THE CATHOLIC PAGE 3 Put fresh vegetables in food desert

AprilC 5, 2013 Vol. 51,ommentator No. 4 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE SINCE 1963

CHRISM MASS — During the chrism Mass March 27 at St. Joseph Cathedral in Baton Rouge, priests of the Diocese of Baton Rouge renew the promises they made on the day they were ordained before Bishop Robert W. Muench, far right, and all of those attending this Mass at which the sacramental oils are blessed. Also during this Mass, the assembly is asked to pray for the priests and the bishop that the Lord may pour out his gifts upon them. Photo by Laura Deavers | The Catholic Commentator

Pope Francis says good priests bring joy, comfort to those in need By Carol Glatz the smell of sheep,” so that people can Catholic News Service The text of sense the priest is not just concerned with his own congregation, but is also VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis Bishop Muench’s a fisher of men. called on the world’s priests to bring the Presiding over the first of two Holy healing power of God’s grace to every- chrism Mass homily Thursday liturgies, Pope Francis one in need, to stay close to the margin- blessed the oils that will be used in the alized and to be “shepherds living with is on page 9. sacraments of baptism, confirmation, the smell of the sheep.” ordination and the anointing of the Those priests “who do not go out pope said in his homily. sick. of themselves” by being mediators be- “This is precisely the reason why Deacons carried the sacramental tween God and men can “gradually some priests grow dissatisfied, lose oils in six large silver urns to the main become intermediaries, managers,” he heart and become in a sense collectors altar to be blessed by the pope in his said March 28 during the chrism Mass of antiquities or novelties – instead of first chrism Mass as bishop of Rome. in St. Peter’s Basilica. being shepherds living with ‘the smell Surrounded by more than 1,600 Pope Francis breathes over chrism oil, a When a priest “doesn’t put his own of the sheep,’” he said. priests, bishops and cardinals, Pope gesture symbolizing the infusion of the skin and own heart on the line, he “This is what I am asking you,” he Francis led them in a renewal of their Holy Spirit, during the Holy Thursday never hears a warm, heartfelt word of said with emphasis, looking up from priestly promises. He focused his hom- chrism Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica at the thanks” from those he has helped, the his prepared text, “be shepherds with SEE PRIESTS PAGE 20 Vatican March 28. Photo by Paul Haring | CNS 2 The Catholic Commentator April 5, 2013


Eerv con- Catholics who are deaf do not have that cerned about ability since there are so few priests who Why Catholic cardinals wear red the poor, know sign language. A priest who is deaf They are robed in scarlet, three Catholic visited Baton Rouge recently to give a wear strange shaped birettas agencies are retreat for the members of St. Francis de and hold the secret of how the making their Sales Catholic Deaf Apostolate. Page 7 new pope was selected. positions as advo- The cardinals of the Catho- cates for the needy Pope Francis’ lic Church – 115 of whom ac- known on Capitol Hill as Republicans coat of arms tually participated in the se- and Democrats work on the 2014 federal contains lection of Pope Francis – are budget. Page 4 symbols of advisers to the pope and care- what is impor- takers of the church after a tant to him: pope dies or resigns, but their Mary, Joseph, most important duty is elect- . ing a new Holy Father. worn by Roman Catholic cardinals. Page 17 As people around the world were Although church law today requires fixated on their televisions last month all cardinals to be bishops, there are awaiting news of the new pope, the red- three types of cardinals within the Col- robed cardinals became a familiar sight. lege of Cardinals: cardinal bishops, car- | index Cardinals, who are appointed by the dinal priests and cardinal deacons. Story telling provides grand- pope, wear scarlet as a sign that they are Cardinal bishops are the senior mem- Classified Ads 16 parents a means to pass on their faith willing to give themselves totally to the bers of the college who are engaged in beliefs to their grandchildren. Some Coming Events 16 church, even to the point of shedding full-time service in the Roman Curia, the grandmothers and grandfathers tell them Entertainment 12 their own blood for her. The custom of central government of the church. Origi- stories of their own lives, which are closely Family Life 5 wearing red began at the Synod of Lyons nally these cardinal bishops were the ac- associated with their Catholic faith. INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL NEWS 4 in 1245 when Pope Innocent IV bestowed tual bishops of the dioceses surrounding Page 5 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 15 red caps on the cardinals of the day. the city of Rome. The Northern Cardinal, the beautiful Cardinal priests are officials of the Ro- Spirituality 7 People who can hear are able male red bird seen frequently in Loui- man Curia or bishops whose dioceses are talk to a priest in the confessional, Viewpoint 14 siana, was named after the bright color see cardinals page 3 or in his office, whenever it is convenient. Youth 18 | Pray for those who pray for us Please pray for the priests, deacons and religious women and men in the Baton Rouge Diocese. April 7 Rev. Peter J. Callery SJ April 14 Rev. Randy M. Cuevas Dcn. Willie M. Berthelot Sr. Dcn. Barry G. Campeaux Sr. Ann Catherine Nguyen OSF Sr. Anh-Tuyet Pham ICM April 8 Rev. Joseph M. Camilleri April 15 Rev. Gregory J. Daigle Dcn. William B. Blair Jr. Dcn. Michael T. Chiappetta Sr. Huong Nguyen ICM Sr. Cecile Poitras SSJ April 9 Rev. John Carville April 16 Rev. Peter Ai Dang Dcn. Daniel S. Borné Dcn. Randall A. Clement Sr. Mary Noel OP Sr. Christine Pologa CSJ Page 11 April 10 Rev. Edward Chiffriller SSJ April 17 Rev. Thomas Danso the CatholiC Pope’s Dcn. Claude H. Bourgeois Dcn. Samuel C. Collura first message Sr. Georgeann Parizek RSCJ Sr. Penny Prophit OSF April 11 Rev. Thomas F. Clark SJ April 18 Rev. Jamin S. David ommentatorserving the diocese of baton rouge since 1963 MarchC 22, 2013 Vol. 51, No. 3 Dcn. Eugene F. Brady Dcn. Guy E. Decker

To: The Clergy, Religious and Br. Eugene Patin CSsR Sr. Maria Rabalais CSJ Lay Faithful of the Diocese of Baton Rouge April 12 Rev. Michael J. Collins April 19 Rev. Al M. Davidson

Dearly Beloved in Christ, March 13, 2013 marked a historic Dcn. Jerry W. Braud Dcn. Benjamin J. Dunbar Jr. milestone for the , and became an especially ecstatic moment Sr. Johanne Pedersen CSJ Sr. Anne Michelle Ramagos CSJ for all who witnessed its unfolding. The papal election of the first Jesuit, the first serving in the Western Hemisphere, the April 13 Rev. Paul D. Counce April 20 Rev. Christopher J. Decker first from Latin America, and the first choosing the name “Francis,” (after Francis of Assisi) – these were ecclesial benchmarks reminiscent of “ The head of a household who Dcn. Patrick Broussard Dcn. W. Brent Duplessis brings from his storeroom both the new and the old” (Mt. 13:52). Sr. Cielo Pesigan DC Sr. Geraldine Riendeaux CSJ In his first public appearance from the balcony of St. Peter’s square, Pope Francis won the hearts, captured the imagination and gained the goodwill of the 1.2 billion Catholics worldwide and countless others. He did this by demeanor, symbol, gesture and word. His presence was Photo Paul Haring | CNS authentically spiritual and prayerful; his formal clerical Pope Francis, left, receives his ring from Cardinal Angelo Sodano, dean of the College of Cardi- dress simplified; his countenance serene; his humility and nals, during his inaugural Mass in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican March 19. compassion uplifting; his approach inspiring (manifested by his request for the people to pray to God for him, before he- imparted his apostolic blessing to those assembled – physi Pope begins ministry with biblical the Catholic cally and electronically); his message clear and reassuring;- his lifestyle unassuming. He piqued interest and curios symbols, signs of universal ministry- ity not only about who he is, but about what the Catholic As the Mass began, tens of thousands of pil Church of 2000 years is, and about her founder, Jesus. By Cindy Wooden grims, faithful and tourists continued to arrive, Already he has brought a new face to the renewal that the Catholic News Service filling St. Peter’s Square and crowding around Church must always seek, and sincere attention to the poor, the large video screens placed along the boule- alienated and marginalized. ommentatorMonth If you don’t see The CatholicVATICAN CITY — Although attempts Commentator were vard leading to the square. By the time of Com- at your C The adage: “You never get a second chance to make a made to simplify the ceremony, Pope Francis munion, the Vatican said there were between first impression” favorably comes to mind. Clearly Pope officially inaugurated his ministry as pope and 150,000 and 200,000 people present. church,Francis is a man of God,call a man of the your Church and a man ofchurch bishop of Rome in aparish liturgy filled with biblical andIn his homily, let Pope Francis them asked prayers know. Bishop Robert W. Muench Publisher Wanda L. Koch Advertising Manager the people. As Vicar of Christ on earth, he represents Jesus symbolism and signs of the universality of his that he would be able to protect the church like- Christ, “the same yesterday, today and forever” (Heb. 13:8). mission. St. Joseph protected Mary and Jesus, “discreet As such he is also the living embodiment of the message But before the solemn rites began March ly, humbly and silently, but with an unfailing Father Than Vu Associate Publisher Penny G. Saia Advertising Sales of Jesus himself, who said: “Whatever you do for my least 19, Pope Francis – known for choosing public presence and utter fidelity, even when he finds brothers,Or, you doif for me”you (Mt 25: 40).would prefertransport to overreceive chauffeur-driven itlimousines another – it hard to understand.” way, please I take this opportunity to particularly congratulate took his first spin in the popemobile, blessing He said in the Gospels, St. Joseph “can look Laura Deavers Exec. Ed./Gen. Mgr. Lisa Disney Secretary/Circulation and callthank the Jesuitus. Fathers We who serve can in our diocese email at itthe tensto of thousandsyou; of peopleyou who arrivedcan in atread things realistically, it online he is in touch with at his Immaculate Conception Church, Scotlandville; Southern St. Peter’s Square as early as 4 a.m. to pray with surroundings, he can make truly wise deci- Debbie Shelley Assistant Editor Barbara Chenevert Staff Writer University, Baton Rouge; and Manresa Retreat House, him. He waved and, at one point, gave a thumbs sions.” Convent; the 1500-2000 members of the Catholic Hispanic up to the faithful. He in also kissedPDF three babies format But more thanor anything, story he said, theform; Community of our area; the innumerable served by our held up to him by the chief of Vatican security, church’s patron saint teaches Christians that St. Vincent de Paul Society (diocesan and parochial) and Domenico Gianni, and other officers. the core concern of their lives must be Christ. Catholicor Charities; if none and those who of comprise these our Catholic waysBut work he climbed out for of the open you, jeep used aswe “Let can us protect mail Christ in our itlives, toso that you.we schools and education ministry. a popemobile to kiss a severely disabled man.- can protect others, so that we can protect cre- As we approach Holy Week, the Sacred Triduum and Before entering St. Peter’s Square, he ad - ation,” Pope Francis said. The Catholic Commentator (ISSN 07460511; USPS 093-680) Easter, may we not live as those “of little faith” (Mt. 14:31), dressed by satellite thousands of his fellow Ar He called for special efforts to protect “God’s or those “who have no hope” (I Thess. 4:12) or those “who gentines gathered in Plaza de Mayo in Buenos plan inscribed in nature” and to protect one Published bi-weekly (every other week) by the Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge,1800 South Acadian Thru- have not THElove” (I Cor. 13:1-3). CATHOLIC Rather may we live as people Aires, where he had been archbishop before another, especially children, the aged, the poor whose faith is defining and vibrant, whose hope is dynamic his election as pope. He thanked theCall people for and 225-387-0983 the sick. - or way, Baton Rouge, LA 70808; 225-387-0983 or 225-387-0561. Periodical Postage Paid at Baton Rouge, LA. and reassuring, whose love is animated and infectious. their prayers and told them: “I have a favor to Although according to church law he of Happy Easter, everyone! Regards, grace, peace, blessings ask. I want to ask that we all walk together, car- ficially became pope the minute he accepted Copy must reach the above address by Wednesday for use in the next week’s paper. Subscription rate: and prayers. ing for one another ... caring for Care for his election [email protected]. in the Sistine Chapel March 13, Affectionately yours in the Risen Christ, the family, care for nature, care for children, Pope Francis received important symbols SERVING THE DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE SINCE 1962 $12.00 per year. POSTMASTER, send address changes to The Catholic Commentator, P.O. Box 14746, Baton C of his office just before the inauguration care for the aged. Let there be no hatred, no See PoPe Page 13 fighting, put aside envy and don’t gossip about Robert W. Muench, Bishop of Baton Rouge anyone.” Rouge, LA 70898-4746. Website: April 5, 2013 The Catholic Commentator 3 Burpee provides plants, fresh vegetables to put end to food desert

