Functional Biochemistry Clinical Reference Guide

Chris Astill-Smith, DO, ND, DIBAK Casey Reardon, DC Credits

Contact information Chris Astill-Smith Epigenetics International, Ltd. The Old Coach House 21 Church Street Market Lavington Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 4DU Phone: 01380 800105 Email: [email protected]

Casey Reardon Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2008-2012 Casey Reardon All Rights Reserved

This manual cites information from the following sources: Guyton’s Physiology Harper’s Biochemistry Applied Kinesiology Synopsis 2nd Edition by David Walther, DC, DIBAK A New Earth by Eckart Tolle Water Crystal Healing by Massuro Emoto Power Vs Force by David Hawkins The Linus Pauling Institute ( Common Glandular Dysfunction by Walter Schmitt, DC, DIBAK, DABCN Healing Without Medication by Robert Rister

Notes from the following seminars make up this manual: Omega System 1-10 Developing a Total Nutritional Profile Ear, Nose, Throat, Mouth Adrenal Exhaustion Male and Female Hormones Parasites Itchy Patient Menstrual Disorders Toxicity pH Acid Base Balance Children Updates 2007 and 2008 Sugar Metabolism Annual Conference 2008 Arthritis Belgium 2009 Preliminary Procedures Sugar and Arthritis Genito-Urinary System Neurobehavioral Disorders Annual Update 2009 Memory Annual Update 2010 Common Respiratory Ailments

Disclaimer The material in this book is for educational purposes only. It is always the treating doctor’s responsibility to determine what treatment a patient needs. The methods covered in this book are not meant to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any diseases and should always be used in addition to, not instead of, standard examination procedures. No doctor- patient relationship is established by this book.

Procedure Outline

Preliminary Procedures 1. Identify strong and weak muscles 2. TL to GV 20 weakens a. If no i. Inspiration and expiration open – cranial ii. Inspiration or expiration open – body structure iii. Identify B+E point that opens GV 20 – Rub 30 secs while patient TLs GV 20 b. If yes i. Inspiration and expiration close – cranial ii. Inspiration or expiration close – body structure iii. Identify B+E point that closes GV 20 – Rub 30 secs while patient TLs GV 20 3. TL to eyes weakens a. Deep cranial fault 4. Tapping patellar reflex does not weaken opposite Latissmus Dorsi and Rectus Femoris (check both sides) a. Correct body structure superior to inferior 5. TL to now time Alarm Point does not weaken a. Correct Body Clock 6. Identify primary and secondary eye cone colors a. Red, Green, Blue Hemisphere Dominance 7. Challenge for underfunctioning hemisphere using goggles or hands over eyes a. If neither side weak – adjust occiput, C1, or other structural fault b. If left or right weakens challenge with brain nuclei i. midbrain, hindbrain, cerebellum, cortex (parietal, temporal, occipital, frontal) c. Remove goggles – TL brain nuclei reflex points on head bilaterally (TL weak side first) d. Use EID / BID to identify cause(s) of underfunctioning nuclei e. Correct as indicated and repeat until both hemispheres are corrected Energy 8. Mg-ADP weakens a. If yes – Test Glycolysis, Ctric Acid Cycle, Electron Transport Chain nutrients b. If no – Does Mg-ADP weaken with TL to umbilicus? i. If yes – weakness negated by tissue extracts 1. Adrenal Cortex, Adrenal Medulla, Pineal, Thymus 2. Challenge with Snowdrops a. If weakens – gland is hyper b. If strengthens – gland is hypo 3. Determine key nutrient(s) c. Scale of ATP Energy d. Scale of Vital Energy e. Scale of Metabolism Genomics 9. Nucleotide base (A, C, T, G, U) weakens a. Identify SNIP – Test other bases for strengthening b. Composites: Vitamin, Coenzyme, Mineral, Sat Fat, Unsat Fat, Probiotic, Amino Acid, Saccharide i. Narrow composites to the specific nutrient c. Test Compounds: Multiple Vitamin / Mineral, B Complex, Nutrient Phase 1+2, Homocysteine Formula, Ostecaps d. Test Spices e. Scale of Health f. Scale of Wobble Wellness, Methylation 10. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate weakens a. Scale of Wellness b. Challenge against: Multiple Vitamin / Mineral, Nutrient Phase 1+2, Ostecaps, Homocysteine Formula, B Complex 11. Test Methionine, SAM, SAH, Homocysteine, and Cystathione for weakening and strengthening a. Identify effects of methylation defect on adjacent cycles b. Identify nutrient to restore methylation cycles c. Scale of Biochemistry d. Check nutrients against Prospective Age B+E Point Evaluation, Neurotransmitters 12. Determine Primary Meridian a. Test corresponding Neurotransmitter i. If positive – Determine nutrients needed to make or break down Endocrine b. Test corresponding Hormone i. If positive – Determine nutrients needed to make or break down Diagnostic Entry c. Determine Optimal Diagnostic Entry (EID vs BID) d. Determine cause of meridian imbalance using Diagnostic Entry i. Left and Up – Nutritional Deficiency 1. Composites: Vitamin, Coenzyme, Mineral, Probiotic, Sat Fat, Unsat Fat, Amino Acid, Saccharide 2. Narrow composites to the specific nutrient ii. Straight Left – Toxicity 1. Chemical, Radiation, Toxic Metal 2. Determine remedy 3. Identify Source – Verbal Challenges iii. Left and Down – Structure iv. Right and Up – Dehydration 1. Determine amount of water needed v. Straight Right – Exercise 1. Scale of Fitness 2. Verbal Challenge for optimal exercise, times per week, and length per time 3. Aerobic Challenge 4. Anaerobic Challenge vi. Right and Down – Allergy 1. Identify offending food or drink 2. Rub B+E point that negates weakness with food in mouth or vial on patient 3. Identify chemical mediators (kinin, histamine, PG, LT) and nutrients to metabolize vii. Side to side – Energy 1. Glucose, Glycolysis, CAC, ETC nutrients 2. Kundalini meridian – cortex, medulla, pineal, thymus viii. Circumduction – Infection 1. Bacteria, Virus, Post Virus, Parasite, Fungus 2. Determine remedy ix. Eyes crossed on nose – Sleep 1. Determine optimal length of time to sleep 2. Does patient strengthen to melatonin or weaken to cortisol or adrenaline at nighttime alarm point (TW, GB, LV, LU)? a. If yes – Identify nutrients to correct Emotional 13. Eyes closed weakens a. “The optimal emotional release for me to perform on you is… i. …To release the unconscious emotions” strengthens 1. TL to B+E point strengthens eyes closed 2. Give patient affirmation to release emotion ii. …The Love Challenge” strengthens 1. Patient weakens to “I am loved”, “I am loving”, or “I am lovable” 2. Repeat the weakening statement 20 times every night Preliminary Procedures 14. Is gait pattern is intact when standing? If not: a. Identify and correct structural fault b. Patient jumps on heels 6 times c. Repeat until correct gait pattern is maintained Energy 15. Scale of Vitality was less than 1000 a. Patient looks at light box with color corresponding to primary meridian for 15 minutes b. Patient listens to music corresponding to primary meridian

Biochemical Flowchart Key


Mineral , Vitamin Coenzyme, or other substance that is needed for the conversion Toxin or other substance that blocks the conversion Product Synthase = to convert substrate to product

Product / Substrate 2

Mineral Cofactor, Vitamin Coenzyme, or other substance that is needed for the conversion Toxin or other substance that blocks the conversion Product 2 Synthase = enzyme to convert substrate 2 to product 2

Product 2

Substrate weakens and product strengthens = underactive enzyme Test substances to enhance conversion of Substrate to Product

Substrate strengthens and product weakens = Overactive enzyme Test substances to convert Substrate 2 to Product 2

When substrate is low and product is high, it may be appropriate to test substances to block the conversion of substrate to product, such as herbs in a case of low testosterone. In most cases, these substances are toxins that should not be supplemented and the best remedy is to enhance the conversion of Substrate 2 to Product 2.

GV 20

Located at the highest point on the top of the head Related to the Hypothalamus Traditional Chinese Acupuncture calls it “The Cure of 100 Diseases”

Governing Vessel 20 can be used to test anything including supplements, flower remedies, homeopathics, or anything else where a weak muscle is needed. Anything that strengthens GV 20 will benefit the person, though it can’t be said, based on the test, whether it will improve their health by 1% or 100%. If something does not strengthen GV 20, it will not benefit the patient. In a well neurologically organized person, GV 20 will weaken unless the person has no stresses on their body. If GV 20 does not weaken, the patient is either perfect, just took their supplements, or is neurologically disorganized.

GV 20 Procedure 1. TL to GV 20 weakens a. Inspiration and expiration strengthen Æ Superficial Cranial Fault i. Using B+E points a. TL B+E points until one strengthens GV 20 – indicates primary B+E point b. Rub this point bilaterally for 30 seconds with TL to GV 20 ii. Mechanical Correction a. Respiratory adjust b. TL technique c. All in one technique b. Inspiration or expiration strengthen Æ Ascending Fault (see next section on Biomechanics) 2. TL to GV 20 does not weaken a. Inspiration and expiration weaken Æ Superficial Cranial Fault i. Using B+E points a. TL B+E points until one weakens GV 20 – indicates primary B+E point b. Rub this point bilaterally for 30 seconds with TL to GV 20 ii. Mechanical Correction a. Respiratory adjust b. TL technique c. All in one technique b. Inspiration or expiration weaken Æ Ascending Fault (see next section on Biomechanics) c. RNA or DNA open GV 20 i. 2-3 capsules a day for 2-3 weeks ii. Cut the dose in half if the patient experiences any bloating (supplement is made from yeast) iii. Open GV 20 from DNA or RNA is negated by DNA or RNA , If yes: a. Test Zinc d. 2 hand TL anywhere on the trunk weakens i. One hand contralateral TL on trunk opens GV 20 ii. Identify B+E point that negates weakness from 2 hand TL iii. Rub bilaterally for 30 seconds while patient maintains TL to GV 20 3. Complementary color opens GV 20 a. Repeat procedure with complementary color on patient and correct as indicated b. Complementary color may also be used to keep GV 20 open during office visit

Rubbing the primary B+E point in reference to GV20 will: 1. Clear most cranial faults 2. Reset the body clock 3. Indicate the primary meridian imbalance 4. Prevent muscles from not switching on and off correctly Biomechanics

Verbal Challenge “The optimal therapy for me to perform on your _____ is _____”

Types of Adjustments 1. RESIST 6. Percussion 2. Manipulation 7. Drop Adjustment 3. Meridian therapy 8. Instrument assisted 4. Respiratory Adjust 9. Pelvic Blocking 5. Therapy Localization Technique 10. Any other structural correction the doctor is skilled in

Treatments RESIST (Reflex Extremity and Spinal Inhibitory and Stimulatory) Technique Doctor immobilizes the segment while patient moves other joints for 60 seconds a. Spine: Patient moves all 4 limbs for 60 seconds b. AC, SC, Sternum: Patient actively moves upper extremities for 60 seconds c. Extremity: Patient actively moves all spinal articulations for 60 seconds d. AS ilium: While patient moves all 4 extremities either 1) SOT block under the ASIS and immobilize the SI or 2) Hold the sacrum and ischium e. Coccyx: Find the tip and hold a little superior and lateral on both sides while patient moves all 4 extremities

Resist vs. High Velocity Manipulation Patient in control Doctor in control No force Force Joint is immobilized Joint is moved Every other joint is moved Every other joint is immobile Calibrates to 1000 Calibrates to 250 Systemic fascial release Local joint release

Meridian Therapy 1. TL area to be adjusted 2. Find B+E point that negates weakness 3. Rub B+E point for one minute 4. Maintain TL while rub

Respiratory Adjust 1. Determine vector of positive challenge to joint 2. Inspiration or expiration negates 3. Correct with light pressure in the direction of weakness on phase of respiration that strengthened

TL Technique For spine or extremity: 1. Rub hands together to generate spiral field force (tell patient you are warming your hands). This prevents the patient’s problem from moving into the doctor. 2. Doctor touches patient’s area to be adjusted with one hand and his own same area with the other hand. 3. Doctor moves his joint through a full range of motion for a minute. Doing this puts the condition of the doctor’s joint into the patient. For this technique to be effective, the doctor’s joint must be in better condition than the patient’s.

For cranials: 1. Rub hands together to generate spiral field force (tell patient you are warming your hands). This prevents the patient’s problem from moving into the doctor. 2. Doctor touches thumb and finger on the patient’s closed eyes. 3. Doctor touches his own closed eyes with thumb and finger of other hand and clenches and relaxes jaw muscles for one minute.


Note what time the patient gets their symptoms (when they wake up during the night, when they feel worst, etc) All meridians are functioning always, but they are highest during their 2 hour time

Lung (3am-5am) - High Inhibition (Glycine, Taurine, and GABA); High PTH; All aspects of Oxygenation. Large Intestine (5am-7am) - Low Inhibition; Low PTH; Gut dysbiosis; Often parasitic infestation. Stomach (7am-9am) - Low Histamine; Low Thymus; Hypochlorhydria; Low immune system; Lack of arousal. Spleen (9am-11am) - High Histamine; High Thymus; Overactive immune due to infection or allergy. Heart (11am-1pm) - High Noradrenaline; High Adrenalin; Excess sympathetic activity; Hyperadrenia. Small intestine (1pm-3pm) - Low Noradrenaline; Low Adrenalin; Inadequate sympathetic activity both in the gut as food allergy / intolerance and elsewhere; Hypoadrenia. Bladder (3pm-5pm) - Low Serotonin; Low Cortisol; Depressed mood; Elimination of water soluble toxins (metals). Kidney (5pm-7pm) - High Serotonin; High Cortisol; Elimination of water soluble toxins (metals). Circulation / Sex (7pm-9pm) - High Excitation (Nitric Oxide, Glutamate, Aspartate) and both their CNS and peripheral effects; High T4. Triple Warmer (9pm-11pm) - Low Excitation; Low T4; Low Metabolism. Gall Bladder (11pm-1am) - Low Acetylcholine; Low DHEA; Fat Metabolism problems (EFA, Cholesterol). Liver (1am-3am) - High Acetylcholine; High DHEA; Detoxification. Conception Vessel (no time) - Low Dopamine; Low Estrogen. Governing Vessel (no time) - High Dopamine; High Estrogen / Estrogen Derivative.

Body Clock Challenge Procedure 1. TL alarm point for “Now Time” meridian weakens. If not: a. Office correction: Patient TLs coupled meridian alarm point with dominant hand while doctor taps GV 20 60 times (2 taps per second, 30 seconds) b. Self Correction: With dominant hand, TL coupled meridian alarm point while tapping GV 20 60 times (2 taps per second, 30 seconds) with non dominant hand

Indications for Body Clock Indigestion Sleep difficulties Jet Lag Recent travel across time zones Daylight savings time

Patient Self Care During travel across time zones, do self correction at 6:30pm. With dominant hand just above pubic symphysis (BL), tap GV 20 with non dominant hand.

Daylight Savings Time Winter time is real time. Summer time (“spring forward”) is Daylight Savings Time. The body’s energy flow does not change but the time on the clock does.

LU LI ST SP HT SI BL KI CX TW GB LV Winter 3-5 5-7 7-9 9-11 11-1 1-3 3-5 5-7 7-9 9-11 11-1 1-3 Summer 4-6 6-8 8-10 10-12 12-2 2-4 4-6 6-8 8-10 10-12 12-2 2-4


Scale of ATP, Metabolism, Vitality

Energy Production

Sugar Handling

Kundalini Meridian

Scale of Fitness

Sports Nutrition

Weight Loss

Vital Energy

Lung Dark Blue Waves of the Danube by Iosif Ivanovici “I am open hearted and free of suppression”

Large Intestine Yellow The Villa Medici Fountain at Sunset from The Fountains of Rome by Ottorino Resighi “I am relieved of my stubbornness and pride”

Stomach Red Siegfried Idyll by Richard Wagner “I am full of passion and willingness”

Spleen Cyan Jeux de Vagues from La Mer by Claude Debussy “I am free thinking and released from obsession”

Heart Yellow / Green The Swan of Tuonela by Jean Sibelius “I am free from worry and anxiety”

Small intestine Indigo Prelude of Act 1 Lohengrin by Richard Wagner “I am full of self love”

Bladder Violet The Trevi Fountain at Noon from the Fountains of Rome by Ottorino Respighi “I am full of good fortune and optimism”

Kidney Green De l’Aube a midi Sur la Mer from La Mer by Claude Debussy “I create strong bonds with others”

Circulation Sex Blue The Blue Danube by Johann Strauss 11 “I am revitalized after fatigue and stress”

Triple Warmer Orange The Moldau by Bedrich Smetana “I have peace of mind and relief from irritability”

Gall Bladder Dark Blue The Valle Giulia Fountain at Daybreak from the Fountains of Rome by Ottorino Respighi “I strengthen my bonds with others and have relief from stress in relationships”

Liver Yellow Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun by Claude Debussy “I have a cleaner heart and body and relief from environmental stress”

Conception Vessel Green Dialogue du Vent et La Mer from La Mer by Claude Debussy “I have relief from depression and motivation to move forward”

Governing Vessel Violet Scene from Act 2 Swan Lake by Peter Tchaikovsky “I have relief from my rigidity and obsession”

