901 North Stuart Street, Arlington, VA 22203

Phone, 703-841-3800

Board of Directors: ......

Chairman ...... Frank D. Yturria

Vice Chairman ...... James R. Whelan

Directors ...... Mark Schneider, Anne Brownell Sloane, Norton Stevens, Paul E. Sussman, Alexander F. Watson, (2 vacancies)

Staff: ......

President ...... George A. Evans

Executive Vice President ...... (vacancy)

Vice President for Programs ...... Linda Borst

Vice President for Learning and Dissemination ...... Anne Ternes

Vice President for Financial Management and Systems ...... Winsome Wells, Acting

General Counsel ...... Adolfo A. Franco

The Inter-American Foundation is an independent Federal agency that supports social and economic development in Latin America and the Caribbean. It makes grants primarily to private, indigenous organizations that carry out self-help projects benefiting po or people.

The Inter-American Foundation was created by Congress in 1969 (22 U.S.C. 290f) to support the self-help efforts of poor people in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Foundation was established because of congressional concern that traditional p rograms of development assistance were not reaching poor people. Instead of working through governments, the Foundation responds directly to the initiatives of the poor by supporting local and private organizations. Approximately 75 percent of the Foundat ion's funds are derived from congressional appropriations and the remainder from the Social Progress Trust Fund of the Inter-American Development Bank.

The Foundation is governed by a nine-member Board of Directors appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. By law, six members of the Board are from private organizations and three are from the Government.

The Foundation has made 3,642 grants, totaling over $385 million in 36 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Most grants are made to private, grassroots organizations, including community associations and small urban enterprises or to la rger organizations that work with local groups and provide them with credit, technical assistance, training, and marketing services. A small number of grants each year are made to centers in Latin America and the Caribbean for research on the problems of poor people and grassroots development.

For further information, contact the Office of the President, Inter-American Foundation, 901 North Stuart Street, Arlington, VA 22203. Phone, 703-841-3810.


Twelfth Street and Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20423

Phone, 202-927-7119

Chairman ...... Gail C. McDonald

Vice Chairman ...... Karen Borlaug Phillips

Commissioners ...... J.J. Simmons III, Linda J. Morgan, (vacancy)

Chief, Administrative Law Judge ...... Paul S. Cross

Inspector General ...... James J. Mckay

Director, Office of Human Relations ...... Alexander W. Dobbins

Policy Offices: ......

Chief of Staff and Chief Executive Officer ...... Amy Northcutt

General Counsel ...... Henri F. Rush

Deputy General Counsel ...... Ellen D. Hanson

Director, Office of Compliance and Enforcement ...... Bernard Gaillard

Associate Director ...... Thomas T. Vining

Deputy Director, Section of Tariffs ...... Dixie Horton

Deputy Director, Section of Operations and Insurance ...... Neil S. Llewellyn

Deputy Director, Section of Investigations and Enforcement ...... Charles E. Wagner

Director, Office of Economic and Environmental Analysis ...... Milan P. Yager

Associate Director ...... Leland Gardner

Deputy Director, Section of Costing and Financial Information ...... Ward L. Ginn

Deputy Director, Section of Research and Analysis ...... Thomas A. Schmitz

Deputy Director, Section of Environmental Analysis ...... Elaine K. Kaiser

Director, Office of Proceedings ...... David M. Konschnik

Assistant to the Director, Section of Administration ...... Julia M. Farr

Deputy Director, Section of Legal Counsel I ...... Joseph H. Dettmar

Deputy Director, Section of Legal Counsel II ...... Beryl Gordon

Director, Office of Congressional and Press Services ...... Richard S. Fitzsimmons

Director, Office of Public Assistance ...... Dan G. King

Administrative Offices: ......

Chief Operating Officer ...... Richard Mooers

Privacy Act/Freedom of Information Act Officer ...... John Atkisson

Chief, Section of Facility and Systems Services ...... Don Hirst

Chief, Section of Budget and Fiscal Services ...... Aubrey Herndon

Chief, Section of Personnel Services ...... J. Robinson

Secretary ...... Sidney L. Strickland, Jr.

Assistant Secretary ...... Anne K. Quinlan

Associate Secretary, Section of Records ...... Edward C. Fernandez

Associate Secretary, Section of Licensing ...... Vernon A. Williams

Associate Secretary, Section of Publications ...... Ellen R. Keys

[For the Interstate Commerce Commission statement of organization, see the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 1011]


[Insert Interstate Commerce Commission chart]@U0

The Interstate Commerce Commission regulates interstate surface transportation, including trains, trucks, buses, water carriers, household goods transporters, freight forwarders, transportation brokers, and pipelines that are not regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The regulatory laws vary depending on the type of transportation; however, they generally involve certification of carriers seeking to provide transportation for the public and regulation of their rates, adequacy of service, and carrier consolidations. The Commission assures that the public receives shipping rates and services that are fair and reasonable.

The Interstate Commerce Commission was created as an independent regulatory agency by act of February 4, 1887 (49 U.S.C. 10101 et seq.), now known as the Interstate Commerce Act.

The Commission's responsibilities include regulation of carriers engaged in transportation in interstate commerce and in foreign commerce to the extent that it takes place within the United States. Surface transportation under the Commission's j urisdiction includes railroads, trucking companies, bus lines, household goods transporters, freight forwarders, water carriers, transportation brokers, and pipelines that are not regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

The Commission's authority has been strengthened and its jurisdiction broadened by subsequent legislation, such as the Hepburn Act, the Panama Canal Act, the Motor Carrier Act of 1935, and the Transportation Acts of 1920, 1940, and 1958.

However, in more recent legislation, beginning with the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 (45 U.S.C. 801), the Commission's statutory mandate has been altered to provide for less regulation over carrier rates and practice s. This fundamental shift in national transportation policy has proceeded in the Motor Carrier Act of 1980, the Staggers Rail Act of 1980, the Household Goods Transportation Act of 1980, the Bus Regulatory Reform Act of 1982, and the Surface Freight Forwa rder Deregulation Act of 1986. These measures provided for a sharply reduced Federal role in regulating the trucking, railroad, and bus industries.

The Chairman is designated by the President from among the Commissioners. The Commissioners elect their own Vice Chairman annually and may delegate certain duties and functions to individual Commissioners or to boards consisting of not less than three eligible employees.

Field offices are maintained in various cities to monitor the utilization of railroad freight cars in order to avoid severe shortages, investigate violations of the Interstate Commerce Act and related laws, and provide assistance to the public i n its use of regulated carriers that provide transportation by railroad, highway, and waterway.


In broad terms and within prescribed legal limits, Commission regulations encompass transportation economics and service.

In the transportation economics area, the Commission settles controversies over rates and charges among regulated carriers, shippers, receivers of freight, passengers, and others. It rules upon applications for mergers, consolidations, and acqui sitions of control. It prescribes accounting rules and awards reparations and administers laws relating to railroad bankruptcy. It acts to prevent unlawful discrimination, destructive competition, and rebating. It also has jurisdiction over the use, contr ol, supply, movement, distribution, exchange, interchange, and return of railroad equipment. Under certain limited conditions, the Commission is authorized to direct the handling and movement of traffic over a railroad and its distribution over other line s of railroads. In the transportation service area, the Commission grants the right to operate railroads, trucking companies, bus lines, household goods transporters, freight forwarders, water carriers, and transportation brokers. It also approves applications to construct and abandon railroad lines.

Although public hearings on matters before the Commission may be held at any point throughout the country, final decisions are made at the Washington, DC, headquarters in all formal proceedings. These cases include rulings upon rate changes, app lications to engage in for-hire transport, carrier mergers, adversary proceedings on complaint actions, and punitive measures taken in enforcement matters.

Consumer protection programs involve ensuring that the public obtains full measure of all transportation services to which entitlement is guaranteed by the Interstate Commerce Act. This law ensures that rates will be fair and service will be rea sonable. Discrimination, preferential treatment, or prejudicial actions by carriers are illegal, and instances of such violations should be brought to the attention of the Commission at its headquarters or any field office.

------(TABLE START)------

Regional Offices -- Interstate Commerce Commission head level 1 :Headquarters/Address head level 1 :Director


CENTRAL -- Rm. 1304, 219 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, IL 60604 ...... William Redmond, Jr.

EASTERN -- Rm. 16400, 3535 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19104 ...... Richard M. Biter

WESTERN -- Suite 500, 211 Main St., San Francisco, CA 94105 ...... John H. Kirkemo

------(TABLE END)------

Sources of Information

Consumer Affairs

The Commission maintains a staff at each of its regional offices to handle complaints from the public regarding the transportation services provided by carriers.

Among the many consumer-oriented services are a series of advisory bulletins alerting the public and prospective transportation users to the existence of certain transportation problems. There is also a regulation requiring household goods carri ers to furnish an information bulletin to each prospective customer. These public advisories may be obtained from the Office of Compliance and Enforcement, Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, DC 20423. Phone, 202-927-5500. Contracts and Procurement

Inquiries regarding the Commission's procurement and contracting activities should be addressed to the Chief Operating Officer, Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, DC 20423. Phone, 202-927-5370.


Applications for employment may be sent to the Chief, Section of Personnel Services, Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, DC 20423. Phone, 202-927-7288.


A complete list of publications, including explanatory material on the operation and activities of the Interstate Commerce Commission and on special consumer-related fields, such as household goods movements and small shipments, is available. It may be obtained from the Office of Public Services, Room 3130, Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, DC 20423. Phone, 202-927-5350.

Reading Rooms

The library and several rooms at ICC Headquarters are available for records inspection and copying. Requests for access to public records should be made at the Office of the Secretary, Room 2215, ICC Building; or write to the Secretary, Inte rstate Commerce Commission, Washington, DC 20423. Phone, 202-927-7428.

Small Business Activities

The Commission maintains an Office of Public Services to help the small business owner or transportation firm in such matters as how to file protests on rates, how to file for new operating authority or extensions, or how to obta in adequate service where there is none. Inquiries should be addressed to the Office of Public Services, Room 3119, Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, DC 20423. Phone, 202-927-7597.


Requests for speakers to discuss subjects relating to the Commission's organization, operations, procedures, and regulations should be directed to the Office of Public Services, Room 3130, Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, DC 20423. Pho ne, 202-927-5350.

For further information, contact the Office of Public Services, Interstate Commerce Commission, Room 3130, Twelfth Street and Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20423. Phone, 202-927-5350.


1120 Vermont Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20419

Phone, 202-653-7124 Chairman ...... Benjamin L. Erdreich

Chief Counsel to the Chairman ...... Steven L. Katz

Counsel to the Chairman ...... William B. Wiley

Legal Specialist to the Chairman ...... Denise L. Miller

Executive Assistant to the Chairman ...... Anita L. Boles

Vice Chairman ...... Jessica L. Parks

Legal Counsel ...... Anne E. Broker

Special Advisor ...... Mary Ann Kelleher

Member ...... Antonio C. Amador

Chief Counsel ...... Mark Kelleher

Executive Assistant ...... Robert U. Hernandez

Counsel ...... Alan Forst

Office of the Chairman: ......

Senior Advisor to the Chairman ...... Paul D. Mahoney

Chief Administrative Law Judge, Office of Regional Operations ...... Paul G. Streb

Director, Office of Appeals Counsel ...... Stephen E. Alpern

Director, Planning and Resources Management Services ...... Darrell L. Netherton

Director, Financial and Administrative Management ...... Robert W. Lawshe

Director, Information Resources Management ...... Barbara B. Wade

Director, Human Resources Management ...... Marsha Scialdo Boyd

Director, Office of Policy and Evaluation ...... Evangeline W. Swift

Clerk of the Board ...... Robert E. Taylor

General Counsel ...... Llewellyn M. Fischer

Deputy General Counsel and Legislative Counsel ...... Mary L. Jennings

Deputy Legislative Counsel ...... Susan L. Williams

Director, Office of Equal Employment Opportunity ...... Janice E. Fritts

[For the Merit Systems Protection Board statement of organization, see the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 5, Part 1200]

@U1 [Insert Merit Systems Protection Board chart]@U0

The Merit Systems Protection Board protects the integrity of Federal merit systems and the rights of Federal employees working in the systems. In overseeing the personnel practices of the Federal Government, the Board conducts special studies of the merit systems, hears and decides charges of wrongdoing and employee appeals of adverse agency actions, and orders corrective and disciplinary actions when appropriate.

The Merit Systems Protection Board is a successor agency to the United States Civil Service Commission, established by act of January 16, 1883 (22 Stat. 403). Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1978 (5 U.S.C. app.), effective January 1, 1979, pursuant to Executive Order 12107 of December 28, 1978, redesignated part of the Commission as the Merit Systems Protection Board. The Board's duties and authority are specified in 5 U.S.C. 1201-1206.


The Board has responsibility for hearing and adjudicating appeals by Federal employees of adverse personnel actions, such as removals, suspensions, and demotions. It also resolves cases involving reemployment rights, the denial of periodic step increases in pay, actions against administrative law judges, and charges of prohibited personnel practices, including charges in connection with whistleblowing. The Board has the authority to enforce its decisions and to order corrective and disciplinary actions. An employee or applicant for employment involved in an appealable action that also involves an allegation of discrimination may ask the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to review a Board decision. Final decisions and orders of the Board ca n be appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

The Board reviews regulations issued by the Office of Personnel Management and has the authority to require agencies to cease compliance with any regulation that could constitute a prohibited personnel practice. It also conducts special studies of the civil service and other executive branch merit systems and reports to the President and the Congress on whether the Federal work force is being adequately protected against political abuses and prohibited personnel practices.

------(TABLE START)------

Regional Offices -- Merit Systems Protection Board head level 1 :Region head level 1 :Address head level 1 :Director head level 1 :Telephone


Atlanta, GA ...... 401 W. Peachtree St. NW., 30308 ...... Thomas J. Lanphear ...... 404-730-2751

Chicago, IL ...... 31st Fl., 230 S. Dearborn St., 60604 ...... Martin W. Baumgaertner ...... 312-353-2923 Dallas, TX ...... Rm. 6F20, 1100 Commerce St., 75242 ...... Paula A. Latshaw ...... 214-767-0555

Falls Church, VA ...... Suite 1109, 5203 Leesburg Pike, 22041 ...... P.J. Winzer ...... 703-756-6250

Philadelphia, PA ...... Rm. 501, 2d and Chestnut Sts., 19106 ...... Lonnie L. Crawford, Jr...... 215-597-9960

San Francisco, CA ...... Rm. 2800, 525 Market St., 94105 ...... Denis Marachi ...... 415-774-3081

------(TABLE END)------

------(TABLE START)------

Field Offices -- Merit Systems Protection Board head level 1 :Region head level 1 :Address head level 1 :Chief Administrative Judge head level 1 :Telephone


Boston, MA ...... Suite 1810, 99 Summer St., 02110 ...... William Carroll ...... 617-424-5700

Denver, CO ...... 730 Simms St., 80225 ...... (Vacancy) ...... 303-231-5200

New York, NY ...... Rm. 3137, 26 Federal Plz., 10278 ...... Sean P. Walsh ...... 212-264-9372

Seattle, WA ...... Rm. 1840, 915 2d Ave., 98174 ...... Carl Berkenwald ...... 206-220-7975

St. Louis, MO ...... Suite 410, 911 Washington Ave., 63101 ...... Earl A. Witten ...... 314-425-4295

------(TABLE END)------

For further information, contact the Merit Systems Protection Board, 1120 Vermont Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20419. Phone, 202-653-7124.


