SÕJATEADLANE Estonian Journal of Military Studies 13 / 2019 CULTURAL, PEACE AND CONFLICT STUDIES SERIES Volume I Religion and Politics in Multicultural Europe: Perspectives and Challenges Edited by Alar Kilp and Andres Saumets Volume II Extremism Within and Around Us Edited by Alar Kilp and Andres Saumets Volume III The Law of Armed Conflict: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives Edited by Rain Liivoja and Andres Saumets Volume IV Sõna sõjast ja sõda sõnast. Tekste ja tõlgendusi War of Words, Words of War. Texts and Interpretations Edited by Andres Saumets and Vladimir Sazonov Volume V Operatsioon “Iraagi vabadus”: kümme aastat hiljem Operation “Iraqi Freedom”: Ten Years Later Edited by Andres Saumets, Holger Mölder and René Värk Volume VI The Crisis in Ukraine and Information Operations of the Russian Federation Edited by Vladimir Sazonov, Andres Saumets and Holger Mölder Volume VII Kümme aastat Vene-Georgia 2008. aasta sõjast: peegeldusi hübriidsõjast ja Venemaa poliiti- listest ambitsioonidest Ten Years after the Russo-Georgian War of 2008: Reflections on Hybrid Warfare and Russia’s Political Ambitions Edited by Karl Salum and Andres Saumets Volume VIII Zapad 2017 infosõja vaatepunktist Zapad 2017 from the Perspective of Information Warfare Edited by Andreas Ventsel, Vladimir Sazonov and Andres Saumets Volume IX Russia, Syria and the West: From the Aftermath of the Arab Spring in the Middle East to Radicalization and Immigration Issues in Europe Edited by Vladimir Sazonov, Illimar Ploom and Andres Saumets ESTONIAN MILITARY ACADEMY
Saddam Hussein ﺻﺪام ﺣﺴﻴﻦ :Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti (/hʊˈseɪn/;[5] Arabic Marshal Ṣaddām Ḥusayn ʿAbd al-Maǧīd al-Tikrītī;[a] 28 April ﻋﺒﺪ اﻟﻤﺠﻴﺪ اﻟﺘﻜﺮﻳﺘﻲ 1937[b] – 30 December 2006) was President of Iraq from 16 July 1979 until 9 Saddam Hussein ﺻﺪام ﺣﺴﻴﻦ April 2003.[10] A leading member of the revolutionary Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party, and later, the Baghdad-based Ba'ath Party and its regional organization the Iraqi Ba'ath Party—which espoused Ba'athism, a mix of Arab nationalism and socialism—Saddam played a key role in the 1968 coup (later referred to as the 17 July Revolution) that brought the party to power inIraq . As vice president under the ailing General Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr, and at a time when many groups were considered capable of overthrowing the government, Saddam created security forces through which he tightly controlled conflicts between the government and the armed forces. In the early 1970s, Saddam nationalized oil and foreign banks leaving the system eventually insolvent mostly due to the Iran–Iraq War, the Gulf War, and UN sanctions.[11] Through the 1970s, Saddam cemented his authority over the apparatus of government as oil money helped Iraq's economy to grow at a rapid pace. Positions of power in the country were mostly filled with Sunni Arabs, a minority that made up only a fifth of the population.[12] Official portrait of Saddam Hussein in Saddam formally rose to power in 1979, although he had already been the de 1979 facto head of Iraq for several years.