Energy Production – ATP

Energy Production Challenge Procedure 1. ATP weakens a. Free radicals, Inflammation, Oxidation b. Identify area of focal inflammation (teeth, sinuses, tonsils, gall bladder, ICV, appendix, colon, ovary, any possible area of localized inflammation or localized chronic infection) c. Use therapy localization or organ kit to identify location of focus (TL or organ vial negates weakness from ATP) d. Test for infection (bacteria, virus, post virus, fungus, parasite). See Infection section for remedies. e. Test for toxins (chemicals, metals, radiation). See Toxicity section for remedies. f. Test for inflammation (prostaglandin, leukotriene, histamine, kinin, c reactive protein, nf kappa b, serotonin. See Inflammation section for remedies (Biochemistry, Tab 5). 2. ADP weakens, ATP strengthens a. Strengthen to Glucose Æ Hypoglycemia i. Test: Complex carbohydrates, Cortisol, Adrenaline, Hyperinsulinism (Cr, Mg, Cinnamon, Diet) ii. Patient should eat often to maintain blood glucose levels; Protein and fat every 2 hours. b. Strengthen to Pyruvate Æ Glycolysis i. Test: Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium, NAD, Iodine c. Strengthen to Acetyl CoA i. Test: Thiamin Pyrophosphate, Riboflavin-5-Phosphate, NAD, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Magnesium ii. Test Beta Oxidation : Lipase (T3, T4, Adrenalin), Magnesium, CoA, Carnitine, Lipoic Acid, FAD, NAD, H2O, O2 (Iron, B9, B12) d. Strengthen to NADH or FADH2 or CO2 Æ Citric Acid Cycle i. Test: Thiamin Pyrophosphate, Riboflavin-5-Phosphate, NAD, Pantethine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Manganese, Magnesium, AdenosylB12, T3 or T4 (Tyrosine, Iodine, Selenium) e. Strengthen to ATP (and no other product) Æ Electron Transport Chain i. Test: CoQ10, Iron, Sulfur, Phosphorous f. Strengthen to Oxygen Æ Hypoxia i. Test: Iron, Magnesium Peroxide, B12, Folic Acid Office Care: Cranials, Manubriosternal Joint, Diaphragm, Intercostal soft tissue release Home Care: Increase exercise 3. Patient is tired and does not strengthen to ATP or weaken to ADP Æ Toxicity a. Toxic Metals, Food Allergy, Bad Fats, Liver, Digestion, Chemicals, Radiation, Dysbiosis

Lactic Acid Challenge Procedure Patient inspires fully and breathes half out. Inability to maintain this for 20 seconds indicates excess lactic acid due to a deficiency of Thiamin Pyrophosphate. OR Patient will weaken to one or more of the lactic acid vials Test: Niacin, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Oxygen (Folic acid, B12, Iron)

ATP Structure Adenine + Ribose + 3 Phosphates + Magnesium

ATP Use 1/3 – Active process of the cellular Sodium / Potassium pumps 1/3 – Enzymatic activity 1/3 – Energy production for contractile (muscle) and non-contractile (cilia) tissues

Symptoms of Low ATP Tired vs Toxic Loss of energy Tired Deficient in nutrients needed to make ATP Pain Tired after exertion Difficulty in memory recall Toxic Overload of internal or external chemicals Always tired, not relieved by rest

Energy Production – ATP

ATP Yield Aerobic Anaerobic Glycolysis: Glycolysis from Glucose: Phosphoglycerate 2 -1 2 -1 G-3-P Dehydrogenase 6* 2 Glucokinase and PFK -2 Pyruvate Kinase 2 Net ATP per Glucose 8 Net ATP per Glucose 2

Citric Acid Cycle: Glycolysis from Glycogen: Succinate Thiokinase 2 Glucokinase bypassed Net ATP per Glucose 2 Phosphofructokinase -1 Phosphoglycerate Kinase 2 Oxidative Phosphorylation in ETC: Pyruvate Kinase 2 8NADH+H+ 24 Net ATP per G-6-P 3 2FADH2 4 Net ATP per Glucose 28

Total ATP made Aerobically 40 Total Net ATP per Glucose 38 * Could be 4 depending how NADH is used

Free Radicals and Exercise Exercise demands increased ATP production. Free radicals are produced in the ETC and are neutralized by CoQ10. Statin drugs block CoQ10 production and allow increased free radical damage.

Sources of Fuel During Exercise Aerobic Anaerobic Type 1 (Oxidative red) fibers Type 2 (Glycolytic white) fibers 0-4 mins blood glucose 1-5 secs Creatine Phosphate 4-18 mins liver glycogen 5-10 secs Glucose from muscle glycogen 18-70 mins muscle glycogen is metabolized by anaerobic glycolysis 70-4000 mins adipose tissue and triglycerides leading to lactic acid formation. Gradual depletion of muscle glycogen Rapid depletion of muscle glycogen.

Type 1 Slow twitch Type 2 Fast twitch Myosin ATPase Low High Energy utilization Low High Mitochondria Many Few Color Red White Myoglobin Yes No Contraction rate Slow Fast Duration Prolonged Short

Marathon (Aerobic) Sprinter (Anaerobic) Type 1 (oxidative) fibers are used predominantly Type 2 (glycolytic) fibres are used predominantly ATP is the major energy source throughout Creatine phosphate is the major energy source during the first 4-5 seconds Blood glucose and free fatty acids are the Glucose from muscle glycogen metabolized major fuel sources by anaerobic glycolysis is the major fuel source Muscle glycogen is slowly depleted Muscle glycogen is rapidly depleted

Energy Production – Glycolysis and Lactic Acid Production


Mg ATP Biotin NADP Glucose-6-Phosphate Ribulose-5Phosphate

Mg Biotin, Mg, ATP Fructose Fructose-6-Phosphate Ribose-5-Phosphate

Mg Mg ATP Thiamin Pyrophosphate Transketolase Fructose-1,6-phosphate

Dihydroxyacetone Phosphate Mg Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate

NAD Zinc NAD NADH Zinc NADH Iodoacetate Triglycerides Glycerol-3-Phosphate 1,3-Bisphosphoglycerate Mg ATP Mg ADP Æ ATP Glycerol Electron 3-Phosphoglycerate Transport Chain Mg (Oxygen; Preferred 2-Phosphoglycerate Pathway) Mg Flouride


Mg ADP Æ ATP NAD NADH K+ Hypoxia Lactic Acid Pyruvate Zinc, NAD

Citric Acid Cycle

Energy Production – Citric Acid Cycle Hypoxia, NADH, B1 deficiency Pyruvate Lactic Acid NAD Urea Cycle B1 NAD Æ NADH+H+ FAD Æ FADH2 Aspartic Acid Mg, Lipoic Acid

P5P Acetyl CoA Vit C NH3 Mg Oxaloacetic Acid Citric Acid

NAD Æ NADH+H+ Zinc Mg Malic Acid Flouroacetate

H2O Modulated by T3 and T4 Fumaric Acid Cis-Aconitic Acid

FAD Æ FADH2 Sulfur, Iron Malonic Acid (B12 deficiency)

Succinic Acid Isocitric Acid


Succinyl CoA Oxalosuccinic Acid

B1, Lipoic Acid NAD Æ NADH+H+ Mn FAD Arsenite Alpha Ketoglutaric Acid

NH3 P5P NAD P5P Excess NH3 GABA Glutamic Acid Glutamine

Poisons That Uncouple the Electron Transport Chain 1. Rotenone prevents the transport of electrons. 2. Malonate is a competitive inhibitor of succinate dehydrogenase. 3. Azide inhibits electron transfer at Complex IV. 4. Oligomycin is an antibiotic given to farm animals. 5. Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide Dinitrophenol (DCCD) is a weak acid. Its base dinitrophenate accepts H+ producing the undissociated acid dinitrophenol and is called an electron uncoupler. 6. TMPD is an artificial electron donor. 7. Carbonylcyanide another electron uncoupler.

Functional Genomics

Scale of Health, Wobble

Functional Genomics

Nucleic Acid Mutation Procedure 1. Challenge for weakening with each of the five nucleotides – Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine, Uracil 2. Test other 4 bases against weakening base to identify SNIP 3. Cross challenge weakening base against: a. Composites: Vitamin, Coenzyme, Mineral, Saturated Fat, Unsaturated Fat, Probiotic, Amino Acid b. Compounds: Multi Vitamin/Mineral, B Complex, Nutrient Phase 1+2, Homocysteine Formula, Ostecaps c. Spices 4. Narrow any composites to the specific nutrient 5. Determine dose of nutrient that negates all available markers and symptomatic areas 6. Patient may need nucleotide base cream topically – use the cream with the base that has been replaced

DNA is made up of four bases: RNA is made up of four bases: Purines Pyrimidines Purines Pyrimidines Adenine Double bonded to Thymine Adenine Double bonded to Uracil Guanine Triple bonded to Cytosine Guanine Triple bonded to Cytosine

Base + Ribose = Nucleoside + Phosphate = RNA Nucleotide Adenine (A) Adenosine Adenosine Monophosphate (AMP; Adenylate) Guanine (G) Guanosine Guanosine Mono Phosphate (GMP; Guanylate) Cytosine (C) Cytidine Cytidine Mono Phosphate (CMP; Cytidylate) Thymine (T) Thymidine Thymidine Mono Phosphate (TMP; Thymidylate) Uracil (U) Uridine Uridine Mono Phosphate (UMP; Uridylate)

Base + 2’-Deoxyribose = Nucleoside + Phosphate = DNA Nucleotide Adenine (A) Adenosine Deoxy Adenosine Mon Phosphate (dAMP; Deoxyadenylate) Guanine (G) Guanosine Deoxy Guanosine Mono Phosphate (dGMP; Deoxyguanylate) Cytosine (C) Cytidine Deoxy Cytidine Mono Phosphate (dCMP; Deoxycytidylate) Thymine (T) Thymidine Deoxy Thymidine Mono Phosphate (dTMP; Deoxythymidylate) Uracil (U) Uridine Deoxy Uridine Mono Phosphate (dUMP; Deoxyuridylate)

Mutation Coenzyme Infections Food Function A > C *Methylcobalamin Rubella Orange Pepper Methylation A > G Thiamine pyrophosphate Morbillinum Pea Decarboxylation A > T SAM Influenza Kiwi, Papaya Methylation A > U FAD(H) Hepatitis Blueberry Red-Ox C > A *Adenosylcobalamin Poliomyelitis Yellow Pepper Alkylation C > G Thiamine triphosphate Tuberculosis Beans Acetylation C > T Methyl H4 Folate Varicella Broccoli Methylation C > U *Vitamin C Anthrax, Herpes Simplex Rose Hips Red-Ox G > A NAD(H) Candida, Parotitis Blackcurrant Red-Ox G > C *Carboxybiotin Chlamydia Pumpkin Carboxylation G > T *Pyridoxal-5-phosphate Gonorrhea Red Pepper Decarbox, Transamination G > U H4 Biopterin Coxsackie Broad Beans Hydroxylation T > A NADP(H) Candida, Pertussis Blackberry Red-Ox T > C FMN(H2) / R5P Hepatitis Bilberry Red-Ox T > G *Lipoic Acid Herpes Zoster Watermelon Acyl Transfer T > U *CoQ10 Mononucleosis Black Grape Red-Ox U > A Folinic Acid Syphilis Raspberry 1 Carbon transfer U > C Methyl H4 Folate Adeno virus Gooseberry 1 Carbon Transfer U > G CoA Salmonella, Varicella Elderberry Acyl Transfer U > T Methylene H4 Folate Human Papilloma Green Pepper Methylation of Uracil

Amino Acids Alanine Glutamate Lysine Serine (Selenium Cysteine) Arginine Glutamine Leucine Threonine Asparagine Glycine Methionine Tryptophan * Are the vitamins that usually need to Aspartate Histidine Phenylalanine Tyrosine be supplemented. The others should be Cysteine Isoleucine Proline Valine made by the body.

Acupuncture Meridian Beginning and End Point Evaluation

Neurotransmitters Acetylcholine Noradrenaline Dopamine Tyramine Serotonin Histamine Taurine Glycine GABA Aspartate Glutamate

Memory / Learning

Prime Meridian

Doctor taps or patient TLs each of the B+E points Without TL to umbilicus, if at least 1 Yin point weakens, there will be at least 1 Yang point that weakens There may not be any positive points without TL to umbilicus TL the positive B+E points with simultaneous TL to the umbilicus will weaken on the primary meridian TL to the primary B+E point will close an open GV 20 and open a closed GV 20

Neurotransmitter Challenge

Neurotransmitter Challenge Procedure 1. If more than 1 B+E point weakens (without TL to umbilicus) a. Identify excess and deficient neurotransmitter b. Identify nutrient(s) that balance neurotransmitter levels 2. If only primary meridian tests positive a. Related neurotransmitter negates TL 1. Determine nutrient(s) needed to make or metabolize neurotransmitter

Regulatory Neurotransmitters – Sodium Excitatory Neurotransmitters - Calcium Acetylcholine Aspartate Noradrenaline Glutamate Dopamine Serotonin Inhibitory Neurotransmitters - Chloride Histamine GABA Glycine Taurine

If a patient does not TL to any Beginning and End Points, either they are in perfect balance or they are not releasing their neurotransmitters due to the presence of bad fats.

Too much emotion / neurotransmitter: Anxiety Too little emotion / neurotransmitter: Depression

Diseases Parkinson’s Disease: Low Dopamine, High Acetylcholine. High ACh is the cause, low dopamine is the effect. Pesticides are the root cause. High ACh will make a person rigid from overfiring the muscles. Alzheimer’s: Low Acetylcholine Myasthenia Gravis: Low Acetylcholine Common in dentists due to chronic mercury exposure Difficulty Swallowing Swallowing is a parasympathetic response. Choline and factors may improve difficulties. Asthma: Low noradrenaline, high histamine Shock: High and low noradrenaline Manic Depression / Bipolar Disorder: High and low Dopamine Migraines: High Serotonin, Excess Tyramine Hot flashes: Low Dopamine

Stimulation of the Low Neurotransmitter points can be used to increase the chemical. Stimulation of the High Neurotransmitter points can be used to decrease the chemical.

Detoxification Dopamine, Noradrenaline, and Serotonin are ultimately detoxified through Phase 2 by Glutathione, Sulfation, Glucuronidation, and Acetylation. These can be supported by nutrients or foods. Their conjugates are excreted through urine or bile.

Nutrients: Glutathione (Cysteine, Glycine, Glutamate): N-Acetyl Cysteine, Zinc, P5P, Selenium Sulfation (PAPs): Sulfur, MSM Glucuronidation (UDP Glucuronic Acid): Glucuronate Acetylation (Acetyl CoA): Pantethine (B5), Acetyl CoA (B5)

Foods: Glutathione: Spinach, Onion, Garlic, Rosemary, Watercress Sulfation: Dill, Parsnip, Horseradish, Cabbage, Stinging Nettle Glucuronidation: Cashew, Soy, Licorice, Flax, Alfalfa, Jerusalem Artichoke Acetylation: Endive, Pea, Cucumber, Watercress, Tomato

In the brain, Glutamate is the main excitatory chemical and GABA is the main inhibitory chemical. In the spinal cord, Aspartate is the main excitatory chemical and Glycine is the main inhibitory chemical.



Acetyl CoA

Choline Acetyltransferase Chemicals – Pesticides, Solanine Thiamin Triphosphate Toxic Metals – Aluminum, Cadmium Manganese Radiation – mobile phones



Acetylcholinesterase Water Riboflavin Niacin Manganese Zinc Pesticides Galantamine Toxic Metals Radiation

Acetic Acid + Choline

Deficiency of Acetylcholine Excess Acetylcholine Guilt and Blame Pride and Scorn Low NK cell activity (NK cells get rid of tumors) High NK cell activity Tachycardia Aggressive behavior Hypertension Panic attacks (fear paralysis) Dry mouth Bradycardia Poor digestion Hypotension leading to vertigo Constipation Excess salivation Urinary retention Fast transit time, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Long sight (hypermetropia) Involuntary micturition Glaucoma Asthma from excess mucous Myesthenia gravis Resting tremor and rigidity Hypercholesteroleamia Liver toxicity Inhibition of short term memory Parkinson’s Disease Confusion Delirium Hallucinations Alzheimer’s

Diseases Parkinson’s Disease: Low Dopamine, High Acetylcholine High ACh is the cause, low dopamine is the effect. Pesticides are the root cause. High ACh will make a person rigid from overfiring the muscles. Alzheimer’s: Low Acetylcholine Myasthenia Gravis: Low Acetylcholine – Common in dentists due to chronic mercury exposure Difficulty Swallowing – Swallowing is a parasympathetic response. Choline and factors may improve difficulties. Acetylcholine

Natural sources of Acetylcholine Limonene - Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor Shepherd’s purse Rosemary Fennel Caraway seed Coriander Black walnut Black pepper Oranges Hawthorn Cardamom Spinach Fennel Carrot Tangerine Fenugreek Spearmint Cardamom Lemon Lime Stinging nettle Corn

Natural Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors – Increase Acetylcholine Galantathine (Galanthamine) found in Snowdrops, Lemon balm, Daffodils Galantathine limits the rate of breaking down acetylcholine so it keeps acetylcholine around longer. Useful in Alzheimers and memory problems. Do not eat snowdrops.

Anticholinergics – Block Acetylcholine Solanacea family (contain alpha solanine) (Mandragora officinarum, Atropa belladonna, others) Tomatoes Potato Tobacco Jimsonweed (Thorne apple)

Receptors 1. Muscarine receptor (antagonized by atropine) stimulation occurs physiologically when the parasympathetic nervous system is active during rest and sleep. a. Slows the heart rate b. Stimulates the release of NO in blood vessels Æ vasodilates c. Stimulates the secretion of saliva, mucous, HCl, digestive enzymes, and skin sweat glands d. Stimulates intestinal tone and peristalsis e. Stimulates ureter and bladder contraction f. Stimulates ciliary muscle contraction in the eye causing relaxation of the lens, which is then focused for near vision g. Stimulates contraction of the iris circular muscles causing constriction of the pupil h. Stimulates reduction of the intra ocular pressure by better drainage through Canal of Schlemm 2. Nicotinic (antagonized by curare) receptors occur at a. CNS especially in the hippocampus b. The neuromuscular junctions Acetylcholine is possibly the most widely used neurotransmitter in the body and all axons that leave the central nervous system (for example, those running to skeletal muscle, or to sympathetic or parasympathetic ganglia) use acetylcholine as their neurotransmitter.

