115Th SLBC Meeting Tripura
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SEPTEMBER-2015 115th SLBC Meeting Tripura Pragna Bhawan, Agartala 4th December-2015 Convener: United Bank of India मनु ाइटेडफᔂक ऑप इंडडमा United Bank of India Lead Bank Division अग्रणी फᔂक प्रबाग Head Office प्रधान कामाारम 11, Hemanta Basu Sarani 11, हेभतं फस ु सयणी Kolkata-700 001 कोरकाता 700 001 Convener: State Level Bankers’ Committee for Tripura संमोजक: त्रिऩयु ा या煍म तरयमा फᔂकस ा समभतत Ref: LBD/SLBC/T/ 611 /2015-16 सन्दबा: एर. फी डड/एसएरफीसी/ टी/ 611 /2015-16 Date: 30.11.2015 ददनांक: 30.11.2015 All members of SLBC एस एर फी सी के सबी सदम Dear Sir प्रप्रम भहोदम, Sub: Agenda Notes for the 115th Meeting of SLBC प्रिषम: त्रिऩयु ा या煍म तयीम फᔂकस ा समभतत की 115िी Tripura फठै क का कामसा चू ी दटप्ऩण l With reference to the above, we forward herewith उऩमक्ुा त सन्दब ा भे हभ आऩको सचू चत कयत े है की a set of Agenda Notes for the 115th meeting of State Level Bankers’ Committee for Tripura त्रिऩयु ा या煍म तयीम फᔂकस ा समभतत की 1 15िी फैठक scheduled to be held at ‘Pragya Bhavan’ Hall No. ददनांक 04.12.2015 को ऩिू ाान्ह 11:30 फजे "प्रऻा बिन 4, Agartala on 04.12.2015 at 11:30 AM. हॉर न. 4" आगायतरा भे आमोजजत की जाएगी l कामसा चू ी दटप्ऩण की एक प्रतत बेज यहे है l You are requested to kindly make it convenient to अनयु ोध है की आऩ उक्त फठै क भे अि�म बाग रे l attend the meeting. बिदीम Yours Faithfully, भख्ु म ऺेिीम प्रफधं क त्रिऩयु ा ऺेि Chief Regional Manager Tripura Region C O N T E N T S Sl. no. Agenda Contents Page 1 Item- No. General information of Tripura & Network of Bank Branches. 1-2 2 01 Confirmation of the proceedings of the 114th meeting of SLBC for 3 3 02 ReviewTripura onheld Follow on 04.09.2015 up action points on the major decisions taken at 114th 4-5 4 03 FinancialSLBC meeting. Inclusion Plan (FIP) 6-22 Extension of Banking Facilities as per FIP/ Coverage of Households 6-8 Banking Outlets in Unbanked Centers 9 District-wise Achievement under FIP 10-12 Performance of Rural Self-Employment Training Institutes(RSETI) 13-14 Performance of Financial Literacy Centers (FLC) & Financial Literacy 16-22 5 04 ImplementationCamps by Rural Branchesof Annual Credit Plan (ACP) 2015-16. 23-27 Achievement of Sector-wise ACP-2015-16 as on 30.09.2015. 23-26 Quarterly Statement of Priority Sector Advance as on 30.09.2015 27 6 05 Performance of Banks in key areas in Tripura 28-32 Branch Network & Population-Group Wise Deposit-Advance 29-30 Performance in Lending to Priority Sector & Key Categories 31-32 7 06 Land record and recovery mechanism / recovery performance. 33-40 8 07 NPA Position 41-44 9 08 Bank wise & District wise Credit Deposit Ratio. 45-50 10 09 Flow of Agricultural Credit 51-62 Performance in lending of Crop Loan & Term Loan 53 Performance in issuance of KCC 54 11 10 Bank wise- Scheme wise performance under different Govt. Sponsored 63-67 PerformanceSchemes as on of 30.09.2015. Banks in PMEGP & SWAVALAMBAN 64-65 Performance in Lending to SHG/ Women SHG/ TRLM 66-67 12 11 Progress under Mini Dairy & KCC(Fishery)/SCC Scheme 68-69 13 12 Educational Loans/Housing Loans & Specialized Schemes 70-73 14 13 SME financing & bottlenecks thereof. 74 15 14 Timely submission of data by banks 75 16 15 Other important issues 76-84 17 16 Govt. Proposal for Expansion of Branches 85-92 18 16 Branch & ATM Network in the State 93-94 Tripura State Districts General Information Names of the districts Capital: Agartala 1. North Tripura Area: 10491.69 sq. km. 2 Unakoti Population: 36.71 lac. (Male: 18.72 lac 3 Gomati o Female: 17.99 lac) 4 South Tripura Literacy ratio:94.65% (Male: 96.65% 5. West Tripura o Female: 92.35%) 6 Sepahijala Land utilization- 7 Khowai 8. Dhalai Net area sown: 280 000 ha No. of sub divisions - 23 Irrigation Potentials:- No. of Blocks - 58 No. of autonomous councils -1 Source: Good average rainfall-2200mm During south west monsoon. No perennial river. Total no of branches 485 Multi cropped area: 210000 ha Average population covered per branch: 7568 Fishery water area: 23571 ha Cropping intensity: 175% Lead Bank of 8 Districts UNITED BANK OF INDIA Main crops: Rice, Potato, Pineapple and Vegetable. Plantation: Rubber Convener of SLBC United Bank of India 1 Network of Bank Branches in Tripura As on 30.09.2015 Population March March March March March September Group 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Rural 163 187 217 229 248 260 (55%) (57%) (57%) (54%) 54% 53% Semi- urban 64 67 84 107 117 125 (21%) (20%) (22%) (25%) 25% 26% Urban 72 74 79 89 96 100 (24%) (23% ) (21%) (21%) 21% 21% TOTAL 299 328 380 425 461 485 (Figures in bracket indicate percentage of total branches.) 