300 E Street SW., Washington, DC 20546

Phone, 202-358-1000

Administrator ...... Daniel S. Goldin Deputy Administrator ...... J.R. Dailey, Acting

Associate Deputy Administrator ...... J.R. Dailey

Associate Deputy Administrator (Technical) ...... Michael I. Mott

Chief Scientist ...... France A. Cordova

Chief Engineer ...... (vacancy)

NASA Chief Financial Officer/Comptroller ...... (vacancy)

Deputy Comptroller ...... Malcolm L. Peterson

Deputy Chief Financial Officer ...... (vacancy)

Director, Systems and Cost Analysis Division ...... David J. Pine

Director, Financial Management Division ...... Arthur W. Frater

Director, Resource Analysis Division ...... Patricia A. Nash

Chief, Budget Operations Office ...... Bobby C. Bales

Associate Administrator for Advanced Concepts and Technology ...... Gregory M. Reck, Acting

Deputy Associate Administrator ...... (vacancy)

Director, Advanced Concepts Division ...... Robert L. Norwood, Acting

Director, Planning and Integration Division ...... Robert L. Norwood

Director, Flight Projects Division ...... Jack Levine

Director, Administration and Resources Management Division ...... Thomas D. Brown, Acting

Director, Communications Division ...... Samuel L. Venneri, Acting

Director, Spacecraft and Remote Sensing Division ...... Samuel L. Venneri

Director, Space Processing Division ...... Richard H. Ott

Director, Transportation Division ...... Earl E. VanLandingham

Director, Commercial Development and Technology Transfer Division ...... Gregory M. Reck, Acting

Associate Administrator for Legislative Affairs ...... Jeffrey Lawrence

Deputy Associate Administrator ...... Lynn W. Henninger

Deputy Associate Administrator (Programs) ...... Mary D. Kerwin

Director, Congressional Liaison Division ...... Mary D. Kerwin, Acting Director, Legislation Division ...... Michael A. Maguire

Director, Congressional Inquiries Division ...... Lawrence E. Medway

Director, Outreach Division ...... Phyllis A. Love

Associate Administrator for Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications ...... Harry C. Holloway

Deputy Associate Administrator (Operations and Space Flight) ...... Arnauld E. Nicogossian

Deputy Associate Administrator (Programs) ...... (vacancy)

Director, Policy and Program Management ...... Stephen W. Fogleman

Director, Life and Biomedical Sciences and Applications Division ...... Joan Vernikos

Director, Microgravity Sciences and Applications Division ...... Robert C. Rhome

Director, Flight Systems Division ...... Edward Reeves

Director, Aerospace Medicine and Occupational Health Division ...... Earl Fergusion, Acting

Associate Administrator for Mission to Planet Earth ...... Charles F. Kennel

Deputy Associate Administrator ...... William F. Townsend

Assistant Associate Administrator (External Coordination) ...... Lisa R. Shaffer, Acting

Assistant Associate Administrator (Management) ...... Douglas R. Norton

Director, Flight Systems Division ...... Michael R. Luther

Director, Operations, Data and Information Systems Division ...... Dixon M. Butler

Director, Science Division ...... Nancy G. Maynard, Acting

Associate Administrator for Space Science ...... Wesley T. Huntress

Deputy Associate Administrator ...... A.V. Diaz

Assistant Associate Administrator ...... Mary E. Kicza

Director, Solar System Exploration Division ...... William L. Piotrowski, Acting

Director, Astrophysics Division ...... Daniel W. Weedman

Director, Space Physics Division ...... George L. Withbroe

Associate Administrator for Continual Improvement ...... Laurie A. Broedling Director, Internal Total Quality Management Division ...... Joseph McElwee

Director, Benchmarking and External Programs Division ...... John W. Gaff

General Counsel ...... Edward A. Frankle

Deputy General Counsel ...... George E. Reese

Associate General Counsel (General Law) ...... (vacancy)

Associate General Counsel (Contracts) ...... David P. Forbes

Associate General Counsel (Intellectual Property) ...... John G. Mannix

Associate General Counsel (Commercial) ...... June W. Edwards

Associate Administrator for Procurement ...... Deidre A. Lee

Deputy Associate Administrator ...... Thomas S. Luedtke

Director, Competition and Program Operations Division ...... A. Foster Fournier

Director, Procurement Policy Division ...... W. Lee Evey

Director, Procurement Systems Division ...... Daniel R. Clough

Director, Contract Pricing and Finance Division ...... Anne C. Guenther, Acting

Director, Contract Management Division ...... R. Scott Thompson

Director, Headquarters Acquisition Division ...... Laura D. Layton

Director, Space Station Freedom Procurement ...... Daniel R. Clough

Associate Administrator for Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization ...... Ralph C. Thomas III

Associate Administrator for Space Systems Development ...... Arnold D. Aldrich

Deputy Associate Administrator ...... C. Howard Robins, Jr.

Deputy Associate Administrator for Management ...... Martin Stein

Deputy Associate Administrator/Director for Flight Systems ...... Michael T. Lyons

Associate Administrator for Public Affairs ...... Laurie Boeder

Deputy Associate Administrator ...... Geoffrey H. Vincent

Deputy Associate Administrator (New Initiatives) ...... Bruce Henderson

Director, Program Management Division ...... Walter A. Maull, Acting

Director, Media Services Division ...... James W. McCulla Director, Public Services Division ...... Paula Cleggett-Haleim, Acting

Director, Television Development Division ...... Thomas J. Bentsen, Acting

Associate Administrator for Space Flight ...... Jeremiah W. Pearson III

Deputy Associate Administrator ...... Bryan D. O'Conner

Deputy Associate Administrator (Management) ...... Michael B. Mann

Deputy Associate Administrator (Space Station Program) ...... Wilbur C. Trafton

Deputy Associate Administrator (Space Shuttle) ...... Thomas E. Utsman

Associate Administrator for Management Systems and Facilities ...... Benita A. Cooper

Deputy Associate Administrator (Operations) ...... Michael D. Christensen

Chairperson, Contract Adjustment Board ...... George Reese

Director, Information Resources Management Division ...... Russell S. Rice, Acting

Director, Facilities Engineering Division ...... Billie J. McGarvey

Director, Security, Logistics and Industrial Relations Division ...... Jeffrey E. Sutton

Director, Headquarters Operations Division ...... Michael D. Christensen, Acting

Director, Resources and Management Controls Office ...... Timothy M. Sullivan

Director, Aircraft Management Office ...... James T. Boddie, Jr.

Associate Administrator for Safety and Mission Assurance ...... Frederick D. Gregory

Deputy Associate Administrator ...... Michael A. Greenfield

Director, Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel ...... Frank L. Manning

Director, Engineering and Quality Management Division ...... Daniel R. Mulville

Director, Resources Management Office ...... Dale E. Moore

Director, Space Flight Safety and Mission Assurance Division ...... Richard U. Perry

Director, Payloads and Aeronautics Division ...... J. Charles Sawyer, Jr., Acting Director, Safety and Risk Management Division ...... James D. Lloyd

Director, Software Independent Verification Facility ...... Charles W. Mertz

Associate Administrator for Aeronautics ...... Wesley L. Harris

Deputy Associate Administrator ...... Robert E. Whitehead

Deputy Associate Administrator (Management) ...... Richard A. Reeves

Chief Engineer ...... Leonard A. Harris

Director, Institutions Division ...... Remer C. Prince, Acting

Director, Resources and Management Office ...... Glenn C. Fuller

Director, Strategy and Policy Office ...... Jay M. Henn

Director, High Performance Computing and Communications Office ...... Lee B. Holcomb

Director, National Aero-Space Plane (NASP) Division ...... Vincent L. Rausch

Director, High Speed Research Division ...... Louis J. Williams

Director, Subsonic Transportation Division ...... Ray V. Hood, Acting

Director, High Performance Aircraft and Flight Projects Division ...... Richard S. Christiansen, Acting

Director, Critical Technologies Division ...... John R. Facey, Acting

Associate Administrator for Space Communications ...... Charles T. Force

Deputy Associate Administrator ...... Elmer T. Brooks

Director, Program Integration Division ...... David W. Harris

Director, Administration and Resources Management Division ...... Ronald R. Dapice

Director, Communications and Data Systems Division ...... Charles F. Fuechsel

Director, Ground Networks Division ...... Robert M. Hornstein

Director, Space Network Division ...... Eugene Ferrick

Associate Administrator for Human Resources and Education ...... Spence M. Armstrong

Deputy Associate Administrator ...... Robert W. Brown

Director, Education Division ...... Franklin C. Owens

Director, Management Systems Division ...... Stanley S. Kask, Jr. Director, National Service Center ...... Tyrone C. Taylor, Acting

Director, Personnel Division ...... Vicki A. Novak

Director, Training and Development Division ...... Carson K. Eoyang

Associate Administrator for Equal Opportunity Programs ...... Yvonne B. Freeman

Deputy Associate Administrator ...... (vacancy)

Director, Diversity Policy and Strategic Planning Division ...... James A. Westbrooks

Director, Discrimination Complaints Division ...... Oceola S. Hall

Director, Minority University Research and Education Division ...... Bettie L. White

Inspector General ...... Bill D. Colvin

Deputy Inspector General ...... Lewis D. Rinker

Assistant Inspector General for Auditing ...... Karla W. Corcoran

Assistant Inspector General for Investigations ...... William D. Hager

Assistant Inspector General for Management ...... Danny P. Danigan

Associate Administrator for Policy Coordination and International Relations ...... Robert W. Clarke

Deputy Associate Administrator ...... John D. Schumacher

Director, Defense Affairs Division ...... Conrad O. Forsythe

Director, Policy Coordination Division ...... Terrence T. Finn, Acting

Director, Management Support Office ...... Shirley A. Perez

Director, National Service Office ...... Christine C. Rodgers, Acting

Director, International Relations Division ...... Peter G. Smith

Director, Advisory Committee ...... Anne Accola

Director, Special Studies Division ...... Sylvia K. Kraemer

Director, Mission to Planet Earth Division ...... Lisa R. Shaffer

Field Installations ......

Director, Ames Research Center ...... Ken K. Munechia

Director, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center ...... G. Porter Bridwell

Director, Goddard Space Flight Center ...... John M. Klineberg Manager, NASA Resident Office, Jet Propulsion Laboratory ...... Fred W. Bowen

Director, John F. Kennedy Space Center ...... Robert L. Crippen

Director, Langley Research Center ...... Paul F. Holloway

Director, Lewis Research Center ...... Donald J. Campbell

Director, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center ...... Carolyn Huntoon

Director, John C. Stennis Space Center ...... Roy S. Estess

Director, Dryden Flight Research Center ...... Kenneth J. Szalai

[For the National Aeronautics and Space Administration statement of organization, see the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 14, Part 1201]


[Insert National Aeronautics and Space Administration chart]@U0

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration conducts research for the solution of problems of flight within and outside the Earth's atmosphere and develops, constructs, tests, and operates aeronautical and space vehicles. It conducts activities requ ired for the exploration of space with manned and unmanned vehicles and arranges for the most effective utilization of the scientific and engineering resources of the United States with other nations engaged in aeronautical and space activities for peacef ul purposes.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration was established by the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2451 et seq.).

NASA Headquarters

Planning, coordinating, and controlling Administration programs are vested in Headquarters. Directors of field installations are responsible for the execution of agency programs, largely through contracts with research, development, and manufacturing enterprises. A broad range of research and development activities are conducted in field installations by Government-employed scientists, engineers, and technicians to evaluate new concepts and phenomena and to maintain the competence required to manage contracts with private enterprises.

Planning, directing, and managing research and development programs are the responsibility of eight program offices, all of which report to and receive overall guidance and direction from the Administrator. The overall planning and direction ofinstitutional operations at the field installations and management of agencywide institutional resources are the responsibility of the appropriate Institutional Associate Administrator under the overall guidance and direction of the Administrator.


The Office of Aeronautics is responsible for conducting programs that pioneer the identification, development, verification, transfer, application, and commercialization of high-payoff aeronautics technologies. The Office seeks to promote economic growth and security and to enhance U.S. competitiveness through safe, superior, and environmentally compatible U.S. civil and military aircraft, and through a safe, efficient national aviation system. In addition, the Office is responsible for managing the Ames, Langley, and Lewis Research Centers.

For further information, call 202-358-2693.

Space Systems Development

The Office of Space Systems Development (OSSD) is responsible for bringing large-scale space systems development programs and initiatives from conception to operational readiness. Currently, this organization primarily develops alternatives for assuring more economical and reliable access to space.

For further information, call 202-358-4600.

Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications

The Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications is responsible for NASA's programs concerned with life and microgravity sciences and their possible commercial applications, life support research and technologies, space human factors, occupational health issues, and aerospace medicine. The Office provides planning, development, integration, and operations support for science payloads on the space shuttle, free flyers, space station, and other advanced carriers. The Office also establishes all requirements and standards for design, development, and operation of human space flight systems and facilities.

For further information, call 202-358-2530.

Mission to Planet Earth

The Office of Mission to Planet Earth conducts NASA's programs that study global climate change and integrated functioning of the Earth as a system. This includes developing and managing remote sensing satellites and instruments, aircraft and ground measurements and research, as well as data and information systems needed to support the objectives of the U.S. Global Change Research Program. The Office also has institutional management responsibility for the Goddard Space Flight Center and maintains contact with the National Academy of Sciences and other science advisory and coordinating boards and committees.

For further information, call 202-358-1770.

Space Science

The Office of Space Science is responsible for conducting programs and research designed to understand the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe and the solar system, and manages the expendable launch vehicle operations. The Office also manages NASA's activities at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and maintains contacts with the Space Studies Board of the National Academy of Sciences and with other science advisory boards and committees.