Receptor Tests Muscarinic – Patient looks at a bright light and pupils don’t constrict or don’t hold their constriction. – Patient looks at a bright light and a strong muscle weakens

Nicotinic – Sustained muscle test weakens – Hold pressure on a muscle but do not increase pressure. If patient weakens in under 10 seconds, they have an Acetylcholine deficiency. – If a patient is weak to the sustained muscle test, it suggests that they have poor memory recall because Acetylcholine is needed to recall memory.



H4Biopterin, NADPH, O2 (Iron, B12, Folic Acid)


Tyrosine Hydroxylase O2 (Iron, Folic Acid, B12) H4 Biopterin (P5P, Folinic Acid, NADPH, Iron) NADH Vitamin C H2 Biopterin

L Dopa

Dopamine Decarboxylase P5P Thiamin Pyrophosphate Zinc Magnesium Phosphatidylcholine CO2 (due to hypoxia)


Dopamine Hydroxylase Copper Vitamin C O2 (Iron, Folic Acid, B12)

Noradrenaline Dihydroyphenylacetic Acid + NH2

Monoamine Oxidase Catechol-O-Methyl Copper Zinc FAD Magnesium O2 SAMe Fe++ Fe+++ O2 Fe++ Fe+++ H2O2 OH- + OH+ H2O2 Dihydroxymandelic Acid + NH2 Homovanillic Acid Catechol-O-Methyl Transferase Magnesium Phase 2 Liver Detoxification SAMe

Vanillylmandelic Acid

Phase 2 Liver Detoxification Noradrenaline

Diseases Asthma: Low noradrenaline, high histamine Shock: High and low noradrenaline

Sources of Noradrenaline Banana Orange Plum Sweet potato Potatoes

Deficiency of Noradrenaline Excess Noradrenaline Depression Anxiety Apathy (Sloth) Tremor Low Superoxide production Increased Superoxide Production Lack of “get up and go” Aggressive, Violent, and Impulsive Behavior (nothing right) Hypertension Memory impairment Constipation Dementia Underweight Delusions Palpitations and Tachycardia Delirium Heart Arrhythmias Hypotension Nervous Short sighted (Myopia because can’t dilate pupil) Patient who talks forever but doesn’t say Bronchoconstriction – Asthma anything Small intestine problems – food allergy and intolerance

The Endocrine System

Pineal Gland





Steroid Hormones


All five senses go to the thalamus, which then sends signals to the hypothalamus to create a hormonal response. Any glandular problem will be secondary to the brain.

Hormones can bind to cell surface receptors and stimulate second messengers. Hypothalamus Pituitary Other Glands Somatostatin LH Adrenalin TRH ACTH Calcitonin CRH MSH Glucagon GHRH TSH Parathormone GnRH ADH Insulin PRIH FSH PRL

Hormones can also bind to intracellular receptors. Hormones and Brain Chemicals are Related T4 and T3 Estrogens Hormones Neurotransmitters Aldosterone Progesterone Adrenaline Noradrenaline Cortisol Testosterone Estrogen Dopamine DHEA Thyroid Excitation

B+E Points and Hormones LU11 High Parathormone? BL67 Low Cortisol GB44 Low DHEA? LI1 Low Parathormone? KI1 High Cortisol LV1 High DHEA? ST45 Low Thymus? CX9 High T4 GV1 High Estrogen SP1 High Thymus? TW1 Low T4 CV1 Low Estrogen HT9 High Adrenalin SI1 Low Adrenalin

Pineal Gland

Reasons for Dysfunction 1. Magnesium deficiency leading to calcification 2. Cranial faults causing mechanical inhibition

The pineal gland does not secrete hormones into the blood. It secretes into the extracellular fluid that bathes the brain, having a calming effect.

Pineal Hormones Serotonin – precursor to melatonin Epithalamin – determines to what age a woman menstruates Vasopressin (ADH) – conserves water in the body Somatostatin Dopamine Melatonin – calms the brain TRH Prolactin Noradrenaline GnRH Pinoline – dreaming; has receptors in the eyes; stimulated by violet Dimethyl Tryptamine – dreaming; has receptors in the eyes

Indications Jet Lag Nightmares Morning Stiffness

Natural Sources of Melatonin Bananas Morello cherries Porridge oats

Effects of Melatonin Antioxidant against hydroxyl radical Stimulation of Calmodulin for protein synthesis Modulation of steroid hormones Stimulates MAO reducing levels of dopamine, noradrenaline, serotonin, and histamine Low MAO activity increases dopamine, noradrenaline, serotonin, and histamine leading to migraines MAO depends on Copper and Riboflavin Melatonin is stimulated by violet colored foods Induces relaxation which leads to sleep Inhibits sexual function Differentiates white cells into mature T, B, and NK cells

Pineal Gland


Tryptophan Hydroxylase O2 (Iron, Folic Acid, B12) H4 Biopterin (P5P, Folinic Acid, NADPH, Iron) NADH Vitamin C H2 Biopterin


Decarboxylase P5P Thiamin Pyrophosphate Zinc Magnesium


N Acetyltransferase Acetyl CoA

N Acetyl Serotonin

O-Methyltransferase SAMe (Magnesium, Zinc, MethylB12, Methyl H4 Folate)


Hydroxylase Iron (Fe+++) NADPH + H+


Sulfation Glucuronidation

If the patient strengthens to Melatonin but no nutrients are found, check magnesium as the gland could be calcified.

Diagnostic Entry

Biochemistry 1. Vitamins 2. Spices and Minerals 3. Minerals and Endocrine Dysfunction 4. Tissue Salts 5. Amino Acids 6. Simple Lipids, Inflammation, Complex Lipids 7. Connective Tissue 8. Ammonia and Urea 9. Cholesterol 10. Cardiovascular 11. pH Balance


Biomechanics (See Preliminary Procedures)

Exercise (See Energy section)

Food Sensitivity / Allergy

Infection Reactive Oxygen Species Bacteria and Virus Parasites Fungi

Hypoxia (See Energy Section)

Energy (see Energy section)



Diagnostic Entry

EID and BID can be used to identify the cause of any positive TL or weak muscle. It can be tested from strength or from weakness, in either case observing for a change in muscle function (strength to weakness or weakness to strength). Either change is a positive.

To identify whether to use Eyes Into Distortion (EID) or Body Into Distortion (BID), use the verbal challenge: “The optimal diagnostic entry into your health status is by (BID, EID)”.

Eyes Into Distortion 1. Positive TL (B+E Point, Brain Nuclei, other) 2. Patient looks eyes in different directions (do not move head) 3. Correct all areas that show up first 4. Tap GV 20 for 1 minute or press GV 20 firmly once and release 5. Recheck primary B+E 6. If B+E still weak, check eye directions again 7. Repeat until GV 20 tap or press does not make weakness return

Emergency or Symptomatic Care 1. TL to any problem area weakens 2. Hold eyes in different directions until one direction strengthens 3. This indicates the cause of the problem 4. Correct and repeat until the TL is negated

Body Into Distortion Patient can turn their head instead of moving their eyes. BID works better in cases of nystagmus. BID is not recommended in cases of neck symptoms or to test for infection (circumduction), hypoxia (up and down), or energy (side to side).

Directions and Indications Left and Up – Biochemistry / Nutritional Deficiency Left Straight– Toxicity (metals, chemical, radiation) Left and Down – Biomechanical Right and Up – Dehydration Right Straight – Exercise Right and Down – Offending food or drink Clockwise or Counterclockwise – Infection (bacteria, virus, post virus, parasite, fungus, yeast) Up-Down several times – Hypoxia Left-Right several times – Energy / ATP Eyes converge on nose – Sleep (too little or too much)

It is possible that Nutrient deficiency does not show up but Hypoxia (or something else) does and needs a nutrient to correct. It doesn’t matter, just fix what shows up.

Habituation Often, patients will avoid looking towards a direction that will cause a weakness. It can be helpful to accurately identify causes of dysfunction by “training” the patient to look in each direction. Starting from the middle – above the patient’s nose and with their eyes in neutral position, doctor instructs the patient to follow his finger from neutral to direction being tested and back to neutral. On the 3rd time that the patient moves their eyes, instruct them to hold their eyes in that position (which will be the EID being challenged).

Water Soluble Vitamins

B Vitamins with a number are essential. They must come from the diet because the body cannot make them. Nonessential B Vitamins can be made in the body and do not have a number. B vitamins are water soluble and so are not stored in the body. Because of this, they must be ingested every day to prevent deficiencies.

Thiamin / B1 / Aneurine RDA: 0.2mg 0-6 months, 0.3mg 7-12 months, 0.5mg 1-3 years, 0.6mg 4-8 years, 0.9mg 9-13 years, 1.2mg male 1mg female 14-18 years, 1.2mg male 1.1mg female 19+ years, 1.4mg pregnancy, 1.4mg breastfeeding DV: 1.5mg UL: None Function: Energy production (CAC), Nucleic acid (Pentose Phosphate) Deficiency: Dry Beriberi (peripheral neuropathy, burning feet, increased reflexes, decreased sensation, weakness of extremities, seizures), Wet beriberi (neurological symptoms, rapid heart rate, enlarged heart, edema, difficulty breathing, congestive heart failure), Cerebral Beriberi (Wernicke’s disease (abnormal eye movements, abnormal posture and gait)), Korsakoff's psychosis (amnesia) Toxicity: None Drug Interaction: Diuretics deplete B1. Phenytoin reduces B1. 5-Flourouracil blocks B1 activation. Nutrient Interaction: Coffee and Tea inactivate B1. Alcohol and caffeine increase B1 excretion. Optimal Food: Wheat germ (4.47mg/cup), Lentils (0.34mg/cup) Solubility: Water Active Form: Thiamin Monophosphate (TMP), Thiamin Pyro/Di phosphate (TPP), Thiamin Triphosphate (TTP)

ATP, Mg ATP, Mg ATP, Mg Thiamin Diphosphotransferase Thiamin Diphosphotransferase Thiamin ATP Thiamin TMP TPP TTP

Riboflavin / B2 RDA: 0.3mg 0-6 months, 0.4mg 7-12 months, 0.5mg 1-3 years, 0.6mg 4-8 years, 0.9mg 9-13 years, 1.3mg male 1mg female 14-18 years, 1.3mg male 1.1mg female 19+ years, 1.4mg pregnancy, 1.6mg breast feeding DV: 1.7mg UL: None Function: Oxidation (lose electrons) and Reduction (gain electrons), Energy production, Food metabolism, Detoxification, Antioxidant (Recycles glutathione (GSSG Æ GSH), Metabolizes xanthine to uric acid) Deficiency: Sore throat, Redness and swelling of the lining of the mouth and throat, Cracks or sores on the outside of the lips (cheliosis) and at the corners of the mouth (angular stomatitis), Inflammation and redness of the tongue (magenta tongue), Moist, scaly skin inflammation (seborrheic dermatitis), Formation of blood vessels in the clear covering of the eye (vascularization of the cornea), Normochromic normocytic anemia, May increase risk of pre- eclampsia Toxicity: None Drug Interaction: Phenothiazine derivatives (Chlorpromazine, Tricyclic antidepressants), Quinacrine, Adriamycin inhibit activation of riboflavin. Phenobarbitol destroys riboflavin. Nutrient Interaction: Activates B3, B6, B9. B2 required for iron metabolism. Optimal Food: Cooked Egg (0.27mg), Almonds (0.23mg/oz) Solubility: Water Active Form: Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide (FAD), Flavin Mononucleotide (FMN) Other: 25mg can be absorbed in a single dose, Destroyed by light

ATP, Mg, T3, T4 Flavokinase, Chlorpromazine Riboflavin-5-Phosphate ATP, Mg, T3 , T4 Flavin Adenine H2 FADH2 Riboflavin (Flavin Mononucleotide (FMN)) Dinucleotide

Water Soluble Vitamins

Niacin / B3 RDA: 2mg 0-6 months, 4mg 7-12 months, 6mg 1-3 years, 8mg 4-8 years, 12mg 9-13 years, 16mg male 14mg female 14+ years, 18mg pregnancy, 17mg breastfeeding DV: 20mg UL: 10mg 0-12 months, 15mg 4-8 years, 20mg 9-13 years, 30mg 14-18 years, 35mg 19+ years Function: Oxidation (lose electrons) and Reduction (gain electrons) Deficiency: Pellagra (dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia, death), Thick, scaly rash where skin is exposed to light, Bright red tongue, Vomiting, Headache, Apathy, Fatigue, Depression, Disorientation, Memory loss Toxicity: Flushing, Itching, Nausea, Vomiting, Liver cell damage (elevated liver enzymes and jaundice; 750mg/day <3 months duration), Transient low blood pressure, Headaches, Decreased insulin sensitivity, Elevated uric acid, Blurred vision (1.5-5g/day) Drug Interaction: Niacin with Lovastatin can cause rhabdomyolysis. Niacin interferes with Sulfinpyrazone. 5- Fluorouracil and Isoniazid can cause Pellagra. Estrogen increases Niacin synthesis from Tryptophan. Nutrient Interaction: Can be made from tryptophan (60mg TRP Æ 1mg Niacin) Optimal Food: Tuna (11.3mg/3oz), Peanuts (3.8mg/oz) Solubility: Water

Tryptophan Formylkyenurinine Kynurenine 3-Hydroxykynurenine


PP-Ribose-P Nicotinate Mononucleotide Nicotinic Acid / Niacin 3-Hydroxyanthranate

ATP Nicotinamide / Niacinamide


Nicotinamide Mononucleotide NADH Nicotinate Adenine Dinucleotide / ATP Desamido NAD ATP, Glutamine ATP, Mg Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) NADP NADPH

Pantothenic Acid / B5 RDA: Not established AI: 1.7mg 0-6 months, 1.8mg 7-12 months, 2mg 1-3 years, 3mg 4-8 years, 4mg 9-13 years, 5mg 14+ years, 6mg pregnancy, 7mg breastfeeding DV: 10mg UL: None Function: Generate energy from food, Synthesis of hormones, neurotransmitters, hemoglobin, Detoxification Deficiency: Headache, Fatigue, Insomnia, Intestinal disturbances, Numbness and tingling of hands and feet Toxicity: Diarrhea (10-20g) Drug Interaction: Oral contraceptives increase requirement for B5. B5 with statins or niacin can have additive effects on lipids. Nutrient Interaction: None Optimal Food: Yogurt (1.35mg/8oz), California Avocado (1.99mg/1 whole), Chicken (0.98mg/3oz) Solubility: Water Active Form: Coenzyme A

ATP, Mg ATP, Cysteine Pantothenic Acid 4-Phospho Pantothenic Acid 4-Phosphopantothenyl Cysteine

P5P Mg, ATP Mg, ATP Coenzyme A Dephospho Coenzyme A 4-Phospho Pantethine

Water Soluble Vitamins

Pyridoxine / B6 RDA: 0.1mg 0-6 months, 0.3mg 7-12 months, 0.5mg 1-3 years, 0.6mg 4-8 years, 1mg 9-13 years, 1.3mg male 1.2mg female 14-18 years, 1.3mg 19+ years, 1.7mg male 1.5mg female 51+ years, 1.9mg pregnancy, 2mg breastfeeding DV: 2mg UL: 30mg 1-3 years, 40mg 4-8 years, 60mg 9-13 years, 80mg 14-18 years, 100mg 19+ years Function: Neurotransmitter production, Blood sugar maintenance, Red blood cell formation, Niacin activation, Hormone function (decreases), Nucleic acid synthesis Deficiency: Depression, Confusion, Inflammation of the tongue, Sores or ulcers of the mouth, Ulcers of the skin at the corners of the mouth, High homocysteine Toxicity: 1000mg+/day. Neuropathy (Pain and numbness of the extremities, Difficulty walking) Drug Interaction: Isoniazid, Cycloserine, Penicillamine, L-dopa bind with vitamin B6. High doses of B6 reduce effectiveness of phenobarbital, phenytoin, L-dopa. Nutrient Interaction: None Optimal Food: Baked potato with skin (0.70mg), Banana (0.43mg) Solubility: Water Active Form: Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate Pyridoxal

ATP, Mg, Zinc Mg, Zn, ATP Isoniazid, Renal Failure FMN Pyridoxine Pyridoxine-5-Phosphate Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate Pyridoxamine Pyridoxamine-5-Phosphate

Folic Acid / B9 DFE: 65mcg 0-6 months, 80 mcg 7-12 months, 150 mcg 1-3 years, 200 mcg 4-8 years, 300 mcg 9-13 years, 400 mcg 14+ years, 600 mcg pregnancy, 500 mcg breastfeeding 1 mcg of food folate = 1 mcg of DFE 1 mcg of folic acid taken with meals or as fortified food = 1.7 mcg of DFE 1 mcg of folic acid supplement on an empty stomach = 2 mcg of DFE DV: 0.4mg UL: 300mcg 1-3 years, 400mcg 4-8 years, 600mcg 9-13 years, 800mcg 14-18 years, 1000mcg 19+ years Function: One carbon transfer (Methyl CH3, Methylene CH2, Formyl CHO, Formimino CHNH, Methenyl CH), DNA synthesis, Amino acid metabolism Deficiency: Elevated homocysteine, Megaloblastic anemia, Hypersegmented neutrophils, Fatigue, Weakness, Shortness of breath Toxicity: None but supplementing with Folate can reduce the symptoms of a B12 deficiency thereby hiding it and leading to B12 deficiency symptoms, the worst being Subacute Combined Degeneration of the Spinal Cord Drug Interaction: NSAIDs (high dose) interfere with folate metabolism. Anticonvulsants (Phenytoin, Phenobarbital, Primidone) and Cholesterol-lowering agents (cholestyramine, colestipol) inhibit folate absorption. Methotrexate blocks folate activation. Trimethoprim (antibiotic), Pyrimethamine (antimalarial), Triamterene (blood pressure), and Sulfasalazine (ulcerative colitis) antagonize folate. Nutrient Interaction: Works with B12. Optimal Food: Spinach (134mcg/0.5cup), Lentils (179mcg/0.5cup), Cabbage is the only food that muscle tests Solubility: Water B12, Homocysteine NADPH, Vit C NADPH, Vit C Toxic Metals Toxic Metals P5P, Lipoic acid, Methotrexate Methotrexate Mn, B12, Serine NADPH, FAD Folic Acid H2 Folate H4Folate Methylene Folate Methyl Glycine Folate Formate NADPH NADP ATP H2O NH4 10Formyl H4 Folate Methenyl H4 Folate 5Formimino H4 Folate H2O Folinic Acid (5-Formyl H4 Folate) Methylene H4 Folate Deoxyuridylate (dUMP) Deoxythymidylate (dTMP) + H2 Folate Complex Lipids