Iraq: Bbb Ackground on Hhhuman Rrrights Ccconditions, 19841984----19921992
August 1993 Vol. 5, Issue 5 IRAQ: BBBACKGROUND ON HHHUMAN RRRIGHTS CCCONDITIONS, 19841984----19921992 This newsletter contains background information about human rights violations in Iraq, gathered by Middle East Watch in July and August 1992 from victims, eyewitnesses and family members currently living in exile in Syria and Jordan. It serves as a supplement to the Middle East Watch publications "Human Rights in Iraq" (Yale University Press: 1990) and "Endless Torment: The 1991 Uprising in Iraq & its Aftermath" (June 1992). With a few exceptions, the Iraqis interviewed for this publication left their country in 1991 or early 1992. For most, it was the first time they had been outside Iraq, and thus the first time they could speak freely about abuses that they or their relatives had endured, or that they themselves had witnessed. The first part of the newsletter examines some of the methods used by the regime's security apparatus to maintain control of Baghdad and southern Iraq after the post-war March 1991 uprisings were crushed. The second section includes detailed testimonies about human rights abuses from 1984 to 1989. TABLE OF CONTENTS Maintaining Control: 19911991----19921992................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2222 Security Forces Open Fire on Baghdad Demonstration
Saddam Hussein, Saddam Hussein Was the President of Iraq
Animal Farm Research Chapter.3 By: Zion and Caeleb The world leader we picked was Saddam Hussein, Saddam Hussein was the president of Iraq. He was born on April 28, 1937, in Al-Awja Iraq. Hussein was raised by his mother, her second husband Ibrahim alHassan and her brother Khairallah Talfah.Hussein's first wife, Sajida, was his first cousin, the daughter of his maternal uncle Khairallah Talfah. Many of Hussein's family members were part of his regime. Brotherinlaw Brig. General Adnan Khairallah was Minister of Defense. Sonsinlaw General Hussein Kamel, husband to Raghad Hussein, led Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons program and his brother, Colonel Saddam Kamel, husband to Rana Hussein, was in charge of the presidential security forces. Eldest son Uday was head of the Iraqi Olympic Committee and younger son Qusay was head of the Internal Security Forces. And halfbrother Busho Ibrahim was the Deputy Minister of Justice. 1956 Takes part in an unsuccessful coup to overthrow King Faisal II and Prime Minister Nuri asSaid.1957 Hussein formally joins the Baath Socialist Party.July 14, 1958 King Faisal is killed in a coup led by Abdul Karim Kassem.October 1959 Hussein and others attack the motorcade of Abdul Karim Kassem. The assassination attempt fails and most of the attackers are killed. Hussein escapes and flees to Syria. Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser hears of Hussein's exploits and arranges for him to travel to Cairo.February 8, 1963 Kassem is overthrown and executed, and the Baath Party takes over.
Sadam Husein Es Uno De Los Personajes Más Importantes Del Siglo XX
Sadam Husein es uno de los personajes más importantes del siglo XX. El dictador, con unas ideas imperialistas basadas en la voluntad de dominar los países árabes y de afirmar su país, Irak, como la nueva Babilonia antigua, ejerce su supremacía durante más de 20 años, en los que impone un sistema político que combina los conceptos dictatoriales soviéticos y nazis con los procedentes de las ideologías árabes y tribales. Su autoridad en Oriente Medio lo conduce a entrar en guerra contra Irán y a atribuirse un territorio independiente —Kuwait— sin temor a la oposición internacional ni a la de los Estados Unidos. Con todo, los errores de estrategia militar que comete a partir de los años noventa merman su poder de liderazgo en Irak, país que poco a poco se sume en el caos. Esta guía estructurada y concisa te invita a concoer a este embajador de las ideas panárabes y defensor de la laicidad republicana árabe frente al creciente auge de un islamismo extremista que asola el país vecino, Irán, y que inspira temor en todos los países occidentales y árabe-musulmanes. Sin embargo, sus métodos dictatoriales, que se apoyan en su familia y su tribu, el clan sunita, y que se opone a los chiítas, demasiado religiosos, así como a los kurdos, demasiado independentistas, sacudirá Oriente Medio y el mundo entero. Página 2 Mylène Théliol Sadam Husein El ascenso y la caída del dictador iraquí En 50 minutos Historia - 0 ePub r1.0 Titivillus 01-04-2020 Página 3 Mylène Théliol, 2017 Traducción: Marina Martín Serra Editor digital: Titivillus ePub base r2.1 Página 4 SADAM HUSEIN ¿Nacimiento? El 28 de abril de 1939 en Al Auya, un pueblo cerca de Bagdad (Irak).
