ONE HUNDRED TERMS (Chinese Edition 中文拼音版) SERIES ONE THE MYSTERY OF HUMAN LIFE 1. The Mystery of Human Life 2. God Loves You 3. The Bible 4. There Is God 5. Christ Being God 6. Life through Faith 7. Repentance and Confession 8. Baptism 9. The Assurance of Salvation SERIES TWO THE SPIRITUAL EXERCISE 10. Prayer 11. Is Prayer Answered? 12. Reading the Bible 13. The Importance of Meeting 14. Spiritual Companions 15. Hymn Singing 16. Praising 17. Being Revived Every Morning 18. Calling upon the Name of the Lord 19. Pray-Reading the Word 20. Eating the Lord 21. Drinking the Lord 22. Enjoying the Lord 23. Pray-reading, Studying, Reciting, and Prophesying SERIES THREE THE WORD OF LIFE 24. The Word of Life 25. The Recovery Version of the Bible 26. Knowing the Hymns 27. The Life-study of the Bible 28. Crystallization-study of the Bible 29. The Holy Word for Morning Revival 1

SERIES FOUR THE GROWTH IN LIFE 30. Being Filled the Hungry with Good Things 31. Loving God 32. Fact, Faith, and Experience 33. A Personal and Affectionate Relationship with the Lord 34. The Sense of Life 35. The Fellowship of Life 36. Faith and Obedience 37. Experiencing Christ 38. Clearance of the Past 39. Why Do Believers Suffer? 40. Facing Persecution 41. Withstanding the Devil 42. Not Loving the World 43. God’s Keeping Power 44. The Hope of the Christian Life SERIES FIVE WALKING ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT 45. The Human Spirit 46. The Mingled Spirit 47. Being One Spirit with the Lord 48. Exercising the Spirit 49. Being Filled in Spirit 50. Walking According to the Spirit SERIES SIX THE COMPLETE SALVATION OF GOD 51. The Judicial Redemption 52. The Organic Salvation 53. The Triune God as Life to Saturate the Tripartite Man 54. Regeneration 55. Sanctification 56. Renewing 57. Transformation 58. Conformation 59. Glorification


SERIES SEVEN GOD'S ECONOMY 60. God’s Economy 61. God’s Dispensing 62. The Mingling of God with Man 63. The Ministry of the Age 64. The Processed Triune God 65. The All-inclusive Christ 66. The Consummated Spirit 67. The Divine, Eternal Life 68. The Body of Christ 69. The Church 70. The Kingdom 71. Christ’s Second Coming SERIES EIGHT THE HIGH PEAK OF THE DIVINE REVELATION 72. God Became Man So That Man May Become God 73. The Full Ministry of Christ in Three Stages 74. The God-man Living 75. The Overcomers 76. The Reality of the Body of Christ 77. The New Jerusalem SERIES NINE THE LORD’S RECOVERY 78. The Great Mystery—Christ and the Church 79. The Seven Stages of the Church 80. The Lord’s Recovery 81. What Are We 82. The Ground of the Church 83. Watchman Nee 84. Witness Lee 85. Knowing the Sects 86. Identifying Heresies 87. Our Attitude toward Fellow Believers 88. Being Subject to Rulers and Authorities over Us


SERIES TEN THE BUILDING UP OF THE CHURCH 89. The Building Up of the Church 90. The God-Ordained Way 91. The Life Pulse in the Practice of the God-Ordained Way—the Home 92. Living Uniquely for the Gospel 93. Shepherding the Lord’s Sheep 94. The Vital Group 95. The Group Meeting 96. The Lord’s Table Meeting 97. The Prophesying Meeting 98. The Offering of the Material Riches 99. Participating in Conferences and Trainings 100. The Blending of the Body of Christ


Term One The Mystery of Human Life vieg sab di/ muyi at gangm bang/ nei/ ji vet/ me nuh Abstracts: daok / srang bi: Rom. 9:23 In order that He might make known the riches of His glory upon vessels of mercy, which He had before prepared unto glory. rou mu/ jiongm buk/ bram buen/ kao / me pei / bei haoyi/ bao drong/ jiang bak/ aoyi/ pie ji nie/ dail guo /neng/sei ge dei/ mei da/gak ru na, dail drong /ban/ rieb jiang/ jie mun/ ban/ sgual/ sei ge dei / vi seih/ nei/ sei rei la ao/ dao bao ri saot/ rou bao drong / ven. We are the vessels of God to contain and express God. When sin entered into man, causes man to commit sins. Because Christ died on the cross and accomplished redemption, so we need to believe and be baptized. yeng /ge jie /pie ji nie/rou bao brie/ dam bei dak/ neng /sangm dai/ brie. nev bei dail / angm be bab/jiul mao knong/me-nuh/ tve aoyi /me nuh/ brao bret/angm be bab. daoyi /sa/ brie geri/ ban / sou gut/ nev le che qi gang/ haoyi / ban/ sangm raj/ ga / brao luoh/ douj qi nei/ yeng drouv dai ji-e/ haoyi/dou dul/ bang/ jirou muj dek. Contents: klem sa: Gen. 1:26a And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness. lou gou ban/ jiongm buk/ muyi/ kao/ me pei/ bram muyi/ gao drong/ gou min/brie bon dul ta/ jiul yeng/ tve/ me nuh/ aoyi/ douj jie/ rub yeng / aoyi min/ pieb / douj yeng. Rom. 9:23 In order that He might make known the riches of His glory upon vessels of mercy, which He had before prepared unto glory. rou mu/ jionm bu/ bram buen/ kao / me pei / bei haoyi/ bao drong/ jiang bak/ aoyi/ pie ji nie/ dail guo /neng/sei ge dei/ mei da/gak ru na, dail drong /ban/ rieb jiang/ jie mun/ ban/ sgual/ sei ge dei / vi seih/ pnei/ sei rei / la ao/ daol/ bao ri saot/ rou bao/drong / ven. John 1:29 The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said, Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! you han / jiongm buk/ muyi/ kao/ me pei/ bram / buen lu si-ai lang/ you han/ ken/ brie/ ye su/ dail/ drong/ gangm bong / dai/ yeng /maok/ ai/ gua/ nuh gao/ boul ta,/ nuh nao, / goun jiem/ nei brie/, dail / dao / bab me nuh louk/. I. “And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness”— Gen. 1:26a: I. “haoyi brie jie me jiah drong/ gou min/brie bon dul ta/ jiul yeng/ tve/ me nuh/ aoyi/ douj jie/ rub yeng / aoyi min/ pieb / douj yeng”: A. God made man according to His own image and rieness because man was created as a vessel to contain God Himself; riewise, a glove is made in the 5

rieness of a hand because a glove is made for the purpose of containing a hand— v. 26. A. brie / ban / bong gae/ me nuh/ aoyi/ min/ rub/ neng / pieb/ douj/ drong/ bi bruh/ me nuh/ drouv ban/ bong gae/lang/ douj jie/ pie ji nie/ sangm rab/ da/ brie/ drong/ pdual/ douj knie/ nih dai; / sram dai/ drouv ban/ bong gae lang/ dam rub pieb / douj/ dai/ bi bruh/ sram dai/ drouv ban/ bong gae lang/ knong/ goul/ bongm nang/ sangm rab/dak daiy. B. He created us in His image and rieness so that we may be fit for Him to put Himself into us—v. 26. B. drong ban/ bong gae / yeng / aoyi min rub/ douj jie drong/ neng/ pieb/ douj/ drong/ douj qi nei/ yeng a/ le moum/ sangm rab/ drong/ dam bei /dak / brie ang/ nev knong yeng. II. “In order that He might make known the riches of His glory upon vessels of mercy, which He had before prepared unto glory”—Rom. 9:23. II. “haoyi/ bao drong/ jiang baek/ aoyi/ pie ji nie/ dail guo /neng/sei ge dei/ mei da/gak ru na, dail drong /ban/ rieb jiang/ jie mun/ ban/ sgual/ sei ge dei / vi seih/ pnei/ sei rei / la ao/ daol/ bao ri saot/ rou bao/drong / ven.” III. When sin entered into man, it became a power that causes man to commit sins; Christ died on the cross and shed His blood in order to wash away our sins and accomplish redemption—John 1:29; Rom. 5:12: III. nev beil/ angm be bab/ jiul /mao knong me nuh/ viye/ klayi jie angm naj/ dail/ tve/ aoyi / me nuh/ brao bret/ angm be bab. brie geri/ ban sou gut/ nev le che qi gang/ haoyi ban/ bong hou/ brie lou het/ rou bao drong/ dam bei/ lieng / sangm ad/ angm be bab/ rou bao yeng/ neng / bangm ben/ sangm raj/ ga / brao luoh. A. Christ died as the Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world—John 1:29. A. knong niem/ jie/ goun jiem / nei brie/ brie geri/ ban sou gut/ dam bei/ daog/ youg/ angm be bab/ jin bi/ louk gei. B. Christ died as a grain of wheat, falling into death for the release of the divine life—10:24. B. knong niem/ jie/ gruab srouv/ sa lei/ muyi/ gruab/ brie geri/ ban / sou gut/daoyi/ ga/ tliek jiaoh/ dev knong/ sei ge dei / slab/ dam bei/ ban jin/ ji vet/ rou bao brie. IV. “He who believes and is baptized shall be saved”—Mark 16:16a: IV. “niak na/ dail ji-e/ haoyi / dou dul/ bang/ jirou muj dek/ nuh neng ban sang gruh”: A. To believe is to receive the Lord Jesus; we should simply open our mouth and call on the Lord from our heart so that He will enter into us—v. 16. A. Ga ji-e/ ge ga/ dou dul youk/ brie ang me jiah ye su; yeng guo dai/ baek muat/ rou bao yeng/ haoyi/ angm biu niu/ rouk / brie ang me jiah/ ao bi/ du-eng jiet/ rou bao yeng/ dam bei aoyi/ drong/ neng jiul/ dev knong/ yeng. B. After we have believed in the Lord, we need to be baptized—v. 16. B. ben duab/ bi yeng/ ban ji-e/ le brie ang me jiah/ yeng jiam baj/ drouv dai/ ban dou dul/ jirou muj dek.


V. “Listen closely now to His gospel free: / You were made by God to His vessel be; / You were formed as a man, / To fulfill His great plan: / Now He wants to be your life! / He will be so real to you, / Make your life so beautiful, / Full of joy, and meaningful, / If you come to Him”—New Songs, Glad Tidings. V. "ao! nih jie reng dao sain aoh jia, ge brie ye su haoyi neng rub kniaom, kniaom nev knong drong drong gong knong kniaom, jie at gangm bang jie reng aoh jia"—KH 177. Table Contents


Term Two God Loves You vieg sab/ di/bi brie jie me jia /srao lan/ nie Abstracts: daok / srang bi: John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, thatveryone who believes into Him would not perish, but would have eternal life. you han / jiongm buk/ bei / kao/ daob bram muyi/ brie ang /drong/ srao lan/ me nuh louk/ daol melaih/ ban jie/ brie ang/ brao dien/ brie ri / jiu baot dra/ dai muyi/ rou bao drong/ dam bei aoyi/ aoh niak na/ dail ji-e/ dao brie ri/ jiu baot dra/ nu neng /men drouv vi nie layi/ dai aoyi/ min ji vet/ ao gaol/ jie neij /ven. God is love! He has to be concerned about man’s need. Christ came to die in order to solve the problem of sin for us. If you will say to God, “I am a sinner. I am willing, and I want to accept You,” you will be saved! brie jie me jia/ ge jie / sei ge dei/ srao lan. / drong ban/ kvaol kvai/ bi / daom rou ga/ rou bao me nuh/ brie geri/ ban yeng maok/ sou gut/ dam bei/ dao srayi/ ba nia ha/ nei angm be bab/ rou bao yeng/ brao sen bae/ nie ni yeyi/ de gan/ brie jie me jia ta/ dul bang goum/ jie me nuh/ min bab/ dul bang goum/ sma jiet/ haoyi jiang/ dou dul youk/ brie ang/ nu nie/ neng ban / sang gruh /. Contents: klem sa: 1 John 4:16b God is love. muyi you han / jiongm buk /buen/kao/ dao bram muyi/ brie jie me jia/ ge jie / sei ge dei/ srao lan. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, thatveryone who believes into Him would not perish, but would have eternal life. you han / jiongm buk /bei/kao/ daob bram muyi/ brie ang drong/ srao lan/ me nuh louk/ dao melaih/ ban jie/ brie ang/ brao dien/ brie ri jiu baot dra/ dai muyi/ rou bao drong/ dam bei aoyi/ ao niak na/ dail ji-e/ dao brie ri jiu baot dra/ nuh neng /men drouv vi nie layi/ dai aoyi/ min ji vet/ ao gaol/ jie neij /ven. Rom. 5:8 But God commends His own love to us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. rou mu/jiongm buk / bram/ kao/ bram bei ben dai/ brie ban pdaol/ sei ge dei/ srao lan/ rou bao drong/ maok yeng/ nev beil dail/ yeng min bab/ nev layi/ brie geri/ drong sou gut/ sangm rab yeng/ rual knie/. I. “God is love”; “for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son”— 1 John 4:16; John 3:16: I. brie jie me jia/ ge jie / sei ge dei/ srao lan. brie ang /drong/ srao lan/ me nuh louk/ dao melai/ ban jie/ brie ang/ brao dien/ brie ri / jiu baot dra/ dai muyi/ rou bao drong/: A. God is love; this is a fact! God is love, He cannot help but love, it would make 8

Him uncomfortable if He did not love. A. brie jie me jia/ ge jie / sei ge dei/ srao lan. ni ge jie/ ga bet./ brie jie me jia/ ge jie / sei ge dei/ srao lan, drong/ men aj jiuyi ban/ ben dai/ srao lan/ drong men min/ brie deiy/ saok srul layi/ brao sen bae/ drong men ban/ srao lan. B. He has loved and He has given. He has given the Lord Jesus to the world, to die for the world and accomplish salvation on the cross. B. drong ban / srao lan/ neng ban / brao dien aoyi. drong ban/ brao dien / brie ang me jiah ye su/ daol me nuh louk,/ dam bei/ sou gut/ sangm rab/ me nuh louk/ neng / bangm ben sangm raj/ sei ge dei / sang gruh/ nev le che qi gang. C. For this reason, the Bible has shown us this one great fact: the love of God is manifested in the death of Christ. C. daoyi bruo/ haid nih haoyi/ deb brie gongm bi/ ban bang han/ yeng nev ga bet/ dao aojia muyi ni/ nuh ge ta/ sei ge dei / srao lan / nei /brie jie me jia/ ban / sangm dai-ing/jin / nev knong/ sei ge dei slab/ rou bao brie geri. II. “Everyone who believes into Him would not perish, but would have eternal life”—v. 16: II. ao niak na/ dail ji-e/ dao brie ri/ jiu baot dra/ nuh neng /men drouv vi nie layi/ dai aoyi/ min ji vet/ ao gaol/ jie neij /ven: A I am sayeng one thing today: God wants you, and God loves you. A saob tenaiyi ni/ kniaom gangm bong/ niyeyi/ reng muyi/ nuh ge ta/ brie jiang ban niak/ neng srao lan niak. B. He has dealt with and solved all of our problems, He has left no room for our doing or work; we do not need to do anything except believe in what the Lord has accomplished. B. drong ban/ dao srayi/ rual ba nia ha/ rou bao yeng/ drong men ban/ duk gen lai-ing/sangm rab/ aoyi yeng/ tve ga ngie / lao yi;/ yeng men jiam ban/ tve evei/ diang aoh/ lek lin-ing/ dai ga ji-e/nev/ evei / dail brie ang me jiah/ ban /bangm ben sangm raj/ ruj haoyi ben nao. C. I hope you can remember that God is love! If you will say to God, “I am a sinner, I am willing, and I want to accept You,” you will be saved; then God will rejoice, and you will also rejoice together with Him. C. kniaom sang kem ta/ niak aj/ jiang jiam ta/ brie /ge jie /sei ge dei / srao lan. brao sen bae niak ni-yeyi dev gan/ brie ta/ dul bang goum/ jie me nuh/ min bab/ dul bang goum/ sma jiet,/ haoyi jiang/ dou dul youk/ brie ang/. nuh niak/ neng ban / sang gruh /. graoyi maok/ brie ang/ neng/ rik riyeyi / brie deiy/ haoyi/ niak/ gao neng/ rik riyeyi jiet/ jie muyi/ neng/ drong / pao-ang dai. III. “God is love, who sent His beloved Son, / Man is fallen with corruption, / But You sent Your dear Son. / God commends His kindness and love toward us, / In that while we were yet sinners / Christ died for us”; “Just believe in Him. Be not perishing, / But have eternal life”—New Songs, #1011.


III. "brie mei da jie baot jiangm rieng kniaom/ jiet tvaiyi bang gongm/ muat sao sae / brie gun drong kmin evei/ na muyi brieb smae/ ban diang jiet ji vet kniaom/ drong srao lan yeng / drong srao lan yeng /jiat brie baot dra/ maok rouk yeng"—KH 31. Table Contents


Term Three The Bible vieg sab/ di /bei brie gongm bi Abstracts: daok /srang bi: 2 Tim. 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. bi timu tei/ jiongm buk/ bei/ kao/ dao bram muyi/ groub diang/ bat gongm bi/ ge jie/ brie drong ban ben jin/ brie vei nien/ ban dal/ aoyi dai-ing/ dei/ gao min brao yao/ sangm rab ga/ bang rin,/ ga roum lek/ aoyi deng / klun,/ ga brao daov/ daom rang,/ neng/ ga/ bang hat,/ kang ai / sei ge dei/ souj jia ret. The Bible is the breath of God, is something breathed out of the being of God. God is light, life, love, power, wisdom, and many other items. All these items of what God is have been breathed out into the Bible. The Bible has the wisdom which can help us to be saved. brie gongm bi/ ge jie ke-jial dang ham/ rou bao brie/ dail drong/ ban ben jin./ brie ge jie/ bon le, jie ji vet/ jie sei ge dei/ srao lan/ jie jei sda/ neng jie bra nia/ lak. jium nouj/ diang ni/ haoyi dail/ brie jie me jia/ ban ben jin/ jiul dev knong/ brie gongm bi. brie gongm bi/ min bra nia/ dail aj/ aoyi yeng/ ban sang gruh. Contents: klem sa: 2 Tim. 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. bi timu tei/ jiongm buk/ bei/ kao/ dao bram muyi/ groub diang/ bat gongm bi/ ge jie/ brie drong ban ben jin/ brie vei nien/ ban dal/ aoyi dai-ing/ dei/ gao min brao yao/ sangm rab ga bang rien,/ ga roum lek/ aoyi deng / klun,/ ga brao daov/ daom rang,/ neng/ ga/ bang hat,/ kang ai / sei ge dei/ souj jia ret. 2 Peter. 1:21 men spoke from God while being borne by the Holy Spirit. bi bei drou / jiongm buk/ muyi/ kao / me pei muyi me nuh / bao ri saot / rou bao brie/ dail ban dei-yi/daoyi sa / brie vei nien/ bao ri saot/ drong ban dal ven. 2 Tim. 3:15 The sacred writings, which are able to make you wise unto salvation through the faith which is in Christ Jesus. bi timu tei/ jiongm buk/ bei/ kao/ dao bram bat gongm bi/ diang ben man/ dail aj/ neng naom aoyi nia/ min / bra nia/ daol di sang gruh/ dail / ban daoyi sa/ sei ge dei/ jium ne/ ji-e daol/ brie geri ye su/ pao-ang. I. “All Scripture is God-breathed”; “men spoke from God while being borne by the Holy Spirit”— 2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:21: I.“groub diang/ baot gongm bi/ ge jie/ brie drong ban ben jin/ brie vei nien/ ban dal/ aoyi dai-ing/ dei/”; “haoyi /me nuh / bao ri saot / rou bao brie/ dail ban di-yi/daoyi sa / brie vei nien/ bao ri saot/ drong ban dal / ven. ” A. They are words from God to men who were borne by the Holy Spirit; these men 11

spoke while being borne by the Holy Spirit, just as a sailboat is blown, borne, and moves with the wind—v. 21. A. brie bon dul/ rou bao brie/ maok daol me nuh/ daoyi sa/ brie vei nien/ bao ri saot; haoyi me nuh/ diang nih/ ni-yeyi daoyi sa/ brie vei nien /bao ri saot/ jie niak ban dal/ douj jie/ duk da-wong/ drouv ban/ ke-jial baok pat/ neng tve/ jiaol le na/ daoyi sa / ke-jial. B. Those who wrote the Bible were inspired by and under the power of the Holy Spirit; they were blown and borne by the Holy Spirit to express the word of God; the Bible did not come only from men nor does it express only the ideas of these men; instead, these men wrote the word that came out of God—v. 21. B. buok niak sao sei/ brie gongm bi/ ge drouv ban/ ban dal/ daoyi brie vei nien/ bao ri saot/ neng / ne graom/ jei sda/ rou bao brie vei nien / bao ri saot/ haoyi drouv ban/ baok/ neng nuam / daoyi sa brie vei nien/ dam bei / sangm dai-ing/ brie bon dul/ rou bao brie. brie gongm bi/ men ban / jin maok / bi me nuh/ re/ jie ga ben jin/ gongm net/ bi me nuh layi/ pu- dui dev ven/ me nuh diang ni/ ban sao sei/ brie bon dul/ dail jin maok/ bi brie. II. The Bible is the breath of God, is something breathed out of the being of God—2 Tim. 3:16: II. brie gongm bi/ ge ke-jial dang haem/ rou bao brie/ dail drong/ ban ben jin: A. Whatever we breathe out is our breath, and this breath proceeds out of our being; so the Bible as the breath of God is something breathed out of the being of God—v. 16. A. gal na yeng/ daok dang haem jin/ nu / ge jie / ke-jial dang haem/ rou bao yeng,/ haoyi / ke-jial dang haem ni/ ge jin maok/ bi klun / rou bao yeng; douj qi nei/ brie gongm bi / dail jie / ke-jial dang haem/ rou bao brie/ ge jie/ evei muyi/ dail jin maok bi rub ang/ brie jie me jia. B. The Bible contains the very element of God; God is light, life, love, power, wisdom, and many other items; all these items of what God is have been breathed out into the Bible—John 1:9. B. brie gongm bi /pu-douk nev/ang ge tiet/ rou bao brie/; brie ge jie/ bon le, jie ji vet/ jie sei ge dei/ srao lan/ jie jei sda/ neng jie bra nia/ lak. jium nouj/ diang ni/ haoyi dail/ brie jie me jia/ ban ben jin/ jiul dev knong/ brie gongm bi. III. “The sacred writings, which are able to make you wise unto salvation through the faith which is in Christ Jesus”—2 Tim. 3:15. III. “baot gongm bi/ diang ben man/ dail aj/ neng naom aoyi nia/ min / bra nia/ daol di sang gruh/ dail / ban daoyi sa/ sei ge dei/ jium ne/ ji-e daol/ brie geri ye su/ pao-ang. IV. “Feeding and drinking, Lord Jesus, of Thee, / Feeding by reading, and drinking by prayer; / Reading and prayeng, I eat and I drink, / Prayeng and reading - Lord, Thou art my fare. / Feed me, Lord Jesus, give me to drink, / Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst; / Flood me with joy, be the strength of my life, / Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst”—My heart is hungry, my spirit doth thirst.


IV. soum houb/ neng soum pek/ bi brie ang ye su/ soum houb/ daoyi ga an/ pek daoyi/ a ti tan/ kniaom houb/ haoyi kniaom pek/ daoyi an a ti tan/ an a ti tan/ aj aoyi kniaom / sgaob jiet ban/ brie ang/ jin jiem kniaom/ aoyi kniaom ban pek/ bangm ben/ ao ga ke-lien/ bangm bat ga sreik/ aoyi kniaom/ rik riyeyi/ min gangm lang/ knong ji vet/ bangm ben/ ao ga ke lien/ bangm bat ga sreik/—brie ang jiet kniaom gao ke-lien/ vei nien gao sreik. Table Contents


Term Four There Is God vieg sab/ di /buen Min brie Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Psa. 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God, And the firmament proclaims the work of His hands. doum nouk dangm gaeng / jiongm buk/dao bram buen/ kao/ muyi pdei meik / sangm dai-ing/ bi sei rei la ao/ nei brie/, haoyi longm hao a gah/ gao bang han/ ga dail / brie hao drong tve. We know that God is there by the arrangement of everything in the universe, although we cannot see Him. We must say that God is real; He is a living God. We should simply open our mouth and call on the Lord from our heart so that He will enter into us. yeng deng ta/ min brie / daoyi sa/ ga rieb jiam / nev evei grub yang/, nev knong sa gaol louk/ duo bei yeng/ men aj/ mel ken drong gao daoyi/, yeng drouv dai / ni-yeyi ta/ brie min bet. drong ge jie/ brie dao min/ brie jion ruo. yeng guo dai/ bak muat / rou bao yeng/ haoyi / hav brie ang / ao bi du-eng jiet/ rou bao yeng/ dam bei aoyi brie ang/ jiul maok/ knong yeng. Contents: klem sa: Psa. 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God, And the firmament proclaims the work of His hands. doum nouk dangm gaeng / jiongm buk/dao bram buen/ kao/ mu yi pdei meik / sangm dai-ing/ bi sei rei la ao/ nei brie/, haoyi longm hao a gah/ gao bang han/ ga dail / brie hao drong tve. Rom. 1:19 Because that which is known of God is manifest within them, for God manifested it to them. rou mu / jiongm buk/ muyi/ kao/ dao bram buen bruo ga evei/ dail aj/ neng sgual/ bi brie ban/ nu ban/ sangm dai-ing/ maok knong/ buk gei/, haoyi / daoyi bruo/ brie drong/ sangm dai-ing/ ga nu/ aoyi gei ke-en jiek. Heb. 11:6b For he who comes forward to God must believe that He is. hai bu-re/ jiongm buk/ dao muyi/ kao/ bram muyi/ kao tbet niak na/ dail jiul/ dev ai brie/ nu / drouv dai ji-e ta/ min brie men. I. “The heavens declare the glory of God, And the firmament proclaims the work of His hands”—Psa. 19:1: I. “pdei meik / sangm dai-ing/ bi sei rei la ao/ nei brie/, haoyi longm hao a gah/ gao bang han/ ga dail / brie hao drong tve”: A. We know that God is there by the arrangement of everything in the universe, although we cannot see Him—Rom. 1:20. A. yeng deng ta/ ge min brie / daoyi sa/ ga rieb jiam / nev evei grub yang/, nev knong sa gaol louk/ duo bei yeng/ men aj/ mel ken drong gao daoyi/. B. Every single phenomenon of nature is so balanced, organized, meaningful, and 14

functional; the universe has to be created by Someone with profound wisdom, vast knowledge, and intricate design—v. 20. B. rual badou put/ nei tua me jiet/ min daol ye pieb/ ban rieb jiam/ ben daoyi a te neiyi / neng mouk nie/ ri ai sa gaol louk / ni ven/, drouv ban/ bang gaet/ daoyi muyi ang/ dail min brie ban nia/ dao jiriel jirou/ jiangm nai deng/ dao du longm du-lieyi/ neng ga/ raj jia na/ dao smaok sman. II. Our heart argues for the existence of God; everyone is seeking after God; there must be the existence of God in the universe—v. 19: II. jiet rou bao yeng/ brao gaik / rouk ga/ gong nev rou bao brie/; grub knie/ gangm bong dai/ sva svai-ing rouk brie/; ga nu/ drouv dai mi-en/ ga gong nev/ rou bao brie/ nev knong / sa gaol louk/: A. For every inward need in man, there is a corresponding supply outside of him; for example, the appetite for food within man is met by the supply of a variety of foods outside of man. A. jiangm buo/ rual dangm rouv ga/ kang knong/ rou bao me nuh/, ge drouv knie/ neng ga / pgut pgong/ kang graov/ rou bao guat/, wu die hao/ jiangm nang/ a ha nev kang knong/ klun me nuh/ ge drouv ban/ bangm ben/ daoyi ga / pgut pgong/ a ha/pseiing pseiing / knie/ dail nev/ kang graov/ klun me nuh. B. Deep in everyone there is a craving for God; if no God exists, we would never have such a craving in our heart. B. me nuh/ groub rub/ min/ sei ge dei bang bra tna/ jiriel jirou/ jiangm buo/ brie jie me jia/; ba kmin / brie gong nev dei/ nu yeng/ gao neng men min/sei ge dei/ bang bra tna/ nev knong jiet/ rou bao yeng dai. III. “For he who comes forward to God must believe that He is”—Heb. 11:6: III. hai bu-re/ jiongm buk/ dao muyi/ kao/ bram muyi/ kao tbet niak na/ dail jiul/ dev ai brie/ nu / drouv dai ji-e ta/ min brie men. A. We must say that God is real; He is a living God—1 Thes. 1:9. A. yeng drouv dai / ni-yeyi ta/ brie min bet. drong ge jie/ brie dao min/ brie jion ruo. B. Our Lord Jesus is God Himself; we should simply open our mouth and call on the Lord from our heart so that He will enter into us. B. brie ang me jiah ye su/ rou bao yeng/ ge jie / brie ang drong pdual/; yeng guo dai/ bak muat / rou bao yeng/ haoyi / hav brie ang / ao bi du-eng jiet/ rou bao yeng/ dam bei aoyi brie ang/ jiul maok/ knong yeng. IV. “When the Triune God lives Himself in you, / He will change your being, your life renew; / You’ll be quickened within, / Filled with joy to the brim, / And your flesh shall rest in hope! / Open now your heart to Him, / Breathe His name from deep within, / In an instant He’ll come in / And with you be one!”—New Songs, Glad Tidings. IV. “min brie ye su jie brie sang gruh/ drong dou dul groub yang jium nuoh/ aoyi kniaom ban ruoh/ saoj-jiret groub grie/ drong jie gangm lang rual vei lie”—KH 395. Table Contents 15

Term Five Christ Being God vieg sab/ di / bram brie geri/ ge jie brie Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Rom. 9:5b Christ, who is God over all, blessed forever. Amen. rou mu/ jiongm buk/ bram buen/ kao/ bram / kao brie geri/ dail drong kbuoh/ leh diang ao/ jie brie dao mi-en/ bou /ao gal jie neij/ amen. Christ is God; He is the Ruler of the universe. There is no other God besides Him. What a blessing it is to have Him as the blessing! But as many as received Him, to them can enjoy everything of God, to those who believe into His name. brie geri/ ge jie brie; drong ge jie/ a teb badei / le jiak ge wal. kmin brie na/ pseiing/ graov bi drong layi/. ga min drong jie brie bou/ ge jie brie bou / dao toum/. ben dai/ ao niak na/ dail dou dul drong/ ge ao nie/ dail ji-e daol brie niem drong/ nou buk gei/ aj dou dul angm nao/ nev evei / groub yang/ dail jie rou bao brie. Contents: klem sa: Rom. 9:5b Christ, who is God over all, blessed forever. Amen. rou mu/ jiongm buk/ bram buen/ kao/ bram / kao brie geri/ dail drong kbuoh/ leh diang ao/ jie brie dao mi-en/ bou /ao gal jie neij/ amen. 1 Cor. 8:4b We know that an idol is nothing in the world and that there is no God but one. muyi gou ren touh/jiongm buk/ bram bei/ kao/ buen/ kao nu yeng deng ta/knong louk gei ni/ rub brie men jie evei dei/ haoyi ta kmin brie na died/ graov bi/ brie dai muyi layi. John 1:12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the authority to become children of God, to those who believe into His name. you han / jiongm buk/ muyi/kao/ daob bi/ ben dai ao niak na/ dail dou dul drong/ ge ao nie dai ji-e/ daol brie niem drong, nuh drong / ban brao dien/ aom naj/ aoyi ban/ drao laob/ jie gun brie. I. “Christ is God; He is the Lord of creation and the Ruler of the universe”— Rom. 9:5: I. brie geri/ ge jie brie; drong ge jie/ brie ang me jiah/ nei/ ga/ bang gao bang gaet/ neng jie/ a teb badei / le jiak ge wal. A. Christ is God Himself; He is God—v. 5. A. brie geri ge jie brie ang drong pdual/; drong ge jie brie. B. All idols are false and are not the true God—Psa.115:4-7. B. roub brie diang ao/ ge saot dai/ klaiing klayi/ neng men mei-n / jie brie dao bet nu dei. II. Christ is the only true God in the universe; there is no other God besides Him—1 Cor. 8:4; Rom. 9:5: II. brie geri / ge jie/ brie bet dai muyi gut/. nev knong/ sa gaol louk; kmin brie 16

na died/ graov bi/ brie dai muyi layi: A. “Now to… the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen”—1 Tim. 1:17. A. ri ai/ge jie brie dai muyi brie ang/, nu soum aoyi/ drong ban le beiy / brie niem/ neng sei rei la ao/ ao gal jie neij/ rieng rieb/ dao de / , amen. B. “Christ, who is God over all, blessed forever. Amen”—Rom. 9:5. B. brie geri/ dail drong kbuoh/ leh diang ao/ jie brie dao mi-en/ bou /ao gal jie neij/, amen. III. “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the authority to become children of God, to those who believe into His name”—John 1:12: III. ben dai ao niak na/ dail dou dul drong/ ge ao nie dai ji-e/ daol brie niem drong, nu drong / ban brao dien/ aom naj/ aoyi ban/ drao laob/ jie gun brie: A. The unique blessing in the whole universe is God Himself; He is our real blessing and portion; what a blessing it is to have Him as the blessing!—Num. 6:23-26. A. brie bou/ dai muyi gut/ nev knong sa gaol louk/ diang mul/ ge jie brie ang drong pdual/; drong ge jie /brie bou neng jiangm naik/ dao bet rou bao yeng; ga min /drong jie brie bou/ ge jie brie bou / dao toum/. B. We can enjoy everything of God when we become children of God; all His riches are our blessing and our right. B. buk yeng/ aj dou dul angm nao/ nev evei / groub yang/ dail jie rou bao brie. nev beil dail/ yeng ban/ drao laob/ jie goun brie/ groub pieb / bao ri bou/ rou bao drong diang ao/, ge jie brie bou/ neng jie gam me set/ rou bao yeng. IV. “What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought / Since Jesus came into my heart! / I have light in my soul for which long I had sought, / Since Jesus came into my heart! / Since Jesus came into my heart! / Since Jesus came into my heart! / Floods of joy o’er my soul rie the sea billows roll, / Since Jesus came into my heart!”—Hymns, #309. IV. ji vet kniaom/ ban plah brai/ yang ao jia/ groub sen tan/ dang bi/ brie ye su/ gong knong jiet/ min buen le/ nei brie ang/ ban pu-le/ maok ben diang bran/, dang bi/ brie ye su/ gong knong jiet/! dang bi/ brie ye su/ gong knong jiet/! dang bi/ brie ye su/ gong knong jiet/!nu jiet kniaom/ ban dreik ao/ dao rik rieyi/ klang grayi lei-eng/, dang bi/ brie ye su/ gong knong jiet/! Table Contents


Term Six Life through Faith vieg sab/ di /bram muyi ji vet /dam rou yek / sei ge dei /jiongm ne Abstracts: daok /srang bi: John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, thatvery one who believes into Him would not perish, but would have eternal life. you han /jiongm buk / bei/ kao/ daob bram muyi/ tbet brie drong/ srao lan me nuh louk/ daol melaih/ ban jie /drong brao dien/ brie ri jiu baot dra/ drong dai muyi/ dam bei aoyi niak na/ dail ji-e daol/ brie ri jiu baot dra/ nuh/ men drouv vei nies layi/ ge aoyi min ji vet/ ao gaol /jie neij ven. He who has the Son has the life. Just as we receive food and water through eating and drinking, we must receive the Lord Jesus through believing. We believe, we believe, We believe, therefore we speak. ai niak na/ dail min/ brie ri jiu baot dra/ nuh gao min ji vet dai/, douj jie yeng/ dou dul ban a ha/ neng dek/ dam rou yek/ ga bao ri pouk/ neng ga pek/ jie yang na/, nu yeng / gao drouv dail/ dou dul youk/ brie ang me jia ye su/ dam rou yek/ ga ji-e yang nu dai. buk yeng ji-e, buk yeng ji-e/ buk yeng ji-e/ , douj qi nei/ haoyi deb buk yeng ni yeyi. Contents: klem sa: John. 14:6a Jesus said to him, I am the way and the reality and the life. you han /jiongm buk /daob buen/ kao/ bram muyi/ gao brie ye su / min brie bon dul/ dev guat ta/,kniaom jie pulev/ jie sei ge dei bet/ haoyi jie ji vet. 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, thatvery one who believes into Him would not perish, but would have eternal life. you han /jiongm buk / bei/ kao/ daob bram muyi/ tbet brie drong/ srao lan me nuh louk/ daol melais/ ban jie /drong brao dien/ brie ri jiu baot dra/ drong dai muyi/ dam bei aoyi/ niak na/ dail ji-e daol/ brie ri jiu baot dra/ nu men drouv vei nies layi/ ge aoyi min ji vet/ ao gaol /jie neij ven. 1:12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the authority to become children of God, to those who believe into His name. you han /jiongm buk /muyi/ kao/ daob bi bon dai/ ao niak na/ dail dou dul drong/ ge ao nie dail ji-e/ daol brie niem drong/ nuh drong/ ban brao dien/ angm naj/ aoyi ban/ drao laob/ jie goun brie. I. “He who has the Son has the life”—1 John 5:12: I. ai niak na/ dail min brie ri jiu baot dra/ nu gao min ji vet dai: A. “Jesus said to him, I am the way and the reality and the life”—John 14:6a. A. brie ye su / min brie bon dul/ dev guat ta/,kniaom jie pulev/ jie sei ge dei bet/ haoyi jie ji vet. B. “I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall by no means hunger, and he who believes into Me shall by no means ever thirst”— 6: 35b. B. kniaom jie / noum bang ji vet/ niak na dail mouk ai kniaom/ nuh neng 18

men klien diet layi/, haoyi niak na/ dail ji-e/ daol kniaom/ gao men drouv sreik/ dai. II. “He who believes into the Son has eternal life”—3:36: II. niak na/ dail ji-e daol/ brie ri jiu baot dra/ nuh/ ge aoyi min ji vet/ ao gaol /jie neij ven: A. Believing into the Lord is not the same as believing Him; to believe Him is to believe that He is true and real, but to believe into Him is to receive Him and be united with Him as one; the former is to acknowledge a fact objectively; the latter is to receive a life subjectively—3:16. A. ga ji-e/ jiul dev knong drong/ ge men douj jie/ ga ji-e le drong dei; ga ji- e le drong / ge jie ga ji-e ta/ brie ang ge jie/ brie dao bet/. haoyi bra gaot/ bon dai / ga ji-e jiul dev knong drong/, ge jie ga dou dul youk drong/ neng ban / rum jie dai muyi/ jie muyi neng drong. mun dam bong/ ge ga dou dul sgual/ ga bet nev pnaik kang graov/ jiong graoyi / ge ga dou dul ban/ ji vet nev pnaik kang knong. B. Just as we receive food and water through eating and drinking, we must receive the Lord Jesus through believing— 6:54a. B. douj jie ga/ dail yeng / dou dul ban a ha neng dek /dam rou yek/ ga bao ri pouk/ neng ga pek/ jie yang na/ nu buk yeng/ gao drouv ga dou dul youk/ brie ang me jiah ye su/ dam rou yek/ ga ji-e le brie ang/ yang nu dai. III. “We believe, we believe, / We believe, therefore we speak. / We believe, we believe, / We believe, therefore we speak. / Turn away from all of the doubts in your mind / To your mingled spirit of faith. / Pray to contact God as the Spirit within, / For He Himself is your way”—We believe, we believe. III. buk yeng ji-e, buk yeng ji-e/ buk yeng ji-e/ , deb yeng ni yeyi. buk yeng ji- e, buk yeng ji-e/ buk yeng ji-e/ , deb yeng ni yeyi. jien aoyi qi-ayi/ bi groub goum net/ sang saiyi/ dev ai vei nien/ rum ben jiul/ nei jiongm ne/, a ti tan/ dam bei diek dong/ brie nev knong vei nien / dail gong nev knong/ kang knong/ brua drong pdual/ jie pulev/rou bao niak—buk yeng ji-e, buk yeng ji-e. Table Contents


Term Seven Repentance and Confession vieg sab/ di / bram bi ga brai jiet /neng ga lon duo bab Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Acts 20:21b Repentance unto God and faith in our Lord Jesus. geij ga/ jiongm buk/ me pei/ kao/ me pei muyi/kao ge bi ga/ brai jiet/ dev ai brie/ haoyi bi sei ge dei/ jiongm ne/ ji-e daol brie ang me jiah ye su geri/ nei yeng rual knie. Repentance is related to a change of mind. God hates sin. If we want to richly taste the Lord’s joy of salvation, we must come before the Lord and thoroughly confess our sins. ga brai jiet/ ge diek dong/ neng ga / pula budouj jiet. brie s-ab angm be bab. brao sen bae yeng/ jiang puluok sei ge dei/ angm nao/ nei sei ge dei sang gruh/ rou bao brie ang me jiah/ dao bao ri bou/ yeng drouv dai/ jiul maok rouk/ brie ang me jiah, haoyi lon duo bab/ rou bao yeng/ yang maot jiao-at. Contents: klem sa: Acts 20:21b Repentance unto God and faith in our Lord Jesus. geij ga/ jiongm buk/ me pei/ kao/ me pei muyi/kao ge bi ga/ brai jiet/ dev ai brie/ haoyi bi sei ge dei/ jiongm ne/ ji-e daol brie ang me jiah ye su geri/ nei yeng rual knie. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. muyi you han/ jiongm buk muyi/ kao / bram buen bae yeng /lon duo bab ven/, nuh drong/ min brie ha-re dei/ smao drang/ haoyi sout jiret/ brao yaot/neng aet dongs bab/ aoyi yeng/ haoyi neng sangm at/ yeng bi groub/angm be /daoj jia-ret/diang ao pang. Isa. 1:18b Though your sins are rie scarlet, They will be as white as snow; Though they are as red as crimson, They will be rie wool. ei saiy/jiongm buk muyi/ kao / daob bram bei/kao dueh bae/ angm be bab/ rou bao ain/douj jie bao grao haom dei-ing/ gao daoyi/ gong dai neng ban sao/douj heik miak/; dueh bae/ grao haom qi-av/ gao daoyi/ gong dai/neng ban douj jie/ rongm jiem ven. I. True repentance causes man to turn back to God, to turn from not wanting and not facing God—Acts 20:21b: I. ga brai jiet/ dao bet/ bon dal/ aoyi me nuh/ ngiek maok rouk brie/ haoyi ngiek jien bi ga/ men jiang/ neng men brao qium mouk/ jiongm buh brie: A. If we do not have God, we will not be satisfied—Eccl. 2:1, 11. A. brao sen bae/ yeng men min brie, yeng neng men sgaob jiet layi. B. Christ without, all is vain! Christ within, all is gain! All things are vain, Christ only is gain!—Hymns, #1080. B. bae kmin brie geri/ groub diang ao/ ge dou dei! ba min brie geri, nev 20

kang knong / ge ban groub diang ao/ ! groub diang ao/ge dou dei/ min dai brie geri/ ben nao, ge ban groub yang! C. According to the original language in the Bible, repentance is related to a change of mind; we need to repent by turning our mind from other things to Him; with Him you will be satisfied, for He is not vain!—Hymns, #1080, Acts 3:19. C. yong dev dam/ pie sa daem/nev knong brie gongm bi/ ga brai jiet/ diek dong neng ga pulah brai jiet/, yeng drouv brai jiet/ daoyi bai/ goum net/ rou bao yeng/ bi reng pseiing /diet maok rouk drong; bong bu-on neng sgaob jiet/ neng drong/ tbet drong/ men a sa/ et ga dei. II. Unrighteousness and injustice are sin; God hates sin—1 John 3:4; 5:17a. II. pieb douj ji-ret/ neng pieb / a youd dei tua/ ge jie angm be bab; brie s-ab bab. III. If we confess our sins, God will forgive us our sins, and the blood of the Lord will cleanse us from all unrighteousness—Eph. 1:10: III. bae yeng sa pieb bab/ rou bao yeng, nuh brie jie me jia/ neng at douh/aoyi yeng rual knie/, haoyi brie lou het/ rou bao brie ang me jiah / neng sangm at/ yeng bi angm be/ douj ji-ret/ groub yang: A. “He will again have compassion on us; He will tread our iniquities underfoot. And You will cast into the depths of the sea All their sins”—Micah 7:19. A. drong neng min/ sei ge dei/ a net a sou/ daol yeng rual knie diet/drong neng gangm rab/ sei ge dei / douj ji-ret rou bao yeng/ nev graom brie bat/ haoyi neng baoh/ ao diang angm be bab/ rou bao yeng/ dev knong/ sa maot jirouv. B. “Though your sins are rie scarlet, They will be as white as snow; Though they are as red as crimson, They will be rie wool”—Isa. 1:18b. B. dueh bae/ angm be bab/ rou bao ain/douj jie bao grao haom dei-ing/ gao daoyi/ gong dai neng ban sao/douj heik miak/; dueh bae/ grao haom qi- av/ gao daoyi/ gong dai/neng ban douj jie/ rongm jiem ven. IV. “Amazing grace! how sweet the sound, / That saved a wretch; rie me! / once was lost, but now am found, / Was blind, but now I see. / ’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, / And grace my fears relieved; / How precious did that grace appear, / The hour I first believed! / The Lord hath promised good to me, / His word my hope secures; / He will my shield and portion be, / As long as life endures”—“Amazing Grace”. IV. brie gun ao jia/jie sab bi ruh, dail braoh me nuh /yang douj kniaom, bi daem bat bang /dai drong sang gruh, gao kvak dail drong aob rongm. brie gun /bang rien/ aoyi/ gaot klaj brie, gao ban gangm jiat/ peiy dev, brie gun dail drong pdaol/ maok ban qi-nieh/ aoyi jiet kniaom ban soub nev. brie ye su/ ban san ne ya /neng jiuyi, kniaom beng /bon dul dao bet, drong ga bie kniaom/ gao gong jie muyi, dao rab daol aoh ji vet. Table Contents


Term Eight Baptism vieg sab/ di / bram bei bi ti bon jirou muk dek Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Mark 16:16 Who believes and is baptized shall be saved. ma gao/ jiongm buk/ daob bram muyi/ kao/ daob bram muyi niak na dail ji-e / haoyi dou dul/ jirou muk dek/ ne neng ban sang geruh. Baptism is an entry into the Christian life; who believes and is baptized shall be saved; salvation makes people rejoice. “Finding joy and pleasure, In abounding measure, I am drinking at the Fountain of life.” ga jirou muk dek/ ge jie ga/ jiul dev knong ji vet kristien; niak na dail ji-e / haoyi dou dul/ jirou muk dek/ nu neng ban sang geruh. sei ge dei /sang geruh/ tve aoyi me nuh/ ao sa baiy. “nev tnaiy ni/ kniaom pek dek ruh/ nei ji vet/ srah srayi/ rik rieyi grayi lei-ng/ kniaom pek dek ruh/ nei ji vet/dail at min/ brongm dai-n goum naot/ laoyi na.” Contents: klem sa: Mark 16:16 Who believes and is baptized shall be saved. ma gao/ jiongm buk/ daob bram muyi/ kao/ daob bram muyi niak na dail ji- e / haoyi dou dul/ jirou muk dek/ ne neng ban sang geruh. Acts 22:16 Now, why do you delay? Rise up and be baptized …, calling on His name. geit ga/jiongm buk/ me pei bi/ kao/ daob bram muyi ei lou ni, dae nia bang ang/jiam evei diet/jiu graok la-eng/ dou dul bi ti jirou muk dek/, daoyi ga angm biu niu/ brie nie brie ang me jiah. I. Baptism is an entry into the Christian life—Mark 16:16: I. ga jirou muk dek/ ge jie ga/ jiul dev knong ji vet kristien: A. Believing and being baptized can be compared to using our two feet to take a single step; first we believe, and our believing can be compared to the half-step forward of one foot—v. 16. A. ga ji-e neng ga dou dul / jirou muk dek/ aj brieb tieb/ jie muyi neng ji- eng diang bi/ rou bao yeng/ knong ga dae/ muyi jiongm hei-n/, daom bong / yeng ji-e/ haoyi ga ji-e /rou bao yeng/ aj brieb tieb/jie muyi/ neng gan lah/ jiongm hei-n/ nei ga dae/ rou bao yeng. B. Then we are baptized; our baptism can be compared to the completion of the step with the other foot; together, believing and baptism make one complete step—v. 16. B. bon duab maok diet/ yeng dou dul / jirou muk dek/ dail ga jirou muk dek/ rou bao yeng/ aj brieb tieb/ bi jiongm hei-n/ benj lenj/ nei ga dae/ rou bao yeng; diang ga ji-e/ neng ga jirou muk dek/ tve aoyi yeng/ min jiongm hei-n / benj lenj. II. “Now, why do you delay? Rise up and be baptized …, calling on His name”—Acts 22:16: II. ei lou ni, dae nia bang ang/jiam evei diet/jiu graok la-eng/ dou dul bi ti


jirou muk dek/, daoyi ga angm biu niu/ brie nie brie ang me jiah: A. When a person believes in the Lord, he should be baptized immediately without waiting—v. 16. A. nev bei dail/ me nuh me nie/ ban dou dul / ji-e knong brie ang me jiah/ , guat guo dai/ dou dul jirou muk dek/ plinm muyi rongm bej/ daoyi bongm jiam baij/ rong jiam. B. As you are being baptized, you must call on the name of the Lord; this calling is a declaration that the baptized one has turned to the Lord—v. 16. B. bei dail nie dou dul/ jirou muk dek/ nia guo dai/ angm biu niu/ niem brie ang me jiah/; ga angm biu niu ni/ ge jie ga brao gah ta/ nie dail dou dul / jirou muk dek/ ban bai maok rouk/ brie ang me jiah/ ven. C. Baptizo is the Greek word; it means “to dip in or under”— v. 16. C. pie sa gereik/ baib tiso/ min nei ta/ muk jiul/ re nev graom. III. “Who believes and is baptized shall be saved”—Mark 16:16: III. niak na dail ji-e / haoyi dou dul/ jirou muk dek/ ne neng ban sang geruh. A. Salvation makes people rejoice—Psa. 51:12; 32:7. A. sei ge dei /sang geruh/ tve aoyi me nuh/ ao sa baiy. B. Salvation causes us to be forgiven, to be reconciled to God, to obtain the life of God, and even to obtain God Himself—Mark 16:16. B. sei ge dei /sang geruh/ tve aoyi yeng/dou dul ban/ ga at douh/ aj pusah pusa/ jie muyi brie/, aj dou dul/ ban ji vet brie/ neng taim diang/ aj soum bei dai/ jie ga dou dul ban/ brie jie me jia / drong pdual. IV. “Many weary years I vainly sought a spring, / One that never would run dry; / Unavailing all that earth to me could bring, / Nothing seemed to satisfy. / Drinking at the Fountain that never runs dry, / Drinking at the Fountain of life am I; / Finding joy and pleasure, / In abounding measure, / I am drinking at the Fountain of life”—Hymns, #322. IV. jira-en qi-nangm / neyi haot svai-ing / rouk men jiu-eb/ dek dao ruh/jie dek dao ruh/ hou daol aoh gal/ groub diang aoh/ knong louk/ men aj guab jiet/ bra te na/kmin evei aj/ aoyi sgaob jien da/ nev tnaiyi ni / kniaom pek dek dao ruh/hou daol aoh gal/ nev tnaiyi ni / kniaom pek dek ruh/ nei ji vet/ srah srayi/ rik rieyi grayi lei-ng/ kniaom pek dek ruh/ nei ji vet/dail at min/ brongm dai-n goum naot/ laoyi na.”

Table Contents


Term Nine The Assurance of Salvation vieg sab/ di / bram/ bu en ga tie nie/ nei /sei ge dei/ sang gruh Abstracts: daok / srang bi: 1 John 5:13 I have written these things to you that you may know that you have eternal life, to you who believe into the name of the Son of God. muyi / you han / jiongm buk/ bu ram /kao/ dao bei kniaom/ ban/ sao sei /sei ge dei /dien ni /pu nia-e /mao /nie /dai /ji-e/ dao/ brie niem/ brie /bao de la /nei/ brie, dang bei/ aoyi /nie rual knie/ban /deng ta / nie rual knie/ min / ji ven /ao gao/ jie nei hai. At the moment a man believes, he is saved. Our salvation is secure. Once we have it, we have it eternally. It can never be shaken or changed. ne kan na /bei dai /me nuh /me nia/ dou du ji-e, gua drouv /ban /sang gruh. sei ge dei /sang gruh/ ru bao yeng /ge /min /so wa tei pieb. nev beil/yeng /min/ sei ge dei /sang gruh, yeng min /viye / ji ao gao. sei ge dei /sang gruh / men/ a/ drouv ban/ long guo long ge / le / pla bdou ban lai. The assurance of our salvation is based on the Word of God, based on the Spirit’s witnessing with our spirit, based on the fact that we love the brothers. Therefore with joy shall we draw water, out of the wells of salvation. ga tie nie /nei/ sei ge dei /sang gruh/ rou bao yeng/ ge /b-aim /le/ brie bong du/ rou bao /brie, b-aim /le/ ga te ve/ bong dua/ rou bao /brie /vei nien/ jie /muyi vei nien /rou bao yeng. neng /b-aim le /ga be/ dail yeng / srao lan / bong bu ou en. douj qi nei / yeng / neng /dang deg / jin bi / ang dong / nei / sei ge dei /sang gruh /dao yi /angm nao. Contents: klem sa: 1 John 5:13 I have written these things to you that you may know that you have eternal life, to you who believe into the name of the Son of God. muyi you han / jiongm buk / bu lam / kao / dao bei kniaom /ban /sao sei /sei ge dei /dien ni/ pu nia-e/ mao/ nie/ dai/ ji-e /dao /brie niem /brie/ bao de la /nei/ brie, dang bei/ aoyi /nie /rual knie/ban/ deng ta /nie/ rual knie/min/ ji ven /ao gao /jie nei hai. Rom. 8:16 The Spirit Himself witnesses with our spirit that we are children of God. rou mu/ jiongm buk /bu lam bei /kao/ dao bu la mu yi haoyi /brie vei nien/ drong /gao/ te ve/ bong dua /neng /vei nien yeng / ta /yeng /jie /gong rou bao /brie. 1 John 3:14a We know that we have passed out of death into life because we love the brothers. muyi you han /jiongm bu/ bei /kao/ dao bu en/ gao yeng deng ta /yeng/ ban/ qi lang /pao bi /sei ge dei/ slab jiul mao/ knong /ji vet /haoyi /bi bruh /yeng srao lan /bong/ bu-on.


I. The outward proof—Rom. 10:13; 1 John 5:13: I. pao dang/ pnaik/ kang /graov: A. God uses the Bible without to confirm that we have His life—v. 13. A. brie/jie me jia / brae/ brie gong bi/ daoyi men / ben jie ta / yeng min /ji vet / rou bao /drong layi. B. We do not need our feelings; according to the plain statements, we can assuredly know that we have received grace, that we are saved—v. 13. B. yeng/ men /drouv ga/ arangm /rou bao /yeng layi / yong/ dev dam/ sei ge dei /tlang ga / tao me da /yeng /aj deng ji ba ta/ yeng ban/ dou dul/ brie gun/ brao yaoyi/ aoyi/ yeng ban sang gruh. II. The inward proof—Rom. 8:15, 16; Gal. 4:6: II. pao dang/ pnaik/ kang/ knong: A. Everyone who believes in the Lord enjoys addressing God as “Abba, Father”; it is a spontaneous matter for us to call God “Abba, Father”; moreover, every time we call Him “Abba, Father,” we feel sweet and comfortable within—v. 6. A. me nuh /groub rub/ dail ji-e /le /brie/ ang me jiah / jiul jiet /ni ye yi /dev gan /brie/ jie me jiah ta / aba brie vou bei da. viye/ jie reng /dail/ gaet lang/ daoyi /aig ai-in / sangm rab /yeng/ dam bei /hao brie ta/ a ba brie /vou bei da. leh bi nih /dev diet/ rual beil dail/ yeng /ha drong ta / a ba brie/ vou bei da / yeng min/ a ram/ b-aim /lou haim / neng /souk srou / nev /kang knong. B. This is because we are children begotten of God, we have God’s life, and the Spirit of God’s Son has entered into us; concerning our father in the flesh, it is spontaneous and sweet for us to call him “Father”—Rom. 8:16. B. nih ge/ daoyi sa /dai/ yeng jie /goun gaet/ bi brie, mu lao haoyi /yeng min/ ji vet/ rou bao brie/ neng/ brie vei nien / nei/ brie ri jiu bao dra brie /ban/ jiul mao / knong /yeng. diek dong /neng /ao buk/ kang/ sa qiem/ rou bao yeng / ge jie/ ga aig ai-in. neng /bu aim lou haim /sangm rab/ yeng/ dail/ hao guat ta /lou ao buk. III. The proof of love—1 John 4:7; 3:14: III. pao dang/ nei/ sei ge dei /srao lan: A. When a saved one sees a brother in the Lord, he has an affection for him and even loves him in such a manner that is incomprehensible to himself. A. nev beil /me nuh /ban /sang gruh me nia /ban ken / bong bu-on me nia / nev knong/ brie ang me jiah/ nuh guat/ min/ sei ge dei /srao lan /jiongm buoh/ bong bu-on me nia nuh / haoyi /taim/ diang/ srao lan / guat dam/ rou bieb /dail guat / klun ai-in /pdual / men aj /youl/ ban /taim diet. B. Therefore, our love toward the brothers in the Lord is a proof by which we know that we have been saved—4:7; 3:14. B. douj qi nei, sei ge dei /srao lan/ jiongm buk /bong bu-on/ knong/ brie ang me jiah /rou bao yeng / ge jie /pao dang/ dail yeng /deng ta /yeng /ban /sang gruh /haoyi. IV. “Therefore with joy shall ye draw water, / Out of the wells of salvation. / And in that day shall ye say, / Praise the Lord. / Therefore with joy shall ye draw water, / Out of the wells of salvation. / And in that day shall ye


say, / Praise the Lord”—“Therefore with joy shall ye draw water”. IV. haid nu/ jiu nia/ dang deg/ daoyi angm nao/ bi /an dong /nei /sei ge dei /sang gruh/ haoyi /ne grie/ nuh nie/ boul ta/ ao brie gun / haid nuh/ jiou nia/ dang deg/ daoyi angm nao/ bi/ an dong/ nei /sei ge dei/ sang gruh / haoyi /ne grie /nuh nie boul ta /ao brie gun—haid nuh /jiou nia /dang deg /daoyi/ angm nao. Table Contents


Term Ten Prayer vieg sab/ di / daob sei ge dei / a ti tan Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Phil. 4:6 In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. pilip/ jiongm buk / buen/kao/ bram muyi gongm aoyi / kval kvayi/ evei layi/ jiu dul daol brie/ aoyi jirieb / bi sei ge dei/ sangm noum/ rou bao niak rual knie/knong groub ga diang aoh/ daoyi sei ge dei/ a ti tan/ neng biek dul ang vao/ diang boul biek / ao brie gun pang. In our spiritual life, prayer is breathing. When we pray, mercy and grace will become a river flowing in us and supplying us; how rewarding this is! nev knong ji vet/ kang ai vei nien / rou bao yeng/ sei ge dei / a ti tan/ ge jie ga daok dang haem/. nev beil dail / yeng a ti tan/ sei ge dei mei da/ haoyi neng brie gun/ neng klayi jie dun lei/ hou nev knong yeng/neng pgut pgong yeng/ ni bet jie rong van. Contents: klem sa: Phil. 4:6 In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. pilip/ jiongm buk / buen/kao/ bram muyi gongm aoyi / kval kvayi/ evei layi/ jiu dul daol brie/ aoyi jirieb / bi sei ge dei/ sangm noum/ rou bao niak rual knie/knong groub ga diang aoh/ daoyi sei ge dei/ a ti tan/ neng biek dul ang vao/ diang boul biek / ao brie gun pang. Heb. 4:16 Let us therefore come forward with boldness to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace for timely help. hai bure/jiongm buk/ buen/kao/ daob bram muyi douj qi nei/ drouv aoyi yeng/ rual knie/ maok daol/ ba lang nei brie gun/ daoyi kla han/ dam bei neng dou dul/ sei ge dei mei da/ haoyi rouk ban brie gun/ sangm rab neng jiuyi/ daol beil drouv ga/ jiaoh. I. The primary significance of prayer is to breathe in God—Psa. 55:1: I. sa ra sangm kan/ dangm bong/nei ga / a ti tan/ ge sroub youk / brie jiul maok knong yeng: A. When we breathe out, we exhale the carbon dioxide that is within us; when we breathe in, we inhale the oxygen that is outside of us—17:6. A. nev beil dail yeng/ daok dang haem jien/ yeng ben jin ga bao-n/ di aok sit/ dail min nev knong klun yeng/ beil yeng/ daok dang haem jiul/ yeng sroub youk/aok si sai-n/ dail nev kang graov yeng. B. By breathing out, we rid ourselves of weakness; by breathing in, we take in God’s power. B. daoyi ga/ daok dang haem jien/ yeng gangm jiat/ pieb dun ksa-oyi/ bi klun yeng/ri ai / ga daok dang haem jiul/ yeng dou dul youk/ brie jie


sda/ rou bao brie. II. “In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God”—Phil. 4:6: II. gongm aoyi / kval kvayi/ evei layi/ jiu dul daol brie/ aoyi jirieb / bi sei ge dei/ sangm noum/ rou bao niak rual knie/knong groub ga diang aoh/ daoyi sei ge dei/ a ti tan/ neng biek dul ang vao/ diang boul biek / ao brie gun pang. A. If we do not send all the anxieties to God to let Him bear them, all the anxieties of this world will crush us to death; we must not allow the anxieties of the world to keep pressing upon us; we must place them on God’s side. A. brao sen bae yeng/ men pdei/ sei ge dei/ kval kvayi/ diang aoh dev brie/ dam bei aoyi drong/ dou dul youk dei/ nu sei ge dei kval kvayi/ diang aoh nei louk gei ni/ neng tve douk yeng/ rao hout daol srab/; yeng men drouv/ a nu niat/aoyi gang vaol/ knong louk gei ni/sang goat sang gen/maok le yeng laoyi/ yeng drouv dai/ brao goul viye dev brie. B. If we let our requests be made known to God in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, there will be the best result; “And the peace of God, which surpasses every man’s understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus” is His promise—v. 7. B. brao sen bae yeng / dul daol brie / aoyi jirieb bi sei ge dei/ sangm noum/ rou bao yeng rual knie/knong groub ga diang aoh/ daoyi sei ge dei/ a ti tan/ neng biek dul ang vao/ diang boul biek / ao brie gun pang. nu neng min /lad paol la ao bangm paot, yang nu sei ge dei / saok san / rou bao brie/ dail huh leh bi aoh/ diang gongm net/ neng jiuyi ga bie jiet/ haoyi neng gongm net/ rou bao niak rual knie/ knong brie geri ye su/ ni haiyi/ jie sei ge dei san ne ya/ rou bao drong. III. “Let us therefore come forward with boldness to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace for timely help”—Heb. 4:16: III. douj qi nei/ drouv aoyi yeng/ rual knie/ maok daol/ ba lang nei brie gun/ daoyi kla han/ dam bei neng dou dul/ sei ge dei mei da/ haoyi rouk ban brie gun/ sangm rab neng jiuyi/ daol beil drouv ga/ jiaoh. A. The greatest benefit in praying before God and contacting God is that we receive mercy and find grace for timely help to meet our every need. A. a ta bra yaoj/ dao toum/ bangm paot/ knong ga a ti tan/ nev jiongm buh brie / neng ga doum niak doum nong/ jie muyi brie ge yeng dou dul ban/ sei ge dei mei da ga-ru-na/ neng rouk ban/ brie gun sangm rab/ jie jiongm nuyi/ nev beil drouv ga/ dam bei bangm benj/ rual sei ge dei drouv ga /rou bao yeng. B Prayer is the way to come forward to the throne of grace; when we pray, approaching the throne of grace, mercy and grace will become a river flowing in us and supplying us; how rewarding this is!—7:25. B sei ge dei a ti tan/ ge jie pulev/ dam bei qibuh /dev mouk ba lang/ nei brie gun; nev beil dail yeng a ti tan/ nu ga ket jiet/ ba lang nei brie gun/ brie mei da ga-ru-na/neng brie gun/ neng klayi jie dun lei/ dail hou nev knong yeng/ haoyi pu-gout pu-gong/daol yeng; ni bet jie/ rong van.