By Laura Deavers grow fresh vegetables. Tarra Fer- Judy Holston, RHS reception- Editor guson, RHS registrar, chimed in ist, said she grew up in the coun- that many students do not un- try and learned about vegetable Food desert has come into our derstand where fresh vegetables gardens as a child. “Most children nomenclature in recent months come from and that they can have today do not have an opportunity to describe districts with little or their own fresh produce by plant- to work in a garden. This will be no access to grocery stores that ing vegetables. an open door for them to learn.” offer fresh and affordable foods that are needed to maintain a Find us at: healthy diet. Typically, these ar- eas have many fast food restau- rants and convenience stores. Most people do not think twice about getting in a car and driving to the grocery store to purchase fresh, wholesome foods. A growing percentage Jim Irvine, left, a representative of Burpee Home Gardens, talks about the tomato, A Day to Remember of people either have no car squash, bell pepper and cucumber plants people could take home to plant in a garden. Listening to him are, from right, Ray Lavigne, a member of the East Baton Rouge Sher- or no grocery store close by Everything you need for iff’s Office who works at Redemptorist High School; his daughter, Holly Madaffari, First Communion Day! where healthy food items can be whose son, Mason Walton, is a RHS senior; Lakedra Whitner, Redemptorist Elementary bought. School assistant principal; and Sharon Britt, with the RHS advancement office. Photo by Mass Books, Crosses, Rosaries, Veils, Ties, and many other gift ideas! Redemptorist High School Laura Deavers | The Catholic Commentator students and faculty participat- ed in a national program spon- sored by the Burpee Home Gar- “The more people realize where food comes dens company to call attention to the food desert that surrounds from, the more likely they will be to take the RHS campus and how easy growing a vegetable plant or gar- care of our food sources and the earth.” den can be. The Burpee Home Gardens Jim Irvine ™ Burpee Representative Catholic Art & Gifts “Grow Anywhere Tour” made A Retail Division of F.C. Ziegler Co. Church Supply its fourth stop at Redemptorist 6184 Florida Blvd. • Baton Rouge, LA 70806 High School in a 25-location na- age the students to start up their plants to produce the most veg- 225-926-1216 • 1-800-331-4117 • FAX 225-926-1244 tional tour. own home gardens,” Andereck etables. “The more people real- • M-F: 9-5, Sat: 9:30-4:30 In Baton Rouge and in each added. “In different classes, ize where food comes from, the city on the tour, fresh vegetables teachers can broaden the stu- more likely they will be to take and vegetable plants are handed dents’ gardening experiences care of our food sources and the out to students, members of the with issues related to world hun- earth,” Irvine said. school community and people ger, geography, regional cuisine, “This is a healthy way of who live in the community agriculture vs. horticulture, bib- living,” said Gerald Kinchen, around the school. lical references to agriculture, who lives in the neighborhood “We are very excited to offer math and the environment.” around Redemptorist elemen- this opportunity to our commu- Burpee employees traveling tary and high schools. Kinchen nity,” said Maribeth Andereck, with the “Grow Anywhere Tour” had picked up a bag of fresh RHS principal. She said the gave information about plant- vegetables and a tomato plant, * Second entrée of equal or lesser value Bring this coupon to Don's Seafood & Steak Burpee representatives gave her ing and growing the vegetables which he said is going to be the House, Inc. - Baton Rouge to receive this special offer! This $8 off second entrée or up to $5 off second lunch entrée excludes evening specials and is not valid with other offers school plants and ideas for the plants they gave to each indi- start of a fresh vegetable garden and specials. This offer good Monday through Sunday. Dine-in only. Limit 5 coupons per table. Offer valid April 5-30, 2013. Specials not valid for private parties. Only vegetable garden that is planned vidual who stopped by March 21 at his house. “I am getting older,” original coupons are valid - copies and downloaded coupons are not accepted. for the RHS campus and provid- in the RHS gymnasium parking Kinchen chuckled, “this is going ed tips to those who came about lot. to be the start of me taking care Bring this coupon to Don’s Seafood & Steak home gardens. “People are excited about of my body and living healthier.” House, Baton Rouge and when you purchase “With our school garden we growing their own food,” said Carol Chatelain, a RHS teach- l COME one entrée at regular price, receive up to hope to distribute fresh vegeta- Jim Irvine, one of the Burpee er, said the Burpee program will CELEBRATE: $8 off a second entrée, of equal or lesser bles to our families, the women’s employees who was helping help the students understand Prom value OR use this coupon to receive up to shelter on St. Gerard Street, and people select plants and answer- the importance of a better diet $5 off a second lunch entrée. Offer valid through this experience, encour- ing questions on how to treat the as they learn how to plant and l First Monday through Sunday. Dine-in only. Communion • Enjoy great food at reasonable prices l in a pleasant, family atmosphere. Car : dinals Most important duty electing a pope Pope Francis • Choice steaks grilled to perfection. from page 2 pope for their contribution to the sions. Also, during the period af- • Seafood with a Cajun flair! outside of Rome, although they church. They are reminders of the ter a pope dies and before a new are given a church in Rome as a seven deacons who once admin- one is elected, it is one’s position historical reminder of the custom istered the district of Rome and within the College of Cardinals of the clergy of Rome electing the assisted in the papal household. that determines one’s power pope. The distinction between the to exercise certain duties if the Cardinal deacons are titular three degrees of cardinals has Dean of the College of Cardinals Casual attire. Major credit cards accepted. Open 7 days a week. 6823 Airline Hwy., Baton Rouge (2 miles north of Cortana Mall) bishops assigned to full-time little practical significance ex- or Camerlengo, the administra- Hours: 11 am - 9 pm Sun-Th; service in the Roman Curia or cept in determining the order tor of the property of the Vati- 11 am - 10 pm Fri & Sat (225) 357-0601 are theologians honored by the and rank for ceremonial proces- can, is unable to do so. 4 The Catholic Commentator national | international April 5, 2013 Classified ads get results! Advocates working to keep needs of poor

protect her future foremost in U.S. budget debate Secure your Income By Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service Do both with a Charitable Gift annuity WASHINGTON — On Capitol from CRS. Hill, when it’s spring it’s time to debate the federal budget. Contact CRS today: E Republicans and Democrats c 1-888-277-7575, ext. 7324 set spending parameters for fiscal m [email protected] year 2014 by adopting two stark- ly different budget plans before recessing a week before Easter. The official international humanitarian What’s expected when Congress agency of the Catholic community in the returns April 8 is a lengthy debate United States. over whether austerity and lower taxes or modest adjustments in government spending supple- 3.9x3 mented with selected tax law changes to boost revenues is the way to go. The debate will come as the impact of the March 1 automatic House Budget Committee Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., unveils spending cuts in hundreds of the Republicans’ FY 2014 budget resolution in Washington March 12. invites you to breakfast 9 a.m. – 12 noon, Saturday, government-funded programs – Advocates for the poor, including USA, the U.S. May 11 at Oak Lodge Reception Center, 2834 S. Sherwood known as the sequester – begins Conference of Catholic Bishops and Network, the Catholic social jus- Forest, Baton Rouge. Our speaker will be Noel Delery. A former to pinch social service providers. tice lobby, have blanketed Congress with their concerns that the bud- attorney, Noel was a religious sister in the Intercessors of the Lamb “The longer this has gone on, get reflects society’s moral obligations to care for “the least of these.” community until recently when the community was closed. Now the more concerned our agencies CNS photo by Gary Cameron | Reuters as a layperson, she continues to give talks, direct are becoming,” Candy Hill, senior private and group retreats and provides spiritual vice president for social policy and for fiscal year 2014 was drafted woman, has said the spending direction. Reservations for the breakfast are $15 government affairs at Catholic by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., House plan reflects a balanced approach each and can be purchased by mailing a check Charities USA, told Catholic News Budget Committee chairman. It to solving the country’s budget to Kathy Simoneaux, 9650 Victory Lane, Denham Service March 27. passed 221-207 March 21. concerns. In introducing the pro- Springs, LA 70726 through May 4. Your name will That’s because local agencies Ryan advocated that his plan posal, Murray said the budget be registered at the door. are unsure how large the funding carried out for the next decade “tackles the deficit and debt the losses will be, Hill said. While the would lead to a balanced budget in way the American people wanted sequester set cuts at 5.2 percent, 2023 as spending on non-military it done.” the fact that the cuts are coming programs would decline, Med- As the congressional votes midway through the fiscal year icaid and Medicare would be re- neared, advocates for the poor means the funding losses will be made, and the Affordable Care Act raised their voices in an attempt %* more severe – in some cases dou- would be repealed. The plan also to minimize budget cuts on pro- 3.30 APY ble digits, she said. calls for simplifying the tax code grams benefiting people whose *Includes Current Yield + 1.00% First Year Additional Interest. Hill provided a partial list of with a 10 percent rate for lower voices go largely unheard on Capi- Interest rates are subject to change & vary by plan. The minimum interest rate guaranteed is 1.50%. diocesan Catholic Charities pro- income earners and a 25 percent tol Hill. A diverse pool that in- grams that will be squeezed: refu- rate for higher income earners cluded Catholic Charities, the U.S. gee assistance, Head Start, home- and corporations. Conference of Catholic Bishops less services and education, and An anaylsis by the Washing- and Network, the Catholic social the Social Services Block Grant ton-based Tax Policy Center pro- justice lobby, blanketed Congress that funds feeding, child abuse jected that the plan would reduce with their concerns that the bud- prevention and substance abuse government revenues by more get must reflect society’s moral programs. Cuts in the Special than $5.7 trillion over the next obligation to care for “the least of Supplemental Nutrition Program decade, leading to drastic cuts in these.” for Women, Infants and Children domestic spending. Among the most persistent likely will mean more families Ryan spokesman Kevin Seif- voices have been the chairmen of showing up at hunger centers, she ert said the congressman was two USCCB committees. added. unavailable to comment on the Bishop Stephen E. Blaire of Overall, programs serving analysis. Stockton, Calif., chairman of the youth, families, the elderly, peo- In the Senate, where Demo- Committee on Domestic Justice ple with disabilities and migrant crats hold the majority, a more and Human Development, and Frank Lamulle workers will see $29.9 billion in moderate budget was approved, Bishop Richard E. Pates of Des 504-458-0957 cuts by Sept. 30, the end of the 50-49, early March 23. It calls for Moines, Iowa, chairman of the fiscal year, reports the National slight adjustments in spending Committee on International Jus- Human Services Assembly, whose and raising revenues by closing tice and Peace, cited Catholic so- membership includes Catholic loopholes and altering deductions cial teaching in reiterating their Securing Families’ Lives Since 1901 Charities USA. for high income Americans as concern in a March 18 letter to all Most Republicans would like to the way to stabilize the country’s members of Congress that govern- Home Office: San Antonio, Texas. #ASU 1.13 see even lower spending combined growing debt. ment programs serving poor and ANNUITIES · IRAs · ROLLOVERS with reduced tax rates. A spend- Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., marginalized people deserve the ing plan reflecting those priorities Senate Budget Committee chair- highest priority. April 5, 2013 FAMILY LIFE The Catholic Commentator 5 Grandparents can pass on family history and faith by telling stories

By Debbie Shelley books, blessed medals and her pening in their lives and the ways Assistant Editor Daily Missal,” Martinez said. “I they’ve been blessed. The Heberts recently discovered a medal of St. also have five grandchildren who Children may be taught that Anthony tied to a scapula that she live in the Washington D.C. area the Catholic faith calls them to wore. The medal was sent to her who join them when their family care for the poor. But if they lis- from her cousins in Sicily many is in town. ten to their grandparents’ stories years ago. She is still handing on Josie Hebert said her son Da- about growing up during tough the faith to me 40 years later.” vid went to school with Geoff times and helping struggling According to Martinez, who Youngs, son of the late Father Fred families in their neighborhood, has interviewed several grand- Youngs. To expand the faith of her the children learn about their parents as television guests, children and grandchildren, the family’s history and the social many family traditions and ex- Heberts invited Father Fred and justice teachings become in- periences are connected to faith. Geoff Youngs over for dinner for grained in their lives, say those Terry and Josie Hebert, who are active in their grandchildren’s lives, “Grandparents have a captivated Easter and other holidays. Now who minister by telling stories. pass on their Catholic faith to them. With the Heberts, are front row, audience with their grandchil- Father Tony Russo, a retired di- Research by the National Monica Levron and back row, from left, Michael Hebert, Sara Levron, dren simply because they are so ocesan priest, joins the family at Study on Youth and Religion Timothy Levron, Hanna Hebert and Jacob Hebert. Photo provided by Timothy greatly admired and respected. those times. shows that young people are in- Levron Time spent together is little, but to Charles LeDoux, who with his articulate about their faith. The make the most of the time can be wife, Glenna, are also members United States Conference of Center, said when she was a child, like to fall in love, to suffer, to raise abundant,” Martinez said. St. Thomas More, shared stories Catholic Bishops (USCCB) said once a week her father invited her a child and about ‘my faith,’ ” said Terry and Josie Hebert, mem- about his life with his 27 grand- to reduce that trend, older people and her siblings to pick a Bible Hanley. bers of St. Thomas More Church children by writing a book which should tell stories to young peo- story for him to read to them. She stated as grandparents in Baton Rouge, said talking about contains a copy of the family gene- ple to help them understand the According to Hanley, while recount in detail their childhood the lives of the saints and impor- alogy. LeDoux discovered the ge- traditions and teachings of the children love storybooks, their memories, they themselves be- tant parts of the liturgical year is a nealogy in a book, “LeDoux: A Pi- church. grandparents’ stories interest come more conscious of God’s way they pass the faith on to their oneer Franco-American Family,” The USCCB website foryour them more because they concern presence in their lives. grandchildren. For example, on by LaVerne Thomas III. LeDoux suggests that their heritage. Dina Martinez, who has col- the feast of St. Joseph, Josie He- said he did not know much about grandparents pass on family his- She said children enjoy hear- lected stories through her min- bert makes special desserts and his own grandfathers until he tory to their grandchildren to cre- ing stories about their grandpar- istry with Catholiclife Television, tells the story of St. Joseph. Dur- read the book. ate strong families: “The richest ents and parents when they were said her grandparents were all ing Holy Week the Heberts talk He stated that two of his grand- families are those in which the younger – the trouble they got Catholics who impacted her faith. about “how Jesus went to Jerusa- children had asked that he send stories have been remembered, into, their courting and marriage, “My paternal grandmother lem and had a wonderful supper them his written stories instead treasured and incorporated into the lessons they’ve learned and was the epitome of a faith-filled with his friends and gave himself of birthday presents. His book ad- the spirit of the family,” the bish- how faith brought them through Italian woman. She read Bible sto- to us in the Sacrament of the Eu- dresses life issues such as career, ops said. They stated the stories life’s struggles. ries to us and always had her Bible charist.” marriage and family. open the doors to talk about faith. “Grandparents can tell their in hand. Sadly, she died in 1974 The Heberts eat dinner with “I couldn’t stop, it just kept Dianne Hanley, a professional grandchildren a story that erases when I was 8, but her faith life still their local children and grandchil- flowing,” said LeDoux. “I felt a storyteller and executive direc- years between them. Grandpar- remains as I have a box filled with dren at least every Sunday. At the responsibility as a grandparent to tor of the St. Joseph Spirituality ents can tell them about what it’s her religious prayer cards, prayer table, they talk about what’s hap- pass it on.” A life lesson delivered by an aging pope uch has been said of the I was in my 30s and struggled sion he ultimately made. one door opens others. Along historic nature of Pope with the question, What’s next? Perhaps at a certain age or with our financial calculations MBenedict XVI’s deci- Some people plan for decades stage in life our current occu- and retirement planning, reli- sion to resign, but I am struck what they will do when they pation is no longer something ance upon prayer and discern- by something more personal, retire. But economic and lifestyle to which we can do justice or ment of God’s will can assist us something that resonates with factors might be easier to assess for which we are no longer fit. in knowing when and through those of us who are aging. than those deeply human long- Perhaps we are right in step- which door we shall go. When we approach a certain ings of belonging, of serving, of ping away and allowing others age, frailties begin to surface and doing something of value. to serve at work, at a volunteer PRATT, a journalist, author, they interfere with the desire to With retirement, life does not position or at another activity. speaker and patient advocate, carry out our vocation. It brings end. It changes, profoundly, in But this does not mean that God lives in Los Angeles and writes up a variety of questions. personal and professional ways. is finished with us yet. on health and spirituality for When is it time to stop work- Adapting to these changes can In retirement, the closing of Catholic News Service. ing? When do we let go? When be difficult, even when the mo- do we move from one career, one Living Well ment is eagerly anticipated. way of living, to another type of Maureen Pratt I appreciate Pope Bene- living? This new way of living dict’s humility expressed in his Honor Those We Love. might seem less productive, ac- tions or on careful assessment of explanation for his decision. I MEMORIAL GARDENS -FUNERAL HOME -CREMATORY -MAUSOLEUMS tive or prestigious. our physical condition? am encouraged and inspired by How do we make the tran- In my case, the transition his acknowledgment that he will sition? Do we go kicking and from being a full-time employee not sit idle but will continue his screaming? Hastily? Gracefully? to not working at all was abrupt ministry, albeit different in form Well before these questions and unplanned. I was diagnosed from that of his work as supreme 11817 Jefferson Highway loom, what tools do we use to with lupus. I had doctor’s orders pontiff. And I am grateful that he 225-753-1440 answer, to make our decisions? to stop working and doing the communicated to us his reliance Do we rely on financial calcula- leisure activities I had enjoyed. on prayer as central to the deci- 2x2” Rest.small.honor.those’13 6 The Catholic Commentator April 5, 2013

