Environmental Monitoring Report IND: North Eastern States Roads

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Environmental Monitoring Report IND: North Eastern States Roads Environmental Monitoring Report Project Number: 37143-033 October 2020 Period: January 2020 – June 2020 IND: North Eastern States Roads Investment Program (Project 2) Subproject: Construction Supervision of Improvement and Up-gradation of Road Section of Udaipur to Melaghar (TR02) Submitted by Public Works Department, Government of Tripura This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. From: Madhab Lal Banik <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, October 7, 2020 3:26 PM To: [email protected] Cc: Chief Engineer NH <[email protected]>; Indu saini <[email protected]>; Anil Motwani <[email protected]>; Jagir Kumar <[email protected]>; Arun K. Mahajan <[email protected]>; Rajiv Misra <[email protected]> Subject: Submission of report of i) QPR ( April 2020 to June 2020), ii) MPR for the month of Aug 2020, iii) EMR ( Jan 2020 to June2020) & iv) SMR(Jan 2020 to June 2020). Sir, Please find in attached the scanned copy of letter alongwith the reports in PDF for favour of kind information and needful action. Regards Project Director, ADB Project Tripura. Recd. 8.10.20 SFG Log: 4365 Government of Tripura Public Works Department Consulting Services for Construction Supervision of lmprovement and Up.gradation of Road Section of Udaipur to Melaghar (TR02) (Tranche-2 road in the State of Tripura) under North Eastern State Roads lnvestment Program ADB Loan No.3073-lND. Semi Annual Environmental Monitoring Report January 2020 to June 2020 tlE*'- -r"#i!{' j{3 @ egis egis '1 *?* ft y-l I Consulting engineers pvt. 1td N€ *r$*il,i s, i rix xt .," NESRIq TR,C\,1/1. ADD Pro;cct. rJdaipur-ltI,, laghar i?oad Prcjcct (TR-021 Consultancy Consulting Services for Construction Supervision of lmprovement and Up-gradation Project Code of Road Section of Udaipur to Melaghar (TR02) (Tranche.2 road in the State of Tripura) under TR-CW1 North Eastern State Roads lnvestment Program DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION Project Name Con sultancy consulting Services for construction supervision of lmprovement and Up-gradation of Road section of Udaipur to IMelaghar (TRO2) (Tranche-2 road in the state of rripura) under North Eastern state Roads lnvestment pro- gram ADB Loan No. 3073-lND Project No. EIRHl TROOl Document Name JC mi-An nual Environ mental l\4onitori ng Report, January-J un e 2020 DOCUM ENT AUTHENTICATION Name Designation Prepared by Ni r. Dipankar lVlajumdar Environmental Expert Reviewed by Dr. Surjit Singh Deepak Sr. General lVlanager-Environment Approved by [Vr. Subrahmanyam R. tM.V. Project [Vanager HISTORY OF REVISION Version Date Description of Change(s) Rev. 0 47t09t2020 First submission $'( @ Quantity Surveyor ::t:r,;ai r.vith - En;s lr i: r 1"1.. in JV Egis-inrli.: |;1;;-1r ,,,1'1r i:'t_r:ir:i:oi'c ?vt. Lta zuES=:;,.': ;.: ;.:,i,,, ,.i,:ii !r:;cr:t. r' d d a i p u r- iri. i a :j l ; ; r i-i r ;, :i i ;' c,j rr r: t i T R -il ? | Semi Annual Environmental Monitoring Report January 2020 to June 2020 ilPage Consultancy Consulting Services for Construction Supervision of lmprovement and Uir-gradation , Project Code of Road Section of Udaipur to Melaghar (TR02) (Tranche-2 road in the State of Tripura) under TR-CW,I North Eastern State Roads lnvestment Program TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 |NTRODUCT|ON.............. ..............1 1.1 Project Background.. ....,.............. ..... .................1 1.2 Project Description... ....""..."........1 I.J Progress during reporting period ..........................3 2.0 ENVIRONI\4ENTAL CATEGORIZATION OF THE PROJECT .......,..................3 3.0 SCOPE OF THE PRESENT REPORT ..................4 4.0 APPROACH AND IMETHODOLOGY FOR IV]ONITORING OF COIUPTIANCE WITH EI\4P......................,.,4 50 INSTITUTIONALARRANGEI\4ENT FOR Il\,,IPLEIVlENTATION OF EI\1P............ .........,.....,.,,4 60 COTVIPLIANCE STATUS WITH ENVIRONIVENTAL IVANAGEI\4ENT AND I\4ONITORING PLANS .............. 5 6.1 Compliance Status with Environmental Covenants as Stipulated in Loan Agreement ............5 6.2 Compliance Status with state and nationalstatutes and regulation ..................9 6.3 Compliance Status with EnvironmentallVlanagement P|an.......... .................12 64 I\4onitoring of EnvironmentalQuality ..........."....,..27 7.0 puBltc CONSULTAT|0NS............ ...................27 BO SIGNIFICANT NON-COT/PLIANCES..,..... ,,,,.,,.,.27 9.0 ANY ADDITIONAL ISSUE AND II\4PACT OBSERVED DURING IIVIPLEIVIENTATION NOT COVERED IN IEE27 10.0 II\TPLEIi ENTATION OF GRIEVANCE REDRESS IMECHANISI,/ AND COIV4PLAINTS RECEIVED FROI\4 SrAKEHOIDERS............ .............27 11.0 FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS FOR OBSERVATIONS/ DEFICIENCIES....... ."......... 28 12.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOT\A [\,4ENDAT|ONS....... ....................29 6 QuantitY SurveYor - Egis lnterrra'.iona! S.A. in -lV with Egis.lndia C+nrii;.ing Engincers Pvt. Lto NESRIP, TR-CW1. ADS Pr ojcct. tJdaipur-lvl+laglrar Road Project ITR-021 Semi Annual Environmental Monitoring Report January 2020 to June 2020 iilPage Consultancy Consulting Serv,ices forlConstruction Supervision of lmprovement and Up-gradation Project Code of Road Section'of Udaipur to Melaghar (TR02) (Tranche-2 road in the State of Tripura) under TR.CW1 North Eastern State Roads lnvestment Program LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1: Salient Feature Project R0ad............ 2 Table 6-1: Status of Compliance with Safeguards Loan Covenants ............................:......... 6 Table 6-2: Statutory Clearances/permits/licenses and their Current Status / Approval of Compliance in Contract TR-02 (January 2020 to June 2020) 10 Table 6-3: Environmental IVlanagement Plan (EI\4P) lmplementation during the reporting peri0ci............................... 13 Table 1'1-1: Summary of Environme'ntal li4anagement Plan (EIr/P) Implementation status and proposed corrective action .............28 LIST OF ANNEXURES Appendix No. Particulars Contractor's Termination Letter il Tree Cutting Permission / NOCs ilt Labour License IV Workman's Compensation lnsurance V Renewal of Cto for Hot-lVix Plant VI N/emorandum for Grievance Redressal Committee formation @ y Surveyor Egisst lnternational S.A. in JV with Egis-lndia Cc'its Lri;ir.lg En gineers Pvt. Ltd NESRIP. l fi.CWi, AIB Froject. rJdaipur-fu1. ta$;:a; lloail Projcr:t (TR-02\ Semi Annual Environmental Monitoring Report January 2020 to June 2020 iiilPage Consultancy Consulting Services for Construction Supervision of Improvement and Up-gradation Project Code of Road Section of Udaipur to Melaghar (TR02) (Tranche-2 road in the State of Tripura) under TR-CW1 North Eastern State Roads Investment Program ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank CPCB Central Pollution Control Board CtE Consent to Establish CtO Consent to Operate EA Executive Agency EARF Environment Assessment Review Framework EE Executive Engineer EMP Environmental Management plan EMOP Environmental Monitoring Plan FE Field Engineer GRC Grievances Redress Committee GRM Grievances Redress Mechanism IA Implementation Agency IEE Initial Environmental Examination MDoNER Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region MDR Major District Road MoEFCC Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change NOC No Objection Certificate NER North Eastern Region NESRIP North Eastern State Roads Investment Programme PD Project Director PIUs Project implementation Unit PWD Pubic Work Department ROW Right of Way RPs Resettlement Plan SC Supervision Consultant TPWD Tripura Pubic Work Department Semi Annual Environmental Monitoring Report January 2020 to June 2020 iv | Page Consultancy Consulting Services for Construction Supervision of Improvement and Up-gradation Project Code of Road Section of Udaipur to Melaghar (TR02) (Tranche-2 road in the State of Tripura) under TR-CW1 North Eastern State Roads Investment Program 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1. The present semiannual environmental monitoring report provides an overview of the compliance status on environmental safeguards in the ongoing Udaipur to Melaghar Road Project (TR-02) in the state of Tripura covered under North Eastern State Roads Investment Program (NESRIP) funded by ADB. The report includes progress made towards implementation of loan covenant, regulatory compliance requirements on environmental & social safeguards and environmental mitigation measures as stipulated in IEE, EMOP and other contract specifications during the period from January 2020 to June 2020. 1.1 Project Background 2. The Government of India has taken up North Eastern State Roads Investment Program (NESRIP) with financial assistance from the Asian Development (ADB) to improved efficiency of road transport in the project areas in the states of Assam, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura of North Eastern Region of India. For implementation of the projects under NESRIP, it has been divided into two Tranches, i.e. Tranche –1 and Tranche-2. Tranche-1 comprises the road projects in the States of Assam, Meghalaya and Sikkim, whereas the Tranche-2 includes road projects in Assam, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura. 3. The main objective of NESRIP is to (i) improve about 430 km of priority road sections under Tranche-1 & Tranche-2 in six states in the North Eastern Region
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