2 Agenda item no -1 CONFIRMATION OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE 114th MEETING OF THE SLBC FOR TRIPURA The proceedings and action points of the 114th Meeting of SLBC for Tripura, held on 04.09.2015 was circulated under the cover of Convener Bank‟s letter no. LBD/ SLBC/T/ 667 to 760/2015-16 dt. 14.09.2015; the same may please be confirmed by the House. 3 Agenda Item No: 2 Follow up action on major decisions of 114th meeting of SLBC for Tripura held on 04.09.2015 Sl Major Action Points Present Status of Implementation No 1 All Banks are to make concerted efforts to CD Ratio of the State has increased to 44% as on 30th raise the CD ratio of the State to 50% as on Sept‟ 2015 from 40% as on 30th Sept‟ 2014, thus 31.03.2016. registering a Y-O-Y growth of 4%. 2 The District Administration should review District administration is reviewing the progress of the CD ratio in all DCC meetings and CD Ratio in every DCC meeting and action points are Action Points should be decided for all taken to push up the CD ratio of all Banks. districts to push up the CD ratio. Extra efforts should be initiated for West Tripura Special Sub-committee (SSC) of West Tripura District District to improve its CD ratio with high is regularly monitoring and reviewing the ticket loan accounts. performance of CD Ratio in each DCC Meeting of West Tripura. With regular monitoring of Special Sub-Committee of DCC, CD Ratio of West Tripura district has increased by 3% on YoY basis and reached to 34% as on 30th Sept‟2015 as against 31% as on 30th Sept‟2014. 3 All Banks are to make concerted effort to At the end of the second quarter of FY 2015-16, all achieve 100% disbursement in ACP 2015- the banks put together disbursed Rs 1406.61 crore i.e. 16 48% of the Annual Target for Rs 2940.05 crore under ACP 2015-16. 4 To review credit per KCC by SLBC sub- The quantum of loan per KCC has increased from committee on Agriculture. Rs.31,700 as on 30th Sept‟2014 to Rs.34,000 as on 30th Sept.‟2015. The Task Force Committee has already revised the scale of finance under Agriculture in October 2015 to make a further increase per KCC quantum of loan amount. 5 Each FLC and rural branch would conduct The 9 FLCs have conducted 89 literacy camps during one literacy camp once in a month. the second quarter with participation of 2897 persons thus averaging more than three camps each month. Besides, rural branches have conducted 436 camps during the same period with participation of 7556 persons. 4 6 Sponsoring of proposals of PMEGP, As at the fag end of 2nd quarter of FY 2015-16, 3294 Swavalamban and other schemes in phases PMEGP and 2732 Swabalamban proposals have been over the year so as to avoid bunching of sponsored to the bank branches. Banks have initiated proposals at the year end. steps for disposal of the sponsored proposals. For completion of EDP training five RSETIs and SOFED have been entrusted with the training process. 7 To settle the pending fund transfer order All the pending FTOs have been reconciled by the (FTOs) by the concerned Banks. concerned banks before the Durga Puja Festival. 8 SHG Sub-committee to review the SHG Sub-committee meeting was held on 08.09.2015 performance of anchor NGO for WSHGs at RBI Agartala and the performance of two NGOs at and also to fix up a minimum loan limit per Dhalai and West Tripura has been reviewed. The sub- SHG during first credit linkage committee unanimously decided to discontinue with the services of Anjali Microfinance in Dhalai District in view of their poor performance in the District and select a new NGO to cater to the needs of Dhalai District. However the performance of VHAT in West Tripura District was found to be satisfactory. 9 Engagement of BCAs in each village/SSA There are 623 SSAs in Tripura and all the Banks put by the Banks, particularly by TGB and together have deployed 575 BCAs as on September- TSCB. 2015 to cater to the needs of all the SSAs. This is in addition to 485 Bank Branches existing in the State at present. TGB & TSCB are to respond.