Looking for past issues of The Catholic Commentator? Find them online at, Issues. Did Jesus baptize anyone? I remember being taught, My parish regularly chang- somewhere in my Catho- es or omits words from the Qlic training, that the Bible Qfirst and second scriptural never mentions Jesus baptizing readings at Sunday Mass. They First Communion anyone, because our sacrament claim that, under Vatican II, it is Frames, Mass books, rosaries and rosary of baptism commemorates the permissible to do so under the boxes, children’s and First Communion death and resurrection of Christ inclusive language guidelines. Bibles, rosary bracelets, head pieces, ties, and he had not yet died and Shouldn’t the Scripture readings handkerchiefs, photo risen. But I recently came across be read as they are printed in the albums, keepsake items, this passage in John’s Gospel Lectionary? (Louisville, Ky.) greeting cards and gift (3:22-23): “After this Jesus and wrap & bags! his disciples went into the region First, and parentheti- of Judea, where he spent some cally, isn’t it funny how the time with them baptizing. John ASecond Vatican Council was also baptizing in Aenon near Question Corner gets blamed for (and sometimes Salim.” In Matthew 3:11 though, credited with) things that were far John says that he is baptizing Father Kenneth Doyle from its agenda? During the years with water and Jesus will baptize of Vatican II (1962-1965), I don’t with fire and the Holy Spirit. So think that the issue of inclusive my question is this: In John 3:22, isn’t Jesus bap- language was on the radar screen of the council tizing with water, or what else would that quote fathers or of the world. mean? (Milwaukee, Wis.) The answer to your question is stated in a bal- anced and succinct way by the Office for Worship You raise a good question, and the plain of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in guidelines truth is that we don’t really know whether offered to lectors: “In recent years sensitivity for AJesus baptized anyone with water during inclusive language in the liturgy has been encour- the two and a half years of his public ministry. aged. It is important to note, however, that the The scriptural passage to which you refer (John lector is not at liberty to change the approved 3:22) would seem to indicate that Jesus did bap- scriptural and prayer texts for the liturgy. In the tize, along with some of his disciples. preparation of other texts, such as the general The little book store with a big heart and a However, if you continue on just a few more intercessions or commentary of any type, language thirsting desire to spread the Good News verses, you will read (John 4:1-3): “Now when which is inclusive is always used.” 11232 Florida Blvd. | Baton Rouge, LA | 225-272-4030 Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that The approved text for the Mass readings is a Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples modified version of the New American Bible with than John (although Jesus himself was not baptiz- revised Psalms and revised New Testament; this ing, just his disciples), he left Judea and returned is the text found in all current Lectionaries in the “I liked this trip so much, I’m going back!” to Galilee.” United States. The synoptic writers — Matthew, Mark and In publishing that text, the Holy See accepted Luke — offer no clarity on this, because they are some suggestions on inclusive language by a com- “Autumn Leaves” Tour silent on the question of Jesus baptizing. mittee of U.S. bishops and rejected others: where, What we know is this — if Christ did in fact for example, the speaker/author intended a mixed Visits Historic East baptize during the early days with his apostles, it audience, “brothers and sisters” is now allowed was not the sacrament of baptism as we know it in place of the earlier “brethren.” What were not * 14 Days from $1539 today. That sacrament, as you correctly point out, changed, though, were references to God or to inserts us into the mystery of Jesus’ death and Christ. Depart September 27, 2013 resurrection and applies the merits of Christ’s ac- tion to ourselves. FATHER DOYLE is chancellor for public information Mass Included Some Days We, the baptized, are initiated into the sacra- and a pastor in the Diocese of Albany, N.Y. Ques- Your Chaplain, Father Daniel Gerres, Senior mental life of the church and placed on a path to tions may be sent to [email protected] Priest at St. Elizabeth’s Church in Wilmington, DE, this will be Fr. Gerres second time as holiness and to heaven. and 40 Hopewell St., Albany, NY 12208. chaplain on this YMT New England Tour. Niagara Falls

Arrive in the birthplace of our Nation, Philadelphia and enjoy a sightseeing tour. Then your scenic journey begins offering spectacular Sister Genevieve Sensat MSC dies March 18 and colorful vistas through Amish Country to Gettysburg where you will see the most important battlefield of the Civil War. Travel north with Sister Genevieve Sen- and secretary for the Marianite congregational a stop at the Corning Museum of Glass into Ontario and awe-inspiring Niagara Falls for two nights! Then head back to upstate New York where sat MSC (Sister Mary Al- administration in Le Mans, France and Potomac, you will board a cruise through the 1000 Islands. Next, drive through ice) died March 18, 2013 Md. She also served as formation director for the the six-million-acre civilized wilderness of the Adirondack region, with at Our Lady of Prompt Marianites. From 1996-2004, Sister Genevieve a stop in Lake Placid and then into the forest area of New England: The Succor Nursing Home in ministered in Haiti at College Regina Assumpta White Mountains, including Franconia Notch State Park, New Hampshire, Opelousas. serving at the College of the Holy Cross Sisters in then view the incredible waterfalls at Flume Gorge and enjoy a trip on Sister Genevieve en- Cap Haitien. the Cannon Aerial Tramway. Next drive along the New England coast tered the Congregation She was buried March 21 in St. Landry Cem- to Boston, with a city tour and visit Cape Cod, exploring Chatham and of the Marianites of Holy etery in Opelousas, following a Mass of the resur- Provincetown with coastal scenery and village shops. View the gorgeous Cross in 1952 and pro- rection in the Our Lady of Prompt Succor Nursing Mansions of Newport, Rhode Island en route to Bridgeport, Connecticut and tour New York City seeing all the major sights of the “Big Apple.” nounced perpetual vows Home. *Price per person/double occupancy. Add $159 tax, service & gov’t fees. Airfare is extra. in 1956. She is survived by her sister, Joyce Sensat Earning a bachelor’s degree from Our Lady of Maynor and her husband, Willie, Baton Rouge, For details, itinerary, reservations & letter from YMT’s chaplain

with his phone number call 7 days a week: Holy Cross College in 1956, she taught in Catholic and two sisters-in-law: Helen Sensat and Lorine schools in South Louisiana. After completing ad- B. Sensat and by nieces and nephews and their 1-800-736-7300 vanced studies in French, she served as translator families. April 5, 2013 spirituality The Catholic Commentator 7 Deaf missionary priest ministers to local hearing impaired community

By Debbie Shelley hearing impaired; accommodate the deaf apostolate is located and Assistant Editor them at church functions; and where Mass is celebrated and in- provide them with opportunities terpreted in sign language, Me- The hearing impaired com- for prayer and healing. liet is a lector and extraordinary munity in the Diocese of Baton Father Coughlin said the deaf minister of holy Communion. Rouge was served and evange- offer hearing Catholics an op- Meliet, who brings Communion lized by one of its own during a portunity to encounter the face of to hospitalized and homebound visit by Father Tom Coughlin of Christ, which makes the church hearing impaired people, said St. the Dominican Missionaries for whole. Francis de Sales provides oppor- the Deaf Apostolate. While in this diocese, Father tunities for the hearing impaired Father Coughlin came to this Coughlin visited the elderly and to be visible in the community. diocese to raise awareness of the shut-ins, evangelized and cel- Meliet added that he believes needs of the hearing impaired ebrated Mass. The theme of the the hearing impaired commu- community, seek support for fos- Father Tom Coughlin, a deaf missionary priest, converses with, from weekend retreat was “Renewed nity’s presence enriches the LSU tering religious vocations among left, Carole Montgomery, executive director of the Apostolate to the in the Spirit.” students whom they encounter. people who are deaf and present Deaf and parish life coordinator at St. Francis de Sales Catholic Deaf Carole Montgomery, execu- Meliet conveyed that Fa- a March 15 – 17 retreat sponsored Apostolate, and St. Francis de Sales community members John tive director of the Apostolate ther Coughlin’s visit shows the by this diocese’s St. Francis de Bergeron and James Ledford. Photo by Debbie Shelley | The Catholic Commentator to the Deaf and church parish church’s solidarity with the deaf Sales Catholic Deaf Apostolate. life coordinator at St. Francis de and hard of hearing. Father Coughlin, who in 1977 priests and religious offer their cating with the hearing commu- Sales, said, “Having a deaf priest Alecia Boutte-Bergeron, who became the first deaf person to love for the hearing impaired and nity, they may isolate themselves, allowed for an entire weekend grew up in Texas and attended be ordained a priest in North their ability to communicate in said Father Coughlin. “They are of cultural connectedness and a deaf school where she sign America, talked about the chal- sign language. invisible,” he said. He stated oth- prayer. At the end of the weekend sang in a choir, said she loves the lenges facing the Catholic deaf “The deaf need to understand er faiths are making inroads with the community had developed a Catholic faith. She assists hear- community as he celebrated the Gospel,” said Father Cough- Catholic hearing impaired people special bond and commitment in ing impaired people by bringing Mass at St. Agnes Church in Ba- lin, who helps the church offer its by providing services to them. Christ.” them to Mass and helping with ton Rouge on March 10. full ministry to hearing impaired Father Coughlin said the Members of the hearing im- social opportunities for them. A big need of the deaf commu- persons. Catholic Church can do many paired community said they were She added that she enjoys min- nity is priests and religious who Father Coughlin spoke enthu- things to welcome the deaf: es- excited to have “one of their own” istering to the hearing impaired are deaf, said Father Coughlin, siastically about the growing re- tablish strong deaf programs in minister to them. and blind. who in 1996 established a House ligious vocations in the hearing dioceses; communicate with the Hubert Meliet said he was Bergeron said about Father of Studies for Deaf Seminarians impaired communities in Africa, hearing impaired using sign lan- raised in the Catholic faith; Coughlin’s visit, “I am so excited in Yonkers, N.Y. In 2002, the the Philippines, India and the guage; project information over- therefor, studying and sharing it that he is here. He is someone program was transferred to the Dominican Republic. head during presentations and with others is important to him. who can better identify with us. I Archdiocese of San Francisco. Because hearing impaired use closed captions in video and At Christ the King Church and have an interpreter and priest in Father Coughlin said deaf people have difficulty communi- televised programs; catechize the Student Center at LSU, where the same person.” Helping people, not hurting them in the confessional y purpose in writing times. The night after her confes- me to take such a confession fess it. She replied, “Because it this column is not just sion she was awake for hours seriously. But adults often do the makes me feel better.” Mto uphold the teachings imagining the pains of hell. same thing. They exaggerate. The I gave her absolution. of the Catholic Church but also Here are some of the facts I priest’s role in the confessional is I end these accounts with a to encourage priests to use their know about this woman. She has not to judge but to witness to the prayer: “May the passion of our discernments skills wisely in the been married to a self-loathing, penitent’s sorrow and, if possible, Lord Jesus Christ, the merits of confessional. irresponsible alcoholic for over to discern the objectivity of the the Blessed Virgin Mary and all Consider the following 40 years; she suffers from a very confession. God alone knows the the saints, and whatsoever good argument: It is a mortal sin painful condition, and her family depths of the human heart. you do or suffering you endure, to miss Mass on Sunday. Jane has serious economic problems. I remember a time when may it all lead to the remission of Doe missed Mass on Sunday. I calmed her down and told a woman confessed that she your sins, the increase of grace Therefore, Jane Doe committed her that a sin of weakness is not a had missed Mass three weeks and the gift of eternal life.” a mortal sin. Correct? sin of malice. I reminded her that in a row. When I asked for the Not necessarily. God is unchanging love and that reason, she replied, “I was in the Father Catoir is chaplain of an There are many serious Spirituality his love and favor is not seasonal. hospital having a baby.” emergency assistance program reasons that might explain Jane’s He always loves her. As a priest I congratulated her, then and writes on spirituality for action. She could be taking care of Jesus Christ, I was confident asked why she bothered to con- Catholic News Service. of a baby or have an illness. We For Today in assuring her that she had not cannot attribute mortal sin to Father John Catoir lost God’s favor. everything. In my 52 years as a priest I There are matters that are have found that many penitents Insurance Solutions! more complicated. Masturbation consequences of this addiction. accuse themselves falsely. I re- is a serious matter. It can lead Related to this matter, there member hearing the first confes- David T. Didier Local Senior Advisor since 1982 to sexual addiction. We know of was a good woman who phoned sions of many children over the people who become sex addicts. me not too long ago. She wept as years. A few of them confessed • Life Insurance/Final Expense – They lose their self-respect, she pled for my help. It seems a the sin of adultery. They probably Term Life, Whole Life, Universal Life 800-935-9750 and in time their lives become priest told her in the confessional read the word “adultery” in a • Medicare Supplements, Dental, Cancer [email protected] unmanageable. Sexaholics that she was living in mortal sin. book listing the possible sins that • Annuities • Retirement Planning Anonymous is a 12-step program Her occasional sexual weak- should be confessed. Affordable, All A or A+ rated by AM Best that can attest to the devastating ness seemed to overpower her at It would have been silly for 8 The Catholic Commentator April 5, 2013 Pope washes feet of 12 young detainees to serve them ‘ from the heart’

