Chair: M C Keelan Vice-chair: A Thompson

Berrybrook Education Business Suite Berrybrook Education Business Suite Berrybrook Primary School Berrybrook Primary School Greenacres Avenue Greenacres Avenue Wolverhampton WV10 8NZ WV10 8NZ

Telephone: (01902) 290155 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]


PRESENT: Ms H Andrioli - WVTC Ms A Brown - Westcroft School Mr AV Gill - WMCUTC Mrs M Hughes - St Edmund’s Catholic Mr C Jones - Wednesfield High Mr A Jones - Wolverhampton Girls High School Miss A Knott - Khalsa Academy Miss M Keelan - Chair Mr D Lewis - S Peter’s Collegiate Mr A Otero - Colton Hills School Mr M Palfreyman - OSWB Academy Mr G Tate - Highfields School Mr A Thompson - Vice Chair

IN ATTENDANCE: Mr M Ashfield - Gloucester University Dr D Elliott - Kareer Hub Mrs K Hodgetts - Clerk Dr D Hughes - Kareer Hub Mr R Hughes - Kareer Hub Mr T O’Callaghan - CWC, EBP Ms R Lalli - CWC

APOLOGIES: Ms K Bhakta - Moseley Park School Mr D Coombes - St Matthias Miss L Craig - OLSC Academy Ms N Davis - Amethyst Trust Mrs J Fletcher - Coppice Mr J Ludlow - The Kings


Mr M Mitchell - The Royal School Mr M Morgan - Ms M Teasdale - Director of Education

The Chair welcomed colleagues to the meeting and introductions were made around the table.


0128 RESOLVED: That the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 9 November 2017 be approved as a correct account, with the amendment made to minute No. 0111 to better reflect Mr Otero’s considerations of SEN support for primary schools (as reported in 0129(a) below).


0129(a) Welcome – Director of Education (Minute No. 0111)

Ms Brown asked the Chair whether she had received information on the formation of the school consultative group. The Chair advised that the Director of Education was working on the SEND Review and would be setting up a meeting in the summer term. The Chair requested that Headteachers engage in the meeting when details became available. Ms Brown reported that a paper had been presented at Scrutiny Panel that agreed capital spend at Penn Hall School to enable them to admit a broader range of pupils and to commission more places at Tettenhall Wood School and to have a sensory room at Warstones Primary School. Ms Brown noted that the paper had not addressed SEMH but this may be addressed in a later stage of funding.

Mr Otero requested that his comment regarding SEN support for primary schools be recorded to reflect that he considered that there was currently a lack of SEN support for primary schools in the City.

0129(b) P16 and Data Sharing

The Chair reported that she had not received the amended data sharing document from the Director of Education.

0129(c) Wolverhampton Safeguarding Children Board Update (Minute No. 0115(b))

Ms Brown reported that discussions had taken place to investigate the possibility of ConnectEd Partnership providing further Safeguarding training to compliment the provision currently available and to raise the quality of Safeguarding training available across the City.


The Chair advised that apologies had been received from the Director of Education and it was hoped that she would be able to attend a meeting in the summer term.



The Chair advised that apologies had been received from Mr Coombes. The Chair reported that Mr Coombes had attended The Towers with LA Officers to consider the site. Mr Thompson reported that Mr Coombes was working with Mr Hague and other partners to produce a business plan for The Towers. The charging mechanisms, staffing costs and possible costs for refurbishment were under consideration. It was hoped that the new plan would enable The Towers to become more competitive and to continue to provide a valuable service for the young people of Wolverhampton.


Ms Brown provided an update from the Wolverhampton Safeguarding Children Board. Colleagues confirmed that they had received a briefing paper prior to the meeting.


The Chair encouraged colleagues to attend the Children’s Trust day being held on 28 March.


Mr Ashfield joined the meeting at this time and was welcomed by the Chair.

Mr Ashfield gave an overview of research undertaken by Gloucester University regarding barriers to attending university. Research had found that there was a cultural dynamic to university choice. The university were particularly focusing on Widening Participation of BME students and hoped to complete more focus groups within schools. Mr Ashfield advised that they had previously worked with Aldersley and Colton Hills and planned to work with Heath Park in the near future. The university hoped to build relationships with schools in the area and offered various support to schools including: visits to the university, subject specific visits and support with writing personal statements for students in return for a school hosting a focus group. Ms Hughes asked if reps would attend information evenings attended by students and their families and Mr Ashfield agreed that this would be possible. The group were asked to contact Mr Ashfield directly for further information. The clerk agreed to circulate contact details to the group following the meeting.


Dr Elliott, Dr Hughes, Mr Hughes, Ms Lalli and Mr O’Callaghan joined the meeting at this time and were welcomed by the Chair.