IV. “What a Friend we have in Jesus, / All our sins and grief to bear! / What a privilege to carry, / Everything to God in prayer! / O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, / All because we do not carry / Everything to God in prayer!”—Hymns, #789. IV. brie ye su jie met sangm lan bet/ drong dou dul/ douh jiu-eh yeng kniaom/ min jie bab/ jiul dev gual/ brie ang jiet/ diang dul brab groub re-eng/ douj toum/ yeng kniaom/ dai-ing dai/ kan min saok san/ gao min jiet/ buruyi taob ba rangm/ ge bi brueh/ dail puleij/ a ti tan/ soum bou bi brie ang wu daom. Table Contents


Term Eleven Is Prayer Answered? vieg sab/ di / daob muyi dae ga a ti tan ban qilaoyi daob re dei? Abstracts: daok /srang bi: John 16:24b Ask and you shall receive, that your joy may be made full. you han / jiongm buk/ daob bram muyi/ kao/ me pei buen/ kao jiao songm jiah/ nu nia rual knie/ neng ban/ dam bei aoyi/sei ge dei angm nao/ rou bao nia rual knie/ ban bao benj bet. If we ask, the Lord promised that it shall be given to us so that our joy may be made full. If we pray without ceasing, we will live a Christian life that is full of joy on earth today. brie ang me jiah/ban san ne ya ta/ bae yeng soum/ nu neng drouv ban/ brao dien aoyi/ daol yeng/ dam bei aoyi/ sei ge dei angm nao/ rou bao yeng/ ban bao benj bet. sab tnaiyi ni/ brao sen bae yeng/ a ti tan/ daoyi at qiub qiu/yeng neng ruh nev knong/ ji vet kristien/ dail ben dev daoyi/ sei ge dei/ angm nao/ nev le pan dei. Contents: klem sa: John 16:24b Ask and you shall receive, that your joy may be made full. you han / jiongm buk/ daob bram muyi/ kao/ me pei buen/ kao jiao songm jiah/ nu nia rual knie/ neng ban/ dam bei aoyi/sei ge dei angm nao/ rou bao nia rual knie/ ban bao benj bet. Mark 11:24 All things that you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and you will have them. ma gaoh/ jiongm buk / daob muyi/kao/ me pei buen/ groub diang sei ge dei evei/ dail nie rual knie/ a ti tan soum/ jiu ji-e ta/ ban haoyi/ nu neng ban mei-n. Acts 6:4a We will continue steadfastly in prayer. geit ga/jiongm buk bra muyi/ kao / buen / gao ai yeng kniaom/ neng kangm pujie yem/ knong sei ge dei a ti tan. I. John 16 says that God answers when we ask in the name of the Lord so that our joy may be made full—v. 24: I. you han jiongm buk/ daob bram muyi /min bon dul ta/ brie ban qilaoyi daob/ nev beil dail yeng/ soum nev knong brie niem/ rou bao brie ang me jiah/ dam bei aoyi sei ge dei angm nao/ rou bao yeng rual knie/ ban bao benj bet. A. The Lord’s promise concerning prayer is very broad; as long as we are praying, He will do whatever we ask—14:13. A. sei ge dei /san ne ya rou bao brie ang me jiah/ jiongm buh/ sei ge dei a ti tan/ ge duloum dulieyi nah, /dao rab na/ yeng gangm bong dai/ a ti tan/nu drong neng tve/ nev evei dail yeng soum. B. We should ask God out of necessity; we should not ask mindlessly, unreasonably, 30

or wildly—James 4:3. B. yeng guo dai dul soum/brie bi pieb jiam baj/; yeng men guo soum/ daoyi ait /sangm haid pal, re huh haid beik layi. II. A principle for prayers being answered is faith—Mark 11:24: II. goul ga/ sangm rab sei ge dei a ti tan/ dail drouv ban qilaoyi daob/ge jie sei ge dei jium ne. A. All things that you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and you will have them—James 1:6-7. A. groub diang sei ge dei evei/ dail nie rual knie/ a ti tan soum/ jiu ji-e ta/ ban haoyi/ nu neng ban mei-n. B. Faith honors and glorifies God; all prayer is heard on this basis—Mark 11:24. B. sei ge dei jium ne/gou roub / neng tevayi sei rei la ao/ daol brie jie me jia; diang sei ge dei a ti tan/ diang aoh/ drouv ban sdab ler/nev le mule tan ni. III. “We will continue steadfastly in prayer”—Acts 6:4a: III. ai yeng kniaom/ neng kangm pujie yem/ knong sei ge dei a ti tan. A Prayer is rie rowing a boat upstream; if you do not persevere, you will be carried downstream by the current; to persevere in prayer is to continue persistently, steadfastly, and earnestly—v. 4. A sei ge dei a ti tan/ ge douj jie ga/ jiayv duk/ nev le dek/; brao sen bae bong bu-on/ men dao su dei/ bong bu-on mouk jie/ drouv ban deg dev dam ksai dek kang graom/; ga kejiaob kejiou-n/ knong sei ge dei a ti tan/ ge jie ga/ kangm pujie yem/ban dao/ daoyi smaoh aoh bi jiet. B By prayer let the Lord take care of all matters in our living; He will take care of us and meet our need. B daoyi sei ge dei a ti tan/ soum aoyi brie ang me jiah/ tai rie sa/ban nia ha diang aoh nev knong ga ruh nev/ rou bao yeng; drong neng tai rie sa/ yeng haoyi neng/ bangm ben dam dangm rouv ga/ rou bao yeng. C If we pray without ceasing, we will live a Christian life that is full of joy on earth today—John 16:24. C sab tnaiyi ni/ brao sen bae yeng/ a ti tan/ daoyi at qiub qiu/yeng neng ruh nev knong/ ji vet kristien/ dail ben dev daoyi/ sei ge dei/ angm nao/ nev le pan dei. IV. “In the holiest place, touch the throne of grace, / Grace as a river shall flow; / In the holiest place, touch the throne of grace, / Grace as a river shall flow. / Hallelujah! Hallelujah! / Grace as a river shall flow; / Hallelujah! Hallelujah! / Grace as a river shall flow”—Hymns, #770. IV. jiul di bao ri saot/ bangm paot nei brie ang/ brie gun wu daom/ hou douj ksai deg/ jiul di bao ri saot/ bangm paot nei brie ang/ brie gun wu daom/ hou douj ksai deg/ ha lei lu ya! ha lei lu ya! brie gun wu daom/ hou douj ksai deg/ ha lei lu ya! ha lei lu ya! brie gun wu daom/ hou douj ksai deg. Table Contents


Term Twelve Reading the Bible vieg sab/ di / daob bi an brie gongm bi Abstracts: daok /srang bi: 2 Tim. 3:16a All Scripture is God-breathed. bi ti mou tei / jiongm buk bei/kao daob bram muyi /gao groub diang bao- at gongm bi/ge jie brie drong / ban ben jien/ brie vei nien/ ban dail aoyi dai- ing dei. Reading the Word is assimilating God from the Bible. When we come to the Bible, we must eat and drink God as our food. When we eat the Lord’s words, we have joy and rejoicing in our heart. ga an brie bon dul/ ge jie ga sroub youk brie bi brie gongm bi/. nev beil dail yeng/ jiul maok ai brie gongm bi/,yeng drouv dai/ bao ri pouk/ neng pek brie ang/ douj jie a ha rou bao yeng. nev beil dail yeng/ bao ri pouk/ brie bon dul rou bao brie ang me jiah/ yeng min sei ge dei/ angm nao/ neng ga ao-sab- baiy /nev knong jiet rou bao yeng. Contents: klem sa: 2 Tim. 3:16a All Scripture is God-breathed. bi ti mou tei / jiongm buk bei/kao daob bram muyi /gao groub diang bao- at gongm bi/ge jie brie drong / ban ben jien/ brie vei nien/ ban dail aoyi dai- ing dei. Jer. 15:16 Your words were found and I ate them, And Your word became to me. The gladness and joy of my heart. ye rei mie/ jiongm buk daob bram/kao/ daob bram muyi du bang gongm ban ken/ brie bon dul drong/ du bang gongm gao ban/ dou dul dien/leib jiul aoh haoyi/ ; brie bon dul rou bao drong/ jie sei ge dei angm nao/ haoyi jie di rik riyeyi jiet/ daol dul bong gongm. I. The whole Bible is God’s word, His breathing—2 Tim. 3:16a: I. brie gongm bi diang mul / ge jie brie bon dul/ rou bao brie/ dail jie kjiaol deng haem/ rou bao drong. A. Reading the Word is assimilating God from the Bible; the way that God has ordained for us to enjoy Him is to read the Word. A. ga an brie bon dul/ ge jie ga sroub youk brie bi brie gongm bi/; pulev dail brie/ ban gongm naot douk/ sangm rab yeng/ dam bei/ dou dul angm nao drong/ ge ga an brie bon dul. B. “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out through the mouth of God”; all the words that proceed out through the mouth of God are man’s spiritual food—Matt. 4:4. B. “me nuh men mei-n ruh/ daoyi sa dai/ noum bang ben naoh dei/ ge ruh daoyi sa/ groub diang brie bon dul/ dail jien bi brie aov / brie maok dai; ” groub diang brie bon dul/ dail jien bi brie aov brie/ ge jie a ha kang vei


nien/ rou bao me nuh. II. “Your words were found and I ate them”—Jer. 15:16: II. du bang gongm ban ken/ brie bon dul drong/ du bang gongm gao ban/ dou dul dien/leib jiul aoh haoyi/: A. Our attitude toward coming to the Bible should be that we are eating; when we come to the Bible, we must eat and drink God as our food; we must breathe in God Himself and enjoy Him. A. ei-re-ya baot rou bao yeng/jiongm buh ga maok ai brie gongm bi/ guo dai ji ga bao ri pouk; nev beil dail yeng/ maok ai brie gongm bi/,yeng drouv dai/ bao ri pouk/ neng pek brie ang me jia/ jie a ha rou bao yeng. yeng drouv dai/ daok deng haem/ jiul brie ang drong pdual/ neng dou dul angm nao drong. B. We need to come to the Word time after time, day after day; the more we read, the more we will be inwardly satisfied, filled, empowered, and strengthened— Psa. 119:105. B. bi muyi tnaiyi de muyi tnaiyi/ yeng drouv ga/ maok ai brie bon dul/ groub beil vei lie, yeng gan dai an / yeng neng gan dai ban sgaob jiet/, gan dai ban bangm ben,/ gan dai min gangm lang/, neng gan dai ban jiaom ra-en gongm lang. C. “Your word became to me The gladness and joy of my heart”; good food always makes us happy; the Lord’s words are the same; when we eat the Lord’s words, we have joy and rejoicing in our heart—Jer. 15:16b. C. “haoyi brie bon dul / rou bao drong/ jie sei ge dei angm nao/ haoyi jie di rik riyeyi/jiet daol dul bang gongm.” a ha la ao dai-ing dai/ tve aoyi yeng rik riyeyi/; brie bon dul rou bao brie ang me jiah/ ge douj knie; nev beil dail yeng/ bao ri pouk/ brie bon dul rou bao brie ang me jiah/; yeng min sei ge dei/ angm nao/ neng jie di rik riyeyi/ nev knong jiet rou bao yeng. III. “Here, O my Lord, may I feast upon Thee; / Flood with Thy Spirit and fill by Thy Word; / May, Lord, Thou be such a feast unto me, / As man hath never enjoyed nor e’er heard. / Feed me, Lord Jesus, give me to drink, / Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst; / Flood me with joy, be the strength of my life, / Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst”—Hymns, #811. III. “soum aoyi brie ang jie bi ti jiub li-ing kniaom/ bangm ben daoyi/ brie vei nien/ neng brie bon dul/ ; knong bi ti jiub li-ing/ kniaom houb pek brie ang/ aoyi ban angm nao pieb / bao ri bou brie ang. drong bangm bat ga heiv sreik /aoyi kniaom sgaob jiet/. brie ang jien jiem kniaom aoyi kniaom ban pek/ bangm ben aoh ga kli-en/ bangm bat ga sreik/ aoyi kniaom rik riyeyi/ min gongm lang knong ji vet/ bangm ben aoh ga kli-en/ bangm bat ga sreik. Table Contents


Term Thirteen The Importance of Meeting vieg sab/ di / daob bei sara sangm kan/nei ga brao jiongm Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Heb. 10:25a Not abandoning our own assembling together. hai bure/jiongm buk/ daob/kao/ me pei bram/gao et lei-ng brao jiongm knie/douj jie nai klah/ tluab nuh laoyi. To Christians, meeting is rie water to fish or air to birds; just as fish need to live in water and birds need to live in the air, Christians need to maintain their life by meeting. jiongm buh kristien/ ga brao jiongm/ ge douj jie dek/ jiongm buh dereiyi/ re douj jie kjiaol a gah/jiongm buh ba sa ba sei; dereiyi drouv ga ruh/ nev knong dek/ haoyi sat ha-e/ drouv ga ruh nev knong / kjiaol a gah/ ri ai kristien diang layi/ drouv rie sa ji vet/ rou bao klun/ daoyi ga brao jiongm. Contents: klem sa: Heb. 10:25a Not abandoning our own assembling together. haib bure/jiongm buk/ daob/kao/ me pei bram/gao et lei-ng brao jiongm knie/douj jie nai klah/ tluab nuh laoyi. Matt. 18:20 For where there are two or three gathered into My name, there am I in their midst. ma tai/ jiongm buk/ daob bram bei/ kao/ me pei tbet gen lai-ing na/dail min bi / re bei nia/ brao jiongm jie muyi knie/ daoyi nev qimao kniaom/ nuh kniaom gao nev gen dal/ jiaom na-om/ nie diang nuh dai. I. God has ordained that Christians must meet in order to live or survive— Matt. 18:20: I. dam bei ruh nev/ brie jie me jia/ ban gongm nao ta/kristien drouv dai/ brao jiongm knie: A. Our Christian life is not rie the life of a butterfly, which does well on its own; our life is rie the sheep’s life, requiring that we flock together and live a meeting life. A. ji vet kristien rou bao yeng/ ge men douj jie ji vet/ mei angm bav/ dail tve (brao buret)/ dam dai klun aiying laoyi/; ji vet rou bao yeng/ ge douj jie ji vet sat jiem/ dail dangm rev aoyi yeng/ jiueb jiongm knie / haoyi ruh nev knong ji vet/ nei ga brao jiongm. B. If a new believer does not come to the meetings, he will not have much joy, peace, or comfort. B. brao sen bae/ nie ji-e temei/men ban maok brao jiongm/ nuh guat neng men min sei ge dei angm nao/ sei ge dei saok san/ re sei ge dei gongm san jiet laoyi. C. If he comes to the meetings, however, he will have joy within as he sings, fellowships, prays, praises, and worships with the brothers since this is a


characteristic of the divine life—1 Cor. 14:26. C. gao ben dai/ brao sen bae guat maok brao jiongm/ nuh guat neng min sei ge dei angm nao/ nev kan knong/ nev kan na beil/guat jiring/ brao gao a ti tan/ sao sa daom ga-eng/neng tevaiyi bang gongm/ jie muyi neng buk bong bu-on/ burou ga ni/ ge jie bouk ge laik / liek na/ nei ji vet rou bao brie. II. We need to meet just as fish need water, birds need air, and man needs to breathe—Heb. 10:25: II. yeng drouv ga/ brao jiongm knie/ douj jie dereiyi/ drouv ga dek/; sat slab/drouv ga kjiaol a gah/ ri ai me nuh/ drouv ga daok deng haem: A. We need to see that meeting is not an occasional act of Christians; rather, it is the Christian life, just as eating and washing daily are part of the human life; these are not occasional acts; rather, they constitute our living. A. yeng drouv ga mel ken ta/ ga brao jiongm men mei-n jie sa gam ma pieb/ me dao-ang/ rou bao kristien nuh dei/bon dai ga brao jiongm / ge jie ji vet kristien/ douj jie ga bao ri pouk/ neng ga li-ing sam at/ brao jiam tnaiyi/ ge jie pnaik muyi nei ji vet/ rou bao me nuh; douj qi nei/ diang ni men mei-n jie / sa gam ma pieb/ you you me dao-ang layi/ dai jie mule tan/ greh nei ga ruo nev / rou bao buk gei. B. Hebrews 10:25 says, “Not abandoning our own assembling together”; we need to meet, the meetings are crucial to us, and we should not forsake them. B. haib bure/jiongm buk/ daob/kao/ me pei bram/ni yeyi ta, et lei-ng brao jiongm knie/douj jie nai klah/ tluab nuh laoyi; yeng drouv ga brao jiongm knie/ tbet ga brao jiongm/ min sara sangm kan nah/ jiongm buh yeng/ haoyi yeng men guo/ baoh bang/ ga brao jiongm jiaol laoyi. III. “We love the church life, eating, drinking, breathing Jesus. / We love the church life, taking in God’s Word. / We love to hear those “O Lord, Amen, Hallelujahs!” / We love the church life, feasting with the Lord”—New songs, Some, these days, would tell us that our Jesus is not food. III. “bangm naoang klemu sa knong ga brao jiongm/ groub knie rik rieyi/ daoyi pieb wu daom/ jiangm naoyi gen dal jie rub ang drong/ nuam knie sangm daiing brie geri.” —KH624 Table Contents


Term Fourteen Spiritual Companions vieg sab/ di / daob buen daiyi gu/ kang vei nien Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Eccl. 4:9-10 Two are better than one…for if they fall, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls and does not have another to lift him up! sa sda/jiongm buk / buen kao bram buen / daol daob min knie bi nie/ nuh vei sei jiem/ nev dai aiying…tbet ba dul/ nuh me-nia neng jirong knie la-eng ven/ dai vou haoyi/ niak na dail dul/knong gal / dail nev dai me-nia aiying/ et min knie/neng jiuyi jirong la-eng ven. Spiritual companions are the best friends throughout our life. Every Christian should have some spiritual companions in the church, then he will become a strong, rejoicing, and proper Christian. ben muyi ji vet/ rou bao yeng/ dai gu kang vei nien/ ge jie met la ao bangm paot. nev knong ji vet / grongm jiongm nongm/ groub kristien/ guo dai min daiyi gu/ kang vei nien klah/ bon duab maok deb guat/ aj neng reng mao-am/ angm nao/ neng jie kristien/ dao drongm derev. Contents: klem sa: 2 Tim. 2:22 But flee youthful lusts, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. bi ti me tei/ jiongm buk bi/ kao / me pei bi jiu aoyi rut bi sei ge dei/ sra-eb sral/ rou bao kemei-ing kemei-ing jien / haoyi denj dam/ sei ge dei sao-jiret/ sei ge dei jiongm ne/ sei ge dei srao lan/ neng sei ge dei mei derei/ jie muyi neng aoh nie/ dail angm biu niu/ daol brie ang me jiah/ angm bi jiet/ dao bao ri saot ven. Eccl. 4:9-10 Two are better than one…for if they fall, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls and does not have another to lift him up! sa sda/jiongm buk / buen kao bram buen / daol daob min knie bi nie/ nuh vei sei jiem/ nev dai aiying…tbet ba dul/ nuh me-nia neng jirong knie la-eng ven/ dai vou haoyi/ niak na dail dul/knong gal / dail nev dai me-nia aiying/ et min knie/neng jiuyi jirong la-eng ven. I. “But flee youthful lusts, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart”—2 Tim. 2:22: I. jiu aoyi rut bi sei ge dei/ sra-eb sral/ rou bao kemei-ing kemei-ing jien / haoyi denj dam/ sei ge dei sao-jiret/ sei ge dei jiongm ne/ sei ge dei srao lan/ neng sei ge dei mei derei/ jie muyi neng aoh nie/ dail angm biu niu/ daol brie ang me jiah/ angm bi jiet/ dao bao ri saot ven: A. We must have a life of fleeing and pursuing, however, when you endeavor to flee and pursue, you will find that you are not able to do so by yourself. A. yeng drouv dai/ min ji vet/ nei ga rut geij/ haoyi denj dam/ bon dai nev beil dail bong bu-on/ kangm bureng/ rut geij/ haoyi denj dam/ nuh bong


bu-on/ neng ruk ken ta/ bong bu-on men aj/ tve daoyi klun aiying/ ban laoyi. B. The principle for the saints in both the Old and New Testaments was that they were grouped together; therefore young people need to flee youthful lusts and pursue the Lord with some companions. B. goul ga/ sangm rab buk/ bao ri saot/ diang nev knong/ sei nia jiah/ neng sei nia te-mei/ ge ta buk gei ban dak/knong grongm jie muyi knie; douj qi nei/ buk you vai jun/ drouv ga rut bi sei ge dei sraeb sral/ rou bao kemei-ing kemei-ing jien / haoyi denj dam/brie ang me jiah/jie muyi neng daiyi gu/ muyi jiongm nu-en. II. “Two are better than one…for if they fall, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls and does not have another to lift him up!”—Eccl. 4:9-10: II. min knie bi nie/ nuh vei sei jiem/ nev dai aiying…tbet ba dul/ nuh me-nia neng jirong knie la-eng ven/ dai vou haoyi/ niak na dail dul/knong gal / dail nev dai me-nia aiying/ et min knie/neng jiuyi jirong la-eng ven. A. Spiritual companions are the best friends throughout our life; every Christian should have some spiritual companions in the church. A. ben muyi ji vet/ rou bao yeng/ dai gu kang vei nien/ ge jie met la ao bangm paot. nev knong ji vet / grongm jiongm nongm/ groub kristien/ guo dai min daiyi gu/ kang vei nien klah. B. Young people need at least one companion; especially these perilous times, we need more companions; then he will become a strong, rejoicing, and proper Christian. B. you vai jun/drouv ga min yang haoj nah/ dai gu me nia; jie bi sei/ nev beil yeng min ga longm bak/ yeng drouv ga daiyi gu/ gan dai jira-en/bon duab maok deb guat/ aj klayi jie reng mao-am/ angm nao/ neng klaiyi jie kristien dao /drouvm derev ban. III. “Thus with all saints we can apprehend / All the vast dimensions of God. / Knowing Christ’s love passes all we know, / We’re together filled to fullness with our God. / Jesus is getting us together, / Come and see the saints in one accord. / His love is knitting us together, / To the stature of the fullness of the Lord”—Hymns, #1232. III. “ga bang gae tmei klaiyi jie rub gai/ men mein bu gul ruh nev mniak ai- ing/ yeng rum bangm rae jie muyi neng knie/ rum sa hak ga / rum bangm rae. ”—KH 65. Table Contents


Term Fifteen Hymn Singing vieg sab/ di / daob bram ga jirieng baot jiangm rieng Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Eph. 5:19 Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and psalming with your heart to the Lord. ai pei sou/jiongm buk bram/kao/daob bram buen haoyi niyeyi knie dev ven dev maok/ daoyi baot dongm nouk dangm ga-eng/ dongm nouk bao ri saot/ neng jiangm rieng/ kang ai vei nien/ diang jirieng/ haoyi sao sae daol / brie ang me jiah daoyi jiet. Songs are the expression of man’s finest feelings. Singing is one outstanding trait of a Christian. Our daily life should be filled with singing to the Lord. baot jiangm rieng/ ge jie ga bang han/ bi arangm la ao/ bangm paot rou bao me nuh/. ga jirieng ge jie liek knak/ lei te lou muyi/ rou bao kristien/. ji vet brao jiam tenaiyi /rou bao yeng/ guo dai ban ben/ daoyi ga jirieng tvayi/ daol brie ang me jiah. Contents: klem sa: Eph. 5:19 Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and psalming with your heart to the Lord. ai pei sou/jiongm buk bram/kao/daob bram buen haoyi niyeyi knie dev ven dev maok/ daoyi baot dongm nouk dangm ga-eng/ dongm nouk bao ri saot/ neng jiangm rieng/ kang ai vei nien/ diang jirieng/ haoyi sao sae daol / brie ang me jiah daoyi jiet. Psa. 104:33 I will sing to Jehovah while I live; I will sing psalms to my God while I yet have being. doum nouk dangm ga-eng /jiongm buk muyi raoyi buen/kao/ sanm seb bei gal nev min ji vet/ nev laoyi/ nuh dul bang gongm/ neng jirieng tvayi/ brie ye hou va/ jie dao rab/ gal dul bang gongm min nev nev laoyi/ nuh neng jirieng sao sae/ daol brie nei dul bang gongm. I. Songs are the expression of man’s finest feelings—Acts 16:25: I. baot jiangm rieng/ ge jie ga bang han/ bi arangm la ao/ bangm paot rou bao me nuh: A. The deepest feelings that flow from a man’s heart are the feelings expressed in songs. A. arangm jirou bangm paot/ dail hao jien bi jiet / rou bao me nuh/ ge jie arangm dail ban bang han/ nev knong baot jiangm rieng. B. God wants us to have fine and tender feelings; God wants to lead His children toward a walk of finer, tenderer, and more song-rie feelings. B. brie jiang aoyi yeng/ min arangm la ao/ neng dun pluen/; brie jiang dek nuam /goun jiav/ rou bao drong/ qibuo dev rouk/ dangm nae muyi/dail min arangm la ao/ brao sae jieng muen/ dun pluen jieng muen/ neng 38

jiul jiet/ bat jiangm rieng/jira-en jieng muen. II. “Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and psalming with your heart to the Lord”—Eph. 5:19: II. haoyi niyeyi knie dev ven dev maok/ daoyi baot dongm nouk dangm ga- eng/ dongm nouk bao ri saot/ neng jiangm rieng/ kang ai vei nien/ diang jirieng/ haoyi sao sae daol / brie ang me jiah daoyi jiet: A. Whenever we open our mouth to praise the Lord or to sing to him, we rejoice. A. beil na yeng baek muan/ rou bao yeng/ sao sae daol brie ang me jiah/ re/ jirieng tvayi/ drong/ nuh yeng neng ao sa baiy. B. We should sing the Word not only in the meetings, but especially in our daily life, you may sing in a wrong way with the wrong melody, but the more you sings, the happier you are; the more you sing, the more you are refreshed. B. yeng guo dai jirieng/ brie bon dul/ men drengm dai/ nev knong ga brao jiongm/, bon dai jie bi sei/ nev knong ji vet/ brao jiam tenaiyi/ rou bao yeng/ bong bu-on aj jirien dam rou bieb/ dail kaoh jie muyi neng/doum nouk plei-ing/ dai bong bu-on gan dai jirieng/ bong bu-on gan dai rik rieyi. bong bu-on gan dai jirieng/ bong bu-on gan dai / sraoh srayi. C. I always sing; every day when I go for a walk, I sing; singing is one outstanding trait of a Christian; I am the worst in music, but I rie to sing more than anything else; when I sing in this way, all my worries are gone, and all the sicknesses are removed. C. kniaom dai-ing dai jirieng jie neij; jie rieng rual tenaiyi/ beil kniaom dae lei-eng/ kniaom jirieng, ga jirieng ge jie liek knak/ lei te lou muyi/ rou bao kristien/.jiangm buh dan dreiyi/ kniaom men bugai dei/, bon dai kniaom jiul jiet jirieng/ jieng evei evei / puseing diet; beil kniaom jirieng/ dam rou bieb ni/ nuh ga buruyi barangm diang laiyi/ rou bao kniaom ban bat dev/ haoyi jiongm nge diang aoh/ drouv ban daok jien. D. “I will sing to Jehovah while I live; I will sing psalms to my God while I yet have being”; our daily life should be filled with singing to the Lord—Psa. 104:33. D. gal nev min ji vet/ nev laoyi/ nuh dul bang gongm/ neng jirieng tvayi/ brie ye hou va/ jie dao rab/ gal dul bang gongm min nev nev laoyi/ nuh neng jirieng sao sae/ daol brie nei dul bang gongm. III. “We will sing to the Lord with our spirit, / We will sing to the Lord from within, / We will sing hallelujah to Jesus; / And be blent into oneness with Him”—Hymns, #1141. III. “yeng neng jirieng tvayi brie ang / daoyi brae vei nien/, yeng neng jirieng tvayi brie ang bi kang knong, / yeng neng jirieng ha lei lu ya brie ye su, rongm jie dai muyi neng drong knong vei nien/. Table Contents


Term Sixteen Praising vieg sab/ di / daob bram muyi ga sou sae dangm gaeng Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Psa. 69:30 I will praise the name of God with a song And will magnify Him with thanksgiving. doum nouk dangm gaeng/ jiongm buk/ haok seb bram buen/ kao / sam seb dul bang gongm neng jirieng /doum nouk/sao sae daol brie niem/ rou bao brie/ haoyi neng/ lek dangm gaeng /drong/ daoyi ao brie gun. To praise is to glorify God. Praise is the highest work carried out by God’s children. When we begin to sing and to praise, God sends the help. We must praise God unceasingly. ga sao sae dangm gaeng/ ge jie ga/ tvayi sei rei la ao/ daol brie. ga sao sae dangm gaeng/ ge jie ga ngiye/ dao kbeng kbuoh/ bangm paot/ dail teve laeng/ daoyi brao jie rieh rou bao brie. nev beil dail yeng/ jiab budaem jirieng /neng sao sae dangm gaeng/ brie ang drong/ ban jun/jiongm nuyi maok. buk yeng drouv dai/ sao sae dangm gaeng brie / ed qiub qiu. Contents: klem sa: Psa. 69:30 I will praise the name of God with a song And will magnify Him with thanksgiving. doum nouk dangm gaeng/ jiongm buk/ haok seb bram buen/ kao / sam seb dul bang gongm neng jirieng /doum nouk/sao sae daol brie niem/ rou bao brie/ haoyi neng/ lek dangm gaeng /drong/ daoyi ao brie gun. 150:6 Letverything that has breath praise Jehovah. Hallelujah! jiongm buk/ me raoyi ha seb/ kao/ bram muyi gu aoyi ji vet diang laiy/ dail min dang haem/ ban sao sae daol brie ye hou va/jiu sao sae daol brie ye hou va/jiaoh. I. To praise is to glorify God; praise is the highest work carried out by God’s children—1 Chron. 23:30: I. ga sao sae dangm gaeng/ ge jie ga/ tvayi sei rei la ao/ daol brie. ga sao sae dangm gaeng/ ge jie ga ngiye/ dao kbeng kbuoh/ bangm paot/ dail teve laeng/ daoyi brao jie rieh rou bao brie. A. God is worthy of all glory; our praises are His glory—16:25. A. brie ang drong guab guo/ sao sae/ nev groub diang aoh; ga sao sae dangm gaeng rou bao buk yeng/ ge jie/ sei rei la ao / rou bao brie ang. B. The secret to overcome all situations is to praise; if you feel lonely, just say, “O Lord, Amen, Hallelujah!” in less than five minutes you will have the sense that the Lord is with you; whatever you need, this praising will bring it to you. B. goun sao sangm ngiat/ dam bei youk qi nie/ nev groub se tan ne ga diang aoh/ ge jie ga sao sae dangm gaeng brie; brao sen bae bong bu- on/min arangm ta/ aik ga jiu gruan dai/ ni yeyi ta/ "ou brie ang me jiah, amen, ha lei lu ya!" knong rou ye beil/ deij ji-ing bram nie di/ nuh bong 40

bu-on neng min arangm ta/ brie ang me jiah/ drong gong nev jie muyi ; bong bu-on; evei gao daoyi/ dail bong bu-on drouv ga/ ga sao sae dangm gaeng/ ni neng nuam/ rou bao diang nuh/maok bong bu-on. C. God likes men to praise Him in this way; God is exalted through our praise; we should learn all the more to praise God—Psa. 22:3. C. brie jiul jiet aoyi yeng/ sao sae dangm gaeng daol drong/ danm rou bieb ni/; brie drouv ban lek dangm gaeng laeng/ danm rou ye / ga sao sae rou bao yeng; douj qi nei buk yeng guo dai/ rien sao sae dangm gaeng/ daol brie ang/ aoyi gan dai jiraen. II. “I will praise the name of God with a song And will magnify Him with thanksgiving”—69:30: II. dul bang gongm neng jirieng /doum nouk/sao sae daol brie niem/ rou bao brie/ haoyi neng/ lek dangm gaeng /drong/ daoyi ao brie gun. A. The best edification, the best comfort, and the best encouragement are all in the singing of praises; when we begin to sing and to praise, God sends the help—119:175. A. ga la-ao brao sae bangm paot/ ga gangm san jiet/ la ao bangm paot, haoyi neng gan/ lek dek jiet la ao bangm paot/ ge diang aoh sted / nev knong ga/ jirieng sao sae dangm gaeng. nev beil dail yeng/ jiab budaem jirieng/ sao sae dangm gaeng brie/ ban jun jiongm nuyi maok. B. While we are praising, He praises in our praising; whenever we sing, Jesus should sing within our singing; we can never finish our praising, for the more we praise, the more we have with which to praise—2 Sam. 22:4. B. ke na beil buk yeng/ jirieng sao sae dangm gaeng/ brie ang sao sae/ nev knong ga sao sae dangm gaeng/ rou bao buk yeng; nev beil na dail yeng jirieng/ brie ye su / guo dai jirieng/nev kang knong/ ga jirieng rou bao yeng/ mulaoh haoyi/ deb yeng men aj ban jiao-ab/ ga sao sae dangm gaeng / rou bao yeng/ bruoh yeng / gan dai sao sae/dangm gaeng jiraen yang na/ yeng gan dai/ min ga sao sae dangm gaeng / jiraen yang nuh dai. C. “Letverything that has breath praise Jehovah”; we must praise God unceasingly—Psa. 150:6. C. gu aoyi ji vet diang laiy/ dail min dang haem/ ban sao sae daol brie ye hou va/jiu sao sae daol brie ye hou va/jiaoh. III. “O brothers, be not silent! O sisters, cry aloud! / The sound shall tell God’s triumph And blessings far abroad. / Now is the time to praise Him, / Yes now, at any cost! / O joy in your salvation, And in His mercy boast!”— Hymns, #1095. III. “soum sao sae soum sao sae / groub knie angm nao rik rieyi/ soum sao sae soum sao sae / groub knie sraik jiring sa baiy/ soum jiu maok brie vao bei da/ daoyi brie baot dra/ soum tvaiyi sei rei la ao/ daol drong tve ga aoh jia. ”—KH 34. Table Contents


Term Seventeen Being Revived Every Morning vieg sab/ di / daob bram bi ga sda rang ven ri-ing rual bureg Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Prov. 4:18 The path of the righteous is rie the light of dawn, Which shines brighter and brighter until the full day. so pie set/jiongm buk/ buen/kao/ daob bram bei dai pulev rou bao me nuh /saot jiret tieb douj jie bonler/ dail gangm bong dai rie laeng dail pulev/ gan dai kelang laeng, dao rab daol ben gangm lang. The sun rises afresh every morning. The Lord’s lovingkindness and compassions are new every morning. We should follow the sun to be revived and to have a new startvery morning. dueng a ded rie laeng/ sraoh temei/ rual dai bureg/. sei ge dei sebe rao / neng sei ge dei mei da/ ga ru na/ rou bao brie ang me jiah/ ge temei rual dai bureg. yeng guo dai dae dam/ dueng a ded/ dam bei ban sda laeng ven/ neng min ga / jiab pedaem temei/ ri-ing rual bureg. Contents: klem sa: Prov. 4:18 The path of the righteous is rie the light of dawn, Which shines brighter and brighter until the full day. so pie set/jiongm buk/ buen/kao/ daob bram bei dai pulev rou bao me nuh /saot jiret tieb douj jie bonler/ dail gangm bong dai rie laeng dail pulev/ gan dai kelang laeng, dao rab daol ben gangm lang. Psa. 119:147 And do not be fashioned according to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind. doum nouk dangm gaeng/ jiongm buk/ muyi raoyi daob bram buen/kao/muyi raoyi sai seb bram bi dul bang gongm/ ban pu-niak muen beil brao lengm sraeng/ haoyi ban bangn ler/ laeng ta, dul bang gongm/ ban sang kengm daol brie bon dul drong. I. “The path of the righteous is rie the light of dawn, Which shines brighter and brighter until the full day”; we should follow the sun to be revived and to have a new startvery morning—Prov. 4:18: I. dai pulev rou bao me nuh /saot jiret tieb douj jie bonler/ dail gangm bong dai rie laeng dail pulev/ gan dai kelang laeng, dao rab daol ben gangm lang. A. We need to rise up with the sun every morning; the Lord’s lovingkindness and compassions are new every morning—Lam. 3:22-23. A. yeng drouv graok/ jie muyi dueng a ded/ jie ri-ing rual bureg/. sei ge dei sebe rao / neng sei ge dei mei da/ ga ru na/ rou bao brie ang me jiah/ ge temei rual dai bureg. B. We may be in a situation full of lamentations, yet we can be happy by having


ourselves revived every morning—1 Chron. 16:10. B. yeng brao hail jie/ sted knong se tan nepieb/ muyi dail ben dev daoyi/ ga saok sav, bon dai yeng aj rik rieyi/ daoyi ga ban sda laeng ven/ rieng rual bureg. II. To be revived is simply to be touched by the Lord anew; whenever the Lord touches us, we are revived—Psa. 119:147: II. ga ban sda laeng ven/ ge ga dail brie ang me jiah/ ban bah bual yeng sa jie temei/tbet beil na dail brie ang me jiah/ bah bual yeng/ yeng neng ban sda laeng ven. A. Psalms says “I anticipated the dawn and cried out”; the crying here is to call by saying “O Lord!” “O Lord Jesus. O Lord Jesus”; the more we call on the Lord’s name, the more we are refreshed—Rom. 10:12. A. doum nouk dangm gaeng ni yeyi ta/" dul bang gongm/ ban pu-niek muen beil brao lengm sraeng/ haoyi ban bangn ler/ laeng"; ga bangn ler nev di ni/ ge ga hav/ daoyi ni yeyi ta, "ou! brie ang me jiah!" " ou! brie ang me jiah ye su, ou! brie ang me jiah ye su !"; gal na yeng angm biu niu/ niem brie ang me jiah gan dai jiraen/ nuh yeng gan dai / ban sraoh temei. B. The crying here is to pray and to speak to the Lord; the calling plus the speaking to the Lord is rie a man’s deep breathing; you speak out all that you have, and take in the grace of the Lord—Psa. 142:2. B. ga bangn ler nev di ni/ge jie ga a ti tan/ neng ga ni yeyi dev gan brie ang me jiah; ga hav baok neng ga ni yeyi/ dev gan brie ang me jiah/ ge brieb douj jie/ ga daok dang haem/ dao jirev rou bao me nuh/; jiu bong bu-on ni yeyi jien/ nev evei diang aoh/ dail bong bu-on min/ haoyi dou dul youk brie gun/ rou bao brie ang me jiah jiaoh. C. Then we can take one or two verses from the holy Word to use in our prayer; do not care that much for your understanding; take care of calling on the Lord, contacting the Lord, this keeps you in a direct, fresh, intimate, loving contact with the Lord—Eph. 6:17. C. bangn daob maok/ yeng aj youk muyi/ re bi kao bi brie bon dul/ dao bao ri saot/ dam bei brae knong/ sei ge dei a ti tan/ rou bao yeng; jiu gongm kval kvayi/ jiongm bueh/ ga youl rou bao bong bu-on/ jiraen beik/. jiu youk jiet/ duk dak knong ga angm biu niu/ niem brie ang me jiah/ daoyi ga diek dong/ neng brie ang me jiah/ tbet ga ni/ jiu-eyi aoyi bong bu-on/ min ga diek dong daoyi pdual/ min pieb sraoh temei/ neng snet snal/ neng brao gaob daoyi/ sei ge dei srao lan jie muyi brie ang me jiah. III. “Jesus Lord, I’m captured by Thy beauty, / All my heart to Thee I open wide; / Now set free from all religious duty, / Only let me in Thyself abide. / As I’m gazing here upon Thy glory, / Fill my heart with radiancy divine; / Saturate me, Lord, I now implore Thee, / Mingle now Thy Spirit, Lord, with mine”—Hymns, #1159. III. brie ye su, brie ang drong jiab dueng jiet kniaom/ dueng jiet kniaom drouv ga/ drong groub vei lie/ soum drong jiuyi kniaom/ ruyi bi vei ti sa sna/ haoyi gruan dai rueh jie muyi drong jie neij/. nev beil ni kniaom sangm


leng mel brie piek drong/ dueng jiet kniaom ben daoyi sei rei brie ang/ soum saoyi riek/ nev knong dueng jiet rou bao kniaom/ daoyi vei nien brie ang/ rongm jie dai muyi. Table Contents


Term Eighteen Calling upon the Name of the Lord vieg sab/ di / daob bram bei ga angm biu niu brie niem brie ang me jiah Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Rom. 10:12b He is rich to all who call upon Him. rou mu/ jiongm buk daob/kao daob bi drong min groub jie bao ri bou/ sangm rab aoh niak na/ dail angm biu rouk drong. To say, “Jesus is Lord!” this is to call on the name of the Lord; it is the joyful way to drink from the fountain of God’s salvation, and the enjoyable way to delight oneself in God, that is, to enjoy Him. ga niyeyi ta "brie ye su jie brie ang me jiah/ "ga ni ge jie ga dail/ yeng hao brie niem brie ang me jiah; ni ge jie vei ti/ dao rik riyeyi/knong ga pek dek/ bi brao poub/ nei sei ge dei sang gru/ rou bao brie/ haoyi gao jie vei ti/ dao rik riyeyi/ knong ga tve aoyi/ brie jie me jia/ klayi jie sei ge dei / angm nao rou bao yeng / pang dai/ dail nuh ge jie ga dou dul/ angm nao drong nuh aiying/ Contents: klem sa: Rom. 10:12b-13 He is rich to all who call upon Him; For “whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” rou mu/ jiongm buk daob/kao daob bi dao daob bei drong min groub jie bao ri bou/ sangm rab aoh niak na/ dail angm biu rouk drong. "haoyi groub knie dail / ge aoh niak na / dai angm biu niu brie niem brie ang me jiah/ nuh neng ban sang gru". Psa. 116:13 I will take up the cup of salvation And call upon the name of Jehovah. doum nouk dangm gaeng/jiongm buk muyi raoyi / daob bram muyi/ kao daob bei ge kniaom neng dou dul youk bei eng/nei sei ge dei sang gru/ haoyi neng angm biu niu/ dao brie niem brie ye hou va. I. To say, “Jesus is Lord!” this is to call on the name of the Lord—1 Chron. 16:8: I. ga niyeyi ta "brie ye su jie brie ang me jiah/ "ga ni ge jie ga dail/ yeng hao brie niem brie ang me jiah: A. The Greek word for call means “to invoke a person”, “to call a person by name”; in other words, it is to call a person by naming him audibly. A. knong pie sa gri/ bie angm biu niu / min nei ta / "ga haov rouk/ nou na me nie;" "ga haov nou na me nie daoyi qi muo"; re niyeyi mu yang died/ ge jie ga haov nou na me nie/ daoyi haov qi muo/ rou bao guat/ ler ler/. B. To call on the Lord also means to cry to Him and to experience spiritual breathing; we need to breathe deeply by calling, “O Lord Jesus”; we should never stop breathing; “Therefore will I call upon him as long as I live”—Psa. 116:2.


B. ga angm biu niu / brie niem /rou bao brie ang me jiah / gao min nei ta/ sraiy haov/ rouk drong/ neng baot bi saod/ ga daok dang haem/kang ai vei nien/; yeng drouv ga / daok dang haem/ veing veing/daoyi ga angm biu niu brie niem drong/ "oh, brie ang me jiah ye su"; yeng men guo qiub/ daok dang haem nuh dei/; "haide nu drong ban puying/ brie ga maok sdab kniaom/ ban jie kniaom/neng angm biu niu daol drong aoh muyi ji vet." II. “Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”—Rom. 10:13: II. "haoyi groub knie dail / ge aoh niak na / dai angm biu niu brie niem brie ang me jiah/ nuh neng ban sang gru". A. Calling on the name of the Lord rescues us from many negative things such as pain, sorrow, death, and hell; if you want to be delivered from such things, you need to call on the Lord—Psa. 86:7; 116:3. A. ga angm biu niu / brie niem brie ang me jiah/ ge aj jiuyi rongm daoh yeng/ aoyi yeng/ ruj paot bi/ reng rao avei jie min/ diang lai/ douj jie sei ge dei qi-e jiab/ douk bruyi/ sei ge dei slab/ haoyi neng tan/ kongm brou leng. brao sen bae bong bu-on/ jiang ruj paot bi/ reng rao diang aoh ni/ bong bu-on guo dai / angm biu niu/ brie niem brie ang me jiah. B. We may partake of the Lord’s salvation by calling on Him; “I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord”—v. 13; Isa. 12:3. B. yeng aj ru min jiangm nai/ knong sei ge dei sang gru/ rou bao brie ang me jiah/ dam rou ye/ ga angm biu niu rouk drong; " kniaom neng dou dul youk bei eng/nei sei ge dei sang gru/ haoyi neng angm biu niu/ brie niem brie ang me jiah." III. The Lord is rich and rich to all who call upon Him; the way to enjoy the riches of the Lord is to call upon Him—Rom. 10:12b: III. drong min groub jie bao ri bou/ sangm rab aoh niak na/ dail angm biu rouk drong. vei ti knong ga dou dul/ angm nao pieb bao ri bou/ rou bao drong/ ge dam rou ye/ ga angm biu niu brie niem drong: A. It is God’s commandment and desire that His people call on Him; it is the joyful way to drink from the fountain of God’s salvation, and the enjoyable way to delight oneself in God, that is, to enjoy Him; hence, God’s people must call upon Him daily. A. ni jie sei ge dei/ bang guab/ neng jie bongm nao eng/ brie ha-re-dei/ rou bao brie/ dail dangm rev aoyi drong/ bruo jie vei ti / dao rik riyeyi/knong ga pek dek/ bi brao poub/ nei sei ge dei sang gru/ rou bao brie/ haoyi gao jie vei ti/ dao rik riyeyi/ knong ga tve aoyi/ brie jie me jia/ klayi jie sei ge dei / angm nao rou bao yeng / pang dai/ dail nuh ge jie ga dou dul/ angm nao drong nuh aiying/;hai douj qi nei haoyi/ brao jie rieh/ rou bao brie/ drouv dai angm biu niu / rouk drong/ jie brao jiab tenaiyi. B. The way for us to participate in the Lord’s plenteous mercy is to call upon Him; the more we call upon Him, the more we enjoy His mercy—Psa. 86:5. B. sangm rab yeng/ vei ti dam bei / rue min jiangm nai/ knong brie mei da/ dao toum teing/ rou bao drong/ nuh ge jie ga angm biu niu/ rouk drong;


yeng gan dai angm biu niu rouk drong/ jiraen bon na/ nuh yeng gan dai dou dul angm nao/ brie gun rou bao drong jiraen bon naoh dai. IV. “Till then we would Thy love proclaim / With every fleeting breath; / And triumph in that blessed Name / Which quells the pow’r of death, / Which quells the pow’r of death, / Which quells the pow’r of death, / And triumph in that blessed Name / Which quells the pow’r of death”—Hymns, #66. IV. niem brie ye su jie sa bi ruo/ gangm san douk yeng rual knie/ duoh bei longm bak jiub douk vei-de nie/ kniaom jirieng sao sae groub griye/ brie ri jiu baod dra/ brao sae kbong kbuoh/ brie ang jie brie sang gruh/ gat mao sou gut/ bru yeng rual knie/ bang hou lou het/ brao ruoh. Table Contents


Term Nineteen Pray-Reading the Word vieg sab/ di / daob bram buen ga an a ti tan /brie bon dul Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Eph. 6:17-18 Receive…the word of God, by means of all prayer and petition. ai pei sou/ jiongm buk bram muyi/kao / daob bram bi/ dao bram bei youk…brie bon dul rou bao brie/, brongm diang brae sei ge dei a ti tan/ neng sei ge dei dul ang vao/ grub yang. Pray-reading is to receive the Lord’s word by prayer. By pray-reading, we receive the Lord’s word into us, and through digestion the nutrients in the Lord’s word become our supply. ga an a ti tan/ ge dam bei dou dul brie bon dul/ rou bao brie ang me jiah/ dam rou ye ga a ti tan/. dam rou ye ga an a ti tan, yeng dou dul ban brie bon dul/ rou bao brie ang me jiah/ jiul maok knong yeng/ haoyi dam rou ye/ ga gen rongm liey/ sare tied/ jien jiem/ nev knong brie bon dul rou bao brie ang me jiah/ nuh brie bon dul rou bao brie ang me jiah/ klayi jie ga/ pgout pgong/ daol yeng. Contents: klem sa: Eph. 6:17-18 Receive…the word of God, by means of all prayer and petition. ai pei sou/ jiongm buk bram muyi/kao / daob bram bi/ dao bram bei youk…brie bon dul rou bao brie/, brongm diang brae sei ge dei a ti tan/ neng sei ge dei dul ang vao/ grub yang. Jer. 15:16 Your words were found and I ate them, And Your word became to me The gladness and joy of my heart. ye rei mie / jiongm buk daob bram/kao daob bram muyi dul bang gongm ban ken/ brie bon dul drong/dul bang gongm gao ban/ dou dul dien leibu jiul/ aoh hayi/ brie bon dul rou bao drong/ jie sei ge dei angm nao/ haoyi jie sei ge dei angm nao/ daol jiet dul bang gongm. I. “Receive…the word of God, by means of all prayer and petition”; pray- reading is to receive the Lord’s word by prayer—Eph. 6:17-18: I. youk…brie bon dul rou bao brie/, brongm diang brae sei ge dei a ti tan/ neng sei ge dei dul ang vao/ grub yang; ga an a ti tan/ ge jie ga dou dul ban/ brie bon dul rou bao brie/ dam rou ye sei ge dei a ti tan. A. We take the Bible text as prayer and pray-read with it; pray-read is not only do we read and pray simultaneously, but also we directly turn the text we are reading into the very words of prayer to pray with. A. yeng youk ada baot/ brie gongm bi maok tve/ jie sei ge dei a ti tan/neng an a ti tan; ga an a ti tan ge yeng men drem dai an/ neng a ti tan knong beil dangm nal/ knie ben nao dei/ dai yeng gao bang vai/ ada baot/ dail yeng gang bong dai an/ aoyi dev jie bie/ nei sei ge dei a ti tan/ dam bei a ti tan/ jie muyi pang dai.


B. Every day and in every kind of situation, we should pray-read; whenever we are troubled by something negative within us, we should take the Word of God by means of prayer—v. 17b. B. yeng guo dai an a ti tan/ jie rieng rual tenaiyi/ diang nev knong se tan ne pieb/groub brao peid/; nev beil na dail yeng/ min ba nia ha/ daoyi sa reng/ a vei jie min/ nev kang knong yeng/ nuh yeng/ guo dai youk/ brie bon dul rou bao brie/ dam rou ye sei ge dei a ti tan. C. The more we repeat this kind of pray-reading, becomes and the greater, deeper, and richer the benefit is which we receive—Psa. 42:1. C. gal na yeng / an a ti tan dao dail dao dail/ baib ni/ gan dai ji raen/ nuh a ta brao yaod/ dail yeng dou dul ban/ ge gan dai xi jiongm rev/ gan dai brao sae laeng/neng gan dai bao ri bou. II. “Your words were found and I ate them”; through pray-reading, we will receive the Lord’s word just rie we receive food by eating— Jer. 15:16a: II. dul bang gongm ban ken/ brie bon dul drong/dul bang gongm gao ban/ dou dul dien leibu jiul/ aoh hayi/ brie bon dul rou bao drong/ jie sei ge dei angm nao/ haoyi jie sei ge dei angm nao/ daol jiet dul bang gongm: A. The elements in the Bible are just rie food; by pray-reading, we receive the Lord’s word into us, and through digestion the nutrients in the Lord’s word become our supply—Matt. 4:4. A. ang ga tied/ nev knong brie gongm bi/ ge douj jie a ha; dam rou ye ga an a ti tan/ yeng neng dou dul ban/ brie bon dul rou bao brie ang me jiah/ jiul dev knong yeng / haoyi dam rou ye/ ga gen rongm liey/ sare tied/ jien jiem/ dail min nev knong brie bon dul rou bao brie ang me jiah/ nuh brie bon dul rou bao brie ang me jiah/ klayi jie ga/ pgout pgong/ daol yeng. B. At any time—day or night, morning or evening—we can open up the Bible and pray-read a few verses; eventually, you will see that the whole Bible is a prayer book. B. groub beil men ta beil tenaiyi/ rer beil youb/ beil breg/ rer beil leng nieyi/ yeng aj baek brie gongm bi/ haoyi an a ti tan bi bei kao/; ne di bangm paot/ bong bu-on neng mel ken ta/ brie gongm bi diang mul/ ge jie xiou pou a ti tan. C. “Your word became to me The gladness and joy of my heart”; the word in the Bible is our food; we should simply eat the word. C. "hayi/ brie bon dul rou bao drong/ jie sei ge dei angm nao/ haoyi jie sei ge dei angm nao/ daol jiet dul bang gongm." brie bon dul nev knong brie gongm bi/ ge jie a ha rou bao yeng/. douj qi nei yeng guo dai/ bao ri pouk brie bon dul. III. “Now to enjoy Thee I come to Thy Word, / On Thee to feed till my hunger is o’er. / Now in my spirit I turn unto Thee, / Of Thee to drink till I’m thirsty no more. / Feed me, Lord Jesus, give me to drink, / Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst; / Flood me with joy, be the strength of my life, / Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst”—Hymns, #811. III. kniaom angm nao brie bon dul/ dail drong brao dien/ drong pgout pgong/


aoyi rou houd daol kniaom bat klien/ kniaom vel maok ai drong ven/ nev knong vei nien/ kniaom gao qiub/ sreik daoyi pek dek brie vei nien/; brie ang jien jiem kniaom, aoyi kniaom ban pek/ bangm ben aoh ga klien/ bangm bat ga sreik/ aoyi kniaom rik rieyi / min gangm lang/ knong ji vet/ bangm ben aoh ga klien/ bangm bat ga sreik/. Table Contents


Term Twenty Eating the Lord vieg sab/ di / me pei ga bao ri pouk brie ang me jiah Abstracts: daok /srang bi: John 6:35 Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall by no means hunger. you han jiongm buk/ bram muyi kao sam seb bram brie ye su min bon dul ta/ kniaom jie nongm bang ji vet; niak na dail maok ai kniaom / nuh neng men klien diet layi. To eat is to receive. What we receive will become our inner supply. We need to keep receiving the Lord by eating him. ga bao ri pouk/ ge jie ga dou dul youk. evei dail yeng dou dul youk / neng klayi jie/ ga pgout pgong/ pnaiyi kang knong rou bao yeng/. yeng drouv bon dao ga dou dul youk/ brie ang me jiah/ daoyi ga bao ri pouk drong. Contents: klem sa: John 6:35 Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall by no means hunger. you han jiongm buk/ bram muyi kao sam seb bram brie ye su min bon dul ta/ kniaom jie nongm bang ji vet; niak na dail maok ai kniaom / nuh neng men klien diet layi. 57b He who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me. kao ha seb bram bi kao niak na dail bao ri pouk kniaom/ nie nuh neng ruoh daoyi sa kniaom. I. To eat is to receive; eating the Lord is our destiny—Gen. 2:16: I. ga bao ri pouk/ ge jie ga dou dul youk. ga bao ri pouk/ brie ang me jiah / ge jie jiuk viesna/ rou bao yeng. A. God’s intention is that we eat of Him and take Him as our life. A. bangm naoang brie dei/ rou bao brie jie me jia/ ge ao yeng bao ri pouk drong/ neng dou dul youk drong/ tve jie ji vet rou bao yeng. B. If we want to receive nourishment, we need to eat and drink; everyday, we should eat something living from the world as our nourishment—John 6:54. B. brao sen bae yeng/ jiang dou dul ban/ sare tied jien jiem/, yeng drouv ga bao ri pouk/ neng pek; jie rieng rual tenaiyi/ yeng guo bao ri pouk/ evei me yang/ dail ruoh nev le bi poub louk/ tve jie sare tied jien jiem rou bao yeng. II. “I am the bread of life, …He who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me”; our spiritual eating must be continual and unceasing—vv. 35, 57b: II. "kniaom jie nongm bang ji vet; …niak na dail maok ai kniaom / nie nuh neng ruoh daoyi sa kniaom"; ga bao ri pouk kang vei nien rou bao yeng/ drouv dai nev ban dao/ daoyi ed qiub qiu. A. What we receive will become our inner supply; it is by and through this inner supply of the bread of life that we can live on the earth. 51

A. evei dail yeng dou dul / neng klayi jie/ ga pgout pgong/ pnaiyi kang knong rou bao yeng/. tbet daoyi sa neng dam rou ye/ ga pgout pgong/ bi nongm bang ji vet/ nev pnaiyi kang knong / baib ni haoyi/ deb yeng aj ruh / nev le pan dei ban. B. We can graduate from studying, but we cannot graduate from eating; we must eat several times every day; riewise, we need to keep receiving the Lord by eating him. B. yeng aj ban jiaob/ bi ga sek sa/ bon dai yeng men aj ban jiaob/ bi ga bao ri pouk ban layi/; yeng drouv dai bao ri pouk ji raen daoeng/ knong muyi tenaiyi; douj knie ni dai/ yeng drouv ban dao/ ga dou dul youk/ brie ang me jiah / daoyi ga bao ri pouk drong. C. “They are saturated with the fatness of Your house”; hence, we should eat the Lord throughout the day—Psa. 36:8. C. "gei neng ban qiaid/ daoyi rou bao / dao bao ri bou/ knong daom nak drong/"; douj qi nei, yeng guo bao ri pouk brie ang me jiah / ben muyi tenaiyi. III. “ I am the living bread, which came down out of heaven; / If anyone, if anyone eats of this bread he shall live forever; / And the bread (and the bread) / Which I will (which I) / Will give is my flesh, given for (given for) / for the life (for the) / life of the world. / I am the living bread, which came down out of heaven; / If anyone, if anyone eats of this bread he shall live forever”—New Songs, #381. III. “ kniaom angm nao brie bon dul dail drong brao dien/ drong pgut pgong aoyi/ rou hout daol/ kniaom bat klien/ kniaom vel maok ai drong ven/ nev knong vei nien/ kniaom gao qiub sreik daoyi pek dek brie vei nien. ”—KH 586. Table Contents


Term Twenty-one Drinking the Lord vieg sab/ di / me pei muyi ga pe brie ang me jiah Abstracts: daok /srang bi: John 7:37b Jesus stood and cried out, saying, If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. you han jiongm buk bram bi/kao sam seb bram bi /kao brie ye su drong qiu/ bon le / wu dien/ brao gah laeng ta/ bae niak na sreik / jiu aoyi nie nuh/ maok ai kniaom/ haoyi pek jiaoah. He is the water of life for us to drink Him; this is the way to gain Him; drinking is receiving. By drinking we get Christ into us. The way to drink is to call on the name of the Lord. Our calling changes us and can make us happy. brie ang ge jie dek/ nei ji vet/ sangm rab aoyi yeng pek drong. ni ge jie pulev/ dam bei ban drong/ bruoh ga pek/ ge jie ga dou dul; dam rou ye ga pek/ yeng dou dul ban brie geri/ jiul maok kang knong yeng/. vei ti dam bei pek/ ge jie ga angm biu niu / daol brie niem brie ang me jiah; ga angm biu niu / plah pudou yeng neng aj tve aoyi yeng/ rik rieyi. Contents: klem sa: John 7:37b Jesus stood and cried out, saying, If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. you han jiongm buk bram bi/kao sam seb bram bi /kao brie ye su drong qiu/ bon le / wu dien/ brao gah laeng ta/ bae niak na sreik / jiu aoyi nie nuh/ maok ai kniaom/ haoyi pek jiaoah. Isa.12:3-4a Therefore you will draw water with rejoicing From the springs of salvation, …Give thanks to Jehovah; call upon His name! ei sai jiongm buk daob bi/ kao bei/ daol kao buen / gao daoyi haid nuh/ ai-ing rual knie/ neng dao-eng dek/ bi an dong/ nei sei ge dei sang gruh/ daoyi angm nou…jiu ao brie gun daol brie ye hou va/; jiu angm biu niu daol brie niem drong. I. “Jesus stood and cried out, saying, If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink”; he is the water of life for us to drink Him; this is the way to gain Him; drinking is receiving—John 7:37b: I. " brie ye su drong qiu/ bon le / wu dien/ brao gah laeng ta/ bae niak na sreik / jiu aoyi nie nuh/ maok ai kniaom/ haoyi pek jiaoah." brie ang ge jie dek/ nei ji vet/ sangm rab aoyi yeng pek drong. ni ge jie pulev/ dam bei ban drong/ bruoh ga pek/ ge jie ga dou dul: A. “As the hart pants After the streams of water, So my soul pants For You, O God”; we need to pant and thirst for Him and to drink Him; by drinking we get Christ into us—Psa. 42:1. A. "ao brie ang e yi/ brou leng dul bong gongm/ dang haok rouk drong/ douj jie kdan ni/ dang haok rouk dek jiruoh/"; yeng drouv dai/ dang


haok rouk/ neng sreik drong/ haoyi neng pek drong/ tbet dam rou ye/ ga pek ni hayi/ deb yeng dou dul ban/ brie geri jiul maok kang knong yeng. B. When we first wake up in the morning, we should drink the living water; as we are washing and getting dressed, we can drink the water of life; we all need to drink of the Lord Jesus day by day!—John 7:37. B. nev beil dail yeng/ pniek bi breg/ brou lem/ yeng guo dai / pek dek dao ruoh/ jie muen/; kan na beil dail / yeng lieng sam ad /neng sliek biek / yeng aj pek dek dao ruoh; yeng diang aoh knie/ drouv dai pek /burei an me jia ye su/ rual tenaiyi. II. “Therefore you will draw water with rejoicing From the springs of salvation, …Give thanks to Jehovah; call upon His name!” the way to drink is to call on the name of the Lord—Isa.12:3-4a: II. " daoyi haid nuh/ ai-ing rual knie/ neng dao-eng dek/ bi an dong/ nei sei ge dei sang gruh/ daoyi angm nou…jiu ao brie gun daol brie ye hou va/; jiu angm biu niu daol brie niem drong": A. Wherever we are, we can open to Him and say, “O Lord, Amen, Lord Jesus, Amen, Lord”; this is the way to continue our receiving of Him by drinking Him—Rom. 10:12b. A. duoh bei yeng/ nev di na gao daoyi/ yeng aj baek dev brie ang/ haoyi niyeyi ta,"oh, brie ang me jiah e yi/ a men, brie ang me jiah ye su, a men/ brie ang me jiah" ; ni ge jie vei ti / dam bei bon dao/ nev ga dou dul youk drong/ rou bao yeng/ daoyi ga pek drong. B. Sometimes I may become conscious of a heavy burden within me; spontaneously I begin to call on the name of the Lord; our calling changes us and can make us happy; if we would call upon the name of the Lord for half an hour, we would be beside ourselves with enjoyment—Psa. 145:18. B. jun gal kniaom aj deng kluen/ bi ben douk / dao tenun/ nev knong kluen kniaom; kniaom gao jiab dang/ angm biu niu/ rouk brie niem/ brie ang me jiah/ daoyi svaiyi brao vuad/ tbet ga angm biu niu / rou bao yeng / pulah pudou yeng/ neng aj tve aoyi yeng rik rieyi; brao sen bae yeng/ jiang angm biu niu/ dao brie niem/ brie ang me jiah/ rou ye beil gen lah mao-eng/ nuh yeng neng/ vong vei-ing sma-redei/ jie muyi neng pieb rik rieyi. III. “I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Behold, I freely give / The living water: thirsty one, Stoop down, and drink, and live.” / I came to Jesus, and I drank Of that life-giving stream; / My thirst was quenched, my soul revived, / And now I live in Him”—Hymns, #323. III. “kniaom dang jiet houb haoyi pek brie ang / vei nien dou dul drong laeng jie tvei/ rou hout bao ben/ daoyi drong knong gayi/ drong brao dien aoyi brie bou ji vet. ”—KH 177. Table Contents


Term Twenty-two Enjoying the Lord vieg sab/ di / me pei bi ga dou dul /angm nao brie ang me jiah Abstracts: daok /srang bi: John 6:35a Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life. you han / jiongm buk bram muyi/ kao/ sam seb bram/ gao brie ye su min bon dul ta, kniaom jie nongm bang ji vet. The Lord Jesus said, “I am the bread of life”. We must eat Him and enjoy Him daily. His riches is inexhaustible, if we come forward to him and spend time with him. We will forget our troubles, our countenance is filled with joy. brie ang me jiah ye su/ min bon dul ta, kniaom jie nongm bang ji vet. yeng drouv dai bao ri pouk drong/ neng dou dul angm nao/ drong jie brao jiam tenaiyi/. pieb bao ri bou / rou bao drong/ ge men jiei/ rieng snued/ layi/ brao sen bae yeng/ qibuoh dev rouk/ drong/ haoyi jiangm nayi/ beil vei lie/ jie muyi drong. gal na yeng neng pleij/ ba nia ha rou bao yeng/ nuh dek mouk/ rou bao yeng/ drouv ban bangm bein dev daoyi/ sei ge dei rik rieyi. Contents: klem sa: John 6:35a Jesus said to them, am the bread of life. you han / jiongm buk bram muyi/ kao/ sam seb bram/ gao brie ye su min bon dul ta, kniaom jie nongm bang ji vet. 6:63 The words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. jiongm buk bram muyi/ kao/ haoke seb bei ai biek dail kniaom niyeyi/ neng nie rual knie/ nuh drouv kang vei nien/ neng ji vet ven. I. The Lord Jesus said, “I am the bread of life”, we must eat Him and enjoy Him daily—John 6:35: I. brie ang me jiah ye su/ min bon dul ta, kniaom jie nongm bang ji vet. yeng drouv dai bao ri pouk drong/ neng dou dul angm nao/ drong jie brao jiam tenaiyi/: A. The reality of the Lord Jesus as the bread of life is in the Lord’s word. A. sa pieb bet/ rou bao brie ang me jiah ye su/ jie nongm bang nei ji vet/ ge min nev knong/ brie bon dul/ rou bao brie ang me jiah. B. The more we contact to the Lord’s word and deal with the word; the more we pray-read the word, the more we will be nourished. B. yeng gan dai diek dong/ neng veig niek/ jie muyi neng/ brie bon dul rou bao brie ang me jiah/ ji raen yang na/; nuh yeng drouv ban / bangm rong/ jien jiem / ji raen yang nuh dai. II. Two keys to enjoy the Lord are the word and the spirit—John 6:63: II. min gun lerh bi yang / dam bei dou dul angm nao/ brie ang me jiah/ ge brie bon dul/ neng vei nien. A. Originally, He was the Word far away from us, now He is the Spirit within us. A. daem laoyi/ brie ang ge jie/ brie bon dul/ dail nev qin-aiyi /bi buk yeng/


dai ei lou ni / brie ang ge jie / brie vei nien/ dail gong nev knong yeng. B. Praise the Lord that we have the Word in our hand and the Spirit in our spirit, in order to enjoy all the riches of Christ, we have to contact the Word outwardly and the Spirit inwardly. B. sao sae dangm gaeng/ brie ang me jiah/ dail yeng min brie bon dul/ nev knong daiyi rou bao yeng/ haoyi neng brie vei nien nev knong vei nien / rou bao yeng/ douj qi nei/ dam bei dou dul angm nao/ pieb bao ri bou/ diang aoh rou bao brie geri/ yeng drouv dai/ diek dong/ brie bon dul / pnai kang graov/ neng brie vei nien/ pnai kang knong. C. The Lord whom you have contacted becomes all inclusive and immeasurably rich to you, whatever you need, He is; if you need comfort, He is comfort, if you need light, He is light; if you need power, He is power; He is everything you need. C. Brie ang me jiah/ dail bong bu-on ban diek dong/ klayijie pieb bao ri bou/ dail rongm ben jiul/ groub diang aoh/ dao men aj vuo vei-ing / ban daol bong bu-on/; drong ge jie / evei na muyi/ dail bong bu-on drouv ga/; brao sen bae bong bu-on/ drouv ga/ ga gongm san jiet/ brie ang ge jie/ ga gongm san jiet/; brao sen bae bong bu-on/ drouv ga/bon ler/ brie ang ge jie bon ler/ ; brao sen bae bong bu-on/ drouv ga/gongm lang; brie ang ge jie gongm lang; brie ang ge jie / evei groub yang/ dail bong bu-on drouv ga. III. “Here is sweet contentment as the days go by, / Here is holy peace and rest; / Here is consolation as the moments fly, / Here my heart is always blest. /Drinking at the Fountain that never runs dry, / Drinking at the Fountain of life am I; / Finding joy and pleasure in abounding measure, / I am drinking at the Fountain of life”— Hymns, #322. III. di ni kniaom min jiet/ dreik ao/ angm nao rual tenaiyi/ bruh gdei saok san/ drong brao dien/ min brie ang/ lueng loum/ jiaom raeng/ groub beil vei lie/ brao dien brie bou/ drong daol kniaom/ nev tenaiyi ni/ kniaom pek dek ruoh/ hou daol ao gal/ nev tenaiyi ni/ kniaom pek dek ruoh/ nei ji vet/ srao srayi/ rik rieyi / grayi lai-ing/ kniaom pek dek ruoh/ nei ji vet/ dail ed mien/ brongm dain/ gongm naot laoyi na. Table Contents


Term Twenty-three Pray-reading, Studying, Reciting, and Prophesying vieg sab/ di / me pei bei an a ti tan / sek sa duen den/ neng a ti bai Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Eph. 6:17 And receive the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which Spirit is the word of God. ai pei sou/ jiongm buk bram muyi/kao/ daob bram bi jiu youk sei ge dei sang gruh/ douk jie muk saeg/ neng dav rou bao brie vei nien/ dai ge jie brie bon dul. PSRP—pray-reading, studying, reciting, and prophesying. Pray-reading is to use the words of the Bible as our prayer. This is truly the best way, and it is worthwhile to endeavor in this matter. ao sao dou ao—an a ti tan / sek sa duen den/ neng a ti bai. ga an a ti tan / ge jie ga brae biek/ bi brie gongm bi/ maok tve jie/ sei ge dei a ti tan / rou bao yeng. ni ge jie met xiu bai / dao drongm derev/ neng min brao yaoyi/ bong paot. Contents: klem sa: Eph. 6:17 And receive the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which Spirit is the word of God. ai pei sou/ jiongm buk bram muyi/kao/ daob bram bi jiu youk sei ge dei sang gruh/ douk jie muk saeg/ neng da wu rou bao brie vei nien/ dai ge jie brie bon dul. Col. 3:16a Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom. gou lao/ jiongm buk bei/ kao/ daob bram muyi/ gao jiu aoyi brie bon dul nei brie geri/ ban san tait nev/ knong nie rual knie/ jie bao ri bou/ daoyi brak nia groub yang. 1 Cor. 14:31 For you can all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be encouraged. muyi ge len tou/ jiongm buk daob buen/ kao/ sam seb muyi tbet nie rual knie/ min qibab neng a ti bai/ ban diang aoh knie/ dai drouv sangm dai-ing/ me nia me dao-eng me nia me dao-eng/ dam bei aoyi groub knie/ ban rien dam/ haoyi aoyi groub knie/ ban sei ge dei du min dai. I. Pray-reading is to use the words of the Bible as our prayer—Eph. 6:17: I. ga an a ti tan / ge jie ga brae biek/ bi brie gongm bi/ maok tve jie/ sei ge dei a ti tan / rou bao yeng. A. Every word of the entire Scripture is the breathing out of God; how can you receive into you what God has breathed out? it is by praying the words of the Scriptures. A. groub biek/ nei baot gongm bi diang mul/ ge jie ga ben jin/ dang haem rou bao brie; dae bong bu-on/ aj dou dul youk/ ga ben jin dang haem/


rou bao brie/ jiul dev knong klun / bong bu-on daoyi rou bieb na? ge daoyi ga/ a ti tan biek nei baot gongm bi. B. Whether in the morning or at other time, anyone who has had a taste of pray- reading will have no desire to give it up, because it is enjoyable. B. men ta nev beil bureg/ re nev beil na/ aoh niak na dail ban sgual ruoh jiet/ nei ga an a ti tan/ nuh neng men baoh bang/ ga an a ti tan jiaol layi/bi bruoh/ ga an a ti tan / tve aoyi yeng/ aj angm nao. II. Studying equips us to interpret the Word to others—Acts 8:31-32. II. ga sek san tve aoyi yeng/ brao dab klun jie sraj/ knong ga ben youl / baok srayi brie bon dul/ daol nie dao dei. III. We have to pray-read, study, and recite the points that we have studied— Col. 3:16. III. yeng drouv dai an a ti tan/ sek sa, neng duen den/ nev jium nouj na/ dail yeng ban sek sa. IV. To prophesy is to speak for the Lord, to speak the Lord forth, to minister the Lord to others by our speaking—1 Cor. 14:31: IV. ga a ti bai/ ge jie ga niyeyi/ sangm rab brie ang me jiah/ niyeyi jin brie ang me jiah; dam bei jia-eik jiayi/ drong daol nie dao dei/ daoyi ga niyeyi / rou bao yeng. A. In the Scriptures the prophets are not ordinary people; they are people who speak for God, how glorious this is! A. nev knong baot gongm bi/ buk hao ra / men mein jie me nuh/ taom da dei; buk gei jie me nuh / dail niyeyi/ sangm rab brie, ni jie ga dao min sei rei la-ao! B. Some of us may feel that only certain ones can have the oracle of God, but the Bible says, “For you can all prophesy one by one”, and also says, “So then, my brothers, desire earnestly the prophesying.” B. nie klah min arangm ta/ min dai me nuh/ muyi jiongm nuen/ ben naoh/ deb aj min ga min bon dul/ rou bao brie; dai brie gongm bi niyeyi ta/ " tbet nie rual knie/ min qibab neng a ti bai/ ban diang aoh knie/ dai drouv sangm dai-ing/ me nia me dao-eng me nia me dao-eng/ ", haoyi ben dao niyeye ta, "douj qi nei, bong bu-on e-yi jiu sang vad aoyi ban jiai a ti bai". C. If we practice PSR (pray-reading, studying, and reciting) each day, we will surely prophesy in the Lord’s Day meeting of the church, we should prophesy with what we can recite. C. brao sen bae yeng/ a nu wod ao sao dou(an a ti tan, sek san, neng duen den)rual tenaiyi, nuh bra gaod nah/ yeng neng a ti bai/ nev knong ga brao jiongm / tenaiyi brie ang me jiah/ haoyi yeng guo dai/ a ti bai / nev evei/ dail yeng ban duen den. V. “Reading the Bible— / I love the Word of God! / Reading the Bible— / I love the Word of God! / Every verse reveals Yourself to me, / Every line conveys reality. / When I pray the words that You breathed out / You become so real to me. / As I read, I pray, as I pray, I read, / Mingling both as one spontaneously. / You respond within with words so sweet, / I repeat these


words to Thee”—New Songs, #213. V. “soum gaj nongm bang ji vet/ ao brie ang e yi / douj drong ban gaj brao dien daol buok seh/ haoyi kniaom sang vuat/ roub brie ang/ ao brie dao kbuoh jiet kniaom dang haok/ rouk brie bon dul. ”—KH 583 Table Contents


Term Twenty-four The Word of Life vieg sab/ di / me pei buen brie bon dul nei ji vet Abstracts: daok /srang bi: John 6:63b The words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. you han / jiongm buk / bram muyi/ kao / haok seb bei/ kao ai biek dail kniaom niyeyi/ neng nie rual knie/ nuh drouv kang vei nien/ neng ji vet ven. The whole Bible is the word of life, the word of God is not only for us to learn butven the more for us to taste, enjoy, we need to come daily to the word of life, the Bible. brie gongm bi diang mul/ ge jie brie bon dul nei ji vet/, dail jie brie bon dul rou bao brie/ men drem dai sangm rab aoyi/ yeng rien ben naoh dei / ben dai taim diang/ sangm rab aoyi yeng pluok/,neng angm nao died pao-ang, douj qi nei/ yeng drouv dai jiul/ maok ai brie bon dul nei ji vet/ dail jie brie gongm bi/jie brao jiam tenaiyi. Contents: klem sa: John 6:63b The words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. you han / jiongm buk / bram muyi/ kao / haok seb bei/ kao ai biek dail kniaom niyeyi/ neng nie rual knie/ nuh drouv kang vei nien/ neng ji vet ven. Matt. 4:4 Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out through the mouth of God. ma tai jiongm buk buen/ kao buen me nuh men mein ruh/ daoyi sa dai nongm bang ben naoh dei/ ge ruh daoyi sa/ groub diang brie bon dul/ dail jien bi/ brie ao brie maok dai. I. “The words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life”—John 6:63: I. " ai biek dail kniaom niyeyi/ neng nie rual knie/ nuh drouv kang vei nien/ neng ji vet ven." A. In order for God to be man’s life, He must be the Word to come forth to man, among man, and into man—1:1. A. dam bei aoyi / brie klayi jie ji vet/ rou bao me nuh/ brie ang drouv dai klayi jie brie bon dul/ dam bei jien maok ai me nuh/ knong jiongm naoem me nuh/neng jiul dev knong me nuh. B. The word of God is not only for us to learn butven the more for us to taste, enjoy, and take in, that is, for us to eat. B. brie bon dul rou bao brie/ men drem dai sangm rab aoyi/ yeng rien ben naoh dei / ben dai taim diang/ sangm rab aoyi yeng pluok/, angm nao, neng youk jiul maok knong, dail nuh ge sangm rab aoyi yeng bao ri pouk died pang. C. Whenever we come to the Bible, we must realize that we are coming to contact Christ as our life—6:63. C. beil na gou daoyi / aoyi dai yeng jiul maok ai brie gongm bi/ yeng drouv dai deng ta/ yeng gangm bong dai maok diek dong brie geri/ jie ji vet


rou bao yeng. II. As the word of life, the Bible is food to us, we need to come daily to the word of life, the Bible—Matt. 4:4; Jer. 15:16: II. knong niem jie brie bon dul nei ji vet/ , brie gongm bi ge jie a ha/ sangm rab yeng, douj qi nei/ yeng drouv dai jiul/ maok ai brie bon dul nei ji vet/ dail jie brie gongm bi/jie brao jiam tenaiyi A. If we come to the Bible with a living spirit, spontaneously we shall enjoy the word of life; then we shall be supplied, strengthened, quickened, enlightened, refreshed, nourished, and washed. A. brao sen bae yeng/ jiul maok ai brie gongm bi/ jie muyi neng vei nien dao ruh, daoyi svayi brao vuad/ yeng neng angm nao brie bon dul nei ji vet; ben daob maok/ yeng neng ban pgut pgong, jiangm raen gangm lang/ rou hah rou huen, bangm pler, sraoh temei, bangm rong jien jiem , neng ling sangm ad. B. Whenever we take the Lord’s word and keep it, we receive the life supply, then we will really feed and feast on the Lord through the reading of the Word— Matt. 4:4. B. beil na gou daoyi/ aoyi dai yeng youk / neng riek sa brie bon dul /rou bao brie ang me jiah/ nuh yeng dou dul ban ga pgut pgong ji vet/ ben daob maok/ yeng neng bet jie ban /dou dul ga jien jiem / neng bao ri pouk, beng ler/ brie ang me jiah/ dam rou ye/ ga an brie bon dul. C. When we ate the word, it becomes a joy inwardly and a rejoicing outwardly— Jer. 15:16. C. beil dail yeng ban bao ri pouk/ brie bon dul/, brie bon dul klayi jie / sei ge dei angm nao/ nev pnaik kang knong/ neng jie sei ge dei rik rieyi/ pnaik kang graov. III. “My heart is hungry, my spirit doth thirst; / I come to Thee, Lord, to seek Thy supply; / All that I need is none other but Thee, / Thou canst my hunger and thirst satisfy. / Feed me, Lord Jesus, give me to drink, / Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst; / Flood me with joy, be the strength of my life, / Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst”—Hymns, #811. III. brie ang jiet kniaom gao klien/ vei nien gao sreik; kniaom jiang aoyi drong pgut pgong jien jiem groub beil; evei dail kniaom drouv ga/ min dai drong muyi dei/ drong bangm bat ga heiv sreik/ aoyi kniaom snuab jiet/ brie ang jien jiem knioam/ aoyi kniaom ban pek/ bangm ben aoh ga klien/ bangm bat ga sreik/ aoyi kniaom rik rieyi / min gangm lang/ knong ji vet/ bangm ben aoh ga klien/ bangm bat ga sreik/. Table Contents


Term Twenty-five The Recovery Version of the Bible vieg sab/ di / me pei bram brie gongm bi /qi bab sda laeng ven Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Psa. 119:130 The opening of Your words gives light, Imparting understanding to the simple. doum nouk dangm gaeng/jiongm buk/ muyi raoyi daob bram buen/kao/ muyi raoyi sam seb ga bae sangm daiing/ brie bon dul drong/ nus psayi bong ler jien/ gao tve aoyi me nuh/qiao leng ngong/ min you baol. The Recovery Version of the Bible; following the precedent set by the major authoritative English versions and taking these versions as reference; extensive research into the meaning of the original text and attempts to express this meaning with English that is to the point, easy to understand, and readible. We need to treasure the Bible and read it diligently. brie gongm bi / qi bab sda laeng ven/; teve dam gongm ru muen muen/ dail ban gangm naot/ daoyi nie ni buen/ sangm kan dail min /jie pie sa ang klais/ neng youk ai ge sa diang ni teve/ jie ai ge sa yong / daoyi srav jiriu yang du longm du lieyi/ dev le a te nei/ nei a ta baot daem/ neng pujie yem/ bong han a te nei / ni jie muyi pie sa ang klais/ dam bei daol jiangm naoj /nieyi srul, youl, neng aj an ban. yeng drouv ga aoyi dangm laiyi brie gongm bi/ neng an daoyi youk jiet douk dak. Contents: klem sa: Psa. 119:130 The opening of Your words gives light, Imparting understanding to the simple. doum nouk dangm gaeng/jiongm buk/ muyi raoyi daob bram buen/kao/ muyi raoyi sam seb ga bae sangm daiing/ brie bon dul drong/ nus psayi bong ler jien/ gao tve aoyi me nuh/qiao leng ngong/ min you baol. 2 Tim. 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. bi ti me tei/jiongm buk bei/ kao/ daob bram muyi groub diang baot gongm bi/ ge jie brie drong ban ben jien/ brie vei nien/ bon dal aoyi dai-ing dei/ gao min brao yaoj/ sangm rab ga bong rien/ ga rongm lek/ aoyi deng klun/ ga brao dav/ daom rang/ neng ga bong hat/ kan ai sei ge dei/ saot-jiret. I. The Recovery Version of the Bible extensive research into the meaning of the original text and attempts to express this meaning with English that is to the point, easy to understand, and read1ble—2 Tim. 3:16: I. brie gongm bi / qi bab sda laeng ven/ srav jiriu yang du longm du lieyi/ dev le a te nei/ nei a ta baot daem/ neng pujie yem/ bong han a te nei / ni jie muyi pie sa ang klais/ dam bei daol jiangm naoj /nieyi srul, youl, neng aj an ban. A. The Recovery Version of the Bible; following the precedent set by the major


authoritative English versions and taking these versions as reference, not only incorporates lessons learned from an examination of others’ practices but also attempts to avoid biases and inaccurate judgments—2: 15. A. brie gongm bi / qi bab sda laeng ven/; teve dam gongm ru muen muen/ dail ban gangm naot/ daoyi nie ni buen/ sangm kan dail min /jie pie sa ang klais/ neng youk ai ge sa diang ni teve/ jie ai ge sa yong, daoyi men drem dai/ rum ben jiul/ mei rien / dai dou dul ban bi ga bi net/ le ga a nu vuat/ rou bao nia dao dei/ bong nao dei/ dai taim diang pujie yem/ jieh vi-ing/ bi pieb longm yieng/ neng ga vei ni qiayi/ men drem drouv pang dai. B. This version, frequently guided by other versions, attempts to provide the best utterance for the revelation in the divine Word, that it may be expressed in the English language with the greatest accuracy. B. qi bab nih, dek nuam yang sei rei/ daoyi qi bab pseing diet/ daoyi pujie yem pedaol nev biek beij/ sangm rab ga baek sangm daiing/ nev knong brie bon dul/ rou bao brie / dao la ao bangm paot/ dail aj ban bong han/ nev knong pie sa ang klais dao aoh jia/ neng drem drouv bangm paot. II. This translation can be considered a collection of the knowledge of the divine revelation received by all the saints throughout the last two thousand years—Psa. 119:130: II. ga baok brai nih/ aj drouv ban jiat douk tan/ jie ga brao moul bdoum/ jiaom nai deng/ nei ga baek sangm dai-ing/ rou bao brie/dail buk bao ri saot/ diang aoh ban dou dul/ knong rou yek/ beil bi bao an qinam/ jiong graoyi nih. A. Throughout the centuries the understanding of the divine revelation possessed by the saints has always been based upon the light they received, and this understanding has progressed steadily. A. aoh rou yek/ beil jie ji raen sad-dvuad/ ga youl deng angm bi ga/ baek sangm dai-ing/ rou bao brie / dail buk bao ri saot/ ban gan gab/ ge dai- ing dai/ beng-bu-aik le bon ler/dail buk gei/ ban dou dul/ haoyi ga youl deng nih ban rik jiaom raen/ jie longm dab. B. We have inherited the truth they saw, and by the Lord’s mercy, we are standing on their shoulders and have gone on to see more. B. yeng ban dou dul mao-rou-daok/ nei sei ge dei bet dail buk gei/ ban ken/, haoyi daoyi brie mei da ga rou na/ rou baoh brie ang me jiah/ yeng gangm bong qiu ne le sma rou baoh buk gei/ neng ban bon dao de mel diet. III. The footnotes stress the revelation of the truth, the spiritual light, and the supply of life—John 6:63: III. kao a ti bai diang lai sang gaot tenun/ le gan baek sangm dai-ing/ nei sei ge dei bet, bon ler kang vei nien, neng ga pgut pgong nei ji vet: A. The footnotes is to help us to solve the common and hard problems in the New Testament—Psa. 119:130. A. kao a ti bai diang lai/ ge jiuyi yeng dao srayi ba nia ha/ tao me da/ neng ba nia ha longm bak/ diang lai nev knong gongm bi sa nia tmei.