For further information, call 202-358-1409. Space Flight

The Office of Space Flight (OSF) is NASA's principal organization for space flight operations and utilization involving human space flight. It consists of the following programmatic missions: flight to and from space for people and cargo, operating habitable space facilities, and managing the utilization of these facilities in support of NASA's space missions, such as space missions from and to Earth. OSF operates the space shuttle and the Spacelab and is currently developing the U.S. segment of the international space station. The Office is also responsible for institutional management of the Kennedy Space Center, Marshall Space Flight Center, Johnson Space Flight Center, and the Stennis Space Center.

In further executing its responsibilities, the Office plans, directs, and executes the development, acquisition, testing, and operation of all elements of the Space Shuttle Program; plans, directs, and manages execution of prelaunch, launch, flight landing, post-flight operations, and payload assignments; maintains and upgrades the design of ground and flight systems throughout the operational period; procures recurring system hardware; manages Spacelab development, procurement, and operations; develops and implements necessary policy with other government and commercial users of the space shuttle; and coordinates all associated research. OSF is working with the Russian Space Agency to plan and execute a series of joint missions that will involve flying cosmonauts aboard the space shuttle and astronauts aboard the Mir space station. In 1995, a U.S. astronaut will be launched aboard a Russian rocket to Mir for a 90-day stay aboard the space station, followed by a shuttle docking mission to Mir to exchange crew members. This mission will be the first of up to 10 joint missions, precursors to assembly and utilization of the international space station.

NASA is leading an international effort to build and deploy a permanently manned space station into Earth's orbit. Elements of the space station will be provided by Canada, Japan, Italy, Russia, and nine European nations represented by the European Space Agency. The space station will be a permanent outpost in space where humans will live and work productively for extended periods of time. It will provide an advanced research laboratory to explore space and employ its resources, as well as the opportunity to learn to build, operate, and maintain systems in space. U.S. elements of the space station will be launched aboard the space shuttle and assembled in orbit. The first flight is scheduled for 1997.

For further information, call 202-358-2015.

Space Communications

The Office of Space Communications is responsible for meeting requirements critical to NASA's aeronautics and space flight missions. They include spacecraft operations and control centers, ground and space communications, data acquisition and processing, flight dynamics and trajectory analyses, spacecraft tracking, and applied research and development of new technology. The Space Network with its constellation of Tracking and Data Relay Satellites, Deep Space Network, Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network, and various other facilities currently provide for the requirements for NASA's space missions. A global communications system links tracking sites, control centers, and data processing facilities that provide real-time data processing for mission control, orbit and attitude determination, and routine processing of telemetry data for space missions.

For further information, call 202-358-4758.

Field Installations

Ames Research Center

The Center, located at Moffett Field, CA, provides leadership for NASA in aeronautics and astronautics research and technology development. The Center fulfills this mission through the development and operation of unique national facilities and the conduct and management of leading edge research and technology programs. These activities are vital to the achievement of the Nation's aeronautics and space goals, and to its security and economic prosperity.

Dryden Flight Research Center

The Center, which is located in Edwards, CA, conducts safe, timely aerospace flight research and aircraft operations in support of agency and national needs. It assures preeminent flight research capability through effective management and maintenance of unique national expertise and facilities, and provides operational landing support for the national space transportation system.

Goddard Space Flight Center

The Center, which is located in Greenbelt, MD, conducts Earth-orbiting spacecraft and experiment development and flight operations. It develops and operates tracking and data acquisition systems and conducts supporting mission operations. It also develops and operates Spacelab payloads; space physics research programs; Earth science and applications programs; life science programs; information systems technology; sounding rockets and sounding rocket payloads; launch vehicles; balloons and balloon experiments; planetary science experiments; and sensors for environmental monitoring and ocean dynamics.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

The Laboratory, which is operated under contract by the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, CA, develops spacecraft and space sensors and conducts mission operations and ground-based research in support of solar system exploration, Earth science and applications, Earth and ocean dynamics, space physics and astronomy, and life science and information systems technology. The Laboratory also is responsible for the operation of the Deep Space Network in support of NASA projects.

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center

The Center, which is located in Houston, TX, is the host center for the Space Station Program Office, and manages the development and operation of the space shuttle, a manned space transportation system developed for the United States by NASA. The shuttle is designed to reduce the cost of using space for commercial, scientific, and defense needs. This Center is responsible for the development, production, delivery, and flight operation of the orbiter vehicle, that portion of the space shuttle that is designed to take crew and experiments into space, place satellites in orbit, retrieve ailing satellites, etc. The shuttle crew (up to seven people) includes pilots, mission specialists, and payload specialists. Crew personnel (other than payload specialists) are recruited, selected, and trained by the Center. It is also responsible for design, development, and testing of spaceflight payloads and associated systems for manned flight; for planning and conducting manned spaceflight missions; and for directing medical, engineering, and scientific experiments that are helping man understand and improve the environment.

John F. Kennedy Space Center

The Center in Florida designs, constructs, operates, and maintains space vehicle facilities and ground support equipment for launch and recovery operations. The Center is also responsible for prelaunch operations, launch operations, and payload processing for the space shuttle and expendable launch vehicle programs, and landing operations for the space shuttle orbiter; also recovery and refurbishment of the reusable solid rocket booster.

Langley Research Center

The Center, located in Hampton, VA, performs research in long-haul aircraft technology; general aviation commuter aircraft technology; military aircraft and missile (systems) technology; National Aero-Space Plane; fundamental aerodynamics; computational fluid dynamics; propulsion/airframe integration; unsteady aerodynamics and aeroelasticity; hypersonic propulsion; aerospace acoustics; aerospace vehicle structures and materials; computational structural mechanics; space structures and dynamics; controls/structures interaction; aeroservoelasticity; interdisciplinary research; aerothermodynamics; aircraft flight management and operating procedures; advanced displays; computer science; electromagnetics; automation and robotics; reliable, fault-tolerant systems and software; aircraft flight control systems; advanced space vehicle configurations; advanced space station development; technology experiments in space; remote sensor and data acquisition and communication technology; space electronics and control systems; planetary entry technology; nondestructive evaluation and measurements technology; atmospheric sciences; Earth radiation budget; atmospheric dynamics; space power conversion and transmission; space environmental effects; and systems analysis of advanced aerospace vehicles.

Lewis Research Center

The Center, located in Cleveland, OH, is a center of excellence in aeronautics, space systems, and microgravity science and technology. The Center also conducts research in critical disciplines of materials, structures, internal fluid mechanics instrumentation, and controls and electronics. All of these efforts are supported by unique research and development facilities.

George C. Marshall Space Flight Center

The Center, which is located in Huntsville, AL, manages, develops, and tests the external tank, solid rocket booster, and main engines, which are major portions of the space shuttle project; oversees the development of the Spacelab; and conducts research in structural systems, materials science engineering, electronics, guidance, navigation, and control. John C. Stennis Space Center

The Center, which is located in Bay St. Louis, MS, plans and manages research and development activities in the field of space and terrestrial applications; space flight; and research in oceanography, meteorology, and environmental sciences.

Sources of Information

Contracts and Small Business Activities

Inquiries regarding contracting for small business opportunities with the Administration should be directed to the Associate Administrator for Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, NASA Headquarters, 300 E Street SW., Washington, DC 20546. Phone, 202-358-2088.


Direct all inquiries to the Personnel Director of the nearest field installation or, for the Washington, DC, metropolitan area, to the Chief, Headquarters Personnel Branch, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546. Phone, 202-358-1562.

Publications, Speakers, Films, and Exhibit Services

Several publications concerning these services can be obtained by contacting the Public Affairs Officer of the nearest NASA installation. Publications include NASA Directory of Services for the Public, NASA Film List, and NASA Educational Publications List. The Headquarters telephone directory and certain publications and picture sets are available for sale from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Telephone directories for field installations are available only from the installations. Publications and documents not available for sale from the Superintendent of Documents or the National Technical Information Service (Springfield, VA 22151) may be obtained from Installation Information Centers in accordance with the Administration regulation concerning freedom of information (14 CFR, part 1206).

Reading Room

NASA Headquarters Information Center, Room 1H23, 300 E Street SW., Washington, DC 20546. Phone, 202-358-1000.

For further information, contact the Headquarters Information Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC 20546. Phone, 202-358-1000.


Seventh Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20408

Phone, 202-501-5400 Archivist of the United States ...... Trudy H. Peterson, Acting

Deputy Archivist of the United States ...... Trudy H. Peterson

Assistant Archivist for Management and Administration ...... Ralph C. Bledsoe

Executive Director, National Historical Publications and Records Commission ...... Gerald W. George

Assistant Archivist for Federal Records Centers ...... David F. Peterson

Assistant Archivist for Public Programs ...... Linda N. Brown

Director of the Federal Register ...... Martha L. Girard

Assistant Archivist for Special and Regional Archives ...... Raymond A. Mosley

Assistant Archivist for Presidential Libraries ...... John T. Fawcett

Assistant Archivist for Records Administration ...... James W. Moore

Assistant Archivist for the National Archives ...... Michael J. Kurtz, Acting

Inspector General ...... Floyd Justice

[For the National Archives and Records Administration statement of organization, see the Federal Register of June 25, 1985, 50 FR 26278]


[Insert National Archives and Records Administration chart]@U0

The National Archives and Records Administration establishes policies and procedures for managing U.S. Government records. The National Archives assists Federal agencies in documenting their activities, administering records management programs, scheduling records, and retiring noncurrent records to Federal Records Centers. The agency accessions, arranges, describes, preserves, and makes available to the public the historically valuable records of the three branches of Government; manages the Presidential Libraries system; assists the National Historical Publications and Records Commission in its grant program for State and local records and edited publications of the papers of prominent Americans; and publishes the laws, regulations, and Presidential and other public documents.

The National Archives and Records Administration was established by act of October 19, 1984 (44 U.S.C. 2101 et seq.), effective April 1, 1985, as an independent agency in the executive branch of the Government. It is the successor agency to theNational Archives Establishment, which was created by act of June 19, 1934 (48 Stat. 1122), and subsequently incorporated into the General Services Administration as the National Archives and Records Service by section 104 of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (63 Stat. 381), approved June 30, 1949. Activities

Archival Program

The National Archives maintains the historically valuable records of the U.S. Government dating from the Revolutionary War era to the recent past; arranges and preserves records and prepares finding aids to facilitate their use; makes records available for use in research rooms in all of its facilities; answers written and oral requests for information contained in its holdings; and, for a fee, provides copies of records. In addition, many important records are available on microfilm. Most of the historically valuable records in the agency's custody are maintained in the Washington, DC, area. Records that are primarily of regional or local interest are, however, maintained in 12 regional archives, the locations of which are listed below.

------(TABLE START)------

Regional Archives -- National Archives and Records Administration head level 1 :City/Address head level 1 :Director head level 1 :Telephone


Anchorage, AK (654 W. 3d Ave., 99501) ...... Thomas C. Wiltsey ...... 907-271-2441

New York, NY (201 Varick St., 10014) ...... Robert Morris ...... 212-337-1300

Chicago, IL (7358 S. Pulaski Rd., 60629) ...... Peter W. Bunce ...... 312-581-7816

Denver, CO (Denver Federal Ctr., 80225) ...... Joel Barker ...... 303-236-0817

East Point, GA (1557 St. Joseph Ave., 30344) ...... Gayle P. Peters ...... 404-763-7477

Fort Worth, TX (501 W. Felix St., 76115) ...... Kent Carter ...... 817-334-5525

Kansas City, MO (2312 E. Bannister Rd., 64131) ...... R. Reed Whitaker ...... 816-926-6272

Laguna Niguel, CA (24000 Avila Rd., 92677) ...... Diane Nixon ...... 714-643-4241

Philadelphia, PA (9th and Market Sts., 19107) ...... Robert J. Plowman ...... 215-597-3000

San Bruno, CA (1000 Commodore Dr., 94066) ...... Waverly Lowell ...... 415-876-9018

Seattle, WA (6125 Sand Point Way NE., 98115) ...... Phillip E. Lothyan ...... 206-526-6507

Waltham, MA (380 Trapelo Rd., 02154) ...... James K. Owens ...... 617-647-8100

------(TABLE END)------

For further information concerning records in the National Archives, contact the Reference Services Branch. Phone, 202-501-5400.

Presidential Libraries

Through the Presidential libraries, which are located at sites selected by the Presidents and built with private funds, the agency preserves and makes available the records and personal papers of a particular President's administration. In addition to providing reference services on Presidential documents, each library prepares documentary and descriptive publications and operates a museum to exhibit documents, historic objects, and other memorabilia of interest to the public.

The records of each President since Herbert Hoover are administered by the agency. Once considered personal papers, all Presidential records created on or after January 20, 1981, are declared by law to be owned and controlled by the United States and are required to be transferred to the National Archives at the end of the administration, pursuant to the Presidential Records Act of 1978 (44 U.S.C. 2201 et seq.).

------(TABLE START)------

Presidential Libraries -- National Archives and Records Administration head level 1 :Library head level 1 :Address head level 1 :Director head level 1 :Telephone


Herbert Hoover Library ...... West Branch, IA 52358 ...... Timothy G. Walch, Acting ...... 319-643-5301

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library ...... Hyde Park, NY 12538 ...... Verne W. Newton ...... 914-229-8114

Harry S. Truman Library ...... Independence, MO 64050 ...... Benedict K. Zobrist ...... 816-833-1400

Dwight D. Eisenhower Library ...... Abilene, KS 67410 ...... Daniel D. Holt ...... 913-263-4751

John F. Kennedy Library ...... Boston, MA 02125 ...... Bradley Gerratt, Acting ...... 617-924-4545

Lyndon B. Johnson Library ...... Austin, TX 78705 ...... Harry J. Middleton ...... 512-482-5137

Gerald R. Ford Library ...... Ann Arbor, MI 48109 ...... Frank H. Mackaman ...... 313-741-2218

Gerald R. Ford Museum ...... Grand Rapids, MI 49504 ...... James R. Kratsas ...... 616-451-9263

Nixon Presidential Materials Staff ...... Washington, DC 20408 ...... Clarence Lyons, Acting ...... 301-713-6950

Jimmy Carter Library ...... Atlanta, GA 30307 ...... Donald B. Schewe ...... 404-331-3942

Ronald Reagan Library ...... Simi Valley, CA 93065 ...... Richard N. Smith ...... 805-522-8444

Bush Presidential Materials Project ...... College Station, TX 77840 ...... David Alsobrook, Acting ...... 409-260-9552

------(TABLE END)------

For further information, contact the Office of Presidential Libraries. Phone, 202-501-5700.

