Publication of the Servants of Charity Servants of Charity August–September 2008 100 Years of Service and Grace ❖ 1908–2008 Volume 21 Number 5 August-September 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS PUBLISHED BY: 1 ......Blessed are they who The Pious Union of St. Joseph Hunger and Thirst for Patron of the Suffering and Dying Righteousness for They 953 East Michigan Avenue Will Be Satisfied Grass Lake, Michigan 49240-9210 3 ......The Church and World 517-522-8017 voice 517-522-8387 fax Hunger
[email protected] Fr. Joseph Rinaldo, SC 6 ......Dear St. Joseph EDITOR IN CHIEF: Fr. Joseph Rinaldo SC Bishop Tonino Bello EDITING TEAM: 8 ......Can We Remove Death Fr. Enzo Addari SC, Fr. Dennis Weber from Life? Interview with SC, Fr. Charlton Viray SC, Fr. Ronald Cardinal Georges Marie Jesiah SC, Fr. Felicks Kirubanithi SC, Martin Cottier, OP Fr. Paul Oggioni SC Franca Giansoldati PUBLISHING ASSISTANTS: Fr. Satheesh 10 ....The Pope has Touched the Caniton Alphonse, Joe Yekulis, Heart of America Lauren Hill Fr. Joseph Rinaldo, SC PHOTOS: Servants of Charity, Servire, 12 ....Election 2008: Our La Santa Crociata Christian Obligation Joseph Yekulis 14 ....The Joy of Being Called Fr. Charlton Viray, SC The Voice of Providence: Is a non-profit bi-monthly publication 16 ....Immaculate Conception of the Divine Providence Province of 18 ....The Blessed Mother Hears the Servants of Charity, a Catholic the Cry of Our Heart Religious Congregation founded by Alejandro Dieguez Blessed Fr. Louis Guanella, (1842-1915) 22 ....Let Us Go to the Father Mission Fr. Gabriel Cantaluppi, SC The divine call places the Servants of 24 ....Same Gift of the Spirit Charity in the heart of the Church, Fr.