Sub- themes: ***The Participants are hereby requested to send abstract & ➢ Impact of RUSA on improvement of Higher full paper to the email id
[email protected] Education in Rural Tripura. Registration fee: On Spot (Limited) ➢ Impact of RUSA on Science Education in Tripura. Rs. 500/- (for Paper Presenters) ➢ Role of Science & Technology in Agricultural Rs. 300/- (For Participants/ Research Scholars/ Students.) Development. Publication: ➢ Science & Technology and Society Selected full length papers will be published in the form of ➢ Science and Culture NATIONAL SEMINAR Book for which author will not hold any copyright. ➢ Scope of Agro- Processing based Entrepreneurship Regarding selection of papers for publishing, decision of the Development of Tripura. ON Review Committee shall be final and binding. ➢ Science and Technology: Thoughts of Gandhiji/ Accommodation: Rabindranath. Science & Technology: Rural ➢ Community Based Rural Development. The participants will have to bear their own travel and Development ➢ Economic and Social aspect of Rural Development accommodation expenses. However, hotel accommodation ➢ Gender and Rural Development. may be arranged for interested participant on payment th th ➢ Sustainable Rural Development. basic. 11 -12 February, 2020 ➢ Any other topic related to the main theme. Contact Person: Call for Paper: ➢ Abhijit Das, Assistant Professor & Convener Original and unpublished research paper are invited from 9774695308,
[email protected] the Academicians, Research Scholars and stakeholders ➢ Haripada Datta, Associate Professor & Joint Convener, across the nation focusing on the theme and subthemes of 9436453676 the seminar. Papers should be submitted both in soft and ➢ Satyendra Das, Assistant Professor and Treasurer hard format. 9402354554,
[email protected] Guidelines for paper presenters: Important Dates: Paper contributors should note the following ❖ Last Date for submission of abstract : 31st January, ➢ Abstracts should be limited in 200 words along with 2019.