Federal Records Centers

Federal agencies retire certain noncurrent records to low-cost storage in Federal records centers in accordance with established disposition schedules. The centers provide reference services, including loan or return of records tothe agency of origin; prepare authenticated reproductions of documents; and furnish information from records. The Federal records centers dispose of records of transitory value and transfer to the Office of the National Archives those that have enduring value. The centers also offer technical assistance workshops and advice on file maintenance, storage, records disposition practices, and vital records. Reimbursable microfilming services are available from most centers.

------(TABLE START)------

Federal Records Centers -- National Archives and Records Administration head level 1 :City/Address head level 1 :Director head level 1 :Telephone


Bayonne, NJ (Bldg. 22, Military Ocean Terminal, 07002) ...... Lee Romero ...... 201-823-7161

Chicago, IL (7358 S. Pulaski Rd., 60629) ...... David E. Kuehl ...... 312-353-0164

Dayton, OH (3150 Springboro Rd., 45439) ...... Denis Pauskauskas ...... 513-225-2878

Denver, CO (Bldg. 48, Denver Federal Ctr., 80225) ...... Robert Svenningsen ...... 303-236-0801 East Point, GA (1557 St. Joseph Ave., 30344) ...... Thomas G. Hudson ...... 404-763-7438

Fort Worth, TX (Bldg. 1, Fort Worth Federal Ctr., 76115) ...... James W. Mouat ...... 817-334-5515

Kansas City, MO (2312 E. Bannister Rd., 64131) ...... John J. Allshouse ...... 816-926-7271

Laguna Niguel, CA (24000 Avila Rd., 92677) ...... Sharon L. Roadway ...... 714-643-4220

Philadelphia, PA (5000 Wissahickon Ave., 19144) ...... David S. Weber ...... 215-951-5588

San Bruno, CA (1000 Commodore Dr., 94066) ...... David D. Drake ...... 415-876-9015

Seattle, WA (6125 Sand Point Way NE., 98115) ...... Steven M. Edwards ...... 206-526-6503

St. Louis, MO (National Personnel Records Ctr., 9700 Page Ave., 63132) ...... David L. Petree ...... 314-538-4201

Suitland, MD (Washington National Records Ctr., 4205 Suitland Rd., 20409) ...... Ferris Stovel ...... 301-763-7000

Waltham, MA (380 Trapelo Rd., 02154) ...... Diane Leblanc ...... 617-647-8795

------(TABLE END)------

For further information, contact the Office of Federal Records Centers. Phone, 202-653-8450.

Records Administration

The agency develops standards and guidelines for the management and disposition of recorded information to ensure proper documentation of the organization, policies, and activities of the Government. It appraises Federal records and approves records disposition schedules. It also monitors archival records not in the agency's custody, inspects agency records and records management practices, develops records management training programs, and provides guidance and assistance with respect to proper records management.

For further information, contact the Office of Records Administration. Phone, 301-713-7100.

Laws, Regulations, and Presidential Documents

The agency prepares and publishes a wide variety of public documents. Upon issuance, acts of Congress are published immediately in slip law (pamphlet) form and then cumulated and published for each session of Congress in the United States Statutes at Large.

Each Federal workday, the Federal Register publishes current Presidential proclamations and Executive orders, Federal agency regulations having general applicability and legal effect, proposed agency rules, and documents that are required by statute to be published. All Federal regulations in force are published annually in codified form in the Code of Federal Regulations.

Presidential speeches, news conferences, messages, and other materials made public by the White House are published each week in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents and annually in the Public Papers of the Presidents.

The Codification of Presidential Proclamations and Executive Orders furnishes, in one comprehensive source, proclamations and Executive orders having general applicability and continuing legal effect, with effective amendments incorporated into their texts. The most current volume covers the period from April 13, 1945, to January 20, 1989.

The United States Government Manual, published annually, serves as the official handbook of the Federal Government, providing extensive information on agencies of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches.

For further information, contact the Office of the Federal Register. Phone, 202-523-4534.

Public Programs

The agency has an extensive exhibits program. The Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights are on permanent display in the National Archives Building. The 1297 Magna Carta, on indefinite loan, is also on display. The agency exhibits numerous other documents on a variety of historical themes in its other facilities.

For further information, contact the Office of Public Programs. Phone, 202-501-5200.

Other Activities

National Archives Trust Fund Board

The National Archives Trust Fund Board receives monies from the sale of reproductions of historic documents, audiovisual materials, and publications about the records, as well as gifts. The Board invests these funds and uses income to support archival functions such as the preparation of publications that make information about historic records more widely available. Members of the Board are the Archivist of the United States, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

For further information, contact the Secretary, National Archives Trust Fund Board. Phone, 301-713-6405.

National Historical Publications and Records Commission

The agency supports the initiatives of this statutory commission in making plans, estimates, and recommendations for historical works and in cooperating with and encouraging various non-Federal agencies and institutions in gathering and publishing papers and other documents important for the study of American history. The Commission awards grants to promote a variety of historically oriented projects, such as archival programs, documentary publications projects, and archival and editorial education.

The Commission provides grant money for printed and microfilm publications of the papers of important American diplomats, politicians, reformers, scientists, and labor figures, as well as corporate and organizational records. A subsidy program provides grants to nonprofit presses to help support publication costs of sponsored editions.

The Commission makes grants to State and local governments, historical societies, archives, libraries, and associations for the preservation, arrangement, and description of historical records.

Educational programs sponsored by the Commission include an institute to train scholars in documentary editing, and fellowships in the fields of documentary editing and archival administration.

For further information, contact the National Historical Publications and Records Commission. Phone, 202-501-5600.

Sources of Information

Calendar of Events

The National Archives Calendar of Events is published monthly. To be added to the mailing list, call 202-501-5525. For a recorded announcement of events at the National Archives Building, call 202-501-5000.

Speakers and Presentations

Community and school outreach programs are presented upon request. Interested groups in the Washington, DC, area should call 202-501-5205. Groups outside the Washington, DC, area should contact the regional archive or Presidential library in their area (See listings on pages 647 and 648, respectively).

Secondary education specialists present workshops at regional and national conferences of social studies professionals and as in-service training for teachers. For further information, contact the Education Branch by calling 202-724-0456.


Agency publications, including facsimiles of certain documents, finding aids to the records, microfilm copies of many important records, and Prologue, a scholarly journal published quarterly, are available from the Multimedia and Publications Distribution Division, National Archives and Records Administration, 8700 Edgeworth Drive, Capitol Heights, MD 20743-3701. Phone, 800-788-6282 (toll-free). Records management publications are available from the Office of Records Administration by calling 301-713-7100.

Teaching Aids

Secondary education specialists have developed low-cost documentary teaching materials for classroom use. Each kit deals with an historical event or theme and includes document facsimiles and teaching aids. For further information, contact the Education Branch by calling 202-501-6172.


Individuals or groups may request general or specialty tours behind the scenes at the National Archives Building. The tours are given by reservation only, and individuals are requested to make reservations at least 2 weeks in advance. The tours aregiven at 10:15 a.m. or 1:15 p.m., Monday through Friday. Call 202-501-5205 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, to make reservations. Tours of the National Archives at College Park, MD, may be arranged by calling the number above between 9 a. m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Audiovisual Sales and Rentals

The Multimedia and Publications Distribution Division has motion pictures, film strips, slide sets, and video and audio tapes for sale or rent, depending on the item, to individuals, to schools, and to educational, civic, and community groups. The Center's inventory includes vocational, educational, documentary, and military audiovisuals made by and for Federal agencies. For additional information, contact the Multimedia and Publications Distribution Division, National Archives and Records Administration, 8700 Edgeworth Drive, Capitol Heights, MD 20743-3701. Phone, 800-788-6282 (toll-free).

Museum Shops

Publications, document facsimiles, and souvenirs are available for sale in the National Archives Building, at each Presidential library, and at some regional archives.

Educational Opportunities

Several courses are offered on archival and records management principles and on using the resources of the institution.

The ``Modern Archives Institute'' is a 2-week course for archivists that introduces students to the principles and techniques of archival work. It is offered twice a year, in February and June, for a fee. Students are advised to register 3 months in advance. Inquiries should be sent to the Office of Public Programs, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC 20408. Phone, 202-501-5200.

``Going to the Source: An Introduction to Research in Archives,'' is a 4-day, annual course on doing research in primary sources. The course provides experience with documents, microfilm, finding aids, and research methodology to researchers from such varied positions as public policy analysts, museum curators, and historical novelists. For further information, contact the Education Branch by calling 202-501-6172.

``Introduction to Genealogy'' is a 4-day course offered annually to introduce genealogists to the records in the National Archives that can further their research in family history. There are also several half-day workshops each month that focus on specific aspects of genealogical research. For further information, contact the Education Branch by calling 202-501-6172. The secondary school program annually offers an 8-day workshop, ``Primarily Teaching,'' to introduce educators to the holdings of the National Archives and provide strategies for teaching with primary sources. For further information, contact the Education Branch by calling 202-501-6172.

A 2-day files improvement workshop and a 3-day records disposition workshop are designed for any Federal Government employee with responsibility for the records creation, filing, and disposition process. For further information, contact the Agency Services Division. Phone, 301-713-7100. Similar training is offered by the Federal records centers for agency field employees. For further information, contact any Federal records center listed on page 648.

A half-day program is offered by the Office of the Federal Register to provide public instruction on how to research Federal regulations that directly affect them. The program, ``The Federal Register: What It Is And How To Use It,'' is conducted in Washington, DC, and in major regional cities. For further information, call 202-523-4534.

The National Historical Publications and Records Commission Institute for the Editing of Historical Documents is held for 2 weeks each summer at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Admission is competitive and applicants should hold a masters degree in American history or American studies or have equivalent training. Tuition is $350. The Commission also offers three fellowships annually in advanced documentary editing and two fellowships in mid-level archival administration. The editorial fellows work with document publication projects supported or endorsed by the Commission. The archival fellows work at a historical records repository in such areas as appraisal, collection development, personnel administration, budget preparation, and external affairs. The fellows receive stipends and fringe benefits for a 9- to 10-month period. The fellowships are jointly funded by the Commission and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. For further information, contact the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC 20408. Phone, 202-501-5600.

Volunteer Service Opportunities

A wide variety of opportunities are available for volunteers. At the National Archives Building volunteers conduct tours, provide information in the Exhibition Hall, work with staff archivists in processing historic documents, and serve as genealogical aides in the genealogical orientation room. For further information, call 202-501-5205. Similar opportunities exist in the Presidential libraries and at some of the regional archives.

Congressional, Public, and External Affairs

The Congressional Affairs Staff maintains contact with, and responds to inquiries from, congressional offices. For congressional inquiries, call 202-501-5506.

The Public Affairs Staff maintains contact with the media, responds to media inquiries, and issues press releases and other literature. For media inquiries, call 202-501-5525.

The External Affairs Staff maintains contact with organizations representing the archival profession, scholarly organizations, and other groups served by the National Archives. For further information, call 202-501-5521.

Reading Rooms

Records are available for research purposes at the National Archives Building, Seventh Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC; at the Washington National Records Center in Suitland, MD; and at each Presidential library, Federal records center, and regional archives. In addition, cartographic materials are available at the National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001.

The Nixon Presidential Materials Staff also has a reading room at the National Archives at College Park, located in room 1320 (phone, 301-713-6950). Some Nixon materials are available for public inspection, but researchers are advised to contact the staff in advance to ascertain the availability of materials before visiting the facility. Requests for additional information should be directed to the Reference Services Branch, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC 20408. Phone, 202-501-5400.

Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act Requests

Requests should be directed as follows:

Administrative records of the National Archives and Records Administration: Policy and Program Analysis Division, National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001. Phone, 301-713-6730.

Historical records in the custody of the Office of the National Archives: Office of the National Archives, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC 20408. Phone, 202-501-5300.

Historical records in the custody of a Presidential library: the library that has custody of the records (See pages 647 and 648 for addresses.).

Records in the custody of the Federal records centers: the Federal agency that transferred the records to the Federal records center.


Individuals seeking to do business with the agency may obtain detailed information from the Acquisitions Staff, National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001. Phone, 301-713-6755.


For job opportunities nationwide, contact the nearest agency facility or the Personnel Operations Branch, Room 2002, 9700 Page Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63132. Phone, 800-634-4898 (toll-free).

Records Administration Information Center

Upon request, the Records Administration Information Center provides individualized assistance in answering records management questions. For further information, call 301-713-6677. For further information, write or visit the National Archives and Records Administration, Seventh Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20408. Phone, 202-501-5400.


Suite 301, 801 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20576

Phone, 202-724-0174

Chairman ...... Glen T. Urquhart

Members ...... Melvyn J. Estrin, Thaddeus Garrett, Jr., Edward Grandis, Patricia Elwood

Ex Officio: ......

(Secretary of the Interior) ...... Bruce Babbitt

(Secretary of Defense) ...... William J. Perry

(Administrator of General Services) ...... Roger W. Johnson

(Chairman, Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs) ...... John Glenn

(Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on the District of Columbia) ...... Fortney Pete Stark

(Mayor of the District of Columbia) ...... Sharon Pratt Kelly

(Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia) ...... David A. Clarke

Staff: ......

Executive Director ...... Reginald W. Griffith

Executive Assistant ...... Priscilla A. Brown

Assistant Executive Director for Operations ...... Robert E. Gresham

Director for Intergovernmental and Public Affairs ...... (vacancy)

Executive Officer ...... Connie M. Harshaw

General Counsel ...... Sandra H. Shapiro

Secretariat ...... Rae N. Allen

Director, Long-Range Planning Division ...... Edward C. Hromanik

Director, Technical Planning Services Division ...... George H.F. Oberlander

Director, Planning Review and Implementation Division ...... Ronald E. Wilson [For the National Capital Planning Commission statement of organization, see the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 1, Part 456.2]


[Insert National Capital Planning Commission chart]@U0

The National Capital Planning Commission is the central agency for conducting planning and development activities for the Federal Government in the National Capital region. The region includes the District of Columbia and all land areas within the boundaries of Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties in Maryland and Fairfax, Loudoun, Prince William, and Arlington Counties in Virginia.

The National Capital Planning Commission was established as a park planning agency by act of June 6, 1924, as amended (40 U.S.C. 71 et seq.). Two years later its role was expanded to include comprehensive planning. In 1952, under the National Capital Planning Act, the Commission was designated the central planning agency for the Federal and District of Columbia governments.

In 1973, the National Capital Planning Act was amended by the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, which made the Mayor of the District of Columbia the chief planner for the District; however, the Commission continues to serve as the central planning agency for the Federal Government in the National Capital region.

