Saint Michael the Archangel Orthodox Church 146 Third Avenue, Rankin, PA 15104 Pastor: Very Reverend Nicholas Ferencz, PhD Cantor: Professor Jerry Jumba Parish President : Carole Bushak

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever! Slava Isusu Christu! Slava vo v’iki!

Rectory Phone: 412 271-2725. E-mail: [email protected] Hall Phone: 412-294-7952 WEB:


Sun., Oct. 18 19th Sunday after Pentecost. 2nd Sunday of Luke. Martyr Charitina 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy. Tone 2 pp 99–102 Panachida: October Perpetuals: 10/7 Theodore and Mary Zubaly. 10/8 Ralph Crouse. 10/10 Anna Stovar. 10/12 Nicholas Mesko. 10/17 John & Mary Dobrich. 10/21 Michael and Mary Fitz. 10/30 Norma Gianutsos.

Sun., Oct. 25 20th Sunday after Pentecost. 3rd Sunday of Luke. Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council. Martyrs Probus et al. Bishop Martin of Tours 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy.

Sun., Nov. 1 21st Sunday after Pentecost. 4th Sunday of Luke. Prophet Joel. Martyr Varus 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy. Tone 4 pp 105–107

Holy Mystery of Confession: I will be available for Confessions after the Divine Liturgy, when the church is more private. Or, you can make an appointment and we will arrange an appropriate time. Please just contact me.

PEOPLE STUFF Prayer List: Deceased: Living: Father George Livanos. Father Patrick. Mother Christophora and the nuns of Holy Transfiguration Monastery. Dana Andrade. Gloria Andrade. Gregory Michael Aurilio. Georgia B. Chastity and Jeff Bache. Brandon. Walter Bolbat. Donald Bodnar. Jaime Budesa. Barbara Chappie. Barbara and Steve Bournius. Nicholas Burkhart. Rebecca, David & Bradley Noah Cozad. Mary Ann Crouse. Martha Danchak. Nicholas Duranko. George & Margaret Dorogy. Breanne Glass. Dorothy Glass. Eddie Gombos. Jennifer Hartrick. Joseph Hlavac. George Hrabchak. Raymond Hrabchak. Shirley Hrubic. Zhensan Huang. Kevin and Karen Ianni. Gary Ingelido. Andrea Kerkentzes. Glenn Lesko. Jeanne Lesko. Bobby Malackany. Marina. Joan Martell. Sharon Mascilak. Ed McCreanor. Jake McLaughlin. Zoe Mehalik. Helen Mihalik. Teresa Onuska. Frank Palmieri. Millie Phillips. Robert Petro. Anna Senich. Bernice Siudak. Terry Slezak. Milton and Thelma Supak. Diana Terezis. Bobby and Dee Triffanoff. Josh Walendziewicz. Paul & Valerie Yednak. Edward Yoon. Jim Zajac. Prosphora Bakers:

Page 1 of 5 Trudy Trifanoff. Delores Cubakovic and their intentions. Also: Chase Vlad, Gianna Vlad, Laura, Sharita, all First- Our Gifts to God and our Church Responders, and all who are working in the Health and October 11, 2020 Medical Fields during this time of crisis. Attendance 19 Communions 7 Collections F(E)ASTING Monthly Synaxis of the Holy Archangel Michael and all the Sunday 1190.00 Bodiless Powers of Heaven is actually on Saturday, All Votive Candles 91.00 November 21. However, even though we will not be able to Building Maintenance 175.00 have a Parish Dinner celebration this year, we will still be Sandwiches for Homeless 20.00 celebrating our Patronal Feast on Sunday, November 15. Mask Donation 20.00 Liturgy will be at 9:00 AM. Total Offerings: 1496.00 Update: Building and Repairs Donations PARISH STUFF which are available for upcoming repairs to date are $4662! God bless your generosity! New! Paòi and I both tested negative for the Covid virus this past week. Thank you all for your thoughtfulness and your prayers as we went through a rather scary time awaiting results. Reminder! Fall Lottery Gift Basket! Letters with a sample number of tickets are now being mailed out. If you run out, please contact Carole Bushak at 412-351-1521. Remember! • Drawing Sunday, November 15, after the Divine Liturgy • $5.00 per chance • Guaranteed prize of at least $400 lottery tickets. Building and Repairs Donations which are available for upcoming repairs to date are $4662! Update! Sandwiches for the Homeless. In addition to the food donations I had published last week, we have received $165 to date to help cover the costs of this program. Thank you for your generosity!