B. The footnotes is to minister to you the life supply—John 6:63. B. kao a ti bai diang lai/ ge jiaik jiayi nev ga pgut pgong ji vet /daol bong bu-on. IV. “If with your sin and self you would be through, / Amen the Word of God! / If you would let the Lord your mind renew, / Amen the Word of God! / Amen the Word of God! / Amen the Word of God! / His Word is living, life- power giving—Amen the Word of God!”—Hymns, #1218. IV. “min dai brie bon dul yeng aj sgual brie ang/ min dai brie bon dul yeng sdab sou xi-ing drong/ baek sangm daiing sei ge dei bet/ daol groub me nuhh/ haoyi sangm daiing ang drong / dam baot gongm bi nuh. ”—KH 581. Table Contents


Term Twenty-six Knowing the Hymns vieg sab/ di / me pei bram muyi ga sgual baot jiaom rieng Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Col. 3:16 Teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to God. goul lou/ jiongm buk/ bei/ kao/ daob bram muyi diang bang rien/ haoyi du min knie/ daoyi nev dongm nouk dangm gaeng/ dongm nouk bao ri saot, neng jiaom rieng kan ai vei nien, diang jirieng knong jiet / tvayi brie/ daoyi brie gun. Songs are the expression of man’s finest feelings, we Christians are those who have songs, we Christians are a singing people; you may sing in a wrong way with the wrong melody, but the more you sings, the happier you are; the more you sing, the more you are refreshed. baot jiaom rieng/ ge jie ga bang han bi arangm la ao bangm paot/ rou bao me nuh/, yeng dail jie kristien / ge jie niak dail min baot jiaom rieng/ neng jie me nuh dail jirieng; bong bu-on aj jirieng dam rou bieb/ dail kao jie muyi neng dongm nouk plei-eng/ bon dai bong bu-on gan dai jirieng/ bong bu-on gan dai rik rieyi; bu-on gan dai jirieng/ bong bu-on gan dai srao srayi. Contents: klem sa: Col. 3:16 Teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to God. goul lou/ jiongm buk/ bei/ kao/ daob bram muyi diang bang rien/ haoyi du min knie/ daoyi nev dongm nouk dangm gaeng/ dongm nouk bao ri saot, neng jiaom rieng kan ai vei nien, diang jirieng knong jiet / tvayi brie/ daoyi brie gun. Psa. 104:33 I will sing to Jehovah while I live. dongm nouk dangm gaeng/ jiongm buk/ muyi raoyi buen/ kao sam seb bei ga nev min ji vet nev laoyi / nuh dul bong gongm neng jirieng tvayi brie ye hou va. I. Songs are the expression of man’s finest feelings, we should have some basic knowledge about hymns, to know the hymns we have to know some of the crucial points of the contents of the hymns—Col. 3:16: I. baot jiaom rieng/ ge jie ga bong han bi arangm la ao bang paot/ rou bao me nuh/,yeng guo dai min jiaom naih deng / jie mule tan angm bi baot jiaom rieng/ buruh dam bei sgual baot jiaom rieng ban/ yeng drouv deng angm bi jiangm naoj sangm kan/ muyi jiaom nuen bi kele musa / nei baot jiaom rieng: A. First, we must know some of the hymns on the blessing and experience of the Triune God. A. dangm bong, yeng drouv dai sgual baot jiaom rieng klah klah/ dail diek


dong/neng ga brao dien bou/neng ga baot bi saot/ brie drei ai. B. Another crucial point of the contents of the hymns is the filling of the Spirit. B. jiangm naoj sangm kan bi kele musa/ nei baot jiaom rieng/ muyi diet ge ga jiaj bangm ben/ daoyi brie vei nien. C. We need to know hymns concerning the identification with Christ. C. yeng drouv dail sgual baot jiaom rieng/ muyi jiaom nuen/ dail diek dong/neng ga ban douj knie/ baih bet jie muyi neng brie geri. D. The experience of Christ is another crucial point of the contents of the hymns. D. ga baot bi sao brie geri/ ge jie jiangm naoj sangm kan/muyi puseing diet/ bi kele musa nei baot jiaom rieng. E. We need to know the hymns on the crucial points of the inner life, the church, the assurance of salvation, consecration, and comfort in trials. E. yeng drouv dail sgual baot jiaom rieng/ le jiangm naoj sangm kan sangm kan nei ji vet/ kang knong, groum jium nong, ga tie nie nei sei ge dei sang gruh/ ga tvayi klun/ neng ga gaom san jiet /knong beil min douk longm bak. F. We also need to know the hymns on the crucial points of spiritual warfare, the gospel, the meetings, the hope of glory, and the ultimate manifestation. F. yeng gao drouv dail sgual baot jiaom rieng/le jiangm naoj sangm kan sangm kan nei sang griem/ kang ai vei nien, daom neng la ao, ga brao jium di sang kem / yang wu daom/ neng ga lej jien jiong graoyi pang dai. II. We Christians are those who have songs, we Christians are a singing people—Psa. 104:33: II. yeng dail jie kristien / ge jie niak dail min baot jiaom rieng/ neng jie me nuh dail jirieng: A. The meeting should be full of singing and praising, when we come to the meetings, we have to open our mouths, when our mouths are open, our hearts are open, and our spirits are open as well—Col. 3:16. A. ga brao jium /guo dai ben daoyi ga jirieng/ neng ga sao sae daom gaeng/; nev beil dail yeng maok brao jium/, yeng drouv dai baek moat rou bao yeng, bruh nev beil dail moat rou bao yeng baek, jiet rou bao yeng baek/ haoyi vei nien rou bao yeng gao baek pang dai. B. I always sing. every day when I go for a walk, I sing, I am the worst in music, but I rie to sing more than anything else; when I sing in this way, all my worries are gone, and all the sicknesses are removed, praise the Lord for giving us so many good hymns. B. kniaom dai-ing dai jirieng jie neij/. jie rieng rual tenaiyi beil kniaom dae lieng, kniaom jirieng/ jiaom buh den dreiyi / kniaom men bu gai dei/ bon dai kniaom jiul jiet jirieng ji raen /jing evei evei diang aoh; beil kniaom jirieng/ dam rou bieb nih / nuh ga bruyi ba rangm / diang laiy rou bao kniaom/ ban bat dev; haoyi jiongm nge/ diang aoh / drouv ban daok jien / sao sae daom gaeng brie ang me jiah/ sangm rab ga brao dien/ baot jiaom rieng la ao la ao/ jie ji raen daol yeng. III. “Within my heart a praise o’erflowing / Tis the gracious Lord, my song; /


There never was a song so excellent; / Heaven’s joys to me belong. / In my heart there springs a melody, / The sweetest melody, / a song so heavenly, / In my heart there springs a melody, / There springs a melody of love”— Within my heart a praise o’erflowing. III. “sao sae gong jiem gan dai klang laeng/ diang jiu-eb jiongm knie lek daom gaeng/ sangm nien ruab me-en/ brao gongm mul mi/ sraik e-eng gang ben pdei braot debi." —KH 110. Table Contents



Term Twenty-seven The Life-study of the Bible vieg sab/ di / me pei bram bi mei rien sek sa ji vet/ nei brie gongm bi Abstracts: daok /srang bi: John 5:39 You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that testify concerning Me. you han jiongm buk/ bram kao sam seb bram buen nie rual knie/ sdong mel gongm bi/ daoyi sman ta/ ban ji vet/ dao nev aoh gao jie neij/ angm bi gongm bi nuh maok/ ge jie gongm bi nuh aiying/ dail teve ban dual/ bi kniaom. The main purpose of the Life-study is to minister life. The Life-studies do not replace the Bible, rather, they open the Bible, expound the Bible. We should love the Bible, and get ourselves into the Bible through the study of the Life-studies. gaol bangm nao-ang sangm kan / nei mei rien sek sa ji vet / ge dam bei jiaik jiayi ji vet. mei rien sek sa ji vet/ diang bon man/ men mein jium nuh / aoyi brie gongm bi dei/, bon dai jie ga baok sangm dai-ing/ neng ga bong youl/ bi brie gongm bi. yeng guo dai srao lan brie gongm bi, neng teve aoyi klun yeng / jiul dev knong brie gongm bi / dam rou ye da sek sa / angm bi mei rien sek sa ji vet. Contents: klem sa: John 5:39 You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that testify concerning Me. you han jiongm buk/ bram kao sam seb bram buen nie rual knie/ sdong mel gongm bi/ daoyi sman ta/ ban ji vet/ dao nev aoh gao jie neij/ angm bi gongm bi nuh maok/ ge jie gongm bi nuh aiying/ dail teve ban dual/ bi kniaom. Psa. 119:130 The opening of Your words gives light, Imparting understanding to the simple. doum nouk dangm gaeng/ jiongm buk muyi raoyi/ daob bram buen/ kao / muyi raoyi sam seb ga bae sangm daiing/ brie bon dul drong/ nus psayi bong ler jien/ gao tve aoyi me nuh/qiao leng ngong/ min you baol. I. The feature of the life-study is to point out the central theme and all of its aspects—Psa. 119:130: I. liek na bi saih / nei mei rien ji vet ge jie ga/ jiang aol bang han/ bi brao tian- nao-baot/ sangm kan sangm kan neng ded-pieb/diang aoh : A. Over the ages the greatest difficulty for Bible readers is that their understanding of the Bible has been fragmented and peripheral. A. nev bieh ben/youk sa mai gal /ga bi bak /bangm paot/ sangm rab buk nie an brie gongm bi/ ge ta ga youl deng angm bi brie gongm bi/ rou bao buk gei/ drouv ban baik kniaik/ neng riak se se. B. The Life-studies have a center; they also contain explanations and definitions of various matters, so they are comprehensive as well.


B. mei rien sek sa ji vet diang laiyi/ min jiangm naoj gan dal muyi; haoyi gao min ga ben youl/ neng ni youm men nei/ jiek liek bi reng rav puseing puseing/ pang dai, haide douj qi nei/ haoyi deb buk nia an/ gao youl ban douj knie. C. We can check these types with our practical experience and apply them to our daily living. C. yeng aj bi net/ mel brao peit diang nih/ daoyi ga baot bi saot / jiak sdai- ing rou baoh yeng/ haoyi a nu vuat brao peit diang nih/nev knong ga ruh nev / brao jiam tenaiyi/ rou bao yeng. II. The functions of the Life-study messages include—John 5:39: II. mouk nie rou bao mei rien diang laiy/nei mei rien sek sa ji vet rum min. A. It brings people into the truths of the Bible—Psa. 119:130. A. ge nuam me nuh /jiul dev knong sei ge dei bet/ nei brie gongm bi. B. It leads people to touch life—John 5:39. B. ge dek nuam me nuh/ aoyi bah baoal ji vet. C. If we take the Life-study messages as the content of our fellowship, the meeting would be very rich. C. brao sen bae yeng youk mei rien diang laiy/ nei mei rien sek sa ji vet / tve jie kele musa/nei ga brao gaob/ knie rou bao yeng/ nuh ga brao jium/ neng min pieb bao ri bou. D. We can prove and can testify how much we love the Bible, and how much we get ourselves into the Bible through the study of the Life-studies. D. dam rou ye/ ga sek sa angm bi / mei rien sek sa ji vet/yeng aj bang han puah dang/neng aj tve di bon dual ban ta/ yeng srao lan brie gongm bi/ ji raen bon na/ haoyi yeng tve aoyi / klun yeng jiul dev knong brie gongm bi/ ban ji raen bon na. III. “Break Thou the Bread of Life, / Dear Lord, to me, / As Thou didst break the loaves / Beside the sea; / Beyond the sacred / page I seek Thee, Lord; / My spirit pants for Thee, / O Living Word”—Hymns, #1012. III. "soum gaj nongm bang ji vet / aoyi brie ang e yi/ douj drong/ ban gaj brao dien/ daol buk se/ haoyi kniaom sang vuat/ rouk brie ang / aoyi brie daok kbuh jiet /kniaom dang haok/ rouk brie bon dul/ dao ruh. Table Contents


Term Twenty-eight Crystallization-study of the Bible vieg sab/ di / me pei bram bei ga sek sa / sa raob rum nei brie gongm bi Abstracts: daok /srang bi: 1 Tim. 2:4 Who (God) desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth. muyi ti mou tei jiongm buk bi/ kao buen dail drong saob brie ha re dei/ aoyi me nuhh/ diang aoh ban sang gruoh/ haoyi aoyi ban sgual sei ge dei bet. Crystallization-study of the Bible is the real and intrinsic understanding of what the Bible teaches, the intrinsic essence of the divine revelation. We surely have to get into the top spiritual education. ga sek sa / sa raob rum nei brie gongm bi/ ge jie ga youl nev pnai kang knong dao bet/ bra gaot/ bi evei dail brie gongm bi/ bang rien/ dail jie tied dam/ pnai kang knong/ nei ga baek sangm dai-ing/ rou bao brie, bra gaot na/ yeng drouv dai/ jiu de daol / jiangm naoyi gangm bul/ nei ga sek sa kang ai vei nien. Contents: klem sa: 1 Tim. 2:4 Who (God) desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth. muyi ti mou tei jiongm buk bi/ kao buen dail drong saob brie ha re dei/ aoyi me nuhh/ diang aoh ban sang gruoh/ haoyi aoyi ban sgual sei ge dei bet. Neh. 8:8 And they read in the book, in the law of God, interpreting and giving the sense, so that they understood the reading. nei hei mie / jiongm buk bram bei/kao bram bei buk niak diang nuh/ ban an mel knong gongm bi/ gred vei nei rou bao brie/ brongm diang srayi nei/ sei ge dei aoyi gei/ ban youl baot dail an/ mel nuh. I. Crystallization-study of the Bible is the real and intrinsic understanding of what the Bible teaches, the intrinsic essence of the divine revelation— Neh. 8:8: I. ga sek sa / sa raob rum nei brie gongm bi/ ge jie ga youl nev pnai kang knong dao bet/ bra gaot// bi evei dail brie gongm bi/ bang rien/ dail jie tied dam/ pnai kang knong/ nei ga baek sangm dai-ing/ rou bao brie: A. The crystallization-study of the Bible, a study which goes even deeper than the life-study of the Bible. A. ga sek sa / sa raob rum nei brie gongm bi/ge jie ga sek sa muyi dai gan dai/ xi jiongm rev/jing mei rien / sek sa ji vet nei brie gongm bi. B. The riches are all here in the Bible, just rie gold in a mine, we need to touch the depths, the crystals, of the Holy Scriptures. B. pieb bao ri bou diang aoh /ge min nev knong brie gongm bi/ brieb douj jie mieh/ nev knong ang dong/ rai jie yang na/ nuh yeng gao drouv dai/ jiu de daol di jiongm rev/ nei ga sa raob rum/ rou bao baot gongm bi/


bao ri saot/ yang nuh dai. C. By such a crystallization-study, the Lord can reveal to us the intrinsic essence of the divine revelation, item by item; it is the very essence that nourishes us. C. dam rou ye ga sa roub rum/ nei brie gongm bi/ baib nih, brie ang me jiah aj baok sangm daiing/ tied daem pnai kang knong/ nei ga baek sangm daiing rou bao brie/ maok daol yeng/ bi muyi viak dev muyi viak/ tbet nih/ jie tied daem/ dangm bei bongm rang/ jien jiem yeng. II. “Who (God) desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth”, you need to learn to enter into them, to speak them, and to let all of them become your experience—1 Tim. 2:4: II. "dail drong saob brie ha re dei/ aoyi me nuhh diang aoh/ ban sang gruoh/ haoyi aoyi ban sgual sei ge dei bet", bong bu-on drouv dai rien jiul dev knong/ sei ge dei bet/ ni yeye sei ge dei bet/ neng anu niat/ aoyi sei ge dei bet/ diang nuh klaiy maok jie/ baot bi saot/ rou bao bong bu-on. A. We should not be those “skating on the ice” of the truth; we need to break the ice and get into the depths of the truth. A. yeng men guo klaiyi jie / buk niak dail " ji-sgei le dek gaok" nei brie bon dul nuh dei; yeng drouv dai bangm baik dek gaok/ neng jiul dev knong/ di jiongm rev nei sei ge dei bet. B. The Lord raised us up altogether in the way of the truth, among all the Christians we were on the top in knowing the truth. B. nev knong plouv/ nei sei ge dei bet/ brie ang me jiah ban lek yeng laeng/ diang srang/ bruoh knong jiangm naom kristien/ diang aoh buk yeng/ ban qiu nev le jiangm naoj/ gangm bul knong ga / sgual sei ge dei bet. C. We surely have to get into the top spiritual education, to promote these things, to carry these things out, and to get into these things. C. bra gaot nah/ yeng drouv dai jiul / dev daol jiangm naoj /gangm bul nei ga/ ao brong kang vei nien/ ga lek sduiy reng rav diang nih/ ga bangm ben/ sangm raj reng rav nih/ neng ga jiul dev knong reng rav diang nih. III. “Oh, send Thy Spirit, Lord, / Now unto me, / That He may touch my eyes, / And make me see; / Show me the truth concealed / Within Thy Word, / And in Thy Book revealed / I see the Lord”—Hymns, #806. III. "soum braoh aoyi kniaom ban ple / youl sei ge dei bet/ douj ban brao daol buk seh/ ga drong gong jiet nuh aoh jiaom nang nei bab/ neng drouv padaj jien/ haoyi kniaom neng min jiet / bao ri saot bao ben. Table Contents


Term Twenty-nine The Holy Word for Morning Revival vieg sab/ di / me pei bram buen brie bon dul bao ri saot/ sangm rab sda laeng ven beil brek Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Psa. 119:147 I anticipated the dawn and cried out; I hoped in Your words. dongm nouk dangm gaeng/ jiongm buk/ muyi raoyi daob bram buen/ kao muyi raoyi sai seb bram bi dul bang gongm ban pniek/ muen beil brou lem sraeng; haoyi ban bon ler laeng ta/ dul bang gongm ban sang kem / daol brie bon dul drong. The Holy Word for Morning Revival, which contains Scripture text, portions from footnotes, and portions from Life-study messages for our pray-reading and enjoyment of the Lord every morning. There we feed on Christ to enjoy Him and to taste Him. We need to learn to enjoy the Lord in this way. brie bon dul bao ri saot/ sangm rab sda laeng ven beil brek/ dail min pedouk/ nev a ta baot/ brie gongm bi/ kao yong re kao a ti bai/ neng mei rien sek sa ji vet/ diang laiyi/ ge sangm rab aoyi yeng an a ti tan/ neng dou dul angm nao brie ang me jiah/ rual beil brek. nev di nuh / yeng ruh daoyi bao ri pouk brie geri/ dam bei dou dul angm nao / neng pluoh drong/. yeng drouv ga rien dou dul angm nao brie ang me jiah/ dam rou bieb nih. Contents: klem sa: Psa. 119:147 I anticipated the dawn and cried out; I hoped in Your words. dongm nouk dangm gaeng/ jiongm buk/ muyi raoyi daob bram buen/ kao muyi raoyi sai seb bram bi dul bang gongm ban pniek/ muen beil brou lem sraeng; haoyi ban bon ler laeng ta/ dul bang gongm ban sang kem / daol brie bon dul drong. Prov. 4:18 But the path of the righteous is rie the light of dawn, Which shines brighter and brighter until the full day. sou pie set/ jiongm buk buen/ kao daob bram bei dai plev rou bao me nuhh/ saoj jiret tieb douj jie / bon ler dail gangm bong dai riah laeng/ dail pler gan dai klang laeng/dao rab daol ben gaom laeng. I. The Holy Word for Morning Revival has been a help to the saints to be revived by the Lord every morning; the most effective way to live the Christian life is by having a vital, living, active morning watch with the Lord—Prov. 4:18: I. brie bon dul bao ri saot/ sangm rab sda laeng ven beil brek/ ban jiuyi daol buk bao ri saot/ aoyi ban sda laeng ven/ daoyi brie ang me jiah jie rieng rual brek. vei ti dail min brao set pieb bangm paot/ dam bei daom nae ji vet kristien/ ge daoyi min ga drouv drong/ ji vet ruh nev neng sak gam/ jiam yem jie muyi neng brie ang me jiah/ nev beil brek. A. When we enjoy the Lord with the morning revival materials in the morning, we


read that sentence after sentence; not only should we read the words, but we also need to turn the words into prayer. A. nev beil dail yeng dou dul angm nao/ brie ang me jiah, jie muyi neng sangm pie riak/ sda laeng ven/ beil brek/ nev beil brek, yeng an brao youk ji raen/ daoyi men derem dai an bie/ jie ji raen/ bon naoh dei/, bon dai yeng gao drouv bang vai/ biek diang bon man/ aoyi douj jie sei ge dei a ti tan/ pang dai. B. There we feed on Christ to enjoy Him and to taste Him; when we enjoy Christ in this way by feeding on Him, we are satisfied—Psa. 42:7. B. nev di nuh / yeng ruh daoyi bao ri pouk brie geri/ dam bei dou dul angm nao / neng pluoh drong/, nev beil yeng dou dul angm nao/ brie geri dam rou bieb/ daoyi ga ruoh/ daoyi bao ri pouk drong baib nih/ yeng drouv ban sgaob jiet. II. The Holy Word for Morning Revival, which contains Scripture text, portions from footnotes, and portions from Life-study messages for our pray-reading and enjoyment of the Lord every morning—Psa. 119:147-148: II. brie bon dul bao ri saot/ sangm rab sda laeng ven beil brek/ dail min pedouk/ nev a ta baot/ brie gongm bi/ kao yong re kao a ti bai/ neng mei rien sek sa ji vet/ diang laiyi/ ge sangm rab aoyi yeng an a ti tan/ neng dou dul angm nao brie ang me jiah/ rual beil brek: A. The verses have no need for further explanation; the only need is to repeat-read and emphasize-read; to repeat-read is to read with repetition, and to emphasize-read is to read with stress. A. kao gongm bi diang laiyi/ men jiam baj min ga ben youl/ bon taim dei; daom rouv ga dai muyi gut/ ge drouv an dao dail dao dail/ neng an sang gaot te-nun/ ga an dao dail dao dail/ ge jie ga an pduen pduen/ ri ai ga an sang gaot te-nun/ ge jie ga an pedaot sangm kan le. B. Pray-reading contains repeat-reading, emphasize-reading, and vitalize-reading; these four ways mingled together are the best reading method. B. ga an a ti tan min pudouk/ nev ga an dao dail dao dail/ an sang gaot te- nun/ neng ga an aoyi min ji vet/ diang buen rou bieb nih/ ban lieyi ban jiul knie / ge jie vei ti an dao la ao bangm paot. C. “Reading and praying, I eat and I drink, Praying and reading-Lord, Thou art my fare”; the more we pray-read, the more we sense how rich the word is— Hymns, #811. C. "kiaom houb haoyi kniaom pek daoyi an a ti tan/ an a ti tan aj aoyi kniaom sgaob jiet ban "; yeng gan dai an a ti tan/ yeng gan dai min a rangm ta brie bon dul/ bao ri bou bon na. III. “If from the world you’re longing to be free, / Amen the Word of God! / If you would live in all reality, / Amen the Word of God! / Amen the Word of God! / Amen the Word of God! / His Word receiving, His Word believing, / Amen the Word of God!”—Hymns, #1218. III. "soum houb neng soum pek bi brie ang ye su/ soum houb daoyi ga an / pek daoyi a ti tan/ kniaom houb haoyi kniaom pek daoyi an a ti tan/ an a ti tan aj aoyi kniaom sgaob jiet ban/ brie ang jien jiem kniaom/ aoyi kniaom ban


pek/ bangm ben aoh ga klien/ bangm bat ga sreik/ aoyi kniaom rik rieyi min gangm lang knong ji vet/ bangm ben aoh ga klien bangm bat ga sreik." Table Contents


Term Thirty Being Filled the Hungry with Good Things vieg sab/ di / sam seb ga bangm ben(jiaom ait)niek sreik klien /daoyi rou bao la ao Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Luke 1:53 The hungry He has filled with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty. lu ga jiongm buk muyi kao ha seb bei ai me nuhh klien / drong ban jiaom ait daoyi rou bao la ao/ dai buk niak min/ drong ban bong dein/ aoyi dev dou dei ven. God’s grace is reserved for one type of person—a hungry one. We must realize that spiritual progress is based on our hunger. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. brie gun rou bao brie/ drouv ban bangm rang douk/ sangm rab me nuhh muyi brao peit/ nuh ge niak sreik klien. yeng drouv dai deng ta/ ga ji-en de mouk kang ai vei nien/ ge buaik le ga sreik klien rou bao yeng. min bou haoyi aoh niak dail sreik klien/ nev sei ge dei saoj jiret/ tbet niak diang nuh/ neng ban qi-ait. Contents: klem sa: Luke 1:53 The hungry He has filled with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty. lu ga jiongm buk muyi kao ha seb bei ai me nuhh klien / drong ban jiaom ait daoyi rou bao la ao/ dai buk niak min/ drong ban bong dein/ aoyi dev dou dei ven. Matt. 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. ma tai jiongm buk bram kao bram muyi min bou haoyi aoh niak dail sreik klien/ nev sei ge dei saoj jiret/ tbet niak diang nuh/ neng ban qi-ait. I. Luke 1:53 says, “The hungry He has filled with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty”; this verse shows us that God’s grace is reserved for one type of person—a hungry one: I. lu ga jiongm buk muyi kao ha seb bei/ ni yeyi ta/," ai me nuhh klien / drong ban jiaom ait daoyi rou bao la ao/ dai buk niak min/ drong ban bong dein/ aoyi dev dou dei ven"; kao ni bang han aoyi yeng ken ta/ brie gun rou bao brie/ drouv ban bangm rang douk /sangm rab me nuhh muyi brao peit/ nuh ge niak sreik klien me niak. A. Only those with a pressing inward need and those who are determined to meet God will receive His blessing. A. min dai aoh niak dai / min daom rouv ga/ klang nev pnaik kang knong/ neng aoh niak dail ban dang jiet /dangm bei jiub brie bon naoh/ deb neng dou dul brie gun /rou bao drong.


B. We must realize that spiritual progress is based on our hunger. B. yeng drouv dai deng ta/ ga ji-en de mouk kang ai vei nien/ ge buaik le ga sreik klien rou bao yeng. II. Matthew 5:6 says, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied”; those who hunger and thirst will be filled; they are the ones who are blessed: II. ma tai jiongm buk bram kao bram muyi/ ni yeyi ta/, "min bou haoyi aoh niak dail sreik klien/ nev sei ge dei saoj jiret/ tbet niak diang nuh/ neng ban qi-ait"; buk niak dail sreik klien neng ban qi- ait/ tbet buk gei ge jie buk niak/ dail min bou. A. All spiritual progress begins when God initiates a good work in a person through the Holy Spirit by creating a longing within. A. rual ga jien de mouk kang ai vei nien diang aoh/ jiab bdaem nev beil dail brie jiab bdaem tve ga la ao/ nev knong me nuhh/ dam rou ye brie vei nien / bao ri saot/ daoyi ga bon gaet/ aoyi min jiaom nang/ yang klang nev pnaik kang knong. B. Decadence comes from self-complacency, whereas progress comes from hunger; invariably the Holy Spirit first creates a desire in us for more, and then God comes in to satisfy us and fill us. B. ga dun dab / ge jien maok bi ga brou neyi/ gan daoyi bi klun ai/ ri ai ga ji-en de mouk /ge jien maok bi ga sreik klien; daom bong brie vei nien bao ri saot/ bang gaet aoyi min sei ge dei/ bang bra tna dai men jiai aoh / nev knong yeng gan dai ji raen/ haoyi bon duab maok brie jie me jia/ yeng zoul maok knong yeng/ dam bei tve aoyi yeng sgaob jiet/ neng ban qi-ait. III. God must first carry out His emptying work; whenever we become empty, the Lord will fill us up; God is waiting for us to empty ourselves—Matt. 5:6. III. yeng drouv dai a nu vuat/ ga ngie nei ga tve aoyi / nev dou dei s-at/ rou bao drong jie muen sen/ tbet nev beil na dail yeng nev dou dei sa-at/ brie ang me jiah neng jiaom ait yeng; brie gangm bong rong jiam aoyi yeng/ douk klun yeng aoyi nev dou dei s-at. IV. “I am weakness, full of weakness; / At Thy sacred feet I bow; / By Thy blest, eternal Spirit, / Fill with strength, and fill me now! / Fill me now! Fill me now! / Fill me with Thy Spirit now! / Strip me wholly, empty throughly, / Fill me with Thy Spirit now!”—Hymns, #267. IV. "ksaoyi nah et min gangm lang saoh/ dai kniaom beng buaik le brie haoh/ aoyi vei nien nei brie dao sao-brao/ soum aoyi soum sang tet ei louv/ soum sang tet nev knong jiet/ aoyi brie ye su soum tnaom tnet/ aoyi vei nien nei brie yeng maok/ sang tet bao ben knong jiet pang kniaom." Table Contents


Term Thirty-one Loving God vieg sab/ di / sam seb muyi sei ge dei srao lan brie Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Matt. 22:37-38 And He said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the great and first commandment. ma tai jiongm buk me pei bi/ kao sam seb bram bi/ daol sam seb bram bei nuh brie ye su min bang dul ta, "drouv aoyi srao lan brie ang me jiahh/ jie brie nei ai-ing/ aoyi aoh bi jiet gongm net/ aoh bi burou leng/ haoyi aoh angm bi gongm net ai-ing". nih jie baot ba-niat di muyi /dail sangm kan/ jing gei bangm paot. We ought to love God. Loving God requires all our heart, all our soul, and all our mind. This is the first commandment, is also the greatest commandment. May you be a passionate lover of the Lord Jesus! yeng drouv dai srao lan brie. sei ge dei srao lan brie / daom rouv aoyi yeng srao lan aoh bi jiet/ aoh bi brou leng/ neng aoh diang gongm net. ni jie baot ba-niat di muyi/ haoyi gao jie baot ba-niat/ dao saingm kan bangm paot dai. soum aoyi niak klaiyi jie niak/ ngoub ngoul srao lan brie ang me jiah ye su geri! Contents: klem sa: Matt. 22:37-38 And He said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the great and first commandment. ma tai jiongm buk me pei bi/ kao sam seb bram bi/ daol sam seb bram bei nuh brie ye su min bang dul ta, "drouv aoyi srao lan brie ang me jiahh/ jie brie nei ai-ing/ aoyi aoh bi jiet gongm net/ aoh bi burou leng/ haoyi aoh angm bi gongm net ai-ing". nih jie baot ba-niat di muyi /dail sangm kan/ jing gei bangm paot. Rom. 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. rou mu jiongm buk bram bei/ kao/ me pei bram bei dai yeng deng ta/ groub ga diang aoh pusangm knie/ sangm rab sei ge dei la ao/ daol niak/ dail srao lan brie / ge daol buk niak dail drong hav daim/ brie dongm raih drong. I. “And He said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the great and first commandment”—Matt. 22:37-38: I. " nuh brie ye su min bang dul ta, "drouv aoyi srao lan brie ang me jiahh/ jie brie nei ai-ing/ aoyi aoh bi jiet gongm net/ aoh bi burou leng/ haoyi aoh angm bi gongm net ai-ing". nih jie baot ba-niat di muyi /dail sangm kan/ jing gei bangm paot." 78

A. This is the first commandment; is also the greatest commandment. A. ni jie baot ba-niat di muyi/ gao jie baot ba-niat/ dao saingm kan bangm paot dai. B. God desires that we love Him because this profits Him; God not only wants us to believe in Him, but also to love Him. B. brie saob brie dei / aoyi yeng srao lan drong/ buruh ni jie ga ban drong; brie jie me jia men derem dai/ jiang aoyi yeng ji-e brie ang bon naoh dei/ dai gao drouv aoyi srao lan brie ang pang dai. II. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God”; many know this verse well; only one kind of people enjoy the good: those who love God: II. rou mu jiongm buk bram bei/ kao/ me pei bram bei / ni yeyi ta/, "dai yeng deng ta/ groub ga diang aoh pusangm knie/ sangm rab sei ge dei la ao/ daol niak/ dail srao lan brie"; me nuhh jie ji raen / sgual kao nih yang qiba; min dai me nuhh muyi brao peit/ dail angm nao neng sei ge dei la ao/ ni bon naoh/ jie aoh niak dai srao lan brie: A. God does not alter things; He changes your heart; if you love God, then all things, though unaltered, will work for your good. A. brie ang men gai brai evei evei dei; drong purah pudouj jiet rou bao niak; brao sen bae niak / srao lan brie, nuh evei evei diang aoh / duh bei jie kmin ga purah pudou gao daoyi/ gao neng daom nae ga la ao/ sangm rab niak dai. B. Sometimes you complain aboutverything that comes your way; yet if love is there, all these will mean nothing to you; loving God will make an unsatisfactory environment a profitable one. B. beil klah niak de-ouen de-ai/ knong reng groub yang/ dail gaot laeng/ nev knong ga daom nae ji vet/ rou bao niak; dai bal min sei ge dei srao lan / nev di nuh groub reng diang aoh/ nuh neng kmin nei jiangm buh niak/ diet dei; sei ge dei srao lan brie/ neng tve aoyi ga men sgaob sgaol / neng ba ri tan jiongm vein/ klaiyi jie ga dou dul youk /ban daoyi sgaob sgaol muyi. III. May you be a passionate lover of the Lord Jesus!—Matt. 22:37-38. III. soum aoyi niak klaiyi jie/ niak ngoub ngoul srao lan brie ang me jiah ye su geri/ jie di bangm paot! IV. “Lord, keep my heart always true to You, / Never backsliding, always viewing You, / A heart that is pure that sees only You, / A heart that loves You and treasures only You. / Your love constrains me to give my all to You. / Lord, I can’t help it; my heart is drawn to You. / Oh what a privilege! I give myself to You! / I love You, Lord, dearest Lord. I love You! I just love You!”—New Songs, #552. IV. "soum drong riek sa/ nev dong jiet dao smaoh/ men dai nek gbaot /re geij bai bi drong/ dong jiet bao ri saot/ me ken dai brie ang/ dong jiet srao lan drong/ aoyi dangm laiying dai brie ang. gdei srao lan nei drong/ bang kangm rub kniaom/ aoyi tvayi / oh! ni jie aig set/ kniaom tvaiyi klun daol brie ang/ kniaom srao lan drong/ dong jiet kniaom/ srao lan drong


aoh muyi ji vet." Table Contents


Term Thirty-two Fact, Faith, and Experience vieg sab/ di / sam seb bi ga bet, sei ge dei jium nev, neng ga baot bi saot Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Eph. 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. ei pei sou jiongm buk bi/ kao bram bei tbet ge daoyi brie gun/ dail niak rual knie/ ban sang gruh daoyi sa / sei ge dei jium nev/ haoyi sei ge dei nuh/ gao men man/ gaot bi niak rual knie dai/ ge jie angm naoyi dien/ rou bao brie ven. All of God’s facts are God’s own works. Faith is in the sense of one cashing a check at the bank; to have the money in the bank is the “fact,” to cash the check is “faith,” and to spend the money is “experience.” All we have to do is fully believe in God’s Word; He will be responsible for giving us the experience. grub diang ga bet/ diang aoh rou bao brie/ ge jie ga ngie rou bao brie pdual. nev knong nei mei yang/ sei ge dei jium nev ge jie ga qiaik mel louyi/ nev knong tie nie gei-ye/ ri ai "ga bet ", ge ga min louyi/ nev knong tie nie gei-ye. ga qiaik mel louyi/ ge jie "sei ge dei jium nev" ai ga jiangm naiyi louyi ge jie "ga baot bi saot". groub diang aoh dail yeng drouv tve/ ge ga ji-e yang ben doum heng/ knong brie bon dul/ rou bao brie jie me jia/ nuh drong neng dou dul kaoh drouv/ sangm rab ga brao dien baot bi saot/ aoyi yeng. Contents: klem sa: Eph. 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. ei pei sou jiongm buk bi/ kao bram bei tbet ge daoyi brie gun/ dail niak rual knie/ ban sang gruh daoyi sa / sei ge dei jium nev/ haoyi sei ge dei nuh/ gao men man/ gaot bi niak rual knie dai/ ge jie angm naoyi dien/ rou bao brie ven. 2 Cor. 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by appearance. bi gou len touh/ jiongm buk bram kao bram bi tbet yeng kniaom dal daoyi/ jium nev men man daoyi mel ken dei. I. Fact means that God has accomplished everything for man; all of God’s facts are God’s own works; they do not come from man’s struggle—Eph. 2:8: I. ga bet min nei ta/ brie ban bongm ben/ sangm raj nev evei groub yang/ sangm rab me nuhh; groub diang ga bet diang aoh rou bao brie/ ge jie gej ga rou bao brie pdual/ ge men man jien maok bi ga / kangm bureng rou bao me nuhh laoyi: A. Facts are God’s promises, His redemption, His works, and His free gifts. A. ga bet ge jie sei ge dei san ne ya/ rou bao brie / ga braoh luoh/ gej ga neng angm naoyi dien diang lai dail et/ bang telayi rou bao drong. B. In the Bible God never asks us to do anything that He regards as an 81

accomplished fact; all we have to do is to fulfill one simple step—believe. B. nev knong brie gongm bi/ brie men dail snae song/ aoyi yeng tve evei/ na muyi dail drong jiat douk ta/ jie ga bet dail ban bongm ben/ sangm raj nuh laoyi; groub diang aoh dail yeng drouv tve/ ge ga bongm ben sangm raj /nev jium hein sa man muyi / nuh ge ga ji-e. II. “For we walk by faith, not by appearance”—2 Cor. 5:7: II. " tbet yeng kniaom dal daoyi/ jium nev men man daoyi mel ken dei": A. Faith is to accept the facts, that is, to acknowledge them as facts; faith is in the sense of one cashing a check at the bank; to have the money in the bank is the “fact,” to cash the check is “faith,” and to spend the money is “experience”. A. sei ge dei jium nev/ ge ga dou dul youk ga bet/ nuh ge ta/ ga dou dul sgual buk gei ta jie ga bet; nev knong nei mei yang/ sei ge dei jium nev/ ge jie ga qiaik mel louyi/ nev knong tie nie gei-ye/ ri ai "ga bet ", ge ga min louyi/ nev knong tie nie gei-ye. ga qiaik mel louyi/ ge jie "sei ge dei jium nev" ai ga jiangm naiyi louyi ge jie "ga baot bi saot". B. Fact, faith, experience—this is the order that God has ordained; faith is the only means of turning facts into experience. B. ga bet, sei ge dei jium nev, ga baot bi saot / jie longm dab longm daoyi / dail brie ban gongm naot douk; sei ge dei jium nev ge jie mouxiu bai/ dai muyi gut/ nei ga brai klayi ga bet /aoyi douj jie ga baot bi saot. III. Experience is the proper living of the believers, which they secure through believing in God; whenever temptations and trials come, we should believe God’s Word and facts; all we have to do is fully believe in God’s Word; He will be responsible for giving us the experience—v. 7. III. ga baot bi saot ge jie ga/ ruoh nev dao derem drouv/ rou bao buk niak ji- e/ dail buk gei min sou vuat dei pieb/ dam rou ye ga ji-e knong brie jie me jia; nev beil na/ dail ga lebueng neng ga sak lebang/ maok daol/ yeng guo dai ji-e le brie bon dul / neng ga bet rou bao brie; groub diang aoh dail yeng drouv tve/ ge ga ji-e yang ben dongm heng/ knong brie bon dul rou bao brie jie me jia/ nuh drong neng dou dul kao drouv / sangm rab ga brao dien baot bi saot aoyi yeng. IV. “’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to take Him at His word; / Just to rest upon His promise; / Just to know, Thus saith the Lord. / Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him, / How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er, / Jesus, Jesus, Precious Jesus! / O for grace to trust Him more”—Hymns, #568. IV. “nev graom slab drong jie di bongm niak/ dao saok san duo youb ngou nget/ kjiaol pjiuh baok et srak sran/ dai kniaom nev douk jie ta/ drong me tai kniaom ban.” —KH 492. Table Contents


Term Thirty-three A Personal and Affectionate Relationship with the Lord vieg sab/ di / sam seb bei ga doum niak doum nong/ jie muyi brie ang me jiah/ pdual klun/ neng daoyi sei ge dei srao lan Abstracts: daok /srang bi: S. S. 1:2-4a Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better than wine. … Draw me; we will run after you. baot jiaom rieng sa lou mou-en/ jiongm buk muyi kao bi/ daol kao buen ao bae budei neng teb kniaom/ daoyi brie aoh dev/ bi buruh sei ge dei srao lan rou bao drong/ vi seihh jing sra dongm biang bai zhu. soum dien nuam kniaom me jia/ nuh yeng kniaom / neng rut dam drong. The most impressive thing about weddings is the time of kissing. This is the most personal and affectionate thing. The seeker said, “Draw me.” Draw me is personal. We want Him to be with us in a personal and affectionate way. ga dail guo aoyi jiab arangm/ bangm paot / angm bi a bie bi bie/ ge nev beil taeb knie. ni jie reng rav pdual klun/ dail brao gaob daoyi sei ge dei srao lan bangm paot. niak svai-ing rouk ban ni yeyi ta"soum dien kniaom me jia". ni jie reng pdual klun. yeng jiang aoyi drong gong nev jie muyi neng yeng/ jie lia-ka-na pdual klun/ neng brao gaob daoyi /sei ge dei srao lan bangm paot. Contents: klem sa: S. S. 1:2-4a Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better than wine. … Draw me; we will run after you. baot jiaom rieng sa lou mou-en/ jiongm buk muyi kao bi/ daol kao buen ao bae budei neng teb kniaom/ daoyi brie aoh dev/ bi buruh sei ge dei srao lan rou bao drong/ vi seihh jing sra dongm biang bai zhu. soum dien nuam kniaom me jia/ nuh yeng kniaom / neng rut dam drong. I. God created us with a seeking heart for Himself so that He could be our satisfaction—S. S. 1:2-4: I. brie ban bang gaet yeng/ maok aoyi min jiet svai-ing rouk drong/ dam bei aoyi drong ban jie di/ sgaob jiet daol yeng. A. Nothing can fully satisfy man; regardless of what they could get from the world, what they could attain, or what they could obtain, nothing can satisfy them because within them there is a seeking heart for God. A. kemin evei tve aoyi me nuhh/ sgaob sgaol ban laoyi; men kval ta / buk gei sangm raj ban/ rer dou dul ban evei/ bi louk gei/ ge men aj teve aoyi gei/ sgaob jiet laoyi/ bi buruh nev kang knong buk gei/ ge min jiet nei ga svai-ing rouk brie. B. Song of Songs is a book in the Bible that tells us how we can be properly satisfied with God; there is no other way except by pursuing after Christ. B. baot jiaom rieng sa lou mou-en/ ge jie xi ou pou muyi/ brab yeng bi rou bieb/ dail aj teve aoyi yeng/ sgaob jiet jie muyi neng brie / haoyi kemin 83

plouv na puseing/ graov bi sang vuat aoyi ban brie geri dei. II. “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!” this is what it means to pursue Christ; the most impressive thing about weddings is the time of kissing; this is the most personal and affectionate thing—v. 2: II. " ao bae budei neng teb kniaom/ daoyi brie aoh dev"; ni min nei ta sangm vuat rouk brie geri; haoyi ga dail jiab a rangm bangm paot/ angm bi a bie bi bie/ ge neng bei tav. ni jie reng rav pdual klun/ dail brao gaob daoyi sei ge dei srao lan bangm paot: A. According to the New Testament, God’s ordained way for man to receive Him in this kind of personal and affectionate way is first to believe in Him; to believe in Him is to receive Him as the divine life into us. A. yong dam san nia te mei/ plouv dai brie ban gangm naot douk/ aoyi me nuhh knong ga / dou dul youk drong jie lia-ka-nak/pdual klun neng brao gaob daoyi / sei ge dei srao lan/ ge dangm bong drouv ji-e drong. ji-e drong ge drouv dou dul youk/ drong jie ji vet/ brie jiul maok knong yeng. B. After we believe in Christ, we have to love Him; faith is to receive Christ, and love is to pursue Christ. B. bang duab bi / yeng ji-e brie geri/ yeng drouv srao lan drong; ji-e drouv dou dul youk brie geri/ haoyi srao lan drouv sang vuat rouk drong. III. The seeker said, “Draw me”; this is His personal and affectionate doing; we want Him to be with us in a personal and affectionate way—v. 4. III. niak svai-ing rouk ban ni yeyi ta, " soum dien kniaom me jiah"; ni jie ga teve daoyi pdual neng brao gaob/ daoyi sei ge dei srao lan / rou bao drong; yeng jiang aoyi drong/ gong nev jie muyi neng yeng/ jie lia-ka-nak pdual klun/ neng brao gaob daoyi / sei ge dei srao lan. IV. “I love Thee, Jesus, / And Thy love to me /Draws me, ever to seek Thee /And run after Thee, / Draws me, ever to seek Thee /And run after Thee. /Thou art beloved, Yea! Altogether lovely, /The One in whom my heart delighteth”—Hymns, #1154. IV. "yeng kniaom soum srao lan drong/ klang jing beil muen/ soum sdab biek ang vao kniaom/ bangm ben ga saom/ riek sa kniaom aoyi tei nev/ srao lan brie ang jiriel jirouv/ srao lan dai drong/ klang jing beil muen." Table Contents


Term Thirty-four The Sense of Life vieg sab/ di / sam seb buen arangm nei ji vet Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Rom. 8:6 For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the spirit is life and peace. rou mu jiongm buk/ bram bei/kao bram muyi tbet gongm net / kang sat qiem/ nuh jie sei ge dei slab dou dei/ ai gongm net nei brie vei nien/ nuh deb jie ji vet / neng sei ge dei saok san ven. When we believe into Christ, His life produces a sense of life. The sense of life on the negative side is the feeling of death. On the positive side the sense of life give us a consciousness of the following positive things. We need to follow the inward sense of life so that we may give the divine life an unhindered way to grow. nev beil yeng ji-e jiul dev knong brie geri/, ji vet rou bao drong/ bang gaet aoyi min arangm nei ji vet. nev pnaik ak veij-jie-min / arangm nei ji vet/ ge jie arangm nei sei ge dei slab. nev pnaik veij-jie-min / arangm nei ji vet/ pudaol aoyi yeng nev sa ban jien nie/ nei ga dae dam/ reng rav veij-jie-min / yeng drouv ga dae dam / arangm nei ji vet/ pnaik kang knong/ dangm bei aoyi ji vet brie jiaom raen/ toum nev knong yeng daoyi kmin / ga rieng sdiah. Contents: klem sa: Rom. 8:6 For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the spirit is life and peace. rou mu jiongm buk/ bram bei/kao bram muyi tbet gongm net / kang sat qiem/ nuh jie sei ge dei slab dou dei/ ai gongm net nei brie vei nien/ nuh deb jie ji vet / neng sei ge dei saok san ven. Eph. 4:19 Who, being past feeling, have given themselves over to lasciviousness to work all uncleanness in greediness. ei pei sou jiongm buk buen/ kao daob bram buen gei lein klaj bab/ ban jie gei brao goul klun/ dev kang sei ge dei/ ah a pieh/ dangm bei neng brao buret/ sei ge dei smouk grouk/ groub yang/ daoyi jiet vuok ven. I. When we believe into Christ, His life in us produces a sense of life—Rom. 6:6: I. nev beil yeng ji-e jiul dev knong brie geri/, ji vet rou bao drong/ bang gaet aoyi min arangm nei ji vet / nev knong yeng: A. The sense of life on the negative side is the feeling of death; the feeling of death is the inner feeling of weakness, emptiness, uneasiness, restlessness, depression, dryness, darkness, pain, etc. A. nev pnaik ak veij-jie-min / arangm nei ji vet/ ge jie arangm nei sei ge dei slab. arangm nei sei ge dei slab/ ge jie arangm nei pieb gongm saoyi, pieb dou dei, pieb men sroul, pieb men sngaob jiet, ga bak dek jiet, pieb sngut, pieb ngou nget, neng ga qi-e jiab jie daem, lak.


B. On the positive side the sense of life functions to give us a consciousness of the following positive things—strength, satisfaction, peace, rest, release, liveliness, watering, brightness, comfort, etc. B. nev pnaik veij-jie-min / arangm nei ji vet/ min mouk ngie knong ga/ pudaol aoyi yeng nev sa ban jien nie/ nei ga dae dam/ reng rav veij-jie- min/ douj jie / gaom lang /, ga sgaob jiet, pieb saok san, ga qiub sangm rak, ga daoh leing, pieb ruh rou vek/ drao jiek drao jiongm / ga jiaing jiang/ gongm san jiet, lak. C. Ephesians 4:19 says “past feeling”; feeling here refers mainly to the consciousness of one’s conscience; on both the negative side and the positive side, the sense of life is always related to the consciousness of the conscience. C. ei pei sou jiongm buk buen/ kao daob bram buen/ ni yeyi ta, "gei leing klaj bab"; leing klaj nev di nih/ sangm dav le ga deng klun/ nei sa ban jien nie rou bao me nuhh; diang pnaik veij-jie-min/ neng pnaik ak veij- jie-min/ arangm nei ji vet/ ge dai-ing dai min doum niak doum nong/ dev neng ga deng klun/ nei sa ban jien nie. II. The growth of the divine life in us depends on our caring for the sense of life—1 John 2:27: II. ga jiaom raen toum nei ji vet/ brie nev knong yeng/ ge a srayi de le/ ga youk jiet douk dak/ jiangm buoh arangm/ nei ji vet: A. If we neglect the inward sense of life, we will frustrate the growth of life; we need to spend an adequate amount of time with the Lord in which we make a thorough confession of our sins, failures, and transgressions so that the sense of life within us will be keen and strong. A. brao sen bae yeng teveih brao haih/ jiaom buoh arangm nei ji vet/ nev pnaik kang knong/ yeng neng rie riang/ daol ga jiaom raen toum nei ji vet. yeng drouv ga jiaom nai beil/ aoyi grub gruan/ jie muyi brie ang me jiah/ dam bei lun due angm ber bab/ ga bara jei/ neng ga brao buret/ rongm long rou bao yeng / aoyi ban maot jiaot/ brao yaoj aoyi arangm nei ji vet/ nev pnaik kang knong yeng/ neng ban vi-ing vei/ neng klang. B. Then we need to follow the inward sense of life so that we may give the divine life an unhindered way to grow. B. bon duab maok yeng drouv ga/ dao dam arangm nei pnaik kang knong/ douj qi nei yeng aj aoyi ji vet/ rou bao brie/ jiaom raen toum nev evei/ dail ban liak douk. III. “Thou art all my life, Lord, / In me Thou dost live; / With Thee all God’s fullness / Thou to me dost give. / By Thy holy nature / I am sanctified, /By Thy resurrection, / Vict’ry is supplied. / Lord, Thy life abundant, / Flowing, rich and free, / Constantly refreshes And empowers me. / Death by life is swallowed, / Weakness is made strong, / All my bonds are broken, / Gloom is turned to song”—Hymns, #841. III. “brie geri jie ji vet kniaom/ drong ruh nev kang knong/ nuam pieb bao ben nei drong/ bangm ben kniaom et qiub / daoyi ni saiy brie vi saot / niak kniaom jie bao ri saot/ jieh sda ruh laeng / nei brie kniaom ban jiei jium


nieh/ ji vet drong groub bao ri bou/ taim diang min ga hou/ aoyi kniaom rik rieyi gan lao-ang / ban angm nao brie ang/ ji vet leib sei ge dei slab/ ksaoyi brai jie reng muam/ ruj paot aoh diang jiangm naoang/ tliek jiaoh ban kbuoh laeng. Table Contents


Term Thirty-five The Fellowship of Life vieg sab/ di / sam seb bram ga brao gaob nei ji vet Abstracts: daok /srang bi: 1 John 1:2-3 (…report to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was manifested to us); … that you also may have fellowship with us, and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. Muyi you han jiongm buk muyi kao bi daol kao bei (…brab daol niak rual knie/ bi ji vet nu dao ruh nev ao gaol jie neij/ dail bi daem setet nev/ neng brie vou bei da/ haoyi ban leij maok aoyi yeng kniaom ken)…daem bei aoyi niak rual knie/ min sei ge dei brao gaob/ neng yeng kniaom dai/ ri ai sei ge dei brao gaob / rou bao yeng kniaom/ nu ge brao gaob neng brie vou bei da/ haoyi neng brie ye su geri/ jie brie ri jiu bao dra drong. In Greek the word for fellowship means “sharing in common”. The fellowship of life is the flowing of the divine life within us. “Pray to fellowship with Jesus, List’ning earnestly to Him; Be impressed with His intentions, Yielding to Him from within”. Nev knong pie sa greik/ biek/ brao gaob/ min nei ta “ga jiaik roum leik knie” ga brao gaob nei ji vet/ ge jie ga hou nei ji vet/ brie nev kang knong yeng/ “soum a ti tan brao gaob neng drong/ sdab bon dul drong/ daoyi smao drang jiab arangm bi bangm naoang brie ang/ bang gaet paol plai bi kang knong” Contents: klem sa: 1 John 1:2-3 (… report to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was manifested to us); … that you also may have fellowship with us, and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. Muyi you han jiongm buk muyi kao bi daol kao bei (…brab daol niak rual knie/ bi ji vet nu dao ruh nev ao gaol jie neij/ dail bi daem setet nev/ neng brie vou bei da/ haoyi ban leij maok aoyi yeng kniaom ken)…daem bei aoyi niak rual knie/ min sei ge dei brao gaob/ neng yeng kniaom dai/ ri ai sei ge dei brao gaob / rou bao yeng kniaom/ nu ge brao gaob neng brie vou bei da/ haoyi neng brie ye su geri/ jie brie ri jiu bao dra drong. 7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from every sin. kao bram bi dai bao yeng rual knie/ dae knong bon ler ven/ douj jie drong gao gong knong bon ler dai/ nuh yeng min sei ge dei brao gaob/ neng knie de ven de maok/ haoyi brie lou het nei brie ye su geri/ jie brie ri jiu baot dra nei drong/ gao sangm at yeng rual knie/ bi grub angm ber bab diang aoh. I. In Greek the word for fellowship means “sharing in common”; the fellowship of life is the flowing of the divine life within us; vertically between the Father, the Son, and us; horizontally between us and one another—1 John 1:2-3:


I. Nev knong pie sa greik/ biek/ brao gaob/ min nei ta “ga jiaik roum leik knie” ga brao gaob nei ji vet/ ge jie ga hou nei ji vet/ brie nev kang knong yeng/ jie ksai ben qiu rou ving brie vou bei da/ brie ri jiu baot dra/ neng yeng neng jie ksai pdeik rou ving ying/ neng knie de ven de maok: A. The circulation of blood is a very good illustration of the flowing of life; the blood within our physical body flows, circulates, all the time, and this circulating, or this flowing, is a good picture of the spiritual fellowship of life, the flowing of the divine life. A. daom nae qiem rut/ ge jie ga bon youl / bang han yang la ao/ angm bi ga hou nei ji vet/ qiem nev knong klun bran rou bao yeng/ hou/ rut grub beil / haoyi daom nae qiem rut/ re ga hou nih/ ge jie rub pieb dao la ao / angm bi ga brao gaob nei ji vet/ kang vei nien / dail jie ga hou nei ji vet brie. B. First John 1:2-3 says that the eternal life has been reported to us so that we may have fellowship; just as the electrical current comes out of the power plant, the fellowship comes out of the eternal life; the eternal life is the source of this fellowship. B. Muyi you han jiongm buk muyi kao bi daol kao bei/ ni yeyi ta/ ji vet dao nev aoh gao/ ban brab daol yeng rual knie/ brao yaoyi aoyi yeng / min ga brao gaob/ douj jie jia ran a geis sni/ jien bi rong jiak tame boul / jie yang na/ nuh ga brao gaob jien bi ji vet ao gaol/ jie yang nu dai/ tbet ji vet ao gao / ge jie brao poub nei ga brao gaob nih. II. “But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from every sin”— v. 7: II. “dai bao yeng rual knie/ dae knong bon ler ven/ douj jie drong gao gong knong bon ler dai/ nuh yeng min sei ge dei brao gaob/ neng knie de ven de maok/ haoyi brie lou het nei brie ye su geri/ jie brie ri jiu baot dra nei drong/ gao sangm at yeng rual knie/ bi grub angm ber bab diang aoh”: A. The first issue of the fellowship of life is that it brings light to us; God is light, and if we have fellowship with Him, we are in the light. A. le de paol dangm bong ban bi ga / brao gaob nei ji vet/ ge ta pdaol bon ler daol yeng; brie ge jie bon ler/ haoyi bao yeng min ga brao gaob / jie muyi drong/ yeng ge setet nev knong bon ler. B. The fellowship of life not only brings light to us but also brings the practical cleansing of the blood to us. B. ga brao gaob nei ji vet/ men drem dai nuam maok nev/ bon ler daol yeng/ bong naoh dei/ bong dai taim diang nuam maok nev/ ga sangm at jiek sdaiing/ nei qiem daol yeng pang dai. III. “Pray to fellowship with Jesus, / List’ning earnestly to Him; / Be impressed with His intentions, / Yielding to Him from within. / Pray to fellowship with Jesus, / Bathing in His countenance; / Saturated with His beauty, / Radiate His excellence. / Pray to fellowship with Jesus, / In the spirit seek His face; / Ask and listen in His presence, / Waiting in the secret place”— Hymns, #784.


III. “soum a ti tan brao gaob neng drong/ sdab bon dul drong/ daoyi smao drang jiab arangm bi bangm naoang brie ang/ bang gaet paol plai bi kang knong/ soum a ti tan brao gaob neng drong, rik rieyi nev jiangm buoh brie pie/ pieb srao brie ang jiru jirieb dong jiet/ jie bong ler sei rei la ao bet. Soum a ti tan brao gaob neng drong, vei nien svaiing rouk brie piek drong / dul soum neng sdab nev mouk brie ang/ nev di gaom bang rong jiangm drong.”

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Term Thirty-six Faith and Obedience vieg sab/ di / sam seb bram muyi sei ge dei jiongm nev / neng ga sdab bang guab Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Rom. 6:11-13 So also you, reckon yourselves to be dead to sin, but living to God in Christ Jesus. Do not let sin therefore reign in your mortal body so that you obey the body’s lusts; … but present yourselves to God as alive from the dead. Rou mu jiongm buk / bram muyi kao daob muyi daol kao daob bei / douj qi nei jiul niak rual knie/ ruab klun douk jie slab kang ai bab/ dai ruh kang ai brie ven jiaoh/ daoyi nev brie geri ye su / jie brie an me jia/ nei yeng rual knie/ haide nuh gongm aoyi bab/ saoyi riej knong rub gayi rou bao niak rual knie/ dail daing dai slab/ dam bei neng sdab dam sei ge dei bang bra tna/ rou bao bab nuh laoyi…ge derouv brao goul klun dev buria douj jie ban ruoh/ bi slab nuh laeng ven. There are only two principles of Christian living: one is faith; the other is obedience. Objective truths need our believing. After we have a living faith, day by day we have to learn to obey God. God is not satisfied until we have fully obeyed. Min goul ga bi yang / nei ga daom nae ji vet kristien: muyi ge jie sei ge dei jiongm nev/ muyi diet ge ga sdab bang guab. Sei ge dei bet pnaik kang grav/ derouv ga aoyi yeng ji-e. bon duab bi yeng min sei ge dei jiongm nev/ dao ruh haoyi/ bi muyi tenaiyi dev muyi tenaiyi / yeng derouv ga rien sdab bang guab brie. Brie ang men sgaob brie ha re dei dei/ luoh dra dai yeng min ga sdab bang guab /yang kjiaoab kjiu-en. Contents: klem sa: Rom. 6:11-13 So also you, reckon yourselves to be dead to sin, but living to God in Christ Jesus. Do not let sin therefore reign in your mortal body so that you obey the body’s lusts; … but present yourselves to God as alive from the dead. Rou mu jiongm buk / bram muyi kao daob muyi daol kao daob bei / douj qi nei jiul niak rual knie/ ruab klun douk jie slab kang ai bab/ dai ruh kang ai brie ven jiaoh/ daoyi nev brie geri ye su / jie brie an me jia/ nei yeng rual knie/ haide nuh gongm aoyi bab/ saoyi riej knong rub gayi rou bao niak rual knie/ dail daing dai slab/ dam bei neng sdab dam sei ge dei bang bra tna/ rou bao bab nuh laoyi…ge derouv brao goul klun dev buria douj jie ban ruoh/ bi slab nuh laeng ven. I. There are only two principles of Christian living: one is faith; the other is obedience; in our fellowship with the Lord, we need faith and obedience every day—Rom. 6:11-13. I. Min goul ga bi yang / nei ga daom nae ji vet kristien: muyi ge jie sei ge dei jiongm nev/ muyi diet ge ga sdab bang guab/ nev knong ga brao gaob jie muyi brie jie me jia/ buk yeng derouv ga nev/ sei ge dei jiongm nev/ neng 91

ga sdab bang guab jie rieng rual tenaiyi. II. All the objective truths have been accomplished and are real; these need our believing—vv. 11-13: II. sei ge dei bet pnaik kang grav diang aoh/ derouv ban bangm ben sangm raj/ haoyi gao bet; diang ni derouv ga ga ji-e rou bao yeng me niak me niak. A. Believing is not changing God’s word into reality; it is believing that God’s word is reality. A. ga ji-e men mein jie ga plah bdou/ brie bon dul rou bao brie/ aoyi dev jie sa pieb bet nuh dei/ dai ge jie ga ji-e ta/ brie bon dul rou bao brie/ ge jie sa pieb bet: B. We must believe in God’s Word more than our circumstances, feelings. B. buk yeng derouv dai ji-e le brie bon dul/ rou bao brie jie jing / ga ji-e le gala dei sa/ re arangm rou bao yeng. III. After we have a living faith, day by day we have to learn to obey God— Eph. 4:30: III. bon duab bi yeng min sei ge dei jiongm nev/ dao ruh haoyi/ bi muyi tenaiyi dev muyi tenaiyi / yeng derouv ga rien sdab bang guab brie. A. Whatever God demands of us, we must obey; not only do we need to obey once, but we must obey continuously. A. evei gao daoyi aoyi dai brie diem die bi yeng/ yeng derouv dai sdab bang guab/ men derem dai sdab bang guab/ dai muyi daoang ben nao dei/ bon dai derouv dai sdab bang guab/ jie bang dao bang duab knie. B. God is not satisfied until we have fully obeyed; may God bless us and make us perfect men before Him, that is, may we be men who will believe and obey. B. brie ang men sgaob brie ha re dei dei/ luh dra dai yeng min ga sdab bang guab/ yang kjiaoab kjiu-en/; soum aoyi brie ang brao dien bou yeng / neng tve aoyi yeng ban groub liek/ nev jiangm buoh brie ang/ nuh ge ta soum aoyi yeng /ban klayi jie me nuh/ dail ji-e neng sdab bang guab brie ang. IV. “When we walk with the Lord / In the light of His Word, / What a glory He sheds on our way; / While we do His good will, / He abides with us still, / And with all who will trust and obey. / Trust and obey, For there’s no other way /To be happy in Jesus, But to trust and obey”—Hymns, #582. IV. “kniaom tvayi bang gong daol ang brie geri/ sdab dam brie vei nien drong/ dek nuam kniaom gao sangm daiing sei rei brie ang/ daoyi brie gun you long.” —KH 384. Table Contents


Term Thirty-seven Experiencing Christ vieg sab/ di / sam seb bram bi ga baot bi saot brie geri Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Col. 3:4 When Christ our life is manifested, then you also will be manifested with Him in glory. Gou louh jiongm buk bei kao buen ga na brie geri dao jie ji vet nei yeng/ ban leij mao/ nuh niak rual knie neng leij mao/ knong sei rei la ao/ jie muyi neng drong dai. Christ is present, and available. He is our life. To experience Christ is to take Christ as life and thus to live by Christ. We need to learn to be one who experiences Christ in a practical way. Brie geri min vuada min gong nev / neng aj rou ban. Drong ge jie ji vet rou bao yeng. Ga baot bi saot brie geri/ ge jie ga youk brie geri tve jie ji vet/ neng jie ga ruh daoyi brie geri. Yeng derouv rien tve jie me nuh me niak/ dail baot bi saot brie geri knong plouv jiek sdaing. Contents: Klem sa: Col. 3:4 When Christ our life is manifested, then you also will be manifested with Him in glory. Gou louh jiongm buk bei kao buen ga na brie geri dao jie ji vet nei yeng/ ban leij mao/ nuh niak rual knie neng leij mao/ knong sei rei la ao/ jie muyi neng drong dai. 1 Cor. 15:45b The last Adam became a life-giving Spirit. Muyi gao ren touh jiongm buk daob bram/ kao sae seb bram/ a dam jiang graoyi bong aoh / ban klayi jie brie vei nien / dail bdaol ji vet. I. To experience Christ is to take Christ as life and thus to live by Christ— Col. 3:4: I. Ga baot bi saot brie geri/ ge jie ga youk brie geri tve jie ji vet/ neng jie ga ruh daoyi brie geri yang nu aiing. A. Christ is living, real, present, and available. A. brie geri gangm bong min / brie jiun ruh nev / bet bra gaot/ min vuada min gong nev / neng aj rou ban. B. Christ is our life, our all in all, and the unique portion given to us by God; we need to experience Him in a practical way. B. brie geri jie ji vet/ jie groub diang aoh knong groub diang aoh/ rou bao yeng/ neng jie jiangm nai dai muyi/ gut dail brie ban brao dien maok yeng/ yeng derouv ga baot bi saot drong/ dam plouv jiek sdaiing. II. In order to experience Christ Himself, we need to see that today Christ is the Spirit—1 Cor. 15:45b: II. dam bei baot bi saot brie geri/ drong pdual/ yeng derouv deng ta saob tenaiyi ni/ brie ge ri ge jie brie vei nien.


A. “The last Adam became a life-giving Spirit”; Christ today is the Spirit; the way for us to experience Christ as life is to experience the Spirit. A. “a dam jiang graoyi bong aoh / ban klayi jie brie vei nien / dail bdaol ji vet.” saob tenaiyi ni/ brie ge ri ge jie brie vei nien. Sangm rab yeng plouv dam bei baot bi saot brie geri/ tve jie ji vet/ ge derouv baot bi saot brie vei nien. B. Each of us needs to make a decision that from this moment on, we will learn to be a normal Christian, one who experiences Christ in a practical way. B. yeng me niak me niak derouv dai tve ga / sangm raj jiet ta/ jiab bi beil nih dao dev/ yeng neng rien tve jie kristien tao me da me niak/ dail baot bi saot brie geri/ dam plouv jiek sdaiing. III. “O Lord, Thou art in me as life / And everything to me! / Subjective and available, / Thus I experience Thee. / To all my needs both great and small / Thou art the rich supply; / So ready and sufficient too / For me now to apply. / O Lord, Thou art the Spirit! / How dear and near to me! / How I admire Thy / marvelous / Availability!”—Hymns, #539. III. “brie ang drong jie ji vet knong kniaom / drong jie druab ton nie nie/ drong sain sou pieb/ drong sain snal snet/ bangm plev knong kniaom jie nei/ duoh dangm rouv ga kniaom douj re toum / drong bang ben kniaom et kan/ aoyi kniaom sgaob jiet/ aoyi kniaom rik rieyi/ bong plev kniaom daoyi vei nien/ brie ang drong jie vei nien ji vet/ aoyi kniaom ban jiul jiet snet/ srao lan angm nao sao sae jiul jiet/ diang tmei sraoh tla/ brem breiyi.”