By Carol Glatz celebrate the Mass of the Lord’s Supper He told the young detainees Catholic News Service – which reflects on the call to imitate that it was normal to get mad at Christ by serving one another and com- others, “but let it be, let it be.” If VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis told memorates Jesus’ institution of the Eu- that person “asks you a favor, do young inmates that, just as Jesus came charist – in prisons, hospitals or shelters it. Let’s help each other,” he told to help and serve others, he, too, was at for the poor and marginalized. them. their service as a priest and bishop. Held in the prison’s small chapel, the He added that he would wash During the evening Mass at Rome’s Mass was the second of two Holy Thurs- their feet with love. Casal del Marmo prison for minors, day liturgies over which the pope presid- “I do it with my heart because Pope Francis washed the feet of 12 young ed. The first was a morning chrism Mass it is my duty as priest and as people of different nationalities and in St. Peter’s Basilica. bishop; I have to be at your ser- faiths, including at least two Muslims The nearly 50 detainees, including vice,” he said. and two women, who are housed at the about a dozen women, attended the “It’s a duty that comes from juvenile detention facility. Mass. Detainees did the readings and my heart because I love doing The ceremony of washing another’s led the prayers of the faithful. this, because this is what the feet “is important,” the pope said, be- A group of young people who vol- Lord taught me,” he added. cause it shows that “the person who is unteer at the prison as well as a local “This sign is a caress from most high among us must be at the ser- charismatic group provided the music, Jesus,” he said, “because Jesus vice of the others.” playing acoustic guitar and leading the came exactly for this, to serve It also means that “we have to help singing. and to help us.” one another, each one,” he said during In his brief homily, which he delivered He said that, while he was the Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s off-the-cuff, Pope Francis explained washing the feet of the 12 young Supper March 28. what the ritual he was about to perform men and women, all at the Mass The pope broke with a papal Holy meant and what Jesus was teaching his should ask themselves, “Am I re- Week tradition of celebrating the eve- disciples when he washed their feet at ally willing to help others?” ning Mass at a Rome basilica. the Last Supper. He urged all the detainees to Pope Francis kisses the foot of a prison inmate While the prison Mass marked a first “To wash your feet, this is a symbol, a follow the Lord’s example and during the Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Sup- for the modern papacy, the practice sign that I am at your service,” the pope help others because that way “we per at Rome's Casal del Marmo prison for minors was nothing new to Pope Francis who, said. “But it also means that we have to will also do good” in the world. March 28. Pope Francis washed the feet of 12 as archbishop of Buenos Aires, used to help each other.” Vatican Radio reported that young people of different nationalities and faiths, the pope knelt on both knees including at least two Muslims and two women, before the youths, washed, who are housed at the juvenile detention facility. dried and then kissed their CNS photo by L'Osservatore Romano | Reuters feet. The pope later exchanged the sign of peace – a hug and kiss lini, papal vicar for Rome; Archbishop 5500 St. Mary St. Metairie, LA 70006 – with the young people whose feet he Giovanni Becciu, the No. 3 official at the washed. He also distributed Commu- Vatican Secretariat of State; Capuchin (504) 887-1420 (800) 699-4095 nion, which he had not been doing at Father Gaetano Greco, prison chaplain; more public Masses. two deacons and two seminarians. While media outlets were not al- Only eight of the detainees are Ital- 2013 Spiritual Retreats lowed inside the facility, Vatican Ra- ian, the rest are immigrants, many of dio offered a live audio feed and the whom are Muslim while some others are Vatican spokesman, Jesuit Father non-believers, Father Greco said. Many May 3-5 – Staying Awake Federico Lombardi, briefed reporters come from North Africa or Slavic na- Presenter: Rev. Donald Blanchard afterward. He said the ritual was “ex- tions. tremely moving” because kneeling on Explaining to them who the pope was May 24-26 – Handicapped Encounter Christ both knees was very demanding for a and why his visit was important “wasn’t Phuong Pham (504) 312-9278 76-year-old pope. easy,” Father Greco told the Vatican At the end of the Mass, Pope Francis newspaper March 27. May 25 – Young Adult Ministry greeted the residents and 150 members “I felt dejected for a bit when I saw Vince Liberto (504) 250-9697 of the prison staff and other guests in faces lacking emotion or others curious the gym. as to why I was so enthusiastic,” he said. May 31 - June 2 – Jesus Yesterday, Today and Forever - Pentecost The pope thanked everyone for their But the silence was soon broken, the Presenter: Rev. Richard Buhler, SJ warm welcome and said he was happy priest said, when a boy from Naples to be with them. clutched his own head and shouted, “Oh, June 7-9 – Staying Awake In strong words of encouragement, he Mother of God, the pope here!?” Presenter: Rev. Donald Blanchard told the young people “Press on! Don’t Once the others saw the boy’s aston- let yourselves be robbed of hope. Un- ishment and happiness, they started to June 21-23 – The Breath of Life: Honoring the Mystic Within derstood?” understand “that this was something Presenter: Rev. Joseph Nassal, CPPS The pope greeted the residents with truly out of the ordinary, and they be- hugs and gave each of the young de- gan to ask questions. Little by little I saw June 22 – Young Adult Ministry tainees a large chocolate egg and a tra- them getting more enthused, and from Vince Liberto (504) 250-9697 ditional Italian Easter cake shaped like that moment on it hasn’t died down,” Fa- a dove. ther Greco said. Ongoing Programs The detainees, who range in age from The priest, who has been chaplain at Cenacle Prayer Enrollment 14 to 21, then gave the pope a wooden the facility for more than 30 years, said Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Phone: 504-887-1810, Fax: 504-887-6624 crucifix and kneeler they made in the he was sure the pope’s visit would make E-mail: [email protected] detention center’s woodshop. a positive impact on the detainees, as Hospitality Groups Welcome Among those concelebrating with did the visits from Blessed John Paul II the pope were Cardinal Agostino Val- in 1980 and Pope Benedict XVI in 2007. April 5, 2013 The Catholic Commentator 9 Self belief enables faithful to be witnesses, agents of God

Bishop Robert W. Muench’s homily engendered a spirit of euphoria and for the Chrism Mass March 27, 2013 optimism, a new springtime, a re- at St. Joseph Cathedral, Baton Rouge newed Pentecost. Beloved co-workers in Once a year, in every Catholic the vineyard of the Lord, dear sis- diocese in the world, priests and ters and brothers all in Christ, other representatives of the local “The Spirit of the Lord is upon church, on or near Holy Thursday, me; he has sent me to bring good gather with their bishop in their news to the poor, to heal the bro- mother church (cathedral) for ken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to this special Eucharist. Today me- captives and release to the prison- ticulous attention has been given ers, to proclaim a year of favor from to every detail of the celebration, the Lord” (Is. 61:1-2; Lk. 4:18-19). including the selection of music These words of Isaiah, quoted and accoutrements, and liturgical by Jesus in the synagogue in his enactment carried forth with rev- Bishop Robert W. Muench, assisted by Father Tom Ranzino, master of ceremonies, blesses the representa- home town of Nazareth, are so erential grace and dignity. Its par- tives of the Catholic churches, chapels, apostolates and institutions in this diocese who received the holy providentially appropriate today. ticipants: concelebrants, deacons, oils to take to their church, chapel, institution or apostolate to be used throughout this year for the admin- They follow the election of Cardinal masters of ceremonies, ministers, istration of sacraments. Photos by Laura Deavers | The Catholic Commentator Jorge Bergoglio as Pope Francis, a servers, musicians, organizers, man who, in life, ministry and style planners, programmers, decora- These oils will be administered, as to please stand and be recognized? walker. In 1859, this professional compellingly epitomizes them. It tors, sacristans, ushers, broadcast prescribed, for the sacraments of (This year also marks 45 years performer began his daredevil ac- should also characterize us – both personnel, congregation and oth- anointing of the sick, baptism, con- since my ordination to the priest- robatics by successfully crossing those of the general priesthood of ers – all combine to make its sacred firmation, ordination of priests and hood, for which I praise God.) Niagara Falls on a tightrope three the faithful and those of the priest- nature preeminent and pervasive. consecration of new church build- Our extraordinary seminarians inches in diameter, spanning 1100 hood of the ordained – and our For this Chrism Mass is designed to ings and altars. – priests-in-formation — provide feet, and 160 feet above the turbu- mission. be a living, moving, authentic, holy, This Eucharist highlights the great hope for us, as do our many lent waters. Afterwards he asked The watershed choice of Pope personal encounter with and expe- call, gift and role of priests, who will prospects in vocational discern- the crowd if they believed he could Francis has brought fresh per- rience of our faithful, uncondition- make our annual Recommitment ment and other young people invit- make the return trip, this time spective and emphasis within the ally loving God – the transcendent to Priestly Service. I unabashedly ed to this ceremony. As I like to say blindfolded. “We believe; we be- church to her members, and great made immanent. And whenever praise and enthusiastically thank to our youth: “You are not only our lieve,” they responded. Donning a fascination and healthy curiosity and wherever we encounter God, our priests, diocesan and religious future, you are our present (dou- blindfold he skillfully negotiated beyond the church to non-mem- we are forever changed. order, for their stellar dedication to ble meaning). You belong and are the return trip. Next he asked: “Do bers. While the substance of fun- In this Eucharist, the priests Christ, generous responsiveness to needed now.” I commend our dea- you believe I can cross pushing a damental, essential church teach- of our diocese, in collegial fash- the church, and deep pastoral zeal. cons and their wives, women and wheelbarrow?” The crowd cheered: ing is never subject to change, the ion, join me in blessing and co- Anyone looking for a presbyter- men religious, church lay faithful, “We believe; we believe.” And so manner and emphasis with which consecrating the sacred oils (Oil of ate of devoted, committed, faith- administrators, workers, teachers, he did. Then he asked: “And now, we live and proclaim these timeless the Sick, Oil of the Catechumens ful and hard-working clergy need students, benefactors and volun- do you believe I can cross push- truths can be. From the moment he and the Sacred Chrism) for exclu- look no further than the Diocese teers. I also cite the representatives ing a man in the wheelbarrow?” first emerged on the balcony of St. sive use in our entire diocese until of Baton Rouge. Admittedly we do of our church parishes and institu- Confidently the crowd responded: Peter’s Square, Pope Francis has next year’s corresponding Mass. not have the number of priests we tions, who, at the end of this Mass, “We believe; we believe.” Smiling, need (as evidenced by 40 percent of will officially receive the holy oils Blondin shouted back to the cheer- our church parishes sharing a pas- for the places they represent. ing throng: “Great. Now who will tor). Nonetheless, the quality of our Today, in the midst of this spe- get into the wheelbarrow?” Utter priests is unsurpassed. cially declared Year of Faith, we silence ensued, with no one volun- In this Mass we remember with recall that faith is fundamentally teering. particular fondness and in special a belief in the Triune God – as the Clearly it is easier to believe prayer two of our senior priests Creed denotes: “I believe in God, when no personal investment is who entered eternal life since this the Father almighty, and in Jesus involved. But faith in God requires Mass last year: Monsignor Andrew Christ, his only Son, Our Lord … I even more than an investment; it is Frey, a priest for 66 years, and Fa- believe in the Holy Spirit” — then the pivotal personal risk not only ther John McDonald, a priest for in God’s revelation, the truths and to believe in the “Ultimate Beyond” 56 years. Additionally we pray tenets of the faith, and the church – origin and destiny – but to radi- for the repose of Deacon Norman herself. In addition, faith is a belief cally form one’s life around such a Christophe. May they rest in peace. in ourselves, not because of any source. Amen. self-generated worth, but because In the Gospel of Mark, Chapter Today we salute and congratu- we come from God, made in his 9, the father of a demonically pos- late our priest jubilarians — 55 image and likeness, we are living sessed son approached Jesus, re- years: Father Henry Vavasseur extensions of God with innate no- questing, if possible, a cure. When and Father Gerard Siebold CSsR; bility, value and purpose uniquely Jesus replied: “If (I) can? Every- 50 years: Father Clarence Wagues- ours. This self-belief, properly un- thing is possible for the one who be- pack, Father Gerard Young and Fa- derstood and accepted, enables lieves.” The father, in absolute can- ther John Carville; 40 years: Father us to be effective witnesses and dor, responded: “Lord, I do believe, Gerard Martin and Father Robert agents of, in the words of St. Paul, but not enough. Help my lack of Stine; 35 years: Father David Al- “him who is able to accomplish far belief.” What a fantastic answer! As len, Father Thomas Duhé, Father more than all we ask or imagine by we know, Jesus immediately freed Thomas Ranzino; 30 years: Father the power at work within us” (Eph. this son from his bondage. With the Charles Landry, Father Vincent 3:20). father of the possessed son on that Bishop Robert W. Muench, as part of the ritual of blessing the oil of Dufresne and Father Cleo Milano; Perhaps you have heard about occasion, and with the apostles on Chrism, breathes into the urn holding the holy oil during the chrism and 25 years: Father Caye Nelson Jean Francis Gravolet, the self-de- another occasion, let us now sim- Mass March 27 at St. Joseph Cathedral. Assisting the bishop are Father and Father Charles Chukwauni. scribed “Great Blondin,” arguably ply and sincerely pray: “Lord, in- Tom Ranzino, master of ceremonies, and Deacon Joseph Scimeca. May I ask these outstanding priests history’s most famous tightrope crease our faith” (Lk. 17:5). 10 The Catholic Commentator April 5, 2013 Sacred Heart School honors Sisters of St. Joseph

