Headley, Roy. 1916. Fire Suppression, District 5. United States Forest Service. 57 pages. This fire suppression manual for District 5 (California) of the United States Forest Service, written by Forest Service employee Roy Headley, is a reproduction. The only known remaining original of this manual is available in a library at the University of California, Berkeley. Ideas advanced in the section Suppression Financial Policy, pages 19-21, have served as part of the foundation of economic theory of wildfire management. The reproduction was created by Jeffrey P. Prestemon, Forest Economics and Policy research unit of the Southern Research Station, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Work was completed on February 25, 2012. The text of this manual was reproduced as accurately as possible for each page as it corresponded with the text on the same numbered page of the original. Fonts and margins in this reproduction roughly correspond with the fonts and margins of the original, as well. Several minor typographical errors, contained in the original, were corrected in this reproduction. A version of this reproduction that has these errors noted but not corrected and a scanned version of a photocopy of the original from the University of California, Berkeley, are available upon request at: Jeffrey P. Prestemon Forest Economics and Policy Forestry Sciences Laboratory Southern Research Station P.O. Box 12254 Research Triangle, Park, NC 27709 Telephone: 919-549-4033 Email: