Dear Friends, Life is a battle. Sometimes the struggle takes on epic proportions like when we experience the death of a loved one, a crisis in the meaning of our life or doubts and confusion about each day’s relationships and events. Sometimes we just don’t understand what God is doing in our lives and we look for answers to the deepest questions: Why was I born? Where am I going? What will happen to me after I die? Why is getting up each day so fearful for me? What would my answer be if Jesus Christ asked me “Who do you say that I am and how can I help you?” Maybe in front of the battle of each day, you realize you need a deeper experience of your to live in peace and joy without fear and trepidation. If you recognize yourself in this battle or if you know someone close to you who has left the Church or has a struggle with being a Catholic in today’s culture, we are grateful to be able to offer you a unique experience of faith. A journey to rediscover will begin through a series of catecheses this February, presented by the Neocatechumenal Way. "" is a proclamation of the Good News of Christ to the people, not just lectures but experiences of what it means to be a Christian in today's times. Most of us have been baptized as infants and may even have followed some program of religious education. Yet, the challenges of our secularized times weaken faith life, leaving us in real need of an adult formation in faith. In the early Church, to become a Christian, before one could be baptized, one followed an itinerary of formation towards Christianity, which was called a "Catechumenate." The Catechism of the recognizes the need for a post-baptismal catechumenate in our times, where the flowering of grace accompanies education. The Catechesis opens the door to that flowering. I wholeheartedly invite and encourage all adults and young people (13 years and older) to take advantage of this opportunity. Perhaps this is an occasion for you to take a faith risk and reach out to that person in your life who has left the faith and invite them and accompany them to the Catechesis. Watch the bulletin and related communications in the coming weeks as this most important event approaches We invite you to just COME AND LISTEN.

Be assured of my prayers, Fr. Donnelly