St. Therese Institute of Faith Wa and Mission Y O, Come Let Us Adore Him
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Christmas 2008 Vol. 2 No.1 TheThe Publication ofLittle St. Therese Institute of Faith Wa and Mission y O, Come let us Adore Him St. Therese Institute of Faith and Mission 650 Ursuline Ave., P.O.Box 310, Bruno, SK, S0K 0S0 ph:/fax (306)369-2555 PAGE 2 THE LITTLE WAY - St. Therese Institute of Faith and Mission Striving Towards Healing & Growth ����������� ������������������������������ 650 Ursuline Ave., P.O. Box 310, Bruno, SK, Canada, S0K 0S0 t is with great pleasure that 9-day program. It ph: (306)369-2555 fax: (866)895-0305 I write to express my joy in will be designed web: e-mail: offi [email protected] beingI part of St. Therese in Bruno. To to take people Publisher: St. Therese School of Faith get through the inaugural year with from all walks of and Mission, Inc. Editor: Andras Tahn such great success has been a blessing life—businessmen, Associate Editor: Jim Anderson from God and now in 08-09 to have farmers, profes- Layout & Design: James Riley 13 wonderful students, who are sionals, husbands, Photographs: St. Therese Staff & young but are very mature and also wives, singles— to Students, JG Photography. very serious in their growth of faith bring them from Articles and photographs may be reprinted upon crediting St. Therese School of Faith and and formation. They are very open worldly thinking Jerry Kristian Mission. and cooperative with our teachers; we and living (which, Chairman of Board look forward to another successful many times can be non-gratifying) COVER IMAGE: “O, Come let us Adore Him” year with the school. into spiritual thinking and living; by St. Therese School students There is good progress being made helping them give up the falsehoods of Melanie Mahar, Marissa Banadyga and Elishah Stilborn spend some time in forming the programming for the the past and to deal with the tragedy in Advent refl ection before Jesus, Healing and Growth Center. The of non-forgiveness and other life- present in the Holy Eucharist, in the centerpiece to the healing center will long hurts in their lives. Through this St. Therese Chapel. be our core program, which will be a (continued on page 16) INTERCESSORS OF THE LAMB coming to St. Therese Institute of Faith and Mission We are pleased to announce that the Intercessors of the Lamb from Omaha, Nebraska will be helping St. Therese launch the Healing and Growth Centre program, February 27 – March 4, 2008. A 5-day training session will be offered for people who want to learn more about intercessory prayer and “spiritual burden bearing.” The Intercessor’s visit will be highlighted by a public talk on the power of intercessory prayer given by Mother Nadine, foundress and Superior of the Intercessors of the Lamb. Mother Nadine is also the author of Bathe Seven Times, now considered a standard in intercessory prayer and healing ministry. Dinner with Mother Nadine Friday, February 27, 2009 - 7:00 PM at St. Therese Institute $45.00 / person Workshop with the Intercessors of the Lamb Team Saturday February 28 - Wednesday March 4, 2009 - 7:00 PM at St. Therese Institute Registration: $525.00 / person ($675.00 after Feb. 1. 2009) Student rate: $425.00 ($525.00 after Feb. 1, 2009) (above fees include Feb.28-Mar.04 accommodation at St. Therese (space is limited), meals and workshop materials) To register or for more information, please contact St. Therese Institute: (306)369-2555 or online at Workshop fees include a $100 non-refundable deposit. THE LITTLE WAY - St. Therese Institute of Faith and Mission PAGE 3 Litt le Th ér e: ABishop Super-Model Albert LeGatt t. Thérèse of Lisieux is ofindeed a Holinessbe astounded by this statement and S lasting example of holiness for wish we could be even somewhat each generation and certainly for young like her. people. Even though she passed away However it is good to remind quite young, these years of youth were ourselves that this continual presence fi lled with a deep spirituality, a deep to the Lord was the fruit of her deep closeness to Jesus whom she loved life of prayer. Openness to the abiding with all her heart. presence of Christ will always be the It is indeed fi tting that the students ultimate goal of prayer whether it is of St. Therese School of Faith and liturgical prayer or individual prayer, Mission turn to her as a guide in their whether it is the celebration of the own journey. In fact this year all thir- Eucharist or Eucharistic devotion. teen students at St. Therese are under For the