Sacred Heart of Jesus School ter Doris Vigneaux, former honored seven Sisters of St. Jo- school religion coordinator; Sis- seph, who have been affiliated ter Mary Ann Sullivan, former with the school at the weekly teacher’s assistant; and Sister school liturgy on March 20. Evelyn Mee, former teacher and Current faculty members are religion coordinator. Sister Julie Kraemer, second- A reception for the religious grade teacher, and Sister Ad- sisters was held after Mass. The elaide Williamson, second- and celebration coincides with the third-grade teacher’s assistant. Feast of St. Joseph on March Those previously affiliated 19. with the school include former The Sisters of St. Joseph Sacred Heart principal, Sister have been an active presence Patricia Sullivan; Sister Thèrése at Sacred Heart of Jesus School St. Pierre, former teacher; Sis- since it began in 1929. OLOL College recognized with Sisters of St. Joseph attending the March 20 Mass in their honor are, front row, from left, Sister Mary Ann Sullivan, former teacher’s assistant; Sister Patricia Sullivan, former principal; Sister Evelyn Mee, former distinction for community service teacher and religion coordinator; Sister Doris Vigneaux, former religion coordinator; Sister Julie Kraemer, Our Lady of the Lake College real and substantial impact. We current second-grade teacher; Sister Thèrése St. Pierre, former second-grade teacher; and Sister Adelaide has been named to the 2013 Pres- are pleased that our students, Williamson, current second- and third-grade assistant. Those who presented the sisters with bouquets of ident’s Higher Education Com- faculty and staff continue to be flowers are, back row, from left, Joan Hutson, Sacred Heart principal; and Sacred Heart faculty members munity Service Honor Roll with acknowledged for their dedica- Sue Powelle, Pegeen Romero, Catherine Fontenot, Gloria Leggio, Dorothy Calandro, Linda Rizzo and Peg- Distinction. This is the second tion to serving others.” gy Whatley. Photo by Lisa Black Cossé | Sacred Heart School time OLOL College has received Our Lady of the Lake College this award and the sixth time has developed a national reputa- it has been named to the Honor tion for service in the community. Roll. In 2011 the Carnegie Foundation This designation is the highest for the Advancement of Teaching honor a college or university can named OLOL College to an elite receive for its commitment to vol- list of institutions designated with Health & unteering, service-learning and the Carnegie Foundation Com- civic engagement. This year 113 munity Engagement Classifica- colleges and universities in the tion. This classification put OLOL United States were recognized College into a select group of 311 Fitness with the Honor Roll with Distinc- higher education institutions in Special Section of The Catholic Commentator tion. the United States recognized for Inspired by the thousands of their students’ engaged service in Watch for it May 3, 2013! college students who traveled the community through service- here are so many choices today about exercise across the country to support re- learning and civic engagement Tprograms, weight loss programs, preventive lief efforts along the Gulf Coast initiatives. care, nutrition plans and medical advice, but, how after Hurricane Katrina, the Cor- On a campus of approximately do we know what is the best one for us to live poration for National and Com- 1700 students, over 1300 Our munity Service (CNCS) has ad- Lady of the Lake College stu- a fuller, happier, healthier life – physically and ministered the award since 2006. dents participated in community mentally? “Health & Fitness” will focus on It chooses institutions for rec- service of some kind during the these and other related topics. ognition based on their achieve- award’s time frame, giving al- The Catholic Commentator is available online ments in general community ser- most 19,000 total service hours at, and in print to vice or in one of two special focus to the community. According to over 218,000 people in the Diocese of Baton areas which align with the presi- DatabankUSA, the estimated dol- Rouge. Print distribution includes the 12 civil dent’s education and innovation lar value of a volunteer hour for parishes of: priorities. Schools recognized Louisiana is $18.71, which trans- • Ascension • Assumption • East Baton Rouge with “distinction” also share a lates to over $355,000 worth of • East Feliciana • Iberville key characteristic: that there is service offered through the col- evidence that their service has lege’s community partners. • Livingston • Pointe Coupee • St. Helena made measurable improvement CNCS manages the program • Tangipahoa • West Baton Rouge • West in the community. in collaboration with the U.S. De- Feliciana. “This institution, which was partment of Education and the For advertising opportunities in founded upon a tradition of ser- U.S. Department of Housing and “Health & Fitness” call vice by the Franciscan Mission- Urban Development, as well as 225-387-0983 by April 24, 2013. aries of Our Lady, strives each the American Council on Educa- day to better meet the needs of tion and Campus Compact. THE CATHOLIC our community,” explains Dr. “Communities are strength- Sandra S. Harper, Our Lady of ened when we all come together, the Lake College president. “In and we are encouraged that these CSERVING THE DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE SINCE 1962 The official newspaper of the Diocese of Baton Rouge since 1963 collaboration with the outstand- institutions and their students ing local community partners have made service a priority,” we work with, we can see conclu- said U.S. Secretary of Education sively that our efforts have had a Arne Duncan. April 5, 2013 The Catholic Commentator 11 SFX eighth-grader elected Youth Leg governor

By Barbara Chenevert Youth Legislature, a remarkable was named sergeant at arms and youth legislature, a sentiment challenging, but she enjoyed it. Staff Writer feat considering the seventh- and nine students were selected for echoed by most of the students. Brown said she learned the eighth- grade classes combined the Hall of Fame, an honor that Asia Walls said she felt well importance of the position of ser- Jared Eaglin is normally a qui- encompass only 25 students. recognizes outstanding partici- prepared by Domino and sev- geant at arms. She said she count- et, reserved eighth-grader. But “We are a small school. We pation. enth-grade teacher Paulette ed the votes and took down the his humorous speech about fam- went up against much larger O’Brien said his speech was Hamilton. “I really enjoyed my- bills that passed. “I loved the job. ily, friends and food propelled schools. This is really a boost to based on a platform to promote self and it gave me a different ex- I didn’t think it was important at him into the winner’s circle as as the students’ self-esteem,” said protection of athletes, prevention perience than I ever had before,” first, but it is,” she said. governor of Louisiana Youth Leg- eighth-grade teacher Cheryl of animal cruelty and lowering she added. Named to the Hall of Fame islature Session 6. Domino. The school was unable the cost of solar panels. “We worked hard and trained. were Alexandria Coleman, An- “I like food basically,” Eaglin to participate last year because it Student Tommy Jackson said I knew our school would win,” drew Williams, Portia Austin, said. “My brother helped me with didn’t have enough students in- he learned a lot about govern- said Joshua Alexander. Kiara Joné Thomas, Jackson, Eaglin, my speech. We wanted to have a terested, so the 25 who took part ment and how laws are made at Barbin said the experience was Walls, O’Brien and Brown. little humor to attract the audi- this year had no experience, she ence.” Although he talked mostly said. “Once they got there and about Louisiana food, Eaglin said saw it working, they felt good LEARN he doesn’t cook, but likes to eat. about themselves, especially ROSARY MAKING Eaglin was one of three stu- when Jared won.” A Catholic Tradition dents from St. Francis Xavier In addition to Eaglin, Kyle Contact us for Elementary School to obtain O’Brien was elected president a catalog and offices at the March 13 and 14 of the Senate, Antoniqua Brown introductory offer. LEWIS & COMPANY Dedicated to Rosary Making! (800) 342 - 2400

Seventh- and eighth-graders from St. Francis Xavier School who at- tended Youth Legislature Session 6 were bottom row from left, Anto- niqua Brown, Jared Eaglin, Kyle O’Brien; second row, Devin Holden and Tommy Jackson; third row, Portia Austin, Samantha Catherine and JeKoby Johsnon; fourth row, Charrissa Gibson and Joné Thomas; fifth row, Asha Thompson, Asia Walls and Josh Alexander; sixth row, Treyvon Wilson and Kedric Welsh; seventh row, Kiara Barbin, Andre Williams and Andrew Williams; eighth row, Hunter Henderson and Al- exandria Coleman; and top row, Malaya Doucet, James Cobb and Rae- gan Rowley. Photo by Barbara Chenevert | The Catholic Commentator 12 The Catholic Commentator ENTERTAINMENT April 5, 2013

Motion Picture Association of America MOVIE ratings: G – General audiences; all ages admitted PG – Parental guidance suggested; some REVIEWS material may not be suitable for children USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting PG-13 – Parents are strongly cautioned classifications: to give special guidance for attendance A-I – General patronage of children under 13; some material may A-II – Adults and adolescents be inappropriate for young children A-III – Adults R – Restricted; under 17 requires accom- A-IV – Adults, with reservations panying parent or adult guardian L – Limited adult audience NC-17 – No one under 17 admitted O – Morally offensive

The Croods – Animated characters appear in the movie "The Croods." The Catho- lic News Service classification is A-I – general patronage. The Motion Picture Asso- The Croods tale that carries an intriguing Christian ciation of America rating is PG – parental guidance suggested. Some material may (Fox) subtext. Only frightening interludes that not be suitable for children. CNS photo | DreamWorks Beautifully rendered and refresh- might overwhelm the littlest viewers ingly good-humored, this 3-D animated pose any concern for parents. A-I; PG comedy follows the adventures of the immoral actions, fleeting upper female the psychopath (Michael Eklund) who Stone-Age family of the title as they Amour nudity, a single use of profanity, an in- kidnapped her. For most of its running face the perils of climate change. The (Sony Classics) stance of rough language. L; PG-13 time, director Brad Anderson’s thriller overprotective father (voice of Nicolas An elderly couple (Jean-Louis Trintig- plays out as serviceable, if uninspired, Cage) keeps his clan — including his lov- nant and Emmanuelle Riva) in Paris Olympus Has Fallen entertainment for adults. But late de- ing wife (voice of Catherine Keener) and deals with the effects of the wife’s series (FilmDistrict) velopments make it first thoroughly rebellious teenage daughter (voice of of strokes, with escalating damage to Frequently bloody action flick in implausible and then morally unaccept- Emma Stone) — safe inside a dark cave. the husband’s sanity. Director Michael which North Korean terrorists (led by able. Endorsement of vigilantism, much But curiosity leads the latter to encoun- Haneke depicts both the enduring love Rick Yune) seize the White House and violence, some of it gory, at least one use ter a resourceful stranger (voice of Ryan and increasing desperation of a single take the president (Aaron Eckhart) and of profanity, several sexual references, Reynolds) who pledges to guide her and caregiver. Late plot developments, how- other high officials hostage. But they fail occasional rough and crude language. her relatives into the light of a safe hav- ever, make this French-language drama to reckon on the fighting skills of a Se- O; R en. Directors and co-writers Chris Sand- a film even adult viewers will need to ap- cret Service agent (Gerard Butler) whose ers and Kirk DeMicco provide fun for proach with caution and prudence. Sub- temporary desk job in the Treasury De- Admission moviegoers of just about any age with a titles. Mature themes and objectively partment saves him from being mowed (Focus) down in the initial attack — or on the Low-key romantic comedy in which a statesmanship of the speaker of the college admissions officer (Tina Fey) on House (Morgan Freeman), who takes a recruiting trip falls for an idealistic the nation’s helm as acting chief execu- teacher (Paul Rudd) at an experimental tive. Slaughter is interspersed with dem- private school. But complications de- onstrations of American ingenuity and velop when she discovers that the bril- moral superiority in director Antoine liant student (Nat Wolff) her new love is Fuqua’s shallow fightfest. Gory scenes urging her to accept into her university of combat, murder and torture, several may be the child she gave up for adop- uses of profanity, much rough and crude tion during her own campus days. While language. L; R the premise of director Paul Weitz’s slow-paced adaptation of Jean Hanff The Incredible Burt Wonderstone Korelitz’s novel is at least implicitly pro- (Warner Bros.) life, and its wrap-up largely pro-family, By turns charming and repellent, Fey’s character makes some inadmis- this comedy charts the rise and fall of a sible moral choices along the way – as pair of superstar magicians (Steve Carell too does her free spirited, fiercely femi- and Steve Buscemi) on the Las Vegas nist mom (Lily Tomlin). Acceptance of Strip. Competition arises from an out- cohabitation and of premarital sexual rageous street performer (Jim Carrey), encounters, a benign view of unethi- who steals away the superstars’ assis- cal behavior, about a half-dozen uses of tant (Olivia Wilde) and threatens their profanity, a couple of rough terms, occa- Sin City supremacy. As directed by Don sional crude language. L; PG-13 Scardino, the film seeks its laughs the conventional Hollywood way, via sexual G.I. Joe: Retaliation innuendo or nauseating sight gags. Such (Paramount) sleaze — together with a morally flawed In this explosion-laden, ear-splitting conclusion — obscures interesting com- 3-D sequel to 2009’s “G.I. Joe: The Rise mentaries on the wickedness of narcis- of Cobra,” directed by Jon M. Chu, the sism and a fallen idol’s potential path to president (Jonathan Pryce) has been redemption. A benign view of drug use kidnapped and the imposter (Arnold and contraception, much crude humor, Vosloo), who has assumed his identity is sexual innuendo, occasional profane bent on world domination. But first, the and rough language. L; PG-13 villain must spring his nefarious com- mander (Luke Bracey) from prison and The Call eliminate his main opposition: the elite (TriStar) fighting force of G.I. Joes led by Dwayne A 911 operator (Halle Berry) be- Johnson. Pervasive action violence, brief comes personally invested in helping gore, a handful of crude and crass terms. a teen (Abigail Breslin) escape from A-III; PG-13 April 5, 2013 ENTERTAINMENT The Catholic Commentator 13 Resilience is a good quality, as long as 1234 56789 11120 131 41 51 61 it also involves change 71 81 91 02 12 22 Boomerang 243 2 265 2 72 82 92 310 323 The world spit me out and now we’re spinning Now I’m 10 feet tall, all my problems feel so around, lost in a free fall; Forever going down, small; Nothing in my way to make me change; 343 353 3367 and breaking through the ground; When I No ceiling to my sky, just open space to fly; 83 93 04 thought I reached the end, I start to fall again Every time I’m feeling down, I turn it back around 421 4 34 But I was taught to never surrender when it’s 44 54 64 hard to get up; Gonna fight till I can’t stand But I was taught to never surrender when it’s and say hard to get up; Gonna fight till I can’t stand 74 498 4 and say 510 525 35 554 565 Refrain: Oh, you can turn me down, you can throw me (Repeat refrain.) 75 598 5 06 now; The harder out, the harder I come back 16 26 36 around; You can break my heart but you can’t Even though I’m flying high, the sky can scratch my name; I can take the hit ‘cause I’m a change one day; I can hit some turbulence, 46 56 66