DIOCESE, DEANERY AND ADDITIONAL STUFF Reminder! St. Peter and Paul Church, Carnegie’s 17th Annual Cookie Walk! “Virtually!” Experience the “Virtual Walk” in the comfort of your own home! Order Cookies and Pay Online! Being held October 5 – November 15!. “No in-person orders.” Cookie Pickup: Saturday, December 12, 9 AM – 12 Noon at Ss Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church Hall, 220 Mansfield Blvd., Carnegie PA. For Questions, Contact: Rachel at 412-877-9878 OR Sherri at 412-874-4190! Sponsored by St. Matrona Ladies Society. Reminder! The DDD Campaign for 2020 is on! Here is a note from Fr. Frank Miloro, Chancellor: Covid has turned much of our life upside down, including our Distinguished Diocesan Donors Program! The 2020 Fund Drive is still under way and will continue through the end of November. We want to note that there will be no Fall DDD Dinners, so all proceeds will go to benefit the Camp, etc. We encourage as many parishioners as possible to participate. Gifts of $100 or more are asked. Proceeds from the DDD benefit Camp Nazareth, and because Covid has caused all events and programs to be cancelled, DDD is basically our only source of Camp income. Checks are payable to: “Distinguished Diocesan Donors.” Donations can be sent directly to the Diocesan Chancery, 312 Garfield Street, Johnstown, PA 15906. May the Lord bless you and yours during these stressful times. Sincerely in Christ, Very Rev. Protopresbyter Frank P. Miloro, Chancellor.

Page 2 of 5 GLORIFICATION OF SAINT INNOCENT, METROPOLITAN OF MOSCOW, ENLIGHTENER OF THE ALEUTS, APOSTLE TO THE AMERICAS October 6/19. From [Editor’s Note: about 75 years before the first Orthodox immigrants began to come to America, there was already a large and thriving Orthodox Church in Alaska. Many, if not most Native Americans in Alaska had converted to Orthodoxy before America bought Alaska from On October 18, 1867 (Seward’s Folly). St. Innocent was one of the most important missionaries to the Alaskan people.] Saint Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow, Enlightener of the Aleuts and Apostle to America (in the world John Popov-Veniaminov), was born on August 26, 1797 in the village of Anginsk in the diocese, into the family of a sacristan. The boy mastered his studies at an early age and by age seven, he was reading the Epistle in church. In 1806 they sent him to the Irkutsk seminary. In 1814, the new rector thought it proper to change the surnames of some of the students. John Popov received the surname Veniaminov in honor of the deceased Archbishop Benjamin of Irkutsk (+ July 8, 1814). On May 13, 1817 he was ordained deacon for the Irkutsk Annunciation church, and on May 18, 1821, he was ordained priest. The missionary service of the future Apostle of America and began with the year 1823. Father John spent 45 years laboring for the enlightenment of the peoples of Kamchatka, the Aleutian Islands, North America, Yakutsk, the Khabarov frontier, performing his apostolic exploit in severe conditions and at great risks to life. Saint Innocent baptized ten thousand people, and built churches, beside which he founded schools and he himself taught the fundamentals of the Christian life. His knowledge of various crafts and arts aided him in his work. Father John was a remarkable preacher. During the celebration of the Liturgy, memorial services and the all-night Vigil, he incessantly guided his flock. During his time of endless travels, Father John studied the languages, customs and habits of the peoples, among whom he preached. His work in geography, ethnography and linguistics received worldwide acclaim. He composed an alphabet and grammar for the Aleut language and translated the Catechism, the Gospel and many prayers into that language. One of the finest of his works was the Indication of the Way into the Kingdom of Heaven (1833), translated into the various languages of the peoples of Siberia and appearing in more than 40 editions. Thanks to the toil of Father John, the Yakut people in 1859 first heard the Word of God and divine services in their own native language. On November 29, 1840, after the death of his wife, Father John was tonsured a monk with the name Innocent by Saint Philaret, the Metropolitan of Moscow, in honor of Saint Innocent of Irkutsk. On December 15, Archimandrite Innocent was consecrated Bishop of Kamchatka, the Kurile and Aleutian Islands. On April 21, 1850 Bishop Innocent was elevated to the rank of archbishop. By the Providence of God on January 5, 1868, Saint Innocent succeeded Metropolitan Philaret on the Moscow cathedra. Through the Holy Synod, Metropolitan Innocent consolidated the secular missionary efforts of the Russian Church (already in 1839 he had proposed a project for improving the organization of missionary service). Under the care of Metropolitan Innocent a Missionary Society was created, and the Protection monastery was reorganized for missionary work. In 1870 the Japanese Orthodox Spiritual Mission headed by Archimandrite Nicholas Kasatkin [afterwards Saint Nicholas of Japan, (February 3)] was set up, with whom Saint Innocent had shared much of his own spiritual experience. The