Mr O’Callaghan advised that the Workbox app had been developed for young people in the City and was widely used. The City of Wolverhampton Council (CWC) had brokered a deal to enable Kareer Hub to link in with Workbox.

Mr Hughes and Dr Hughes presented information on Kareer Hub, explaining the following:


 The app aimed to connect the curriculum to labour market trends by providing information on FE and HE courses, apprenticeships and local and national labour market information  A Superusers group had been established to facilitate development of the app and included colleagues from Wolverhampton  Users were able to search the app using course title, subject area or postcode  The elastic search would return related subjects that a user may be interested in, but also sometimes returned unexpected results  Kareer Hub would be available to all schools through Workbox for three years in the first instance, with the hope that additional funding would be secured to continue Wolverhampton’s subscription to the app  The national Careers Strategy and the Gatsby benchmarks were considered  The group completed a short exercise and considered that young people did not have adequate experience of work before they left education  The Black Country Careers Development Partnership would be established to consider the Gatsby benchmarks and how they could be met

Mr C Jones considered that there had been significant changes to the management of careers advice and guidance in recent years that had been detrimental to young people in . Mr C Jones stressed that schools recognised the importance of high quality careers advice and support and endeavoured to provide this and welcomed any practical support that could be provided but raised concerns that staff did not have the knowledge to fully support young people. Dr Hughes advised that she had raised this concern with a number of audiences, including with advisors to the government.

Mr Gill questioned where the LMI on the app was derived from and was advised that a number of sources were used including the Office of National Statistics and the Labour Force Survey. Dr Hughes advised that the app was able to make LMI projections up to 2024 based on the most reliable sources currently available. Mr O’Callaghan advised that the information was then presented in a format that was suitable for staff and students. Mrs Hughes raised concerns that LMI would be related to trends in London but was reassured by Kareer Hub colleagues that the app analysed local information and data. The group agreed that the search facility would be beneficial in opening conversations with students about the options available to them. Mr C Jones considered that the vital factor in providing careers guidance was the conversations between staff and students and stressed that this was the area that required greater support in schools.

Miss Andrioli questioned whether there was information on L1 and L2 opportunities. Dr Hughes advised that the Superusers group had identified this as an area of need and this was currently under development. Mr Hughes advised that vacancy information was not currently available on Kareer Hub but could be developed in the future. Mr O’Callaghan reported that the CWC were working with Pertemps to pilot a vacancy system through Workbox.

Mr O’Callaghan advised that Kareers Hub was live and guidance information on it’s use would be sent to schools by the end of the month. Following a 12 week period, it was hoped that the experience of users in schools would be recorded.

[Mr Ashfield, Dr Elliott, Dr Hughes, Mr Hughes, Ms Lalli and Mr O’Callaghan left the meeting at this time]


The group received the presentation positively however, Mr C Jones questioned whether any Headteachers had been consulted before Kareers Hub was bought in. Colleagues advised that they had not been consulted. The group were grateful that the LA had procured a tool to support careers guidance at no cost to schools in the first instance.


The Chair advised that the group were required to appoint a Chair and Vice Chair at this time. Nominations were considered by the group and it was

0136(a) RESOLVED: That Miss Keelan be reappointed as the Chair of Wolverhampton Secondary Headteachers’ Partnership for 2018/19 with effect from 1 April 2018

0136(b) RESOLVED: That Mr Thompson be reappointed as the vice Chair of Wolverhampton Secondary Headteachers’ Partnership for 2018/19 with effect from 1 April 2018

The group were grateful to have representation which meant their number of meetings out of school were reduced and their views represented at a number of forums.


0137(a) ConnectEd Partnership Update

The Chair encouraged colleagues to attend the ConnectEd Partnership Leadership conference which would be held on 21 June 2018 at Wolverhampton Racecourse. Two free spaces were available to all member schools and any further places were available at a subsidised rate.

Colleagues were requested to complete and return their ConnectEd Partnership membership forms if they had not already done so. The Chair noted that a two year membership was available at a fixed cost.

0137(b) P16

Mr Gill advised that the next P16 Consortium meeting would be held on Friday 23 March 2018, 1pm – 3pm at WMCUTC.

Mr Gill offered to attend schools to speak to Y9 students about possible options at WMCUTC. Mr Gill advised that the WMCUTC taster days would be held on Tuesday 13 March for Y9 and Thursday 15 March for Y11. The Chair thanked Mr Gill for his attendance at the meeting and the opportunity to meet with colleagues.


The group considered holding a meeting in the summer term and to invite the Director of Education to provide an update on SEND. The following dates were considered: Thursday 19 April, Tuesday 24 April and Thursday 26 April at 8am at Berrybrook Education Business Suite.


The Chair agreed to liaise with the Director of Education and circulate the agreed date with colleagues as soon as possible.

Meeting finished at 10.15am

Signed: …………………………………………………………………………. (Chair of WSHP)