2015 Oscar for the Best Actor? A) Steve Carell B) Bradley Cooper C) Eddie Redmayne D) Michael Keaton
A 16117 120 MINUTES 1. Who in 1953 introduced the ABX model of communication? A) German Maletzke B) Denis McQuail C) Theodore H. Newcomb D) John W. Riley 2. Conversing with the divine, with spirits and ancestors, may be termed --- communication. A) Transpersonal B) Intra-divine C) Trans-divine D) Intra-line 3. Which of the following is derived from the Hutchins Report? A) Authoritarian Theory B) Free Press Theory C) Social Responsibility Theory D) Soviet Media Theory 4. The concept of hegemony owes much to the work of ------ A) Antonio Gramsci B) Abraham Maslow C) Aristotle D) Noam Chomsky 5. Who said that ‘the medium is the message’? A) Alfred Marshall B) David McLuhan C) Wilbur Schramm D) Marshall McLuhan 6. When did the Parliament pass the Right to Information Act? A) 2004 B) 2005 C) 2006 D) 2007 7. Transcendental meditation is an example of ---communication. A) Group B) Interactive C) Intrapersonal D) Interpersonal 8. Who founded the first nationalist news agency in India? A) Raja Ram Mohan Roy B) Surendranath Bannerjee C) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad D) S. Sadanand 9. The quarterly journal, Vidura is published by --- A) Press Trust of India B) Press Council of India C) Press Institute of India D) Prasar Bharati 10. Article 19(2) of the Constitution deals with --- A) Limitations to the right to property B) Reasonable limitations to the freedom of expression C) Reasonable restrictions of right to Information D) Limitations of right to religion 11. Who was the Chairman of the First Press Commission in India? A) Justice P.
Syracuse University SURFACE Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Political Science - Dissertations Affairs 2011 Leadership Style And Diversionary Theory Of Foreign Policy: The Use Of Diversionary Strategies By Middle Eastern Leaders During And In The Immediate Aftermath Of The Gulf War Kilic Bugra Kanat Syracuse University Follow this and additional works at: https://surface.syr.edu/psc_etd Part of the Political Science Commons Recommended Citation Kanat, Kilic Bugra, "Leadership Style And Diversionary Theory Of Foreign Policy: The Use Of Diversionary Strategies By Middle Eastern Leaders During And In The Immediate Aftermath Of The Gulf War" (2011). Political Science - Dissertations. 104. https://surface.syr.edu/psc_etd/104 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at SURFACE. It has been accepted for inclusion in Political Science - Dissertations by an authorized administrator of SURFACE. For more information, please contact surface@syr.edu. Abstract The diversionary theory of war is one of the most speculated about and debated theories in foreign policy literature. The theory argues that government leaders who are confronted with public antagonism over domestic economic, social, and political problems sometimes start wars to divert their populaces‘ attention from domestic problems and therefore to survive politically. Numerous foreign policy conflicts have been interpreted as being diversionary in nature and it has been commonplace for analysts to examine the domestic politics and problems of countries that engage in international conflict. Specifically, the use of force by US Presidents against external actors, such as U.S. President George H.W. Bush‘s operation against Grenada and the First Gulf War, and U.S.
MR NIK GOWING Main Presenter BBC World, British Broadcasting Corporation, United Kingdom
MR NIK GOWING Main Presenter BBC World, British Broadcasting Corporation, United Kingdom Since February 1996, Nik Gowing has been the main presenter on BBC World News, the BBC’s 24-hour international television news and information channel. He also fronts the channel’s flagship hour-long news programme World News Today. From 1996 to March 2000, Nik was principal anchor for weekday news programme The World Today, and its predecessor, NewsDesk. He was a founding presenter of Europe Direct and has been a guest anchor on both HARDtalk and Simpson’s World. He is also a regular moderator of the Sunday news analysis programme Dateline London. Nik has been a main anchor for much of BBC World News coverage of major international crises including Kosovo in 1999, and the Iraq war in 2003. Nik was on air for six hours shortly after the Twin Towers were hit in New York City on 11 September 2001 and fronted coverage of the unfolding drama of Diana, Princess of Wales’ accident and made the announcement of her death to a global audience estimated at half a billion. He also anchors special location coverage of major international events, and chairs World Debates at the World Economic Forum in Davos and the annual Nobel Awards in Stockholm. Before joining the BBC, Nik was a foreign affairs specialist and presenter at ITN for 18 years. From 1989 to 1996 he was diplomatic editor Channel 4 News, from ITN in London. His reporting from Bosnia was part of the Channel 4 News portfolio, which won the Bafta Best News Coverage award in 1996.