The Commission is composed of five appointed and seven ex officio members. Three citizen members, including the Chairman, are appointed by the President and two by the mayor of the District of Columbia. Presidential appointees include one resident each from Maryland and Virginia and one from anywhere in the United States; however, the two mayoral appointees must be District of Columbia residents.


The Commission has three primary functions: comprehensive planning to ensure the orderly development of the Federal Establishment and protection of Federal interests in the National Capital region, plan and program review, and preparation of the Federal Capital Improvements Program.

Comprehensive Planning

The Comprehensive Plan is a statement of policies dealing with the growth and development of the National Capital and consists of both Federal and District elements. It is an important planning tool that provides a framework for policy decisions regarding physical development proposed by Federal, State, local, and regional agencies.

The Commission's comprehensive planning function involves preparation and adoption of Federal elements of the Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital, as well as review -- for Federal interests, of District or non-Federal elements of the Comprehensive Plan that are prepared by the mayor and adopted by the Council of the District of Columbia. If any District element is determined to have a negative impact on Federal interests, the Commission may veto it. Plan and Program Review

The Commission's plan and program review function consists of reviewing plans and programs proposed by Federal, State, regional, and local agencies or jurisdictions in the National Capital region. This function provides the Commission with an opportunity to coordinate plan and program proposals.

Following this review the Commission, with regard to certain types of projects, provides the sponsoring agency with comments and recommendations. Approval by the Commission must be obtained prior to construction of Federal public buildings in the District of Columbia and District of Columbia buildings in the central area of the District.

Each Federal or District project comes to the Commission for review at several stages. The first submission by an agency may be a master plan for an entire installation or facility. Plans for construction of individual projects implementing a master plan are submitted to the Commission at both the preliminary and the final stages.

Federal Capital Improvements Programming

Another comprehensive planning activity is the preparation, adoption, and updating of the Five-Year Federal Capital Improvements Program, a ``budget'' schedule for Federal physical improvements throughout the National Capital region. It is prepared by the Commission in order to systematically review proposed Federal agency projects with regard to timing, location, and financing, and to coordinate agency development plans throughout the region.

A Federal Capital budget represents the first year of the 5-year program and consists of capital outlay requests for the region contained in the President's fiscal year Federal budget transmitted to Congress. The program for the second through fifth years incorporates Commission recommendations to Federal agencies and the Office of Management and Budget for subsequent budget submissions to Congress.

Additional Activities

Other Commission responsibilities include review of all proposed zoning regulations, map changes, and amendments to the District of Columbia zoning ordinance in order to ensure consistency of zoning regulations with Federal interests and with the Comprehensive Plan.

The Commission also:

-- adopts urban renewal area boundaries;

-- prepares, adopts, and modifies urban renewal plans;

-- approves the Permanent System of Highways Plan;

-- recommends proposed street and alley closings;

-- approves transfers of jurisdiction between Federal and District agencies; -- approves the sale of surplus property and park land; and

-- acquires land for parks and parkways in the National Capital region.

The Commission serves the entire National Capital region by coordinating Federal planning and development with the planning activities of State, local, and regional agencies and jurisdictions.

For further information, contact the Public Affairs Officer, National Capital Planning Commission, Suite 301, 801 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20576. Phone, 202-724-0174.


1775 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-3428

Phone, 703-518-6300

Chairman ...... Norman E. D'Amours

Vice Chairman ...... Shirlee Bowne�AE1

Member of the Board ...... Robert H. Swan

Executive Director ...... Karl Hoyle

Secretary to the Board ...... Becky Baker

Executive Assistant to the Vice Chairman ...... John Butler

Executive Assistant to the Board Member ...... Russell Clark

General Counsel ...... Robert Fenner

Director, Public and Congressional Affairs ...... Robert E. Loftus

Director, Office of Examination and Insurance ...... D. Michael Riley

Inspector General ...... H. Frank Thomas

Controller ...... Jane Walters

Director, Office of Community Development and Low-Income Credit Unions ...... Christopher Kerecman

Director, Office of the Chief Economist ...... James Feeney, Acting

Director, Office of Information Systems ...... Doug Verner, Acting

Director, Office of Administration ...... Daniel Buckley, Acting

Director, Office of Human Resources ...... Dorothy Foster Director, Office of Training and Development ...... Robert Pompa

[For the National Credit Union Administration statement of organization, see the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 12, Part 720]

The National Credit Union Administration Board is responsible for chartering, insuring, supervising, and examining Federal credit unions and administering the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund. The Board also manages the Central Liquidity Facility, a mixed-ownership Government corporation whose purpose is to supply emergency loans to member credit unions.

The National Credit Union Administration was established by act of March 10, 1970 (12 U.S.C. 1752), and reorganized by act of November 10, 1978 (12 U.S.C. 226), as an independent agency in the executive branch of the Federal Government. It regulates and insures all Federal credit unions and insures State-chartered credit unions that apply and qualify for share insurance.



The Administration's Board grants Federal credit union charters to groups sharing a common bond of occupation or association, or groups within a well-defined neighborhood, community, or rural district. A preliminary investigation is made to determine if certain minimum standards are met before granting a Federal charter.

For further information, contact the appropriate regional office listed in the table on page 657.


Supervisory activities are carried out through annual examiner contacts and through periodic policy and regulatory releases from the Administration. The Administration also maintains a warning system designed to identify emerging problems as well as to monitor operations between examinations.


The Administration conducts annual examinations of Federal credit unions to determine their solvency and compliance with laws and regulations and to assist credit union management and operations.

For further information, contact the Director, Office of Examination and Insurance. Phone, 202-682-9640.

Share Insurance

The act of October 19, 1970 (12 U.S.C. 1781 et seq.), provides for a program of share insurance. The insurance is mandatory for Federal credit unions and for State-chartered credit unions in many States and is optional for other State-chartered credit unions that meet Administration standards. Credit union members' accounts are insured up to $100,000. The National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund requires each insured credit union to place and maintain a 1-percent deposit of its insured savings with the Fund.

For further information, contact the Director, Office of Examination and Insurance. Phone, 202-682-9640.

------(TABLE START)------

Regional Offices -- National Credit Union Administration head level 1 : head level 1 :Region head level 1 :Address head level 1 :Director head level 1 :Telephone



ALBANY -- Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont ...... 9 Washington Sq., Washington Ave. Ext., Albany, NY 12205 ...... Layne L. Bumgardner ...... 518-464-4180


CAPITAL -- Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia ...... Suite 800, 1776 G St. NW., Washington, DC 20006 ...... David M. Marquis ...... 202-682-1900


ATLANTA -- Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virgin Islands ...... Suite 1600, 7000 Central Pky., Atlanta, GA 30328 ...... H. Allen Carver ...... 404-396-4042


CHICAGO -- Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin ...... Suite 155, 300 Park Blvd., Itasca, IL 60143 ...... Nicholas Veghts ...... 708-250-6000


AUSTIN -- Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, , Utah, Wyoming ...... Suite 5200, 4807 Spicewood Springs Rd., Austin, TX 78759-8490 ...... John S. Ruffin ...... 512-482-4500


PACIFIC -- Alaska, American Samoa, California, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington ...... No. 1350, 2300 Clayton Rd., Concord, CA 94520 ...... Daniel L. Murphy ...... 510-825-6125 ------(TABLE END)------

Sources of Information

Consumer Complaints

The Administration investigates the complaints of members who are unable to resolve problems with their Federal credit union when these problems relate to a possible violation of the Federal Credit Union Act or consumer protection regulations. Complaints should be sent directly to the appropriate regional office.


Inquiries and applications for employment should be directed to the Personnel Officer, National Credit Union Administration, Washington, DC 20456. Phone, 202-682-9720.

Federally Insured Credit Unions

A listing of the names and addresses of all federally insured credit unions is available to the public for review in the Washington, DC, and regional offices. Copies of the listing may be obtained at a nominal cost by writing to the Freedom of Information Officer, National Credit Union Administration, Washington, DC 20456. Phone, 202-682-9700.


Copies of the following publications may be obtained for a nominal fee by writing to the National Credit Union Administration, Washington, DC 20456: Federal Credit Unions, Your Insured Funds, Chartering and Field of Membership Manual, Federal Credit Union Handbook, Federal Credit Union Act, Annual Report of the National Credit Union Administration, Annual Report of the CLF, and the Annual Report of the Share Insurance Fund.

Starting a Federal Credit Union

Groups interested in forming a Federal credit union may obtain free information by writing to the appropriate regional office.

For further information concerning the National Credit Union Administration, contact the Office of Public and Congressional Affairs, National Credit Union Administration, 1776 G Street NW., Washington, DC 20456. Phone, 202-682-9650.



1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20506

Phone, 202-682-5400

Chairman ...... Jane Alexander Chief of Staff and White House Liaison ...... Alexander D. Crary

Senior Deputy Chairman ...... Ana M. Steele

Associate Deputy Chairman for Program Coordination ...... A.B. Spellman

General Counsel ...... Karen Christensen

Director, Office of Policy, Planning and Research ...... Olive Mosier

Director, Research Division ...... Tom Bradshaw

Director, Budget Division ...... Aaron Fineman

Director, Public Affairs ...... Cherie Simon

Director, Office of Inspector General ...... Leon Lilly

Director, Congressional Liaison ...... Richard Woodruff

Director, Council Operations ...... Martha Jones

Director, Personnel Division ...... Steven M. Klink

Director, Panel Operations ...... Yvonne Sabine

Director, Civil Rights Division ...... Angelia Richardson

Deputy Chairman for Programs ...... Susan Clampitt

Director, Challenge and Advancement ...... Lee W. Dennison, Acting

Director, Dance ...... Sali Ann Kriegsman

Director, Design Arts ...... Alan Brangman, Acting

Director, Expansion Arts ...... Patrice Powell, Acting

Director, Folk Arts ...... Daniel Sheehy

Director, International ...... Merianne Glickman

Director, Literature ...... Gigi Bradford

Director, Media Arts ...... Brian O'Doherty

Director, Museums ...... Andrew Oliver

Director, Music ...... Omus Hirshbein

Director, Opera-Musical Theater ...... Tomas Hernandez

Director, Presenting and Commissioning ...... Lenwood Sloan

Director, Theater ...... Keryl McCord

Director, Visual Arts ...... Rosilyn Alter Deputy Chairman for Public Partnership ...... Scott Sanders

Director, Arts in Education ...... Doug Herbert

Director, Local Arts Agencies ...... Diane Mataraza

Director, Office of Special Constituencies ...... Paula Terry

Director, Office of Outreach ...... Anthony Tighe

Director, State and Regional ...... Edward A. Dickey

Deputy Chairman for Management ...... Laurence Baden

Director, Administrative Services Division ...... Murray Welsh

Director, Arts Administration Fellows Program ...... Anya Nykyforiak

Director, Contracts and Procurement ...... William Hummel

Director, Finance Division ...... Marvin Marks

Director, Grants Division ...... Donald Bard

Director, Information Management ...... Ruth Reed


1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20506

Phone, 202-606-8438

Chairman ...... Sheldon Hackney

Deputy Chairman ...... Juan Mestas

General Counsel ...... Michael Shapiro

Director of Congressional Liaison ...... Ann S. Young

Director, Office of Planning and Budget ...... Stephen F. Cherrington

Director, Office of Publications and Public Affairs ...... Gary Krull

Director, Division of Fellowships and Seminars ...... Marjorie A. Berlincourt

Director, Division of Education Programs ...... James Herbert

Director, Division of Public Programs ...... Marsha Semmel

Director, Division of Research Programs ...... Guinevere L. Griest

Director, Division of State Programs ...... Carole Watson

Director, Division of Preservation and Access ...... George Farr

Accounting Officer ...... D. Ray Gleason Administrative Services Officer ...... Barry Maynes

IRM Systems Officer ...... William J. Kinsella

Equal Employment Opportunity Officer ...... Margaret V. Horne

Grants Officer ...... David Wallace

Director of Personnel ...... Timothy G. Connelly

Inspector General ...... Sheldon Bernstein


Room 510, 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20506

Phone, 202-606-8536

Director ...... Diane B. Frankel

Director, Policy, Planning, and Budget ...... Linda Bell

Public Information Officer and Congressional Liaison ...... Mamie Bittner

Executive Assistant, National Museum Services Board and Administrative Assistant ...... S. William Laney

Program Director ...... Rebecca Danvers

Assistant Program Director ...... Mary Estelle Kennelly

[For the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities statement of organization, see the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 45, Part 1100]


[Insert National Endowment for the Humanities chart]@U0

The National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities encourages and supports national progress in the humanities and the arts.

The National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities was created as an independent agency by the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 951). The Foundation consists of a National Endowment for the Arts, a National Endowment for the Humanities, a Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities, and an Institute of Museum Services. Each Endowment has its own Council, composed of the Endowment Chairman and 26 other members appointed by the President, which advises the Chairman with respect to policies and procedures and reviews applications for financial support while making recommendations thereon.

The Federal Council on the Arts and Humanities consists of 20 members, including the two Endowment Chairmen and the Director of the Institute of Museum Services, and is designed to coordinate the activities of the two Endowments and related programs of other Federal agencies. Four members are excluded from the Federal Council when it is considering matters under the Arts and Artifacts Indemnity Act (20 U.S.C. 971).

National Endowment for the Arts

The National Endowment for the Arts supports the visual, literary, and performing arts to benefit all Americans by fostering artistic excellence and developing the Nation's finest creative talent; by preserving and transmitting our diverse cultural heritage; by making the arts more accessible to all Americans; by promoting the vitality of arts institutions; and by making the arts intrinsic to education.

The Arts Endowment serves as a catalyst to increase opportunities for artists and resources for arts organizations. It promotes involvement in the arts by citizens, public and private organizations, and States and local communities. The agency awards grants to nonprofit arts organizations in support of outstanding performances, exhibitions, projects, and programs; provides fellowships to exceptionally talented American artists to stimulate the creation of new works of art, to expand the Nation's artistic resources, and to promote preservation of the country's cultural heritage; and funds projects whose goal is to educate, formally or informally, both children and adults in the arts. Also, it disburses program funds to State arts agencies and local and regional organizations in order to promote broad dissemination of the arts across America. Its grantmaking is conducted through the following programs: Challenge and Advancement, Dance, Design Arts, Expansion Arts, Folk Arts, International, Literature, Media Arts, Museums, Opera-Musical Theater, Presenting and Commissioning, Theater, Visual Arts, Arts in Education, Local Arts Agencies, and State and Regional.

Sources of Information


Persons interested in applying for a grant in the arts should contact the appropriate Program at the National Endowment for the Arts by calling 202-682-5464 for further information.


A report of the National Endowment for the Arts is issued annually and may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.