Phospholipids Nutrients for phospholipids Phosphatidic Acid and Phosphatidylglycerols Acetyl CoA (Vit B5) Phosphatidyl Choline NAD, NADPH (Vit B3) Phosphatidyl Ethanolamine Magnesium Phosphatidyl Inositol Zinc Phosphatidyl Serine SAM (Mg, P5P, Folates, B12) Lysophospholipids Choline Plasmalogens Ethanolamine Sphingomyelins Serine Inositol Cytidine Uridine Saturated fatty acids C16-18 Unsaturated fatty acids C18-24 PAPs

Myelin Included when mature: Eliminated when mature: Basic protein and proteolipid High molecular weight proteins Phospholipids and Plasmalogens Desmosterol Sphingomyelins Polysialo gangliosides Glycospingolipids (GM1) Deacylation-reacylation becomes active Cholesterol

Glycosphingolipids Cerebrosides Kerasin Cerebron Nervon Oxynervon Sulfatides Gangliosides GM1 (highest), GM2, GM3

Ganglioside GM1 1. Restores dopaminergic neurons after damage to nigro-striatal system, enhances uptake of dopamine and activity of tyrosine hydroxylase 2. Restores cholinergic neurons after damage to the hippocampus, enhances activity of choline acetyl transferase and acetylcholinesterase 3. Restores high-affinity uptake of choline in the cortex after injuries of the forebrain 4. Protects serotonin and noradrenergic neurons from neurotoxin-induced degeneration 5. Diminishes cerebral edema and restores ionic balance after cerebral traumas 6. Stimulates regeneration of the optic nerve 7. Possibly restores melatonin uptake

Lipoproteins See Cholesterol

Phospholipids Glycerol


Glycerol-3-Phosphate (Phosphatidyl Glycerol) NADPH O2

Phosphatidate Dihydroxyacetone Phosphate

H2O Acyl CoA

CTP Plasmalogens


Glycerol-3-P Diacylglyerol CDP Diacylglycerol

CDP Choline Inositol


CDP- Ethanolamine ATP

CH3 (SAM) Phosphatidylethanolamine Phosphatidylcholine Phosphatidylinositol-4-Phosphate

Serine ATP

Phosphatidylserine Phosphatidylinositol- 4,5-Bisphosphate


Coenzyme A + Palmitic Acid

P5P, Mn NADPH Palmitoyle CoA + Serine 3-Ketosphinganine Dihydrosphingosine

P5P Mg Zn Acyl CoA Dihydroceramide Palmitic Acid + Sphingosine

CDP Choline Sphingosine P5P Phosphorylcholine

Acyl CoA Phosphatidylcholine Ceramide Sphingomyelin

Glycosphingolipids (Cerebrosides)

UDP Glucose UDP Galactose

Glucosylceramide Galactosylceramide(1/4 of all myelin) (Galactocerebrosides) Saccharides (UDP Glucose, PAPS UDP Galactose, UDP Galactosamine, N Acetyl Neuramic Acid)

Gangliosides Sulfatides (rich in myelin)

Gangliosides: GM3 – Ceramide + Glucose + Galactose + N Acetyl Neuraminic Acid GM2 – GM3 + N Acetyl Galactosamine GM1 – GM2 + Galactose

S-Adenosyl Methionine (SAM) methylates the last step in myelin synthesis.

Toxicity Eyes or head straight left

Phase 1 Detoxification Challenge Procedure 1. Positive TL to (Liver) B+E point is negated by Chemical, Toxic Metal, or Radiation 2. Chemical, Toxic Metal, or Radiation weakens 3. If Cytochrome P450 enzymes strengthen a. Test nutrients: Phosphatidylcholine, B3 (NADPH, NAD) , Magnesium, Iron, B2 (FMN, FAD), Alpha Lipoic Acid, Broccoli (1A2), Brussel Sprouts (1A2), St John’s Wort (3A4, 5, 7), Licorice, Black Walnut, High protein, low carbohydrate, ethanol (2E1), Zinc, Copper, Chromium, Calcium, Molybdenum, Selenium, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Bioflavonoids, Beta Carotene, Nutrient Phase 1+2 4. Patient weakens to a CYP Æ suggests increased Phase 1, Free radicals, and decreased phase 2 a. Test antioxidants b. Improve phase 2 detoxification to reduce the load on phase 1

Phase 2 Detoxification Challenge Procedure 1. Positive TL to (Liver) B+E point is negated by Chemical, Toxic Metal, Radiation 2. Patient weakens to one or more Cytochrome P450 enzymes 3. Positive TL to (Liver) B+E point or weakness from CYP450 is negated by one or more of Glutathione-S-Transferase, Glucuronic acid, PAPS, Sulfite Oxidase, Acetyl CoA, SAM, Taurine, Threonine, Glycine, Cysteine 4. Test nutrients related to strengthening substance (chart below) 5. Identify offending chemical and source (radiation, toxic metal, pesticide, alcohol, solanine, other chemical) 6. Identify any additional detoxification substances 7. Supplement appropriately 8. Avoid offending chemical

Amalgam Challenge Procedure 1. Caffeine or Acetic Acid causes positive TL to a filled tooth 2. Indicates that tooth is leaking metal

Conjugate Challenge Substance Biomarker (tester) Nutrients XOH+Glutathione Acetominophen Glut-S-Transferase Glutathione (NAD, GLU, Lycine, B6, Zn) XOH+Glucuronidation Aspirin Glucuronic Acid Glucuronic Acid XOH+Sulfation Acetone PAPS PAPS, S, MSM, Lipoic Acid, GlucosamineSO4 Sulfite Oxidase Sodium Metabisulfite Sulfite Oxidase Mo, Fe XOH+Acetylation Newsprint, Petrol Acetyl CoA Acetyl CoA (B5, Mg, Acetic Acid) XOH+Methylation RNA, Caffeine SAM Methionine, Mg, B12, Folate, Betaine, DMG XOH+Taurine Pesticides Taurine Taurine, NAD, Vitamin C, Vitamin A XOH+Threonine Threonine Threonine XOH+Glycine Sodium Benzoate Glycine Glycine, B6, B2, Mg, Folate XOH+Cysteine Citric Acid Cysteine Cysteine, NAD, Methionine, B6, Mg, Vit C

Endogenous Exogenous Endogenous and exogenous chemicals Neurotransmitters Water soluble xenobiotics are detoxified through the same pathways. Hormones Lipid soluble xenobiotics Eicosanoids Certain fatty acids Retinoids

The purpose of detoxification is to make the chemicals water soluble. A dysbiosis will cause conjugated toxins to be deconjugated and reabsorbed, preventing the toxin from leaving the body. Impaired estrogen excretion is a cause of weight gain. The major water soluble toxin that the bladder and kidney pass out is toxic metals. 50% of prescribed medications are metabolized by CYP enzymes. Many CYP enzymes are inhibited by drugs, causing drug interactions.

Detoxification – Phase 1

Hydroxylation by Cytochrone P450 There are 14 families of the Cytochrome P450 enzyme encoding for between 35-60 distinct P450 enzymes. They all use the abbreviated root symbol CYP. This is followed by a number designating the family having similar sequence identity. This is followed by a capital letter indicating the subfamily. Lastly, this is followed by another number indicating the individual P450s in the family. Example: CYP1A1.

CYP1A1 2-Estrogens, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) (benzopyrene from chargrilling) CYP1A2 16-Estrogens, Uroporphyrinogen (heme) Induced by smoking, broccoli, sprouts, chargrilling, high insulin, pesticides High in colon cancer CYP1B1 4-Estrogens, Synthetic estrogens (Hormone Replacement Therapy, Oral Contraceptive Pills) Linked to Glaucoma, malignancy CYP2A6 Nicotine CYP2B4 Phenobarbitol, Induced by Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) CYP2C9 Warfarin, NSAIDs, Fluvastatin, Tamoxifen, Amitryptyline Inhibited by St Johns Wort, Induced by Thiol Pesticides CYP2C19 Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, Diazepan, 30% of drugs with 2D6 Inhibited by St Johns Wort, Induced by Thiol Pesticides CYP2D6 Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, Codeine, Organophosphate Pesticides, 30% of drugs with 2C19 Induced by Thiol Pesticides CYP2E1 Ethanol, Solvents, Acetomenophen, Tobacco smoke CYP3A4 50% of Pharmaceutical Drugs, Lidocaine, Lovastatin, Taxol, Warfarin, Organophosphate Pesticide Induced by St Johns Wort, Orange Juice, Thiol Pesticides, Inhibited by grapefruit

The cytochrome P450 vials can strengthen, indicating a need to upregulat phase 1. They can also weaken, indicating that phase 1 is moving too fast and phase 2 can’t keep up. This produces toxic intermediates and indicates a need to upregulate phase 2

Silymarin Flavonoids extracted from Silybum marianum / Milk Thistle Protects liver from damage and enhances detoxification

Antioxidant – more potent than vitamins E or C Increases synthesis of Glutathione by 35% Prevents depletion of glutathione caused by alcohol and other toxic chemicals Increases rate of liver tissue regeneration Protects the liver from damage caused by carbon tetrachloride, amanita toxin, galactosamine, praseodymium nitrate

Scale of Toxicity “On a scale of 1 to 1000, with 1000 being no toxicity and 1 being completely toxic, your scale of toxicity right now calibrates at _____.”

Scale of Homeostasis “On a scale of 1-1000 with 1000 being perfection (for you) your scale of homeostasis right now calibrates at ___”

When Homeostasis is high and toxicity is high (meaning very toxic, low on the scale) this indicates that the patient is doing something beneficial but it is doing a “holding job” and if removed the patient will feel worse. The toxicity must be addressed.

Detoxification – Phase 2

Glutathione (Cysteine, Glutamic acid, Glycine linked by P5P, ATP(Mg)) Detoxifies – Xenobiotics (exogenous chemicals), Naphthalene, Phenanthacin compounds, Aliphatic disulphides Nutrients – Zinc, Selenium-Cysteine, NADPH, Glutathione-S-Transferase, NAC, Vit C 500mg/day, Silymarin, Glycine, Methionine, B2, B6, B12, Magnesium, Copper, Cysteine, Glutamate, EFAs, Indole-3-Carbinol Foods – Spinach, Onion, Garlic, Broccoli, Lemongrass, Celery, Rosemary, Watercress, Turmeric, Pomegranate, Sulfurophanes, Cruciferous Vegetables, Limonene foods (citrus peel, dill seed oil, caraway oil)

Glucuronidation Detoxifies – Neurotransmitters, Hormones, Phenol, Benzoic Acid, Vanillin, Alcohol, Enol, Carboxylic Acid, Amines, Hydroxyamines, Carbamides, Sulphamides, Thiols, Phenobarbitol Nutrients – Glucuronic Acid, Magnesium, NAD, EFAs, Foods – Artichokes, Cashew, Soy, Licorice, Flax, Alfalfa, Calcium d-Glucarate foods (Oranges, Apples, Grapefruit, Cruciferous Veg)

Sulfation Detoxifies – Neurotransmitters, Hormones (steroid and thyroid), Acetone, DDT/DDE, Ethylene glycol, Fluorine, Toluene, TRIC, Cyanide, Acetomenophen, Aliphatic Alcohols, Aryl Amines, Alicyclic Hydroxysteroids Nutrients –Sulfur (PAPS, MSM, SAM), Alpha Lipoic Acid, Cysteine (Methionine, MethylB12, Folate, Mg, B6), Molybdenum, B2, Manganese Foods – Broccoli, Asparagus, Garlic, Mustard, Dill, Parsnip, Horseradish, Cabbage, Sting Nettle, Cruciferous Veg

Sulfoxidation Detoxifies – Sodium Metabisulfite Nutrients – Molybdenum, Iron

Acetylation Detoxifies – Isoniazid, Gasoline, Petrochemical byproducts (makeups), Newsprint (arsenic, lead), Hypochlorite, Aromatic amines (histamine, serotonin), Aspirin, PABA, Sulfur amides, Aliphatic amines, Complex hydrazines Nutrients – Pantethine, Acetyl L Carnitine, NAD, FAD, Molybdenum, Iron, Acetyl CoA Factors (P5P, Cysteine, Magnesium, Vitamin C) Foods – Endive, Pea, Cucumber, Watercress, Tomato Symptoms – Long vision (can’t see close up), Poor memory, Low immunity (low T cell), Slow peristalsis, GI symptoms, Weak sustained muscle strength, Low CAC, Fatigue, Weight gain (low B-Ox), Sleep problems (low melatonin), Joint pain, Hypertension, Trigger points (high ADP)

Methylation Detoxifies – Estrogens, Caffeine, Amines, Phenols, Thiols, Noradrenaline, Adrenaline, Dopamine, Melatonin, L- Dopa, Histamine, Serotonin, Pyridine, Sulphites, Hypochlorites, Heavy metals Nutrients – SAM, Methionine (Magnesium, Zinc, ATP, 5MTHF, MethylB12), Methyl Donors (Choline, Betaine, DMG), L. acidophilus to make Choline Other – Methionine promotes flow of lipids to and from the liver, SAM must be supplemented in liver damage, SAM prevents estrogen induced cholestasis

Amino Acids Taurine – Agricultural chemicals, Carbon Tetrachloride, Cholyl CoA Locations – Brain (glial cells), Eyes (choroids), Heart (arrhythmias), Bile salt synthesis Nutrients – MET, CYS, B3, Iron, Mg, Zn, Cu, P5P, B9, MethylB12, CH3 donors Glycine – Detoxifies – Sodium Benzoate, Aspirin, Cholyl CoA, Toluene, Salicylates Nutrients – Glycine (Folate, P5P, Mg, Zn, B2, B3), Mn, FAD, NAD, Arginine, Arginase, CH3 donors People with hepatitis, alcoholic liver, carcinoma, chronic arthritis, hypothyroid, toxemia of pregnancy, excess chemical exposure have poor glycine conjugation Cysteine (eczema) – Nutrients – Methionine, Folate, B6, MethylB12, CH3 Threonine (for glycine) Glutamine – gut Tryptophan – fungal toxins

Infectious Diseases Eyes in a circle clockwise or counterclockwise

Wake up with nausea = parasites Nauseous after eating = allergy

Use herbs as medicines when the patient is ill. Use herbal tinctures for systemic illness. Use herbal capsules for a gut infection or gut parasite.

Nonspecific Immune System Works all the time; Engulfs foreign objects and kills them with enzymes and free radicals

White Blood Cell Neurotransmitter Pathogen Free Radical Granulocytes Neutrophils Noradrenaline Gram + Bacteria, Virus Hypo Cl, Br, I* Eosonophils Inhibitory Parasites, Bacteria H2O2 Basophils / Mast Cells Histamine Allergen Histamine Agranulocytes Monocytes / Macrophages Dopamine Gram - Bacteria Nitric Oxide

Cytokines and Interleukins tell the Specific Immune System that the Nonspecific Immune System is having trouble.

*Green = Bromide, Red = Iodide, Blue = Chloride

Specific Immune System Activates after a couple days of an unresolved infection

White Blood Cell Neurotransmitter Function Lymphocytes B Lymphocytes Serotonin Marks with Antibodies (Igs) T Lymphocytes Acetylcholine Kill microorganisms Helper Hold the organisms in place Memory Remember infections Killer Kill microorganisms Suppressor Stop the killing Natural Killers Excitatory

B Lymphocytes put a “hat” on the substance that is to be eliminated. The hat is called an Antibody or an Immunoglobulin. The Immunoglobulins are G, A, M, E, and D. The targeted substance could be a virus, bacteria, or a protein from a food. This hat is a marker for the T Lymphocytes to eliminate that substance.

Five Chemicals of Inflammation Histamine – vasodilation, reddening, itching Bradykinin – pain Serotonin – systemic vasoconstrictor (except middle meningeal artery) Prostaglandin E2 – blood circulation, some pain Leukotriens – 1000x more inflammatory than histamine, massive tissue destruction, not always pain All five sensitize nociceptors to tell the brain there is tissue damage

Defense against virus, bacteria, fungus, toxin: 1st line – neutrophils and macrophages 2nd line – neutrophils 3rd line – macrophages 4th line – neutrophils and macrophages

The chemicals that control macrophage and neutrophil response are made by Macrophages and T Cells: TNF, IL 1, GM-CSF, G-CSF, M-CSF

Colony Stimulating Factors (CSF) causes marrow to increase production of neutrophils and macrophages for 4th line of defense.

See Organ Related Conditions for detailed information on Immune System. Reactive Oxygen Species

Types Reactive Oxygen Species include Superoxide (O2-), Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2), Hydroxyl (OH-), Hypochlorite (OCl-), Hypobromide (OBr-), Hypoiodide (OI-), Peroxynitrite (ONOO-), Nitric Oxide (NO). OH and ONOO are highly damaging and are not normally made by the body. H2O2 can melt the pancreas and cause Type 1 Diabetes.

