University of Cincinnati News Record. Thursday, April 9, 1964. Vol. L (1
Uni.versity of Cinoinnati Vol. 1, No. 24 Cincinnati. Ohio, Thursday, April 9, 1964 SeriesBF 1 Z553 Section II Elections Olympians O,DK Honors Nine _ r , ~ De~ayed One. Week. Name In Tapping Tuesday Section II campus elections, previously scheduled for -Omicron Delta Kappa, the na- secretary and pledge trainer' of Apr. 16-17, instead will take place Apr. 23~24. 'Revealed by tional leadership honor society, his social fraternity, 'and program .held its Spring tapping Tuesday chaiman of Men's Advisory. Elections Committee Chairman Tom Watkins at Monday Wilson in the Main Lounge of the Union. Tom Seifert-As a Bus. Ad. Eight outstanding upperclass- night's Student Council session, the change was necessitated senior, Tom combines a 2.98 aver- . because the College of Design, Architecture, and Art does men and One DC administrative age with being vice-president of member .were tapped. not resume classes until Apr. 20. ' the Purchasing Board fraternity, , The Alpha Theta Circle ,of ODK president of his college tribunal, - Voting machines, used in last' at DC yearly recognizes those and president of his social fra- month's election , will again be passed a $1771 request; $1731 of men on campus who display ex- ternity. r ceptional character plus leader- used. The voting will decide all which will come from the BBSO, ship ability, and at the same time -Carl Burk Tower-po'ssessing a co-op college positions, some should the latter consent. , academically rank in the -,upper 3.42 average as a pre-junior is • \class officer posts, and _the stu- Included in this request will 35 per cent of their respective Bus.
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