Page 3 of 5 guidance by Saint Innocent of the Moscow diocese was also fruitful, by his efforts, the church of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos was built up into the Moscow Spiritual Academy. Saint Innocent fell asleep in the Lord on March 31, 1879, on Holy Saturday, and was buried at the Holy Spirit Church of the Trinity-Saint Sergius Lavra. On October 6, 1977, Saint Innocent was glorified by the . His memory is celebrated three times during the year: on March 31, the day of his blessed repose, on October 5 (Synaxis of the Moscow Hierarchs), and on October 6, the day of his glorification. PRAYER AT DAYBREAK Excerpts from the book, His Life is Mine by Archimandrite Sophrony O Lord Eternal and Creator of all things, Who of your inscrutable goodness called me to this life; Who bestowed on me the grace of Baptism and the Seal of the Holy Spirit; Who has imbued me with the desire to seek You, the one true God: Hear my prayer.

I have no life, no light, no joy or wisdom; No strength except in You, O God. Because of my unrighteousness I dare not raise my eyes to You. But You said to Your disciples, 'Whatsoever you shall ask in prayer believing, you shall receive' and 'Whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that will I do'. Wherefore I dare to invoke You. Purify me from all taint of flesh and spirit. Teach me to pray aright.

Bless this day which You give unto me, Your unworthy servant. By the power of Your blessing enable me at all times to speak and act to Your glory with a pure spirit, with humility, patience, love, gentleness, peace, courage and wisdom: aware always of Your presence.

Of Your immense goodness, O Lord God, show me the path of Your will, and grant me to walk in Your sight without sin.

O Lord, unto Whom all hearts be open, You know what things I have need of. You are acquainted with my blindness and my ignorance, You know my infirmity and my soul's corruption; but neither are my pain and anguish hid from You. Wherefore I beseech You, hear my prayer, and by Your Holy Spirit teach me the way wherein I should walk; and when my perverted will would lead me down other paths spare me not, O Lord, but force me back to You. By the power of Your love, grant me to hold fast to that which is good. Preserve me from every word or deed that corrupts my soul; from every impulse unpleasing in Your sight and hurtful to my brothers and sisters. Teach me what I should say and how I should speak. If it be Your will that I make no answer, inspire me to keep silent in a spirit of peace

Page 4 of 5 that causes neither sorrow nor hurt to my fellow. Establish me in the path of Your commandments and to my last breath let me not stray from the light of Your ordinances, that Your commandments may become the sole law of my being on this earth and in all eternity.

Yes, Lord, I pray You, have pity on me. Spare me in mine affliction and my misery and hide not the way of salvation from me. In my foolishness, O God, I plead with You for many and great things. Yet am I ever mindful of my wickedness, my baseness, my vileness. Have mercy upon me. Cast me not away from Your presence because of my presumption. Do You rather increase in me this presumption, And grant unto me, the worst of men, to love You as You have commanded, with all my heart, and with all my soul, and with all my mind, and with all my strength: with my whole being.

Yes, O Lord, by Your Holy Spirit, teach me good judgment and knowledge. Grant me to know Your truth before I go down into the grave. Maintain my life in this world until I may offer unto You worthy repentance. Take me not away in the midst of my days, nor while my mind is still blind. When You shalt be pleased to bring my life to an end, forewarn me that I may prepare my soul to come before You. Be with me, O Lord, at that dread hour and grant me the joy of salvation. Cleanse me from secret faults, from all iniquity that is hid in me; and give me a right answer before Your judgment-seat.

Yes, Lord, of Your great mercy and immeasurable love for mankind, Hear my prayer

To pray like that every morning is not easy. But if we pray from our heart, with all our attention, the day will be stamped by our prayer and everything that happens will take on a different character. The blessing that we have sought from the High God will beget a gentle peace in our soul which will have a miraculous effect on the way we see and interpret the world. The man of prayer beholds the surrounding scene in another light. Concern is quickened and the intrinsic quality of life enhanced. In time prayer will penetrate our nature until gradually a new man is born of God. Love for God, Who verily sends His blessings upon us, liberates the soul from extraneous pressure. The one imperative is to preserve this loving tie with God. We shall not care what people think of us, or how they treat us. We shall cease to be afraid of falling our of favor. We shall love our fellow men without thought of whether they love us…It is essential in these days to be able to protect ourselves from the influence of those with whom we come in contact. Otherwise we risk losing both faith and prayer….The end result of prayer is to make us sons of God, and as sons we shall abide forever in the house of our Father. 'Our Father which art in heaven….' Real prayer, of course, does not come readily. It is no simple matter to preserve inspiration while surrounded by the icy waters of the world that does not pray. Christ cast the Divine Fire on earth, and we pray Him so to fire our hearts that we may not be overcome even by cosmic cold, that no black cloud blot out the bright flame.

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