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Term Thirty-eight Clearance of the Past vieg sab/ di / sam seb bram bei ga saom at ak dei dak gal Abstracts: daok /srang bi: Luke 19:8 And Zaccheus stood and said to the Lord, Behold, the half of my possessions, Lord, I give to the poor, and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore four times as much. Lu ga jiongm buk daob bram buen/ kao bram bei ai sa kei/ gao qiu dul drong ta/ me brie ang me jia e yi/ dul bang gong jiaik druab dul bang gong / biak gan dal aoyi daol me nuh grei grao/ haoyi bao dul bang gong ban hout bong/ bangm bat jiangm buoh niak na/ nuh dul bang gong neng sang gei muyi jie buen ven. The clearance of the past after we are saved refers to the ending of our former living and past conduct. The practice of the clearance of the past is according to the moving of the Spirit within. We must thoroughly make such a clearance and carry out such dealings so that we may have a better Christian life. ga saom at ak dei dak gal/ bang duab bi yeng dou dul ban sei ge dei sang gruh/ ge saom dav le ga ban jiaob nev rou bieb/ ruh nev jia/ neng gei ri ya brao buret/ jiah rou bao yeng. Ga a nu vuot nev ga saom at ak dei dak gal rou bao yeng/ ge yong dev dam gaom lang / bang dal bi brie vei nien dail nev pnaik kang knong. Yeng guo dai min ga saom at ak dei dak gal/ yang jibah luah/ haoyi derouv jiat ga jie muyi reng nih/ nuh yeng neng min ji vet / gristien dail brao sae. Contents: Klem sa: Luke 19:8 And Zaccheus stood and said to the Lord, Behold, the half of my possessions, Lord, I give to the poor, and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore four times as much. Lu ga jiongm buk daob bram buen/ kao bram bei ai sa kei/ gao qiu dul drong ta/ me brie ang me jia e yi/ dul bang gong jiaik druab dul bang gong / biak gan dal aoyi daol me nuh grei grao/ haoyi bao dul bang gong ban hout bong/ bangm bat jiangm buoh niak na/ nuh dul bang gong neng sang gei muyi jie buen ven. Phil. 2:13 For it is God who operates in you both the willing and the working for His good pleasure. Pi lip jiongm buk bi kao daob bei tbet ge jie brie haoyi/ dail ban dal jiet niak rual knie/ aoyi min diang jiaom nang / jiang tve/haoyi aoyi ban brao buret/ dam bongm naoang brie ha re dei/ drong dai. I. The clearance of the past after we are saved refers to the ending of our former living and past conduct—Luke 19:8: I. ga saom at ak dei dak gal/ bang duab bi yeng dou dul ban sei ge dei sang gruh/ ge saom dav le ga ban jiaob nev rou bieb/ ruh nev jia/ neng gei ri ya brao buret/ jiah rou bao yeng. 95

A. As soon as Zaccheus was saved, if he had taken anything from anyone by false accusation, he would willingly restore him fourfold; furthermore, he was willing to give half of his possessions to the poor; the believers in Thessalonica, once they believed in the Lord, they turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God. A. ka na beil dail sa kei dou dul ban sei ge dei sang gruh/ nuh guat min jiet brao goul sangm naoang jiang buoh/ niak dail guat ban hout bon/ bongm bat muyi jie buen ven/ le jie ni de die guat ban brao goul nev druab sangm bat/ rou bao guat biak gang dal/ daol jun grei grao. Buk niak ji-e nev grang / tai sa lou neij/ knong beil dail buk gei ji-e brie ang me jia/ nuh buk gei ban bai jien/ bi rub gou rub diang laiyi maok bangm rae/ brie dao min brie jun ruh ven. B. Altogether there are four categories: (1) unrighteous matters, (2) improper matters, (3) evil and unclean matters, and (4) old ways of living. B. nev knong nuh min reng rav buen brao peit: (1)reng rav dail men saoj jiaret (2) reng rav dail men derem derev(3) reng rav dail a graok neng men s-at (4)ruh nev knong plouv jiah. II. The practice of the clearance of the past is not according to the demand of outward regulations, but according to the moving of the Spirit within— Phil. 2:13: II. ga a nu vuat nei ga saom at ak dei dak gal/ ge men mein yong de dam/ sei ge dei bang guat nei qibab/ pnaik kang graov nuh dei/ bong dai yong de dam ga jiao le na/ nei brie vei nien dail nev pnaik kang knong. A. If we would let the Spirit work in us, He will lead us to make the clearance and carry out the dealings by the power of life within. A. brao sen bae yeng a nu niat/ aoyi brie vei nien tve ga nev kang knong yeng/ nuh drong neng dek nuam yeng /aoyi saom at ak dei dak gal/ neng jiat ga jie muyi reng nuh jie men kan/ daoyi sa jiei sda nei ji vet/ nev pnaik kang knong. B. We must thoroughly make such a clearance and carry out such dealings until we are inwardly filled with life and peace; it is needed in order that we may have a better Christian life, bear a good testimony for the Lord, and follow the Lord in our going on with Him. B. yeng guo dai tve ga saom at ak dei dak gal/ diang srong/ haoyi derouv jiat ga jie muyi reng nih/ rou hout dual dai yeng / derouv ban bang ben nev pnaik kang knong/ daoyi ji vet neng sei ge dei saok san. Nih jie daom rouv ga dam bei aoyi yeng aj/ min ji vet gristien/ dail brao sae laeng / haoyi aj riek sa di bang dual / sangm rab brie ang me jia/ neng aj dao daem/ brie ang me jia/ nev knong ga bang dao dev mouk diet jie muyi drong. III. “Oh, what a Joy! Oh, what a rest! / Christ now is being formed in me. / His very nature and life divine / In my whole being inwrought shall be. / All that I am came to an end, / And all of Christ is all to me”—Hymns, #499. III. “ban qiub sangm rak rik rieyi sou koum/ ei lou brie geri taot jiangm laoang knong kniaom/ ji vet ni sai rou bao brie ang/ derouv ban gao san


jiul maok knong kniaom/ groub yang rou bao kniaom derouv ban ben jiaob/ brie geri leij maok daoyi brie jiei sda.” Table Contents


Term Thirty-nine Why Do Believers Suffer? vieg sab/ di / sam seb bram buen haide wei ban jie buk ji-e rong douk longm bak Abstracts: daok /srang bi: 2 Cor. 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart; but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. Bi gou ren tou jiongm buk buen/ kao daob bram muyi haide nu yeng kniaom men nayi jiet laoyi/ bong dai du bei me nuh / kang graov rou bao yeng/ gang bong dai buk luyi/ dev gao bet man/ dai nev kang knong /gangm bong dai gai jie tmei lang ring rual tenaiyi jie neij ven. The primary purpose of suffering, particularly as it relates to the children of God, is that the very nature of God may be wrought into the nature of man that we might partake of His holiness. We must be happy with all that the Father gives us. Goul bangm naoang jie jiangm bong/ nei ga rong douk longm bak/ jie bi saiyi dia dong neng / goun rou bao brie / ge ta ni saiyi brie dai muyi / aj drouv ban jia jiul maok knong ni saiyi me nuh/ dam bei aoyi yeng aj rum min jiangm naik knong pieb bao ri saot/ rou bao drong ban. Yeng drouv dai rik rieyi / neng evei diang aoh/ dail brie vou bei da brao dien daol yeng. Contents: Klem sa: 2 Cor. 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart; but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. Bi gou ren tou jiongm buk buen/ kao daob bram muyi haide nu yeng kniaom men nayi jiet laoyi/ bong dai du bei me nuh / kang graov rou bao yeng/ gang bong dai buk luyi/ dev gao bet man/ dai nev kang knong /gangm bong dai gai jie tmei lang ring rual tenaiyi jie neij ven. Heb. 12:10 For they disciplined for a few days as it seemed good to them; but He, for what is profitable that we might partake of His holiness. Hei bu re jiongm buk daob bi kao daob tbet evbuk yeng dain viyeyi brao dae yeng/ dam dai ka na jiet rou bao jiet gua ben nao/ dai men mein jie you qinam dei/ jiaom naik brie dail drong viyeyi pjial / nuh sangm rab jie brao yaoyi/ daol yeng ven/ dam bei aoyi yeng ban sei ge dei bao ri saot / rou bao drong/. I. “But though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day”—2 Cor. 4:16: I. “bong dai du bei me nuh / kang graov rou bao yeng/ gang bong dai buk luyi/ dev gao bet man/ dai nev kang knong /gangm bong dai gai jie tmei lang ring rual tenaiyi jie neij ven”: A. The Bible speaks of two creations, the old and the new; though the old creation has come into being by the mighty hand of the living God, He Himself does not reside within it; the old nature must be shattered to make way for Him.


A. brie gongm bi ni yeyi bi ga bang gao bang gaet bi/ ge ga bang gao bang gaet jiah/ neng ga bang gao bang gaet tmei; duoh bei ga bang gao bang gaet jiah/ ban leij maok daoyi brie haoh/ dao klang bu gai / rou bao brie dao min brie jun ruh gao daoyi/ dai brie ang drong men gong nev knong viye dei; ni saiyi jiah drouv dai kjat kjayi/ dam bei tve aoyi min plouv sangm rab brie ang. B. It is this, that the devastation it brings to the old creation provides an opportunity for the God of resurrection to impart Himself into His creatures; to add a new constituent to our lives. B. ge ta ni jie ga bangm plan ni saiyi jiah/ dail nuam maok nev ga bang gao bang gaet jiah/ bdaol ao gah aoyi brie nei ga ruh laeng ven/ tve ga jiak roum leik/ ang drong pdual jiul dev knong niak dail / drong bang gaet mao/ dam bei bang taim sa mase tiet tmei jiul dev knong/ ji vet rou bao yeng. II. “For they disciplined for a few days as it seemed good to them; but He, for what is profitable that we might partake of His holiness”—Heb. 12:10: II. “tbet evbuk yeng dain viyeyi brao dae yeng/ dam dai ka na jiet rou bao jiet gua ben nao/ dai men mein jie you qinam dei/ jiaom naik brie dail drong viyeyi pjial / nuh sangm rab jie brao yaoyi/ daol yeng ven/ dam bei aoyi yeng ban sei ge dei bao ri saot / rou bao drong”: A. Discipline is the Father’s dealing with His sons that they may partake of His holy nature; God’s discipline, God’s dealing with us, is to bring us into His intention. A. veiy brao dav ge jie brie vou bei da/ dail jiat ga jie muyi neng goun goun rou bao drong/ dail aj aoyi buk gei/ ban dou dul ni saiyi / bao ri saot rou bao drong; ga veiy brao dav rou bao brie /jie ga jiat ga rou bao brie jie muyi yeng/ dam bei nuam yeng jiul dev knong bangm naoang rou bao drong. B. The primary purpose of suffering, particularly as it relates to the children of God, is that the very nature of God may be wrought into the nature of man. B. goul bangm naoang jie jiaom bang/ nei ga rong douk longm bak/ jie bi saih dia dong neng goun goun rou bao brie/ ge ta ni saiyi rou bao brie / aj drouv ban jiak jiul maok knong ni saiyi me nuh. III. Never pray that sufferings come; on the other hand we must be happy with all that the Father gives us, because we know that everything is in His hands—1 Cor. 10:13. III. jiu gaom a ti tan / dam bei aoyi ga rong douk longm bak/ neng maok daol laoyi; me yang ven diet/ yeng drouv dai rik rieyi neng evei evei/ dail brie vou bei da/ brao dien maok yeng/ bi bruh yeng deng ta evei evei / diang aoh ge stet nev knong brie hao rou bao drong. IV. “Jesus, I my cross have taken, / All to leave and follow Thee; / Destitute, despised, forsaken, / Thou, from hence, my all shalt be. / Perish every fond ambition, All I’ve sought, and hoped, and known; / Yet how rich is my condition, God and Christ are still my own!”—Hymns, #460. IV. “dai kniaom broum rong douk / dai mnia ai/ men saom evei rong reng laoyi


/ jiet kniaom sreik klien smao drang/ et sbaoy/ dam drong daol di bangm paot; sei rei la ao kniaom rong jiam / tenaiyi mouk / oba sak rong douk yang na/ kniaom men dou dul gdei saok lou ga/ bruh dai brie ang me jia kniaom.”

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Term Forty Facing Persecution vieg sab/ di / sae seb ga brao qium mouk neng ga bit bin Abstracts: daok /srang bi: 2 Cor. 4:17 For our momentary lightness of affliction works out for us, more and more surpassingly, an eternal weight of glory. Bi gao ren tou/ jiongm buk buen kao daob bram bi tbet sei ge dei douk longm bak/ yang sral rou bao yeng kniaom/ dail nev dai muyi plait nih/ nuh bang gaet aoyi yeng kniaom min sei rei la ao yang tngun /leh loub dao nev aoh gaol jie neij ven. Persecution is the portion appointed to us as believers in Christ. For God uses them to perfect us. Through the suffering of persecution we are perfected, and eventually we shall be ushered into glory. knong niem jie buk niak ji-e / nev knong brie geri/ ga bit bin / ge jie jiangm naik dail ban gangm naot douk/ daol yeng. bi bruoh brie jie me jia / brae ga bit bin diang nuh / dam bei tve aoyi yeng groub liak. dam rou ye nei ga bit bin / yeng drouv ban groub liak/ haoyi jiang graoyi yeng neng ban noam jiul dev gan / sei rei la ao. Contents: Klem sa: 1 Pet. 4:14 If you are reproached in the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. Muyi bei derou/jiongm buk buen kao daob buen bae sen jie gei daih dil/ niak rual knie/ daoyi bruh brie geri/ nuh min bao haoyi bi bruh brie vei nien / daol min sei rei la ao/ ge jie brie vei nien nei brie/ drong sang tet le niak rual knie haoyi. 2 Cor. 4:17 For our momentary lightness of affliction works out for us, more and more surpassingly, an eternal weight of glory. Bi gao ren tou/ jiongm buk buen kao daob bram bi tbet sei ge dei douk longm bak/ yang sral rou bao yeng kniaom/ dail nev dai muyi plait nih/ nuh bang gaet aoyi yeng kniaom min sei rei la ao yang tngun /leh loub dao nev aoh gaol jie neij ven. I. The entire world lies in the evil one, Satan; once a person turns to God, Satan will instigate others to persecute that one; persecution is the portion appointed to us as believers in Christ—1 John 5:19. I. bi poub louk diang mul setet nev knong a gaom naj sadang; nev beil me nuh me niak/niak drou briah / sadang neng niueh niu-eng niak dao dei/ aoyi bit bin me nuh me niak neng; ga bit bin ge jie jiangm naik dail drouv ban gangm naot/ douk sangm rab yeng jie niak ji-e brie geri. II. The various trials through which we must pass as believers, for God uses them to perfect us—1 Pet. 5:10: II. knong niem jie buk niak ji-e/ yeng drouv dai qilang gat/ ga sak lebong


pseiing / tbet brie brae ga sak lebong diang nih/ dam bei tve aoyi yeng ban groub liak. A. Students know that final examinations can be a real suffering and trial; but such a trial is actually a help to the students; when they know that a final examination is coming, they concentrate on their studies with much diligence— v. 10. A. seh diang aoh deng ta/ ga brao lang ben jiaob/ a jie ga rong douk dao bet / neng jie ga sak lebong; bon dai ga sak lebong douj nih/ bet jie jiuyi daol buk seh; nev beil buk gei deng ta/ ga brao laoang ben jiaob/ neng maok daol / buk gei budaot le ga sek sa rou bao buk gei/ daoyi wu sa pjie yem bangm paot. B. There are also “finals” and other kinds of “examinations” in the “school of spiritual education”; The “principal” of this school is our heavenly Father; He has arranged different trials for us, different examinations; all these trials are good for us; just as examinations are good for students, so the various trials we face as Christians are a profit to us—Rom. 8:28. B. yeng gao min “vei yak ben jiaob” neng “ga brao lang” pseiing diet nev knong “sala aob rongm kang vei nien dai”; “nie you-ek” rou bao sala nih / ge jie brie vou bei da / kang tan sue rou bao yeng; drong ban rieb jiangm ga sak lebong pseiing pseiing/ neng ga brao lang pseiing pseiing/sangm rab yeng; ga sak lebong diang aoh nih / ge la ao sangm rab yeng; douj jie ga brao lang / ge la ao sangm rab seh jie yang na/ douj qi nei knong niem yeng jie gristien/ ga sak lebong pseiing pseiing/ dail yeng jiueb brao diah/ ge jie brao yaoj daol yeng jie yang nuh dai. III. “For our momentary lightness of affliction works out for us, more and more surpassingly, an eternal weight of glory”—2 Cor. 4:17: III. tbet sei ge dei douk longm bak/ yang sral rou bao yeng kniaom/ dail nev dai muyi plait nih/ nuh bang gaet aoyi yeng kniaom min sei rei la ao yang tngun /leh loub dao nev aoh gaol jie neij ven: A. Our sufferings are only for a little while; through the suffering of persecution we are perfected, and eventually we shall be ushered into glory—1 Pet. 5:10. A. sei ge dei douk longm bak rou bao yeng min dai muyi/ plait ben naoh; dam rou yek sei ge dei douk longm bak/ nei ga bit bin yeng ban groub liak/ haoyi nev di bangm paot/ yeng neng drouv ban nuam dev rouk sei rei la ao. B. We need to pray, asking the Lord to show us His will and make us willing to accept His arrangement; and to willingly accept our momentary light afflictions that are measured out by Him so that we may receive an eternal weight of glory—2 Cor. 4:17. B. yeng drouv a ti tan dul soum brie ang me jia/ aoyi bangm han bangm naoang brie dei drong/ haoyi neng tve aoyi yeng min chan diak/ dou dul you ga rieb jiangm rou bao drong/ broum diang dou dul youk sei ge dei douk longm bak / yang sral sral rou bao yeng/ dail ban vuah daoyi brie ang/ dam bei aoyi yeng aj dou dul ban sei rei la ao/ yang tngun leh loub dao ao gao jie neij.


IV. “Though loneliness and trials come, / My griefs I’d rise above. / This only would I ask Thee, Lord: / Surround me with Thy love! / O gracious Lord, I now beseech, / Guide me through every stage; / Stand by and strengthen me to go / Through this dark, evil age”—How vast, immense, and measureless. IV. “gdei douk dam jiuab brao get/ dai kniaom men jiab arangm / soum brie brao dien gdei srao lan drong / lueng loum vei nien jiet gaiyi/ kniaom nev rong jiam brie ang/soum drong dek nuam kniaom pang/ drong qiu nev jiet jiangm raen gaom lang/ ruj paot bab lebueng diang laiyi.”

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Term Forty-one Withstanding the Devil vieg sab/ di / sae seb muyi ga dao dang neng a riak Abstracts: daok /srang bi: James 4:7 Be subject therefore to God; but withstand the devil, and he will flee from you. Ya gaob jiongm buk buen/ kao bram bi douj qi nei drouv jiu jiul jiongm buh brie/ haoyi dao dang neng a riak ven jiao/ nuh vie neng ruot jien bi niak rual knie dev. The way to withstand Satan is by faith. If we believe in Christ and trust in Him as our victory, we will experience the overcoming power of Christ continually. We have to learn to say yes to the Father and no to the devil all the time. Vei ti dam bei dao dang neng a riak/ ge daoyi sei ge dei jiongm nev. Brao sen bae yeng ji-e le brie geri haoyi/ douk jiet drong jie nia /min jiei rou bao yeng/ nuh yeng neng baot bi saot jiei sda nev jiei jium niah/ rou bao brie geri jie neij. Yeng drouv rien ni yeyi ta bat/ jia jiangm buh brie vou bei da/ haoyi ta dei jium buh a riak groub beil. Contents: Klem sa: James 4:7 Be subject therefore to God; but withstand the devil, and he will flee from you. Ya gaob jiongm buk buen/ kao bram bi douj qi nei drouv jiu jiul jiongm buh brie/ haoyi dao dang neng a riak ven jiao/ nuh vie neng ruot jien bi niak rual knie dev. 1 Pet. 5:8-9a Be sober; watch. Your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking someone to devour. Him withstand, being firm in your faith. Muyi bei drou /jiongm buk bram kao bram bei daol kao bram buen jiul aoyi deng klun haoyi jiangm yem jiao/ bruh a riak dail jie kmang sadrouv / rou bao niak rual knie/ vie daiing dao grao wail/ diang grou hem/ douj jie seng / dam bei neng rouk nie na/ dail vie neng drao bak leib ban / jiu dao dang neng vie / daoyi min jiet ji-e moam mun/ diang deng ta buk bang buon rou bao nia rual knie/ dail nev knong louk gei nih/ gei gangm bong dai rong douk longm bak/ douj knie dai. I. In the original text the word Satan means “an opposer, an adversary”: I. nev knong a ta baot daem bie ta sa dang/ min nei ta “niak brao qiang neng jie kmang sadrouv”: A. The devil opposes everything that God does; in addition, he always sets himself against God’s children—1 Pet. 5: 8-9. A. a riak brao qiang neng evei evei diang aoh/ dail brie tve; le bi nih dev die vie dan dai brao qiang/ neng goun goun rou bao brie. B. To withstand the devil means that we withstand him by the victory of Christ.


B. dam bei dao dang neng a riak / min nei ta yeng dao dang neng vie/ daoyi jiei jium nia rou bao brie geri. II. Withstand Him, being firm in your faith. the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking someone to devour—vv. 8-9: II. dao dang neng vie / daoyi min sei ge dei jium nev/ mout moam rou bao nia. A riak dail ji-e kmang sadrouv / rou bao nia rual knie/ vie daiing dao grao wail/ diang grou hem/ douj jie seng / dam bei neng rouk nie na/ dail vie neng drao bak leib ban /: A. First, we must believe that the Lord was manifested for the purpose of destroying the works of the devil—1 John 3:8. A. daom bong yeng drouv ji-e ta/ brie ang me jia drouv ban leik mao/ knong goul bangm naoang/ bangm plan geji ga rou bao a riak. B. Second, we must believe that through death the Lord Jesus has destroyed him who has the might of death, the devil—Heb. 2:14; 1 John 3:8. B. di bi yeng drouv dai ji-e ta/ dam rou ye ga sou gut / brie ang me jia ye su drouv ban bangm plan/ vie dai min aom naj/ nei sei ge dei slab / ge jie a riak. C. Third, we must believe that the Lord’s resurrection has put Satan to shame; Satan no longer has any way to attack us—Col. 2:12-15; Phil. 3:10. C. di bei yeng drouv ji-e ta/ ga ruh laeng ven rou bao brie ang me jia/ ban tve aoyi sa dang a mah; sa dang leiing min me xiu baiy/ maok vieyi brao ha/ yeng diet haoyi. D. Fourth, we must believe that the ascension of the Lord has put Him far above the power of Satan; the Lord Jesus is already seated in the heavenlies and is far above all the power of Satan—Eph. 2:6. D. di buen yeng drouv ji-e ta/ ga yeng dev tan dao kbuoh/ rou bao brie ang me jia / ban tve aoyi drong kbuoh leh jing aom naj/ rou bao sa dang diang aoh; brie ang me jia ye su ban gong nev tan sue/ ruj haoyi / haoyi min aom naj klang jing sa dang dev diet. III. May we have faith toward the four things the Lord has accomplished for us, and may we exercise strong faith to withstand Satan and reject his work upon us—1 Pet. 5:8-9. III. soum aoyi yeng min sei ge dei jiongm nev / jiaom buh reng buen yang / dail brie ang me jia ban baom ben /sangm raj sangm rab yeng / ruj haoyi / neng soum aoyi yeng min jiongm nev reng moam/ dam bei dao dang neng sa dang / haoyi ba dei sait / ga nie rou bao vie mao le yeng. IV. “To the foe my word is always, ‘No,’ To the Father it is, ‘Yes,’ / That His plan and all His counsel Be accomplished with success; / When Thine orders I’m obeying, / Grant me, Lord, authority fulfill Thy plan eternal Thru the Spirit’s power in me”—Hymns, #880. IV. “jiaom buh sa dang kniaom soum ta/ ‘dei,’ dai brie vou bei da kniaom / a men / aoyi drong neng ban sangm raj bangm naoang / grong ga groub yang et sae mang / beil kniaom tve dam brie rij ben jie/ soum drong brao dien/ aoyi jiei sda/ aoyi kniaom ban ben / daoyi brie vei nien / sangm raj bangm naoang dail drong min.”


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Term Forty-two Not Loving the World vieg sab/ di / sae seb bi ga men srao lan louk gei Abstracts: daok /srang bi: 1 John 2:15 Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in him. Muyi you han jiongm buk bi / kao daob bram goum aoyi srao lan louk gei / re rou bao evei dai nev knong louk gei / nih aoyi saoh/ bae nie na srao lan lou gei / nie nuh kmin sei ge dei srao lan / rou bao brie vou bei da/ nev knong klun laoyi. The “world” means “system,” or “organization.” Satan usurps people through his worldly arrangement and system. In the New Testament we are charged not to love the world. Loving God is the best way to be separated from and unspotted by the world. “louk gei”min nei ta “brao bao-an” re “ang ga”.sa dang don daem me nuh dam rou yek / ga rieb jiaom kan lou gei / neng brao bao-an rou bao vie/ nev knong gongm bi sa nia tmei/ yeng drouv ban bang guab / men aoyi srao lan lou gei. Ge dei srao lan brie / ge jie plouv daol la ao bangm paot/ dam bei niak yeng jien bi / neng men aoyi sae mang daoyi lou gei. Contents: Klem sa: 1 John 2:15 Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in him. Muyi you han jiongm buk bi / kao daob bram goum aoyi srao lan louk gei / re rou bao evei dai nev knong louk gei / nih aoyi saoh/ bae nie na srao lan lou gei / nie nuh kmin sei ge dei srao lan / rou bao brie vou bei da/ nev knong klun laoyi. James 4:4 Do you not know that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever determines to be a friend of the world is constituted an enemy of God. Ya gaob jiongm buk buen kao buen dae men deng dei re ei ta / dail srao lan daol lou gei/ nu ge jie kmang sadrouv /neng brie haoyi / douj qi nei nie na dail jiul jiet/ jiang tve jie met sangm lan neng lou gei/ nuh qi meh ta / ban dang klun jie kmang sadrouv neng brie ven. 1 John 2:17 And the world is passing away, and its lust, but he who does the will of God abides forever. Muyi you han jiongm buk bi / kao daob bram bi ai lou gei nih neng sei ge dei bang bra tna/ rou bao vie/ nuh gangm bong gen lang dev/ dai nie na dail tve dam brie ha re dei brie / nuh neng nev jiuab/ aoh gao jie neij ven. I. 1 John 2:15 says, “Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in him”: I. Muyi you han jiongm buk bi / kao daob bram / ni yeyi ta/ goum aoyi srao lan louk gei / re rou bao evei dai nev knong louk gei / nih aoyi saoh/ bae 107

nie na srao lan lou gei / nie nuh kmin sei ge dei srao lan / rou bao brie vou bei da/ nev knong klun laoyi: A. The “world” means “system,” or “organization”; Satan usurps people through his worldly arrangement and system. A. “louk gei”min nei ta “brao bao-an” re “ang ga”.sa dang don daem me nuh dam rou yek / ga rieb jiaom kan lou gei / neng brao bao-an rou bao vie/. B. Before God the world is filthy; it is even filthier than sin; therefore, we who are saved by the Lord from the world should keep ourselves unspotted from its filth—v. 15. B. nev jiongm buh brie jie me jia/ lou gei ge gao faok/ vie ret dai gao faok/ jing angm be bab dev diet; douj qi nei yeng dai jie nia/ drouv ban brie ang me jia sang gruh / bi lou gei / guo riek sa klun aiing/ gongm aoyi sae mang bi pieb gao faok rou bao vie. II. “The world is passing away, and its lust, but he who does the will of God abides forever”—v. 17: II. “ai lou gei nih neng sei ge dei bang bra tna/ rou bao vie/ nuh gangm bong gen lang dev/ dai nie na dail tve dam brie ha re dei brie / nuh neng nev jiuab/ aoh gao jie neij ven”: A. The world and the things in it are under the execution of God’s judgment; they will not last very long, much less remain for eternity; they will pass away— John 12:31. A. lou gei neng rou bao diang lai/ dai nev knong vie ge stet nev / graom ga brao dei bat/ nei ga jiongm noum jiongm rieh / rou bao brie; jiang bangm paot rou bao buk vie / ge nev men you diet dei/ ge nev saol deik na / sangm rab pieb aoh gaol / buk vie neng gen lang dev. B. We must live a life that is separated from the world; we must keep ourselves unspotted from the world; loving God is the best way to be separated from and unspotted by the world; by loving God, we can keep ourselves from loving the world and keep the world from usurping and defiling us—1 John 2:15. b. yeng drouv dai ruh jie ji vet muyi/ dail drouv ban niak jien bi lou gei; yeng drouv dai riek sa klun yeng / gaom aoyi sae mang / bi lou gei aoyi sao. gdei srao lan brie ge jie plouv dao lao ao / bangm paot/ dam bei niak yeng jien bi /neng men aoyi sae mang daoyi lou gei. dam rou ye sei ge dei srao lan brie / yeng aj riek sa klun yeng /jien bi ga srao lan lou gei/ haoyi neng riek sa yeng jien bi /ga don daem youk / neng ga smou grouk rou bao lou gei. III. “Give up the world, Christ to obtain, / He is the One you require; / Once you receive this glorious Christ, / Never the rest you'll desire. / He is so rich, He is so full, / He can fulfill all your needs! / He is so good, He is so sweet, / All your desire He exceeds!”—Hymns, #1025. III. “liah bang lou gei / dam bei brie geri / men drouv ga evei la ao vi saih / duh min groub yang gao men qi ait qi an/ min dai brie geri deb groub gruan/ pieb sangm bou drong men aj boa-ne-nie/ bao ri bou men aj / aoyi geiyak ne niye/ buaim la haim /jiriel jirouv rual beil vei lie/ kniaom pluoh ru jiet


drong groub grie.”

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Term Forty-three God’s Keeping Power vieg sab/ di / sae seb bei brie jiei sda nei ga tai riak sa rou bao brie Abstracts: daok /srang bi: 1 Pet. 1:5a Who are being guarded by the power of God through faith. muyi bei drou jiongm buk muyi kao bram gao ge aoyi yeng rual knie / dail brie jiei sda nei brie / gangm bong tai riak sa/ daoyi sa jium nev. We have to believe in God’s guarding power. In order to experience the Lord’s guarding, we must say to the Lord, “I commit myself to Your guarding. I believe in Your guarding power.” yeng drouv ji-e brie jiei sda nei ga tai riak sa /rou bao brie. dam bei baot bi saot /ga tai riak sa rou bao brie / yeng drouv ni yeyi dev brie ang me jia ta “dul bang gongm brao goul klun aoyi drong tai tiak sa. dul bang gongm ji-e brie brie jiei sda / tai riak sa rou bao drong”. Contents: Klem sa: 1 Pet. 1:5a Who are being guarded by the power of God through faith. muyi bei drou jiongm buk muyi kao bram gao ge aoyi yeng rual knie / dail brie jiei sda nei brie / gangm bong tai riak sa/ daoyi sa jium ne. 2 Tim. 1:12 For which cause also I suffer these things; but I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that He is able to guard my deposit unto that day. bi ti mou tei jiongm buk muyi kao daob bi ge daoyi hait nuh ban jie kniaom rong douk diang nih/ dai kniaom men kmah dei/ tbet kniaom sgual brie dail kniaom ban ji-e dam / haoyi kniaom ji-e bet ta/ drong aj neng tai riak sa ba niae/ dail kniaom ban pniae douk neng drong/ dao rab dao tenaiyi nuh aiying. Josh. 14:11 I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me: as my strength was then, even so is my strength now, for war, both to go out, and to come in. you swei jiongm buk daob buen kao daob muyi saob tenaiyi nih/ kniaom nev dai min gaom lang / douj knong ga dail lou mou sei / ban jiat kniaom aoyi dev nuh nev laoyi/ gaom lang kniaom ei lou ni/ gao douj jie ga bi daem dai/ sangm rab neng dev jbang /diang jien dev haoyi jiul maok ven pang. I. First Peter 1:5 speaks of being “guarded by the power of God through faith”: I. muyi bei drou jiongm buk muyi kao bram gao ni yeyi bi ga “ge aoyi yeng rual knie / dail brie jiei sda nei brie / gangm bong tai riak sa/ daoyi sa jium ne”. A. We must believe in God’s keeping power; if we implicitly rely on Him, an amazing thing will happen. A. yeng drouv dai ji-e brie jiei sda nei ga tai riak sa /rou bao brie; brao 110

sen bae yeng douk jiet le drong/ nuh reng rav aoh jia neng gaet lang. B. Every morning when we rise we should say to Him, “God, I thank You for keeping me yesterday, and today You will still keep me. I do not know what temptations may befall me. I cannot do anything; but I believe You will keep me”. B. rieng rual beil brek / nev beil yeng grao bi daom neik/ yeng gu ni yeyi dev drong ta/ “ao brie jie me jia eyi/ ao brie gun drong jiangm buh ga tai riak sa dul bang gongm/ bi tenaiyi me sel men / haoyi tenaiyi nih / drong neng nev dai tai riak sa dul bang gongm. dul bang gongm men deng ta neng min sei ge dei lebueng/ na gaet min daol dul bang gongm nuh dei/ dai dul bang gongm ji-e ta / drong neng tai riak sa dul bang gongm”. II. “As my strength was then, even so is my strength now, for war, both to go out, and to come in”— Josh. 14:11b: II. “gaom lang kniaom ei lou ni/ gao douj jie ga bi daem dai/ sangm rab neng dev jbang /diang jien dev haoyi jiul maok ven pang”: A. This is Caleb’s word; Caleb’s strength was the same as it was in the day he spoke with Moses, in coping with the ordinary demands of daily life as well as with the demands of life under conditions of special stress. A. nih jie biek ga rou bao ga laib; gaom lang rou bao ga laib/ nev dai dao dail /douj ga dai guat ni yeyi jie muyi lou mou sei/ du bai stet knong ji vet brao jiam tenaiyi/ jie tua me da neng ji vet nev graom/ sta na ga dan deng. B. Though forty years had elapsed in the interval, he was as strong as he had been in his earlier days; here we see God’s keeping power. B. duh bei sae seb qinam gen lang paot dev gao daoyi/ gao guat nev dai min gaom lang/ douk gal nev bi kmeing, drang nih yeng me ken bi brie jiei sda/ nei ga tai riak sa rou bao brie. III. Second Timothy 1:12 says, “for I know whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that He is able to guard my deposit unto that day”: III. bi ti mou tei jiongm buk muyi kao daob bi ni yeyi ta “tbet kniaom sgual brie dail kniaom ban ji-e dam / haoyi kniaom ji-e bet ta/ drong aj neng tai riak sa ba niae/ dail kniaom ban pniae douk neng drong/ dao rab dao tenaiyi nuh aiying”: A. The Lord will guard us, but we have to commit ourselves into His hand. A. brie ang me jia drong neng riak sa ga bie yeng/ bon dai yeng drouv brao goul klun rou bao yeng dev knong brie hua rou bao drong. B. In order to experience the Lord’s guarding, we must say to the Lord, “I commit myself to Your guarding. I believe in Your guarding power”. B. dam bei baot bi saot /ga tai riak sa ga bie rou bao brie ang me jia / yeng drouv dai ni yeyi dev drong ta “dul bang gongm brao goul klun jiangm buh ga tai tiak sa ga bie rou bao drong. haoyi dul bang gongm ji-e le brie jiei sda / nei ga tai riak sa ga bie rou bao drong”. IV. “I know not why God’s wondrous grace, / To me He hath made known, / Nor why, unworthy, Christ in love, / Redeemed me for His own. But ‘I


know Whom I have believed, / And am persuaded that He is able, / To keep that which I’ve committed, / Unto Him against that day’”—Hymns, #333. IV. “kniaom men deng medei/ ban jie drong bdaol / brie gun maok luoh klun kniaom/ kniaom men guo saoh dai drong maok daol/ brao kniaom aoyi ruj bab toum/ dai kniaom ban sgual brie / dail kniaom ji-e dam / haoyi kniaom ji-e bet ta /drong aj tai riak sa ba niae dail kniaom pniae douk neng drong / dao rab daol tenaiyi nuh ga na”.

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Term Forty-four The Hope of the Christian Life vieg sab/ di / sae seb buen sei ge dei sang kem nei ji vet gristien Abstracts: daok srang bi: Phil. 3:20 For our commonwealth exists in the heavens, from which also we eagerly await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. pi lip jiongm buk bei kao me pei ai yeng rual knie yeng jie sah tan sue ven/ gao nev jiam brie ang me jia /ye su geri jie brie ang sang gruh/ drong yeng maok bi tan nuh aiying. As those who believe in Christ, we have a life full of hope. Our hope is the Lord’s coming back. When Christ returns, “He will transfigure the body of our humiliation to be conformed to the body of His glory”. knong niem jie niak ji-e nev knong brie geri/ yeng min ji vet muyi dail ben dev daoyi / gdei sang kem. gdei sang kem rou bao yeng / ge ga yeng maok ven rou bao brie ang me jia. beil dail drong yeng drao laob maok “drong neng bangm plah bangm brai/ rub gaiy dieb taok rou bao yeng/ aoyi drao laob douj jie rub wu daom rou bao drong.” Contents: klem sa: Phil. 3:20 For our commonwealth exists in the heavens, from which also we eagerly await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. pi lip jiongm buk bei kao me pei ai yeng rual knie yeng jie sah tan sue ven/ gao nev jiam brie ang me jia /ye su geri jie brie ang sang gruh/ drong yeng maok bi tan nuh aiying. 21 Who will transfigure the body of our humiliation to be conformed to the body of His glory, according to His operation by which He is able even to subject all things to Himself. kao me pei muyi dail drong neng bangm plah bangm brai/ rub gaiy dieb taok rou bao yeng/ aoyi drao laob douj jie rub wu daom rou bao drong. dam dail brie jiei sda drong / bu gai neng ben jiaoh ben jiul/ groub diang aoh/ nev graom angm naj drong pang. I. As those who believe in Christ, we have a life full of hope; our hope is the Lord’s coming back: I. knong niem jie niak ji-e nev knong brie geri/ yeng min ji vet muyi dail ben dev daoyi / gdei sang kem. gdei sang kem rou bao yeng / ge ga yeng maok ven rou bao brie ang me jia. A. On this earth we do not have any destiny, destination, or future; our future, our destiny, and our destination are altogether focused on the Lord who is coming— Eph. 2:12; Phil. 3:20. A. nev le pan dei nih / yeng men min jiuk vie sna, deh dav re a na gut na muyi laoyi; a na gut/ jiuk vie sna /neng deh dav rou bao yeng / ge bdaol diang srang le brie ang me jia dail gangm bong /ying maok.


B. He will be our hope, our future, and our destination; we are going to the Lord, and our destiny is to meet Him—1 John 3:2. B. drong neng klayi jie gdei sang kem/ a na gut/ neng deh dav rou bao yeng; yeng gangm bong dev rouk brie ang me jia/ haoyi jiuk vie sna rou bao yeng / ge jie ga jiueb drong. II. “We eagerly await a savior,…who will transfigure the body of our humiliation to be conformed to the body of His glory, according to His operation by which He is able even to subject all things to Himself”—Phil. 3:20-21: II. “gao nev jiam brie ang me jia /ye su geri jie brie ang sang gruh…dail drong neng bangm plah bangm brai/ rub gaiy dieb taok rou bao yeng/ aoyi drao laob douj jie rub wu daom rou bao drong. dam dail brie jiei sda drong / bu gai neng ben jiaoh ben jiul/ groub diang aoh/ nev graom angm naj drong pang”: A. Our body as “the body of our humiliation”; and damaged by sin, weakness, sickness, and death; but one day this body will be transfigured and conformed to the body of Christ’s glory—v. 21. A. rub gaiy rou bao yeng / jie “rub gaiy dieb taok rou bao yeng”; haoyi drouv ban kouj daoyi angm be bab /pieb dun ksaoyi/ jiongm nge/ neng sei ge dei slab; bon dai tenaiyi muyi rub gaiy nih neng ban bangm plah bang brai/ neng ban drao laob douj jie/ rub ang wu daom rou bao brie geri . B. Today we may look the same as the worldly people, but at that time we will be thoroughly the same as He is—1 John 3:2. B. saob tenaiyi nih yeng aj mel dev / douj knie neng me nuh kang lou gei / bon dai ne bei nuh yeng neng ban douj nev evei dail drong jie diang srang. C. While waiting for the Lord’s return, we should love the Lord and His appearing, await the Lord’s coming, and always take His coming as an encouragement— Phil. 3:20. C. ka nak beil dail yeng gangm bong rong jiam /ga ying drao laob maok ven rou bao brie ang me jia/ yeng guo dai srao lan brie ang/ neng srao lan ga lei jien rou bao drong/ daoyi rong jiam ga ying maok ven /rou bao brie ang me jia/ haoyi neng youk ga ying maok ven/ rou bao drong/ tve jie ga lek dek jiet. III. “Christ is the hope of glory, redemption full is He: / Redemption to my body, from death to set it free, / He comes to make my body a glorious one to be / And swallow death forever in victory. / He comes, He comes, Christ comes to glorify me! / My body He’ll transfigure, like His own it then will be. / He comes, He comes, redemption to apply! / As Hope of glory He will come, His saints to glorify”—Hymns, #949. III. “brie geri jie sang kem sei rei/ brao luoh kniaom jie me nuh tmei/ drong luoh kniaom bi sei ge dei slab/ aoyi ruh rien min sei rei/ drong maok plah brai gaiy kniaom aoyi/ douj brie dao min sei rei/ drong leib sei ge dei slab rou hout/ kniaom ban jiuk jiei/ drong maok drong maok / drong maok aoyi


kniaom min sei rei/ drong brai rub gaiy kniaom aoyi douj drong/ jien paot bi pie ji niak dei / drong maok drong maok brao luoh/kniaom ban angm nao/ drong jie sang kem sei rei la ao kniaom aoyi / kniaom min sei rei la ao.”

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Term Forty-five The Human Spirit vieg sab/ di / sae seb bram vei nien me nuh Abstracts: daok srang bi: Zech. 12:1b Thus declares Jehovah, who stretches forth the heavens and lays the foundations of the earth and forms the spirit of man within him. sa ga rei jiongm buk / daob bi kao muyi kao brie ye hou va jie brie dail ban liet pdei mei/ haoyi dam reh nei pan dei/ brong diang bong gao bong gaet/ vei nien nev knong klun me nuh pang. In God’s eyes there are three equally important things in the universe: the heavens, the earth, and the spirit of man. The spirit of man is the very organ that can take in God. Today we should not use our mind to worship God; rather, we need to use our spirit to worship God. nev knong brie neit rou bao brie/ min rou bao sangm kan sangm kan/ bei yang douj knie nev knong sa gao rou / ge pdei mei/ pan dei/ neng vei nien rou bao me nuh. vei nien rou bao me nuh ge jie sa rei ring / dail aj dou dul youk/ brie jiul maok knong. saob tenaiyi nih yeng men guo brae gongm net rou bao yeng/ dam bei tvaiy bong gongm brie laoyi; pudui dev ven yeng drouv dai brae vei nien rou bao yeng/ dam bei tvaiy bong gongm brie. Contents: klem sa: Zech. 12:1b Thus declares Jehovah, who stretches forth the heavens and lays the foundations of the earth and forms the spirit of man within him. sa ga rei jiongm buk / daob bi kao muyi kao brie ye hou va jie brie dail ban liet pdei mei/ haoyi dam reh nei pan dei/ brong diang bong gao bong gaet/ vei nien nev knong klun me nuh pang. John 4:24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truthfulness. you han jiongm buk buen kao me pei buen ai brie drong jie brie vei nien/ haoyi niak na dail tvaiyi bong gongm drong/ nuh drouv dai tvaiyi bong gongm daoyi vei nien/ neng sei ge dei bet dai. I. “Thus declares Jehovah, who stretches forth the heavens and lays the foundations of the earth and forms the spirit of man within him”—Zech. 12:1b: I. “brie ye hou va jie brie dail ban liet pdei mei/ haoyi dam reh nei pan dei/ brong diang bong gao bong gaet/ vei nien nev knong klun me nuh pang. A. In God’s eyes there are three equally important things in the universe: the heavens, the earth, and the spirit of man; in God’s estimation our spirit is as important as heavens and the earth; man is the center of universe, and spirit of man is center of man—v. 1. A. nev knong brie neit rou bao brie/ min rou bao sangm kan sangm kan smae knie/ bei yang nev knong sa gao rou / ge pdei mei/ pan dei/ neng


vei nien rou bao me nuh. dam ga ban sman rou bao brie / vei nien rou bao yeng ge sangm kan douj pdei mei neng pan dei. me nuh ge jie jiangm naoj gan dal/ nei sa gao rou/ ri ai vei nien rou bao me nuh ge jie jiaom naj gan dal/ nei me nuh. B. The heavens are for the earth, the earth is for man, and man with his human spirit is for God—v. 1. B. pdei mei ge sangm rab pan dei/ pan dei ge sangm rab me nuh/ ri ai me nuh dail min vei nien ge sangm rab brie. II. In John 4:24 says, “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truthfulness”: II. nev knong you han jiongm buk buen kao me pei buen ni yeyi ta “ai brie drong jie brie vei nien/ haoyi niak na dail tvaiyi bong gongm drong/ nuh drouv dai tvaiyi bong gongm daoyi vei nien/ neng sei ge dei bet dai”: A. We have a mouth and a stomach in our body to contain food; without food we humans cannot exist; however, what God considers most important in our being is not our physical organs or psychological faculties but our spirit; our spirit is our spiritual “stomach” to contain God Himself—Rom. 9:23. A. nev knong rub gaiyi rou bao yeng min muat/ neng grao beiah dam bei da a ha; baol kmin a ha yeng dail jie me nuh/ men aj min ji vet ruh nev ban laoyi; bong dai evei dail brie jiat douk ta / sangm kan bangm paot nev knong klun rou bao yeng / ge men mein jie sa rei ring / kang sa rei rak / re jiet vi xie laoyi / dai jie vei nien rou bao yeng; vei nien rou bao yeng ge jie “grao beiah”kang vei nien rou bao yeng / dam bei dak brie jie me jia drong pdual. B. Today we should not use our mind to worship God; rather, we need to use our spirit to worship God; only that which is born of the Spirit is spirit; only the Spirit can beget the spirit; only the spirit can worship the Spirit—John 4:24. B. saob tenaiyi nih yeng men guo brae gongm net rou bao yeng/ dam bei tvaiy bong gongm brie nuh dei; pudui dev ven yeng drouv brae vei nien rou bao yeng/ dam bei tvaiy bong gongm brie; rou bao dail gaet bi brie vei nien / nuh jie vei nien ven; min dai brie vei nien dei/ dail aj bang gaet vei nien; min dai vei nien dei dail aj tvaiyi bong gongm brie vei nien. III. “First God the Spirit made man a spirit, / To worship Him thereby, / Enabling man to gain God as life, / And God to be man’s supply. / My spirit’s Spirit-born, / Spirit-filled, / Spirit worshipping, / Till Spirit-Word, with abundant life, / Flows as a river from me”—The proper story of God and man. III. “drong jie vei nien bang gaet me nuh min vei nien/ tvaiyi bong gongm daoyi vei nien /dam bei me nuh dou dul ji vet brie ang /sangm rab jien jiem ji vet. vei nien bang gaet jie tmei/ ban baom ben knong vei nien/ daoyi brie bon dul nuam pieb bao ri bou diang aoh/ douj dun lei hou dek ruoh/ brie haoyi neng me nuh ge jie reng rav dao bet.”

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Term Forty-six The Mingled Spirit vieg sab/ di / sae seb bram muyi brie vei nien dail ban lieyi ben jiul Abstracts: daok srang bi: 1 Cor. 6:17 But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. muyi gou ren tou jiongm buk bram muyi kao daob bram bi ai niak dai nev jiuab neng brie ang me jia/ nuh gao jie vei nien dai muyi / neng drong dai. Because Christ today is the life-giving Spirit, and we have an inner part, the human spirit, these two spirits come together and mingle and become one spirit. We must simply walk according to the mingled spirit. saob tenaiyi bi bruoh brie geri / jie brie vei nien bdaol ji vet/ haoyi yeng min vei nien nev pnaik dao jirouv bangm paot/ nuh vei nien diang bi nih maok/ neng lieyi ben jiul knie klayi jie vei nien dai muyi. yeng drouv dai dae dam vei nien /dail ban lieyi ben jiul nih. Contents: klem sa: 1 Cor. 6:17 But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. muyi gou ren tou jiongm buk bram muyi kao daob bram bi ai niak dai nev jiuab neng brie ang me jia/ nuh gao jie vei nien dai muyi / neng drong dai. 2 Cor. 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not out of us. bi gou ren tou jiongm buk buen kao bram bi yeng min druab sangm bat nih / nev knong pie ji niak dei/ dam bei aoyi e-dret/ daol leh loub ban maok bi brie/ men mein bi yeng kniaom dei. 2 Tim. 4:22 The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you. bi ti mou tei jiongm buk buen kao me pei bi soum aoyi brie ang me jia ye su geri ban gong nev jie muyi/ neng vei nien niak/ soum aoyi niak rual knie ban brao gaob daoyi brie gun. I. One of the greatest verses in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 6:17, says, “He that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit”: I. min kao muyi knong jiangm naom kao /dai la ao jing gei bangm paot/ nev knong brie gongm bi ge/ muyi gou ren tou jiongm buk bram muyi kao daob bram bi/ ni yeyi ta ai niak dai nev jiuab neng brie ang me jia/ nuh gao jie vei nien dai muyi / neng drong dai: A. Our human spirit has become mingled with the divine Spirit; this is just like tea; it was pure water, but once tea gets into the water, we have two elements mingled together as one drink; we even call this drink tea; actually, this is not merely tea; it is tea mingled with water; two things have been mingled together as one entity—v. 17. A. vei nien rou bao yeng / drouv ban lieyi ben jiul jie muyi neng / vei nien 119

rou bao brie; ga ni ge brieb douj jie dai/ muen daom bong dek ge saot tua me da/ bong dai beil dak dai jiul dev knong dek/ nuh yeng min ang ge tiet bi / dail ban lieyi ben jiul knie/ klayi jie pei si jiyak muyi; yeng taim diang hav pei si jiyak ni ta/jie dek dai diet pang; dam bet dev pei si jiyak nih /men gruan dai jie dai/bong dai gao jie dai/ dail ban lieyi ben jiul jie muyi dek diet pang. reng diang bi drouv ban lieyi ben jiul knie/ klayi dev jie ang ge pieb muyi. B. Now the Holy Spirit and the human spirit are mingled as one; here on this earth, in this universe, there is a spot where Christ as the life-giving Spirit is one with us—2 Tim. 4:22. B. ei lou nih brie vei nien bao ri saot/ neng vei nien rou bao yeng /ban lieyi ben jiul knie/ klayi jie vei nien dai muyi. nev le pan dei knong sa gao lou nih/ge min gang lai muyi dail brie geri dao jie/ brie vei nien bdaol ji vet/ jie dai muyi jie muyi neng buk yeng. II. In 2 Corinthians 4:7 says, “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us”; we, the redeemed ones, do have a wonderful mingled spirit as the treasure in our being: II. nev knong bi gou ren tou jiongm buk buen kao bram bi ni yeyi ta/ “yeng min druab sangm bat nih / nev knong pie ji niak dei/ dam bei aoyi e-dret/ daol leh loub ban maok bi brie/ men mein bi yeng kniaom dei.”buk yeng jie buk niak dai/ ban brao luoh / ge bet jie min vei nien dail ban lieyi ben jiul dao ao jiah/ douk tve jie druab sangm bat nev kang knong klun yeng: A. Within the radio there is a particular part that receives the radio waves; like- wise, within us as human beings there is an organ for us to receive Christ as the treasure; this organ is our human spirit; we have a human spirit in us with which we can receive Christ as the treasure—John 4:24, 2 Cor.4:7. A. nev kang knong vi xiu/ min pnaik jie lia muyi / dail dou dul rou louk vi xiu; douj knie dai nev kang knong klun yeng/ ge min sei rei ring muyi/ sangm rab dou dul youk brie geri/ douk tve jie sangm bat dao min daom lai/. sei rei ring nih ge jie vei nien rou bao me nuh; buk yeng min vei nien nev kang knong/yeng me niak me niah / dail aj aoyi yeng dou dul youk brie geri/ tve jie druab sangm bat dao min daom lai ban. B. Lord as the Spirit indwells our spirit, that we are one spirit with the Lord, and that we need to set our mind on and walk according to the mingled spirit—Rom 8:6. B. knong niem jie brie vei nien/brie jie me jia gong nev knong vei nien rou bao yeng/ brao yaoj aoyi yeng /jie dai muyi neng brie ang me jiah/ haoyi yeng drouv ga /dak gongm net kang ai vei nien/ neng dae dam vei nien /dail ban lieyi ben jiul. III. “God’s intention in this universe is with humanity, / so the Lord became the Spirit just with man to mingled be. / We rejoice that we can all partake of His economy. / Yes, mingling is the way. / Mingle, mingle, hallelujah, / Mingle, mingle, hallelujah, / Mingle, mingle, hallelujah, / Yes, mingling is the way!”—Hymns, #1199.


III. “beil nih drong jie vei nien ji vet/ hou nuam bon ler pler bet/ yeng rual knie dae nev knong vei nien/ dae dam ga drong dek nuam”—KH 541.

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Term Forty-seven Being One Spirit with the Lord vieg sab/ di / sae seb bram bi ga klayi jie vei nien dai muyi neng brie ang me jia Abstracts: daok srang bi: 1 Cor. 6:17 But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. muyi gou ren tou jiongm buk bram muyi kao daob bram bi ai niak dai nev jiuab neng brie ang me jia/ nuh gao jie vei nien dai muyi / neng drong dai. The expression “one spirit” indicates the mingling of the Lord as the Spirit with our spirit. Our spirit has been regenerated by the Spirit of God, who is now in us and is one with our spirit. The exercise of our spirit is the secret to being one spirit with the Lord. klie ta “vei nien dai muyi” jiang aol bong han bi / ga lieyi ben jiul knie rou ving brie ang me jia/ jie brie vei nien /jie muyi neng vei nien rou bao yeng. vei nien rou bao yeng drouv ban gaet ji tmei/ daoyi brie vei nien rou bao brie/dai ei louv ni gong nev knong yeng / neng klayi jie dai muyi / jie muyi vei nien rou bao yeng. ga vek hat vei nien rou bao yeng/ ge jie gun leh sangm ngat/ knong ga klayi jie vei nien dai muyi/ neng brie ang me jia. Contents: klem sa: 1 Cor. 6:17 But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. muyi gou ren tou jiongm buk bram muyi kao daob bram bi ai niak dai nev jiuab neng brie ang me jia/ nuh gao jie vei nien dai muyi / neng drong dai. John. 15:5 I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing. you han jiongm buk daob bram kao bram kniaom jie goul; niak rual knie jie knai-ing. niak na dail nev jiu-ab neng kniaom / haoyi kniaom jiu-ab neng niak nuh / nuh deb neng bong gaet paol laeng jie jiraen/ tbet bae daj bi kniaom jien/nuh niak rual knie bongm aj neng tve evei ban dei. I. First Corinthians 6:17 says that He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit; this refers to the believers’ organic union with the Lord through believing into Him; this union is illustrated by that of the branches with the vine: I. muyi gou ren tou jiongm buk bram muyi kao daob bram bi jiaing ta / ri ai niak dai nev jiuab jie muyi brie ang me jia/ nuh gao jie vei nien dai muyi /rum neng drong dai; ga ni sangm dav dev ler/ga ruom knie pnaik ji vet / rou bao buk niak ji-e/jie muyi brie ang me jia/ dam rou ye ga ji-e jiul dev knong drong; ga rum knie nih / drouv ban bon youl bang han ta/ knai-ing nev jiu-ab neng daem dong biang bai zhu: A. Abiding in the vine is to be one spirit with the Lord; Lord, who is the vine, is the life-giving Spirit, and we, who are His branches, have a human spirit; thus, 122

we are joined to the Lord to be one spirit with Him; the vine is a composition of spirits—the divine Spirit and the human spirit composing one spirit—John 15:5. A. ga nev jiuab neng daem dong biang bai zhu/ge jie ga klayi jie vei nien dai muyi/neng brie ang me jia; brie ang me jia dail jie daem dong biang bai zhu/ ge jie brie vei nien bdaol ji vet/ ri ai yeng dail jie knai-ing rou bao drong / ge min vei nien me nuh; douj qi nei yeng ban nev jiuab neng brie ang me jia / dam bei klayi jie vei nien dai muyi neng drong; daem dong biang bai zhu/ ge psangm bi vei nien / vei nien douj jie vei nien rou bao brie /neng vei nien me nuh /dai ruoh sangm jie vei nien dai muyi. B. Now the Holy Spirit and the human spirit are mingled as one; here on this earth, in this universe, there is a spot where Christ as the life-giving Spirit is one with us—1 Cor. 6:17. B. ei louv nih brie vei nien bao ri saot / neng vei nien me nuh/ drouv ban lieyi ben jiul knie/ jie dai muyi; nev le pan dei/knong sa gao louk nih/ min gang lai muyi dai brie geri jie vei nien bdaol ji vet/ ge jie dai muyi neng yeng. II. To be one spirit with the Lord is the greatest salvation and the highest experience for a Christian—v. 17. II. ga klayi jie vei nien dai muyi neng brie ang/ ge jie sei ge dei sang gruh dao aoh jia bangm paot/ neng jie baot bi saot/ dao kbong kbuoh bangm paot sangm rab gristien. III. The exercise of our spirit is the secret to being one spirit with the Lord— 2 Tim. 1:6: III. ga vek hat vei nien rou bao yeng/ ge jie gun leh sangm ngat/ knong ga klayi jie vei nien dai muyi/ neng brie ang me jia. A. All our spiritual experiences after we are saved, such as our fellowship with the Lord, our prayer to Him, our living with Him, and our obedience to Him, are in this spirit, the Lord’s Spirit and our spirit mingled into one Life—v. 17. A. rual baot bi saot kang vei nien rou bao yeng/ nev ben duab bi yeng / ban sang gruh/douj jie ga brao gaob /jie muyi neng brie ang me jia / sei ge dei a ti tan dev gan drong/ ga daom nae ji vet ruoh jie muyi drong/ neng ga sdab bang guab drong rou bao yeng/ ge saot dai setet nev knong vei nien nih / dail jie brie vei nien rou bao brie ang me jia/ neng vei nien rou bao yeng/ ban lieyi ben jiul knie/ jiul dev knong ji vet dai muyi. B. We need to practice our union with the Lord as one spirit; we need to pray, “O Lord, I am one spirit with You. When I speak, You speak, and when I do things, You do them. You and I, I and You, are one spirit”. B. knong min jie vei nien dai muyi/ yeng drouv dai a nu vuat ga rum knie/ rou bao yeng jie muyi brie ang me jia; yeng drouv a ti tan ta“ao brie ang me jia e yi/ dul bang gongm jie vei nien dai muyi neng drong. beil dul bang gongm ni yeyi / drong gao min bon dul / haoyi bei dul bang gongm tve evei/ drong gao tve evei nuh dai/ tbet drong neng dul bang


gongm / dul bang gongm neng drong/ ge jie vei nien dai muyi.” IV. “Now the Triune God has come to dwell within / As the wonderful Spirit in us. / We are mingled with the Lord, we’re one with Him / As the life- giving Spirit in us. / Oh, He’s the wonderful Spirit in us, / He’s the wonderful Spirit in us! / God is in the Son, the Son’s the Spirit now / He’s the wonderful Spirit in us!”—Hymns, #1113. IV. “brie ye su kniaom rum jie muyi drong/ rum dai muyi nev knong vei nien/ drong min ji vet ruh nev knong kniaom/ aoyi kniaom ban angm nao brie ang/ rum dai muyi rum dai muyi /drong neng kniaom rum dai muyi/ pieb bao ri bou drong jien jiem kniaom/ brie an g ge jie groub diang aoh.”

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Term Forty-eight Exercising the Spirit vieg sab/ di / sae seb bram bei ga vek hat brae vei nien Abstracts: daok srang bi: 2 Tim. 1:6-7a For which cause I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God. bi ti mou tei jiongm buk muyi kao bram muyi dao kao bram bi daoyi haide nuh ban jie kniaom rum lek/daol niak aoyi ben qiai re dai klang lang / nev angm naoyi dien/ rou bao brie. To exercise our spirit, to use our spirit, that is, to fan our spirit into flame. Calling on the name of the Lord is the best secret of exercising our spirit. ga vek hat vei nien rou bao yeng/ ga brae vei nien rou bao yeng/ nuh ge jie ga ben qiai vei nien rou bao yeng/ qiai re dai klang lang. ga angm biu niu brie niem rou bao brie ang me jia/ ge jie gun leh sangm ngat dao la ao bangm paot/ knong ga vek hat vei nien yeng. Contents: klem sa: 2 Tim. 1:6-7 For which cause I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but of power and of love and of sobermindedness. bi ti mou tei jiongm buk muyi kao bram muyi dao kao bram bi daoyi haid nuh ban jie kniaom rum lek/daol niak aoyi ben qiai re klang lang / nev angm naoyi dien/ rou bao brie.dail nev knong niak daoyi kniaom da dai ler /tbet brie drong men ban brao dien aoyi/ yeng min vei nien/dail daing dai klaj laoyi/ ge aoyi min vei nien dao min aom naj / sei ge dei srao lan neng bra nia neng ven. 1 Tim. 4:7 But the profane and old-womanish myths refuse, and exercise yourself unto godliness. muyi ti mou tei jiongm buk buen kao bram bi gongm aoyi broum sdab aoh diang reng lebaiing/ rou bao srei/ laoyi/ jiu bong hat klun kang ai sei ge dei gou rou/ brao dei bat/ daol brie ven. I. For which cause I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but of power and of love and of sobermindedness—2 Tim. 1:6-7: I. daoyi haid nuh ban jie kniaom rum lek/daol niak aoyi ben qiai re klang lang / nev angm naoyi dien/ rou bao brie.dail nev knong niak daoyi kniaom da dai ler /tbet brie drong men ban brao dien aoyi/ yeng min vei nien/dail daing dai klaj laoyi/ ge aoyi min vei nien dao min aom naj / sei ge dei srao lan neng bra nia neng ven. A. Any organ in our body loses its strength and function when it is not used for a certain length of time; in like manner, if we want our spirit to be strong and powerful, we need to exercise it—Heb. 5:14.


A. rual sa rei ring dail nev knong ring ga yeng/ ga na kan brae vie aoh rou ye beil you / nuh vie neng bat bang gaom lang/ neng mouk nie bra ga/ douj knie pang dai brao sen bae yeng/ jiang aoyi vei nien rou bao yeng /reng muam neng min gaom lang/ yeng drouv ga vek hat vie. B. We have to exercise our spirit, that is, to fan our spirit into flame—2 Tim. 1:6- 7. B. yeng drouv ga vek hat vei nien rou bao yeng / dai nuh ge ben qiai/ vei nien rou bao yeng/ re dai klang lang. II. 1 Timothy 4:7 says, “…and exercise yourself unto godliness”; exercising unto godliness means to exercise our spirit: II. muyi ti mou tei jiongm buk buen kao bram bi “jiul bong hat klun/ ai sei ge dei gou rou/ brao dei bat/ daol brie ven”; jiu bong hat klun kang ai sei ge dei gou rou/brao dei bat/ daol brie ven/ min nei ta / vek hat brae vei nien rou bao yeng: A. The word for exercise is the basis of the English word gymnastics; to participate in gymnastics, one must use all his energy to exercise his whole physical being; we must exercise our spirit in the same way. A. bie ta vek hat/ jie bie mule-tan greh / nev knong pie sa ang-ke-lais/ ge jie ga tve / longm hat bran; dam bei rum min jiaom naiyi /knong ga tve longm hat bran/ ge yeng drouv dai brae doual dai aoh diang gaom lang/ dail min nev knong ring gai yeng diang mul. yeng drouv ga vek hat vei nien rou bao yeng/ nev knong vi ti douj knie. B. Exercising unto godliness means to exercise our spirit; exercising unto godliness allows God, who dwells in our spirit, to be expressed through us—v. 7. B. jiu bong hat klun kang ai sei ge dei gou rou brao dei bat/daol brie ven /min nei ta / vek hat vei nien rou bao yeng/ bong hat klun kang ai sei ge dei gou rou brao dei bat daol brie /a nu niat aoyi brie /dail snak nev knong vei nien rou bao yeng/ban sangm daiing jien/dam rou yek yeng. III. Calling on the name of the Lord is the best secret of exercising our spirit— 1 Thes. 5:17; Rom. 10:13. III. ga angm biu niu brie niem rou bao brie ang me jia/ ge jie gun leh sangm ngat dao la ao bangm paot/ knong ga vek hat vei nien yeng. IV. “Exercise the spirit! / Human thought reject; / Meet with one another, / Body life respect. / Exercise the spirit / Thus to touch the Lord; / Ever by the spirit / Take Him thru His Word. / Exercise the spirit! / This is what we need! / Exercise the spirit! / May the Lord so lead!”—Hymns, #866. IV. “vek hat brae vei nien! ba di sait gongm net rual beil brao jium snal snet/ ni jie gun leh bet/ vek hat brae vei nien!ba baoal brie ang me jia/ vei nien sgual bon dul brie/ ban pluoh ruh jiet drong/ daoyi ga brae brah vei nien / jie evei dai drouv ga/ daoyi ga brae brah vei nien/ drong nuam haoyi mei da.”

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Term Forty-nine Being Filled in Spirit vieg sab/ di / sae seb bram buen ga ban ben jie brie vei nien Abstracts: daok srang bi: Eph. 5:18 And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissoluteness, but be filled in spirit. ei pei sou jiongm buk bram/kao daob bram bei gongm aoyi srao veng sra/dail nuam aoyi brel jiet laoyi/dai jiu aoyi ban ben jie brie vei nien ven. “Full” means to be filled inwardly. Our spirit should not be empty, but should be filled with the riches of Christ. If we want to be filled with the Holy Spirit, we must pray and confess every day. “ben” min nei ta / ga ban ben nev kang knong. vei nien rou bao yeng men guo nev dou dei dei/ bong dai guo dai ban ben jie muyi neng / pieb bao ri bou rou bao brie geri ven. brao sen bae yeng jiang ban ben daoyi / brie vei nien bao ri saot/ yeng drouv dai a ti tan/ neng sarou pieb bab jie ring rual tenaiyi. Contents: klem sa: Eph. 5:18 And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissoluteness, but be filled in spirit. ei pei sou jiongm buk bram/kao daob bram bei gongm aoyi srao veng sra/dail nuam aoyi brel jiet laoyi/dai jiu aoyi ban ben jie brie vei nien ven. Acts 2:38 And Peter said to them, Repent and each one of you be baptized upon the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. gej ga jiongm buk bi kao sam seb bram bei bei drouh qilaoyi dao ta/ jiu nie rual knie brai jiet jiaoh/ haoyi dou dul bang jirou muyi dek diang aoh knie/ daoyi nev brie niem brie ye su geri/ brao yaoyi aoyi ban ruj bi bab/nuh niak rual knie /neng dou dul angm naoyi dien / jie brie vei nien bao ri saot. I. Ephesians 5:18 says, “And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissoluteness, but be filled in spirit”; our spirit should not be empty, but should be filled with the riches of Christ: I. ei pei sou jiongm buk bram/kao daob bram bei / ni yeyi ta/ gongm aoyi srao veng sra/dail nuam aoyi brel jiet laoyi/dai jiu aoyi ban ben jie brie vei nien ven. vei nien rou bao yeng men guo nev dou dei dei/ bong dai guo dai ban ben jie muyi neng / pieb bao ri bou rou bao brie geri ven. A. Drunkenness causes man to be beside himself, because the wine becomes an active power operating inwardly and issuing in an abnormal living—v. 18. A. pieb srao veng tve aoyi me nuh /vong veing smaredei / bruh sra drao laob jie sagam kang brao dei bat ga/ ta me boul nev kang knong/ haoyi nuam aoyi jien jie ga ruh nev / men tua me da. B. Similarly, the normal Christian living is a spiritual living issuing from the overflowing of the Holy Spirit in us as the active power; therefore, the normal


Christian living should be a joyous living that is overflowing with the Holy Spirit—v. 18. B. srao ding knie dai / ga daom nae ji vet gristien dao brao grao dei/ ge jie ga daom nae ji vet kang vei nien /dail jien mao bi ga hou heiye/ nei brie vei nien bao ri saot/ nev knong yeng/ dail ji aom naj sagam. douj qi nei ga daom nae ji vet gristien/dao brao grao dei/ guo dai jie ga daom nae ji vet /brao gaob daoyi sei ge dei ao sabai/ dail bao ben dev daoyi brie vei nien bao ri saot. II. We must have adequate and thorough prayer until we are filled with the Holy Spirit; to pray until we are filled with the Holy Spirit requires us to be enlightened and to confess our sins—Acts 2:38: II. yeng drouv dai min sei ge dei a ti tan / groub gruan neng maot jiaot / rou hout daol yeng ban ben daoyi brie vei nien/ bao ri saot/ dam bei a ti tan rou hout daol yeng / ban ben daoyi brie vei nien bao ri saot/ daom rouv aoyi yeng ban bangm pler / neng sare pieb ang be bab rou bao yeng: A. When you pray in this way, do not seek for feeling; you have to believe that the Lord’s Spirit is with you; you also need to confess your sins to the Lord one by one until, according to your inner sense and your memory, you have nothing more to confess; once you have done this, you should simply believe that you have been filled in your spirit with the Triune God—v. 38. A. nev beil bang buon a ti tan/ dam rouv bieb nih / soum gaom svaiing rouk bi arangm laoyi; bang buon drouv dai ji-e ta brie vei nien rou bao brie ang me jia/ gong nev jie muyi bang buon; yong dam arangm kang knong neng ga jiao-ang jiam rou bao bang buon/ bang buon gao drouv ga sare pieb angm be bab rou bao bang buon/ nev jiangm buh brie ang me jia/ me dao-ang muyi me dao-ang muyi/ rou hout daol bang buon/ men min evei drouv sare pieb diet. beil bang buon ban tve baib nih haoyi / bang buon guo dai ji-e ta vei nien rou bao bang buon/ ban ben daoyi brie drei aik haoyi. B. Breathing is like our prayer, and hand washing is like our confession; if we want to be filled with the Holy Spirit, we must pray and confess every day—1 John1:9. B. ga dao dang haem / ge brieb douj jie sei ge dei a ti tan/ rou bao yeng/ ri ai ga ling dai/ ge brieb douj jie ga sare pieb bab/ rou bao yeng; brao sen bae yeng jiang ban ben daoyi brie vei nien bao ri saot/ yeng drouv dai a ti tan /neng sare pieb bab rual tenaiyi. III. “Deepest springs of life dispensing, / Like the hart I thirst for Thee; / Desp’rate, may I drink Thy fullness, / ’Till Thy river flows through me. / Fill me now! Fill me now! / Strip me wholly, empty throughly, / Fill me with Thy Spirit now!”—Hymns, #1360. III. “drong aj maok sang tet bao ben bet/ dam bei tve jie me jia ji vet/ soum drong dang longm nev aoyi nev net/ soum aoyi soum sang tet ei louv/ soum sang tet nev knong jiet/ ao brie ye su / soum tnaom tnet/ aoyi vei nien nei brie yeng maok/ sang tet bao ben knong jiet pang kniaom.”


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Term Fifty Living and Walking According to the Spirit vieg sab/ di / ha seb ga dae yong dam vei nien Abstracts: daok srang bi: Rom. 8:4 That the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit. rou mu jiongm buk bram bei kao buen dam bei aoyi sei ge dei dail gret vi nei bang guab maok/ ban sangm raj knong klun yeng rual knie/ dail men dao dam sa qiem/ ge dao dam vei nien ven. The word for walk in the phrase walk...according to the spirit denotes our living, our moving, our conduct, our actions. To walk according to the spirit is to be according to the spirit. We walk according to the spirit, we will have a sense of satisfaction and peace. biek dae knong klie biek/ dae…yong dam vei nien /sangm dae ler/ ga ruh nev / ga tvet jiao le na/ sagam me pieb/ gei-riya brao bret/ neng sagam me pieb rou bao yeng. dae yong dam vei nien/ ge jie evei dai yong dam vei nien. yeng dae yong dam vei nien/ yeng neng min arangm sgaob jiet/neng min sei ge dei saok san. Contents: klem sa: Rom. 8:4 That the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit. rou mu jiongm buk bram bei kao buen dam bei aoyi sei ge dei dail gret vi nei bang guab maok/ ban sangm raj knong klun yeng rual knie/ dail men dao dam sa qiem/ ge dao dam vei nien ven. Rom. 8:6 For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the spirit is life and peace. rou mu jiongm buk bram bei kao bram muyi tbet gongm net kang sa qiem / nuh jie sei ge dei slab dou dei/ ai gongm net kang vei nien nuh deb jie ji vet/ neng sei ge dei saok san ven. Gal.5:25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. ga le di jiongm buk bram kao me pei bram bae sen jie yeng ruh daoyi nev brie vei nien / nuh drouv dae daoyi /brie vei nien dai. I. Romans 8:4 says, “That the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to flesh, but according to spirit”; the word “walk” here means to live, move, and have our being; this word indicates that we should do everything in spirit: I. rou mu jiongm buk bram bei kao buen jian ta/ dam bei aoyi sei ge dei dail gret vi nei bang guab maok/ ban sangm raj knong klun yeng rual knie/ dail men dao dam sa qiem/ ge dao dam vei nien ven. “biek dae”nev drang nih min nei ta/ ruh nev / tve jiao le na/ neng rum diang klun bran yeng diang mul; biek nih bong han ta /yeng guo dai tve groub ga diang aoh nev knong vei nien: 131

A. To walk according to the spirit means that all the items of our daily living our eating and drinking, walk and actions, work and service, and worship and prayer—should follow the spirit and be according to the spirit; our entire Christian life should be in the spirit. A. ga dae yong dam vei nien min nei ta/ groub diang pnaiyi nei ga ruh nev rou bao yeng / diang ga bao ri pou/ neng ga pek / ga dae neng tve sagam me pieb/ ga ngie neng ga bongm rae/ ga tvayi bang gongm / neng ga a ti tan rou bao yeng / drouv tve dam vei nien /broum diang yong dam vei nien. ji vet gristien rou bao yeng diang srong /guo dai nev knong vei nien. B. Our walking according to the spirit is our spiritual breathing, which is what enables us to endure. B. ga dae yong dam vei nien rou bao yeng/ ge jie ga dao deng haem / kang ai vei nien rou bao yeng/ jie evei dai tve aoyi yeng aj tun ne ban. II. “For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the spirit is life and peace”; we should obey and do whatever gives us a sense of life and peace within, but we should stop whatever does not give us this sense; by living in this way, we will become people who walk according to the spirit, which results in our becoming living, fresh, and full of light inwardly: II. “tbet gongm net kang sa qiem / nuh jie sei ge dei slab dou dei/ ai gongm net kang vei nien nuh deb jie ji vet/ neng sei ge dei saok san ven”; yeng guo sdab bang guab /neng tve evei dam arangm nei ji vet/ neng sei ge dei saok san dai nev knong yeng/ dai ying gao guo ben qiaob rual dong ve na dail arangm nih men ban/ bang guab ben jie pang dai. daoyi ga ruh nev yang douj qi nei/ yeng neng klai dev jie me nuh dai dae yong dam vei nien/ dail jie lede paol / yeng drao laob jie ruh nev srao srai/ neng bao ben dev daoyi bong ler nev pnaik kang knong: A. To set the mind on the spirit is to cooperate with the Lord, resulting in life and peace; therefore, anyone who knows the Lord must pray, “O Lord, have mercy on me; i ask that You will control my mind. A. ga da gongm net knong vei nien / ge jie ga rum sa ha ga /jie muyi neng brie ang me jia/ dail lede paol ge jie ji vet /neng sei ge dei saok san; haid nih haoyi deb aoh niak na/ dail sgual brie ang me jia/ drouv a ti tan yang douj qi nei ta“ao brie ang me jia e yi! soum mei da daol dul bong gongm pang dul bong gongm / soum aoyi drong groub grong /gongm net rou bao dul bong gongm.” B. If we set our mind on the spirit and live and act according to the spirit, we will be persons who are in the spirit, and we will always be victorious. B. brao sen bae yeng da gongm net knong vei nien/ haoyi ruh nev/ neng tve sagam me pieb / yong dam vei nien / nuh yeng ge jie me nuh dail nev knong vei nien/ haoyi yeng neng min jiei jium niak jie nei. III. “Now we’re learning to turn to our spirit, / now we’re learning to take Christ as life; / Now we’re learning to feed upon Jesus / And be freed from all struggling and strife. / Hallelujah for life in the Spirit, / Hallelujah for


newness within. / When we turn from our mind to our spirit, / We enjoy all the riches of Him”—Hymns, #1141. III. “ei louv yeng rien vel maok ai vei nien ven/ rien dou dul brie geri maok jie ji vet/ rien aoyi drong pgut pgong yeng / ben qiaob klun aiing /jiuyi yeng paot bi ga pjie yem breng braing / ha lei lu ya/ ji vet knong vei nien / ha lei lu ya/pieb tmei nev kang knong/ beil yeng / jien bi gongm net vel maok vei nien / nuh yeng angm nao pieb bao ri bou nei drong.”

