like Saskatoon and the local parish. branches, signifying our Christian call to reach out to the The group of trees signifies our collective strength as whole world. Christian people and parishioners of this diocese, recalling Symbols of strength and life, the trees are coloured green, the importance of community, and of working together a colour related to the province of Saskatchewan and towards a common vision, rooted in Christ and united in our illustrating growth, life, springtime and renewal. faith. Newsletter of the DVisit us oin tohe webcat: wwew.sasksatoonercdioceseo.com f Saskatoon Spring 2009 Diocesan Pastoral Council discusses cTwao mmajor iniptiativaes inithge dioncese of afamniliesdbuildinvg ouir dsioceisaon homn e. We Saskatoon were the focus of discussions at need all of our 20,000 families across the recent meetings of the Diocesan Pastoral whole diocese to build our diocesan home,” Council (DPC). he said. The progress of the Uniting in Faith Breaking out of the idea that parishes campaign to build a new Cathedral and exist in isolation is a major benefit of the Catholic Pastoral Centre, and the entire process, he said.
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