Production 1. During the Respiratory Burst (increased temperature), membrane bound NAD(P)H Oxidase is activated in both Macrophages and Granulocytes and produces Superoxide Anion radicals from molecular oxygen. 2. Macrophages can also generate NO via the conversion of Arginine mediated by inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS). 3. Granulocytes (large amounts in a single shot), and Macrophages (small amounts but more constant), discharge the lysosomal enzyme Myeloperoxidase stimulating halogen anions.

Functions: Kill invading pathogens, Promote cell growth, Promote cell division

Reactive Oxygen Specie Organism Killed Hydrogen Peroxide Parasites, Gram + Bacteria, Acute Virus Hypo Chlorite, Bromide, Iodide Gram Positive Bacteria, Acute Viruses (Herpes, Hepatitis) Nitric Oxide Fungus, Gram Negative Bacteria, Acute Virus Peroxynitrite Post Viruses, Systemic Fungal infections

To test for: Use vials: 1. Superoxide Anion Superoxide + NADPH + Fe 2. Hydrogen Peroxide Hydrogen Peroxide 3. Glutathione Peroxidase Glutathione Peroxidae 4. NADH Peroxidase NADH Peroxidase 5. Peroxidase Peroxidase 6. Catalase Catalase 7. Hypochlorite anion Hydrogen Peroxide + KCl or MgCl2 8. Hypobromite anion Hydrogen Peroxide + KBr or MgBr2 9. Hypoiodite anion Hydrogen Peroxide + KI or MgI2 10. Hydroxyl Radical Superoxide + NADPH + Fe + Hydrogen Peroxide 11. Nitric Oxide Nitric Oxide 12. Peroxynitrite Nitric Oxide + Superoxide + NADH + Fe 13. Singlet Oxygen Hydrogen Peroxide + Hypochlorite

Challenge for Excessive Reactive Oxygen Species 1. Patient’s weakening acetate + oxygen together weaken 2. Check for strengthening against Vitamin A, Carotenoids, Lycopene, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, CoQ10, Evening Primrose Oil, Sesame Seed Oil, Anti Aging Products (AA Capsules, AA Phospholipid complex, AA Cream)


Bacterial Infection Challenge Procedure Diagnosis: 1. TL to lymph node, B+E point, sore throat, or other area of inflammation weakens – negated by Bacteria 2. Bacteria weakens in the clear

Treatment: 1. Catalase weakens Æ Gram Positive Bacteria a. Superoxide Anion strengthens (Superoxide+NADPH+Fe) – Heating Spice to increase Respiratory Burst 1. Red – Ginger 2. Green – Turmeric or Cardamom 3. Blue – Mustard or Nutmeg b. Hydrogen Peroxide strengthens Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Iron c. Myeloperoxidase strengthens Ionic Silver, Gold, Platinum d. Test Halogen related to weakening color 1. Red – Hypoiodite (H2O2+KI or MgI) a. Black Walnut – MgI b. Non-Stinging Stinging Nettle – KI c. Kelp – Iodine 2. Green – Hypobromite Anion (H2O2+KBr or MgBr) a. Walnuts 3. Blue – Hypochlorite Anion (H2O2+KCl or MgCl) a. Low Sodium Salts 2. Nitric Oxide strengthens Æ Gram Negative Bacteria Arginine, Zinc, Zinc Arginate, NADPH, Iron, Vitamin C, Ionic Molybdenum 3. Peroxynitrite (NO+Superoxide+NADH+Fe) strengthens Æ Gram Negative Bacteria (chronic) Selenium, Ionic Molybdenum, Iron, Copper 4. Challenge with antibacterial substances Ionic silver SF734 caps (upper gut) Turkey rhubarb (Rhuem Ionic molybdenum Undecyne caps (lower gut) palmatum) Essiac formula tinc Uristatin caps (GU) Slippery elm (Ulmus rubra) Hoxsey formula tinc Capsicum caps Watercress Immune formula tinc Ginger caps Red clover (Trifolium Echinacea tincture Turmeric caps pratense) Ginger tincture Mustard caps Black walnut (Juglans nigra) Turmeric tincture Mannose Immune WHY 600 (Gram -) Mustard tincture Fresh sheep sorrel (Rumex Astragulus (virus) Mouthwash acetosella) Uva Ursi (GU tract) Red Clover tincture Burdock root (Articum lappa) Waltheria tincture (Strep) Phytogen caps 5. Test saccharides for strengthening Fucose, Galactose, Glucosamine, Glucose, Glucuronic Acid, Mannose, Xylose, N Acetyl D Glucosamine, N Acetyl Neuraminic Acid, N Acetyl Galactosamine 6. Test individual probiotics for strengthening 7. Supplement with indicated nutrients Acute Infections – take exact dose every 2 hours Chronic Infection – take exact dose 1-3 times per day Silver Cream is to be applied locally on the skin 3-4 times a day (ex. on the throat in a sore throat)

To take heating spice, dilute dose in cup of water and drink all at once. Refill and sip for 2 hours. Keep sipping all day to keep level of spice high.

Shock Dose for a beginning infection (won’t work in a Gram Negative infection) 30ml bottle of ionic calcium – drink the whole thing to alkalize the body 20 mins later – mix together and drink 30 ml 300ppm ionic zinc, 30 ml ionic copper, 30 ml ionic silver

Bacteria - Classification

Aerobes Pleomorphic rods Gram positive (* Sensitive to ionic silver) Haemophilus H. influenza (meningitis) Cocci H. aegyptius (conjunctivitis) Micrococcus* M. luteus (skin) H. ducreyi (genital ulcers) M. roseus (skin) Bordetella B. pertussis (whooping M. varians (skin) cough) Staphylococcus* S. aureus (skin; food B. parapertussis (meningitis) poisoning) B. bronchiseptica Non-aureus S. epidermis (skin) (pneumonia) Streptococcus (throat, cystitis) Brucella B. arbortus (cattle) Group A S. pyogenes (Brucellosis) B. suis (swine) (throat) B. meltensis (goat) Group B S. agalactiae (GUT) B. canis (dog) Group C Pasteurella* P. multocida (inflammatory Group D S. faecalis (GUT) arthritis) S. faecium (GUT) Legionella* L. pneumophilia (pneumonia) S. durans L. micdadei (influenza) S. avium Miscellaneous S bovis Vibrio * V. choleraea (cholera) Group F V. parahaemolyticus Group G (diarrhea) S. pneumoniae V. vulnificus (systemic) (lungs) Rods (Pneumoccus) Campylorobacter* C. jejuni (GUT; food S. mutans (tooth poisoning) decay) (Viridans) Helicobacter* H. pylori (ulcers) S. mitis (mouth) Non fermenters (Cystic Fibrosis) Bacilli Pseudomonas P. aerginosa (lung) Bacillus* B. anthracis (anthrax) (Burkholderia) B. cepacia (lung) B. cereus (GUT) (Stenotrophomonas) S. maltophilia (lung) Lactobacillus L. acidophilus etc (GUT) Acinetobacter A. ivvoffii (meningitis) Listeria* L. monocytogenes (GUT) A. baumannii (skin) L. ivanovii (septeceamia) Flavobacterium F.meningosepticum Erysipothrix E. rhusiopathiae (skin) (meningitis) Corynebacterium* C. diptheriae (diptheria) Acaligenes A. faecalis (GUT) Gram negative Anaerobes Cocci Gram Positive Neisseria* N. gonorrhoeae (genitals) Bacilli N. meningitides (meningitis) Clostridium C. tetani (tetanus) Enterobacteria (fast acting C. difficile (toxic with Escherichia Coli E. coli (GUT) food poisoning) antibiotics; ulcerative colitis, Shigella S. dysenteriae (GUT) crohns disease) S. flexneri (GUT) C. perfringens (GUT) S. boydii (GUT) C. botulinum (GUT) S. sonnei (GUT) (botulism) Edwardsiella E. tarda (GUT) Actinomyces A. israelii (abcess) Salmonella S. typhimurium (GUT) Bifidobacterium B. dentium (toxic with (slow food S. enteritiidis (GUT) antibiotics) poisoning) Eubacterium E. lentum (endocarditis) Citrobacter C. freundii (GUT) Proprionibacterium* P.acnes (abcess) C. diversus (GUT) Lactobacillus (facultative) Klebsiella K. pneumoniae (GUT) Cocci Enterobacter E. aerogenes (GUT; Peptostreptococcus P.magnus (musculoskeletal) Frozen Shoulder) Gram negative E. cloacae (GUT) Bacilli Serratia S. marcescens (GUT) Bacteroides* B. fragilis (GUT) Proteus P. mirabilis (GUT) Prevotella P. vulgaris (GUT) Porphyromonas Morganella M. morganii (GUT) Fusobacterium F. nucleatum (gums) Providencia P. alcalfaciens (GUT) Cocci Yersinia Y. enterocolitica (GUT) Veillonella V. parvula (mouth) Y. pestis (plague)


Unconscious Emotion

Love Challenge

Psychological Reversal

Pain Body

Love Challenge

Love embraces all things Love trusts all things Love transcends all things Love is never possessive Love is never fearful Love is simply love

Love cannot shine with any specialness on anyone at any time Love can only be welcomed where love truly resides Love resides within you and the Source of your very being If you would know love, know your Self If love flows through you, it must first flow to you

Your work is not to seek and find love. It is to merely turn within to discover every obstacle that you have created to its presence.

Procedure 1. After correcting all structural and chemical faults as noted in the protocol 2. Patient weakens to closing their eyes 3. “The optimal emotional correction for me to perform on you is the love challenge” strengthens 4. Patient weakens to saying one of the following: “I am loved” “I am loving” “I am loveable” 5. Correct by repeating the weakening statement 20 times every night

The hardest statement to accept is the doorway to the unconscious emotion. Healing will occur when the patient withdraws all valuation placed on the disease.

1 Corinthians 13:1-15 I may have all the faith needed to move mountains – but if I have no love, I am nothing. I may give away everything I have and even give up my body to be burnt – but if I have no love, this does me no good. I may be able to speak the language of human beings and even of angels, but if I have no love, my speech is no more than a noisy gong or a clanging bell. I may have the gift of inspired preaching, I may have all knowledge and understand all secrets, Love is patient and kind, it is not jealous or conceited or proud. Love is not ill mannered or selfish or irritable, love does not keep a record of wrongs. Love is not happy with evil, but is happy with truth. Love never gives up, and its faith, hope and patience never fail. Love is eternal. Love is patient and kind. Love is happy with truth. Love never gives up, and its faith, hope and patience never fail. Love is eternal.

1. Love is not jealous (Craving and desire) 2. Love is not conceited (Fear and anxiety) 3. Love is not proud (Pride and scorn) 4. Love is not ill mannered (Apathy and despair) 5. Love is not selfish (Shame and humiliation) 6. Love is not irritable (Anger and hate) 7. Love does not keep a record of wrongs (Grief and regret) 8. Love is not happy with evil (Guilt and blame)

To create a new neural net, something must be said or done 580 times. Saying the affirmations 20 times a night for 30 nights is 600 times and therefore will hardwire the statement into the brain.

Organ Related Conditions

1. Ear, Nose, Throat, Mouth

2. Genito-Urinary System (Kidney, Prostate, Genitals)

3. Gastrointestinal System

4. Immune System

5. Gout

6. Itch

7. Rheumatoid Arthritis

8. Glaucoma

9. Respiratory Conditions

10. Neurobehavioral Disorders, Tests, Exercises

Ear - Tinnitus

Causes Prescription Drugs Anxiety and depression drugs, anti-malarial medication, blood pressure controlling medicines, toxins ingested into the body, and heavy metal poisoning

Toxic Metal Poisoning Electrical discharge from mercury fillings in teeth can cause tinnitus.

Tinnitus From Auditory Nerve Damage Often confused with outer or middle ear damage. Damage to the ear drum does not mean auditory nerve damage.

Chronic Tinnitus At least 10 million Americans suffer from tinnitus so chronic that they are unable to function normally.

Tinnitus From Eardrum Damage Most of the problems of the outer ear that can cause tinnitus are usually mechanical in nature.

Patulous Eustachian Tubes The normal eustachian tube is functionally collapsed at rest, with slight negative pressure present in the middle ear. It opens during swallowing, sneezing, and yawning.

Pulsatile Tinnitus Tinnitus which pulsates in time to the heart beat. This type of tinnitus occurs when there is a narrowing or a partial blockage of arteries. Internal Carotid Artery is the most likely.

Remedies Cochlear Damage Remedy 1. Thiosinaminum - a natural chemical that is derived from oil of the mustard seed and is excellent for ringing in the ear. It may also be helpful in tinnitus when the cause is from scar tissue. Helpful with otitis media and deafness due to fibrous change in the nerve. 2. Carboneum Sulphuratum - helps with impaired hearing, a sensation of fullness in the ears, and noises in the head. Will help when the hearing is impaired with buzzing and singing noises like a harp. Successfully treats Tinnitus and Meniere's disease. 3. Chininum Sulphuricum - Sulphite of Quinine - Used in homeopathy to help with buzzing, ringing, and roaring sounds that are loud enough to impair the person’s hearing. Particularly helpful with violent ear ringing, buzzing, and roaring in ears with deafness. 4. Pulsatilla Vulgaris - Pulsatilla belongs to the Buttercup family of flowers, native to western, central and southern Europe. When potentized homeopathically Pulsatilla diminishes acuteness of hearing, relieves inflammation of the Eustachian tubes, and relieves ringing noises in the ears. 5. Cinchona Officinalis - China. Peruvian Bark - Excellent in the relief of sensitivity to noise and tinnitus. Helps ringing in the ears, humming, roaring or ticking in the ears, and hearing problems.

Sinus Remedy 1. Hydrastis - Hydrastis canadensis. Golden Seal. Orange-root. Yellow Puccoon. N. O. Ranunculaceæ. Tincture of the fresh root. Very effective in relieving blockage of the eustachian tubes. 2. Calcarea Carbonica 3. Kalium Bichromate - Potassæ bichromas. Potassic dichromate. Bichromate of Potash. Red Chromate of Potash. K2Cr2O7. Solution in distilled water. This is one of the most valuable remedies in homeopathy that treats sinusitis. Very effective in treating ulcerations of the nasal mucosa. 4. Silicea

Ear - Tinnitus

Stress Remedy 1. Phosphoric Acid - H3P04. Dilution. For the relief of stress, nervous tension, and mild anxiety. (The dilute acid of B. P. forms the homeopathic 1x. In The first solution is made of glacial Phosphoric Acid.) 2. Sulphur 6C - Brimstone. Sublimed Sulphur. S. (A. W. 3l.98). Trituration of "Flowers of Sulphur." A saturated solution of Sulphur in absolute alcohol constitutes the Ø tincture. Used in homeopathy for giddiness and flushing, especially on getting out of bed in morning, suffocating feeling, oppressive, burning sensation in chest, suddenly becoming hot and flushed in the face. 3. Sepia 6C - Sepia officinalis. Cuttle Fish. N. O. Cephalopoda. Trituration of dried liquid contained in the ink-bag. Relieves irritibilty, bottled up anger, despair, fear that something dreadful is about to happen, nervous tension, and anxiety. 4. Calcarea Carbonica 12C - Impure Calcium Carbonate. Ca C03. Including symptoms of Calcarea acetica and Calcarea ostrearum, a trituration of the middle layer of oyster shells. Helps with inflammation of the sinuses and nose. Relieves inflamed sinuses. Often used in homeopathy to treat symptoms of exhaustion, depression, and anxiety. 5. Silicea 12C - Silicea terra. Pure Flint. Silex. Silicic anhydride. Silicon dioxide. SiO2. Trituration of pure, precipitated Silica. Silica is essential for growth and bone development, is present in connective tissue, and helps to keep cartilage flexible and skin permeable. Used extensively to control vertigo with nausea, fainting, and also vertigo creeping up the spine into the head. Effective with chronic headache attended with nausea and vomiting. 6. Kali Phos 3C - Phosphate of Potassium. K2HP04. Trituration. Solution in distilled water. Helps with feeling scared, unhappy, irritable, worried about one's future, sense of failure, forgetfulness, nervousness, feeling overwhelmed when alone, sensation of bed sinking into floor as one falls asleep.

Tinnitus & Meniere's Disease Remedies 1. Thiosinaminum 2. Carboneum Sulphuratum 3. Chininum Sulphuricum 4. Pulsatilla Vulgaris 5. Cinchona Officinalis 6. Belladonna - Belladonna, more commonly known as deadly night-shade. Is very helpful in treating giddiness, confusion, excitation, incoherent or violent behaviour, motion sickness, and vertigo associated with Meniere's disease. 7. Calcarea Carbonica 8. Silicea

Ear - General

Wax Olive oil and juniper oil – 2 drops in each ear twice a day to soften the wax Hydrogen Peroxide (3%) Wax softening drops Syringe

Itch Caused by: Toxic metal – usually mercury Eczema Emotional – habitual scratching, emotional reasons to Psoriasis scratch ears, other deeper problems Waterlogged Allergy – dairy products, can be goat, sheep, soy Treatments: Parasites – nematodes synthesize toluene which Antibiotic drops – H2O2, Ionic Silver comes out in the wax and causes itching Cleaned by specialist Chemical toxicity

Otitis Externa Otitis Media Swimmers Ear Severe earache Inflammation behind eardrum Tympanosclerosis Calcium deposits on drum Central Perforation of the Drum Need magnesium

Secretory Otitis Media / Glue Ear Vertigo Needs Iodine See The 5 Senses

Ear - Deafness

Hereditary Congenital Deafness Alport’s Syndrome Associated with blood and albumin in the urine. Can occur during the first week of life. Deafness is sensineural and progressive. Eventually renal failure will occur. Male patients worse affected, usually dying of chronic nephritis before age of 30.