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Term Fifty-one The Judicial Redemption vieg sab/ di / ha seb muyi ga brao luoh pnaik plouv jibab Abstracts: daok srang bi: Rom. 3:23-24 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus. rou mu jiongm buk bei / kao me pei bei daol kao me pei buen bi bruh groub knie ban tve bab haoyi/kva men daol sei rei la ao nei brie/ dai daoyi bong daol brie gun drong /nuh ban ruab jie saoj jiaret dou dei/ daoyi sa sei ge dei brao luoh / dail nev knong brie geri ye su. Man sinned and fell by following Satan; thus, man violated God’s righteousness. All that God wants to do for man requires that God redeem the fallen sinners back judicially according to His righteous requirement. me nuh ban tve bab / haoyi tliak jiaoh / daoyi dae dam sadang; douj qi nei me nuh / ban bang bien le sei ge dei saoj jiaret rou bao brie; groub diang aoh dail brie min brie hare dei jiang tve/ sangm rab me nuh / daom rev aoyi brie jie me jia / brao luoh me nuh min bab/nuam drao laob maok pnaik plouv jibab/ aoyi sraob dan sei ge dei diem die/ dao saoj jiaret rou bao drong. Contents: klem sa: Rom. 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. rou mu jiongm buk bei / kao me pei bei daol kao me pei buen bi bruh groub knie ban tve bab haoyi/kva men daol sei rei la ao nei brie. 24 Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus. rou mu jiongm buk bei / kao me pei bei daol kao me pei buen dai daoyi bong daol brie gun drong /nuh ban ruab jie saoj jiaret dou dei/ daoyi sa sei ge dei brao luoh / dail nev knong brie geri ye su. 5:10 For if we, being enemies, were reconciled to God through the death of His Son. jiongm buk bram kao daob tbet ga na yeng jie kmang sadrouv/ bao ying ban jie mei drei neng brie ven dev haoyi/ daoyi brie ri jiu bao dra drong sou gut. I. The Judicial Redemption is the procedure of God’s salvation through the redemption of Christ for God’s salvation to fully meet the righteous requirement of His law—Rom. 3:24: I. ga brao luoh pnaik plouv jibab / ge jie ni dei vi ti nei sei ge dei sang gruh/ rou bao brie jie me jia/ dam rou ye ga brao luoh rou bao brie geri/ sangm rab sei ge dei sang gruh rou bao brie jie me jia/ dam bei baom ben sei ge dei diem die / dao saoj-jiaret nei jibab rou bao drong diang srang: A. God’s redemption was a kind of purchase; God purchased us sinners judicially by paying Christ’s blood as the price on the cross—Rom. 3:23-24.


A. ga brao luoh rou bao brie geri/ ge jie brao peit nei ga den; brie ban den yeng dail jie me nuh min bab dam plouv jibab/ daoyi bang tlaiyi brie lou het rou bao brie geri/ jie tlaiyi nev le qi-e qi gang. B. All proper Christians admit that they were redeemed by Christ’s paying the price for them—v. 24. B. gristien dao drem drouv diang aoh / dou dul sgual ta buk gei drouv ban brao luoh/ daoyi ga bong tlaiyi rou bao brie geri / jiangm buoh buk gei. II. We are either not saved or saved forever—Heb. 10:12; Rev. 5:6: II. yeng men drouv ban sang gruoh / re ban sang gruoh jie ring rou hout: A. If we have once truly accepted the Lord's sacrifice for sin, and if we have once truly trusted in the merit of His cross, His cross will forever speak for us—1 Pet. 2:24a. A. brao sen bae yeng bet jie ban dou dul youk/ nian bou jie rou bao brie ang me jia/ sangm rab ang be bab muyi dong/ haoyi brao sen bae yeng bet jie ban ji-e douk jiet/ le gun sangm bat nei qi-e qigang rou bao drong muyi dong/ nuh qi-e qigang rou bao drong neng ni yeyi sangm rab yeng jie ring rou hout. B. In the future, when we see the cross in heaven, it will not have become old through the ages; for this reason, the salvation we have received will not become a mere monument through time—Heb. 10:19-20; Rev. 5:6. B. knong beil a na gut / nev beil yeng me ken qi-e qigang nev tan sue/ nuh vie neng men jiah dev dam sa mai ga laoyi; daoyi haid nih sei ge dei sang gruh /dail yeng ban dou dul neng men klayi jie rub sangm nak/ dam bei vei lie nuh dei. C. In eternity, we will see God unfolding the glory of the cross for us bit by bit; Lord, teach us the eternal freshness of the cross! —Gal. 6:14. C. nev beil aoh gaol jie nei/ yeng neng me ken brie daoyi ga liet drao dang sei rei la ao nei qi-e qigang/ jiangm buoh yeng bang deij medang/ bang deij medang; ao brie ang me jia e yi/ soum bang rien yeng rual knie angm bi pieb srao tmei dao aoh gaol nei qi-e qigang. III. “Salvation in Thy life, O God, Meets what Thy righteousness demands; Judicially, organically Full and complete as Thou hast planned. Redeemed by Thee judicially, Saved in Thy life organically; Thy righteousness is satisfied; Thy will accomplished perfectly”—Salvation in Thy life, O God—Salvation in Thy life, O God. III. “drong ban brao luoh kniaom / den kniaom daoyi brie lou het / duoh yeng jie me nuh min bab/ bao ji-e knong drong bet/ nih jie ga sang neya dail yeng aj ji-e douk jiet/ neng ban brie gun / aot douh bi brie dao vi set.” — KH 34.

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Term Fifty-two The Organic Salvation vieg sab/ di / ha seb bi sei ge dei sang gruh pnaik ji vet Abstracts: daok srang bi: Rom. 5:10 For if we, being enemies, were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more we will be saved in His life, having been reconciled. rou mu jiongm buk bram kao daob tbet ga yeng jie kmang sadrouv/ bae yeng ban jie mei drei/ neng brie ven dev haoyi/ daoyi brie ri jiu bao dra drong sou gut/ douj qi nei dail yeng ban jie mei drei haoyi/ nuh bra gaot jie yeng neng ban sang gruh jie men kan/ leh dev diet/ daoyi drong min brie jun ruh laeng ven. To be organic means to have life. The organic salvation is the fulfillment of God’s salvation for the believers to be transformed and to grow and mature in the life of God. When we call upon Him, we enjoy the saving life. dam bei ban jie sarei ring / min nei ta drouv min ji vet. sei ge dei sang gruh pnaik ji vet/ ge jie ga bangm ben sangm raj /sei ge dei sang gruh rou bao brie/dam bei aoyi buk niak ji-e/ban plah brai/ neng jiaom raen toum ben vei / nev knong ji vet rou bao brie. nev beil yeng angm biu niu daol drong/ yeng dou dul angm nao ji vet nei ga jiuyi sang gruh. Contents: Rom. 5:10 For if we, being enemies, were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more we will be saved in His life, having been reconciled. rou mu jiongm buk bram kao daob tbet ga yeng jie kmang sadrouv/ bae yeng ban jie mei drei/ neng brie ven dev haoyi/ daoyi brie ri jiu bao dra drong sou gut/ douj qi nei dail yeng ban jie mei drei haoyi/ nuh bra gaot jie yeng neng ban sang gruh jie men kan/ leh dev diet/ daoyi drong min brie jun ruh laeng ven. 10:13 For “whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” jiongm buk daob kao daob bei haoyi grub knie ge aoh niak na/ dail angm biu niu daol brie niem brie ang me jia/ nuh neng ban sang gruh. I. The organic salvation is the fulfillment of God’s salvation for the believers to be transformed and to grow and mature in the life of God—Rom. 5:10: I. sei ge dei sang gruh pnaik ji vet/ ge jie ga bangm ben sangm raj /sei ge dei sang gruh rou bao brie/dam bei aoyi buk niak ji-e/ban plah brai/ neng jiaom raen toum ben vei / nev knong ji vet rou bao brie. A. We need more life; we need life abundantly; we need to be saved in such a rich way—John 10:10b. A. yeng drouv ga ji vet bang taim diet; yeng drouv ga ji vet yang bao ri bou; yeng drouv dai ban sang gruh /dam rou bieb dao sangm bou baib nih. B. God’s organic salvation carried out by Christ’s life includes regeneration, sanctification, renewing, transformation, conformation, glorification, which is the purpose of God’s salvation—Rom. 5:10; 2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 8:29-30. 136

B. ga sang gruh pnaik ji vet rou bao brie/ ban bangm ben sangm raj/dam rou ye ji vet rou bao brie geri/ roum min ga gae ji tmei/ ga niak jien jie bao ri saot/ ga gai jie tmei/ ga plah brai/ ga taot jiangm lao-ang / ga dou dul sei rei la ao/ dail jie goul bangm nao-ang /nei sei ge dei sang gruh rou bao brie. II. We need to be saved from tribulations and all kinds of environmental troubles—5:3; 8:35-39: II. yeng drouv dai ban sang gruh/ bi douk vei dnie/ neng ban nia ha /ba ri tan grub baib yang. A. We need to have money to exist, but money becomes a trouble to us; whatever you have is a trouble; trouble comes to us from every direction, so we need God’s salvation—5:3; 8:35-39. A. yeng drouv ga min luyi / dam bei min ji vet ruh nev/ bong dai luyi drao laob jie ban niak ha / daol yeng; evei gao daoyi dail niak min ge jie ban niak ha/; ban niak ha gaet min daol yeng bi groub deh di/ douj qi nei haoyi deb yeng drouv ga sei ge dei sang gruh rou bao brie. B. When we call upon Him, we enjoy the saving life; may the Lord be merciful to us so that we may enjoy His saving life to the fullest extent day by day—10:13. B. nev beil dail yeng angm biu niu daol drong/ yeng dou dul angm nao nev ji vet/ nei ga jiuyi sang gruh; soum aoyi brie ang me jia/ min brie ha re dei mei da daol yeng/ brao yaoyi aoyi yeng aj dou dul angm nao/ nev ji vet nei ga jiuyi sang gruh rou bao drong/ daol gongm ret ben len bangm paot/ bi muyi tenaiyi dev muyi tenaiyi. III. “Judicially I’m justified, Organically made one with Thee; I am reborn a God-man now And sanctified, renewed to be. Transformed to Thine own image bright, Through Thy life metabolically, Till we mature, a full-grown man, Built as one Body corporately”—Salvation in Thy life, O God. III. “bruh brie bei da kniaom min ji vet / jie goun brie bei da bet/ min jiangm naik knong ni saiy ji vet / dou dul angm nao dao bet/. drong ban brao dien vei nien brie ang/ bao dra knong vei nien kniaom / aoyi ga ji tmei hav brie niem drong / a ba brie vou bei da.”—KH 25. Table Contents


Term Fifty-three The Triune God as Life to Saturate the Tripartite Man vieg sab/ di / ha seb bei brie drei aik dail jie ji vet / jiru jirieb me nuh dail min bei pnaik Abstracts: daok srang bi: 1 Thes. 5:23 And the God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. muyi tai sa lou ni/ jiongm buk bram kao me pei bei soum aoyi brie nei sei ge dei saok san /ngeik niak rual knie jien jie bao ri saot/ saob groub haoyi aoyi diang vei nien neng brou leng/ haoyi rub gaiyi diang mul ban bangm rang douk/ et sav mang / dao rab daol brie ye su geri jie brie ang me jia/ nei yeng drong yeng maok. The Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—as life saturates the tripartite man. He dispenses Himself into our spirit; then He spreads to our mind; and finally, He reaches our mortal body. brie drei aik/ ge brie vou bei da / brie bao dra/ neng brie vei nien/ dail jie ji vet jiru jirieb me nuh dail min bei pnaik. drong jiaik jiayi ang drong pdual jiul dev knong vei nien rou bao yeng/ haoyi bang duab maok / drong bong reik jien bi gongm net / haoyi jiang graoyi bong reik daol rub gaiyi/ dal dain dai bouk rou luyi rou bao yeng. Contents: klem sa: Rom. 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life has freed me in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death. rou mu jiongm buk bram bei kao bi tbet qibab rou bao brie vei nien nei ji vet/dail nev knong brie geri ye su/ nuh ban brao aoyi kniaom ruj bi qibab rou bao angm be bab / neng sei ge dei slab haoyi. 10 But if Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is life because of righteousness. jiongm buk bram bei kao daob haoyi ba sen jie brie geri sang tet/ knong niak rual knie/ nuh rub saj ban slab daoyi bruh / angm be bab man/ dai vei nien min ji vet ven/ daoyi bruh sei ge dei saoj jiret. 6b The mind set on the spirit is life and peace. jiongm buk bram bei kao bram muyi gongm net kang vei nien/ nuh deb jie ji vet / neng sei ge dei saok san ven. 11 And if the Spirit of the One who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who indwells you. jiongm buk bram bei kao daob muyi muyi diet / bae brie vei nien nei brie ang / dail ban brao aoyi brie ye su geri ruh bi slab laeng ven/ drong san tet knong klun niak rual knie/ nuh brie ang nuh aiing/ 138

dail ban brao aoyi brie geri ruh bi slab laeng ven/drong neng brao rub gaiyi nei niak rual knie / dail ding dai slab/ aoyi min ji vet lang dai/ daoyi sa brie vei nien drong / dai san tet knong klun niak rual knie. I. Matthew 28:19 speaks of “Baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”; though the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are three, yet the name is one; one name for Three tells us that God is triune; the God whom we have—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—is life to us: I. ma tai jiongm buk me pei bram bei kao daob bram buen / ni yeyi bi “jirou muj dek aoyi/ daoyi nev brie niem brie vou bei da/ brie ri jiu bao dra/ neng brie vei nien bao ri saot…”; duh bei brie vou bei da / brie ri jiu bao dra/ neng brie vei nien/jie bei gao daoyi/ gao bong dai min brie niem dai muyi/; brie niem muyi sangm rab bei/ brab yeng ta/ brie ge jie brie drei aik; yeng min brie vou bei da / brie ri jiu bao dra/ neng brie vei nien/ge jie ji vet sangm rab yeng: A. God is triune; although God is only one, yet there is the matter of the Three— the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—v. 19. A. brie ge jie drei aik; duh bei jie brie min dai muyi ang gut/ dai min pieb bei/ ge brie vou bei da / brie ri jiu bao dra/ neng brie vei nien. B. The life that is to be dispensed into the three parts of man is the life of the Triune God—John 1:4; 3:36; 6:63. B. ji vet dail ban jiaik jiayi / jiul dev knong bei pnaik rou bao me nuh/ nuh ge jie ji vet rou bao brie drei aik. II. Man is of three parts: the spirit, the soul, and the body; 1 Thessalonians 5:23 says, “And the God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete”: II. me nuh min bei pnaik /ge vei nien / brou leng / neng rub gaiyi; muyi tai sa lou ni/ jiongm buk bram kao me pei bei/ ni yeyi ta/ soum aoyi brie nei sei ge dei saok san /ngeik niak rual knie jien jie bao ri saot/ saob groub: III. The life of the Triune God is dispensed into the tripartite man—Rom. 8:2, 10, 6, 11: III. ji vet rou bao brie drei aik / ge drouv ban jiaik jiayi jiul dev knong me nuh dail min bei pnaik. A. Romans 8:2 speaks of the life of the Triune God. A. rou mu jiongm buk bram bei kao bi/ ni yeyi bi ji vet rou bao brie drei aik. B. Verse 10 reveals that this life has been dispensed into our spirit and has caused our spirit to become life. B. kao daob baek sangm daiing ta/ ji vet nih drouv ban jiaik jiayi jiul knong vei nien rou bao yeng / haoyi tve aoyi vei nien rou bao yeng klayi jie ji vet. C. Furthermore, according to verse 6, this life can be dispensed into our mind and can cause our mind to be life also. C. leh bi nih / yong dam kao bram muyi / ji vet nih aj drouv ban jiaik jiayi


/jiul dev knong gongm net rou bao yeng / haoyi tve aoyi gongm net rou bao yeng klayi jie ji vet pang dai. D. Ultimately, as verse 11 discloses, the divine life can even be imparted into our mortal bodies. D. jie jiang graoyi / kao daob muyi bong han ta/ soum bei dai ji vet rou bao brie/ gao aj jiaik rongm leik/ jiul dev knong rub gaiyi / dail dain dai buk rou luyi pang dai. IV “Jesus Lord, from my spirit I turn unto Thee / Open wide, call Thy name, drink Thee in; / Dearest Lord, to this stream I outpour utterly; / Triune God, flow as life, flood my being”—New Songs, #354. IV “ao sain jiriel jirouv smaoh drang bangm paot/ brie nev knong jie ji vet / rongm jie dai muyi / drong gong knong jiet/ ruh ben jiul nev knong vei nien / sao sae daom gang / ha lei lu ya! brie jie ji vet ying rual knie”—KH 443.

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Term Fifty-four Regeneration vieg sab/ di / ha seb buen ga gaet jie tmei Abstracts: daok srang bi: John 3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. you han jiongm buk bei kao bram muyi rou bao evei dail gaet bi saj/ nuh jie saj dei/ haoyi dail gaet bi brie vei nien/ nuh jie vei nien ven. Regeneration means to be born of God, to obtain the life of God in addition to our human life. We have been born of God and now are children of God by believing in Him. ga gaet jie tmei min nei ta/ ga ban gaet jien bi brie/ nuh ge / ga dou dul ban ji vet rou bao brie/ bang taim le ji vet rou bao me nuh yeng. yeng ban gaet bi brie / haoyi ei louv yeng / ge jie goun rou bao brie/ daoyi ga ji-e knong drong. Contents: klem sa: John 3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. you han jiongm buk bei kao bram muyi rou bao evei dail gaet bi saj/ nuh jie saj dei/ haoyi dail gaet bi brie vei nien/ nuh jie vei nien ven. 1:12b To them He gave the authority to become children of God, to those who believe into His name. jiongm buk muyi kao daob bi kao ge aoh niak dail/ ji-e daol brie niem drong/ nuh drong ban brao dien aom naj/ aoyi ban drao laob jie goun brie. I. Regeneration means to be born of God, that is, to obtain the life of God in addition to our human life—John 3:3, 16. I. ga gaet jie tmei min nei ta/ ga ban gaet jien bi brie/ nuh ge / dou dul ban ji vet rou bao brie/ bang taim le ji vet rou bao me nuh yeng. II. Regeneration is that we obtain God’s life from God’s Spirit; God’s Spirit enters into us and gives us His life—v. 6b: II. ga gaet jie tmei ge ta yeng dou dul ban ji vet/ rou bao brie bi brie vei nien rou bao brie; brie vei nien rou bao brie ying jiul maok knong yeng / haoyi brao dien ji vet/ drong maok aoyi yeng. A. John 3:6 says, “That which is born of the Spirit is spirit”; in this verse Spirit refers to God’s Spirit, and spirit refers to our spirit; the divine Spirit begets the human spirit, and the human spirit is born of the divine Spirit. A. you han jiongm buk bei kao bram muyi/ ni yeyi ta “haoyi dail gaet bi brie vei nien/ nuh jie vei nien ven”; nev knong kao nih brie vei nien rou bao brie / sangm dav le brie vei nien rou bao brie/ ri ai vei nien sangm dav le vei nien rou bao yeng; brie vei nien brie bang gaet vei nien me nuh / haoyi vei nien me nuh bang gaet vei nien brie. 141

B. God is Spirit, and we have a spirit; our spirit needs to be regenerated by God’s Spirit, and God needs our spirit to worship Him; when the Spirit begets our spirit, our spirit can worship God, who is Spirit—4:24. B. brie ge jie brie vei nien; haoyi yeng ge min vei nien/ vei nien rou bao yeng drouv ban gaet jie tmei/ daoyi brie vei nien rou bao brie/ haoyi brie drouv ga aoyi yeng tvaiyi bong gongm drong daoyi vei nien. beil dail brie vei nien bang gaet vei nien rou bao yeng / vei nien rou bao yeng aj tvaiyi bong gongm drong/ dail jie brie vei nien. C. We need to be born again of God so that we may receive God’s spiritual life— 3:3, 5, 16. C. yeng drouv dai gaet bi brie medong diet / brao yaoj aoyi yeng aj dou dul ban ji vet kang ai vei nien rou bao brie. III. Regeneration makes us the children of God; “to them He gave the authority to become children of God, to those who believe into His name”—1:12b: III. ga gaet jie tmei tve aoyi yeng klayi jie gun brie; “ge aoh niak dail ji-e daol brie niem drong/ nuh drong ban brao dien aom naj / aoyi ban drao laob jie goun brie: A. The Lord Jesus was crucified and accomplished redemption, and He is waiting for us to believe. A. brie ang me jia ye su ban jiaob qigang/ neng ban baom ben sangm raj ga brao luoh/ haoyi brie ang gangm bong rong jiam aoyi yeng ji-e le drong. B. If we believe in Him by calling on His name, we have been born of God and now are children of God, because of having received the Lord Jesus by believing in Him. B. brao sen bae yeng ji-e knong drong daoyi ga hav brie niem / rou bao drong/ nuh yeng ban gaet bi brie/ haoyi ei louv nih yeng ge jie goun rou bao brie/ daoyi sa dai ban dou dul brie ang me jia ye su/ dam rou ye ga ji-e knong drong. IV “Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine; / Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine! / Heir of salvation, purchase of God, / Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood. / This is my story, this is my song, / Praising my Savior all the day long. / This is my story, this is my song, / Praising my Savior all the day long”—Hymns, #308. IV “kniaom deng jiek qibab/haoyi brie drong braoh kniaom/ ao sa bai nah na nev tan wu daom/ drong luoh kniaom maok tve jie goun brie ang/ gao ling aoyi s-at daoyi brie lou het drong/ nih jie reng kniaom tlaiing/ nih baot kniaom jiring/ neng le brie ye su dao jie wu daom/ nih jie reng kniaom tlaiing / nih baot kniaom jiring/sao sae brie ye su dail sang gruh kniaom.”

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Term Fifty-five Sanctification vieg sab/ di / ha seb bram ga niak jien jie bao ri saot Abstracts: daok srang bi: 2 Pet. 1:4 He has granted to us precious and exceedingly great promises that through these you might become partakers of the divine nature. bi bei drouv jiongm buk muyi kao buen dail daoyi sa sei ge dei diang nuh / drong ban brao dien sei ge dei sang neya/ dao toum bangm paot/ haoyi vi saih pang maok yeng rual knie/ dam bei aoyi niak rual knie ban jiongm naik jie ni saiy nei brie. Holiness is God’s nature, not only is God Himself holy, but He also wants to make us holy. When we call on the Lord Jesus, we are participating in His divine life and nature. Thus, we are sanctified dispositionally. pieb bao ri saot ge jie ni saiy brie, brie jie me jia drong pdual/ men drem dai jie brie dao vi saot ben nao dei/ dai drong gao jiang tve aoyi yeng / bao ri saot pang dai. nev beil dail yeng angm biu niu / daol brie ang me jia ye su geri/ nuh yeng gangm bong dai min jiangm naik/nev knong ji vet neng ni saiy brie rou bao drong. douj qi nei yeng drouv ban niey jien jie bao ri saot. Contents: klem sa: 2 Pet. 1:4 Through which He has granted to us precious and exceedingly great promises that through these you might become partakers of the divine nature. bi bei drouv jiongm buk muyi kao buen dail daoyi sa sei ge dei diang nuh / drong ban brao dien sei ge dei sang neya/ dao toum bangm paot/ haoyi vi saih pang maok yeng rual knie/ dam bei aoyi niak rual knie ban jiongm naik jie ni saiy nei brie. 1 Cor. 6:11a But you were sanctified… in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. muyi gou ren tou jiongm buk bram muyi kao daob muyi gao/ gao ban niey jie bao ri saot/daoyi nev brie niem brie ang me jia ye su neng brie vei nien rou bao brie nei yeng rual knie. I. God sanctifies us that we may have His holy nature; this is the establishing of God’s organic salvation—1 Cor. 6:11a: I. brie ban niey yeng jien jie bao ri saot/ dam bei aoyi yeng min ni saiy bao ri saot/ rou bao drong/ ni ge jie ga bang gaet nei sei ge dei sang gruh/ pnaik ji vet rou bao brie. A. In the universe God is holiness; whenever people touch God, they touch holiness—1 Pet. 1:16. A. nev knong sa gao louk / brie ge bao ri saot; beil na me nuh bah baoal brie / buk gei bah baoal pieb bao ri saot. B. Not only is God Himself holy, but He also wants to make us holy; God’s sanctifying us is a very important and particular item in God’s organic 143

salvation. B. brie jie me jia drong pdual/ men drem dai jie brie dao vi saot ben nao dei/ dai drong gao jiang tve aoyi yeng / bao ri saot pang dail brie jie me jia drong niey yeng jien jie bao ri saot/ ge jie brao ga sangm kan/ neng bi sei muyi/ nev knong sei ge dei sang gruh pnaik ji vet rou bao brie. II. God imparts His nature into us that we may partake of His divine nature—2 Pet. 1:4: II. brie jiai rongm leik ni saiy rou bao drong/jiul maok knong yeng / dam bei aoyi yeng aj/ ban jiangm naik nei ni saiy brie rou bao drong: A. Holiness is God’s nature, and to partake of God’s holiness is to partake of His nature; today we do not need these outward regulations; we need only God’s holy nature, which is able to make us holy. A. pieb bao ri saot ge jie ni saiy rou bao brie/ ri ai ga ban dou dul jiangm naik/ nei pieb bao ri saot rou bao brie /ge jie ga dou dul jiangm naik nei ni saiy rou bao drong; saob tenaiyi nih yeng men drouv ga / baot ben jie tenaiyi kang graov nuh laoyi; yeng drouv ga dai ni saiy bao ri saot rou bao brie/ dail aj tve aoyi yeng bao ri saot boun naoh. B. We need to be permeated and saturated with His holy nature; this makes our being holy, like God Himself in His nature and in His character. B. yeng jiam baj drouv dai ban / jirieb jiul / neng jirul jirieb dev daoyi ni saiy dao bao ri saot rou bao drong; ga nih tve aoyi klun yeng bao ri saot/ douj jie brie jie me jia / drong pdual nev knong nih saiy /neng gun liak ga nak rou bao drong. C. First Corinthians 6:11 says, “But you were the name of the Lord Jesus Christ”; when we call on the Lord Jesus, we are in His name, in the living person of Christ; we have an organic union with Him, participating in His divine life and nature; thus, we are sanctified dispositionally. C. muyi gou ren tou jiongm buk bram muyi kao daob muyi brab ta/“ gao ban niey jie bao ri saot/daoyi nev brie niem brie ang me jia ye su neng brie vei nien rou bao brie nei yeng rual knie.” nev beil dail yeng angm biu niu / daol brie ang me jia ye su / yeng ge nev knong brie niem rou bao drong/ nev knong bou goul dao ruoh/ rou bao brie geri/ nuh yeng min ga rum knie/ jie muyi drong/ daoyi rum min jiangm naik nev knong ji vet / neng ni saiyi brie rou bao drong. douj qi nei haoyi deb yeng drouv ban niey jien jie bao ri saot. III. “Thou art all my life, Lord, / In me Thou dost live; / With Thee all God’s fulness / Thou to me dost give. / By Thy holy nature / I am sanctified, / By Thy resurrection, / Vict’ry is supplied”—Hymns, #841. III. “brie geri jie ji vet kniaom/ drong ruh nev kang knong/ noam pieb bao ben nei drong/ baom ben kniaom et qiaob/ daoyi ni saiy brie vi saot/ ngeik kniaom jie bao ri saot/ jie sda ruh laeng nei brie/ kniaom ben jiei jiongm niah.”—KH 381.

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Term Fifty-six Renewing vieg sab/ di / ha seb bram muyi ga gai jie tmei Abstracts: daok srang bi: Rom. 12:2a And do not be fashioned according to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind. rou mu jiongm buk daob bi kao bi gongm aoyi drab dam sa mai nih laoyi / jiu aoyi niak rual knie/ ban plah brai ven/ daoyi gongm net ban gai jie tmei laeng. The renewing is the renewing of the mind. The way of renewing lies in prayer and reading the Scriptures. When the Holy Spirit comes to enlighten us while we thus pray and read the Word day by day, the mind in us is being changed from the old to the new. ga gai jie tmei / ge jie gongm net nei ga gai jie tmei. vi ti nei ga gai jie tmei/ a srayi le sei ge dei a ti tan/ neng ga an brie gongm bi; beil dail brie vei nien bao ri saot maok bangm pler yeng/ ka na beil dail yeng a ti tan/ neng an brie gongm bi/ bi muyi tenaiyi dev muyi tenaiyi/nuh gongm net nev kang knong yeng/neng ban plah bdou bi jiah dev tmei. Contents: klem sa: Rom. 12:2a And do not be fashioned according to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind. rou mu jiongm buk daob bi kao bi gongm aoyi drab dam sa mai nih laoyi / jiu aoyi niak rual knie/ ban plah brai ven/ daoyi gongm net ban gai jie tmei laeng. Titus 3:5 According to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit. di douh jiongm buk bei kao bram/ nuh drong ban jueyi sang gruh yeng/ ban brao bret daoyi sei ge dei saoj jiret nuh dei/ ge daoyi sei ge dei mei da ga ruh na/ rou bao drong ven/ daoyi sa ga saom at nei sei ge dei gaet jie tmei/ haoyi ga brao jie tmei lang ven/ nei brie vei nien bao ri saot. I. Romans 12:2a says, “Do not be fashioned according to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind”, the renewing taught by the Scriptures is the renewing of the mind; it is altogether a matter related to the mind: I. rou mu jiongm buk daob bi kao bi/ ni yeyi ta/ “gongm aoyi drab dam sa mai nih laoyi / jiu aoyi niak rual knie/ ban plah brai ven/ daoyi gongm net ban gai jie tmei laeng”; ga gai jie tmei ban bang rien daoyi brie gongm bi/ ge jie gongm net ban gai jie tmei/ diang aoh nih/ ge diak dong dev neng gongm net. A. The mind is our mentality, our philosophy, our religious concepts, our views concerning people and things, etc—1 Pet. 1:16.


A. gongm net ge jie jiet gongm net rou bao yeng/ jie du-se-nak vi jie/ jie gongm net baib sa-sna/ ga mel ken rou bao yeng jiangm buh me nuh / neng rou bao pseing pseing. lak. B. We should not be fashioned according to this age; this means that we should not be fashionable; rather, we should be transformed by the renewing of the mind—v. 2a. B. yeng men guo drab dam sa mai nih laoyi; ga nih min nei ta yeng men guo drab dam sa mai nih laoyi /pdui deven yeng guo dai ban plah brai / daoyi gongm net ban gai jie tmei. C. We need to be renewed mainly in our mind, to have the mind in us which was also in Christ Jesus is equivalent to taking the mind of Christ Jesus as our mind—Phil. 2:5. C. yeng drouv ga ban gai jie tmei/ nev knong gongm net rou bao yeng/jie baoang jibang /daoyi aoyi gongm net nev knong yeng ban douj jie brie geri yesu/ nuh ge smae neng ga you gongm net / rou bao brie geri ye su/ tve jie gongm net rou bao yeng. II. Titus 3:5 says that according to his mercy he saved us, through the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit: II. di douh jiongm buk bei kao bram/ ni yeyi ta/ ge daoyi sei ge dei mei da ga ruh na/ rou bao drong ven/ daoyi sa ga saom at nei sei ge dei gaet jie tmei/ haoyi ga brao jie tmei lang ven/ nei brie vei nien bao ri saot. A. For us to be renewed in our mind is for us to get rid of all our old concepts concerning the things of the human life and be made new again by the teaching of the Holy Scriptures and the enlightening of the Holy Spirit—v. 5. A. dam bei aoyi yeng ban gai jie tmei/ nev knong gongm net rou bao yeng/ ge dam bei aoyi yeng loub jiaol aoh diang/ du-se-nak jiah jiah / dail diak dong neng reng rav nei ji vet me nuh/ neng tve aoyi tmei mudong diet/daoyi ga bang rien rou bao brie gongm bi bao ri saot/ haoyi neng ga bangm pler /daoyi brie vei nien bao ri saot. B. The way of renewing lies in prayer and in reading the Scriptures, when you read the Bible and become familiar with it, the Holy Spirit will enlighten you and guide you; when the Holy Spirit comes to enlighten you while you thus pray and read the Word day by day, the mind in you is being changed from the old to the new—Psa. 119:130; Titus 3:5. B. vi ti nei ga gai jie tmei/ a srayi ler/ sei ge dei a ti tan neng ga an brie gongm bi; nev beil dail niak an brie gongm bi / haoyi drao laob jie min pieb/ jiet snet ji-ing muen/ nuh brie vei nien bao ri saot / neng bangm pler niak / haoyi neng nuam plouv niak. beil dail brie vei nien bao ri saot /maok bangm pler niak / ka na beil dail niak a ti tan/ neng an brie gongm bi/ bi muyi tenaiyi dev muyi tenaiyi/nuh gongm net nev kang knong niak/neng ban plah bdou bi jiah dev tmei. III. “Spreading outward from our spirit / Doth the Lord transform our soul, / By the inward parts renewing, / Till within His full control. / Lord, transform us to Thine image / In emotion, mind, and will; / Saturate us with Thy Spirit, / All our being wholly fill”—Hymns, #750.


III. “vei nien kniaom bong reik bong reng/ sangm raj groub pnaik knong brou leng/ groub pnaik kang knong brie ang s-ang tmei/ sdab bon dul jiru jirieb knong ring gai. soum brie ang brao brou leng groub pnaik/brai douj rub ang drong sab groub / daoyi brie vei nien jiru jirieb knong kniaom/ sangm bou douj rub pieb brie ang.”

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Term Fifty-seven Transformation vieg sab/ di / ha seb bram bi ga plah brai Abstracts: daok srang bi: 2 Cor. 3:18 But we…are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord Spirit. bi gou ren tou jiongm buk bei kao daob bram bei/ haoyi yeng rual knie diang aoh…yeng gangm bong dai plah brai dev / aoyi douj jie rub qilaoh nuh aiing/ bi sei rei la ao dev daol sei rei la ao/ ge daoyi sa brie ang me jia dao jie brie vei nien. Transformation is not an outward change or correction but the metabolic function of the life of God in the believers. We are being transformed from the Lord Spirit. We need to open our mind, our heart, our spirit. ga plah brai ge men mein ji ga plah bdou/ re ga gai daom rev/ pnaik kang graov nuh dei / dai jie mouk ngie mei da bou lih nei ji vet rou bao brie/ nev knong buk niak ji-e. yeng gangm bong drouv ban plah brai bi brie vei nien/ rou bao brie ang me jia. yeng drouv ga baek gongm net /jiet, neng vei nien rou bao yeng. Contents: klem sa: 2 Cor. 3:18 But we…are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord Spirit. bi gou ren tou jiongm buk bei kao daob bram bei/ haoyi yeng rual knie diang aoh…yeng gangm bong dai plah brai dev / aoyi douj jie rub qilaoh nuh aiing/ bi sei rei la ao dev daol sei rei la ao/ ge daoyi sa brie ang me jia dao jie brie vei nien. Rom. 12:2a And do not be fashioned according to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind. rou mu jiongm buk daob bi kao bi gongm aoyi drab dam sa mai nih laoyi / jiu aoyi niak rual knie/ ban plah brai ven/ daoyi gongm net ban gai jie tmei laeng. I. Transformation is not an outward change or correction but the metabolic function of the life of God in the believers—2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 12:2a: I. ga plah brai men mein ji ga plah bdou/ re ga gai daom rev/ pnaik kang graov nuh dei / dai jie mouk ngie mei da bou lih nei ji vet rou bao brie/ nev knong buk niak ji-e. A. This is not moral cultivation by examining oneself and mending one’s ways as taught by Confucianism in ; that is man’s own moral cultivation. A. ga ni men mein jie ga bang douh bang dal kang sa-le-tua/ daoyi ga bi net mel klun aiing/ neng jie vi ti gai loum ao muyi/ douj dail louk kong zi ban bang rien nev brao dei jien nuh laoyi/ tbet nuh ge jie ga bang douh bang dal kang sa-le-tua/pdual klun rou bao me nuh / dai ben nao.


B. If the believers are willing to grow in the divine life, the element of the divine life will increase in them and bring forth a metabolic change; thus, their inward disposition will be transformed, and their outward image will also be transformed to be the same as the image of the Lord—2 Cor. 3:18. B. brao sen bae buk niak ji-e min qian diak /jiang jiaom raen toum nev knong ji vet brie / nuh ang ge tiet nei ji vet brie / neng gaen laeng nev knong buk gei/ haoyi neng nuam maok nev ga plah bdou mei da bou lih; douj qi nei a dak jia rek kang knong rou bao buk gei/neng drouv ban plah brai / haoyi rub pieb kang graov rou bao buk gei/gao neng drouv ban plah brai/aoyi douj jie rub pieb rou bao brie ang me jia dai. II. Second Corinthians 3:18 says, “We are being transformed into the same image...even as from the Lord Spirit”; this Spirit contains the bountiful supply to be our new element—Phil. 1:19: II. bi gou ren tou jiongm buk bei kao daob bram bei/ jiaing ta/ “haoyi yeng rual knie diang aoh…yeng gangm bong dai plah brai dev / aoyi douj jie rub qilaoh nuh aiing/ …ge daoyi sa brie ang me jia dao jie brie vei nien”; brie vei nien nih pdouk nev ga pgut pgong dao bao ri bou/ dam bei klayi jie ang ge tiet tmei/ rou bao yeng. III. We need to open our mind, our heart, our spirit, and even our entire being to afford Him the opportunity to flow in us and carry out His transforming work. III. yeng drouv ga baek gongm net /jiet/ vei nien/ broum diang klun rou bao yeng diang mul/ dam bei pdaol ao gah aoyi drong hou nev knong yeng/neng sangm raj ga ngie plah brai rou bao drong. IV. “God’s intention is to have us / All conformed to His dear Son; / Thus a work of transformation / By the Spirit must be done. / Lord, transform us to Thine image / In emotion, mind, and will; / Saturate us with Thy Spirit, / All our being wholly fill”—Hymns, #750. IV. “brie deiy brie ang ban pdaol aoyi kniaom douj rub pieb nei brie ri jiu bao dra/ douj qi nei ga plah brai nei vei nien / aoyi sangm raj knong kniaom groub yang/ soum brie ang braoh brou leng groub pnaik/ brai douj rub ang drong saob groub / daoyi brie vei nien jiru jirieb knong kniaom/ sangm bou douj rub pieb brie ang. Table Contents


Term Fifty-eight Conformation vieg sab/ di / ha seb bram bei ga taot jiaom laoang Abstracts: daok srang bi: Rom. 8:29b “Because those whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son.” rou mu jiongm buk bram bei kao me pei bram buen/ “nuh drong gao daom rouv douk jie muen/ aoyi ban drao laob douj jie rub ang nei brie ri jiu bao dra drong/ dam bei aoyi brie ri jiu bao dra ban tve jie bang qibang gei knong buk bang bu-on jie jiraen.” Conformation is the end result of transformation. It includes the changing of our inward essence and nature, and it also includes the changing of our outward form. The many sons to glory brought. “Is Thine eternal goal, And to Thy Son’s own image wrought, Thou wilt conform the whole”. ga taot jiaom laoang/ge jie ledpaol jiang graoyi/ bong aoh nei ga plah brai. vie min rum ben jiul diang ga plah bdou ang ge tiet/ neng ni saiy / haoyi neng ga plah bdou/ dongm rong pnaik kang graov rou bao yeng. goun jie jiraen neng drouv ban nuam jiul dev knong sei rei la ao. “nih jie goul bangm naoang/ dao aoh gaol rou bao brie dail yeng neng drao laob / dev douj rub ang nei brie ri jiu bao dra/ nuh yeng neng drouv ban taot jiaom laoang diang srang. Contents: klem sa: Rom. 8:29b Because those whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son. rou mu jiongm buk bram bei kao me pei bram buen/ “nuh drong gao daom rouv douk jie muen/ aoyi ban drao laob douj jie rub ang nei brie ri jiu bao dra drong/” 28a And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God. kao me pei bram bei / dai yeng deng ta groub ga diang aoh psangm kniye/sangm rab sei ge dei la ao daol buk niak dail srao lan brie. 1 John 3:2b He is manifested, we will be like Him. muyi you han jiongm buk bei kao bi / bon dai yeng deng ta /ga na drong reij maok/ nuh yeng neng ban douj jie drong. I. Romans 8:29 tells us that “those whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son”: I. rou mu jiongm buk bram bei kao me pei bram buen/ ban brab yeng ta “nuh drong gao daom rouv douk jie muen/ aoyi ban drao laob douj jie rub ang nei brie ri jiu bao dra drong/”: A. Christ, the Son of God, is the mold; God has put us into Him to conform us to His image—1 Cor. 1:30. A. brie geri dail jie brie ri jiu bao dra/ rou bao brie/ ge jie gongm ru bongm 151

/ haoyi brie jie me jia ban dak yeng /jiul dev knong drong/ dam bei aoyi yeng ban drao laob dev douj rub ang drong. B. The meaning of being conformed to the image of God’s Son is that we have the same nature and element as the Son of God inwardly and the same image as Him outwardly; this requires us to be transformed inwardly and conformed outwardly—Rom. 8:29; 2 Cor. 3:18. B. ban drao laob dev douj rub ang /nei brie ri jiu bao dra nei brie/ min nei ta/ yeng min ni saiy neng ang ge tiet douj jie brie ri jiu bao dra nei brie/nev pnaik kang knong/ neng douj jie rub ang drong nev pnaik kang graov / diang nih ge drouv ga aoyi yeng plah brai nev pnaik kang knong/neng taot jiaom laoang nev pnaik kang graov. II. “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God; conformation is accomplished through all the persons, matter, and things”—Rom. 8:28-29: II. “dai yeng deng ta groub ga diang aoh psangm kniye/sangm rab sei ge dei la ao daol buk niak dail srao lan brie. ga taot jiaom laoang/ge aj bangm ben sangm raj ban dam rou ye / groub me nuh / ba nia ha/ neng groub ga diang aoh.” A. We need to be put into the mold of the image of God’s Son so that we may be conformed to the image of his son through the “oven” of all thing—v. 28. A. yeng drouv ga dak klun yeng /jiul dev knong gongm ru bongm /nei rub ang brie ri jiu bao dra brie/ dam bei aoyi yeng ban drao laob dev douj jie rub ang nei /brie ri jiu bao dra drong/daoyi sa “lao” dak nev groub ga diang aoh . B. God uses Himself as the element to transform us and he uses all things as the tools to conform us; thus, through God’s inward and outward work we are conformed to the image of His Son—3:8b; John 3:16. B. brie jie me jia ban brae rub ang drong pdual jie ang ge tiet / dam bei plah brai yeng / haoyi drong gao brae groub ga diang aoh/jie oubu gao dam bei aoyi yeng ban taot jiaom laoang/ douj qi nei haoyi dam rou ye ga niye pnaik kang knong /neng pnaik kang graov/yeng drao laob dev douj jie rub ang nei/ brie ri jiu bao dra drong. C. God gives us His element inwardly to be our essence, and He also gives us all matters and things outwardly to help us to be conformed to the image of His Son; what should we fear? all things are ours and for our good. C. brie jie me jia ban brao dien ang ge tiet rou bao drong nev pnaik kang knong/dam bei klayi jie tiet dam rou bao yeng / haoyi drong gao brae groub reng rav/ neng groub ga diang aoh / dam bei jiuyi yeng aoyi ban drao laob dev douj rub ang nei brie ri jiu bao dra drong. dae yeng guo dai pei klayi evei? groub ga diang aoh ge sangm rab yeng neng jie sei ge dei la ao daol yeng. III. “The many sons to glory brought / Is Thine eternal goal, / And to Thy Son's own image wrought, / Thou wilt conform the whole”—Hymns, #25. III. “yeng neng taot jiaom laoang/ pgut pgong knong vei nien pang/ dou dul ji vet jiei sda/ drong jirieb rual daom rev ga/ ha lei lu ya sei ge dei sang gruh/


ha lei lu ya rong vuan/ ha lei lu ya bao ri bou groub gruan/ sangm rab ji vet yeng.”

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Term Fifty-nine Glorification vieg sab/ di / ha seb bram buen ga dou dul sei rei la ao Abstracts: daok srang bi: Rom. 8:30b Those whom He justified, these He also glorified. rou mu jiongm buk bram bei kao sam seb kao/ haoyi buk niak dail drong ban ruab jie saoj jiret/ nuh drong gao ban daom gaeng lang dai. Glorification is that the matured believers will manifest from within them, by their maturity in life. The believers will not be glorified, until they reach maturity in life. ga dou dul sei rei la ao/ge ta buk niak ji-e dail ban ben vei jiah dong/ neng sangm daiing jien/ pieb ben vei nev knong ji vet rou bao buk gei/bi kang knong buk gei. buk niak ji-e neng men ban lek daom gaeng laoyi/ dual dai buk gei qian daol /pieb ben vei jiah dongm nev knong ji vet. Contents: klem sa: Rom. 8:30b Those whom He justified, these He also glorified. rou mu jiongm buk bram bei kao sam seb kao/ haoyi buk niak dail drong ban ruab jie saoj jiret/ nuh drong gao ban daom gaeng lang dai. 1 Pet. 2:2 As newborn babes, long for the guileless milk of the word in order that by it you may grow unto salvation. muyi bei drouh jiongm buk bi kao bi nuh drouv aoyi sang vat rouk dek daoah /kang ai brou leng vei nien ven/ douj jie die ruok dail deb neng gaeb /dam bei aoyi niak rual knie ban jiaom raen toum lang / dao rab daol ban sang gruoh. I. Glorification is that the matured believers will manifest from within them, by their maturity in life—Rom. 8:30b: I. ga dou dul ao/ sei rei la ao/ge ta buk niak ji-e dail ban ben vei jiah dong/ neng sangm daiing jien/ pieb ben vei nev knong ji vet rou bao buk gei/ bi kang knong buk gei. A. To be glorified is to be fully like God, because glory is God Himself. A. ga ban lek daom gaeng ge ga ban douj brie diang srang/ bi bruoh sei rei la ao ge jie brie jie me jia drong pdual. B. God is a God of glory; we have God’s image and we should manifest God’s glory—Acts 7:2. B. brie ge jie brie nei sei rei la ao; yeng min rub pieb rou bao brie / haoyi yeng guo sangm daiing jien sei rei la ao rou bao brie. C. Today if you love the Lord, and you live out the Lord’s glory from within you, then at the Lord’s coming, He will place you in a glory of the highest degree. C. saob tenaiyi nih / brao sen bae bang bu-on srao lan brie ang me jia/haoyi bang bu-on ruoh jien sei rei la ao/ rou bao brie ang me jia bi kang knong bang bu-on/ bon duab maob nev beil brie ang me jia yeng maok nuh drong neng dak/ bang bu-on nev knong sei rei la ao/gangm ret dao kbong kbuoh bangm paot. 154

II. The believers will not be glorified, brought into the full expression of the Triune God, until they reach maturity in life—1 Pet. 2:2; Rom. 8:30: II. buk niak ji-e neng men ban lek daom gaeng / dail jie ga ban nuam jiul dev knong ga sangm daiing jien ben len/nei brie drei aik laoyi/ dual dai buk gei qian daol /pieb ben vei jiah dongm nev knong ji vet. A. Just as the blossoming of a carnation flower is the issue of the gradual growth of a carnation plant; a carnation does not blossom until it has reached maturity. A. douj jie pga rou bao pga gou lab/ge jien maok bi ga lut luah bang deij medang bang deij medang/nei ruge-jiet dam gou lab. pga gou lab men jien pga dei / dual dai vie ban qian daol pieb ben vei. B. Christ, the hope of glory, has been sown into us as the seed of glory, and this seed will grow until it reaches the stage of blossoming, at which time the glory will come out—Col. 1:27. B. brie geri/ dai jie sei rei la ao nei gdei sang kem/ drouv ban bruoh jiul dev knong yeng/jie gruab buj nei sei rei la ao/haoyi gruab buj nih neng rik lut luah/rou hout daol qin daol daom na gal nei ga jien pga/ nev beil nuh haoyi sei rei la ao neng leij jien maok. III. “Myst’ry hid from ages now revealed to me, / ’Tis the Christ of God’s reality. / He embodies God, and He is life to me, / And the glory of my hope He'll be. / Glory, glory, Christ is life in me! / Glory, glory, what a hope is He! / Now within my spirit He's the mystery! / Then the glory He will be to me”— Hymns, #811. III. “at gangm bang jiraen sa maih/sangm daiing daol / kniaom jibah brie geri / ge jie sa pieb bet nei brie/ drong brai sa pieb jie me nuh / klayi jie ji vet kniaom/ drong jie sei rei nei gdei sang kem kniaom/ sei rei sei rei brie geri ji vet kniaom/ sei rei drong jie gdei sang kem dao toum/ drong ge jie at gangm bang nev knong vei nien kniaom/ sei rei drong daol kniaom brao sae wu daom.” Table Contents


Term Sixty God’s Economy vieg sab/ di / haok seb pan ne ga groub grong rou bao brie Abstracts: daok srang bi: 1 Tim. 1:4 Nor to give heed to myths and unending genealogies, which produce questionings rather than God’s economy, which is in faith. muyi ti mou tei jiongm buk muyi kao buen/ re sdab dam reng breing/ neng bong sal ve-da/ dail men jiai aoh men jiai haoyi nuh laoyi/ dail reng diang nuh daiing bang gaet aoyi min / sei ge dei dein daol / jie jing jiangm raen ga nei brie knong sei ge dei jiongm ne. The word economy refers to the house arrangement, household management or administration. Our Father surely has a great house, needs some administration, some management…to dispense and distribute the unsearchable riches of Christ to God’s people. biek pan ne ga groub grong /sangm dav le ga jiat jiaing knong pdia/ ga groub grong neng ga gan gab drut dra knong pdia/ bet na / brie vou bei da nei yeng / min pdia toum nah/haoyi drouv ga ga groub grong / neng ga gan gab drut dra/ dam bei jiat jiaing neng jiaik jiayi/ nev pieb bao ri bou dao brao man men ban / nei brie geri daol brao jie lieh rou bao brie. Contents: klem sa: Eph. 3:9 And to enlighten all that they may see what the economy of the mystery is, which throughout the ages has been hidden in God, who created all things, ei pei sou jiongm buk bei kao bram buen/ haoyi aoyi kniaom ban bong pler daol groub me nuh diang aoh/ bi sei ge dei brao gaob knong ga at gangm bang/ dail liak douk knong brie / dang bi aoh gaol ring maok/ jie brie dail drong bang gaet rou bao saob sa rou ber/ daoyi sa brie ye su geri. 1 Tim. 1:4 Nor to give heed to myths and unending genealogies, which produce questionings rather than God’s economy, which is in faith. muyi ti mou tei jiongm buk muyi kao buen/ re sdab dam reng breing/ neng bong sal ve-da/ dail men jiai aoh men jiai haoyi nuh laoyi/ dail reng diang nuh daiing bang gaet aoyi min / sei ge dei dein daol / jie jing jiangm raen ga nei brie knong sei ge dei jiongm ne. Eph. 1:10 Unto the economy of the fullness of the times, to head up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth, in Him; ei pei sou jiongm buk muyi kao daob/ sangm rab ga gan gab drut dra/ knong ga dail ben lein gangm naot ban maok daol/ dam bei neng bangm brum groub diang aoh / knong brie geri/ diang rou bao nev tan sue/neng rou bao nev pan dei pang. I. “And to enlighten all that they may see what the economy of the mystery is, which throughout the ages has been hidden in God, who created all 156

things”—Eph. 3:9: I. “haoyi aoyi kniaom ban bong pler daol groub me nuh diang aoh/ bi sei ge dei brao gaob knong ga at gangm bang/ dail liak douk knong brie / dang bi aoh gaol ring maok/ jie brie dail drong bang gaet rou bao saob sa rou ber/ daoyi sa brie ye su geri”: A. The economy of God is very lofty; there are over three hundred passages in the Bible referring to the economy of God either directly or indirectly—v. 9; 1:10. A. pan ne ga groub grong rou bao brie/ ge bet jie kbong kbuoh nah; min jing bei raoyi kliye/ nev knong brie gongm bi dail ni yeyi diak dong/ dev neng pan ne ga groub grong rou bao brie/diang ni yeyi jiangm jiangm /neng daoyi brao yaol. B. This mystery was hidden in God from the ages (that is, from eternity) and through all past ages, but now it has been brought to light to the New Testament believers—3: 9. B. sei ge dei at gangm bang nih /ban liak douk knong brie / jiab dang bi me nuh jie jiraen jium nuan/ neng bi buok me nuh /bi sa maih muen muen/ dai ei lou nih drouv ban nuam jiul maok ai bong ler/ ban maok daol buk niak ji-e knong san nia tmei. II. “Nor to give heed to myths and unending genealogies, which produce questionings rather than God’s economy, which is in faith”—1 Tim. 1:4: II. “re sdab dam reng breing/ neng bong sal ve-da/ dail men jiai aoh men jiai haoyi nuh laoyi/ dail reng diang nuh daiing bang gaet aoyi min / sei ge dei dein daol / jie jing jiangm raen ga nei brie knong sei ge dei jiongm ne”: A. The word economy refers to the house arrangement, household management or administration; the word denotes the management and distribution of the wealth of a rich household—v. 4. A. biek pan ne ga groub grong /sangm dav le ga jiat jiaing knong pdia/ ga groub grong neng baiing jiaik knong pdia/ge jie jiat jiaing neng baiing jiaik druab sangm baj dao sdouk sdaom/ knong pdia. B. Our Father surely has a great house with a rich store of the unsearchable riches of Christ; this great house needs some administration, some management, some system, some plan to dispense and distribute all the riches to God’s people—3:8b, John 3:16. B. bet na / brie vou bei da nei yeng / min pdia toum nah jie muyi neng kliang nei pieb bao ri bou/ dao brao man men ban / nei brie geri; pdia dao toum nih /drouv ga ga gan gab drut dra/ neng ga groub grong /broum diang raj-jia-na sangm bou-an/ gao drouv ga min pan na ga /knong ga jiat jiaiing/ neng jiaik jiayi nev pieb bao ri bou dao brao man men ban nei brie geri /daol brao jie lieh rou bao brie. III. “Unto the economy of the fullness of the times, to head up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth, in Him”— Eph. 1:10. III. “sangm rab ga gan gab drut dra/ knong ga dail ben lein gangm naot ban maok daol/ dam bei neng bangm brum groub diang aoh / knong brie geri/ diang rou bao nev tan sue/neng rou bao nev pan dei pang.”


IV. “God has called us for His purpose, / His economy so glorious, / For which He was fully processed; / Consummated now is He! / As the Spirit, He indwells us; / As our God allotted portion, / Working out His full salvation, / Making us the same as He is. / Oh, may a clear, controlling vision of / The Lord’s economy direct my heart, / And burn in me until my spirit’s wholly set afire! / With spirit strong and active we’ll press on / To consummate God’s goal—New Jerusalem, Hallelujah!”—New Songs, #28. IV. “brie ang dra hav nev di nih/ dam bei pan ne ga aoh gaol nei brie/ nih jie goul dav nei ji vet yeng / brie drei aik drong klayi maok jie me nuh/ dam bei me nuh plah brai klayi jie brie/ jiaob qigang ruoh laeng jie brie vei nien/ nev knong vei nien jie jiangm naik yeng. ni met pan ne ga dao aoh gaol rou bao brie/ gangm naot deh dav groub pnaik rou bao yeng / bangm pler yeng neng vei nien yeng pler jiang/ reng muam laeng/ jiaom laoang douj rub pieb rou bao brie geri/ jie sdaj nev knong ji vet / ye rou sa lem tmei/ ha lei lu ya brie ang drah hav nev di nih.”

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Term Sixty-one God’s Dispensing vieg sab/ di / haok seb muyi ga jiaik jiayi rou bao brie Abstracts: daok srang bi: Eph. 3:8 To me, less than the least of all saints, was this grace given to announce to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ as the gospel. ei pei sou jiongm buk bei kao bram bei/ drong ban brao dien brie gun nih jie sangm bat rou bao brie geri/ dao brao man men ban/ maok kniaom dail jie niak douj jing bangm paot/ knong buk bao ri saot diang aoh / aoyi kniaom ban psayi/ daom neng la ao knong buok sa dao dei. God’s dispensing is to dispense God’s unsearchable riches into our spirit. When we exercise our spirit by praying to Him. We praise Him, our part is to receive His dispensing, and His part is to dispense. ga jiaik jiayi rou bao brie/ ge jie ga jiaik jiayi pieb bao ri bou dao brao man men ban rou bao brie/ jiul dev knong vei nien rou bao yeng. yeng vek hat vei nien rou bao yeng daoyi ga a ti tan/ dev gan drong. beil yeng sao sae daom gaeng brie ang / kang yeng ge draov dou dul ban ga jiaik jiayi rou bao drong/ ai kang drong ge drouv jiaik jiayi. Contents: klem sa: Eph. 3:8 To me, less than the least of all saints, was this grace given to announce to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ as the gospel. ei pei sou jiongm buk bei kao bram bei/ drong ban brao dien brie gun nih jie sangm bat rou bao brie geri/ dao brao man men ban/ maok kniaom dail jie niak douj jing bangm paot/ knong buk bao ri saot diang aoh / aoyi kniaom ban psayi/ daom neng la ao knong buok sa dao dei. 2 Tim 1:6 For which cause I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. bi ti mou tei jiongm buk muyi kao bram muyi/ daoyi haid nuh /ban jie kniaom rum lek daol niak / aoyi dah de-en angm naoyi dien rou bao brie/ dail nev knong niak daoyi kniaom dak daiyi le. I. God’s dispensing is to dispense the Divine Trinity—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—into us; the Divine Trinity is God’s unsearchable riches— Eph. 3:8: I. ga jiaik jiayi rou bao brie/ ge jie ga jiaik jiayi sa pieb drei aik—brie vou bei da/ brie ri jiu bao dra/ neng brie vei nien—jiul dev knong yeng; sa pieb drei aik ge jie pieb bao ri bou / dao brao man men ban rou bao brie: A. In Ephesians 3:8 says, “To me, less than the least of all saints, was this grace given to announce to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ as the gospel.” A. nev knong / ei pei sou jiongm buk bei kao bram bei/ jiaing ta/ “drong ban brao dien brie gun nih jie sangm bat rou bao brie geri/ dao brao


man men ban/ maok kniaom dail jie niak douj jing bangm paot/ knong buk bao ri saot diang aoh / aoyi kniaom ban psayi/ daom neng la ao knong buok sa dao dei.” B. God desires to dispense the unsearchable riches of Christ as grace into us—v. 8. B. brie saob brie hare dei /jiaik jiayi pieb bao ri bou dao brao man men ban rou bao brie geri/douk jie brie gun jiul dev knong yeng. II. Our spirit is not only the receiving organ, but also the opening for God’s dispensing; He dispenses Himself into our spirit—2 Tim. 4:22. II. vei nien rou bao yeng /men drem dai jie sa rei ring nei ga dou dul bon naoh dei/ bon dai gao jie sa rei ring nei ga baok jiangm buh /ga jiaik jiayi rou bao brie pang dai; drong jiaik jiayi ang drong pdual jiul dev knong vei nien rou bao yeng. III. God’s dispensing depends upon our coordination, and our coordination is the exercise of our spirit—1:6: III. ga jiaik jiayi rou bao brie/ge a srayi le ga ruom sa ha ga rou bao yeng/ ai ga ruom sa ha ga rou bao yeng /ge ga vek hat vei nien rou bao yeng: A. When our spirit opens wide, our whole being opens. then God has a way to impart Himself into us—Rom. 12:11. A. nev beil dail vei nien rou bao yeng / baek toum du lieyi/ klun diang mul rou bao yeng/ drouv ban baek. ben duab maok brie min plouv /dam bei jiaik jiayi ang drong pdual jiul dev knong yeng. B Only prayer exercises our spirit; when we contact the Lord, when we pray to Him, and when we praise Him, our part is to receive His dispensing, and His part is to dispense—2 Tim. 1:6. B. min dai sei ge dei a ti tan bon naoh / vek hat vei nien rou bao yeng / nev beil dail yeng a ti tan /diak dong neng brie ang me jia /neng nev beil yeng sao sae daom gaeng drong/ kang yeng ge drouv dou dul /ban ga jiaik jiayi rou bao drong/ai kang drong ge drouv jiaik jiayi. IV. “From my spirit within flows a fountain of life—The Triune God flowing in me; / God the Father’s the source, / Christ the Son is the course, / And the Spirit imparts life to me. / Lord, / I treasure the sweet flow of life, / And my soul-life at last I lay down; / O Lord, / deepen the pure flow of life; / At Your coming may life be my crown”—Hymns, #1191. IV. “brie gun kbong kbuoh / dail drong ban brao mei da/ ge brao dien brie ang /pdual knong brie baot dra/ groub yang men drem sangm rab /aoyi yeng angm nao dai drong jie jiangm naik/ dao min sei rei la ao.”—KH 376.

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Term Sixty-two The Mingling of God with Man vieg sab/ di / haok seb bi ga lieyi ben jiu knie/ rou ving brie jie muyi me nuh Abstracts: daok srang bi: John 1:14a And the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us, full of grace and reality. you han jiongm buk muyi kao daob buen gao/ brie bon dul gao drao laob jie sa qiem/ haoyi ban snak nev jie muyi neng yeng rual knie/ min ben jie brie gun neng sei ge dei bet. God mingled with man is the mingling of God with man. We can compare ourselves to a glass of water. If tea is added to this glass of water, then the water and the tea, the tea and the water are mingled together .We all need to have a faith which is mingled with the Word of God. brie ban lieyi ben jiul jie muyi me nuh/ ge jie ga lieyi ben jiul knie/ rou ving brie jie muyi me nuh nuh aiing.yeng aj brie pieb klun yeng dev neng / gaiv dek muyi. brao sen bae dai drouv ban dak bang taim /jiul dev knong gaiv dak dek nih/ graoyi maok dek neng dai /dai neng dek /drouv ban lieyi ben jiul knie. yeng diang aoh knie drouv min sei ge dei jiongm ne /muyi ta / yeng drouv ban lieyi ben jiul jie muyi /brie bon dul rou bao brie. Contents: kele mu sa: John 1:14a And the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us, full of grace and reality. you han jiongm buk muyi kao daob buen gao/ brie bon dul gao drao laob jie sa qiem/ haoyi ban snak nev jie muyi neng yeng rual knie/ min ben jie brie gun neng sei ge dei bet. Heb. 4:2 For indeed we have had the good news announced to us, even as they also; but the word heard did not profit them, not being mixed together with faith in those who heard. hei bre jiongm buk buen kao bi / tbet daom neng la ao ban psayi maok yeng rual knie/ douj jie daol gei dai/ bon dai brie bon dul dail gei ler/ nuh kmin brao yaoj daol gei saoh/ daoyi bruoh men ban lieyi neng sei ge dei jiongm ne /knong jiet nei buk niak dai ler nuh. I. This mystery, which is revealed to us throughout the entire Bible, is the mingling of God with man—John 1:14. I. at gangm bang dail drouv ban /baek sangm daiing maok daol yeng/ dam rou ye brie gongm bi diang mul nih/ ge ga lieyi ben jiul lieyi knie / rou ving brie jie muyi me nuh. II. We can compare ourselves to a glass of water; if tea is added to this glass of water, another element is put into the water; then two substances, the water and the tea, the tea and the water, are mingled together—1 Cor.


6:17. II. yeng aj brie pieb klun yeng dev neng / gaiv dak dek muyi. brao sen bae dai drouv ban dak bang taim /jiul dev knong gaiv /dak dek nih/ ang ge tiet muyi pseiing diet/drouv ban dak jiul dev knong dek/ graoyi maok sare tiet diang bi/ dek neng dai /dai neng dek /drouv ban lieyi ben jiul knie. III. “For indeed we have had the good news announced to us, even as they also; but the word heard did not profit them, not being mixed together with faith in those who heard”—Heb. 4:2: III. “tbet daom neng la ao ban psayi maok yeng rual knie/ douj jie daol gei dai/ bon dai brie bon dul dail gei ler/ nuh kmin brao yaoj daol gei saoh/ daoyi bruoh men ban lieyi neng sei ge dei jiongm ne /knong jiet nei buk niak dai ler nuh”: A. True faith is one which believes only in God’s Word and not in one’s own experience, feeling, or the dark environment. A. sei ge dei jiongm ne dao bet/ ge jie niak dail ji-e dai knong brie bon dul / rou bao brie bon naoh/ haoyi men s-tet nev knong baot bi saot/ arangm / re ba-riya gah/ dao kmav ngou nget/ rou bao klun aiing laoyi. B. We all need to have a faith which is mingled with the Word of God; with genuine faith there is joy or enjoyment—3: 9. B. yeng diang aoh knie drouv dai min sei ge dei jiongm ne/ muyi ta/ yeng drouv ban lieyi ben jiul jie muyi brie bon dul /rou bao brie; jiangm buh sei ge dei jiongm ne /dao bet bra gaot/ ge min sei ge dei sa bai rig rieyi/neng sei ge dei angm nao. IV. “O Lord, I love You, / I really love You, / Without You life’s really nothing. / You are so attracting, / And You are so charming; / Your riches are unsearchable. / Your name’s so dear and sweet, / Calling makes one satisfied, / Now You are mine and I am Thine, Lord; / Joined and mingled with You, God-man incorporation, / Foretaste of the New Jerusalem”— New Songs, #25. IV. “kniaom srao lan brie ang / srao lan drong et brieb ban/ kvah brie ang ruoh nev / et min nei brie ang drong dien jiet kniaom/ aoyi kniaom long dueng hare dei/ drong bao ri bou et evei brieb ban/ niem brie ang buaim jiaoab jiet/ hav brie niem nih sgaob jiet/ drong jie rou bao kniaom /kniaom rou bao drong / drong gong jie muyi me nuh / brie neng kniaom rum dai muyi / pluoh ruh jiet ye rou sa lem tmei.” Table Contents


Term Sixty-three The Ministry of the Age vieg sab/ di / haok seb bei bao-an ne geij / nei youk sa mai Abstracts: daok srang bi: Eph. 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ. ei pei sou jiongm buk buen kao daob bi/ brao yaoj neng nuam aoyi buk bao ri saot / ban groub liak laeng/ sangm rab tve ga ngie/nei bao-an ne geij / haoyi neng s-ang rub gaiyi brie geri laeng. In every age the Lord has special things that He wants to accomplish is the ministry of that age. We are all in this up-to-date, all-inheriting vision. We should closely follow after it. nev groub youk sa mai/ brie ang me jia min ga bi saih / dail drong jiang bangm ben sangm raj / nuh ge bao-an ne geij / nei youk sa mai nuh. yeng diang aoh knie nev knong ni met/ nei youk sa mai nih/ yeng drouv dae dam ni met nih jie neij. Contents: kele mu sa: Eph. 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ. ei pei sou jiongm buk buen kao daob bi/ brao yaoj neng nuam aoyi buk bao ri saot / ban groub liak laeng/ sangm rab tve ga ngie/nei bao-an ne geij / haoyi neng s-ang rub gaiyi brie geri laeng. 1 Tim. 4:6b Being nourished with the words of the faith and of the good teaching which you have closely followed. muyi ti mou tei jiongm buk buen kao bram muyi/ brie bon dul nei sei ge dei jiongm ne /neng sei ge dei bang rien dao la ao /ban jien jiem niak/ daoyi niak ban gan dam smaoh jiangm buh men. I. In every age the Lord has special things that He wants to accomplish; He has His own recoveries and His own works to do; the particular recovery and work that He does in one age is the ministry of that age—cf. Gen. 6:13- 14; 2 Kings 2:2-15: I. nev groub youk sa mai/ brie ang me jia min ga bi saih / dail drong jiang bangm ben sangm raj; drong min ga sda laeng ven neng ga ngie/ rou bao drong pdual/ haoyi ga sda laeng ven / neng ga ngie dao bi saih /dail drong tve nev knong youk sa mai/ ni muyi ni muyi/ nuh ge jie bao-an ne geij / nei youk sa mai nuh: A. In the Old Testament, Noah had the ministry of that age to build the ark, Moses had the ministry of that age to build the tabernacle, and David and Solomon had the ministry of that age to build the temple—Gen. 6:14-16. A. nev knong sei niak jiah/min bao-an ne geij nei youk sa mai /rou bao Nou-ai/ ge gao sang duk /haoyi bao-an ne geij nei youk sa mai /rou bao


Mou-sei/ ge drouv gao sang rong wu bao saot/ haoyi neng bao-an ne geij nei youk sa mai /rou bao Da-vid/ neng Salou-mon ge drouv gao sang brie vi heiye. B. In the New Testament, the Lord’s ministry was to build up the Body of Christ— —Matt. 16:18. B. nev knong sei niak tmei/ min bao-an ne geij nei rou bao brie ang me jia/ ge drouv gao sang rub gaiyi rou bao brie geri laeng. II. Our vision that matches the age must extend all the way from the first vision of Adam in Genesis to the ultimate vision of John in Revelation— the New Jerusalem; within this ultimate consummation everything is included—Gen. 2:9; Rev. 21:2, 9-10. II. nih met dail drouv neng youk sa mai/ drouv dai bong reik jiab bi nih met di muyi/ rou bao Adam/ nev knong louk gao bat/ rou hout daol nih met jiang graoyi bangm paot/ rou bao You-han nev knong vi vou rou nak/ dail jie grang ye rou sa lem tmei/ haoyi nev kang knong nei ga bangm ben/sangm raj jiang graoyi nih/ ge drouv ban ruom ben jiul groub diang aoh. III. The knowledge and discovery of divine revelation develop and advance with the ages—Heb. 1:1-2: III. jiaom naih deng neng ga rou ken ga baek sangm daiing rou bao brie/ drouv a pi vuat neng jie-en dev mouk/dam youk sa mai ni muyi ni muyi. A. In the 1520s, Luther was raised up and had the Reformation; the seventeenth century, the Madame Guyon recovered the knowledge of life; the eighteenth century, the Count Zinzendorf had the recovery of leaving organizations and sects; in the nineteenth century J. N. Darby recovered the truth; in the twentieth century the vision came to us—vv. 1-2. A. nev qinam muyi bao-an bram rouyi me pei/ Luther drouv ban jire dang lang aoyi min ga gai brai/ haoyi nev sade vuat/ di daob bram bi Madame Guyon ban sda laeng nev jiaom naih deng angm bi ji vet / haoyi bong duab maok nev sade vuat/ di daob bram bei/ Count Zinzendorf min ga sda laeng ven nev ga jiak jien bi ang ga/ neng ni gai nie nie/ haoyi graoyi mao diet/ nev knong sade vuat di daob bram buen/ J. N. Darby ban sda laeng ven nev sei ge dei bet/haoyi nev knong sade vuat di me pei ni met ban maok daol yeng rual knie. B. Brother Nee extracted the essence from the divine revelation throughout history, and advanced further upon it, laid down a wonderful foundation for the Lord’s Recovery today; Brother Lee continued this ministry, and build upon the divine revelation further, towards the high peak of the divine revelation—Eph. 1:17; 3:9. B. bang bu-on Nee/ ban srang you klem sa daem nei ga baek sangm daiing rou bao brie/ bi groub dong boua/brao vuat de sah/ haoyi ban jien dev diet/ broum diang ban dang mule tan grerh dao aoh jiah/ sangm rab ga sda laeng ven/ rou bao brie ang me jia/ knong beil saob tenaiyi nih. ruj bang bu-on Lee / ban bon dao bao-an ne geij nih / broum diang gao sang /le ga baek sangm daiing rou bao brie taim diet/ qibuoh dev rouk ga


baek sangm daiing /dao kbong kbuoh bangm paot rou bao brie. IV. It is God’s mercy that a person can see and come into contact with the ministry of that age; we are all in this up-to-date, all-inheriting vision; we should closely follow after it—cf. 1 Sam. 14:1-46; 2 Sam. 6:16. IV. nih ge jie brie mei da rou bao brie/ dail me nuh aj me ken/ haoyi min doum niak doum nong/jie muyi neng bao-an ne geij nei youk sa mai nuh; yeng groub knie nev knong youk sa mai nih / dou dul grong ni met diang aoh/ yeng drouv dae dam ni met nih jie neij. V. “And we’re now in the final stages,’ / Tis the completion of all the ages. / All those who believed the promise / Are perfected now in us”—Hymns, #1319. V. “brie neng me nuh ruh nev rum knie/ nev knong vei nien rum ben jiul knie/ yeng rum sa ha ga neng drong bet/ kalyi jie rub gaiyi min ji vet/ nih jie ni met nei youk sa mai/ groub grong ji vet ruoh nev rual tenaiyi/ brie ang me jia neng min rub gaiyi drong/ bong ler bao ri saot bangm pler di grang.”—KH 441.