students of St. Therese 24 years of age and so even by age School and for all of us (whatever they are peers of this great our age) the path to being fi lled with contemplative saint. God’s love is none other than prayer. St. Thérèse when asked St. Thérèse’s example invites us about her apostolic mission in meditation, in contemplation, in said, “To love, to make Him worship and in intercession to always loved.” Her whole life, indeed turn to the Lord desiring above all to her whole being was know his presence and his love. constantly taken up “For me,” wrote St. Thérèse toward by the love of Jesus the end of her life, “prayer is an for her, a love she aspiration of the heart, it is a simple wished to share at all glance directed to heaven, it is a cry times and in the simplest of gratitude and love in the midst of of ways. Hers is the trial, which expands my soul and “Little Way”. unites me to Jesus.” At another time St. Thérèse thought she wrote, “It is prayer … which of God unceasingly. gives me all my strength.” One day a fellow May the example of St. Thérèse Carmelite sister encourage us all to be people of deep asked her, “How and constant prayer. do you think of God always?” The Most Reverend . St. Thérèse Albert Bishop ofLeGatt Saskatoon answered, “It isn’t diffi cult, we naturally think of the one we love” adding, “I do not believe I Bishop Albert LeGatt have ever been shepherds the fl ock of Christ in the Diocese three minutes of Saskatoon. We are photo: Statue of St. Thérèse in the at a time with- blessed to welcome chapel of St. Therese Institute out thinking of him on occassion as Him.” We may a visiting teacher at St. Therese. PAGE 4 THE LITTLE WAY - St. Therese Institute of Faith and Mission The Heart of St. Therese: “I WWantant to BecomBecomee Jim Anderson photo: Vincent Brûlé (Class of 2008) silhouetted against a Bruno sunset. (Photography by JG Photography) parish priest once hung an enor-enor- A mous sign over the doors at the back of his church. The sign read TheThe Church’sChurch’s CallCall toto his life, one of unfl agging zeal for the “Entrance”. His parishioners could Gospel, his great love for young people read it as they left the building after the LayLay FaithfulFaithful and families, and the incredible witness Sunday Mass. Of course, the point he The Church recognizes the essen- he gave throughout his pontifi cate of was trying to make was to remind his tial role that the lay faithful have in calling the youth of the whole world to fl ock that they had come to the TTableable of bearing witness to the person of Jesus. make a radical decision for Christ, to the Lord to feed from the WWordord of God The laity can carry the WordWord of God be “salt of the earth, and a light to the and from the Bread of Life. Now they into the marketplace, those areas of world” in this time of the “springtime of in turn had the responsibility to “enter” human activity and life where the the faith” and the “new evangelization.” the world and feed their brothers and institutional church cannot reach— His successor,successor, Benedict XVI has taken sisters with the bread of faith and the the business offi ce, the classroom, up the same standard and declares the Gospel lived out in daily life. Catherine the factory,factory, the construction site, the same message. Doherty,Doherty, the foundress of Madonna family home. The lay faithful are But the work to be accomplished by a House, a training center for the lay called upon by the Church, particu- lay person can only come about if it is apostolate, and a great devotee of St. larly in the documents of the Second fi rst accomplished in that person. Every Thérèse of Lisieux and practitioner of VaticanVatican Council and the writings of one of us needs to be transformed from her “little way”, said that we consume subsequent popes, to accomplish within, to wholeheartedly response to the Eucharist so that we in turn may be two great works: to grow in personal John Paul II’sII’s other call: Be not afraid consumed by others. Simply put, we holiness and to bring about the conse- to open wide your hearts to Christ! It can’tcan’t give what we don’tdon’t have. WeWe are, cration of the whole world, the latter requires of the lay person the deep desire each of us, empty vessels in need of being consequent to the former.former. The to surrender to God and enter the unthink- being fi lled with the love of God; but writings and actions of John Paul II able depths of God’sGod’s mysterious love, once fi lled, we can pour out that love to are a witness to this two-fold call.