Hurler’s Syndrome Associated with 'gargoylism'. Head is enlarged, face flattened, neck short, eyes enlarged and wide apart, teeth widely spaced and abdomen protruding. Is progressive, usually after speech has begun. Results in mental disability and enlarged spleen and liver.

Klipell Feil Syndrome Linked with spinal deformity. Usually a missing a vertebrae in the neck. Deafness is usually profound.

Pendred's Syndrome Related to a deficiency in the thyroid gland which leads to swelling in the neck. Swelling can usually be treated but the hearing impairment cannot. Cases recorded in which deafness has not started until after age of 4.

Treacher Collins Syndrome Results in malformations of the conducting mechanisms of the ear. In an extreme form, the lower jaw and some facial bones to fail develop properly. Deafness is of varying degrees of severity and kinds.

Waardenburg's Syndrome Physical characteristics can include a broad nasal bridge, wide spaced eyes, eyes of different colors, a streak of white hair in the middle of the forehead. This type of deafness is always profound.

Usher Syndrome Children often born hearing but deafness occurs. It is progressive accompanied by changes in the retina. Many people may believe themselves just to be deaf until they encounter vision difficulties. Can result in complete blindness. Ear - Deafness

Pre-natal Deafness Maternal Rubella 20% of all cases of congenital deafness. The earlier it is contracted in pregnancy, the more damage it will cause. By 4th month neural structures and embryonic cochlea are nearly fully developed. Associated with blindness, heart disease, brain damage, and spasticity. Women need to get Rubella as children so they can pass on their antibodies to their children.

Viral Infections Most notably influenza contraction by mother during pregnancy. May account for a small number of cases of congenital deafness.

Drugs Thalidomide which has been identified as a cause of deafness as well as limb deformities.

Peri-Natal Deafness Kernicturus An incompatibility in the blood groups between mother and baby. Causes damage to the cochlear nerve fibres.

Anoxia Lack of oxygen, also associated with brain damage. Other cases include prematurity, birth injury.

Post-Natal Deafness Measles Can cause moderate to severe hearing loss. Usually affects both ears. Possible implication in otosclerosis.

Mumps Characterised by severe hearing loss in one ear only.

Meningitis Controversy over whether deafness is caused as a result of the infection or the drug used to treat it.

Drugs (ototoxic deafness) Allergic reaction or toxicity.

Cochlea Osteosclerosis Progressive loss usually in both ears. Progression is slow and hearing tends to stay stationary for a long time. Is identified by loss of high tones before low tones.

Otosclerosis (hardening) A progressive degenerative condition of the temporal bone which can result in hearing loss. May be fixation of the stapes footplate to the oval window of the cochlea which impairs movement of the stapes and transmission of sound into the inner ear (“ossicular coupling”). The cochlea’s round window can also become sclerotic and in a similar way impair movement of sound pressure waves through the inner ear (“acoustic coupling”).

Noise Induced deafness Associated with particular professions where noisy machinery is used. Hearing loss is variable.

Head Injuries Deafness can follow injuries to the head such as a skull fracture, concussion, and blast injuries. If hearing loss is due to a 'trauma' it is possible some or all of the hearing may return.

Meniere's Disease Associated by severe attacks of vertigo, nausea, and vomiting. Tends to begin between the ages of 33 and 55. Hearing loss affect low frequency tones before high tones. Comes in attacks, hearing appears to improve between attacks of vertigo.

Presabyacusis (senile deafness) Due to an atrophy of the tiny hair cells and nerve fibers in the cochlea. Is progressive. Most commonly noticed around the age of 60. The onset can be premature if a person undergoes prolonged exposure to noise in adult life. Nose

Hayfever (Allergic rhinitis) No relation to hay or fever. Histamine release in response to allergen. Histamine causes swelling and itching.

Nutrients: Homeopathic: Herbs: Vitamin C (buffered) Allium cepa Camomile P5P Arsenicum album Cayenne pepper – anti Magnesium Euphrasia inflammatory Vitamin E Ferrum phosphoricum Devil’s claw Hesperadin Gelsemium Echinacea Quercitin MC Natrum muriaticum Elder bark Zinc Nux vomica Garlic Green tea extract Sabadilla Goldenrod Selenium Wyethia Goldenseal Bromelain Eyebright Vitamin A Ground ivy EPO (GLA) Licorice root Saccharide (Galactosamine) – Nettle Chestnut extract or Chestnut Ribwort flour Lutein / Zeaxanthine – rich in skin and nasal passages

Muscle test for the needed dose and take it all at once. When symptoms come back take the dose again. In a couple of days, the symptoms should stay improved for a longer time. Decrease the dose. When symptoms are gone, continue with one capsule a day for the rest of the time when symptoms are usually present. Next year, start taking the remedy a week before symptoms usually start. In a couple years the symptoms will not come back at all.

Sinusitis Chronic Inflammation Vasomotorrhinitis caused by humidity, cold air, alcohol, perfumes, and other environmental conditions, also may be complicated by sinus infections. Headache and sinus problems in the morning are from fungal spores.

Nutrients: Ionic zinc Ionic silver Fatty acids C8-14 Echinacea Castor bean oil Horseradish + Garlic tincture Iodine – is secreted into saliva and mucus only if there is enough for the rest of the body. It is there because it is antimicrobial. Lacrimal ducts secrete iodine also. Deficiency causes glue ear and eye.

Hands on Treatments Neurolymphatic reflexes for the sinuses (Posterior and Anterior) Cranial manipulation Frontal Lift Maxillary Spread Zygoma Roll


Gout Challenge Procedure 1. Patient weakens to Uric Acid 2. Test Nutrients: Zinc, Sodium Bicarbonate (a pinch every couple hours), Glucosamine, MSM, Omega 3, Artichoke (cynara), Celery Seed Extract, Chrysin, Garlic, Silymarin, Turmeric, Yucca

Metabolic disorder of breaking down purines, which become uric acid. Uric acid can deposit in ankles, knees, big toe, thumbs, ear lobes Uric acid crystals do not show on xray.

Symptoms Constant aching, stress, and tenderness in the worst way Inability to bend, loss of flexibility Hardness and swelling at the big toe or fingers, wrists, ankles, and knees Burning sensations and redness around the infected areas Constant pain Lingering joint pain

Purine Rich Foods Red meats (cows or sheep) – Steak, Chops, Corned Beef, and larger pieces of meat usually roasted in the oven Game Meat extracts (Oxo, Bovril) Gravy Organ Meats – Brains, Kidneys, liver, Heart (offal) Sweetbreads Shellfish – Mussels, Oysters, Sea Eggs Seafood – Anchovies, Herrings, Mackerel, Sardines Peas and Beans Alcohol (beer and wine) Shiitake Mushrooms

Caused by Hypoxia Æ Too much Xanthine Oxidase activity Acid pH Æ Inability to dissolve Uric Acid

Pharmaceutical treatment Acute attack NSAID (not aspirin) Maintenance Sulfinpyrazone – Anturan (Promotes renal excretion) Allopurinol, Zyloric (Xanthine oxidase inhibitor)

Gout Diet Grapes – Lowers acidity, Antioxidant Bananas – Bromelain, Potassium Cherries – Neutralizes uric acid, Anthocyanidins Pineapples – Rich in potassium (uric acid Æ urates), Bromelain (anti inflammatory), Vitamin C (antioxidant to purines), Folate (tissue repair) Blueberries – Potassium, Anthrocyanidins (5 of the 6), Vitamin C Strawberries – Anthrocyanidin (pellegedenin), Vitamin C, Quercetin (as Quercetin Methyl chalcone (Quercetin MC from Thorne))


Adenosine Guanosine



Hypoxanthine Guanine Xanthine Oxidase Mo, Fe, Cu, FAD Vanadium, Folate, Tungsten, Quercetin O2

Xanthine O2- O2 Xanthine Oxidase FAD Mo, Fe, Cu O2- Vanadium, Folate, Tungsten, Chrysin, Quercetin Uric Acid

Zinc pH 7+ (Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)) Acidic pH

Sodium Urate

Neurobehavioral Disorders

Areas of the Brain Forebrain Telencephalon (Cortex and Basal ganglia) Diencephalon (Thalamus) Cerebellum Vermis and Cerebellar hemispheres Hind brain Mesencephalon (Mid brain) Pons Medulla oblongata

Disorders Causes A lack of stimulation to one side of the brain A lack of communication between the two hemispheres. Communication is through the Corpus Callosum, mediated by Dopamine.

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Is considered a name for a spectrum of deficits of cognitive executive functions that may respond to similar treatments and are often combined with a wide variety of psychiatric disorders many of which may also be spectrum disorders. Probably low dopamine.

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) An impairment of higher order cognitive processing known as executive function whose function seems to primarily reside in the frontal lobes. Often associated with excess excitatory agonists (MSG, Aspartame).

Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) Patients have severe problems with executing appropriate social behavior. Strong overlap with ADHD.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) There are varying degrees of overlap between OCD and ADHD. Usually associated with low serotonin.

Aspberger’s syndrome Often called semantic-pragmatic disorder, right hemisphere learning disorder, nonverbal learning disability, and schizoid disorder.

Autism Has many similar symptoms to ADHD. Many autistics are hyperactive and with executive dysfunction in attention, impulsivity, and distractibility. Probably have cerebellar pathology.

Principle brain regions affected in learning disorders: 1. Cerebellum 2. Thalamus 3. Frontal lobes 4. Basal ganglia

The CNS has more mitochondria than any other tissue in the body. ATP is needed to pump Na and K in and out of the cells. Therefore it is also the most oxygen hungry tissue of the body.

Thalamus Major relay station for all sensory input except olfaction Transmit signals to the control centers for vision, hearing, touch, and somatosensation Information is sent to the parietal, temporal, and frontal lobes Information is sent to the hypothalamus for endocrine or autonomic responses All conscious input (pain, temperature, vibration, touch) crosses in the spinal cord, goes to the contralateral thalamus, and then the cortex

Neurobehavioral Disorders

Cerebellum The cerebellum is smaller than the cortex but has more nerve fibers than the cortex does. All unconscious input (proprioception from joints and muscles) enters the spinal cord and ascends to the ipsilateral cerebellum then crosses through the thalamus to the contralateral cortex. 90+% of all neurological input is proprioception and it is all subconscious. The cerebellum is the most oxygen hungry area of the CNS. Low oxygen will cause balance problems.

Cerebellar connections to the Frontal Lobe affect: Language Motor function Cortical arousal Alertness Attention

Prefrontal Connections affect: Planning Verbal working Memory (along with frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes, the thalamus, the anterior and posterior cingulate gyrus, and the precuneus)

Noradrenergic connections to the Locus Coerulus and Serotoninergic connections to the Raphe Nucleus regulate: Emotions Affective behavior Arousal Motivation Global behaviors (sleeping, waking)

Basal Ganglia Regulates movements Dysfunction can cause characteristic motor, cognitive, and emotional symptoms that are often seen in children with cognitive and emotional affective disorders. Involved with the sequencing of movements. Dysfunction causes “Floppy Baby Syndrome” (dystonia). GV28 is the meridian point for the basal ganglia. Located in the diencephalon and is made up of 5 subcortical nuclei: 1. Globus pallidus 2. Caudate 3. Putamen 4. Sunstantia nigra 5. Subthalamic nucleus of Luys

Cortex Occipital Lobe codes for visual features like color, luminance, spatial frequency, orientation, and movement. Most visual input is from the rods. Rods pick up changes in shades and see dark and peripheral vision, which is important in balance.

Temporal Lobes are involved in auditory processing and memory recall.

Neocortex is involved with thinking and making decisions. It is large in humans and absent in animals.

Parietal Lobes perceive sensory input.

Frontal Lobes accomplish goals, make decisions, express creativity, navigate through complex social situations and regulate goal directed behavior, a hierarchy of reflexive movements, cross temporal contingencies, approach and avoidance behavior, response inhibition, and perseveration. The left frontal cortex advances and is inquisitive. Dysfunction (underfunctioning) leads to withdrawal and introversion. The right frontal cortex withdraws and is quiet. Dysfunction (underfunctioning) leads to uncontrollable advancing, aggression, ADD/ADHD. By examining the motor function of the frontal lobe, the non motor function of the frontal lobe can likewise be assessed. Improvement in motor function should result in improvement in non-motor function of the frontal lobe. Activities that improve muscle tone, coordination, and timing and the control of skeletal muscle should also improve cognitive functions of the frontal lobe like verbal fluency, attention, and inhibition of eye movements.

Additional Neurological Information

Hemisphere Characteristics Left Brain Right Brain Right body Linear Left body Spatial Logical Masculine Non-logical Feminine Mathematical Intellectual Tonal Intuitive Rational Argument Non-sensible Experience Reasonable Negative Unpredictable Positive Practical Time Non practical Timelessness Uses logic Detail oriented Uses feeling "Big picture" oriented Knowing Words and language Believes Symbols and images Acknowledges Math and science Appreciates Philosophy & religion Reality based Present and past Fantasy based Present and future Practical Facts rule Impetuous Imagination rules Safe Can comprehend Risk taking Can "get it" (i.e. meaning) Order/pattern perception Forms strategies Spatial perception Presents possibilities Knows object name Factual and detailed Knows object function Visual and conceptual Identifies words Emotionally negative Identifies patterns Emotionally positive Assigns meaning Classifies and judges Assigns value Plays and responds Interprets Processes sequentially Imagines Processes simultaneously Analyzes Orderly Synthesizes Spontaneous Critical Anxious Dreamy Suspicious Methodical Objectifies Random Animates Linear Meandering Uses symbols & ideas for sensations Values sensation for itself Follows rules and schedules Follows daydreams and impulses

Color and Sound Relationships Red stimulates the Left brain and vibrates to Middle C which stimulates the Right brain Orange stimulates the Left brain and vibrates to D which stimulates the Right brain Yellow stimulates the Left brain and vibrates to E which stimulates the Right brain Green stimulates the Left brain and vibrates to F#, which stimulates the Right brain

Blue stimulates the Right brain and vibrates to G, which stimulates the Left brain Indigo stimulates the Right brain and vibrates to A, which stimulates the Left brain Violet stimulates the Right brain and vibrates to B, which stimulates the Left brain

Right hemisphere stimulated by low frequency sound. Left hemisphere stimulated by high frequency sound.

Frequency = Speed of light / Wavelength

Frequency is measured in Herz (Hz). Wavelength is measured in a distance (meters, nanometers, etc).

“Meridian” Point for Basal Ganglia Basal ganglia problems will cause lack of muscle tone called dystonia. In a baby, they will be described as a “floppy baby”. Rubbing these points will stimulate the basal ganglia and can improve the muscle tone. The points are on the foot between the medial and superior aspects of the proximal phalanx on the big toe. It is not a true meridian point, but is thought to work through the spleen meridian. The point will TL. Treatment is to rub vigorously every day.

The Seven Ages of Man

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. At first the infant, Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms; Then the whining school-boy, with his satchel And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school. And then the lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier, Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the bubble reputation Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice, In fair round belly with good capon lin'd, With eyes severe and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances; And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts Into the lean and slipper'd pantaloon, With spectacles on nose and pouch on side; His youthful hose, well sav'd, a world too wide For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice, Turning again toward childish treble, pipes And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all, That ends this strange eventful history, Is second childishness and mere oblivion; Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything." – Shakespeare’s As You Like It

1. The Infant: In this stage he is dependent on others and needs to be constantly attended to. Post Partum Depression Lactation Colic

2. The School boy (Childhood): It is in this stage that he begins to go to school. He is reluctant to leave the protected environment of his home as he is still not confident enough to exercise his own discretion. Nutrients for children Nutrients for teens Nutrients for menarche ADHD Exam performance Children seminar

3. The Lover (Adolescence): In this stage, he is always remorseful due to some reason or other, especially the loss of love. He tries to express feelings through song or some other cultural activity. Infertility

4. The Soldier (Young Adult): He thinks less of himself and begins to think more of others. He is very easily aroused and is hot headed. He is always working towards making a reputation for himself and gaining recognition, however short lived it may be, even at the cost of his own life. Pregnancy Labor

5. The Justice (Adult): In this stage, he has acquired wisdom through the many experiences he has had in life. He has reached a stage where he has gained prosperity and social status. He becomes very attentive of his looks and begins to enjoy the finer things of life. Optimal Eating Reactive Oxygen Species Bone Density

6. The Pantaloon (Old age): He begins to lose his charm, both physical and mental. He begins to become the brunt of others' jokes. He loses his firmness and assertiveness and shrinks in stature and personality. Emotional Outlook

7. Second Childhood (Dementia and Death): He loses his status and he becomes a non-entity. He becomes dependent on others like a child and is in need of constant support before finally dying.

The Infant

Babies are 100% made from mom, sometimes at the expense of the mother’s nutrient stores. After birth, priority goes to the mom. Breastfeeding while mom is deficient in nutrients will make baby deficient.

Post Partum Depression Occurs usually 40-48 hours after birth or when the milk comes in. Magnesium deficiency following massive loss due to smooth muscle contraction through the labor. 15-Hydroxy estrogens are present in pregnancy and are metabolized by Magnesium. Zinc deficiency as there is high zinc loss on expulsion of the placenta. Omega 3 fatty acids can be taken from the mom and given to the baby during pregnancy, which can cause mother’s brain to shrink.

Lactation Suckling initiates afferent impulses that travel by sensory neurones from the areola to the hypothalamus. This stimulates magno-cellular neurones that stimulate the posterior pituitary to release oxytocin, which causes contraction of the myo-epithelial cells and release of milk.