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Term Sixty-four The Processed Triune God vieg sab/ di / haok seb buen brie drei aik dail ban qilang gat daom nak gal Abstracts: daok srang bi: 1 Tim. 3:16 And confessedly, great is the mystery of godliness: He who was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Preached among the nations, Believed on in the world, Taken up in glory. muyi ti mou tei jiongm buk bei kao daob bram muyi/ bet bra gaot/jie sei ge dei at gangm bang /rou bao sa sna nei yeng/ nuh jiriel jirouv nah/ ge dail brie ban leij maok knong saj qiem / ban ruab jie saoj jiret daoyi brie vei nien / buk dei-vouda ban ken drong /me nuh ban brao ga brab/ bi drong daol buk sa dao dei/ min gei ji-e daol drong knong louk gei nih/ ruj brie ban leg drong laeng nev knong sei rei la ao ven. The name of the Triune God is Father, Son, and Spirit. In His process, He passed through incarnation, human living, entered into death, Christ was resurrected. We experience the processed Triune God when we call “O Lord Jesus”. brie niem rou bao brie drei aik ge brie vou bei da/brie ri jiu bao dra/neng brei vei nien. nev knong daom nak gal rou bao drong/ ban qilang gat ga klayi jie saj qiem/ dangm nao ji vet jie me nuh/ ban ying jiul dev knong sei ge dei slab/ brie geri ban ruoh laeng ven. yeng baot bi saot brie drei aik / dail ban qilang gat daom nak gal/ nev beil dail yeng hav“oh, brie ang me jia ye su”. Contents: kele mu sa: John 1:14a And the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us, full of grace and reality. you han jiongm buk muyi kao daob buen gao/ brie bon dul gao drao laob jie saj qiem /haoyi ban snak nel jie muyi neng yeng rual knie/ min ben jie brie gun neng sei ge dei bet. 29 The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said, Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! kao me pei bram buen/ luoh s-aik laeng / you han ken brie ye su / dail drong gangm bong dai yeng maok ai guat/ nuh gao boul ta/ nuh nao/ goun jiem nei brie /dail daoh bab me nuh louk. Acts 3:15 And the Author of life you killed, whom God has raised from the dead, of which we are witnesses. gej ga jiongm buk bei kao daob bram/ niak rual knie ban sangm rab brie ang me jia/ ji vet nuh dev/ dai brie ban braoh aoyi drong/min brie jun ruoh bi slab laeng ven / yeng kniaom nih jie di ben dual /bi ga nuh aiing. I. God is one, yet He is three—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit; the Triune God is the flowing God with the Father as the fountain, the Son as the spring, and the Spirit as the river, for our experience and enjoyment— John 4:14; 2 Cor. 13:14 with footnote 1: 166

I. brie ge dai muyi, bon dai bei/ ge brie vou bei da/brie ri jiu bao dra/neng brei vei nien; brie drei aik ge jie ga hou/nei brie jie muyi neng brie vou bei da/jie gebal dek/ brie ri jiu bao dra jie ron dek/ neng brie vei nien jie dun lei/ sangm rab ga baot bi saot/neng sei ge dei angm nao rou bao yeng. A. In His incarnation, the Lord Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit; “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a Son, and they shall call His name Emmanuel”; Emmanuel means God with us—Matt. 1:23; John 1:14. A. nev knong ga klayi jie saj qiem rou bao drong/ brie ang me jia ye su /ban jiab pdei daoyi brie vei nien bao ri saot; “mel ning broum me-jia- rei/ neng min gual brao sout ban bao dra muyi/ haoyi brie niem baot nuh / drouv hav ta/ ei ma niu ail”; ei ma niu ail min nei ta brie gong jie muyi yeng. B. In His human living, He was “found in fashion as a man”; being found in fashion as a man, in the appearance of a man, He humbled Himself—Phil. 2: 6-8. B. nev knong ga dangm nao ji vet jie me nuh rou bao drong/ drong ge jie “ken drong min sa pieb /jie me nuh douj qi naoh” knong rub jie me nuh pang/ nuh gao bang dieb brie ang drong. C. In Christ’s death, He dealt with sin, Satan, the world… also released the divine life; when He was crucified, there was out flowed blood and water; blood is for redemption, water is for imparting life—John 1:29; Heb. 2:14b. C. nev knong sei ge dei slab rou bao brie geri/ drong ban daoh srayi bab/ sa dang/ louk gei…gao ban ben jien ji vet brie pang dai; beil dail drong drouv ban jiaob qigang / brie lou het neng dek ban hou jien/ brie lou het ge sangm rab ga brao luoh/ ri ai dek ge sangm rab ga jiaik rum leik ji vet. D. Following His death, Christ was resurrected and imparted the life of God into us in resurrection, in order that we might become the many sons of God and His many brothers—1 Pet. 1:3; Acts 2:32. D. bang duab bi sei ge dei slab rou bao drong/ brie geri drouv ban ruoh laeng ven/ haoyi ban jiaik rum leik ji vet brie /jiul dev knong yeng/ nev knong sei ge dei ruoh laeng ven/ dam bei aoyi yeng aj klayi jie goun brie/ neng buk bang bu-on rou bao drong jie jiraen. II. We experience the processed Triune God when we call “O Lord Jesus”; the entire processed Triune God is embodied in this name; when we touch this name, call on this name, a wonderful One comes—Rom. 10:12. II. yeng baot bi saot brie drei aik / dail ban qilang gat daom nak gal/ nev beil dail yeng hav“oh, brie ang me jia ye su”; brie drei aik dail ban qilang gat daom nak gal/ diang mul / ge drouv ban brai sa pieb nev knong brie niem nih; beil dail yeng bah bual brie niem nih / hav brie niem nih/ nuh ang dao aoh jia neng ying maok. III. “Jesus Lord, from my spirit I turn unto Thee / Open wide, call Thy name, drink Thee in; / Dearest Lord, to this stream I outpour utterly; / Triune God, flow as life, flood my being”—New Songs, O my God, within Thee there is eternal life. III. “sao sae bei da brao poub brie bou/ sao sae baot dra sangm raj brao luoh


/ sao sae brie vei nien daom nae ga/ sao sae bei da baot dra vei nien/ sao sae bei da jie brao poub dek/ sao sae baot dra jie ksai dek hou/ sao sae brie vei nien jiul kang knong/ brie ang drei aik jie jiangm naik kniaom.”—KH 5.

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Term Sixty-five The All-inclusive Christ vieg sab/ di / haok seb buen brie geri rum ben jiul groub diang aoh Abstracts: daok srang bi: Col. 1:12 Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you for a share of the allotted portion of the saints in the light. gou louh jiongm buk muyi kao daob bi/ broum diang ao brie gun/daol brie vou bei da/ dail drong ban braoh/ aoyi yeng ban guo neng dou dul jiaom naik gei a gao/knong buk bao ri saot nev di pler pang. Our portion, today is the all-inclusive Christ. The good land provided whatever we needed: milk, honey, water, cattle, grain, minerals. How we must thank the Father for giving us Christ as our divine allotment! saob tenaiyi nih / jiaom naik rou bao yeng/ge jie brie geri dail rum ben jiul diang aoh. dek dei la ao ban bdaol nev evei/ dail yeng drouv ga / douj jie dek daoh/ dek kmoum/ gou grao bei/ tun jiet/ rai. yeng be jie drouv ao brie gun daol brie vou be da/ sangm rab ga brao dien brie geri daol yeng/ douk jie jiaom naik gei a gao brie rou bao yeng. Contents: kele mu sa: Col. 1:12 Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you for a share of the allotted portion of the saints in the light. gou louh jiongm buk muyi kao daob bi/ broum diang ao brie gun/daol brie vou bei da/ dail drong ban braoh/ aoyi yeng ban guo neng dou dul jiaom naik gei a gao/knong buk bao ri saot nev di pler pang. Deut. 8:7-9 For Jehovah your God is bringing you to a good land, a land of waterbrooks, of springs and of fountains, flowing forth in valleys and in mountains; A land of wheat and barley and vines and fig trees and pomegranates; a land of olive trees with oil and of honey; A land in which you will eat bread without scarcity; you will not lack anything in it; a land whose stones are iron, and from whose mountains you can mine copper. jiao di ye geta/ jiongm buk bram bei kao bram bi daol kao bram buen/ tbet brie ye hou va jie brie nei aing/ drong nuam aing jiul dev knong sraok dao la ao/ jie sraok dail min sdeng/ min run dek/ haoyi neng gebal dek / hou jin nev knong jiraok haoyi knong pnoum pang. jie sraok dail min srouv sa lei/ neng srouv aok/ gao min dongm biang bai ju/ min le vie/ neng dou dem / haoyi min dam ou liu/neng dek kmoum pang; jie sraok dail aing neng bao ri pou a ha /men mein daoyi ret tbet dei/ aing neng men kvah kat evei/ nev sraok nuh laoyi /ai tmao nev sraok nuh /saot dai jie daik / haoyi nev knong pnoum nuh neng jik rouk ban dong daiing. I. Colossians 1:12 says that the all-inclusive Christ as the God-allotted portion to be the enjoyment of His believers: 169

I. gou louh jiongm buk muyi kao daob bi/ jiaing ta/ brie geri dail rum ben jiul groub diang aoh/jie jiaom naik gei a gao brie/ dam bei klayi jie sei ge dei angm nao /daol buk niak ji-e rou bao drong: A. The Greek word rendered portion; our portion, our allotment, today is the all- inclusive Christ. A. biek jie pie sa greik ban baok brai/ jiaom naik ta/ jiaom naik/ neng gei a gao rou bao yeng/ dail saob tenaiyi nih/ ge jie brie geri dail rum ben jiul groub diang aoh. B. The word portion indicates enjoyment; Christ is the unique enjoyment for all the saints; nothing should be allowed to replace Him as our portion. B. biek jiaom naik/jiang aol bang han bi /sei ge dei angm nao; brie geri ge jie sei ge dei angm nao dai muyi gut /sangm rab buk bao ri saot diang aoh; kmin evei guo a nu niat/aoyi maok jium nuoh /drong jie jiaom naik rou bao yeng laoyi. II. Deuteronomy 8:7-9 says, “For Jehovah your God is bringing you to a good land, a land of waterbrooks, of springs and of fountains, flowing forth in valleys and in mountains; A land of wheat and barley and vines and fig trees and pomegranates; a land of olive trees with oil and of honey; A land in which you will eat bread without scarcity; you will not lack anything in it; a land whose stones are iron, and from whose mountains you can mine copper”: II. jiao di ye geta/ jiongm buk bram bei kao bram bi daol kao bram buen/ ni yeyi ta/ “tbet brie ye hou va jie brie nei aing/ drong nuam aing jiul dev knong sraok dao la ao/ jie sraok dail min sdeng/ min run dek/ haoyi neng gebal dek / hou jin nev knong jiraok haoyi knong pnoum pang. jie sraok dail min srouv sa lei/ neng srouv aok/ gao min dongm biang bai ju/ min le vie/ neng dou dem / haoyi min dam ou liu/neng dek kmoum pang; jie sraok dail aing neng bao ri pou a ha /men mein daoyi ret tbet dei/ aing neng men kvah kat evei/ nev sraok nuh laoyi /ai tmao nev sraok nuh /saot dai jie daik / haoyi nev knong pnoum nuh neng jik rouk ban dong daiing. ” A. Paul used this term with the Old Testament record of the land as the background; God gave His chosen people, the children of Israel, the good land for their inheritance and enjoyment. A. baol ban brae vieg sab nih jie muyi gangm naot dra gongm bi sa nia jiah/ angm bi sraok douk jie savou-da/ brie ban brao dien dek dei lao ao daol goun jiav/ yi sra ail/ jie brao jie lie dail drong ban jireh reh /sangm rab douk jie mou rou daok/ neng jie sei ge dei angm nao rou bao buk gei. B. The land was all things to us; it provided whatever the children of Israel needed: milk, honey, water, cattle, grain, minerals; how we must thank the Father for giving us Christ as our divine allotment! B. sraok ge jie rou bao groub yang/ sangm rab buk yeng/ bruoh sraok ban pgut pgong evei evei /dail goun jiav/ yi sra ail/ drouv ga / douj jie dek daoh/ dek kmoum/ gou grao bei/ tun jiet/ neng rai. yeng be jie drouv ao brie gun daol brie vou be da/ sangm rab ga brao dien brie geri daol


yeng/ douk jie jiaom naik gei a gao brie rou bao yeng. III. “Jesus, the all-inclusive land, / Is everything to me: / A Christ of brooks, of depths and streams, / And fountains bubbling free. / Springing from valleys and from hills, / Flowing till every part He fills, / He waters us— how glorious— / By His life!”—Hymns, #1164. III. “brie ang jie baot dra/ sngun pnie/ jie rub pieb rou bao brie / drong jie jiaom naik buk bao ri saot / yeng drouv angm nao et qiub/ drong ban klai maok jie bang qibang brao mouk/ le groub diang bueng groub rou bao drong bang gaet pang/ nev graom brie dao min jiei.”—KH 163.

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Term Sixty-six The Consummated Spirit vieg sab/ di / haok seb bram muyi brie vei nien sangm raj jiang graoyi bong aoh Abstracts: daok srang bi: John 7:39b For the Spirit was not yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified. you han jiongm buk bram bi kao sam seb bram buen/ dai sei ge dei nih ge drong min bon dul/ bi brie vei nien /dail aoh niak ji-e daol drong neng drouv dou dul/ tbet brie vei nien bao ri saot /men duan yeng maok / daoyi bruoh brie ye su /men duan ban daom gaeng laeng nev laoyi. The mingling of the spirit passed through all the processes—incarnation, human living, the all-inclusive death, and the all-releasing resurrection—the Triune God has become the consummated spirit with the spirit of man. “When we call ‘Lord Jesus’ how our spirits spring. With this life-giving Spirit in us!” vei nien lieyi ben jiul / ban qilang gat groub daom nak gal—ga klayi jie saj qiem/ ga daom nae ji vet ruh jie muyi me nuh/ sei ge dei slab dail rum ben jiul groub diang aoh/ ga ben jin ji vet ruoh laeng ven /dail min groub diang aoh—brie drei aik klayi jie brie vei nien sangm raj jiang graoyi bong aoh/jie muyi neng vei nien rou bao me nuh. “nev beil dail yeng hav ‘brie ang me jia ye su’ dae vei nien rou bao yeng neng paoh laeng yang na dev.jiongm buh ga nih / brie vei nien bdao ji vet gong nev kang knong yeng!” Contents: kele mu sa: John 7:39b For the Spirit was not yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified. you han jiongm buk bram bi kao sam seb bram buen/ dai sei ge dei nih ge drong min bon dul/ bi brie vei nien /dail aoh niak ji-e daol drong neng drouv dou dul/ tbet brie vei nien bao ri saot /men duan yeng maok / daoyi bruoh brie ye su /men duan ban daom gaeng laeng nev laoyi. 1 Cor. 6:17 But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. muyi gou ren touh jiongm buk bram muyi kao daob bram bi/ ai niak dail nev jiuab neng brie ang me jia /nuh gao jie vei nien dai muyi neng drong dai. I. Today the All-inclusive Christ has become the consummated spirit—John 7:39: I. saob tenaiyi nih brie geri lieyi ben jiul groub diang aoh/ ban klayi jie brie vei nien sangm raj jiang graoyi bong aoh: A. The Spirit we have today is the consummated Spirit; the spirit was not yet before Jesus’ glorification in resurrection; it was at the time of His resurrection that Jesus was glorified—Luke 24:26. A. brie vei nien dail yeng min saob tenaiyi / ge jie brie vei nien sangm raj jiang graoyi bong aoh; brie vei nien bao ri saot men duan yeng maok /daoyi bruh brie ye su men duan ban daom gaeng laeng nev laoyi; nev beil dail drong/min brie jun ruoh ruh laeng ven/ nuh brie ye su ban


daom gaeng laeng. B. Now the Spirit includes divinity, humanity, the effectiveness of Christ’s death, and the power of His resurrection; what an enriched consummated spirit we have! B. ei louv nih/ brie vei nien rum min sa pieb brie/ sa pieb me nuh/ brao sede-pieb/ nei ga sou gut rou bao brie geri/ neng aom naj nei ga ruh laeng ven rou bao drong; yeng min brie vei nien sangm raj jiang graoyi bong aoh/ dail min jiraen /leh loub klang na II. He reached us and entered into us as the consummated Spirit; the Spirit that indwells our spirit, becomes one with our spirit—1 Cor. 6:17: II. drong ban maok daol yeng/ haoyi jiul maok kang knong yeng jie / brie vei nien sangm raj jiang graoyi bong aoh/ jie brie vei nien gong nev kang knong/ vei nien rou bao yeng/ klayi jie dai muyi jing muyi vei nien rou bao yeng. A. When we believe in the Lord Jesus, the ultimate consummation of the Triune God touches, reaches, and even enters our very inner being to regenerate our human spirit with the divine life—v. 4. A. nev beil dail yeng ji-e le brie ang me ye su/ brie dreik aij dail sangm raj jiang graoyi bong aoh/ bah bual dek daol / haoyi taim diang jiul dev kang knong klun yeng/ dam bei tvei aoyi vei nien rou bao yeng / ban gaet jie tmei/jie muyi neng ji vet rou bao brie. B. After this, the Holy Spirit remains and even dwells in our spirit; this produces a union, or mingling; the regenerated spirit of the believers and the consummated Spirit of God are mingled as one spirit—v. 17; Rom. 8:16. B. ben duab bi nih/ bri vei nien bao ri saot/ tet nev neng gong nev knong vei nien rou bao yeng; ga nih bang gaet aoyi min ga rum knie/ re ga lieyi ben jiul knie/; vei nien dail ban ga jie tmei rou bao buk niak ji-e / haoyi neng vei nien sangm raj jiang graoyi bong aoh/ rou bao brie / drouv ban lieyi ben jiul knie/jie vei nien dai muyi. III. “Now the Triune God has come to dwell within / As the wonderful Spirit in us. / We are mingled with the Lord, we’re one with Him. / As the life- giving Spirit in us. / We will all stir up this gift that’s deep within / As the wonderful Spirit in us. / When we call “Lord Jesus” how our spirits spring / With this life-giving Spirit in us! / Oh, He’s the wonderful Spirit in us, / He’s the wonderful Spirit in us! / God is in the Son, / the Son’s the Spirit now —He’s the wonderful Spirit in us!”—Hymns, #1113. III. “brie vei nien jiak breing lieb / aoyi kniaom ban jiru jirieb /diang brou leng neng vei nien / bao ben daoyi brie ang/ aoyi kniaom ban plah brai dev/ taim diang taot jiaom laoang / rou hout jiaom raen laeng toum/ ben vei jie jiah doum.”—KH 841.

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Term Sixty-seven The Divine, Eternal Life vieg sab/ di / haok seb bram bi brie jie ji vet aoh gaol Abstracts: daok srang bi: 1 John 1:2 And the life was manifested, and we have seen and testify and report to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was manifested to us. muyi you han jiongm buk muyi kao bi/ tbet brie dao jie ji vet/ drong ban leij maok haoyi/ yeng kniaom ban ken drong/ gao tve jie di ban dual/ brab daol niak rual knie / bi ji vet nuh dao ruoh/ nev aoh gaol jie neij/dail bi dangm stet nev neng brie vou bei da/ haoyi ban leij maok / aoyi yeng kniaom ken. Eternal life is the divine life, the life of God. To drink the living water is to drink eternal life. We need to drink of the living water, we also need “Flowing through us, Thou canst use us Every hour in every place”. ji vet aoh gaol ge jie ji vet brie/ re jie ji vet rou bao brie. ga pek dek dao ruoh / ge jie ga pek ji vet dao aoh gaol. yeng drouv ga pek dek dao ruoh/ haoyi yeng gao drouv ga“ga hou dang yeng drong aj brae ga yeng ban/ groub maoang groub di gen laing”. Contents: kele mu sa: 1 John 1:2 And the life was manifested, and we have seen and testify and report to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was manifested to us. muyi you han jiongm buk muyi kao bi/ tbet brie dao jie ji vet/ drong ban leij maok haoyi/ yeng kniaom ban ken drong/ gao tve jie di ban dual/ brab daol niak rual knie / bi ji vet nuh dao ruoh/ nev aoh gaol jie neij/dail bi dangm stet nev neng brie vou bei da/ haoyi ban leij maok / aoyi yeng kniaom ken. 5:13 I have written these things to you that you may know that you have eternal life, to you who believe into the name of the Son of God. jiongm buk bram kao daob bei/ kniaom ban sao sei/ sei ge dei diang nih/ pniae maok niak rual knie/ dail ji-e daol brie niem brie ri jiu baot dra nei brie/ dam bei aoyi niak rual knie ban deng ta/ niak rual knie min ji vet aoh gaol jie neij haoyi. John 4:14 But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall by no means thirst forever; but the water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water gushing up into eternal life. you han jiongm buk buen kao daob buen/ dai niak na /dail pek dek kniaom aoyi/ nuh neng men sreik diet laoyi/ dek dail kniaom aoyi /neng drao laob jie run dek nev knong niak nuh/ dail paoh laeng daol dev ban ji vet aoh gaol jie neij / min dai ji vet rou bao brie dei/ ge jie ji vet. I. Only the life of God is life; only the life of God is divine; the Scriptures speak of God’s life as eternal life—1 John 5:12-13: I. min dai ji vet rou bao brie dei/ dail jie ji vet neng jie brie; baot gongm bi 174

jiaing bi / ji vet rou bao brie ta / jie ji vet aoh gaol: A. Only those with a pressing inward need and those who are determined to meet God will receive His blessing—1:2. A. min dai aoh niak dail min sei ge dei/ drouv ga kang knong klang/ haoyi neng niak dail pdaj nia jiet /dam bei jiub brie bon naoh /deb neng dou dul ban brie bou rou bao drong. B. Eternal life is the life which is in the Son of God; when we receive the Son by believing in Him, we have eternal life. B. ji vet aoh gaol / ge jie ji vet dail min nev knong /brie ri jiu baot dra nei brie; nev beil yeng dou dul brie ri jiu baot dra/ daoyi ga ji-e le drong/ nuh yeng min ji vet aoh gaol. II. As believers in Christ, we have received eternal life by faith—John 6:47. II. knong niem jie buk niak ji-e brie geri/ yeng ban dou dul ji vet aoh gaol/ dam rou ye sei ge dei jiongm ne. III. “But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall by no means thirst forever; but the water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water gushing up into eternal life”—4:14: III. “dai niak na /dail pek dek kniaom aoyi/ nuh neng men sreik diet laoyi/ dek dail kniaom aoyi /neng drao laob jie run dek nev knong niak nuh/ dail paoh laeng daol dev ban ji vet aoh gaol jie neij / min dai ji vet rou bao brie dei/ ge jie ji vet”: A. After we believed into Christ, the Triune God entered into us as the eternal life—6:47. A. ban duab bi yeng ban ji-e jiul dev knong brie geri/ nuh brie drei aik dail jie ji vet aoh gaol/ ban jiul dev knong yeng. B. To drink the living water is to drink eternal life; as we drink the living water, He wells up in us and we are brought into eternal life, our thirst is quenched— 4:14. B. ga pek dek dao ruoh / ge jie ga pek ji vet aoh gaol jie neij. ka na beil yeng pek dek dao ruoh/ nuh drouv ban jin lang nev knong yeng / haoyi yeng drouv ban nuam jiul dek daol ji vet aoh gaol jie neij/ dam bei bangm bat ga sreik rou bao yeng. C. We need to minister this life by being a channel through which eternal life can flow to other members of the Body. C. daoyi ga klayi jie dou bang hou/ yeng drouv jiaik jiayi ji vet nih/ dam bei aoyi ji vet aoh gaol aj hou/ dev daol a veiak you veiak/nei rub gaiyi dao dei diet. rum jiaom naik/ ruj paot ga bak baik/ IV. “How I Thee, precious Savior, / That Thy love laid hold of me; / Thou hast saved and cleansed and filled me, / That I might Thy channel be. / Channels only, blessed Master, / But with all Thy wondrous grace, / Flowing through us, Thou canst use us / Every hour in every place.”— Hymns, #268. IV. “ji vet aoh gaol nuam yeng kniaom / aoyi min ga brao gao /rum jiaik jiayi rum jiaom naik/ ruj paot ga bak baik/yeng ban klayi jie dai muyi /nev knong ga brao gaob / ji vet dail drong brao dien/ ge jie brie vei nien.”


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Term Sixty-eight The Body of Christ vieg sab/ di / haok seb bram bei rub gaiyi rou bao brie geri Abstracts: daok srang bi: Eph. 1:22-23 …Gave Him to be Head over all things to the church, Which is His Body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all. ei pei sou jiongm buk/ muyi kao me pei bi daol me pei bei/ diang brao dien drong maok tve jie sei re sa/ le groub diang aoh / daol buoh jiongm noum dail jie rub gaiyi drong / ge jie sei ge dei bou ben / rou bao brie ang/ dail bangm ben groub diang aoh knong diang aoh. Ephesians 1:22 and 23 reveal that the church is the Body of Christ. In the whole universe there is just one Body of Christ. In one Spirit we have all been baptized into one Body to drink one Spirit. ei pei sou jiongm buk/ muyi kao me pei bi neng me pei bei/ baek sangm daiing / bi grongm jiongm noum /ge jie rub gaiyi rou bao brie geri. nev knong sa gao louk nih /min rub gaiyi brie geri dai muyi bong naoh. nev knong brie vei nien dai muyi / yeng groub knie gao ban drouv jirou muj jiul knong rub gaiyi dai muyi / pek bi brie vei nien dai muyi dai. Contents: kele mu sa: Eph. 1:22-23 And He subjected all things under His feet and gave Him to be Head over all things to the church, Which is His Body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all. ei pei sou jiongm buk/ muyi kao me pei bi daol me pei bei/ diang brao dien drong maok tve jie sei re sa/ le groub diang aoh / daol buoh jiongm noum dail jie rub gaiyi drong / ge jie sei ge dei bou ben / rou bao brie ang/ dail bangm ben groub diang aoh knong diang aoh. 1 Cor. 12:13 For also in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and were all given to drink one Spirit. muyi gou ren touh/ jiongm buk daob bi kao daob bei/ tbet yeng diang aoh knie /duoh bae sah you da/ re sah greik/ bav bangm rae/ re niak jie gdei/ yeng ban dou dul bi ti jirou muj dek/ jiul knong rub gaiyi dai muyi / daoyi sa brie vei nien dai muyi/ haoyi groub knie gao ban drouv / pek bi brie vei nien dai muyi dai. I. The top revelation of the Bible is the Body of Christ—Eph. 1:22-23. I. ga baek sangm daiing dao kbong kbuoh/bang paot nev knong brie gongm bi / ge jie rub gaiyi rou bao brie geri. II. In the whole universe there is just one Body of Christ—4:4: II. nev knong sa gao louk nih/min rub gaiyi brie geri dai muyi bong naoh: A. The Body of Christ is uniquely one universally; there is not the Body of Christ in America and another Body of Christ in Japan; in all the places, the Body of


Christ is uniquely one with the Triune God as its contents—vv. 4-6. A. rub gaiyi brie geri ge min dai muyi bong naoh/ nev knong sa gao louk nih/ men min rub gaiyi brie geri nev Amei rik/ haoyi rub gaiyi muyi diet nev Jiu bao-en nuh dei; nev knong groub di gen laiing / rub gaiyi brie geri ge min dai muyi/ dail min brie drei aik jie jiangm naoh. B. The oneness of the Body of Christ is kept and expressed by each local church in its locality—Acts 8:1a; Rev. 1:11. B. pieb dai muyi nei rub gaiyi rou bao brie geri/ ge drouv ban riak sa/ neng sangm daiing jin /dam rou ye grongm jiongm noum / daom bang dail nev knong daom bang nuh. III. “…Yet all the members of the body, being many, are one body, so also is the Christ. For also in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and were all given to drink one Spirit”—1 Cor. 12:12-13: III. “…dai a veiak you veiak diang nuh/ duoh min jiraen gao bet / gong dai rum knie maok jie rub /dai muyi dei/ nuh brie geri gao douj qi naoh dai / tbet yeng diang aoh knie /duoh bae sah you da/ re sah greik/ bav bangm rae/ re niak jie gdei/ yeng ban dou dul bi ti jirou muj dek/ jiul knong rub gaiyi dai muyi / daoyi sa brie vei nien dai muyi/ haoyi groub knie gao ban drouv / pek bi brie vei nien dai muyi dai.” A. The Body of Christ is composed of the believers, who are the members of the Body. A. rub gaiyi brie geri drouv ban psangm lang /bi buoh niak ji-e diang aoh/ dail jie a veiak you veiak nei rub gaiyi. B. First Corinthians 12:13 says that it is in this one Spirit that we were all baptized into this one living Body to express Christ; so we should all, regardless of our races, nationalities, and social ranks, be this one Body. B. muyi gou ren touh/ jiongm buk daob bi kao daob bei/ ni yeyi ta/ daoyi sa brie vei nien dai muyi nih/ yeng diang aoh ban jirou muj dek/ jiul knong rub gaiyi dao ruoh dai muyi nih/ dail yeng aj sangm daiing brie geri / douj qi nei haoyi yeng diang aoh knie/men guo get bi buj sa/ sa jiet/ neng tan na/ nev knong sang goum nuh dei/yeng jie rub gaiyi dai muyi. C. First Corinthians 12:13 indicates that we drink the one Spirit in the Body; in one Spirit we have all been baptized into one Body to drink one Spirit; the Spirit is in the Body; as long as we stay in the Body, we may drink the Spirit. C. muyi gou ren touh/ jiongm buk daob bi kao daob bei/ ben ji-ak ta / yeng pek bi brie vei nien dai muyi nev knong rub gaiyi; yeng ban dou dul jirou muj dek/ jiul knong rub gaiyi dai muyi /daoyi sa vei nien dai muyi/ haoyi groub knie gao ban drouv pek bi brie vei nien dai muyi dai; brie vei nien ge nev knong rub gaiyi / dao rab na yeng nev knong rub gaiyi/ nuh yeng aj pek bi brie vei nien ban. IV. “We’re gathered here, O Lord, as Thy one Body: / Though we be many, yet we all are one. / We share Thy life and own that we are members, / And thus within, in life we all are one. / There is one Body in this universe, /


And we express it here on earth; / We stand as one in each locality / For all to see, for all to see”—Hymns, #1107. IV. “buk yeng rual knie jie rub gaiyi rum nei graom jun / min jiaom nun jiraen dai yeng rum maok dai muyi / daoyi ji vet drong / yeng diang aoh knie rum jie rub gaiyi/ knong ji vet drong/ yeng rum maok jie dai muyi. knong bi poub lou min rub gaiyi muyi bong naoh / yeng diang aoh knie /sangm daiing jin maok / jiongm hou dai muyi nev le di gre dangm bang/ min bang dal jun jiring sngaoj sao sae.”

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Term Sixty-nine The Church vieg sab/ di / haok seb bram buen grongm jiongm noum Abstracts: daok srang bi: Matt. 16:18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. ma tai jiongm buk daob bram muyi kao daob bram bei/ kniaom brab niak ta/ niak qimou bei drou/ kniaom neng dang buk jiongm noum kniaom/nev le tmao da nih /haoyi tvie tan kong brou leng me nuh slab/ neng men dail qinia buk jiongm noum laoyi. The church means a called out congregation. The church is not an organization but an organic Body which is full of life within; “O home full of love and care! God’s river of life we share; I’m strengthened every day, And guided all the way”. grongm jiongm noum min nei ta/ buk jiongm noum dai drouv ban /dra hav jin maok. grongm jiongm noum men mein jie ang ga dei/ bong dai jie rub gaiyi dao min ji vet / dail bao ben dev daoyi/ ji vet nev kang knong; “oh pdiah bao ben daoyi gdei srao lan/ neng ga youk jiet douk dak!” yeng jiaik rongm leik /dek dun lei ji vet rou bao brie. kniaom drouv ban jiaom raen gaom lang rual tenaiyi/ neng ban dek nuam groub vi ti. Contents: kele mu sa: Matt. 16:18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. ma tai jiongm buk daob bram muyi kao daob bram bei/ kniaom brab niak ta/ niak qimou bei drou/ kniaom neng dang buk jiongm noum kniaom/nev le tmao da nih /haoyi tvie tan kong brou leng me nuh slab/ neng men dail qinia buk jiongm noum laoyi. Eph.1:23 Which is His Body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all. ei pei sou jiongm buk muyi kao me pei bei/ ge jie sei ge dei bao ben rou bao brie ang/ dail bangm ben groub diang aoh / knong diang aoh. I. The church is the called-out congregation—Matt. 16:18: I. grongm jiongm noum min nei ta/ buk jiongm noum dai drouv ban drah hav jin maok. A. The church is God’s called-out assembly; in any place that there are believers like you and me, there is God’s called-out assembly. A. grongm jiongm noum /ge jie bang dal jun / dail brie ban drah hav jin maok. nev gan laiing na gao daoyi/aoyi dai min buk niak ji-e/ douj bang bu-on neng kniaom/ nuh haoyi ge jie bang dal jun / dail brie ban drah hav jin maok. B. The church is composed of all those who have believed into Christ and who possess his life; any person who has not believed into Christ and has not been saved cannot be a component of the church—1 Cor. 1:2; Heb. 2:12.


B. grongm jiongm noum /ge psangm laeng /bi groub aoh niak dail ban ji- e jiul dev knong brie geri/ haoyi neng niak dail min ji vet rou bao drong; buk goul na dail men ji-e jiul dev knong brie geri /neng men duan ban sang gruh /men aj klayi jie samah setiet/ rou bao grongm jiongm noum ban laoyi. II. The church is the Body of Christ—Eph.1:23: II. grongm jiongm noum /ge jie rub gaiyi rou bao brie geri A. The church is the Body of Christ; everyone has a body; like our human body, the church as the organic Body of Christ is full of life within; the life of the Body of Christ is the life of God. A. grongm jiongm noum /ge jie rub gaiyi rou bao brie geri; me nuh groub rub min rub gaiyi/ douj jie rub gaiyi me nuh rou bao yeng; grongm jiongm noum dail jie rub gaiyi rou bao brie geri/ dao min ji vet /ge bao ben dev daoyi/ji vet nev kang knong/ tbet ji vet nei rub gaiyi rou bao brie geri/ ge jie ji vet rou bao brie. B. On the other hand, a person’s body is for expressing him; if a person has only a head but not a body, he has no expression; the church is the expression of Christ—Col. 1:18. B. me yang diet / rub gaiyi rou bao buk goul me niak/ ge min sangm rab ga / sangm daiing jin aoyi guat; brao sen bae buk goul me niak/min dai kbal/ bong dai men min rub gaiyi/ nuh guat kmin ga / sangm daiing jin laoyi; grongm jiongm noum ge jie ga sangm daiing rou bao brie geri. III. “The church is my home sweet home, / She fills all my longing, / The LORD’S beloved bride is she, / All my days for her shall be. / O home full of love and care! / GOD’S river of life we share; / I’m strengthened every day, / And guided all the way; / Dear Church! How I love Thee, / Home sweet home, I love Thee!”—The Lord is my greatest love. III. “grongm jiongm noum jie pdiah di qiub/ sangm rak yang jibah rual tenaiyi/ buk bang bu-on angm nao klang nah/ brie geri jie ji vet tlaob jiueb / dai ga breng braing ei louv / yeng ha lei lu ya nev pdiah/ grongm jiongm noum jie pdiah di nih / groub yang qiub sangm rak / yang jibah aoh muyi ji vet /yeng aoyi drong / ban lek daom gaeng ha lei lu ya/ brie geri grongm jiongm noum.” Table Contents


Term Seventy The Kingdom vieg sab/ di / jiet seb nou gou Abstracts: daok srang bi: Mark 4:26 And He said, So is the kingdom of God: as if a man cast seed on the earth. ma gaoh jiongm buk buen kao me pei bram muyi / drong gao min brie bon dul ta/ nou gou brie tieb douj jie me nuh me nia/ dail bruh buj nev dei. The kingdom is the wonderful Christ who has been sown into us and who grows in us, until we reach maturity. God’s Kingdom today is a real exercise, but when Christ comes to reign it will be a great prize. nou gou ge jie brie geri dao aoh jiah/ dail ban sa bruh /jiul maok knong yeng / neng jiaom raen toum nev kang knong yeng/ rou hout daol yeng qian daol pieb / ben vei jie jiah dong. nou gou brie saob tenaiyi / ge jie ga vek-ve- en dao bet/ dai nev beil brie geri yeng maok saoyi rij/ nou gou neng klayi jie rong van dao toum. Contents: kele mu sa: Mark 4:26 And He said, So is the kingdom of God: as if a man cast seed on the earth. ma gaoh jiongm buk buen kao me pei bram muyi / drong gao min brie bon dul ta/ nou gou brie tieb douj jie me nuh me nia/ dail bruh buj nev dei. Rom 5:17 For if, by the offense of the one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. rou mu jiongm buk bram kao daob bram bi/ tbet bae sen jie sei ge dei slab ban saoyi rij/ daoyi sa me muh dai me niak/ daoyi bruh me niak nuh aiing / ban brao bret sei ge dei rongm long/ douj qi nei bra gaot jie buok niak dail dou dul brie gun/ dao bao ri bou / neng angm naoj dien /jie sei ge dei saoj jiret/ nuh neng ban saoyi rij knong ji vet leh dev diet/ daoyi sa dai me niak dai / ge jie brie ye su geri. I. The kingdom is the wonderful Christ who is like a seed sown into the human earth and that this seed grows in our heart to be the kingdom— Mark. 4:26: I. nou gou ge jie brie geri dao aoh jiah/dail brieb douj jie gruab buj muyi gruab/ dail ban sab bruh jiul dev knong me nuh/ nev le pan dei/ haoyi graob buj nih / jiaom raen toum nev knong jiet rou bao yeng / dam bei klayi jie nou gou: A. The kingdom of God is a matter of life; when the seed grows within them, that is simply the growth of the kingdom. A. nou gou brie ge jie reng rav nei ji vet; beil dai graob buj jiaom raen toum /nev kang knong buk gei/ nuh haoyi ge jie ga jiaom raen toum nei nou gou.


B. The secret of entering into the kingdom is simply to grow in life; we enter the kingdom day by day by the growth of the inner life—vv. 26-27. B. at gangm bang knong ga jiul dev knong nou gou/ ge ga jiaom raen toum knong ji vet; yeng jiul dev knong nou gou / rual tenaiyi / daoyi ga jiaom raen toum nei ji vet/ pnaik kang knong. II. For us today, the kingdom is an exercise; we must learn how to be exercised to be a king—Rom 5:17: II. sangm rab yeng / saob tenaiyi nih nou gou/ ge jie ga vek ve-en; yeng drouv dai rien bi /rou bieb ga ban vek ve-en/ dam bei klayi jie sdaj. A. The royal family in Great Britain has to train a king or a queen from the time of his or her youth; therefore, we have to be exercised and to be ruled in order to be qualified to be heavenly kings. A. gruo sa rijie vong / nev jiak grao poub angk lais/ drouv dai bang vek bang hat/ brie rie jie/ re mou ha ksat drei/ dang bi jium nuan you-viak- vei/ maok melaih; douj qi nei yeng drouv dai vek ve-en/ neng drouv ban groub grong /dam bei min goun sangm bat/groub gruan knong ga tve jie sdaj nev tan sue. B. We are to reign as kings over sin, death, and Satan; to reign is to be a king; our Christian life today should be a kingly life, a reigning life. B. yeng drouv saoyi rij jie sdaj / le ang be bab/ sei ge dei slab/ neng sa dang; dam bei saoyi rij ban ge drouv tve jie sdaj; saob tenaiyi nih ji vet gristien rou bao yeng/ guo dai jie ji vet knong pieb jie sdaj/ neng jie ji vet dail saoyi rij. III. We will have the co-kingship and the top enjoyment of the divine life with Him in the millennium—Rev. 20:4, 6. III. yeng neng min pieb jie sdaj/ jie ruom knie/neng dou dul sei ge dei angm nao /bangm paot nei ji vet brie jie muyi drong/ nev knong nou gou muyi bao-an qinam. IV. “God’s Kingdom today is a real exercise, / But when Christ comes to reign it will be a great prize; / It is wisdom divine that we now may be trained; / That His plan be fulfilled and His justice maintained. / God’s children, we’re born to be kings with His Son, / And we need to be trained that we may overcome, / And to know how to rule in His kingdom as kings, / That His kingship thru us be expressed o’er all things”—Hymns, #947. IV. “tenaiyi nih nou gou brie jie ga vek ve-en daol kniaom / dai bei brie geri saoyi rij neng klayi jie rong van toum/ dam bei bangm ben sangm raj pan ne ga rou bao brie ang/ dam bei bangm ben sangm raj pan ne ga rou bao brie ang. yeng ban gaet jie tmei jie sdaj neng jie goun brie/ deb drouv vek ve-en aoyi klayi jie niak min jiei jium niah/ aoyi deng bi ga groub grong jie sdaj knong nou gou brie/ angm naj jie sdaj drouv ban sangm daiing daoyi ret-daj-jiah.”

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Term Seventy-one Christ’s Second Coming vieg sab/ di / jiet seb muyi ga ying maok jie lek di bi rou bao brie geri Abstracts: daok srang bi: Acts 1:11b This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you beheld Him going into heaven. gej ga jiongm buk muyi kao daob muyi kao/ brie ye su nih aiing /dail brie ban lek / bi niak rual knie /laeng dev le tan sue/drong neng ying maok ven/ dam baib dao dail / douj jie niak rual knie ban ken drong/ dev nuh dai. The Lord’s second coming involves two aspects. Only overcoming believers who will participate in the hidden aspect. All the world will see the open aspect. If we want to participate in the hidden aspect of the Lord’s second coming, we must be a watchful, ready overcomer, for the Lord’s coming. ga ying maok jie lek di bi rou bao brie ang me jia/ ge jiaoab diak dong neng det de pieb bi: min dai buk niak ji-e dail min jiei jium niah / bong naoh dail neng rum min jiaom naik nev knong det de pieb/ liak gangm bang. bi poub louk neng mel ken det de pieb/ baek jiangm hao. brao sen bae yeng jiang rum min jiaom naik/nev knong det de pieb liak gangm bang/nei ga ying maok jie le di bi rou bao brie ang me jia/ yeng drouv dai klayi jie niak min jiei jium niah/dail jiam yem/neng driem klun ruj jie sraj/ sangm rab ga ying maok rou bao brie ang me jiah. Contents: kele mu sa: Acts 1:11b This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you beheld Him going into heaven. gej ga jiongm buk muyi kao daob muyi kao/ brie ye su nih aiing /dail brie ban lek / bi niak rual knie /laeng dev le tan sue/drong neng ying maok ven/ dam baib dao dail / douj jie niak rual knie ban ken drong/ dev nuh dai. Rev. 1:7a Behold, He comes with the clouds, and every eye will see Him. vi vou rou na/ jiongm buk muyi kao bram bi gao/ mel drong yeng maok dam bou bouk / nuh groub diang pneik /neng ken drong. 3:3b If therefore you will not watch, I will come as a thief, and you shall by no means know at what hour I will come upon you. jiongm buk bei kao bei kao/ bae aiing men jiam yem dei/ nuh an neng maok ai aiing douj ji jiao/ haoyi aiing neng men deng jie vei lie na/ dail an maok ai aiing laoyi. I. “This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you beheld Him going into heaven”—Acts 1:11b: I. “brie ye su nih aiing /dail brie ban lek / bi niak rual knie /laeng dev le tan sue/drong neng ying maok ven/ dam baib bdao dail / douj jie niak rual knie ban ken drong/ dev nuh dai.” A. The Lord’s second coming will be an actual coming; it will be as real as His


ascension. A. ga ying maok jie lek di bi rou bao brie ang me jia/ neng klayi jie ga ying maok /dao bet bra gaot; haoyi neng klayi jie bet douj ga ying laeng rou bao drong. B. He will come in the same way that He ascended into heaven; He went into heaven in a cloud, and He will return on a cloud. B. drong neng ying maok ven/ dam baib dao dail / douj jie drong ban ying lang dev tan sue nuh dai; drong ban ying dev tan sue nev knong bou bouk/ haoyi drong neng ying maok ven le bou bouk. II. The coming back of Christ has a secret aspect and an open aspect—Rev. 3:3; 1:7: II. ga ying drao laob maok ven rou bao brie geri/ min det de pieb at gangm bang/ neng det de pieb baek jium hao: A. In the secret aspect of His coming back, Christ will come as a thief to those who love Him and will take them away as His treasures; Christ’s secret coming will be a reward to the watching believers—2:28; Matt. 24:42-44. A. nev knong det de pieb at gangm bang/nei ga ying drao laob maok ven rou bao drong/ brie geri neng maok douj jie jiao daol aoh niak/ dail srao lan drong/ haoyi neng daok youk buk gei douj jie /druab vi saih rou bao drong; ga ying maok dao at gangm bang/ rou bao brie geri/ neng klayi jie rong van daol buk niak ji-e/dail gangm bong dai jiam yem. B. In the open aspect of His coming back, Christ will come with power and great glory to be seen by all the tribes of the land; the time of this open aspect will be at the last trumpet, at the end of the great tribulation—Rev. 18:1; 1:7. B. nev knong det de pieb baek jiaom hao/ nei ga drao laob maok ven rou bao drong / brie geri neng ying maok daoyi aom naj / neng sei rei rong reng dao aoh jiah/ dam bei aoyi groub angm bou /nei dek dei diang aoh/ ban mel ken; nev vei lie nei det de pieb baek jiaom hao nih/ neng klayi jie drai jiang graoyi/ ge nev jiang ben jiaob /nei grie douk vei-dnie dao toum. III. The believers’ attitude toward the coming of Christ—2 Tim. 4:8: III. a gab gei ri ya rou bao buk niak ji-e / jiangm buh ga ying maok rou bao brie geri: A. In the few remaining days we should get ourselves ready; let us be those who love and serve the Lord, who are revived and are overcoming every day, and who let the world go and are waiting with all our heart for the Lord’s coming— v. 8. A. nev bong man tenaiyi diet /dail sai sao nev/ yeng guo dai drim klun ruo jie sraj; soum aoyi yeng klayi jie buk niak dai srao lan / neng bangm rae brie ang me jia / dail ban ruh laeng / neng gangm bong dai min jiei/ jium niah rual tenaiyi/ haoyi neng niak dail a nu niat/ aoyi bi poub louk/ nih gen lang dev/ haoyi gangm bong rong jiam daoyi aoh bi jiet/ jiangm buh ga ying maok rou bao brie ang me jiah. B. Therefore, as long as we have today, as long as we still have breath, we should


love the Lord and His appearing, await the Lord’s coming, and always take His coming as an encouragement—Phil. 3:20. B. douj qi nei /dao rab na yeng min nev tenaiyi nih/ dao rab na yeng nev dai min dang haem/ yeng guo dai srao lan brie ang me jia / neng ga leij maok rou bao drong / daoyi rong jiam ga ying maok rou bao brie ang me jia / haoyi neng dan daing youk ga ying maok rou bao drong/ tve jie ga lek dek jiet. IV. “My King will soon come back again, / The sky be filled with Him; / The universe to be redeemed, / Will see His light therein. / The Lord will soon fulfill His plan, / His footsteps now I hear; / His glorious frame I faintly see, / Beginning to appear”—Hymns, #960. IV. “brie geri neng ying maok aoyi bav ban rong van/ bangm rae srao lan drong ban mou gaot nuh / graob laeng graob laeng yeng gaom a lai louk ga/ bangm rae brie baot dra smaoh aoh bi jiet.”—KH 755.

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Term Seventy-two God Became Man so that Man May Become God vieg sab/ di / jiet seb bi brie ban klayi jie me nuh / dam bei aoyi me nuh /aj klayi jie brie Abstracts: daok srang bi: Rom. 8:30 And those whom He predestinated, these He also called; and those whom He called, these He also justified; and those whom He justified, these He also glorified. rou mu jiongm buk bram bei kao sam seb/ ai buk niak dail drong / ban daom rouv douk jie mun/ nuh drong gao hav / haoyi buk niak dail drong ban hav/ nuh drong gao ruab douk jie saoj jiret/ haoyi buk niak dail drong ban ruab jie saoj jiret/ nuh drong gao ban daom gaeng lang dai. “God became man so that man may become God” is the essence of the entire Bible. God became man through incarnation; man becomes God through transformation. “brie ban klayi jie me nuh / dam bei aoyi me nuh /aj klayi jie brie” ge jie tiet daem rou bao brie gongm bi diang mul. brie ban klayi jie me nuh/ dam rou yek ga klayi jie saj qiem/ ri ai me nuh klayi jie brie dam rou yek/ ga plah brai. Contents: kele mu sa: John 12:24 Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. you han jiongm buk daob bi kao me pei buen/ bra gaot men kniaom brab niak rual knie jie bra gaot ta/ bae gruab srouv tliak jiaoh dev dei/ men nguab dei/ nuh gao nev dai muyi dao dail/ dai bae nguab ven nuh gao bang gaet paol jie jiraen lang. Rom. 8:29-30 Because those whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the Firstborn among many brothers; And those whom He predestinated, these He also called; and those whom He called, these He also justified; and those whom He justified, these He also glorified. rou mu jiongm buk bram bei kao me pei bram buen/ daol kao sam seb/ tbet niak na / dail drong ban sgual jie mun/ nuh drong gao daom rouv douk jie mun/ aoyi ban drao laob douj jie rub ang nei brie ri jiu baot dra drong/ dam bei aoyi brie ri jiu baot dra ban tve jie bang jibang / gei knong buk bang bu-on jie jiraen; ai buk niak dail drong / ban daom rouv douk jie mun/ nuh drong gao hav / haoyi buk niak dail drong ban hav/ nuh drong gao ruab douk jie saoj jiret/ haoyi buk niak dail drong ban ruab jie saoj jiret/ nuh drong gao ban daom gaeng lang dai. I. As a grain of wheat, the Lord came to be multiplied, to be reproduced, as a grain of wheat that falls into the ground and dies and then grows up to produce many grains.


I. knong niem jie gruab srouv sa lei muyi gruab / dail tliak jiaoh dev dei haoyi nguab /neng graoyi maok dou lang/ dam bei bang gaet paol jie jiraen / brie ang me jia ban ying maok / dam bei aoyi ban jiaom raen paol plai jie jiraen /tvei lang. II. God becoming man goes through the creation of man and his coming personally to become man—Gen. 1:26, John 1:14: II. brie jie me jia klayi jie me nuh/ daoyi qilang gat ga bong gao bang gaet me nuh/ haoyi ga ying maok rou bao brie ang pdual /ge dam bei klayi jie me nuh nuh aiing: A. For God to become man, first He had to create man; God created man according to His image and likeness; this is the shell. A. jiangm buh brie dam bei klayi jie me nuh/ drong drouv dai bang gaet me nuh / jie mun sen; brie jie me jia /ban bang gaet me nuh dam rub neng pieb / douj rou bao drong; nih ge jie sangm baok. B. In the next step God personally came to be a man; the Lord lived and worked on earth for thirty-three and a half years, and eventually He died on the cross to accomplish redemption; then He was resurrected from the dead to become the life-giving Spirit; it is this One who went through all these processes to accomplish the step for Him to become man that He might make man God. B. nev daom nak gal bang duab/ brie drong pdual ban ying maok /dam bei ban klayi jie me nuh; brie ang me jia ban daom nae ji vet ruoh/ neng tve ga nev le pan dei /aoh rou yek beil sam seb bei qinam gen lah/ haoyi jiang graoyi drong ban sou gut/ nev le qi-e qigang/ dam bei bangm ben sangm raj ga brao luoh; ben duab maok drong ban ruoh/ bi ga sou gut laeng ven/ dam bei klayi jie brie vei nien bdaol ji vet. ni ge ang dail ban qilang gat daom nae ga diang aoh nih / dam bei bangm ben sangm raj daom nak gal/ sangm rab aoyi drong/ klayi jie me nuh brao yaoj aoyi drong /aj tve aoyi me nuh klayi jie brie. III. Man becoming God goes through regeneration, sanctification, renewing, transformation, conformation, and glorification—Rom 8:29-30: III. me nuh klayi jie brie/ daoyi qilang gat ga gaet jie tmei/ ga ngeik ji bao ri saot/ ga gai jie tmei/ ga plah brai/ ga taot jiaom laeng/ neng ga dou dul sei rei la ao: A. God became man through incarnation; man becomes God through transformation. A. brie ban klayi jie me nuh/ dam rou yek ga klayi jie saj qiem/ ri ai me nuh klayi jie brie dam rou yek/ ga plah brai. B. Glorification is the issue of transformation; Christ has been sown into us as the seed of glory, and this seed will grow until it reaches the stage of blossoming, at which time the glory will come out. B. ga dou dul sei rei la ao/ ge jie let dpaol nei ga plah brai; brie geri drouv ban bruh jiul dev knong yeng/douj jie gruab buj nei sei rei la ao/ haoyi gruab buj nih neng lut luah/ rou hout daol vie qin daol /daom nak gal jin pga/ nev beil nuh haoyi / dail sei rei la ao neng leij jin maok. IV. “Flesh He became, the first God-man, / His pleasure that I God may be: /


In life and nature I’m God’s kind, / Though Godhead’s His exclusively. / His attributes my virtues are; / His glorious image shines through me”— New Songs, #151. IV. “brie ang drong gaet maok jie me nuh/ beiak ji vet ni saiy me nuh/ dam bei aoyi me nuh klayi jie brie/ nih jie reng dail kniaom bra tna/ dam bei pan ne ga groub grong aoh gaol/ rou bao drong neng ban sangm raj / brie ang ban jireh reh neng jiaik jiayi / rub ang drong jiul knong klun kniaom/ yeng drouv ban bang gaet bi brie ang klayi jie goun brie ang88888888888/ douj brie ang knong ji vet ni saiyi/ dai men min ta nak douj drong/ jie graom jun sangm daiing aoyi brie ang leij maok knong saj qiem/ jie daom nak nei brie ang dao ruoh/ neng jie goun grao maom brie ang / brie ang drong klayi jie me nuh/ daoyi min brie hare dei/ aoyi me nuh ban klayi jie brie nev knong ji vet/ ni saiy dai men min nev knong ta na rou bao drong/ soum sangm raj goul dav nih knong klun kniaom.”—KH 472.

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Term Seventy-three The Full Ministry of Christ in Three Stages vieg sab/ di / jiet seb bei bao-an ne geij dao ben len /rou bao brie geri/ nev knong bei daom nak gal Abstracts: daok srang bi: Rev. 5:6b Having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. vi vou rou nak/ jiongm buk bram kao bram muyi/ min diang snaiing bram bi neng pneik bram bi…ge jie brie vei nien diang bram bi rou bao brie/ dail drong jiat dev ben le pan dei. The full ministry of Christ includes all the works of Christ’s accomplishments. The three stages of Christ: the stage of incarnation, the stage of inclusion, the stage of intensification, the seven Spirits today are burning, we have to welcome Him to refine, to judge, and to purify us. bao-an ne geij dao ben len /rou bao brie geri/ ge rum ben jiul groub ga diang aoh dail brie geri /bang bangm ben sangm raj; bei daom nak gal rou bao brie geri / ge daom nak gal nei ga klayi jie saj qiem/ daom nak gal nei ga rum ben jiul / daom nak gal nei ga jiaom raen gaom lang. baj-jiu-bang brie vei nien diang bram bi/ ge gangm bong qiaih/ yeng drouv dou dul sva goum aoyi drong bang saot/ vi ni qiaiy/ neng jiongm rieh yeng. Contents: kele mu sa: John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us (and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only Begotten from the Father), full of grace and reality. you han jiongm buk muyi kao daob buen / brie bon dul gao drao laob jie saj qiem /haoyi ban snak nel jie muyi neng yeng rual knie/ yeng rual knie ban ken sei rei la ao drong/ ge jie sei rei la ao nei brie ri jiu baot dra/ dai muyi dail maok bi brie vou bei da/ min ben jie brie gun neng sei ge dei bet. 1 Cor. 15:45b The last Adam became a life-giving Spirit. muyi gou ren touh/ jiongm buk daob bram kao sae seb bram / Adam graoyi bong aoh/ klayi jie brie vei nien bdaol ji vet. Rev. 5:6 And I saw in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures and in the midst of the elders a Lamb standing as having just been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. vi vou rou nak/ jiongm buk bram kao bram muyi/ kniaom grao leik dev ken min goun jie muyi/ dail mel dev douj jie ban sangm rab haoyi/ min diang snaiing bram bi neng pneik bram bi/ gangm bong dai qiu nev gang dal balang/ neng duo min ji vet diang buen/ haoyi nev gang dal buk jiah doum/ diang bong man ai pneik diang nuh /ge jie brie vei nien diang bram bi rou bao brie/ dail drong jiat dev ben le pan dei.


I. The full ministry of Christ includes all the works of Christ’s accomplishments—Heb. 2:14; John 20:22; Rev. 4:5. I. bao-an ne geij dao ben len /rou bao brie geri/ ge rum ben jiul groub ga diang aoh dail brie geri /bang bangm ben sangm raj. II. The three stages of Christ—John 1:14; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Rev. 5:6: II. bei daom nak gal rou bao brie geri: A. The stage of incarnation: Christ was incarnated to be a man; then He lived on this earth for thirty-three and a half years; He died on the cross, and His crucifixion ended His stage of incarnation—John 1:14. A. ge daom nak gal nei ga klayi jie saj qiem: ge brie geri ban klayi jie me nuh/ haoyi ruoh nev pan dei/ aoh sam seb bei qinam gen lah/ ben duab maok drong ban sou gut nev le qi-e qigang/ haoyi ga sou gut nev le qi- e qigang/ ban ben jiaob daom nak gal /nei ga klayi jie saj qiem rou bao drong. B. The stage of inclusion: after His death He resurrected and entered into the stage of inclusion; in this stage Christ is the all-inclusive Spirit—1 Cor. 15:45b. B. daom nak gal nei ga rum ben jiul: ge nev bang duab bi ga sou gut / ruh laeng ven jiul dev knong daom nak gal nei ga rum ben jiul; nev knong daom nak gal nih/ brie geri ge jie brie vei nien rum ben jiul groub diang aoh. C The stage of intensification: Christ has become the sevenfold intensified Spirit to intensify His organic salvation and to produce the overcomers for the consummating of the New Jerusalem—Rev. 5:6. C daom nak gal nei ga jiaom raen gaom lang: ge brie geri ban klayi jie /brie vei nien jiaom raen gaom lang/diang bram bi dong/dam bei jiaom raen gaom lang sei ge dei sang gruh pnaik ji vet/ rou bao drong neng dam bei bang gaet buk niak min jiei jium niah/ sangm rab ga sangm raj jiang graoyi/nei grong ye rou sa lem tmei. III. Today is the day of the seven Spirits; the seven Spirits today are burning to judge, to purify, and to refine with a purpose—4:5: III. baj jiu bang nih / ge jie grie nei brie vei nien diang bram bi; haoyi brie vei nien diang bram bi /gangm bong dai qiai /dam bei vi-ni-qiaiy /jiongm riah/ neng bangt saot /daoyi min goul bangm naoang: A. The more we let the Spirit purify us and refine us, the more He shines through us, and this shining is the testimony of the churches. A. yeng ret dai aoyi brie vei nien / jiongm riah/ neng bangt saot / yeng yang na drong ret dai jiang bong ler/ dam rou ye yeng haoyi bong ler nih/ jie sei ge dei bang dual rou bao grongm jiongm nong. B. This is why we have to open ourselves every day to welcome Him to enter into our being to refine, to judge, to purge, and to purify us. B. haid douj qi nei haoyi /yeng drouv baek klun rou bao yeng/ dou dul sva goum drong/ aoyi drong bangt saot vi-ni-qiaiy/ gangm jiat/ neng jiongm riah yeng ring rual tenaiyi. IV. “‘Seven Spirit’ of our God —Lo, the age has now been turned / To the Spirit with the Son. / For the churches He’s concerned. / Come, O seven Spirits,


come, / Thy recovery work be done! / Burn and search us thoroughly, / All the churches are for Thee. / Burn us, search us, / All the churches are for Thee!”—Hymns, #1122. IV. “tenaiyi nih vei nien rou bao brie/ jie vei nien brie ye su geri/ drong sou gut haoyi ruh laeng ven/ yeng dev gong nev tan wu daom”—KH 196.

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Term Seventy-four The God-man Living vieg sab/ di / jiet seb buen ga daom nae ji vet jie me nuh brie Abstracts: daok srang bi: John 12:24 Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. you han jiongm buk daob bi kao me pei buen/ bra gaot men kniaom brab niak rual knie jie bra gaot ta/ bae gruab srouv tliak jiaoh dev dei men nguab dei/ nuh gao nev dai muyi dao dail/ dai bae nguab ven /nuh gao bang gaet paol jie jiraen laeng. Jesus Christ is the model God-man, the prototype for the producing of many God- men. As God-men, our living must match our status as God-men. brie ye su ge jie bongm gongm ru me nuh brieh/ jie gongm ru daem sangm rab bang gaet me nuh brieh jie jiraen. knong niem jie me nuh brieh/ ga daom nae ji vet rou bao yeng / drouv dai sak saom neng ta nak jie me nuh brieh rou bao yeng. Contents: kele mu sa: John 12:24 Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. you han jiongm buk daob bi kao me pei buen/ bra gaot men kniaom brab niak rual knie jie bra gaot ta/ bae gruab srouv tliak jiaoh dev dei men nguab dei/ nuh gao nev dai muyi dao dail/ dai bae nguab ven /nuh gao bang gaet paol jie jiraen laeng. 1:12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the authority to become children of God, to those who believe into His name. jiongm buk muyi kao daob bi/ bong dai aoh niak na dail dou dul drong /ge aoh niah dail ji-e daol brie niem drong /nuh drong ban brao dien aom naj /aoyi ban drao laob jie goun brie. Gal. 2:20a I am crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. ga la di/ jiongm buk bi kao me pei gao/ kniaom ban jueb qigang/jie muyi neng brie geri; bong dai kniaom ruh nev men mein jie kniaom diet/ ge jie brie geri drong ruh knong kniaom ven. I. Christ was the first God-man; He is also the model God-man, the prototype for the producing of many God-men—John 12:24. I. brie geri ge jie me nuh brie daom bong gei; drong gao jie bongm gongm ru me nuh brieh/ jie gongm ru daem sangm rab bang gaet me nuh brieh jie jiraen pang dai. II. We, the believers in Christ, were all born of God to be His sons; as the sons of God, surely we are God-men—1:12-13: II. yeng dai jie buk niak ji-e knong brie geri/ yeng ban gaet bi brie/ dam bei


klayi jie goun jie jiraen rou bao drong; knong niem jie goun goun rou bao brie/ bra gaot nah yeng ge jie me nuh brie. A. Regardless of our nationality and regardless of whether we are male or female, young or old, we all must believe that we are God-men. A. men kval ta yeng min saj jiet evei/ neng men ta yeng jie brao re srei/ kmeing re jiah gao daoyi / yeng diang aoh knie drouv dai ji-e ta/ yeng jie me nuh brie. B. When we realize that we are God-men, we will say, “Lord, You are the first God- man, and we are the many God-men following You”. B. nev beil dail yeng deng ta/ yeng ge jie me nuh brie/ yeng neng ni yeyi ta, “brie ang me jia e yi/ drong ge jie brie daom bong gei/ haoyi yeng ge jie me nuh brie jie jiraen nev bong duab bi drong”. III. As God-men, our living must match our status as God-men—Col. 1:10; Gal. 2:20: III. knong niem jie me nuh brie/ ga daom nae ji vet rou bao yeng /drouv dai sa saom neng ta nak jie me nuh brie/ rou bao yeng: A. We must learn how to live by God’s life mingling with our human life to make us divine; this makes us not just a Christian but a God-man, one kind with God—v. 20. A. yeng drouv dai rien bi rou bieb ruh nev /daoyi ga lieyi ben jiul ji vet rou bao brie jie muyi/ neng ji vet me nuh rou bao yeng; dam bei tve aoyi yeng klayi jie brie. ga nih men gruan dai tve aoyi yeng / klayi jie gristien bon naoh dei/ bong dai jie me nuh brie /jie brao peit dai muyi neng brie. B. As God-men, we need to live a life not by ourselves but by His divine life, not to express ourselves but to express His divinity in His divine attributes which become our human virtues. B. knong niem jie me nuh brie/ yeng drouv ga ruh jie ji vet muyi / dail men ruh daoyi klun aiing / bong dai ruh daoyi ji vet rou bao drong/ men ruh sangm daiing jin klun aiing / bong dai ruh sangm daiing jin /gun liak kanak rou bao drong/ dail klayi jie gun-ne-toua rou bao me nuh yeng. IV. “No longer I alone that live, / But God together lives with me. / Built with the saints in the Triune God, / His universal house we’ll be, / And His organic Body we, / For His expression corp’rately”—New Songs, #151. IV. “men mein klun kniaom ruh dai me niak aiing/ brie ang neng kniaom ruh jie muyi knie/ jie graom jun dail sangm daiing brie ang/ sang pdia drei aik pnaik sa gaol louk/ klayi jie rub gaiyi dao min ji vet / sangm daiing brie ang/ jie graom jun bet/ klayi jie rub gaiyi dao min ji vet/ sangm daiing brie ang jie graom jun bet.”

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Term Seventy-five The Overcomers vieg sab/ di / jiet seb bram buk niak min jiai jium niah Abstracts: daok srang bi: Rev. 12:11 And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they loved not their soul-life even unto death. vi vou rou nah/ jiongm buk daob bi kao daob muyi/ gei ban qiniah vie/ daoyi sa qiem nei goun jiem/ haoyi daoyi sa sei ge dei bang dual rou bao gei/ gao men ban sdayi ji vet klun dao rab daol slab. Those who are not abnormal during the time of abnormality are the overcomers. They overcame him (1) because of the blood of the Lamb, (2) because of the word of their testimony. The overcomers must frequently proclaim the victory of Christ. aoh niak brao grao dei knong gaom lang beil/ dail men brao grao dei/ ge jie buk niak min jiai jium niah. gei ban qiniah vie (1)daoyi sa qiem nei goun jiem (2) daoyi sa sei ge dei bang dual rou bao gei. buk gei min jiai jium niah /drouv dai brao ga nev jiai jium niah rou bao brie geri/ jie reyi reyi. Contents: kele mu sa: Rev. 2:26 And he who overcomes and he who keeps My works until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations. vi vou rou nah/ jiongm buk bi kao me pei bram muyi/ ai niak na dail qiniah/ haoyi gan dam ga an / dao rab daol jiang bangm paot / nuh an neng aoyi min aom naj le buk sah dao dei. 12:11 And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they loved not their soul-life even unto death. jiongm buk daob bi kao daob muyi/ gei ban qiniah vie/ daoyi sa qiem nei goun jiem/ haoyi daoyi sa sei ge dei bang dual rou bao gei/ gao men ban sdayi ji vet klun dao rab daol slab. I. Due to the church’s degradation, the Lord comes to call the overcomers to replace the church in the accomplishment of God’s economy—Rev. 2:26: I. daoyi sa dai ga tliek jiuh rou bao grongm jiongm noum/ brie ang me jia ban ying maok / dam bei drah hav buk niak min jiai jium niah/ jiongm nuh aoyi grongm jiongm noum/ nev knong ga bangm ben sangm raj pan ne ga groub grong / rou bao brie. A. The overcomers are the normal, ordinary ones; those who are not abnormal during the time of abnormality are the overcomers. A. buk niak min jiai jium niah/ ge tua me da / sa man/ tbet buk niak dail brao grao dei knong angm lang beil dail / men brao grao dei/ ge buk niak min jiai jium niah. B. There is only a group of people left to do that work for the church and to take up the church’s responsibility; this group is the overcomers.


B. min dai me nuh muyi graom bong naoh /dail ban jiak jin dev / dam bei tve ga ngie sangm rab grongm jiongm noum/ neng dou dul youb doum nul kaoh drouv / rou bao grongm jiongm noum. graom nih haoyi ge jie buk niak min jiai jium niah. II. “And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they loved not their soul-life even unto death”—12:11: II. “gei ban qiniah vie/ daoyi sa qiem nei goun jiem/ haoyi daoyi sa sei ge dei bang dual rou bao gei/ gao men ban sdayi ji vet klun dao rab daol slab.” A. They overcame him (1) because of the blood of the Lamb, (2) because of the word of their testimony—v. 11. A. gei ban qiniah vie (1)daoyi sa qiem nei goun jiem (2) daoyi sa sei ge dei bang dual rou bao gei. B. The blood is the basis of victory, and it is the instrument to overcome Satan; he may accuse us, but we can answer that the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanses us from every sin—1 John 1:7. B. qiem ge jie mule tan / nei jiai jium niah/ neng jie oubu gao / dam bei youk qiniah sa dang; sa dang aj jiaot brao gan yeng / bong dai yeng aj qilaoyi daob ta/ brie lou het nei brie ye su geri/ jie brie ri jiu baot dra nei brie/ sangm at yeng rual knie bi groub angm be bab diang aoh. C. The word of testimony is something which must be spoken forth; the overcomers must frequently proclaim the victory of Christ; Satan fears the most when this fact is repeated again and again. C. sei ge dei bong dual ge jie evei/ dai drouv ban ni yeyi jin/ ri ai buk niak min jiai jium niah/ drouv dai brao gah nev / jiai jium niah rou bao brie geri/ jie reyi reyi/ tbet sa dang klaj klang bangm paot /nev beil dail haid ga nih gaet lang / me dong haoyi me dong diet. III. “Will you be an overcomer? / Christ is calling now! / Will you then be such a follower, / Though you know not how? / Will you be an overcomer? / Will you make this choice? / Christ is calling, Christ is calling, / Listen to His voice!”—Hymn, #894. III. “niak jiang klayi jie niak qiniah re dei? brie geri drah hav niak/ drouv dae dam drong et beil dongm nei/ longm bak gao men rei/ niak jiang klayi jie niak qiniah re dei/ aoyi drong saob brie dei/ brie geri drah hav niak maok jie tmei/ aoyi ban mouk gaot sei rei.” —KH 647.

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Term Seventy-six The Reality of the Body of Christ vieg sab/ di / jiet seb bram muyi sa pieb bet nei rub gaiyi brie geri Abstracts: daok srang bi: John 16:13a But when He, the Spirit of reality, comes, He will guide you into all the reality. you han jiongm buk daob bram muyi kao daob bei gao/ ga na brie ang nuh / ge jie brie vei nien nei sei ge dei bet/ ban maok daol nuh drong nuam niak rual knie/ jiul knong groub diang sei ge dei bet. The reality of the Body of Christ is a kind of corporate living. This corporate living is the aggregate of many saints who are genuine men but are not living by their life but by the life of the processed God. sa pieb bet nei rub gaiyi brie geri/ ge jie brao peit ga ruh nev jie graom jun. ga ruh nev jie graom jun nih/ ge jie ga brao moul pdoum knie/ nei buk bao ri saot/ dail jie me nuh dao jiek liak / bong dai buk gei men ruh nev dam ji vet rou bao klun aiing nuh dei/ dai ruh daoyi ji vet rou bao brie / dail ban qilang gat daom nak gal. Contents: kele mu sa: John 16:13a But when He, the Spirit of reality, comes, He will guide you into all the reality. you han jiongm buk daob bram muyi kao daob bei gao/ ga na brie ang nuh / ge jie brie vei nien nei sei ge dei bet/ ban maok daol nuh drong nuam niak rual knie/ jiul knong groub diang sei ge dei bet. Gal. 2:20a I am crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. ga la di/ jiongm buk bi kao me pei gao/ kniaom ban jueb qigang/jie muyi neng brie geri; bong dai kniaom ruh nev men mein jie kniaom diet/ ge jie brie geri drong ruh knong kniaom ven. Phil. 3:10 To know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death. pilip jiongm buk bei kao daob/ dam bei aoyi kniaom sgual drong/ neng jiei sda nei daom nae/ dail drong ruh laeng ven/ haoyi neng sei ge dei brao gaob/ knong ga rong douk rou bao drong/ broum diang drao laob dev douj jie /drong knong sei ge dei slab pang. I. The reality of the Body of Christ is the corporate living by the perfected God-men—John 16:13; Gal. 2:20: I. sa pieb bet nei rub gaiyi brie geri/ ge jie ga ruh nev jie graom jun/ dam rou yek me nuh brie dail et kjiaoh: A. Who are genuine men but are not living by their life but by the life of the processed God, whose attributes have been expressed through their virtues. A. niak dail jie me nuh dao jiek liak/ ge men ruh nev dam ji vet rou bao 198

klun aiing laoyi/ dai ruh dam ji vet rou bao brie / dail ban qilang gat daom nak gal. dail groub gun liak kanak rou bao drong / drouv ban sangm daiing jin / dam rou yek gun nev tua rou bao buk gei. B. “I am crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me”—v. 20. B. “kniaom ban jueb qigang/jie muyi neng brie geri; bong dai kniaom ruh nev men mein jie kniaom diet/ ge jie brie geri drong ruh knong kniaom ven.” II. The reality of the Body of Christ is a corporate living of the conformity to the death of Christ through the power of the resurrection of Christ—Phil. 3:10: II. sa pieb bet nei rub gaiyi brie geri/ ge jie ga ruh nev jie graom jun/ nei ga drao laob dev douj jie brie geri/ knong sei ge dei slab/ dam rou yek brie jiei sda /nei daom nae dail brie geri ruh laeng ven: A. Paul lived a life conformed to the death of Christ; his old life was conformed to the image of the death of Christ by the power of Christ’s resurrection; the power of resurrection strengthened him to live the life of a God-man. A. Baol ban ruh nev knong ji vet dail drao laob /dev douj jie brie geri knong sei ge dei slab; ji vet jiah rou bao guat / ban drao laob douj jie / rub pieb rou bao brie geri knong sei ge dei slab/ dam rou yek brie jiei sda/ dail brie geri ruh laeng ven; brie jiei sda nei ga ruh laeng ven/ ban jiaom raen gaom lang guat/ aoyi ruh nev daoyi ji vet me nuh brie. B. Our being crucified is not by our natural life or natural strength but by Christ’s power of resurrection. B. klun yeng ban jiaob qigang/ ge men mein daoyi ji vet tua me jiet/ re gaom lang tua me jiet/ bong dai daoyi brie jiei sda nei daom nae dail brie geri ruh laeng ven. III. When we live in the mingled spirit, we will be able to live out the Body of Christ and become His corporate expression—1 Cor. 6:17. III. nev beil dail yeng ruh nev knong vei nien/ dail ban lieyi ben jiul/ yeng neng aj ruh sangm daiing jin rub gaiyi brie geri/ neng klayi jie ga sangm daiing jin /jie graom jun rou bao drong. IV. “God of glory, we bow the knee, / Grant us today, / Spir’t of wisdom, revelation, / The mystery to see, / I’d outpour all my life for Thine economy, / Just for Thine eternal pleasure, / The Body of Christ, / In my mingled spirit lead me, / To the Body’s reality, / In Thine intensification, / Make us the testimony of Jesus, / O Lord! For this we yearn! / Quickly come, as once Thou promised! / Lord, our deepest longing, / Is Thy return!”—New Songs, #211. IV. “soum gaom douk aoyi kniaom aik ga/ nuam kniaom gao sang jie muyi knie/ groub yang soum dam gongm rong ga / brao gaob rongm knie yang reng muam / knong baot bi saot pnaik vei nien/ men aom nut bruh angm naoj dien/ groub yang min dam bei gao sang/ sangm daiing sei rei drong jiraen lang/ groub yang min dam bei gao sang/ sangm daiing sei rei drong jiraen lang/.”—KH 604.