boomerang; Oh, whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa, I’m but who I am is never gonna change; ‘Cause moc.scilohtacrofsemagdrow.www a boomerang I’m a boomerang; ‘Cause I’m a boomerang ACROSS 3 Showed over 1 One of the Gospels 4 Airline Sung by Nicole Scherzinger | Copyright © 2013 by Interscope 5 Intense light beam 5 Our Lady, for the Air Force 10 Soft pulpy mass 6 First letter of the Hebrew 14 Hershisher of the diamond alphabet 15 Kukla’s pal 7 Split 16 Malarial fever 8 One, in Berlin icole Scherzinger blends when the other person decides to 17 Standard 9 Matter of law several styles of music move on, you face hurt and a sense 18 Holds back 10 “Ave ___” into her recordings. Just of rejection. 19 “I’m hysterical!” in netspeak 11 Highly excited N 20 Hawaiian acacia 12 Member of mystical Muslim out is her single “Boomerang.” Sure, you can “boomerang” and 21 Retained sect Scherzinger is hardly unknown eventually get past the emotional 22 Easter ___ 13 Satan’s realm to today’s fans of her R&B/pop pain of the separation. However, 23 Direction from Jerusalem to 21 ___ Kringle Nazareth 22 The power to reject productions. She was born in Ho- you only set yourself up for repeat 25 Something to cop 24 Gemstones nolulu, grew up in Louisville, Ky., performances if you do not also open 28 Padre ___ 25 Leonine sin? and turned her musical abilities yourself to change. 29 “Animal House” house 26 Drinks (as a cat) 30 250, to Caesar 27 Cuts up into international recognition In this case, your hurt teaches 33 Georgetown team 29 Number of days Jesus spent with over 50 million recordings you that you need to be more explicit 36 The common people in the desert sold. about your hopes for a relation- 38 Spoken 30 Feet in the image beheld by 39 Parlor game Nebuchadnezzar The song’s character has ship. Instead of playing along with 40 “Behold the ___ of God” (Jn 31 “___ Holy Spirit, fill the apparently been through tough ambiguity, you can take the risk to 1:36) hearts…” times. She feels like she is “for- communicate with the other person. 41 Harass 32 Defamation On The Record 43 Name on a check 34 Treat that can be divided ever going down,” but “when I Then, you can discover where he or 44 Turf 35 Unit of linear measure thought I reached the end, I start Charlie Martin she is with the relationship, and with 45 Easter flower 36 Single stem to fall again.” The details of her this knowledge, you can assess how 46 Ark passenger 37 South American ruminant 47 Disfigure 39 202, in ancient Rome troubles are not described, but much you want to invest emotion- 48 Version of the Bible 42 Israel’s airline she has discovered something important about ally. 50 ___ infallibility 43 He wrote most of the epistles who she is. She states that “I can hit some turbu- Being a truly resilient person flows from learn- 53 Score 46 Accumulates 54 Samuel anointed Saul with 47 Possible Easter month lence, but who I am is never gonna change ’cause ing what life can teach us, and then applying such this 48 Lace mat I’m a boomerang.” information to new situations. Little is gained by 57 Having wings 49 Jeremiah’s description of This affirmation of resilience is helpful. making the same mistake over and over. 58 “The bombs bursting ___…” himself 60 Killer dog of movies 50 Lenten foliage Many of us face difficulties. We need to know Admittedly, there are circumstances when we 61 Hayes of “The Mod Squad” 51 Inter ___ that when we get knocked down in life, there make similar mistakes, but when this happens, 62 Judas’ blood money bought 52 Breathe hard is a power within us that empowers us to turn this should bring a big jolt of awareness. Change it (Mt 27:6–8) 53 Greek goddess of the earth 63 Fixing grub for GI’s 55 Alphabet string setbacks into successes. Such resilience flows out is the power that helps us find new ways to reach 64 Will Hunting’s forte 56 Easy stride of whom God made us to be: a soul that can learn our goals. Eventually, we see clearly how impor- 65 Remains 58 Suppositions and grow and then set out again for the goals and tant it is to change and act differently. 66 Rubberneck 59 Kind of picking DOWN 60 Dove sound aspirations that fill our hearts. The song’s character states, “I can take the 1 He lives in a monastery However, I question if the song’s character can hit ’cause I am a boomerang.” Well, continuing 2 Buck ender Solution on page 16 truly discover her “boomerang” qualities if, as she to “take hits” in time breaks the boomerang. says, she is unwilling to change. Being resilient So, know your inner strength and use it well to often depends on openness to change. We make change your life when difficulties or disappoint- mistakes, learn from the failure and then use this ments emerge. Tree Service experience to change in helpful ways. Also, blend into this the knowledge you’ve Mr. D’s For example, let’s say you are dating someone learned from your experiences. You are strong, ovEr 35 yEars ExpErIEncE but the person is unclear about what he or she but you can also be wise. Don Decell, owner wants in the relationship. This often is the case carl BaBin, owner with beginnings when individuals are just getting Martin is an Indiana pastoral counselor who re- • Economical to know each other. views current music for Catholic News Service. • Fully Insured • Quality Work However, as the relationship continues, you Your comments are always welcome. Write to CALL TODAY! find yourself getting much more serious about the [email protected] or at 7125 West Coun- 225-292-6756 relationship than the other person. Consequently, try Road 200 South, Rockport, IN 47635. 14 The Catholic Commentator VIEWPOINT April 5, 2013 Habemus Papam, et papam differentem he cardinal announced to the was elected to complete its work. He did in his goal of stemming the Christianity is more world, “We have a pope,” and he so, but hesitated to reform the bureau- dropout rate of European than church bureaucracy. Tcould have added, “and a different cratic structure of the church, having Catholics and the grow- It is more than church kind of pope.” From the man they chose, been part of it himself as secretary of state ing secularism of Euro- dogmas. God could have Jorge Bergoglio, cardinal archbishop of under Pope Pius XII. He died and Pope pean governments. His sent more prophets like Buenos Aires, Argentina, it is evident John Paul I was elected, only to die after own Vatican organization Moses’ father-in-law, what kind of pope the cardinals were one month in office. The cardinals then splintered into opposing Jethro, to tell us how to seeking. Our Catholic Church needs chose Polish Cardinal Archbishop Karol factions and caused him structure the church, or change. It has to get back on track after Wojtyla, who chose the name John Paul much grief. He courageous- like Elijah to straighten sexual and financial scandals, and after II and is famous for fighting with com- ly retired and allowed the out false teachers. Instead suffering a large decline in numbers of munist bureaucrats, and his philosophi- cardinals to find a solution he sent his son to model practicing Catholics in many first-world cal and theatrical skills. Pope John Paul to the Church’s ills. “the way, the truth , and countries. II curbed the number of priests leaving Perhaps the cardinals the life” — to heal the This need for reform isn’t new in his- the priesthood, continued to fight com- have finally decided that sick, forgive sinners, feed tory. All of the 21 ecumenical councils munism with tremendous success and Pope John XXIII and his Another the poor, preach the good since the Council of Nicea in 325 were improved the evangelization of young council knew what they news of God’s love for all called to address some kind of needed people with his “World Youth Days” held were doing in their call Perspective humankind, and to give reform. “Ecclesia semper reformanda,” all over the globe. He was popular and ef- for truly pastoral reform. his life and rise again as a medieval saying that means we have a fective as an evangelization team of one. Their choice, Cardinal Father John Carville proof of our destiny. And church always in need of reform, is the However, he left the Vatican bureaucracy Bergoglio, chose the name that his son, Jesus, sent his natural conclusion of Jesus’ choice to largely untouched and actually weakened of Francis. St. Francis disciples out to continue commit his divine mission to the care the decision making power of national of Assisi, who founded the Franciscan his work. of weak human beings. What is unique bishops’ conferences. Rome under Pope Order in 1215, said that Jesus told him As he began implementing Vatican about our newest pope, Francis, is that to “repair my house.” He didn’t fight the II, Pope Paul VI wrote, “The world will he is the fourth pope chosen after the “The world will no worldly and dysfunctional church of his no longer believe teachers unless they Second Vatican Council ended who own day directly; he just lived Christi- are first of all witnesses.” Through our brings his own God-given gifts to the longer believe teachers anity very differently. He knew, as the actions we have to let the world see some- task of implementing the reforms of our American Franciscan Richard Rohr thing more than rituals of pomp and most recent ecumenical council. As the unless they are first of all teaches, “The best criticism of the bad is circumstance. People need to see Christ past 50 years have shown, Francis’ gifts the practice of the better.” alive in us — healing the sick, feeding the of humility, love of the poor and com- witnesses.” Pope Francis’ track record as the poor, loving, forgiving and being people passion for the common man are badly episcopal leader of the Catholic Church in of compassion. The new evangelization needed. John Paul II seemed out of touch with Buenos Aires shows that he has exercised called for by Vatican II and its following The pontiff who called the Second the growing pedophile scandal. His suc- his ministry as a bishop by living like St. popes will succeed more by attraction Vatican Council, Pope John XXIII, asked cessor, Pope Benedict XVI, was a world Francis. His message may not be simply than self-promotion. that it be a “pastoral” council, not a recognized scholar and head of the “Su- that of a churchman, head of the world’s doctrinal one. It was to seek new, up- preme Congregation,” the Congregation largest and oldest Christian church, but FATHER CARVILLE is a retired priest in the to-date ways of proclaiming the Gospel, for the Defense of the Faith. He turned rather a call to a more authentic Chris- Diocese of Baton Rouge and writes on rather than looking for modern errors to out to be milder and more pastoral in his tian lifestyle. Let’s hope that his way of current topics for The Catholic Commen- condemn. Pope John XXIII died after the writings than the “heresy hunter” many being pope will achieve the reform and tator. He can be reached at johnnycar first year of the council and Pope Paul VI thought he would be. However, he failed updating that Vatican II called for. [email protected].

With a new pope with many novelties, does it signal a new era?

s the world awaited word one,” best loved of all the saints, small apartment, setting a good me were, “You’re going to find on who would be elected thus winning the hearts of count- example for the clergy. that it would be easier to move a Ato succeed Pope Bene- less Catholics worldwide who It remains to be seen how cemetery than to move a liberal dict XVI as leader of the Roman admire Franciscan spirituality. effective this new pope will be arts faculty.” Catholic Church, there was much He gave no indication of doing in bringing transparency and I thought of those words talk about the need for reform so, but Jorge Mario Bergoglio needed reform to the Curia. He as I looked at Pope Francis on and transparency in the Roman might also have adopted the speaks Italian fluently and has television, smiling and waving Curia – the church’s central familiar and famous prayer of St. had experience of service on to well-wishers from the balcony administration – and the virtual Francis as a “mission statement” several Vatican congregations, overlooking St. Peter’s Square. impossibility of anyone who for his papal ministry: although he has never lived in He now has the job of moving the might be regarded as a Vatican “Lord, make me an instru- Rome as a full-time Vatican cemetery. And both figuratively insider being able to meet the ment of your peace; where there bureaucrat. And that brings me and practically speaking, there challenge. is hatred, let me sow love; where back to the immediate challenge is no more difficult archeological Then, with the white smoke there is injury, pardon; where awaiting him. terrain anywhere in the world came the surprising news that there is doubt, faith; where there Looking Around Forty years ago when I was than in Rome for doing that. the cardinal electors had turned is despair, hope; where there is named dean of arts and sci- If there is to be a new era of to Latin America and elected a darkness, light; and where there Father William J. Byron SJ ences at Loyola University in transparency and reform in the native of Argentina, who hap- is sadness, joy.” Talk about what New Orleans — which is next Vatican, Pope Francis will need pened also to be a Jesuit, to the world needs now! of Buenos Aires in 1998, he chose door to Tulane University — I all the prayers he can get. occupy the chair of Peter. Commentators all over the not to live in the archbishop’s decided to visit my counterpart The new pope chose to take world associated the person and mansion, gave up the car and at Tulane, an 18-year veteran of Jesuit Father Byn ro is a university the name Francis, honoring the style of the new pope with the driver, chose to take public trans- the academic deanship there, to professor of business and society memory and legacy of St. Francis words “simplicity” and “humil- portation to work and cooked get acquainted and seek some at St. Joseph’s University, Phila- of Assisi, the “poverello” or “poor ity.” Upon becoming archbishop his own meals while living in a advice. His opening words to delphia. Email: [email protected]. April 5, 2013 VIEWPOINT The Catholic Commentator 15

