A Monthly Publication of 1240 Broadbridge Ave, Stratford, CT 06615 Vol. 8. No. 73 - Summer 2018 Celebrating Our Patronal Feast Day! The Nativity Of The Holy Prophet Forerunner And Baptist John Theotokos Save Us! The Prophet Parish Ministries Coordinators Church School Coordinator: Pani Carol Paproski The Official Monthly Publication of The Orthodox Greek Catholic Church Junior ACRY Youth Group: Debbie Samilenko of Saint John the Baptist Sr. ACRY : Eve Nucifora 1240 Broadbridge Avenue, Stratford, CT 06615 Parish Website: www.sjoc.org Outreach Coordinators Email:
[email protected] Community & Mary Householder/ Very. Rev. Protopresbyter Peter Paproski Soup Kitchen Eve Nucifora Phone & Fax: 203-375-2564 Cell: 203-260-0423 Bereavement Jean Lomme Young Families Michelle Mihaly Parish Council President: William Bilcheck, Jr. The Sick /Shut-ins M.Allis/E. Nucifora 203-421-3121 email:
[email protected] Financial Investment William Bilcheck,Jr. Divine Services William Booth, Jr. Vespers: Sat: 5:00 pm, Eve of Feasts: 7:00 pm Thomas Decerbo Divine Liturgy Sunday & Week Day 9:00 am Matthew Mihaly Services of Intercession as Announced Coffee Hour Fellowship Sundays 10:30 am Property Maintenance/ Thomas Decerbo Church School (Sept- May) Sundays: 10:45 am Improvements Frank Meyernick SUBMISSION DEADLINE FOR THE Scholarship Eve Nucifora Helen Guman SEPTEMBER ISSUE OF THE PROPHET me AUGUST 21, 2018 Database Coordinator: Christine LeClerc Webmaster: Michael Decerbo Pastor’s Message...................................................................................