St. Innocent Orthodox Church Z 50th Anniversary:1967-2017 Z Moscow Patriarchal Parishes Z 23300 W. Chicago _ Redford, MI 48239 _ 313-538-1142 _ Fax: 313-538-8126 Church Website: _ E-Mail:
[email protected] St. Innocent Monastic Community: 9452 Hazelton, Redford, MI 48239 _ 313-535-9080 PASTOR: Rt. Rev. Mitered Archpriest ROMAN STAR _ Cell: 313-319-0590 Dean, Central States Deanery, Patriarchal Parishes OCTOBER 28-29, 2017 ASSISTANT PRIESTS: Rev. DANEIL SHIRAK _ 313-295-3073 Rev. Dr. JOSHUA GENIG _ 630-936-6386 EPISTLE: Galatians 2:16-20 (#203) [Sunday] DEACON: Dn. Michael Comerford, Attached GOSPEL: St. Luke 8:26-39 (#38) [Sunday] ATTACHED: Sister Ioanna TONE: 4 CHOIR DIRECTOR: Elizabeth Star Hatfield READERS: George Hanoian; William Davis Z 21st SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Z _ SATURDAY, 10/28, Parish’s 50th Anniversary – 9:30am — GREETING of the BISHOP, VESTING & _ HIERARCHAL DIVINE LITURGY _ ANNIVERSARY GRAND BANQUET at St. Michael’s Banquet Hall _ _ SUNDAY, 10/29 – 9:15am — HOURS & AKATHIST &/OR CANON; CONFESSIONS _ _ 10am — DIVINE LITURGY OF ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM _ COMMEMORATED TODAY: SATURDAY: Repose of Ven. Job, Abbot and Wonderworker of Pochaev (1651). Martyrs Terence and Neonila, and their 7 children. Repose of St. Arsenius, Archbishop of Serbia (1266). Greatmartyr Paraskeva of Iconomium (3rd c.). St. Dimitry, Metropolitan of Rostov (1709). Martyrs Africanus, Terence, Maximus, Pompeius, and 36 others, of Carthage (3rd c.); & SUNDAY: Martyr Anastasia the Roman (3rd c.). Ven. Abramius the Recluse, and his niece, Bl. Mary, of Mesopotamia (ca. 360). Ven. Abrámii, Archimandrite of Rostov (1073-77).