| letterS to the editor God as redeemer, not as rescuer

Governor’s beliefs being questioned efore you get deeply and intimately loved by his father I am deeply disturbed by Clergy to Governor Bobby is. He’s a Pharisaical monster serious about and yet his father many of Gov. Bobby Jindal’s Jindal” on March 18. Their who’d have sold Mardi Gras BJesus, first con- doesn’t rescue him recent actions: his callous- letter goes to the heart of beads on Golgotha.” sider how good you are from humiliation, ness toward the Bayou Corne what’s wrong with Jindal’s Though he claims to be a going to look on wood. pain and death. In his sinkhole evacuees, his fund- immoral tax plan. Catholic convert, Jindal ob- That line from Dan- lowest hour, when he ing of state services by a The signers are a diverse viously did not get the memo iel Berrigan rightly is humiliated, suffer- “garage sale” of assets, his group, the president of the that the new pope has em- warns us that faith in ing and dying on the unwillingness to accept con- conservative Southern Bap- phasized advocating for the Jesus and the resur- cross, Jesus is jeered stitutional restraints on his tist Convention, Rev. Fred weak and the poor, and the rection won’t save us by the crowd with the pension and K-12 education Luter of New Orleans, and pontiff has taken the name from humiliation, pain challenge: “If God is policies, his ongoing assault nearly every denomination Francis after the great Saint and death in this life. your father, let him on colleges and universities of Louisiana clergy, including Francis of Assisi. Faith isn’t meant to rescue you!” But there’s and his rejection of the Med- the bishops of the Methodist Thank God citizens are do that. Jesus doesn’t no rescue. Instead icaid expansion for 400,000 and Episcopal churches. waking up, and his popular- grant special exemp- In Exile Jesus dies inside the of Louisiana’s citizens. It is sad that Gov. Jindal, ity is falling like a lead sinker tions to his friends, humiliation and pain. His tax plan is a reckless. a man who has preached in dropped in a bayou. no more than God Father Ron Rolheiser God raises him up only It will lead to massive state evangelical congregations We all have a responsibil- granted special ex- after his death. deficits, harm small business- statewide, before his reelec- ity to fight Jindal’s tax swin- emptions to Jesus. We This is one of the key revelations es, hurt 80 percent of Louisi- tion, none afterward, cares dle. It’s time for all of us to see this everywhere in the Gospels, inside the resurrection: We have a ana citizens, further destroy nothing about the Christian- stop Jindal’s wrongheaded though most clearly in Jesus’ resur- redeeming, not a rescuing, God. colleges and only serve to ity he professes. sales tax scheme. But it’s go- rection. To understand this, it’s help- The story of the raising of Laza- help our governor’s national As Charles Pierce wrote ing to take every one of us ful to compare Jesus’ resurrection to rus was meant to answer a burning image. for “Esquire” online, “By his speaking up before it is too what Jesus himself does in raising question inside the first generation of But I am heartened by a works shall you know him late. Lazarus from the dead. Christians: They had known Jesus in recent development, the 250 and, by his works, ‘Bobby’ The Lazarus story begs a lot of the flesh, had been intimate friends ministers who signed “An Jindal is no more a Christian Dayne Sherman questions. John, the evangelist, with him, had seen him heal people Open Letter from Louisiana than the average wolverine Ponchatoula, La. begins by pointing out that Lazarus and his sisters, Martha and Mary, and raise people from the dead, so were very close friends of Jesus. why was he letting them die? Why Rahner not most eminent theologian Hence, we are understandably taken wasn’t Jesus rescuing them? It took the early Christians some I disagree with Father John Carville’s claim XVI. In reality, there is no difference between aback by Jesus’ seeming lack of response to Lazarus’ illness and the time to grasp that Jesus doesn’t that the most eminent theologian of Vatican II the “God of Scripture” and the “dogmatically request to come and heal him. ordinarily give special exemptions to is Father Karl Rahner (Another Perspective, proclaimed God” (as Father Carville seems to Lazarus’ sisters, Martha and Mary, his friends, no more than God gave The Catholic Commentator Feb. 22, 2013). claim) unless there is something wrong with sent word to Jesus that “the man you special exemptions to Jesus. So, like Only disciples of the post-council “Spirit of one’s exegesis or dogma. Only those Catholics love is ill” with the implied request us, they struggled with the fact that Vatican II” revolutionaries and some non- who do not know Catholic dogma become “for- that Jesus should come and heal him. someone can have a deep, genuine Catholic clerics consider Father Rahner’s work mer Catholics.” But Jesus’ reaction is curious. He faith, be deeply loved by God, and to be the Catholic standard. Subsequent history Conversely, it is those non-Catholics who doesn’t rush off immediately to heal still have to suffer humiliation, pain and death like everyone else. God has identified a Bavarian peritus by the name seek the truth that end up joining the Church his friend but remains where he is for didn’t spare Jesus from suffering and of Father Joseph Ratzinger as the pre-eminent precisely because of her dogma; and the two days longer while his friend dies. After Lazarus has died, he sets off to death, and Jesus doesn’t spare us theologian of the council and of our time. The Church they are coming to is the Church of from them. theology of Father Rahner, which has frequent- Pope John Paul and Pope Benedict, not that of visit him. As he approaches the village where Lazarus has died, he is met We are forever predicating our ly been questioned for its ambiguity (especially Fathers Rahner, Bacik or Father David Tracy, by Martha and then, later, by Mary. faith on, and preaching, a rescuing his Christology, Mariology and Ecclesiology), whom Father Carville also quotes and who was Each, in turn, asks him the question: God, a God who promises special has been decisively pushed aside by the more dismissed from Catholic University of America “Why?” Why, since you loved this exemptions to those of genuine faith: consistent and authentic theologies of Pope for publicly rejecting Pope Paul VI’s timely and man, did you not come to save him Have a genuine faith in Jesus, and John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI. prophetic encyclical “Humanae Vitae.” Maybe from death? Indeed, Mary’s question you will be spared from life’s hu- The writings of Father Rahner devotee Fa- the problem with current Catholic evangeliza- implies even more: “Why?” Why is miliations and pains. Have a genuine ther Jim Bacik, who Father Carville quotes, ad- tion and catechesis is not the Church’s message, it that God invariably seems absent faith in Jesus, and prosperity will come your way. Believe in the resur- mit to a dichotomy in the theology and method but some of the messengers. when bad things happen to good rection, and rainbows will surround of “progressive American Catholics,” whom people? Why doesn’t God rescue his loved ones and save them from pain your life. Father Bacik identifies with, and the more “tra- Donald C. Marrero Jr. Jesus never promised us rescue, ditional Catholic identity” of Pope Benedict Clinton, La. and death? Jesus doesn’t offer any theoretical exemptions, immunity from cancer apologia in response. Instead he asks or escape from death. He promised Church safeguarding doctrine, Jesus’ commands where they have laid the body, lets in the end, there will be redemp- them take him there, sees the burial tion, vindication, immunity from I was disappointed to read in Father John the ones regarding the option for the poor and site, weeps in sorrow and then raises suffering and eternal life. But that’s Carville’s column (The Catholic Commentator, afflicted, the marginalized, refugees, the dis- his dead friend back to life. So why in the end; meantime, in the early Mar. 22, 2013) the quote of an article in The abled and the homeless. I for one do not see the did he let him die in the first place? and intermediate chapters of our Advocate criticizing the Church hierarchy. In conflict between the hierarchy and the hun- Why didn’t Jesus rush down to save lives, there will be the same kinds of humiliation, pain and death that these times in which the Church is defending dreds of thousands of priests, sisters, brothers Lazarus since he loved him? everyone else suffers. itself from the attack by the Obama adminis- and lay people who do the work. Maybe Father The answer to that question teach- The death and resurrection of tration, I have noticed The Advocate and other Carville can elaborate on this for us. es a very important lesson about Je- Jesus reveal a redeeming, not a res- media redoubling their efforts to show the It is possible that it is this vision of the di- sus, God and faith, namely, that God is not a God who ordinarily rescues cuing, God. Church as divided. This article was just anoth- vided Church that is driving Catholics out. Let us, but is rather a God who redeems er example. And they do it in their customary us all keep in mind the words of the Eucha- us. God doesn’t ordinarily intervene Father Rolheiser, theologian fashion of quoting the unsupported opinion ristic prayer, that those partaking of the body to save us from humiliation, pain and and author, is president of the of anyone they can find, in this case Nicho- and blood of Christ be made one by the Holy death; rather he redeems humiliation, Oblate School of Theology in San las Kristof of the New York Times. Spirit. pain and death after the fact. I believe that the Church hierarchy is doing Simply put, Jesus treats Lazarus Antonio, Texas. He can be contacted an excellent job of safeguarding the doctrine Armando Corripio exactly the same way as God the through his website ronrolheiser. and commands of Our Lord Jesus, particularly Baton Rouge, La. father treats Jesus the son: Jesus is com. 16 The Catholic Commentator COMING EVENTS April 5, 2013

Gospel Concert – The St. Francis Xavier Home and Spirit Life Center, 39003 Rosaryville Road, Ponchatoula. mation and to register call 504-887-1420. School Association is sponsoring a free concert on Satur- For information and to register call 225-294-5022. day, April 13, 7 p.m., at St. Francis Xavier Church, 1120 Magnificat Breakfast – Noel Delery, a spiritual director Myrtle St., Baton Rouge. The concert is open to the public Cenacle Retreats – Cenacle Retreat House will host three and retreat leader, will speak at a breakfast for Magnifi- and will feature Carolyn West, the Pamela Warren Family retreats in April: “Heroic Discipleship,” Friday, April 12 – cat, a ministry for Catholic women, on Saturday, May 11, and Nina Gray. For information call 225-357-0853. Sunday, April 14, Father Joseph Krafft, presenter; “Heal- 9 a.m. – noon, at Oak Lodge Reception Center, 2834 S. ing Through the Great Parables of Jesus,” Friday, April 19 Sherwood Forest Blvd., Baton Rouge. Reservations are Day of Prayer– Sister Rose Bowen OP will present a day – Sunday, April 21, Father Matt Linn SJ, presenter; “Jesus, $15 each and can be made by sending a check to Magni- of prayer, “Biblical Women: Models of Courage and Initia- Yesterday, Today and Forever,” Friday, April 26 – Sunday, ficat to Kathy Simoneaux, 9650 Victory Lane, Denham tive,” on Monday, April 15, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., at Rosaryville April 28, Father Richard Buhler SJ, presenter. For infor- Springs, LA 70726 by May 4.

The Catholic Commentator For help placing your classified ad, PO Box 3316 call 225-387-0983. All classified ads are Baton Rouge LA 70821-3316 prepaid. Credit cards are not accepted. Announcements Business service cArds of tHAnks Help WAnted Help WAnted While we at The Catholic Commenta- Kitchen counter tops. Call for free es- st. Jude thank you for prayers granted. tor do our best to bring reliable ad- timates. John O'neill 225-938-6141 or Publication promised. School Guidance Counselor vertisers to our readers, we are not 225-683-6837. TCh responsible for any claims made by Our Lady of Mercy Catholic School in Baton Rouge seeks a any advertiser. Donnie’s Furniture Repair & Uphol- Prayer to the Holy Spirit joyful, faith-filled, loving, compassionate Guidance Counsel- stery. We do refinishing, repairs, caning, holy spirit, you who solve all problems, painting of furniture and upholstery. who light all roads so that i can attain my or. OLOM serves 800 students Pre-K through 8th grade in Business service in business 43 yrs. Pick up and delivery. goal. you who give me the divine gift to a nurturing Catholic environment that strives to help each Anthony's Furniture Specialties. We 10876 Greenwell springs Rd. 225-272- forgive and to forget all evil against me child reach his or her potential. The Guidance Counselor will restore hurricane damaged furniture. 2577. see our showroom. and that in all instances of my life you if it's furniture we do it all! Refinishing, are with me. i want in this short prayer serve as a resource to teachers, parents and administration re-upholstery, pick up and delivery, etc. Mr. D’s Tree Service to thank you for all things and to con- in serving the needs of our students. Qualified applicants will 2263 Florida Blvd., BR. 225-413-2607. 3 Licensed Arborists firm once again that i never want to be Free Estimates separated from you ever and in spite of also have the ability to teach guidance lessons in the class- BROUSSEAU'S Painting Fully Insured material illusion, i wish to be with you in rooms and coordinate programs on-campus to promote a interior and exterior painting. Experi- Don Decell & Carl Babin, owners eternal glory. Thank you for your mercy enced and reliable. Free estimates. Call 225-292-6756 towards me and mine. healthy environment for student formation. If interested in 225-241-8488 or 225-928-7194. Th exploring employment for the Baton Rouge Care Service. serving Ba- THOMAS LUNDIN, CPA 2013-2014 school year, please Accounting and taxes for businesses, ton Rouge and surrounding areas since Help WAnted send resumé and cover letter 1960. Registered sitters, nurses, and non-profits and individuals; business, nurses aides for the sick and elderly in computer, financial and management St. John High School in Plaquemine to Principal Brian Moscona via services. 30 years experience; profes- the home, nursing homes and hospitals. is accepting applications for 2013-14 e-mail at bmoscona@olom Licensed and bonded for private duty sional, prompt and personal attention. school year full-time positions: 1. span- care. 225-924-6098 or 225-667-0480. 225-296-0404. ish Teacher; 2. Religious studies Teacher; 3. head Boys Basketball Coach. send resume to Mrs. schlatre at cschlatre@st Dave’s Bicycle Repair and Sales. Free Help WAnted pickup and delivery, free estimates, ex- St. Michael the archangel high School pert economical repair on all brands. 225-924-4337 or www.davesbicyclerepair. AssistAnt PrinciPAl com. Teachers Wanted OFFICE CLEANING Our Lady of Mercy Catholic School in Baton Rouge seeks After hours/weekends joyful, faith-filled, passionate, talented teachers committed st. Michael High school is seeking Mature/dependable/References debbie 225-266-7655 to excellence in teaching and ongoing professional develop- applications for the full-time position of Assistant Principal. As an instructional and St. Joseph is the Patron Saint of a ment. OLOM serves 800 students Pre-K through 8th grade Peaceful death. st. Joseph hospice is in a nurturing Catholic environment that strives to help each spiritual leader in the school community, available to support families as they face child reach his or her potential. Qualified applicants will uti- the Assistant Principal works collaboratively end-of-life decisions. Peace, comfort, with the administrative team to advance dignity and support can make every day lize current best practices in planning and pedagogy with an "a good day." Call 225-368-3100 for more the mission of the school. information. emphasis on differentiated instruction, multiple intelligenc- es and Bloom's taxonomy. Experience with Promethean APPlicAnts Must Meet tHe following criteriA: LEBLANC’S TREE & STUMP ActivInspire Boards a plus, as well as iPads and other Ap- •Practicing Catholic •Master’s degree •At least five years REMOVAL, INC. Prompt service–Free estimates ple products. If interested in exploring employment for the teaching experience •theology degree and/or campus FULLY INSURED 2013-2014 school year, please Ministry experience preferred •Demonstrated effective E. H. “Eddie” LeBlanc leadership skills Phone 383-7316 send resumé and cover letter to Principal Brian Moscona via submit letter of interest, resume with references, Pennington Lawn and Landscape e-mail at bmoscona@olom and copies of transcripts to: 225-806-0008 st. Michael High school, c/o Principal, P.o. Box 86110, Lawn & bed maintenance. Clean-up neg- lect. Call for your free estimate. Baton rouge, lA 70879-6110 or fAX to 225-753-0605

Print Your Ad Here MARK LASER MASH OREL OLLIE AGUE NORM RE INS ROFL KOA KEPT VIGIL NORTH PLEA dATEs TO Run: C PIO FRAT CCL Circle Category: Announcements—Business services—Cards of Thanks—For Rent—For sale—help Wanted HOYAS HO IPOLLO I —Positions Wanted—Legal notices (other ) ORAL CARDS LAMB Mail to: The Catholic Commentator, P.O. Box 3316, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-3316 PERSECUTE PAYEE Enclosed is $9.50 for the first 15 words + 15¢ for each word thereafter + 25¢ per line for each special effect (all caps, centered SOD LILY HAM L line, bold lettering); for a total of $______for each issue. MA IM DOUAY Advertisements will nAME PAPAL GOAL OIL not be published AddREss ALAR INAIR CUJO without full payment in LINC FIELD ONKP CiTy PhOnE advance. MATH STAYS OGLE moc.scilohtacrofsemagdrow.www April 5, 2013 The Catholic Commentator 17 Same symbols, different details: Papal coat of arms undergoes changes

By Carol Glatz The five-pointed star has been dero Lanza di Montezemolo, an symbolized Mary” in Catholic Catholic News Service replaced with an eight-pointed expert on heraldry, told Catholic Church tradition. star, and the spikenard flower News Service that changing the The new papal blazon contains VATICAN CITY — The papal coat looks more like a flower rather star was “better” because the five- the same symbols, though now of arms has undergone a few adjust- than a bunch of grapes, as it did in pointed star often carries with it more modified, that Pope Francis ments to more clearly reflect the its original form. “military significance,” while the had on his episcopal coat of arms. symbolism of Mary and St. Joseph. Italian Cardinal Andrea Cor- eight-pointed star “has always The dark blue shield is divided