Increasing Milk Production 1. Increase infant suckling 2. Increase water intake 3. Take herbal galatagogue, such as Anise seed, Blessed thistle, Chaste berry, Fennel Seed, Fenugreek, Hops, Milk Thistle Seed, Nettle Leaf, Raspberry leaf tea 4. Avoid large amounts of sage and parsley which may decrease milk flow

Colic – spasm of the smooth muscle of the intestines 1. Mother’s milk – use surrogate to test mother’s milk which can have contaminants from mother’s diet or mobilization of mother’s fat. 2. Allergy to mother’s diet. Brassicas or other pungent foods, wheat, and milk are often involved. 3. High calcium to magnesium ratio from hard or mineral water. Ionic Magnesium works well for babies. 4. Potassium deficiency slows peristalsis 5. Protein deficiency slows peristalsis 6. B vitamin (B1, B5) deficiency slows peristalsis. B5 is needed to make Acetylcholine. 7. Probiotics should be inoculated during birth. C section birth will prevent inoculation and antibiotics during pregnancy, chlorinated water, and food preservatives will kill the bacteria. B. infantalis is the only probiotic for an infant. 8. Infection – bacteria, virus, fungus, parasite 9. Cranial faults will affect digestion. Common after the trauma of birth and from bumps to the head. Correct using All in One Technique.


The major requirements a for toddlers from one year to three (roughly) Calories 1300 Protein 16 grams Vitamin A 400ug Vitamin C 40mg Thiamin 0.7mg Riboflavin 0.8mg Niacin 9mg Pyridoxine 1mg Folate 50ug Calcium 800mg

Important nutrients in infants and children 1. Calcium, Phosphorous, Vitamin D – supplementing will reduce risk of osteoporosis later on 2. Iron – breastfed babies with iron deficient mothers 3. Vitamin K – in hemorrhagic disease 4. Essential fats – for brain and eye development 5. Zinc

Important nutrients in teens (ages 12-17) 1. Increased need for protein, calories, and nutrients 2. Calcium 1200-1500mg/day for bone mass. Calcium citrate is about 10% calcium. A 500mg capsule will be 100mg calcium and 400mg citrate. Other forms have less calcium. Phosphorous in soft drinks will flush out calcium. 3. Folic acid for growth 4. Iron – rise in hemoglobin levels 5. Omega 3 fatty acids

Nutritional Requirements at Puberty in Females 1. Bone calcium reaches a maximum in females shortly before menarche. At that time bone deposition rate is 5x that of adult. There is a decline in bone calcium deposition rate after menarche. 2. Increased nutrients are required by the pituitary, ovaries, and adrenal glands (Manganese, Niacin, Iron, E). 3. Omega 3 improves dysmenhorea in adolescents when taken for more than 3 months by decreasing PG2. 4. Magnesium improves dysmenorrhea by stopping uterine cramps.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children (ADHD) Symptoms: attention deficit, impulsivity, hyperactivity, mood swings, temper tantrums, disorganization, inability to cope with stress or stay focused Causes: genetic factors, food additives, foods, environmental chemicals, molds and fungi, toxins (heavy metals, organo-chlorine pollutants), thyroid dysfunction Nutritional Deficiencies: P5P, Magnesium, Zinc, Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, flavonoids, phosphatidylserine Treatment: supplement, dietary changes, detoxification, correction of intestinal dysbiosis, ginseng, ginkgo biloba, cranial and emotional work

Exam Support Formula High Omega 3 intake for at least 3 months prior to exams 1 week before exam – start aerobic exercise 15 minutes 1-2 x per day 3 days before exams and during exam period care with diet: No refined sugars Protein (boiled egg), fruit, and whole-wheat toast for breakfast Fruit juice, nuts, and raisins mid morning Protein, whole-wheat bread, and 1 pint water for lunch Nuts and raisins mid afternoon Nutritious evening meal Before exam morning or afternoon – cycle, walk, or run to school Take 3x Omega 3, 2x Ginkgo biloba, 2x Nutrient Phase 1&2, 10 squirts XS Ionic Zinc, Phosphatidylcholine or Phospholipid mix


Choline Should be taken by the mother during first 16 weeks of pregnancy and by the child for 3 months after birth Take Two 500mg capsules of Choline bitartrate to provide 400mg Choline (Choline Bitartrate is 40% Choline) Improves learning and memory

Cranial Faults Indications History of difficult birth Non symmetrical shaped head Excessively quiet or fractious (moans and groans) Altered physiological habits (eat too little, too much) Sleep changes

Causes Trauma (birth) Allergy – something the baby is eating, something the mother is eating (if breastfeeding)

See Procedure under GV 20

Pyloric Stenosis Mechanism Pyloric sphincter is a valve at the distal end of stomach It is controlled by the Vagus Nerve, which exits through the Jugular Foramen The Vagus Nerve can be impinged by a lateral atlas or by cranial restrictions Compression affects the end organs and the Pyloric Sphincter closes

Symptoms Projectile vomiting

Glue Eye and Ear (secretory otitis media, otitis media with effusion, or serous otitis media) Mechanism Fluid builds up in the ear, becomes thick, and stops the ossicles from moving, leading to hearing loss

Symptoms Loss of hearing

Common Causes Cranial Faults Ionic silver for Gram + is safe for newborn children Atlas Ionic Mo or Immune WHY for Gram - Allergy / Intolerance – cow milk Ionic zinc for fungus Infection Bacteria, Virus, Fungus Deficiency Zinc, Iodine, Vit A, Vit C

Mucus Composition Water Mucin Saccharide chains Amino acids – serine, threonine, proline, asparagine, aspartate, glutamine, glutamate Others Phospholipids Electrolytes Bonds N-Acetylgalactosamine, N-Acetylglucosamine, Galactose, N-Acetylneuraminic acid, Mannose, Fucose

Functions of Mucin Give gel like properties to mucus Lubricate and form a protective barrier on epithelium Mask surface antigens from immune surveillance Modulate oral microflora


1. Enzymes Scales

2. Verbal Challenges

3. Gifts, Skills, and Talents

4. Quantum Entanglement Electroencephalography Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex The Three Ages of Man

5. Procedure Checklist B+E point Chart

6. Neurological Tests Checklist

7. Immune System Chart

8. Quick Reference for Conditions

9. USA Vaccines

10. Test Kits

11. Periodic Table

Gifts, Skills, and Talents Patient Name Date Gift Definition Potential Current Expression

Wisdom The expression of the Higher Self

Hospitality Service in action

Teaching The ability to inspire others to awareness

Giving Contributing unconditionally

Faith To act with inner knowledge of truth Healing The ability to restore sick and diseased people and animals to wholeness Creative Communication Artistic expression of love

Prediction / Prophecy The ability to access eternity

Knowledge Communication to the Higher Self Entrepreneurship Demonstrate authority and vision with the ability to start and oversee the development of new ventures Interpretation The ability to gather together information, process and integrate it into an understandable form

Leadership The ability to guide

Discernment The ability to perceive truth

Encouragement The ability to enable others to express and realize their gifts

Compassion Express love to those facing hardship

Evangelism Clear communication with conviction

Miracles The ability to perform supernatural events

Administration Create order out of chaos

Shepherding The gift of looking after the needs of others

Language The gift of communication

Craftsmanship The gift of expression of creativity

Intercession Intervention to create harmony between people

Service Seeing the needs of others

“Taking into account all your Gifts, Skills, and Talents, your current career (or your current direction in your life) calibrates at ______out of 1000 for total suitability in every way.”

Gifts, Skills, and Talents Gifts, Skills, and Talents are the direct expression of the Superconscious. They are everlasting qualities that make a person who they are. Having more or less is not bad, but indicates the level of responsibility a person has in their life. A person’s purpose in life is full expression of their given gifts. A person may have a gift but not be expressing it due to unconscious emotions. Anxiety and Fear is the most common unconscious emotion that interferes with full expression.

Indications: Looking for a new career, Looking for a first career, Questioning if your direction in life is right

“On a Scale of 1-1000, the Gift, Skill, or Talent of __ right now calibrates at (200, 500, 800, 1000) for you.”

1. Wisdom The expression of the Higher Self “The relinquishment of judgement” (Wise people listen and guide, they don’t judge and don’t tell you what to do) 2. Hospitality Service in action 3. Teaching The ability to inspire others to awareness 4. Giving Contributing unconditionally 5. Faith To act with inner knowledge of truth With a guiding light all obstacles can be overcome 6. Healing The ability to restore sick and diseased people and animals to wholeness 7. Creative Communication Artistic expression of love The love of artistic expression 8. Prediction (Prophecy) The ability to access eternity 9. Knowledge Communication to the Higher Self 10. Entrepreneurship Demonstrate authority and vision with the ability to start and oversee the development of new ventures 11. Interpretation The ability to gather together information, process and integrate it into an understandable form (To make complicated things easy) 12. Leadership The ability to guide “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way" 13. Discernment The ability to perceive truth 14. Encouragement The ability to enable others to express and realize their gifts 15. Compassion Express love to those facing hardship (Unconditional love) 16. Evangelism Clear communication with conviction 17. Miracles The ability to perform supernatural events 18. Administration Create order out of chaos 19. Shepherding The gift of looking after the needs of others 20. Language The gift of communication (Not speaking many languages) 21. Craftsmanship The gift of expression of creativity 22. Intercession Intervention to create harmony between people 23. Service Seeing the needs of others

For each Gift, Skill, or Talent that calibrates to 1000, test its current expression in the patient’s life.

“The gift of ______is being expressed in your life at (200, 500, 800, 1000).”

“Taking into account all your Gifts, Skills, and Talents, your current career (or your current direction in your life) calibrates at ______out of 1000 for total suitability in every way.”

White Blood Cells

Granules Cell Immune System Produced In Matured In Kills Produce Neurotransmitter Granulocytes Neutrophil Non Specific Bone Marrow Bacteria, Virus, Fungus Hypo Chloride, Bromide, Iodide Noradrenalin

Granulocytes Eosinophil Non Specific Bone Marrow Parasite, Allergy Hydrogen Peroxide Inhibition

Granulocytes Basophil Non Specific Bone Marrow Allergy Histamine, Bradykinin, Serotonin Histamine

Granulocytes Monocyte Non Specific Bone Marrow Peripheral Tissues Bacteria, Virus, Fungus TNF, IL 1, GM-CSF, G-CSF, M-CSF, Dopamine Nitric Oxide

Agranulocytes Lymphocyte Specific Lymph, Spleen, Thymus Marrow and Thymus

Granules Lymphocyte Subdivision Produced In Matured In Kills Produce Neurotransmitter Agranulocytes B Lymphocyte Lymph, Spleen, Thymus Bone Marrow Various Pathogens Immunoglobulins Serotonin

T Lymphocyte Lymph, Spleen, Thymus Thymus TNF, IL 1, GM-CSF, G-CSF, M-CSF Acetylcholine

Helper Acetylcholine

T Helper 1 IL 2-6,GM CSF, IFN Gamma Acetylcholine

T Helper 2 Acetylcholine

Memory Acetylcholine

Cytotoxic / Killer Post Virus, Tumor Perforin Acetylcholine

Suppressor Acetylcholine

Natural Killer Lymph, Spleen, Thymus Post Virus, Tumor Perforin Excitation White Blood Cells

Make Neurotransmitter Break Down Neurotransmitter Nutrients to Stimulate Nutrients to Suppress H4Biopterin (Folinic acid), Vitamin C, NADH, P5P, Copper, R5P, SAM (Mg, ATP), Glutathione, Iodine, Bromide, Chloride, Selenium, Zinc, Quercitin, Ionic silver, Catalase, Sucrose, Fructose, Glucose Zinc, Magnesium, Copper, Adenosylcobalamin Acetyl CoA, Glucuronic Acid, Sulfur Ginger, Turmeric, Mustard, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Echinacea, B. Bifidus, L. Acidophilus, Carnitine, Glutamine, NAC, Taurine

GABA (P5P, Zn, Mg), Glycine, Taurine P5P, Zinc, Folinic Acid, P5P, FADH2, NADH Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Ginger, Turmeric, Mustard, Horseradish, Ginkgo Biloba, Catalase Crab Apple Pips, Watermelon, Iron Histidine, P5P, Magnesium, Zinc SAM (Mg, ATP), R5P, Copper, Glutathione, Allergens Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin E, Carotenoids, Lutein / Glucuronic Acid, Acetyl CoA, Sulfur Zeaxanthine, Quercitin MC, Hesperadin MC, Bilberry

H4Biopterin (Folinic acid), Vitamin C, NADH, P5P, Copper, R5P, SAM (Mg, ATP), Glutathione, Magnesium Malate, Beta Carotene, Pantethine, Shark Liver Oil, Tobacco Zinc, Magnesium Acetyl CoA, Glucuronic Acid, Sulfur Arginine, Carnitine, Glutamine, Ashwagandha, Astragalus, Cat’s Claw, Echinacea, Garlic, Ginseng, Goldenseal, Licorice, Myrrh, Turmeric

Make Neurotransmitter Break Down Neurotransmitter Nutrients to Stimulate Nutrients to Suppress H4Biopterin (Folinic acid), Vitamin C, NADH, P5P, Copper, R5P, SAM (Mg,ATP), Glutathione, Acetyl Vitamin C, Astragalus, Echinacea Angustifolium, Ginseng, Immune Omega 3, Flax Seed Oil, DHA, Astragalus, Chilli, Zinc, Magnesium CoA, Glucuronic Acid, Sulfur WHY, Vitamin E, OPCs, Selenium, Carnosine, Vitamin A, Beta Molybdenum, Ginseng, L. plantarium, Quercitin, Carotene, B6, B. bifidus Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Sugar

Acetyl CoA, Choline, Thiamine Triphosphate, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Manganese, Zinc, Selenium, Astragalus, Horseradish, Cat’s Claw, Echinacea, Sugar, Cortisol, Gamma Rays, X-rays, Excess exercise Manganese Magnesium Mistletoe, RNA, Glutamine, Arginine, Beta Carotene, Lycopene, Ginseng, Garlic Acetyl CoA, Choline, Thiamine Triphosphate, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Manganese, Zinc, Arginine, Histidine, Zinc, RNA, CoQ10, Vitamin A, B6, B12, E, Mercury, Statins, Gamma Rays Manganese Magnesium Beta Carotene, Astragalus, Bitter Melon, Cat’s Claw, Ginseng, Ligusticum, Mistletoe, Turmeric, Shark Liver Oil, CLA

Acetyl CoA, Choline, Thiamine Triphosphate, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Manganese, Zinc, Zinc, Omega 3, Probiotics, Saffron, Cumin, Plant Phytosterols, White Pepper, Astragalus, Polypodium Leucotomos, Manganese Magnesium Cat’s Claw, Ligusticum, Myrrh, Melatonin, L. fermentum, Chlorella Omega 3

Acetyl CoA, Choline, Thiamine Triphosphate, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Manganese, Zinc, Carotenoids, Nettle Leaf / Root, Polypodium Leucotomos Turmeric, Star Anise, Plant Phytosterols, Manganese Magnesium Astragalus,Perilla Frutescens, Devil’s Claw, Licorice, Glutathione, Probiotics

Acetyl CoA, Choline, Thiamine Triphosphate, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Manganese, Zinc, Exposure to antigen Manganese Magnesium Acetyl CoA, Choline, Thiamine Triphosphate, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Manganese, Zinc, Ashwagandha None Manganese Magnesium Acetyl CoA, Choline, Thiamine Triphosphate, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Manganese, Zinc, Histidine, Germanium, Zinc, Vitamin D Gamma rays, Radiotherapy Manganese Magnesium Glutamic Acid (Glutamine, Phosphorous, Mg, Glutamic Acid (FAD, Iron, P5P, Vitamin C, Mg) Selenium, Iodine (low T3), Rhodiola, Arginine, NAC, Beta Glucocorticoids, Excess Dietary Fats NADPH) Aspartic Acid Aspartic Acid (Glutamine, Magnesium, FAD, Iron) Carotene, Astragalus, Garlic, Echinacea, Ashwagandha, Essiac, L. (H2O, P5P, Vitamin C) fermentum, L. casei, Silicon, Zinc, Inositol, OPCs, Vitamin A, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Shark Liver Oil, Germanium, Arabinogalactin, Licorice, Mistletoe, Ginseng, Beta Sitosterol, Chlorella, Melatonin Test Kits

Amino Acids L Alanine 6x L Cystine 6X L Hydroxyproline L Phenylalanine 6x L Tyrosine 6x L Arginine 6x L Glutamine 6x L Isoleucine 6x L Proline 6x L Valine 6x L Asparagine 6x L Glycine 6x L Leucine 6x L Serine 6x L Aspartic Acid 6x L Glutamic Acid 6x L Lysine 6x L Taurine 6x L Citrulline 6x L Histidine 6x L Methionine 6x L Threonine 6x L Cysteine 6x L Homocysteine 6x L Ornithine 6x L Tryptophan 6x

Arthritis Acetyl CoA Glycogen Infective Arthritis Proline Adenosine Glucosamine Inosine Pyridoxine Ankylosing Spondylitis Glucosamine 6 Phosphate Insulin Pyruvate Bonemeal Glucosamine Sulfate Lactic acid Rheumatoid Arthritis Calcium Pyrophosphate Glucose Ligaments Rickets Chondroitin-4-Sulfate Glucose 6 Phosphate Lysine Serine Chondroitin-6-Sulfate Glutamine MSM Synovial Fluid Collagen 1 Glycine Muscular Tissue Synovitis Collagen 2 Gonorrheal Arthritis N Acetyl D Glucosamine 1 Phosphate Tophus Collagen 3 Guanine Ossification Tuberculosis Arthritis Collagen 4 Herniated Disc Osteoarthritis UDP Galactose Collagen 5 Hyaline Cartilage Osteochondrosis UDP Glucuronic Acid Elastic Fibrocartilage Hyaluronic Acid Osteomyelitis UDP N Acetyl Galactosamine Elastin Hydroxyapatite Osteophytes UDP N Acetyl D Glucosamine Epiphysitis Hydroxylysine Paget's Disease Uric Acid Exostosis Hydroxyproline Periostitis Xanthine Fructose 6 Phosphate Hypoxanthine Polymyalgia Rheumatica Xylose