Issue 385 of Ofcom's Broadcast and on Demand Bulletin
Issue 385 of Ofcom’s Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin 27 August 2019 Issue number 385 27 August 2019 Issue 385 of Ofcom’s Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin 27 August 2019 Contents Introduction 3 Notice of Sanction Autonomous Non-profit Organisation TV-Novosti 5 Broadcast Standards cases In Breach The No Repeat 9 to 5 on Sam FM Sam FM Bristol, 20 May 2019, 12:34 7 Journey for Iqra Iqra Bangla, 28 March 2019, 20:00 9 Resolved The Music Marathon Gold, 27 May 2019, 12:45 15 Advertising Scheduling cases In Breach Advertising minutage ATN Bangla UK, various dates between 27 January 2019 and 10 March 2019 19 Advertising minutage Sony Entertainment Television, various dates between 24 February 2019 and 14 April 2019 20 Broadcast Licence Conditions cases In Breach Providing a service in accordance with ‘Key Commitments’ EAVA FM, St Mathews Community Solution Centre Ltd, 6 to 12 May 2019 22 Retention and production of recordings ATN Bangla UK, ATN Bangla UK Limited 25 Tables of cases Complaints assessed, not investigated 27 Complaints outside of remit 38 BBC First 40 Investigations List 42 Issue 385 of Ofcom’s Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin 27 August 2019 Introduction Under the Communications Act 2003 (“the Act”), Ofcom has a duty to set standards for broadcast content to secure the standards objectives1. Ofcom also has a duty to ensure that On Demand Programme Services (“ODPS”) comply with certain standards requirements set out in the Act2. Ofcom reflects these requirements in its codes and rules. The Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin reports on the outcome of Ofcom’s investigations into alleged breaches of its codes and rules, as well as conditions with which broadcasters licensed by Ofcom are required to comply.
The Ba'th Party in Iraq: from Its Beginning Through Today
Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Theses and Dissertations Thesis Collection 1993-12 The Ba'th Party in Iraq: from its beginning through today Cabana, Joel L. Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School http://hdl.handle.net/10945/39665 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA AD-A276 153 ~TC T'-7'CTE S•,AR 0 11994 S"'•THESIS THE BA'TH PARTY IN IRAQ: FROM ITS BEGINNING THROUGH TODAY by Joel L. Cabana December 1993 Thesis Advisor: Ralph H. Magnus Second Reader: Kanil T. Said Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited 94-06643 - 2• R 068 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE form Approved ,~or~aI OMB NO 0704-0ie8 PNX ow i~ngDW,•aeA for this colloc'uoo of ml/oenatiort ,s "i,ritlgdlq 1o ever&"l~ i hour per respo)nse. inc4ludin t"• tirrf/ ltO reviewing instructios, searching eqwvfing dat|al 10.rc Silow:;• and mai4ntaiin the data needed. and coring tin and reviewing the ci'linoft of *focqlOna- Send commients re~rtdig th~tslovitat"q estionte or &nv olne, #%we(t Of lZi ,~ont~o of nfm4( , *•llh! v•t~n ~ N ,Wc this for~e o oh•O , ur*.trs rtv Clit, 0'rectOrate vof infoitnotO O,rotno era , tiona I l Dnd ,. ii is iteltrTion 04..S "h.y. Suite 14. 47lo n. 9Vr•i , PO214 the OUf O ie f Management and Budgt I'iaPrwoki d01 .on Project (004-014) Washington. OC 20503 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) 12. REPORT DATE 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED 11993 December Masters Thesis 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE S. FUNDING NUMBERS The Ba'th Party in Iraq: From Its Beginning Through Today 16.
LONDON RECRUITING SPECIAL ISSUE Lead Story: Dateline London: Optimism Persists as Growth Sectors Emerge in the Hunt for Talent 1 Ranking: Hunt Scanlon London Top 60 6 Spotlight: Serving Clients During Critical Times 7 A HUNT SCANLON MEDIA PUBLICATION No. 7 2020 Dateline London: Optimism Persists as Growth Sectors Emerge in the Hunt for Talent “Despite the disruption around us, London continues to be a strong market and the global hub for talent,” said James Roome, Russell Reynolds Associates’ country manager for the U.K. “Companies have inevitably delayed some decision-making and are more cautious and some sectors are really struggling. There is a clear divide between the companies who are on the ‘right side’ of the shifts in the market and those that are on the wrong side of them.” It’s very difficult to disentangle the chaos created by COVID-19 and Brexit, Mr. Roome said. “However, prior to the COVID-19 crisis hitting, executives were starting to become more wary about a relocation to the U.K. Brexit uncertainty puts doubts in the mind For all the challenges that 2020 has brought to the executive search of leaders who might be considering London as a home – the industry in London – from COVID-19, a global economy under personal factors are often as important, or more important, than the pressure, and continuing worries over Brexit – recruiters are looking professional factors.” ahead to the new year with a certain degree of optimism and even confidence. Playing off their strengths and opportunities, and never forgetting London’s place as a world financial capital, search firms BY THE NUMBERS here seem to be adapting well as they navigate new ways forward.