The Catholic Commentator For help placing your classified ad, PO Box 3316 call 225-387-0983. All classified ads are Baton Rouge LA 70821-3316 prepaid. Credit cards are not accepted. into three sections. On the top is the official seal of the Society of HelP Wanted HelP Wanted For sale Positions Wanted Jesus, representing Jesus and the In sales employment advertise- paid (salary, commissions, etc.) if Greenoaks Memorial Park, BR, – 2 Nanny 25 years experience. Excellent religious order in which the pope ments, the advertiser must name money is mentioned. The ad must plots in Garden of Roses. Valued $4190, references, desire long term job. To love the product or service to be sold. also state if there is an investment sell $3000 both or $1650 each. Call 225- your babies full time, part time and/or was ordained as a priest in 1969. Ads must state how wages will be required. 954-0333 or 225-261-6149 after 6 p.m. weekends. Cook, bake, & laundry. Also The symbol shows a blazing yel- experience sitting with the elderly. Leave low sun with inside the red let- Greenoaks Memorial Park, 2 plots, message. 225-937-5283. Ascension Catholic School seeks section #10 29A–1 & 2, $3600 both or ters, IHS, the sign for the name of $1700 each, less than market price. 225- Jesus. A red cross rises up from a High School English Teacher 869-9041. Requirements include: Classified Ads the letter “H,” and three black –Practicing Catholic HelP Wanted Work! nails rest below. –Bachelor’s Degree The bottom part of the shield –Teacher’s Certification depicts a gold star and a gold Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge spikenard flower, which represent respectively Mary and St. Joseph. E-mail resume to [email protected] Facility Management Director The shield is surrounded by or fax to 225-473-9235 by April 30, 2013. Ascension Catholic does not discriminate in its hiring practices based on race, General Statement of Duties the papal insignia — a miter and color, national or ethnic origin. The Facility Management Director’s primary responsibili- the keys of St. Peter. ties include the general and technical maintenance of the The miter was something Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge/ Catholic Life Center and affiliated assets, management of a Pope Benedict XVI established preventive maintenance program and administration of dioc- in 2005, putting an end to the Catholic Schools Office Tech esan retreat center and kitchen services. Director oversees beehive-shaped three-tiered tiara Coordinator/IT Assistant on/off campus construction projects, serves as consultant that, for centuries, had appeared and resource to Bishop, Churches, Schools, Affiliated Or- at the top of each pope’s coat of General Statement of Duties ganizations and Contractors and serves on the Diocesan The Technology Coordinator position requires a half-day arms. Building Review Board. of work for Catholic Schools, providing technical advice, sup- The silver miter has three gold port, and service to Catholic schools throughout the diocese Must be on emergency call and work a flexible sched- stripes to mirror order, jurisdic- in their implementation and expansion of technology within ule including evenings, weekends and some holidays. Must tion and magisterium, and a ver- educational curriculum and programs as well as support for be able to lift at least 50 lbs., move heavy items/equipment, tical gold band connects the three initiatives coordinated through the Catholic Schools Office and work in inclement weather and work with supplies that may stripes in the middle to indicate compliance with state and federal technology requirements. contain toxins, walk/climb/bend/stoop, work from a ladder their unity in the same person. The IT Assistant position requires a half-day of work in the and work in some areas of height. The two crossed keys have Computer Services department, providing end-user technical Education and Experience Requirements been part of papal emblems for support, purchases hardware/software for end users, assists • Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineer- centuries and symbolize the pow- with network and server administration, and acts as assistant ing, Facilities Management or related field and mini- ers Christ gave to the apostle Pe- to the Director of Computer Systems. mum seven to ten years’ experience in facilities ter and his successors. The Technology Coordinator position requires a half-day of work Education and Experience Requirements management The papal emblem uses a gold in the Catholic Schools Office, providing technical advice, support, • Bachelor’s Degree with 3 years related experience required. • Minimum of three years supervisory experience key to represent the power in and service to Catholic schools throughout the diocese in their • Demonstrate excellent hardware & software troubleshooting • Minimum of ten years’ experience in commercial/ heaven and a silver key to indicate implementation and expansion of technology within educational skills the spiritual authority of the pa- • Demonstrate an in-depth network experience including TCP/ industrial air-conditioning, heating, and refrigeration, pacy on earth. The red cord that curriculum and programs as well as support for initiatives coor- IP, mail gateways, and firewalls HVAC Certification preferred dinated through the Catholic Schools Office and compliance with • Demonstrate a working knowledge of Microsoft Domain • Experience in high/low voltage and pneumatic controls, unites the two keys alludes to the bond between the two powers. state and federal technology requirements. Controlled Networks, Microsoft Exchange server, Web a strong mechanical background, and general knowl- server design/creation edge of chiller plant operation and building codes One detail Pope Francis • A+ Certification, and Network+ Certification or similar Must Be Able to Demonstrate changed in the papal insignia is The IT Assistant position requires a half-day of work in the IT experience preferred removing the pallium from the • Leadership skills, ability to supervise and work within a Other Requirements elements surrounding the shield. Department, providing end-user technical support, purchases team, effective conflict resolution, collaborative efforts, • Strong interpersonal skills essential with the ability to work The pallium, the woolen stole and a general understanding of client services and communicate with people of all levels and backgrounds. symbolizing a bishop’s authority, • Respect and support of the Catholic identity of the • Strong analytical and problem solving skills. was added to Pope Benedict’s coat diocese • Excellent verbal/written communication and presentation of arms in 2005. skills. Please submit letter of interest, résumé and references to: Another change made to Pope • Flexibility to work evenings and long hours when necessary. Director of Facility Management Search Committee Francis’ insignia: His motto, • General understanding and support of the mission of Catholic Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge “Miserando atque eligendo,” education P.O. Box 2028 which means “Having mercy, he Baton Rouge, LA 70821-2028 called him,” is now inscribed on Please submit letter of interest, resume, and Fax: 225-336-8789 a white, red-edged banner under- references to [email protected] Email: [email protected] neath the shield; earlier, the mot- to was just a line of text running Application Deadline is April 15, 2013 Applications must be received by April 19, 2013 under the shield. 18 The Catholic Commentator YOUTH April 5, 2013

DAY OF SERVICE – On March 19, St. Thomas Aquinas High School seniors cleaned STATE MATHCOUNTS WINNERS – The St. Thomas More School eighth-grade Math- several parks in LaPlace that were damaged by Hurricane Isaac. Working in the counts team won third place in the state Mathcounts competition, sponsored by playground area are, from left, Gregg Landry, Sawyer Evans and Steven Walker. the Louisiana Engineering Society, at Pineville on March 14. Members of the team Photo provided by Kristy Karcher | St. Thomas Aquinas High School are, from left, Chris Alumbaugh, Christopher McElveen, Tiffany Pham and Josh Brooks. Photo provided by Kerry Hunt | St. Thomas More School

ERUPTING VOLCANOES – St. John the Evangelist Middle School eighth-grade stu- dents used iPads to research methods of constructing models of erupting volcanoes. Each student presented his or her findings to one of 10 lab groups and the chosen findings were used to construct the volcanoes. With their volcano are, from left, Gra- cie Trahan, Erin Theriot, Hannah Alexander and Grace Acosta. Photo provided by Donna Kirk- land | St. John the Evangelist Middle School

| youth briefs Coan enlisting in military – St. Michael Scouts race in Pinewood Derby – Cub High School senior Jacob Coan will be rec- Scouts in pack 308 participated in a pine- ognized in April along with other area se- wood derby on March 9 at St. Francis of niors enlisting in the armed services this Assisi Church Hall in Donaldsonville. The fall. The City of Baton Rouge is recogniz- scouts raced cars they built against each ing Coan and others at a military service. other. The winners of the derby are: Den Coan will enlist as a Marine, following in 1 (Tigers), Jake Landry, 1st place; Easton the footsteps of his father and fulfilling a Dunn, 2nd place; and Brennan Tripode, life-long dream. Currently Coan is training 3rd place; Den 2 (Wolf), Trot Capello, 1st two to three times a week in the Deployed place; Den 3 (Bears), Will Bellina, 1st Entry Program doing physical training place; Chase Walker, 2nd place; and Kade and preparation. Schexnayder, 3rd place. April 5, 2013 YOUTH The Catholic Commentator 19 Wendt seeks to improve peers’ lives through leadership positions

By Debbie Shelley of the traditions that can make their call to leadership and that Assistant Editor them effective evangelizers. even if they serve in capacities “It’s an exciting time for the that are not directly tied to the “Youth are not only the leaders church,” said Wendt. church, they are called to be the of tomorrow, they are the leaders He challenged youth to see face of Christ where they are. of today,” said St. Michael High School junior Austin Wendt, who strives to raise young people’s quality of life and strengthen Custom Made, Hand Smocked their faith through his leader- ship positions in the community, Dresses, Gowns & Bonnets: school and church. Christening, As president of the Baton Rouge Mayor’s Youth Advisory Flower Girl, Christmas, Council, which is comprised of First Communion, Easter students from schools through- 2415 Dogwood Ave. out East Baton Rouge Parish, (225) 284-1098 Baton Rouge, LA 70808-2123 Wendt helps identify and find solutions to problems youth St. Michael the Archangel High School junior Austin Wendt, pictured face. One of the council’s main here with Mayor Kip Holden, serves as president of the Mayor’s Youth focuses is to encourage youth to Advisory Council, vice president of the Louisiana Association of Stu- Honesty. Respect. eat nutritious foods and to exer- dent Councils and a member of the Diocesan Youth Board. Photo pro- Professionalism. cise. vided by Ashley Guglielmo | St. Michael the Archangel High School Courtesy. The council has been working with the school food services in As newly elected vice presi- Board. According to Wendt, Baton Rouge to provide healthy dent of the Louisiana Associa- events such as Diocesan World food choices for the students. tion of Student Councils (LASC) Youth Day, Diocesan Youth Con- Joe Skibinski, Agent It’s how I treat all my customers. And you  can be sure I’ll always do my best to meet Another project of the council is Wendt will work with his fellow ference and Abbey Youth Festival       your needs. Like a good neighbor, reducing youth crime through district officers to host the LASC help young people to “get excited ® ­   State Farm is there. CALL ME TODAY. education. Council members are district rally next spring at the about the faith.” €‚€ƒ„ assisting City Year, a non-profit University Lab High School in Wendt, who was instrumental organization dedicated to in- Baton Rouge. He said he works in getting a eucharistic adoration creasing the graduation rate of at the local level to help LASC’s chapel established at St. Michael 1101016.1 V  middle and high school students, mission of developing students’ High School, says traditions are at workshops to train educators character and leadership skills by very important to the youth. in schools in addition to hosting talking to students at St. Michael “Youth like the traditions. It’s programs for students. about their potential. the incense, the symbols, liturgi- New Orleans-Style Shutters Wendt noted that the Youth “I’m very visible throughout cal texts, the longstanding tradi- Visit our showroom at 6032 Crestmount Dr., Baton Rouge Advisory Council is rebuilding the school,” said Wendt. tions of the church that go back its web page at and its A member of St. Jean Vianney to the early centuries,” Wendt Facebook page to contain infor- Church in Baton Rouge, Wendt said. mation for teens about the coun- is also a leader in the church as He said youth get excited cil and its ongoing projects. a member of the Diocesan Youth about and have a new perspective

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• Muffulettas • PoBoys • Meat trays • Sandwich trays • Homemade Italian sausage • Cheeses • Imported pasta, black & green JCDA DAY – Junior Catholic Daughters of the Americas and members of Court St. Rose de Lima #1194 olives, olive oils, balsamic CDA of St. Amant witness the signing of a JCDA Day proclamation by Ascension Civil Parish President Phone orders welcome! vinegars Tommy Martinez. The council members are, from left, Valerie Leeth, JCDA leader; Hope Leeth, JCDA member; Rosa Rodriguez, JCDA secretary; Bettye Lambert, CDA regent; Becky Shilling, CDA treasurer; Anthony’s ItAlIAn DelI Dawn Fortenberry, CDA financial secretary; Mason Westbrook, JCDA president; and Katie Burleigh, Baton Rouge’s only TRUE ITALIAN Deli Since 1978 JCDA member. Photo provided by Dawn Fortenberry | Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court St. Rose de Lima #1194 10248 Florida Blvd. (BON AMI shopping center) (225) 272-6817 • Mon. - Sat. 9:30 am - 6 pm 20 The Catholic Commentator April 5, 2013 priests: Pope Francis says a good priest anoints his people with the oil of gladness From page 1 sorrowing and alone,” the pope “with unction,” that is with the through us, then we are priests, give ourselves and the Gospel to ily on the meaning of being “the said standing at a lectern. soothing, comforting words of mediators between God and others, giving what little oint- anointed ones” through ordina- The precious sacramental oil God. men,” he said. ment we have to those who have tion, underlining Holy Thurs- “is not intended just to make us If people leave Mass “look- The pope urged priests to not nothing, nothing at all,” he said. day as the day Jesus shared his fragrant, much less to be kept in ing as if they have heard good grow weary of people’s requests The pope called for resist- priesthood with the apostles. a jar, for then it would become news,” then the priest has clear- and needs no matter how “in- ing the onslaught of the “cri- God anointed his servants so rancid and the heart bitter,” the ly done his job well, the pope convenient ... purely material or sis of priestly identity (which) they God anointed his servants pope said. said. downright banal,” such appeals threatens us all and adds to the so they would be there for oth- He said a good priest anoints “When we have this rela- may seem. Priests need to look broader cultural crisis,” and for ers, serving “the poor, prison- his people “with the oil of glad- tionship with God and with his deeper at what’s driving the en- not giving up casting one’s nets ers, the sick, for those who are ness,” by preaching the Gospel people, and his grace passes counter: the person’s underly- in the name of the Lord. ing hope and desire for divine “It is not a bad thing that re- comfort, for being “anointed ality forces us to ‘put out into with fragrant oil, since they the deep,’” where “the only know we have it.” thing that counts is ‘unction,’ “We need to ‘go out,’ then, not ‘function,’” he said, where in order to experience our own bringing God’s healing and anointing, its power and its re- comfort to others is the prior- demptive efficacy: to the - ‘out ity. skirts’ where there is suffering, The pope ended his hom- bloodshed, blindness that longs ily by asking the faithful to “be for sight, and prisoners in thrall close to your priests with affec- to many evil masters,” the pope tion and with your prayers, that said. they may always be shepherds Ministers do not encounter according to God’s heart.” God through “soul-searching or constant introspection,” he Editor’s Note: The text of the said. Even though “self-help pope’s homily in English is online courses can be useful in life,” at he said, living by them will only cesco/homilies/2013/documen lead people to become “pela- ts/papa-francesco_20130328_ gians,” that is to falsely believe messa-crismale_en.html. that good will and strenuous The text of the pope’s hom- effort without divine aid may ily in Spanish is at overcome sin. holy_father/francesco/homi The power of grace “comes lies/2013/documents/papa- alive and flourishes to the ex- francesco_20130328_messa- tent that we, in faith, go out and crismale_sp.html.

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