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Term Seventy-seven The New Jerusalem vieg sab/ di / jiet seb bram bi ye rou sa lem tmei Abstracts: daok srang bi: Rev. 21:2 And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. vi vou rou nak/ jiongm buk me pei muyi kao bi/ haoyi you han kniaom / gao ken di grang dao bao ri saot/ ge jie grang ye rou sa lem tmei/ jiaoh bi tan sue maok aom bi brie / dak daiing douj jie brao boun/ tmaoang tmei daiing klun dou dul pdei. The New Jerusalem is not a physical city but is a universal couple. The consummation of God’s organic salvation is the New Jerusalem. We need to be saved organically to become the New Jerusalem. ye rou sa lem tmei / men mein jie di grang kang pnaik sangm pie riak nuh dei. dai jie gu sva mei pia riye nev knong sa gaol louk/ ga bangm ben sangm raj/ nei sei ge dei sang gruh/ pnaik ji vet rou bao brie/ ge jie ye rou sa lem tmei. yeng drouv ga ban sang gruh kang pnaik ji vet. dam bei klayi jie ye rou sa lem tmei. Contents: kele mu sa: Rev. 21:2 And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. vi vou rou nak/ jiongm buk me pei muyi kao bi/ haoyi you han kniaom / gao ken di grang dao bao ri saot/ ge jie grang ye rou sa lem tmei/ jiaoh bi tan sue maok aom bi brie / dak daiing douj jie brao boun/ tmaoang tmei daiing klun dou dul pdei. 9b I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb. kao bram buen / kniaom neng bang han/ aoyi niak ken brao bong tmaoang tmei / jie pia riye rou bao goun jiem. 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come! And let him who hears say, Come! And let him who is thirsty come. jiongm buk me pei bi kao daob bram bi/ brie vei nien neng brao bong tmaoang tmei boul ta / en jien maok. haoyi niak na dail le gao ta/ en jien maok dai/ niak na dail sreik/ nuh min dai maok. I. The New Jerusalem is not a physical city—Rev. 21:2: I. ye rou sa lem tmei / men mein jie di grang kang pnaik sangm pie riak nuh dei. A. Revelation is a book of signs; every number in the book of Revelation is a sign; the lampstands are signs; the Lamb who was slain is a sign. A. xi-ou paov vi vou rou nak/ ge jie xi-ou paov nei di sangm gual; groub leik diang aoh nev knong xi-ou paov vi vou rou nak/ ge jie di sangm gual; jing jiang geiing ge jie di sangm gual; goun jiem dai drouv ban/ 201

sangm rab ge jie di sangm gual. B. The New Jerusalem, the holy city, is twelve thousand stadia in three dimensions, which is about thirteen hundred and fifty miles; if this is a real city to lodge in, how all God’s redeemed throughout all the centuries will be able to lodge in a city with only one main spiral street? B. grang ye rou sa lem tmei/ dail jie di grang bao ri saot/ ge min bi baoan buen raoyi gei lou mait. knong bei knat / dail min jiaogm ngaiy brao hail muyi baoan bei raoyi haseb mai. brao sen bae grang ye rou sa lem tmei nih/ ge jie di grang bet / dam bei snak nev men / dae groub diang aoh dail brie ban braoh luoh/ du diang groub sade vuat/ neng aj snak nev knong di grang muyi / dail min drem dai plouv vong ving gut kjiaoang / toum muyi nih/ ban daoyi rou bieb na dev? II. The New Jerusalem is a universal couple—“a loving pair eternally”—the consummation of the divine romance—22:17: II. ye rou sa lem tmei/ge jie gu sva mei pia riye nev knong sa gaol louk/ jie “gu snai muyi gu dao aoh gaol jie neij” dail jie ga baom ben sangm raj nei gdei snai dao sak set: A. Revelation 21:2 tells us that the New Jerusalem is prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. A. vi vou rou nak/ jiongm buk me pei muyi kao bi/ brab yeng ta/ grang ye rou sa lem tmei/ drouv ban dak daiing douj jie brao boun/ tmaoang tmei daiing klun dou dul pdei. B. 21:17 tells us that Christ and His wife will be joined together to be the New Jerusalem for God’s expression. B. jiongm buk me pei muyi kao daob bram bi / brab yeng ta/ brie geri neng pia riye rou bao drong/ neng rum knie klayi jie grang ye rou sa lem tmei/ sangm rab ga sangm daiing jien rou bao brie. III. We need to be saved organically to become the New Jerusalem—21:2: III. yeng drouv ban sang gruh / kang pnaik ji vet / dam bei klayi jie grang ye rou sa lem tmei: A. We are sanctified by participating in God’s nature to become as holy as the holy city. A. yeng drouv ban niak jin jie bao ri saot / daoyi ga rum jiaom naik nev knong ni saiyi rou bao brie / dam bei klayi jie bao ri saot/ aoyi douj jie di grang bao ri saot. B. We are renewed by participating in God’s mind to become as new as the New Jerusalem. B. yeng drouv ban gai jie tmei /daoyi ga rum jiaom naik nev knong gongm net rou bao brie/ dam bei klayi jie pieb srah tmei / aoyi douj jie grang ye rou sa lem tmei. C. We are glorified by participating in God’s glory to be completely permeated with the glory of the New Jerusalem—Rom. 8:21. C. yeng drouv ban daom gaeng lang / daoyi ga rum jiaom naik nev knong sei rei la ao rou bao brie/ dam bei ban jirieb jiul diang srang daoyi sei rei la ao/ nei grang ye rou sa lem tmei.


IV. “O Lord Jesus, Thy redeemed ones, / Are Thy Body and Thy Bride; / As Thy fulness, Thine expression, / In her Thou art glorified. / Thou, her all in all forever, / She Thy riches doth declare; / Thou dost fully saturate her, / And Thy glory with her share. / Lo, the holy city, / Full of God’s bright glory! / It is God’s complete expression, / In humanity”—Hymns, #976. IV. “brie ang drah hav yeng nev di nih/ dam bei pan na ga aoh gaol nei brie/ nih jie goul dav nei ji vet yeng/ ge jie dain nei ji vet yeng/ brie drei aik drong klayi maok jie me nuh/ dam bei me nuh plah brai klayi jie brie/ jiaoab qigang ruh laeng / jie brie vei nien / nev knong vei nien jie jiaom naik yeng/ nih met pan na ga aoh gaol rou bao brie/ gangm naot dev dav groub pnaik rou bao yeng/ bangm pler yeng neng vei nien yeng pler jiang reng muam lang / jiang lang douj rub pieb rou bao brie geri/ jie sdaj nev knong ji vet ye rou sa lem tmei ha lei lu ya.”

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Term Seventy-eight The Great Mystery—Christ and the Church vieg sab/ di / jiet seb bram bei sei ge dei at gangm bang aoh jiah/ brie geri neng grongm jiongm noum Abstracts: daok srang bi: Eph. 5:31-32 For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined to his wife, and the two shall be one flesh. This mystery is great, but I speak with regard to Christ and the church. ei pei sou jiongm buk bram kao sam seb muyi daol kao sam seb bi/ daoyi haid nuh ban jie me nuh braoh/ neng lie jin bi ev bouk medai /dev nev jiaob neng brao boun / haoyi niak diang bi nuh neng drao laob jie saj dai muyi ven/ sei ge dei at gangm bang nih jirouv nah/ dai kniaom ni yeyi kang ai/ brie geri neng buk jiongm noum ven. Christ is God’s mystery; the mystery of Christ, which is the church; the fact that Christ and the church are one spirit, as typified by the husband and wife being one flesh, is the great mystery. brie geri ge jie sei ge dei at gangm bang rou bao brie; sei ge dei at gangm bang rou bao brie geri/ ge jie grongm jiongm noum; ga bet brie geri haoyi neng grongm jiongm noum/ ge jie vei nien dai muyi / ni met derub bi pdei; ai brao boun dail ban drao laob /jie saj dai muyi nih/ jie sei ge dei at gangm bang dao aoh jiah. Contents: kele mu sa: Eph. 5:32 This mystery is great, but I speak with regard to Christ and the church. ei pei sou jiongm buk bram kao sam seb bi/ sei ge dei at gangm bang nih jirouv nah/ dai kniaom ni yeyi kang ai/ brie geri neng buk jiongm noum ven. Col. 2:2b Unto the full knowledge of the mystery of God, Christ, gou louh jiongm buk bi kao bi / dam bei aoyi ban sgual sei ge dei at gangm bang/ nei brie yang ben len / ge jie brie geri. Eph. 3:4-6a By which, in reading it, you can perceive my understanding in the mystery of Christ, … That in Christ Jesus the Gentiles … and fellow members of the Body. ei pei sou jiongm buk bei kao buen daol kao bram muyi/ ga na niak rual knie/ mel sangm baot nuh / nuh neng aj youl bi jiaom naih kniaom/ kang ai ga at gangm bang rou bao brie geri ban… ge dail buk sah dao dei /ban drao laob jie niak grong mou rou daok jie muyi knie/ neng jie rub gaiyi jie muyi knie/ jie muyi knie knong brie geri dai. I. In Ephesians 5:32 Paul says, “This mystery is great, but I speak with regard to Christ and the church”; the first couple in the Bible, Adam and Eve, present a significant and complete picture of Christ and the church— Gen. 2:24; Eph. 5:31: I. nev knong ei pei sou jiongm buk bram kao sam seb bi/ sa veiak Baol ban 204

ni yeyi ta/ “sei ge dei at gangm bang nih jirouv nah/ dai kniaom ni yeyi kang ai/ brie geri neng buk jiongm noum ven”; sva mei neng pia riye daom bong gei nev knong brie gongm bi / ge Adam neng Eiva/ jie ni met derub yang ben len / bong han bi / brie geri neng grongm jiongm noum: A. Genesis 2:24 indicates that a man and his wife are one flesh. A. louk gou bat jiongm buk bi kao me pei buen/ ban bong han ta /bou raoh neng brao boun rou bao guat/ ban drao laob jie saj dai muyi. B. Adam and Eve became one flesh, but Christ and the church are one spirit—1 Cor. 6:17. B. Adam neng Eiva/ ban drao laob jie saj dai muyi/ bong dai brie geri neng grongm jiongm noum/ ban drao laob jie vei nien dai muyi. C. The fact that Christ and the church are one spirit, as typified by the husband and wife being one flesh, is the great mystery—v.17; Eph. 5:31-32. C. ga bet brie geri neng grongm jiongm noum/ jie vei nien dai muyi / jie ni met derub bi pdei neng brao boun dail ban drao laob /jie saj dai muyi /nih jie sei ge dei at gangm bang aoh jiah. II. In Colossians 2:2 Paul speaks of the mystery of God, which is Christ; and in Ephesians 3:4, of the mystery of Christ, which is the church: II. nev knong gou louh jiongm buk bi kao bi / sa veiak Baol ban ni yeyi ta/ sei ge dei at gangm bang rou bao brie nuh/ ge jie brie geri/ haoyi nev ei pei sou jiongm buk bei kao buen / brab ta/ sei ge dei at gangm bang/ rou bao brie/ ge jie grongm jiongm noum: A. Christ is God’s mystery; in Himself God is a mystery; this mysterious God is embodied in Christ; hence, Christ is the mystery of God—Col. 2:2-3. A. brie geri ge jie sei ge dei at gangm bang rou bao brie; knong brie jie me jia drong pdual / ge at gangm bang/ haoyi sei ge dei at gangm bang rou bao brie nih/ ge jie ga brai sa pieb / nev knong brie geri/ douj qi nei haoyi brie geri ge jie sei ge dei at gangm bang rou bao brie. B. Christ, who is the mystery of God, brings forth the church, the mystery of Christ; the church is a mystery because Christ in us is a mystery; as the Body of Christ, the church is the expression of Christ—Eph. 1:23; 3:3-6. B. brie geri dail jie sei ge dei at gangm bang rou bao brie/ gangm bong bang gaet grongm jiongm noum jin maok/ dail jie sei ge dei at gangm bang rou bao brie geri; grongm jiongm noum ge at gangm bang/ bi bruoh dai brie geri nev knong yeng / ge at gangm bang/ jie rub gaiyi brie geri/ grongm jiongm noum ge jie ga sangm daiing jin nei brie geri. III. “Oh, the church of Christ is glorious, / and we are part of it / We’re so happy that the Lord has made us one! / There’s a Body in the universe and we belong to it / Hallelujah, for the Lord has made us one! / Hallelujah for the Body! / We are members of the Body! / We are wholly for the Body! / Hallelujah, for the Lord has made us one!”—Hymns, #1226. III. “grongm jiongm noum brie geri min sei rei / yeng gao rum min jiaom naik dai/ yeng rik rieyi klayi jie dai muyi/ drouv ban plah brai min rub gaiyi muyi le sa gaol louk/ haoyi yeng min jie rou bao rub gaiyi/ ha lei lu ya / drong aoyi yeng klayi jie dai muyi/ ha lei lu ya sangm rab rub gaiyi / yeng


jie a veiak you veiak rub gaiyi/ yeng rual knie ruoh sangm rab rub gaiyi/ ha lei lu ya / drong aoyi yeng klayi jie dai muyi.”

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Term Seven-nine The Seven Stages of the Church vieg sab/ di / jiet seb bram buen bram bi daom nak gal / rou bao grongm jiongm noum Abstracts: daok srang bi: Rev. 1:4a John to the seven churches which are in Asia. vi vou rou nak/ jiongm buk muyi kao buen gao/ sangm baot you han kniaom / pniae maok buk jiongm noum diang bram bi nev sraok A xi. The seven churches in Asia, symbolize the seven kinds of churches in church history: the initial church, the suffering church, the worldly church, the apostate church, the reformed church, the recovered church, and the degraded recovered church. grongm jiongm noum diang bram bi/ nev sraok A xi/ jie ni met derub / bi grongm jiongm noum bram bi / brao peit/ dail min nev knong brao vuat- desah grongm jiongm noum/ douj jie grongm jiongm noum daem daom bong / grongm jiongm noum dail rong douk veid-nie/ grongm jiongm noum kang louk gei / grongm jiongm noum dail rie taoy / grongm jiongm noum dail ban tve gaom nai dongm rong/ grongm jiongm noum dail ban sda laeng ven/ neng grongm jiongm noum dail ban sda laeng ven drouv ban tliek jiaoh. Contents: Rev. 1:4 John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from Him who is and who was and who is coming, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne. vi vou rou nak/ jiongm buk muyi kao buen / sangm baot you han kniaom / pniae maok buk jiongm noum diang bram bi nev sraok A xi. soum aoyi niak rual knie / ban brao gaob daoyi brie gun/ neng sei ge dei saok san / angm bi brie dao gong nev / gao gong nev dang dai bi yang bi daem/ haoyi drouv ying maok diet/ neng angm bi brie vei nien diang bram bi/ dail nev jiangm buh ba lang drong. I. The seven churches in Asia, being actual local churches, signify prophetically the seven stages which the church has gone through and will go through until the Lord’s coming back—Rev. 1:4; 2:1, 8, 12, 18; 3:1, 7, 14: I. grongm jiongm noum diang bram bi/ nev sraok A xi/ dam bet dev jie grongm jiongm noum daom bang/ jie ni met derub dail ban dieyi /douk nev knong daom nak gal / diang bram bi / dail grongm jiongm noum / ban qilang gat / haoyi neng drouv qilang gat / rou hout daol ga ying drao laob maok ven/ rou bao brie ang me jiah: A. The first epistle, to the church in Ephesus, affords a picture of the church at the end of the first stage, during the last part of the first century—2:1-7. A. sangm baot di muyi / dail sao sei pniae dev gan grongm jiongm noum/ nev grang Ei pei sou/ bong han bi rub pieb rou bao grongm jiongm noum/ dail nev jiang bangm paot/ nei daom nak gal di muyi / knong 207

aom lang pnaik jiang graoyi nei sad-vuat di muyi. B. The second epistle, to the church in Smyrna, prefigures the suffering church under the persecution of the Roman Empire, from the last part of the first century to the early part of the fourth century, when Constantine the Great brought the church into imperial favor—vv. 8-11. B. sangm baot di bi/ dail sao sei pniae dev gan grongm jiongm noum/ nev grang Sme na/jie ni met derub bi grongm jiongm noum / dail rong douk veid-nie nev graom / ga tve douk bouk mu-nen/ bi jiak grao poub Roum ang/ daoyi jiab dang bi pnaik jiang graoyi nei sad-vuat di muyi/ rou hout daol daem pnaik nei sad-vuat di buen/ nev beil dail a tie lieyi Constantine dao aoh jiah/ ban nuam youk sa-sna gristien / tve jie sa- sna brao jiam jiet. C. The third epistle, to the church in Pergamos, pre-symbolizes the worldly church, the church married to the world, from the time Constantine accepted Christianity to the time the papal system was established in the latter part of the sixth century—vv. 12-17. C. sangm baot di bei/ dail sao sei pniae dev gan grongm jiongm noum/ nev grang Ber ga maoh/ jie ni met derub bi grongm jiongm noum / kang louk gei / grongm jiongm noum dail ban rieb ga neng louk gei/ daoyi jiab dang bi beil dail a tie lieyi Constantine / ban dou dul youk sa-sna gristien/ rou hout daol grie/dail brao baoan sang baba/ drouv ban dang lang nev jiang graoyi nei sad-vuat di bram muyi. D. The epistle to the church in Thyatira depicts prophetically the apostate church, from the ordination of the papal system in the latter part of the sixth century to the end of this age, when Christ comes back—vv. 18-29. D. sangm baot di buen/ dail sao sei pniae dev gan grongm jiongm noum/ nev grang Tie dei ra/ bi bao-ne-nie bi grongm jiongm noum /dail rie taoyi/ daoyi jiab daem dang bi nev / jiang graoyi nei sad-vuat di bram muyi/ rou hout daol brao baoan sang baba/ dail ban dang lang / daol di ben jiaob nei youk sa mai nih/ nev beil dail brie geri drong ying drao laob maok ven. E. The fifth epistle, to the church in Sardis, prefigures the Protestant church, from the Reformation in the early part of the sixteenth century to Christ’s coming back—3:1-6. E. sangm baot di bram/ dail sao sei pniae dev gan grongm jiongm noum/ nev grang Sedeih/ ni met derub bi grongm jiongm noum /brou dei sdong / daoyi jiab bi ga gaet gangm nai dongm rong nev daem/ sad-vuat di dao bram muyi/ rou hout daol ga ying drao laob maok ven rou bao brie geri. F. The sixth epistle, to the church in Philadelphia, predicts the church of brotherly love, the recovery of the proper church life, from the early part of the nineteenth century, when the brothers were raised up in England, to the second appearing of the Lord—vv. 7-13. F. sangm baot di bram muyi/ dail sao sei pniae dev gan grongm jiongm noum/ nev grang Pila delpia/ ban dieyi bi grongm jiongm noum/dail


min bang bu-on srao lan knie dev ven dev maok / dail jie ga sda laeng ven nei ji vet/ grongm jiongm noum dao drem drouv/daoyi jiab bi daem sad-vuat di daob bram buen/ nev beil dail buk bang bu-on diang lai /nev knong brao deih ang klais/ ban graok qiu lang / rou hout daol ga leij jin/ jie lek di bi rou bao brie ang me jia. G. The seventh epistle, to the church in Laodicea, foreshadows the degraded church life of the brothers in the nineteenth century, from the latter part of the nineteenth century until the Lord’s return—vv. 14-22. G. sangm baot di bram bi/ dail sao sei pniae dev gan grongm jiongm noum/ nev grang Lae di sei/ bong han bi ji vet grongm jiongm noum nev bong duab bi buk bang bu-on ban tliek jiaoh/ nev knong sad-vuat di daob bram buen/ daoyi jiab bi pnaik jiang graoyi /nei sad-vuat di daob bram buen/ rou hout daol brie ang me jia ying maok. II. “Praise the Lord! Philadelphia: / They hold fast to God’s Word, / Never denying His name, / Living in the local church, / Fellowshipping universally / On the ground of genuine oneness, / Constituting the Body of Christ”—New Songs, The church is the building up. II. “brie ang kniaom srao lan daom nak drong/ ge grongm jiongm noum wu daom/ brie dei brie srao lan yang klang/ kniaom ban di beng bongm niak.”—KH 616.

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Term Eighty The Lord’s Recovery vieg sab/ di /bait seb ga sda laeng ven rou bao brie ang me jiah Abstracts daok srang bi: Matt. 19:8 He said to them, Moses, because of your hardness of heart, allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it has not been so. ma tai jiongm buk dao bram buen kao bram bei/ drong gao min brie bon dul daob ta/ ban jie louk Mousei/ a nu niat aoyi niak rual knie/ leiing brao boun dev/ ge daoyi bruh dai jiet niak rual knie/ reng rou beng bong naoh / dai bi daem maok men mein douj qinaoh dei. Recovery means that something was there originally yet it become lost. Now it must be recovered. The Lord’s recovery is the recovery of three main items: Christ as our all in all, the oneness of the Body of Christ, the function of all the members of the Body of Christ. ga sda laeng ven min nei ta / ga sda evei muyi dail ban bat bang / aoyi min nev douj daem. ei louv nih vie drouv ban sda laeng ven. ga sda laeng ven rou bao brie ang me jiah/ ge jie ga sda laeng ven nev reng rav sangm kan sangm kan bei yang: brie geri jie groub diang aoh knong diang aoh daol yeng. pieb dai muyi nei rub gaiyi brie grie/ mouk ngie rou bao kniaom / a veiak you veiak diang aoh nei rub gaiyi brie geri. Contents: kele mu sa: Matt. 19:8 He said to them, Moses, because of your hardness of heart, allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it has not been so. ma tai jiongm buk dao bram buen kao bram bei/ drong gao min brie bon dul daob ta/ ban jie louk Mousei/ a nu niat aoyi niak rual knie/ leiing brao boun dev/ ge daoyi bruh dai jiet niak rual knie/ reng rou beng bong naoh / dai bi daem maok men mein douj qinaoh dei. I. The Lord’s recovery is the recovery of the divine truths as revealed in the Holy/ Scriptures—Matt. 19:8: I. ga sda laeng ven rou bao brie ang me jiah/ ge jie ga sda laeng ven nev sei ge dei bet rou bao brie/ douj ban baek sangm daiing nev knong baot gongm bi bao ri saot: A. Recovery means that something was there originally yet it become lost; now it must be recovered—v. 8. A. ga sda laeng ven min nei ta / ga sda evei muyi dail tluob min srab diang bi daem/ dai vie ban bat bang / ei louv nih vie drouv ban sda laeng ven. B. The Bible is a book of books because it is in this book that we can see all the divine truth; the truth is revealed in the scriptures have been lost, missed, misunderstood, misinterpreted, and wrongly taught throughout the ages; hence there is need of the Lord’s recovery—v. 8; 1 John. 1:1. B. brie gongm bi/ ge jie xi-ou paov muyi kbal knong jiangm naom xi-ou paov jie jiraen/ bi bruh brie gongm bi min nev knong xi-ou paov nih 210

haoyi/ deb yeng aj mel ken rual aoh diang sei ge dei bet/ rou bao brie/ sei ge dei bet /drouv ban baek sangm daiing nev knong baot gongm bi/ dail ban bat bang kvah jiang laoh/ min ga youl jirao laom /min ga baok srayi kaoh/ neng drouv ban bong rien kaoh/ du diang groub jium nuan; douj qi nei haoyi deb drouv ga/ ga sda laeng ven rou bao brie ang me jiah. II. The Lord’s recovery is the recovery of three main items—Col. 3:11; Rom. 12:4-5: II. ga sda laeng ven rou bao brie ang me jiah/ ge jie ga sda laeng ven nev reng rav sangm kan sangm kan bei yang: A. The Lord’s recovery is the recovery of Christ as our all in all; He is the center, and He is also the circumference; we care only for Christ—Col. 3:11. A. ga sda laeng ven rou bao brie ang me jiah/ ge jie ga sda laeng ven nev brie geri jie groub diang aoh knong diang aoh daol yeng; drong ge jie jiangm naoj gang dal / haoyi drong gao jie bari-ven/ kang graov dail boad jiong ven pang dai; yeng youk jiet douk da /jiangm buh dai brie geri bong naoh. B. The Lord’s recovery is the recovery of the oneness of the Body of Christ; the Lord’s recovery is testifying that regardless of differing races, cultures, or levels of education, all Christians should be one; this is clearly revealed in the New Testament—Rom. 12:5. B. ga sda laeng ven rou bao brie ang me jiah/ ge jie ga sda laeng ven nev pieb dai muyi nei rub gaiyi brie grie; ga sda laeng ven rou bao brie ang me jiah/ gangm bong dai tve bong dual/ daoyi men get bi buj sah/ vebetoua/ re gaom ret nei ga /aob rongm pseiing knie laoyi/ ge gristien grub rub / guo dai jie dai muyi; nih drouv ban baek sangm daiing yang qibah nev knong gongm bi san nia tmei. C. Third, the Lord’s recovery is the recovery of the function of all the members of the Body of Christ; the Lord desires that every member of His Body be a functioning member—v. 4. C. di bei, ga sda laeng ven rou bao brie ang me jiah/ge ga sda laeng ven nev mouk ngie brae ga rou bao / a veiak you veiak diang aoh nei rub gaiyi brie geri. brie ang me jia saob brie hare dei / aoyi groub a veiak you veiak nei rub gaiyi rou bao drong/ klayi jie a veiak you veiak dail min mouk ngie brae ga. III. “We are for the Lord’s recovery, / To our hearts so dear; / When we exercise our spirit, / Our vision is so clear. / Babylon the Great is fallen, / Satan is cast down, / And the local church is builded / On the local ground. / We are for the Lord’s, / We are for the Lord’s, / We are for the Lord’s recovery! / We are for the Lord’s, / We are for the Lord’s, / We are for the Lord’s recovery!”— Hymns, #1255. III. “yeng dev mouk dam bei grongm jiongm noum/ brie geri sda laeng ven / rien brae vei nien daoyi men run-nie-rie/ ni met bra gaot qibah / Babiloun neng drouv ban bangm plan / sa dang drouv vi nieh/ ye rou sa lem jiaoh bi sue geiye/ ben daoyi sei rei la ao. yeng dam bei brie geri/ yeng dam bei


brie geri/ dam bei grongm jiongm noum sda laeng ven. yeng dam bei brie geri/ yeng dam bei brie geri/ dam bei grongm jiongm noum sda laeng ven.”

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Term Eighty-one What Are We vieg sab/ di /bait seb muyi yeng jie evei Abstracts: daok srang bi 2 Pet. 1:12 Therefore I will be ready always to remind you concerning these things, even though you know them and have been established in the present truth. bi bei drouh/ jiongm buk muyi kao daob bi/ douj qi nei kniaom brong brieb/neng rongm lek/ daol niak rual knie angm bi sei ge dei diang nih jie neij/ duh bei niak rual knie sgual neng ban dang kjiaoab kjun / knong sei ge dei bet/ dail min haoyi gao daoyi. As the church, we are here to do nothing else but minister Christ to others. Our work is to sound out the call to God’s children to return to God’s central purpose, to take Christ as the center of all things, and to take His death, resurrection, and ascension as the basis of everything. knong niem jie grongm jiongm nongm/ yeng nev di nih men tve evei diang aoh/ dai jiaik jiayi brie geri daol niak dao dei. ga ngie rou bao yeng / ge ga bang ler sangm leiing/ angm biu niu hav goun goun rou bao brie/ aoyi drao laob maok rouk / goul bangm naoang sangm kan rou bao brie ven, dam bei youk brie geri tve jie jiangm naoj gang dal / nei evei evei diang aoh/ haoyi youk ga sou gut / ga ruh laeng ven/ neng ga ying dev tan dao kbuoh rou bao drong / tve jie mule tan/nei grub evei evei diang aoh. Contents: kele mu sa: 2 Pet. 1:12 Therefore I will be ready always to remind you concerning these things, even though you know them and have been established in the present truth. bi bei drouh/ jiongm buk muyi kao daob bi/ douj qi nei kniaom brong brieb/neng rongm lek/ daol niak rual knie angm bi sei ge dei diang nih jie neij/ duh bei niak rual knie sgual neng ban dang kjiaoab kjun / knong sei ge dei bet/ dail min haoyi gao daoyi. Col. 1:18 And He is the Head of the Body, the church; He is the beginning, the Firstborn from the dead, that He Himself might have the first place in all things; gou louh jiongm buk muyi kao daob bram bei/ drong jie sei re-sa rub gaiyi ge jie buok jiongm nongm / brie ang jie daem gao ban ruh bi slab laeng ven /moun gei bang aoh/ dam bei aoyi drong ban jie brao tian knong groub diang aoh. I. In past generations God revealed different truths; this truth became the “present truth” in that age—2 Pet. 1:12: I. nev jium nuam mun / brie ban bang han sei ge dei bet kaoh kaoh knie; sei ge dei bet nih ban klayi jie “sei ge dei bet bajiu-bang” nev knong youk sa mai nuh.


A. All the past truths of God form the foundation of the truths today; what we see today are the cumulative revelations of God. A. rual sei ge dei bet rou bao brie bi mun/ ban bang gaet jie gre nei sei ge dei bet/ knong beil saob tenaiyi nih; evei dail yeng mel ken saob tenaiyi nih / ge jie ga baok sangm daiing taim diet rou bao brie jie me jiah. B. God desires to see Christ have the first place in all things; the basis of everything is the death, the resurrection, and the ascension of Christ; other than Christ, there is no spiritual reality; this is God’s “present truth”— Col. 1:18. B. brie min brie dei jiang ken brie geri/jie di muyi nev knong groub ga diang aoh; mule tan nei groub diang aoh / ge ga sou gut/ ga ruh laeng ven/ neng ga yeng dev tan dao kbuoh rou bao brie geri; grav bi brie geri / kmin sa pieb bet kang vei nien dei/ nih ge jie “sei ge dei bet bajiu- bang” rou bao brie. II. As the church, we are here to do nothing else but minister Christ to others; our work is to sound out the call to God’s children to return to God’s central purpose, to take Christ as the center of all things, and to take His death, resurrection, and ascension as the basis of everything—1 Tim. 3:15; Col. 1:18: II. knong niem jie grongm jiongm nongm/ yeng nev di nih men tve evei pseiing grav bi jiaik jiayi brie geri /daol niak dao dei nuh dei; ga ngie rou bao yeng / ge ga bang ler sangm leiing/ angm biu niu hav goun goun rou bao brie/ aoyi drao laob maok rouk / goul bangm naoang sangm kan rou bao brie ven, dam bei youk brie geri tve jie jiangm naoj gang dal / nei groub diang aoh/ haoyi youk ga sou gut / ga ruh laeng ven/ neng ga ying dev tan dao kbuoh rou bao drong / tve jie mule tan/nei grub diang aoh. A. We should do everything we can to show people that the Lord is the Head over all things; may God be gracious to us so that we do not become the castaways of the “present truth” —Rom. 9:5. A. yeng guo dai tve evei evei groub yang/ dail yeng aj tve dam bei me nuh ta/ brie ang me jia ge jie brie mei dek nuam le groub diang aoh; soum aoyi brie jie me jia pdaol brie gun daol yeng / dam bei gaom aoyi yeng klayi jie long jin bi “sei ge dei bet bajiu-bang” nih. B. We have four responsibilities today: concerning the sinners, we have to preach the gospel; concerning Satan, we have to realize there is a spiritual warfare; concerning the church, we have to hold fast what we see today; concerning Christ, we should testify of the fact of His preeminence in all things—1 Cor. 9:16; Eph. 6:12; 1:23; Col. 1:18. B. saob tenaiyi nih yeng min doum nul kaoh drouv buen yang: ge diak dong neng me nuh min bab/ yeng drouv dai brao gah daom neng la ao; diak dong neng sa dang/ yeng drouv dai deng ta/ min sang griem kang ai vei nien; diak dong neng grongm jiongm nongm/ yeng drouv dai brao gan kjiuab nev evei evei /dail yeng mel ken knong beil saob tenaiyi nih; diak dong neng brie geri/ yeng guo dai tlaiing di bang dual bi ga bet/ nei pieb leij tlou rou bao drong/ knong groub ga diang aoh.


IV. “Look! God’s tabernacle now is with the saints; / Emmanuel — God with us, we proclaim. / Everything is done, so let His children come; / Christ and the church — where God and man are one! / Lift up your heads, ye cities of the earth; / Open your gates, and let the King come in. / Shout to His praise — He’s coming in to reign! / Shout to His praise — He’s coming in to reign!”—Hymns, #1222. IV. “grongm jiongm nongm rub gaiyi brie geri/ brie drong gong nev di nih/ jie di jiongm nongm buk bao ri saot/me nuh rum neng brie vi saot / jireh reh mun gaom naet louk gei / sou gut braoh luoh bang tlayi/ tiet bet tan nak nev sue geiye/ men mein nev ai louk ga”—KH 898.

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Term Eighty-two The Ground of the Church vieg sab/ di /bait seb bi mule tan nei grongm jiongm nongm Abstracts: daok srang bi Rev. 1:11 Saying, What you see write in a scroll and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Pergamos and to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Laodicea. vi vou rou nak jiongm buk muyi kao daob muyi/ ga evei dail aiing ken / nuh jiul gaot douk knong xi-ou paov jiaoh / ruj pniae dev buok jiongm nongm diang bram bi/ dail nev sraok A xi pang/ ge nev grang Eipeisou/ grang Sme- na grang Berga maoh/ grang Tiedei-ra/ grang Se-deih/ grang Pila-delpia /haoyi nev grang Lav-disei dai. There was one church in each of the seven cities in Asia minor; there is only one church. For one locality, one church for one city. Our need to meet on the ground of oneness is that city in which we live. How beautiful and how pleasant this picture is! di grang ni muyi ni muyi /nev knong dangm bang A xi maiyi /min grongm jiongm nongm dai muyi ben naoh; sangm rab daom bang muyi min grongm jiongm nongm muyi/ sangm rab di grang muyi; daom rouv ga dam bei brao jiongm nev le mule tan nei pieb dai muyi rou bao yeng/ ge ta drouv nev knong di grang dail yeng ruh nev. rub pieb nih bet jie sraoh la ao/ haoyi sangm guo yang na dev! Contents: kele mu sa: Rev. 1:11 Saying, What you see write in a scroll and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Pergamos and to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Laodicea. vi vou rou nak jiongm buk muyi kao daob muyi/ ga evei dail aiing ken / nuh jiul gaot douk knong xi-ou paov jiaoh / ruj pniae dev buok jiongm nongm diang bram bi/ dail nev sraok A xi pang/ ge nev grang Eipeisou/ grang Sme- na grang Berga maoh/ grang Tiedei-ra/ grang Se-deih/ grang Pila-delpia /haoyi nev grang Lav-disei dai. Acts 13:1 Now there were in Antioch, in the local church, prophets and teachers. gej ga jiongm buk daob bei kao muyi/ ri ai knong buk jiongm nongm nev grang Andi-youk/ nuh min gru a ti bai neng gru bang rien. I. There was one church in each of the seven cities in Asia minor; there is only one church; for one locality, one church for one city—Rev. 1:11; Acts 13:1: I. di grang ni muyi ni muyi /nev knong dangm bang A xi maiyi /min grongm jiongm nongm dai muyi ben naoh; sangm rab daom bang muyi min grongm jiongm nongm muyi/ sangm rab di grang muyi: A. According to the revelation in the New Testament, the expression of the church is one church for one city—Rev. 1:11. A. yong dev dam ga baek sangm daiing / nev knong gongm bi san nia tmei/ ga bang han bi grongm jiongm nongm ge ta / grongm jiongm nongm sangm rab di grang muyi.


B. Not only is the city limit the boundary of the local church, but the city itself is the ground of the church; because there is only one church in the universe, there should be only one expression of the church in any given locality: B. di grang men drem dai gaom naot brongm daiing/ aoyi grongm jiongm noum daom bang / bon naoh dei/ bong dai di grong pdual ge jie mule tan /nei grongm jiongm noum/ bi bruoh min dai grongm jiongm noum muyi gut nev knong sa gao louk/ ga nuh guo dai min ga sangm daiing jin bi grongm jiongm noum dai muyi gut/nev dam daom bang na muyi dail ban pdaol aoyi. 1. We can illustrate the matter of one church for one city by considering how American consulates operate in foreign countries; in different cities throughout the world, there can only be one American can consulate, regardless of the citie’s size. 1. yeng aj bon youl /bang han bi reng rav nei grongm jiongm noum muyi/sangm rab di grang muyi/ daoyi maok bi-jia-re-na/bi rou bieb dail jun jiet Amei-rigang dai me niak gut/ dail aj tve gong soul ban / daoyi men get bi /doum houm rou bao grang laoyi. 2. If a particular city is very large, the American consulate there may have to carry out its business in twenty-eight separate offices, however, the twenty- eight offices still belong to the one American consulate in that city. 2. brao sen bae di grang jiek liak muyi min doum houm toum klang / jun jiet Amei-rigang tve gong soul nev di nuh / brao hail jie drouv a nu vat a-ji-ve-gam rou bao klun /nev knong me pei bram bei ga ri ya layi /daj daoyi laik bi knie/ bong dai me pei bram bei ga ri ya layi / nev dai jie game-sed rou bao stan gong soul/ jun jiet Amei-rigang me niak nev knong di grang nuh. 3. In the same way, one city may have many meeting halls or district; but there is still only one church; in a large locality the church may meet in many different places, as did the church in Jerusalem. 3. douj knie nih dai / di grang muyi aj min sal brao jiongm re sraok jie jiraen/ bong dai nev dai min grongm jiongm noum dai muyi bong naoh/ nev dam daom bang toum toum /grongm jiongm noum aj brao jiongm / nev gen laiing pseing pseiing knie jie jiraen/ tve douj grongm jiongm noum nev grang ye rou sa lem dai. C. The ground of the church is the ground of oneness in a locality; our need to meet on the ground of oneness is that city in which we live. C. mule tan nei grongm jiongm noum/ ge jie mule tan nei pieb dai muyi nev knong daom bang muyi; daom rouv ga dam bei brao jiongm nev le mule tan/ nei pieb dai muyi rou bao yeng/ ge ta drouv nev knong di grang dail yeng ruh nev. II. How beautiful and how pleasant this picture is, just as Psalm 133:1 says, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is / For brothers to dwell in unity!” II. rub pieb nih bet jie sraoh la ao/ haoyi sangm guo yang na dev/ douj jie nev / doum nouk daom gaeng jiongm buk muyi raoyi sam seb bei kao muyi/ ni yeyi ta “mel / dail bang bu-on nev mul jie muyi knie/ daoyi jiet broum


bring /nuh jie ga la ao / haoyi sangm guo yang na dev! III. “We are for the Lord's recovery / Of the local church; / We are for the Lord's recovery / Of the city and the earth. / Standing on the ground of oneness, / Oneness in the Lord, / We are building up the temple / Of our glorious Lord. / We are for the Lord’s, / We are for the Lord’s, / We are for the Lord’s recovery! / We are for the Lord’s, / We are for the Lord’s, / We are for the Lord’s recovery!”—Hymns, #1255. III. “yeng dev mouk dam bei grongm jiongm noum/ brie geri sda laeng ven /yeng tve aoyi grongm jiongm noum daom bang/ bong reik groub deh dei / rum knie qiu le di grer daom bang / riak sa pieb dai muyi /gao san brie vei heiye rou bao drong/ sangm raj dam brie dei / yeng dam bei brie geri/ yeng dam bei brie geri/ dam bei grongm jiongm noum sda laeng ven. yeng dam bei brie geri/ yeng dam bei brie geri/ dam bei grongm jiongm noum sda laeng ven.”

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Term Eighty-three Watchman Nee vieg sab di bait seb bei Watchman Nee Abstracts: daok srang bi: Acts 26:19 Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision. geij ga jiongm buk me pei bram muyi kao daob bram buen/ douj qi nei/ bao bet sdaj Aogriba eyi/ dul bang gongm men ban jiao jiaih /neng ga baek sangm daiing bi tan sue nuh dei. Brother Nee, be considered as a seer of the divine visions in the present age. He saw a clear vision of Christ, and he also received a full revelation of the church. His faithfulness to this commission cost him his life. Hope that you will follow this vision. bong bu-on Nee / drouv ban jiat duk ta/ jie niak mel ken ni met rou bao brie/ nev knong youk sa mai ba-jiu-bang. Guat ban ken ni met yang qibah/ angm bi brie geri/ haoyi gao ban dou dul ga baek sangm daiing /dao ben len angm bi graom jiongm noum. Sei ge dei smaoh drang rou bao guat/jiangm buoh beih-sagak-gam nih/ tve aoyi guat liah bang ji vet. Sang kem ta niak rual knie neng dae dam ni met nih. Contents: klem sa: Acts 26:19 Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision. geij ga jiongm buk me pei bram muyi kao daob bram buen/ douj qi nei/ bao bet sdaj Aogriba eyi/ dul bang gongm men ban jiao jiaih /neng ga baek sangm daiing bi tan sue nuh dei. Col. 3:11b But Christ is all and in all. gou louh jiongm buk bei kao daob muyi / …brie geri drong jie groub diang aoh / haoyi drong gao gong nev knong groub diang aoh pang. Eph. 5:32 This mystery is great, but I speak with regard to Christ and the church. ei pei sou jiongm buk bram kao sam seb bi/ sei ge dei at gangm bang nih/ jirouv nah/ dai kniaom ni yeyi kang ai brie geri /neng grongm jiongm noum ven. I. Brother Nee, as a unique gift of the age given by the Lord to His Body for His move of the recovery on the earth, be considered as a seer of the divine visions in the present age—Eph. 3:3; 2 Cor. 9:15. I. bong bu-on Nee /jie angm naoyi din dai muyi gut/ dail brie ang me jiah/ ban brao dien daol rub gaiyi/ sangm rab jiaole na nei ga sda laeng ven rou bao drong/ nev le pan dei/ haoyi guat drouv ban jiat duk ta/ jie niak mel ken ni met rou bao brie/ nev knong youk sa mai ba-jiu-bang nih. II. His ministry was clearly of two aspects: first, of Christ and, second, of the church; He saw a clear vision of Christ, and he also received a full revelation of the church—Col. 3:11; Eph. 5:32: II. bao-an ne geij rou bao guat/ ge min bi det-de-pieb yang qibah/ di muyi/ angm bi brie geri/ neng di bi angm bi grongm jiongm noum; guat ban ken ni met yang qibah/ angm bi brie geri/ haoyi gao ban dou dul ga baek sangm daiing /dao ben len angm bi graom jiongm noum:


A. First, he himself learned to know the Lord in a deep way by experiencing His all-inclusive death and resurrection—Rom. 6:4: A. di muyi/ guat pdual rien sgual brie ang me jiah yang jiriel jirouv/ dao baot bi saot ga sou gut /rum ben jiul groub diang aoh/ neng sei ge dei ruh laeng ven rou bao brie geri: 1. Colossians. 3:11 says, “but Christ is all and in all”. 1. muyi gou louh jiongm buk bei kao daob muyi/ …ge brie geri drong jie groub diang aoh / haoyi drong gao gong nev knong groub diang aoh pang. 2. Because of his own experience along this line, he was specifically burdened and commissioned by the Lord to bear testimony to this truth. 2. daoyi sa baot bi saot rou bao guat pdual/ sraob neng ga nih /deb guat min bang douk yang qibah/ haoyi brie ang me jiah tve aoyi guat jie smao bang dual/nev sei ge dei bet. B. Second, Watchman Nee’s ultimate burden was to establish and build up local churches for the satisfaction of God’s desire; this was his ultimate commission from the Lord, based on what he had seen and experienced of the Lord—Rev. 1:11. B. di bi, bang douk jiang graoyi rou bao Bong bu-on Watchman Nee/ ge drouv dang neng gao san grongm jiongm noum /daom bang lang/ sangm rab jie di sgaob bangm naoang brie dei rou bao brie; nih jie beih-sagak- gam jiang graoyi bang aoh rou bao guat/ bi brie ang me jiah/ daoyi beng buaik le ga dail guat ban ken /neng baot bi saot brie. C. “This mystery is great, but I speak with regard to Christ and the church”; during his whole life, his ministry was for Christ and the church—not for Christ only, but for Christ and the church—Eph. 5:32. C. “sei ge dei at gangm bang nih/ aoh jiah nah/ dai kniaom ni yeyi kang ai brie geri /neng grongm jiongm noum ven”; knong ben muyi ji vet rou bao guat/ bao-an ne geij rou bao guat/ ge sangm rab brie geri neng grongm jiongm noum / men drem brie geri dei /dai brie geri neng grongm jiongm noum. D. Watchman Nee, like the apostle Paul, was fully burdened and commissioned with this revelation; His faithfulness to this commission cost him his life—2 Cor. 4:1. D. bong bu-on Watchman Nee/ ge douj jie saveia Paol/ min bang douk neng min beih sagak gam nih/ pieb smao drang rou bao guat jiangm buoh beih sagak gam nih/ tve aoyi guat liah bang ji vet. III. The Lord’s recovery was brought to us through our dear Brother Nee; I told Brother Nee, “Even if one day you do not take this way, I will still take this way. I have seen that this is the Lord’s way. I have seen the vision”; I hope that you will clearly see the vision of the Lord’s recovery and will follow this vision. III. ga sda laeng ven rou bao brie ang me jiah/ ban maok daol yeng dam rou yek Bong bu-on Nee/ jie di srao lan; kniaom ban brab Bong bu-on Nee ta, “brao sen bae tenaiyi na muyi niak men jireh youk plerv nih dei / kniaom


neng nev dai jireh youk plerv nih; kniaom ban ken ta / nih ge jie plerv rou bao brie ang me jiah/ kniaom ban mel ken ni met”; haoyi kniaom sang kem ta/ niak rual knie neng mel ken yang qibah luah/ angm bi ni met nei ga sda laeng ven rou bao brie ang me jiah/ haoyi neng dae dam ni met nih pang dai. IV. “God’s love: long, broad, high, and deep, / Indeed beyond measure; / Else how could such a sinner as me, / Be with bountiful grace favored”; “You are my true comfort, / My gracious Lord Jesus; / Whom but You have I in heaven? / What else I love on earth?”—New Songs, #154. IV. “brie ang ban kniaom muyi ji vet/ aoyi kniaom tvayi klun daol brie geri/ tvayi vei lie kniaom rual tenaiyi youk / bangm rae brie ang muyi ji vet/ bruh kniaom brie ang brongm liah bang ji vet/ bruh kniaom brie ang brongm rong douk daol slab/ kniaom rik rieyi tvayi gdei srao lan neng ji vet/ bangm rae daol brie ang muyi ji vet.”—KH 339.

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Term Eighty-four Witness Lee Vieg sab di bait seb buen Witness Lee Abstracts: Daok srang bi: 1 Cor. 4:1 A man should account us in this way, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. muyi gou ren touh jiongm buk buen kao muyi/ douj qi nei/ me nuh drouv ruab yeng kniaom/ douk douj jie niak jiongm nuy nei brie geri/ haoyi jie niak rab rong jiangm buoh sei ge dei at gangm bang nei brie ven. Brother Witness Lee, a bond slave of Jesus Christ, the inheritor of the divine revelation. Brother Lee continued Brother Nee’s ministry, and towards the high peak of the divine revelation. I advise you to follow this vision. Bong bu-on Witness Lee/ jie bav bongm rae rou bao brie ang me jia ye su/ dail jie niak snaoang mou-rou-daok nei ga baek sangm daiing rou bao brie/ bong bu-on Lee ban bon dao bao-an ne geij rou bao bong bu-on Nee/ haoyi qibuoh dev rouk ga baek sangm daiing brie dao kbong kbuoh. Kniaom du min aoyi bong bu-on dae dam ni met nih. Contents: Klem sa: 1 Cor. 4:1 A man should account us in this way, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. muyi gou ren touh jiongm buk buen kao muyi/ douj qi nei/ me nuh drouv ruab yeng kniaom/ douk douj jie niak jiongm nuy nei brie geri/ haoyi jie niak rab rong jiangm buoh sei ge dei at gangm bang nei brie ven. Col. 1:25 Of which I became a minister according to the stewardship of God, which was given to me for you, to complete the word of God. Gou louh jiongm buk muyi kao me pei bram/ kniaom ban drao laob jie niak bongm rae daol buk jiongm noum nuh/ dam ga gan gat drut dra rou bao brie / dail ban brao gul maok kniaom sangm rab niak rual knie/ dam bei neng bangm ben brie bon dul. I. Brother Witness Lee, a bond slave of Jesus Christ, the inheritor of the divine revelation, and a loyal steward in the churches of the Lord’s Recovery of this present age—Col. 1:25-26. I. Bong bu-on Witness Lee/ jie bav bongm rae rou bao brie ang me jia ye su/ dail jie niak snaoang mou-rou-daok nei ga baek sangm daiing rou bao brie/ neng jie niak bongm rae dao smaoh drang/ nev knong grongm jiongm noum ga sda laeng ven/ rou bao brie ang me jiah/ nev sa mai baj-jiu-bang nih. II. Brother Lee continued Brother Nee’s ministry, and build upon the divine revelation further, towards the high peak of the divine revelation—Col. 1:25-26: II. Bong bu-on Lee ban bon dao bao-an ne geij rou bao bong bu-on Nee/ neng gao san le ga baek sangm daiing rou bao brie / bang taim diet/ daoyi qibuoh dev rouk ga baek sangm daiing brie dao kbong kbuoh. A. Brother Nee was imprisoned in 1952, Brother Lee continued his ministry, his 222

early messages focused on Christ, the Spirit, Life, Church, and the Body of Christ, and progressed from this foundation—1 Cor. 15:45; Col. 3:4; Eph. 1:23. A. bong bu-on Nee ban jiuab gouk knong qinam/ muyi bao-an bram buen raoyi ha-seb bi/ ai bong bu-on Lee ban bon dao bao-an ne geij rou bao guat/ daoyi mei rien daom bong rou bao guat/ ban bdaot dev le brie geri/ brie vei nien/ ji vet/ grongm jiongm noum/ neng rub gaiyi brie geri/ neng ban ji-en dev maok bi mule tan greh nih. B. In the early 1980s, the Lord revealed the dispensing of the Triune God thru Brother Lee, revealed God’s New Testament economy, God wants to dispense Himself into His chosen people, to accomplish His divine economy—3:9. B. nev daem dusa-vuat qinam/ muyi bao-an bram buen raoyi bait seb/ brie ang me jiah ban baek sangm daiing/ nev ga jiaik jiayi rou bao brie drei aik/ dam rou yek bong bu-on Lee / daoyi ban baek sangm daiing pan- ne ga grub grong/ san nia tmei rou bao brie / nuh ge brie jie me jiah /jiang jiaik jiayi rub ang drong pdual jiul dev knong brao jie rieh/ dail drong ban jireh reh/ dam bei bangm ben sangm raj pan-ne ga grub grong brie rou bao drong. C. In the spring of 1994, Brother Lee saw the high peak of the divine truth in the Bible from the Lord, that “God became man, to make man God”, but not in the Godhead—John 1:1, 14; 1 John 3:2. C. nev rou dev slek qi-e jiruh qinam/ muyi bao-an bram buen raoyi gae seb buen/ bong bu-on Lee ban mel ken sei ge dei bet dao kbong kbuoh/ rou bao brie nev knong brie gongm bi/ daoyi jiab bi brie ang me jiah min bong dul ta, “brie ban klayi jie me nuh/ dam bei me nuh ban klayi jie brie” bong dai men nev knong ta nak jie brie nuh dei. III. It is the Lord’s mercy that He has revealed to me the vision; this is indeed the vision that extends from the first scene of Adam to the last scene of the New Jerusalem; I advise you to follow this vision. III. nih ge jie sei ge dei mei da rou bao brie/ dail drong ban baek sangm daiing nev ni met/ maok daol kniaom; nih ge jie ni met /dail liet san teng bi bret dei ga/ daom bong rou baoh Adam/ rou hout daol bret dei ga jiang graoyi nei grong ye rou sa lem tmei; kniaom du min aoyi bong bu-on dae dam ni met nih. IV. “What miracle! What mystery! / That God and man should blended be! / God became man to make man God, / Untraceable economy! From His good pleasure, heart’s desire, / His highest goal attained will be. / From His good pleasure, heart’s desire, / His highest goal attained will be”— What miracle! What mystery! IV. “reng dao aoh jiah! Reng at gangm bang! Brie neng me nuh rum maok dai muyi/ drong ge jie brie klayi jie me nuh dam bei me nuh klayi jie brie ang/ daoyi bruoh sei ge dei srao lan nei drong / dail min nev knong brie dei wu daom /daoyi bruh sei ge dei srao lan nei drong/ dail min nev knong brie dei wu daom.” Table Contents


Term Eighty-five Knowing the Sects Vieg sab di bait seb bram ga sgual bak buok ni gai Abstracts: Dao srang bi: Gal. 5:19-20 And the works of the flesh are manifest, which are such things as fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, factions, divisions, sects. Ga la di jiongm buk bram kao daob bram buen daol kao me pei/ ri ai gej ga kang saj qiem/ nuh bra gaot qibah haoyi/ ge jie sei ge dei gangm pet/ sa haiy sman-en/ smouk grouk / ah a pieh/ tvayi bong gongm rub brieh/ mun a gongm / sangm aob knie/ qiluoh brao gaik / qi lien nih/ gaom heng / duah deiing knie/ bak baik / bak buok. Sects are parties. Christ is not divided, we believe in one Lord. The church is the Body of Christ. Therefore, there is no ground—and there should be no ground—for division. We should reject it completely. bak buok ni gai ge jie graom me nuh. Brie geri men drouv ban baik bak laoyi/ yeng ji-e le brie ang me jia dai muyi. Grongm jiongm noum ge jie rub gaiyi brie geri. Douj qi nei kmin mule tan / haoyi nev di nuh / guo dai kmin mule tan /sangm rab ga baik bak laoyi/ buk yeng guo dai bak di sait vie diang srang. Contents: Klem sa: Gal. 5:19-20 And the works of the flesh are manifest, which are such things as fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, factions, divisions, sects. Ga la di jiongm buk bram kao daob bram buen daol kao me pei/ ri ai gej ga kang saj qiem/ nuh bra gaot qibah haoyi/ ge jie sei ge dei gangm pet/ sa haiy sman-en/ smouk grouk / ah a pieh/ tvayi bong gongm rub brieh/ mun a gongm / sangm aob knie/ qiluoh brao gaik / qi lien nih/ gaom heng / duah deiing knie/ bak baik / bak buok. 1 Cor. 1:13 Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized into the name of Paul? Muyi gou ren touh jiongm buk muyi kao daob bei/ douj qi nei/ dae brie geri ban bak baik re ei/ dae Baol drouv qigang jiongm nuh niak rual knie re ei/ dae niak rual knie ban dou dul jirou muj / daoyi nev qime Baol re ei? Eph. 4:4-6 One Body…One Lord,…One God and Father of all…. ei pei sou jiongm buk buen kao buen daol kao bram muyi/ min rub gaiyi dai muyi…min brie ang me jia dai muyi…min brie dai muyi / ge jie brie vou bei da nei diang aoh… I. Sects are parties that are formed into divisions—Gal. 5:19-20: I. bak buok ni gai/ ge jie graom me nuh / dail drouv ban gao gaet laeng / dev jie ga bak baik knie: A. Some today who are baptized into Christ, who say that they are of Luther (the Lutheran sect), or of Wesley (the Wesleyan sect), or of the Baptist church (the Baptist sect), or of the Presbyterian church (the Presbyterian sect).


A. saob tenaiyi nih/ me nuh muyi jiangm nuen/ dail ban jirou muj dek jiul dev knong brie geri/ ni yeyi ta buk gei jie rou bao Luther/ re jie rou bao Wesley/ re jie rou bao grongm jiongm noum ba dih/ re jie rou bao grongm jiongm noum Presbyterian. B. There are three obvious items in a sect; first, it has a special creed; second, it has a special fellowship; and third, it has a special name; these three “specials” can be found in almost all the groups in Christianity today. B. min jiaom naoj jieak sdaiing bei/ nev knong ni gai muyi; daom bong min goul leti bi saih muyi; di bi min ga brao gaob bi saih/ neng di bei min qimuh bi saih; “bi saih bi saih”diang bei nih aj drouv ban rou ken /sde dai nev knong grongm diang aoh/ nev knong sah-sna gristien saob tenaiyi nih. II. One Body…One Lord,…One God and Father of all…—Eph. 4:4-6: II. min rub gaiyi dai muyi…min brie ang me jia dai muyi…min brie dai muyi / ge jie brie vou bei da nei diang aoh: A. Christ is not divided; we believe in one Lord; Christ is the unique One in the universe; He is not divided, we who believe into Him also should not be divided—v. 5. A. Brie geri men drouv ban baik bak laoyi/ yeng ji-e le brie ang me jia dai muyi. Brie geri ge jie ang dai muyi gut nev knong sa gao louk; drong men drouv ban baik bak laoyi/ douj qi nei buk yeng dail ji-e le drong/ gao men guo baik bak knie dai. B. Second, the church is the Body of Christ; everyone has only one body; likewise, the Body of Christ is also unique; therefore, there is no ground—and there should be no ground—for division—1:23. B. ai di bi, grongm jiongm noum/ ge jie rub gaiyi rou bao brie geri; groub knie min rub gaiyi dai muyi bong naoh; douj knie pang dai, rub gaiyi rou bao brie geri / gao min dai muyi gut pang dai; douj qi nei / kmin mule tan haoyi nev di nuh / guo dai kmin mule tan/ sangm rab ga bak baik laoyi. C. The church is the genuine Jerusalem, and it is based on the principle of oneness without confusion; God’s ordination is related to Jerusalem, but Jerusalem is troubled by the division and confusion of Babylon—Rev. 18:2. C. grongm jiongm noum/ ge jie grang ye rou sa lem dao bet bra gaot; haoyi grongm jiongm noum /buaik le goul ga nei pieb dai muyi /daoyi kmin ga puan jirao laom; ga gaom naot douk rou bao brie / ge diak dong neng grang ye rou sa lem/ bong dai grang ye rou sa lem/ min ba nia ha daoyi ga baik bak/ neng ga puan jirao laom nei Babylon. III. “To Jerusalem we’ve come, / We are through with Babylon, / We have gathered to be one, / O glory be to God! / Of the teachings we’re bereft, / All opinions we have left, / Spirit from the soul is cleft, / In the local churches now. / Hallelujah! Hallelujah! / We are all in one accord / For the building of the Lord. / Hallelujah! Hallelujah! / We are living in the local churches now!”—Hymns, #1251. III. “yeng rum dai muyi kmin niak na/ aj bangm baik ban/ knong pieb dai muyi


yeng jie rub gaiyi brie geri/ gaiyi muyi ben muyi yeng rual knie rum houb pek drong/ bra gaot jibah ta buk yeng ge jie bang dual.”—KH 829.

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Term Eighty-six Identifying Heresies Vieg sab di bait seb bram muyi ga douj knie baih bet jie muyi neng sei ge dei kouh qigong Abstracts: Daok srang bi: 2 Pet. 2:1 But there arose also false prophets among the people, as also among you there will be false teachers, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. Bi bei drouh jiongm buk bi kao muyi/ dai gal bi daem min hao ra klaiing klayi/ nev knong buk jun douj jie neng min gru klaiing klayi / knong buk niak rual knie dai/ gei neng luj nuam ben jiul bak buok/ dail bang kouj bang plan/ gei men broum sgual brie dao jie me jiah/ dail ban luoh gei nuh laoyi/ gao nuangm sei ge dei vi nieh/ gao qiab ru hah aoyi maok le klun pang. “Heresy” means “self-chosen doctrines alien from the truth”, thus causing division and producing sects; We should learn to not touch heresies and flee from them and reject them. “sei ge dei bong rien kouh qigong” min nei ta “ga jireh reh gou leti daoyi klun aiing/ daoyi jiak jin bi sei ge dei bet”; douj qi nei bang dal aoyi min ga baiing jiaik / re baik bak neng bang gaet jin jie ni gaiyi nie nie; buk yeng guo dai rien / goum bah bual evei dai jie sei ge dei kouh qigong/ neng rien rut geij jin bi buok diang nuh/ brongm diang bak dei sait buk gei. Contents: 2 Pet. 2:1 But there arose also false prophets among the people, as also among you there will be false teachers, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. Bi bei drouh jiongm buk bi kao muyi/ dai gal bi daem min hao ra klaiing klayi/ nev knong buk jun douj jie neng min gru klaiing klayi / knong buk niak rual knie dai/ gei neng luj nuam ben jiul bak buok/ dail bang kouj bang plan/ gei men broum sgual brie dao jie me jiah/ dail ban luoh gei nuh laoyi/ gao nuangm sei ge dei vi nieh/ gao qiab ru hah aoyi maok le klun pang. 2 John 1:10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not say to him, Rejoice! Bi you han jiongm buk muyi kao daob/ bae niak na maok ai niak rual knie/ dai men bong rien jiangm buoh sei ge dei nih/ nuh gongm aoyi dou dul niak / nuh nev knong pdiah laoyi / gongm aoyi diang jiongm rieb sue/ daol niak nuh pang. I. 2 Peter 2:1 says, “But there arose also false prophets among the people, as also among you there will be false teachers, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction”: I. Bi bei drouh jiongm buk bi kao muyi/ ni yeyi ta, “dai gal bi daem min hao ra klaiing klayi/ nev knong buk jun douj jie neng min gru klaiing klayi / knong buk niak rual knie dai/ gei neng luj nuam ben jiul bak buok/ dail bang kouj bang plan/ gei men broum sgual brie dao jie me jiah/ dail ban


luoh gei nuh laoyi/ gao nuangm sei ge dei vi nieh/ gao qiab ru hah aoyi maok le klun pang”: A. “Heresy” which means choices of opinion of doctrine different from that usually accepted, “self-chosen doctrines alien from the truth”, thus causing division and producing sects. A. “sei ge dei kouh qigong” dail min nei ta/ jiongm reh nei duh-snah angm bi gouleti/ dail kouh knie bie evei dail ban dou dul youk jie tua-meda/ “ga jireh reh gouleti daoyi klun aiing / daoyi jia jin bi sei ge dei bet” douj qi nei bang dal aoyi min ga baiing jiaik / re bak baik neng bong gaet jin jie ni gaiyi nie nie. B. Here this word denotes the false and heretical doctrines brought in by the false teachers, the heretics, similar to the doctrines of today’s Modernism, which denies the deity of Christ and the redemptive death of Christ. B. biek nev di nih/ jiang aol bong han bi gouleti/ klaiing klayi/ neng kouh qigong / dail nuam maok daoyi gru klaiing klayi/ buk gouleti ni youm/ srao ding knie dev neng gouleti aik ni youm saob tenaiyi / dail bak dei sait / pieb jie brie rou bao brie geri/ neng ga sou gut brao luoh rou bao brie geri. II. 2 John 1:10 says, “If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not say to him, Rejoice!”: II. Bi you han jiongm buk muyi kao daob/ ni yeyi ta, “bae niak na maok ai niak rual knie/ dai men bong rien jiangm buoh sei ge dei nih/ nuh gongm aoyi dou dul niak / nuh nev knong pdiah laoyi / gongm aoyi diang jiongm rieb sue/ daol niak nuh pang”: A. The pronoun “him” refers to a heretic, an antichrist, a false prophet; such a one we must reject, not receiving him into our house or greeting him—v. 7. A. saobe niem “guat” sangm dae le gouleti ni youm / buk duah brao qiang neng brie geri / neng hao ra klaiing klayi; knong jiangm naom buk nih / yeng guo dai bak dei sait/ gongm aoyi dou dul niak nuh nev knong pdiah laoyi/ gao gongm aoyi diang jiongm rieb sue/ daol niak nuh pang. B. It is not easy for young believers to discern these heresies; we should learn to not touch heresies; we should flee from them and reject them—v. 10. B. vie men ngiey srul nuh dei/ sangm rab niak ji-e kmeiing kmeiing/ dam bei deng bi sei ge dei kouh qigong diang nih; buk yeng guo dai rien gaom bah boal evei dail jie sei ge dei kouh qigong/ neng rien rut geij jin bi buok diang nuh/ brongm diang bak dei sait buk gei. III. “The truth should triumph and be king, / And freedom should be queen; / But falsehood, which has rampant run, / Head of the world is seen. / We ask Thee, Truth, to quickly come / And bring Thy light from heav'n; / The foe be crushed and all Thy sons / Into Thy bosom giv'n”—Hymns, #960. III. “brie ang jie brie bon dul ji vet/ haoyi drong jie goun brie bet/ brie ang min rub pieb douj jie brie / haoyi min pieb douj jie brie”—KH 55. Table Contents


Term Eighty-seven Our Attitude toward Fellow Believers vieg sab di bait seb bram bi a gab gei-riya rou bao yeng /jiangm buoh buok niak ji-e douj knie Abstracts: daok srang bi: Rom. 14:2-3 One believes that he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats vegetables. He who eats, let him not despise him who does not eat; and he who does not eat, let him not judge him who eats, for God has received him. roum jiongm buk daob buen kao bi daol kao bei/ tbet me niak ji-e ta/ bao ri poub ban grou mouk diang aoh; me niak diet dai ksaoyi bao ri poub dai beng lai dei. Gaom aoyi niak dail bao ri poub /me ngiey daol niak dail men bao ri poub laoyi / gao gongm aoyi niak dail men bao ri poub /nih die jiang buoh niak dai bao ri poub dai/ tbet brie drong dou dul niak nuh douj knie. As long as one believes in Christ our Lord, we must receive him. We must learn to be open at all times to every Christian, teaching the truth and ministering the life supply to them. dao rab na/ me nuh me niak ji-e knong brie geri /dao jie brie ang me jia nei yeng/ yeng drouv dai dou dul guat. Yeng drouv dai rien baek groub beil vei lie daol gristien diang aoh/ daoyi bong rien sei ge dei bet neng jiaik jiayi nev gan / pgut gong ji vet daol buk gei. Contents: klem sa: Rom. 14:2-3 One believes that he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats vegetables. He who eats, let him not despise him who does not eat; and he who does not eat, let him not judge him who eats, for God has received him. roum jiongm buk daob buen kao bi daol kao bei/ tbet me niak ji-e ta/ bao ri poub ban grou mouk diang aoh; me niak diet dai ksaoyi bao ri poub dai beng lai dei. Gaom aoyi niak dail bao ri poub /me ngiey daol niak dail men bao ri poub laoyi / gao gongm aoyi niak dail men bao ri poub /nih die jiang buoh niak dai bao ri poub dai/ tbet brie drong dou dul niak nuh douj knie. 2 Cor. 6:11 Our mouth is opened to you, Corinthians; our heart is enlarged. bi gou ren touh jiongm buk bram muyi kao daob muyi/ ao buk gou ren tou eyi/ muat yeng kniaom baek jiangm buoh/ niak rual knie haoyi / jiet yeng kniaom ban du-lieyi lang. I. As long as one believes in Christ our Lord, as long as he receives Him as his personal Savior, we must receive him with nothing else required— Rom. 14:2-3: I. dao rab na/ me nuh me niak ji-e knong brie geri /dao jie brie ang me jia nei yeng/ dao rab na/ guat dou dul youk drong tve jie brie ang sang gruh/ pdual klun rou bao guat/ nuh yeng drouv dai dou dul guat daoyi men jiam baj diem die evei diang aoh. A. The attitude of the apostle Paul regarding different concepts of eating and the keeping of days was exceedingly liberal and general; by this we are affirmatively told that we must receive the saints who differ from us in these


things; our attitude is that we are open to all the saints—vv. 2-3. A. a gab gei-riya rou bao saveiya Baol/ dail diak dong neng ga min gongm net pseiing knie/ nei ga bao ri poub neng ga gan rieksa tenaiyi diang lai/ ge jie reng rav daoyi sei rei neng du dev jie di bangm paot; dam rou yek ga nih/ yeng drouv ban brab yang qibah ta/ yeng drouv dai dou dul buk bao ri saot /dail kaoh bi yeng nev knong reng diang nih. a gab gei- riya rou bao yeng / ge ta yeng baek daol buok bao ri saot diang aoh. B. As long as the saints love the Lord and come together on the proper ground of oneness to minister Christ to one another, that is sufficient; we must not pay attention to anything else—1 Pet. 4:10. B. dao rab na buok bao ri saot/ srao lan brie ang me jiah /neng maok jie muyi knie nev le mule tan gre/dao drem drouv nei pieb dai muyi / dam bei jiaik jiayi brie geri daol knie dev ven dev maok/ nuh ge groub gruan haoyi; yeng men drouv youk jiet duk da neng evei pseiing diet dei. II. We are now a people bearing God’s testimony in His truth and in His life, we must learn to be open at all times to every Christian, teaching the truth and ministering the life supply to them—v. 10: II. ei louv nih yeng jie me nuh/ dail min di ben dual rou bao brie / nev knong sei ge dei bet rou bao drong/ neng nev knong ji vet rou bao drong/ melaoh haoyi yeng drouv dai rien baek /dev jiangm buoh gristien grub rub/ daoyi ga bong rien sei ge dei bet / neng ga jiaik jiayi nev ga pgut pgong ji vet daol buk gei. A. The Lord loves the world, and we need to be the same; we love the world by preaching the gospel to them—John 3:16. A. brie ang me jiah srao lan me nuh louk/ ri ai yeng gao drouv srao lan me nuh louk douj knie / daoyi ga brao gah daom neng la ao daol buk gei. B. We love our fellow Christians, even though they are not with us, by teaching the truth and by ministering life to them—Heb. 6:10. B. yeng srao lan buk gristien knie yeng / du bei jie buk gei men nev jie muyi yeng gao daoyi / gao drouv bong rien sei ge dei bet / neng jiaik jiayi ji vet daol buk gei dai. C. Finally, we must give others the freedom to act; let other Christians have their own choice regarding the matter of the church—1 Pet. 5:3. C. jiang graoyi / yeng drouv pdaol sei rei pieb aoyi niak dao dei/ knong ga tve sagame pieb/ neng a-nuh-niat aoyi buk gristien ai diet / min jiongm reh pdual klun rou bao buk gei diak dong neng reng rav grongm jiongm noum. III. “Welcome here, our dear friend, / We’re so glad that you have come, / Here we all love you, / And the Lord loves you most. / In the church we need you now, / Everything here is for you. / We wait for you to return, / Just remember that we’ll think of you”—New Songs, #54. III. “nev le plouv rut brao nang ben daoyi brie gun/ buk niak ban jin jiem daoyi wu daom beik buen/ buk niak srao lan drong jiongm run kniaom qibuoh dev/ ban brae gdei srao lan/ srao lan jiriel jirouv/ dun ksaoyi rum


sraik youm jiangm buoh brie pieak dra/ duh jian gao soum dul knong bong bu-on sngun pngie/ jiet kniaom min dai ao gun grub beil vei lie/ kniaom jiangm raen toum laeng/ bruh buk niak rual knie/ daoyi sa niak kniaom sao sae drong bet/ bong bu-on gu aoyi srao lan snae snet/ diang vei nien kniaom brou leng kniaom neng gaiyi jiet/ rik rieyi neng tvayi klun daol buk niak bet/ buk yeng jie nia-en/ bou jie ji vet sei rei / bangm rae mouk brie pieak aoyi drong saob brie dei/ duh nev di na kla han muh mut et bei/ plouv nei ji vet bruh min bong bu-on brao srei.” Table Contents


Term Eighty-eight Being Subject to Rulers and Authorities over Us vieg sab di bait seb bram bei ga jiaoh jiul jiangm buoh niak dail min set angm naj groub grong le yeng Abstracts: dao srang bi: Rom. 13:1 Let every person be subject to the authorities over him, for there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are ordained by God. roum jiongm buk daob bei kao muyi/ jiu aoyi groub diang me nuh/ jiaoh jiul neng rieji-ga/ tbet kmin angm naj na dei/ lek dai maok bi brie/ ge brie drong ban dang buok louk diang nuh /aoyi min angm naj. According to the healthy teaching in the New Testament, we must respect the government. To be subject to rulers is to recognize God’s authority. We need to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready unto every good work. yong dev dam sei ge dei bong rien dail min pa souge-pieb/ nev knong san nia tmei/ yeng guo dai gou roub ruat ta pi bal. ga jiaoh jiul neng rieji-ga / ge jie ga dou dul sgual nev set angm naj rou bao brie. yeng drouv ga jiaoh jiul jiangm buoh niak groub grong/ set angm naj / haoyi drouv ga sdab bang guab/ neng brang brieb rou hout daol grub diang ga la ao. Contents: klem sa: Rom. 13:1 Let every person be subject to the authorities over him, for there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are ordained by God. roum jiongm buk daob bei kao muyi/ jiu aoyi groub diang me nuh/ jiaoh jiul neng rieji-ga/ tbet kmin angm naj na dei/ lek dai maok bi brie/ ge brie drong ban dang buok louk diang nuh /aoyi min angm naj. Titus 3:1 Remind them to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready unto every good work. di douh jiongm buk bei kao muyi/ jiul rongm lek gei / aoyi jiaoh jiul neng buk nie me-en/ haoyi neng buok min angm naj diang aoh / brongm diang sdab bang guab / haoyi brang brieb tve groub diang ga la ao. 1 Pet. 2:13 Be subject to every human institution for the Lord's sake, whether to a king as being supreme. muyi bei drouh/ jiongm buk bi kao daob bei/ jiu aoyi jiu jiul neng groub diang qibab/ nei me nuh louk daoyi youl daol brie ang me jia/ duh bae neng sdaj douk jie toum bang daj. I. Romans 13:1 says, “Let every person be subject to the authorities over him, for there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are ordained by God”: I. roum jiongm buk daob bei kao muyi/ ni yeyi ta, “jiu aoyi groub diang me nuh/ jiaoh jiul neng rieji-ga/ tbet kmin angm naj na dei/ lek dai maok bi brie/ ge brie drong ban dang buok louk diang nuh /aoyi min angm naj”: A. Verse 4 says that the authority “is a servant of God to you for your good”; through the authorities God will allow us to live on earth in peace to be His testimony; this is for our good.