Black Box Bacteria Mustard Caps Immune WHY 600 Caps Undecyne Caps Silymarin Caps Ionic Silver Mannose Parasites AC Support Caps Kidney Cleanse Tincture Ionic Molybdenum Virus Clove Caps Nettle Root Caps Toxic Metals Essiac Formula Tincture Post Virus Wormwood Caps Pau D Arco Caps N Acetyl Cysteine Hoxsey Formula Tincture Ionic Silver Berbercap Caps Caprylic Acid Caps Reduced Glutathione Caps Immune Formula Tincture Ionic Molybdenum Artemesia Annua Caps Nonanoic Acid Caps Nutrient Phase 1&2 Caps Echinacea Tincture Immune Formula Tincture AP Support Caps Capric Acid Caps Chlorella Caps Ginger Tincture Echinacea Tincture Mugwort Caps Undecanoic Acid Caps Metal Formula Tincture Turmeric Tincture Astragulus Tincture Rascal Caps Lauric Acid Caps Cilantro Tincture Mustard Tincture Essiac Formula Tincture Jamaican Dogwood Caps Myristic Acid Caps Yellow Dock Tincture Mouthwash Hoxsey Formula Tincture Black Radish Caps Pau D Arco Tincture Sacred Dock Tincture Red Clover Tincture Imu Stim 2 Tincture Cramp Bark Caps Cervagyne Vaginal Cream Shark Liver Oil Caps Waltheria Tincture Ligusticum Tincture Ionic Silver Chemicals Radiation Phytogen Caps Schisandra Tincture Black Walnut Tincture N Acetyl Cysteine Caps Shark Liver Oil Caps SF734 Caps Ginger Tincture Oil of Turpentine Nutrient Phase 1&2 Caps SAT Caps Undecyne Caps Turmeric Tincture H2O2 Alclear Caps Antioxidant Formula Caps Uristatin Caps Mustard Tincture Wormwood Tincture Chlorella Caps Nutrient Phase 1&2 Caps Capsicum Caps Phytogen Caps Fungus Herbal Bulk Powder Radiation Formula Tincture Ginger Caps Olive Leaf Caps AF Support Caps Liver Cleanse Caps Selenium Cysteine Caps Turmeric Caps Eldeberry Caps Castor Bean Oil Caps Mediclear Powder Pineal Support Formula Brain Kit and USA Vaccines Abducens Nerve 6x Cortex Middle Peduncle Pyramidal Fibers (Spinal Column) Vestibular Nerve Accessory Nerve 6x Dentate Nucleus Musculus Oculi Red Nucleus Apo E4 Ansa Lenticularis 6x Diencephalon Nerveux Central Respiratory Center Anterior Horns (Spinal Column) Dura Nucleus Pallidus Retina Basal Ganglia Facial Nerve Occipital Lobe (Visual) Sleep Center Caudate Nucleus Fourth Ventrical Occulomotor Nerve Broca's Area Cerebellum Glossopharyngeal Nerve Olfactory Nerve Substantia Nigra Cerebellum Left Hindbrain Olivary Nucleus Superior Peduncle Cerebellum Right Hypoglossal Nerve Optic Nerve Left Supra Optic Nucleus Diptheria, Polio, Tetanus (DPT) Vaccine Cerebral Peduncles Hypothalamus Optic Nerve Right Tegmentum Hepatitis A Vaccine Cerebral Spinal Fluid Inferior Peduncle Paraventricular Nucleus Temporal Lobe Hepatitis B Vaccine Cerebrum Frontalis Internal Capsule Parietal Lobe Left Thalamus Haemophilus Influenzae B (HiB) Vaccine Cerebrum Occipitalis Lateral Column (Spinal Column) Parietal Lobe Right Thalamus Left Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine Cerebrum Left Lateral Ventricles Pars Mamillaris Thalamus Right Influenza Vaccine Cerebrum Right Lentiform Nucleus Pars Optica Third Ventricle Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine (IPV) Cerebrus Totalis Medulla Oblongata Pars Tuberalis Trigeminal Nerve Meningococcus Vaccine Corpus Callosum Medulla Osis Pia Mater Trochlear Nerve Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Vaccine Corpus Pineal Medulla Spinalis Pituitary Tuba Eustachi Pneumococcus Vaccine Corpus Striatum Meninges Pons Vagus Nerve Rota Virus Vaccine Corpus Vitreum Midbrain Posterior Column (Spinal Column) Vaso Motor Center Varicella Vaccine

Cardiovascular Kit Cholesterol Apo B VLDL Apo A Fibrin Oxidized Cholesterol HDL LDL Apo E4 ADMA

Constitution (10M Homeopathic) Aconiyum Nap 10M Calcium Fluoratum 10M Hepar Sulphuris 10M Magnesium Phosphoricum 10M Psorinum 10M Apis Mellifica 10M Calcium Hypo Phos 10M Ignatia Amara 10M Medorrhinum 10M Pulsatilla 10M Argentum 10M Calcium Phos 10M Kali Hydoiod 10M Natrium Chloratum 10M Rhus Toxicodendron 10M Arentum Nitricum 10M Calcium Sulfuricum 10M Kalium Arsenicum 10M Natrium Phos 10M Ruta Gravolens 10M Arnica 10M Causticum 10M Kalium Carbonicum 10M Natrium Sulfuricum 10M Sepia 10M Arsenicum Album 10M Colchicum 10M Kalium Chloratum 10M Nux Vomica 10M Silicea 10M Arsenicum Iodatum 10M Cuprum Metallicum 10M Kalium Phosphoricum 10M Petroleum 10M Sulphur 10M Belladonna 10M Ferrum Phos 10M Kalium Sulfuricum 10M Phosphorous 10M Symphytum 10M Bryonia 10M Gelsemium 10M Lachesis 10M Phytolacca 10M Thuja Occid 10M Calcium Carb 10M Graphites 10M Lycopodium 10M Plumbum Metallicum 10M Zincum Metallicum 10M

Cytokine Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNF-a) 6x IL- 4 6x IL- 12 6x Ig M 6x Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) 6x Tumor Necrosis Factor Beta (TNF-b) 6x IL- 5 6x IL- 13 6x Ig E 6x Platelet Derived growth Factor (PDGF) 6x Interferon Alpha (IFN-a) 6x IL- 6 6x c AMP 6x Ig D 6x Transforming Growth Factor a (TGFa) 6x Interferon Beta (IFN-b) 6x IL- 7 6x c GMP 6x ICAM 6x Transforming Growth Factor b (TGF b) 6x Interferon Gamma (IFN-g) 6x IL- 8 6x GM-CSF 6x SAM 6x C. Reactive protein 6x Interleukin 1 (IL-1) 6x IL- 9 6x G-CSF 6x P. A. Glutamine Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) 6X Interleukin 2 (IL-2) 6x IL- 10 6x Ig G 6x Insulin Like Growth Factor (IGF 1) 6x IL- 3 6x IL- 11 6x Ig A 6x Orthophosphotyrosine (OPT) 6x Detox Box 1 Detox 1 Cranial Klebsiella 30x Epstein Barr Virus 30x Varicella 30x Detox 2 Body Clock Listeria 30x Echo 30x Variolium 30x Detox 3 Mucus Meningococc 30x Hepatitis A 30x Amoeba 30X Detox 4 Meningitis C Vaccine 30x Pneumococc 30x Hepatitis B 30x Ascarides 30X Detox 5 MMR Vaccine 30x Pseudomonus 30x Hepatitis C 30x Bilharzia 30X Virus Triple Vaccine 30x Proteus 30x Herpes Genitalia 30x Blasto Homin 30X Post Virus Anti Colibac 30x Pyogenium 30x Herpes Simplex 30x Brucellosis 30X Bacteria Bacillinum 30x Salmonella 30x Herpes Zoster 30x Chlamydia 30X Parasite Campylobact 30x Staphlococc 30x HIV 30x Cryptosporid 30X Fungus C. difficile 30x Staph Heam 30x Human Papilloma 30x Dysinteria 30X Chemical Cholera 30x Staphylotox 30x Human Wart 30x E. Hartmanni 30X Hydrocarbon Clostridium 30x Streptococc 30x Influenza 30x Endolimax 30X Toxic Metal Colibacillin 30x Syphilis 30x Legionella 30x Entamoeba 30X Allergy Corynebacter 30x Tetanus 30x Mononucleosis 30x Enter. Vermix 30X Radiation Diptheria 30x Tuberculinum 30x Morbillinum 30x Giardiasis 30X Malignancy E. Coli 30x Miasms Parptidiinum30x Hookworm 30X Lymph Enteritis 30x Adeno Virus 30x Pertussin 30x Leptospirosis 30X Anxiety Enterococc 30x Coxsackie 30x Poliomyelitis 30x Lymes 30X Depression Gonorrhea 30x Cytomegalo Virus 30x Rotavirus 30x Malaria 30X . Structure Helicobacter Pylori 30x Dengue 30x Rubella 30x

Detox Box 2 Psittacosis 30X Rhodotorula 30X Chloroform 30X Arsenic 30X 200X 1M Cadmium 30X 200X 1M Strongyloid 30X Sporotrichum 30X Dioxin 30X Aurum 30X 200X 1M Uranium 30X 200X 1M Toxoplasmosis 30X Trichoderma 30X DDT 30X Beryllium 30X 200X 1M Radium Bromide 1000x Trich.(Trichur) 30X Tea 6X Ethylene Gly 30X Ceasium 30X 200X 1M Phosphorous 60X Trichomonas 30X Coffee 6X Ethanol 30X Cobalt 30X 200X 1M Silicea 60X Cestodes Cow Milk 6X Formaldehyde 30x Cuprium30X 200X 1M Chromic Pulp Nematodes Wheat 6X Herbicides 30x Galluium 30X 200X 1M Fluorine Tox Protozoa Citric Acid 6X Methanol 30X Iridium 30X 200X 1M Gangren. Pulp Sporozoa Cheese 6X Napthalene 30X Iron 30X 200X 1M Gingivitis Trematodes Ham 6X Nitric Acid 30X Lithium 30X 200X 1M Impaction Alternaria 30X Egg 6X Paraquat 30X Merc Met/Sol 30X 200X 1M Max Sinus Aspergillus 30x Chocolate 6X Pentachlorph 30x Niccollum 30X 200X 1M Occlusion Candida Alb 30X Tomato 6X Pesticides 30X Palladium 30X 200X 1M Root Canal Candida Trop 30x Corn 6X Petroleum 30X Platinum 30X 200X 1M Peridontitis Cephalospor 30X Acetone 30X Phenol 30X Plumbum 30X 200X 1M Ostitis Cladosporum 30X Asbestosis 30X. Prussic Acid 30X Radium 30X 200X 1M Polonium 30X 200X 1M Epicoccum 30X Benzene 30X Toluene 30X Radon 30X 200X 1M Radicul. Cyst Fusarium 30X Benzopyrene 30X TRIC 30X Stannum 30X 200X 1M Toxic Amalgam Gliocladium 30X BSE 30X Aluminium 30X 200X 1M Strontium 30X 200X 1M Parkinsons 30X Microsporum 30X Carbolic Acid 30x Antimony 30X 200X 1M Thalium 30X 200X 1M Hodgkins 30X Penicillum 30X Chlorine 30X Argent 30X 200X 1M Thorium 30X 200X 1M Multiple Sclerosis 30X

Detox Box 3 Middle Ear 12X Inner Ear 12X Constitution Chakra 1 + 7 Chakra 1 + 7 + 2 Chakra 1 + 7 + 3 Chakra 1 + 7 + 4 Chakra 1 + 7 + 5 Chakra 1 + 7 + 6 Diagnostic Pain Box 1 Acetylcholine 6x Adrenal Medulla 6x Phosphoenolpyruvate 6x TMPD 6c Allergy 6x Aspartate 6x Liver 6x Pyruvate 6x Glycogen Histamine 6x Homocysteine 6x Ovaries 6x Acetyl CoA 6x UDP Glucose 6x Kinin 6x Cysteine 6x Pancreas 6x Citrate 6x Glucose 1 Phosphate 6x Serotonin 6x Cysteine Sulphinate 6x Parathyroid 6x Isocitrate 6x Glyceraldehyde 3 Phosphate 6x Prostaglandins 6x Taurine 6x Pineal 6x Alpha Ketoglutarate 6x NADPH 6x Leukotrienes 6x L Dopa 6x Pituitary 6x Succinyl CoA 6c Transketolase 6c C Reactive Protein 6x Dopamine 6x Prostate 6x Succinate 6x Ribulose 5 Phosphate 6x NF Kappa B 6x Noradrenaline 6x Spleen 6x Fumarate 6x Ribose 5 Phosphate 6x Bacteria 6x GABA 6x Testes 6x Malate 6x Palmitic Acid Virus 6x Glutamate 6x Thymus 6x Oxaloacetate 6x Stearic Acid Post Virus 6x Glycine 6x Thyroid 6x NADH Arachidic Acid Fungus 6x Histamine 6x Uterus 6x FADH2 6x Behenic Acid Protozoa 6x 5HTP 6x ATP 6x Dinitrophenol 6x Tripalmitin 6x Cestode 6x Serotonin 6x ADP 6x Azide 6x Palmitoyle CoA Trematode 6x Tyramine 6x Fructose 1 Phosphate 6x DCCD 6x Palmitoyle Carnitine 6x Nematode 6x Aspartame 6x Glucose Rotenone 6x IgE Sporozoa 6x MSG 6x Glucose 6 Phosphate 6x Oligomycin 6x IgG Chemicals 6x Cybermethrin 6x Fructose 6 Phosphate 6x Carbonylcyanide 6x IgM Toxic Metals 6x Adrenal Cortex 6x Dihydroxyacetone Phosphate 6x Malonic Acid 6x IgA Radiation 6x

Diagnostic Pain Box 2 Superoxide NADH Peroxidase 6x Cytochrome P450 6x Heparin 6x Toluene NADPH 6x Peroxidase 6x Glutathione S Transferase Heparan Sulfate 6x Phenol H2O2 (Peroxide) Myeloperoxidase 6x Sulfite Oxidase Laminin 6x Ammonia Sodium Fluoride 4 Hydroxynonenal PAPs Keratan Sulfate 6x Urea Magnesium Iodide Xanthine 6x Glucuronic Acid Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) 6x N Acetyl Glutamate Magneisum Chloride H2O SAM Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) Beta 6x Carbamoyl Phosphate Magnesium Bromide Hyaluronic Acid 6x Acetyl CoA cGMP 6x Arginosuccinate Potassium Iodide Chondroitin 6 Sulfate Glycine cAMP 6x Indole Potassium Chloride Chondroitin 4 Sulfate Taurine Platelet Derived growth Factor (PDGF) 6x Fibrin Potassium Bromide Glucose Cysteine Insulin Like Growth Factor (IGF) 6x Methionine Sulphoxide Thiocyanate Glucose 6 Phosphate Threonine Orthophosphotyrosine (OPT) 6x L Lactic Acid Hypochlorite Fructose 6 Phosphate Homocysteine 6x Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) 6X D Lactic Acid Nitric Oxide Glucosamine 6 Phosphate Homocysteine Thiolactone 6x Transforming Growth Factor a (TGFa) 6x DL Lactic Acid Inducible NO Synthase (INOS) 6x N Acetyl D Glucosamine 1 Phosphate Collagen 1 6x Transforming Growth Factor b (TGF b) 6x D Sucrose SOD Cu/Zn UDP N Acetyl D Glucosamine Collagen 2 6x Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) 6x Casein SOD Mn 6x UDP N Acetyl D Galactosamine Collagen 3 6x Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) 6x D Lactose SOD Fe 6x Insulin 6x Collagen 4 6x Ethanol Gluten Catalase 6x Proinsulin 6x Collagen 5 6x Acetaldehyde Oxidized Cholesterol Myeloperoxidase 6x Glucagon 6x Elastin 6x Acetic Acid Cholesterol Glutathione Peroxidase 6x Proglucagon 6x Fibronectin 6x D Arabinitol Uric Acid Functional Biochemistry Clinical Reference Guide About the Authors

Chris Astill-Smith is a registered Osteopath graduating from the British School of Osteopathy in 1970. He lectured in Nutrition and Dietetics at the British School of Osteopathy from 1973-1980 and in Arthrology and Myology from 1981-1989. He obtained his Diplomate from the International College of Applied Kinesiology in 1988 and lectures internationally on Functional Biochemistry most weekends. He was awarded Assistant Professor status at the Institute for Manual Medicine in Russia in 1992. Chris calls upon 41 years of experience of clinical management and shares his extensive knowledge in the subject as well as a multitude of clinical pearls.

In 2011, Chris co-founded Epigenetics International, Ltd.

Epigenetics is mediated by environmental signals through perceptions which in turn can change the read out of our genes. How you see the world selects which genes are going to be activated and modifies the read out to make proteins that best fit the environmental circumstances of the time. Perception runs our genes, but not all perceptions are true. Misperceptions can miss run our genes. Misperceptions are interpretations of the world that are inaccurate. Inaccurate perceptions will inaccurately run our biology which will lead to dysfunctions and disease which is why thought becomes a prominent contributor to the state of health we express. Perception is the primary mechanism that controls our biology.

Casey Reardon is a licensed Chiropractor practicing in Pennsylvania, USA. After graduating from New York Chiropractic College in 2007 with 300 hours of Applied Kinesiology training, he continued his AK education with hundreds of hours of classes, including many of Chris Astill- Smith’s seminars. This book was born from those seminars to help all of Chris’s students to quickly and easily bring his work into their clinics.