A Program Announcement containing information for prospective applicants may be obtained by writing to the National Endowment for the Arts, requesting the publication entitled Guide to Programs, Washington, DC 20506.


Information The Office of Personnel Management registers from which employees are most often appointed are Secretary, Mid-Level Administrative Examination, and Senior-Level Examination.

For further information, contact the Public Information Office, National Endowment for the Arts, 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20506. Phone, 202-682-5400. National Endowment for the Humanities

The National Endowment for the Humanities is an independent, grant-making agency established by Congress in 1965 to support research, education, and public programs in the humanities.

According to the agency's authorizing legislation, the term ``humanities'' includes, but is not limited to, the study of the following: language, both modern and classical; linguistics; literature; history; jurisprudence; philosophy; archeology; comparative religion; ethics; the history, criticism, and theory of the arts; and those aspects of the social sciences that employ historical or philosophical approaches.

The Endowment makes grants to individuals, groups, or institutions -- schools, colleges, universities, museums, public television stations, libraries, public agencies, and nonprofit private groups -- to increase understanding and appreciation of the humanities. Its grant-making is conducted through six operating divisions -- Education Programs, Fellowships and Seminars, Public Programs, Preservation and Access, Research Programs, and State Programs.

Education Grants

Grants in the Division of Education Programs support efforts in elementary and secondary schools as well as in institutions of higher education to improve instruction in humanities disciplines and to disseminate results of exemplary education programs.

For further information, call 202-606-8373.

Fellowships and Seminars

Programs in the Division of Fellowships and Seminars offer support to individual scholars, teachers, and other interpreters of the humanities for full-time, independent study or research and for seminars that provide for collegial interaction.

For further information, call 202-606-8458.


Projects of longer duration, often involving collaboration between scholars, fall within the domain of the Division of Research Programs, which awards grants for the preparation of publication of important texts in the humanities, the organization of collections and the preparation of reference materials, the conduct of collaborative or coordinated research, the support of centers where scholars may conduct their research, and the support of international organizations for the exchange of scholars.

For further information, call 202-606-8200.

Public Grants

The Division of Public Programs strives to fulfill the Endowment's mandate ``to increase public understanding of the humanities'' by supporting those institutions and organizations that develop and present humanities programming for general audiences. For further information, call 202-606-8267.

State Grants

Humanities committees in each of the 50 States, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, or Guam, receive annual grants from the Division of State Programs, which they then re-grant to support humanities programs at the local level.

For further information, call 202-606-8254.

Challenge Grants

Applications in this category are reviewed in the Education Programs, Public Programs, or Research Programs Division.

For further information, call 202-606-8361.

Preservation and Access

The Division of Preservation and Access expands Endowment support in attacking the problem of deteriorating humanities resources. Cooperative projects set in a national framework with an emphasis on the preservation of America's past and the work of American scholars, using both Federal and private funds, are particularly encouraged.

For further information, call 202-606-8570.

Sources of Information


The Office of Personnel Management registers from which employees are most often appointed are: Clerk-Typist, Mid-Level Administrative Register, and Senior-Level Register.


Those interested in applying for a grant in the humanities should request information, guidelines, and application forms from the Endowment's Office of Publications and Public Affairs, Room 407, 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20506. Phone, 202-606-8438.


An annual report for the National Endowment for the Humanities is issued annually and may be obtained from the Endowment's Office of Publications and Public Affairs, Room 402, 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20506. Phone, 202-606-8438.

Overview of Endowment Programs, which contains information for prospective applicants, may be obtained by writing to the Office of Publications and Public Affairs at the address given above.

Humanities, a bimonthly review of issues in the humanities published by the Endowment, is available by subscription through the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.

For further information, contact the Office of Publications and Public Affairs, National Endowment for the Humanities, Room 402, 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20506. Phone, 202-606-8438.

Institute of Museum Services

The Institute of Museum Services is an independent, grant-making agency established by Congress in 1976 to assist museums in maintaining, increasing, and improving their services to the public.

The Institute of Museum Services (IMS) was created by the Museum Services Act (20 U.S.C. 961 note). In December 1981, pursuant to title II of the act of Dec. 23, 1981 (20 U.S.C. 961, 962), the Institute was established as an independent agency within the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities. The Institute's Director is appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, and is authorized to make grants to museums subject to policy directives and priorities set by the National Museum Services Board. The Board is comprised of 15 Presidentially appointed nonvoting members and 5 ex officio nonvoting members.

The Institute awards grants on a competitive basis to support the efforts of museums to conserve the Nation's historic, scientific, and cultural heritage; to maintain and expand their educational role; and to ease the financial burden borne by museums as a result of their increasing use by the public. The Institute awards grants to all types of museums, including but not limited to art, history, general, children's, natural history, science and technology, historic houses, zoos and aquariums, botanical gardens and arboretums, nature centers, and planetariums.

The Institute currently makes grants in seven categories: General Operating Support, Conservation Project Support, Museum Assessment Program, Professional Services Program, Conservation Assessment Program, Technical Assistance, and Museum Leadership Initiatives. General Operating Support grants are 2-year competitive awards that maintain or improve the operations of museums. Conservation Project Support grants are annual competitive awards, for projects lasting up to 2 years, that provide funds for various conservation efforts. Museum Assessment Program grants are one-time awards made to museums to provide for an independent, professional assessment of their programs and operations. Conservation Assessment Program grants are one-time awards made to museums to assess the condition of their environment and collections, to identify conservation needs and priorities. Professional Services Program grants provide funding to national, regional, State, or local private, nonprofit professional museum organizations and associations for proposals designed to strengthen museum services. Technical Assistance grants provide funds to small, emerging minority and rural museums for training and other implementation activities. Museum Leadership Initiatives support projects that establish mentoring relationships between at least two parties, one of whom is a museum staff member.

Sources of Information

Grants, Contracts, and Cooperative Agreements

Those interested in applying for Institute of Museum Services funding should contact the Program Office, Institute of Museum Services, Room 609, 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20506. Phone, 202-606-8539.

For further information, contact the Program Director, Institute of Museum Services, Room 609, 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20506. Phone, 202-606-8539.


1099 Fourteenth Street NW., Washington, DC 20570

Phone, 202-273-1000 (Central Locator); 202-273-4300 (TDD)

Chairman ...... William B. Gould IV

Members ...... Margaret A. Browning, Charles I. Cohen, Dennis M. Devaney, James M. Stephens

Executive Secretary ...... John C. Truesdale

Solicitor ...... John E. Higgins, Jr.

Inspector General ...... Bernard Levine

Director, Division of Information ...... David B. Parker

Chief Administrative Law Judge ...... (vacancy)

General Counsel ...... Frederick L. Feinstein

Deputy General Counsel ...... (vacancy)

Associate General Counsel, Division of Advice ...... Robert E. Allen

Associate General Counsel, Division of Enforcement Litigation ...... Linda R. Sher, Acting

Associate General Counsel, Division of Operations Management ...... William G. Stack

Director, Division of Administration ...... Gloria J. Joseph

Director, Equal Employment Opportunity ...... Barbara T. Gainey

[For the National Labor Relations Board statement of organization, see the Federal Register of June 14, 1979, 44 FR 34215]

The National Labor Relations Board administers the Nation's principal labor law, the National Labor Relations Act. The Board is vested with the power to prevent and remedy unfair labor practices committed by private sector employers and unions and to safeguard employees' rights to organize and determine, through secret ballot elections, whether to have unions as their bargaining representative. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is an independent agency created by the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (Wagner Act) (29 U.S.C. 167), as amended by acts of 1947 (Taft-Hartley Act), 1959 (Landrum-Griffin Act), and 1974 (Health Care Amendments).

The act affirms the right of employees to self-organization and collective bargaining through representatives of their own choosing, to engage in other protected, concerted activities, or to refrain from such activities. The act prohibits certain unfair labor practices by employers and labor organizations or their agents. It authorizes the Board to designate appropriate units for collective bargaining and to conduct secret ballot elections to determine whether employees desire representation by a labor organization.

As of July 1, 1971, the Postal Reorganization Act (39 U.S.C. note prec. 101) conferred jurisdiction upon the Board over unfair labor practice charges and representation elections affecting U.S. Postal Service employees. As of August 25, 1974, jurisdiction over all privately operated health care institutions was conferred on the Board by an amendment to the act (29 U.S.C. 152 et seq.).


Under the act, NLRB has two principal functions: preventing and remedying unfair labor practices by employers and labor organizations or their agents; and conducting secret ballot elections among employees in appropriate collective-bargaining units to determine whether or not they desire to be represented by a labor organization in bargaining with employers about their wages, hours, and working conditions. The agency also conducts secret ballot elections among employees who have been covered by a union-security agreement to determine whether or not they wish to revoke their union's authority to make such agreements. In jurisdictional disputes between two or more unions, the Board determines which competing group of workers is entitled to perform the work involved. Secret ballot elections are conducted among NLRB employees concerning employers' final settlement offers in national emergency labor disputes.

Two major, separate components comprise NLRB. The Board itself has five members appointed by the President and primarily acts as a quasi-judicial body in deciding cases on the basis of formal records in administrative proceedings. The General Counsel, also appointed by the President, is independent from the Board.

In unfair labor practice cases, the General Counsel has final authority to investigate charges, issue complaints, and prosecute such complaints before administrative law judges and the Board. The General Counsel, on behalf of the Board, prosecutes injunction proceedings; handles courts of appeals proceedings to enforce or review Board decisions and orders; participates in miscellaneous court litigation; and obtains compliance with Board orders and court judgments. The General Counsel is responsible for supervising personnel who process unfair labor practice charges and election petitions.

Under the general supervision of the General Counsel, 33 regional directors and their staffs process representation, unfair labor practice, and jurisdictional dispute cases. (Some regions have subregional or resident offices.) They issue complaints in unfair labor practice cases; seek settlement of unfair labor practice charges; obtain compliance with Board orders and court judgments; and petition district courts for injunctions to prevent or remedy unfair labor practices. The regional directors direct hearings in representation cases; conduct elections pursuant to the agreement of the parties or the decision-making authority delegated to them by the Board or pursuant to Board directions; and issue certifications of representatives when unions win or certify the results when unions lose employee elections. They process petitions for bargaining unit clarification, for amendment of certification, and for rescission of a labor organization's authority to make a union-shop agreement. They also conduct national emergency employee referendums.

NLRB can act only when it is formally requested to do so. Individuals, employers, or unions may initiate cases by filing charges of unfair labor practices or petitions for employee representation elections with the Board field offices serving the area where the case arises.

In the event that a regional director declines to proceed on a representation petition, the party filing the petition may appeal to the Board. When a regional director declines to proceed on an unfair labor practice charge, the charging party may appeal to the General Counsel.

For details concerning filing such appeals with those Washington, DC, offices, parties may contact the field office most convenient to them. Field office addresses and telephone numbers are listed below.

Administrative law judges conduct hearings in unfair labor practice cases, make findings of fact and conclusions of law, and recommend remedies for violations found. Their decisions can be appealed to the Board for a final agency determination. The Board's decisions are subject to review in the U.S. Courts of Appeals.

------(TABLE START)------

Field Offices -- National Labor Relations Board

(RD: Regional Director; OC: Officer-in-Charge; RO: Resident Officer) head level 1 :Office/Address head level 1 :Director/Officer head level 1 :Telephone


Albany, NY (Clinton Ave. at N. Pearl St., 12207) ...... Thomas J. Sheridan (RO) ...... 518-472-2215

Albuquerque, NM (505 Marquette Ave. NW., 87102) ...... Robert A. Reisinger (RO) ...... 505-766-3800

Anchorage, AK (222 W. 7th Ave., 99513) ...... Minoru Hayashi (RO) ...... 907-271-5015

Atlanta, GA (101 Marietta St. NW., 30323) ...... Martin M. Arlook (RD) ...... 404-331-2896 Baltimore, MD (4th Fl., 111 Market Pl., 21202) ...... Louis J. D'Amico (RD) ...... 301-962-2822

Birmingham, AL (2025 3d Ave. N., 35203) ...... C. Douglas Marshall (RO) ...... 205-731-1492

Boston, MA (10 Causeway St., 02222) ...... Rosemary Pye (RD) ...... 617-565-6700

Brooklyn, NY (1 Metro Tech Ctr., Jay St. & Myrtle Ave., 11201) ...... Alvin P. Blyer (RD) ...... 718-330-7713

Buffalo, NY (111 W. Huron St., 14202) ...... Richard L. Ahearn (RD) ...... 716-846-4931

Chicago, IL (200 W. Adams St., 60606) ...... Elizabeth Kinney (RD) ...... 312-353-7570

Cincinnati, OH (550 Main St., 45202) ...... D. Randall Frye (RD) ...... 513-684-3686

Cleveland, OH (1240 E. 9th St., 44199) ...... Frederick Calatrello (RD) ...... 216-522-3715

Denver, CO (600 17th St., 80202) ...... Arthur R. DePalma (RD) ...... 303-844-3551

Des Moines, IA (210 Walnut St., 50309) ...... Morris E. Petersen (RO) ...... 515-284-4391

Detroit, MI (477 Michigan Ave., 48226) ...... William C. Schaub (RD) ...... 313-226-3200

El Paso, TX (700 E. San Antonio Ave., 79901) ...... Laureano A. Medrano (RO) ...... 915-534-6434

Fort Worth, TX (819 Taylor St., 76102) ...... Michael Dunn (RD) ...... 817-334-2921

Grand Rapids, MI (82 Ionia NW., 49503) ...... David L. Basso (RO) ...... 616-456-2679

Hartford, CT (1 Commercial Plz., 06103) ...... Peter B. Hoffman (RD) ...... 203-240-3522

Hato Rey, PR (150 Carlos E. Chardon Ave., 00918) ...... Mary Zelma Asseo (RD) ...... 809-766-5347

Honolulu, HI (300 Ala Moana Blvd., 96850) ...... Thomas W. Cestare (OC) ...... 808-541-2814

Houston, TX (440 Louisiana St., 77002) ...... Ruth E. Small (RO) ...... 713-238-9632

Indianapolis, IN (575 N. Pennsylvania St., 46204) ...... Saundria Bordone (RD) ...... 317-226-7430

Jacksonville, FL (400 W. Bay St., 32202) ...... James L. McDonald (RO) ...... 904-232-3768

Las Vegas, NV (600 Las Vegas Blvd. S., 89101) ...... Kenneth A. Rose (RO) ...... 702-388-6416

Little Rock, AR (TCBY Twr., 425 W. Capitol St., 72201-3489) ...... Thomas H. Smith, Jr. (RO) ...... 501-324-6311

Los Angeles, CA (Region 31) (11000 Wilshire Blvd., 90024) ...... James J. McDermott (RD) ...... 310-575-7352