A. kao buen ni yeyi ta / set angm naj “ge jie niak bangm rae rou bao brie/ sangm rab sei ge dei la ao daol niak”; dam rou yek set angm naj diang aoh / brie jie me jiah neng a-nu-niat aoyi yeng ruh nev le pan dei nih/ knong sei ge dei saok san klayi jie di bang dual rou bao drong; nih sangm rab jie sei ge dei la ao daol yeng. B. In 13:7b Paul tells us to render fear to whom fear is due and honor to whom honor; all believers need to learn how to subject themselves to authorities, honoring them and fearing them. B. nev knong jiongm buk daob bei kao bram bi / saveiya Baol ban brab yeng ta/ drouv min sei ge dei gaot klaj/ jiangm buoh louk na dail guo gaot klaj/ haoyi drouv gou roub brao dei bat/ dao louk na dail guo gou roub dai. groub niak ji-e diang aoh drouv ga rien dak klun jiaoh jiul jiangm buoh set angm naj diang aoh/ haoyi drouv gou roub neng gaot klaj daol buk gei. II. 1 Peter 2:13 says, “Be subject to every human institution for the Lord’s sake, whether to a king as being supreme”, for the Lord’s sake, that is, for the expression and glorification of the Lord, we should be subject to all human institutions according to the will of God. II. muyi bei drouh/ jiongm buk bi kao daob bei/ ni yeyi ta, “jiu aoyi jiu jiul neng groub diang qibab/ nei me nuh louk daoyi youl daol brie ang me jia/ duh bae neng sdaj douk jie toum bang daj”; sangm rab paol brao yaoj rou bao brie/ ga nih ge sangm rab jie ga sangm daiing jin / neng tvayi sei rei la ao daol brie, yeng guo dai jiaoh jiul jiangm buoh ruata pibal me nuh/ daoyi yong dev dam bangm naoang brie ha-re dei rou bao brie. III. Titus 3:1 says, “Remind them to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready unto every good work”; to do every good work means to live a testimony for God. III. di douh jiongm buk bei kao muyi/ ni yeyi ta, “jiul rongm lek gei / aoyi jiaoh jiul neng buk nie me-en/ haoyi neng buok min angm naj diang aoh / brongm diang sdab bang guab / haoyi brang brieb tve groub diang ga la ao”; brang brieb tve ga la ao min nei ta / ruh nev tve jie di bang dual rou bao brie. IV. “Today we must learn to submit to His throne, / How to have a strict life and His government own; / His authority then we’ll be able to share, / o’er the nations to rule with God’s Son as the heir”—Hymns, #947. IV. “tenaiyi nih yeng drouv rien jiaoh jiul angm naj brie ang/ ruh nev graom ga groub grong rou bao drong daoyi smaoh drang /drong neng brao dien aoyi nev rong van set angm naj ret jieih sda/ groub grong le jiet sah rongm knie jie muyi brie baot dra”. Table Contents


Term Eighty-nine The Building Up of the Church vieg sab di bait seb bram buen ga gao sang grongm jiongm noum lang Abstracts: daok srang bi: Eph. 2:21-22 In whom all the building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord; In whom you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in spirit. ei pei sou jiongm buk bi kao me pei muyi daol kao me pei bi/ dail daoyi sa drong /daom nak diang mul nuh ban pgong pjiuab knie/ diang jiaom raen lang jie vihei-ye bao ri saot knong brie ang me jiah/ haoyi niak rual knie gao ban s-an lang knong drong dai/ sangm rab jie di longm nev nei brie daoyi nev brie vei nien. Life and building are the central thought of the Scriptures. The building up of the church depends on our growth in life. The building up of the church is a matter of life. We need to grow in the Lord and help others to grow for the building up of the church. ji vet neng ga gao sang / ge jie gongm net gang dal nei baot gongm bi. ga gao sang grongm jiongm noum lang/ ge a srayi le ga jiaom raen toum nev knong ji vet rou bao yeng. ga gao sang grongm jiongm noum / ge jie reng rav nei ji vet. yeng drouv ga jiangm raen toum nev knong brie ang me jiah/ neng jiuyi niak dao dei aoyi jiangm raen toum sangm rab ga gao sang grongm jiongm noum lang. Contents: klem sa: Eph. 2:21-22 In whom all the building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord; In whom you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in spirit. ei pei sou jiongm buk bi kao me pei muyi daol kao me pei bi/ dail daoyi sa drong /daom nak diang mul nuh ban pgong pjiuab knie/ diang jiaom raen lang jie vihei-ye bao ri saot knong brie ang me jiah/ haoyi niak rual knie gao ban s-an lang knong drong dai/ sangm rab jie di longm nev nei brie daoyi nev brie vei nien. Gen. 2:22 And Jehovah God built the rib, which He had taken from the man, into a woman and brought her to the man. louk gou-bat/ jiongm buk bi kao me pei bi/ ri ai ji-eng dail brie ye hou va daol jie brie/ ban youk bi Adam maok /nuh drong jiub aoyi gaet lang jie me nuh srei/ gao nuam dev ai Adam. Rev. 21:2 And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. vi vou-rou nak/ jiongm buk me pei muyi kao bi/ haoyi you han kniaom / gao ken di grang dao bao ri saot/ ge jie grang ye rou sa lem tmei/ jiaoh bi tan sue maok angm bi brie/ dak daiing douj jie brao bong tmaoang tmei/ daiing klun dou dul bdei. I The Bible begins with life and building; it is clear that the Bible ends as it begins, with life and building; life and building are the central thought of the scriptures—Gen. 2:22; Rev. 21:2:


I brie gongm bi jiab bdaem daoyi ji vet neng ga gao sang; qibah nah dail brie gongm bi / jiaob douj dail beil jiab bdaem daoyi ji vet/ neng ga gao sang / tbet ji vet neng ga gao sang /ge jie gongm net gang dal nei baot gongm bi. A. Apparently, Genesis I and 2 are a record of creation; actually, God’s intention is the revelation of life and building. A. mel bi kang grav/ louk gou-bat/ jiongm buk muyi neng jiongm buk bi / ge jie gaom naot dra nei ga bang gao bang gaet; dam bet/ bangm naoang bra tna rou bao brie / ge jie ga baek sangm daiing aoyi ken bi ji vet /neng ga gao sang dev ven dei. B. In Genesis 2 we see life, the materials that proceed out of the flow of life, and “built into a woman”— v. 22. B. nev louk gou-bat jiongm buk bi/ yeng mel ken bi ji vet/ jie sangm pie- riak dail bang dao jin bi ga hou nei ji vet/neng “ban jiub aoyi gaet lang jie me nuh srei”. C. In the last two chapters of revelation, which are the last two chapters of the Bible, we see the building of the New Jerusalem; “prepared as a bride adorned for her husband” —Rev. 21:2. C. nev knong jiongm buk bi jiang graoyi nei vi vou-rou nak/dail jie jiongm buk bi jiang graoyi nei brie gongm bi / yeng mel ken ga gao sang nei grang ye rou sa lem tmei; “dak daiing douj jie brao bong tmaoang tmei/ daiing klun dou dul bdei”. II. The building up of the church depends on our growth in life—Eph. 2:21- 22: II. ga gao sang grongm jiongm noum lang/ ge a srayi le ga jiaom raen toum nev knong ji vet rou bao yeng. A. The building up of the church is a matter of life; we need to grow in the Lord and help others to grow for the building up of the church. A. ga gao sang grongm jiongm noum / ge jie reng rav nei ji vet. yeng drouv ga jiangm raen toum nev knong brie ang me jiah/ neng jiuyi niak dao dei aoyi jiangm raen toum sangm rab ga gao sang grongm jiongm noum lang. B. Life is the Lord Himself, and the building is the issue of the experience of the Lord as life. B. ji vet ge jie brie ang me jiah drong pdual/ ri ai ga gao sang / ge gaet maok bi ga baot bi saot brie ang me jiah jie ji vet. III. “Building, building, we will see the building / Of the church this way: / Christ experienced will produce the building— / He’s the only way. / Oh, build us, Lord, we pray, / By growth of life each day. / Oh, make us now such men / For the new Jerusalem”—Hymns, #1240. III. “brie dei srao lan neng bra tna/ aoyi klayi jie tbong dao pler tla/ haoyi nuam maok gao sang rum knie/ jie daom nak min sei rei la ao/ brie geri drong jie groub diang aoh/ aoyi grongm jiongm noum ban gao sang/ nuh sei rei neng pieb bao ri bou/ ban bangm pler sangm daiing jin maok.”— KH 604.Table Contents 235

Term Ninety The God-Ordained Way vieg sab di gae seb plouv dail brie jie me jiah gangm naot douk Abstracts: daok srang bi: Eph. 4:11-12 And He Himself gave some as apostles and some as prophets and some as evangelists and some as shepherds and teachers, For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ. ei pei sou jiongm buk buen kao daob muyi daol kao daob bi/ haoyi drong ban brao dien /aoyi niak klah ban tve jie saveiak/ klah jie gru a ti baiy/ klah jie gru psayi daom neng la ao/ klah jie gru gong viel /haoyi klah jie gru bang rien/ brao yaoj neng nuam aoyi buok bao ri saot ban groub liak laeng / sangm rab tve ga jiongm nuyi / haoyi neng s-an-en rub gaiyi brie geri lang. The biblical way to meet and to serve, the way ordained by God. In which everyone is being perfected to function. plouv kang brie gongm bi dangm bei brao jiongm/ neng bangm rae/ jie plouv dail brie ban gangm naot douk. nev knong plouv nih me nuh groub knie /drouv ban tve aoyi groub liak /dangm bei min mouk ngie brae ga. Contents: Eph. 4:11-12 And He Himself gave some as apostles and some as prophets and some as evangelists and some as shepherds and teachers, For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ. ei pei sou jiongm buk buen kao daob muyi daol kao daob bi/ haoyi drong ban brao dien /aoyi niak klah ban tve jie saveiak/ klah jie gru a ti baiy/ klah jie gru psayi daom neng la ao/ klah jie gru gong viel /haoyi klah jie gru bang rien/ brao yaoj neng nuam aoyi buok bao ri saot ban groub liak laeng / sangm rab tve ga jiongm nuyi / haoyi neng s-an-en rub gaiyi brie geri lang. 16 Out from whom all the Body, being joined together and being knit together through every joint of the rich supply and through the operation in the measure of each one part, causes the growth of the Body unto the building up of itself in love. kao daob bram muyi/ dail rub gaiyi diangm mul ban pgongm/ haoyi pjiuab knie maok angm bi drong/ daoyi sa groub diang sang lak dai pgut pgong aoyi/ dam knat ga ngie rou bao aveiak you veiak / ni muyi ni muyi/ nuh rub gaiyi ban bang gaet lang / dangm bei neng s-an-en klun / knong sei ge dei srao lan. I. The God-ordained way—everyone is being perfected to function to build up the body of Christ—Eph. 4:11-12: I. plouv dail brie jie me jiah gangm naot douk groub knie /ge tve aoyi groub knie ban groub liak /dangm bei aoyi min mouk ngie brae ga/ knong ga gao sang rub gaiyi brie geri. A. The God-ordained way is the most excellent way, the biblical way, and the most effective way—vv. 11-12. A. plouv dail brie jie me jiah ban gangm naot douk/ ge jie plouv dai la ao et kjiaoh bangm paot/ plouv kang brie gongm bi / neng jie plouv dail 236

min /brao sede-pieb bangm paot. B. The scriptural way of meeting and serving is able to raise the members of Christ in the growth of life—v. 15a. B. plouv nei ga brao jiongm / neng ga bangm rae kang baot gongm bi/ ge aj tve aoyi aveiak you veiak rou bao brie geri/ jiangm raen toum knong ji vet. C. The scriptural way to meet and to serve is able to develop the organic function and ability of the members of Christ and is able to build up the Body of Christ— vv. 12, 16. C. dangm bei brao jiongm neng bangm rae plouv kang baot gongm bi/ ge aj tve aoyi min ga gaen laeng nev mouk ngie brae ga pnaik ji vet/ neng bang gaen nev sa made-pieb daol groub aveiak you veiak /rou bao brie geri diang aoh/ haoyi gao aj gao sang rub gaiyi brie geri ban pang dai. II. The four steps of the God-ordained way—v. 16: II. jiongm hein diang buen nei plouv dail brie ban gangm naot douk: A. Seeking, visiting, and contacting sinners. A. ga svaiing rouk/ ga sue saok douk/ neng ga diak dong me nuh min bab. B. Nourishing and cherishing the newborn in home meetings. B. ga jin jiem neng ga tnak tnaom niak tmei/ nev knong ga brao jiongm dam pdiah. C. Teaching in group meetings. C. ga bang rien nev knong ga brao jiongm dam graom. D. Prophesying in the church meetings. D. ga a ti baiyi nev knong ga brao jiongm graom jiongm noum. III. We need to do nothing but give our all, to continue steadfastly in carrying out of the new way ordained by God; if we offer up all our energy and financial capacity, and everyone all over the earth moves in one accord, how much the Lord can bless us! III. yeng men jiam baj tve evei diang aoh/ gruan dai tvayi groub diang aoh dai yeng min/ dangm bei bang dao pjie-yem /nev knong ga bangm ben sangm raj dam plouv tmei/ dail brie ban gangm naot douk. brao sen bae yeng tvayi aoh diang gaom lang/ brong diang tak-viga/ dam ledepieb rou bao yeng / haoyi groub me nuh nev le pan dei diang aoh/ tve jiao-le-na nev knong jiet gongm net dai muyi/ nuh dae brie ang me jiah aj brao dien bou daol yeng jiraen yang nah dev! IV “Each blessing Thou hast given us Thy newness doth contain; / Thy covenant, Thy ways are new, And ever thus remain. / O Father, Thou art unchanging, Thou never hast grown old; / Thru countless ages, ever fresh, / Thy newness doth unfold”—Hymns, #16. IV “brie bou dai drong brao dien maok aoyi/ ge tmei et jiah saoh laoyi/ gdei san-neya tmei ai plouv gao tmei/ groub yang tmei diang aoh haoyi/ drong ge jie brie dail nev dai tmei / men jiah men plah bdou tmei/ duh ruab lien qinam gen lang paot dev/drong nev dai tmei aoh gaol.” Table Contents


Term Ninety-one The Life Pulse in the Practice of the God-Ordained Way—the Home vieg sab di gae seb muyi jib jiao ji vet nev knong ga a-nu-vuat plouv dail brie ban gaom naot douk Abstracts: daok srang bi: Acts 5:42 And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they did not cease teaching and announcing the gospel of Jesus as the Christ. geij ga jiongm buk bram kao sae seb bi/ haoyi niak diang nuh jiai dai bang rien/ broum diang brab daom neng la ao rou bao brie ye su geri/ nev knong brie vi heiye/ haoyi nev aoh diang pdiah rual tengai jie neij. During the time of the apostles, the church was built up in the believers’ homes. Once we open our homes, the gospel will have an outlet. This is the reason that we must endeavor with all the energy, strength, and time that the Lord has given us to recover the proper atmosphere of the homes. knong angm long beil nei buk saveiak/ grongm jiongm noum drouv ban gao sang laeng nev knong pdiah rou bao buk niak ji-e/ nev beil yeng baek pdiah rou bao yeng/ daom neng la ao neng min jiraok jin muyi/ nih jie haid paol dail yeng / drouv dai kaom breng knah knaiing aoyi aoh bi ta-me-boul/ gaom laeng/ neng beil vei lie dail brie ang me jiah ban brao dien daol yeng/ dam bei sda ba-ri-ya-ga /nei pdiah yang drem drouv. Contents: klem sa: Acts 5:42 And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they did not cease teaching and announcing the gospel of Jesus as the Christ. geij ga jiongm buk bram kao sae seb bi/ haoyi niak diang nuh jiai dai bang rien/ broom diang brab daom neng la ao rou bao brie ye su geri/ nev knong brie vi heiye/ haoyi nev aoh diang pdiah rual tengai jie neij. Luke 5:29 And Levi gave a great reception for Him in his house; and there was a great crowd of tax collectors and others who were reclining at table with them. lu ga jiongm buk bram kao me pei bram buen/ Lei vi ban rieb jiangm jiub li-eng jie toum tvayi drong nev pdiah guat/ haoyi min niak youk bent dian fueng/ neng me nuh ai die maok ang gui nev dou jie muyi knie dai. I. During the time of the apostles, the church was built up in the believers’ homes—Acts 5:42: I. knong angm lang beil nei buk saveiak/ graom jiaongm noum drouv ban gao sang lang nev knong pdiah rou bao buk niak ji-e: A The church life at the time of the apostles had a very strong home atmosphere; this is the reason that we must endeavor with all the energy, strength, and time that the Lord has given us to recover the proper atmosphere of the homes. A ji vet grongm jiongm noum nev knong grie buk saveiak/ min ba-ri-ya- ga yang klang klah dam pdiah/ nih jie haid paol dail yeng drouv dai kaom breng knah knai aoyi aoh bi ta me boul/ gaom laeng neng beil vei 238

lie dail brie ang me jiah ban brao dien daol yeng/ dam bei sda ba-ri-ya- ga nei pdiah yang drem drouv. B We are the mouthpieces for preaching the gospel, our homes are the outlets for preaching the gospel. B yeng jie niak ni yeyi sangm rab brao ga daom neng la ao/ pdiah rou bao yeng jie jiraok jin sangm rab brao ga daom neng la ao. II. We should not only preach the gospel but also open our homes; hold receptions for the Lord Jesus—Luke 5:27-29: II. yeng men drem drouv brao ga daom neng la ao bon naoh dei/ dai taim diang baek pdiah rou bao yeng diet pang/ rieb jiangm ga dou dul brie ang me jiah ye su geri: A Luke 5 gives us an excellent example; upon hearing the Lord’s calling, Levi left all, rose up, and followed the Lord; in this way he was saved; once he was saved, he gave a great reception for the Lord Jesus in his house—vv. 27-29. A lu ga jiongm buk bram /ban aoyi wu die hao yang la ao; daoyi ga le nei ga dra hou rou bao brie ang me jiah/ Lei vi ban baoh bang jiaol groub diang aoh/ haoyi grouk laeng dae dam brie ang me jiah. dam plouv nih guat ban dou dul sei ge dei sang gruh/ beil guat ban dou dul sei ge dei sang gruh / guat ban dou dul sva gongm yang pong /sangm rab brie ang me jiah ye su /nev knong pdiah rou bao guat. B Once we open our homes, the gospel will have an outlet. B nev beil dail yeng baek pdiah rou bao yeng / daom neng la ao neng min jiraok jin. III. In this way the blessing will come not only to us but also to our sons and daughters for generation after generation—Exo. 20:6: III. dam plouv nih / brie bou neng men drem dai min daol yeng bon naoh dei/ dai gao min daol guo braoh neng goun srei rou bao yeng/ bi muyi jiongm nuan dev muyi jiongm nuan pang dai: A I hope that all of us will open your homes to give a great reception for Jesus, simply inviting “sinners” as your guests so that you may preach the gospel to them—Luke 5:27-29. A kniaom sang kem ta/ yeng diang aoh knie neng baek pdiah rou bao niah/ dam bei dou dul sva gongm nao dao toum sangm rab brie ang me jiah ye su/ daoyi gruan dai en ji-e en/ “me nuh min bab” jie pniuv rou bao niak/ dam bei aoyi niak aj brao ga daom neng la ao daol buk gei. B For the sake of eternity, we all should open our homes and provide an outlet for the gospel of the Lord. B dam bei jie brao yao nei pieb aoh gaol jie neij/ yeng diang aoh knie guo dai baek pdiah rou bao yeng/ neng pdaol jiraok jin /sangm rab daom neng la ao rou bao brie ang me jiah. IV. “Lord, I would offer myself, / Build Your organic Body; / Open homes, / Gain the young, / Shepherd men, Perfect them, / Bring in the glorious church, / Hasten, Lord, Your return”—New Songs, Building God’s House. IV. “brie ang kniaom soum tvayi klun/ gao sang rub gaiyi rou bao drong/ baek pdiah kniaom ban you-ve-jun/ mel tai me nuh aoyi groub liek / jiul grongm


jiongm noum min sei rei/ qiab laeng brie ang yieng maok.” Table Contents


Term Ninety-two Living Uniquely for the Gospel vieg sab di gae seb bi ga daom nae ji vet ruh dai muyi gut sangm rab daom neng la ao Abstracts: daok srang bi: Rom. 1:16b “The gospel is the power of God unto salvation to every one who believes.” roum jiongm buk muyi kao daob bram muyi kao/ “daom neng la ao / ge jie brie jiei sda nei brie/ sangm rab neng jueyi sang gruh/ daol aoh niak na dail ji-e”. The gospel is the glad tidings and the good news of great joy, which God asked His servants to announce to men. If we are faithful to the Lord by living uniquely for His gospel, the Lord will bless. daom neng la ao/ ge jie daom neng dao rik rieyi/ neng jie daom neng la ao nei sei ge dei ao sa baiy dao ao jiah/ dail brie ban soum aoyi buk bav bangm rae rou bao drong brao ga daol me nuh diang layi/ brao sen bae yeng smaoh drang neng brie ang me jiah/ daoyi ga daom nae ji vet ruh dai muyi gut /sangm rab daom neng la ao rou bao drong/ nuh brie ang me jiah neng brao dien bou. Contents: Rom. 1:16b The gospel is the power of God unto salvation to every one who believes. roum jiongm buk muyi kao daob bram muyi kao/ “daom neng la ao / ge jie brie jiei sda nei brie/ sangm rab neng jueyi sang gruh/ daol aoh niak na dail ji-e”. John 15:16a You did not choose Me, but I chose you, and I set you that you should go forth and bear fruit and that your fruit should remain, you han jiongm buk daob bram kao daob bram muyi gao/ men mein niak rual knie dail ban reh kniaom dei/ ge kniaom dei dae/ dail reh niak rual knie ven/ diang dang niak rual knie aoyi dev bang gaet paol/ haoyi aoyi paol rou bao niak rual knie ban nev jiaoab pang. 1 Cor. 9:16-17 For if I preach the gospel, I have no boast, … If I do this of my own will, I have a reward; muyi gou ren touh/ jiongm buk bram buen kao daob bram muyi daol kao daob bram bi/ bi bruh bae kniaom sayi daom neng la ao dev/ nuh men mein jie haid aoyi kniaom ut klun dei/…bae kniaom tve daoyi smah bi jiet / nuh kniaom ban rong van. I. “The gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes”— Rom. 1:16b: I. “daom neng la ao / ge jie brie jiei sda nei brie/ sangm rab neng jueyi sang gruh/ daol aoh niak na dail ji-e”: A. The gospel is the Triune God to be the very Spirit within us as our salvation, as our life, as our life supply, and as our all-inclusive enjoyment.—v. 9; 1:10. A. daom neng la ao/ ge jie brie drei aik dail ban klayi jie brie vei nien gong nev knong yeng/ tve jie sei ge dei sang gruh/ ji vet/ ji vet nei ga pgut 241

pgong/ neng jie sei ge dei angm nao rum ben jiul grub diang aoh. B. We must visit people to share with them the high gospel, that is, the Triune God himself to be our life and content. B. yeng drouv dai dev suo saok douk/ me nuh dae bei jiaik jiayi daom neng la ao dao kbong kbuoh daol buk gei/ nuh ge jiaik jiayi brie drei aik drong pdual/ dam bei ban klayi jie ji vet/ neng klem sa rou bao yeng. II. “You did not choose Me, but I chose you, and I set you that you should go forth and bear fruit and that your fruit should remain”— John 15:16a: II. “men mein niak rual knie dail ban reh kniaom dei/ ge kniaom dei dae/ dail reh niak rual knie ven/ diang dang niak rual knie aoyi dev bang gaet paol/ haoyi aoyi paol rou bao niak rual knie ban nev jiaob pang.” A. The Lord commanded us to live for this gospel uniquely. A. brie ang me jiah ban bang gaoab aoyi yeng /ruh nev sangm rab daom neng la ao nih dai muyi gut. B. Each one of us needs to wake up to be serious, to live uniquely for the gospel. B. yeng me niek me niek drouv pnie klun aoyi mein dein/ dam bei daom nae ji vet ruh dai muyi gut/ sangm rab daom neng la ao. III. “For if I preach the gospel, I have no boast, …If I do this of my own will, I have a reward”—1 Cor. 9:16-17: III. “bi bruh bae kniaom sayi daom neng la ao dev/ nuh men mein jie haid aoyi kniaom ut klun dei/…bae kniaom tve daoyi smah bi jiet / nuh kniaom ban rong van.” A. If we are faithful to the Lord by living uniquely for his gospel, the Lord will bless. A. brao sen bae yeng smaoh drang neng brie ang me jih/ daoyi ga daom nae ji vet ruh dai muyi gut/ sangm rab daom neng la ao rou bao drong/ nuh brie ang me jiah neng brao dien bou. B. If we seek his kingdom and his righteousness, he will give us his kingdom and His righteousness with an addition of all our daily necessities. B. brao sen bae yeng svaiing rouk nou gou/ neng sei ge dei sou jiret rou bao brie ang/ nuh brie ang neng brao dien nou gou/ neng sei ge dei sou- jiret rou bao drong maok daol yeng/ broum diang bon taim nev rual dam rouv ga jaim baj brao jiam tnaiyi rou bao yeng taim diet. IV. “Rescue the perishing, Care for the dying, / Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave; / Weep o’er the erring one, / Lift up the fallen, / Tell them of Jesus the mighty to save. / Rescue the perishing, Care for the dying; / Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save”—Hymns, #921. IV. “jiu srang buk niak lej long/ neng niak dail jit slab/ qiaoh jin bi run daov bab daoyi a nu gruh/ jiu youm sdayi naik veng veiing/ lek niak dail duol pgab/ daing brab bi brie ye su dail jueyi sang gruh/ jiu srang buk niak lej long/ neng niak dail jit slab/ brie geri drong sah-bao-rou/ neng brao sa aoyi ruoj. Table Contents


Term Ninety-three Shepherding the Lord’s Sheep vieg sab di gae seb bei ga kvie vong jiem rou bao brie ang me jiah Abstracts: daok srang bi: John 21:16 “He said to him again a second time, Simon, son of John, do you love Me? He said to Him, Yes, Lord, You know that I love You. He said to him, Shepherd My sheep.” you han jiongm buk me pei muyi kao daob bram muyi/ “ruj drong min bon dul dev guat medong diet ta/ Sei mun/ goun You han sao eyi/ dae srao lan kniaom re ei/ guat dul qilayi ta/ brie gak-rou-na vei seih brie ang me jiah drong jirieb ta/ dul bong gong ben jiet neng drong haoyi/ drong min brie bon dul dev guat ta/ jiu kvie vong jiem rou bao kniaom jiaoh.” Shepherding refers to caring for all of the needs of the sheep, to take all-inclusive tender care of the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd is manifested, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. ga kvie/ ge saom daov daol ga youk jiet douk dak rual dam rouv ga rou bao jiem/ ga tai riek sa dao dun plun dail rum ben jiul /groub diang aoh jiangm buoh vong jiem/ haoyi ga na mei gong viel leij maok/ nuh niak rual knie neng dou dul mao gaot sei rei dail men jiaih srao bun laoyi. Contents: klem sa: John 10:11 I am the good Shepherd; the good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. you han jiongm buk daob kao daob muyi/ kniaom jie niak gong viel la ao/ ai niak gong viel la ao/gao su dai bdao ji vet jiongm nuoh jiem. 21:16 He said to him again a second time, Simon, son of John, do you love Me? He said to Him, Yes, Lord, You know that I love You. He said to him, Shepherd My sheep. jiongm buk me pei muyi kao daob bram muyi/ “ruj drong min bon dul dev guat medong diet ta/ Sei mun/ goun you han sao eyi/ dae srao lan kniaom re ei/ guat dul qilayi ta/ brie gak-rou-na vei seih brie ang me jiah drong jirieb ta/ dul bong gong ben jiet neng drong haoyi/ drong min brie bon dul dev guat ta/ jiu kvie vong jiem rou bao kniaom jiaoh.” 1 Pet. 5:2b-4 Shepherd the flock of God among you, … And when the Chief Shepherd is manifested, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. muyi bei drouh jiongm buk bram kao bi daol kao buen/ jiu kviel vong jiem rou bao brie/ dail nev jie muyi neng niak rual knie jiaoh/ ruj gal na mei buk niak gong viel leij maok/ nuh niak rual knie neng dou dul mao gaot sei rei dail men jiaih srao bun laoyi. I. “I am the good Shepherd; the good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep”— John 10:11: I. “kniaom jie niak gong viel la ao/ ai niak gong viel la ao/gao su dai bdao ji vet jiongm nuoh jiem.” A. Christ is the Chief Shepherd, the great Shepherd, and the good Shepherd. A. brie geri ge jie mei gong viel / jie niak gong viel dao toum/ jie niak gong 243

viel la ao. B. Our Lord shepherds us mainly by caring for the welfare of our inner being. B. brie ang me jiah nei yeng drong kviel yeng rual knie/ daoyi ga tai riek sa dail tve aoyi jiangm raen lang /dev pnaik kang knong rou bao yeng. C. First Peter 2:25 tells us that this Chief Shepherd is the Shepherd of our souls; our soul is our inner being, our real person. C. muyi bei drouh jiongm buk bi kao me pei bram/ brab yeng ta/ mei gong viel ge jie niak gong viel nei brou leng rou bao yeng/ brou leng rou bao yeng ge jie klun pnaik kang knong rou bao yeng/ jie bou goul dao bet rou bao yeng. II. “He said to him, Shepherd My sheep”—John 21:16: II. “drong min brie bon dul dev guat ta/ jiu kviel vong jiem rou bao kniaom jiaoh”: A. Shepherding refers to caring for all of the needs of the sheep, to take all- inclusive tender care of the flock. A. ga kvie/ ge saom daov daol ga youk jiet douk dak rual dam rouv ga /rou bao vong jiem/ ga tai riek sa dao dun plun dail rum ben jiul /groub diang aoh jiangm buoh vong jiem. B. In John 21:15 the Lord charged us to feed His lambs. B. nev knong yon han jiongm buk me pei muyi kao daob bram/ brie ang me jiah ban bong gab yeng rual knie/ aoyi jiangm nei goum jiem rou bao drong. C. We are not just flocks of sheep but flocks of shepherds. C. yeng men gruan dai jie vong jiem dei/ dai yeng gao jie vong niak gong viel pang dai. III. “Shepherd the flock of God among you, … And when the Chief Shepherd is manifested, you will receive the unfading crown of glory”—1 Pet. 5:2a- 4. III. “jiu kviel vong jiem rou bao brie/ dail nev jie muyi neng niak rual knie jiaoh/ …ruj gal na mei /buk niak gong viel ban leij maok/ nuh niak rual knie neng dou dul mao gaot sei rei dail men jiaih srao bun laoyi. IV. “Into our care did God entrust, / the children, an inheritance, / we must equipped in spirit be, / to match God’s heart in shepherding. / to shepherd them, seize every chance, / impart the faith with diligence; / build character without delay, / raise up the vessels of the age”—New Songs, Into our care did God entrust. IV. “brie ang jie niak gong viel rou bao kniaom/ aoyi kniaom qiaob sangm rak knong drong/ brie ban nuam kniaom dev gbai muat dek hou/ drong sgaob brie deiy drong bao ri bou.”—KH 444. Table Contents


Term Ninety-four The Vital Group vieg sab di gae seb buen grongm drou drong ji vet Abstracts: daok srang bi: Acts 2:42 “And they continued steadfastly in the teaching and the fellowship of the apostles, in the breaking of bread and the prayers.” geij ga jiongm buk bi kao sae seb bi/ niak diang nuh gao nev dai pxie- yem knong sei ge dei bang rien rou bao buk saveiak/ haoyi knong sei ge dei brao gaob knie/ broum diang ga gaj noum bang/ neng sei ge dei a ti tan pang. A vital group is a group of normal Christians. A vital group could come into being only by a saint who is desperate and absolute for the increase of the Lord’s recovery. We should strengthen the vital groups, making the vital groups so beautiful, so high, and so attractive. grongm drou drong ji vet/ ge jie grongm gristien brao grao dei/ grongm drou drong ji vet/ aj jiul maok ban dai buk bao ri saot /dail min jiet ang die sa/ neng dao kat jiangm buoh ga gaen laeng nei ga sda laeng ven/ rou bao brie ang me jiah bon naoh/ buk yeng guo dai jiangm raen gaom lang grongm drou drong ji vet/ daoyi tve aoyi grongm drou drong ji vet / sraoh s-at kbong kbuoh / neng guo aoyi diek dien. Contents: klem sa: Acts 2:42 And to enlighten all that they may see what the economy of the mystery is, which throughout the ages has been hidden in God, who created all things. geij ga jiongm buk bi kao sae seb bi/ niak diang nuh gao nev dai pxie- yem knong sei ge dei bang rien rou bao buk sa gao/ haoyi knong sei ge dei brao gaob knie/ broum diang ga gaj noum bang/ neng sei ge dei a ti tan pang. 46-47 And day by day, continuing steadfastly with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house, they partook of their food with exultation and simplicity of heart, Praising God and having grace with all the people. And the Lord added together day by day those who were being saved. kao sae seb bram muyi daol kao sae seb bram bi/ rual dai tenaiyi/ gei nev dai pxie-yem knong brie vi-heiye/ daoyi min jiet broum brieng knie/ ai gal nev pdiah/ ga gaj noum bang/ haoyi bao ri pouk a ha/ daoyi angm nao/ neng jiet smaoh drang/ broum diang sao sae daol brie / haoyi ban da jun diang aoh knie/ gao ruab an gei jiangm naik brie ang me jiah/ drong gao bang taim nev ao niak/ dail gaom bong dai ban sang gruh rual dai tenaiyi/ dev knong buk jiongm noum taim diet. I. Vital groups are the lifeline of the God-ordained way—Acts 2:42, 46-47: I. grongm drou drong ji vet/ ge jie ksai ji vet nei plouv dail/ brie ban gaom naot douk: A. A vital group is a group of normal Christians; a vital group could come into being only by a saint who is desperate and absolute for the increase of the Lord’s recovery.


A. grongm drou drong ji vet/ ge jie grongm gristien brao grao dei/ grongm drou drong ji vet/ aj jiul maok ban dai/ buk bao ri saot dail min jiet ang die sa/ neng daj kat jiangm buoh ga gaen laeng /nei ga sda laeng ven rou bao brie ang me jiah bon naoh. B. Such a desperate saint would spontaneously contact others by the Lord’s leading and gain a companion or some companions for him to have a vital group. B. bong bu-on bao ri saot dail min jiet ang die sa baib nih/ neng diek dong me nuh dao dei dao svayi brao daot/ dam rou ye: ga dek nuam rou bao brie ang me jiah/ neng dou dul ban daiyi gu/ re daiy gu muyi jiongm nuen /dam bei aoyi guat min grongm drou drong ji vet. II. A vital group is living and full of activities—vv. 46-47: II. grongm drou drong ji vet/ ge ga ruoh nev dail bou ben dev daoyi saga-me- pieb: A. In order to be vital, we first must have a thorough fellowship with the Lord. A. dam bei klayi jie me nuh ruh rou vek / jie daom bong / yeng drouv dai min ga brao gaob yang me jiat / jie muyi brie ang me jiah. B. To be stirred up in the best love for the Lord through repenting prayers. B. dam bei ban ben dal nev knong /sei ge dei srao lan dao la ao bangm paot jiangm buoh brie ang me jiah/ dam rou ye: ga brai jiet a ti tan. C. To make a thorough confession to the Lord. C. dam bei tve aoyi min ga sarou-pieb bab yang me jiat jiangm buoh brie ang me jiah. D. To have close, intimate, and thorough fellowship with the Lord and with the seeking saints. D. dam bei min pieb snet snal/ jiet snet/ neng brao gaob yang me-jiat jie muyi brie ang me jiah/ broum diang ga svaiing rouk buk bao ri saot. III. We should spend every drop of our blood, every bit of our strength, and every minute of our time to strengthen the vital groups, making the vital groups so beautiful, so high, and so attractive—Rev. 3:8. III. yeng guo dai jiangm na you rual daom naot qiem/ rual gaom lang bon deij ban duoj/ neng rual nie di nei beil vei lie rou bao yeng/ dam bei jiaom raen gaom lang grongm drou drong ji vet/ daoyi tve aoyi grongm drou drong ji vet/ sraoh s-at kbong kbuoh/ neng guo aoyi diek dien. IV “We must ever preach the gospel, / Holding forth the word of life. / We must never shirk our duty; / Saving man from sin and strife. / Fellowship unto the gospel, / For the increase and the spread; / In the vital groups empowered, / Into victory we'll be led”—New Songs, We must ever preach the gospel. IV “groub diang aoh kniaom tvayi brie ye su/ tvayi saob groub daj daol brie ang/ kniaom min jiet srao lan/ drong smaoh drang/ diang ji vet gao tvayi drong pang/ bon dao groub diang aoh kniaom tvayi/ tvayi daj daol brie ang/ tvayi diang klun ji vet vei nien pang/ tvayi daj daol brie ang.”—KH 337. Table Contents


Term Ninety-five The Group Meeting vieg sab di gae seb bram ga brao jiongm grongm Abstracts: daok srang bi: Heb. 10:24-25 And let us consider one another so as to incite one another to love and good works, not abandoning our own assembling together. hai bre jiongm buk daob kao me pei buen daol kao me pei bram/ haoyi drouv aoyi yeng bi jia-re-na mel knie dev ven dev maok dai/ dam bei neng ban dal aoyi min sei ge dei srao lan/ haoyi aoyi brao bret ga la ao pang/ et leiing brao jiongm knie. The group meeting is a meeting of mutuality in which all the saints participate. When we come together in the group meeting, we incite one another, and we exhort one another; we should share our joy as well as our sufferings. ga brao jiongm grongm/ ge jie ga brao jiongm knie dev ven dev maok/ dail min buk bao ri saot diang ao jiul rum/ nev beil yeng maok jie muyi knie / nev knong ga brao jiongm grongm/ yeng ban dal / neng gaom la jiet knie dev ven dev maok/ yeng guo dai jiaik roum leik sei ge dei angm nao rou bao yeng/ gao douj jie ga rong douk rou bao yeng dai. Contents: klem sa: Heb. 10:24-25 And let us consider one another so as to incite one another to love and good works, Not abandoning our own assembling together, as the custom with some is, but exhorting one another. hai bre jiongm buk daob kao me pei buen daol kao me pei bram/ haoyi drouv aoyi yeng bi jia-re-na mel knie dev ven dev maok dai/ dam bei neng ban dal aoyi min sei ge dei srao lan/ haoyi aoyi brao bret ga la ao pang/ et leiing brao jiongm knie. Acts 2:46 And day by day, continuing steadfastly with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house, they partook of their food with exultation and simplicity of heart. geij ga jiongm buk bi kao sae seb bram muyi/ rual dai tnaiyi/ gei nev dai pxie-yem knong brie vei heiye/ daoyi min jiet broum brieng knie/ ai gal nev pdiah/ gao gaj noum bang/ haoyi bao ri pouk a ha/ daoyi angm nao neng jiet smaoh drang. I. The group meetings are the life line of the God-ordained way—Heb. 10:25; Acts 2:46: I. ga brao jiongm grongm/ ge jie ksai ji vet nei plouv dail brie ban gaom naot douk: A. The group meeting is our own meeting and the life line of the God-ordained way—Heb. 10:24-25. A. ga brao jiongm grongm/ ge jie ga brao jiongm pdual klun rou bao yeng/ neng jie ksai ji vet nei plouv dail brie ban gaom naot douk. B. The church life depends eighty percent upon the group meetings—vv. 24-25; Acts 2:46. B. bait seb pie rouyi/ ji vet grongm jiongm noum / ge beiing p-aik le ga 247

brao jiongm grongm. II. “And let us consider one another so as to incite one another to love and good works”—Heb. 10:24; Acts 2:46: II. “haoyi drouv aoyi yeng bi jia-re-na mel knie dev ven dev maok dai/ dam bei neng ban dal aoyi min/ sei ge dei srao lan/ haoyi aoyi brao bret ga la ao pang”: A. The group meeting is a meeting of mutuality in which all the saints participate; everyone can fellowship, intercede, render the mutual care and the shepherding; and in the group meetings all are teachers—Heb. 10:24. A. ga brao jiongm grongm/ ge jie ga brao jiongm knie dev ven dev maok /dail min buk bao ri saot diang aoh jiul rum/ me nuh groub knie aj brao gaob/ soum ang vou/ pdaol nuv ga youk jiet douk dak/ neng ga tai-rie- ksa/ knie dev ven dev maok/ haoyi nev knong ga brao jiongm grongm/ diang aoh knie sout dai jie groub bang rien. B. We incite one another, and we exhort one another; you exhort me, and I exhort you; you learn, and I also learn—v. 24; Col. 3:16. B. yeng ban dal /neng gaom la jiet knie dev ven dev maok/ bong bu-on gaom la jiet kniaom/ ri ai kniaom gaom la jiet bong bu-on/ bong bu-on rien/ ai kniaom gao rien dai. C. When we gather as a small group, we can fellowship concerning our problems and burdens, having an intimate care for one another; we should share our joy as well as our sufferings—Heb. 10:24-25. C. beil yeng jiub jiongm knie jie grongm douj muyi/ yeng aj brao gaob angm bi ba-nia-ha/ neng bon douk rou bao yeng daoyi min ga youk jiet douk dak snet snal /jiangm buoh knie dev ven dev maok/ yeng guo dai jiaik roum lek sei ge dei angm nao rou bao yeng / gao douj jie ga rong douk rou bao yeng dai. III. “Once by nature we were dead in sin, / In a world of utter discord; / But together God has quickened us, / Raised us up to sit together with the Lord. / Jesus is getting us together, / Come and see the saints in one accord. / His love is knitting us together, / To the stature of the fullness of the Lord”—Hymns, #1232. III. “vek hat bre brah vei nien/ ba-dei-sait goum net rual beil brao jiongm snal snet/ nih jie gen leh bet/ vet hat bre brah vei nien/ ba-dei-sait sa-sna/ brao gaob rum min jiangm naik/ brie geri jie groub pnaik.” Table Contents


Term Ninety-six The Lord’s Table Meeting vieg sab di gae seb bram muyi ga brao jiongm dao brie ang me jia Abstracts: daok srang bi: 1 Cor. 11:23-25 The Lord Jesus … took bread, … broke it and said, This is My body, … similarly also the cup, saying, This cup is the new covenant established in My blood; … as often as you drink it, unto the remembrance of Me. muyi gou ren touh jiongm buk daob muyi kao me pei bei daol kao me pei bram/ brie ang me jia ye su / ban youk noum bang/ gao gaj noum bang/ daoyi bong dul ta/ jiu youk bi sa jiaoh/ ni jie rub gayi kniaom/ nuh drong gao youk beiing baib douj-qi-naoh dai/ daoyi bong dul ta/ beiing ni jie san nia tmei/ daoyi nev qiem kniaom/ jiu tve douj qi nei rual vei lie na/ dail pek douk jie sei gdei roum lek daol kniaom. The most important meeting is the Lord’s table meeting, it is the only meeting where we can render our remembrance to the Lord Himself. Every time we remember Him, may we eat Him, drink Him, and enjoy Him. ga brao jiongm dail saom kan jing geil bangm paot/ ge ga brao jiongm dao brie ang me jiah/ dail jie ga brao jiongm dai muyi gut/ dail aj aoyi yeng tvayi ga roum lek daoh drong/ groub beil dail yeng roum lek bi drong/ soum aoyi yeng bao ri pouk / pek/ neng dou dul angm nao drong. Contents: klem sa: 1 Cor. 11:23-25 The Lord Jesus … took bread, and having given thanks, He broke it and said, This is My body, which is given for you; this do unto the remembrance of Me. similarly also the cup after they had dined, saying, This cup is the new covenant established in My blood; this do, as often as you drink it, unto the remembrance of Me. muyi gou ren touh jiongm buk daob muyi kao me pei bei daol kao me pei bram/ brie ang me jia ye su / ban youk noum bang/ gao gaj noum bang/ daoyi bong dul ta/ jiu youk bi sa jiaoh/ ni jie rub gayi kniaom/ nuh drong gao youk beiing baib douj-qi-naoh dai/ daoyi bong dul ta/ beiing ni jie san nia tmei/ daoyi nev qiem kniaom/ jiu tve douj qi nei rual vei lie na/ dail pek douk jie sei gdei roum lek daol kniaom. I. Among all the meetings the most important is the Lord’s table—1 Cor. 11:23-25; Acts 2:41-42: I. ga brao jiongm dail saom kan jing gei bangm paot/ ge ga brao jiongm daoh brie ang me jia: A. It is the only meeting where we can render our gratitude, appreciation, worship, and remembrance to the Lord Himself; nothing is more important than this— 1 Cor. 11:23-25. A. ga brao jiongm daoh brie ang me jiah/ ge jie ga brao jiongm dai muyi gut/ dail aj aoyi yeng tvayi ga ao brie gun/ ga sao sae/ ga tvayi bang gongm/ neng ga roum lek bi brie ang me jia drong pdual/ kmin evei dail saom kan jing ga nih laoyi. B. Every time we remember Him, may we eat Him, drink Him, and enjoy Him


inwardly, then may we take His riches back with us so that we will have Him as our satisfaction, joy, and supply—vv. 23-25; John 6:35, 48. B. groub beil dail yeng roum lek bi drong/ soum aoyi yeng bao ri pouk/ pek/ neng dou dul angm nao drong nev pnaik kang knong/ bon duab maok soum aoyi yeng / dou dul youk pieb bao ri bou/rou bao drong/ drao laob maok ven jie muyi yeng/ dam bei aoyi yeng/ min drong jie di sgaob jiet/ sei ge dei rik rieyi /neng ga pgut pgong rou bao yeng. II. “The Lord Jesus … took bread, … broke it and said, This is My body, … similarly also the cup, saying, This cup is the new covenant established in My blood; … as often as you drink it, unto the remembrance of Me”—1 Cor. 11:23-25: II. “brie ang me jia ye su / ban youk noum bang/ gao gaj noum bang/ daoyi bong dul ta/ jiu youk bi sa jiaoh/ ni jie rub gayi kniaom/ nuh drong gao youk beiing baib douj-qi-naoh dai/ daoyi bong dul ta/ beiing ni jie san nia tmei/ daoyi nev qiem kniaom/ jiu tve douj qi nei rual vei lie na/ dail pek douk jie sei gdei roum lek daol kniaom”: A. The bread breaking meeting is not for anything other than remembering the Lord; even more to enjoy the Lord and all that He has accomplished for us. A. ga brao jiongm gaj noum bang/ kmin evei pseiing graov bi ga roum lek bi brie ang laoyi / leh bi nih/ ge dam bei dou dul angm nao brie ang me jiah/ neng groub ga diang aoh /dail drong ban baom ben sangm raj sangm rab yeng. B. This meeting is divided into two parts, the first part for remembering the Lord and the latter part for worshipping the Father—vv. 23-25; Heb. 2:12. B. ga brao jiongm nih/ ge baiing jiaik jie bi pnaik/ pnaik di muyi/ sangm rab ga roum lek bi brie ang me jiah/ haoyi pnaik jiang graoyi / ge sangm rab tvayi bang gongm brie vou bei da. C. By eating the bread, to enjoy the Lord as our life supply; and by drinking the cup, to receive God’s blessing—John 6:35, 48. C. dam bei dou dul angm nao brie ang me jiah/ jie ga pgut pgong rou bao yeng/ ge daoyi ga bao ri pouk noum bang/ haoyi dam bei dou dul brie bou maok bi brie/ ge daoyi ga pek beiing. III. “We eat the bread and drink the wine, / And to Thy sweetness we are led; / In spirit each receiving Thee, / Our spirits with Thyself are fed. / We long to eat and drink e’en more, / To take Thyself in spirit thus, / Till Thou shalt all our beiing fill / And true remembrance have from us”—Hymns, #233. III. “yeng houb noum ban haoyi pek beiing nih / dou dul gdei saok ji vet brie ang/ vei nien sroub jiul dou dul youk drong/ kniaom pluoh ruh jie dei ji vet aoh jiah/ kniaom dang jiet houb haoyi pek brie ang/ vei nien dou dul drong lang jie tvei/ rou hout bao ben daoyi drong knong gayi/ drong brao dien aoyi brie bou ji vet.” Table Contents


Term Ninety-seven The Prophesying Meeting vieg sab di gae seb bram bi ga brao jiongm a ti baiy Abstracts: daok srang bi: 1 Cor. 14:31 For you can all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be encouraged. muyi gou ren touh/ jiongm buk daob buen kao sam seb muyi/ tbet niak rual knie min qibab neng a ti baiy ban diang aoh knie/ dai drouv sangm daiing me niak me dong me niak me dong/ dam bei aoyi groub knie ban rien dam/ haoyi aoyi groub knie ban sei ge dei du min dai. To prophesy is to speak for Christ and to speak forth Christ, to minister Christ into people. All believers have the capacity to prophesy, then all will learn and all will be encouraged, the result is that all will be supplied, and the church will be built up. ga a ti baiy / ge ga ni yeyi sangm rab brie geri/ neng jie ga ni yeyi brie geri jin/ dam bei jiaik jiayi brie geri dev daol me nuh/ buk niak ji-e diang aoh min sa-mat-dpieb a ti baiyi/ bon duab maok niak diang aoh knie/ neng rien dam haoyi aoyi groub knie ban sei ge dei du min dai/ nuh le-de paol ge ta/niak diang aoh knie drouv ban pgut pgong/ ri ai grongm jiongm noum neng drouv ban gao sang lang. Contents: 1 Cor. 14:31 For you can all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be encouraged. muyi gou ren touh/ jiongm buk daob buen kao sam seb muyi/ tbet niak rual knie min qibab neng a ti baiy ban diang aoh knie/ dai drouv sangm daiing me niak me dong me niak me dong/ dam bei aoyi groub knie ban rien dam/ haoyi aoyi groub knie ban sei ge dei du min dai. 26 Whenever you come together, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up. kao me pei bram muyi/ ga na niak rual knie brao jiongm/ nuh groub knie min doum nouk dangm gaeng/ min sei ge dei bang rien/ min sei ge dei baek sangm daiing/ min ni yeyi pie sa dao dei/ min sei ge dei bao brai dai/ drouv aoyi tve ga diang aoh sangm rab neng s-an jiet lang. I. To prophesy is to speak for Christ and to speak forth Christ, ministering and dispensing Christ into people—1 Cor. 14:3-4: I. ga a ti baiy / ge ga ni yeyi sangm rab brie geri/ neng ga ni yeyi brie geri jin/ daoyi ga bangm rae neng ga jiaik jiayi brie geri dev dao me nuh: A. The best way to build the church is to prophesy, that is, to speak for Christ and to speak forth Christ, ministering and dispensing Christ into people; just same as a waiter ministers food—vv. 3-4. A. me xiu bai dao la ao bangm paot/ dam bei ga gao san grongm jiongm nongm/ ge ga a ti baiy/ nuh ge ga ni yeyi sangm rab brie geri/neng ga ni yeyi brie geri jin/ daoyi ga bangm rae neng ga jiaik jiayi brie geri dev daol me nuh/ douj knie neng niak bangm rae jiaik jiayi me houb a ha dai. 251

B. The highest function in the church meetings is to prophesy; to prophesy is to speak God as the very nourishing element into others—v. 12. B. maok ngiye dao kbuoh bangm paot/ nev knong ga brao jiongm grongm jiongm nongm / ge ga a ti baiy/ tbet ga a ti baiy ge jie ga ni yeyi brieh/ jie ang ge tiet jin jiem/ jiu dev ga nie dao dei. II. “For you can all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be encouraged”—v. 31: II. “tbet niak rual knie min qibab neng a ti baiy ban diang aoh knie/ dai drouv sangm daiing me niak me dong me niak me dong/ dam bei aoyi groub knie ban rien dam/ haoyi aoyi groub knie ban sei ge dei du min dai”: A. All believers have the capacity to prophesy; all the riches of Christ are released through the prophesying of every member of Christ; the result is that all will be supplied, and the church will be built up—vv. 26, 31. A. buk niak ji-e diang aoh/ min samat-depieb a ti baiy/ groub pieb bao ri bou rou bao brie geri diang aoh/ drouv ban ben jin maok dam rou ye ga a ti baiy/ rou bao a-veiyak ye veiyak rou bao brie geri diang aoh/ nuh lede-paol ge ta niak diang aoh knie/ neng drouv ban pgut pgong/ ri ai grongm jiongm nongm neng drouv ban gao sang lang. B. Suppose all the brothers and sisters could prophesy, and all could present some riches, this would be like a love feast in the church, where everyone brings a dish, when everyone brings something, the love feast will surely be rich—v. 26. B. ou be-ma ta/ bong bu-on brao srei diang aoh knie aj a ti baiy/ ai nie diang aoh knie aj tve baot bang han bi pieb bao ri bou klah klah/ga nih neng ban douj jie bi ti liem dao min sei ge dei srao lan / nev knong grongm jiongm nongm /dail groub knie nuam youk me-houb / beil dai groub knie nuam youk evei me yang / nuh bi ti liem dao min sei ge dei srao lan/ bra guat jie neng min pieb bao ri bou. III. “Pursue love, and desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy”—v. 1. III. “jiu den dam sei ge dei srao lan jiaoh/ haoyi sang vat jiang ban diang angm naoy dien kang ai vei nien dai/ dai su aoyi jiaih a ti baiy jie dam.” IV. “Now the church life is so precious with all the saints so dear. / Enjoying all Your riches, our vision is so clear, / That all would prophesy of Christ from what they’ve seen, / According to Your scripture in First Corinthians fourteen”—New Songs, #181. IV. “noum bang nih taim diang a ti baiy/ at gangm bang nei rub gaiyi/ yeng jie jiangm naik dail min ji vet/jie dai muyi neng drong bet/ yeng rub rum knie daoyi noum bang nih / drong saob brie dei douj qi nei/ buk bao ri saot rum brao gaob knie/ sangm daiing pieb bao ri bou.” —KH 185. Table Contents


Term Ninety-eight The Offering of the Material Riches vieg sab di gae seb bram bei ga tvayi draob saom bat Abstracts: daok srang bi: Acts 20:35b To remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. geij ga jiongm buk me pei kao sam seb bram/ haoyi neng nek jiam bi brie bon dul nei brie ang me jia ye su/ dail drong min bon dul ta/ dail aoyi nuh ban bou jie jing dou dul. The best way to be blessed by God in material riches is to give, it is more blessed to give than to receive. If we will fully offer to God what belongs to Him, God will pour out a blessing to us. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, they will give into our bosom. vi ti dail dao la ao bangm paot/ dam bei dou dul ban bou kang sangm pie lie bao ri bou/ bi brie nuh ge aoyi / ga aoyi ge min bou jing dou dul. brao sen bae yeng bet jie tvayi groub diang aoh dev jiangm buoh brie /nev evei dail jie rou bao drong/ nuh brie jie me jiah neng jiak brie bou daol yeng jie men kan. drong neng val maok aoyi yeng ven diang niu-at diang ru-liek/ haoyi dak aoyi heiye neng you maok dak bangm ben jiet yeng pang. Contents: Luke 6:38a Give, and it will be given to you; a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, they will give into your bosom. lu ga jiongm buk bram muyi kao sam seb bram bei/ jiul aoyi dev gei/nuh neng ban aoyi maok nie dai/ gei neng val aoyi nie yang la ao/ diang niu-at diang ru-liek/ haoyi dak aoyi heiye neng you maok dak bangm ben jiet niek pang. tbet gei neng val aoyi niek dam rong vuol na dail niak vuol aoyi gei. Acts 20:35b To remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. geij ga jiongm buk me pei kao sam seb bram/ haoyi neng nek jiam bi brie bon dul nei brie ang me jia ye su/ dail drong min bon dul ta/ dail aoyi nuh ban bou jie jing dou dul. I. “Give, and it will be given to you; a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, they will give into your bosom”—Luke 6:38a: I. “jiul aoyi dev gei/nuh neng ban aoyi maok nie dai/ gei neng val aoyi nie yang la ao/ diang niu-at diang ru-liek/ haoyi dak aoyi heiye neng you maok dak bangm ben jiet niek pang. tbet gei neng val aoyi niek dam rong vuol na dail niak vuol aoyi gei.” A. This is a promise spoken from the Lord’s own mouth, if we are willing to distribute our material wealth to the needy for God’s sake, He will surely give into our bosom. A. nih jie sei ge dei san-ne-ya dail ban min bon dul jin bi brie aof brie maok/ brao sen bae yeng smak jiet jiaik druab saom bat rou bao yeng/ jiangm buoh daom rou ga sangm rab jie paol brao yaoj rou bao brie/ nuh drong neng brao dien maok yieng ven/jie di ben jiet pang. B. That which is rich and plenteous, a good measure, pressed down, shaken 253

together, running over, He will not give into our hands that which is scanty and limited; what a profitable deal this is!—v. 38a. B. nih jie evei dail bao ri bou/ neng hou heiyi/ge diang niu-at diang ru- liek/ haoyi dak aoyi heiye drong neng men brao dien maok knong daiyi yeng ven/ nev evei dail ben di ben duj neng min gaom naot nuh dei. oh! dae nih jie ga jiangm nen maok ven yang na dev! II. “To remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, It is more blessed to give than to receive”—Acts 20:35b: II. “drouv jiang jiam brie bon dul rou bao brie ang me jia ye su/ dail min bon dul daoyi ang drong pdual ta/ dail aoyi nuh ban bou jie jing dou dul”: A. In God’s eyes, such offering is a kind of sowing which will result in reaping; he who offers little shall reap little, and he who offers much shall reap much. A. nev knong brie neit rou bao brie / douj jie dang vai / ge jie brao peib nei ga sa bruoh/ dail neng aj dou dul paol daoyi ga jirout; nao na dail bruoh dei nuh neng jirout ban dei/ haoyi niak na dail bruoh jiraen nuh neng jirout ban jiraen. B. The best way to be blessed by God in material riches is to give, not to receive, thus, the Lord Himself promised us that it is more blessed to give than to receive—v. 35b. B. vi ti dao la ao bangm paot/ dam bei dou dul ban bou kang sangm pie lie bao ri bou/ bi brie nuh ge aoyi men mein dou dul dei/ douj qi nou haoyi brie ang me jiah drong pdual ban san-ne-ya ta/ ga dai aoyi ge min bou jing dou dul. III. “Bring the whole tithe to the storehouse that there may be food in My house; and prove Me, if you will, by this, says Jehovah of hosts, whether I will open to you the windows of heaven and pour out blessing for you until there is no room for it”—Mal. 3:10. III. “jiu nuam youk dang vai muyi pie knong daoab diang aoh/ maok dak knong klieng jiaoh / dam bei aoyi min sbiing a ha/ nev knong daom nak nei an/ haoyi le-bang lou an ei lou / bae an men baek tveiye tan sue / dam bei jiak brie bou maok le aiing/ dail neng kmin gen laiing le-moum douk ban dei/ ni haoyi jie brie bon dul rou bao brie ye hou va/ nei buok boul bao ri va.” IV. “Fully surrendered-silver and gold, / His, who hath given me riches untold. / All, all belong to Thee, / For Thou didst purchase me, / Thine evermore to be, / Jesus, my Lord”—Hymns, #442. IV. “groub diang aoh kniaom tvayi brie ye su/ et sangm jiayi douk evei muyi saoh/ soum brie ang yieng maok mei da braoh/ daoyi brie dei srao lan san daoh/ groub diang aoh kniaom tvayi tvayi daj daol brie ang /tvayi diang klun ji vet vei nien pang / tvayi daj daol brie ang.”—KH 337. Table Contents


Term Ninety-nine Participating in Conferences and Trainings vieg sab di gae seb bram buen ga jiu rum nev knong ga brao jiongm toum toum neng ga vek ve-en diang lai Abstracts: daok srang bi: Eph. 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ. ei pei sou jiongm buk buen kao daob bi/ brao yaoj neng nuam aoyi buk bao ri saot/ ban groub liek laeng/ sangm rab tve ga jiongm nuyi/ haoyi neng s-an rub gaiyi brie geri laeng. We need periodic conferences to stir up and encourage the saints, and to open the eyes of the seeking ones. We also need to be trained so that we can grow in life, to become skillful in function, and to become more useful in the Lord’s hands. yeng drouv ga ga brao jiongm toum toum / dam gal gaom naot / dam bei jiongm run neng le dek jiet/ daol buk bao ri saot/ haoyi neng dam bei baek pneik buk niak dail min jiet svaiing rouk. yeng gao drouv dai ban vek ve-en pang dai brao yaoj /aoyi yeng aj jiangm raen toum nev knong ji vet/ dam bei klayi jie me nuh min jiongm nien/ nev knong maok ngie brae ga/ neng min brao yaoj gan dai jiraen nev knong brie haoah rou bao brie ang me jiah. Contents: klem sa: Eph. 4:11-12 And He Himself gave some as apostles and some as prophets and some as evangelists and some as shepherds and teachers, For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ. ei pei sou jiongm buk buen kao daob muyi daol kao daob bi/ haoyi drong ban brao dien aoyi niak klah/ ban tve jie saveiak klah jie gru a ti baiy/ klah jie gru psai daom neng la ao/ klah jie gru gong viel / haoyi klah jie groub bang rien/ brao yaoj neng nuam aoyi buk bao ri saot/ ban groub liek laeng/ sangm rab tve ga jiongm nuyi/ haoyi neng s-an rub gaiyi brie geri laeng. I. “For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ”—Eph. 4:12: I. “brao yaoj neng nuam aoyi buk bao ri saot/ ban groub liek laeng/ sangm rab tve ga jiongm nuyi/ haoyi neng s-an rub gaiyi brie geri laeng”: A. To perfect a saint is to complete him, to equip him, and to furnish him. A. ga tve aoyi buk bao ri saot ban groub liek laeng/ ge jie ga tve aoyi guat ben bao ri bou/ tve aoyi guat ban brao dab klun /neng tve aoyi guat ban rieb groub brao dab. B. We believers need to be perfected to function in the Body of Christ, unto the building up of the Body of Christ—v. 12. B. yeng dail jie buk niak ji-e drouv dai ban groub liek laeng/ dam bei min maok ngie brae ga nev knong rub gaiyi rou bao brie geri/ rou hout daol ga gao sang laeng nei rub gaiyi rou bao brie geri. II. In the Lord’s new move in the churches, we need periodic conferences, this kind of gathering stirs up and encourages the saints—Acts 2:40-41:


II. nev knong jiao-le-na tmei rou bao brie ang me jiah/ nev knong grongm jiongm nongm / yeng drouv ga ga brao jiongm toum toum dam gal gaom naot/ tbet ga jiub jiongm brao peib nih jiongm run /neng le-de jiet daol buk bao ri saot. A. The conference stirs up and encourages the saints, this opens the eyes of the seeking ones to see something further. A. ga brao jiongm toum toum jiongm run/neng le-de jiet daol buk bao ri saot/ ga nih neng baek pneik buk niak min jiet svaiing rouk / aoyi mel ken evei muyi bon taim diet. B. They are equipped to bear more burden for the Lord, and they will receive a broader view of the Lord’s move. B. buk gei drouv ban brao dab klun / dam bei drouv ben duk gan dai jiraen/ sangm rab brie ang me jiah/ haoyi buk gei neng dou dul ban duh s-nak / nei jiao-le-na rou bao brie ang me jiah gan dai du long du lieyi. III. We need to be trained for the practice of the church life, to become more useful in the Lord’s hands—Eph. 4:11-12: III. yeng drouv dai ban vek ve-en sangm rab ga a-nu-vuat ji vet grongm jiongm nongm/ dam bei aoyi min brao yaoj gan dai jiraen/ nev knong brie hao rou bao brie ang me jiah: A. To be trained is to have the rich supply of Christ ministered to us that we may grow—Col. 2:19. A. ga ban vek ve-en ge ga min ga pgut pgong dao bao ri bou/ nei brie geri / ban jiaik jiayi daol yeng /dam bei aoyi yeng aj jiangm raen toum. B. And it is to be equipped that we may be skillful in function—Eph. 4:16. B. haoyi gao drouv ban brao dab klun / dam bei aoyi yeng aj min jiongm nien knong maok ngie brae ga. IV. “O Lord, we give ourselves afresh, Into Your training hands to be, / Molded, shaped, and worked on daily, To be vessels of Your glory! / May all my life and work declare, Uniqueness of Your recovery / To build Your Body, prepare Your bride, To bring You back, fulfill Your longing!”—New Songs, The Uniqueness of the Lord’s Recovery. IV. “me jiah kniaom men gruan dai jing smun/ jie niak gao sang dao sei rei/ taim diang smun kniaom neng gai qi-naiyi/ daob daiing kniaom aoyi la ao brao bei/ kniaom men gruan dai jie me nuh dei/ dai jie tbong dail gao sang tmei/ men gruan dai jie pie ji-nie dei/dai jie vei heiye qi-gengm qi-gaiyi.”— KH 604. Table Contents


Term One-hundred The Blending of the Body of Christ vieg sab di muyi raoyi ga rum ben jiul nei rub gaiyi brie geri Abstracts: daok srang bi: 1 Cor. 12:24 But our comely members have no need. But God has blended the body together, giving more abundant honor to the member that lacked. muyi gou ren touh jiongm buk daob bi kao me pei buen/ dai a-veiya ye veiyak na rou bao yeng da la ao mel/ nuh men drouv ga vei dei/ douj qi nei brie drong ban sangm rub gaiyi rong diang brao dien aoyi a-veiya ye veiyak na/dail kvaj ban brao sae le jiang dev diet. Blended implies the losing of distinctions, God has blended all the believers. Therefore, the uncomely ones share comeliness with the comely ones, and the weaker ones are nourished and supported by the stronger ones. Then we have the Body. ban rum ben jiul bang gaob nei bi ga bad bang/ nei pieb kaoh kaoh knie/ brie ban rum ben jiul buk niak ji-e diang aoh/ douj qi nei, buk niak dai men la ao mel /jiaik rongm leik pieb sangm suen jie muyi buk niak dai la ao mel/ haoyi buk niak klang jing jin jiem /neng pgut pgong buk niak ksaoyi jing/ ben daob maok deb yeng min rub gaiyi. Contents: 1 Cor. 12:24 But our comely members have no need. But God has blended the body together, giving more abundant honor to the member that lacked. muyi gou ren touh jiongm buk daob bi kao me pei buen/ dai a-veiya ye veiyak na rou bao yeng da la ao mel/ nuh men drouv ga vei dei/ douj qi nei brie drong ban sangm rub gaiyi rong diang brao dien aoyi a-veiya ye veiyak na/dail kvaj ban brao sae le jiang dev diet. 10:17 Seeing that there is one bread, we who are many are one Body; for we all partake of the one bread. jiongm buk daob kao daob bram bi/ tbet dail min noum bang dai muyi dong/ nuh yang na jiangm naik buk yeng /dai min knie jiraen gaot jie rub gaiyi dai muyi yang nuh dai/ bi bruh yeng diang aoh knie dou dul dien/ bi dong noum bang dai muyi nuh aiing. I. The building up of the saints as a living Body is accomplished by all the members being blended one with another—1 Cor. 10:17: I. knong niem jie rub gaiyi dao ruoh / ga gao sang buk bao ri saot laeng/ ge drouv ban bangm ben sangm raj daoyi groub a veiya ye veiyak diang aoh / ban rum ben jiul knie dev ven dev maok: A. The many grains all become one bread, by all the grains being broken to pieces, ground into fine flour, and then blended together to be one bread—John 12:24. A. gruab jie jiraen diang aoh/ saot dai klayi jie noum bang/ dai muyi dong dam rou ye grouab diang aoh ban bangm baij dev jie bangm naik douj douj/ gen aoyi dev jie me-sae muat/ haoyi ben daob maok rum ben jiul jie muyi knie/ dam bei aoyi ban klayi jie noum bang dai muyi dong. B. The church is a bread, a cake, made of fine flour; this fine flour comes from wheat grains, we are the many grains so that we may be ground into fine flour for making the cake, the bread, of the church—1 Cor. 10:17. 257

B. grongm jiongm nongm ge jie noum bang muyi dong/ jie noum muyi dong/ dai tve bi me-sae muat; me-sae muat nih ban maok bi graob srouv selei/ buk yeng ge jie grouab jie jiraen / dam bei aoyi yeng aj ban gen dev jie me-sae muat/ sangm rab tve noum /noum bang/ nei grongm jiongm nongm. II. “But our comely members have no need. But God has blended the body together, giving more abundant honor to the member that lacked”; blended here implies the losing of distinctions—12:24: II. “dai a-veiya ye veiyak na rou bao yeng da la ao mel/ nuh men drouv ga vei dei/ douj qi nei brie drong ban sangm rub gaiyi rong diang brao dien aoyi a-veiya ye veiyak na/dail kvaj ban brao sae le jiang dev diet.” ban rum ben jiul drang nih bang gaot nei bi ga bad bang / nei pieb kaoh knie. A. The uncomely ones share comeliness with the comely ones, and the weaker ones are nourished and supported by the stronger ones—v. 24. A. buk niak dai men la ao mel /jiaik rongm leik pieb sangm suen jie muyi buk niak dai la ao mel/ haoyi buk niak klang jing jin jiem /neng pgut pgong buk niak ksaoyi jing/ ben daob maok deb yeng min rub gaiyi. B. In the church life we have those of all colors, races, nationalities, and social rank; nevertheless, God has blended all the believers of all different races and colors. B. nev knong ji vet grongm jiongm noum / yeng min bao sangm baol/ buj sa san jiet neng te-nak/ nev knong sang goum; bong dai brie ban rum ben jiul buk niak ji-e nei buj saf neng sangm baol pseiing pseiing knie diang aoh. C. In the local churches there are many different saints; one brother’s distinction may be quickness, and another’s may be slowness; but in the Body life the slowness disappears, and the quickness is taken away; all distinctions are gone. C. nev knong grongm jiongm nongm daom bao-an diang lai/ min duoh buk bao ri saot pseiing pseiing knie; pieb kaoh knie rou bao bong bu-on m- niak/ aj jie pieb rou ha rou huen ai me niak diet/ aj jie pieb yi-et yao / bong dai nev knong ji vet rub gaiyi pieb yi-et yao bat sou-en ai pieb rou ha rou huen/ drouv ban dao you jien; pieb kaoh knie diang aoh drouv ban bat bang dev. III. “Blend us, Lord, blend us, Lord, ’til we are in one accord. / Hallelujah— the saints going on! / Blend us, Lord, blend us, Lord, open hearts we can afford. / Hallelujah—the churches go on! / As the members of / His organic Body, / We need the others to go on. / As local churches, / We do also need / One another for our going on”—New Songs, Blend us, Lord, Blend us, Lord. III. “rual beil brao jiongm naoam brie geri maok/ naom pieb sangm bou dai drong brao dien / naom knie youk maok tvai jie dang vai/ dam bei sangm daiing brie geri / groub biek bon daol neng a ti tan / jiaik jiayi daol knie/ daoyi brae vei nien / sei ge dei bang rien neng angm naoyi dien/ dam bei sangm daiing brie geri / yeng maok sangm daiing brie geri/ yeng maok sangm daiing brie geri/ naom knie youk pieb sangm bou nei brie / yeng


maok sangm daiing brie geri.” —KH 624. Table Contents