The Association for Roman Arch a e o l o g y AARRAA NNEEWWSS March 2010 Issue 23 ARA members assemble at the Roman lighthouse at Dover Castle, 17th August 2009, on the first of at least three tours covering the Roman forts of the Saxon Shore. View looking north with the Saxon church of St. Mary-in-Castro to the right and the great tower of the castle in the distance to the left. Photo: © Grahame Soffe. CO N T E N T S ARA CONTACTS Page Hon. President: Professor John J. Wilkes BA, PhD, FBA, FSA Hon. Chairman: Grahame Soffe BA, Editorial 2 Tel: 01367 244857 Contents and Contacts 2 Hon. Vice-Chairman: Mike Stone BA, Cert Ed, MITG The Great North Museum 3 and 4 26 Awd r y Close, Chippenham, Wil t s h i r e, SN14 0TQ. Tel: 01249 446385 Archaeological Round-up Director: Bryn Walters BA, 4, 8, 23 and 25 75 York Road, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN1 2JU. Tel/Fax: 01793 534008 Hon. Treasurer: David Evans PhD, Romans, Police Cars and Gunley Stables, Marton, Welshpool, Powys, SY21 8JL. Tel: 01938 561398 Football Fans 5 to 8 e-mail:
[email protected] Treasurer’s Report 9 Hon. Archivist: Anthony Beeson, Eden House, 18 Bowden Close, Coombe Dingle, Bristol, BS9 2RW. Bignor Roman Villa 9 e-mail:
[email protected] Dates for your Diary 9 Trus t e e s : Gilt Glass Tesserae 9 Anthony Beeson, David Evans, Don Greenwood, Vix Hughes, Sam Moorhead, Grahame Soffe, Michael Stone, Bryn Wal t e r s The Missing 90% in Hon.