Los Angeles, CA (Region 21) (811 Wilshire Blvd., 90017) ...... Victoria E. Aguayo (RD) ...... 213-894-5200

Memphis, TN (1407 Union Ave., 38104) ...... Gerard P. Fleischut (RD) ...... 901-722-2725

Miami, FL (51 SW. 1st Ave., 33130) ...... Hector O. Nava (RO) ...... 305-536-5391

Milwaukee, WI (310 W. Wisconsin Ave., 53203) ...... Joseph A. Szabo (RD) ...... 414-297-3861

Minneapolis, MN (110 S. 4th St., 55401) ...... Ronald M. Sharp (RD) ...... 612-348-1757

Nashville, TN (801 Broadway, 37203) ...... Alton W. Barksdale (RO) ...... 615-736-5922

Newark, NJ (970 Broad St., 07102) ...... William A. Pascarell (RD) ...... 201-645-2100

New Orleans, LA (1515 Poydras St., 70112) ...... Hugh Frank Malone (RD) ...... 504-589-6361

New York, NY (26 Federal Plz., 10278) ...... Daniel Silverman (RD) ...... 212-264-0300

Oakland, CA (1301 Clay St., 94612) ...... James S. Scott (RD) ...... 510-637-3300

Overland Park, KS (8600 Farley St., 66212) ...... F. Rozier Sharp (RD) ...... 913-236-3000

Peoria, IL (300 Hamilton Blvd., 61602) ...... Glenn A. Zipp (RD) ...... 309-671-7080

Philadelphia, PA (615 Chestnut St., 19106) ...... Peter W. Hirsch (RD) ...... 215-597-7601

Phoenix, AZ (234 N. Central Ave., 85004) ...... Roy H. Garner (RD) ...... 602-379-3361

Pittsburgh, PA (1000 Liberty Ave., 15222) ...... Gerald Kobell (RD) ...... 412-644-2977

Portland, OR (222 SW. Columbia St., 97201) ...... Delano D. Eyer (OC) ...... 503-326-3085 San Antonio, TX (615 E. Houston St., 78205) ...... Ruben R. Armendariz (RO) ...... 210-229-6140

San Diego, CA (555 W. Beech St., 92101) ...... Claude R. Marston (RO) ...... 619-557-6184

San Francisco, CA (901 Market St., 94103) ...... Robert H. Miller (RD) ...... 415-744-6810

Seattle, WA (915 2d Ave., 98174) ...... John D. Nelson (RD) ...... 206-220-6300

St. Louis, MO (611 N. 10th St., 63101) ...... Ralph R. Tremain (RD) ...... 314-425-4167

Tampa, FL (201 E. Kennedy Blvd., 33602) ...... (Vacancy) (RD) ...... 813-228-2641

Tulsa, OK (111 W. 5th St., 74103) ...... Francis Molenda (RO) ...... 918-581-7951

Washington, DC (2120 L St. NW., 20037) ...... Steven L. Shuster (RO) ...... 202-254-7612

Winston-Salem, NC (251 N. Main St., 27101) ...... Willie L. Clark, Jr. (RD) ...... 919-631-5201

------(TABLE END)------

Sources of Information


Prospective suppliers of goods and services may inquire about agency procurement and contracting practices by writing to the Chief, Procurement and Facilities Branch, National Labor Relations Board, Washington, DC 20570. Phone, 202-273-4040.


The Board appoints administrative law judges from a register established by the Office of Personnel Management. The agency hires attorneys, stenographers, and typists for all its offices; field examiners for its field offices; and administrativ e personnel for its Washington office. Inquiries regarding college and law school recruiting programs should be directed to the nearest regional office. Employment inquiries and applications may be sent to any regional office or the Washington personnel office.


Anyone desiring to inspect formal case documents or read agency publications may use facilities of the Washington or field offices. The agency will assist in arranging reproduction of documents and order transcripts of hearings. The Board's o ffices offer free informational leaflets in limited quantities: The National Labor Relations Board and YOU (Unfair Labor Practices), The National Labor Relations Board and YOU (Representation Cases), Your Government Conducts an Election for You on the Job, and The National Labor Relations Board -- What It Is, What It Does. The Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, sells A Guide to Basic Law and Procedures Under the NLRA, the Annual Report, the Classified Index of National Labor Relations Board Decisions and Related Court Decisions, volumes of Board decisions, and a number of subscription services, including the NLRB Casehandling Manual (in three parts), the Weekly Summary of NLRB Cases, the NLRB Election Report, and An Outline of Law and Procedure in Representation Cases.


To give the public and persons appearing before the agency a better understanding of the National Labor Relations Act and the Board's policies, procedures, and services, Washington and regional office personnel participate as speakers or panel members before bar associations, labor, educational, civic, or management organizations, and other groups. Requests for speakers or panelists may be made to Washington officials or to the appropriate regional director.

For further information, contact the Information Division, National Labor Relations Board, 1099 Fourteenth Street NW., Washington, DC 20570. Phone, 202-273-1991.


Suite 250 East, 1301 K Street NW., Washington, DC 20572

Phone, 202-523-5920

Chairman ...... Ernest W. DuBester

Members ...... Patrick J. Cleary

...... Magdalena G. Jacobsen

Executive Director ...... William A. Gill, Jr.

Assistant Executive Director ...... John J. Bavis

Administrative Officer ...... Mary Catherine Maione-Pricci

Director, Information Resources Management ...... Donald L. West

Director of Arbitration ...... Roy J. Carvatta

General Counsel ...... Ronald M. Etters

Hearing Officer/Assistant to General Counsel ...... Joyce M. Klein

Senior Hearing Officers/Legal Counsels ...... Mary L. Johnson

...... Roland Watkins Public Information Officer ...... Thornton L. Townsend

Research Analyst ...... William A. Marsteller

National Railroad Adjustment Board

Room A931, 175 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60604

Phone, 312-886-7300

The National Mediation Board, in carrying out the provisions of the Railway Labor Act, assists in maintaining a free flow of commerce in the railroad and airline industries by resolving disputes that could disrupt travel or imperil the economy. The Board also handles railroad and airline employee representation disputes, and provides administrative and financial support in adjusting minor grievances in the railroad industry under section 153 of the Railway Labor Act.

The National Mediation Board was created on June 21, 1934, by an act amending the Railway Labor Act, as amended (45 U.S.C. 151-158, 160-162, 1181-1188).

The Board's major responsibilities include the mediation of disputes over wages, hours, and working conditions that arise between rail and air carriers and organizations representing their employees; and the investigation of representation disputes and certification of employee organizations as representatives of crafts or classes of carrier employees.

Disputes arising out of grievances or interpretation or application of agreements concerning rates of pay, rules, or working conditions in the railroad industry are referable to the National Railroad Adjustment Board. This Board is divided intofour divisions and consists of an equal number of representatives of the carriers and of national organizations of employees. In deadlocked cases the National Mediation Board is authorized to appoint a referee to sit with the members of the division for the purpose of making an award.

In the airline industry no national airline adjustment board has been established for settlement of grievances. Over the years the employee organizations and air carriers with established bargaining relationships have agreed to grievance procedures with final jurisdiction resting with a system board of adjustment. The Board is frequently called upon to name a neutral referee to serve on a system board when the parties are deadlocked and cannot agree on such an appointment themselves.


Mediation Disputes

The National Mediation Board is charged with mediating disputes between carriers and labor organizations relating to initial contract negotiations or subsequent changes in rates of pay, rules, and working conditions. When the parties fail to reach accord in direct bargaining either party may request the Board's services or the Board may on its own motion invoke its services. Thereafter, negotiations continue until the Board determines that its efforts to mediate have been unsuccessful, at which time it seeks to induce the parties to submit the dispute to arbitration. If either party refuses to arbitrate, the Board issues a notice stating that the parties have failed to resolve their dispute through mediation. This notice commences a 30-day cooling-off period after which self-help is normally available to either or both parties.

Employee Representation

If a dispute arises among a carrier's employees as to who is to be the representative of such employees, it is the Board's duty to investigate such dispute and to determine by secret-ballot election or other appropriate means whether or not and to whom a representation certification should be issued. In the course of making this determination, the Board must determine the craft or class in which the employees seeking representation properly belong.

Additional Duties

Additional duties of the Board include the interpretation of agreements made under its mediatory auspices; the appointment of neutral referees when requested by the National Railroad Adjustment Board; the appointment of neutrals to sit on system boards and special boards of adjustment; and finally, the duty of notifying the President when the parties have failed to reach agreement through the Board's mediation efforts and that the labor dispute, in the judgment of the Board, threatens substantially to interrupt interstate commerce to a degree such as to deprive any section of the country of essential transportation service. In these cases, the President may, at his discretion, appoint an Emergency Board to investigate and report to him on the dispute. Self-help is barred for 60 days after appointment of the Emergency Board.

Section 9A of the Railway Labor Act (45 U.S.C. 159a) provides emergency dispute procedures covering publicly funded and operated commuter railroads and their employees. That section attempts to resolve contract disputes between the parties through a series of emergency board procedures with a maximum 8-month status quo period. Section 9A is invoked only after all other procedures under the act have been exhausted.

Sources of Information


Available for public distribution are the following documents: Determinations of the National Mediation Board (20 volumes); Interpretations Pursuant to Section 5, Second of the Act (2 volumes); Annual Reports of the National Mediation Board including the Report of the National Railroad Adjustment Board; The Railway Labor Act at Fifty; and The National Mediation Board at Fifty -- Its Impact on Railroad and Airline Labor Disputes.

Reading Room

At the Board's headquarters in Washington, DC, copies of collective-bargaining agreements between labor and management of various rail and air carriers are available for public inspection, by appointment, during office hours (1 to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday). For further information, contact the Executive Director, National Mediation Board, Suite 250 East, 1301 K Street NW., Washington, DC 20572. Phone, 202-523-5920.


60 Massachusetts Avenue NE., Washington, DC 20002

Phone, 202-906-3000

Board of Directors: ......

Chairman ...... Thomas M. Downs

Members ...... Daniel W. Collins, Sylvia A. de Leon, Robert Kiley, Leon Lombardi, Don Pease, Gov. Tommy G. Thompson, (vacancy)

Secretary of Transportation (ex officio) ...... Federico Pen�AE6a

Officers: ......

President and Chairman ...... Thomas M. Downs

Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer ...... Dennis F. Sullivan

Executive Vice President ...... William S. Norman

Vice President, Finance and Administration ...... Elizabeth C. Reveal

Controller ...... Robert L. Lewis III

Vice President, Corporate Planning and Development and Corporate Secretary ...... Elyse G. Wander

Vice President, Government and Public Affairs ...... Thomas J. Gillespie, Jr.

Vice President, Reengineering ...... Norris W. Overton

Assistant Vice President, Labor Relations ...... John P. Lange

Vice President, Passenger Services ...... Arthur F. McMahon

Assistant Vice President, Personnel ...... Neil D. Mann

Vice President, Real Estate and Operations Development ...... Anthony DeAngelo

Vice President, Passenger Marketing and Sales ...... Robert E. Gall

Vice President, Transportation ...... Robert C. VanderClute

Vice President, Engineering ...... Peter A. Cannito Treasurer ...... Richard I. Klein

[For the National Railroad Passenger Corporation statement of organization, see the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 700]

The National Railroad Passenger Corporation was established to develop the potential of modern rail service in meeting the Nation's intercity passenger transportation needs.

The National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) was created by the Rail Passenger Service Act of 1970, as amended (45 U.S.C. 541), and was incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia to provide a balanced national transportation system by developing, operating, and improving U.S. intercity rail passenger service.

Amtrak is governed by a nine-member board of directors: The Secretary of Transportation serves as an ex officio member and Amtrak's president serves as Chairman; three members (representing labor, State Governors, and the business community) are appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate; two members represent commuter authorities; and two members are selected by the preferred stockholder. The Corporation is managed by its president along with two executive vice presidents, eight vice presidents, and three assistant vice presidents.

Amtrak operates an average of 210 trains per day, serving over 500 station locations, over a system of approximately 25,000 route miles. Of this route system, Amtrak now owns a right-of-way of 2,611 track miles in the Northeast Corridor (Washington-New York-Boston; New Haven-Springfield; Philadelphia-Harrisburg), and several small track segments in the East, purchased pursuant to the Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973 (45 U.S.C. 701 et seq.) and the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 (45 U.S.C. 801 et seq.).

Amtrak owns or leases its stations and owns its own repair and maintenance facilities. The Corporation employs a total work force of approximately 25,000 and provides all reservation, station, and on-board service staffs, as well as train and engine operating crews. Outside the Northeast Corridor, Amtrak has historically contracted with 21 privately owned railroads for the right to operate over their track and has compensated each railroad for its total package of services. Under contract, these railroads are responsible for the condition of the roadbed and for coordinating the flow of traffic.

In fiscal year 1993, Amtrak transported 22.1 million people approximately 6.2 billion passenger miles. In addition, under contracts with several transit agencies, Amtrak carried 29.3 million commuters.

Although Amtrak's basic route system was originally designated by the Secretary of Transportation in 1971, modifications have been made to the Amtrak system and to individual routes that have resulted in more efficient and cost-effective operations. Currently, in the face of ongoing budget constraints, new service will only be added if a State agrees to share any losses associated with the service or if the new service does not substantially add to Amtrak's need for Federal assistance. Amtrak began operation in 1971 with an antiquated fleet of equipment inherited from private railroads; some cars were nearly 30 years old. Since then, the fleet has been modernized and new state-of-the-art single- and bi-level passenger cars and locomotives have been added.

Systemwide ridership is steadily rising, and Amtrak is finding it increasingly difficult to meet the demands of increased travel patterns with its limited passenger fleet. To ease these equipment constraints, the Corporation is working to identify innovative funding sources in order to acquire additional passenger cars and locomotives.

There is no rail passenger system in the world that makes a profit; Amtrak is no exception. However, Amtrak has made significant progress in reducing its dependence on Federal support. Every year Amtrak moves further toward increasing the ratioof its earned revenue to total costs. The Corporation has gone from covering 48 percent of its total costs in fiscal year 1981 to 80 percent in fiscal year 1993. One of Amtrak's highest priorities is to focus on consumer needs in an effort to improve service, increase ridership, and reduce the need for Federal subsidies.

For further information, contact the Public Affairs Department, Amtrak, 60 Massachusetts Avenue NE., Washington, DC 20002. Phone, 202-906-3860.


4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230

Phone, 703-306-1234

National Science Board ......

Chairman ...... James J. Duderstadt

Vice Chairman ...... Thomas B. Day

Members ...... Perry L. Adkisson, Bernard F. Burke, F. Albert Cotton, Marye Anne Fox, Phillip A. Griffiths, Charles E. Hess, John E. Hopcroft, Shirley Malcom, Jaime Oaxaca, James L. Powell, Frank H.T. Rhodes, Ian M. Ross, Howard E. Simmons, Richard N. Zare, (8 vacancies)

(Ex officio) ...... Neal F. Lane

Executive Officer ...... Marta C. Cehelsky

Inspector General ...... Linda G. Sundro

Deputy Inspector General and Senior Legal Advisor ...... Philip L. Sunshine

Assistant Inspector General for Audit ...... Clifford L. Bennett

Assistant Inspector General for Oversight ...... James J. Zwolenik

Officials: ...... Director ...... Neal F. Lane

Deputy Director ...... Anne C. Petersen

Senior Science Adviser ...... Karl A. Erb

Executive Assistant to the Director ...... Sonja Sperlich, Acting

Assistant to the Director for Science Policy and Planning ...... Judith Sunley

General Counsel ...... Lawrence Rudolph, Acting

Director, Office of Legislative and Public Affairs ...... Raymond E. Bye, Jr.

Director, Division of Public Affairs ...... Raymond E. Bye, Jr., Acting

Director, Division of Legislative Affairs ...... Joel M. Widder

Director, Office of Planning and Assessment ...... Peter W. House, Acting

Deputy Director, Office of Planning and Assessment ...... Peter W. House

Director, Office of Science and Technology Infrastructure ...... Nathaniel G. Pitts

Director, Office of Polar Programs ...... Cornelius W. Sullivan

Deputy Director, Office of Polar Programs ...... Carol A. Roberts

Assistant Director for Mathematical and Physical Sciences ...... William C. Harris

Executive Officer ...... Thomas A. Weber, Acting

Director, Division of Physics ...... Robert A. Eisenstein

Director, Division of Chemistry ...... John B. Hunt, Acting

Director, Division of Materials Research ...... John H. Hopps, Jr.

Director, Division of Astronomical Sciences ...... Hugh M. Van Horn

Director, Division of Mathematical Sciences ...... Frederic Y. Wan

Assistant Director for Geosciences ...... Robert W. Corell

Executive Officer ...... (vacancy)

Director, Division of Atmospheric Sciences ...... Richard S. Greenfield

Director, Division of Earth Sciences ...... James F. Hays

Director, Division of Ocean Sciences ...... M. Grant Gross

Assistant Director for Biological Sciences ...... Mary E. Clutter

Executive Officer ...... James L. Edwards Director, Division of Biological Instrumentation and Resources ...... Susan G. Stafford

Director, Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences ...... James H. Brown

Director, Division of Integrative Biology and Neuroscience ...... Bruce L. Umminger

Director, Division of Environmental Biology ...... James R. Gosz

Assistant Director for Engineering ...... Joseph Bordogna

Deputy Assistant Director for Engineering ...... Elbert L. Marsh

Director, Division of Engineering Education and Centers ...... Marshall M. Lih

Director, Division of Electrical and Communications Systems ...... Lawrence S. Goldberg, Acting

Director, Division of Chemical and Transport Systems ...... Robert M. Wellek, Acting

Director, Division of Civil and Mechanical Systems ...... William W. Hakala, Acting

Director, Division of Design, Manufacture, and Industrial Innovation ...... Bruce M. Kramer

Director, Division of Bioengineering and Environmental Systems ...... Norman Caplan, Acting

Director, Office of Small Business Research and Development ...... Donald Senich

Director, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization ...... Donald Senich

Assistant Director for Computer and Information Science and Engineering ...... Paul R. Young

Deputy Assistant Director ...... Melvyn Ciment

Head, Office of Cross-Disciplinary Activities ...... John Cherniavsky

Director, Division of Advanced Scientific Computing ...... Robert R. Borchers

Director, Division of Computer and Computation Research ...... Bruce H. Barnes, Acting

Director, Division of Information, Robotics, and Intelligent Systems ...... Yi-Tzuu Chien

Director, Division of Microelectronic Information Processing Systems ...... Bernard Chern Director, Division of Networking and Communications Research and Infrastructure ...... Stephen S. Wolff

Assistant Director for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences ...... Cora B. Marrett

Executive Officer ...... Jeff M. Fenstermacher

Director, Division of Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research ...... Allan Kornberg

Director, Division of Science Resources Studies ...... Kenneth Brown

Director, Division of International Programs ...... Marcel Bardon

Assistant Director for Education and Human Resources ...... Luther S. Williams

Deputy Assistant Director ...... Jane T. Stutsman

Head, Office of Systemic Reform ...... Joseph G. Danek

Director, Division of Elementary, Secondary, and Informal Science Education ...... Margaret B. Cozzens

Director, Division of Graduate Education and Research Development ...... Terence L. Porter

Director, Division of Human Resource Development ...... Roosevelt Calbert

Director, Division of Research, Evaluation, and Dissemination ...... Daryl E. Chubin

Director, Division of Undergraduate Education ...... Robert Watson

Chief Financial Officer, Office of Budget, Finance, and Award Management ...... Joseph L. Kull

Deputy Chief Financial Officer ...... Albert A. Muhlbauer

Director, Division of Financial Management ...... Albert A. Muhlbauer

Director, Division of Grants and Agreements ...... William B. Cole

Director, Division of Contracts, Policy, and Oversight ...... Robert B. Hardy

Director, Budget Division ...... Edward L. Blansitt

Director, Office of Information and Resource Management ...... Constance K. McLindon

Deputy Director ...... Gerard R. Glaser

Director, Division of Human Resource Management ...... John F. Wilkinson

Director, Division of Information Systems ...... Fred Wendling, Acting Director, Division of Administrative Services ...... Robert E. Schmitz

[For the National Science Foundation statement of organization, see the Federal Register of February 8, 1993, 58 FR 7587-7595, and May 27, 1993, 58 FR 30819]

The National Science Foundation promotes the progress of science and engineering through the support of research and education programs. Its major emphasis is on high-quality, merit-selected research -- the search for improved understanding of the fundamental laws of nature upon which our future well-being as a nation depends. Its educational programs are aimed at ensuring increased understanding of science and engineering at all educational levels, maintaining an adequate supply of scientists and engineers to meet our country's needs.

The National Science Foundation was established as an independent agency by the National Science Foundation Act of 1950 (42 U.S.C. 1861-1875).

The purposes of the Foundation are: to increase the Nation's base of scientific and engineering knowledge and strengthen its ability to conduct research in all areas of science and engineering; to develop and help implement science and engineering education programs that can better prepare the Nation for meeting the challenges of the future; and to promote international cooperation through science and engineering. In its role as a leading Federal supporter of science and engineering, the agency also has an important role in national policy planning.

The Foundation consists of a National Science Board and a Director. The National Science Board is composed of 24 part-time members and the Director ex officio. Members are appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, for 6-year terms. They are selected because of their distinguished service in science, medicine, engineering, agriculture, education, public affairs, research management, or industry. They are chosen in such a way as to be representative of the scientific and engineering leadership in all areas of the Nation.

Both the Director and the Deputy Director are appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, to a 6-year term and an unspecified term, respectively.

The National Science Foundation Act assigns policymaking functions to the National Science Board, and the administration of the Foundation to the Director. The policies of the Board in support of science and engineering and development of scientific and engineering personnel are implemented throughout the various programs of the Foundation.

The Inspector General of the Foundation is appointed by the National Science Board and, under section 8E of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. app. 3), is responsible for conducting and supervising audits, inspections, and investigations relating to the programs and operations of the Foundation, including allegations of misconduct in science.

Activities The National Science Foundation initiates and supports fundamental, long-term, merit-selected research in all the scientific and engineering disciplines. This support is made through grants, contracts, and other agreements awarded to universities, university consortia, and nonprofit and other research organizations. Most of this research is directed toward the resolution of scientific and engineering questions concerning fundamental life processes, natural laws and phenomena, fundamental processes influencing the human environment, and the forces affecting people as members of society as well as the behavior of society as a whole.

The Foundation supports fundamental research on computing and information processing, provides U.S. research and education communities with advanced computing and communications capabilities, and encourages innovative use of sophisticated computing in science and engineering research.

The Foundation encourages cooperative efforts by universities, industries, and government. It also promotes the application of research and development for better products and services that improve the quality of life, create employment opportunities, stimulate economic growth, and increase productivity and foreign trade.

The Foundation promotes the development of research talent through support of precollege, undergraduate, and graduate students, as well as postdoctoral associates. It administers special programs to identify and encourage participation by groups underrepresented in science and technology and to strengthen research capability at smaller institutions, small businesses, undergraduate colleges, universities, and geographic regions.

The Foundation supports major national and international science and engineering activities, including the U.S. Antarctic Program, the Ocean Drilling Program, global geoscience studies, and others. Cooperative scientific and engineering research activities support exchange programs for American and foreign scientists and engineers, execution of jointly designed research projects, participation in the activities of international science and engineering organizations, and travel to international conferences.

Support is provided through contracts and cooperative agreements with national centers where large facilities are made available for use by qualified scientists and engineers. Among the types of centers supported by the Foundation are astronomy and atmospheric sciences, biological and engineering research, science and technology, supercomputers, and long-term ecological research sites.

The Foundation provides competitively awarded grants for repair, renovation, or, in exceptional cases, replacement of facilities used for research and research training at academic and nonprofit institutions.

The Foundation's science and engineering education activities include grants for research and development activities directed to model instructional materials for students and teachers and the application of advanced technologies to precollege education. Grants also are available for precollege teacher preparation and enhancement, and informal science education activities. At the undergraduate level, funding is provided for college science instrumentation, course and curriculum improvement, faculty and student activities, and minority resource centers. In addition, studies of the status of math, science, and engineering education are supported.

The Foundation supports research aimed at formulating national policy through analysis of existing and emerging issues that have significant scientific and engineering content. It defines options and supplies analysis directed toward enhancing the contribution of science and engineering to national goals. It also develops and disseminates information relating to the Nation's available human and financial resources for scientific and engineering activities.

The National Science Foundation presents annually the Alan T. Waterman Award to an outstanding young scientist or engineer for support of research and study. Periodically the National Science Board presents the honorary Award to aperson who, through public service activities in science and technology, has made an outstanding contribution toward the welfare of mankind and the Nation. The two awards are designed to encourage individuals to seek to achieve the Nation's objectives inscientific and engineering research and education.

The Foundation also provides support for the President's Committee on the National Medal of Science.

Sources of Information

Board and Committee Minutes

Summary minutes of the open meetings of the Board may be obtained from the National Science Board Office. Phone, 703-306-2000. Summary minutes of the Foundation's advisory groups may be obtained from the contacts listed in the notice of meetings published in the Federal Register. General information about the Foundation's advisory groups may be obtained from the Division of Human Resource Management, Room 315, Arlington, VA 22230. Phone, 703-306-1181.


The Foundation publicizes contracting and subcontracting opportunities in the Commerce Business Daily and other appropriate publications. Organizations seeking to undertake contract work for the Foundation should contact either the Division of Contracts, Policy, and Oversight (phone, 703-306-1242) or the Division of Administrative Services (phone, 703-306-1122), National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA 22230.


Inquiries may be directed to the Division of Human Resource Management, National Science Foundation, Room 315, Arlington, VA 22230. Phone, 703-306-1182, or, for the hearing impaired (TDD), 703-306-0090.


Consult NSF Guide to Programs and appropriate announcements and brochures for postdoctoral fellowship opportunities that may be available through some Foundation divisions. Beginning graduate and minority graduate students wishing to apply for fellowships should contact the Directorate for Education and Human Resources. Phone, 703-306-1694.

Freedom of Information Act Requests

Requests for agency records should be submitted in accordance with the Foundation FOIA regulation at 45 CFR, part 612. Such requests should be clearly identified with ``FOIA REQUEST'' and be addressed to the Office of Legislative and Public Affairs, National Science Foundation, Room 1145, Arlington, VA 22230. Phone, 703-306-1070.


Individuals or organizations who plan to submit grant proposals should refer to the NSF Guide to Programs, Grant Proposal Guide (NSF 94-2), and appropriate program brochures and announcements that may be obtained as indicated in the reference to publications on page 677.

Office of Inspector General

General inquiries may be directed to the Office of Inspector General, National Science Foundation, Room 1135, Arlington, VA 22230. Phone, 703-306-2100.

Privacy Act Requests

Requests for personal records should be submitted in accordance with the Foundation Privacy Act regulation at 45 CFR, part 613. Such requests should be clearly identified with ``PRIVACY ACT REQUEST'' and be addressed to the Privacy Act Officer, National Science Foundation, Room 485, Arlington, VA 22230. Phone, 703-306-1243.


The National Science Board assesses the status and health of science and its various disciplines, including such matters as human and material resources, in reports submitted to the President for submission to the Congress. The most recent report is Science and Engineering Indicators, 1993.

Detailed brochures are issued by the Foundation which announce and describe new programs, critical dates, and application procedures for competitions.

These materials are also available electronically through the Science and Technology Information System (STIS), NSF's online publishing system, described in the STIS flyer (NSF 94-4). To obtain a paper copy of the flyer, contact the NSF Publications Section at 703-306-1130. For an electronic copy, contact NSF as listed:

Internet: [email protected]


Single copies of these materials, including the booklet Publications of the National Science Foundation, are available by phone (703-306-1130), by fax (703-644-4278), or electronically via Internet: [email protected] or Bitnet: PUBS@NSF. Copies can also be obtained by writing to: National Science Foundation, Forms and Publications, Room P15, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230.

Other publications include: NSF Annual Report, Grant Policy Manual (NSF 88-47), which contains comprehensive statements of Foundation grant administration policy, procedures, and guidance; Guide to Programs, which summarizes information about support programs; and the quarterly Antarctic Journal of the United States (plus an annual review issue). These publications are available from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.

Reading Room

A collection of Foundation policy documents and staff instructions, as well as current indexes, are available to the public for inspection and copying during regular business hours, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, in the National Science Foundation Library, Room 225, Arlington, VA 22230. Phone, 703-306-0658.

Small Business Activities

The Office of Small Business Research and Development provides information on opportunities for Foundation support to small businesses with strong research capabilities in science and technology. Phone, 703-306-1391. The Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization oversees agency compliance with the provisions of the Small Business Act and the Small Business Investment Act of 1958, as amended (15 U.S.C. 631, 661, 683). Phone, 703-306-1391.

For further information, contact the Office of Legislative and Public Affairs, National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230. Phone, 703-306-1070, or, for the hearing impaired (TDD), 703-306-0090.